Another difficult year is inscribed in the fate of the division - the half-century anniversary of its creation. Of course, this is very small compared to the infinity of military history turned into the past. But there is also a lot, judging by what has been done in the past five decades, what work and effort it took to strengthen the defense of the weakened after the Great Patriotic War country! Basically, was created the new kind Armed forces, new types of weapons and equipment. This is known firsthand in the town of missilemen, in Ozernoye, where the Rezhitskaya Red Banner, one of the oldest divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces, is based. Today we want to talk about the most significant moments in the history of the formation, which have become part of the annals of the Russian missile forces.

First story. Becoming

Contrary to tradition, the Bologov missile division appeared not in the distance, but in the immediate vicinity of both capitals. But this did not diminish the difficulties of the "pioneers" who, in overcrowded cars, with constant stops at railway dead ends, only at night, in order to keep a military secret, had to overcome a stubborn distance to arrive at their destination. Artillerymen and infantrymen, pilots and cavalrymen, sailors and tankers were recruited from different parts of the country, from different troops. They traveled from the Edrovo station to the Vypolzovo village on foot - there were no cars in the brigade at that time. And then the choice of location became clear: impassable dense forests, surrounded by endless swamps and lakes, perfectly concealed the future autonomous strategic garrison. And the neighborhood with Moscow and Leningrad not only made it possible to exercise control, but also access to the union of the capital's professionals from various spheres, which was especially important in the conditions of the emergence of a new branch of the Armed Forces.

The small aviation town, near which the main types of our aviation were based in wartime, could not accommodate the entire personnel of the future missile brigade. For 36,000 builders, 9,000 sergeants and warrant officers, officers and families had 9 brick houses and 8 two-story wooden barracks. People lived in very cramped conditions. Therefore, the task was set to rebuild housing stock, roads, build the most complex structures for the silo version of the missile complex, and platforms for regiments in the shortest possible time. They had to work in a front-line way, sparing no time and effort, they even ate right on the sites. In parallel with the construction, there was a reception of military equipment, training of the first missilemen. Despite all the hardships, at the appointed time - November 30, 1960 - the brigade commander, Colonel P.P. Uvarov reported to the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces that the 7th Missile Brigade - military unit 14245 - had been formed. A year later, a new unit, created on the basis of the former cannon artillery brigade, became known as the Rezhitsa division.

New weapons appeared, mastered, units were formed, officers came with their families, new houses, kindergartens and schools were built. The Strategic Missile Forces breathed life into the town. By the end of 1962, as part of the largest 50th Missile Army, the 7th Guards Missile Rezhitskaya Red Banner Division under the command of Major General Yu.S. Morsakova included already 10 missile regiments "OS", three ground deployed regiments (109 launchers), armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles, repair and technical and technical missile bases.

The second story. Rescue kvass for Castro

The pace of formation of the connection was primarily influenced by the international situation. In connection with the Cuban missile crisis, by the fall of 1962, tensions reached a critical state. During this period, most of the division's ground complexes took up combat duty. And after the end of the crisis, which resulted in the Partial Test Ban Treaty of Nuclear Weapons, one of the most important agreements in the field of limiting the arms race and protecting environment, Fidel Castro arrived in the Union. This was his first visit to the USSR, which began on April 27, 1963 and lasted 40 days. The Cuban leader traveled all over the country from Siberia to Samarkand, visited factories and secret military bases and became the first foreigner to rise to the podium of the Mausoleum. On May 24, Fidel Castro also visited the Rezhitsa Division. In the atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, N.S. Khrushchev introduced the Cuban leader to the new R-16 missile.

They carefully prepared for the arrival of the distinguished guests. The access road was disguised as a river, and boxes with trees were placed on the site, right on the concrete and on the sliding roof of the launcher. They worked until late at night, and when in the morning they put the final polish, they were surprised to find that several small trees were stuck with their roots up. The error was corrected, but the curiosity did not end there.

Arriving, the guests, without wasting a second, went to the location of the regiment. The Prime Minister of the revolutionary government of the Republic of Cuba went down into the mine and after a while left it inspired. Then, especially for Fidel Castro, the rocket was taken out. In Russian, almost without an accent, he said: "The defense of Cuba is ... reliable." Walking around the rocket, he knocked three times, like on wood, on its metal body and signed it with a ballpoint pen. They say it became a landmark for the division, and every soldier and officer, before the complex lesson began, examined this missile message with curiosity.
Before leaving, the delegation went to dine in the canteen of the military trade department. When Castro saw the banquet table with an abundance of delicacies, he asked only for a mug of bread kvass. But it was just not on the menu. I had to urgently call the head of the military department. She instantly found the desired drink somewhere.

Jokes aside, but in reality everything was much more serious. In early 1963, the US foreign policy priority was to use the Cuban missile crisis to build a strategic line in Soviet-American relations. Therefore, it was important for Khrushchev to prove to Castro that a nuclear crisis is not a defeat. Nikita Sergeevich took on the difficult task of convincing Castro of two diametrically opposed concepts. On the one hand, for the Cuban Prime Minister to realize the cost of war in the nuclear age, but on the other hand, so that the Cubans do not lose faith in Moscow's ability and readiness to wage a nuclear war to defend the socialist camp. Given the background of the situation, Castro's arrival at the Rezhitsa Missile Division was of great importance. And the episode with kvass, which has become almost an anecdote over the years, is much more revealing than it seems. Before accepting an offer to visit the USSR, the Cuban leader said that "he is afraid of Russian hospitality because of stomach problems." "Please, no Kiev cutlets and vodka," he warned. Indeed, Castro was unwell, on the verge of physical exhaustion and a nervous breakdown. Perhaps that is why (again, according to eyewitnesses), he was so grateful to his savior from the Voentorg, who a month later was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Third story. Poplar saga

Another turning point in the history of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Rezhitsa formation was the 1990s, which marked the collapse of the USSR, the entry into force of the START-I treaty and the associated transfer of nuclear weapons remaining in the former Soviet republics to Russia. At that time, the division was undergoing changes on an all-Russian scale - rearmament with the Topol missile system. At the beginning of 1994, by a directive of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, it was decided to deploy the Topol on the basis of military unit 14264. By this time, the compound was systematically engaged in combat missions, removing from duty the "products" outdated by that time, building a base for a new SPU missile system ...

Since May 1994, the systematic movement of military personnel, and then military equipment, from Belarus began. On December 30, 1994, that is, less than six months after arrival, the 1st regiment took up combat duty in a new capacity, and on December 27, 1996, the 2nd missile regiment. But there was an intense and painstaking work to deploy the entire infrastructure corresponding to the new type of missile system.

