Young journalist Gosha, in a plaid shirt, with a beard and many small tattoos, is drawing a comic strip about Tyumen - three issues are already ready. As in any decent comic book, the main character is a superhero, his name is Tyumen. But unlike his overseas colleagues, Tyumen is fighting not so much with monsters as with the imperfection of human nature. - Even when I was studying at the university, I noticed how saturated Tyumen is with oil, the very idea of ​​oil. In the comic, I just wanted to show how this affects the relationship of people and their consciousness.

According to the plot of the comic, oil is a sentient substance that aliens dropped to Earth. Millions of years later, people discovered it and wanted to control it. But "living oil" only seemed harmless. In fact, she quickly took control of the people.

One of the most striking characters in the comic is a villain called the Ruthless City Manager. The oil so darkened his mind that he began to do terrible things, only to attract more tourists to the city or to make a good deal. Of course, all this is a game of imagination, and it is needed in order to show the reader in such a grotesque way how dangerous industrial culture can be.

We spoke with Gosha in April, when we conducted the youth "Mediapolygon Tyumen-24". Then we did not know yet that Tyumen will take first place in our rating for the first time. That is, they knew that they would occupy a very high place - this situation has remained unchanged since we expanded our study of cities from one million in 2010 to those with more than 600 thousand people. But all last years after the 2009 crisis, Krasnodar was in first place, and in 2008 - Yekaterinburg. Krasnodar is still, one might say, a leader: its second place as a whole does not mean a deterioration in performance - just because of the love of the townspeople, it lost to Tyumen, and Kazan caught up with it.

Krasnodar is still, one might say, a leader: its second place as a whole does not mean a deterioration in performance - out of the love of the townspeople, it lost to Tyumen, and Kazan caught up with it.

Tyumen is the center of a wealthy region with a clear and socially oriented management: with the largest budget expenditures per capita among competitors (30 thousand rubles a year), and the average salary in the city is second only to Moscow (50,500 rubles). Moscow (both the city and the region, whose budget for improvement alone is comparable to the budget of any Central Russian region), and at the same time St. Petersburg (so as not to be offended), we do not include in the rating, although different years the love of the inhabitants was appreciated, and it is no more than in many other cities. In fact, our rating is a league of competitions for the "third capital", in which Yekaterinburg and the industrial centers of the Urals were at first leading (Chelyabinsk was the first in 2012 for the love of the townspeople, but in recent years it has sunk very much). Then, after the fall of industry in 2009, the Urals slightly reduced the statistical indicators and the south rose up, led by Krasnodar - with agriculture and the Olympics complementing the industry. And since the Universiade, everything has been strongly supported by Kazan.

But, perhaps, the setting of the problem (the game for the title of the third capital) is already outdated and it is time to count everyone - if only because Tyumen positions itself as the best city in the world.

By the way, what do you think about the slogan “Tyumen is the best city in the world”? - we asked the head of the city administration Alexander Moor, who is not in the least like the Ruthless City Manager (apparently, Tyumen oil generally favors people).

He definitely does not leave anyone indifferent, provokes. Optimists believe that the city is already the best, pessimists are always dissatisfied with something, but there is a rational grain in their criticism, the main thing is to hear it. In any case, the slogan "Tyumen is the best city in the world" is the goal!

It is not as noisy here as in Moscow, for example, and not as quiet as in small towns. But, most importantly, there is freedom here. You can do what you like. I love Tyumen, that's why I wanted to draw a comic strip about this city.

Our rating correlates with the wealth of the regions, but it is still a rating of cities. It is interesting to understand in detail what makes a city a city: roads, environment, housing, work, shops and theaters, medicine, education and security. This allows large Russian cities even to compete with the capitals for residents, ideas and investments (23 new industrial production facilities were opened in the Tyumen region in three years).

Government statistics usually deal with regions rather than cities. Regions are more complex objects, it is difficult to compare them, and the urban environment in our country is generally similar, so the unique face of local society and government is more visible. That is, our rating is about the fact that not everything is decided by oil and the budget: the idea, the meaning of the city, and the city community, and clear management are important.

For this rating, we meticulously, in parts (state statistics for the most part regional) collected statistical material on twenty-one large cities. And then this rating was compared with a survey of residents: each time we measure not only the objective indicator of development, but also the subjective attitude of citizens to various urban affairs. In this rating, we consider both of them to be equally important and we derive an average index. It seems to us that the city is made a city not only by infrastructures, but also by the citizens themselves. And this method of ours can be applied to assess not only the quality of the work of the authorities, but also the quality of their relationships with citizens.

