When choosing a school for a child, parents take into account many factors: location, traditions, educational bias of the school, reviews. Now this list has been replenished with one more important item: the training program.

Various work programs for each link of the school from grades 1-11 ... As a rule, educational institutions choose several educational programs, especially in primary grades, and parallel classes are taught in different teaching materials.

Today it is important for parents to know: how to choose a suitable educational program and how do they differ? This issue is especially relevant in primary school, because it depends on how successfully the child will learn.

Let's make a reservation right away: it is incorrect to divide programs into "bad and good". All primary school programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. They are simply designed for different ways of perception and take into account the peculiarities of the child's thinking. One thing in common: all programs allow the student to master the required minimum of knowledge for primary school. The difference is in the presentation of the material, in the organization of educational activities, in the variety of exercises.

Primary School Education Programs

1. School of Russia program(under the editorship of A. Pleshakov) - one of the oldest and time-tested programs. Since Soviet times, the program has been improved more than once, adapted to the realities of the new time.

Designed for all children and allows you to carefully work out the skills of writing, reading and counting.

2. The program "Primary school of the XXI century"(under the editorship of N. F. Vinogradova). The material is complex, designed for erudite children. The program teaches independence, a lot of work is underway to foster interest in the educational process, the ability to properly organize study. There are many additional materials and exercises aimed at developing memory , logic, outlook, imagination.Each student can study at a chosen pace, as tasks are provided different levels complexity and different directions.

The main goal of the program: to teach the child to learn.

3. The program "Beginner promising school" ... Features: no need to cram rules, theorems and axioms. The emphasis is on the development of logic, intelligence and analytical thinking... Additional hours for drawing, music, physical education are provided.

Suitable for any child, regardless of his level of preparedness for school.

4. School 2100 program(under the editorship of A. A. Leontiev). This program is gaining more and more fans. The undoubted plus of the program: the continuity of education, since it can be used from the age of 3 until the end of school.

Feature of the program: educational material given to the maximum, varied, multilevel. The student himself chooses how much knowledge will be sufficient. An individual approach to each child is used.

Suitable for all children.

5. "Harmony"(under the editorship of N. B. Istomin). The program involves close collaboration with parents. Many topics are encouraged to be discussed first at home. Great attention is paid to the development of self-education skills.

Priority is given to students' independent work. Techniques of observation, selection, transformation and design are actively involved. All material is presented in a variety of ways, taking into account the students' own experience, the practical orientation of knowledge.

Suitable for children with analytical thinking and technical aptitude.

6. "Planet of Knowledge"- focused on the development of creative abilities. During the training, schoolchildren compose fairy tales themselves, stage performances, carry out projects, and make presentations.

Provides the required minimum of knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything beyond the program is at the request of the students.

Suitable for children with a humanitarian bias.

7. Primary school program "Perspective". Here, much attention is paid to the issues of raising children as citizens of their country, the formation of moral positions.

Many tasks are aimed at developing logic and imagination. A huge amount of additional material is used, for each subject there are several manuals. The teaching principle is dialectical. The presentation of the material is accessible, although sometimes boring.

Suitable for all children, regardless of their preparedness for school.

8. L. V. Zankov's program... A huge amount of material is included in the system. All lessons are equal, great attention is paid to the development of logic, analytical thinking, skills independent work... There are electives in computer science, economics, foreign languages... Teaching is carried out at a fast pace.

Suitable for children well prepared for school.

9. Elkonin - Davydov program... Quite a controversial program, but very interesting for children. Much attention is paid to theoretical thinking, the construction of problems, problematic issues and the search for their solution. Learning is slow. Of the minuses, only a discrepancy in some of the terms studied can be noted. So, for example, the authors of textbooks call verbs words of action, and nouns - words-objects. This creates certain difficulties in high school.

School program for a first grader: how they differ and how to choose. Today, about 10 such training programs are presented in the educational sphere. It often happens that several systems are adopted in one school at once: parallel classes are taught in different ...

About workbooks ... turn of events. School, secondary education, teachers and students, homework, tutor, vacations. Tell me where to buy textbooks and workbooks for the class cheaper? Maybe someone has experience?

The child is in grade 1, the teacher is very young and not experienced, in her words she is "looking for herself." I am opposed to learning and looking for themselves on my child, besides, the teacher, unfortunately, did not become an authority among children and the picture is deplorable. I decided to transfer the child to another teacher, there is a School 2100 program, according to reviews the teacher is very good and I liked it in person. Tell us, is there a very bad program waiting for us?

