Russian language lesson in 7th grade. Teacher Dobaeva Roza Agubeevna.

Topic. Continuous and hyphenated spelling of prepositions.

Purpose: to acquaint students with the conditions of continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of prepositions; improve the ability to recognize the conditions for choosing a spelling and correctly write derivative and non-derivative prepositions, justifying your choice; develop logic and abstract thinking; to cultivate a conscious attitude to the language as the main way of obtaining knowledge in various spheres of human activity.

Equipment: textbook, computer, educational texts, basic scheme-algorithm, cards.

Type of lesson: a lesson in obtaining new knowledge, the formation of spelling skills and abilities with elements of training.

During the classes.

    organizational stage.

    Setting goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity.

Problematic conversation.

    Studying the categories of prepositions by composition, you remember that there are simple and compound prepositions.

    Which prepositions are called simple and which are compound?

    Do you think non-derivative prepositions are compound? Why?

    Of course, you remember that derivative compound prepositions are written in two words. You familiarized yourself with the rule on the spelling of such prepositions at home and even compiled a reference table for it.

In today's lesson, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the preposition spelling rule, the ability to create pivot tables, and practice writing prepositions, possibly using your own table.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Checking the assimilation of the spelling rules of prepositions based on homework.

    Reproduction of an independently studied rule on the spelling of derivative prepositions with a demonstration of the reference table compiled for it (2-3 students).

    A quick check of the exercise with an explanation of spelling.

    Consolidation of the spelling rule of prepositions based on the reference scheme-algorithm provided by the teacher.

    Spelling training.

1. Dictionary dictation.

Be on duty instead of a friend; go to the destination; fall behind due to illness; see new facts in the investigation; postpone due to departure; keep in mind; talk about the hike; put into a bank account.

2) Construction of a sentence with derivative prepositions.

Exercise. Choose the prepositions that are appropriate in meaning from those placed on the right, and write down sentences with them.

    For a whole week this letter went _ snowdrifts.

    Accelerated elimination of the consequences of the fire must create an emergency group to work _ three days.

    With the move to a new place of residence, I ask you to allow the forwarding of newspapers and magazines.

    I ask you to observe silence _ half an hour _ with the broadcast.

Footnotes: for _ reason, for _ purposes, from _ side, in _ for, in _ continuation, in _ connection with.

3. A minute of rest.

IV. Work with the textbook.

    Page 144 couples 57, orf. No. 64,65,66.

    Ex. 351; cards (2-3 students).

Task: rewrite derivative prepositions formed from nouns, enclose in a rectangle.

V. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

1) “I figured out the spelling of prepositions together, separately and through a hyphen ...”;

2) “Understanding the spelling of prepositions helped me most of all ...”;

3) “It was easy for me to perform ..., but difficult ...”

VI. Homework.

Par.57 exercise No. 350, mark spellings.


Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of prepositions.

From the adverb - write together

From a noun - write separately

due to (in terms of reason)

like (meaning like)

about (in the meaning of O)


due to (because of)

in continuation

because of


in a relationship

Origin of the word

The origin of the word pretext- this is a tracing paper with Greek, the literal translation of which means "before the word". There are not so many prepositions: about 200. However, they are fourth in terms of frequency of use in speech (after the noun, verb, pronoun). Pa frequency in the first place is a preposition in, on the second - on the.

Preposition as a part of speech


Circle the prefixes in circles and color with a red pencil, circle the prepositions in squares and color with a blue pencil.

The boat (from) sailed (from) the shore.

(Across) the field (across) a thick fog stretched.

An hour later we (to) sailed (to) a large village.

I (s) threw (s) my clothes and rushed (into) the water.

(Under) water in the sea there are (under) water stones.

The guys (up to) ran (up to) the canopy.

The steamboat (from) moored (from) the pier.

Grandmother (on) threw a scarf (on) her shoulders.

Comrades (for) followed (for) me.


Prepositions have long been in dispute with nouns. The first confidently claim the main roles. Some nouns even forced to work for them. Shortly before the lesson, I prepared sentences with prepositions for you, but the nouns intervened and ruined everything: they put a blot. Help restore the text by inserting suitable prepositions (weak students are offered words for reference).

This letter went on for a whole week, snow drifts.

Accelerated elimination of the consequences of the fire is necessary to create an emergency group to work for three days.

When I move to a new place of residence, I ask you to allow the forwarding of newspapers, magazines and brochures.

I ask you to observe silence for half an hour when you go on the air.

The posters will be put up for three hours.

Reference: by reason of, for the purpose of, on the part of, during, in continuation, in connection with.