By the way, the most obvious tendency in our rating in recent years is the "people's rating", and it suggests that the attitude of residents towards their city is deteriorating. This is not very noticeable in Tyumen, Krasnodar and Kazan, but it is quite obvious for Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd and Tolyatti. Chelyabinsk almost halved by this indicator (from 92% who answered positively to the question “Do you like living in your city?” In 2008, to 47% in 2017). Nine years ago, Chelyabinsk residents were proud of almost everything, but most of all - of roads and urban amenities. Now they are biased about the roads, and, moreover, worse than in all other cities, assess the availability of work, the benevolence of residents and mutual assistance (it's hard to be smiling and generous without work) and even always decent medicine there.

The natural explanation is nine years of the crisis, which hit hard on the industrial centers, with which cities cope in very different ways. However, Tyumen and Krasnodar developed rapidly during these years. Urban experts gave us another explanation: citizens in Russia as a whole have become more critical because more people now delves into the details of urban life - therefore, the rating reflects not only urban patriotism, but also the perception of specific problems by residents, who are increasingly turning to urban activism.

So, about the leader of the rating. 86% of city dwellers are satisfied with life in Tyumen - they like their city. Separately, the quality of roads, public transport, and the availability of comfortable and affordable housing are noted. Phenomenal story: in Tyumen there are most people who are satisfied with the quality of medical care and good doctors! There were as many as 16% of them. A little? But in competing cities, as a rule, only 4–6% of residents are satisfied with medicine. It turns out that by this indicator Tyumen is three to four times ahead of the rest.

At the end of May, the 8th All-Russian Cardiology Congress will be held in Tyumen. A special internet site with the support of the regional health department advertises ... medical tourism to the Tyumen region. The purpose of such tourism is to lure patients, "residents of different regions of the country, no matter how far a particular city is from the Tyumen region," because Tyumen clinics "have mastered the world's leading technologies, which are in no way inferior to federal and foreign analogues." Of course, a nonresident medical tourist in Tyumen will be treated for money.

Why do you volunteer? Health care not shaky or shaky? - we asked 22-year-old Ksenia Sidorenko, a student at a medical university, curator of the "Volunteers-doctors" movement.

No, healthcare is evolving.

If the system were perfect, there would be no need for volunteers at hospitals and people like you.

May be…

You work with patients in hospitals, help them with deeds, in a word, and what do they say themselves?

Do you know what may be missing? Not enough attention. Because there are a lot of patients, and the staff is running around, fussing, there is a lot of work. There is a lack of simple attention to those people who are in the hospital. Because a sick person is a person who needs a lot of attention and psychological support.

As part of Mediapoligon, we visited many medical centers in Tyumen. And we, together with the residents of the city, notice that medicine has become more humane here. It’s not only about new buildings - in the perinatal center, they let fathers to children and mothers in order to “improve the psychological state of mothers”. The interaction with the city is quite strong: the ambulance doctor says that drivers are always inferior on the roads. We often saw volunteers, including at the children's cancer center.

Vanya, 12, with Ewing's sarcoma, plays with a volunteer girl in the hallway. She watches how she makes different shapes out of balls, and is silent. But there is a smile on his face.

I don’t like to be pitied, ”says his mother Alevtina. - I think it won't be easier if you whine at every corner. I'll bang at night. If it is hard for me, it will be hard for him too. Because he understands all this.

In general, life expectancy in Russia also correlates quite well with modernization programs; investments in medicine are effective investments. In Moscow, the decrease in mortality was associated with the purchase of equipment, including resuscitation equipment, and the availability of emergency cardiac funds in the ambulance. Among the leaders in terms of life expectancy (except for the Caucasian republics) are our leaders in the south (Belogorodsky, Stavropol and Krasnodar regions); Tatarstan is close to them, the Tyumen region is slightly lower, but also higher than the average (however, we have only regional figures in this parameter - for the city of Tyumen, obviously, the indicators would have been higher).

Tyumen can boast of the highest rating of residents for the affordability of housing, and in terms of an objective parameter - the pace of construction - it is two to three times ahead of other cities. It is second only to Krasnodar (if Belgorod was in the rating, it would also show the highest rates, and even better than Moscow in terms of the quality of low-rise construction).

Krasnoyarsk is called "Russian Las Vegas". But I chose Tyumen.

