
It's no secret that since the time the power of the country was determined by the power of its army. Maintain control within the state and protect against external enemies is the main task. No wonder the country tremendously relate to the question of financing this sphere. Below are a dozen of the most powerful world armies. This rating is drawn up taking into account the number of army, its modernity and the power of used equipment and budget. And naturally, they are in service with the most powerful armies ,. So, Top-10

The strongest armies of the world.

No. 10. Israel

240 thousand soldiers and 600 thousand people are in reserve reserve with a total population of 7.9 million people - a good indicator. The combat equipment is located 13,000 units, including 1964 aircraft and 64 sea ships. Among the soldiers a large number of girls. Summum, which is used for military forces - 15 billion dollars.

№ 9. Japan

Another small country whose number of residents has 127.8 million people, including 247 thousand military, as well as 60 thousand people who are now in stock. Official data indicate the following figures: 5320 units of ground technology, 1965 - all sorts aircraft, 110 units of marine weapons. Unofficially there are suspicions of the latest developments in the field military science. Army financing is 58 billion dollars.

№ 8. France

In France, there are 230 thousand military personnel and 70 thousand reserves and plus to the entire 105 thousand police ministers. 10,621 terrestrial defense equipment facilities, 1,757 - air, as well as 289 ships. Financing is more than 44 billion euros. These are good indicators for the state, with a population of 65.4 people. And she is in the eighth place among the strongest and most powerful armies of the world.

№ 7. South Korea

Active servicemen - 640 thousand, in stock - 2.9 million people, military facilities ground - 13,361 pcs., Air - 1568, marine - 170 pcs. It is not surprising if you take into account the features of the neighbors. Financing 27 billion. dollars.

No. 6. Turkey

In the asset of 660 thousand people, 579 thousand are in stock and this is with a total number of residents of 74.7 ml. 69,744 units of ground technology, 1940 - air, 265 - marine. Financing more than 25 billion dollars.

№ 5. England

Among 62.2 million people living in the UK 220 thousand serving service in the army 181 thousand stocks. The armed forces number 11,630 thousand facilities of ground-based equipment, 1663 aircraft and 99 defense vessels. Financing is equal to 74 billion dollars.

№ 4. India

It is strange to see in fourth place India with the number of residents of 1.2 billion years. In the assets of 1.325 million people, in stock 2,142,821 people. In addition, the country has 2,452 aircraft and 175 ships with general military financing of 48.9 billion dollars. Fourth place in the top 10 the strongest army of the world.

№ 3. China

China is famous for the most numerical army, which has 2.2 million people, engaged in military activities and 800 thousand people who are in reservation. Combat technology includes 57,575 landfinding facilities, 5,176 aircraft and 972 ship. General financing is more than 106 billion dollars.

№ 2. Russia

Russia at the honorable second position. The population is 143.1 million people, of which more than 1 million of those who serve in the army and 20 million reservists. In addition to 91.715 terrestrial defense equipment, defense forces number 2747 defense aircraft facilities, as well as 233 ships. General financing is 74 billion dollars. Although she occupies second place in this ranking, but among, keeps the first position.


№ 1. United States of America

The leading first place is the most powerful and strong world army, consisting of 560,000 existing employees in the army and 567 thousand reserves with a total number of residents of 311 million people. Ground defense equipment is represented by 56.269 objects, air - 18,234 units, of which 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as 32 satellites, seafood includes 2.384 ship. The total budget is 692 billion dollars.

Any state. And she is in every country. But what armies of the world can be called better in justice?


In a tenth place, they include land, air, as well as maritime it is worth noting that the overall population of the state is approximately 77-78 million people. And active live strength is calculated by the amount of ~ 410 500 soldiers. At the same time, about 185 thousand military are in reserve. And the number of combat ground-based equipment is about 14,000 units. At the same time, about 200 military vessels. In the air - 1007 attack aircraft, bombers and fighters. Finally, the budget. Every year on defense takes $ 18,185 billion.

