Article by N.V. Yadrova

"Psychological barriers in professional activity teacher "

The term "barrier" (from French - an obstacle, an obstacle) in a psychological sense is considered as a psychological reaction of a person to an obstacle, accompanied by the emergence of a tense mental state.

In the teaching profession, the ability to communicate becomes a professionally necessary quality. The study of the experience of novice teachers allowed researchers, in particular V.A. Kan-Kalik, to identify and describe the most common communication "barriers" that complicate the solution of pedagogical problems: mismatch of attitudes, fear of the class, lack of contact, narrowing of communication functions, negative attitude towards the class, fear of pedagogical error, imitation. However, if novice teachers experience psychological "barriers" due to inexperience, then teachers with experience - due to underestimation of the role of communicative support of pedagogical influences, which leads to a depletion of the emotional background educational processAs a result, personal contacts with children also turn out to be impoverished; without emotional contact, productive, inspired by positive motives, the activity of a person is not possible.

The urgency of the problem of "barriers" to communication is due to a number of factors. First of all, the presence and expansion of the sphere of influence of such types of professional activity, the existence of which is associated with the system of relationships "person-person". It is obvious that in the sphere of business, pedagogy, engineering work, etc., it is impossible to carry out an affective activity with unsettled, difficult relationships. The development and solution of the problem of "barriers" is of practical importance for increasing the effectiveness of communication and joint activities... Recognizing "barriers" at the early stages of their manifestation helps to optimize joint activities. Solving the problem of "barriers" to communication presupposes a multidimensional nature of research, taking into account the diversity of "barriers" and the vastness of the scope of their manifestations. All these requirements are quite successfully solved in line with the personal approach. The fact is that the communication process is primarily the relationship of individuals, each of which has a specific set of individual psychological and psychophysiological characteristics. In this regard, in the problematics of the issue (TM) of "barriers" of communication, it is necessary to take into account the personal aspect, as determining the individual-selective attitude of a given person to reality. The following definition can be considered the most adequate to the problem posed:

"Barrier" of communication is a phenomenon of subjective nature that arises in an objectively developed situation, the signal of the appearance of which is acute negative emotional experiences, accompanied by neuropsychic stress and hindering the process of interaction.

The personal aspect is also decisive in the presented classification of "barriers" based on the provisions of the psychology of relationships V.N. Myasishchev. ...

Differ: 1) "barriers" of reflection - these are barriers that arise as a result of distorted perception:

yourself (inadequate self-esteem);

partner (attribution of non-inherent properties, abilities);

situations (inadequate assessment of the significance of the situation);

2) the "barrier" of the relationship is the barriers that arise as a result of an inadequate relationship:

to oneself (dissatisfaction with one's role status);

to a partner (feeling of antipathy, dislike for a partner);

to the situation (negative attitude to the situation);

3) "barriers" of treatment as a specific form of relationship. These "barriers" arise:

with forms of appeal that lead to cooperation, collaboration, etc. (compliments, praise, any encouraging gestures, etc.);

with forms of appeal leading to unproductive communication (increased tone of voice, non-verbal means used in conflict situations, offensive language, etc.).

Exploring the problem of communication "barriers" in context personal approach allows us to talk about a scheme for getting out of the "barrier" situation, where the main thing is the principle of relationships leading to cooperation and mutual understanding, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of communication partners.

Psychological barriers - a mental state, manifested in the inadequate passivity of the subject, which prevents him from performing certain actions. The emotional mechanism of psychological barriers is the strengthening of negative experiences and attitudes - shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem associated with the task (for example, "stage fright").

In the process of communication between the teacher and the student, the task is not only and not so much to convey information, but to achieve its adequate understanding by the latter. That is, in interpersonal communication, the interpretation of the message received from the teacher to the student and vice versa appears as a special problem. First, the form and content of the message significantly depend on the personal characteristics of both the teacher and the student, their ideas about each other and the relationship between them, the whole situation in which communication takes place. Secondly, the teaching message transmitted by the teacher does not remain unchanged: it transforms, changes under the influence of the student's individual typological characteristics, his attitude to the teacher, the text itself, and the communication situation.

The adequacy of the perception of educational information depends - on a number of reasons, the most important of which is the presence or absence of communication barriers in the process. In the most general sense, the communication barrier is a psychological obstacle to the adequate transfer of educational information between the participants. pedagogical process... In the event of a barrier, educational information is distorted or loses its original meaning.

At present, difficulties, or "barriers" of communication are considered from different positions depending on the basis of their analysis and approach. So, within the framework of a general psychological interpretation, they are classified as semantic, emotional, cognitive, tactical. In the activity approach, motivational and operational difficulties are distinguished, correlated with two main aspects of communication - communicative and interactive. They, in turn, manifest themselves in the cognitive, affective and behavioral spheres.

At the same time, the difficulties of a person in communication can be correlated not only with the nature of the activity or emotional, cognitive (for example, cognitive style) and other spheres of personality, but also be the result of deeper and at the same time wider influences. The following main areas of human difficulties in communication can be distinguished: ethno-sociocultural, status-positional-role, age, individual-psychological, activity, the area of \u200b\u200binterpersonal relations. They, of course, overlap, interact with each other in a single integral system "man", but for the purposes of theoretical analysis, the action of each of them can be considered separately.

Ethno - sociocultural area of \u200b\u200bdifficulties. Difficulties in this area are associated with the peculiarities of ethnic consciousness, values, stereotypes, attitudes of human consciousness, manifested in communication in the specific conditions of his social and cultural development. As a rule, the difficulties of communication caused by the ethno-socio-cultural characteristics of its subjects are taken by people for granted. At the same time, it is obvious that each subject of activity, a communication partner as a bearer of a certain mentality, as a person, whose thinking, according to L.V. Shcherba, “cast” in the form of his native language (the same idea was expressed by V. Humboldt), interacts with other people in accordance with the norms, traditions, image of the world and the attitude inherent in the people of which he is a representative.

Status - positional - role area of \u200b\u200bdifficulty. The unity of the teacher's status as a representative of school, education, his position - transmission, translation of social experience and his role as a developing, educating and teaching subject is expressed in the authority of the teacher. Authority combines at least two components: the authority of the individual and the authority of the role. The authority of the teacher, formed from the first school bell, as the bearer of new, unknown, necessary for future life, the value of teaching is generally recognized. However, he often acquires the features of indisputability, absoluteness, which excludes the student even an attempt to express, let alone defend his opinion. At the same time, the role of the teacher presupposes such personal qualitiesas competence, objectivity, tact and willingness to help. If the formal role of the teacher is not filled with value content and he is not personally authoritative, then communication is difficult, it becomes factual or purely conventional. A situation arises of rejection of the teacher as a communication partner, which is a prerequisite for supplementing conventional roles with negative interpersonal relationships.