Workbooks banned at school !. Textbooks. Children education. In the 1st, in our class, everything was bought back in June .. In the 2nd, we want the notebooks to be used. So, for example, we have 5 hours of English a week .. I can't even imagine HOW you can work without extra. notebooks ..

The son goes to first grade next year. There is a possibility that the school will recruit classes according to the 1-3 system (that is, the beginning will be 3 classes, as before). There is also a high degree of probability that there will be a strong teacher. Is it worth going? If so, which considerations prevail: the system itself 1-3 or a strong teacher? Grades 1-4 will also be with a good teacher.

Yes, I did not see the workbook, we all drew and wrote in an ordinary notebook, but we write very little, in Peterson for grade 1 my daughter Section: Textbooks (peterson mathematics grade 1 are there any differences in editions). One is a tutorial where you can write your answers right into it.

Section: Textbooks (copy the preschool workbooks). Workbooks by Vereshchagina for grade 1. Girls, can anyone have new workbooks for first grade English language Vereshchagina? So blue with a carousel?

Notebooks for 1st grade !. School. Child from 7 to 10. Notebooks for 1st grade! This year we are going to first grade for the first time! Hooray! But at the meeting, our future first teacher gave out a list of necessary things for first graders ...

Notebooks for 1st grade! Section: Textbooks (cut-out material in mathematics, grade 1). Information about which system children will learn is, as a rule, is known already when the first grade is enrolled, that is, before the start of the school year.

One set of textbooks is issued by the school, it remains at the school. And the other kit should be at home. Previously, the second set was given out at school. The teaching materials include new textbooks for grade 1, workbooks for students, teaching aids and recommendations, lesson ...

School program for a first grader: how they differ and how to choose. aha how, school 2100 is a terrible program ... Primary school: school of Russia, school of the XXI century, Zankov system - school programs As in "School 2100" tutorials"Planets ...

The teaching materials include new textbooks for grade 1, workbooks for students, teaching aids and recommendations, lesson ... We will go to grade 1 using it. Children are simply taught according to the Russian language textbook by Ramzaeva. And in order to study according to Vinogradova, you need to be good ...

There are no workbooks - children scribble in the textbook itself. My neighbor is a professor of mathematics, he writes textbooks, but since the 5th grade, he studied with Peterson together. His opinion is a normal textbook, but not a Textbook for grade 1.

School program for a first grader: how they differ and how to choose. Adherents of the program believe that it is its mathematics textbooks that perfectly develop logic and thinking. Information about which system children will learn, as a rule ...

What is the best school curriculum? Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting Prompt mothers of first graders and further. which program to choose? we have Zankov in our town. harmony and tradition. kid to school ...

Actually, the question is in the subject: how do the programs "School 2000" and "School 2100" differ and, in particular, mathematics? School program for a first grader: how they differ and how to choose. yeah, school 2100 is a terrible program, they developed it ...

The school was chosen on the basis of a territorial basis. An ordinary public school. School program for a first grader: how they differ and how to choose. Learning programs. In elementary school we studied according to Peterson, from the 5th grade we transferred our class ...

1st class. The whole set. We used that the child did not carry such heavy textbooks home, left in the classroom, and at home the second set. The teaching materials include new textbooks for grade 1, workbooks for students, teaching aids and recommendations, lesson ...

What is the fundamental difference between the Russian primary school 1-3 and 1-4 grades. Thank you in advance.

Dedicated to the parents of future first graders ...

You often hear: "We study according to Vinogradova ...", "And in our class they teach according to Zankov." Unfortunately, most parents can only name the author of the curriculum, others will say “we have been praised for it,” still others, perhaps, will talk about specific pros and cons. But in general, the average parent hardly understands how all these programs differ. And not surprising. It is really difficult to break through the scientific style and terminology of pedagogical texts.

So let's figure it out together and try to understand.

First, there is a pedagogical system and a pedagogical program.

There are only three systems: Zankov system(developing), Elkonin-Davydov system(developing) and traditional(see Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2004 N 93).

There are much more programs. In addition to the officially recognized ones, there are many experimental systems, as well as author's, in-school ones, which we will not consider in this article.

