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stone order- the name of two government agencies.

XVI-XVII centuries

It is believed that the Stone Order or order of stonework was founded under Fyodor Godunov, while it has been listed in the notebooks since 1628, and according to letters of grant to "burners" and masons - since 1584. This order, according to Kotoshikhin, was led by a stolnik and two clerks, and he was subordinate to “the entire Moscow state, stone work and craftsmen ... but in Moscow, well-known and brick yards and factories.” The order also collected taxes and income from those cities where white stone was mined and lime was made. In 1701 it was converted into a branch ("table") of the order of the Grand Palace.

18th century

On October 2, 1782, the order was closed, and the production of buildings in Moscow by private owners was entrusted to the “office of city buildings” established for this.

The order was first placed in the Kremlin, then in houses rented from private owners. In 1778, the chambers of the Sverchkovs were bought (Sverchkov Lane, 8), a two-story "stone house with other buildings, a garden and a pond."

architectural school

Under the stone order consisted of:

  1. architectural class - a known number of architects, their assistants and students, and
  2. school for initial preparation for architecture classes.

The students in this school were “part of Moscow. of the garrison school were demanded, and some of the free raznochintsy with passports were recruited, aged from 9 to 16 years. The subjects of study were: the Law of God, Russian grammar, drawing, elementary architecture, geography, history, geometry and French.

Among the teachers, the senior architect of the order N.N. Legrand. Upon graduation, he was awarded the title of assistant architect. Full course almost no one managed to finish their studies at the Stone Order, but many students became architectural assistants in other teams.

(institution), which was in charge of the stone business in Russia, in various periods of time.

In the literature there are the names of two state institutions.

XVI - XVII centuries [ | ]

It is believed that the Stone Order or order of stonework was founded under Fyodor Godunov, while it has been listed in the notebooks since 1628, and according to letters of grant to "burners" and masons - since 1584. This order, according to G.K. Kotoshikhin, was led by a stolnik and two clerks, and he was subordinate to “the entire Moscow state, stone work and craftsmen ... but in Moscow, well-known and brick yards and factories.” The order also collected taxes and income from those cities where white stone was mined and lime was made. In 1700 (1701) it was transformed into a branch ("table") of the order of the Grand Palace.

18th century [ | ]

On October 2, 1782, the order was closed, and the production of buildings in Moscow by private owners was entrusted to the “office of city buildings” established for this.

The order was first placed in the Kremlin, then in houses rented from private owners. In 1778, the chambers of the Sverchkovs were bought (Sverchkov lane, house number 8), a two-story "stone house with other buildings, a garden and a pond."

architectural school[ | ]

Under the stone order consisted of:

  1. architectural class - a known number of architects, their assistants and students, and
  2. school for initial preparation for architecture classes.

The students in this school were “part of Moscow. of the garrison school were demanded, and some of the free raznochintsy with passports were recruited, aged from 9 to 16 years. The subjects of study were: the Law of God, Russian grammar, drawing, elementary architecture, geography, history, geometry and French. Later, the program expanded: trigonometry lessons were added, French, engraving and singing. In the course of practical classes, senior students participated in measuring and drawing up plans for houses, worked at state-owned brick factories.

Among the teachers, the senior architect of the order N. N. Legrand stood out. Upon graduation, he was awarded the title of assistant architect. Almost no one managed to complete the full course of study at the Stone Order, but many students became architectural assistants in other teams.

boulevard ring[ | ]

The modern Boulevard Ring on the site of the walls of the White City was built according to the project of the Stone Order.

stone order- the name of two government agencies.

XVI-XVII centuries

It is believed that the Stone Order or order of stonework was founded under Fyodor Godunov, while it has been listed in the notebooks since 1628, and according to letters of grant to "burners" and masons - since 1584. This order, according to Kotoshikhin, was led by a stolnik and two clerks, and he was subordinate to “the entire Moscow state, stone work and craftsmen ... but in Moscow, well-known and brick yards and factories.” The order also collected taxes and income from those cities where white stone was mined and lime was made. In 1701 it was converted into a branch ("table") of the order of the Grand Palace.

18th century

On October 2, 1782, the order was closed, and the production of buildings in Moscow by private owners was entrusted to the “office of city buildings” established for this.