Difficulty age area. Difficulties in communicating with an adult, with a teacher most often arise due to the fact that a student, especially a teenager, believes that his inner world is incomprehensible to adults, who continue to refer to him still as a child (therefore, the teacher's appeal in the "Children" or "Boys and Girls" may generate negative or skeptical reticence). Difficulties in communication can arise when a teacher, due to employment or other interests, really does not know the world of music, painting, dance, cinema, the language and values \u200b\u200bof the youth subculture. In this case, he does not have a common subject of communication with students ("There is nothing to talk about with him, except physics" - this is the teacher's assessment as a communication partner). The problem of fathers and children in pedagogical communication seems to shine through the fabric of the “teacher-student” role relationship.

The area of \u200b\u200bindividual psychological difficulties. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that these difficulties are the result of the interconnection and interaction of at least three forces: the individual psychological characteristics of the teacher (teacher), student (student) and their acceptance by each other. Secondly, this difficulty in pedagogical communication can be explained by the deliberate lack of regulation, the holding back by the teacher of their individual psychological characteristics that negatively affect communication, such as irritability, excessive emotionality, criticality, skepticism, etc. The teacher as a person must first of all know their own and individual psychological characteristics, the characteristics of students and take them into account to prevent difficulties in communication.

Pedagogical activity as an area of \u200b\u200bdifficulty. IN teaching activities difficulties can be caused both by the subject content itself, i.e. the level of the teacher's possession of the knowledge, the organization of the assimilation of which is the basis of his activities, and professional and pedagogical skills, didactic competence, i.e. means and methods of pedagogical influence on students. Accordingly, the main directions of pedagogical difficulties are associated with the development itself, the content and forms of the educational process, as well as with the characteristics of the teacher (teacher) as a subject of training and education, and with the communication process.

Interpersonal relationships as an area of \u200b\u200bdifficulty. Interpersonal relationships significantly affect the nature of the joint educational activity of students and the pedagogical activity of the teacher (teacher). The underlying sympathy (antipathy), acceptance (rejection), the coincidence of value orientations or their divergence, the correspondence or difference in cognitive and, in general, individual styles of activity (communication) and much more can facilitate or significantly complicate the interaction of people, up to its termination ... As for pedagogical communication, modern pedagogy and educational practice have proved that effective teaching today, and effective teaching, is possible only in the positions of cooperation pedagogy. The success of pedagogical communication depends on the ability to overcome psychological barriers in communication and compliance with certain communication rules:

1. Pedagogical communication does not tolerate vanity and idle talk. Words should not be at odds with deeds;

2. pedagogical communication is exactingness towards oneself and others in everything that concerns study and education;

3. laconism in deeds, actions, speech; the dynamism of communication depends on the inner composure of the individual.

Even higher demands are placed on a person by the need to overcome psychological barriers in a situation of interpersonal or functional communication, as well as in innovative activities. Scientists have found that when performing any new activity, it is difficult for a person to destroy the usual system of ideas and approach this phenomenon from a new point of view, that is, to include it in a new system of knowledge. In some specific problems, this difficulty is associated with a kind of veiling of some initial data and the introduction of others. Hence the concept of "psychological barrier" appears.

The relevance of the study of psychological barriers in innovation is due to the need to improve human adaptation to new things, to self-improvement, to self-realization in modern society.

Historically, everything new and unknown has always caused anxiety and fear. Consequently, due to the emergence of negative feelings, the existence of stereotypes of individual and mass consciousness, innovations affecting the way of life, interests and habits of people can cause painful phenomena in them. This is due to the blocking of vital needs for safety, security, self-affirmation, comfort, etc.

A.M. Hon identifies two types of psychological barriers to the new that are encountered by teachers: cognitive and regulatory. According to the author, the cognitive psychological barriers to the new are manifested in the absence of certain knowledge about the new, beyond sensitivity to novelty and causes passive resistance. Regulatory psychological barriers to the new are manifested in distrust of the initiators, to the leadership, to the newest and often cause active opposition to innovation. A.I. Prigogine identifies the anti-innovation barrier in innovation barriers, a concept traditionally used in sociological and psychological literature. The psychological, within the personal barrier, is due to both the individual characteristics of the teacher and the socio-psychological traits of the community into which he belongs. Outwardly, this barrier appears in defensive statements, which often reflect stereotypes that exist in society regarding specific innovations.

The above innovation barriers include the barriers to creativity:

1. Inclination to conformity.

2. Fear of being a "black sheep" among people.

3. Fear of appearing too extravagant.

4. Fear of retribution from another person.

5. Personal anxiety.

6. Rigidity ("viscosity") of thinking.

As predisposing conditions for frustration in innovation, E.N. Ermolaeva stand out:.

overly rapid innovation;

overly introduced innovations (permanent);

large-scale (systemic) innovation;

uncontested innovation.

In the literature devoted to the analysis of psychological barriers, a logically harmonious system of their assessment, developed by V.I. Antonyuk. Psychological barriers are considered as:

1. the form of manifestation of the socio-psychological climate of the team in the context of innovation in the form of negative mental states of workers caused by the innovation;

2. in the aggregate of actions, judgments, concepts, inferences, expectations and emotional experiences of employees, in which conscious or unconscious, hidden or explicit, intentionally or unintentionally expressed negative mental states.

The parameters of psychological barriers are:

1. Components of the barrier, i.e. specific factors causing negative reactions from people.

2. The degree of the psychological barrier, determined by the number of people with negative psychological states.

3. The nature and forms of manifestation of negative reactions of people: passive forms of manifestation, active, extreme.

So, the research data show that the psychological barrier is a developing socio-psychological formation, its parameters change noticeably in space and time at different stages of innovation, in different organizations, among different categories of workers.

Conditions for overcoming psychological barriers in the professional activity of a teacher

A person who is engaged in pedagogical activity and is creative in life needs freedom. This freedom consists, first of all, in the ability to look at events from different points of view, in the variety of ways of interacting with the world. But psychological barriers stand in the way of an unbiased perception of things and events. They are like blinders, filters, lenses, limit and distort the perception of the world. Since a person does not perceive some part of the world, and the other is deformed for him, he may not see objective regularities in the external environment, which sharply limits the variety of hypotheses put forward when solving problems.

Psychological barriers are formed and strengthened as a system of protection against traumatic factors that threaten a person's positive self-esteem. But at the same time they represent a shell in which a person lives, and sometimes it is so hard that he cannot "grow" beyond its limits. For the manifestation of a person's creative abilities, it is useful to limit the influence of these barriers, i.e. put them at the necessary height and position them in the best possible way, since these barriers play both negative and positive roles (they condense, focus, collect thought, not allowing it to spread excessively).