Decide which part of speech the underlined words belong to.

I walk along the path in the field along gray stacked logs.

Sheet of paper to be cut along.

Did the well survive near our house?

close mountains were visible.

It was as if something was pulling him to go. contrary to.

Every spring, the guys broke off branches of bird cherry, but she contrary to Everything bloomed more and more.

He flew by like a whirlwind past.

you pass past wood - it does not move.

The train did not stop and passed past stations.
Use of prepositions

Game "Editor"

The student brought his notes about school affairs to the editorial office. Help the editor correct errors in the use of prepositions.

When I got home, I got a new job.

You can feel the certainty of victory in him.

Due to illness, I missed two hundred lessons.

We wrote a review of a friend's essay and a review of the story.

I am surprised by you.

In view of the preparations for the carnival, the guys decorated the hall with garlands.

Nastya returned from the city satisfied, with purchases.

The train arrived on schedule.

The mother was very worried about her son.

(On arrival, confidence in victory, due to illness, review of the essay, review of the story, I am surprised at you, in connection with the preparation, from the city, according to the schedule, worry about the son.)

"Connect the Apple"

On the table are pictures of halves of an apple. FROM reverse side words are written. The student must complete the task. If the answer is correct, the teacher gives the student the second half of the apple.

To connect an apple, use nouns in the right case with these prepositions. Specify the case.

Due to


In view of


Contrary to






From under


Thanks to


because of


According to




In spite of




Complete the table by writing these words with prepositions that are relevant in meaning.

Crimea, school, desert, forest, Kamchatka, station, exhibition, pasture, Minsk, space, Belarus, field, grove.

Read the text and answer the question posed in the title.

How should I have said?

A big commotion was caused by a scene in which the main role was played by the commotion thanks to ... pointing the tip of the spear at the chest of the offender, he asked in a terrible voice:

Why are you grateful for illness? Why are you thankful for the drought?

I do not thank, - the unfortunate man babbled.

No thanks! Who said: “Due to the disease, I did not learn my lessons?”, “Due to the drought, the bread was not born”?

How was it supposed to be said? (E. Yazovitsky)


Eliminate inappropriate bureaucracy.

Due to the rain, the children were not allowed to walk.

Throughout the summer, I rested with my grandmother.

Because of an unfortunate joke, I quarreled with a friend.

The teacher recovered, and today the lessons will be conducted according to the schedule.

As a result of the fall, the boy was badly hurt.

Close the vent to prevent drafts.

Help Vasya Oshibkin to eliminate shortcomings in the use of prepositions.

Turgenev loved and worshiped his native language.

Due to bad weather, I couldn't get to the city in time.

Trains run according to the schedule.

Thanks to my friend, I did an excellent job with the assignment.

Parents returned from the cinema.

Above the front door hung the inscription: "Purchase of vegetables from the population."

The comrade was preparing lessons, but today he was not asked anything.

He sat in the front row.
Spelling of prepositions

Vocabulary dictation "Checking myself"

(In) the course .. of the lesson, (in) the course .. of the river; (c) continuation of .. studies, (c) continuation of ... novel; I mean (in) mind, (in) mind of bad weather; (not) looking at fatigue, (not) looking into his eyes; (c) as a result of .. bad weather, took part in (in) the investigation ..; (not) those who have seen the world (in) the continuation of .. a whole century; we talked (on) the account of the upcoming anniversary celebrations; (c) during ... April there were changes; (c) the kind of circumstances; he found out (in) the aftermath...; (c) the sight of small dots; (c) the force of the circumstances; read (in) the continuation of ... books; (on) the likeness of ... an oval, pay attention (to) the likeness of the figures; go (to) meet the wind; (not) looking at the difficult living conditions, (not) looking at (any) anyone.


Read the encryption. Divide the entry into words. Explain the spelling of prepositions.

From the header from the fence from the task from the under the gate from the under the gate from behind the make-up from the factory from the header due to dependence from envy from the stub from the tea leaves.

Make sentences with these pairs of words.

In view of - in mind, instead of - to a place, towards - to a meeting, about - to the account, like - in a genus, as a result - as a result.

Punched cards "Spelling of prepositions"

Option 1

Worked (at) for a week

Crop failure (c) due to drought

(c) subsequently understood

A bird (in) the sparrow genus

Figure (in) the genus of the cube

Passed (in) the continuation of the hour

House (on) the likeness of a labyrinth

Said (in) conclusion

(c) connection with the move

(not) looking at the thunder

Option 2

Note the occasional spelling.

