Every day, a person is experiencing various emotions, both positive and negative. Naturally, the more good emotions, the man happily. But negative emotions bring a lot of harm. Because of them, the mood is spoiled, which affects the physical condition of the person.

Negative leads to stress, and sometimes to depressive states. There are people who easily cope with negative emotions, without focusing on them their attention. And there is a category of people who accumulate resentment, closes, do not know how to spill the negative, which is fraught with serious diseases. That is why it is necessary to deal with any negative emotions.

Ways to combat negative emotions

1. Sports. Physical exercise very well distract from different bad thoughts, Increase the total tone of the body, give the vitality.

2. Smile. Even if I really don't want to look at the mirror, remember something good, pleasant, and you will unwittingly smile. You can also raise around the apartment photos on which you sincerely smile or laughing. Finding your eyes, they will be a smile.

3. Pour your negative emotions on paper. Get the notebook and at the end of each day, write there all that you would like to forget, throw out of your life. You can simply take a separate piece of paper every day, write all the negative on it, and then tear it, burn or cut into small pieces with scissors. The same needs to be done with a notebook when it is over.

4. Dance. Turn on some fun music and, without thinking about the movements, let go of your body. You can even close the eyes, let their hands, legs, head, are moving the body as you want.

5. Aromatherapy. The surrounding flavors affect us morally and physically. You, of course, noticed that unpleasant odors cause irritation, the mood was spoiled from them. But pleasant fragrances, on the contrary, raise the mood, cause positive emotions. Therefore, lit aroma with essential oils of orange, peppermint, lavender, mandarin very well helps relax and distract.

6. Creek. Turn on loud music and shout. Or choose some day in the week, when you will release emotions, go to the forest and shout there until you become better. Just do not overdo it.

7. Take a shower. Try to the water temperature was pleasant for the body. Wash your head. It is best to do this with the help of herbal decoctions, the smell of which will calm down.

8. In any conflict situation Keep yourself in your hands. Calmly perceive what is happening, do not allow negative emotions to take possession of your mind.

9. Meditations and breathing exercises. It is necessary to learn to relax not only the body, but also consciousness. The respiratory gymnastics not only eliminates negative emotions, but also has a positive effect on health.

10. Make yourself a small gift. They may have some kind of thing that you have long dreamed about, or a trip to the cinema or the theater, visiting the zoo, that is, what is what you were limited before. You can try Aliexpress coupons.

11. Sleep. As a rule, sleep promotes rest and body, and soul. Therefore, a full sleep will configure you to positive, and yesterday's problems will seem to you at all as important as it seemed at first glance.

12. Help other people. Among your acquaintances there is always a person who needs support or help. Helping another person, you yourself will feel that becoming another.

Try to determine what causes negative emotions. Maybe finding out their cause, you can avoid them next time. Attach a little effort, lift yourself the mood, it is in your power. Do not forget that from any situation there is an output. Therefore, your task is to find it and change your condition for the better.

As far as we succeed in life, it is largely determined by emotional intelligence: the ability to work out motivation and persistently strive to achieve the goal, restrain the impulses and postpone the acquisition of satisfaction, control their moods and not to suffer from improving themselves to thinking, empathize and hope.

On how to learn to control their emotions, the books "Emotional Intellect" and "Emotional Flexibility" are told. We publish some interesting thoughts and useful Soviets of them.

Emotions and mind

The name Homo Sapiens is a reasonable man - misleading. We all well know by experience: when it comes to developing solutions and determining the behavior, feelings often play a big role than thinking.

All emotions are essentially instant programs of action that evolution gradually instilled us. Actually, the root of the word "emotion" is the Latin verb of MOVEO, meaning "moving, leading to movement."

This evolutionary device served an excellent service when we were threatened with snakes every day, lions and hostile neighboring tribes. Faced with a predator or an enemy, a primitive man did not have time for distracted reflections: "I am threatened with danger. What are I have action options? " Instantly breaking anger or fear gave decisive chances for survival.

Fortunately, in modern world Most of the problems we face, fuzzy and are distant in time. This is no longer "ah-ah! Snake!". It "And whether to dismiss me?", "Will my savings for old age?". But because of the close connection with emotions, our thoughts are able to cause an automatic response in the form of anxiety, fear and feelings of immediate threat.