Athlete, master of "aggressive videos" Timofey Lyulyakov moved to Tyumen a little over a year ago from Krasnoyarsk. Before that, more than ten years of jumping, spinning, sliding on parapets and railings: aggressive rollers - this is Timofey's real passion. That is why the sudden move seems especially strange: after all, Krasnoyarsk is famous not only for its vibrant nightlife, but also for the largest skate park in the country. - Five years ago I met the guys from the Tyumen club SibSub at its opening. And at some point I realized: I have nowhere else to grow at home, the time has come to change something. And in Tyumen they were waiting for me.

He had something to compare with, and he was not disappointed.

Tyumen is beautiful, there are kind people here. The city is occupied, it is made good roads, build convenient interchanges, - the roller shares his impressions. - It is clear that there are always difficulties. You just have to solve them. I rented a house - it's just not a problem, I found a job. The main thing is that here I can learn new things, develop. If you want to achieve something, just take it and do it - ride as much as possible, train.

Citizens in Russia have become more critical: more people are now delving into the details of city life. The rating reflects not only patriotism, but also the perception of problems

Indeed, almost the most people spend on transport and roads in Tyumen (according to this parameter, only Nizhny Novgorod is ahead), and besides, this is incredibly highly appreciated by residents. 49% of Tyumen residents are satisfied with the quality of the roads - versus 4% in Nizhny Novgorod.

It is good and calm to live in Tyumen, God has mercy, there are no terrorist attacks, - Zoya Griban, a wardrobe worker at the regional blood transfusion station, believes that it is not more comfortable to find a city. She moved to Tyumen from Nefteyugansk, for her husband.

What problems are there in your city?

Traffic jams, of course, like everyone else's, but they are working on it, the roads are being actively repaired ...

We heard criticism of the roads in Tyumen only from the striking truckers.

And I figured out you, you are a journalist! - Truck driver Sergei Kireev flared up and outraged when he learned that Katya Kuznetsova is a correspondent for Mediapoligon24. - Why are you not writing anything about our boycotts, daughter? The roads are disgusting, it is impossible to drive. Money is allocated, but neither roads nor money are visible! Everyone just says that our roads are good.

And who is talking about good roads?

Power, but who else? We, truckers, are constantly on the road - we know everything. They say that the roads are made, you can go - but not shit is possible! I have been in this business for forty years, I do not believe them. There are no roads at all. A pit in a pit, - Kireev complains.

But then it turned out that he still criticized federal highways, not Tyumen ones.

On weekends, as a rule, on Saturday, I have a detour, - says the head of the city administration Alexander Moor. - I just get into my car, drive out and see if the roads are clean.

In terms of the residents' perception of the quality of places of communication (cafes, restaurants, clubs) Tyumen is second only to Krasnodar, and in terms of the urban environment (parks, squares, spaces) - only Kazan. The current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, is the former governor of the Tyumen region. The innovations that the capital is experiencing today (permanent laying and re-laying of tiles, widening of sidewalks, demolition of stalls) have already been tested in Tyumen. At first, Sobyanin was severely scolded here for this, then they began to love. Temporary inconveniences are a thing of the past, and the city “opened up”. Time will tell how it will be in Moscow.

In Tyumen, as we have already said, salaries are very high by Russian standards. The city has no competitors here. In terms of retail turnover, Tyumen is inferior to Yekaterinburg, which remains the "trade capital" and the leader in fashionable consumption. But in terms of income - above all.

In terms of safety perception, Tyumen is ahead of all cities included in the rating, except for Kazan. But it is interesting that according to objective statistics (20 registered crimes per thousand inhabitants a year) it is inferior to all leaders, except for Krasnoyarsk; this is more than twice the figure for Ufa - eight crimes per thousand people. An interesting phenomenon: whether this reflects the real security situation or the specifics of the registration of crimes remains to be seen.

In Tyumen we also met specific patrolmen - Cossacks.

We patrol the city in the evenings. The police trusts us, - says Andrey the Cossack. - Sometimes there is even more trust in us than in the policeman. The people highly appreciate us in Tyumen. Cossack - who is he? This is a warrior of God!

Why do they trust more?

Because we command respect among the people. We will always come to his aid, it is in our blood. And the Siberian Cossack even more ... It was in us (well, also on the Terek) that this very spirit, which was present in the Cossacks from ancient times, was preserved. Of course, there are Cossacks in every city. But there these are isolated cases, and here - the collective spirit, I think so. Are you from the Urals, right? Well, I know the Ural Cossacks ...

