The development of speech breathing in preschoolers

Abdullina Guzel Irikovna,
teacher speech therapist,MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 "Sun"
the village of Yazykovo, Blagovarsky district,
rep. Bashkortostan

Publication certificate:

Proper speech breathing is the basis of sound speech. It provides normal voice and sound formation, maintains the smoothness and musicality of speech. With proper speech breathing, the baby will be able to correctly pronounce sounds, speak loudly, clearly, expressively, smoothly and observe the necessary pauses. The very first thing that is important for a child to learn is to make a strong smooth exhalation through the mouth. The kid needs to learn how to control the exhalation time, spend air sparingly and also direct the air stream in the right direction. Everyone knows what important role in the life of every person plays a respiratory apparatus. The appearance of the baby begins with the first breath and, following this breath, a cry. However, one cannot be sure that if the child is breathing, then everything will be fine with his speech.

Correct physiological breathing does not imply correct speech breathing. This is due to the fact that the respiratory apparatus performs not only the main physiological function - the implementation of gas exchange, but also participates in the formation of sound and voice. It is thanks to proper speech breathing that we change the volume of speech, make it smooth and expressive. Speech breathing is the ability of a person to perform a short deep entry and rationally distribute air during exhalation while simultaneously pronouncing various sound combinations. Only proper speech breathing allows a person to expend less muscle energy, but at the same time achieve maximum sound and smoothness.

Speech breathing occurs voluntarily (a person controls himself), while non-verbal breathing is performed automatically. When speaking, a person controls inhalation and exhalation, changing it and ensuring smoothness, duration and ease of pronunciation. As our experience shows, young children in the process of speaking often begin to speak at the input or at the residual output. There are cases when children take a breath before pronouncing each word. Undoubtedly, this negatively affects the mastery of the correct pronunciation and the construction of a smooth and continuous speech utterance. If the child does not speak well, then work on the development of speech should begin, first of all, with the development of breathing.

Various games and exercises help develop breathing. What is it for? Proper breathing will help the child learn to speak calmly, smoothly, without rushing. Some exercises for the development of breathing also help to teach the child to pronounce certain sounds correctly. If a child puffs out his cheeks during speech, then his speech is slurred precisely for this reason. And before starting the production of sounds, it is necessary to teach the child the correct development of the air jet.

The tasks of work on the development of speech breathing are:
1) the formation of skills of correct speech breathing;
2) strengthening the muscles of the face and chest;
3) prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nervous system;
4) increasing the mental performance of children;
5) normalization of sound pronunciation and prosodic components of speech;
6) consolidation of lexical topics and grammatical categories;
7) stimulation of interest in classes.

Breathing exercises improve posture, stimulate the movement of the diaphragm, improve blood circulation, harmonize the activity of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Breathing is a reflex act and is performed without the intervention of human consciousness. But on the other hand, breathing is a controlled process when it is directly related to speaking. Such breathing is called speech (phonation, or sound) breathing, and it requires special training.
The development of breathing is one of the first and very important stages of the corrective impact on children - speech pathologists, regardless of the type of their speech defect.

What is the difference between speech breathing and normal breathing? Breathing in human life is involuntary, it performs the function of gas exchange in the human body. Inhalation and exhalation are made through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause. For speech, especially monologue, usually physiological breathing is not enough. Speech and reading aloud require a large amount of air, a constant respiratory supply, its economical use and timely renewal, regulated by the respiratory center of the brain. In the initial stage of mastering speech breathing, the will and consciousness are involved, aimed at performing the necessary breathing task. Such voluntary speech breathing, achieved only through training, gradually becomes involuntary and organized.

It is necessary to breathe through the nose, the habit of breathing through the mouth has a very harmful effect on the human body, leading to diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils, and the entire respiratory system. Nasal breathing protects the throat and lungs from cold air and dust, ventilates the lungs well, the cavity of the middle ear, which communicates with the nasopharynx, has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain. It is imperative to breathe through the nose in everyday life and when performing breathing exercises. The role of proper nasal breathing and breathing exercises in human life is enormous. Breathing exercises are successfully used as a valid way to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis), bronchial asthma, neuroses. Healthy people can use breathing exercises to prevent many diseases. In speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are not equal, the latter is much longer than inhalation. Another and the sequence of breathing. After a short breath, a pause follows to strengthen the abdominals, and then a long sound exhalation. Since speech sounds are formed during exhalation, its organization is of paramount importance for the production of speech breathing and voice, for their development and improvement. Therefore, the ultimate goal of training speech diaphragmatic-rib breathing is training a long exhalation, training the ability to rationally spend air during speech. To do this, it is necessary to accustom the muscles involved in the respiratory process and holding the chest in an expanded state, not to relax passively immediately after exhalation. Relaxation should occur gradually as needed, obeying our will. To develop this type of breathing, training exercises will be given below to develop and strengthen the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles.

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The formation of speech breathing is carried out throughout the work with the child. Unfortunately, parents do not always pay due attention to respiratory defects. This is partly understandable: they are not very noticeable in the general condition of the child. But even a slight “malfunction” of nasal breathing has a harmful effect on the entire body. After all, a child makes more than 20 breaths and exhalations per minute! And all this air must pass without any obstacles through the “entrance gate” - the nose. Here it is cleansed, warmed, moisturized and becomes what the body needs.

Why is it harmful to breathe through the mouth? Firstly, much less air enters the lungs, only their upper sections will work, which means that the body will receive less oxygen. Secondly, the voice changes, speech is disturbed, the child begins to nasally, speak monotonously. In addition, it becomes more difficult for him to chew food. The sense of smell is dulled due to a "bad nose", appetite disappears. Improper breathing also affects the teeth: they gradually become distorted, caries may develop. And that's not all. The fluid washing the brain stagnates, and substances harmful to the nervous system accumulate in it. Therefore children who breathe through the mouth are irritable, whiny, absent-minded and lethargic.

These facts show how important it is to monitor the breathing of young children. If your baby, climbing the stairs, doing exercises, doing some of his own business, keeps his mouth open or sleeps with his mouth open, if he breathes often, becomes lethargic, pale, and his lips are constantly chapped and cracked - these are the first symptoms that he gets used to breathing incorrectly. What to do if the child breathes through the mouth? First of all, be patient and persistent. Breathing can be trained. Special exercises are recommended, the task of which is to learn to breathe only through the nose. Individual techniques should be practiced until normal nasal breathing becomes habitual. Here is the simplest exercise - closing the mouth “with a lock” (all exercises are in a playful way): the mouth is clamped with fingers or closed with the palm of the hand and the child is asked to breathe only through the nose. Gradually, the mouth is closed for an ever longer time. walking.To strengthen the muscles of the nose, mouth, pharynx, it is useful to read aloud more.You need to speak clearly, understandably.The child can control himself by loudly pronouncing consonant sounds [b], [c], [g], [m], [p] , [t], [f], [w], watching your breath during this exercise. The following exercise is very useful: inhale and exhale slowly 5-6 times, closing your mouth. Hands should be placed on the back of the neck or on upper abdomen.Systematic sound gymnastics is carried out with the child after appropriate consultation with the doctor.They restore breathing through the nose, increase emotional tone.This method of treating patients after adenotomy should be preferred.Here some exercises. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory apparatus. After rhythmic breathing close the mouth tightly. Repeat consonant sounds [b], [c], [m], [p], [t], [g], [w], [f] at rhythmic intervals. The air seems to be expelled through the nose.

Of interest to modern scientists is the study of the possibility of using breathing exercises for the recovery of sick and debilitated children, as well as the beneficial effect of these exercises on the body of a healthy child. The respiratory cycle consists of three phases: inhalation, exhalation and pause. During physiological breathing, inhalation and exhalation are performed only through the nose. In the process of speaking and singing, exhalation occurs mainly through the mouth, while inhalation is carried out simultaneously through the nose and through the mouth. During physiological respiration, according to V. G. Ermolaev, N. F. Lebedeva, V. P. Morozov, the ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation ranges from 1:1 to 1:2; while singing or talking, the duration of the exhalation phase can be 12, 20 or even 30 times longer than the inhalation phase. O. V. Pravdina points to the same ratio of inhalation and exhalation - 1:20, 1:30, but believes that inhalation will occur mainly through the mouth (the path of inhaled air through the mouth is shorter and wider than through the nose, so it happens faster and less noticeable). E.D. Dmitrieva believes that during long stops, air should be inhaled through the nose, and during short stops (for air intake), one has to inhale through the mouth. O.Yu. Ermolaev, a supporter of the three-phase breathing system, argues that inhalation should be carried out exclusively through the nose.

The smoothness of the sound of speech depends on speech breathing. At the same time, it often depends not on the amount of air taken at the moment of inhalation, but on the ability to rationally spend it in the process of speaking. In order to preserve its smoothness, lightness and duration, it is necessary not only to rationally spend air in the process of utterance, but also to get it in a timely manner. Important point in mastering the correct speech breathing - this is the question of what type of breathing a person uses during speech utterance. Physiologists distinguish and distinguish three main types of breathing: chest, abdominal and mixed. It has been established that the most correct, convenient for speech is costal-diaphragmatic breathing, in which the lungs are ventilated evenly in all parts. Currently, most researchers prefer this type of breathing, as they regard it as the most beneficial for the body. With such breathing, during inhalation, the shoulders do not rise, the abdominal press moves forward somewhat, the ribs move apart, the air fills all the lungs. During exhalation, the air leaves the lungs, the ribs come together, the abdominal press falls. Proper speech breathing ensures normal sound formation, creates conditions for maintaining normal speech volume, strict adherence to pauses, maintaining speech fluency and intonation expressiveness.

Speech breathing of preschoolers differs sharply from the speech breathing of adults: it is characterized by weakness of the respiratory muscles, a small volume of the lungs. Many children use upper chest breathing, often taking a breath with a sharp rise in the shoulders. Some children do not know how to rationally use air in the process of speech utterance, they often get air almost before every word.

Imperfections in speech breathing in preschoolers:
1. Very weak inhalation and exhalation, leading to quiet, barely audible speech. This is often observed in physically weak, sedentary, shy children.
2. Uneconomical and uneven distribution of exhaled air. As a result of this, the preschooler sometimes exhales the entire supply of air on the first syllable and then finishes the phrase or word in a whisper. Often because of this, he does not finish, "swallows" the end of a word or phrase.
3. Unskillful distribution of breath according to words. The child inhales in the middle of the word (we sing with the doll - (inhale) - let's go for a walk).
4.Hurry pronunciation of phrases, without interruption and on inspiration, with "choking".
5. Uneven jerky exhalation: speech sounds either loud or quiet.
6. A weak exhalation or an incorrectly directed exhaled air jet, in turn, leads to sound distortion.

