The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 defines the social requirements for the school education system as follows: "A developing society needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting possible consequences, capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility , dynamism, constructiveness, have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country. "

In this light, the most important task of the school is the formation of full-fledged citizens of their country. And the solutions to this problem largely depend on what the matured schoolchildren will do, what profession they will choose, and where they will work.

School cannot give a person a stock of knowledge for life. But she is able to give the student the basic basic guidelines of basic knowledge. The school can and should develop the cognitive interests and abilities of the student, instill in him the key competencies necessary for further self-education.

The modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages.

The priority direction of development of the modern school has become the humanistic orientation of education, in which the leading place is taken by personal potential (principle). It involves taking into account the needs and interests of the student, the implementation of a differentiated approach to training.

Today, the focus is on the student, his personality, and a unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal of a modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organization learning activities students who optimally correspond to the set goal of personal development.

IN last years the question of the use of new information technologies in schools is increasingly being raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language.

The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as learning in collaboration, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning.

Forms of work with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include: learning vocabulary; practicing pronunciation; teaching dialogical and monologic speech; teaching writing; working out grammatical phenomena.

The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet creates conditions for obtaining any information necessary for students and teachers, located anywhere in the world: regional geographic material, news from the life of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc.

On lessons in English with the help of the Internet, it is possible to solve a number of didactic tasks: to form skills and abilities of reading, using materials from the global network; improve the writing skills of schoolchildren; replenish the vocabulary of students; to form students' motivation to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at exploring the possibilities of Internet technologies to broaden the horizons of schoolchildren, to establish and maintain business ties and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries.

Students can take part in tests, quizzes, contests, olympiads held on the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chats, video conferences, etc.

Students can receive information on the problem they are working on at the moment in the project.

The substantive basis of mass computerization is associated with the fact that a modern computer is an effective means of optimizing mental labor conditions, in general, in any of its manifestations. There is one peculiarity of the computer, which is revealed when using it as a device for teaching others, and as an assistant in the acquisition of knowledge, this is its inanimateness. The machine can "friendly" communicate with the user and at some moments "support" him, but it will never show signs of irritability and will not make you feel bored. In this sense, the use of computers is perhaps most useful in individualizing certain aspects of teaching.

The main goal of studying a foreign language at school is the formation of communicative competence, all other goals (upbringing, educational, developing) are realized in the process of realizing this main goal. The communicative approach involves teaching communication and the formation of the ability for intercultural interaction, which is the basis of the functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet does not make sense - it is an international multinational, cross-cultural society, whose livelihood is based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world speaking simultaneously - the largest conversation in terms of size and number of participants that has ever taken place. Involving in it in the lesson foreign language, we create a model of real communication.

Currently, priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of education. These principles make it possible to develop intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. The ultimate goal of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis to teach free orientation in a foreign language environment and the ability to respond adequately in various situations, i.e. communication. Today, new methods using Internet resources are opposed to traditional teaching foreign languages. To teach communication in a foreign language, you need to create real, real life situations (i.e. what is called the principle of authenticity of communication), which will stimulate the study of the material and develop adequate behavior. New technologies, in particular the Internet, are trying to correct this mistake.

The communicative approach is a strategy that simulates communication, aimed at creating a psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, at a conscious comprehension of the material and ways of acting with it. For the user, the implementation of a communicative approach on the Internet is not particularly difficult. The communicative task should offer students a problem or question for discussion, and students not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion that makes it possible to distinguish this approach from other types of educational activity is that students independently choose linguistic units to form their thoughts. The use of the Internet in a communicative approach is perfectly motivated: its purpose is to interest students in learning a foreign language through the accumulation and expansion of their knowledge and experience.

One of the main requirements for teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200busing Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the lesson, which is commonly called interactivity in the methodology. Interactivity is "unification, coordination and complementarity of the efforts of the communicative goal and result by speech means." By teaching a genuine language, the Internet helps in the development of speaking skills and skills, as well as in the teaching of vocabulary and grammar, ensuring genuine interest and therefore efficiency. Interactivity not only creates real life situations, but also forces students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language.