In a sense, we have two different thinking abilities: rational and emotional. And both are important. We are not at all necessary to be separated from emotions and to put a mind on their place, it would be better to try to find the balance between them, to establish harmony between head and heart.

Emotional flexibility

Even if some situation caused you anger, anxiety or sadness, you can control your behavior. Choosing how to respond to the stimulus, a person implements his opportunity for development and his freedom.

Emotionally flexible people do not give negative feelings to knock them out of the gauge; On the contrary, they only confidently go - along with all their "cockroaches" - to the most ambitious goals.

Many are looking for solving their emotional problems in books or courses on self-development, but the problem is that there are often similar programs on themselves absolutely wrong. Particularly far from reality are those that call for positive thinking. By force to inspire joyful thoughts is extremely difficult, and it is impossible.

It is impossible to shove away from unpleasant feelings, but it is not worth it to dwell on them. There is a third approach: openly, with interest and without criticism to take all its emotions.When we are really ready to realize and take our inner problems, sooner or later, even the most terrible demons retreat. It often happens to look like fear of face and formulate them so that they lose their strength.

Emotional flexibility is a process that allows you to live hereby, understanding when you need or not to change your behavior to remain in harmony with your intentions and values. This process does not imply that you ignore difficult experiences and thoughts. No, you just cease to clinging for them, consider them without fear and criticism, and then take to let the grandiose change to the better.

Dispensaries and learn to recognize your feelings.

Separate your thoughts and feelings from ourselves and consider unbiased: you think about something and worry about something, but you are not your thoughts and feelings. So it creates that very gap between the feelings and the reaction to them. If this gap is, we manage to realize complex and unpleasant emotions directly at the time of their appearance and choose how to react to them.

Observation from the side does not give the fleeting experiences to take over us. Distinguished, we discover a wider picture of what is happening - learn to see ourselves as a chessboard, on which countless parties may be played, and not as a figure with a strictly limited set of moves.Cooling awareness of violent or stormy feelings - a maximum that gives self-surveillance. At a minimum, it is manifested in the ability to remove from the experience.

Self-awareness is a neutral mode of operation, in which self-analysis is preserved even in the midst of the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions. There is an obvious difference, for example, between states, when one person is simply terribly angry with the other, and when the same person thinks: "But I am treated." This is the first step to establishing some control.

Self-awareness has a more powerful impact on strong hostile feelings. It is worth thinking: "But I feel angry," how much the freedom of choice will arise - not only not to be guided by him in their actions, but in addition to try to get rid of him.

Manage emotions

Extremes - emotions that grow too intensively or too long - undermining our stability. Coming out due to control, they turn into pathological, as with paralyzing depression, an insurmountable anxiety, raging anger, manicochitis.

Of course, a person is not obliged to be all the time happy. Cups and falls, although they give their lives peculiar sharpness, must be equilibrium. It is the ratio of positive and negative emotions that determines the feeling of well-being - as evidenced by the results of studies of the mood of hundreds of men and women.

The goal is to acquire sincere equilibrium, and not suppression of emotions: every feeling is valuable in its own way and important. But when emotions are extremely strong and last longer than a certain permissible temporary limit, they gradually pass into painful extreme forms.

The brain is arranged in such a way that we are very often almost or not at all control the moment when any emotion covers us, and they are not dominated by what emotion will capture us. But we can have some impact on how long it will act.


Imagine that someone suddenly sucks you on a high-speed freeway. If the first of your thought is "here's a suck of a son!", It will almost certainly mean that you will recover the attack of rage.

You squeeze the steering wheel struggle. Your body mobilizes to fight: you shakes, sweat drops on his forehead, the heart is raging and ready to jump out of the chest, an evil grimace froze on his face. You are ready to kill the scoundrel. Then, if the driver of the car behind you impatiently sign up, you can, do not remember yourself from rabies, pounce at the same time on it. The anger grows on anger, and the emotional brain "Razing" the farther, the more, and in the end, the rage that does not restrain the mind, easily goes into a row.