Subconscious barriers reflect a person's opposition to himself. Unawareness of their influence on behavior and their deep connections with physiology make it difficult to manage them. But if the existing state of affairs is not realized and recognized, then it will not be possible to change it, and it will inevitably arise again and again.

Awareness is a necessary but not sufficient condition for overcoming psychological barriers. Awareness of the situation is worthless if it is not pretended to be an inner experience, if the answer "gets stuck in the head and does not penetrate the heart." It is necessary not to cognize, but to comprehend the truth - not intellectually, but through the unconscious components of experience. Therefore, to weaken the influence of subconscious factors, it is necessary not only to be aware of their properties and mechanisms of action, but also to effectively respond. After all, if familiarity with the contents of the unconscious were enough to radically improve well-being, then lectures and books could relieve suffering. However, only a new experience allows one to reevaluate the previously repressed and remember it in a new way. In this sense, the reduction of barrier effects depends not only on assistance in solving problems and understanding all possible approaches to overcoming them, but also on channeling their energy potential, i.e. creating conditions for the response of old foci.

So the challenge is to be aware and react. There are special techniques that facilitate the withdrawal of subconscious ideas into consciousness. This role can be played by free association and psychoanalytic conversation. But professional help can hardly be provided to everyone who needs it. That is why the "educational program on introspection" is of such great importance. Everyone is able to master the simplest techniques aimed at returning thoughts and feelings previously transformed by the censor into the sphere of consciousness. Then the likelihood of their directed response increases, i.e. overcoming, without which peace of mind is impossible.

Self-regulation is an important aspect in the professional activity of a teacher. The need for self-regulation arises when a teacher is faced with a new, unusual, intractable problem for him, which does not have an unambiguous solution or suggests several alternative options. In a situation when the teacher is in a state of increased emotional and physical stress, which prompts him to impulsive actions. Or if he is in a situation of assessment from children, colleagues, other people.

The psychological foundations of self-regulation include the management of both cognitive processes and personality: behavior, emotions and actions. Currently, the so-called neurolinguistic programming is used for self-regulation of mental states. In line with this direction, G. Dyakonov (1993) developed a series of exercises focused on the restoration of personality resources. Knowing himself, his needs and the ways to satisfy them, a person can more efficiently and rationally distribute his forces during each day, the whole school year.

The solution to the problems of overcoming psychological barriers is embodied in a set of active learning methods, each of which is aimed at overcoming a certain type of barriers. One of these methods is "brainstorming" (or "brainstorming").

Brain attack

"Brainstorming" - reduces self-criticism and prevents the displacement of original ideas into the subconscious mind as dangerous for the social or scientific reputation. The very atmosphere of brainstorming is conducive to the emergence of new ideas, giving rise to a sense of psychological security.

Without the pressure of criticism and self-criticism in the process of brainstorming, the point of view of its participants on how to solve the task assigned to them is modified and refined until the supply of new ideas in the group is depleted. The presenter makes special efforts to turn off everyone's inner critic, if he suddenly becomes more active. After all, otherwise, one dismissive remark is enough for the insecure participant to lose heart and his interesting, but risky proposal on the go was replaced by another - proven, but uninteresting. As you know, an idea that is "in an embryonic" state can look helpless, unproven and therefore unattractive not only to others, but also to the creator himself.

Reducing criticality in brainstorming is achieved by creating favorable external conditions, a special favorable atmosphere. The opportunity opens up to switch to someone else's position, and due to this, the creative potentials of all participants in the attack are summed up.

Within the framework of the brainstorming method, various methods of activating thinking are used.


The method of "synectics" assumes a disposition to improvisation and is aimed at activating the basic operations of the subconscious. In order to speed up the process of generating ideas, with synectics, the task is first of all freed from the context, habitual associations. In synectics, analogies are widely used that contribute to the implementation of the basic operations of the subconscious - direct, subjective, symbolic and fantastic. Analogies make it easier to overcome subjective limitations associated with the perception of basic laws, ideas about the universe.

According to this method, barriers are overcome by creating conditions under which, simultaneously with the search for a solution, another process takes place, not directly related to the first (analogy, association, metaphor, etc.). The imposition of these processes also helps to see the answer to the tormenting question. The key link in this is the intersection in time, which changes the perspective of the problem. Bridges between these processes help build metaphors and analogies. The types of analogies used draw information from different sources.

Direct analogies most often find the required elements in biological systems that solve similar problems. Subjective ones force us to pay special attention to motor sensations, for example, to imagine our body in the place of the created object, to feel like it. With the symbolic, individual characteristics of one object are identified with the characteristics of another, and the fantastic require us to imagine things as we would like to see them, allowing us to ignore any physical laws. Thus, synectics excites and uses analogies as a means of shifting the process from the level of conscious thinking to the level of subconscious activity.

The productivity of synectic is increased by meditation. It allows you to maximize focus on the subject, creating the optimal conditions for activating an intuitive process. Meditation gives the given object a dominant position in consciousness for a time. Synectics takes into account that the premature verbalization of an idea slows down its further development, therefore it is recommended to postpone the evaluation of the result. A person conducts an internal conversation, actively creates, updates and maintains his model of the world.

Business games

Business games are another example of group development of creativity. It is the spirit of competition that disposes of insights that allow you to find original solutions. Here, acceptance of a role is a technique. The role assumed allows the participant to play the "other" without changing the height of the psychological barriers. Indeed, in an alien position, you can afford other, atypical criteria. Therefore, games contribute to the formation of a different point of view on the situation, lead to its rethinking. The key point in business games is the ability to perform various roles, which excludes full identification with any of them and allows you to move to other positions.

Games help you learn new solutions. There is no risk in them, and it becomes possible to temporarily or partially change their approach to disturbing problems, which means that some changes are made in attitudes, i.e. the way opens up for information previously inaccessible. Innovations in the system of attitudes, in turn, predetermine the metamorphosis, due to which the rule from the external to the internal.

In recent years, group psycho-training has been increasingly used as an effective technique aimed at removing a number of subconscious barriers, changing attitudes that determine the usual forms of interaction with other people and attitudes towards new information. Its task is to correct formations responsible for self-perception, overcoming stereotypes.

Overcoming stereotypes

Overcoming stereotypes and habitual ways of solving problems is not easy. After all, it was not for nothing that they became a habit - for many years they were useful, faithful helpers, helped out, believed in them. And suddenly they become an obstacle. This is in serious conflict with all previous experience and undermines self-image, disrupting self-esteem. An internal conflict arises, which provokes the inclusion of a psychological defense mechanism, which leads to the fact that the information traumatizing us ("We are doing wrong, illiterate, we can no longer move in step with the times") will be processed so that a person will find an excuse for himself ("Let it is done by others, those who are dumber and chasing fashion, or those who are younger "). If such rationalization did not arrive in time, then the person will simply "throw everything out of his head" - he will try to forget. One way or another, rejection will occur - the specialist does not realize the opportunity to act in a new way, to move in step with the times.