(not) looking at the snow

Learned (at) the expense of work

Transferred money (to) an account

Caught (in) the course of the river

(c) the type of hazard

Keep in mind

(c) the investigation into the case

Answered (in) place you

(c) a secluded place

(on) defying fate

Option 3

Note the occasional spelling.

(c) continuing the conversation

Barrier (in) the form of a fence

(c) the course of browsing

(c) due to bad weather

(not) despite the prediction

Meant a story

Guessed (at) later

(c) a consequence of a typhoon

Stone (on) the likeness of a pear

Spoke (on) the expense of lunch

Option 4

Note the occasional spelling.

(c) the investigation into the case

Money were transferred to the account

(c) continuation of the novel

Was (in) imprisonment

(c) connection with exams

(to) cross the interlocutor

(not) looking into the eyes

Got (in) a place of pay

Rumors (of) demolition

(c) consequence of the accident

Game "Catch the mistake"

On a board or a separate table there are stars on which prepositions are written. The task of students is to find stars with incorrect spelling of prepositions. Write the corrected options in a notebook, determine the category. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly "catch" all the errors. Instead of stars, there can be daisies, suns, etc.

During, as a result, in connection with, in continuation, like, at the expense of, due to, posture, instead of, keep in mind, in view of, despite, towards, in conclusion, in view of, to the extent.

Classes of prepositions

The game "The most attentive"

It is necessary to write out all the prepositions from the text with the words to which they refer. Determine the category of prepositions by meaning.

Why is there no desert in Yakutia?

Very little precipitation falls in Yakutia, approximately as much as in the Karakum desert. So why doesn't the desert appear in Yakutia? It's just that there is permafrost in the soil. Gradually thawing, it evenly supplies grass, shrubs and trees with moisture. Without it, in Yakutia, instead of forests, there would be a desert. (According to A. Smirnov)

"4 extra"

Find derivative prepositions.

In, on, from, around.

To, by, from under, about.

In view of, under, over, except.

"Tricky question"

  • Which part of speech is never used with a preposition? (With a verb.)

  • Which case is most often used with prepositions? (With R.P.)

  • Which prepositions cannot be prefixes? (To, for, except.)

Union as a part of speech

Game "Yes-no"

Choose the right signs of the union

  1. Doesn't change.

  2. Changes in numbers and cases.

  3. In the sentence is the subject.

  4. Not a member of the offer.

  5. Connects homogeneous members of a sentence.

  6. Connects subject and verb.

  7. Connects the parts of a complex sentence.
Union ranks

Determine in which proverbs and sayings the union YES has a connecting meaning, and in which it has an opposite meaning. Put punctuation marks.

Play play and know the business. An ant is not great and digs mountains. Broken, lived and spilled can not be returned. He cuts in two axes and the work is not visible. It's time and time is more precious than gold. Perhaps yes, somehow they will not bring to good.

Finish the proverbs

Determine the categories of unions.

Compose a coherent text by spreading these sentences and combining them with the help of conjunctions into complex ones. Title the text. Determine the categories of unions.

More clear days. The sun warms up. Snow is melting. Streams murmur.

Much water. Sometimes frosts return. Buds open. The first leaves appear. The grass is green.


Unravel the unions (correctly determine the category).


What, barely, but, if, though, to,

Only, but, but, as if, as if, because

However, yes, when, well, not that, not that,

or, either, then - that, so, not that - not that.


The game "By pike command"

The teacher speaks and the students write for 1 minute (1 student at the blackboard). A good reception at the beginning of the lesson for a five-minute.

At the behest of the pike, in my opinion, I want them to appear ...

Spelling unions

Make sentences with homonymous constructions.

But - for that, also - just so that - whatever.

Restore offers.

The wind tore off a piece of the page. Help to restore sentences, arrange punctuation marks.

But we saw the sunrise.

For that tree.

Because it was very hot.

Because he is very good.

Along that path.

To have a good harvest.

No matter what they tell me.

funny examples

Read the sentences. In the case of a continuous spelling of unions, put 1 for each option. If this construction is written separately, 0 each. Add all the numbers. Name the answer. Check yourself with the key.