It is impossible to say that Turkey at all times could boast a powerful army. But constant conflicts (both external and internal) forced the armed forces of this state to rise to a completely new level.

Japan and Germany

After Turkey, Japan is located on the ninth place of the rating. The population of this state is calculated by 127 million people. Active live strength is 250 thousand military and approximately 58,000 in reserve. Ground technique is available in the amount of 4329 units, in the navy less - only 131 vessels. IN air Forces - About 1690 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers. The defense per year is $ 40.3 billion.

Self-defense forces of Japan were founded in 1954. Military policy of this state is very interesting. The main principles: not to attack, do not use nuclear weapons, keep control of the activities of the Armed Forces and cooperate with the United States.

The eighth place in the ranking, which lists the strongest army of the world, is occupied by Bundeswehr (Germany). On the day when it was founded (07/07/1955), the Ministry of Defense of Germany was also opened. Now ~ 80,000,000 population accounts for 180,000 military personnel (plus 145 thousand military in reserve). Ground technique is impressive by its number - 6481 units. It has 81 military vessels at its disposal. And there are 676 units of technology. A year for defense, approximately $ 36.3 billion dollars.

South Korea, France and England

7, 6 and 5th place are occupied by the Armed Forces of South Korea, France and England. They also entered the strongest army of the world. The population of South Korea is less than 50 million people. And this number accounts for 625,000 military personnel plus almost 3,000,000 (!) In reserve. The technique also affects its number: 12,619 combat vehicles, 166 vessels and 1451 units in the air fleet.

Talking about the number of armies of the world, it is worth noting that almost 11,300,000 people are suitable for the service in France, or 1/6 of the total population! This is a lot. Why did France come into a rating called "the strongest army of the world"? Because her troops are truly unique. The Army of France remained one of those that are fully equipped with technician, all sorts of weapons from their own manufacturer. It is also interesting that many women serve in the ranks of the armed forces of this country, their percentage of the total number of military - 15!

England also entered the list of "the strongest world armies". And it is not surprising why she ranks fifth. After all, the British army takes direct participation in hostilities in many hot spots. But that's not all. In addition, the military forces of Britain participate in the UN operations to maintain widespread security and tranquility (not many army countries of the world are involved in this).


Many are surprised, learning that on the 4th line of the rating called the "The most powerful army of the countries of the world" are the armed forces of this particular state. But it is so. The population is almost 1.3 billion. And about 2 143,000 military-rich! 1 325,000 people serves. The total number of technology is 23,545. It is not surprising that this state in 2012 occupied the first place on the entire planet for the import of arms imports. By the way, it is interesting that in India everyone serves under the contract - no one is forced to force anyone.


Naturally, telling about the most powerful armies of the world, you can not forget about China. In total in the armed forces of this state - 2,335,000 military. Still as much - in reserve. And the amount of 155.6 billion (!) Dollars is annually out for defense. By the way, according to the total number of equipment, China slightly ahead of India. This state has 27,320 units of combat vehicles, vessels, bombers, etc.

The Chinese army is distinguished by certain features. Or rather, the requirements for servicemen. In the Chinese army, men with tattoos cannot serve. Even with such a diameter of which does not exceed two centimeters. And since 2006, military schools became closed for those who snore. This was explained by the fact that snoring prevents many to fall asleep, and as a result, non-obstended soldiers who cannot fully engage. And it also stated that all the military, who among the problems there are obesity, are automatically deprived of the opportunity to grow in career plan.

1st and 2nd places

The Russian Federation and the United States are the world's army that are rightly considered the best. In our country, ~ 143,000,000 people live. And the total number of servicemen (both reserve and active live strength) exceeds the figure of 3 million. Russia has a powerful navy and aerospace forces, and the total number of technology is almost 65,000 units.