One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning is the project method, as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. The typology of projects is diverse. According to M.E.Breigina, projects can be subdivided into monoprojects, collective, oral-speech, specific, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice it is often necessary to deal with mixed projects in which there are signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational. Project work is a multi-layered approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking, and grammar. The project method promotes the development of active independent thinking of students and guides them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant in that it teaches children to cooperate, and learning to cooperate fosters such moral values \u200b\u200bas mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, forms creativity and activates students. In general, in the process of project training, the indissolubility of training and education is traced.

The project method forms students' communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to concisely and easily formulate thoughts, tolerate the opinion of communication partners, develop the ability to extract information from different sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that contributes to the emergence of natural needs in communication in a foreign language.

The project form of work is one of the relevant technologies that allow students to apply the accumulated knowledge of the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech and hear, understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with an authentic language, which does not give language learning only with the help of a textbook in the classroom.

Working on a project is a creative process. A student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, is looking for a solution to a problem, this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, possession of creative, communicative and intellectual skills. In the course of foreign languages, the project method can be used within the program material on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.

TO modern technologies the technology of cooperation also applies. The main idea is to create conditions for active joint activity of students in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, while the role of each is discussed. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his work, but also for the result of the entire group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from the strong what they do not understand, and strong students strive for the weak to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this because the gaps are jointly closed.

The introduction of information technology in education will significantly diversify the process of perception and processing of information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia tools, students are given a unique opportunity to master a large amount of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting. The motivational basis of educational activity is also significantly expanding. In the context of using multimedia, students receive information from newspapers, television, conduct interviews themselves and conduct teleconferences.

As for the language portfolio, it is based on the correlation of Russian requirements for the level of mastering a foreign language with the common European systems, which, in turn, is the starting point for creating a unified educational space. The main criterion for assessing the level of foreign language proficiency in the language portfolio technology is testing. The priority of this technology is the reorientation of the educational process from the teacher to the student. The learner, in turn, is consciously responsible for the results of his cognitive activity. The above technology leads to the gradual formation of students' skills of independent mastering of information. In general, the language portfolio is multifunctional and contributes to the development of multilingualism.

Finally, modular learning gets its name from the term “module” meaning “functional unit”. The essence of modular training is reduced to the independent mastery of certain skills and abilities by students in educational and cognitive activities. Modular learning assumes a clear structuring of the learning content. It ensures the development of the motivational sphere of schoolchildren, intelligence, independence, collectivism, skills of self-management of their cognitive activities. The module creates positive motives for learning, as a rule, due to its amusement, emotional content, educational search and reliance on life experience. The main means of modular learning are training modules.

As a teacher of a foreign language, I have developed and tested a whole series of modules for introducing into the English language course a whole block of topics aimed at the civil-patriotic education of schoolchildren, since this aspect is extremely relevant today and is the least studied.

As practice shows, it is the lack of knowledge of one's own history, culture and traditions, and not the history of the country of the target language, that causes significant difficulties in communicating in the language.

The implementation of the elements of the modular block is carried out within 45 minutes after preliminary study or repetition of the main material within the framework of an elective course 1 time per week from the 2nd to the 11th grade, both in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Modern innovative teaching technologies in English lessons

New trends of our time make us respond to them by modernizing school education. These trends give rise to new requirements for education, the main goal of which is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen. The effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by information - educational environment - a system of information and educational resources and tools that provide conditions for the implementation of the main educational program educational institution.

A foreign language teacher teaches children ways to speak, so we are talking about communicative competence as one of the main goals of teaching foreign languages. According to E.I. Passov, the author of the communicative method, communicativeness presupposes the speech orientation of the educational process, which lies not so much in the fact that a practical speech goal is pursued, but in the fact that the path to this goal is the very practical use of the language. To form the necessary skills and abilities in one or another type of speech activity in students, as well as linguistic competence at the level defined by the program and standard, active oral practice is required for each student. In order to form communicative competence outside the linguistic environment, it is not enough to saturate the lesson with conditionally communicative or communicative exercises that allow solving communicative problems.