Since December 1996, this work has not stopped for a minute. The summer of 1999 was especially difficult for the servicemen of the 2nd regiment. All the forces of the compound's personnel, together with military builders, were sent to complete the work. A complex building, a car park, a subsidiary farm, a converted command post were the result of this activity. The final stage of the work was attended by members of the Government of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General V.N. Yakovlev gave a high assessment to the work done, encouraged the most distinguished servicemen. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1999, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces, the regiment was given the honorary name "Tverskoy". By order of the Minister of Defense, the unit was to be recruited mainly from conscripts from the Tver region, which was a significant innovation at that time. This name is especially honorable in that today only four regiments bear the title, symbolizing belonging to their native land: these are "Kaluga", "Saratov", "Tverskoy" and "Ivanovsky".

The fourth story. Eaglets learned to fly

It will not be an exaggeration to say that in the Strategic Missile Forces, the human factor is as fundamental as weapons and military equipment. Much depends on people, on their moral and ethical attitude. If not all. The names of twenty soldiers of the formation are entered in the Book of Honor of the Military Council of the Missile Forces. More than forty missilemen and veterans of the different years defended the interests Russian Federation in Afghanistan, the North Caucasus region and the Chechen Republic. Last year, after the Nevsky Express train crashed in the Tver region, servicemen and civilian personnel of a military hospital and a separate guard and intelligence battalion took a direct part in eliminating the consequences of the disaster.

The division is proud of those who gave the troops more than one year, who fulfills their military duty with dignity and honor, being an example for others. These are veterans of the compound Mikhail Kuzmin, Anatoly Erokhin, Alexey Vinogradov, Mikhail Koziakov, Alexander Timoshenko, Nikolai Bryukhanov, Viktor Loskutov, Lev Yakushin and many others. Rezhitskaya Red Banner is famous for its dynasties. The work of fathers and grandfathers continues today Roman Khoroshavin, Vladimir Andryushchenko, Andrey Igotti, Ivan Malyshko, Alexey Kostarev.

People whose names are known far beyond Ozernoye served in the Rezhitsky unit. The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General, began his military career here Sergey Karakaev and scientist, host of the "Travelers Club" Yuri Senkevich... Back in 1960, during the formation of the formation, immediately after graduating from the Leningrad Military Medical Academy, Yuri Alexandrovich was sent to work as the head of the medical center of the 7th missile division. Despite the short duration - in 1962 he was transferred to Moscow to the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR - his participation in the life of the compound is quite memorable for the inhabitants of the lake.

The truth of the famous aphorism about the desire of a soldier to become a general was confirmed military career Lieutenant General Karakaev. The first place of service as a group engineer in the 320th missile regiment was the Rezhitskaya division. Sergei Viktorovich commanded the preparation and launch group, was chief of staff - deputy commander of the 41st missile regiment. Years later, he repeatedly came to Ozerny already as the commander of the Vladimir Missile Army, and for the first time the day before professional holiday the missilemen visited his home unit already represented by the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Fifth story. Alignment with the banner

For a long time, the threat of disbandment hung over the formation, and yet it survived, did not break even during the post-perestroika hard times. In 2001, when it was decided to disband the division as a combat unit in connection with the reduction of staff in the army, the struggle to preserve it immediately began. In 2002, the capabilities and condition of the missile formation were personally assessed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanov, who praised the combat readiness and training of personnel. Then came a period of tense expectations, and only in 2007 it became known that the Guards Rezhitskaya Red Banner would not retire. At least until 2014!

July 14, 2010 marks 50 years since the 19th Guards Cannon-Artillery Brigade was reorganized into the missile-military unit 14245. On the eve of the anniversary, the division received the highest sign of military glory - the St. George Banner. Truly touching and beautiful, this ritual, which became a tradition of the Russian army, was performed on the parade ground of the formation in Ozernoye. Majestically and clearly, in time with the march, a banner group marched along the lined up units, accompanying the new battle banner. Both missile regiments, a technical missile base, a separate guard and reconnaissance battalion, a communications center and a separate engineer battalion were also awarded the banners.

Others significant event as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces, a commemorative stele was opened - a gift to missilemen from the regional governor D.V. Zelenina... The impressive size of a memorial made of stone and bronze has become a symbol of the hard military labor of the missilemen who gave their lives for the benefit of the country's security. To the sounds of a military orchestra in the parade ranks the ranks of the missilemen froze, a platoon of the guard of honor - their faces are stern, their service is stern. But the defense of the Motherland is strong.

Combat formation of the Strategic Missile Forces; is designed to prepare and deliver nuclear missile strikes against strategic enemy targets located in one or more strategic aerospace sectors. Combat units of R. d. are the missile regiments. Missile regiments can be armed with combat missile systems of various types: individual launches (OS), self-propelled launchers (SPU), combat railway missile systems (BZHRK), etc.; depending on the weapons of the missile regiments, the missile divisions can be: OS, SPU and BZHRK, as well as divisions of mixed composition.

As the Strategic Missile Forces, the first R.D. were formed in 1960-1961. based on missile brigades, as well as artillery brigades and divisions and aviation divisions.

Rocket Harbin Division. On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, a 119 missile brigade was formed on the basis of the command of the 116th field artillery brigade, units of the 46th Harbin tank division, the 98th and 36th schools of mechanics of the Air Force and the Trans-Baikal Pilot School. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 119th missile brigade was transformed into the 4th missile division. By the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in October 1961, the honorary title was transferred by succession from the 46th Harbin Tank Division (formed in 1943 by order of the NKO of the USSR). The date of the annual holiday is July 1st. The headquarters in Nerchinsk, Chita region, in 1964 relocated to the station. Valley of the Trans-Baikal Railway, since 1965 in the village of Gorny, Uletovsky District, Chita Region. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-16U (8K64U) from 1963 to 1976, UR-100 (8K84) from 1966 to 1974, UR-100K (15A20) from 1973 to 1994, and from 1994 until disbandment - RT- 2PM (15Ж58). Commanders: Tyurin I.G., Shirokov V.I., Novikov G.M., Klochkov V.M., Lastochkin N.V., Kryzhko A.L., Shapovalov V.A., Lukin A.P., Khutortsev S.V., Martynov V.N., Arzamastsev S.I.