Do you always walk around the city with whips? How do people generally feel about this? Some are surely scared?

Why be afraid of us? A Cossack without a whip is like a monk without a prayer! But the number of crimes is decreasing. It is a fact.

Indeed, the number of crimes in the Tyumen region in 2016 was reduced by 10.9%, according to officials, thanks to prevention.

We managed to stabilize the situation, but at the same time there is still a lot of work. I am sure that thanks to joint efforts and measures taken, we will achieve better result, - Sergey Rybakov, deputy chief of police of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, commented to the local media on the situation. He says that in 2017, monitoring the situation through the Safe City system will continue. Within the framework of this hardware and software complex, video images from cameras installed in crowded places are sent to a single center for storing and processing data from video surveillance systems.

Perhaps it is the improvement of the security situation, and not comparison with other regions, that ensures the high "people's rating" of Tyumen?

Taking calls along with various emergency services in the city, we saw that, in general, they work very quickly. Local cops value being polite and believe that English language for an ordinary policeman - the required minimum.

By the way, according to the criterion of politeness and mutual assistance, Tyumen is in the rating highly, although it is inferior to Kazan. It is Kazan that leads in the number of spheres of life, which its residents rate higher in comparison with other cities: schools, transport, parks, mutual assistance and politeness, availability of goods and services, good work.

It is even more interesting that Vladivostok became the leader of the “people's rating” in certain aspects of city life, which did not even make it into the top ten according to statistics. Far Eastern cities have leadership potential, and their positions are likely to grow. The residents of Vladivostok value their universities and culture most of all. It is the residents of Vladik, not the Permians (who, by the way, have a wonderful writer Alexei Ivanov and world-class conductor Theodor Currentzis) love their theaters. Yekaterinburg values ​​its culture almost as highly (as can be judged from the Kolyada Theater alone), but Vladivostok is still more.

Having met many residents of Tyumen, we were amazed at how many people come here to live; this is very important for the dynamics of the city - its openness.

Overall, our research shows that living oil and the comic book's Ruthless City Manager would be a good idea for urban development. But it is even more important to love your city.

10 most promising Russian megacities

Annual special project "RR"

By combining statistical indicators of the socio-economic development of cities and the results of a sociological survey of their residents, "Russian Reporter" has compiled the final rating of Russian megacities. The editorial staff discussed the rating results with the Deputy Director of the Municipal economic development"Foundation" Institute for Urban Economics "by Roman Popov

People's rating: 1st place

Statistical ranking: 2nd place

For the first time we included Tyumen in our rating in 2013, and the city held the second place for two years in a row. In 2017, we put Tyumen in first place thanks to the unconditional support and urban patriotism of residents. “This is not surprising - the place is well deserved, the city is really rich,” says Roman Popov. According to statistics, Tyumen is still slightly behind Krasnodar, although this gap is constantly narrowing. Paying tribute to residents and good governance, one must understand that the city is the capital of a resource region.

Statistical ranking: 1st place

Our veteran favorite. The city occupied the first place in the ranking for five years. Statistics show an amazing pace of housing construction, and residents themselves note the availability of goods and services. And also Krasnodar is openness to domestic and foreign investors. “The city has been among the leaders in terms of investment attractiveness for many years,” says Roman Popov. At the same time, as residents say, despite the high business activity, the city remains homely and comfortable.

Statistical ranking: 3rd place

The southern gates of Russia, a transport hub, an administrative and economic center - all this is Rostovna-Don. The main quality of the city is plasticity, the ability to adapt to a changing situation and not give up positions. In our rating, Rostov-on-Don has never come out on top, but has always remained in the group of leaders. “The city is lively, active, attractive for businessmen. This is Krasnodar's main competitor in the south of the country. At the same time, residents of Rostov-on-Don are more critical of their city than residents of Krasnodar, ”says Roman Popov.

People's rating: 6-7th place

Statistical ranking: 4th place

“The city is modern, modernization type. At least that's how they want to present him, ”says Roman Popov. Yekaterinburg boasts good average salaries; it is the undisputed leader in terms of retail trade turnover - here it is seriously ahead of Krasnodar and Tyumen. The city is open to everything new, merchant and ruffy: Yevgeny Roizman was elected mayor here in 2013, a resolute and controversial man who is not afraid to conflict with the central authorities. In 2008, Yekaterinburg was the first in our rating both in terms of statistics and in general, but after the crisis, the Ural industrial centers in the rating gave way to the cities of the south.