A completely different situation develops if, without any declarations about our own experience, in the process of solving specific problems, we are convinced that the old strategies are not suitable, and we learn to use new ones. Then new techniques do not need to break through psychological defense: actual information is routinely included in the hierarchy of a person's attitudes, correcting the entire system, and this changed system will control further actions, encouraging the use of new strategies.

Stereotypes and personality deformations

Professional stereotypes noticeably affect the personality, lead to personality deformations, tend to spread and capture other areas, which adversely affects work and communication in everyday life. The transfer of working skills to other spheres of communication (household, family, friendships) and the excessive filling of professional activities with them affect a person's self-esteem, his ability to critically relate to himself and his habits and correct them in a timely manner.

Rugged attitudes can lead to the fact that even a simple and obvious solution is not noticed. They form an inertial link, and new approaches and methods are becoming weaker and weaker, since the need for them is not sufficiently understood. One of the sides of deformation is manifested in the emergence of a false idea that, even without new knowledge, the accumulated stereotypes provide the necessary speed, accuracy and success of the activity.

Excessive stereotyped approaches and simplified views on work problems are consolidated, which leads to a decrease in the professional level. It is necessary to pay special attention to this when raising the qualifications of specialists in order to induce them to timely abandon outdated stereotypes and attitudes, replacing them with more adequate ones. The other side of the deformation is the transfer of professional habits that are useful at work to friendly and family communication.

The nature of the deformation can be determined not only by the profession itself, but by the position in the hierarchy of power. When a person gains a certain power over others, and feedbacks, criticism, public control over his behavior are weakened, his personality is transformed. A specialist who is constantly giving orders is in danger of developing feelings of superiority or even arrogance, which weakens his capacity for self-criticism. At the same time, it was noticed that, first of all, the sense of humor suffers, in particular the understanding of jokes addressed to oneself. Such insensitivity closes his path of intellectual development. Administrative activities Some employees, official adherence to rules and regulations, often quite formal, sometimes contribute to the general impoverishment of their emotional sphere, the appearance of formalism and dryness in personal relationships.

A critical factor in personality deformation is chronic overload. Because of her, work does not bring satisfaction and adversely affects relationships, especially in the family. Overloading leads to a sharp narrowing of the circle of communication and a pathological change in views of the world. That is why personal growth trainings are so necessary, especially in the current conditions.

Thus, an analysis of the literature on this topic allows us to formulate a theoretical position, according to which there are a number of psychological barriers that block the formation of a teacher's motivation:

1. professional development - a new social role;

2. low level of communicative culture - not the ability to communicate with people;

3.Fear of new ones information technology - computerization;
4. low level of creative self-expression;

5. social insecurity of the teacher;

6. linguistic, ethnic barriers - belonging to another group of people, migration.

There are also ways to overcome these psychological barriers, which include:

1. Development of programs for teachers - is based on the principles:

Differentiation and individualization;

Interconnection of certification with advanced training;

The optimal combination of theory and practice, expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge in combination with the practical orientation of training.

2. Development of psychological programs for the development of the communicative culture of teachers:

Role-playing games;

Psychological trainings;

Group discussions

3. Development of psychological programs to increase the level of creative self-expression:

Defense of their own scenarios for pedagogical leisure.

4. Organization of the incentive system:



5. Development of trade union activities, holding competitions of professional skills, involvement of the media.

6. Development of individual programs to overcome the psychological barriers associated with entering a new team, psychological support during the period of adaptation to new working conditions.

The result of measures to overcome psychological barriers will ultimately be the satisfaction of the teacher's personal and professional needs, increasing his professional competence, increasing the level of his communicative culture, creating conditions for the teacher's personal and professional self-expression.


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  • 6. Extra-scientific and scientific knowledge of labor psychology. Psychological signs and content of labor. The concept of an ergatic system.
  • 3. Conscious choice, use, improvement or creation of tools,
  • 4. Awareness of interpersonal production dependencies, relationships ("living" and
  • Ergatic function
  • 7. Interaction of labor psychology with other sciences. Labor psychology in the system of branches of psychology. Subject, task, areas of application of labor psychology.
  • 8. Approaches to the psychological analysis of the profession. The structure of the job post, its use for research and design purposes.
  • 9. Psychological features of the goals and subject of labor.
  • 10. Psychological aspects of means, rights and obligations in the structure of the labor post.
  • 11. The structure of working conditions. Ergonomic indicators of the work process. Comfort levels of working conditions.
  • 12. Socio-psychological and organizational and managerial aspects of working conditions.
  • 13. Review of mental regulators of labor.
  • 14. The concept of the system genesis of professional activity.
  • 15. Concepts of labor motivation a. Maslow and K. Alderfer.
  • 16. Concept of labor motivation d. MahClelland, f. Getsberg, V. Vroom.
  • 17. Job satisfaction (types, methods of association). Bruggemann's model.
  • 18. Professional identity and self-esteem, their impact on professional activities. Professional identity.
  • 19. The main stages and conditions for the successful formation of skills. Types of skills. Skills in the structure of professional activity, their varieties.
  • 20. Mental processes in labor. Operational image. Psychological mechanisms of decision-making in professional activities.
  • 21. The functional state of a person in the process of labor activity. Fatigue and monotony
  • 22. Occupational stress. Coping with stress.
  • 23. Performance, its types, levels of organization, factors of determination, "Curve" of performance, its daily rhythm.
  • 24. Criteria for assessing functional states, methods of their psychological diagnosis. Characteristics of methods of self-regulation of functional states. Psychological relief rooms.
  • 25. Review of psychological classifications of professions: principles and features of construction and application.
  • 26. Multi-tiered multi-character classification of professions by E. A. Klimova. "Formulas" of professions.
  • 27. Types of professions and professional types of personality in the theory of J. Holland.
  • 28. Interaction between man and profession: basic rules, principles, concepts.
  • 29. Options for overcoming the discrepancy between a person and a profession. Aptitude criteria. Professional vocation of a person.
  • 30. The concept of professionally important qualities (pvc) of a person. Levels and varieties of pvc.
  • 31. Methods for determining pvc. Forecasting aptitude.
  • 32. Professiogram and psychogram: types, methods of construction, use.
  • Stability isd
  • Isd variability
  • The degree of awareness isd
  • 34. Positive and negative influence of the profession on the person.
  • 35. Professional personality deformations: psychological content, causes of occurrence, classification.
  • 36. Positive and negative influence of the individual on the profession.
  • 38. Psychology of safe work. Personal (human) factor in incidents. Professional reliability.
  • Personality and problems of its safety.
  • 39. Classification of the causes of erroneous actions ("failures" of a person as a link in the ergatic system). Methods for the psychological study of incidents.
  • 40. Approaches to professional personal development. The influence of psychological characteristics of a person and his social environment on a professional career.
  • 41. Formation of the subject of labor in the age periodization e. Erickson.
  • 42. Professional development of personality in the concept of D. Super.
  • 43. Formation of the subject of labor in age periodization c. A. Bodrov and E. A. Klimov.
  • 44. Crises of professional development of personality (E. F. Zeer, Yu. L. Povarenkov).
  • 45 Barriers to professional development, options for overcoming them. Professional development crises caused by changes in employment.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bTypes, stages, phases of professional adaptation. Factors and psychological mechanisms of professional adaptation.
  • 47. The content of the concept of "professional self-determination of personality". Self-determination types. Conflicts of professional self-determination. Personal professional plan.
  • 45 Barriers to professional development, options for overcoming them. Professional development crises caused by changes in employment.

    PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIER (... from the French. Barriere - obstacle, obstacle) - a psychological state that manifests itself as an inadequate passivity that prevents the performance of certain actions. P.'s emotional mechanism. consists in the strengthening of negative feelings and attitudes associated with the task - shame, fear, guilt, anxiety, low self-esteem. IN social behavior P. b. are represented by communicative barriers (barriers to communication), manifested in the absence of empathy, in the absence of flexibility of interpersonal social attitudes, etc., as well as semantic barriers (mutual misunderstanding between people, which is a consequence of the fact that the same phenomenon has a different meaning for them) ... P. b. often arise as a result of fear, rejection of new management methods (for example, with the help of ACS), the introduction of new technology (for example, computers), new methods and techniques of labor, etc. P. b. can arise during the interaction of a person and a computer (fear of dialogue with a machine, distrust of the results it produces, impatience while waiting for a response from a computer, etc.). All of these and many other situations are the object of study of engineering psychology and management psychology.

    There are various approaches to identifying psychological barriers.

    In the psychoanalytic theory of Z. Freud, the barrier is seen as an obstacle to human development, associated with a threat to the individual, causing one of the types of anxiety: realistic, neurotic or moral. Overcoming anxiety is possible in two ways - to interact with the problem and reduce its negative impact, or to apply protection, which consists in denying or distorting the situation.

    Followers of Z. Freud - the authors of psychoanalytic concepts of personality (A. Adler, K. Horney, K. Jung) characterize psychological barriers as protective mechanisms that arise in the process of overcoming the conflict of consciousness and the unconscious. According to A. Adler, psychological barriers impede the achievement of success and are associated with an inferiority complex.

    A. Maslow, a representative of the humanistic concept of personality, believes that the "Protection of the ego" can be an internal obstacle to the development of personality. A busy, active life is unbearably difficult for many. In moments of great happiness and joy, people often say, "This is too much for me" or "I can't stand it." In order to solve the problems with "defenses", first of all, it is necessary to understand their essence, what they are directed against, and the mechanism of their action. Then the individual must try to minimize the deformations created by the "defenses" in his own psyche.

    Maslow adds to the traditional psychoanalytic list of defenses (projection, suppression, denial, etc.) two more - desacralization and the Jonah complex.

    The term desacralization characterizes the act of impoverishment of mental life due to the refusal of the individual to take it seriously and with interest. The complex of Jonah (Jonah complex) A. Maslow calls the unwillingness of the individual to realize their natural abilities. Just as Jonah tried to avoid the responsibility of the prophet, many people also avoid responsibility for fear of taking full advantage of their opportunities. They prefer to set small goals for themselves, do not strive to achieve success in their careers and prove themselves.

    The roots of the Jonah complex can be seen in the fact that people are afraid to change their uninteresting, limited, but well-ordered existence, they are afraid to break away from everything they are used to, to lose control over what they already have. Group pressure and social advocacy can also limit personal development opportunities. They prevent an individual from showing independence, stifle the ability to make independent judgments, forcing a person to replace his own judgments and tastes with generally accepted standards of A.L. Svenitsky defines a psychological barrier as “an obstacle imagined by an individual on his way to achieving a goal,” which is often the cause of intrapersonal conflicts and can contribute to a state of frustration.

    L.A. Karpenko characterizes the psychological barrier (French barriére - obstacle, obstacle) as “a mental state that manifests itself in the inadequate passivity of the subject, which prevents him from performing certain actions. The emotional mechanism of psychological barriers is the strengthening of negative experiences and attitudes - shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem associated with the task "

    At the same time, many researchers consider psychological barriers as the most important components of the integral structure of a subject's activity, which have a significant impact on his development and formation.

    R.Kh. Shakurov considers the psychological barrier to be a universal category of a cosmic scale “... and a constant attribute of life that exists wherever some forces and movements interact, regardless of their nature,” he also notes the positive impact of obstacles on character formation, personality hardening.

    Speaking about the role of barriers in social life, R.Kh. Shakurov notes their stabilizing and regulating function in the process of life (prohibitions, requirements, norms, laws, customs, traditions), and the essence of the barrier lies in the impact it exerts - resistance, inhibition, restraint, counteraction, blocking, etc.

    The concepts of “barrier” and “overcoming” R.Kh. Shakurov compares it with systemic concepts that allow one to take a fresh look at the subject under study, in the "process of changing scientific thought."

    Among the functions of psychological barriers, R.Kh. Shakurov singles out developing, because "the changes that occur in organisms when faced with an obstacle, contributing to the mobilization of energy and other resources, are fixed during repeated mobilizations, which increases the functionality of a living system, gives it a new quality"

    Considering psychological barriers as “mental processes, properties or even the state of a person as a whole, which preserve the latent emotional and intellectual potential of his activity”, B.D. Parygin connects the urgency of the problem, "on the one hand, with the expansion of the socio-psychological bridgehead, which constantly generates and multiplies psychological barriers, and on the other, with the increasingly tangible need to overcome them," which contributes to the mobilization of internal reserves of the socio-psychological activity of the individual

    Life loses its meaning in two cases: when obstacles are insurmountable and when they are absent.

    Psychological barriers can be attributed to the stages when there is a transition of the functioning of the psychological system from a lower to a higher level of development. On the one hand, “barriers” can carry a destructive function that reduces activity and leads to depression, on the other hand, psychological barriers perform an activating, creative function when difficulties are experienced as something positive and stimulating to action. Modern tendencies The development of psychological science raises the problem of studying the role of psychological barriers, which is creative for the personality, which manifests itself in the design and dynamization of activity, the mobilization of energy and other resources, an increase in the functional capabilities of a living system, indicating a transition to a new quality.

