The authors of the educational publication relied on the methodological and theoretical principles of the outstanding Russian scientist and teacher Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin. The textbook introduces the main theoretical and practical aspects of the processes of education and training of schoolchildren. It systematizes knowledge in the main sections of pedagogy: introduction to the teaching profession, general foundations of pedagogy, teaching theory, theory and methods of education. The material of the textbook is aimed at including the student in each of the three forms of cognitive activity, teaching, practice and project activities... After each chapter there are questions and tasks for independent workas well as recommended reading.

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  2. The tutorial reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity foundations for the formation of the basic culture of a student. The characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. The issues of management are revealed. educational systems... The authors are laureates of the RF Government Prize in the field of education.
    It can be useful for teachers, leaders of the education system.

    Features of the teaching profession.
    The originality of the teaching profession. A person's belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the features of his activity and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E.A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to a group of professions, the subject of which is another person. But the teaching profession is distinguished from the crowd of others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands out as a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the "man-to-man" type is that it belongs both to the class of transforming and to the class of managing professions at the same time. Having the formation and transformation of the personality as the goal of his activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.

    The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of the professions of the "person-to-person" type also require interaction with people, but here it is connected with the best way to understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them.

    The peculiarity of training and education as an activity in social management is that it has, as it were, a double object of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if the leader (and the teacher is) does not develop proper relationships with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, it means that the most important thing in his activity is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in some area (depending on who or what he supervises). The teacher, like any other leader, must know and understand well the activities of the students, whose development process he leads. Thus, the teaching profession requires double training - human studies and special.

    Chapter 1. General characteristics of the teaching profession

    § 1. The emergence and formation of the teaching profession
    § 2. Features of the teaching profession
    § 3. Prospects for the development of the teaching profession
    § 4. Specificity of working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher
    Chapter 2. Professional activity and personality of the teacher
    § 1. Essence teaching activities
    § 2. The main types of teaching activities
    § 3. The structure of teaching activities
    § 4. Teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity
    § 5. Professionally determined requirements for the personality of the teacher
    Chapter 3. Professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher
    § 1. The essence and main components of professional and pedagogical culture
    § 2. Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture
    § 3. Technological component of professional and pedagogical culture
    § 4. Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture
    Chapter 4. Professional formation and development of a teacher
    § 1. Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching
    § 2. Development of the teacher's personality in the system teacher education
    § 3. Professional self-education of the teacher
    § 4. Basics of self-education of students of a pedagogical university and teachers
    Chapter 5. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences

    § one. General idea about pedagogy as a science
    § 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy
    § 3. Education as a social phenomenon
    § 4. Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy
    § 5. The relationship of pedagogy with other sciences and its structure
    Chapter 6. Methodology and methods pedagogical research
    § 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher
    § 2. General scientific level of pedagogical methodology
    § 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research
    § 4. Organization of pedagogical research
    § 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research
    Chapter 7. Axiological foundations of pedagogy
    § 1. Substantiation of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy
    § 2. The concept of pedagogical values \u200b\u200band their classification
    § 3. Education as a universal value
    Chapter 8. Development, socialization and education of personality
    § 1. Personal development as a pedagogical problem
    § 2. The essence of socialization and its stages
    § 3. Education and personality formation
    § 4. The role of learning in personality development
    § 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation
    § 6. Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation
    Chapter 9. Holistic pedagogical process
    § 1. Historical preconditions for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon
    § 2. The pedagogical system and its types
    § 3. General characteristics of the education system
    § 4. The essence of the pedagogical process
    § 5. The pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon
    § 6. Logic and conditions for building an integral pedagogical process
    Chapter 10. Learning in a holistic pedagogical process