For comparison, we consider a different increase in rage rage with a more merciful attitude towards the driver who cut you: "Maybe he didn't notice me, or maybe he had some kind of good reason to go so carelessly, for example, to someone urgently It took medical care. " Such thoughts dilute anger with compassion or at least make me treat what happened without prejudice.

To stop the string of outraged thoughts that support the rage, first of all, you need to destroy the beliefs that feed it. Reflections pour oil into the fire. But a different look at things will grow off the flame. One of the most efficient ways to completely calm the anger is to once again describe the situation, but from another point of view.

Try to grab the thoughts that cause waves of anger, and doubt their correctness, since it is this initial assessment and supports, and supports the first outbreak of rage, and the next only inflate fire.The earlier stop the wrath of development cycle, the greater the effect you can achieve.

There is another way to calm down. For "cooling of passions", in the physiological sense - release from emission of adrenaline, the situation is required, which does not imply additional mechanisms for inciting rage. For example, during the dispute, it is necessary to stop communicating with the enemy for some time.

Anti-anger is also very helpful. No smaller effect and different relaxation methods, such as deep breathing and muscle relaxation, are also given. They change the physiology of the body, translating it from the state of strong in a state of reduced excitement.

However, no soothing method will work, if one after another sorting through the head of thought, provoking anger: every such thought in itself is a small trigger for the phased inclusion of irritation.


Anxiety appears seemingly nowhere, it is not amenable to control, it creates a constant anxiety noise, inaccessible to reason and in the end may end with real fear neurosis, among which various kinds of phobias, obsessive states and panic attacks.

Most of the tormented alarm of people seems to be unable to switch attention to anything else. The reason is associated with frequent anxiety, which is extremely enhanced and becomes a habit.

There are several simple measures that will help even the most incretionable restless personalities to control this habit. The first step is self-awareness. It is necessary to track the inconsistency of episodes as close as possible to the beginning, ideally - as soon as or immediately after the fleeting image of the catastrophe launches the alarm cycle.

You must learn to determine the situations that cause anxiety, or fleeting thoughts and images that stimulate it. Noticing anxiety starting, you can apply different relaxation methods, aboutdno this is not enough.

If you are tormented because of the concern of thoughts, first of all learn to give them a decisive back.Try to take a critical position in relation to your forecasts: is the likely that a frightening event will really happen? Is there only one version of the development of events? Is it possible to take some design steps? Will you help you really endless chewing of the same disturbing thoughts?

If you do not interfere with the rest of the return and again, it will acquire the "ability to convince." And if you rebuff him, considering several equivalent options, you will stop naively take every disturbing thought for the truth. The combination of thoughtfulness and healthy skepticism will work as a brake and stops nervous excitement that does not have too strong alarm.

On the other hand, people who have worried so serious that it turned into a phobia, neurosis of obsessive states or a panic attack may have been smarter - which serves as a sign of self-consciousness - to seek help from drugs to interrupt the cycle.


Hate, feeling worthlessness, despair, inability to mentioned concentration, insomnia, feeling as indifferent as zombies, is just a few manifestations of depression.

Most people in this serious condition will help psychotherapy, as well as drug therapy. But with ordinary sorrow, the upper limit of which reaches the level of "asymptomatic depression", people can cope on their own.

One of the main factors determining the oppressed state or dispels is the degree of immersion in despondency. Standard scenario: add from everyone and everything and reflect on how terrible you feel.

People in the depressed mood sometimes appreciate their reflections as an attempt "to understand themselves better"; In fact, they feed their despondency without taking any steps to really help themselves.

One of the most potent funds from depression is a change in the look at things. So naturally - mourning the end of the relationship and indulge in pity. A faithful way to aggravate the feeling of despair! However, if you remove and think about why your relationships were not as strong and long and why you did not fit each other with a partner, in other words, look at the loss in a different way and try to extract a valuable lesson, you will gain a cure for sorrow.

Here are some more ways to improve the mood:

1. The most popular tacty of the fight against depression is communication - exits from the house to eat, go to baseball or in the cinema, in short, then what can be done with friends or family. All this acts very well, if the end result should be to get rid of sad thoughts.