    Considering the concept of "barrier" K.D. Ushinsky noted that “the existence of obstacles is necessary condition the existence of activity is a condition without which the activity itself is impossible ... ”. In the work of N.A. Podymova, the psychological barrier is considered as an internal obstacle reflected in the consciousness of a person, expressed in a violation of the semantic correspondence of consciousness and objective conditions and methods of activity. According to E.E.Symanyuk, the psychological barrier is a subjectively colored experience of difficulties, caused by objective limitations of the manifestations of a person's vital activity and hindering the satisfaction of his needs.

    The constructive role of psychological barriers is considered in the works of R.Kh. Shakurov, he understands by the psychological barrier external and internal obstacles that resist the manifestations of the subject's vital activity, his activity. “Speaking about barriers, we mean such influences on a person (exogenous and endogenous) that limit the freedom of manifestation of his activity, first of all, freedom in meeting the needs of aspirations, in the implementation of attitudes”. "The barrier is a universal and permanent attribute of life, its obligatory and necessary companion." A barrier in the understanding of R.Kh. Shakurova is, first of all, a subjective-objective category. This means that barriers can be created both by the activity itself and "by the individual due to the inability or inability to find the resources necessary to achieve the goal."

    In his psychological theory of coping, R.H. Shakurov reveals the mechanisms for the development of the creative forces of the individual in overcoming various barriers. In his opinion, it is the barriers that are a necessary and constructive factor, since they stimulate, ensure the development of activities and, consequently, the personality.

    V.G. Maralov notes that "overcoming difficulties and obstacles, a person develops and, at the same time, acquires the very ability for self-development."

    Psychological barriers that generate mental tension and impart instability and disequilibrium to the development process are the main construct that determines the dynamics of development. The obstacles that accompany personality development perform a creative function, provided that they contribute to rapid adaptation to various changes.

    E.E. Symaniuk, I.V. Devyatovskaya note that “overcoming behavior is an individual way of interacting with a difficult external or internal situation, determined, on the one hand, by its logic and significance for a person, and on the other, by his psychological capabilities. The spectrum of both constructive and destructive coping strategies is quite large - from unconscious psychological defenses to purposeful overcoming of crisis situations. "

    In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the following constructive functions of barriers are distinguished:

    - indicator (show feedback of the quality of impact);

    - stimulating, mobilizing;

    - a constructive function - aimed at overcoming obstacles;

    - developing - contributing to the development and formation of the personality and individuality of a person;

    - upbringing - forming a system of value orientations, developing spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical qualities of a person, the ability to self-organize;

    - protective - aimed at stabilizing the personality, protecting consciousness from unpleasant, traumatic experiences associated with internal and external conflicts, states of anxiety and discomfort;

    - educational - formative skills to overcome obstacles;

    - emotional - formative skills to be aware of their mental states and their causes;

    - regulatory - regulating the development of relations in situations of various nature;

    - adaptive - establishing the correspondence between the needs of the individual and his capabilities, taking into account specific conditions;

    - correction functions - changing the direction of movement of the system;

    - energization - the energy of movement is accumulated under the influence of the barrier holding it;

    - development - the changes that occur in organisms during repeated mobilizations are consolidated, which increases the functional capabilities of a living system, gives it a new quality.

    Analysis of the literature has shown that psychological barriers play a constructive role in human life, they mobilize the resources of the body, activate creative activity, and contribute to the development of personality. The psychological barrier, first of all, is a subjective-objective category, therefore, one person will perceive the difficulty on the way to achieving the goal as an insurmountable obstacle, the other as an insignificant obstacle.

    List of references

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    11. Symaniuk E.E., Devyatovskaya I.V. Continuing education as a resource for overcoming psychological barriers in the process of professional development // Education and Science. 2015. No. 1 (120). S. 80-92.

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    14. Shakurov R.Kh. Psychology of meanings: theory of overcoming // Questions of psychology. 2003. No. 5. P. 18–33.

    A person's relationship with the world is an active form of interaction with the surrounding reality, aimed primarily at overcoming various difficulties, obstacles, barriers, including psychological ones, that arise in the way of meeting needs.

    In professional self-determination of personality psychological barrierscan be considered as a subjectively experienced state of "failure" in the implementation of the planned future, as well as in their own mental state. The emergence of psychological barriers during professional self-determination and their awareness is the most important condition for enhancing intellectual activity, the emergence of a problematic situation of choosing a profession, stimulating new means and ways of self-determination in the profession.

    Professional self-determination - the basis of a person's self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions of life.

    There are various options for defining the concept of "choice of profession", but they all contain the idea that professional self-determination is a choice made as a result of the analysis of the subject's internal resources and their correlation with the requirements of the profession. Duality is highlighted in the content of this concept:

    On the one hand, the one who chooses (the subject of choice);

    On the other hand, what is chosen (the object of choice).

    Both the subject and the object have a huge set of characteristics that explain the ambiguity of professional self-determination.

    The choice of a profession is a process consisting of a number of stages, the duration of which depends on external conditions and the individual characteristics of the subject of the choice of a profession.

    In psychology, it is customary to consider choice of profession as a choice of activity. In this case, the subjects of research are, on the one hand, the characteristics of a person as a subject of activity, and on the other, the character, content, types of activity and its object. Professional self-determination is understood here as a process of development of the subject of labor. The choice of a profession is made correctly if the psychophysiological data of the individual correspond to the requirements of the profession.

    In the context of understanding the choice of profession as a choice of activity, it is also widely believed that the main condition for making the right choice is professional interest or professional focus.

    The choice of a profession is very important in the holistic life determination of a person. It is associated with the past experience of the individual, directed to the future - it participates in the formation of the self-concept. All this requires taking into account the life plans of the individual in other areas, for example, in personal life.

    The following indicators of professional self-determination:

    Awareness of students about the essential aspects, circumstances, reasons for choosing a profession;

    Formation of interests and inclinations;

    The emergence of new qualitative combinations of abilities;

    The emergence of specific relationships with parents, classmates, representatives of various professions;

    Formation of new qualitative factors in self-awareness;

    Building personal professional plans.

    Success and productivity of professional self-determination involves changes in those ideas about oneself that have become an obstacle to self-realization. Conservative self-sufficiency, rigidity (inflexibility) have a negative impact on this process. At the same time, the relative ease of changing ideas about oneself can lead to the impossibility of stabilizing and maintaining new ideas about oneself. This makes the self-image overly dynamic and highly susceptible to various situational factors.

