Topic: "Application of gaming technologies in industrial training lessons"

REPORT to the meetings of the cycle commission on the issue:

Topic: "Application of gaming technologies in industrial training lessons"

Innovative lessons are implemented after studying a topic or several topics, performing the functions of teaching control and assessment of students' knowledge. Such lessons take place in an unusual, unconventional setting. Such a change in the usual environment is advisable, since it creates a festive atmosphere when summing up the results of the work done, removes psychological barrier, arising in traditional conditions due to the fear of making a mistake. Such lessons are carried out with the obligatory participation of all students, and are also implemented with the indispensable use of means of auditory and visual clarity (computer and video equipment, exhibitions, booklets, stands). In such lessons, it is possible to achieve a variety of goals of a methodological, pedagogical and psychological nature, which can be summarized as follows:

    control of knowledge, skills and abilities of students on a specific topic is carried out;

    a business, working atmosphere is provided, a serious attitude of students to the lesson;

    provides for the minimum participation in the lesson of the master of industrial training.

    professionally significant personality traits are formed.

    creative activity develops, the initiative of the student, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of practical training.

Naturally, innovative lessons are more popular with students due to their unusual design, method of organization and implementation, lack of a rigid structure, the presence of conditions for self-realization, etc. Therefore, every master of industrial training should have such lessons, but they should not prevail in the general structure of training. The apprenticeship master needs to identify the place of non-traditional lessons in their work.

I consider the previously used differentiated approach and the classical form of organizing educational activities to be less effective and outdated in comparison with the innovative ones. Among the various types of innovative lessons, in my opinion, the following are the most successful:

Game technology make it possible to use collective forms of student interaction, identify inter-subject connections and integrate them into general knowledge, increase students' interest in the profession. The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of motivating, stimulating students to learning activities. For example, in industrial training lessons I use various games - the game "Insert the missing word", logical dictation, the game "Auction", filling out score sheets (self-control, mutual control), the game "Choose the necessary material", "Choose the necessary tool", "Find the mistake ”Etc. implies the development of variative thinking in students, that is, understanding the possibility of various options for solving a problem, the ability to carry out a systematic enumeration of options, compare them and find the best option.

Business game - this teaching method gives students the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in conditions close to real conditions, contributes to the development of a creatively active, professionally and socially competent personality of a future specialist. Role playing allows learners to “try on” new behaviors in a safe environment. Role-playing games are used to investigate problems and situations that arise in real life. In the classroom, the activities of a building object, its subdivisions, events, specific activities of people (a business meeting, discussion of plans, a bricklayer, a foreman, etc.) are simulated. The game develops the adaptive capabilities of future specialists to real production conditions. The game helps students to become aware of themselves in a new role, in parallel, the game forces students to reckon with their comrades, consult, help each other, i.e. promotes personality education.

Lesson research . During the production lesson, students are given technological tasks for the study of new masonry techniques. This type of task performs a complex function - itallows to apply knowledge in practice and contributes to the development of not only professional thinking, but also the ability to communicate in a team. The content of technological tasks is based on a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills and, as a rule, involves the analysis of technological processes, the choice of masonry technology, tools, etc. The results of the research are discussed and analyzed.

Competition lesson ... It is carried out with the involvement of employers in assessing the professional skills of graduate students. Attending industrial training lessons, they act as experts and select college graduates to work on their construction sites. By doing creative task, for example, “Laying a 2x2 brick post with reinforcement laying according to a three-row suture dressing system”, the student demonstrates his capabilities and participates in the competition for the right to receive an invitation to work. The invitation received guarantees the student the right to undergo industrial practice (with subsequent employment) in leading construction organizations.

Lesson conference Is a kind of dialogue for the exchange of information. For the lesson, students receive an advanced task and prepare messages using additional literature, materials from Internet sites, as well as their own reasoning. In such a situation, it is logical to resort to elements of role-based dialogue. This form of lesson requires careful preparation. Preparing and conducting a lesson of this type stimulates students to further deepen their knowledge as a result of working with various sources, and also expands their horizons, the ability to purposefully build production relationships, make non-standard decisions, and the ability to comprehensively consider even an insignificant problem. This is greatly facilitated by the groupmaster classes and competitions of professional skills , lessons - competitions based on knowledge of general education disciplines. Such classes allow you to link practice with theory, contribute to the formation of motivation to study general education disciplines, to creativity and artistic attitude to the profession - a bricklayer. Lesson competition develops in students a sense of collectivism, responsibility for the entire team, promotes discipline, organization, and cohesion.Lesson - competition makes students work at a high pace, in preparation for the competition, you can use various homework (compose a crossword puzzle, prepare a historical background, prepare questions, riddles for a team - an opponent, etc.).

When applied in industrial training lessonspeer learning technologies a group of students is given an advanced task p about the topic of the lesson, then they act in the lesson as a master of industrial training. Such work always arouses the interest of students. The preparatory period for such lessons is marked by a high degree of combination of individual and joint creative work of students and the master.

Portfolio method - modern educational technology based on the method of evaluating the results of educational and professional activity... Portfolio is a systematic and specially organized collection of evidence, which serves as a way of systematic reflection on one's own activity and presenting its results in one or more areas for the current assessment of competencies or competitive entry into the labor market.

Problem statement method - a method in which the master of p / o, using a variety of sources and means, before presenting the material, poses a problem, formulates a cognitive task, and then, revealing a system of evidence, comparing points of view, various approaches, shows a way to solve the task. The students, as it were, become witnesses and accomplices of scientific research.

Problem-search methods of teaching (assimilation of knowledge, development skills) are carried out in the process of partially search or research activities of students; implemented through verbal, visual and practical teaching methods, interpreted in the key of setting and resolving a problem situation.

Research work of students built into the educational process - such work is performed in accordance with curricula and programs academic disciplines, this type of research activity of students includes the independent implementation of classroom and homework assignments with elements of scientific research under the methodological guidance of the master p / o (preparation of essays, essays, analytical works; preparation of reports on educational and industrial practices, the implementation of coursework and final qualification works , protection of the diploma); the results of all types of research activities of students are subject to control and assessment by the master of the p / o.