Option 1

  1. Bestuzhev looked up, and at the same instant a shot rang out.

  2. He fell silent. The wind is (same) subsided.

  3. Tikhonov sat still (the same), staring at the fire.

  4. The same thing happens with writers.

  5. The townspeople also understood the same thing.

  6. The same (same) word causes different associations in different people.

  7. You can't put a genie in a hospital, you can't keep him in plain sight at home.

  8. Lermontov looked around, and at that (same) moment a dull fire flashed from a pistol muzzle.

  9. The thing is at hand and at the same time outside the apartment.

  10. Bogdan's face was cut out clearly, the person's face was the same.
Key: 0+1+0+0+0+0+1+0+0+1= 2 Answer: 2

Option 2

  1. Not free fall from heights, but for (that) there is freedom to open the parachute.

  2. They declared war on me for breaking the silence.

  3. The house, of course, is empty, but for (then) you can warm the water and fall asleep in bed.

  4. The lowered bar saved the goalkeeper from a goal, but for (then) hit him painfully on the head.

  5. Now I am not hated by the people because I have a car.

  6. Expensive, for (that) cute.

  7. Not for (that) the wolf is beaten, that it is gray, but that it ate a sheep.

  8. Papa scolded Andrei for (what) he had not learned his lesson.

  9. He works hard, for (that) knows how to have a good rest.

  10. But for (that) the men, in turn, pricked up.
Key: 1+0+1+1=0+1+0+0+1+1= 6 Answer: 6

Option 3

  1. I told you to leave me alone.

  2. But no matter what happens, you still need to continue to do your job.

  3. I fell to the bottom of the sleigh, cringed, so that (would) the cold would not eat me so much.

  4. This exact knowledge was necessary for the actor in order to correctly pronounce his two or three phrases.

  5. Everyone wanted that (would) it was in his yard that the first starling appeared.

  6. It is hard to imagine what (would) have happened to me if the ship had been late.

  7. You need to prepare a lot in order to successfully pass the exam.

  8. I no longer bore the fatal responsibility for everything that (whatever) happened in the world.

  9. There is nothing in the world that (could) cover the Dnieper.

  10. I want you to understand this.
Key: 1+0+1+1+1+0+1+0+1+1=7. Answer: 7

Particle as part of speech

"Find the Runaway"

The teacher reads the text twice. During the second reading, students write down the words from which the particle NOT has escaped. Who will find all the words?

I once visited the country

Where did the NOT particle disappear.

I looked suddenly with bewilderment:

What a ridiculous position!

But all around was quiet,

And everything was a mess

And on the vzrachnoy flowerbed by the booth

Blue forget-me-nots bloomed.

And the weather was fine.

And the happy dog ​​walked,

And, wagging his tail, clumsily

She ran through puddles.

Meet me without any fear

Washed up. Combed ryakha.

And behind the ryakh on fresh grass

They walked sternly, dotepa and vezha.

And from school, holding hands,

The daughters came out with a dignified step.

And meet everyone early in the morning

Princess Smeyana smiled.

It's a pity that only in a dream

There is a country without a particle He. (S. Bondarenko)

What part of speech can these words be? Make up and write sentences with these words to prove your point.

Simply, yes.

What is the difference in the meaning of the sentences?

Those who don't show up get reprimanded.

Whoever comes, gets punished.

Think up and write down a fairy tale about particles using F Krivin's passage.

Three small particles lived: WOULD, LI, SAME. Although they are all official words, but each has its own character, so they behave differently in the text:

WOULD - dreams, LI - doubts, SAME - affirms.

Lieutenant Kizhe

In the 18th century, in the office of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, a young clerk hastily made an absurd spelling: instead of Lieutenant Chtiven, Rybin, Azancheev are appointed ... wrote: Lieutenant Kizhe, Stephen, Rybin, Azancheev are appointed ... the clerk, repeating k twice, blinded the ending of the word ki and the particle, and he got an extra surname in the order.

This order was signed by Emperor Paul. So a new officer appeared in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The regiment commander did not dare to report the error to the eccentric emperor, fearing his wrath, and they had to pretend that such a second lieutenant served in the regiment.

Subsequently, with this non-existent second lieutenant Kizhe, funny stories. For someone else's fault, he was flogged and exiled to Siberia, then returned from exile, promoted to lieutenant and married to a maid of honor. He rose to the rank of general.

When Pavel wanted to call Kizhe to himself and entrust him with the protection of his royal person, the courtiers, who hid the truth from the emperor, hurried to make General Kizhe suddenly “fell ill” and “died” three days later.

(According to Y. Tynyanov)

"Third extra".

Option 1

In which sentence is the underlined word a particle?

  1. Left before departure Total two days.

  2. His Total as if thrown into a fever.

  3. Won how much Total left.
Option 2

What offer exactly is not a particle?

  1. The wind calmed down and listened for sure.

  2. There were hyacinths that looked like wax and old gold.

  3. The middle of the river glitters, sparkles, like a huge long fish rushing through the middle of the river.
Option 3

What offer exactly is a particle?