    Equilibrium of the inner world of students can be violated by the need for self-determination. It is very difficult to take this crucial step, since any decision is connected with the rejection of other possibilities, i.e. with self-restraint, which in turn generates internal tension. The period of adolescence is characterized by the desire of a teenager to prove to himself and to others his ability to make independent decisions and readiness for adult life. The problem of self-determination is often solved in two different ways:

    Search for similarities between ourselves and others ( identification);

    Denial of similarity between oneself and others ( negativism).

    The meaning of I is not a consequence of knowing about oneself. Important conditions that determine the productivity of professional personal self-determination are, on the one hand, the presence of experience of real life achievements and their adequate self-esteem, and on the other hand, the ability to correctly understand the degree of peculiarity of one's involvement in these achievements.

    In this way, self-determination involves two processes:

    Formation of a sufficiently high level of self-esteem;

    Awareness and acceptance of personal qualities and characteristics, which are considered as one of the conditions for expected professional achievements.

    Self-attitude is generated by the collision of the I with the motives that provide the need for self-realization, and is the result of self-assessments and a feeling of sympathy for oneself. The motive for choice is the state of tension in which a person is. It can be reduced by satisfying needs. The profession is chosen to meet certain human needs, which may be conscious and unconscious.

    Professional self-determination begins when a person first realizes that this profession can satisfy his needs. This, in turn, depends on what a person knows about professions and about himself. This knowledge helps him to understand what personal qualities and character traits can be realized in a particular professional activity. In fact, it expresses a deep or superficial self-knowledge, its openness or closedness in relation to itself.

    The success of a person's professional activity is largely determined by the depth of self-knowledge, which in turn can cause the appearance of internal conflict and psychological barriers... They reflect the presence of doubts, disagreement with oneself. This manifests itself as a tendency to excessive self-examination, which is accompanied by an anxiety-depressive state, low self-esteem, frustrationleading needs (frustration - dissatisfaction), emphasizing difficulties.

    Spiritual progress should be measured by the strength with which one overcomes oneself.

    I. Loyola

    A person who embarked on the path of self-development inevitably encounters many difficulties, difficulties and obstacles, i.e. barriers to self-development.

    IN modern science but there are opposing points of view about the relationship between the concepts of "difficulty" and "barrier". In some cases, the concepts of "difficulty" and "barrier" are identified and defined through each other; in other cases, barriers and difficulties are considered independently of each other; thirdly, barriers and difficulties are viewed as psychological mechanisms of each other.

    We proceed from understanding difficulties as a subjective attribute of activity, as a reflection of its complexity (by no means always adequate). Difficulty is, in essence, a negative experience of the impossibility of achieving a satisfactory result on time and qualitatively, signaling a person about the presence of objective or subjective obstacles, psychologically perceived by him as barriers.

    The most apt definition psychological barrier , in our opinion, was given by R. Kh. Shakurov. The author under the psychological barrier understands a psychological phenomenon, which reflects the properties of the object to limit the manifestations of human life, to prevent the satisfaction of his needs. A barrier is a subjective-objective category. Let us emphasize the fact that the barrier in this case is considered as a subjective-objective category. In other words, barriers can be created both by the activity itself as a result of its objective complexity, and by the individual due to the inability or inability to find the resources necessary to achieve the goal. In any case, the impossibility to overcome the arising obstacle is reflected by the person in the experience of the difficulty.

    Let us turn to the characteristics of some barriers to self-development [Maralov, 2015].

    The most serious barrier, obstacle to self-development is the fact that far a person does not always become a subject of his own development , other people perform this function for him. Hence the lack of adequate motivation and self-development goals. A person begins to go with the flow, as it were, the self-construction of his personality is determined by random events, it is difficult for him to determine a specific situation, it is even more difficult to build adequate perspectives. Therefore, this category of people most often complains about circumstances that supposedly interfere with the achievement of their goals. At the same time, it should be noted that sometimes circumstances are successful, which undoubtedly generates a feeling of satisfaction with life and oneself. But these are quite rare examples when a person, not being a subject of self-development, nevertheless achieves significant results and objectively improves himself. More often, even favorable circumstances are perceived as hindrances in self-realization, especially since this self-realization itself goes along the wrong path. In such cases, overcoming the barriers to self-development is clearly associated with the need to help a person from significant other people. This barrier is overcome on its own in extremely rare cases.

    "Leaving" from self-development as a variant of a passive life strategy. Considering various life strategies, KL Lbulkhanova-Slavskaya singles out the strategy of psychological withdrawal as one of the options for passive strategies. She considers the exit strategy as an inability to resolve the contradictions of life, as a strategy for transition to a new area of \u200b\u200blife, “as if free from contradictions, as if opening up the opportunity to start all over again” | Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, 1991, p. 2781.

    In the work of Yu. V. Trofimova "Self-development and the phenomena of psychological" escape "from it" in a generalized form, the phenomena are characterized, widely known in modern psychology as the phenomenon of the failure of a person as a person capable of self-development. Let us use this article and briefly describe the phenomena identified by the author [Trofimova, 2010, p. 8]:

    • - "Escape from freedom". Freedom, according to E. Fromm, brought a person independence and rationality of his existence, but at the same time isolated him, awakened in him a feeling of powerlessness and anxiety. And in this situation, a person is faced with a choice: either to get rid of freedom with the help of a new dependence, new subordination, or grow to the full realization of positive freedom based on the uniqueness and individuality of each;
    • - Learned helplessness ”, Which manifests itself in isolation, emotional instability, timidity, frustration, passivity and, in its psychological content, is opposite to independence. "Learned helplessness" is also characterized by the fact that inhibition of motor activity occurs, the ability to learn is lost, somatic disorders appear, thereby becoming the basis of a depressive state;
    • - "Pseudo-creativity" and "suppressed creativity". The first is manifested in the desire to preserve creativity, but this is achieved at the cost of sacrificing personal adaptation, while the second concept reflects the suppression of creativity, which leads to a complete conformal deindividualization of the personality;
    • - “Avoidance of responsibility”. Options for this care model

    V. Frankl sees either as an escape into the typical, into belonging to the type seemingly destined by fate, or as an escape into the mass, which is understood as belonging to a group. At the same time, a person feels himself to be only a part of the whole, and only the whole, in his opinion, can be the basis of true life;

    - “avoiding the problem”. It manifests itself in the desire to get away from a potential problem. In such situations, a person demonstrates either "refusal to search" or "ignoring the problem."

    The next group of barriers is associated with underdeveloped abilities for self-knowledge. A vague, vague idea of \u200b\u200boneself, a narrowing of the spheres and areas of functioning of one's own "I-concept" leads to the fact that the individual sets either unreal or inadequate goals of self-development, as a result, he receives results that are far from satisfying him, do not make it possible to feel full subject, author own life... Self-knowledge and self-development are interrelated and mutually conditioning processes, the ability for adequate and comprehensive self-knowledge is a condition for purposeful self-development.

