Would you like to get a useful skill that you will be useful in the future or will help learn a new profession? For a short period of time, for example, half a year you can learn a lot. And this will definitely be useful for you and will ensure the development of new skills. What can be learned in 6 months, read further.

Speed. One day, Bill Gates asked what super supporting he would like to get if there was such an opportunity. He replied that it was the speed. This is quite logical, as the faster you read the text, the more information can master and use it to achieve the goal. This is a serious and promising skill. Today, the courses of speeds are enormous. For example, online lessons. Just enter the search engine in the search engine, and you will see how many diverse issues will receive. Training in speeding, if desired and regular classes, will give a good result. At the same time such courses in the network abusely, both paid and free. To master the speed at a good level, it will be necessary less than six months.

What advise: You can visit free Read Speeder online courses or use the SpitZlet app, it will allow you to light up the articles in the browser and not only.

Rhetoric or oratorical art. If you feel the fear of the presentation in the public, then such skill must be mastering. The free and natural will feel in front of a large audience, the easier it will be to you everyday life: in telephone conversations, sales, in communicating with customers and not only. How to act before the public you will be taught special courses and trainings from professionals in this area.

Billionaire Warren Buffett, speaking to graduate students, constantly argued that the ability to speak in public - skill without which could not do in the life of those who dream of becoming successful and rich.

Already for a couple of classes, you can get rid of such fear and start practicing your speeches. And for six months, such a skill can be perfectly honed and become a real professional. Your speech will be able to achieve the heart of each listener.

What advise: Anglo-speaking community toastmasters, which organizes meetings around the world and teaches this skill to everyone.

Accounting. Knowledge of the elementary bases of accounting will help to get comfortable in any business and be sure to come in handy in life. You do not have to be a professional accountant, but about the correct handling of finances you need to know every sensible person. Such a skill will help manage their income and high quality improve their lives. Accounting is a useful ability for those who plan to develop.

What advise: Look for tutorials on accounting or online courses that will help master this skill for a small period of time - 6 months.

Learn a foreign language, for example, Spanish. This is the second most popular language in the world after Chinese. How to learn a foreign language for six months? They argue that Spanish is the easiest language for development. It is spoken by half aitard man around the world. One of the main problems why people cannot learn this or that language is the wrong choice of the study method. Scientifically proven, people remember only 5% of what they have studied at the lecture, 20% through applications with visual elements, and 90% from life situations. How to learn the language? To do with help language Schools (lectures), books and duolingo (applications) - they will speed up your learning process.

What advise: On the Internet there are a large number of resources and communities that will help you master this or other any language.

Photo and video editing. In the modern digital world, content in the form of photographs and videos will still have its value for a long time. Therefore, the ability to correctly and qualitatively handle it one of the useful and very worthy skills. And if he is also at the professional level, then this is a good opportunity to find a highly paid and creative work soul.

You can start learning from any program you like or from Photoshop, or from its free analogues. To edit the video, IMOVIE or Final Cut Pro is most often used. Estate communities are formed around these programs. They can be the best textbooks for you. On thematic forums, you can always find an answer to the question you are interested in. And on YouTube - thousands of free video tutorials dedicated to both basic processing tools and more advanced effects. For several months of stubborn work, you will independently master editing photos and videos at a fairly high level and may even become a professional in this area.

What advise: There are many useful video clients on the network, with which you can independently explore the photos and video edits. For example, learningAdobe Photoshop CS6. or Lessons to explore a simpler Paint . Enter in the search engine "Photoshop lessons" and you will be surprised how many of the most diverse offers will receive.

Bloggyng. How to create your blog?

A blog is not only a powerful tool for distributing your ideas, but also a wonderful opportunity to create a brand or expanding your business. It doesn't matter what position or profession you have, you can easily create your blog and find readers on the Internet.

What advise: To maintain a blog requires a content management system, such as free WordPress. For writing, quality articles are better practice. About how to blog, network mass useful information. On this topic, a separate article "”.

Become a programmer for six months?