People's rating: 2-3rd place

Statistical ranking: 15th place

Even when statistics are sagging due to budgetary savings, Kazan is being pulled out by its residents. In the opinion of the townspeople, Kazan is the best city according to an impressive list of criteria. This is the availability of schools and kindergartens, the availability of good work, places of rest, the friendliness of others. The city is also appreciated by tourists. At the time of the football Confederations Cup this summer, the city should be visited by 80 to 150 thousand tourists. “Kazan knows how to competently present itself to its own residents and guests. They work with it. A part of the Moscow team left here when the head of the department of culture Sergei Kapkov left the capital's mayor's office, ”Roman Popov is sure.

People's rating: 11th place

Statistical ranking: 5th place

Scientific and industrial capital of Siberia. Another city where an oppositionist came to power. Since 2014, Novosibirsk has been headed by the communist Anatoly Lokot. However, one cannot say that this radically affected the development of the city. They spend a lot on education, culture and sports. The townspeople are dissatisfied with the environment, safety, and also note the problems with the availability of good work. “Novosibirsk is a city with a qualified, educated population. People here have high demands, and the city does not always have time to meet these demands, ”says Roman Popov.

People's rating: 13th place

Statistical ranking: 6th place

The city remains in our top ten, but from year to year it gradually subsides. At the same time, Krasnoyarsk has both a margin of safety and opportunities for a breakthrough. It is at the same time a production center, transport and logistics hub. On the one hand, there are still Soviet factories in Krasnoyarsk, on the other hand, there are Russian and international trade networks. Of the minuses - high crime rates. “For Krasnoyarsk, as well as for Novosibirsk, the phenomenon of an outstripping demand of residents is characteristic,” explains Roman Popov.

People's rating: 15-16th place

Statistical ranking: 7th place

In recent years, the city has gained a solid experience of reforms and innovations. This is an attempt to update the image under the former governor Oleg Chirkunov (I remember the letter “P”, the new sign of Perm), and the experience of Marat Gelman's social and cultural projects, and LUKOIL's sponsorship, and attempts to “intensify development”. “Then the rest of Russia, by and large, first heard about Perm. Then stagnation set in, but the residents still had high expectations, ”says Roman Popov. This explains the low national rating, although without specific experiments Perm remains a powerful cultural center of the country, with writer Alexei Ivanov and conductor Theodor Currentzis, and continues to attract financial and industrial resources.

People's rating: 8-9th place

Statistical ranking: 9th place

“Nizhny Novgorod is the case when the objective indicators and the subjective assessment of residents coincide,” says Roman Popov. V Russian Empire it was a provincial town located at the intersection of waterways - a natural place of trade. The Soviet Union is a powerful industrial center, where mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and defense enterprises were concentrated. Finally, today Nizhny Novgorod is also known as a place of concentration of IT companies. Intel, Huawei, SAP, Yandex have worked and are working here. Experts have repeatedly noted that the city has a huge potential for high-tech outsourcing.

People's rating: 10th place

Statistical ranking: 10th place

This year Ufa showed a very even result: nothing supernatural, but also without failures. The opinion of residents and sociological indicators here, as in the case of Nizhny Novgorod, coincide: Ufa is in the top ten. “Today Ufa is developing rather catching up,” says Roman Popov. The urban economy has a serious boost: after all, Bashkiria is engaged in oil refining. At the same time, the townspeople complain about the lack of good work and mutual assistance.

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The Russian Federation is a country with a huge area, on the territory of which there are more than 1000 cities and towns.

Many Russians and foreign citizens are interested in the standard of living in Russia, in which city it is the highest. The answer to it can be found in the results of research conducted by an organization called the Center for Strategic Research, which belongs to the Russian State Insurance Company.

Sociological studies and surveys of Russians living in various cities of the Russian Federation have shown which regions are most in demand among residents of Russia, and which are in less demand for life.

To understand which region is better to live in, the staff of the Center for Strategic Research asked the residents of each of the regions and cities below about how satisfied they were with the level and quality of life in them.