Modern innovative forms of education are characterized by a high communicative ability and active involvement of students in educational activities, activate the potential of knowledge, skills and abilities of speaking and listening, they effectively develop the communicative competence of schoolchildren. This contributes to adaptation to modern social conditions, since society needs people who quickly navigate modern world, independent and proactive, successful in their activities. At the heart of any innovation is creativity. Creative activity involves the development of the emotional and intellectual spheres of the individual. This is one of the main tasks of modern educational process... Educational activity at school requires the use of specific technologies that ensure the solution of this problem. Such technologies are innovative forms of education: role play, project method, dramatization, ICT, skype technologies. The main task is to choose methods to stimulate active cognitive activity of students, to realize the creative potential of each participant in innovative activity. The goal of the teacher is to identify the possibilities of innovative forms of education, to increase the effectiveness of learning, to develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren in foreign language lessons.

Innovation is one of the most accessible and effective forms of skills development communicative competence among schoolchildren, creates conditions for the socialization of the individual and the development of his independence, creativity and activity. An important component is the creation of comfortable psychological conditions in which the student feels his own success, intellectual competence.

Project technology is a technology that stimulates the interests of students and develops a desire to learn, associated with the implementation of various kinds of projects. The use of this technology makes it possible to foresee all possible forms of work in the classroom: individual, group, collective, which stimulate the independence and creativity of children.

Completing project assignments allows schoolchildren to see the practical benefits of learning a foreign language, which results in an increase in interest and motivation to study this subject. The activity of students in the lesson and outside the classroom is significantly intensified. Even weak learners show interest in the language at runtime creative assignments... By completing the tasks of the project, students get the opportunity to practically apply their knowledge of a foreign language. Schoolchildren themselves find the necessary information containing valuable regional, lexical, grammatical material, using for these purposes not only the material of the textbook, but also other sources of information.

ICT - technology. The traditional education system is giving way to new information and communication technologies (ICT). Today, knowledge of one or more foreign languages \u200b\u200bis one of the priorities of modern education. Knowledge of foreign languages, possession of modern information technologies greatly help to become an intellectual, highly educated member of society, therefore knowledge and mastery of ICT becomes mandatory for the younger generation and teachers - for the most effective organization of the educational process while mastering a foreign language culture.

The computer in the educational process is becoming an irreplaceable means of development, education, and the formation of students' communication skills.

Currently, our students have been performing projects on a computer for several years using different programs. I would like to note that children's projects have been improved by the fact that earlier they were just slides with information and pictures or photographs, but now these are real colorful and interesting films - videos. In presentations, students use animation effects, slideshows, their own videos, hyperlinks, musical accompaniment. Parents of students also became interested in the creation of projects, who also actively began to participate in this process.

When using a computer and other Internet resources, we pay all attention to the child, increase her cognitive and creative activity, develop speech activity, and form communication skills. The use of the World Wide Web sites helps develop students' intercultural competence. The City Net website ( /) makes it possible to travel to different countries, visit parks, see monuments and any other attractions. Here you can find everything about the selected country - from photographs of monuments to a complete account of the natural resources and art of the country being studied.

If you visit the MEDIA LINK page ( /) you can find out where and what newspapers exist and turn the classroom into a news agency and your students into first-class reporters. This type of activity is used in work with high school students, since it includes reading in large quantities. Almost all important newspapers in the world have their own web pages.

Mediasitesonenglishlanguage: THE WASHINGTON POST ( /) CNN World News (, ABC News ( / index.html) , BBC World Service (, The Washington Times ( The New York Times (http: // www. / )

These sites provide an opportunity not only to read articles, but also listen to news, in many languages; they accompany their publications in addition to sound and video accompaniment.

To develop intercultural competence, you can use work with various educational sites, for example,Bilingua - a site offering various speech exercises and courses, organizing chats. The exercises are checked by native speakers. Students can also act as a teacher and check the exercises done by foreigners in Russian.