Design technology . A project is a teaching method that can be used in the study of any topic; it is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group and the real end result. The goal of the project is the realistic achievement of the result, to reveal the individual capabilities of students in mastering new and applying the knowledge gained. In this case, the master of p / o has a goal: to show in practice the possibilities of applying knowledge in comprehending the profession of a bricklayer, to create a series of mini-projects performed by the students themselves under the guidance of the master of p / o. Students independently analyze the information received on the theoretical and practical presentation of the topic, distribute the main tasks, complete the production task and present the result of their work. The emphasis of the project is shifted to the upbringing of a truly free personality, forms in students the ability to think independently, to acquire and apply knowledge, to think carefully about the decisions made and clearly plan actions, to effectively cooperate in groups that are diverse in composition and profile. Projects allow the formation of communication skills (communicative competence) - the ability to cooperate, interact, the ability to substantiate statements and perceive criticism, to take initiative, which is very important, since communication skills are in demand today on the labor market, are necessary in all areas of activity.

Problem learning turns learning into a conscious, active, creative process. In order to prevent mistakes in work after explaining the new material, I invite students to list possible masonry errors, the reasons for their occurrence and methods of prevention, I practice using self-control cards, “Check yourself” cards in the classroom. I widely use it in industrial training lessonswritten instruction documents - instruction charts, flow charts, flow charts. Written instruction promotes development of skills of independence, self-control, increases labor productivity, quality of work, creates a correct understanding of modern technology among students .

Personality-oriented technology . One of the tricks I use is: do it yourself - help another. Each student is an individuality, with his own way of thinking, perception, memory, and it is impossible not to reckon with this. Knowledge of the personality traits of each student allows for an individual approach to learning. Successful and quick learners can become bored contemplators. For such learners, I propose to help unsure learners who accept such joint work well, become more active and find a way out of the difficulty. Such assistance is encouraged by additional assessment, in addition, strong learners are carried away by the process of "mentoring". Educational tasks are also solved in parallel: the student acquires the skills of working in a team, they develop a sense of elbow, comradely mutual assistance, which in the future will help them to adapt in the production team.

Interactive training (training in groups) - examples of work in mini-groups (2-3 people) can be - a mutual check of the work done with an assessment and its commentary, the performance of a production task in a group with the subsequent defense of the work. Work in mini-groups contributes to the formation of communication skills. In a non-standard lesson, the activity of the master changes radically. Its main task is not to "convey", "present", "explain" and "show" to students, but to organize a joint search for a solution to the problem that has arisen. Such a n \\ o lesson must satisfy all the requirements for it, i.e. should be conceptual, clear in structure, not falling out of the system of lessons on the topic. A lot of internal work is concentrated behind the external unusualness and entertainment: the imagination is activated, receiving impetus, food and development directions, creative interest awakens.

Health-preserving technologies - a system of measures to protect and improve the health of students. Health-saving technologies - presuppose a combination of pedagogical, psychological and medical influences aimed at protecting and ensuring health, the formation of a valuable attitude to one's health, the use of techniques that contribute to the emergence and maintenance of interest in educational material, lead to the prevention of fatigue and fatigue, increase the motivation for learning activities, an increase in educational achievements.

ICT use industrial lessons as a source of additional information on the subject; as a way of self-organization of work and self-education of the master of educational institutions and students; as an opportunity for a person-centered approach for the master of p / o; as a way to expand the area of \u200b\u200bindividual student activity. The use of new technologies in educational process leads to the development of new pedagogical methods and receptions; a change in the work style of the master of the subjective, the tasks they solve, allows you to increase the motivation of learning, helps to strengthen inter-subject connections. In the new information society, the master of industrial training can no longer be the only source of knowledge about the surrounding world, which inevitably leads to a change in the forms of educational work. The traditional explanatory and illustrative teaching method is giving up its positions, the individual, independent, group activities of students come to the fore. Therefore, it is so important to teach students different ways of working and, of course, to strengthen the role of search and research work. I was convinced that the use of a computer in the lessons of industrial training is advisable in cases where the usual teaching tools are no longer enough. Media lessons are very effective, visual and informative. I am working on creating computer presentations for industrial training lessons. The use of slides in the classroom allows for a quick change of didactic material, intensifies the learning process, improves the perception of the material, learners work much more interestingly than with printed material. The appearance before the eyes of the students of the material they need at the moment immediately mobilizes them for perception, arouses interest, sets them in a working mood, the bright moments of the lesson improve understanding and make memorization of the material more durable. The use of ICT in the classroom makes it possible to save, reuse and vary the developed material, which is a great help in the work of the wizard: you can return to any "page" of the lesson when repeating, clarifying the incomprehensible in the next lessons. However, the master of software, using ICT in the classroom, should not forget that pedagogical technologies are the basis of any educational process. Information educational resources should not replace them, but help to be more effective. They are designed to optimize the labor costs of the software master to make the educational process more efficient. Information Technology designed to relieve the p / o master and help him focus on the individual and most creative work.

When planning and conducting such lessons, the p / o master can make his own adjustments based on the chosen topic for the lesson and the abilities of the students, also the p / o master, relying on his imagination and experience, can plan his own innovative industrial training lesson that will take place in the vocational training system. I advocate the optimal and reasonable implementation of non-standard lessons in the vocational training system along with other methods and forms of training.


    Batyshev S. Ya. Professional pedagogy. M .: Publishing house "Egves".

    Bespalko V.P. "Components of pedagogical technology." M. Pedagogy, 1989.

    Verbitskiy AA, Borisova NV "Methodological recommendations for conducting business games", M., 90.

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    Onischuk V.A. Lesson in the Modern School: A Teacher's Guide. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 1986.