But the United States still occupies the first rating line. The total population is ~ 321,400,000 people, and this amount is 2.5 million military personnel (both reserve and live strength). The number of equipment is about the same, but the military is less. It comes out, no other number of world armies can be compared with Russia. But why then the US in the first place? Everything is simple. Our Russian army leaves a budget at ~ 47 billion dollars. Only. And the United States spends on it 581 (!) Billion.

Army What country is the largest and strong in the world?

What countries are the army on the planet the strongest and numerous? The question of the combat capability of the army of any country is definitely difficult to answer. Many factors should be taken into account, especially their behavior in real hostilities.

It is much easier to evaluate the army in its quantitative indicators. Although, for example, the Indian Army (India is the second population of the country in the world) in this aspect is not considered even the most combal in the world.

So, the best ten armies of the world.

1. Chinese Army - 2.3 million servicemen

Most recently, it was equipped with morally outdated and ineffective techniques. But recently, thanks to giant cash inflows, the Chinese began a large-scale program of technical re-equipment of their army in the most modern military equipment.

2. US Army - 1.477 million military personnel

This army is not the most numerous in the world, although at present it does not have equal on the experience of conducting modern hostilities, as well as at the highest level are both tactical and technical equipment.

3. Pakistani Army - 1, 451 million military personnel

Its composition is equipped mainly by men on a voluntary basis. Age for calling - from 17 to 23 years. In aviation and fleet serve a lot of women's servicemen.

4. Indian Army - 1.325 million military personnel

The reserve of the Armed Forces of India also consists of 535 thousand people who are well prepared for military service. Indian Air Force Most military specialists are considered the best in the world.

5. North Korean Army - 1.106 million servicemen

He took part in the Korean War (1950-1953) and in minor local wars with the armies of the United States and South Korea. Since 1953, it is in a state of constant combat readiness. He has a large number of artillery systems and tanks in his arsenal. Recently, the rocket strategic troops of KNU began to grow racket.

6. Russian Army - 1.027 million military personnel

The structure of this army has at its disposal all possible types and kind of troops. Despite the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, her position was much weakened, the Russian army with their missile-nuclear potential remains one of the most powerful armies of the planet.

7. South Korean army - 687 thousand military personnel

This army has tremendous experience in conducting combat operations during the Vietnamese and Korean wars. Most of Its armed forces (560 thousand people) make up ground forces.

8. Iranian army - 650 thousand servicemen

The right is considered one of the best Middle Eastern armies. It consists of 14 land divisions, 15 aircraft, as well as 1,400 helicopters and aircraft, 170 warships. Recently, its weapons receive powerful ballistic missiles of Far Action "Shahab-3".

9. Iraqi army - 450 thousand servicemen

This army has always been considered the most technically equipped from Middle Eastern armies. After the Saddam Hussein regime in the 2003 war was lowered, the reorientation of the army began to the Western tactical and organizational principles. As for her technical EquipmentIn the army of Iraq, the morally outdated weapons of Russian and Soviet production prevails.

10. Myanm Army - 425 thousand servicemen

The national army complements about 72 thousand people of semi-general formations - militia. Since this year, all the civilian population of the country - both women, and men - at the age of 18-35 are obliged to pass military training For a period of two years.

The Global FirePower site for 50 criteria rated the power of the armies of 126 countries. At the same time, the nuclear potential of the countries was not taken into account, but the state of the economy was taken into account. At first, the authors set the US Army (0.1661 points), on the second - Russia (0.1865), on the third - China (0.2315). How much does the rating reflect the realities? And what are the prospects for the three strongest armies of the world?

"The Army of Russia is the best in the world"

The authors warn that in the preparation of the rating, the nuclear potential of the countries, the current potential of political and military leadership, the number of weapons was not a decisive factor, and the countries that do not have access to the sea were not punished for the lack of navy, and on the contrary, sea powers - punished. Considered factors such as the geographical position and the economic situation in the country.