The order was first placed in the Kremlin, then in houses rented from private owners. In 1778, the chambers of the Sverchkovs were bought (Sverchkov Lane, 8), a two-story "stone house with other buildings, a garden and a pond."

architectural school

Under the stone order consisted of:

  1. architectural class - a known number of architects, their assistants and students, and
  2. school for initial preparation for architecture classes.

The students in this school were “part of Moscow. of the garrison school were demanded, and some of the free raznochintsy with passports were recruited, aged from 9 to 16 years. The subjects of study were: the Law of God, Russian grammar, drawing, elementary architecture, geography, history, geometry and French.

Among the teachers, the senior architect of the order N.N. Legrand. Upon graduation, he was awarded the title of assistant architect. Almost no one managed to complete the full course of study at the Stone Order, but many students became architectural assistants in other teams.

boulevard ring

The modern Boulevard Ring on the site of the walls of the White City was built according to the project of the Stone Order.


  • Vasilenko N. P. Orders // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • D. G. Boris, L.I. Ivanova-Veen.
  • P. I. Ivanov, “Description of the State Archive of Old Cases”
  • Vl. Sheremetevsky, "Stone order and its affairs", in the VIII book "Descriptions of documents and papers stored in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice".

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An excerpt characterizing the Stone Order

Having taken a fancy to the tiny Montsegur, which was the most magical castle in the Valley (as it stood at the “transition point” to other worlds), Magdalena and her daughter soon began to slowly move there. They began to settle in their new, still unfamiliar, House ...
And, finally, remembering Radomir's persistent desire, Magdalena gradually began to recruit her first students ... This was probably one of the easiest tasks, since every person on this marvelous piece of land was more or less gifted. And almost everyone was hungry for knowledge. Therefore, very soon Magdalene already had several hundred very diligent students. Then this figure grew into a thousand... And very soon the entire Valley of Magicians was covered by her teachings. And she took as many people as possible to divert herself from her bitter thoughts, and she was inexpressibly glad at how greedily the Occitans were drawn to Knowledge! She knew that Radomir would be glad of this from the bottom of his heart... and recruited even more applicants.
- Sorry, Sever, but how did the Magi agree with this ?!. After all, they so carefully protect their Knowledge from everyone? How did the Lord let this happen? Did Magdalene teach everyone, not choosing only the initiates?
– Vladyka never agreed with this, Isidora... Magdalena and Radomir went against his will, revealing this knowledge to people. And I still don't know which one of them was really right...
– But you saw how greedily the Occitans listened to this Knowledge! And the rest of Europe too! I exclaimed in surprise.
– Yes... But I also saw something else - how simply they were destroyed... And this means that they were not ready for this.
– But when, in your opinion, will people be “ready”?.. – I was indignant. Or will it never happen?
- It will happen, my friend ... I think. But only when people finally understand that they are able to protect this same Knowledge... – here Sever unexpectedly smiled like a child. – Magdalena and Radomir lived in the Future, you see... They dreamed of a wonderful One World... A world in which there would be one common Faith, one ruler, one speech... And in spite of everything, they taught... Resisting Magi... Without obeying the Lord... And for all that, they understand well that even their distant great-grandchildren will probably not yet see this wonderful “single” world. They just fought... For the light. For knowledge. For the Earth. Such was their Life... And they lived it without betraying.
I again plunged into the past, in which this amazing and unique story still lived ...
There was only one sad cloud that cast a shadow on the brightening mood of Magdalena - Vesta suffered deeply from the loss of Radomir, and no "joys" could distract her from this. Having finally learned about what had happened, she completely closed her little heart from the world around her and experienced her loss alone, not allowing even her beloved mother, the bright Magdalene, to come to her. So she wandered for days on end, restless, not knowing what to do with this terrible misfortune. There was also no brother with whom Vesta used to share joys and sorrows. Well, she herself was still too small to be able to overcome such a heavy grief, an exorbitant burden that fell on her fragile childish shoulders. She wildly missed her beloved, the best dad in the world, and could not understand in any way where those cruel people who hated him and who killed him came from? There was nothing left at all that was connected with their warm and always joyful communication. And Vesta suffered deeply, in an adult way ... She only had a memory left. And she wanted to return him alive! .. She was still too small to be content with memories! .. Yes, she remembered very well how, curled up in his strong arms, with bated breath, she listened to amazing stories, catching every word, afraid to miss the most important... And now her wounded heart demanded it all back! Dad was her fairy-tale idol... Her wonderful world, closed from the rest, in which only the two of them lived... And now this world is gone. Evil people took it away, leaving only a deep wound that she herself could not heal.