    A group of barriers should be especially highlighted, which are due to the system of existing stereotypes and attitudes. Many representatives of various schools and trends in psychology point to this group of obstacles to self-development. For example, K. Rogers sees the basis of stereotypes of behavior and actions in excessive adherence and compliance of the individual to the social environment. The desire to behave and act like everyone else, the absence of alternatives in the self-construction of the personality - and such alternatives are always available and are embedded in the deep, individual experience of each personality - lead to a series of stereotypical reactions, to a constant look at the assessments of other significant and less significant people.

    Maslow points out directly to the fact that the following are obstacles to personal growth:

    • 1) the negative impact of past experience, habits that push people to unproductive forms of behavior;
    • 2) social influence and group pressure, which the individual is unable, unwilling and unable to resist (any opposition turns, in the opinion of such an individual, only into trouble);
    • 3) the presence of a system of internal defenses, the functioning of which creates the appearance of well-being and adaptation of the individual to the surrounding reality.

    It is impossible to ignore the group of barriers that are determined lack of self-development mechanisms. Non-acceptance of oneself or partial acceptance leads to the wrong strategy of self-development, when a person begins to spend his energy not on creating something new in himself, but on fighting his negative (by his definition) qualities. This can waste valuable time, and the results, both for the individual and for the environment, remain unsatisfactory.

    You must also indicate the role unformed self-forecasting mechanism personality. There are many examples where a person is unable to recreate the desired image of his own personality, to reveal his true life goals. If such an image and such goals are presented clearly enough, this is not a guarantee that they express and reflect the deepest needs of the individual. We can often witness that an individual draws not so much a desirable and real image of himself in the future as a socially acceptable and approved image, where generally accepted views on a prosperous life and activity are reflected in the form of trends. This idealization of the “I” image is characteristic of many young people. It is clear that no one wants to predict their own failure, failure, difficulty (striving for a prosperous life and happiness is a fundamental and universal dream), but nevertheless, a clear differentiated vision of oneself in the future is a necessary attribute of self-development, carried out in various forms. Only in this case, when both possible successes and possible failures are predicted against the background of a general positive emotional attitude, a truly realistic perspective is created that allows you to work on yourself in the present in order to achieve a realistic future.

    Finally, a special group of barriers can be distinguished, which is associated with procrastination , laziness , lack of self-education skills , ignorance and inability to attract such methods that would allow you to build yourself in the right direction and fully realize it. This is often accompanied by a lack of volitional impulses, when a person, defining for himself some time frames for self-development and self-change, nevertheless does not withstand them, continues to behave and act in the old way. The phenomenon of postponing things "for later" has received the name in psychology procrastination. A procrastinator is a person who is prone to postponing decision-making, postponing the implementation of various jobs. The phrase is well known: "From Monday I will start ...". But Monday comes and everything remains the same. Failure to fulfill self-obligations, postponing things “for later”, laziness cause negative feelings in a person, dissatisfaction, remorse, deep doubts that he is able to do what he has planned.

    Many people suffer from lack of will to self-development. At the same time, such a formulation of the problem and the method of its solution from the point of view of self-education and self-development are far from always correct. Only people with a really very strong will are able to change something in themselves at once, to start a new life. For the overwhelming majority of people, this is only a path to grief and self-rejection. In order to refuse something, you need to find this replacement , and the replacement is not just equivalent, but the best. If you want to quit smoking - answer the question, what do you want to get in return (more positive) and how you will use it. If you want to get rid of egocentrism, do not reject it, but find an equivalent or better substitute, for example, try to feel all the joys of being in an opponent's position that is opposite to yours, etc. Only in these situations the problem of will, volitional effort over oneself is removed by itself. In any area of \u200b\u200blife, you can find alternatives to past forms of behavior and attitudes, which will be perceived by a person not only more painlessly, but also with deeper satisfaction.

    The barriers to self-development can be other people , which out of ignorance (unconsciously) or purposefully impede the self-development of a particular person. Due to envy or unwillingness for someone to be better, more perfect, they create barriers, often obstacles even for their loved ones. And there is nothing surprising here: the laws of competition, the laws of one's own personal self-assertion, work. If you want to be at the top - belittle the other, do not let him move forward. It is clear that this is the formula of a common man in the street, but this position spoils life for many. Finding the strength in oneself to overcome barriers built by other people is sometimes very difficult, even more difficult than to overcome one's own barriers, and here the ability to one's own autonomy, independence from others comes to the rescue. It is important to build the line of your own life and behavior so that your own striving for perfection does not infringe on the interests of others, does not arouse, as far as possible, even their natural envy. Such a line in psychology is called assertiveness. Only in this case the self-asserting and self-fulfilling individual acquires real authority in the eyes of his potential "ill-wishers". But this is already an area that goes beyond the psychology of self-development and falls within the competence of social psychology and the psychology of nonviolent interaction.

    Barriers , complicating the processes of personal self-realization. This type of barriers was identified and described in modern psychology by L. A. Korostyleva. The author identifies three types of barriers: value barrier , semantic construct barrier and dispositional barrier , and correlates them with the levels of personality self-realization. These levels are: primitive performing; individual performing; implementation of roles and norms in society; the level of meaningful and value realization. It is noted that the lowest level is characterized by the presence of all three types of barriers, the high intensity of the impact of which leads to special difficulties in the process of self-realization, the emergence of a feeling of basic dissatisfaction. At the next (middle-low) level of self-realization, there are barriers of the first and second types, although they are not as pronounced as at the lowest level. For the next, higher (medium-high) level, the most characteristic is the barrier of the first type, the essence of which is the lack of harmony in the interaction of values \u200b\u200band needs, i.e. it can be said that its influence is sometimes manifested in fragmentary ways. At the highest level, stable barriers do not arise in the course of self-realization, and temporary barriers are overcome by the individual adequately (weak situations prevail). Korostyleva also shows that the transition to a higher level of self-realization is possible in the absence or overcoming of barriers (obstacles of a psychological nature). Otherwise, when barriers arise or are not overcome, a transition to a lower level is likely.

    In this textbook, we did not aim to paint a complete picture of the barriers to self-development. Note that the barriers to self-development are diverse and are determined not only and not so much by general trends as by the peculiarities of the individual's life path, the originality of his individual perception of himself, his attitude towards others, his life goals, including the goals of self-development and self-improvement. Each person, having really seriously thought about who he is, how he lives, where he is moving in his development, will himself determine what prevents him from becoming better, more perfect, more independent. The main thing is to put such problems before oneself in time and seriously think about solving them.