Schematically it will look something like this:

All systems and programs approved by the Ministry of Education meet the main requirement: they allow the student to master the obligatory minimum of knowledge. Authorship is manifested in the ways of presenting material, additional information, and organization of educational activities.

Features that will allow the child to successfully study according to this program: Since the program, as conceived by the authors, has something in common with the Elkonin-Davydov system, all those qualities that were described above will be useful. But since this is still a traditional program designed for the "average student", almost any child will be able to successfully study with it.

"School of Russia" (Pleshakov)

This is the elementary school kit that we all studied with, with some changes.

Target: as citizens of Russia. The Russian school must become a school of spiritual and moral development.

Tasks. The main purpose of the elementary school, according to the authors, is educational. Hence the tasks:

  • the development of human qualities in a child that meet the ideas of true humanity: kindness, tolerance, responsibility, ability to empathize, willingness to help another
  • teaching the child conscious reading, writing and counting, correct speech, instill certain labor and health-saving skills, teach the basics of safe life
  • formation of natural motivation for learning

Principles: fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to new things.

Problem-search approach. It provides for the creation of problematic situations, making assumptions, searching for evidence, formulating conclusions, comparing the results with a standard.

Features that will allow the child to successfully study in this program: No special qualities are required from the child. Of course, the more abilities a child has, the better. For example, the ability to self-esteem, the willingness to work in problem situations will come in handy. But even the most unprepared for school children study well under this program.

"Harmony" edited by N. B. Istomina

This system correlates with the main ideas of developmental education and, in particular, with the Zankov system, in which Natalya Borisovna Istomina herself worked for a very long time.

Target: versatile development of the child, comfortable learning, prepares the child's thinking apparatus for further learning. Bridging the differences between traditional and developmental learning pathways.

Tasks: to ensure that the child understands the issues studied, to create conditions for harmonious relations between the teacher and the student and children with each other, to create for each student a situation of success in cognitive activity.

Principles: organization of educational activities of students, associated with the formulation of an educational problem, with its solution, self-control and self-assessment; organizing productive communication, which is necessary condition the formation of educational activities; the formation of concepts that provide an accessible for the younger school age level of awareness of cause and effect relationships, patterns and dependencies.

Features that will allow the child to successfully study according to this program: the requirements for the features of the child's thought process follow from the connection with the Zankov system declared by the author. But like any traditional system, this program softens the requirements for the student by the Zankov program.

http://nsc.1september.ru/articlef.php?ID=200300905 - very well, with examples, provides information about the program.

"Primary school of the 21st century" (Vinogradova)

Target: organization of educational activities of younger students in such a way as to provide comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.


  • the formation of the main components of educational activity (if we discuss the student's position, then this is an answer to the questions “why am I studying”, “what should I do to solve this educational problem”, “in what way do I perform the educational task and how I do it”, “ what are my successes and what I am failing ”).
  • organization educational process in such a way as to provide a situation of success for each student and the opportunity to learn at an individual pace.

Principles: the main teaching principle is that the elementary school should be nature-friendly, that is, meet the needs of children of this age (in cognition, communication, various productive activities), take into account the typological and individual characteristics of their cognitive activity and the level of socialization. A schoolboy is not just a “spectator” or “listener”, but a “researcher”.

Content: in accordance with the main principle (conformity to nature), the authors paid special attention to the implementation of the function of "soft" adaptation of children to new activities. A system for using role play in teaching has been developed, which makes it possible to develop various facets of role behavior, and hence the imagination and creativity of the student. All textbooks provide additional educational content, giving everyone the opportunity to work in accordance with their abilities (for example, an introduction to the textbook from the very beginning of learning interesting texts based on the material of the complete alphabet for well-reading children).

Features that will allow a child to successfully study under this program: based on the principles, it can be assumed that this program will be comfortable for children who need soft adaptation to everything new for them, whether it be a team or a type of activity. All courses have a long preparatory period.

The choice is ours. I hope you and I managed to sort out at least approximately "what kind of animal is this" - the program. And now we will be able to consciously approach the choice of school, class, teacher. We can roughly imagine what questions to ask in order to assess whether a given teacher in a given school will be able to fully implement the principles of the chosen program ... We will be able to properly prepare the child for the start of school, taking into account, if possible, the inclinations and character of our little, but personalities.

Elena Aristarkhova

During the Soviet era, schools offered the only educational program that was established for everyone from above. Since the nineties, the idea of ​​a variety of educational programs has arisen in the education system. Today, schools choose the most popular forms and programs of education, and parents, in turn, choose schools that are suitable for their children. What kind educational programs are offered today to first-graders and their parents?