Programming is one of the most popular directions in the last time for training, including self-study. It is said that it can learn to program everyone, there would be a desire and time for this. Everyone can check it on itself. To do this, use online courses, such as free. They can be mastered without leaving home. There are also many thematic forums where you can ask the Council from a specialist, and in general find a lot of useful information for the development of your skills. How to become a programmer - it is necessary to study the theory and apply it immediately in practice. If you work well, then in 6 months you can achieve excellent results.

What advise: Codecademy. - Anglo-language resource, which enjoy many specialists. The learning process should consist of several stages: choosing a language, acquaintance with theoretical liner, practice in the interactive console.Courses Stepic.org. - Introduction to C / C ++, Java, Python programming languages.Habrahabr. - Useful materials of the sphere of computer and IT. You can also ask questions and get answers from people with experience in this area.

Learning Excel.

You are familiar with the Excel basic functionality (programs for working with spreadsheets). This is one of the most popular and used applications in the world. Excel allows you to make a variety of calculations, has graphic tools and a VBA macro program. This is an excellent tool for creating and working with tables, calculations and graphic display. Everyone should know him.

What advise: There are a large number of self-tutorials that can be downloaded to the Internet without any problems. For example:Initial level acquaintance with the program; Basic course from more than 50 Excel lessons

Sports workouts, such as raising weights.

Sports opportunities, for example, with lining of weights, too, skill. For six months in this area, you can achieve good results. Of course, you will not become Schwarznegger, but you will quickly get the desired result, if you understand how to swing. Security and regular training will give their result for 6 months. The main thing is not to stop.

What advise: Look for a general understanding of the Bodybuilding.com channel on YouTube. Find a good coach and proceed to classes.

How to stop afraid of change in life? Ways to change life in the article.

I hope you have enough patience and perseverance to master the new skill. Perhaps you learned something else for half a year? Share your experience with our readers.

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Every man learns in the life of the fact that he believes will be useful to him personally. Something important and indispensable. But there are useful skills that could also be seized, because these skills usually remain aside, but may be in demand at any time around him. So that if you suddenly some local apocalypse, an extraordinary case or just a difficult situation, about such a man said: "There is a real man among us, he will do everything!" And it "will do" can concern anything - from the most bases of survival, search for water and first aid, before making food, buying clothes and repair of the car.

Therefore, here are 50 skills, extremely useful and necessary for studying each man ...

1. Carpentry

Carpentry - one of the most ancient skills and useful human skills. It can be said that this is one of the reasons for the existence of our civilization. Frameless business There are thousands of years, and more than relevant today. You do not have to be able to build a house from scratch, but some common things, for example, be able to saw, stitch and drill, use power tools, score nails, twist the screws, collect and disassemble the furniture, to build something simple, such as shelves, or even a birdhouse - This is known and be able to just need.

2. First aid

After water extraction, first aid is the most important skill of survival. Fortunately, in our time, the ability to give first aid - not what will need from you every day, but if you know how to treat the wound and stop the bleeding - it is sooner or later will save you or someone else's life. It's just that knowledge of the first aid knowledge means awareness of your capabilities. If you are not a doctor, you do not need to try to put a broken bone in place, because in the end this attempt will lead to even more damage or even the rupture of large blood vessels, and ultimately, to death ...

3. Breeding a fire

The campfire skill is suitable for both survival situations and hiking and camping hikes. It is important to remember that the key to a good flame and the "lively" fire is his breathing, that is, the influx of oxygen. You still need to know the advantages and disadvantages of various types of wood during burning, and options for the fire for a fire (for example, fresh cut branches will be too wet to give rise to the fire). Creating fire is a very slow process, if you do everything right. This is not a bunch of dry branches on the day of the mangala, which should be pouring a liquid for ignition and throw a burning match there. Here you will have to actually persuade the fire for life, slowly feed him and raise him, to get the maximum benefit.

4. Construction of a shala or any other shelter

We hope that you will never have to spend the night in the wild in a situation where you have never planned it and did not want. But, if suddenly it happens, you will have to build a shelter from bad weather and wild beasts. Any design will be consolidated - from a simple slag and to more advanced shelter. However, remember: It is not enough to simply build a jumble from the branches and the facoth, it is more important to think about the litter, insulating you from the cold earth, when you sleep, and how such a design can protect from rain, wind and predators. And one more thing - choose the terrain with the mind and itself. Refuge for survival, equipped in the river bed or on the animal trail, can rather harm than to help.

