1. In an unstressed position, the sound [o] is not pronounced. After solid consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable, as well as at the beginning of the word, in place of the letter O, [a] is pronounced, for example: k[a] for - goats, [a] writing - inventory. Therefore, for example, the words oxen and shafts, soma and sama are pronounced the same, although they are written differently.

2. After soft consonants in place of vowels, denoted by the letters e, e, i (i.e. sounds [e] [o] [a]), in an unstressed position, a sound close to [i] is pronounced, for example: forest -l [and] juice, spring - in [and] sleep, dance-dance [and] sat. Therefore, the words to shine - to dedicate (from light and holy) are pronounced equally with a sound close to [and], although their spelling is different.

3. Paired voiced consonants, denoted by the letters b, c, d, d, g, z, at the end of the word t before paired deaf consonants, denoted by the letters p, f, k, w, s and x, c, h, u, become deaf (stunned), for example: oak - du [n], deftly - lo [f] ko, nails [k] ti, hike - like [t], luggage - bag [sh], putty - zama [s ] ka, yesterday - [f] chera, grab - [f] cling, click - click [t] on.

5. The combination н, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, for example: antique, eternal, country, swing, Milky Way, night, excellent, vicious, durable, precise, etc. However, in some words, the combination of ch is pronounced as [shn], for example: kone [shn] o, sku [shn] but, naro [shn] but, yai [shn] nitsa, prache [shn] naya, etc.

6. The combination of Thu, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, for example: mast, dream, something, insignificant, honor, read, consider. But in the words that, to, something, something and derivatives from them, it is pronounced [pcs], for example: [pcs] o, [pcs] oby, [pcs] o - something, something - [pcs] o

7. In foreign words, double consonants are often found, for example: cash desk, allocate. In some words, they are pronounced as double, for example: bath, cash, mass, scale, cappella, and in others as single, for example: neat, accompaniment, chord, allocate, gram.

8. In many foreign words, e is written after consonants, and solid consonants are pronounced, for example: atelier- a [te] le, atheist- a [te] ist, dandy- [de] ndi, muffin-cash [ne], cafe - ka [fe], parterre - par [te] r, summary - summary [me], stand - s [te] nd, masterpiece - she [de] vr. In the words: academy, decade, demagogue, demon, museum, plywood, overcoat, the consonant before e is pronounced softly.

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Plan Basic concepts of the orthoepic norm Some pronunciation rules Stressing Glossary Literature

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Basic concepts Orthoepy (from Greek orthos direct, correct and epos speech) - a set of rules oral speech, pronunciation and stress, thereby ensuring a uniform and obligatory for all literate native speakers of the sound of all language units in accordance with the characteristics of the language phonetic system, as well as a uniform pronunciation of certain language units in accordance with the pronunciation norms that have historically developed and entrenched in public language practice . The orthoepic norm is the only possible or preferred option for the correct, exemplary pronunciation of a word.

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Basic concepts Orthoepic norms: Pronunciation - the rate of reproduction of sounds in a word. Pronunciation is determined by the phonetic system of vowels and consonants. It manifests such a property of sounds in Russian as the reduction of unstressed vowels, the stunning of consonants at the end and before the deaf ones, the voicing of consonants before voiced ones: [maros] - frost, [mask] - grease, [maladba] - threshing. There is also a softening before soft sonorants and sonorants before sonorants and soft ones: tip, end, Perm, borsch. The pronunciation norms are based on the system of sounds of the Russian language, vowels and consonants.

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Basic concepts Stress is the allocation of a vowel sound by the power of the voice (associated with the grammatical properties of the word and its lexical meaning). Otherwise, the stress rate is called Accentuation - the correct stress in words. In Russian there is a complex system mobile, multi-local stress. It can fall on any syllable and move during the formation of grammatical forms of the word. For example: water - water, accepted - accepted, the goods are expensive - the thing is expensive. Each word has an accent on any of the syllables: fuel, cow, oatmeal.

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Basic concepts Orthoepic norms are fixed in the orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language and dictionaries of stresses.

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Some rules of pronunciation So let us recall that the basis of the norms of pronunciation is the system of sounds of the Russian language, vowels and consonants. Their properties, the process of formation, combinations affect pronunciation. The vowel system includes six units: a, o, e, y, s, and Orthoepic norms in the field of vowels in in general terms are reflected in the book "A Brief Guide to the Modern Russian Language" / ed. P.A. Lekanta. In the modern Russian literary language, the norm hiccups, akanye dominates, that is, pronunciation after soft consonants in an unstressed position and, more precisely, i [e], and after hard a instead of o. An example of this can be the words: [ri [e] ka, ni [e] su, pi [e] so, gorat] - a river, I carry, a penny.

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Some pronunciation rules The system of consonants has more units than vowels. It is customary to distinguish consonant sounds by: 1. By the place of formation (this is the participation of the speech organs: lips, tongue, teeth - in creating a consonant sound): labial [f, c, m, p, b]; anterior lingual [s, s, w, f, l, n, p, t, d, c, h]: dental [s, s, l, n, t, d, c]; anterior palatine [w, w, p, h]; Middle lingual [th], Back lingual - soft and hard [x, k, d]. 2. According to the method of formation (this is a method of overcoming an obstacle with an air jet): noisy consonants: [f, c, s, z, w, g, x], [p, b, t, d, k, g, c, h] ; sonorant [l, m, n, p].

