Lecture material

on the subject of the Russian language

Topic "Orthoepic norm"

Soldatova E.N.

Lebedyan, 201_

Orthoepic norms - these are the rules for the sound design of words, parts of words, sentences, i.e., the rules for pronouncing sounds, setting stress, using intonation.

Among the orthoepic norms stand out:

    pronunciation norms(pronunciation norms) - rules for pronunciation of sounds(scam, but not scam, bu[te]rbrod, but not sandwich);

    stress norms (accentological norms) - stress rules(alphabet, but not alpha "vit, dosu" g, A not up to "sug);

    norms for using intonation(intonation norms) - rules of intonation, speech.

Orthoepic norms oral speech studiesorthoepy(gr. orthos - correct and epos - speech), the subject of study of which are patterns, literary pronunciation. Orthoepy is closely related to such a section of linguistics as phonetics.Phonetics(gr. phonetic from phone - sound) studies the sound means of the language.

Maintaining uniformity in the pronunciation of sounds and stress is important. Orthoepic errors always interfere with perceiving the content of speech: the listener's attention is distracted by various pronunciation irregularities, and the statement is not perceived in its entirety and with sufficient attention. Pronunciation, corresponding to orthoepic norms, facilitates and speeds up the process of communication. The normative pronunciation of words is recorded in orthoepic dictionaries.

The normative pronunciation of words, the normative stress and intonation of speech are regulated by certain rules that must be followed in order not to go beyond the generally accepted, and therefore generally understandable Russian literary language.

Pronunciation norms vowels

The basic law of orthoepy in the field of pronunciation of vowel sounds of the Russian language isreduction law (weakened articulation) of all unstressed vowels.

In Russian speech, only stressed vowels are pronounced in full accordance with the phonetic norm. All unstressed vowels are pronounced with weakened articulation, less clearly and for a long time, and sometimes even replaced by other vowels, also reduced. So, the vowels A and O at the beginning of a word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced like [a]:ravine- [a] enemy, autonomy - [a]t[a]nomia, milk - mol[a]ko.

In the remaining unstressed syllables (i.e., in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one), in place of the letters O and A, after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) obscure sound is pronounced, which in different positions fluctuates from a pronunciation close to [s], to a pronunciation close to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted as [b]. For example: head - g[b]lova, watchman - side[b]g.

Akanye (i.e., indistinguishability in unstressed syllables of sounds transmitted by the letters O and A) is bright distinctive feature Russian literary pronunciation. Pronunciation, different from literary, is found in territorial dialects (dialects). So, in North Russian dialects, it is possible to use the sound [o] in unstressed syllables (in this case, the pronunciation coincides with the spelling of the letter O). This pronunciation is called okane.

Difficult cases vowel pronunciation sounds

Pronunciation [o] without qualitative reduction

In the modern Russian literary language, there are cases when, in place of the unstressed vowel O, not [a], but [o] is pronounced. This refers to the pronunciation of some foreign words.

Borrowed words, as a rule, obey the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features. One of these features is the preservation of the sound [o] in unstressed syllables in the pronunciation.

In the pre-shock position, the sound[O] preserved, for example, in words such asf[o]ye, p[o]et, [o]asis, d[o]se, and in foreign proper names:Fl[o]ber, Sh[o]pen. The same pronunciation [o] can also be observed in stressed syllables:cocoa[O], radio[o], three[o]. However most of borrowed vocabulary, which is words firmly mastered by the Russian literary language, is subject to general rules pronunciation[O] and [a] in unstressed syllables:r[a]man(novel), b[a]cal(wineglass), k[a]stym(costume), r[a]yal(piano), k[b]binet(cabinet), [a]rator(speaker), etc.

Pronunciation of sounds in place of the letters E and Z in pre-stressed syllables

The letters E and I in the pre-stressed syllable denote a sound, the middle between[e] and [and] . Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: nickel - P[ And uh ]so, feather - P[ And uh ]ro.