2. Aerobics also applies to effective means to help bring a person from easy depression.

3. The constructive method of improving the mood is the organization of a modest victory or easy success: it is possible, for example, to vigorously take a long-stayed general cleaning of the whole home or finally make some other things that have long needed to put in order.

4. There is another effective way to get out of depression - help those who have fallen into difficult circumstances. Depression feed reflections about themselves and acquisitions by their own interests. Help others tear us off these worries, because we deeply penetrate the feelings of people who are suffering.


Control over their emotions is to displays satisfaction and suppress impulsion - undergoing all achievements. People owning this art usually turn out to be more productive and successful in everything, for whatever.

Impulsive, thirsting for promotions The system in our brain (passion) constantly enters the conflict with rational long-term objectives (reason).

For example, you decided that you will have more useful products. But you notice in the showcase with desserts appetizing chocolate mousse. There is an activity in the brain area associated with pleasure. Ah, how do you want this chocolate mousse! But no, remind you yourself. It is impossible.

While you are going with the Spirit to give up the dessert, the brain area is included in the work, associated with self-control. When both of these areas are active, the brain literally fights with himself - and we decide, take the dessert or refrain. Completes the situation that more primitive instincts have a phora. The brain encourages certain decisions even before the power of the will does know about himself.

Our brain is designed so that primitive impulses have a priority before the deliberate judgments, but fortunately, one small adjustment will save you.We can formulate our goals through the word "want", and not "necessary" or "relies." When we change our motivation, no longer need to worry about that passion or mind won in confrontation, "our" I "is in harmony.

I want to reflect the true interests and values \u200b\u200bof a person. We pursue such goals because we get pleasure from this, because the goal is important for us by itself or perceived by us as an integral part of the person. And most importantly, we chose these goals themselves.

On the contrary, it is necessary to have an external origin: either inspires them a persistent relative ("it's time for you to lose fat!"), Or we are obliged to follow the subconscious script or an external goal, usually related to the need to avoid shame ("Lord, yes I Looks like a airship! I can't go to the wedding with such sides! ").

You can be bowed to healthy nutrition from a feeling of fear, shame or anxiety about your appearance. Can you choose a healthy diet because you think health prerequisite In order to feel well and enjoy life.

It is necessary to motivate many times in the temptation, because you feel that in something limited or something is deprived. Although it will contribute to changes for some time, sooner or later your determination shares. Inevitably there will be such moments when the impulse will be ahead of the intention.

Adjusting your motivation, you will no longer be powerless before temptation. I want a motivation reduces automatic traction to incentives that can lead you from the selected path (former love, glitter of a glass with a cocktail on a tray from the waiter), and pushes you to such a line of behavior that will really help get closer to the goal.

According to books

You will find their list at the bottom of the page.

Emotions are all. With some of them - joy or happiness - it is easy enough to cope. Other emotions, including fear, anger or sadness, more complicated. When dealing with anger, repression or disappointment, it is important to be able to react to such emotions that are concerned about the short-term and long-term perspective.


How to curb complex emotions at busy

    Determine the current emotion. It may be more difficult than it seems. If you doubt, start with four main categories: anxiety, sadness, anger or joy. Just defining its feeling, you can start weakening emotion, moving in search of the cause. Feelings may differ in intensity, but most of them can be attributed to one of the four of these broad categories.

    Practice respiratory relaxation methods. Such measures at the time of combating complex emotion are a common strategy. To cope with an emotional reaction, concentrate on things you can control. In this case, this breath. Studies show that respiratory control training has a positive effect on stressful reaction Bay or Run.