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Some pronunciation rules Pronunciation of combinations ch, th: In modern Russian, words with the combination ch can be divided into 3 groups: Also female patronymics on -chna Ilyinichna, Kuzminichna, Fominichna Those in which ch is pronounced only as [ch, n]: exactly, successful, dotted, camouflage Those in which both pronunciations - [h, n] and [shn] are considered normative: candlestick , bakery, maid, penny, decent.

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Some pronunciation rules In some cases, pronunciation options distinguish between different lexical meanings: Heart [h, n] attack - heart friend [sn] pepperbox [h, n] (pepper jar) - damn pepperbox [sn] (about an evil, grumpy woman)

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Some pronunciation rules Pronunciation of soft [lj]: rain, squeal, hard [lj]: yeast. Sounds [d], [t] are not pronounced between [s], [n]: late, holiday, starry. In place [h] before [n] in some words [h] is pronounced; eternity, exact, excellent student, stove-maker, in others - [w]; mustard, loser, of course, laundry, birdhouse, boring. In colloquial speech, such a pronunciation is either a violation of the literary norm: “- Everything from abroad would have to be brought from over the seas ...” Such a pronunciation can distinguish words by meaning: cordial - cordial, thrush - thrush, hawker - lotus. “But we, my dear, don’t have it, a samovar!”

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Some pronunciation rules Another pronunciation norm is associated with the sound [r] before a voiceless consonant. It is pronounced as [k]: tar, nails, lie down, aggravate, registry office. But in the roots easy / light, soft / soft, [x] is pronounced before [k], [h] and soft [x] before soft [k]: [light], [soft]. In some words, [ge] is pronounced instead of [g]: accountant, Lord, yeah, by golly. In addition to the listed interactions in the orthoepic norm literary language there is also the assimilation of consonants by voiced-deafness: [kazba] - mowing, stunning voiced consonants at the end: pillar [p], nail [t], stack [k].

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Some pronunciation rules No less important are the orthoepic norms of borrowed words. They relate primarily to vowels: unstressed [o], bolero, boa, dossier, cocoa, credo, radio, trio, foyer, etc. Unstressed [o] Flaubert, Chopin are also pronounced in proper names. However, in this norm there are options: [paet] - [poet], [bolero] - [ballero].

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Some pronunciation rules In most borrowed words, the pronunciation of [a] in an unstressed position corresponds to the pronunciation norm of Russian words: [suit], [valleyball], [piano]. The pronunciation of a hard and soft consonant before "E" tends to be hard pronunciations: antenna, business, delta, cafe, muffler, codex, model, hotel, mash, highway and others. In some words, a double pronunciation is acceptable: deduction, dean, congress, credo. Only consonants are softly pronounced in the words: brunet, museum, pioneer, rail, term, plywood, overcoat, terrorist, thermometer, demon, deputy, compress, watercolor. Other foreign words differ in pronunciation [e] at the beginning of the word: epigraph, equator, element, emotion, episode, erudition, standard, ether, stage, crew. Inside the word, both a long and a short consonant can be pronounced: bath, vassal, ghetto, cash desk, lemma, madonna, manna, mass, amount, ton. The short consonant is more common and is pronounced in the words: certificate, attraction, swimming pool, grammar, illusion, calligraphy, collective, millimeter, parallel, platform, director.

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Setting stress Stress distinguishes words of the same sound and letter composition by meaning, lexical and grammatical, for example: flour - flour, drank - drank. There are also stress options: cottage cheese is preferred, cottage cheese is acceptable.

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Stress Stress is the highlighting of a syllable in a word with greater pronunciation power and an increase in sound duration. The vowel sound of the stressed syllable is pronounced more intensely and loudly and is called stressed; vowels in unstressed syllables are unstressed.

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Setting stress In Russian, stress is free, i.e. it is not assigned to a syllable determined by the account, de-re-vo, ze-le-ny, in-be-dit. When forming word forms, the stress can remain motionless (brother, brother, brother) or move from one syllable to another (leaf, leaf, leaf).

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Setting the stress Most words in the Russian language have one stress - the main one. However, in complex words, there is also an additional (collateral) stress. Zheleznodorozhny, water and mud cure.

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Stressing Different parts of speech have stress variations in some of their grammatical forms, which distinguishes the two types of pronunciation in style and normativeness. Let's pay attention to those forms of parts of speech that are more common in oral speech: 1) R.p., unit. h. monosyllabic nouns - pancake, bean, screw, tourniquet, umbrella, whale; 2) V.p., units hours - tops, spring, gum, ash, hole, sheep; 3) P.p., f. R. with prepositions in, on - in a handful, on a door, in a bone, in blood, in the night, on an oven, in connection, in a network, in a steppe, in a shadow,; 4) R.p., pl. hours, nouns - localities, honors, profits, statements; 5) verbs and participles of the past tense, f. R. - beat, shaved, blew, sting, laid, stole, wings, washed, kneaded, sewed, fell; taken; 6) short adjectives in many h. - pale, tasty, harmful, vigorous.