Guards Missile Rezhitskaya Red Banner Division. On the basis of the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, on the basis of the 19th Guards Cannon Artillery Rezhitskaya Brigade, the 38th Motorized Rifle Division and the command of the 18th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division, the 7th Missile Brigade was formed. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 7th missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The guards and honorary titles of the 19th cannon artillery brigade were transferred to it by succession. On November 2, 1967, she was awarded the Commemorative Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR for achievements in military labor in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 30, 1975, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The date of the annual holiday is July 14. Headquarters - pos. Vypolzovo, Bologovsky District, Tver Region. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-16U from 1963 to 1977, UR-100 from 1967 to 1979, MR UR-100 from 1975 to 1991, MR UR-100U from 1978 to 1994, and from 1994 to the present. RT-2PM. Commanders: Uvarov P.P., Morsakov Yu.S., Volkov A.P., Ivanov E.S., Khramchenkov V.P., Gribov A.V., Abramov A.S., Shurko A.F., Kuzichkin I.N.

Missile Melitopol Red Banner Division. On the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in August 1960, the 25th missile brigade was formed on the basis of the personnel of the 21st and 33rd combat launching stations of the 24th UAP. Directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 25th missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The honorary title and the order of the 91st motorized rifle division were transferred to it by succession. The date of the annual holiday is December 20. Headquarters - the city of Kirov (regional), since July 1961 - the village of Yurya, Verkhovinsky district of the Kirov region. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-16 (8K64U) From 1963 to 1977, URN 00 (8K84) from 1967 to 1979, MR-UR-100 (15A15) from 1975 to 1991, MR-UR-100U (15A16) from 1978 to 1994, and from 1994 to the present RT-2PM (15Zh58). Com-ry: Savelyev A.G., Gontarenko A.G., Plyusnin V.P., Balikhin V.E., Politsin A.V., Babeshko V.A., Kalyanov V.I., Malafeev V.I. ., Kovalenko G.N., Artemiev S.A., Arzamastsev S.I., Golovach V.V., Stefantsov E.V.

Guards Missile Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Division. On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, the 165th Missile Brigade was formed on the basis of the 26th Guards Cannon Artillery Order of Suvorov of the brigade of the 7th Cannon Artillery Division and the command of the 45th Panzer Division. By the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in February 1961, the guards name and order were transferred by succession. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 165th missile brigade was transformed into the 10th missile division of the Order of Suvorov. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 02.22.1968, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The date of the annual holiday is October 27. Headquarters - Kostroma. In various years, the divisions were in service: R16U (8K64U) from 1962 to 1977, UR-100 (8K84) from 1968 to 1985, MR-UR-100 (15A15) from 1977 to 1988, MR-UR-100U (15A16) with 1979 to 1989, and from 1989 RT-23UTTH. Commanders: Dyachenko Y.S., Shilin A.P., Tarasov N.V., Pylaev Y.K., Tokarev B.P., Boytsov I.G., Shmonov V.M., Pustovoy I.V., Shmykov R.R., Gordeev Yu.A., Uvakin V.D., Bazhenov G.D., Bondarenko S.V.

Rocket Red Banner Division. Formed in February 1965. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 02.22.1968, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. By the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 845-285 of 12/13/1972, the division was awarded the Jubilee Badge of Honor in connection with the 50th anniversary of the USSR. The date of the annual holiday is September 15th. Headquarters - pos. Dombarovka of the Orenburg region. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-36 (8K67) from 1966 to 1978, R-36M (15A14) from 1974 to 1984, R-36MUTTH (15A18) from 1979 R-36M2 (15A18M) from 1988 to the present ... Commanders: Chaplygin D.Kh, Sergunin Yu.N., Markitan R.V., Memetov T.A., Valynkin I.N., Negashev V.I., Vakulenko V.A., Voronin A.I., Vigovsky V.A. I., Kirillov V.A., Sklyar Yu.I., Konnov A.D., Kasyanenko A.V.

Rocket Kiev-Zhytomyr Order of the Kutuzov Division. On the basis of the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, on the basis of the 234th Howitzer Artillery Brigade, the 222nd Corps Artillery Kiev-Zhitomir Order of Kutuzov Regiment, the 88th Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Battalion, the 215th and 74th Air Force schools, the 201st missile brigade. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 201st missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The honorary title and the order were transferred to her by succession. The date of the annual holiday is November 19. Headquarters - Yoshkar-Ola. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-16U (8K64U) from 1969 to 1977, RT-2 (8K98) from 1971 to 1980, RT-2P (8K98P) from 1976 to 1994, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1995 to n.v. Commanders: Ageev D.D., Utrosin A.A., Aleshkin A.A., Yashin Yu.A., Kochemasov S.G., Kolesnikov G.A., Sizov V.M., Perminov A.N., Tsechoev M.S., Shevtsov V.I., Krasnov M.G., Ivanitsky S.S.

... Based on the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the 205th missile brigade was formed on the basis of the 4th Guards Cannon Artillery Smolensk Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 205th missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The honorary title and orders have been transferred to it by succession. Headquarters - Shadrinsk, Kurgan region. Disbanded in 1962. The division was armed with the R-12 complex. Commander: V.M. Osipov

Rocket Zaporozhye Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division. On the basis of the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, by December 1, 1960, a missile division was formed on the basis of the 7th artillery Zaporozhye Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov breakthrough division. The honorary title and orders have been transferred to it by succession. Headquarters - Gaysin, Vinnytsia region, since 1964 - settlement. Rakovo, Khmelnitsky. By 30.12.1992 transferred to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-12 (8K63) from 1961 to 1971, R-14 (8K65) from 1962 to 19721, UR-100N (15A30) from 1993 to 1983, UR-100NU (15A35) from 1979 to 1992. Commanders: Kobzar D.A., Krasnoshchek A.T., Egorov V.F., Arkhipov V.V., Altashin I.I., Pronin G.I., Karimov R.B., Shvets V.V. ...

Guards Missile Oryol-Berlin Order of Lenin Red Banner Division. Formed in December 1958 on the basis of the 11th Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Oryol-Berlin Red Banner Division. According to the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, the 25th Aviation Division was renamed the missile division. The honorary and guards name and order were passed on to her by succession. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in February 1968, the division was awarded the Order of Lenin. The date of the annual holiday is August 10. Headquarters - Valga, since 1982 - Kansk. In various years, the divisions were in service: UTTH (15Zh53) from 1985 to 1988, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1989 to the present. Commanders: Spiridenko N.K., Tyurmenko S.Ya., Orekhov L.V., Moroz V.V., Kondrashev B.I., Tikhonov P.P., Borzenkov A.S., Abdullin G.G., Gagarin V.G., Martynov V.N., Radyushkin V.M., Ivanitskiy S.S.