Choosing a stressed vowel in place of the letters E and E after soft consonants

The pronunciation of the vowels [e] and [o], denoted by the letters E and E after soft consonants, sometimes causes difficulty, since the letter E is usually depicted without dots in print and in writing. The pronunciation of the stressed vowel after soft consonants in place of the letters E and Y has to be memorized. Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

E["e] Yo["o]


being a newborn

guardianship sharp

settled solvent

Pronunciation of consonants sounds

Basic laws of consonant pronunciation

The basic laws of pronunciation of consonants are stunning and assimilation.

In Russian speech, voiced consonants are obligatory stunned at the end of a word (for example:bread - bread[n], garden- sa[t], dividend - dividend[t]). This stun is one of characteristic features Russian literary speech.

In combinations of voiced and voiceless consonants or voiceless and voiced, the first of them is likened to the second, i.e. either deafening of the first sound occurs (for example:cork - pro[p]ka, leg - but [w] ka), or its voicing (for example:change - [h] dacha, ruin - [h] destroy). Before the consonants [l], [m], [n], [p] and [c] there is no likening. Words are pronounced as they are written:sve[tl] O, [w] dig.

Pronunciation of sound in place of the letter G

In place of the letter G, different sounds can be pronounced: [k], [g], [y], [x] or [c]. The choice of sound depends on its position in the word and the influence of neighboring sounds.

[To] pronounced at the end of a word, for example:lay down - le[k], threshold - poro[k], meadow - onion]

[G] the voiced explosive consonant is pronounced in position before vowels and voiced consonants, for example:But[G] A , behind[G] cash,[G] valt

[X] pronounced in combinations of GK and MS, for example:soft - me[hk] O , easier - le[hh] e, and in the word God - Bo[X]

Letter G

[γ] fricative back-lingual consonant, is an accessory of dialect speech and is typical for South Russian dialects. In the literary language, let's say in a few words, Old Church Slavonic in origin:God- bo[γ]a, God - [γ] god bless - blah[γ]o - and their derivatives

[V] pronounced in endings-oh, -his(For example: red - red[in, first - first [in] oh, he has - have not[V] O), and also in the word Today - se[V] alone.

Pronunciation of CHN and TH combinations

In the pronunciation of words with a combination of CHN, fluctuations are observed.

CHN is pronounced like [ch] in most words of the Russian language. This is especially true for words of book origin.(greedy, careless) as well as words that appeared in the recent past(camouflage, landing).

CHN is pronounced like [shn] in the following words:of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, trifling, laundry, mustard plaster and some others, as well as in female patronymics on-ichna (Lukinichna, Fominichna).

Some words with a combination of CHN in the modern Russian literary language have pronunciation options:bakery And bulo[shn]aya(outdated), kopee [h] th And kopee [shn] th(outdated).

The combination of CHT in modern Russian is pronounced like [pcs] in the wordWhat and derivatives from it(nothing, something, to, anything and the like), except for the wordsomething [Thurs]. In all other cases, the orthographic CHT is always pronounced as [th]:dream, mail, insignificant.

Pronunciation of foreign words with the letter E after a consonant

In most borrowed words, in accordance with the pronunciation rules, consonants are softened before E:ka[T"] no , pa[T"] efon,[With"] series,[R"] vector.

Always before E, back-lingual consonants G, K are softened,X: pa[To"] no,[G"] Duke, with[X"] ema. The sound [l] is also usually pronounced softly in this position:[l"] go, mo[l"] ekula, ba[l"] no and so on.

However, in a number of words of foreign origin, the hardness of consonants before E is preserved: o [t] el,to[e] ex, biz[n] eu,[T] eat boo[T] erbrod, svi[T] ep and etc.

In some words of foreign origin, the consonant before the letter E can be pronounced in two ways. So, the pronunciation of a soft and hard consonant in words should be considered a variant pronunciationcongress - kong[R] essay And kong[R"] ess, consensus - con[With] Ensus And con[With"] ensus. Two pronunciations also exist in wordsgangster, depression, management, manager, pace, dean, deanery, pool, crater, terror, terrorist. In many such cases, the hard pronunciation becomes obsolete and the soft pronunciation of the consonant is preferred: [t"]temp,[d"] ekan etc.