  1. I'll probably be home in an hour or two, that's for sure.

  2. -Is that right?
- Exactly.

  1. Everyone definitely agreed.
Option 4

What offer like is not a particle?

  1. The suburban houses seem to have died out.

  2. Distant houses seemed to have moved to the river itself.

  3. Like arrows, the paths are pointed.
Option 5

What offer how is a particle?

Bronka's eyes burn dry like coals, they gleam.

The bear blushed all over, like a beetroot.

Birds are like children, children are like birds.

Particle Spelling

Half a minute for a joke

Not knowing the spelling of particles does not contribute to a good level of text.


The sun is drawn by students, if the option in brackets is written together, the cloud - separately.

The two years that followed (then) brought great changes in his life.

We came to the conclusion: (so, and so),

We can do after all (and so, so):

We will weed the ridges, (but, for that)

We will be praised by everyone (for that, but).

Particles of NOT and NOR got lost in the forest difficult words. Help the poor things get home.

What am I doing here?

N ... what's up!

For me at that moment there was no ... clear, quiet night, no ... thoughts n ... no.

Before his eyes for a long life passed n ... one thousand of these guys.

But n ... one of this army of many thousands n ... resembled the other even remotely.

N... where n... one rude word.

N ... anyone, n ... one living soul around.

Some strangers have become. Talk n ... about what.

We have been working all our lives, but look back ... at what.

He knew him - n ... once hunted and fished together.

Vocabulary dictation.

Particles of Not, Neither confused all the words. Can't make out: no or no? Merged or separate? Will you manage?

(Not) looking at fatigue, (not) sparing (not / neither) the living, (not / neither) the dead, (not) looking into my eyes, (not) you need to distort where (not / neither) you look, (not) seriously, (not) on the shoulder, (not) in jest, (neither / not) light (nor / not) dawn, (nor / not) blot, (nor / not) blots, (not) the right answer, like (not ) verti, (not / neither) by anyone (not) written, no matter how much (not / neither) it takes, (not) a book read, (not) a book read so far, work (not) finished, (neither / not) than (not) a justified act, (not) something to hide behind.

Tic-tac-toe game

Playing field with 9 cells. If the word is written separately, the student puts +, if through a hyphen - 0. The one who correctly fills the entire playing field wins. The sentences are read randomly.

Option 1

1. When do you have holidays (then)?

4. Who (same) writes telegrams like that?

3. On the train - it's like (once) all my holidays on the road will go away.

7. We are still (still) rural residents.

8. I like (once) have a package with me.

5. There (same), on the wall, hung his cherished balalaika.

9. Well (ka), try my find.

2. People have become different!

6. I won’t teach you anyway.











Option 2

3. I was a global guy.

1. I (same) told you.

7. And how do you know about serf time (then)?

8. We (would) fight back, and you betrayed.

9. Well (ka), let's go.

2. Is he/she at home?

4. He, as if (as if) accidentally let slip about something very secret.

6. But all (equally) he did not understand half of the words.

5. It's still a movie (still).










Particle Discharges

Imagine that the particle would tell you about itself. Write down what you heard.

Imagine that a particle COME ON has come to you. What will she tell you about over a cup of tea? Write down her story.

Remember 3-4 phraseological units with negative particles. Make up and write down sentences with these stable combinations.

Compose and write down 6-7 rules regarding the moral behavior of a person using negative particles.


Determine the discharges of the selected particles, connect them with lines.

Well what the neck, what the eyes!

Here they are my favorite old glasses.

Where is the saucepan? Here only frying pan.









Give me an aluminum pan out on the windowsill.

grandma even offended.

BUT what, in the evenings walk with harmonicas?

Old man like does not notice Yurka's joy.

And on Venus, maybe people live too. Is not interested in seeing them?

You not explain.

Academician Pavlov? Here he.

Really son?

He's so exactly and thought.

You though did you cut down one log house in your life?

Petka is back just on Saturday.

He as if rejuvenated with anger.

Reviewing what has been learned about the particle


Write down as many sentences as possible

with a particle

With a particle

With modal particles

With shaping particles

With particles that are written with a hyphen.

The lot is bought by the one who can make the most offers within 2 minutes. The teacher gives a picture with the purchased item.

What interjection, repeated twice, will make a delicious bun? (Woman.)

What interjection should be read backwards to get two interjections expressing a feeling of admiration? (Ha-ha - ah-ah.)

Write down, underline the interjections.

Chu! Knocks passing ... driving cart.

Ba! Know ... all the faces.

Ay-ay, how the hut n ... got cold.

Hey! C… come to me, my friend.