    § 1. Education as a way of organizing the pedagogical process
    § 2. Learning functions
    § 3. Methodological foundations of training
    § 4. Activities of teachers and students in the learning process
    § 5. The logic of the educational process and the structure of the assimilation process
    § 6. Types of training and their characteristics
    Chapter 11. Regularities and principles of teaching
    § 1. Patterns of learning
    § 2. Principles of teaching
    Chapter 12. Modern didactic concepts
    § 1. Characteristics of the basic concepts of developmental education
    § 2. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personality developmental education
    Chapter 13. The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual
    § 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical character
    § 2. Determinants of the content of education and the principles of its structuring
    § 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education
    § 4. State educational standard and its functions
    § 5. Normative documents regulating the content of general secondary education
    § 6. Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for building a 12-year comprehensive school
    Chapter 14. Forms and methods of teaching
    § 1. Organizational forms and systems of training
    § 2. Types of modern organizational forms learning
    § 3. Teaching methods
    § 4. Didactic means
    § 5. Control in the learning process
    Chapter 15. Education in a holistic pedagogical process

    § 1. Education as specially organized activity to achieve educational goals
    § 2. The goals and objectives of humanistic education
    § 3. Personality in the concept of humanistic education
    § 4. Laws and principles of humanistic education
    Chapter 16. Education of the basic culture of personality
    § 1. Philosophical and ideological training of schoolchildren
    § 2. Civic education in the system of formation of the basic culture of the individual
    § 3. Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual
    § 4. Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren
    § 5. Formation of the aesthetic culture of students
    § 6. Education physical culture personality
    Chapter 17. General methods of education
    § 1. The essence of educational methods and their classification
    § 2. Methods of formation of personality consciousness
    § 3. Methods of organizing activities and generating experience public behavior personality
    § 4. Methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of the individual
    § 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment in education
    § 6. Conditions for optimal choice and effective application of educational methods
    Chapter 18. The collective as an object and subject of education
    § 1. Dialectics of the collective and the individual in the education of the individual
    § 2. Formation of personality in a team - the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy
    § 3. The essence and organizational foundations of the functioning of the children's collective
    § 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team
    § 5. Basic conditions for the development of the children's collective
    Chapter 19. Educational systems
    § 1. The structure and stages of development of the educational system
    § 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems
    § 3. The class teacher in the educational system of the school
    § 4. Children's public associations in the educational system of the school
    Chapter 20. Pedagogical technology and teacher skill

    § 1. Essence pedagogical technology
    § 2. The structure of teaching excellence
    § 3. Essence and specificity pedagogical task
    § 4. Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics
    § 5. Stages of solving the pedagogical problem
    § 6. Demonstration of the teacher's professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems
    Chapter 21. Technology of designing the pedagogical process
    § 1. The concept of the technology of designing the pedagogical process
    § 2. Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of the initial data and the establishment of a pedagogical diagnosis
    § 3. Planning as a result of the constructive activity of the teacher
    § 4. Work planning class teacher
    § 5. Planning in the activity of a subject teacher
    Chapter 22. Technology of implementation of the pedagogical process
    § 1. The concept of technology for the implementation of the pedagogical process
    § 2. The structure of organizational activity and its features
    § 3. Activities of children and general technological requirements for their organization
    § 4. Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization
    § 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activity
    § 6. Technology of organizing developing activities of schoolchildren
    § 7. Technology of organizing collective creative activity
    Chapter 23. Technology of pedagogical communication and the establishment of pedagogically expedient relationships
    § 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the teacher-educator's activities
    § 2. The concept of the technology of pedagogical communication
    § 3. Stages of solving a communication problem
    § 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology of their implementation
    § 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics
    § 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically expedient relationships
    Chapter 24. Essence and basic principles of educational systems management

    § 1. State-public education management system
    § 2. General principles of educational systems management
    § 3. School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management
    Chapter 25. The main functions of intra-school management
    § 1. Managerial culture of the head of the school
    § 2. Pedagogical analysis in intraschool management
    § 3. Goal setting and planning as a function of school management
    § 4. Function of the organization in school management
    § 5. Intra-school control and regulation in management
    Chapter 26. Interaction social institutions in the management of educational systems
    § 1. School as an organizing center joint activities schools, families and communities
    § 2. The teaching staff of the school
    § 3. The family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family
    § 4. Psychological and pedagogical bases of establishing contacts with the schoolchild's family
    § 5. Forms and methods of work of a teacher, class teacher with the parents of students
    Chapter 27. Innovative processes in education. Development of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers
    § 1. Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity
    § 2. Forms of development of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification.

