The purpose of the competition is to support generally useful initiatives of non-profit organizations in the territories where nuclear industry facilities are located.

Applications for participation in the competition are submitted in the following areas: “Protection environment", "Development physical education and sports”, “Culture and creativity”, “ urban environment”, “Safe use of nuclear technologies in the world, international cooperation”, “Russian nuclear energy in the international space”, “Information and educational activities in the field of the use of atomic energy”, “Public activities in the field of medicine and healthcare”, “ Educational activities in the field of the use of atomic energy”.

Non-profit organizations that implement projects in the regions where nuclear industry organizations are located can take part in the competition.

Applications are accepted in electronic form by filling out the appropriate electronic forms posted on the website To apply, you must register on the site, fill in the appropriate fields electronic form and attach Required documents in PDF format. Applications for the 1st stage are accepted until January 15, 2018, applications for the 2nd stage - until April 30, 2018. Lists of winners will be posted by January 31st and June 30th, 2018, respectively.

For several years, more than 30 cultural and environmental initiatives have been implemented on the territory of Sosnovy Bor within the framework of socially significant projects.

Recall that one of the most significant projects was - "Clean Coast", supported by the Public Council of the State Corporation "Rosatom". In Sosnovy Bor, a popular holiday destination is the coast of the Gulf of Finland, rivers and lakes. Due to the large number of vacationers, the coast and the coastal part of the bottom must be cleaned of debris. Representatives of public associations, state institutions, students each year participate in the separate collection of garbage by type in bags of different colors, competitions are held for the largest pile of garbage. The event also has an educational function: environmental information is studied on mobile information stands specially prepared for this event. More than a hundred people take part in the action every year.

Another action - "Separate collection". It is educational in nature - attracting citizens to the proper separation and collection of garbage. In 2017, "Separate collection" became the best in cleaning municipal territories at the competition "Volunteer environmental actions". The competition was announced at the governor's subbotnik in early June at the Chaika base of the Leningrad NPP. The nuclear power plant acted as a partner of the competition, allocating more than 1 million rubles for prizes. The action "Separate collection" takes place every first Saturday of the month in any weather on a voluntary basis. In total, about 200 volunteers take part in the action. All sorted waste is taken to the appropriate collection point in St. Petersburg: paper, glass, plastic, etc.

Another project - "Color Fairy Tale" makes our city more colorful. It is aimed at developing a favorable atmosphere in the courtyard territory of kindergartens. With the support of the public council of the State Corporation Rosatom, the authors of the project painted several kindergartens in the city. This is a real fairy tale for preschool children - to walk on the playgrounds, where scenes from their favorite cartoons are drawn.

Leningrad NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. The station is located in the city of Sosnovy Bor, 40 km west of St. Petersburg on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Leningrad NPP is the first plant in the country with RBMK-1000 reactors (uranium-graphite nuclear reactors channel type on thermal neutrons). The nuclear power plant operates 4 power units with an electric capacity of 1000 MW each. The construction of replacement capacities of the existing nuclear power plant: two VVER-1200 power units are under construction. Customer-developer of the project - Rosenergoatom Concern JSC; general designer - ATOMPROEKT JSC, general contractor - CONCERN TITAN-2 JSC.

Publication date: 01/17/2017

An open competition among non-profit organizations for the development and implementation of socially significant projects is held by the State Corporation Rosatom at the initiative of the Public Council of the State Corporation Rosatom.

aim The purpose of the competition is to support generally useful initiatives of non-profit organizations in the territories where nuclear industry facilities are located.

Competition objectives:

  • identification and support of the most interesting socially significant projects of non-profit organizations;
  • popularization of reliable knowledge about nuclear technologies, nuclear energy and industry;
  • creation of conditions for the activities of non-profit organizations, public associations to create and maintain a comfortable social environment in the territories where nuclear industry organizations are located.

In the competition non-profit organizations can participate registered under the law Russian Federation okay (with the exception of religious associations and political parties).

The project submitted for the competition must comply with the statutory goals of the applicant organization.