Guards Missile Gomel Order of Lenin, Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Division. In July 1946, a special brigade was created; from 1950 - 22 RVGK special purpose brigade; from 1953 - 72 engineering brigade of the RVGK; from April 1961 - missile division. Headquarters - village. Berka (Thuringia, the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany), from September 1947 - Kapustin Yar, from March 1953 - Medved, Novgorod Region, from January 1959 - Germany, from August 1959 - Gvardeisk. Disbanded by May 31, 1990. In various years, the divisions were in service: P-5M (8K51) from 1959 to 1966, P-12 (8K63) from 1961 to 1990. Disbanded on 31.04.91. Commanders: Tveretsky A.F., Gumirov V.M., Ivanov V.N., Kholopov A.I., Akimov B.A., Egorov V.M., Subbotin V.V., Polenkov G.M., Kopeikin A.N.

... Formed by 05/30/1961 from 133 missile brigades. Headquarters - Belogorsk, Amur region, Ice station, Amur region, since 1969 - settlement. Uglegorsk, Amur Region, Svobodny, Amur Region. She was awarded the Pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense "For Courage and Military Valor". Disbanded on 1.04.1994. The State Test Site was deployed on its base. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-16U (8K64U) from 1962 to 1975, URN 00 (8K84) from 1967 to 1974, UR-100K (15A20) from 1973 to 1993. Commanders: Gorbunov I.P., Egorov S I., Terentyev, A.P. Trushkin Yu.V., Talalaev V.V., Sevryukov N.I., Petrenko N.N., Vinidiktov A.N.

Guards Missile Red Banner Division. On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, in May 1960, a 198 missile brigade was formed on the basis of the 28th Guards Cannon Artillery Red Banner Brigade of the 7th Cannon Artillery Division and personnel of units of the 114th motorized rifle division. The guards name and order were passed on to her by succession. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 198th Guards Missile Red Banner Brigade was reorganized into the Guards Missile Red Banner Division. The date of the annual holiday is October 17. Headquarters - Kozelsk, Kaluga region. In different years, the divisions were in service: In different years, the divisions were in service: P-9A (8K75) from 1964 to 1976, UR-100 (8K84) from 1967 to 1977, UR-100N (15AZO) from 1975 to 1987, UR -100НУ (15А35) from 1982 to the present Commanders: Raspopov Ya.V., Burmak M.S., Drummers V.M., Generalov V.A., Timofeev V.M., Petrov V.I., Bolshakov D.N., Polyakov B.A., Karavaitsev V.G., Karakaev S.D., Fedorov V.A., Antsiferov O.G.

Guards Missile Vitebsk Order of Lenin Red Banner Division. In 1951, on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the 54th RVGK special-purpose brigade was created. In 1953, the 54th RVGK Special Purpose Brigade was renamed the 85th Engineering Brigade, and in 1960 it was reorganized into a missile division. Honorary and guards names and orders were transferred to her by succession from the 51st Guards Motorized Rifle Division. Date of the annual holiday - June 1 - Formation Day. Headquarters - Kapustin Yar, Taurags, Lithuanian SSR, Shauliai, Lithuanian SSR, since 1986 - Irkutsk. In various years, the divisions were armed with: RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1988 to the present. Commanders: Nebozhenko T.N., Kolesnikov P.V., Garbuz L.S., Kolesov A.A., Kokin L.I., Glukhovsky V.P., Eriskovsky G.F., Tonkikh V.K., Lazarev V.N., Dremov V.V., Gontarenko V.N., Antsiferov V.V., Siver S.V., Kulai A.G.

Guards Missile Bryansk-Berlin Red Banner Division... Formed by 07/01/1960 from the management of the 83rd Aviation Division. Headquarters - Pinsk, since 1961 - Pruzhany. Disbanded by 01/31/1990. The division was armed with the R-12 complex. Commanders: Dvorko G.I., Chernyavsky F.L., Zabegailov Yu.P., Kadzilov B.I., Kokin A.A., Zhuravlev B.I.,. Zhuravlev Yu.M., Prozorov V.V.

Missile Kherson Red Banner Division named after Marshal Soviet Union Ustinova D.F. Formed by 07/01/1960 from the management of the 12th engineering brigade of the RVGK. Headquarters - Postavy: Vitebsk region. Disbanded by 31.12. 1993. In various years, the divisions were in service: P-12 (8K63) from 1960 to 1976, P-14 (8K65) from 1962 to 1978, UTTH (15Zh53) from 1977 to 1990, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1991 to 1993. Commanders: Frontov V.F., Nedelin V.S., Lapshin A.S., Mikhtyuk V.A., V.Ya. Shavarin, G. D. Zaikov, V.V. Prozorov, V.S. Rudenko, V.I. Malafeev

Guards Missile Svirskaya Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Division. According to the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, the 7th Guards Mortar Svirskaya Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky, the brigade was reorganized into a missile division. Honorary and guards titles and orders were passed on to her by succession. The date of the annual holiday is March 19. Headquarters - Mozyr, Gomel region. In various years, the divisions were in service: P-12 (8K63) From 1976 to 1989, 15Zh45 from 1976 to 1989, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1989 to 1996. Commanders: Osyukov G.L., Merzlyakov G.M., Borodunov E.S., Molozhaev I.I., Yushchenko V.P., Kunarev G.A., Kovalenko G.N., Uvakin V.D.

Rocket Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Division. On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, in May 1960, the 46th Missile Brigade was formed on the basis of the command and control units of the 65th Heavy Mortar Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Brigade of the 6th Artillery Breakthrough Division. Directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 46th missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The orders were passed on to her by succession. The date of the annual holiday is December 15. Headquarters - Prokhladny, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since 1961. Ordzhonikidze, since 1967 - p. Oktyabrskoye of the Prigorodny District of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since 1982 - urban settlement. Borovikha, Altai Territory. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-12 (8K63) from 1961 to 1981, R-14 (8K65) from 1963 to 1982, from 1983 RT-2PM (15Zh58). Commanders: Ivanov G.A., Shevtsov V.N., Dryakhlykh N.I., Gladun V.G., Titarenko A.I., Fedorov V.G., Mikhtyuk V.A., Potapov E.S., Solovtsov N.E., Vorobiev V.A., Kalinichenko N.I., Rozovenko V.P.,. Svidersky K.V., Baranov A.A., Matveev S.S.