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coeducational teachers should be additionally prepared for the implementation of student learning in a multicultural group;

♦ the method of organizing positive interaction and educational communication between students in such a group should be based on the use of predominantly collective forms and methods of their joint activity.


1. Novikov A.M. From pedagogy of industrial to pedagogy of post-industrial society [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Shr: // ^ # ^ apou1kou. hz / apshe / re & yt

UDC 377: 371.68

V.A. Calne, doctor ped. E.N. Milyoshkina

Academy of Social Management

The variety of manifestations of modern reality, the need for constant adaptation to new living conditions, to new technologies of professional work and diversified interaction with business partners, understanding new forms of relations developing between people around the world, seeking consensus to solve global problems - all this requires specialists in all spheres of activity, wise and flexible behavior, high not only functional, professional, communicative, but also information literacy.

Training specialists who adequately meet the requirements of the time is one of the most important tasks of professional education. The current state of the quality of training for professionals and the requirements of the labor market presuppose the introduction of scientifically grounded and experimentally verified innovations in teaching technologies, which should become an important means in training and advanced training of specialists, contribute to breaking traditions that did not meet expectations, hackneyed stereotypes of pedagogical activity.

In this regard, it became necessary to search for and master new forms of educational interactions between participants in the learning process.

Now, in the learning process, game technologies are increasingly being used, which act as a specific active method of teaching.

2. Kubrushko P.F., Lozhkina N.A. Formation of specialist competencies in the process of joint training of Russian and foreign students // Engineering pedagogy: collection of articles. Art. in 3 volumes - M .: Center for Engineering Pedagogy MADI, 2014. - Issue. 16. - T. 3. - S. 135-143.

3. Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies as an effective-target basis of the competence-based approach in education. - M .: Issled. center for quality problems in training specialists, 2004. - 38 p.

4. Casner-Lotto J., Barrington L. Are they really ready to work? Employers "perspectives on the basic knowledge and applies skills of new entrants to the 21st century U.S. workforce // International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9, 52-69. - 2006. - 64 pp.

5. Lednev V.S., Kubrushko P.F. Fundamentals of the theory of the content of vocational pedagogical education: monograph. - M .: Egves, 2006 .-- 288 p.

nii, which allow to significantly activate the cognitive and mental activity of the student.

IN different years the game has attracted close attention of researchers and practitioners in different areas professional activity.

In Russia, didactic games appeared already at the end of the 18th century. In 1793, Khamov's game was published on the development of the alphabet by children in the process of playing, and in 1886 - the game of captain N.A. Sykalov to train soldiers in the charter of the tsarist army.

The historical approach to the development of play as a specific form of activity is reflected in the works of not only psychologists, but also teachers, sociologists, and philosophers. Based on various studies of play behavior, diversified play-based teaching methods have been developed. With all the differences, the main distinguishing feature of these methods is the course of learning in a situation determined by the convention of unconsciousness of the real goals of activity.

Famous researchers of active learning methods Ya.M. Belchikov and M.M. Birshtein note that business games were first developed and applied in our country in 1932. Their creation was a response to the needs of the industry, the first experience of conducting production games immediately received recognition and rapid development. The method was adopted by many industrial


New pedagogical technologies

enterprises and was used to speed up the management of enterprises - the rapid development of the new dispatch control system being introduced at that time.

At the initial stages of the development of the method, attempts were made to use the behavioral concept of learning to explain the effects of a business game, mainly the works of E. Hilgard, reflecting mainly Thorndike laws of learning, were used. Soon it became obvious not only the narrowness of this scheme, but also the direct contradiction of its individual provisions to the gaming experience. At the end of the 60s. XX century there was a reorientation to the work of D. Bruner. The laws of education he formulated were more consistent with the practice of conducting business games, and also substantiated the position that the best way to acquire skills is to replace the experience given by games, and not lectures or other didactic methods.

Since the mid-80s of the last century, the creation and use of games has become widespread, but, as a rule, on a personal initiative. Later, a council on AMO (active teaching methods) appeared in the scientific and methodological council of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, and the Council on business games at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

From that moment on, gaming technologies began to develop very intensively. For the first time, theoretical works on game modeling were published. Imitation games arose, not only on economic and managerial ones, but also on other topics, for example, biological, medical, environmental, etc.

Game engineering developments of those years practically did not provide for psychological support business games. Consequently, the problems of interaction between game participants, ways of organizing them, communication means transmission of information and mutual understanding in those years were not specially modeled and, thus, were not analyzed in games, although they were used. The interactive side of game development was weak.

Later, psychologists, educators and even sociologists became interested in imitation and business games, but the games were mainly developed by economists. However, one cannot fail to note the fact that the developers and organizers themselves felt a lack of psychological, pedagogical and communicative knowledge.

Many organizers of the educational and industrial game process needed to develop their psychological and pedagogical competence, and the participants in the games needed a professional analysis of their psychological problems. There is a need to involve psychologists in business games to practice special psychological

techniques and technologies, methods of "immersion" in games and "unloading" from them, methods of adaptation of participants to each other and constructive strategies of interaction, therefore, at the end of the 80s of the last century, a new class of educational games appeared, acquainting students not only with professional, but also with the social environment in which they have to work and make decisions.

Currently, several thousand business games are used in the world associated with various aspects of new economic mechanisms. There was a need for training specialists in cooperation, effective interactive communication, mobility, stress resistance.

Acting as a free dialogue, the game is thus a special form of competitive communication between people, in which each person acquires the need to overcome the established modes of action and to move to their new ways. In the game, a person tests his abilities, knowledge, experiments with general schemes of new ways of his actions in various situations narrowed in time (the game is a good "reserve" testing ground for testing the general schemes of these methods). In other words, the game develops a person's consciousness and his readiness to carry out new types of activity, that is, it intensively develops his creative abilities, allows him to see a distant perspective of his professional activity, to develop effective strategies for its implementation. Training specialists through games is not “training” for the formation of individual skills and abilities, but the true development of their consciousness and personality.