5. Purchase of costume

You might think that the event like buying a costume is something simple and not particularly necessary. But here you are mistaken, it is a very complicated and useful skill. Buying a good suit looks more like a car purchase. To make a successful purchase, you will not only have to learn to distinguish the style, style and cut, but also well navigate in pricing, distinguish good offers from divorce. The best option here is to turn to a professional tailor or in Atelier, to ultimately get a suit that will be perfectly fit your figure. In such a not ashamed to go for an interview, to the wedding of the best friend or any other formal event requiring respectableness in appearance.

6. Fishing

There is such a saying: "Give a person a fish, and he will be fed one day. Teach him to catch fish - all life will be fed! ". The rubber stroke, but it is. Fishing is a useful skill and a great way to get an indispensable protein, whether you are on the river, stuck on an uninhabited island or just like sushi and rolls. Fishing is also an excellent opportunity to relax in nature, relaxing and enjoying excellent weather. There are several ways to catch fish, look, scatter, maybe something definite will have to taste.

7. Wheel replacement by car

According to statistics, each man is at least once for his entire life pierces a tire on the wheel, even if it does not go to the car \u003d)

The overwhelming majority of cars have a spare wheel, in the trunk, on the roof or on the rear door. IN emergencyWhen you have lowered the wheel on the car - you should be able to replace it with a spare. At least it will save time, because instead of waiting when someone comes to the rescue - and will you come? - You replace the wheel and come back to the scheduled route.

8. Replacing the engine oil

Replacing the oil in the engine of your car - the thing is undoubtedly more important and responsible than the change of the wheel. If you "kill the tire" - buy a new one will not work, and it is not so expensive. But the irregular oil replacement or in general the lack of it will lead to the engine breakdown - its repair will rise much more expensive. Tip: The ability to change the oil takes your time and money - in the car service you pay much more than just bought oil and filter. Of course, you do not have to always change the oil yourself, but you can save and find out something new if you decide to do everything with your own hands.

9. Photographing

Brought the lens and pressed the shutter button, what could be easier? However, if seriously - everything is much more difficult. To make a good photo, you need much more time and attention than just pressing the button. It is necessary to take into account the location of both the object of shooting and secondary objects, find a good barkand, catch the necessary focus, lighting. Ideally - to freeze with depth of field and exposure. This is a useful skill, because even if you simply take pictures of relatives for a family album, great photos will remain in memory.

10. Artificial respiration

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (SLR) can be considered as a necessary addition in the basic first-aid skill. We carried this useful skill separately, as he implies the salvation of the life of another person, and not his own. The procedure of the elevation is constantly developing, and the abstracts of 20 years ago are very different from modern methods, mainly due to research and practice. Cardiovary and pulmonary resuscitation is the ability to regularly train - if you once learned to do the SLR, it does not mean that you will do everything right today. And even probably won't do. Remember, this knowledge saved as many lives how much ignorance ruined.

11. Cooking cocktails

Whiskey and cola are not a real cocktail. Sorry, but it's true \u003d)

Real alcoholic cocktails require slightly more knowledge and skills to select the components and their quantities. And especially if you have your own home bar and you want to get the true pleasure of drinks, you would be good to learn at least several recipes of really good cocktails. You can start with simple and proven times of flavors, and then when you feel confidence - go to more modern alcoholic cocktails.

12. Critical thinking and situational awareness

Notice everything around yourself and react correctly - one of those pieces that are much easier to say than to do. It is difficult to learn this, and easily with such an image of the behavior "jump". Nevertheless, if you can give every day at least a little time to develop, you will see that you can easily take a look from the side as your own lifeAnd on your environment and everything that concerns you. This is called critical thinking - one of those qualities that will help achieve success in training all the other skills in this list.

13. Dancing

Perhaps, in your head you do not sound a constantly rock and roll and you are not ready to go into the dance at the first notes of Tango. However, in our society they dance much more than I would like to think. This is especially often at weddings, for example - there are dances in general a mandatory phenomenon. Therefore, learning at least one popular dance - you at least do not hit the dirt face, and during the coincidence - you will win the heart of the best girl at a party, just stalling with her.