    Outstanding Russian scientist and teacher
    born September 5, 1930
    in the city of Gorno-Altaysk, Altai Territory in a peasant family.

    1948 year
    After graduating from the pedagogical school, he was sent to study at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin. As a student, he showed a deep interest in scientific research, published several serious scientific works.

    1956 year
    Since March, having defended his Ph.D. thesis, V. A. Slastenin has been working at the Tyumen Pedagogical Institute as a teacher in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. In October 1957, the 27-year-old scientist became vice-rector of the Tyumen Pedagogical Institute for educational, and then for scientific work. In this position, he proved himself to be a talented organizer of teacher education.

    1969 year
    V. A. Slastenin was transferred to Moscow, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical educational institutions Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.
    1976 year
    Slastenin defends his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Formation of the teacher's personality in the process of his vocational training", in which he was the first Russian researcher to offer a unique predictive model of the personality and professional activity of the ideal teacher of the 21st century.

    1977 year
    Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin comes to work at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin (since 1991 - Moscow State Pedagogical University) Head of the Department of Pedagogy primary education... He organizes here the department of pedagogy and psychology of the higher school, which he currently heads.

    1985 year
    V. A. Slastenin is the permanent dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, unique in the Russian education system. The scientist creates and implements the original concept of multilevel pedagogical education, develops state educational standards higher education new generation in the specialties "pedagogy", "social pedagogy", "pedagogy and psychology".

    As a scientist BA Slastenin occupies a leading position in the field of methodology, theory and practice of teacher education. He is one of the developers of the general concept of teacher education, the author of more than 300 scientific works, including 16 monographs and 6 textbooks on pedagogy "
    VL Slastenin's works have been translated into 15 languages, published in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, China and other countries of the world.
    Professor V.L.Slastenin created a powerful scientific school, which is represented in almost all regions Russian Federation, He prepared 200 doctors and candidates of pedagogical and psychological sciences "
    VL Slastenin - member of the Council for Pedagogical Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Head Council "Problems of Pedagogy" and Educational and methodological Council for General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of UMO Pedagogical Universities, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on Pedagogy and Psychology, Chairman of the Council for Defense of Dissertation academic degree doctors of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the journals Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Education and Pedagogical Education and Science.
    He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals named after K. D. Ushinsky, N. K. Krupskaya, S. I. Vavilov, A. S. Makarenko, I. Altynsarin, K. N. Kary-Niyazov. Excellence in education of the USSR and a number of former republics Union.
    Since January 1989 - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, since June 1992 - Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, since July 1999 - President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education. Academician of a number of public academies,
    In March 1996, Professor V, A. Slastenin was awarded honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation"
    In 1999, Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

    Over the course of a long time, the individual-creative approach to the formation of the teacher's personality, proposed by the academician, has proved in practice its effectiveness and prospects. For a modern leader, the ideal model should be a person with professional competence, endowed with a special type of professional consciousness, focused in his teaching activities on the development of the student as a person, individuality, subject of knowledge, communication and work.

    The textbook reveals the essence and structure of pedagogical technology, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcomplete control over the pedagogical process, its planning, design, as well as the possibility of detailed analysis using stage-by-stage reproduction. Pedagogical technology is based on ensuring that certain goals are achieved through constant feedback. It follows from this that goal setting is the most important stage of pedagogical technology.

    Pedagogical technologies have their own industry characteristics, determined by the methods and means with which they operate, as well as the source material they work with. The specificity of the methods and means of pedagogical technologies is manifested by the presence of a certain educational component, and by the need to take into account the philosophical, psychological, anthropological and environmental aspects.

    As an example of how other specialists in this field consider the problem of pedagogical technologies, the works T.A. Stefanovskaya, V.A. Slastenin and G.K. Selevko... In works G.K. Selevko pedagogical technology seems to be closely related to educational process, the interaction between student and teacher. The structure of pedagogical technology, according to his theory, consists of the following components. Firstly, it is a conceptual basis, secondly, a content part, and thirdly, a procedural part.