Guards Missile Red Banner Vienna Division. According to the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, in May 1960, the 211st missile brigade was formed on the basis of 11 pabr 4 pad, control and one regiment of the 45th tank division and the Tomsk communications school. On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 211st missile brigade was reorganized into a missile division. The honorary and guards titles and the order were transferred to her by succession from the 265th Guards Tank Regiment of the 45th Panzer Division. The date of the annual holiday is June 11. Headquarters - Krasnoyarsk. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-16U (8K64U) from 1964 to 1975, UR-100 (8K84) from 1966 to 1975, UR-100K (15A20) from 1974 to 1994, RT-23UTTKh (15Zh61) from 1990 Commanders: Melnik V.P., Malinovsky G.N., Kruglov P.P., Mikhailenko V.D., Ryazantsev V.Ya., Shcherbatykh A.I., Kozlov V.N., Kruglikov O.G., Doroshin Yu.A., Zolotopupov S.V., Bakharev A.V.

Guards Missile Sevastopol Orders of Lenin and Kutuzov Division. It was formed on the basis of the 22nd engineering brigade of the RVGK. Headquarters - Lutsk. Transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Disbanded on 12/30/92. In various years, the missile division was armed with: P-12 (8K63), 15Zh53. Commanders: Fadeev V.I., Vorobiev K.M., Degtyarenko P.G., Gerasimov V.I., Baranov V.L., Pasmurov P.I., Yudin N.V.

Rocket Division. Formed in April 1965. The date of the annual holiday is June 1. Headquarters -G. Derzhavinsk. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-36 (8K67) from 1966 to 1979, R-36M (15A14) from 1976 to 1983, R-36MUTTH (15A18) from 1979 R-36M2 (15A18M). Commanders: Paramonov V.F., Sakharov M.F., Plotnikov Yu.I., Kirilin V.V., Nikolaev A.I., Norenko Yu.N., Fedyaev Yu.A., Khashegulgov A.M.

Guards Missile Glukhov Order of Lenin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Division... In May 1960, the 212nd Missile Brigade was formed on the basis of the command of the 21st Heavy Howitzer Artillery Brigade and the Siberian Pilot School; in April 1961 it was transformed into a missile division. Honorary and guards names and orders were transferred to her by succession from the 1st Guards Artillery Breakthrough Division of the RVGK. The date of the annual holiday is June 11. Headquarters - smt. Pashino. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-16 (8K64U) from 1963 to 1979, 15Zh45 from 1977 to 1989, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1989. Commanders: Zaikov N.I., Artyukh M.E., Aleshkin A.A., Ovchinnikov N.N., Pridatko L.S., Kuldykov S.G., Chertkov V.P., Okhrimenko N.P., Kamalov K.Sh., Mazurov V.M., Privalov G. N., Reva I.F., Pustovalov N.A., Bratukhin N.K.

Rocket Krasnoselskaya Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division... Created on the basis of the 8th missile brigade in April 1961. The honorary title and orders were passed on by succession. Headquarters - Ostrov, Pskov region. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-12 (8K63) from 1961 to 1990, R-14 (8K65) from 1963 to 1983. Commanders: Kalchanov A.D., Brovtsin A.N., Dadayan A.S., Tyrtsev B.K., Shatalov I.L., Sokolykh Yu.M., Kovalev. V.A.

Guards missile Lvov-Berlin orders of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky division. On the basis of the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, the 216th missile brigade was formed on the basis of the 138th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Lvov-Berlin Orders of Kutuzov and Bohdan Khmelnitsky Brigade and the 81st Tank Regiment of the 36th Motorized Rifle Division. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 216th missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. Honorary and guards titles were passed on to her by succession. The date of the annual holiday is June 11. Headquarters - Aleysk. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-36 (8K67) from 1966 to 1979, R-36M (15A14) from 1983, R-36MUTTH (15A18) from 1979 Commanders: Glushich K.F.,. Danilchenko M.P., Roshchin G.I., Trobyuk D.A., Cherkesov G.K. Ivanov V.E., Sadovsky V.N., Chernega Yu.P., Torazevich V.E.

Missile division... On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960, the 202nd Missile Brigade was formed on the basis of the 18th Howitzer Artillery Brigade, the 6th Artillery Breakthrough Division and the 19th Training Tank Regiment. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 202nd missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The date of the annual holiday is December 1. Headquarters - Nizhny Tagil. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-16U (8K64U) from 1960 to 1977, 15Zh45 from 1978 to 1985, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1986 to the present. Commanders: Maisky O.I., Vishenkov V.M., Panin N.T., Ivanov V.L., Linovitsky E.P., Kryzhko A.L., Basamykin N.I., Kudrin S.P., Zakharov V.L., Kot A.V., Ponomarenko A.G., Bolgarsky A.I.

Guards Missile Smolensk Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division... Formed on the basis of 200 missile brigades in April 1961. Headquarters - Romny. Transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 1992. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-12 (8K63) from 1962 to 1984, R-14 (8K65) from 1962 to 1983, 15Zh53 from 1982 to 1992. Commanders: A. Glushchenko. I., Statsenko I.D., Osipov V.M., Makhotkin N.M., Topoltsev V.F., Bilyk V.D., Svirin A.A., Gerasimov V.P., Chupriyanov V.L. , Khinevich A.P.

Rocket Division. Created on the basis of 23 special-purpose brigades, 73 engineering brigades of the RVGK in April 1961. Headquarters - Kolomyia. Transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-5M (8K51) from 1960 to 1968, R-12 (8K63) from 1961 to 1989. Disbanded by March 31, 1990.

Commanders: Grigoriev M.G., Tonkikh F.P., Dibrova I.F., Nikiforov N.S., Sapozhnikov Yu.A., E.G. Fursa, Fedorov V.A., Makarevich A.A., Karimov R.B.

Missile Red Banner Division... Formed on 1.07.1060 on the basis of the 96th Aviation Division. Headquarters - Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory. Since September 1965 the village. Manzovka of Primorsky Territory. It was disbanded in September 1970. In various years, the divisions were in service: R-5M from 1961 to 1967, R-12 from 1961 to 1970, R-14 from 1962 to 1970. Commanders: I.F. Presnyakov, Ponomarenko V.N., Evseev F.F.

Rocket Nizhnedneprovsk Order of the October Revolution Red Banner Division... Created in April 1961 on the basis of the 29th missile brigade. Headquarters - Pervomaisk. Since 1992 it has been transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 21, 1978 she was awarded the Order of the October Revolution. Commanders: Khomenko I.A., Kolotiy A.I., Gavrilov G.D., Lapshin N.V., Shabelnik I.M., Sergeev I.D., Regentov Yu.P., Goryntsev V.V., Tolubko V.B., Filatov N.M., Ilyashov A.A.

