Direction " Human and society"is included in the list of topics for the final essay for the 2017/18 academic year.

Below will be presented examples and additional materials for developing the theme of man and society in the final essay.

Essay on the topic: Man and Society

Man and society - this is how one of the themes of the final composition sounds. The topic is vast, multifaceted and deep.

Man, individual, personality - in this sequence it is customary to build the "path" that people go through in the process of socialization. The last term is familiar to us from the lessons of social studies. It means the process of embedding a person into society. This is a lifelong journey. That's right: throughout our lives we interact with society, change under its influence, change it with our ideas, thoughts and deeds.

Society is a complex system of interaction of its individuals with all their interests, needs and worldview. Man is unthinkable without society, just as society is without man.

Society generates intelligence, meaning and will. It is truly legitimate, it concentrates the essence of human existence: everything in which a person differs from a biological being and that reveals his rational and spiritual nature. Society forms a human personality, its system of socially significant characteristics of a person as a member of society.

Among the decent and educated people everyone tries to be no worse. Likewise, in a bad society the value of honesty is lost for a person, vicious instincts emerge, and impartial actions are allowed. A disadvantaged environment does not condemn this, and sometimes encourages negativity and anger.

A person might not have discovered these negative traits in himself if it had not been facilitated by a bad society and environment.

An example of arguments and reasoning on the topic of man and society from a work of art:

A similar situation was described by Panas Mirny in his novel "Do the oxen howl when the nursery is full?" When the main character novel - Chipka became friends with dubious personalities - Lushnya, Motney and the Rat, then all the good and kind that was in him before disappeared somewhere.

The hero of the novel became cynical and vicious, began to steal, and later moved on to robbery.

The author delicately depicts an epic picture of the moral fall of man. Drunkenness in the house of the hero of the novel is accompanied by insults to his mother. But this does not bother Chipka in any way, he himself begins to scold his own mother. All this turned into a shame, which later became fatal for Chipka. He soon came to murder. Nothing human remained in him, since he followed unworthy people in life.

Without a doubt, society affects a person, his character and personality as a whole.

However, it depends only on the person himself - to heed the kind, light and creative, or to get bogged down in the abyss of immorality, anger and lawlessness.

An example of an essay in the thematic area "Man and Society" on the example of Dostoevsky's work "Crime and Punishment"

Throughout the history of mankind, people were interested in the problems of the relationship between man and society. The inclination to unite efforts and joint life is in our blood. This trait was passed down to us not even from monkeys, but in general from animals in general. Let us recall such concepts as "flock", "herd", "pride", "school", "swarm", "herd" - all these words mean a form of coexistence of various species of animals, fish and birds.

Of course, human society is much more complex than animal communities. This is not surprising - after all, it consists of the most intelligent and developed representatives of the living world.

Many thinkers, philosophers and scientists have sought or tried to create such an ideal society where the potential of each of its members would be revealed and where each person would be respected and appreciated.

The course of history has clearly demonstrated that idealistic thoughts do not get along well with reality. Man has never created an ideal society. At the same time, according to scientists, the best social system in terms of equality and justice is considered to be city-states in Ancient Greece... Since then, no really qualitative progress has been achieved.

Yet I believe that every reasonable person should try to contribute to the improvement of society. There are several ways to do this.

The first is the path of writers-educators, which consists in a systematic change in the worldview of readers, in the transformation of the existing system of values. This is exactly how Daniel Defoe acted for the good of society, demonstrating with his work "Robinson Crusoe" that even an individual human person is capable of doing a lot; Jonathan Swift, who with his novel "Gulliver's Travels" clearly showed social injustice and offered options for salvation, etc.

The second way a person changes society is radical, aggressive, revolutionary. It is used in a situation where a way out is inevitable, when the contradictions between society and the individual have escalated to the point that they can no longer be resolved through negotiations. Examples of such situations are the bourgeois revolutions in England, France, and the Russian Empire.