Hooray! We break, bend ... Swedes.

Continue the group of onomatopoeic interjections.

Ha ha, meow meow, woof woof...

Interjections decided to take a walk and ran away. Help find them.

Insert the interjections you need according to the meaning (do not repeat).


how tired I am!


what have you done!


come closer to me!


where are you from?


I'm waiting for your answer.


Someone is sneaking through the bushes.


What a high mountain!


Everything is lost!

"Punctuation Dictation"

Ah, youth, youth is remote

Well, Vanya, how did our grub seem to you

Hey guys let me rest

The tree is burning and moaning, the chicks are burning and moaning Oh, mother, where are you

Make up and write down a dialogue on one of the topics, including interjections in it.

In the theatre.

At breakfast.

Compose and record a monologue about the movie you have watched, including interjections.

“Oh, how difficult it is to live in the world without mastering interjections!” (V. Volina.) Why?

Repetition of what has been learned

about official parts of speech

Write essay - reasoning"Do the official parts of speech serve?"

Write an essay - a fantasy about what will happen if the service parts of speech disappear.

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Slides captions:

Continuous and separate spelling of derivative prepositions

"The Fourth Extra" He stood for a year, spoke from 10 o'clock in the morning, woke up at 7 o'clock, washing powder. Passed by, due to illness, walked ahead, thanks to him. He was built near the house, sat in front of the stage, navigated thanks to the compass, came with luggage.

Repetition Dependence of one word on another. 1) What does the preposition express as a part of speech? 3) What can be prepositions by origin? Simple and compound. 2) What prepositions are distinguished by structure? Derivatives and non-derivatives. 4) What groups are derivative prepositions divided into? Adverbs, nouns, verbs.

When are derivative prepositions written together, when - separately? What part of speech is the preposition derived from? From an adverb - write UNITED From a noun - TOGETHER and SEPARATELY AHEAD TOGETHER IN VIEW ABOUT BY MEASURE IN THE FORM

Difference between prepositions and nouns NOUNS PREPOSITIONS (there are synonyms) (direct meaning) due to (= due to) in consequence in conclusion (= at the end) in conclusion during (= in continuation) during, in continuation like (= like) on similarity (to similarity) towards (with D.p.) to a meeting (with T.p.) about (= o, about) at the expense in view of (= because of) to mean instead of (= for) in a place like ( = like) in the genus


THE DIFFERENCE OF PREPOSITIONS FROM GENERAL PARTICIPLES PREPOSITIONS OF THE GENERAL PARTICIPLE thanks to (with D.p.) thanks to (with V.p.) despite (= contrary to) despite (= not looking)

Explanatory dictation: open the brackets, insert the letters 1) We ran (to) meet the spray of the waves. 2) They went (to) meet their favorite artist. 1) At many Russian rivers, (on) like .. Volga, one coast is mountainous, and the other is meadow. 2) The professor drew their attention (to) the similarity of these physical phenomena. 1) (In) the course .. for a month she was silent. 2) (B) currents .. rivers have many turns.

Explanatory dictation: open the brackets, insert the letters 1) (Despite) despite all the efforts, he was late. 2) Justified, (not) looking into the eyes. 1) (B) in conclusion.. he thanked everyone present for the congratulations. 2) (B) conclusion.. an interesting conclusion was drawn from Tatya. 1) (B) consequence .. of rain washed out the road. 2) (C) investigations.. many obscure facts came to light in the case.

Constructing sentences with derivative prepositions: choose prepositions that are suitable in meaning. 1) ___ the whole week this letter went ___ snow drifts. 2) ___ expedited elimination of the consequences of a fire, it is necessary to create an emergency group to work ___ three days. 3) ___ with a move to a new place of residence, I ask you to allow the forwarding of newspapers and magazines. 4) Please observe silence ___ half an hour __ with going on the air. On the part of, during, in continuation, for the purposes of, in connection with, for a reason.