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Setting the stress Stress errors are common in these forms of verbs: after we turn on the scoreboard. If you turn on the TV at this time tomorrow, you will encounter this program. Such root stress is considered by the modern norm not only as undesirable, but grossly erroneous. That's right: turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, connect, disable.

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Glossary Reduction (lat. reducere reduce) - linguistic term, denoting a change in the sound characteristics of speech elements felt by the human ear, caused by their unstressed position in relation to others - percussive elements. Sonorant consonant (from Latin sonorus "voiced" formed, pronounced with a predominance of voice over noise) - these are sounds produced without the participation of a turbulent air flow in the vocal tract (such as /l/, /m/, /n/, /p/ ). Norm (lat. norma - literally "square", figurative meaning "rule") - a regulatory rule that indicates the boundaries of its application. Stunning consonants - the transition of voiced consonants to voiceless at the end of words or before voiceless consonants. Phonema (ancient Greek φώνημα - “sound”) is the minimum unit of the sound structure of a language.

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Literature: Russian language and culture of speech for students of non-philological specialties of universities. Tutorial/ Comp. O.Yu. Car; NovGU them. Yaroslav the Wise. - Veliky Novgorod, 2009. - 283 p. www.wikipedia.org www.edu.1september.ru www.langrus.ru

Hello, dear students.

Glad to welcome you to the Lesson.

Hello dear students.

I am glad to welcome you to the lesson.

Lesson topic:

"Orthoepic norms

Russian literary language.



  • comprehend the importance of observing orthoepic norms in oral and written statements;
  • to develop the skills of pronunciation of the words "increased orthoepic danger";
  • improving speech culture through the performance of test tasks.
Phonetic warm-up Nails, bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, mink, wedge, melancholy, light, log, frame. Answer options Nails - claws eagle - donkey Bulka - booth (cloak) mink - slide (leg) Paw - folder (hat) wedge - pancake Teeth - lips (oaks) longing - point Pussy - bowl (pick) light - color Sand - wood log - knee Jackdaw - stick frame - mommy

Speak so I can see you...



My uncle figured out for forty years,

And yet I couldn't find out.

How to say more correctly: cottage cheese?!

Or maybe more correctly - cottage cheese ?!

And somehow he's in a dairy shop

I saw him on the counter

Face like a rose bloomed

He decided to buy a pound.

But immediately, looking at the counter,

Again my uncle thought:

“After all, he is probably not expensive,

It will go into a cheesecake and into a pie ....

And how to ask: “How much is cottage cheese?

Or maybe more correctly - cottage cheese?

And at this time at the counter

And the noise, and the queue, and the crush,

But uncle stands the longest.

And he says to himself:

“N-yes ... I’m strict with pronunciation,

I don't make reservations...

But how all the same - cottage cheese,

Or maybe it’s more correct - cottage cheese ?!

I was able to solve this problem

My uncle, just reaching the cashier, -

Saying: "I ask you to receive

For half a kilo ... curd mass.

The cashier didn't know much

In pronouns, in case

And so she said: "Nothing left,

It's sold out already!"

How is it correct:

"cottage cheese" or "cottage cheese"?


cottage cheese and cottage cheese

Within the literary norm, there are a significant number of variants of mobile stress:

cottage cheese - cottage cheese

beetroot - beetroot

Difficult cases of placing stress in words:

To call - called, called, BUT called

Take - took, took, BUT took

call -

Option -1 Option - 2

ripe watermelons without yeast

two pancakes and no jelly


a lot of mushrooms to say toasts

fry a goose without minced meat


2. Task: place the stress in these words, pronounce in accordance with literary norms.

Do not forget that the accuracy of the stress and pronunciation of individual sounds or their combinations can be clarified in the dictionary.



1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted RIGHT? 1) Expert; 2) kitchen; 3) petition; 4) plug. 2. In which word is the stressed vowel letter highlighted RIGHT? 1) Plant iris; 2) a sign; 3) spoiled; 4) calls.

3. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted CORRECTLY? 1) Quarter; 2) catalogue; 3) Ukrainian; 4) reward. 4. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted CORRECTLY? 1) Lighten; 2) kitchen; 3) iconography; 4) pantry.

Checking the assimilation of the material. Test on the topic "Orthoepy"

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted CORRECTLY? 1) Christian; 2) apostrophe; 3) genesis; 4) dancer.

6. Choose the correct pronunciation of the word: 1) Phonetics [n ']; 2) tuple [te]; 3) rendezvous [d ']; 4) interview [t']. 7. Choose the correct pronunciation of the word: 1) Disinfection [de];

2) sweater [t ’]; 3) scarf [ne];


  • P.14. ex. 53.
  • or 2. VG Belinsky wrote that “speaking correctly” and “speaking beautifully” are not the same thing. Do you agree with his opinion? Exercise: write a short essay on this topic.