I believe that the second path in literature was most vividly shown by F.M. Dostoevsky in his novel "Crime and Punishment". The student Raskolnikov, battered by life, decides to kill the old woman-pawnbroker, who acts for him as a vivid personification of the social injustice that took place in St. Petersburg in the 19th century. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is the goal of his plan. By the way, similar were the slogans of the Bolsheviks, who also sought to improve people's lives, so that the one who “was nobody” would become “everything”. True, the Bolsheviks forgot that it is impossible to just endow a person with abilities and talent. Undoubtedly, the desire to make life fairer is noble. But is it at such a price?

The hero of Dostoevsky's novel had another opportunity. He could continue to study, start giving private lessons, a normal future was open to him. However, this path required effort and effort. It is much easier to kill and rob an old woman, and then do good deeds. Fortunately for Raskolnikov, he is prudent enough to doubt the "correctness" of his choice. (the crime led him to hard labor, but then an epiphany comes).

The confrontation between the personality of Raskolnikov and the society of St. Petersburg in the mid-19th century ended in defeat for the individual in defeat. A personality that stands out against the background of society, in principle, is always difficult in life. And the problem is often not even in the society itself, but in the crowd that enslaves the individual, leveling his individuality.

Society tends to acquire animal features, turning into a flock, then into a herd.

As a pack, society overcomes adversity, confronts enemies, conquers power and wealth.

Becoming a herd or a crowd, a society loses its individuality, identity and freedom. Sometimes, without even realizing it.

Man and society are inseparable components of being. They were, are and will be changing and transforming for a very long time in search of an optimal model of existence.

List of topics for the final essay in the direction of "Man and Society":

  • Man for society or society for man?
  • Do you agree with the opinion of L.N. Tolstoy: "Man is unthinkable outside of society"?
  • What books do you think are capable of influencing society?
  • Public opinion rules people. Blaise Pascal
  • You shouldn't be guided by public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but wandering lights. André Maurois
  • "The level of mass depends on the consciousness of the units." (F. Kafka)
  • Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society. Vissarion Belinsky
  • People with character are the conscience of society. Ralph Emerson
  • Can a person remain civilized outside of society?
  • Is one person capable of changing society? Or is one not a warrior in the field?

List of basic literature for the direction of the final essay "Man and Society":

E. Zamyatin "We"

M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

To answer this question, use a comparison, perhaps not entirely correct, but figurative. Why is the fire burning? First, it is absolutely necessary that there is fuel, that is, a combustible material. Secondly, high temperature to "start" the initial oxidation reaction, and then it will go on its own. Finally, thirdly, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the flaring flame, otherwise it will go out.

In your situation (preconditions, the emergence and development of the conflict) "combustible material" will serve as a clash or simply a mismatch of interests, views, habits of the conflicting parties. Human nature is such that it is his views and habits that he considers correct and most natural. Therefore, when faced with a different point of view on a particular issue, problem, he often instinctively sees it as a challenge directed against him personally. It goes without saying that the opponent can behave in the same way. In this case, the "fire hazard" increases sharply.

Well, the role of the very outbreak, which gives a high temperature, is played by the so-called "conflict generator", that is, a careless or harsh word, a dismissive gesture, a smile or demonstrative silence. Of course, it is not at all necessary that one of the listed factors (or even a whole series) will certainly provoke the onset of a conflict, likening that flash or the finger pulling the trigger. In some cases, the conflict can be avoided. But sooner or later it will flare up.

Now, with regard to the conditions conducive to the intensification and growth of the conflict that has arisen. If the side against which a harsh word, a contemptuous look or gesture, a grin, etc. was directed, shows patience, generosity, refrains from a retaliatory attack in the same spirit, or, even more so, tries to translate the beginning conflict into a joke, then she with brilliance will play the role of water, extinguishing the flaming flame. Unfortunately, this happens very rarely. Human nature is such that those who consider themselves offended (all the more offended), in 99% of cases will want to repay the offender with "the same coin". And even more "weighty". At the same time, he often acts according to the rule: "The best defense is an attack." Word for word, and now a hot fire of a full-scale conflict is already blazing. With mutual insults and personal communication. Well, if it doesn't come to assault! But a spoiled mood is guaranteed in any case.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, you still need to stop in time. Remember that any fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish.