The work on the formation of speech breathing includes the following steps:
* Expansion of the physiological capabilities of the respiratory apparatus (setting diaphragmatic-costal breathing and the formation of a long exhalation through the mouth).
*Formation of a long phonation expiration.
* Formation of speech exhalation.

The formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech. It is known that the fluency of speech is a holistic continuous articulation of an intonation-logically completed segment of the utterance in the process of one continuous exhalation.

At preschool age, the formation of diaphragmatic breathing must be carried out at the initial stage in the prone position. In this position, the muscles of the whole body relax slightly, and diaphragmatic breathing is automatically established without additional instructions.

In the future, various game techniques are used to train diaphragmatic breathing, its strength and duration. In doing so, the following should be taken into account guidelines.
* Breathing exercises should be organized in such a way that the child does not fix attention on the process of inhalation and exhalation.
* For kids preschool age breathing exercises are organized in the form of a game so that the child can involuntarily take a deeper breath and a longer exhalation.
* All exercises for training speech breathing are associated with the performance of two basic movements: the arms from the position “to the sides” move “in front” with the girth of the chest, or from the position “above” they move down. Body movements, as a rule, are associated with a downward or sideways tilt.
* Most exercises for preschool children include exhalation with articulation of consonants (mostly fricative) or phonation of vowels, which allows the speech therapist to control the duration and continuity of expiration by ear, and further forms a biological feedback in the child.

The child is in the supine position. The child's hand rests on the upper abdomen (diaphragmatic area). The child's attention is drawn to the fact that his stomach "breathes well." You can put a toy on your stomach to attract attention. This exercise lasts an average of 2-3 minutes. The exercise should be performed effortlessly to avoid hyperventilation and increased muscle tone.

Blow out the candle
Children hold strips of paper about 10 cm from their lips. Children are invited to slowly and quietly blow on the “candle” so that the flame of the “candle” is deflected. The speech therapist notes those children who blew on the “candle” the longest.

busted tire
Starting position: children spread their arms in front of them, depicting a circle - a “tire”. On exhalation, the children pronounce the sound “sh-sh-sh” slowly. At the same time, the arms are slowly crossed, so that the right hand rests on the left shoulder and vice versa. The chest at the time of exhalation is easily compressed. Occupying the starting position, the children involuntarily take a breath.

Inflate a tire
Children are offered to pump up a “burst tire”. Children “squeeze” their hands into fists in front of their chest, taking an imaginary handle of the “pump”. A slow forward bend is accompanied by an exhalation to the sound “ssss”. When straightening, inhalation is made involuntarily.

The exercise is similar to the exercise “Tire burst”, but during the exhalation, the children pronounce the sound “ffff”.

Starting position: bend your arms at the elbows and put on the belt. Exhaling, the children pronounce “puff-puff-puff”, moving their elbows forward. Occupying the starting position, the children involuntarily take a breath.

Starting position: raise your arms through the sides up. Slowly lowering their hands and crouching, the children pronounce “K-a-a-a-r” drawlingly. The speech therapist praises those "crows" that slowly descended from the tree to the ground. Occupying the starting position, the children involuntarily take a breath.

Starting position: put your hands on your belt. Slowly tilt your torso forward without lowering your head down. Say a long "G-a-a-a." Taking a starting position, a breath is taken.

The duration and strength of exhalation can be trained in exercises such as:
* Exhale under the mental count (inhale at the expense of 1-2-3; exhale: 4-5-6-7-8 to 15).
* Pronunciation of slot sounds (s, w, f, etc.) on exhalation, controlling the duration of exhalation with a stopwatch.
* “Exhale” an imaginary cotton ball along the length of the entire arm.

In the future, the diaphragmatic type of breathing should be trained when performing exercise(walking, tilting and turning the torso, etc.).

One of the common mistakes in the work on the formation of speech breathing is excessive filling of the lungs with air during inspiration. Too much inhalation creates excessive tension in the respiratory muscles, creating conditions for hyperventilation.
The next stage of work is the development of a long phonation exhalation. The formation of phonation expiration is the basis for the development of coordinating relationships between breathing, voice and articulation. In order to avoid fixing attention on the process of inhalation, the instruction should concern only the duration of the pronunciation of the sound.

After the children have mastered the long pronunciation of one vowel on the exhale, it is proposed to pronounce the combination of their two vowels together on one exhale A______ O______.
Gradually increases the number of vowel sounds pronounced on one exhalation in next order: A - O - U - I (standard of vowel sounds).
Diaphragmatic inhalation and exhalation during these exercises, the child can control the palm placed on the area of ​​the diaphragm. In addition to auditory control, the duration of phonation exhalation can be controlled by a smooth movement of the hand.

The next stage of work on breathing includes the formation of the actual speech exhalation. Syllables, words, phrases are introduced into the exercises.
When mastering new skills, it is necessary not only to explain, but also to repeatedly demonstrate, connect various types of control (auditory, visual, kinesthetic). Training should be systematic, long-term and included in all types of activities conducted with children.

Since the formation of speech breathing is closely related to the formation of the skill of rational voice delivery and voice leading, these tasks are solved almost simultaneously.

Work to overcome speech disorders in preschool children, carried out in a specialized kindergarten or a group, is implemented by using a phased speech formation system. Given the fact that a number of speech disorders have in their symptoms a syndrome of impaired physiological and speech breathing, this work is complex nature and includes the "staging" of the correct physiological and speech breathing. For this, static and dynamic breathing exercises are used to develop the ability to breathe through the nose, to develop oral exhalation, the ability to differentiate between nasal and oral exhalation, to rationally use exhalation at the time of pronouncing sounds, syllables, words, phrases.

Performing breathing exercises in a playful way causes a positive emotional mood in the child, relieves stress and contributes to the formation of practical skills. A child, doing breathing exercises, will fall into a special microcosm of fairy tales, songs, games, poems.

Fairy tale is a popular and favorite genre for children. AT modern pedagogy and psychology, the fairy tale is considered as a source of development of the child, diverse in its possibilities. Particular attention is drawn to the close connection between the fairy tale and the game. Through fairy tales and motives, the child is more easily included in the proposed type of activity.

Poems are short rhymed lines (series), correlated and commensurate with each other. Poems are well remembered and emotionally perceived by children. Explanations regarding the meaning of the exercises, the methods of their implementation or the rules of the game are better perceived and remembered by children if they are presented in the form of poems, short rhymes. The poem itself may contain some kind of fairy-tale plot that calls for a game.

Music is an auxiliary tool necessary for creating a positive emotional mood, an atmosphere of creativity and fantasy. Assistance in the selection of the musical repertoire to accompany breathing games and exercises can be provided by the music director.

Singing is a form of breathing exercises that develops the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, and improves speech. The systematic use of singing has a pronounced positive dynamics in the parameters of the function of external respiration. There is an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, reserve volumes of inhalation and exhalation, a simultaneous decrease in the frequency and minute volume of breathing, as well as a decrease in respiratory energy consumption.

Work on the formation of correct physiological and speech breathing in children with speech pathology, carried out in a specialized group of a preschool educational institution, involves the solution of the following tasks:
*Improve the function of external (nasal) breathing.
* Develop deeper inhalation and longer exhalation.
* Develop phonation (voiced) exhalation.
* Develop verbal breathing.
* Train speech breathing in the process of pronouncing the text.

A child who has mastered proper breathing needs constant monitoring and monitoring of the correctness of his breathing. Hence the need for constant repetition of breathing exercises to consolidate the skills of correct physiological and speech breathing. All work on the formation of physiological and speech breathing, which is carried out in preschool educational institution, requires the participation of the following specialists: a speech therapist, an educator, a music director, an instructor in physical culture, psychologist, medical workers. In speech therapy work, the game method is widely used, which involves the use of various games, exercises of a game nature in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanation, instructions and questions. In practice remedial education and education of preschool children, breathing games and exercises aimed at the formation of correct physiological and speech breathing are widely used. Special games and exercises are described in the manuals: G.A. Volkova, V.I. Seliverstov, E.N. Krause, I.A. Povarova, R.I. Lalaeva, S.E. Bolshakova, N.G. etc. Regular exercises for the development of speech breathing, conducted by a defectologist in the classroom and educators in the group, will ensure normal sound pronunciation, create conditions for maintaining the volume of speech, strict adherence to pauses, maintaining fluency of speech and intonation expressiveness. In addition, they will strengthen the health of the child, increase his mental abilities, and properly form the child's breathing.

List of used literature.

1. Fedyukovich N.I. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Textbook. - Ed. 2nd. - District / D: Phoenix, 2003. - 416 p.
2. Tkachenko B.I. normal human physiology. - 2nd ed. - M.: Medicine, 2005. - 928 p.
3. Logopedia: a textbook for students. defectol. fak. ped. higher textbook establishments. / Ed. L.S. Volkova. ? 5th ed. ? M.: Vlados, 2008. - 703 p.
4. Semenova K.A., Mastyukova E.M., Smuglin M.Ya. Clinical symptoms of dysarthria and general principles of speech therapy. // Logopedia. methodological legacy. In 5 books. ? Book I: Violations of the voice and the sound-producing side of speech: At 2 o'clock? Part 2: Rhinolalia. Dysarthria: a guide for speech therapists and students. defectol. faculties of ped. universities. / Shakhovskaya S.N. and etc.; ed. L.S. Volkova. ? Moscow: Vlados, 2006. ? 303 p.
5. Belyakova L.I., Dyakova E.A. Stuttering. Proc. allowance for students. ped. institutes on special "Logopedia". - M.: V. Sekachev, 1998. - 304 p.: ill.
6. Verbovaya N.P., Golovina O.M., Urnova V.V. The art of speech. ? M., 1977.
7. Kochetkova I.N. Strelnikova's paradoxical gymnastics. ? M., 1989.


The development of breathing is one of the first and very important stages of the corrective impact on children - speech pathologists, regardless of the type of their speech defect.
What is the difference between speech breathing and normal breathing? Breathing in life is involuntary. It performs the function of gas exchange in the human body. Inhalation and exhalation are made through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause.

For speech, especially monologue, usually physiological breathing is not enough. Speech and reading aloud require a large amount of air, a constant respiratory supply, its economical use and timely renewal, regulated by the respiratory center of the brain. In the initial stage of mastering speech breathing, the will and consciousness are involved, aimed at performing the necessary breathing task. Such voluntary speech breathing, achieved only through training, gradually becomes involuntary and organized.

It is necessary to breathe through the nose, the habit of breathing through the mouth has a very harmful effect on the human body, leading to diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils, and the entire respiratory system. Nasal breathing protects the throat and lungs from cold air and dust, ventilates the lungs well, the cavity of the middle ear, which communicates with the nasopharynx, has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain. It is imperative to breathe through the nose in everyday life and when performing breathing exercises. The role of proper nasal breathing and breathing exercises in human life is enormous. Respiratory gymnastics is successfully used as a valid way to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis), bronchial asthma, and neurosis. Healthy people can use breathing exercises to prevent many diseases.

In speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are not equal, the latter is much longer than inhalation. Another and the sequence of breathing. After a short breath, a pause follows to strengthen the abdominals, and then a long sound exhalation.

Since speech sounds are formed during exhalation, its organization is of paramount importance for the production of speech breathing and voice, for their development and improvement. Therefore, the ultimate goal of training speech diaphragmatic-rib breathing is training a long exhalation, training the ability to rationally spend air during speech.

To do this, it is necessary to accustom the muscles involved in the respiratory process and holding the chest in an expanded state, not to relax passively immediately after exhalation. Relaxation should occur gradually as needed, obeying our will. To develop this type of breathing, training exercises will be given below to develop and strengthen the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles.

THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE LESSONS is the formation of correct speech breathing.
Work on breathing is recommended to be carried out in three stages:
I. Setting the diaphragmatic-costal type of breathing and the formation of a long oral exhalation.
II. Differentiation of oral and nasal expiration.
III. Formation of speech breathing.


1. The formation of speech breathing is carried out throughout the work with the child.
2. Exercise only in a ventilated room, before meals, 3 times a day for 5-8 minutes.
3. At the beginning of training, one exercise is mastered, one more is added every next day.
4. Do not overwork the child, that is, strictly dose the amount and pace of exercises. If you feel unwell, it is better to postpone the lesson.
5. Don't inhale too much.
6. 6. Make sure that the child does not strain his shoulders, neck.
7. The child should feel the movements of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, muscles of the lower abdomen.
8. Movement must be done smoothly, counting, slowly.
9. The transition from this stage of work to another is carried out if the child correctly and accurately performs all the exercises of this stage.
10. Each oral exhalation is controlled by the movement of cotton wool placed on the palm, or a sheet of paper brought to the child's mouth so that the exhaled air stream does not dissipate, but strictly falls on it, or by fogging the mirror at the moment of exhalation. In order to increase the emotional background of the lesson, the cotton wool is painted in a bright color.

I. Setting the diaphragmatic-costal type of breathing and the formation of a long oral exhalation.

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to determine the type of physiological breathing of the child by placing his palm on the side surface above his waist. If the child has upper clavicular or thoracic breathing, you should try to imitate lower costal (diaphragmatic-costal) breathing.
- Put the child's hand to your side and check his breathing with your palm. The child, feeling the movement of the adult's ribs during inhalation and imitating him, switches to lower costal breathing.
- The child is taught to inhale a "full belly" of air, and then exhale smoothly and slowly (3 - 15 times in a row 3 times a day)
Next, breathing exercises are carried out, developed by A.N. Strelnikova.
The purpose of these exercises is to increase the volume of inhalation and diaphragmatic exhalation.
Each movement corresponds to certain phases of breathing. So, breaths are taken with movements that compress the chest. Inhalation should be as active as possible, exhalation should be passive. The child takes a noisy short breath through the nose with slightly closed lips. Exhale freely through the mouth.
All exercises are rhythmic. Each of them is performed 8 times, after
3 - 5 second break is recommended to move on to the next one. The total duration of gymnastics is 5-6 minutes. At the beginning of training, one exercise is mastered. On each subsequent day, one more is added.

The whole complex consists of 11 exercises.

1. "Hands"
I.p .: stand up straight, raise your palms to the level of your face, lower your elbows. Take a short, noisy, active breath through your nose and at the same time clench your fists. Exhale smoothly, freely, through the nose or mouth, unclench the fingers, relax the hands.

2. "Girdle"
I.p .: stand up straight, clench your fists, press them to your belt. At the moment of a short noisy breath with the nose, forcefully push the fists to the floor, as if dropping something from the hands. During the push, open your fists, spread your fingers. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

3. "Bow"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Lean forward slightly, round your back, lower your head and arms. Take a short noisy breath at the end point of the bow. Then slowly, freely exhaling through the nose or mouth, return to the starting position.

4. "Cat"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands at waist level, elbows slightly bent. Do light, springy squats, turning the torso to the right, then to the left. When turning with a simultaneous short noisy breath, make a throwing movement to the side with your hands. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

5. "Hug your shoulders"
I.p .: stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows at shoulder level, with your hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy breath with your nose, hug yourself by the shoulders.
(hands should move in parallel). On exhalation, return to the starting position.

6. "Big pendulum"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Lean forward slightly, lower your hands to your knees - a noisy breath. Immediately lean back a little, slightly arching at the waist, hugging your shoulders - one more breath. Exhalation is passive between two breaths - movements. Return to starting position.

7. "Turns of the head"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Turn your head to the right, take a short noisy breath. Without stopping, turn your head to the left, take a short breath again. The breath is passive between two breaths.

8. "Ears"
I.p .: stand up straight, look in front of you. Slightly tilt the head to the right shoulder - a short noisy breath through the nose. Then tilt your head to the left - also inhale. Passive exhalation between two breaths, do inclinations without interruption.

9. "Small pendulum"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Lower your head down, look at the floor - inhale. Tilt your head up, look at the ceiling - also a breath. Exhalation is passive between breaths, movements are made without stopping. Don't strain your neck.

10. "Rolls"
I.p .: right foot in front, left - at a distance of one step behind. The weight of the body is on both legs. Transfer the weight of the body to the front standing right leg. Sit lightly on it - inhale. Straighten up, transfer the weight of the body to the left leg standing behind. Sit lightly on it - inhale. Passive exhalation between breaths. The exercise is performed 8 times without stopping. Change legs.

11. "Dance Steps"
I.p .: stand up straight, arms lowered along the body. Raise the right leg bent at the knees to the level of the abdomen, slightly crouching on the left leg - inhale. Return to the starting position - passive free exhalation. Then sit down on the right leg, raising the left leg - inhale. Exhale freely after each breath.
Next, proceed to the formation of a long oral exhalation.

The following exercises are performed:
1. Directed mouth blowing training: the child is offered to pinch his nose, puff out his cheeks and slap them. You can bring a cotton wool or a mirror to your mouth so that visual control is carried out.
2. Teaching oral exhalation using the "spitting" technique: the child is asked to silently "spit out" the tip of the tongue, sandwiched between the teeth (the tongue must be moved forward, you can put crumbs of breadcrumbs on the tip of the tongue. Tactile control is carried out with the back of the hand brought to the mouth. With a gradual slowdown in spitting, a light blast is obtained, which is then fixed.
3. When learning the types of inhalation and exhalation, the child's attention is drawn to the position of the organs of articulation: during oral exhalation, the tip of the tongue must be held at the lower incisors, the mouth should be opened as if yawning. In this case, the root of the language must be omitted. If moving the tip of the tongue towards the lower incisors does not sufficiently reduce the root of the tongue, it is possible to temporarily protrude the tongue between the teeth.

II. Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalations.

With the appearance of correct, calm breathing with the mouth closed, one can proceed to the differentiation of oral and nasal breathing.
The purpose of these exercises: the child must learn to feel the difference in the direction of the air stream.
To work on breathing at this stage, three sets of exercises have been created:

1. Formation of smooth exhalations through the nose or mouth and their alternations.
- Open your mouth wide and breathe through your nose.
- close one nostril with the middle finger - inhale. Smooth exhalation through the nostril. Alternately close the left and right nostrils.
- inhale through slightly closed lips, exhale smoothly through the nose.
- inhale with your mouth wide open, exhale smoothly through your nose (do not close your mouth)
- inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through the mouth (the mouth is wide open, the tongue on the lower teeth - how hands warm)
- inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through loosely closed lips
- inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through the corners of the mouth, first through the right, then through the left.

2. Formation of jerky exhalations through the nose or mouth and their alternations.
- inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose in jerks
- inhale through the nose, exhale through loosely closed lips jerkily, intermittently, making short intervals
- mouth wide open, stick out tongue, inhale and exhale through the mouth jerkily, intermittently (like a dog breathes)
- inhale with a wide open mouth, jerky exhale through the nose (do not close the mouth)
- inhalation through the nose, jerky exhalation through the corners of the mouth, first through the right, then through the left.

3. Formation of the ability to combine smooth and jerky exhalations.
- inhalation through the nose, prolonged exhalation with intensification at the end
- inhalation through the nose, jerky exhalation, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation
- Lips are stretched forward. Inhalation through the nose, jerky exhalation through the mouth, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation
- inhalation through slightly closed lips, extended exhalation through the nose with intensification at the end
- inhalation through slightly closed lips, jerky exhalation also through the mouth, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation
- lips in a smile. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth
- lips in a smile. Inhale through the nose, jerky exhale through the mouth, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation.
Each exercise is performed 8 times, after a 3-5 second break, it is recommended to move on to the next one. The total duration of gymnastics is 5 - 6 minutes.

III. Formation of speech breathing.

Work at this stage is carried out sequentially. First, the distribution of exhalation occurs in the process of speech, and then - the addition of air.
The distribution of exhalation consists in mastering the ability to consciously divide the volume of exhaled air into uniform segments. Special exercises are carried out using syllables. To do this, use the method of their build-up. They must be composed with one of the consonants, first with the same and then with different vowels. Syllables are pronounced loudly, abruptly, evenly, in one breath. Gradually their number increases. Then the skills of pronouncing syllables on one exhalation are transferred to words, phrases and sentences. The lengthening of the chain by one syllable or word depends on the severity of the speech defect in the child. All exercises must be performed 3 times a day for 5 to 8 minutes.
Types of exercises:
- taking a full breath, as you exhale, pronounce the phrases:
Papa, papa, papa, papa.
Mom, mom, mom, mom.
Wa, wow, wow, wow.

Syllables should first be pronounced equally, rhythmically, abruptly. Then place the stress on the first syllable, successively moving it to the second, third.
- take a full breath, count on the exhale. The count can be forward (one, two, three, four), reverse (five, four, three, two, one).
- by analogy with exercise 2, list the days of the week, the names of the months, the seasons.
The intake of air is necessary so that the child quickly, energetically, and most importantly, unnoticed by the listeners, replenishes the supply of air at every convenient pause. Exercises are first recommended to be carried out using children's counting rhymes. Then the addition is fixed on the material of the poems. When practicing speech breathing on the material of tongue twisters and poetic texts, you first need to memorize them, only then you can proceed to training. It is necessary to inhale a new portion of air after each line, while maintaining the coherence of the text. For self-control, the child's palm should lie on the chest, feeling its rise when inhaling.

Pronounce the counting rhyme at a moderate pace, evenly distributing the exhalation into portions of three words.
Like on a hill, on a hill (inhale)
There are thirty-three Yegorkas (inhale)
One Yegorka, two Yegorkas (inhale)
Three Yegorka, four Yegorka (inhale)
- Reading poetry.
Among the white doves (inhale)
Here the sparrow flies (inhale)
Respond, do not be shy (inhale)
Fly out - ka, sparrow!