    In the textbook, the essence of pedagogical technology is revealed in a slightly different aspect. The author considers planning and design to be the decisive condition for the success of the pedagogical process, including analysis, diagnosis, forecasting and development of the project of activities. In theory, pedagogical technology includes three main components. The first is a diagnostic analysis. The second is forecasting and design. And the third is the idea that analysis, forecast and design are an inseparable triad for solving any pedagogical problem.

    According to T.A. Stefanovskaya the technology of teaching pedagogy should be based on the following ideas. First of all, it is the integration of pedagogical disciplines. In second place is the intensification of the learning process through the use of mnemonic diagrams. And finally, the diagnostic basis and content academic disciplines, determined by the relationship between objective and subjective conditions. As the main components of educational technology T.A. Stefanovskaya highlights the target setting, the content component, the actual technological component and the expert-evaluative component.

    In practice, the implementation of pedagogical technology is carried out by adding up all the components that make it up. According to NOT. Shchurkova, the pivotal component of pedagogical technology is pedagogical technique, that is, the teacher's possession of his own psychophysical apparatus and the ability to understand the student's attitude by his psychophysical apparatus, which includes facial expressions, gestures and speech. The main way for the teacher to correct student behavior is pedagogical assessment.

    In modern pedagogical practice, the most popular are such personal qualities a teacher as openness and sincerity, benevolence, the art of communication, erudition, outlook, charm, artistry, improvisation, fantasy, reflection, the ability to detect changes in children's relationships, their moods and reactions in time.

    As they think V.A. Slastenin and N.E. Shchurkova, in the modern educational process, a real revolution is taking place, consisting in a change in key pedagogical positions and modifications in the theoretical picture of education as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. This very revolution, in their opinion, gave rise to completely new characteristics of the educational process, which are derived from the latest principles, such as the principle of value orientations, subjectivity and the given.

    The principle of value orientations requires the teacher to fill the interaction with students with a certain value content, focused on such higher universal values, such as man, life, nature, work, communication and knowledge. The principle of subjectivity directs the activity of the teacher to the constant initiation in the child of the ability to be the subject of his own actions. The principle of the given assumes an attitude towards the child as an unconditional value and given, a respectful attitude towards the history of his life, the specifics of the development and formation of his personality.

    2. Biography of the founder of the scientific school, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.A. Slastenin

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Higher Education, Founder and Dean (1982-2002) of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical state university, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council for General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Methodological Association for Pedagogical Education, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin was born on September 5, 1930 in the city of Gorno-Altaysk, Altai Territory, into a family of collective farmers. He early joined peasant labor, and at the age of 15 was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 ".

    The life path of V.A. Slastenin was largely determined by the meeting with the remarkable educator-innovator, Shkid organizer Viktor Nikolaevich Soroka-Rosinsky, which took place during his studies at the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical School in 1945-48.

    In 1948 V.A. Slastenin entered the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. VI Lenin, where, after successfully completing the course of study, he was admitted to graduate school.

    At that time, brilliant teachers and famous scientists worked at the pedagogical faculty: developmental psychology read by professor M.M. Rubinstein, educational psychology - prof. N. D. Levitov, teaching theory - Professor N.M. Schumann, the theory of education - Professor S.M. Reeves. His first scientific research work on ethnopsychology V.A. Slastenin was trained under the guidance of an outstanding Russian psychologist, vice-president of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR Konstantin Nikolaevich Kornilov. V.A. Slastenin calls his main teacher Ivan Fomich Svadkovsky, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education Pedagogy, who captivated him with the problems of pedagogy. Scientific work "Pedagogical foundations of local history", performed by V.А. Slastenin in the third year, was awarded the gold medal of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR.

    Simultaneously with his studies, Vitaly Alexandrovich was one of the founders of the large-circulation newspaper of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin's "Lenininets". Journalism and literary creativity remained an important part in the further activities of V.A. Slastenin.

    In 1956, Vitaly Aleksandrovich successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis and in the same year began work at the Tyumen State Pedagogical Institute, to which he gave 13 years of his life: assistant, senior lecturer, and since 1957, at the age of 27, he became vice-rector for academic and scientific work. It was during this period that his talent as an organizer was fully revealed.