Projects implemented in the regions where nuclear industry organizations are located: Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kostroma, Kursk, Leningrad, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Rostov, Smolensk, Sverdlovsk, Saratov, Tver, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk regions, Trans-Baikal, Krasnoyarsk, Kamchatka, Primorsky territories, Udmurt Republic, Republic of Karelia, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Buryatia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Projects participating in the competition implemented in the region:

  • environmental protection;
  • education;
  • education;
  • science, culture and art;
  • health and advocacy healthy lifestyle life;
  • physical culture and sports (except professional);
  • promoting the spiritual development of citizens living in the territories where nuclear industry organizations are located;
  • development of civil society.

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Competition of pedagogical workers who own the technologies of working with children that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education(hereinafter - the Competition) - support and dissemination of effective experience in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education by the best pedagogical workers of the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1) and stimulating the development of the human resources potential of municipal networks of preschool educational organizations cities participating in the Rosatom School project. The goal of the competition...

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Contest for Teachers Implementing the Key Principles of the International Smart Vacation with the “Rosatom School” (hereinafter referred to as the Contest) is to support and disseminate effective experience in implementing Russian implementation technologies educational programs with children in the conditions of organized children's recreation by the best pedagogical workers of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project (Appendix 1) and stimulating the development of the human resources potential of municipal networks of educational organizations ...

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Competition for the right to participate in the competitive program of the "Rosatom School" project in 2018-2019 academic year in the professional position of an expert - support for the expert potential of the teaching staff of the education systems of the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1) and stimulating the development of the human resources potential of municipal networks of educational organizations of the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project. The objective of the Competition is to provide: annual support…

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Contest of teachers implementing the key principles of the International Children's Camps "Rosatom School" (hereinafter referred to as the Contest) is to support and disseminate effective experience in introducing Russian technologies for the implementation of educational programs with children in children's camps by the best pedagogical workers of the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1) and stimulating the development of human resources potential of municipal networks of educational organizations of the cities participating in the project ...

1. General Provisions. Objectives of the Contest: to stimulate the activities of managers and teachers of the education system of the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1) for the implementation effective systems activities aimed at identifying and supporting talented children; support for talented children of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project. The objective of the Competition is to provide support to municipalities that provide the best conditions and events for talented children within the framework of …

1. General Provisions. Objectives of the Competition for Schools Implementing Network Standards of the "Rosatom School" in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards for Basic and Secondary Education general education: selection and support of schools in the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1), ready for the effective implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the levels of basic and secondary general education, taking into account the standards of the emerging network of educational organizations "Rosatom School" (Appendix 2); shaping and supporting...

1. General Provisions. Objectives of the Competition for Kindergartens Implementing Network Standards of the "Rosatom School" in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: selection and support of kindergartens in the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1), ready for the effective implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, taking into account the standards of the emerging network of preschool educational organizations "School of Rosatom" (Appendix 2); formation and support of a network of preschool educational organizations ...

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Competition of teachers who own effective technologies for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the levels of general education (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is to support and disseminate effective experience in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education by the best pedagogical workers of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project (Appendix 1) and stimulating the development of the human resources potential of municipal networks of educational organizations of the cities participating in the project “School …

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Contest of educators who own the technologies of working with children that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is to support and disseminate effective experience in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education by the best teachers of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project (Appendix 1) and to stimulate the development of human resources municipal networks of preschool educational organizations of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project. The goal of the competition is...

1. General Provisions. The purpose of the Competition for the right to participate in the competitive program of the "Rosatom School" project in the 2017-2018 academic year in the professional position of an expert is to support the expert potential of pedagogical workers of the education systems of the cities participating in the "Rosatom School" project (Appendix 1) and to stimulate the development of the human resources potential of municipal networks educational organizations of the cities participating in the project "Rosatom School". The objective of the Competition is to provide: annual support…

Download Competition Regulations Download Application Form 1. General Provisions 1.1. The objectives of the competition are to stimulate the activities of managers and teachers of the education system of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project (Appendix 1) to introduce effective systems of measures aimed at identifying and supporting talented children; support for talented children of the cities participating in the Rosatom School project. 1.2. The objective of the Competition is to provide support to municipalities that provide the best …