The absolute value of the "Power Index" ("Pwrindx") for the perfect army should be "0.0000", which is really unattainable. The rating forms a system of bonuses and fines. For example, Austria, which has no way out to the sea, does not receive a penalty for an insufficient military fleet, but receives them for the lack of a suitable fleet.

The authors indicate the following factual sources: CIA. Gov, Cia World Factbook, Wikipedia. COM, available data in the media and bloggers. Some values \u200b\u200bhad an assessment in nature when official data was absent, the opening part says.

As a result, the top ten of the most powerful Army, Russia, China, India, Great Britain, France, South Korea, Germany, Japan and Turkey entered. Let's compare the indicators on the first three most powerful armies.

1. By the number of servicemen In the first place, the Chinese army - 2.333 million people, in the second - the United States (1.4 million), the Russian army - on the third (766,055 thousand military personnel). Curry data on the personnel reservation. Here in the first place is Russia - 2,485 million people, in the second China - 2.3 million, and the United States - 1, 1 million people.

Of course, the qualitative composition of military personnel is different. American armed forces are 100 percent equipped with contract soldiers. High level of their logistical equipment.

In Russia, only now began to engage in the modernization of military equipment, China's army still takes quantities. But in the combat spirit, the Russians hardened in the last conflicts exceed the "rivals" soldiers. At the beginning of the year, the attack on the American cruiser Vicksbur imitated Su-34. There was no electronic influence on the vessel, but the Americans could not even use the air defense system, and two dozen sailors filed a resignation.

2. For grounding battle systems, in particular, on tanks, in the first place is the Russian army - 15 398 tanks (the main combat tanks, light tanks and fighters of tanks on a wheel or crawler). In second place - the Army of China (9 150 tanks), on the third - Americans (8848 armored vehicles).

Russia has a huge advantage (at times) on combat armored machines (BTR and BMP), self-propelled guns, towed tools and volley fire systems. We will not bring numbers here, the reader can see them yourself. This advantage is due to the fact that our possible theater of hostilities is near abroad, and no one has completely canceled the estimated tank attack on Berlin.

New Russian tanks will consolidate this superiority. The mass delivery of the Russian army of the newest T-14 tanks "Armat" will begin at the turn of 2017-2018. There are no new developments in the US, the Pentagon is relying on the modernized versions of their combat vehicles of the Cold War - M-1 Abrams and Bradley.

China has a third-generation tank - VT-4 (MBT-3000). The Chinese argue that by key parameters, it even exceeds "Armat". But this tank is designed exclusively for export deliveries, they are not going to fight the Chinese army. Question - why?

3. Air Force - Ranking takes into account aircraft and helicopters of all kinds of troops. Here the leadership of the US Army, obliges it, of course, their "island" position. The alleged theater of hostilities is in Eurasia, and there must be technique and soldiers.

The United States has 13892 aircraft, of which fighters - 2207 units, attack aircraft- 2797, transport aircraft - 5366, helicopters - 6196.

In second place - the Russian army. All aircraft she has 3429, of which fighters - 769, attack aircraft - 1305, transport aircraft - 1083, helicopters - 1120. China has in service with only 2860 aircraft, of which fighters - 1066, attack aircraft - 1311, transport aircraft - 876, helicopters - 908.

For qualitative indicators, the Russians began to catch up with Americans. This was recently at a meeting with journalists, the Commander of the US Air Force in Europe, General Frank Gorenz, said. Especially the general noted "the ability (Russians) to create an extremely well-protected zones with the help of access limiting systems", for example, in the Crimea and the Kaliningrad region.

The Global FirePower site for 50 criteria rated the power of the armies of 126 countries. At the same time, the nuclear potential of the countries was not taken into account, but the state of the economy was taken into account. At first, the authors set the US Army (0.1661 points), on the second - Russia (0.1865), on the third - China (0.2315). How much does the rating reflect the realities? And what are the prospects for the three strongest armies of the world?