Missile division... Created in April 1961. Headquarters - town. Yasnaya, Olovyaninsky district, Chita region. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-16U (8K64U) from 1964 to 1977, URN 00 (8K84) from 1966 to 1974, UR-100K (15A20) from 1973 to 1991. Disbanded by March 31, 1992. Commanders: Dryakhlykh N.I., Ermoshkin V.P., Eremeev I.M., Ivanov V.N., Kozlov G.V., Lysenkov G.F., Zlobin N.V., Mikhailov V.I.

Guards missile Stanislav-Budapest Red Banner Division... On the basis of a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, in May 1960, the 213rd Missile Brigade was formed on the basis of the command of the 18th Guards Army Stanislavsko-Budapest Red Banner Corps and the command of the 34th Mortar Brigade. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 213rd missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The divisions were transferred by succession to the guards and honorary titles and the order of the 18th Army Corps. The date of the annual holiday is June 11. Headquarters - Lida. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-12 (8K63) from 1960 to 1981, 15Zh45 from 1981 to 1990, RT-2PM (15Zh58) from 1989 to 1996. Disbanded by 01.01.1997. Commanders: Kurasanov PS ., Glushchenko A.I., Zhukov Yu.A., Korsun F.I., Muravyev V.A., Novikov V.I., Zharko V.Kh., Kozlov A.V., Krivov A.E., Ivantsov A.I.

Missile Red Banner Division... Formed by May 30, 1961 on the basis of the 80th missile brigade of the RVGK. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1985 she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Headquarters - Belokorovichi. Disbanded by April 30, 1991. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-12 (8K63) from 1960 to 1984, 15Zh45 from 1985 to 1991. Commanders: Ladilov A.N., Gnido P.A., Bondarenko B.A. ., Lobanov B.I., Ivanushkin V.M., Chichevatov N.M., Vershkov I.V., Vakhrushev L.P.

Missile division... It was formed to fulfill its international duty in the Republic of Cuba in 1962. Commander: I.D. Statsenko.

Rocket Ternopil-Berlin Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Red Star Division... On the basis of the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in May 1960 on the basis of management, the 1170th and 1208th anti-aircraft artillery regiments of the 98th anti-aircraft artillery Ternopil-Berlin orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Red Star of the division, the 35th Air Force school and the 15th training tank regiment the 206th missile brigade was formed. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the 206th missile brigade was transformed into a missile division. The divisions were transferred by succession to the honorary name and orders. The date of the annual holiday is June 27. Headquarters - Bershet, Perm region. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-16U (8K64U) from 1962 to 1976, UR-100 (8K84) from 1966 to 1975, UR-100K (15A20) from 1974 to 1994, RT-23UTTKh (15ZH61) from 1989 Commanders : Ivanov Z.T., Parshin P.S., Kabanov P.I., Drukarev A.A., Kozlov V.A., Belousov V.V., Balabolkin I.M., Kirillov Yu.F., Subbotin A.G., Sipenko B.V.

Rocket Brest Order of Suvorov Division... Formed by 05/30/1961 from 97 missile brigade. In 1965 it was reorganized into the 48th missile brigade. Headquarters - Dzhambul. Commanders: V.D. Morozov, N.L. Kiforenko

Guards Missile Order of Kutuzov Division... Based on the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense, in May 1960, the 197th missile brigade was formed on the basis of the 27th Guards Cannon Artillery Order of Kutuzov, the 7th Cannon Artillery Division, 541st Artillery Regiment and 207th School of Mechanics. By the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the guards name and order were transferred by succession. By a directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense in April 1961, the brigade was transformed into the Guards Missile Division of the Order of Kutuzov. The date of the annual holiday is October 15th. Headquarters - Teikovo. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-16U9 (8K64U) from 1962 to 1977, UR-100 (8K84) from 1968 to 1975, UR-100K (15A20) from 1971 to 1991, and from 1988 to the present. in. RT-2PM (15P158). Commanders: Zabrailov B.E., Leshin A.V., Shilovsky V.P., Urlin I.B., Oleinik I.I., Byakov F.A., Cherenov V.P., Rudenko V.S., Sinyakovich L.E., Chistopolskiy P.A., Pchelintsev Yu.A., Fazletdinov I.R.

Missile division... Formed in February 1965. The date of the annual holiday is August 18. Headquarters - Zhangiztobe. Disbanded on 12/30/1995. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-36 (8K67) from 1966 to 1979, R-36 (15A14) from 1976 to 1984, R-36MUTTH (15A18) from 1979 to 1995. Commanders: A.D. Larichev, Chernov Yu.V., Krasnoshchekov S.K., Lapitsky S.N., Tivanov V.I., Kulikov V.E., Vishenkov V.V., Karpov O.I.

Missile Melitopol Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division, formed in April 1961. Headquarters - Karmelava, Kaunas region, Lithuanian SSR. Disbanded in 1991. The R-12 RC was in service with the missile division. Commanders: Bereznyak N.I., Abrashkevich V.A., Skvortsov V.E., Ermak S.N., Khokhlachev N.M., Erokhin V.M.

Missile division... Formed in February 1965. The date of the annual holiday is November 1. Headquarters - Kartaly. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-36 (8K67) from 1966 to 1979, R-36M from 1975 to 1983, R-36MUTTH (15A18) from 1979. Commanders: Kharchenko A.T., Shirshov V.T. , Khlopyachiy R.M., Kondratyev V.A., Bobin G.I., Merkulov Yu.A., Konarev A.L., Alekseev V.P., Lokotko A.A., Plakidin A.V., Bondarenko S.V., Konnov A.D., Mikholap L.A.