14. Card game

Have you been to Las Vegas? This city is unforgettable, and one of the reasons - the game of the card is erected there in absolute art. Yes, and even if you are never going to visit the city of sins, you can always spend good time, playing cards with friends. There are many card games that can and need to learn. Of the American classics, this is of course Texas Poker, Blackjack and Ramma. We are also closer to such olders as preference, bride, goat and of course a fool.

15. Ability to dress "On the occasion"

Do not dress jeans to the official meeting. Do not come in a tuxedo to a pool party. Do not wear a T-shirt with your favorite band for an interview. These cases are strongly exaggerated, but nevertheless they give well to understand what clothes, where and how to wear. Whatever I thought, but the ability to get rid of the right on the occasion is akin to art, often except experience requiring highly developed intuition, and sometimes even good luck.

16. Driving with bad weather

Wherever there are roads - there are difficult for driving conditions dictated by bad weather - pouring rain, snowstorm or even a storm. Safe driving with bad weather includes not just a continuation of the movement, as well as ensuring secure conditions for other participants in the movement. Some of our tips are simple - for example, do not brake sharply on a wet road, avoid with aquaplaning, do not twist the wheel with a strong side wind. Be careful and you will kill yourself and your car from trouble.

17. Control car with manual gearbox

At first glance it may seem that the era of cars with a manual transmission comes end. But nothing like this, in part thanks to extreme driving lovers. Believe me - not always you will be able to move on the car with a machine gun. Therefore, the ability to manage with a mechanical gear lever is in demand and necessary - lighten this useful skill, if this has not yet been done! Moreover, with a manual "box", the car is much better controlled and felt on the road or track. Well, more - an important plus - you just will not stay free hands to be distracted by a smartphone while driving.

18. Riding with a trailer

Imagine that you decide to move, or it will be necessary to simply transport a few things from your home to the cottage. Maybe you want to go on a trip to the rough terrain with a house on wheels attached to your pickup. In any case, you should know that driving with a trailer is radically different from the usual driving of the car and even a truck. Machine with a trailer is much more complicated - this applies to a set of speed, braking, turns and turns, and especially the movements with reversing and retaining stability on the road at speed. And then practice is needed and practice again.

19. Valka trees

To dump a tree, you will simply chop and cheer the wood with an ax until the cracking will be heard, then burn "Fear! Wood!"? Not really like this option. The cutting and roll of trees require much more knowledge than "the ax took and dumped the tree of the fuck." With the help of the correct equipment, you save the lion's share of the strength, and set the direction where the tree falls. And this will ensure your safety and people around you, and also convenience upon subsequent processing.

20. Search and water purification

As we have already spoken, water extraction is the most important and useful skill of survival. Lossing in the forest wilderness, in the steppe or in the desert, you can live a week without food, but you can die in a matter of days without water. At a minimum, study the ways of searching and producing water - and it will save you life. The development of skill involves the study of options when water cannot be used, or it is possible - but after careful disinfecting and filtering. For example, the stagnant water is almost guaranteed to cause acute poisoning, and then dehydration will come much earlier.

21. Troubleshooting

The flowing tube, a crane or hose is a fairly common phenomenon within the city. In addition, it can damage the floor, walls and overlaps in general, so constantly dripping water causes irritation. And the call to the plumber may be expensive. Therefore, take patience and try everything to repair yourself, you will save time and money. A, yes, buy to begin with the appropriate set of tools.

22. Gardening

Historically, gardening was a purely male occupation, no matter how strange it sounds. According to sources, men were more prone to agriculture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that fruits and vegetables for survival and autonomous existence were organized in the gardens. Therefore, gardening means not cultivation of colors, but cultivation of food.

23. Cooking and frying meat

Barbecue or kebab in the backyard, on the beach and in the park - one of our favorite classes, because it combines two wonderful things: food and nature. However, you need to understand and comprehend the basics of meat roasting - pickling kebabs, making methods, which are firewood, coal, how to fry meat on the barbecue (here, by the way, the whole reservoir of science, including the safety of the conversion of propane). As a result, thanks to this useful skill, you can prepare a delicious kebab, fry the killer steaks and juicy burgers whenever the soul wishes.