In some cases, a violation of orthoepic norms occurs as a result of inserting an extra vowel or consonant sound into a word.

Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and spelling of the following words:

Unprecedented n[u]ance

I will

Derma[n]tin po[d]cheek

Wildly[o]image precede[n]dent

Thirsty [th] ch [e] extraordinary

Compromise legal[t]adviser

Competitor[n]capable bess[e]rebrenik

ascertain [n]at account

Remember standard pronunciation of these words.

Consonant Consonant

pronounced softly: pronounced firmly

academy [de] antithesis [te]

devaluation [de] genesis [ne]

decade [de] dispensary [se]

demon [de] interview [te]

cream [re] cottage [te]

coffee [fe] lottery [te]

museum [ze] mayonnaise [ne]

Odessa [de] hotel [te]

patent [te] pathos [te]

pioneer [not] service [se]

press [re] thesis [te]

press conference [re] timbre [te]

spokesman [re] trend [te, te]

session [se] dash [re]

theme [te] phonetics [ne]

tenor [te] highway [se]

term [te] eczema [ze]

overcoat [not] external [te]

jurisprudence [de] esthete [te]

Pay attention to the hardness or softness of the consonant before the vowel indicated by the letter E.





[de], [te]
















Stress norms

Among the orthoepic norms, a special place is occupied by the norms associated with correct setting in stressed words.

stress - this is the selection of one of the syllables in the word by amplifying the voice. The assimilation of the correct stress is associated with a number of difficulties due to its peculiarities in the Russian language.

The first feature of Russian stress is that the stress in Russian words is not attached to a specific syllable in a word (as, for example, in other languages: in French it falls on the last syllable of a word, in Polish it falls on the penultimate syllable, in Czech and Hungarian it falls on the first). This accent is calledfree it can be on any syllable of the word: the first(will, city, sharp), second (freedom, nature, write, beautiful), third (young, milk, watchmaker) etc.

The second feature of Russian stress is itsmobility, the ability to change its place depending on the form of the word. For example, the verbunderstand V indefinite form has an accent on the second syllable, in the past tense in the masculine gender it moves to the first syllable -Understood, and in the feminine gender - on the last -Understood". There are many such words with shifting stress in Russian. Usually, the transfer of stress is associated with the use of a certain grammatical form.

Should be remembered words with a fixed accent:

hospital - go "hospital; soil - soil" nt; quart "l - quart" ly; matchmaker - matchmaker "you.

The third feature of Russian stress is itsvariability over time. In the works of Krylov, Griboyedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, you will find many words with a completely different accent than now. Compare:

The day went out "the bright light;

Fog fell on the blue evening sea (A. Pushkin).

We old people no longer dance,

Music "ki thunder does not call us (A. Pushkin).

Words ghost, symbol, autograph, bus, agent, agony, epigraph, plowing, disarm, shop, case and many others inXIXcentury had a different emphasis.

The process of changing the accent is happening in our time. As a result of this process, some words have two variants of stress. Variants of a word that differ in the setting of stress can be equal and unequal.

Equal Options equally correct, normative:a loop - loop", ba" rust - barge", your"horn - tvoro "g, those" ftel - meatballs "whether. There are few such equal options in modern Russian.

Unequal Options are of two types. In the first case, one option is recognized as the main, preferred, and the second is assessed as additional, less desirable, but still within the limits of the literary language. Such valid options are used in colloquial speech or are obsolete. For example:cookery "riya- add. culinary "I(colloquial), gave- add. gave(colloquial); Ukrainian- add. Ukrainian(outdated), industry- add. industry(outdated), gathered- add. gathered"(outdated).

It should be borne in mind that words with a colloquial accent are unacceptable in official speech and formal communication situations. Compare, for example, optionscontract "r, contract" r (lit., used in different situations communication) andto "talk, agreement" (colloquial, unacceptable in official speech).