In class and in extracurricular activities, we use online tests to prepare for control works. Online tests help to check at what stage of mastering grammatical or lexical material is this or that student.

Skype technology. Recently, communication in the Skype program has become very popular, this service allows you to quickly and easily contact relatives and friends, exchange free video calls, discuss news in chat.

Skype conferences with students (teachers) from other countries are held in English, create authentic conditions for communication, help to remove the language barrier, and encourage the use of the language.

In the process of Skype - communication, students from different countries who study English as a foreign language (or as a native language) communicate with each other on different topics.

The use of Skype technology for communication is widely known, but the use in schools is complicated by several factors. When organizing Skype conferences, both objective and subjective difficulties can arise.

In order for a Skype conference not to end in disappointment due to problems with the equipment, it is important to make a test call and determine the noise level and the specifics of organizing the conference: using a computer and displaying an image on a large screen or just a laptop screen. If the communication level allows, then output the image and sound, or only sound if the quality of the connection is poor.

The placement of students during the conference should be organized so that it is convenient to speak and it is easy for the speakers to change places, and the audience can hear and see both sides well.

Experience shows that it is better to start with beginners (who have never participated in Internet communication with foreign peers) when the topic has been worked out and the conference participants have prepared educational stories, they will begin the conversation with less excitement.

The use of visualization helps students to cope with stress, promotes calm communication.

Each participation in a Skype conference for a child is stressful, therefore, students need to be psychologically prepared for the performance. Before starting work, read a short lecture on netiquette, identify a range of universal topics that can be discussed with any partners in Skype - communication, questions that should not be asked: they relate to religious beliefs, income and marital status of another person.

One of the problems that needs to be solved in advance is the feeling of “false permissiveness” among students. Students often assume that their Skype communication partners, whom they see for the first time in their lives, do not know the Russian language and will not be able to guess the meaning of Russian words and gestures. At the sight of unusual appearance, clothing, environment of the conference participants, it is difficult for our schoolchildren to resist exclamations or comments. A conversation about tolerance and a culture of communication before each event is aimed at developing endurance and calmness in communication.

If these conditions are met, the organization and holding of Skype conferences will bring only positive emotions.

Thus, the use of Skype in the educational process helps to create conditions for real communication of students in English, contributes to the formation of communicative competence, readiness to carry out effective foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication.

Today the focus is on the student, his personality, his unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal of a modern teacher is to choose the methods and forms of organizing the educational activities of students that are optimally consistent with the set goal - personal development. Innovative forms of education contribute to the organization and activation of the educational activities of schoolchildren, increase the effectiveness of education, create a favorable microclimate in English lessons.

Innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school.

"Every new age, giving us new knowledge, gives us new eyes." These words of G. Heine correspond to what is happening today in the national education. The standards of the second generation (Federal State Educational Standard) can be called the “new eyes” of education, since it is in the format of the standard that the requirements of the state and society to the goals of education are fixed. The key goals of the FSES implementation are directly related to the study of foreign languages. Therefore, knowledge of a foreign language is becoming one of the most important competencies of a modern person. The modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages.

The modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages.

Modular learning technology.

The main tasks of the school are: teaching self-selection and use of the necessary information. One of the learning tools that allows you to solve these problems is modular training. Its essence lies in the fact that the student independently achieves the goals of educational and cognitive activities in the process of working on a module that combines learning objectives, educational material indicating tasks, recommendations for completing these tasks. A module is a target functional unit, which combines educational content and methods of educational activities to master this content.

The modular lesson allows students to work independently, communicate and help each other, evaluate their work and the work of their friend. It is necessary that each student understand the purpose of the lesson, what to learn and where to focus their attention. The role of the teacher in modular learning boils down to managing student work. With such an organization of work, I have the opportunity to communicate with almost every student, help the weak and encourage strong students. The possibilities of modular teaching technology are enormous, because, thanks to it, the student occupies a central place in the "teacher-student" system, and the teacher controls his teaching - motivates, organizes, consults, controls.