Growing words in a sentence.
Snow falls.
Snow is falling quietly.
Quietly white snow falls.
The rational use of oral exhalation contributes to the brightness, clarity and intelligibility of speech, the development of melody and sonority of the voice.

Junior group.

Exercise number 1. "Roll call of animals."
The speech therapist distributes the roles of various animals and birds among the children. Children should, having heard the name of their animal from the leader, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia with a slow exhalation. The game is enlivened if the host tries to confuse the players: he calls the animal, but looks at the child who plays a completely different role. Attention is directed to the duration and clarity of the sound of consonants and vowels.

Exercise number 2. "Trumpeter".
Children bring clenched fists to their faces, placing them in front of each other. As you exhale, slowly blow into the “pipe”. The speech therapist praises those who managed to blow into the "pipe" the longest.

Exercise number 3. "Axe".
The children are standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, and fingers interlocked. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering the "heavy ax", say - wow! - on a long exhalation.

Exercise number 4. "Crow".
Children are sitting. The arms are lowered along the body. Quickly raise your arms through the sides up - inhale, slowly lower your arms - exhale. Say: Kar!

Exercise number 5. "Geese".
Children are sitting. The hands of bent arms are pressed to the shoulders. Take a quick breath, then slowly tilt your torso down, take your elbows back, on a long exhale say: ha. Keep your head straight. Return to the starting position - inhale. As you exhale, say go, gee.

A set of breathing exercises.
Middle group.

Exercise number 1. "Let's play with tummies."
Purpose: formation of diaphragmatic breathing.
In the supine position, the children put their hands on their stomach, inhale deeply - while the tummy inflates, then exhale - the tummy retracts. To make the exercise even more interesting, you can put some small toy on your stomach. When the child dies, the toy rises up together with the stomach, and on exhalation, on the contrary, it goes down - as if it is swinging on a swing. Second option. In a standing position, children take a deep breath without raising their shoulders, and then exhale, controlling the movements of the abdomen with their hands.

Exercise number 2. "Recognize by smell."
Purpose: the development of a deep long breath, the development of smell.
Children take turns sniffing, for example, flowers, trying to remember their smell. An adult asks the child to close his eyes and offers him one of the flowers, offering him to determine by smell which flower is in front of him. The child should take a deep long breath through the nose, without raising the shoulders, and then exhale and name the guessed flower. In order for the child to take a deep diaphragmatic breath, the adult first himself shows how to smell the flower. And then, holding the flower in front of the baby's face, the teacher asks the child to put both hands on his stomach and thus control his breathing.

Exercise number 3. “Let's teach the nose and mouth to breathe.”
Purpose: differentiation of inhalation and exhalation through the nose and mouth, development of attention.
The child learns to control his inhalation and exhalation, exercising them in different ways. First, the child inhales through the nose and exhales through the nose (2-4 times), pointing with the index finger to the nose; and, inhaling through the mouth, brings the palm to the mouth, but does not touch, but only tactilely controls the air stream coming out of the mouth. Second option. Exercises are carried out similarly: inhale through the mouth - exhale through the mouth (a palm is brought to the mouth) and inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose (when inhaling, the child opens his mouth, and when exhaling, he closes and points to his nose with his index finger).

Exercise number 4. "Drive the ball into the goal."
Purpose: the development of a long, strong, purposeful exhalation, the development of an eye. An adult shows the children how to blow on the “ball” in order to drive it into a toy gate. The children take turns playing the game. The winner is the one who managed to send the “ball” into the goal with one exhalation.

Exercise number 5. "Let's hum."
Purpose: to develop a long smooth oral exhalation.
An adult demonstrates to children how to blow into a bubble so that it buzzes. To do this, the lower lip should slightly touch the edge of the neck, and the blown air jet - “breeze” should be strong enough. Then, in turn, the children themselves blow into their bubbles, achieving a buzzing sound. At the end of the exercise, all children blow at the same time. When playing out the exercise, you can offer the kids several options when the buzz can mean the signal of a steamer, steam locomotive, or the howling of the wind. You can use the bubble as a musical instrument, making it buzz at the teacher's signal while playing specially selected music.

A set of breathing exercises.
Senior group.

Exercise number 1. "We breathe differently."
Starting position - sitting on a chair straight or standing:
1. Inhale and exhale through the nose (inhale quickly, not very deep, exhale long).
2. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
3. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.
4. Inhale and exhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other (alternately).
5. Inhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other (alternately).
6. Inhalation through the nose, slow exhalation through the nose with intensification at the end.
7. Inhale through the nose, exhale through loosely compressed lips.
8. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose in jerks.

Exercise number 2. "Candle".
Workout slow exhalation when blowing on an imaginary or real candle flame. Focus on the stomach. Slowly blow on the "flame". It deviates, try to keep the flame in a deviated position during exhalation.
Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Place your left palm between your chest and stomach, take a strip of paper in your right hand, using it as a candle, and blow it calmly, slowly and evenly. The paper will deviate, if the exhalation is even, then it will be in the deflected position until the end of the exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the diaphragm - the left palm, as it were, “slowly sinks” during exhalation. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise number 3. "Stubborn candle."
Intense strong exhalation training. Imagine a large candle, you understand that it will be difficult for you to extinguish it, but you definitely need to do it. Inhale, hold your breath for a second and blow on the candle, the flame has deflected but not extinguished. Blow even harder, blow even harder. More!
Can you feel the movement of the diaphragm with your palm? Do you feel your lower abdomen tighten up? This exercise makes it possible to feel the active movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise number 4. "Extinguish 3,4,5,6, ... 10 candles."
On one exhalation, “extinguish” 3 candles, dividing your exhalation into three portions. Now imagine that you have 5 candles. Do not try to inhale as much air as possible. Let the volume remain the same, just each portion of the air on exhalation will become smaller. With the help of static and dynamic breathing exercises, the abdominal muscles and muscles of the diaphragm are trained. These exercises can be used in the complex of morning exercises.

Exercise number 5. "Belly dance".
Tilt your upper body forward at a 45-degree angle, and place your hands on your lower back with your thumbs forward. Look straight ahead, back straight, shoulders back. Execution - simultaneously with exhalation, the stomach is pulled in p-ffff, then a reflex inhale occurs, the stomach moves forward. Repeat 3-5 times.
Training exercises for the development of intercostal respiratory muscles. Recall that the air filling of the middle part of the lungs depends on how the intercostal respiratory muscles are developed.

A set of breathing exercises.
Preparatory group.

Exercise number 1. "Fragrant rose."
Starting position - standing, focus on the ribs. Place your palms on your ribs on either side of your chest. Execution - imagine that you are smelling a fragrant rose. Inhale slowly through the nose - note how the ribs of the chest parted. You felt it with your palms, and now exhale the ribs lowered and the palms too. The abdomen and shoulders remain motionless. Remember that all attention is only on the ribs, as you want to train the intercostal muscles. Breaths should be shallow, but full. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise number 2. "Exhale - inhale."
Starting position - standing or sitting on a chair. Execution - after an energetic exhalation on p-ffff ... raise your hands, put them behind your head and lean back, inhaling, then, leaning forward, reach the floor and mentally count to 15 - this is a breath.

Exercise number 3. "Singing sounds."
Table. And, uh, a, oh, u, s, e, i, yo, u. Say this table several times, each time on one exhalation, first in front of the mirror and silently, then in a whisper, then out loud without a mirror, but do not press on the strength of the voice.

Exercise number 4. "Bird".
Starting position standing, legs together, arms along the body. On the count of times, raise your hands through the sides up - inhale, hold your breath for one count, then slowly lower your arms through the sides - exhale on a lingering sound pffff, - ssss. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise number 5. "Funny steps."
Walking around the room or outdoors. Inhale for one step, hold for one count, exhale for 4 steps. Every 2-3 days increase the duration of exhalation by 1 count. In order to learn to exhale in 10-15 steps in 1 month.


The development of breathing is one of the first and very important stages of the corrective impact on children - speech pathologists, regardless of the type of their speech defect.
What is the difference between speech breathing and normal breathing? Breathing in life is involuntary. It performs the function of gas exchange in the human body. Inhalation and exhalation are made through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause.

For speech, especially monologue, usually physiological breathing is not enough. Speech and reading aloud require a large amount of air, a constant respiratory supply, its economical use and timely renewal, regulated by the respiratory center of the brain. In the initial stage of mastering speech breathing, the will and consciousness are involved, aimed at performing the necessary breathing task. Such voluntary speech breathing, achieved only through training, gradually becomes involuntary and organized.

It is necessary to breathe through the nose, the habit of breathing through the mouth has a very harmful effect on the human body, leading to diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils, and the entire respiratory system. Nasal breathing protects the throat and lungs from cold air and dust, ventilates the lungs well, the cavity of the middle ear, which communicates with the nasopharynx, has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain. It is imperative to breathe through the nose in everyday life and when performing breathing exercises. The role of proper nasal breathing and breathing exercises in human life is enormous. Respiratory gymnastics is successfully used as a valid way to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis), bronchial asthma, and neuroses. Healthy people can use breathing exercises to prevent many diseases.

In speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are not equal, the latter is much longer than inhalation. Another and the sequence of breathing. After a short breath, a pause follows to strengthen the abdominals, and then a long sound exhalation.

Since speech sounds are formed during exhalation, its organization is of paramount importance for the production of speech breathing and voice, for their development and improvement. Therefore, the ultimate goal of training speech diaphragmatic-rib breathing is training a long exhalation, training the ability to rationally spend air during speech.

To do this, it is necessary to accustom the muscles involved in the respiratory process and holding the chest in an expanded state, not to relax passively immediately after exhalation. Relaxation should occur gradually as needed, obeying our will. To develop this type of breathing, training exercises will be given below to develop and strengthen the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles.

THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE LESSONS is the formation of correct speech breathing.
Work on breathing is recommended to be carried out in three stages:
I. Setting the diaphragmatic-costal type of breathing and the formation of a long oral exhalation.
II. Differentiation of oral and nasal expiration.
III. Formation of speech breathing.


1. The formation of speech breathing is carried out throughout the work with the child.
2. Exercise only in a ventilated room, before meals, 3 times a day for 5-8 minutes.
3. At the beginning of training, one exercise is mastered, one more is added every next day.
4. Do not overwork the child, that is, strictly dose the amount and pace of exercises. If you feel unwell, it is better to postpone the lesson.
5. Don't inhale too much.
6. 6. Make sure that the child does not strain his shoulders, neck.
7. The child should feel the movements of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, muscles of the lower abdomen.
8. Movement must be done smoothly, counting, slowly.
9. The transition from this stage of work to another is carried out if the child correctly and accurately performs all the exercises of this stage.
10. Each oral exhalation is controlled by the movement of cotton wool placed on the palm, or a sheet of paper brought to the child's mouth so that the exhaled air stream does not dissipate, but strictly falls on it, or by fogging the mirror at the moment of exhalation. In order to increase the emotional background of the lesson, the cotton wool is painted in a bright color.