"The Army of Russia is the best in the world"

The authors warn that in the preparation of the rating, the nuclear potential of the countries, the current potential of political and military leadership, the number of weapons was not a decisive factor, and the countries that do not have access to the sea were not punished for the lack of navy, and on the contrary, sea powers - punished. Considered factors such as the geographical position and the economic situation in the country.

The absolute value of the "Power Index" ("Pwrindx") for the perfect army should be "0.0000", which is really unattainable. The rating forms a system of bonuses and fines. For example, Austria, which has no way out to the sea, does not receive a penalty for an insufficient military fleet, but receives them for the lack of a suitable fleet.

The authors indicate the following factual sources: CIA. Gov, Cia World Factbook, Wikipedia. COM, available data in the media and bloggers. Some values \u200b\u200bhad an assessment in nature when official data was absent, the opening part says.

As a result, the top ten of the most powerful Army, Russia, China, India, Great Britain, France, South Korea, Germany, Japan and Turkey entered. Let's compare the indicators on the first three most powerful armies.

1. By the number of servicemen In the first place, the Chinese army - 2.333 million people, in the second - the United States (1.4 million), the Russian army - on the third (766,055 thousand military personnel). Curry data on the personnel reservation. Here in the first place is Russia - 2,485 million people, in the second China - 2.3 million, and the United States - 1, 1 million people.

Of course, the qualitative composition of military personnel is different. American armed forces are 100 percent equipped with contract soldiers. High level of their logistical equipment.

In Russia, only now began to engage in the modernization of military equipment, China's army still takes quantities. But in the combat spirit, the Russians hardened in the last conflicts exceed the "rivals" soldiers. At the beginning of the year, the attack on the American cruiser Vicksbur imitated Su-34. There was no electronic influence on the vessel, but the Americans could not even use the air defense system, and two dozen sailors filed a resignation.

2. For grounding battle systems, in particular, on tanks, in the first place is the Russian army - 15 398 tanks (the main combat tanks, light tanks and fighters of tanks on a wheel or crawler). In second place - the Army of China (9 150 tanks), on the third - Americans (8848 armored vehicles).

Russia has a huge advantage (at times) on combat armored machines (BTR and BMP), self-propelled guns, towed tools and volley fire systems. We will not bring numbers here, the reader can see them yourself. This advantage is due to the fact that our possible theater of hostilities is near abroad, and no one has completely canceled the estimated tank attack on Berlin.

New Russian tanks will consolidate this superiority. The mass delivery of the Russian army of the newest T-14 tanks "Armat" will begin at the turn of 2017-2018. There are no new developments in the US, the Pentagon is relying on the modernized versions of their combat vehicles of the Cold War - M-1 Abrams and Bradley.

China has a third-generation tank - VT-4 (MBT-3000). The Chinese argue that by key parameters, it even exceeds "Armat". But this tank is designed exclusively for export deliveries, they are not going to fight the Chinese army. Question - why?

3. Air Force - Ranking takes into account aircraft and helicopters of all kinds of troops. Here the leadership of the US Army, obliges it, of course, their "island" position. The alleged theater of hostilities is in Eurasia, and there must be technique and soldiers.

The United States has 13892 aircraft, of which fighters - 2207 units, attack aircraft- 2797, transport aircraft - 5366, helicopters - 6196.

In second place - the Russian army. All aircraft she has 3429, of which fighters - 769, attack aircraft - 1305, transport aircraft - 1083, helicopters - 1120. China has in service with only 2860 aircraft, of which fighters - 1066, attack aircraft - 1311, transport aircraft - 876, helicopters - 908.

For qualitative indicators, the Russians began to catch up with Americans. This was recently at a meeting with journalists, the Commander of the US Air Force in Europe, General Frank Gorenz, said. Especially the general noted "the ability (Russians) to create an extremely well-protected zones with the help of access limiting systems", for example, in the Crimea and the Kaliningrad region.