The second type of unequal options concerns cases where one option is literary, normalized, and the second is outside literary norm. Non-literary (incorrect) are colloquial and slang variants of stress. For example:document - document(simple) quarter - quarter(simple) begin - begin(simple).

The category of non-literary includes options, the specific stress in which is traditionally accepted only in some narrowly professional environment. In any other setting, such options are perceived as a mistake. For example:spark - spark"(for engineers) epilepsy - epilepsy(for doctors) compass - compass(for sailors) chassis" - chassis(for pilots).

Stress in Russian in some cases has a meaningful function. Wed:armor - securing someone or something for someone-something, as well as a document for such fastening (reservation for a railway ticket);armor" - a strong protective shell (tank armor) orlock - palace and fortress of the feudal lord (medieval castle);lock - a device for locking something. key (door lock). Wed Also:language - related to language as a means of human communication and to human speech activity;linguistic - pertaining to a physical organ of a person or animal, or to a particular food.

Questions for discussion of theoretical material

    What is the norm of the literary language?

    List the types of norms of the Russian literary language. What rules govern each type of norm?

    What is included in the concept of "orthoepic norms"? What are the types of orthoepic norms?

    What are the basic laws of pronunciation of vowels?

    What are the difficulties in pronouncing vowel sounds?

    What are the basic laws of pronunciation of consonants?

    What causes difficulties in pronunciation of consonants?

    What dialect features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants do not correspond to literary norms?

    What is an accent?

10. What are the features of Russian stress?

11. What is the role of stress in a word?

12. What can be the variants of words that differ in the setting of stress?

13. What are equal and unequal stress options? What stress variations are outside the literary norm?

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language- this is a whole set of rules that regulate pronunciation. It is thanks to orthoepic norms that the language acquires beauty, sonority and melody. Orthoepy (Greek orthos - correct, epos - speech) is not only a section of the language that regulates and classifies everything orthoepic norms, these are also the norms of the language themselves, which have developed over many centuries.

The Russian language that we first heard in childhood became so relatively recently, as modern language norms formed by the middle of the 17th century, and they were based on the norms of the Moscow city spoken language. Since then, despite continuous development Russian language, orthoepic norms have undergone relatively minor changes.

Orthoepy is a section that is mandatory for study, since knowing orthoepic norms is necessary not only for future poets and writers - it is necessary in Everyday life. The person who allows spelling errors, can cause misunderstanding of others, or, worse, indignation and irritation. On the other hand, the correct pronunciation indicates the level of education of the speaker. So, consider the basic rules of ideal literary pronunciation.

Pronunciation of vowels.

Clearly and clearly in Russian only those vowels that are under stress. The pronunciation of other sounds in the word is regulated reduction law (lat.reducere - reduce). This law explains the less clear and less clear pronunciation of unstressed vowels in a word. Consider the manifestation of the law of reduction.

Sounds [O] And [A] are pronounced like [A] if they are at the beginning of a word, but in an unstressed position: d[a]horns, [a]laziness, [a]drive. In other cases, when the letter "O" is in an unstressed position and follows a solid consonant, it is read as a short obscure reduced sound, something in between [s] And [A](depending on position): g [b] lova, st [b] ron, t [b] lokno. It's the sound [b] in transcription, this reduced sound is conventionally indicated. If there is a soft consonant at the beginning of the word , then the following letters "A" , "e" and "i" read as a cross between [e] And [And](the lips at the same time stretch, as if to pronounce [And] but pronounced [e]): p [and e] ro - pen, s [and e] ro - gray, [and e] language - language.

After a solid consonant, preposition, or in a continuous phrase, the letter "And" pronounced sound [s]: laughter [s] tears - laughter and tears, pedagogical [s] institute - pedagogical institute, to [s] vanu - to Ivan. In the case of the phrase "laughter and tears" "And" can also be pronounced like [And], if the phrase is not pronounced together, but an intonational pause is made at the place of the union.