(356 words) We all know that the confrontation between the individual and the collective is inevitable, because it is difficult for society to accept a person who does not want to adapt to it. But how does this struggle manifest itself? It is often difficult for the uninitiated to notice it, since none of the participants advertises their antipathy. Conflict takes place in the shadow of everyday restraint, when tension is only felt, not negotiated.

In Bulgakov's story “ dog's heart»The conflict between the individual and the society is obvious only to the reader, since both sides pretend that nothing special is happening. In Soviet society, everyone is equal, but class hatred makes itself felt in the relationship between proletarians and intellectuals. Philip Philipovich works from home, so he occupies a large room. His neighbors are jealous, and they are trying with all their might to deprive him of this privilege. Preobrazhensky, in response to these tricks, resorts to the help of high-ranking patients. Outwardly, their wrangling with Shvonder looks like an ordinary everyday conflict, but in fact it is a struggle between a collective and a person, where the confrontation is of an ideological nature. The professor, with all his achievements, refutes the principles of equality hammered into the heads of the workers through propaganda: they are not initially equal to him, at least in terms of intelligence. Therefore, new people uproot the bourgeois way of life of the old world in retaliation for the fact that they will never get its luxury. This process manifests itself in the form of local clashes based on housing conditions.

In Gorky's story "Chelkash" the hero deliberately leaves society, being on the other side of the law. He sees in the settled and measured life of the common people the yoke of a slave, therefore he seeks freedom in vagrancy and loneliness. If on his part there is no aggression towards the collective, then on the other hand he is pursued by clear condemnation. A typical representative of society repels him, depriving the tramp of the status of a person. According to Gavrila, the thief is so insignificant that he can be killed with a twinge of conscience, because no one cares about him. The renegade turns out to be more virtuous than the peasant, but the majority always sees only the outer side, and the Chelkashi are doomed to be misunderstood. The conflict here manifests itself in open hostility, which, however, was only expressed in private.

The conflict between a person and a team is often expressed in small domestic strife, nevertheless, revealing the essence of the worldview of each side. However, it can acquire other dimensions, turning into an active confrontation with aggressive attacks and fatal consequences. We must try to avoid extremes and strive to understand each other.

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Theme: "Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society" (VG Belinsky) The work of the following authors is used in the argumentation: F.M. Dostoevsky I.S. Turgenev

Introduction: Each of us lives in society, in society. Family, work collective, friends and acquaintances. The top of the pyramid is the state. Its traditions, culture, religion, laws affect our formation, regardless of whether we accept them or not. This is one of the reasons for the emerging conflicts between man and society.

Another is indifference, which often characterizes the attitude of the state towards its individual citizens. Literature has always been not indifferent to the problem of relations between man and society.

Many works by authors of various nationalities can be cited as an example. This is an international topic. In Russian literature, such interest is especially noticeable during that period of its development, which is usually called golden. I.S. Turgenev introduced into her a type of person whom he called a nihilist.

The main character in the works of I.A. Goncharova also does not accept the surrounding reality. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov prefers not to notice her. Unfortunately, or fortunately, other people prevailed in the history of Russia. They considered that they can and have the right to change this reality in the interests of a certain class. The desires and goals of those who could prevent this were not taken into account. Such an ideology inevitably leads to dictatorship. She can carry not only evil, but good intentions do not justify the childish tear about which F.M. Dostoevsky.

Among the characters in almost all of Fyodor Mikhailovich's main books, there is a person who no longer asks himself the question of what he has the right to do. In "Demons", for example, this is Pyotr Verhovensky. This is no longer the "little man" that Pushkin and Gogol wrote about. He can be compared with Turgenev's Bazarov, who does not care how society treats him. He realized what he himself can do with this society.

Argument: As an example, I would like to cite another hero F.M. Dostoevsky. This is Rodion Raskolnikov. Having committed a crime, he still realizes that he is worthy of punishment. It's complicated. It's easier to continue to indulge your pride, like the "demon" Verhovensky. But what drove the beggar student to commit such atrocity? First of all, the indifference of society and the state to him.