Simulator 1. Write down combinations with prepositions. (B) to eliminate deficiencies; to talk (on) the account of work; (c) consequences.. mistakes were made; I will keep this (in) mind; (c) the consequences of... loss of employment; to be (in) near; (not) looking under your feet; (c) due to lack of time; (c) currents.. rivers; come (to) a friend's place; going to meeting; (in) around the fire; (c) duration.. hours; thanks to help. 2. Write down the rest of the combinations, indicating the part of speech above the underlined words

Test yourself! 1. With prepositions: In order to eliminate shortcomings; talk about work; as a result of job loss; vv go lack of time; come to see a friend; around the fire; during the hour; thanks to help. 2. As a consequence and (n.) mistakes were made; I will keep it in mind (n.); to be in sight (adv.); despite (deep.) under your feet; in_the current and (n.) of the river; go to the meeting (adv.);

Creative task: write derivative prepositions without counting, after, despite, thanks to, including in the corresponding dictionary entries. 1) ____- preposition from Dat. Because of someone (something), because of something. 2) ___- preposition with Win. Including .., together with someone (something) - something. 3) ___- preposition with Rod and Vin. With the exception of, apart from someone (something). 4) __- preposition with Vin. After something has passed, after some time has elapsed. 5) __- preposition with Rod. In spite of something, in spite of something. 1- thanks 2- including 3- not counting 4- later 5- despite

Test task 1) Derivative prepositions formed on the basis of adverbs are written: a) together b) separately 2) Which derivative preposition is written together: a) (on) account b) (c) purposes c) (by) measure 3) Which derivative the preposition is written separately: a) (c) kind b) (c) place c) (c) purposes 4) The preposition (not) despite is written: a) together b) separately

Test task 5) The preposition (c) the consequence is written: a) together b) separately 6) In the preposition during .. at the end: a) E b) And 7) In which word is written I at the place of the gap: a) In conclusion .. in the evening there will be a concert. b) Subsequently .. he returned to his native place. 8) In what case is the word with brackets spelled together: a) We argued (on) the account of his act. b) The money has been transferred (to) a bank account.

Answers: 1) a 2) a 3) c 4) a 5) a 6) a 7) b 8) a

Homework: Paragraph 57, page 144. Exercise 350

""Prepositions" Russian language Grade 7 "- Write an essay-miniature. Conventional designations. Preposition as a part of speech. Prepositions. Set up for the lesson. Two old photographs. Defenders of the Fatherland. Pretext. Sample. Fish bone. Two grandfathers.

"Words with prepositions" - Can you write down these words. Correct the mistakes. Pretext. Give examples of words with any of the prepositions. You learned a lot about prefixes and prepositions. What two prepositions can be used to make a name. Tasks. Attachments and prepositions. Prepositions are not used with verbs. Spelling prefixes and prepositions.

“Preposition as a service part of speech” - Prepositions are not used before verbs. Prepositions serve to connect words in a sentence. Prepositions. Semyon and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets. Grouse. Preposition - service unit speech. Birch. Spring has come (to) the forest. Prepositions are written separately from other parts of speech. Choose the correct statement. A hazel grouse jumped out of the bushes on a forest path.

"Grade 7 Derivative Prepositions" - Plan morphological analysis pretext. Spelling of suggestions. Educational project on the topic: "Pretext" Collective work of students in grade 7. Service parts of speech. Prepositions do not change and are not part of the sentence. Prepositions are derivative and non-derivative.

"Examples of prepositions" - The graphic design of the preposition does not diverge from the pronunciation. Compose and write phrases. Pick up all possible suggestions. The use of prepositions in writing. Make sentences from these words. The main tasks of studying prepositions. Insert a suitable preposition. Correct the mistakes and write down the sentences.

"Spelling prepositions" - Learn prepositions! "Spelling of derived prepositions". Improve the skill of distinguishing derivative prepositions and other parts of speech. “Your Majesty, there is a mistake in the text. In continuation. Distinguish: Everyone knows that the preposition "during" must be written with the letter -E. Repeat the features of the official business style of speech.

Total in the topic 31 presentations

Shygys Kazakhstan oblysy Yrzhar audany

Zhanay auyly "Zhanai orta mektebi" KMM
Orys tіlі zhane әdebietі pәnіnіn mұғalіmі
Alenova Araigul Sankaibayevna
Theme of the lesson: "Full and separate spelling of derivative prepositions."
(lesson to consolidate the studied material in a playful way).
Type of lesson: a lesson to consolidate, improve knowledge, skills and abilities.
Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, handout (cards), signal cards.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Educational: to consolidate the spelling skill of derivative prepositions, to improve ZUNs on the topic, to teach how to apply knowledge in practice.
2. Developing: development of language flair, conscious mastery of the norms of the language based on theoretical knowledge.
3. Educational: arouse interest in the material being studied, fostering interest in learning the Russian language.
During the classes.
1. Organizational moment.
2. Actualization of knowledge, repetition.
- Repetition of the spelling of adverbs
Slide 3. Open the brackets, insert the missing letters.
Slide 4. Check.
- Actualization of knowledge gained on the topic of the lesson. front poll.
What part of speech are we learning?
What did you learn about this part of speech in the previous lessons? Define a preposition. What are the suggestions? (Slide 5)
-What spelling rules for derivative prepositions have you learned for today's lesson? (Slides 6, 7, 8)

3. Announcement of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson. Slide 9. Space music sounds. (For example, gr. Spase)
- Today we have a lesson in consolidating knowledge about the spelling of derivative prepositions. And we will spend it in the form of a game-journey into space to one of the planets of another galaxy. You will work today in groups. Each group is a space crew. All crews will compete with each other. The crew that takes 1st place will receive "5", the second place - "4". You must come up with a name for your ship, assign roles: crew commander, flight engineer, pilots. During the game, you will complete tasks on the topic of the lesson, which will be evaluated in points.