24. Ability to write by hand

We live in a digital world - and it is partly a sad fact, because so we will soon forget how to write from hand. Therefore, do not allow this and practice every time you find the opportunity. Believe it or not, but if you write something on paper, and not drive into a tablet or smartphone, it is much more reliable to be rooted in our memory. Sometimes to write something from hand in notebook will be done even faster than printing in a laptop. In any case, you will be happy that you know how to write beautifully and quickly, if suddenly digital technology will refuse ...

25. Ability to hang something somewhere

Why this simply case Is there a place in our article? Imagine, here too, not everything is simple. Hang a picture on a nail, driven by a hammer in a wooden wall, will not require a special skill. And if the wall is brick, concrete? And how then check, exactly hanging the picture? Here you need, for example, the level ... Sorry, what?

But, let's say, you have to hang something heavy on the wall from the regip - there will be a completely different level of this like a simple skill. Be sure you will soon learn what anchor mounts, stainless steel profiles, a dowel for drywall, and so on, and the like. Therefore, at least buy a drill, dowel and several anchors. And level.

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We constantly learn something - at school, institute, at work ... It is a pity that not all knowledge is then appreciated. To learn something useful and quickly, for example, in 10 minutes, and apply it to yourself for the joy of the rest of your life. website Tell about such skills.

1. Use "Hot Keys"

There are many key combinations with which you can quickly make the same actions. They apply when working with windows, in text editors. in browsers, etc. Fortunately, we do not need to remember 350 combinations to quickly dial and send text to print. It is about 10-15 enough, but even they are able to simplify life. In highlight the ones that most often use (it will take about 5 minutes), and then try it and remember (another 5 minutes). If the memory fails, you can set the hot key diagram as wallpapers on your desktop.

2. Master "Advanced" search in the search engine

Formulate the request correctly, and the search engine will quickly give you an accurate answer. Operator commands that help clarify requests, each search engine has its own. If you prefer to "google" - Google search operators to help you if you support the domestic manufacturer - Meet Yandex operators. It will take for a strength of 10 minutes to highlight the main thing and remember it. And then - the case of practice.

3. Learn to quickly find out the translation of words without leaving a web page

Make it will help the Google Chrome browser extension - Google Dictionary. Thesaurus is useful to everyone who studies english Or works on the Internet with English-speaking sources: click on an unfamiliar word, and you will see not only its decoding and transcription, but also transfer to your language. If you have the basic knowledge of English, you will use the built-in Google Dictionary will be faster, more convenient and much more useful than the Google Translate feature (in which the translation into Russian is often obtained by curves). There is a similar function in Firefox browser.

4. Master a couple of quick memorization technician

The ability to keep in memory large amounts of data facilitates life not only to students before exams, but also those of us who have already received a diploma. When you use how to use, you can easily learn a foreign language, buy all products from the list in the supermarket, which did not take with you, and do not call a new familiar Misha Vasya. Some technician, select the one that will work for you.

5. Use the fire extinguisher

They hang everywhere where the safety technique is prescribed. They can save life and property. But do many of us really know how to use them? Take 10 minutes to careful reading or viewing video Remember - and become a more useful member of society.

6. Properly package things in a suitcase

From time to time we all travel. I have learned correctly once (read: neatly, compact, quickly, with minimal damage for things), you will fully consider this classes with pleasant entertainment, and not a headache.

7. Measure anything, with your own body

What if you need to measure something urgently, and there is no line or roulette at hand? Wait for help or hope for the eye. But you can prepare for a similar situation in advance, making several measurements and remembering the resulting values. "Useful" units of measurement can be:

  • the maximum distance between the tips of the thumb and the little finger;
  • length of the feet from the tip of the thumb to the heel;
  • the distance between the tips of the big and index fingers;
  • the maximum distance between the tips of the index and middle fingers.

8. Determine time without hours

Think, no hours! Let's look at the smartphone screen. But what if it turned out to be a complete "digital detox" situation, but at the same time are late for a date? Remember ways to determine the time without hours is easy, and the benefits are ton!