The pedagogical essence of gaming technologies is to activate thinking, increase the independence of the future specialist, and bring the spirit of creativity into teaching. This is a game, since the student does not yet fully master his specialty. The goal of the game is to form certain skills and abilities of the student in his active creative process. The social significance of gaming technologies lies in the fact that in the process of solving certain problems, not only knowledge is activated, but also collective forms of communication develop.

The development of gaming technologies is largely related to the practical tasks that arose in the field of education, in particular, the training of qualified personnel. The specialists are faced with the task of finding such methods that would make it possible to teach practical activities even before the real situation has come and the real activity begins, to teach such an experience that cannot be conveyed in words. It is precisely the lack of such traditional "verbal" teaching methods as

lecture, seminars, forced researchers to look for new ways and means of transferring knowledge, information, experience. Simulation or business games that reproduce the real conditions of practical activity have become one of these new teaching methods. Business games are aimed at teaching decision-making techniques, skills in practice to apply theoretical knowledge gained in other courses, students are convinced of the need for theoretical training for practical activities, and also get an idea of \u200b\u200ba particular reality, problems, learn the necessary concepts and theories, learn performing roles, acquire communication skills, interaction with people, etc. Play, in contrast to traditional teaching methods, gives a developmental effect, which often prevails over students; there is a change in their attitudes. As a result of participation in business games, there is a general increase in motivation to study the subject, activation of interest in the course, imagination, creative search, experimentation, etc. The process of assimilating knowledge in the game itself is natural and involuntary.

It is possible that the acceptance of a play role, role tasks provides natural motivation and an involuntary nature of assimilation. Indeed, the need to play well, and, consequently, to adopt various mechanisms, to organize the receipt of information, to process it is so vital in the game that it turns the participant in the game into a “demanding”. The game spontaneously conveys the need to generalize, theorize, and prepare the necessary materials.

Other factors that provide an increase in motivation to learn are the creation of an informal learning environment, the need for quick action, the ability to meet the various needs of students, overcome

prejudice towards traditional forms of education, etc.

The conventionality of playing activity, the absence of the risk of failure lead to the fact that a person can afford to temporarily weaken the action of the system of attitudes, opening the way for information previously inaccessible to him (due to the selective action of the installation mechanisms). This is how the experience expands and then it is possible to change the real attitudes of a person.

The business game contributes to the mastery of analytical activity in the educational process, since it is based on a systemic-thinking methodology, based on logical-analytical decision-making procedures, involving cognitive, divergent and convergent thinking (according to J.P. Guildford).

In the modern education system, which is focused on the competence-based approach, the need for the use of gaming technologies increases, since it creates the possibility of using simulated production situations in a similar real production activity.


1. Novikov A.M. Russian education in a new era. Heritage paradoxes, vectors of development. - M .: Eg-weight, 2000 .-- 272 p.

2. Panfilova A.P. Game technical management. Interactive technologies for teaching and organizational development personnel: textbook. allowance. - SPb .: IVE-SEP, "Knowledge", 2003. - 536 p.

3. Application of active teaching methods and control of students' knowledge (From the experience of colleges and universities): collection of NMC SPO. - M .: Replication Department of NMC SPO, 1998. - 110 p.

4. Trainev V.A. Business games in the educational process. Development methodology and practice. - M .: Dashkov and K; MAN IPT, 2002 .-- 360 p.

5. Shestak N.V. Teaching technology in the system of continuing professional education in health care. - Moscow: SSU Publishing House, 2007 .-- 370 p.

UDC 378.147: 811.161.1

L.Z. Tenchurina, doctor ped. sciences

Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkina


the functioning of the Russian language to its modern-certain simplification due to more freedom

at this stage, the different inclusion in the literary language of professional

be such facts as the softening of individual nal, colloquial, vernacular, dialect,

language norms; the introduction of new language forms, sometimes even reduced vocabulary; increased emotional

mule in official and everyday communication; nal-expressive component of the language, etc.

Game technology

Human culture has arisen and unfolds in the game, like a game.

J. Huizinga

Play, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.By definition, a game isit is a type of activity in the context of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

In human practice, play activity performs the following functions:

- entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, please, inspire, arouse interest);

- communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

- self-realization in the game as a training ground for human practice;

- game therapy: overcoming various difficulties arising in other types of life;

- diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

Function corrections: making positive changes in the structure of personality indicators;

- interethnic communication: assimilation of social and cultural values \u200b\u200bcommon to all people;

- socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human community.

Most games have four main features (according to S.A. Shmakov): free developing activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the pleasure of the process of activity itself, and not only of the result (procedural pleasure);

creative, largely improvisational, very active character this activity ("field of creativity");

, R.G. Khazankina, K.V. Makhova and others.

emotional elation activities, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (the sensual nature of the game, "emotional stress");

availability direct or indirect rules, reflecting the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

Into the structure of the game as activities organically includes goal-setting, planning, goal implementation, as well as the analysis of results, in which a person fully realizes himself as a subject. Motivation of play activity is provided by its voluntariness, choice opportunities and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.

Into the structure of the game as process includes:

a) the roles assumed by the players;

b) play actions as a means of realizing these roles;

c) playful use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with play, conventional;

d) real relationships between the players;

e) plot (content) - an area of \u200b\u200breality, conditionally reproduced in the game.

The value of the game cannot be exhausted and appreciated by the entertainment and recreational possibilities. This is its phenomenon that, being entertainment, rest, it is capable of developing into learning, into creativity, into therapy, into a model of the type of human relations and manifestations in work.

Game like teaching method, people used to transfer the experience of older generations to younger people since ancient times. The game is widely used in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions. In a modern school, which relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, play activity is used in the following cases:

As independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic, and even a section of a subject;

As elements (sometimes quite essential) of a broader technology;

As a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);

As a technology for extracurricular activities (games such as "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet", KTD, etc.).

Concept "Play pedagogical technologies" includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques of organization pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of teaching and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, singled out in an explicit form and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of game techniques and situations, which act as a means of motivating, stimulating students to learning activities.