Technologies for the development of critical thinking.

The modern model of the educational process is oriented, as you know, towards the transition from the "school of knowledge" to the "school of thinking", which requires, among other things, mastering the strategies of cognitive activity.Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information withpositions of logic and personal-psychological approach in order toapply the results obtained, both to standard and non-standardsituations, questions, problems. The development of critical thinking is “... an approach in teaching, focused on the development of an independent, creatively thinking personality, on the self-realization of the student's“ I ”, on the development of the student's creative potential, so that he can apply the acquired knowledge infurther life and it is easy to adapt to the surrounding world. "

In my lessons I use the following types of work:

Basket of ideas, concepts. names or cluster.

ZUH mechanism (filling in the table at the end of the lessoni know, I found out, I want to know).

Margins ("v"I thought so,"? "not very clear," + "new information).


Inverted logic circuits.

Electronic interactive learning technology.

The essence of interactive learning is such an organization of the educational process in which almost all students are involved in the learning process. Interactive activity in my lessons presupposes the organization and development of dialogue communication, which leads to interaction, mutual understanding, to the joint solution of common, but significant for each participant, tasks. Interactive excludes the dominance of both one speaker and one opinion over others.

So, on the basis of the Odnoklassniki site, we have created an Internet group "FunnyEnglish". Students primary grades are also members of this group. The guys really like to communicate, create photo albums on the given topics, participate in the discussion of various issues. In the course of working in an Internet group, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on an analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions, and communicate with other people.

Distance learning. IN eb-quest technology.

Distance learning -it is a complex process that requires significant effort, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of the students. Therefore, I would recommend the web quest technology to novice teachers. "Quest " translated from English -long-term targeted search, which may be related to adventure or play ... An educational web quest is a site on the Internet that students work with to complete a particular learning task. ” The web quest was first used in 1995 by Bernie Dodge. A web quest is a web project in which all materials presented to students come from the Internet. The design of a web quest assumes rational planning of students' time, focused not on finding information, but on using it. The main difference between a web quest and a simple search for information is as follows:

    having a problem

    search for information on the problem is carried out on the Internet

    the problem is solved by the whole group

Working on a web quest at the initial stage develops skills such as the ability to compare, analyze, classify, and abstract thinking. Students not only collect information, but transform it to complete the assignment.

I am working on the web quest in stages:

1st stage - preliminary preparation. I determine for myself the type of web quest - for short-term (1-3 lessons) or long-term work (a quarter, academic year, six months); how the web quest will be carried out - individually or in groups; what the end result will be. At the same stage, I select Internet resources.

2nd stage - I make out a web quest, adhering to a certain structure that has developed during its existence: introduction, task, work process, information resources, assessment.

Project technology.

Based on the concepts of teaching and design technology, we consider the project methodology as a set of search, problematic methods, creative in their very essence, representing a didactic means of enhancing cognitive activity, developing creativity and at the same time the formation of certain personal qualities students in the process of creating a specific product.

The organization of work on the project involves the following stages:


    presentation of situations that allow you to identify one or several problems on the topic under discussion;

    putting forward hypotheses, solving the posed problem ("brainstorming"), discussing and substantiating each of the hypotheses;

    discussion of methods for testing accepted hypotheses in small groups (each group has one hypothesis), possible sources of information for testing the hypothesis; presentation of results;


    work in groups on the search for facts, arguments, confirming or refuting a hypothesis;

    ongoing analysis of project implementation, results achieved (successes and failures);


    defense of projects (presentation of results);

    evaluation of results, identification of new problems;

The stage of practical use of the results of work on the project (as visual aids, reports in other lessons, exhibitions, etc.).

In the process of performing project work at the initial stage of training, the principle of "success" is implemented, which implies the orientation of the entire educational process to the student: to his interests, life experience and individual abilities.

Game technology

Gaming technologies remain “innovative” in the system russian education... Elkonin, a psychologist, analyzing the phenomenon of play, comes to the conclusion that play is an activity in which social relations between people are recreated outside the conditions of directly utilitarian activity.