9. Remember the basic etiquette rules at the table

If you are often at corporate receptions or just meetings with friends in cafes-restaurants, I use knowledge of modern. They include:

  • skills to absorb various types of food;
  • knowledge of the base of serving;
  • rules of behavior at the table.

Or go "from the reverse" - find out about the main errors at the table and do not commit them.

10. Learn to quickly fall asleep

Most of us are familiar to this sad feeling: it's time to sleep, I want to sleep, but I can't fall asleep. We offer some simple "tricks" that will help:

  • try not to fall asleep
    Keep your eyes wide open, repeat the "I will not sleep." Our brain does not perceive a particle not, so it will be accepted to execute the command.
  • remember the events of the day
    Scrolling the smallest details in the head (preferably in the reverse order), you clean your head from worries and obsessive thoughts.
  • launch eyes
    Close your eyes and perform rotational movements from 3 to 5 times. Similar moves of the eye do when we sleep. Sleep imitation will help the ejection of melatonin, sleep hormone.
  • just fantasize
    Imagine yourself in a comfortable, pleasant, beautiful place (for example, in a tropical paradise) - do not forget about smells, sounds, touch. Soon you will relax and light.
  • use

There is no limit to excellence, but perfection for free, especially. In general, in any case, the main thing is desire and patience, and in the case of the prefix "free" - double desire and patience. Here, in fact, a selection of free training sites for those who are committed to self-improvement. We hope you hand over this list at least something useful.

Training resource for those who want to succeed in business and marketing. For the most part of the site-anomaly. Teaches money management and resources for free. Although the only snag probably is that the site is completely English-language. There is still a choice of language, but in the end you will get "Russian" in the style of Google Translite.

This is a kind of open university. Here you can learn for free what they are doing, whether natural sciences or art. Great for refreshing memory or learn something new for yourself.

Probably the most famous and popular site with all sorts of video resources. He collected in himself not only a sea of \u200b\u200bstupid mindless video, but also a lot of training: from ordinary lifehaki and up to full-fledged professional video tutorials.

Website for learning programming and web design. Here you can focus on working with one specific program or know the whole world of programming.

No, there is no teach to how to get into American superheroes. Maximum how to create them in the electronic version. Here you can learn HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. It is also English-language, but the Russian version is expected.

Actually, all these programs are a kind of combo. Training in them in turn will make you the genius of iron and will give the right to train themselves. The program temporarily does not have a Russian analogue, but does not cause problems in the work.

A rather interesting resource for those who want to pump a foreign language skill. We communicate with the speakers of the language in the conditions "You will help me, and I will help you" and increase your knowledge.

This site is called the joy of the Soviet schoolchild, and all because everyone at one time dreamed of another correspondence on the other end of the planet. Dreams come true. You find your own interlocutor to taste, so to speak, and grind your foreign.

Guitar dust in the corner, and every weekend neighbors fall asleep not under the Barden songs? Then you here. Even the kettle will in a short time will become a soul of the company with this training guitar game.

A good resource with accessible and understandable to each photo and video tutorials for photo training. And even if you are a happy owner of the soap, do not worry. All pro begin with small.

Employed site for training work with photoshop. Allows you to master the program both from scratch and just discover something new in working with it. In any case, at least collages are funny to do. Even despite the fact that the site is fully made in English, work with him is quite simple.

Excellent site for learning design, home interior and computer graphics. An excellent slogan for this site would be: "I feel the place where you live, and after - the system."

Another busy resource, where you will be taught to handle money. It is also better to combine with some business trainings.

If I bought at leisure, becoming a hacker. Here they will teach how, and in detail and understandable. Why not?

Each of us probably repeatedly thought about how it would be good to return to the past, but with his current mind and knowledge, and to start all over again, rebuilding your life on a reliable foundation of your experience, knowing what to learn in life.

Now we are, of course, smarter in youth, and, appreciating our capabilities that we had then and which we missed, it is a pity of the lost time, missed prospects, the wrong choice.

Childhood is a time when memory easily absorbs a lot of information, the skills and habits are formed, the basis of our life is laid. If I knew then that I would need in the future life, what will happen then for me really important! Or at least it understood my mom.