The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes occurs in the following main areas: a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task; learning activities obeys the rules of the game; the educational material is used as its means, the element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which translates the didactic task into the game one; successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

The place and role of play technology in the educational process, the combination of elements of play and learning largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.

First of all, the games should be divided by type of activity on physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological.

By the nature of the pedagogical process the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developing;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

The typology of pedagogical games is extensive by the nature of the game technique... We will indicate only the most important of the types used: subject, plot, role-playing, business, imitation and dramatization games. By subject area highlighted games in all school disciplines.

And, finally, the specificity of the gaming technology is largely determined by the gaming environment: they distinguish between games with and without objects, board, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer and TCO, as well as with various vehicles.

Classification parameters of gaming technologies

By application level:all levels. On a philosophical basis:adapting. By the main factor of development:psychogenic.

According to the concept of assimilation of experience:associative-reflex + gestalt + suggestions.

By orientation to personality structures:ZUN + COURT + SUM + SEN +


By the nature of the content:all types + penetrating.

By type of control:all types - from a consultation system to software.

By organizational forms:all forms.

By approach to the child:free education.

By the prevailing method:developing, search, creative.

In the direction of modernization:revitalization.

Target Orientation Spectrum

Didactic: broadening one's horizons, cognitive activity; application of ZUN in practice; the formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities; development of general educational skills and abilities; development of labor skills.

Educating: education of independence, will; the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes; education of cooperation, collectivism, sociability, communication.

Developmental: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, imagination, fantasy, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to find optimal solutions; development of motivation for learning activities.

Socializing: familiarizing with the norms and values \u200b\u200bof society; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation; communication training; psychotherapy.

Conceptual foundations of gaming technology

The psychological mechanisms of play activity are based on the fundamental needs of the individual for self-expression, self-affirmation, self-determination, self-regulation, and self-realization.

Play is a form of psychogenic behavior, i.e. intrinsic, immanent personality (D.N. Uznadze).

Play is a space of a child's "internal socialization", a means of assimilating social attitudes (L. S. Vygotsky).

The game is the freedom of the individual in the imagination, "the illusory realization of unrealizable interests" (AN Leontyev).

The ability to participate in the game is not related to the person's age, but at each age the game has its own characteristics.

In the age periodization of children (D.B. Elkonin), a special role is assigned to the leading activity, which has its own content for each age. In each leading activity, the corresponding mental neoplasms arise and form. Play is the leading activity for preschool age.

Features of gaming technologies

All the following age periods after preschool age with their leading activities (primary school age - educational activity, middle school age - socially useful, senior school age - educational and professional activity) do not supplant the game, but continue to include it in the process

Game technology in the preschool period

The child masters the role-playing game by the third year of life, gets acquainted with human relations, begins to distinguish between the external and internal sides of phenomena, discovers the presence of experiences in himself and begins to orient himself in them.

The child develops imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, which allow him to transfer the properties of some things to others, there is an orientation in his own feelings and the skills of their cultural expression are formed, which allows the child to be involved in collective activity and communication.

As a result of mastering play activity in the preschool period, readiness for socially significant and socially evaluated learning activities is formed.

B.P. Nikitin's developmental game technology

The game activity program consists of a set educational games,which, with all their diversity, proceed from a common idea and have characteristic features.

Each game is set of taskswhich the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard or plastic, parts from a mechanical constructor, etc. In his books, Nikitin offers educational games with cubes, patterns, frames and inserts Montessori, a unique, plans and maps, squares, "Guess-ka" sets, tables of hundreds, "dots", "clocks", thermometer, bricks, cubes, constructors ... Children play with balls, ropes, rubber bands, pebbles, nuts, corks, buttons, sticks, etc. etc. Subject developmental games are at the heart of construction, labor and technical games, and they are directly related to intelligence.

Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, a flat isometric drawing, a drawing, written or oral instructions, etc., and thus introduce him to with different ways of transferring information.

The tasks are very wide range of difficulties:from sometimes accessible to two or three year olds to overwhelming for the average adult. Therefore, games can generate interest for many years (until adulthood). The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in games allows the child go forwardand improve on your own,those. developtheir creative skills,in contrast to teaching, where everything is explained and where, basically, only the performance traits in the child are formed.

The solution of the problem appears before the child not in the abstract form of the answer to a mathematical problem, but in the form of a drawing, pattern or structure made of cubes, bricks, details of a constructor, i.e. as visible and tangible of things.This allows you to visually compare the "task" with the "solution" and check the accuracy of the task yourself.

In educational games - this is their main feature - we managed to unite one of the basic principles of teaching from simple to complex froma very important principle of creative activity independently according to ability, when the child can rise to the "ceiling" their capabilities. This alliance made it possible to solve several problems related to the development of creative abilities in the game at once:

Educational games can provide "writing" for the development of creativity with the earliestage;

Their stepping-stones always create conditions advanceddevelopment of abilities;

Rising every time independently to your "ceiling",the child develops most successfully;

Educational games can be very diverse in their contentand besides, like any games, they do not tolerate coercionand create an atmosphere freeand joyful creativity.

Gaming technologies in primary school age

Primary school age is characterized by brightness and immediacy of perception, ease of entering images. Children are easily involved in any activity, especially in play, they organize themselves into group play, continue to play with objects and toys, non-imitation games appear.

In the game model of the educational process, the creation of a problem situation occurs through the introduction of a game situation: the problem situation is experienced by the participants in its game embodiment, the basis of the activity is game modeling, part of the students' activity occurs in a conditionally game plan.

The guys act on game rules (so, in the case of role-playing games, according to the logic of the role being played, in imitation-modeling games, along with the role position, the “rules” of the simulated reality operate). The play environment also transforms the position of the teacher, who balances between the role of organizer, assistant and accomplice in the general action.