City name

The proportion of people surveyed who confirmed that their city is the most acceptable and convenient for life in the regions and regions of Russia (in%)
Naberezhnye Chelny95
Saint Petersburg90
Nizhny Novgorod83

The table displays general level life and satisfaction of Russian citizens with their regions and cities.
But in addition to such a survey, the research center conducted social polls about whether Russians are satisfied with the quality of the urban environment. The surveys were conducted according to the following selected criteria:

  1. Housing and utilities.
  2. The cultural level of the city.
  3. Medical service.
  4. Educational sphere.
  5. Transport.
  6. Corruption level.

Housing and utilities

When examining the situation with housing and communal services, many Russian citizens had to answer the question, are they satisfied with the quality of services provided by housing offices and housing prices?

Residents of Grozny, Ufa, Vladivostok, Astrakhan and Volgograd are least satisfied with housing and communal services.

Cultural level

  1. Kazan;
  2. Grozny;
  3. Yekaterinburg;
  4. Novosibirsk;
  5. Rostov-on-Don;
  6. Saint Petersburg;
  7. Krasnodar;
  8. Penza;
  9. Moscow;
  10. Khabarovsk.

Medical service

List of cities with the highest level of medical care:

  1. Grozny;
  2. Tyumen;
  3. Kazan;
  4. Barnaul;
  5. Naberezhnye Chelny;
  6. Orenburg;
  7. Penza;
  8. Saint Petersburg;
  9. Ulyanovsk;
  10. Krasnodar.

Educational sphere

The share of residents who are satisfied with the educational sphere of the Russian Federation in their city (in% of the total number of respondents)
Nizhny Novgorod90
Saint Petersburg87


List of cities and regions with the highest rate of corruption:

Transport sector

List of regions with the most developed transport systems:

  1. Grozny;
  2. Tyumen;
  3. Kazan;
  4. Moscow;
  5. Saint Petersburg;
  6. Tolyatti;
  7. Izhevsk;
  8. Novokuznetsk;
  9. Tomsk;
  10. Penza.


Many will agree that the statistics of the standard of living of the population largely depends on the average salary of a person. According to statistics, people in Russia receive the highest wages in the following districts and cities:

  1. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug ranks first in the Russian Federation in the top 10 regions with the highest salaries. According to statistics, the average wage in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is 71,000 rubles. The economy of this district is built on the mining industry.
  2. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. The average salary, according to statistics, is 69,000 rubles per month. Such high wages are due to the production of gas and oil in the territory of this district.
  3. Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The average salary in this district is 68,000 rubles. Basically, most of the workers of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug are involved in the timber, food and fish industries.
  4. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has an average monthly salary of 67,000 rubles. The fact that this region is ranked 4th in the top is not surprising at all. According to statistics, more than 60% of the total oil production in Russia is produced in this region.
  5. Magadan Region. In this area, there is an annual increase in the average monthly wage. In 2017, residents of the Magadan Region earned an average of 66,000 rubles. This level of payment is due to the main area of ​​activity of the Magadan region and high labor productivity. It's no secret that this area is mining gold in large quantities. But in addition to mining this precious metal, the region makes good money on the fishing industry.
  6. The Tyumen region has taken one of the leading positions in the top thanks to the developed real estate market. In the Tyumen region, realtors and truck drivers are in great demand. On average, residents of this region earn 65,000 rubles.
  7. Moscow. The capital of the Russian Federation is known not only for its developed infrastructure and multi-million population, but also for its very high salary levels. In the capital, on average, they receive 60,000 rubles.
  8. Sakhalin Region. The lowest salary in Sakhalin is 16,000 rubles. But less than 20% of the population receives such a salary. Average residents Sakhalin region earn 59,000 rubles a month.
  9. The Kamchatka Territory is known for its highly developed fishing industry. And also in this region, the financial and mining industries are well developed. The average salary, according to statistics, is 54,000 rubles per month per person.
  10. Yakutia (officially: the Republic of Sakha) is able to provide an average salary for people living and working in this region at the level of 54,000 rubles.
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The decline in the level of GDP was influenced by the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The first reason for the low standard of living in Russia is the decline in GDP. This is one of the main indicators of the quality of life and the market value of all final goods and services.

Dynamics of changes in the level of gross domestic product of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years

YearIndicator of GDP (in USD per capita)
1998 2739
1999 1837
2000 1333
2001 1775
2002 2100
2003 2380
2004 2980
2005 4100
2006 5353
2007 6930
2008 9100
2009 11 635
2010 8561
2011 10 670
2012 13 320
2013 14 070
2014 14 480
2015 12 717
2016 8447
2017 8664

Based on the data in the table, a sharp drop in the standard of living in Russia and its GDP can be noted. Many political analysts argue that the sharp decline in the level of GDP was influenced by the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Recall that in 2014, the Crimean peninsula was withdrawn, after which the Ukrainian authorities officially announced the presence of Russian military on the territory of Ukraine.