Primary school program School of Russia - classical general education program

The classic program, known to all students from the Land of the Soviets. There are no exceptions - it is designed for everyone. A little modernized with non-standard tasks and tasks that develop logical thinking, it is easily assimilated by children and does not present any special problems. The goal is to educate the spiritual and moral principle in young citizens of Russia.

Features of the program School of Russia

  • Development of such qualities as responsibility, tolerance, empathy, kindness, mutual assistance.
  • Instilling skills related to work, health, life safety.
  • Creation of problematic situations to search for evidence, to make assumptions and formulate their conclusions, for the subsequent comparison of the results obtained with the standard.

It is not necessary for a child to be a child prodigy - the program is available to everyone. However, the willingness to work in any situation and the ability to self-esteem come in handy.

Zankov primary school program develops the student's personality

The goal of the program is to stimulate the development of a child at a certain stage of learning, to reveal individuality.

Features of the Zankov system program

  • A large amount of theoretical knowledge that is given to the student.
  • Fast feed rate.
  • Equal importance of all items (there are no primary and less significant items).
  • Building lessons through dialogue, search tasks, creative.
  • Lots of logic problems in the math course.
  • Teaching the classification of subjects, highlighting the main and the secondary.
  • Availability of electives in computer science, foreign languages, economics.

For such a program, an excellent preparedness of the student is required. At a minimum, the child had to attend kindergarten.

Primary school program 2013 Elkonin-Davydov - for and against

Quite difficult, but an interesting program for children. The goal is the formation of theoretical thinking. Learning to change oneself, formulate hypotheses, search for evidence and reasoning. As a consequence, the development of memory.

Features of the Elkonin - Davydov program

  • Studying numbers in different number systems in a math course.
  • Changes in words in Russian: instead of a verb - words-actions, instead of a noun - words-objects, etc.
  • Learning to look at your actions and thoughts from the outside.
  • Independent search for knowledge, not memorizing school axioms.
  • Considering the child's personal judgment as a test of thought, not an error.
  • Slow pace of work.

Needed: attentiveness to the little things, thoroughness, the ability to generalize.

The 2100 Primary School Program develops the intellectual abilities of students

This program is, first of all, the development of intelligence and ensuring the effective integration of the student into society.

Features of the program School 2100

  • Most of tasks - in printed format. It is required, for example, to finish drawing something, to enter the desired icon into the box, etc.
  • Lots of logic problems.
  • Training has several levels - for weak and strong students, taking into account the individual development of each. There is no developmental comparison of children.
  • Formation of readiness for work and continuing education, artistic perception, personality traits for successful adaptation in society.
  • Teaching the development of a general humanitarian and natural scientific worldview.

The program assumes the elimination of stress factors in the learning process, the creation of a comfortable environment to stimulate creative activity, the interconnection of all subjects with each other.

Comfortable adaptation of first graders with the Primary School program of the XXI century

The program is a gentle learning option with a very long adaptation period for first graders. It is considered the least painful for children. According to the authors, the adaptation of the child occurs only by the end of the first grade, therefore, for the most part, in this period there will be drawing and coloring, a minimum of reading and math.

Features of the Primary School of the XXI century program

  • The main emphasis on the development of thinking and imagination, in contrast to the classical school curriculum(memory and perception).
  • Individual subjects combine with each other (for example, Russian with literature).
  • A lot of activities for the collective and team solution of certain problems.
  • A large number of tasks, the purpose of which is to relieve stress in children.

Harmony program for primary school - for the diversified development of the child

A program similar to the Zankov system, but simplified.

Features of the Harmony program

  • Emphasis on versatile personality development, including logic, intelligence, creative and emotional development.
  • Building student / teacher trust.
  • Teaching reasoning, building cause-and-effect relationships.
  • A more complex program in a math course.

There is an opinion that such a program is not suitable for a child who has difficulty with logic.

Prospective Primary School Program - Is It Right For Your Child?

The goal is the development of logic and intelligence.

Features of the Advanced Primary School program

  • No need for cramming theorems / axioms of modern textbooks.
  • Additional extracurricular activities.
  • In addition to the main subjects - ten more hours of sports, music, painting.

Superpowers of the child are not required for this program - it will suit anyone.