The results of the game are in double plan - as a game and as an educational and cognitive result. The didactic function of the game is realized through the discussion of the game action, the analysis of the correlation of the game situation as a modeling one, its correlation with reality. The most important role in this model belongs to the final retrospective discussion, in which the students jointly analyze the course and results of the game, the relationship between the game (imitation) model and reality, as well as the course of educational-game interaction.In the arsenal of pedagogy primary school contains games that contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of the everyday vocabulary and coherent speech in children; games aimed at developing numerical representations, learning counting, and games that develop memory, attention, observation, strengthening the will.

The effectiveness of didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use, and secondly, on the purposefulness of the program of games in combination with ordinary didactic exercises.

Game technology is built as a holistic education covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content by a plot, a character. It includes consistently games and exercises that form the ability to highlight the main, characteristic features of objects to compare, contrast them; groups of games to generalize objects according to certain criteria; groups of games, in the process of which younger students develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal; groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself, quick response to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc. In this case, the game plot develops parallel to the main content of training, helps to activate the educational process, master a number of educational elements. Compilation of gaming technologies from individual games and elements - the concern of every primary school teacher.

In domestic pedagogy there is a number of such game technologies ("Sam Samych" by V. V. Repkin, "Mummies" by Tomsk authors, characters from "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "The Adventures of Buratino", etc.), built into the main content of training ...

Methods of teaching children the theory of music V.V. Kiryushin.

This technique is based on the correspondence to each musical concept of an animated character (octave - giraffe, third - sister, dissonance - evil wizard, etc.). All heroes experience various adventures in which their essential characteristics and qualities are manifested. Together with the heroes, children from the age of three imperceptibly master the most complex musical concepts and skills, the concepts of rhythm, tonality, the beginning of harmony.

Gaming technologies in middle and senior school age

In adolescence, there is an exacerbation of the need to create their own world, in the pursuit of adulthood, the rapid development of imagination, fantasy, the emergence of spontaneous group games.

The peculiarities of the game in senior school age are the focus on self-affirmation in front of society, humorous coloring, the desire for practical jokes, and orientation toward speech activity.

Business games

The business game is used to solve complex problems of mastering new things, consolidating the material, developing creative abilities, forming general educational skills, gives students the opportunity to understand and study educational material from different positions.

In the educational process, various modifications of business games are used: imitation, operational, role-playing games, business theater, psycho sociodrama.

Analysis, discussion and evaluation stage results of the game. Speeches of experts, exchange of views, students' defense of their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes mistakes, formulates the final result of the lesson. Attention is drawn to the comparison of the used imitation with the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe real person, the establishment of the connection between the game and the content of the subject.


1. Azarov Yu.P.Play and work. - M., 1973.

2. Azarov Yu.P.The art of educating. -M., 1979.

3. Anikeeva N.P.Education by play. - M., 1987.

4. Baev IM.We play in Russian lessons. - M., 1989.

5. Berne E.Games People Play. - M., 1988.

6. Gazman O.S. and etc.To school - with a game. - M., 1991.

7. Dobrinskaya E.I., Sokolov E.V.Free time and personal development. - L., 1983.

8. Zhuravlev A.P.Language games on the computer. - M., 1988.

9. Zanko S.F. and etc.Game and learning. - M., 1992.

10. Games - education, training, leisure ... / Ed. V.V. Petrusinsky. - M., 1994.

11. Kovalenko V.G.Didactic games in mathematics lessons. - M., 1990.

12. Carroll L.Logic game. - M., 1991.

13. Makarenko A.S.Some conclusions from pedagogical experience. Op. T.U. - M., 1958.

14. Minkin E.M.From play to knowledge. - M., 1983.

15. Nikitin B.P.Steps of creativity, or educational games. - M., 1990.

16. Pidkasisty P.I., Khaidarov Zh.S.Game technology in learning and development. - M .: RPA, 1996.

17. Samoukina N.V.Organizational and educational games in education. - M .: Public education, 1996.

18. Spivakoaskiy A.S.The game is serious. - M., 1981.

19. Stronin M.F.Educational games in English lessons. - M, 1981.

20. Pleasure is in the game. - M.

21. Kheizinga I.In the shadow of tomorrow - M., 1992.

22. Shmakov S.A.Student games are a cultural phenomenon. - M., 1994.

23. Shmakov S.A.Culture - leisure - child. - M., 1994.

24. El'konin D.B.Psychology of the game. - M., 1979.

25. Yanovskaya M.G.Creative play in the education of a younger student. - M., 1974.

“Play is a specific factor in everything that surrounds us in the world.

Play is older than culture ... Human culture has arisen and unfolds in play as a game. "

(Johan Huizinga is a Dutch philosopher,

Play, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

By definition, play is a type of activity under conditions of situations aimed at recreation and a condition of social experience in which self-control of behavior is formed and improved.

In human practice, play activity performs the following functions:

1) emotional - this is the main function of the game - to give pleasure, inspire, awaken interest, activate to participate in cognition;

2) diagnostic - self-knowledge and self-esteem during the game;

3) relaxation - relieving mental stress, a means of dealing with stress;

4) communicative - mastering the rules of communication.

5) self-realization - the assertion of personal qualities in a specific type of activity.

6) sociocultural - the assimilation of uniform social and cultural relations, norms of human community.

In adolescence, there is an exacerbation of the need to create their own world, in the pursuit of adulthood, the rapid development of imagination, fantasy, the desire to act independently.

The peculiarities of the game at this age are the focus on affirmation in front of society, the desire for practical jokes, and the orientation towards speech activity.

The transition to training according to the Federal State Educational Standard and new textbooks especially strongly highlighted one of the contradictions between the actual character teaching material, its huge volume and unwillingness, and more often the inability to assimilate this material.

Difficulties in teaching practice

Significant teaching loads

Reproductive teaching methods

Difficulties of self-realization of students

Oversaturation modern learner information

Modern pedagogical technologies are aimed at the main object of education - the student. To select a technology, it is required to rebuild the traditionally established stereotype of the teacher's activity.