    • For example, one of the simple ways is an account of up to five when inhalation, the subsequent breathing delay and the account is up to five at the output. Focus on each stage of breathing.
    • Another way is the depth ball method. Inflate the ball and see how he blows away.
  1. Method of complacency. This is another way to focus on something, in addition to complex emotions. Indicative example Complication is the method of five senses. Sit at a comfortable position and focus on breathing. Then separate each of its five senses and focus on each of them within a minute. Consider the following:

    • Hearing: What sounds to you come to you? External sounds are important - noise of cars, talk of people, twitter birds. Switch to internal sounds - breathing or digestion. When you focus on a hearing, do you notice what previously slipped from your attention?
    • Slant: What odors do you feel? Is there food nearby? Flowers outside the window? You can reveal the smells that you did not notice before that, like a smell of paper in the book. Close your eyes. Sometimes it helps to reduce visual distracting factors.
    • Vision: What do you see? Pay attention to the details - colors, patterns, shapes and textures. Pay attention to the color palette of ordinary items that you did not particularly viewed.
    • Taste: What taste do you feel? Even if you don't eat anything, you feel a certain taste. Diffuse the aftertaste of the last drink or dishes. Come to the tongue on the teeth and cheeks to understand more precisely.
    • Touch: What do you feel without moving from the current sedent position? Feel the skin touching clothes, chairs or floor. Feel the texture of the fabric or upholstery of the chair with his fingers and focus on it.
  2. Try the progressive relaxation of the muscles (PRM). This is one of the ways to control the situation by tension and relax various muscle groups. The advantages of this method include the opportunity to realize all the physical sensations of your body. Start from the fingers on the legs and go to individual groups of the muscles of the whole body until the head.

    Meditation or prayer. Meditation improves positive emotions, sense of satisfaction, health and joy. And also reduces anxiety, stress and depression. There are many ways to meditate, but the goal of each of them is to calm consciousness.

    Throw a negative thought. Some useful to record negative emotions in order to cast them into question. Physical action like throwing paper on which negative emotion is recorded, it will help to cope with it mentally. Despite the symbolism, the connection of controlled physical action with emotion release should help you.

    Positive images. Most. simple way Interrupted negative thoughts can be replacing positive images. This is especially useful if you are stuck in memories with a complex emotional impact. Start from the image or mental view of something pleasant or peaceful. This may be a place or memories. You might think about time / situations / place that can calm you and improve your mood.

    Talk to the other. Loneliness with sad or painful emotions can create an echo chamber in which your emotion rotates. Try to talk to a person from your community circle. Emotions are infectious, and joy - no exception. One of your cheerful friends can save you at such a moment.

    How to curb emotions for a long time

    1. Drive your diary. Many this helps to understand and digest complex emotions. Sometimes the complexity of emotions is simply the inability to express it. Record events, your feelings, duration and sharpness of emotions. Just issued these thoughts in the form of a record, you will immediately begin to digest emotion.

      Determine the source of complex emotions. By recording your emotions, you can detect the repetition of sources, which was previously not obvious. Try to determine the source of each emotion. Having learned the general reasons, try to understand how to get rid of them or at least reduce the impact on you.

      Burn with negative thoughts. Often, people are despair with complex emotions and immediately begin to develop negative thoughts, far from reality. Separating and putting doubt on such thoughts, you can track the reactions that turn into avalanche of heavy emotions. The process of struggle and correcting their thoughts requires time and patience, and first, ask yourself the following questions:

      • Is this thought true?
      • If you consider it a truthful, what evidence support such a hypothesis?
      • How do you react to negative thoughts?
      • How will your behavior or actions change if you get rid of this thought?
    2. Use the methods of interrupting thoughts. Realizing how to question negative thoughts, you can begin to recognize the related behaviors related to them. This will allow you to interrupt a number of negative thoughts, replacing them with positive or productive thoughts.

      • It is possible to start with oral interrupts (say "stop") or even a physical incentive (rubber tape on the wrist), when they detect a negative thought. This will help interrupt it.
    3. Sublimate complex emotions. Switch to your favorite case when you have complex emotions. Use these feelings as a channel for creative and artistic expression. This is sublimation. Heavy emotions consume a lot of energy, and the direction of this energy into cases, skills and other positive outputs will help productively cope with the situation.

      Look for support from loved ones. Do not try to roll the mountains alone. A conversation with a person who is able to calm you will help weaken complex emotions or negative thoughts. It can also pour into solving your problem or in a way to deal with emotions, which previously did not come to you. Holding problems always only creates new, but does not solve them. Look for support from friends, loved ones, relatives or even among specialists in providing psychological assistance.

      Talk to a specialist. If you have accumulated long stress From the fight against complex emotions, then you can seek help to professionals.