This statement served as the subject for the introduction of sanctions against Russia by the European Union. Due to many sanctions, Russia was not fully able to make trade, the export indicators of products dropped significantly, which entailed a decline in the level of gross domestic product.

According to statistics, Russia ranks 10th in the world in terms of GDP.

It's no secret that the level of GDP is influenced by production volumes, and the country has very low labor productivity. This is the second reason for the low standard of living in Russia.

Low labor productivity is the result of worn out infrastructure and old production equipment.

The third, but not insignificant, reason for the decline in the quality of life of citizens of the Russian Federation is corruption, which flourishes in almost every city in the country.

The urban environment quality index is a system for assessing indicators, each of which is responsible for a certain type of urban space and reflects the degree of environmental quality according to one of the criteria. Each year, a set of 30 indicators is selected.

To calculate the index, the creators of the project take data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internet sources, and also use GLONASS, GPS and space images. In every Russian city, analysts assess the street, public-business and social-leisure infrastructure, city-wide, green and water spaces.

The following criteria are used: “Safety”, “Comfort”, “Environmental friendliness”, “Identity and diversity”, “Modernity of the environment”. In order not to compare disparate cities, not to arrange them in order in accordance with the size and level of the budget, all cities are divided by size and climatic groups.

The project “Urban Environment Quality Index” was initiated by the RF Ministry of Construction, the Unified Housing Development Institute AHML and KB “Strelka”.
Accommodation and adjacent spaces. Residential buildings and adjoining territories.

Green spaces and water areas. The territory of the city covered with vegetation, including parks, squares, forests, as well as areas adjacent to city water bodies.

Street infrastructure. City streets of various types, including areas from the facade to the facade of the building, with the exception of the roadway. Street infrastructure is assessed separately and regardless of its location in a particular city space.

Social and leisure infrastructure and adjacent spaces. Areas adjacent to educational (schools, universities, nurseries), medical and health care (hospitals, health camps, dispensaries) institutions, to sports and recreation facilities (recreation centers, stadiums, sports grounds and complexes), to cultural institutions (cinemas , museums, exhibition grounds), as well as religious sites.

Public and business infrastructure and adjacent spaces. Territories adjacent to administrative, business, retail facilities, as well as catering facilities, service facilities and services.

Citywide space. The entire territory of the city is within the administrative boundaries of the settlement. The introduction of this space is necessary to assess the city-wide characteristics of the quality of the environment, which are not directly related to any of the types of spaces.


1. "Safety" is responsible both for determining the existing level of danger of certain spaces, and for assessing those parameters of the environment that can potentially contribute to causing harm to human life and health.

2. "Comfort" helps to assess the convenience of the urban environment, as well as its visual, acoustic and climatic characteristics.

3. "Sustainability" defines the extent to which the use of the city is consistent with the principle of conservation and improvement environment, and also assesses the state of individual elements of the urban environment.

4. “Identity and Diversity” is responsible for assessing the uniqueness and recognizability of urban areas, and also determines the variability of spatial solutions and functional diversity of the urban environment.

5. "Modernity of the environment" measures the parameters that describe the city in terms of the opportunities it provides to residents. Indicators help determine whether the city is using an outdated model of environmental production or a new model in which the environment is one of the basic values ​​of the city's development.

- Federal Service state statistics... Data collection for last year ends by early May.
- Internet sources. Updated regularly. Relevant all year round.
- GLONASS and GPS. Updated regularly. Relevant all year round.
- Earth remote sensing data (satellite images). Archived images are available year-round. Pictures are available for a month after shooting.
- Geographic information systems. Relevant all year round.
- Photos from social networks. Relevant all year round. Optimal for use after a period of summer activity of townspeople in open spaces.
- Open data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Data collection for the past year ends by early May.

The prosperity of the country grows along with its economic situation... Today, many regions of Russia lag significantly behind in terms of living standards, while others, on the contrary, occupy leading positions in terms of quality of living.

1. Tyumen- the most favorable settlement in Russia for living, for the third time in a row it takes the leading place in the rating. According to statistics, this Siberian city is the best in road construction and education.