Therefore, modern educational technologies, which are aimed at organizing the activities of students, at developing through this activity their skills, personal qualities, general and professional competencies.

In the educational process, various modifications of business games are used: imitation, operational, role-playing.

Imitation business games. In the classroom, the activities of an organization, enterprise or its subdivision (committee, council, department, etc.) are imitated. Events, specific activities of people (a business meeting, discussion of a plan, conducting a conversation, a dispute) and the situation, conditions in which the event takes place (office of the chief, production workshop, laboratory, meeting room) can be imitated. In a sense, they reflect the rehearsal of elements of professional activity in a particular specialty.

Operating rooms - when they work in a game with a specific equipment, a specific object, conduct experiments and experiments.

Role - through the distribution of roles in mini - performances, the portrayal of characters (scenery, costumes).

In an educational game, the student performs an activity that combines educational and professional elements. Knowledge and skills are acquired by him not abstractly, but superimposed on the canvas of professional work. The student acquires general competencies: skills of interaction and management of people, collegiality, the ability to lead and obey. The game allows students to liberate intellectually and emotionally, to show creative initiative.

Thus, develop personal qualities and general competences of OK 1-OK7.

Summing up is a very important stage of the game. It is an analysis of the results that were the goal of the game.

Analysis of the game. 1. What's new learned (terms, actions); 2. What have you learned (skills, competencies); 3. Usefulness in future professional activities.

"The future of secondary education lies in games - computer, sports, intellectual."

(Pavel Durov, Russian entrepreneur, programmer.)

Conclusion: business games are used to solve complex problems of mastering new things, consolidating what has been learned, developing creative abilities, and forming general and professional competencies.

"The game is a spark that ignites the spark of curiosity and curiosity"


In the lessons of industrial training, it is necessary to teach students the skills of the practical use of knowledge, at the same time to form certain psychological qualities of future specialists, to develop the creative abilities and skills of students. The game creates the most favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities. It is in the lessons with the use of active forms of learning that the initiative and independence of students develop. The use of game forms in the lessons makes it possible to:

Use collective forms of interaction between students;

Develop and consolidate skills and abilities of independent work;

Increase students' interest in the profession.

Game technology is aimed at developing behavioral skills, both professional and social, students learn to listen, analyze, express their opinion. Active learning methods include cognitive games that relieve tension, stimulate interest, evoke joy, all of which softens the atmosphere of mental tension. The more actively students participate in the educational process, the more consciously, meaningfully they assimilate the material being studied. How can you encourage students to actively participate in consolidating or learning new material? Easy! Playfully!

For safety reasons, I actively use a system of cognitive games, which helps to diversify the process of mastering safe techniques of tailors' work.

1.Graphic dictation

In the first lesson after 3 hours of instruction on safety and labor protection, students are not yet able to remember all the instructions and cannot repeat them, but they are ready to act. Therefore, for offset, I use a graphic dictation, where I translate their knowledge into actions, that is, I make sentences - questions from the first person in the form of proposed actions.


1 - I check the car at idle (the answer is yes);

2 - if necessary, I will brake sharply by the flywheel (the answer is no).

I make up a dictation from 10 - 12 questions - sentences. Students draw a strip in a squared notebook, measure equal segments by the number of questions and put a sign on it if the answer is "yes" and if the answer is "no".

It turns out the graph

^ ^ _ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dictation activates mental processes of activity (perception, memory, attention, thinking) and, as a rule, gives a good result, which is checked quickly. Students receive joy from participation in the game - dictation and satisfaction from the achieved result. The "off-schedule" issues are discussed by the whole group.

2. Game "Admission"

Havethe students are divided into 2 teams, passing the security control against each other. They evaluate each other's appearance for compliance with labor safety requirements and give "Admission" to the lesson - a colored chip. The team with the most chips wins. Those who did not receive the "admission" - chip answer additional questions on safety. And corrects the mistakes. I also include in the game "Admission" a check of readiness for classes (the presence of a personal tool, blank templates, cut parts). The game includes the whole group in the process of checking the readiness for the lesson, teaches students to business, correct communication in the group, develops self-criticism, eliminates monotonous situations between the master and students who constantly violate safety requirements. I am always preparing a surprise: I ask you to give me permission, as a master. Students are looking with all their eyes for the "violation" I have prepared - a scarf on my shoulders, high-heeled shoes, long beads and so on. Under the amicable approval, I bring my appearance in accordance with the safety requirements.

3. Game "Who knows more forbidden techniques"

Students are divided into 2 teams. Prohibited safety techniques are those that should be performed automatically and cannot be interpreted. The game is played quickly, the answers must be clear, with a delay, the right to answer is passed on to the other team. The team that knows more answers and collects more chips wins. The game is built on a voluntary basis, the students are not forced, but the passive ones themselves gradually join the game with great interest, as they protect the interest of their team.

4. The game "Sequin»

An associative poem that develops critical thinking. 2 teams compete. 1 - presents a poem, a riddle - another guesses what corresponds to it in the safety instructions.

A loop machine

He's innocent

It's me, with my eyes closed

I can't find where the brakes are.

If the iron does not need to heat up anymore

Don't pull it by the cord, the "tail" may come off!

5. The game "Analysis of production situations"

Students are offered various work situations and must assess them in terms of compliance with the safety rules.

Work situations # 1

The worker, deciding to save time, changed the needle with the electric motor on and threw it into the trash can.
- The worker at the ironing workstation works without a dielectric mat.
- When sewing a stitch, the worker holds the product with both hands on either side of the needle.
- During work, the worker brakes the flywheel with her hand.
- In order not to lose the needles, the worker pinned them on the dress.

Students on an interactive whiteboard are offered photographs of students as they work. It is necessary to assess them in terms of compliance with the safety rules.

6. The game "Yes or no"

The TB inspector reads the TB rules, students must answer the statement correctly or not.