I. Setting the diaphragmatic-costal type of breathing and the formation of a long oral exhalation.

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to determine the type of physiological breathing of the child by placing his palm on the side surface above his waist. If the child has upper clavicular or thoracic breathing, you should try to imitate lower costal (diaphragmatic-costal) breathing.
- Put the child's hand to your side and check his breathing with your palm. The child, feeling the movement of the adult's ribs during inhalation and imitating him, switches to lower costal breathing.
- The child is taught to inhale a "full belly" of air, and then exhale smoothly and slowly (3 - 15 times in a row 3 times a day)
Next, breathing exercises are carried out, developed by A.N. Strelnikova.
The purpose of these exercises is to increase the volume of inhalation and diaphragmatic exhalation.
Each movement corresponds to certain phases of breathing. So, breaths are taken with movements that compress the chest. Inhalation should be as active as possible, exhalation should be passive. The child takes a noisy short breath through the nose with slightly closed lips. Exhale freely through the mouth.
All exercises are rhythmic. Each of them is performed 8 times, after
3 - 5 second break is recommended to move on to the next one. The total duration of gymnastics is 5-6 minutes. At the beginning of training, one exercise is mastered. On each subsequent day, one more is added.

The whole complex consists of 11 exercises.

1. "Hands"
I.p .: stand up straight, raise your palms to the level of your face, lower your elbows. Take a short, noisy, active breath through your nose and at the same time clench your fists. Exhale smoothly, freely, through the nose or mouth, unclench the fingers, relax the hands.

2. "Girdle"
I.p .: stand up straight, clench your fists, press them to your belt. At the moment of a short noisy breath with the nose, forcefully push the fists to the floor, as if dropping something from the hands. During the push, open your fists, spread your fingers. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

3. "Bow"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Lean forward slightly, round your back, lower your head and arms. Take a short noisy breath at the end point of the bow. Then slowly, freely exhaling through the nose or mouth, return to the starting position.

4. "Cat"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands at waist level, elbows slightly bent. Do light, springy squats, turning the torso to the right, then to the left. When turning with a simultaneous short noisy breath, make a throwing movement to the side with your hands. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

5. "Hug your shoulders"
I.p .: stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows at shoulder level, with your hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy breath with your nose, hug yourself by the shoulders.
(hands should move in parallel). On exhalation, return to the starting position.

6. "Big pendulum"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Lean forward slightly, lower your hands to your knees - a noisy breath. Immediately lean back a little, slightly arching at the waist, hugging your shoulders - one more breath. Exhalation is passive between two breaths - movements. Return to starting position.

7. "Turns of the head"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Turn your head to the right, take a short noisy breath. Without stopping, turn your head to the left, take a short breath again. The breath is passive between two breaths.

8. "Ears"
I.p .: stand up straight, look in front of you. Slightly tilt the head to the right shoulder - a short noisy breath through the nose. Then tilt your head to the left - also inhale. Passive exhalation between two breaths, do inclinations without interruption.

9. "Small pendulum"
I.p .: stand up straight, hands down. Lower your head down, look at the floor - inhale. Tilt your head up, look at the ceiling - also a breath. Exhalation is passive between breaths, movements are made without stopping. Don't strain your neck.

10. "Rolls"
I.p .: right foot in front, left - at a distance of one step behind. The weight of the body is on both legs. Transfer the weight of the body to the front standing right leg. Sit lightly on it - inhale. Straighten up, transfer the weight of the body to the left leg standing behind. Sit lightly on it - inhale. Passive exhalation between breaths. The exercise is performed 8 times without stopping. Change legs.

11. "Dance Steps"
I.p .: stand up straight, arms lowered along the body. Raise the right leg bent at the knees to the level of the abdomen, slightly crouching on the left leg - inhale. Return to the starting position - passive free exhalation. Then sit down on the right leg, raising the left leg - inhale. Exhale freely after each breath.
Next, proceed to the formation of a long oral exhalation.

The following exercises are performed:
1. Directed mouth blowing training: the child is offered to pinch his nose, puff out his cheeks and slap them. You can bring a cotton wool or a mirror to your mouth so that visual control is carried out.
2. Teaching oral exhalation using the “spitting” technique: the child is asked to silently “spit out” the tip of the tongue, sandwiched between the teeth (the tongue must be moved forward, you can put crumbs of breadcrumbs on the tip of the tongue. Tactile control is carried out with the back of the hand brought to the mouth. With a gradual slowdown in spitting, a light blast is obtained, which is then fixed.
3. When learning the types of inhalation and exhalation, the child's attention is drawn to the position of the organs of articulation: during oral exhalation, the tip of the tongue must be held at the lower incisors, the mouth should be opened as if yawning. In this case, the root of the language must be omitted. If moving the tip of the tongue towards the lower incisors does not sufficiently reduce the root of the tongue, it is possible to temporarily protrude the tongue between the teeth.

II. Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalations.

With the appearance of correct, calm breathing with the mouth closed, one can proceed to the differentiation of oral and nasal breathing.
The purpose of these exercises: the child must learn to feel the difference in the direction of the air stream.
To work on breathing at this stage, three sets of exercises have been created:

1. Formation of smooth exhalations through the nose or mouth and their alternations .
- Open your mouth wide and breathe through your nose.
- close one nostril with the middle finger - inhale. Smooth exhalation through the nostril. Alternately close the left and right nostrils.
- inhale through slightly closed lips, exhale smoothly through the nose.
- inhale with your mouth wide open, exhale smoothly through your nose (do not close your mouth)
- inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through the mouth (the mouth is wide open, the tongue on the lower teeth - how hands warm)
- inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through loosely closed lips
- inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through the corners of the mouth, first through the right, then through the left.

2. Formation of jerky exhalations through the nose or mouth and their alternations.
- inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose in jerks
- inhale through the nose, exhale through loosely closed lips jerkily, intermittently, making short intervals
- mouth wide open, stick out tongue, inhale and exhale through the mouth jerkily, intermittently (like a dog breathes)
- inhale with a wide open mouth, jerky exhale through the nose (do not close the mouth)
- inhalation through the nose, jerky exhalation through the corners of the mouth, first through the right, then through the left.

3. Formation of the ability to combine smooth and jerky exhalations.
- inhalation through the nose, prolonged exhalation with intensification at the end
- inhalation through the nose, jerky exhalation, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation
- Lips are stretched forward. Inhalation through the nose, jerky exhalation through the mouth, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation
- inhalation through slightly closed lips, extended exhalation through the nose with intensification at the end
- inhalation through slightly closed lips, jerky exhalation also through the mouth, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation
- lips in a smile. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth
- lips in a smile. Inhale through the nose, jerky exhale through the mouth, at the end turning into a smooth exhalation.
Each exercise is performed 8 times, after a 3-5 second break, it is recommended to move on to the next one. The total duration of gymnastics is 5 - 6 minutes.

III. Formation of speech breathing.

Work at this stage is carried out sequentially. First, the distribution of exhalation occurs in the process of speech, and then - the addition of air.
The distribution of exhalation consists in mastering the ability to consciously divide the volume of exhaled air into uniform segments. Special exercises are carried out using syllables. To do this, use the method of their build-up. They must be composed with one of the consonants, first with the same and then with different vowels. Syllables are pronounced loudly, abruptly, evenly, in one breath. Gradually their number increases. Then the skills of pronouncing syllables on one exhalation are transferred to words, phrases and sentences. The lengthening of the chain by one syllable or word depends on the severity of the speech defect in the child. All exercises must be performed 3 times a day for 5 to 8 minutes.
Types of exercises:
- taking a full breath, as you exhale, pronounce the phrases:
Papa, papa, papa, papa.
Mom, mom, mom, mom.
Wa, wow, wow, wow.

Syllables should first be pronounced equally, rhythmically, abruptly. Then place the stress on the first syllable, successively moving it to the second, third.
- take a full breath, count on the exhale. The count can be forward (one, two, three, four), reverse (five, four, three, two, one).
- by analogy with exercise 2, list the days of the week, the names of the months, the seasons.
The intake of air is necessary so that the child quickly, energetically, and most importantly, unnoticed by the listeners replenishes the supply of air at every convenient pause. Exercises are first recommended to be carried out using children's counting rhymes. Then the addition is fixed on the material of the poems. When practicing speech breathing on the material of tongue twisters and poetic texts, you first need to memorize them, only then you can proceed to training. It is necessary to inhale a new portion of air after each line, while maintaining the coherence of the text. For self-control, the child's palm should lie on the chest, feeling its rise when inhaling.

Pronounce the counting rhyme at a moderate pace, evenly distributing the exhalation into portions of three words.
Like on a hill, on a hill (inhale)
There are thirty-three Yegorkas (inhale)
One Yegorka, two Yegorkas (inhale)
Three Yegorka, four Yegorka (inhale)
- Reading poetry.
Among the white doves (inhale)
Here the sparrow flies (inhale)
Respond, do not be shy (inhale)
Fly out - ka, sparrow!

Growing words in a sentence.
Snow falls.
Snow is falling quietly.
Quietly white snow falls.
The rational use of oral exhalation contributes to the brightness, clarity and intelligibility of speech, the development of melody and sonority of the voice.

Junior group.

Exercise number 1. "Roll call of animals."
The speech therapist distributes the roles of various animals and birds among the children. Children should, having heard the name of their animal from the leader, pronounce the appropriate onomatopoeia with a slow exhalation. The game is enlivened if the host tries to confuse the players: he calls the animal, but looks at the child who plays a completely different role. Attention is directed to the duration and clarity of the sound of consonants and vowels.

Exercise number 2. "Trumpeter".
Children bring clenched fists to their faces, placing them in front of each other. As you exhale, slowly blow into the “pipe”. The speech therapist praises those who managed to blow into the "pipe" the longest.

Exercise number 3. "Axe".
The children are standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, and fingers interlocked. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering the "heavy ax", say - wow! - on a long exhalation.

Exercise number 4. "Crow".
Children are sitting. The arms are lowered along the body. Quickly raise your arms through the sides up - inhale, slowly lower your arms - exhale. Say: Kar!

Exercise number 5. "Geese".
Children are sitting. The hands of bent arms are pressed to the shoulders. Take a quick breath, then slowly tilt your torso down, take your elbows back, on a long exhale say: ha. Keep your head straight. Return to the starting position - inhale. As you exhale, say go, gee.

A set of breathing exercises.
Middle group.

Exercise number 1. "Let's play with tummies."
Purpose: formation of diaphragmatic breathing.
In the supine position, the children put their hands on their stomach, inhale deeply - while the tummy inflates, then exhale - the tummy retracts. To make the exercise even more interesting, you can put some small toy on your stomach. When the child dies, the toy rises up together with the stomach, and on exhalation, on the contrary, it goes down - as if it is swinging on a swing. Second option. In a standing position, children take a deep breath without raising their shoulders, and then exhale, controlling the movements of the abdomen with their hands.