You can not restrain the emotions, be angry, shout, laughing, crying the view and loud indignant. Do you think that such sincerity like someone? Only your enemies are nice to watch this play. Learning to manage emotions!

Sometimes, yielding to emotions or allowing themselves to go on false feelings, we make actions in which they subsequently repent. At the same time, we are justified, which has lost control over themselves, so the emotions took over the mind. That is, we did not rule the emotions, and they us.

Is it so bad? Perhaps there is nothing good in the absence of self-control. People who do not know how to keep themselves in their hands, maintain self-control and subordinate the feelings of their will, as a rule, do not succeed in their personal life, nor in the professional sphere.

They, without thinking about tomorrow, and their costs often much exceed income.

Unrestrained people flare up like a match, with any quarrel, not able to stop and make a compromise on time and make a compromise, which deserve a reputation of a conflict person. At the same time, they also destroy their health: doctors argue that many illnesses have a direct connection with such negative emotionslike anger, etc. They prefer to avoid people for whom their own peace and nerves.

People who are not accustomed to limit themselves, spend too much free time in empty entertainment and useless conversations. If they give promises, they themselves are not sure if they will be able to fulfill them. It is not surprising that in whatever sphere they work, they are rarely working with professionals. And the cause of everything is a symbol of self-control.

The developed sense of self-control allows in any situation to maintain a cold head, sober thoughts and understanding that feelings can be false and lead to a dead end.

There are also situations where we need to hide your emotions in our own interests. "Sometimes I fox, sometimes - lion," said French commander. - The secret ... In order to understand when to be one, when to others! ".

People who own themselves deserve respect and enjoy authority. On the other hand, many of them seem to be worn, heartless, "insensible chumbans" and ... incomprehensible. Much more clearly to us who from time to time "starts to all grave", "breaks out", loses control over himself and makes unpredictable actions! Looking at them, and we seem not so weak. Moreover, it is not so easy to become a restrained and volition. Here we are soothing yourself that the lives of people who are guided by the mind, and not feelings, badly, and therefore unhappy.

The fact that this is not the case shows the experiment conducted by psychologists, as a result of which they came to the conclusion: people who can overcome themselves and resist the momentary temptation, more successful and happy than those who are not able to cope with emotions.

The experiment is the name of Michel Walter - a psychologist from Standford University. He is also known as a "marshmallow test", because one of his main "heroes" is the usual marshmallow.

In the experiment conducted in the 60s of the last century, 653 children of 4 years of age participated. They alternately started into the room, where one marshmall lay on the table in a plate. Each child was told that he could eat it right now, but if he wait for 15 minutes, he would get another one, and then he could eat both. Michelle Walter left a child for a few minutes one, and then returned. 70% of children ate one marshmallow before his return and only 30 it was waited and received the second. It is curious that the same percentage was observed during such an experiment in two countries where it was conducted.

Michelle Walter followed the fate of his wards and after 15 years came to the conclusion that those who at one time did not succumb to the temptation to get "everything and now", and was able to control themselves, turned out to be more trained and successful in their chosen areas of knowledge and interests. Thus, it was concluded that the ability to self-control significantly improves the quality of human life.

Yitzhak Pintoshevich, who is called the "coach of success", claims that the one who is not dominated over himself and his actions must forever forget about efficiency.

How to learn to manage yourself

1. Recall the "Zephyrne Test"

30% of 4-year-old children were already able. This trait of character went to them "from nature" or this ability brought up their parents in them.

Someone said: "Do not educate your children, they still look like you. Take up yourself. " And indeed, we want to see our children restrained, and arrange hysterics themselves before their eyes. We tell them that they should bring up in themselves the power of the will, and we ourselves show weakness. We remind you that they should be punctual, and we are late for work every morning.

Therefore, we begin to learn to control yourself with the fact that you carefully analyze your behavior and reveal "weak points" - where we allow themselves to "dissolve".