But the past remained in the past and we became the one who had to. However, for curiosity, I am my list of 20 things I would like to learn up to 20 years. This I expressed my vision how to correctly educate the girl, taking into account my experience and understanding of life. Perhaps someone wants to make a list and start implementing it, as it is never too late to change the life.

1. Use a complete memory.
Learn three foreign languages - In childhood everything is remembered by itself. My languages \u200b\u200bare English, Spanish and Italian.

2. Do ballet or rhythmic gymnastics.
No, Ballerina I do not call, but beautiful posture and smooth movements, as well as flexibility - it will remain with you forever. Such women stand out. Already for the sake of this effect, you can spend the three of your childhood, instead of learning the gamps on the piano, risking to earn Scholyos.

3. Love for sport and healthy image Life.
The habit of playing sports should be grafted since childhood so that at the thirty years it did not have to go out of themselves with diets and driving into the gym.

4. Find out as much as possible about a wide variety of professions to choose the one that can be devoted to life.
Obtaining school we, as a rule, we know only about those professions with whom we are facing - teachers, doctors, sellers, as well as the profession of our parents. And on the basis of this, we have to make a choice, probably one of the most difficult in life, and the most important. And, which is insulting, in such immature age.

5. Do not sit at school and after the eighth class to master the first "basic" profession.
For example, pharmacists - no work will never stay.

6. Start earning pocket money, learn to control your expenses.
The latter is especially important for a woman. Financial literacy - this is what it is worth learn at school.

7. Find your profession and become a real specialist in one case, which will always be in demand.

8. Go to learn or live for some time abroad.
The philosophy of global thinking is when the whole world is in front of you, and not a pathetic piece better place For life on earth.

9. Chat as much as possible, eradicate timidity and constraint.
The progress is driven by introverts, and the extroverts turn the money. In society is not an important mind, but socialization! The ability to find your surroundings, be an interesting interlocutor, communicate with people who can teach you something - it is important for becoming an individual and achievement in this life.

10. Do not look at the world seriously.
Some kind of situation can kill, but only depends on us - try to see another, the positive side, turn into a joke or gets out to the whole world.

11. Learn to control your emotions.
Hysterics are considered a female prerogative, but what do they look from the outside? And the property is in panic, overly dramatize simply destroying nervous system. What seems terrible will soon seem like a trifle. To read, .

12. Get rid of illusions and naivety
Do not bother with romantic novels. Childhood, descended on the works of Duma-Father, was not in vain, and I entered the world, naive and far from the realities of life. Falling was hurt. And the illusions on the topic of the Prince on the White Kone can be devoted in further adult life.

13. Errudia
New knowledge is the most fascinating business in the world. Learn to constantly expand your horizons. It will not be superfluous to learn to analyze and systematize knowledge, be able to allocate and use the main thing.

14. Study: Psychology, the art of interpersonal, interpoveric relations, gestures and faith, oratorical art.

15. Discipline.
Ability to bring started to the end. Without these properties, success is impossible in life. Any goal can only be achieved with hot desire and self-discipline.

16. Be flexible, but at the same time have its own life principles and its own opinion.
Being human. Find your.

17. To study and print the blind method.
Very useful skills that, no doubt, will be useful in life.

18. Learn to cook.
And not only - the ability to serve yourself or economic self-sufficiency in life is not at all superfluous.

19. To learn calligraphy, write as right and left.
Just wondering. Although it is known that the latter develops the brain.

20. Diction.
Beautiful, supplied voice without a speaking draws attention. In addition, it can become a profession. Below is a pretty poem - a patter on Italian. You can not only work on diction, but also to learn a foreign language

Speaking on Italian:
Quattro Gatti Grossi Stanno;
Sotto Quattro Grossi Sassi
Quattro Gatti Grossi E Grassi

It is read like this: Sotto Le Frace del Capanno / Quarter Gatti Grossi Stanno / Sotto Komatro Ghossi Sassi / Quarter Gatty Grossi and Grassi.

Translated like this: under the branches of the shag / there are four large cats / in four large stones / four large and thick cat.