Exercise number 2. "Recognize by smell."
Purpose: the development of a deep long breath, the development of smell.
Children take turns sniffing, for example, flowers, trying to remember their smell. An adult asks the child to close his eyes and offers him one of the flowers, offering him to determine by smell which flower is in front of him. The child should take a deep long breath through the nose, without raising the shoulders, and then exhale and name the guessed flower. In order for the child to take a deep diaphragmatic breath, the adult first himself shows how to smell the flower. And then, holding the flower in front of the baby's face, the teacher asks the child to put both hands on his stomach and thus control his breathing.

Exercise number 3. “Let's teach the nose and mouth to breathe.”
Purpose: differentiation of inhalation and exhalation through the nose and mouth, development of attention.
The child learns to control his inhalation and exhalation, exercising them in different ways. First, the child inhales through the nose and exhales through the nose (2-4 times), pointing with the index finger to the nose; and, inhaling through the mouth, brings the palm to the mouth, but does not touch, but only tactilely controls the air stream coming out of the mouth. Second option. Exercises are carried out similarly: inhale through the mouth - exhale through the mouth (a palm is brought to the mouth) and inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose (when inhaling, the child opens his mouth, and when exhaling, he closes and points to his nose with his index finger).

Exercise number 4. "Drive the ball into the goal."
Purpose: the development of a long, strong, purposeful exhalation, the development of an eye. An adult shows the children how to blow on the “ball” in order to drive it into a toy gate. The children take turns playing the game. The winner is the one who managed to send the “ball” into the goal with one exhalation.

Exercise number 5. "Let's hum."
Purpose: to develop a long smooth oral exhalation.
An adult demonstrates to children how to blow into a bubble so that it buzzes. To do this, the lower lip should slightly touch the edge of the neck, and the blown air jet - “breeze” should be strong enough. Then, in turn, the children themselves blow into their bubbles, achieving a buzzing sound. At the end of the exercise, all children blow at the same time. When playing out the exercise, you can offer the kids several options when the buzz can mean the signal of a steamer, steam locomotive, or the howling of the wind. You can use the bubble as a musical instrument, making it buzz at the teacher's signal while playing specially selected music.

A set of breathing exercises.
Senior group.

Exercise number 1. "We breathe differently."
Starting position - sitting on a chair straight or standing:
1. Inhale and exhale through the nose (inhale quickly, not very deep, exhale long).
2. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
3. Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.
4. Inhale and exhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other (alternately).
5. Inhale through one half of the nose, exhale through the other (alternately).
6. Inhalation through the nose, slow exhalation through the nose with intensification at the end.
7. Inhale through the nose, exhale through loosely compressed lips.
8. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose in jerks.

Exercise number 2. "Candle".
Slow exhalation training while blowing on an imaginary or real candle flame. Focus on the stomach. Slowly blow on the "flame". It deviates, try to keep the flame in a deviated position during exhalation.
Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm long. Place your left palm between your chest and stomach, take a strip of paper in your right hand, using it as a candle, and blow it calmly, slowly and evenly. The paper will deviate, if the exhalation is even, then it will be in the deflected position until the end of the exhalation. Pay attention to the movement of the diaphragm - the left palm, as it were, “slowly sinks” during exhalation. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise number 3. "Stubborn candle."
Intense strong exhalation training. Imagine a large candle, you understand that it will be difficult for you to extinguish it, but you definitely need to do it. Inhale, hold your breath for a second and blow on the candle, the flame has deflected but not extinguished. Blow even harder, blow even harder. More!
Can you feel the movement of the diaphragm with your palm? Do you feel your lower abdomen tighten up? This exercise makes it possible to feel the active movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise number 4. "Extinguish 3,4,5,6, ... 10 candles."
On one exhalation, “extinguish” 3 candles, dividing your exhalation into three portions. Now imagine that you have 5 candles. Do not try to inhale as much air as possible. Let the volume remain the same, just each portion of the air on exhalation will become smaller. With the help of static and dynamic breathing exercises, the abdominal muscles and muscles of the diaphragm are trained. These exercises can be used in the complex of morning exercises.

Exercise number 5. "Belly dance".
Tilt your upper body forward at a 45-degree angle, and place your hands on your lower back with your thumbs forward. Look straight ahead, back straight, shoulders back. Execution - simultaneously with exhalation, the stomach is pulled in p-ffff, then a reflex inhale occurs, the stomach moves forward. Repeat 3-5 times.
Training exercises for the development of intercostal respiratory muscles. Recall that the air filling of the middle part of the lungs depends on how the intercostal respiratory muscles are developed.

A set of breathing exercises.
Preparatory group.

Exercise number 1. "Fragrant rose."
Starting position - standing, focus on the ribs. Place your palms on your ribs on either side of your chest. Execution - imagine that you are smelling a fragrant rose. Inhale slowly through the nose - note how the ribs of the chest parted. You felt it with your palms, and now exhale the ribs lowered and the palms too. The abdomen and shoulders remain motionless. Remember that all attention is only on the ribs, as you want to train the intercostal muscles. Breaths should be shallow, but full. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise number 2. "Exhale - inhale."
Starting position - standing or sitting on a chair. Execution - after an energetic exhalation on p-ffff ... raise your hands, put them behind your head and lean back, inhaling, then, leaning forward, reach the floor and mentally count to 15 - this is a breath.

Exercise number 3. "Singing sounds."
Table. And, uh, a, oh, u, s, e, i, yo, u. Say this table several times, each time on one exhalation, first in front of the mirror and silently, then in a whisper, then out loud without a mirror, but do not press on the strength of the voice.

Exercise number 4. "Bird".
Starting position standing, legs together, arms along the body. On the count of times, raise your hands through the sides up - inhale, hold your breath for one count, then slowly lower your arms through the sides - exhale on a lingering sound pffff, - ssss. Repetition 2 ra

Exercise number 5. "Funny steps."
Walking around the room or outdoors. Inhale for one step, hold for one count, exhale for 4 steps. Every 2-3 days increase the duration of exhalation by 1 count. In order to learn to exhale in 10-15 steps in 1 month.

Summary: The development of speech in children. The development of speech breathing. Exercises for the development of speech in children. Games for the development of speech in children. Breathing exercises. Exercises for the development of the respiratory system.

The source of the formation of speech sounds is an air stream leaving the lungs through the larynx, pharynx, oral cavity or nose. Proper speech breathing ensures normal sound formation, creates conditions for maintaining normal speech volume, strict adherence to pauses, maintaining speech fluency and intonation expressiveness.

Speech breathing disorders can be the result of general weakness, adenoid growths, various cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Such imperfections in speech breathing as the inability to rationally use exhalation, inhalation speech, incomplete renewal of the air supply, etc., which negatively affect the development of children's speech, may be due to improper upbringing, insufficient attention of adults to children's speech. Toddlers who have weakened inhalation and exhalation tend to speak quietly and find it difficult to pronounce long phrases. With the irrational use of air, the smoothness of speech is disturbed, since children in the middle of a phrase are forced to get air. Often such children do not finish the words and often pronounce them in a whisper at the end of the phrase. Sometimes, in order to finish a long phrase, they are forced to speak while inhaling, which makes speech fuzzy, convulsive, and choking. A shortened exhalation forces you to speak phrases at an accelerated pace, without observing logical pauses.

Starting the development of speech breathing in a child, it is necessary first of all form a strong smooth oral exhalation. At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child to control the time of expiration, to use air sparingly. Additionally, the child develops the ability to direct the air stream in the right direction.

During the games described in the article, constant monitoring of the correctness of breathing is necessary.

Remember the parameters of the correct oral exhalation:

Exhalation is preceded by a strong breath through the nose - "gain a full chest of air";
- exhalation occurs smoothly, not jerks;
- during exhalation, the lips fold into a tube, do not compress the lips, puff out the cheeks;
- during exhalation, air exits through the mouth, air should not be allowed to exit through the nose (if the child exhales through the nose, you can pinch his nostrils so that he feels how the air should come out);
- breathe out until the air runs out;
- while singing or talking, you can not get air with the help of frequent short breaths.

When conducting games aimed at developing a child's breathing, it must be borne in mind that breathing exercises quickly tire the child, and can even cause dizziness. Therefore, such games must be limited in time (you can use an hourglass) and be sure to alternate with other exercises.

The games and exercises listed below will help teach your child to exhale smoothly through the mouth with a strong directed stream of air.

Games and exercises for the development of smooth oral exhalation

Fly, butterfly!

Target: development of a long continuous oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: 2-3 bright paper butterflies.

Game progress: Before starting the lesson, tie a thread 20-40 cm long to each butterfly, attach the threads to the cord at some distance from each other. Pull the cord so that the butterflies hang at the level of the standing child's face.

The teacher shows the child butterflies and offers to play with them.

Look how beautiful colorful butterflies! Let's see if they can fly.
The teacher blows on butterflies.
- Look, fly! How alive! Now you try to blow. Which butterfly will fly farthest?

The child stands near the butterflies and blows on them. It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when exhaling, blew on one exhalation, not getting air, he did not puff out his cheeks, but pushed his lips slightly forward.

You can blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses so that your head does not spin.



Equipment: paper sultans (panicles).

Game progress: Before starting the game, it is necessary to prepare panicles. To do this, attach strips of colored paper to d wooden stick. You can use thin tissue paper, or Christmas decoration "rain".

The teacher offers to play with the whisk. Shows how to blow on paper strips, then offers to blow to the child.

Imagine it's a magical tree. A breeze blew and the leaves rustled on the tree! Like this! And now you blow!

In the second case, the children blow on their panicles at the same time.

Autumn leaves


Equipment: autumn maple leaves, vase.

Game progress: Before class, gather together with your child a bouquet of autumn leaves (preferably maple, as they have long stems) and put them in a vase. Offer to blow on the leaves.

We collected beautiful leaves in the park. Here is a yellow leaf, and here is a red one. Do you remember how the leaves rustled on the branches? Let's blow on the leaves!
An adult, together with a child or a group of children, blows on the leaves in a vase, draws their attention to the rustling of the leaves.

leaf fall

Target: training for smooth free exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: yellow, red, orange leaves cut out of thin double-sided colored paper; bucket.

Game progress: The teacher lays out leaflets on the table, reminds the children about autumn.

Imagine it's autumn. Red, yellow, orange leaves fall from the trees. The wind blew - scattered all the leaves on the ground! Let's make wind - blow on the leaves!

An adult, together with the children, blows on the leaves until all the leaves are on the floor. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the correct implementation of oral exhalation, as well as to ensure that children do not overwork.

All the leaves on the ground... Let's collect the leaves in a bucket. The teacher and children collect leaflets. Then the game is repeated again.