Stone order, one of the central government agencies of Russia at the end of the 16th - 17th centuries, which was in charge of state-owned stone construction, production and procurement of building materials and recruitment work force for construction work.

The first mention of P. k. d. belong to 1583/84 (until 1615 there is no information about his activities). In 1615-1700 functioned constantly. In 1700-1728 he was a member of the Order of the Grand Palace, which was in charge of the grand ducal and royal households. In 1775-82, in Moscow, the P. K. D. acted again on the decision of the Commission for the organization of Moscow and St. Petersburg, convened in 1762.

  • - an act of state administration issued or adopted in the process of exercising unity of command by authorized officials and containing instructions that are mandatory for steady and accurate execution ...

    Counterintelligence Dictionary

  • - a written or oral order of the chief, obligatory for execution by subordinates; basic act of military command...

    Dictionary of military terms

  • - 1) a regulatory legal act of management, an official written or oral order of the official who is vested with power, binding on subordinates ...

    Border Dictionary

  • - a set of all ways to improve the quality of stone materials in terms of size, strength and purity by: separating small particles and grains on screens of screens, classifying materials, washing materials with water jets, ...

    Construction dictionary

  • - English. order/command; German Befehl. The prescription of a certain action in a hierarchical system, the execution of which is achieved either by the threat of punishment, or by the prospect of raising one's status...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • - an instruction from the client to the broker to conclude a transaction in the exchange ring in an appropriate way...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - 1. binding order of the chief 2. instruction given by the client to the broker to conclude a transaction in the exchange ring in an appropriate way. There are many types of orders...

    Big Economic Dictionary

  • - developed in 1956 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for bituminous coals with a calorific value above 5700 kcal / kg on a wet ash-free mass ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - Together, it’s not heavy, but at least drop it apart. You can’t break a broom, but you can break the bars, one at a time. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible. Wed When there is no agreement among the comrades, Their business will not go well. Krylov...
  • - You will be full from your labors, but you will not be rich. Wed Prov. 28, 20. Cf. We were not told that from the labors of the righteous you will not make stone chambers, but they taught us that all wrongful acquisition is dust. Leskov. bypassed. 2, 7...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - From the labors of the righteous do not acquire stone chambers. From your labors you will be full, but you will not be rich. Wed Prov. 28, 20...
  • - Consent is better than stone walls. Friendly is not heavy, but at least drop it apart. You can't break a broom, but you can break the bars, one at a time. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Brotherly love is thicker than stone walls. See FAMILY -...
  • - See FRAUD -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WORK -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FRAUD -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"Order of stone affairs" in books

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10 The mystery of stone burials

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10 The Mystery of the Stone Burials Mr. Molar, an official from the Nilgiri District Collector's Office, heavy, calm and silent, looked at me in surprise and asked: - Dolmens? And what is it? I had never heard of them, although I had traveled all over the Nilgiris. I patiently explained to Molar that


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Tale of stone wisdom

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STONE ORDER (Order of stone affairs),