Orthoepic norms for the pronunciation of consonants.

When pronouncing consonants, other laws apply as orthoepic norms: assimilation And stuns. So, if a voiced consonant is at the end of a word or before a deaf , then he is stunned: dru [k] - friend, hand [f] - sleeve, smo [x] - could. As you can already understand, as a result of stunning [G] pronounced like [To], [b] How [P], [V] How [f], [h] How [With]. In combinations "gk" and "gch" [g] is read as [X]: le [hk] o, le [hh] e. If the situation is radically opposite, that is, there is a deaf consonant before the voiced consonant, then, on the contrary, it is likened to the voiced vowel corresponding to it: pro[s"]ba, [h]give.

Separately, it must be said about the combination "ch". This combination in the old Moscow pronunciation always sounded like [sn]. Today, in most cases, it is still pronounced as [h], but there are a few exceptions:

  1. In female patronymics: Lukini[shn]a, Kuzmini[shn]a.
  2. In single words: Skvore[shn]ik, bore[shn]o, yai[shn]itsa and etc.

Consonant pronunciation [h] in the words "what" and "something" is usually considered a sign of some dialect, because normally "h" stunned and replaced by [w]. Also changing "G" on [V] in the words “whom”, “what”, “some”, etc. To the sound [ tss] the ending of the verbs “-tsya” and “-tsya” changes: dare[cc]a, return[cc]a.

Words of foreign origin.

Orthoepic norms of the literary language in case the word is of foreign origin, for the most part remain the same as in the case of native Russian words. But still there are some features of the pronunciation of borrowed words:

  • Lack of sound reduction [O]: m[o]del, [o]asis.
  • Despite the softening of most consonants before "e", softening does not occur in some words: ant[e]nna, gene[e]tika.
  • In some words of foreign origin, both options are allowed - both consonant softening and no softening: therapist, terror, claim, etc..

stress in Russian is not static and can change due to a change in the form of a word, case, and much more. In order to find out the correct pronunciation of a particular word, as well as to find out which syllable will be stressed correctly, you can look at orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. Such dictionaries can become real helpers for those who want to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully.

You can learn about what orthoepy is from dictionaries and reference books of the literary language. All languages ​​of the world have certain lexical norms, which are a model correct use words.

Science of orthoepy

Orthoepy studies the laws and rules of pronunciation of words. It is very similar to spelling, which considers the laws of the correct spelling of words. The term "orthoepy" includes two Greek words: orthos - "right", "correctly", "straight" (direction) and epos - "speech", "talk". Therefore, the question of what orthoepy is can be answered directly translated from Greek: correct pronunciation.

Orthoepy rules

Various deviations from the norms of use and pronunciation interfere with communication, distract the listener from the meaning of the spoken speech and significantly complicate the assimilation of the spoken text. Adhering to the rules of pronunciation of words is just as important as adhering to the rules of spelling. Orthoepy will tell the correct pronunciation of a particular lexical unit. The rules of this science allow you to determine how to pronounce a particular word, and the scope of its lexical application. Indeed, in a world where oral speech is a means of wide communication, it must be impeccable, from the point of view of the rules of orthoepy.

History of Russian orthoepy

Russian orthoepy developed already in the middle of the 17th century. Then the rules for the pronunciation of certain words were approved, the norms for constructing phrases and sentences were laid down. Moscow became the center of the new literary language. On the basis of northern Russian dialects and southern dialects, Moscow pronunciation was formed, which was taken as the basis of the lexical norm. The science of how to pronounce this or that word correctly went from Moscow to the remote hinterlands of Russia.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the center of the political and cultural life of the country became new capital Russia - the city of St. Petersburg. Gradually, the norms of pronunciation changed, among the intelligentsia, a clear, letter-by-letter pronunciation of words became the rule. But among the general population, the Moscow pronunciation continued to be considered the norm.

Orthoepy studies such norms of pronunciation of the Russian language as stress, the norm of pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations, melody and intonation of colloquial speech.