Health-saving technologies.

The health status of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state, not only reflecting the present situation, but also giving a forecast for the future.Deteriorating health of school-age children in Russia has become not only a medical, but also a serious pedagogical problem. One of the most traumatic factors for the health of primary schoolchildren is the general stressful system of organizing the educational process and conducting lessons.

In my lessons, I use methods of positive psychological support for the student in the classroom, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student and a differentiated approach to children with different abilities, maintaining cognitive interest in learning English, and also the principle of physical activity in the lesson.The lesson is a zone of psychological comfort. To make the classroom atmosphere more conducive to learning and interpersonal communication, I usemethods of emotional buildup, meditative relaxation exercises, exercises for reflection, visualization and relaxation . Individual and differentiated approach in my lessons it is carried out through taking into account the personal interests and characteristics of the student and the ability to choose your level and volume of the assignment.Physical activity of students in the English lesson contributes to better mastering of language materials, relieving fatigue and increasing motivation to learn.

Case - technologies.

This is a teaching method known as a case study - a method for analyzing situations (interactive technologies). Its essence is that students are offered to comprehend a real life situation, the description of which simultaneously reflects not only any practical problem, but also actualizes a certain set of knowledge that must be mastered when solving this problem. Moreover, the problem itself has no unambiguous solutions. The method was first applied at Harvard Business School in 1924.

Examples of case topics:

One dinner for an ordinary family.

1. Make a menu for dinner.

2. Discuss the list of foods to buy for dinner.

3. Prepare a festive meal for dinner. Indicate ingredients.

These tasks usually go to the so-called language support boxes, where useful words and expressions on the topic are collected.

In fact, the case method can be used as a whole lesson and at one of its stages. For example, at the stage of activating new lexical material in English lessons, that is, at the end of the lesson.

Station learning technology.

It meets the main principles of student-centered learning. The station teaching methodology is especially effective in preparing and conducting lessons to consolidate the material learned, practical lessons, as well as lessons in controlling the assimilation of a new topic. From my practice, I realized that this is a great way to conduct an integrated lesson, especially Russian-English is projected onto this technique perfectly.

When conducting a lesson according to the station training methodology, three stages should be distinguished:

1) preparatory;

2) procedural;

3) reflective.

At the preparatory stage, the teacher chooses study topic, which should correspond to state programs, determines the goals of the lesson. The teacher thinks about how many stations should be included in the lesson. What is a station? This is a specific place in the study room where the student can complete the task of this station. An important point in the preparatory stage is the development of an accompanying sheet or route map or route sheet. A route map is a sheet with numbers and names of stations, fields for answers at each station. The procedural stage is the lesson itself, in which students, moving from station to station, complete tasks. The reflexive phase involves self-control and self-esteem.

A modern teacher is, first of all, a bright creative person, retaining the ability to constant self-knowledge and self-development. When teaching children of different nationalities, the teacher must certainly take into account their various regional and ethnocultural characteristics, be methodologically mobile. Here modern pedagogical technologies or innovative technologies. But in the matter of teaching and educating schoolchildren, there are no ideal methods. And this proves once again that the use of only one, even the best and most modern methodology, leads to one-sided teaching of any subject. And only a combination of various technologies, techniques and methods can give us the result we need. Accordingly, the more technologies the teacher knows and uses, the better.

Topic: "Innovative technologies in teaching English"

In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in schools has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, teaching the practical mastery of a foreign language.

The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as learning in collaboration, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of learning ™, inclinations, etc. ...

Forms of working with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include:

study of vocabulary;

practicing pronunciation;

teaching dialogical and monologic speech;

teaching writing;

working out grammatical phenomena.

The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous.

In English lessons using the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic tasks: to form skills and reading skills using materials from the global network; improve the writing skills of schoolchildren; replenish the vocabulary of students; to form students' stable motivation to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at studying the possibilities of Internet technologies to expand the horizons of schoolchildren, to establish and maintain business ties and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries.