4.Fixing the material. Training exercises.
- So, an order has been received from the mission control center, but it is encrypted. You have to decipher it first so that the crew gets permission to take off first.
Slide 10. Do the exercise in writing in your notebook. You should have an offer. Whoever completes the task first will receive 10 points.
Slide 11. Check. (You should find the starting cipher).

In order for your crew to receive the command: “Key to start!”, You need to find this starting cipher by completing exercise No. 2, write down only the key. - 10 points. Slide 12. Checking - slide 13.
- So, the key to start! Flight is allowed! (Space music sounds). slide 14.
-The first minute of the flight. The flight is successful. All devices are working properly. But where are you flying? To find out, you must complete the exercise in writing in notebooks. In the written words, mark the spellings. Then write out the inserted letters and get the name of the planet. Write it down on a piece of paper and pass it to the flight center (teacher).
Examination. Slide 15. (The name of the planet is Astron) - 5 points.
-Because the planet is in another galaxy, you need to plot a course for that planet. And the captains will do it at the board. Cards No. 1, 2,3 are completed and explained - 5 points.
(B) the consequences of ... snow drifts, the lessons were canceled. 2. The conversation should be postponed (in) view of the upcoming departure. 3. You will have to be on duty (in) my place. 4. Tourists, (not) despite the weather, went on a hike. 5. You can find out about the fate of the hero (in) the continuation ... of the story. 6. I came to find out (on) the account of gifts.
Card 2.
Write out a derivative preposition, mark the spelling:
1. (B) during ... half an hour, keep silence. 2. (B) As a result of the shell shock, I retired from the army. 3. (Not) looking at the board, I solved the example. 4. (B) due to moving to a new place of residence, please redirect my correspondence. 5. Please find out (on) the account of the schedule for tomorrow. 6. (In) continuation ... of the third year of life, the child triples his vocabulary.
Card 3.
Write out a derivative preposition, mark the spelling:
1. (B) during ... the whole week this letter went. 2. The brooch was made (in) the likeness of a butterfly. 3. The lawyer saw (in) the investigation ... new facts in favor of the client. 4. (In) the purposes of self-defense, he studied martial arts. 5. (B) due to bad weather, the flight was canceled. 6. I will work (in) your place.
The rest of the crew perform on cards (or in notebooks) parsing suggestions - 5 points:
For several hours, the astronauts watched the Earth through the porthole.
- You landed safely on the planet and were welcomed by benevolent aliens. Mission Control sent you a telegram with instructions, but communication with the planet turned out to be unstable, so there are gaps in the telegram. You need to read it correctly, and for this, write exercise No. 4 on the cards. - 10 points. slide 16.
Check - slide 17.
It's time to leave the hospitable planet. To do this, the mission control center decided to check if all the ship's systems are working properly. To do this, he conducts a mindfulness test with you. (Working with signal cards). Correctly raised by the crew cards with the letters E, I give the team 1 point each:
To be late due to bad weather, shortcomings in the investigation of the murder case, read in the continuation of the first part, correct during the day, in the fast current of the river, answer for a minute, perform during the year, delay due to rain, ban due to epidemic, fashion like a flower .
- Well, well, all systems are functioning normally, you can fly home. But you forgot to warn the inhabitants of the planet where to send their spaceships with return visits. Mission control encrypted this location. Help the aliens decipher where the landing site is prepared for them. Slide 18. Do the exercise in your notebooks. Write down the key word on a piece of paper (passing repetition of spelling) -5 points.
Verification - slide 19.
- Well, while you are flying to Earth, you have time to do your usual thing - to complete an exercise in notebooks while the mission control center sums up.
Independent work students in notebooks. slide 20.
Check - slide 21.

5. Generalization.
-What did we learn at the lesson today? What was fixed? Have you learned to distinguish a preposition from a noun with a preposition? How are derivative prepositions written?
6. Homework. slide 22.
7. Summing up, grading.