About what orthoepy is, you can consider the rules for placing stress in Russian words. The question is not as simple as it might seem. In French speech, in the vast majority of cases, the stress is placed on the last syllable. In Russian, the stress is mobile, it can fall on an arbitrary syllable, change its location depending on the gender and case of the given word. For example, a city, but a city, a train, but trains, will be accepted, but accepted.

Sometimes incorrect pronunciation is so ingrained in colloquial speech that it takes a lot of effort to eradicate the error. For example, everywhere we hear calls instead of calls, contract, instead of the correct contract. The orthoepy of the word insists on: catalog, obituary, quarter instead of well-established incorrect versions of these words.

Sometimes surprise helps to correct the stress. For example, in the mid-1950s, the use of the word “youth” instead of the correct “youth” was widespread. The widely popular song "Hymn of Democratic Youth" helped to correct the mistake. The song was created by the composer Novikov to the verses of the poet Oshanin. In the chorus of the anthem were the words: "Young people sing this song." The widespread “youth” did not fit into either the rhythm or the text of this piece of music, so the incorrect pronunciation of the popular word was replaced by the correct one.


The spoken word can be recorded using transcription. This is the name of the recording of audible words and sounds of the language. In transcription, along with ordinary letters, special ones are also used, for example, the letter [æ] denotes an open stressed vowel, something between “a” and “e”. This sound is not used in Russian speech, but is often found in the study of languages ​​of the Germanic branch.

Currently, special dictionaries will help to put the correct stress in the word.

Pronunciation of individual sounds

To explain what orthoepy is, you can use the example of the pronunciation of vowels in the words of the Russian language. For example, the norm in Russian is reduction - the weakening of the articulation of vowels in some words. For example, in the word "box" only the third sound "o" is clearly heard, and the first one is pronounced muffled. The result is a sound that resembles both [o] and [a] at the same time.

If an unstressed [o] is at the beginning of a word, it is always pronounced as [a]. For example, in the words “fire”, “window”, “glasses”, [a] is clearly worn out in the first case. The stressed [o] does not change its meaning: the words "cloud", "island", "very" are pronounced with a pronounced [o] at the beginning.

The sound of some consonants

The existing rules of orthoepy say that voiced consonants at the end of spoken words sound like paired deaf ones. For example, the word "oak" is pronounced as [dup], "eye" - [voice], "tooth" - [zup], and so on.

The consonant phrases "zzh" and "zhzh" are pronounced as a double soft [zhzh], for example, we write I'm coming, we pronounce [I'm coming], rattling - [rattling] and so on.

The exact pronunciation of a particular word can be found in special spelling dictionaries.

For example, Avanesov presented a fairly serious work on orthoepy. The deeply elaborated editions of linguists Reznichenko, Abramov and others are interesting. Orthoepic dictionaries can be easily found on the Internet or in special sections of libraries.


1. Orthoepy as a science

2. Development of Russian orthoepy

3. Diversity of stress (accentological aspect)

4. Accent options


List of used literature


The relevance of this topic lies in the development and formation of modern trends in the Russian language and linguistics. Modern technologies allow you to study this topic using new approaches.

Historical development orthoepy, as one of the areas of linguistics, allows you to search for an answer to long-existing expressions (their correctness and incorrect pronunciation).

The invasion of enemies in Rus' was the cause of drastic changes in the pronunciation and spelling of words and phrases. Much during the historical period of development was erased by time and irrelevant, the reforms of the Russian made it possible to most actualize the Russian language and unify its composition.

The modern Russian language, which has a long historical basis, should reflect both the words from European languages ​​and the historical basis.

The purpose of this work is to trace the development of orthoepy and accentology; and also to determine what problems are studied by these disciplines.

1. Orthoepy as a science

Each literary language exists in two forms - oral and written - and is characterized by the presence of mandatory norms - lexical, grammatical and stylistic. At the same time, the written form of the language is also subject to spelling and punctuation norms (i.e., spelling rules), and the oral form is subject to pronunciation, or orthoepic, norms.