The game "Yes or no"

p / p


Answer (yes / no)

Checking the car on the move


I will put the scissors and a peg away from rotating machine parts


I will change threads, needles and bobbins without turning off the machine to save time


Games are divided into three groups

1. Games - exercises

2. Didactic games

3. Role-playing or story games

The most simple in preparation and content are games - exercises, but their role is enormous. They act on individual cognitive processes. Some develop memory, others - thinking, others - attention, etc., that is, they help to solve various pedagogical problems. The method of application is simple - they can be used at all stages of the lesson - when consolidating new material, when checking what has been learned, the time is spent from 2 to 10 minutes.

1. Game "Insert the missing word"

Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any node with missing terms or specifications, they must be inserted.

2. Game "Find the mistake"Students are offered the technological sequence of processing any node with errors, it is necessary to find and fix them.

3. Game "Find the extra part"

Students are invited to sketch the details of the cut of any product with unnecessary details, they need to find them.

4. The game "Encounter battle"

Students at home prepare questions that they ask each other in pairs. The game requires the attention of the whole group, since the questions should not be repeated by the next pair of students. With each game, students come up with more and more interesting questions.

5... A game "Put it on the shelves"

On the sheet, 3 pockets (shelves) are prepared with the name of the seams - connecting, edge, finishing. Students are divided into 3 rows and take turns approaching the master's table, take the strips with the name of the seams, put them on the shelf and pass the baton to the next participant in the row.

6. Game "Collect the picture"

Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any unit in a mess, it is necessary to assemble it in the correct sequence. First, I divide the group into teams of 4 - 5 people and give an assignment so that they can speak the answer out loud, discuss with each other, that is, repeat the topic again before choosing a collective answer and at the same time, as it were, relieve responsibility for the answer from a specific student and assign to the team. Students develop communication skills, a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility. Then I use these cards to consolidate the material and divide the group into teams of 2 - 3 people, I test knowledge individually.

7. Game "Choose a processing method"Students are offered a specific task for example, "Processing the bottom of the sleeve with cuffs" in a product made of linen fabric of a sporty style - it is necessary to choose a processing method and justify it - the game promotes the development of critical thinking.

Modern life requires a person to be able to make choices - from choosing goods and services to choosing friends and choosing a life path. The use in the classroom of games such as "Choose a processing method", "Choose the necessary equipment, material", etc. presupposes the development of variational thinking in students, that is, understanding the possibility of various options for solving a problem, the ability to carry out a systematic enumeration of options, compare them and find the optimal option. Learning, which implements the principle of variability, removes the fear of mistakes from students, teaches them to perceive failure not as a tragedy, but as a signal to correct the situation - after all, this is just one of the options that turned out to be unsuccessful, therefore, another option must be looked for. Such an approach to solving problems, especially in difficult, "dead-end" situations, is also necessary in life: in case of failure, do not become discouraged, but seek and find a way out of the situation.

8. Game "Lotto"

Students make cards - fields with numbers in cells and colored chips. I prepare questions on any topic. The student who is the first to answer closes the square with the question numbers with a token. The one who closes more cells wins.

9. "Rope" game

A sheet with questions is started up in two rows. 1 table - 1 question, 2 table - 2 question. Whose row will answer faster and correctly, he wins. Whoever gives the wrong answer, who does not know the answer puts a dash - the rope breaks.

10. The game "YES or NO"

5-10 questions are prepared for any topic. A card is handed out to students.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Rules of the game - the question is read once and each student puts a cross in the "Yes" or "No" box. The master or the students themselves check the correctness of the answers.

11.Game "Relay"

Students are divided into several teams, the task is given - to write a sequence for processing a node, the whole team participates, processing operations are written in turn. The team wins faster and completing the task correctly.

12. The game "Baiga"

The rules of the game - the whole group participates, the question is asked once, it is necessary to answer it quickly, a chip is issued for the correct answer, the student who has collected the most chips wins. Questions must be clear so that the answer to them is short and unambiguous.

Didactic games

These include games in which a captain, commander, and so on are elected. They fulfill an organizational role. These games include imaginary travel, KVN, "What, where, when", "Own game", "Happy accident", etc.

KVN games, “What, where, when”, “Own game”, “Happy accident” require additional preparation, they will be conducted with prepared questions and musical pauses between 2 - 3 teams. Grades on a 5-point system. Most often they are used when repeating large topics of the program, during a competition or competition.

Football game

The group is divided into two teams. The teams choose the goalkeeper, striker, defender, players. The forward of the first team asks a question and throws the ball (conditionally). The players of the second team answer first, if they did not answer - the defender, the last - the goalkeeper. If the answer is incorrect or incomplete, a goal is awarded to the team.

Role-playing or story games

The game is played in several stages

    Preparing for the game - defining a theme, assigning roles (controller, technologist, etc.)

    The course of the game is the solution of any production problem or the implementation of a practical task

    Conclusion - discussion of the result.

Role-playing games allow students to “try on” new behaviors in a safe environment. Role-playing games are used to investigate problems and situations that arise in real life.In the classroom, the activities of an enterprise, its divisions, events, specific activities of people ( technologist, quality controller, safety inspector). The game develops the adaptive capabilities of future specialists to real production conditions. The game helps students to realize themselves in a new role, at the same time makes students reckon with their friends, empathize, sympathize, i.e. promotes personality education.

In addition to certain game moments in the lessons of industrial training, I use active forms of education - non-traditional lessons - games (lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - business game).

Gaming technologies make it possible to use collective forms of student interaction, identify interdisciplinary connections and integrate them into general knowledge, increase students' interest in the profession, help to achieve a more durable assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by students. The main goal of the game is the development of creative abilities and skills, the formation of creative potential and professionally oriented thinking, the preparation of a competent graduate.

Education Department of the Akimat of West Kazakhstan region

GKKP " College of Technology»

Considered at the meeting

subject-cycle commission

Head of the PCC

Suyunova G.S.

Minutes No. __from "" 2014


"Application of game technology in the lessons of industrial training"

Developed by a master of production

training of the highest category

S.I. Titorenko

Uralsk - 201 4 g