Students can take part in tests, quizzes, contests, olympiads held on the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chats, video conferences, etc. Students can receive information on the problem they are working on at the moment in the project. This can be a joint work of Russian schoolchildren and their foreign peers from one or several countries.

^ New information Technology in teaching English

The substantive basis of the mass computerization of education is undoubtedly connected with the fact that a modern computer is an effective means of optimizing the conditions of mental labor in general, in any of its manifestations. R. Williams and K. Macley in their article “Computers in School” write: “There is one feature of a computer that is revealed when using it as a device for teaching others, and as an assistant in acquiring knowledge, this is its inanimateness. The machine can “friendly” to communicate with the user and at some moments “support” him, but it will never show signs of irritability and will not let you feel that it has become bored. In this sense, the use of computers is perhaps most useful in the individualization of certain aspects of teaching. ”

The main goal of learning a foreign language in secondary school is formation of communicative competence,all other goals (educational, upbringing, developing) are realized in the process of realizing this main goal. The communicative approach involves teaching communication and developing the ability for intercultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the Internet.

Primary importance is given to understanding, conveying content and expressing meaning, which motivates the study of the structure and vocabulary of a foreign language that serve this purpose. Thus, students' attention is focused on the use of forms, rather than on themselves, and the teaching of grammar is carried out indirectly, in direct communication, excluding the pure study of grammar rules.

As an information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. A basic set of services may include:

e-mail (e-mail); teleconferences (usenet); video conferencing;

the ability to publish your own information, create your own home page (homepage) and place it on a Web server;

access to information resources:

reference directories (Yahoo !, InfoSeek / UltraSmart, LookSmart, Galaxy); search engines (Alta Vista, HotBob, Open Text, WebCrawler, Excite); conversation on the network (Chat).

These resources can be actively used in the lesson.

Mastering communicative and intercultural competence is impossible without the practice of communication, and the use of Internet resources in a foreign language lesson in this sense is simply irreplaceable: the virtual environment of the Internet allows you to go beyond the temporal and spatial framework, providing its users with the possibility of authentic communication with real interlocutors on topics that are relevant for both sides ...

^ Teaching listening, reading, writing using the Internet

The Internet is an excellent vehicle for keeping up with the latest developments in the world. Thus, the Internet can be used to transform the classroom into a news agency and turn your students into first-class reporters. This type of activity is suitable for high school students, as it includes extensive reading and the art of interpretation, fluent speech.

You can invite students to work in twos or threes, research articles that cover all aspects of life: editorials, sports, weather, culture ... The advantage of this work is the full involvement of the whole class, combined with differentiation of tasks: strong students can study more difficult articles, while the weaker ones can be charged with a weather report or anything from the field of culture.

Learning to write

Communication in virtual reality is carried out via e-mail,

^ Internet as a means of communication

Currently, priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of education.

^ Communicative approach -a strategy that simulates communication, aimed at creating a psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, at a conscious comprehension of the material and methods of action with it, as well as at understanding the requirements for the effectiveness of the statement.

One of the new requirements for teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200busing Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the lesson, which is usually called in the methodology interactivity.

By teaching a genuine language, the Internet helps in the formation of speaking skills and skills, as well as in the teaching of vocabulary and grammar, providing genuine interest and therefore efficiency. Moreover, the Internet develops skills that are important not only for a foreign language. This is primarily associated with mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, identification, comparison, comparison, verbal and semantic forecasting and anticipation, etc. Thus, skills and abilities formed with the help of Internet technologies go beyond the limits of foreign language competence, even within the framework of the “linguistic” aspect. The Internet develops the social and psychological qualities of students: their self-confidence and their ability to work in a team; creates a learning-friendly environment by acting as a vehicle for an interactive approach.

Websites that develop knowledge of the English language

Undoubtedly, the Internet can be used as an effective application for the development of grammatical, lexical skills and abilities, knowledge testing. This includes all kinds of training vocabulary, grammar, phonetic exercises, reading tests, grammar, IQ tests, etc. Teachers or students themselves can find such sites on the WWW.