Rocket Taman Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner Division named after the 60th anniversary of the USSR. Formed in April 1961 on the basis of the 229th Taman Red Banner Fighter Aviation Division. By the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the honorary title and the order were transferred by succession. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 02/21/1978, the division was awarded the Order of the October Revolution. The date of the annual holiday is September 1st. Headquarters - smt. Tatishchevo. In various years, the missile division was armed with: UR-100 (8K84) from 1966 to 1978, UR-100N (15AZO) from 1976 to 1984, UR-100NU (15A35) from 1982, RT-23UTTKh (15Zh60) from 1989, RS -12M2 from 1997 to the present Commanders: Severov L.S., Kovalenko V.L., Lopatin N.Ya., Kas'yanov A.A., Makarovsky Yu.M., Chilikin S.N., Yakovlev V.N., Kononov Yu.E., Yu.N. Kavelin, V.A. Kirillov

Missile Red Banner Division... Formed in February 1965. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 02.22.1968, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The date of the annual holiday is April 13. Headquarters - Uzhur. In various years, the missile division was armed with: R-36 (8K67) from 1966 to 1979, R-36 (15A14) from 1975 to 1992, R-36MUTTH (15A18) from 1979 to the present, R-36 (15A18) ) from 1990 to the present Commanders: Prikhodko P.M., Ryzleitsev S.I., Kotlovtsev N.N., Sedykh V.S., Smelik E.I., Martynenko A.F., Ashcheulov V.I., Shvaichenko A.A., Churakov V.Yu., Solokhin S.P., Sivachev A.D., Zubkov A.Yu., Kashlev Yu.G.

In addition to the combat strength in the R.D. includes units and subunits of special forces and the rear of the missile division.

Among the nominal flags of the Strategic Missile Forces troops, presented on the pages of the Voenpro military department, of course, there was a place for a banner with the symbols of the 7th Strategic Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces. The flag is traditionally created on the basis of the combined arms flag of the Strategic Missile Forces with the personal symbols of the 7th Guards Missile Division applied.


  • 7 missile division

The birthday of the 7th missile division is considered July 14, 1961 - by this date, by a special directive of the Ministry of Defense, the 7th ORB was reorganized into a division, since 1970 it is subordinate to the now disbanded 50 missile army of the Strategic Missile Forces (today it is part of the Vladimir RA). By this time, it included 11 regiments, nine of which were disbanded as part of the implementation of the terms of the START system.

Today, only the Topol mobile missile systems are in service - we are talking about a sufficiently technically equipped formation of the Strategic Missile Forces troops, which are not armed with Voevoda missile systems. The 7th missile division is deployed on the territory of the Ozerny closed administrative unit, military unit. 12425 - headquarters of the compound. In the settlements of Bologoye-4 and Vypolzovo, which form the Ozerny closed city, mobile ground-based missile systems are on alert, which are in constant combat readiness - formations of the 7th missile division of the Strategic Missile Forces spend several minutes on direct preparation for launch.

Unlike most large formations of the Strategic Missile Forces, the 7th missile division has no aviation regiments or silos - there is a clear direction of work. The servicemen of the Strategic Missile Forces regiments in the villages of Bologoye-4 and Vypolzovo thoroughly study modern PGRK, within the framework of combat exits, in practice, they check not only their readiness for launches, but also the indicators of cross-country ability, speed, and "survivability."

ZATO Ozerny, where the 7th Rezhitsa Guards Missile Division is located, is an absolutely autonomous settlement - the infrastructure of military camps is well developed. There are schools, sports facilities, houses of culture, factories, an Orthodox church: in this regard, the 7th missile division can be safely called exemplary - however, it has always been such, in 1963 even Fidel Castro was a guest here.

The officers, of course, live in apartments on the territory of the settlement, soldiers - in the barracks. The Strategic Missile Forces division in Ozernoye, as we have already said, does not belong to the number of newly formed ones - the barracks in the 7th missile division are also of the traditional type (not cockpit), but they are clean enough and quite suitable for living. There are also sports facilities, a canteen and a first-aid post - in general, everything is standard.

Everyday life of servicemen is training in the operation of the PGRK, by the way, according to the testimony of those who drove the huge mobile missile system in service with the Strategic Missile Forces, the vehicle is incredibly passable and has an incredibly soft ride. There is nothing surprising here - one of the reasons for the success of the Topol mobile systems, not only in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, but also in the world, is the unique suspension system. It not only provides excellent progress and overcoming any obstacles, but also the ability for the Strategic Missile Forces troops to launch from soft ground.

An unusual museum was created on the territory of the 7th missile division in 1994, which still functions today. By the end of 94, the troops of the Strategic Missile Forces of Ozernoye were finally transferred to the PGRK, most of the silos were blown up and flooded, but they decided not to destroy one mine - today, thus, visitors can get acquainted with the launch system of the famous Soviet ballistic missiles "Satan". Note that we are not talking about an outdated system - the same silos and today form the basis of the armament of the Strategic Missile Forces troops. In the photo below, the launch of the "Voevoda" from the mine, not in the 7th missile division, though.

The era of disarmament turned out to be very serious losses for the 7th missile division - nine regiments of the Strategic Missile Forces were disbanded, an incredible amount of weapons were destroyed, military camps were abandoned. However, it survived, remained a combat-ready part of the Strategic Missile Forces, and today it is a "light" and mobile connection of instant response with nuclear weapons.

Almost in the middle of the Central Russian land, almost exactly in the middle between the ancient cities of Tver and Veliky Novgorod, the village of Vypolzovo is comfortably located between pine forests. The village is one of those of which there are a great many throughout Mother Russia. However, it does not look like most of them: one of the elements of the nuclear missile shield (and sword) of Russia is deployed in its vicinity - the 7th Rezhitskaya Guards Missile Division, armed with 15Zh58 complexes with the RT-2PM (RS-12M) Topol missile ... In the closed military town of the division, the missilemen and members of their families live - only about 12 thousand people.

A picture to attract attention:

The town has all the necessary social infrastructure (according to our kind and hospitable host - the deputy commander of the division, Colonel Vladimir Vladimirovich Borisov, "the infrastructure is excellent!"): Two schools for 2.5 thousand children, 6 kindergartens for 670 children, a city hospital for 140 beds, a military hospital for 200 beds, two outpatient clinics - military and civilian, the whole range of trade enterprises, the Palace of Sports for Children and Youth with a children's and youth sports school and cadet classes, a station for young technicians, a recreation center, a bakery, a post office, a bath and laundry plant. There is also an Orthodox church in the town in the name of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Believing servicemen have the opportunity to attend services in it, free from being on combat duty. Moreover, some of them are being cared for by an Orthodox priest, and therefore the moral and psychological situation in the barracks remains good and stable.
All officers from the division's combat units receive cash payments under Order 400-A in the amount of 40 to 140 thousand, payments for physical and some others.
The wives of the officers of the division have no difficulty finding work in the town.
The division traces its lineage to the 19th Artillery Brigade, the banner and name of which was transferred to the newly formed division in the early 1960s.
Over the years of its existence, the division was armed with the following types of missiles:
Since 1963 - P-16;
since 1967 - UR-100
since 1975 - MR UR-100
since 1979 - MR UR-100U
since 1994 - RS-12M "Topol"
An interesting fact: in 1961, it was on the territory of this division that N.S. Khrushchev showed Fidel Castro a new R-16 missile capable of reaching the territory of the United States.
It was to such an interesting place that a regular press tour of the Ministry of Defense was organized on Friday, April 15, 2011. The unit, according to the officer of the Strategic Missile Forces press service accompanying us, is not exemplary, not advanced - ordinary. Exactly on the eve of the press tour, large-scale exercises ended in the unit.
Upon arrival (and the journey from Moscow to the division took five and a half hours) we were immediately taken to the dining room (not a soldier's, but a regular catering room, in which, apparently, the population of the town celebrates various solemn events - weddings, anniversaries, etc. .), where for ridiculous money we were well fed. Immediately after that, we were taken to a combat position:

It is impossible to get to the position in any other way, except through the checkpoint - several contours of protection have been installed around it, so even the most inveterate saboteurs and terrorists have no chances.
On the other side of the checkpoint, the officers of the division accompanying us (already mentioned above Colonel Boisov and others) met and greeted the guard:

In the "Digit" division servicemen began to change clothes only at the end of winter, so a) not all servicemen received a new uniform and b) they had not yet had time to evaluate its wearing in different climatic conditions, although one major, to whom I asked a question about the uniform, said that for spring. especially like that. like this year, the "digital" jacket is much better suited than the "Flor" pea jacket.

At the position, we were shown the equipment that is part of the missile division - not all, only that which could be shown to strangers. This is a combat duty vehicle (MOBD) and a communications vehicle. Cars were allowed to take pictures and video only from the outside, although they were allowed to go inside.

MOBD in the hangar. MOBD is an autonomous self-propelled residential block (speaking simple language). It is designed to provide rest and food preparation during combat duty "in the field" by calculations that are not currently carrying a DB. Inside the car there is a full-fledged kitchen with everything necessary for cooking hot food), several compartments (almost one-to-one, like in a railway carriage) for the rest of 4 people each, a small office with a desk and lockers. A turret with a machine gun is installed in the rear of the MOBD.
The communication machine is a more secure technique, so we had the opportunity to visit only one room inside it. This is a room with some unclassified equipment, the purpose of which the bloggers chose not to ask. Of course, they didn’t let us into the control room of the radio operators, because this is, in fact, the holy of holies of the machine.

Here we were warmly greeted by senior warrant officer Sergei Oleinik, a driving instructor. He spoke in detail about the characteristics of the car. But the most important surprise was Sergey Oleinik's offer to steer this colossus - after minimal instruction in a straight line (he unfolded himself, because this process requires art)

within Temptation

Cabin. The gear lever is visible above the seat. N, 1, 2, 3 and automatic. The transfer activation process is carried out as follows. After starting the engine, a little gas is supplied, then the toggle switch (between the steering column and the red button) is put in the "forward" position, the gearshift lever - on the 1st, gas - 2nd, gas - automatic ... And forward ... the unit is very soft. He does not notice small irregularities (however, sensitive for puzoterok), but on more severe ones (problematic even for UAZ) it goes smoothly and gently, without shaking ...
The full-size photo ( shows all the inscriptions above all the handles, knobs and toggle switches

Ahtung! Ahtung! Bloggers are driving!

Driving - blogger, left - instructor Sergey Oleinik

I can hardly be called a blogger in the sense that was needed for this press tour. My readers are colleagues from my previous job - 4 pieces, my best friend - 1 piece and my mother is the only one in the whole world. Sometimes Ovseichuk also comes in, whom, along the way, I am just amusing.
In general, the number of my regular readers is minimal, and I do not write on military-patriotic topics either. So I was denied accreditation as a blogger, but not as a journalist. In the end, not with a pen, but with a camera.

It all starts with the dining room. Always. After 5 hours of the road there were no other desires. Well, there were, of course, but still I wanted to go to the dining room.

While the people stood in line ...

I'm at talykova I asked myself a hero.

And here is the food. Not tasty, as the assistant, whose tray I photographed, said.

The part is located in the closed city "Ozerny". Therefore, we left our cars right outside the checkpoint, and moved to a military PAZik, in which we were transported across the territory of the town and the unit itself.

I will support the anger of other bloggers: they promised to show us "Poplar". And they didn't show it. Although, as a person in the military field, not very sophisticated, I was still interested.

See the procrastination? There are 3000 Volts.

There were, I think, 17 bloggers. From Moscow, we were accompanied by a colonel from the press service of the Strategic Missile Forces and a major from the service for the protection of state secrets. Several more people joined the unit.

What was shown there was a missile battalion deployed in the field. But only in garages and under camouflage.

Since at the very beginning of the press tour we signed for knowledge and observance of the laws on state secrets and the media, it was only possible to shoot the proposed objects from certain angles. This is a hiding communication machine.

But this is a combat watch support vehicle. In the garage.

All bloggers have pictures inside the car. The camera was not allowed there. Consequently, I did not climb either.

And here is how we crossed the high-voltage line - a secret passage under the ground under vigilant security.

But this is the way out. There is no security, because the door opens only from THAT side.

The second destination is the barracks.

In my opinion, of course, ascetic, but knowledgeable people said: they have seen and more severe.

When I made plans with a sports corner in the plot, the editor noticed: if we show this, PR will definitely not work.

We were allowed to talk to the privates. Well, more precisely to me. Hardly anyone recorded them on the camera.

The private, who was given to me for an interview, said so: the Internet and television are what they watch now. And the guys in civilian life will see how they have here, in the Strategic Missile Forces, and will also go to the army.

But I still think that their boots have an uncomfortable last. \\

The most interesting part of the press tour is the interactive one. This is when the exhibits can be felt.

Before we were allowed to touch this - a training launch complex ...

They explained to us in some detail how difficult and at the same time simple to operate this machine. Dimensions - about 20 meters long. How much it weighs, I'm even afraid to guess. They say 40 tons. It probably never accelerates to a hundred. Yes, this is not necessary if you are carrying an intercontinental ballistic missile RT-2PM. Explained the most that no real, senior warrant officer - Sergei Oleinik.

Nice little wheel, considering that in this photo I am 180 cm tall.

And now the very interactive part of the press tour. We were all allowed to lead this colossus ourselves. I understand, it's hard to believe. I am a pretty muslin young lady with a driver's license, sold at most 10 times. But behind me was senior warrant officer Sergei Oleinik ... and the operator, in front of whose camera it was impossible to disgrace.