Target: the formation of a smooth long exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: pieces of cotton.

Game progress: The teacher lays out pieces of cotton wool on the table, reminds the children about winter.

Imagine that it is winter. Snow is falling outside. Let's blow snowflakes!

An adult shows how to blow on cotton wool, children repeat. Then everyone raises the cotton wool, and the game is repeated again.


Target: development of a smooth long exhalation through the mouth; activation of the lip muscles.

Game progress: The game is played outdoors - in a clearing where dandelions grow. An adult invites children to find among the yellow dandelions that have already faded and pick them. Then he shows how you can blow on a dandelion so that all the fluffs fly off. After that, he invites the children to blow on their dandelions.

Let's blow on dandelions! Blow once, but strongly - so that all the fluffs fly off. Look, fluffs fly like little parachutes.

You can arrange a competition: each of the children blows on his dandelion once. Those of the children who do not have a single fluff on the head of the flower win.

You can also organize the game "Grandfather or woman?":

Let's play the game "grandfather or woman?"! Blow on your dandelions just once. If there are no fluffs left on the flower head, this is a bald head. So, it turned out to be a grandfather. If the fluff remains - this is the hair on the head - then it turned out to be a woman. The one who got the grandfather wins!



Equipment: spinner toy.

Game progress: Before starting the game, prepare a spinner toy. You can make it yourself with paper and a wooden stick.

Show the child a turntable. On the street, demonstrate how it begins to spin from the breath of the wind. Then offer to blow on it yourself:

Let's make the wind - blow on the turntable. That's how it turned out! Blow even harder - the pinwheel spins faster.

The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

song of the wind


Equipment: Chinese wind bell "song of the wind".

Game progress: Hang the bell at a distance convenient for the child (at the level of the standing child's face) and offer to blow on it. Pay attention to how melodic the sound is. Then offer to blow harder - the sound became louder.

The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

Fly, birds!

Target: development of a long directed smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: 2-3 colorful birds folded out of paper (origami).

Game progress: The child is sitting at the table. One bird is placed on the table in front of the child. The teacher invites the child to blow on the bird so that it flies as far as possible (you can blow it once).

What a beautiful bird you have! And can she fly? Blow so that the bird flew away! You can blow once. Breathe in and take in more air. The bird has flown!

During a group game, you can arrange a competition between two or three children: each blows on his bird. The one whose bird flew farthest wins. An adult makes sure that the children do not puff out their cheeks, blow only once, do not strain too much.

Roll, pencil!

Target: development of a long smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: pencils with a smooth or ribbed surface.

Game progress: The child is sitting at the table. Place a pencil on the table at a distance of 20 cm from the child. First, the adult shows how to forcefully blow on the pencil so that it rolls to the opposite end of the table. Then he invites the child to blow on the pencil. The second participant in the game catches a pencil at the opposite end of the table. You can continue the game by sitting opposite each other, and rolling a pencil to each other from one end of the table to the other.

By organizing a game in a group, you can arrange a competition: two children are sitting at a table, pencils are in front of them. You can blow on the pencil only once. The one whose pencil rolls the farthest wins.

Funny balls


Equipment: lightweight plastic ball.

Game progress: Balls can be played in the same way as pencils (see previous game). You can make the game harder. Draw a line on the table. Then take the ball and put it in the middle of the table (on the line). Two children sit at a table opposite each other, on opposite sides of the ball on the line.

It is necessary to blow on the ball so that it rolls to the opposite side of the table. And you need to try so that the ball does not hit your part of the table. You need to blow harder. Started!

The winner is the one who managed to blow the ball over the line, to the opposite side of the table.


Target: development of a strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: ordinary balloon on a string; gas balloon.

Game progress: Hang the balloon at the level of the child's face. Blow on the balloon so that it flies high, then invite the child to blow.
A more complex version of the game is possible. Throw the balloon up. Invite the child to blow on the balloon several times so that it does not fall to the floor longer.

Let's blow on the balloon so that it doesn't fall down. Like this! Stronger!

You can play with a balloon filled with gas. In this case, the ball is tied to a chair or something on the floor (it is desirable that the thread remains long). You need to blow on the ball so that it flies as far forward as possible.

If the game is played in a group, you can organize a competition: two children (or small teams) stand opposite each other facing the ball (the distance to the ball is 50-60 cm) and start blowing at the same time. The winner is the one who managed to send the ball to the opposite territory (you can divide the territory with a ribbon or rope).

Swim, boat!

Target: development of a strong smooth directed exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: paper or plastic boats; basin with water.

Game progress: On a low table, place a basin of water in which a paper boat floats. At first, it is better to use a plastic boat, as paper boats quickly soak and sink. The adult blows on the boat, then offers the child to blow.

Imagine it's the sea. Let's set the boat sailing. Look how strong the wind is! How fast our ship sailed. Now you try. Well done!

The game can be complicated by inviting the child to ride a boat from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis. In this case, the air stream during oral exhalation should be not only strong, but also directed.

You can play the game in a group. In this case, organize a competition: whose boat will sail to the target faster.


Target: development of a strong smooth directed exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: rubber duck with ducklings (bathing set); other light rubber or plastic toys that float in water.

Game progress: Place a bowl of water on a low table. The teacher shows the child a duck with ducklings and offers to play.

Imagine it's a lake. A duck with ducklings came to the lake. This is how a duck swims.

An adult blows on toys, offers to blow to a child. Then the game gets more difficult.

Look: the ducklings have swum away from their mother. The duck calls the ducklings to her. Let's help the ducklings swim to the mother duck as soon as possible!

In this case, the air stream during oral exhalation should be not only strong, but also directed. You can play the game in a group of children.


Target: development of a strong oral exhalation; learning to blow through a straw; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a glass of water, cocktail tubes of different diameters.

Game progress: In a glass half-filled with water, lower the cocktail tube and blow into it - bubbles with a loud gurgling will rise to the surface. Then give the tube to the child and offer to blow.

Let's make fun bubbles! Take a straw and blow into a glass of water. If you blow weakly, small bubbles are obtained. And if you blow hard, you get a whole storm! Let's make a storm!

By the "storm" in the water, you can easily assess the strength of the exhalation and its duration. At the beginning of classes, the diameter of the tube should be 5-6 mm, in the future, thinner tubes can be used.

Many children who are used to drinking juice from bags through a straw do not immediately understand what is required of them, they can start drinking water (therefore, it is better to use purified drinking water just in case). In this case, first offer to blow through the tube on a piece of cotton wool on the table or on the palm of your hand to feel the air coming out of the tube.

Another possible problem is that the child may bite and chew on the soft straw or bend it. In this case, you can use the body of the gel pen - a transparent tube made of hard plastic.

In addition, the child can, holding the tube in the lips, exhale air through the nose. In this case, you should gently pinch the baby's nose with your fingers and offer to blow again.

Grow, foam!

Target: development of a strong oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a glass of water, cocktail tubes of different diameters, dishwashing liquid.

Game progress: This game can be offered to a child after he learns to blow well through a tube into a glass of water (does not drink water, does not bend the tube). Add some dishwashing liquid to the water, then take a straw and blow into the water - with a loud gurgling, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow in front of the child's eyes. Then invite the child to blow. When there is a lot of foam, you can blow on it.

Now I'm doing a hocus pocus! I take liquid for dishes and drip into the water ... Now I'll interfere - are-bars-top-top-top! I take a pipe and blow. Look what happened! This is a foam of small and large bubbles! Now you try to blow.

After the children learn how to act correctly in individual lessons - blow into tubes, do not spill water, etc., you can conduct such a lesson in a group.


Target: development of a strong long smooth oral exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

marshmallows in chocolate or marshmallow; small candles for the cake; Teddy bear.

Game progress: Prepare marshmallows in chocolate or marshmallow and stick one or more holiday candles - today is the "bear's birthday". Together with your child, set the table using toy dishes, invite guests - a bunny and a doll, sing a song for the bear. Then solemnly bring in the "birthday cake" with a lit candle.

The bear has a birthday today. He is one (or more) years old. Let's congratulate the bear! Here is a birthday cake - help the bear blow out the candles.

When the child blows out the candle, make sure that the exhalation is long, strong and smooth. Explain to the baby that he has several attempts, each of which can be blown only once. If the candle has not gone out, we again draw air into the chest and try again.

Many children, when exhaling correctly, cannot correctly direct the stream of exhaled air - it passes by the flame of a candle. In this case, it is useful for clarity to suggest blowing into a pipe made of a sheet of thick paper (diameter 3-4 cm), because The tube can be used to control the direction of exhaled air.

First, place the candle at a distance of about 30 cm from the child. Gradually, the distance from the child to the candle can be increased to 40-50 cm. Explain to the child that you should not move too close to the candle.

For subsequent games with blowing out the flame, pick up candles with a stable base or standing on a reliable candlestick. You can come up with a different plot of the game, or simply offer to blow out the flame. For security reasons, this game is played individually. It is necessary to warn the child that the candle must not be touched and knocked over.

Feather, fly!

Target: development of a strong smooth directed exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: bird feather.

Game progress: Throw the feather up and blow on it without letting it fall down. Then invite the child to blow. Pay attention to the fact that you need to blow hard, directing the stream of air on the feather from the bottom up.


Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: a bottle of soap solution, a frame for blowing bubbles, straws of various diameters - cocktail, made of thick paper, a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom.

Game progress: Play soap bubbles with your child: first, the teacher blows bubbles, and the child watches and catches them. Then invite your child to blow bubbles on their own. It should be noted that blowing soap bubbles is often a rather difficult task for babies. Try to help the child - pick up different frames and tubes so that the child tries and chooses with which it is easier to achieve results. You can make your own soap bubble liquid by adding some dishwashing liquid and sugar to the water. Do not forget to monitor the safety of the child - do not let him try and drink the liquid.


Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: children's ceramic, wooden or plastic whistles in the form of various birds and animals.

Game progress: Before the start of the lesson, whistles should be prepared. Give the children whistles and invite them to blow into them.

Look how beautiful your whistle toys are! Masha has a bird, and Vanya has a deer. Let's arrange a forest concert - each of the animals and birds sings its own song!

The game can be repeated several times. Make sure that the children blow without straining, do not overwork. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.


Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: whistles.

Game progress: Before the start of the lesson, you should pick up whistles and choose those that are easier to blow. Hand out whistles to the children and invite them to play policemen.

Who knows what a real policeman has? Pistol, club and, of course, a whistle. Here are whistles for you - let's play policemen! Here the militiaman saw the infringer - we whistle in a whistle!

The game can be repeated several times. Make sure that the children blow without straining, do not overwork. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

Blow into the pipe!

Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: various brass musical instruments: pipes, pipes, horns, harmonicas.

Game progress: Before the start of the lesson, you should pick up the tools. Remember that playing wind instruments is one of the most difficult exercises for developing breathing. Therefore, check the instruments in advance and choose those that are easier to play.