2. Components of control

The aforementioned Yitzhak Pintoshevich believes that in order for control to be effective, it should include 3 components:

  1. Be honest with yourself and do not feed illusions regarding yourself;
  2. Controls itself is systematically, and not on the case of the case;
  3. The control should be not only internal (when we control ourselves ourselves), but also external. For example, we promised to solve the problem in such a time. And so as not to leave a loophole for a retreat, we declare about it in a circle of colleagues. If we do not put in the voiced time, we pay a fine. Danger lose a decent amount will serve as a good stimulus in order not to be distracted by foreign affairs.

3. We write on the sheet the main goals facing us, and put it (or hang) it for a prominent place

Every day I control how we managed to advance to their embodiment.

4. We bring order in your financial affairs

Hold on control loans, remember whether we have no debts that urgently need to pay off, we will reduce the debit with a loan. Our emotional state is quite highly dependent on the state of our finances. Therefore, the smaller there are confusion and problems in this area, the less we will have reasons in order to "get out of ourselves."

5. We observe our reaction to events that cause strong emotions in us, and analyze whether they are worth our experiences.

We imagine the worst option and understand that it is not so terrible as the consequences of our inadequate and rapid behavior.

6. We do the opposite

We were angry with a colleague, and we are so waved to tell him "a couple of warm words." Instead, you smile and speak a compliment. If we were insulting that, instead, we sent another employee instead, I don't understand, and you will be happy for him and wish a happy way.

From the morning we were labeled, and - we turn on the music, and we do for some reason. In a word, we do in spite of what the emotion tells us.

7. The famous phrase says: We cannot change the circumstances, but we can change your attitude to them

We are surrounded by different people, and not all of them are benevolent and are fair to us. We cannot get upset and indigning every time we meet with someone else's envy, angrily, rudeness. It is necessary to accept the fact that we cannot influence the power.

8. Best Assistant in Mastering Self Control - Meditation

how physical exercises Develop the body, so meditation trains the mind. Through daily meditative sessions, you can learn to avoid negative emotions, do not succumb to passions interfering with sober look In circumstances and able to destroy life. With the help of meditation, a person is immersed in a state of calm and reaches harmony with himself.

Unfortunately, in our world, negative and negative emotions surround us everywhere. The ability to find positive and pleasant qualities in something ordinary need to constantly develop.

Previously, we told you about the secrets of positive thinking from Natalia Pravdim and other bioenergy experts, which helped thousands of people to become happier. In the aggregate with this article, the recommendations of the Pravdina will give a very positive effect and will tell everyone his way towards happiness.

How to cope with the negative

At first glance, the fight against the negative may seem simple, but this is not the case because our inner world Fasterly filled with negative emotions and charges negative energy than positive.

What does the negative lead to:

  • difficulty making decisions;
  • you are easier to control;
  • deterioration of health.

Thus, it can be seen that human weakness in relation to negative emotions is actually much more terrible than many suggest. How to deal with this ailment?

Tip First:never hold the negative in yourself. This does not mean that it needs to splash out, but inside it is not a place. In this case, you risk clictering in yourself, which is even worse than just be offended, angry or disappointed. Talk about your feelings with your loved one, with parents, with friends. Let them help you or at least heard that it will already help you significantly reduce or smooth negative consequences.

Council Second:get rid of bad habits. Here you can attribute cigarettes and alcohol, because they chemically do not allow the body to "rejoice", highlighting the appropriate substances. In addition, you can read our popular article on eight bad habits that interfere with live happily. They attract negative emotions, because of which they represent a certain danger for each of us.

Council Three:the use of affirmations. This technique works efficiently if you already live in a bad mood and nothing brings you joy. This is a great way to protect and treat negative emotions. Every morning, waking up, tell yourself that you are happy that you have a good mood that you are ready for victories and new achievements. In short, use positive installations. Over time, they will connect with your mind and become your thoughts without reminder.

Tip Four:be realists. If you live your dreams and hopes, then risks to stay disappointed, because our world is material. The spiritual side of life can be used in something else, so do the emphasis on an effort to achieve the result, and not just an alone on the faith in success.

Council Fifth: Take assistance and contact your help. This is very important because there are vital situations that can be solved only with the support of loved ones. Do not reject those who disinterestedly trying to help you get out of depression, because these people nothing motivates - they just love you and dream of seeing you smiling.