Main characteristics:

  • The locality is distinguished by a high level of salaries.
  • The city is equipped with many places for the leisure of the population and children.
  • In Tyumen, healthcare is at a high level, which makes it the best for life.
  • The work of housing and communal services is marked by coherence and interaction with the population.
  • The urban environment is perfectly landscaped and allows you to find something to do for a person of any age.

2.Moscow- the capital ranks second in terms of quality of life in the vastness of the homeland. One of the most beautiful settlements, living here is characterized by high prices. There is a small number of poor people here, since the city occupies the 2nd position in terms of the well-being of Russian settlements.

Main characteristics:

  • Among those surveyed, 70% of Muscovites believe that their hometown is the best place to live.
  • Developing sectors of the national economy are noted in Moscow.
  • The pace of reconstruction and development of the Moscow region is characterized by high rates.
  • Moscow has a large number of interesting places as well as high income.
  • Compared to Tyumen, the weather conditions of this settlement are much better and more favorable for life.

3. Kazan continues the list of the best places suitable for a comfortable stay. The capital of Tatarstan is proud of a decent level of education and maintenance of the housing stock.

Main characteristics:

  • The activities of the authorities in the field of road construction cannot but please the drivers - the tracks are clean, smooth and well-groomed.
  • The city is the sixth most populous in Russia, characterized by the presence of major attractions and interesting places.
  • The government implements many government programs to improve the well-being of this settlement.
  • Much attention is paid to the development of the culture of the national majority.
  • In general, the indigenous people are 96% satisfied with the state of Kazan.

4. Krasnodar- sunny conditions for living combined with a favorable climate. Despite this, Krasnodar is named the leader among drinking cities according to the latest data: it is here that lovers of strong drinks live.

Main characteristics:

  • It is considered a large industrial center in the south of Russia.
  • In recent years, there has been a high percentage of people moving to live here from all regions of the country.
  • Krasnodar is considered good place to start a business.
  • The city has a low unemployment rate.
  • The favorable location of the point near the resort points makes it very popular.

5. St. Petersburg- the second among the millionaires recognized as favorable for living.

Main characteristics:

  • It is considered the best metropolitan area where the level of health care is at its best.
  • The city is not on the list of criminal settlements, which makes it safe.
  • Leningrad is a large tourist center with a large number of historical sites and sights.
  • The city has a unique climate that not everyone will like, but the indigenous people and visitors say that St. Petersburg is the best place on Earth.
  • The beauty of this metropolis is capable of conquering anyone, and the infrastructure is comparable to Moscow.

As you can see, the best settlements in Russia for living are characterized by a high level of salaries, a cultural sphere and a well-developed housing and communal services fund.

Ecology rating

Living in a clean city, where the air is not polluted by emissions, is much more rewarding than in industrial cities.

We propose to consider the three settlements in Russia, recognized as the cleanest:

  1. Sarapul from Udmurtia Is the leader among the cleanest mid-sized cities. Sarapul is characterized by a low amount of emissions, which leads to a favorable living on its territory.
  2. Derbent from Dagestan- ranks first among large settlements in Russia. Ecological, habitable Derbent, as the amount of emissions is small.
  3. TaganrogBig City by population, has 18,000 tons of emissions per year and takes the lead in cleanliness among large settlements.

The dirtiest cities in Russia

It is a well-known fact that the death rate of citizens is increasing due to poor ecology; below are the settlements - leaders among the worst in terms of ecology.

  1. Norilsk- the main contaminated region of Russia. It is here that the metallurgical industry is widely developed, which emits large amounts of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur, lead and carbon disulfide into the atmosphere.
  2. Moscow- ranks second among dirty habitats. About a million are released into the air every year. harmful substances, most of which come from car exhaust.
  3. Saint Petersburg- has a well-deserved 3rd place, the number of emissions as a percentage is growing every year.

It is possible to live in these regions, but the ecological situation does not contribute to the improvement of human health.

Population ranking

According to the number of inhabitants, all cities can be divided into several categories, each of which will have its own three leaders:

  1. Millionaires... The first three places are taken by Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. It is on the territory of these settlements that a huge number of people live, which is increasing every year.
  2. Big cities... The top three were taken by Krasnodar, Saratov and Tyumen - it is here that the number of people living is close to a million.
  3. Medium cities... The first three positions are firmly occupied by Kirov, Tula and Cheboksary, which are characterized by a population of more than 400 thousand people.
  4. Small towns... Among the settlements with a population of up to 250 thousand, Syktyvkar, Khimki and Nalchik took the lead.

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