Not possessing such fortitude as his friend Dmitry Razumikhin, he succumbed to the ideas set forth in the brochure he read. Considering himself a person who "has the right", he decided to use the money of an old woman useless for the world in order to change the surrounding reality, to make it better. Inflamed consciousness, nervous exhaustion. This did not allow me to ask myself a simple question: is it within my power to do this?

There is a reason to compare Raskolnikov with Bazarov. This is disbelief in God, atheism. Turgenev's hero believes in science, but it cannot satisfy a person who has spiritual needs. When the state and society leave such people face to face with life, the Verkhovenskys appear. And the more there are, the more likely they are to actually change the world.

Conclusion: Even "little people" like Akaki Akakievich from Gogol's "Overcoat" are capable of rebellion. Only they make it funny. But if you continue to mock such people, the greatcoat can be worn by completely different ones. Therefore, the state, at least for the sake of self-preservation, should pay attention to all who consider themselves its citizens.

What is society? And how is the conflict between man and society manifested? In my opinion, society is a form of uniting people with common interests, values ​​and goals. Human societies are characterized by a model of social relations between people. However, due to the uniqueness of each person, disagreements occur, leading to conflict between individuals and society. Sometimes such clashes become too serious and lead to dire consequences.

Many writers have addressed this topic in their works. A.S. Griboyedov in the play "Woe from Wit" also discusses conflict situations of people. Man and society is one of the central problems in the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov. How should relations between people in society be built? And is it worth it to agree with those values ​​that are important in society? The questions are relevant to this day, as each person is looking for his position in society.

So Alexander Andreevich Chatsky opposes the entire Famus society. He does not accept his principles, the essence of which lies in material values, in achieving a higher position in the world. Service for Famusian societies does not consist in serving their homeland, for them it is just career advancement. Therefore, they do not seriously do business. Even love is not taken seriously here. “He who is poor is not a match for you,” Famusov tells his daughter. Any disagreement with generally accepted laws is perceived as “madness”. The opinion of the entire Moscow society is dearer to them than sincerity, justice, honesty. Chatsky is offended that his beloved house, where he spent his childhood, suddenly turned out to be a stranger. But the hero does not even try to adapt to society. He bravely defends his principles. This is not Molchalin with his sycophancy, hypocrisy, duplicity, who has learned well how to live. Chatsky attracts readers with the ability to be true to himself, while remaining a bright personality. Everyone decides how to build relationships with people, how to determine their place in life. But I believe that people are simply obliged to live according to the laws of morality, supporting everything that is morally correct, decent and speaking out against lies, evil, hostility, no matter how difficult it may be. This work is a vivid example of how a person, defending and defending his opinion and views, can unexpectedly for himself come into conflict with society, the principles of which for life are completely different.

I will give an example from another literary work... Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" vividly emphasizes the image of the protagonist, who is a "superfluous" person in society. Eugene Onegin differs from the environment in the city, he is not interested in secular balls, empty talk, stupid gossip. He is smart and educated. Onegin does not understand the values ​​of society. He has his own interests, he loves to read philosophical books, to develop himself. deal with the economy. Simply put, he is sufficiently enlightened in all pressing topics. Eugene Onegin- very interesting person, but in society he did not find his place, since he is very different from people in the city and in the countryside. They all appreciate appearance, status in society, the amount of money in your pocket. Eugene Onegin and all the people around him have different views on life. In this regard, some disagreements involuntarily occur between them, which smoothly flow into a conflict. This work is a shining example of how people, having own views on life, expressing their opinion, regardless of the opinion of others, they can come to mutual misunderstanding, alienation.

Summing up my essay, I will emphasize once again: people often conflict because of disagreements. However, a person lives in a society in which he becomes a person, realizes his abilities, achieves goals, dreams, suffers, loves. To be needed by society, not to isolate oneself from it, not to oppose oneself to it - this is the noble goal of man. Awareness of their unity with people, people, country makes life conflict-free and meaningful.

Updated: 2018-04-16

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