The word orthoepy is of Greek origin: orthos - correct, epos - speech. It denotes both the set of pronunciation rules and the science that studies these rules. Orthoepy is the doctrine of the norms of oral speech: the rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, the patterns of stress.

Good literary pronunciation is one of the important indicators of the general cultural level of a modern person. “The correct pronunciation of a word is as important as the correct spelling. It is known that incorrect pronunciation distracts the listener's attention from the content of the statement, thereby making it difficult to exchange information ... The role of correct pronunciation has especially increased in our time, when oral public speech at meetings and conferences, on radio and television has become a means of communication between thousands and millions of people ".

It is especially important to spread the correct Russian literary pronunciation, since the Russian language is not only the language of the Russian people, but also a means of interethnic communication of all peoples, Russia and one of international languages modernity.

This is facilitated by special reference and teaching aids, scientific and popular science publications, regular radio and television programs. However, the school teacher has been and remains the central figure in the dissemination of orthoepic skills. Therefore, a student of a pedagogical university himself must master the norms of orthoepy, clearly imagine the direction in which the language norm develops in the field of stress and pronunciation, be able to distinguish variants of the norm from non-normative, mispronunciation.

2. Development of Russian orthoepy

Russian literary pronunciation developed gradually, mainly on the basis of Moscow pronunciation norms. In the XIV century. Moscow became the center of the Russian state, so the pronunciation and many other norms of the emerging Russian literary language were formed on the basis of the Moscow dialect. The Moscow orthoepic norm finally developed to late XIX V. This was the pronunciation of the native Moscow intelligentsia.

By the second half of the XIX century. Petersburg pronunciation was also formed. If the Moscow pronunciation was based on the characteristic features of the living folk language and was supported by the theatrical tradition (the Maly Theater was the greatest authority in the field of Moscow pronunciation), then the St. In addition, certain features of the Northern Great Russian dialects, including the so-called ekanye, affected the St. Petersburg pronunciation. Petersburg pronunciation was not recognized by the theater, did not become a literary norm, but some of its features subsequently had a noticeable impact on the development of Russian literary pronunciation.

Before the Great October Socialist Revolution, the influence of the pronunciation skills of such large cultural centers as Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod on oral literary speech was also noticeable. Therefore, there were pronunciation options, local differences in pronunciation, which prevented the unification of orthoepic norms.

After October, the change in the social composition of the Russian intelligentsia caused a temporary loosening of the culture of oral literary speech. However, as the masses of speakers mastered the literary language, as their general culture increased, they gradually assimilated the pronunciation norms of the literary language. At present, orthoepic norms have become more uniform, more unified than in the pre-October era. The number of pronunciation options has been reduced. All kinds of pronunciation "idioms" have disappeared or are gradually disappearing, that is, a special pronunciation of individual words or their forms that do not correspond to the general orthoepic norms of the language. The most significant differences between Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) pronunciation have been erased. This happened due to the loss of many specific features of the pre-revolutionary Moscow pronunciation.

The result was a convergence of Moscow and Leningrad pronunciation. When people talk about the “Moscow norm” today, they mean the old, pre-October Moscow pronunciation. It was preserved in Moscow in the speech of the older generation of Muscovites as early as the 1920s and 1930s. XX century, but in the post-war period it was subjected to increased processing. Now even the actors of Moscow theaters, radio and television announcers noticeably deviate from specifically Moscow norms.

Some minor differences in the pronunciation of Muscovites and Leningraders still remain, but they are not regular and do not determine the nature of the pronunciation as a whole: in Moscow, hiccups are more pronounced, in Leningrad, sometimes there is still ekanye, cf .: [r "and e] ka and [r 'e] ka, [n'i e] middle and [n'e] middle; in Moscow, assimilative softening of consonants is more often observed: [z"d"e]s, [s"n"a]t; stronger is the reduction of non-high vowels: [gъl ^ va], [hort].

In the speech of the inhabitants of the Volga region and the North, the ringing pronunciation may still be preserved.