Distribute the pipes to the children and invite them to play them, first in turn, then all together.

Let's have a musical parade! Take the pipes - let's start playing!

If one of the children fails to extract a sound from the pipe, make sure it blows correctly: the exhalation through the mouth should be strong and fall exactly into the socket of the pipe, for which it must be tightly clamped with the lips: the air should not go out through the nose.

You can also offer flutes, horns, harmonicas for playing. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children. If one of the children does not succeed, do not insist. Perhaps it is better to return to this task later, when the child is a little older.

Music bubble

Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: clean glass vial (vial height about 7 cm, neck diameter 1-1.5 cm).

Game progress: The teacher shows the children a bubble and offers a game.

How do you figure out what it is? That's right, a bubble. What can you do with a bubble? Pour water into it. Pour vitamins into a bottle. What else? Do not know! Now I'll show you the trick! Here is such a musical bubble - buzzing like a trumpet.

The teacher brings the bubble to his lips, blows into the neck, extracting sound from it. Then he invites one of the children to blow into another bubble. It should be remembered: for the bubble to buzz, the lower lip should lightly touch the edge of its neck. The air jet must be strong. Blow should be a few seconds without straining. Since glass bubbles must be used in the game, for safety reasons the game is played individually, or in a group lesson, children blow bubbles in turn. If one of the children does not succeed in this task, do not insist. Perhaps it is better to return to it later, when the child is a little older.

Inflate a toy!

Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: various small inflatable toys; Balloons.

Game progress: The teacher distributes well-washed rubber inflatable toys to the children and offers to inflate them. It should be blown by taking in air through the nose, and slowly exhaling it through the mouth into the opening of the toy.

Look, our toys are very sick - thin, without tummies ... How can we play with them? Let's inflate the toys so that they become plump, healthy and fun again!

The one who inflates the toy can play with it.

This task requires a formed strong exhalation. In addition, it is necessary to teach kids how to hold toys correctly so that air does not escape from them. Offer this game only after a strong smooth exhalation has already been formed.

In subsequent classes, you can offer to inflate balloons, which is even more difficult. If the child does not succeed, do not insist.

paper flag

Target: development of a strong smooth continuous exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: strips of thin colored paper (size: 15x2.5 cm).

Game progress: Before starting the lesson, prepare the strips of paper. Show the children how to blow on the strip by bringing it up to their lower lip (hold the strip between your thumb and forefinger).

Let's turn paper stripes into real flags. To do this, you need to make the wind - like this! The flags are flapping in the wind!

This is not an easy exercise, it is obtained in children far from immediately. Perhaps it is better to return to it later, when the child is a little older. The game can be played both individually and in a group of children.

One of the constant signs of stuttering is impaired speech breathing. In addition to the possibility of convulsive activity in the muscles of the respiratory apparatus, impaired speech breathing in stutterers is expressed in the following indicators: insufficient volume of inhaled air before the start of speech utterance, shortened speech exhalation, unformed coordinating mechanisms between speech breathing and phonation.

The work on the formation of speech breathing includes the following steps:

1) Expansion of the physiological capabilities of the respiratory apparatus (setting diaphragmatic-costal breathing and the formation of a long exhalation through the mouth).

2) Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

3) Formation of speech exhalation.

The formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech. It is known that the fluency of speech is a holistic continuous articulation of an intonation-logically completed segment of the utterance in the process of one continuous exhalation.

Considering that stutterers have superficial, insufficiently regular breathing, in which the muscles of the chest, especially the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, are in a state of excessive tension, most practitioners use diaphragmatic-costal breathing to correct stuttering, which is often called diaphragmatic. With this type of breathing, the work of the abdominal muscles is of particular importance.

The setting of diaphragmatic-costal breathing begins in the supine position. It is optimal that the setting of diaphragmatic breathing is carried out against the background of muscle relaxation. As a rule, during this period, stutterers are already familiar with the elements of relaxation.

At preschool age, the formation of diaphragmatic breathing must be carried out at the initial stage in the prone position. In this position, the muscles of the whole body relax slightly and diaphragmatic breathing is automatically established without additional instructions.

In the future, various game techniques are used to train diaphragmatic breathing, its strength and duration. In doing so, the following should be taken into account methodical instructions.

1. Breathing exercises should be organized in such a way that the child does not fix attention on the process of inhalation and exhalation.

2. For preschool children, breathing exercises are organized in the form of a game so that the child can involuntarily take a deeper breath and a longer exhalation.

3. All exercises for training speech breathing are associated with the implementation of two main movements:

hands from the position “to the sides” move “anteriorly” with the girth of the chest, or from the position “above” they move down. Body movements like

usually associated with a tilt down or to the side. 4. Most exercises for preschool children include exhalation with articulation of consonants (mainly fricative) or phonation of vowels, which allows the speech therapist to control the duration and continuity of expiration by ear, and further forms a biological feedback in the child.

Exercises for the formation of diaphragmatic exhalation

The stutterer is in the supine position. The child's hand rests on the upper abdomen (diaphragmatic area). The child's attention is drawn to the fact that his stomach "breathes well." You can put a toy on your stomach to attract attention. This exercise lasts an average of 2-3 minutes. The exercise should be performed effortlessly to avoid hyperventilation and increased muscle tone.

Blow out the candle

Children hold strips of paper about 10 cm from their lips. Children are invited to slowly and quietly blow on the “candle” so that the flame of the “candle” is deflected. The speech therapist notes those children who blew on the “candle” the longest.

busted tire

Starting position: children spread their arms in front of them, depicting a circle - a “tire”. On exhalation, the children pronounce the sound “sh-sh-sh” slowly. At the same time, the arms are slowly crossed, so that the right hand rests on the left shoulder and vice versa. Chest during exhalation

compresses easily. Occupying the starting position, the children involuntarily take a breath.

Inflate a tire

Children are offered to pump up a “burst tire”. Children “squeeze” their hands into fists in front of their chest, taking an imaginary handle of the “pump”. A slow forward bend is accompanied by an exhalation to the sound “ssss”. When straightening, inhalation is made involuntarily.


The exercise is similar to the exercise “Tire burst”, but during the exhalation, the children pronounce the sound “ffff”.

beetle buzzing

Starting position: raise your arms to the sides and pull back a little like wings. Exhaling, the children say “zhzhzh”, lowering their hands down. Occupying the starting position, the children involuntarily take a breath.


Starting position: raise your arms through the sides up. Slowly lowering their hands and crouching, the children pronounce “K-a-a-a-r” drawlingly. The speech therapist praises those "crows" that slowly descended from the tree to the ground. Occupying the starting position, the children involuntarily take a breath.


Starting position: put your hands on your belt. Slowly tilt your torso forward without lowering your head down. Say a long "G-a-a-a." Taking a starting position, a breath is taken.

There are quite a lot of techniques aimed at the formation of diaphragmatic expiration in practice (V.I. Seliverstov, 1987, etc.).

In older children, adolescents, and adults, diaphragmatic breathing training can be done more consciously.

Speech breathing training also begins in the supine position. It is suggested to relax. The palm of one hand is placed on the diaphragm. Attention is drawn to the movements of the anterior wall of the abdomen during natural inhalation and exhalation. When inhaling, the arm rises, while exhaling, the arm falls, according to the movement of the front wall of the abdomen.

After the movement of the diaphragm in the prone position has been trained, it is necessary to repeat the same exercise in the standing position: put your hand on the diaphragm area and take a breath, the hand should feel the same movement as in the prone position.

It is also useful to check with the “eye” how the volume of the chest changes. Stutterers stand in front of a large mirror to observe the respiratory movements of the chest. Attention is drawn to the fact that during inhalation, the shoulders should not rise.

The duration and strength of exhalation can be trained in exercises such as:

1. Exhale under a mental count (inhale at the expense of 1-2-3; exhale: 4-5-6-7-8 to 15).

2. Pronunciation of slotted sounds (s, w, f, etc.) on exhalation, controlling the duration of exhalation with a stopwatch.

3. “Roll the exhalation” of an imaginary cotton ball along the length of the entire arm, etc. The strength of the diaphragmatic inhalation can be trained in exercises such as: “Blow out the flame of a candle”, etc. (see Appendix No. 3).

In the future, the diaphragmatic type of breathing should be trained when performing physical exercises (walking, bending and turning the body, etc.).

The paradoxical gymnastics of A.N. Strelnikova (see Appendix No. 4).

One of the common mistakes in the work on the formation of speech breathing is excessive filling of the lungs with air during inspiration. Too much inhalation creates excessive tension in the respiratory muscles, creating conditions for hyperventilation.

Often, the incorrect organization of work on the development of speech breathing is accompanied by fixing the attention of stutterers on the act of inhalation and other complications. Therefore, when working with those who stutter over speech breathing, all instructions should concern only the exhalation process. (The exception is the paradoxical breathing exercises of A.N. Strelnikova).

The next stage of work is the development of a long phonation exhalation. The formation of phonation expiration is the basis for the development of coordinating relationships between breathing, voice and articulation. In order to avoid fixing attention on the process of inhalation, the instruction should concern only the duration of the pronunciation of the sound.

As a rule, the training of phonation exhalation begins with a long sound of vowels. (For the order of introducing vowel sounds and the method of voice leading, see the section “Vocal training”).

After stutterers have mastered the long pronunciation of one vowel on the exhale, it is proposed to pronounce the combination of their two vowels together on one exhale A______ O______.

The number of vowels pronounced on one exhalation is gradually increasing in the following order: A - O - U - I (standard vowel sounds). This stage of work can be carried out already during the period of silence or protective speech mode.

During these exercises, the stutterer can control the diaphragmatic inhalation and exhalation with the palm placed on the diaphragm area. In addition to auditory control, the duration of phonation exhalation can be controlled by a smooth movement of the hand.

Phonation breathing develops much more successfully both in children and adults when using the computer programs “Visible Speech”.

The third stage of work on breathing includes the formation of the actual speech exhalation. Syllables, words, phrases are introduced into the exercises.

The assimilation of skills associated with the development of speech exhalation proceeds at different rates in neurotic and neurosis-like forms of stuttering. So, in stutterers with a neurotic form of speech pathology, coordination between the mechanism of respiration and phonation is quickly restored. Despite the apparent ease with which they quickly learn the entire set of exercises they offer, it is necessary to maintain strict consistency in the presentation of these tasks and in the duration of training.

With neurosis-like stuttering, the coordinating relationship between the work of the vocal apparatus and breathing is formed with difficulty. When mastering new skills, it is necessary not only to explain, but also to repeatedly demonstrate, connect various types of control (auditory, visual, kinesthetic). Training should be systematic, long-term and included in all types of classes conducted with stutterers.

Since the formation of speech breathing is closely related to the formation of the skill of rational voice delivery and voice leading, these tasks are solved almost simultaneously.