    In 1969 V.A. Slastenin was appointed head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions of the RSFSR Ministry of Education. For almost eight years V.A. Slastenin worked in the central office of the Ministry. All these years he carried out the broadest social and pedagogical experiment on the problem of the formation of the teacher's personality.

    It was during this period that V.A. Slastenin organizes a professiographic research, unique in many respects, in all teaching specialties, which covered almost all pedagogical educational institutions, the experiment and data processing were carried out on 20 thousand arrays unprecedented for pedagogical research.

    The logical conclusion of the theoretical and experimental research of V.A. Slastenin's monograph "The Formation of the Personality of a Teacher of the Soviet School in the Process of His Professional Training" (1976), thanks to which he was promoted as a leading scientist in the field of theory and practice of teacher education. In 1977 V.A. Slastenin defended his doctoral dissertation.

    In 1977 VA Slastenin returned to the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. VI Lenin, and in 1978 he was elected head of the Department of Primary Education Pedagogy. In 1979 he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1982, VA Slastenin was elected Dean of the Faculty of Education.

    In 1980, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin created and headed the department of pedagogy and psychology of higher education. This year came the official recognition of his merits in the field of pedagogical science. He was awarded one of the most honorable awards for the teacher - the KD Ushinsky medal. In 1981, he created and headed the laboratory of higher pedagogical education in the structure of the Research Institute at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin. This laboratory became the head organization of the target research program "Teacher", the scientific leader of which V.A. Slastenin has been since 1981. Researchers from pedagogical institutes from various regions of the country are involved in the development of the program. V.A. Slastenin acts as the author and methodologist of the concept of the target research program "Formation of a socially active personality of a teacher."

    V.A. Slastenin constantly took an active part in international seminars and conferences, gave lectures at foreign universities.

    In 1989 V.A. Slastenin was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, and in 1992 a full member of the Russian Academy of Education. In 1997 V.A. Slastenin became a member of the Bureau of the Higher Education Division of the Russian Academy of Education, and in 1998 he was appointed editor-in-chief of Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Education, in whose position he worked until 2001. In 1998 V.A. Slastenin created the journal "Pedagogical Education and Science", of which he was the editor-in-chief.

    In 1996 V.A. Slastenin was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", in 1999 he became a laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. In 1999 V.A. Slastenin was elected President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

    The influence of the scientific school of V.A. Slastenin on the system of pedagogical education became decisive. Coordination of efforts of almost 50 universities in the country within the framework of the target research program "Teacher", in 1981-1989. carried out according to the plan-order of the USSR State Committee on Public Education and the decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, allowed the team headed by him to develop the concept of pedagogical education, which was approved at the All-Union Congress of Public Education Workers (1989), which was sent to all pedagogical educational institutions of the USSR ... In 1999, Vitaly Aleksandrovich took an active part in the development of the concept of the content and structure of general secondary education in a 12-year school.

    The concept ideas were concretized by V.A. Slastenin in the development of content and organization educational process in pedagogical educational institutions in the future. He has done a lot of work on the creation of state educational standards for pedagogical specialties, the preparation of a new generation of educational and methodological documentation for educational institutions that train teachers. A fundamentally new model of the curriculum has been developed and is being actively implemented, which ensures a dynamic balance of the basic (federal) and national-regional (university) components of the educational content. Variable character curricula and programs are combined with the development of flexible training technologies for future teachers.

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich took an active part in the development of state educational standards in the specialties "Pedagogy", "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Social Pedagogy", and their scientific and methodological support, being the chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council on General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology. associations for teacher education.

    The scientist's students are the subject of legitimate pride. Under the leadership of V.A. Slastenin prepared and defended more than 170 candidate dissertations, 55 of his students became doctors of science.

    Today, there is practically not a single pedagogical university in Russia, in which Vitaly Aleksandrovich's students and followers work. Among his students are rectors and vice-rectors of universities, directors of research institutes and centers, deans of faculties and heads of departments. Many of them have their own scientific schools and develop promising research projects.