1) the central state institution in the Russian state and Russia, which was in charge of stone construction. Formed in the early 1580s in Moscow; possibly separated from the City Order (its last known mention dates back to 1593), which carried out various fortification works. The first mention of the Stone Order in documents in 1583/84 is presumably connected with the preparation of large-scale construction works for the White City in Moscow. After the Time of Troubles, it was again mentioned from 1617. In 1656-76, part of the functions of the Stone Order in the palace estates was performed by the Secret Affairs Order. In 1681, the Stone Order was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Grand Palace Order, and restored in the spring of 1682. The head of the Stone Order was appointed, as a rule, from among the stolniks, less often from the roundabouts or boyars; the direct assistant to the head of the order is a clerk (from about the middle of the 17th century there were two of them), junior employees - clerks and bailiffs, as well as watchmen at warehouses. The stone order was financed from the Galician, Ustyug and other quarters and had a number of quitrent lands around the country, brick factories. He kept a record of masons and brick-makers in the suburbs, called them and distributed them to government work, managed the production and delivery of building materials (brick, lime, stone), organized large-scale stone construction (fortifications, temples, etc.; among the buildings - the Smolensk Kremlin, the Terem Palace in the Moscow Kremlin; Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow, 1630-40s), carried out an examination of the buildings of private contractors. Apprentice stoneworkers (architects and work producers), garters (builders of scaffolding and other wooden structures), kilns (masters and organizers of brick making), “Moscow masons” (highly qualified Moscow master instructors) obeyed the stone order. These categories were converted into cash and grain salaries "according to articles" and had tax benefits. The stone order was also subject to "note" masons and brick-makers in various cities, who had tax benefits ("belomestsy") and were obliged to appear for government work, "stone breakers" of the palace Myachkovskaya settlement, who supplied stone and lime on account of dues. In the 1670s and 1680s, the Stone Order gradually moved from compulsory “records” to the free hiring of workers and the delivery of work to contracts (“recorded” duty for note masons and bricklayers was replaced by a cash quitrent). It was finally abolished on 18 (28) 2/1700, its functions were transferred to the table in the Order of the Grand Palace, where officials and construction masters were transferred; calciners, as well as brick factories, came under the jurisdiction of the Town Hall.

2) A local institution whose task was to spread stone construction in Moscow. The stone order was formed according to the regulation of 7 (18) 7.1775 prepared by the Commission on the stone structure of St. Petersburg and Moscow and approved by Empress Catherine II. He was under the jurisdiction of the Senate, directly subordinated to the Moscow commander in chief. The structure of the Stone Order included: presence (director - N.P. Kozhin; adviser, head of the Inspector's Expedition for Plant Management, Moscow chief police officer), office, non-clerical servants and an architectural team (1-3 architects, 2-3 "for the architect" , 6-14 students of architecture, an officer in the position of a mechanic). Under the Stone Order, there were also several chief officers as supervisors of work, 8 soldiers led by a non-commissioned officer to guard warehouses and help in shooting plans, etc. were performed by ranks and students of architecture and senior schoolchildren).

The stone order regulated the establishment and operation of private brick factories in the city and its environs, including the hiring of workers, the distribution of "model" machines, and exercised control over the manufacture of bricks of a standard size, their quality and the increase in their production. In 1778-80, the Stone Order built a state-owned Ust-Setunsky brick and tile factory near the village of Troitskoye-Golenishchevo (now the territory of the village within the boundaries of Moscow), which ensured the construction and repair of the Catherine Palace in the village of Tsaritsyno, the Kitaigorod wall, the bell tower of the Chudov Monastery in the Kremlin, Sukhareva towers and other large objects; conducted clay samples and large-scale exploration of deposits of alabaster, white and gray stone in Moscow and adjacent provinces (the data obtained were used at the end of the 18th - 19th centuries). The Stone Order also collected information about Moscow land ownership, rivers and bridges, drew up special plans for individual streets and districts of Moscow, executed decrees from various central departments on sending architects to repair (less often, build) large state and palace buildings. From 1780, he issued permits for the construction of "philistine" houses, sketches of their plans and facades, supervised the construction of trading baths, etc. functions were transferred to the Moscow Treasury Chamber and the Deanery Council. The clerical and technical staff of the Stone Order was enrolled in the staff of the Moscow province and among the employees of the Separate Department of the Commission on the stone structure of St. Petersburg and Moscow and the Expedition for the construction of the Kremlin Palace.

Lit .: Sheremetevsky V.V. Stone order and his affairs 1775-1782 // Description of documents and papers stored in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice. M., 1891. Prince. eight; Speransky A. N. Essays on the history of the Order of Stone Affairs of the Moscow State. M., 1930; Bogoyavlensky S. K. Order judges of the 17th century. M.; L., 1946; Budylina M.V. Architectural education in the Stone order 1775-1782 // Architectural heritage. 1963. Issue. 15.

M. V. Babich, Yu. M. Eskin.