However, these deviations from the literary norm are irregular and do not affect modern orthoepy as a whole.

Thus, the main pattern in the development of pre-modern Russian orthoepy is the elimination of local peculiarities of pronunciation, the establishment of uniform orthoepic norms for all native speakers of the Russian literary language.

The unification of literary pronunciation occurs largely under the influence of writing: pronunciation in many cases approaches writing. This is due to the strengthening of the public role writing under conditions of universal literacy achieved in the Soviet Union. We learn many linguistic facts not from the oral speech of others, but from books and newspapers. The loss of the specific features of the old Moscow pronunciation is primarily due to the influence of the graphic appearance of the word. This is the pronunciation of [l] after hissing (sh] and [g] in the first pre-stressed syllable (heat, naughty, steps); the pronunciation of soft back-lingual before [and] in adjectives and verbs (quiet, flexible, strict; tap, scare, wave) ; distinction in pronunciation of 3rd person endings plural verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugations (they will say, take out, lay, cackle, but hear, walk, praise, love); pronunciation of a solid long [zh:] in the roots of words (reins, yeast, squeal); the pronunciation of the soft [s"] in the postfix -sya (s) (decided, took, bathed).

3. Diversity of retention

(accentological aspect)

The diversity and mobility of the Russian stress create significant difficulties in its assimilation. However, these features of Russian stress make it possible to distinguish between different words (homographs) coinciding in spelling: sharpness (blades) and sharpness ( witty expression), ear (petting ear for the word) and ear (hole), satin (geographical) and satin (silk fabric), sharp (sharpen) and sharp (witty), bald (cut) and bald (hold checkers bald), wrinkle ( forehead) and wrinkle (about clothes): the dress wrinkles in "shoulders; chaos (in mythology) and chaos (mess), pick (Protestant church) and pick (tool); knocks (lumberjack knocks down a pine tree) and knocks (people knock down the street , brings down smoke, snow); flour (suffering) and flour (grains ground into powder); cowardly (afraid) and cowardly (running, jogging), immersed (on the platform) and immersed (in water), etc.

With the help of the place of stress, grammatical forms of words (homoforms) that coincide in spelling are also distinguished: blood test (R. p.) - in the blood (P. p.); will not give hands (R. p.) - clean hands (I. p. pl.); crop (perfect view) - crop (imperfect view); load (indicative) - load (imperative); little coat (short form of adjective) - slept little (adverb); around (Tv. p. noun circle) - around (adverb or preposition) - silently (adverb) - silently (gerund participle); stand at ease (adverb, circumstance) - he was free to leave (category of state, predicate); it is tricky to say (adverb, circumstance) - it is tricky to figure it out (category of state, part of the predicate to figure it out).

Being an important distinguishing tool, Russian variegated and mobile stress eliminates the monotony of speech, contributes to its rhythmic organization. In particular, due to the diversity of stress, Russian poetic speech is distinguished by an exceptional richness of rhythms, a variety of musical construction of the verse.

The orthoepic norms of the Russian literary language regulate the correct pronunciation of sounds in various phonetic positions, with other sounds, in certain grammatical forms and separate words. A distinctive feature of pronunciation is uniformity. Orthoepic errors can adversely affect the perception of speech by listeners. They can distract the interlocutor's attention from the essence of the conversation, cause misunderstanding and irritation. Corresponding to orthoepic pronunciation facilitates the process of communication and makes it more effective.

Orthoepic norms determines the phonetic system of the language. Each language is characterized by its own phonetic laws that govern the pronunciation of sounds and the words they create.

The basis of the Russian literary language is the Moscow dialect, however, in Russian orthoepy, the so-called "junior" and "senior" norms are distinguished. The first reflects the distinctive features of modern pronunciation, the second draws attention to the old Moscow orthoepic norms.

Basic pronunciation rules

In Russian, only those vowels that are under stress are clearly pronounced: garden, cat, daughter. Those vowels that are in an unstressed position may lose definition and clarity. This is the law of reduction. So, the vowel “o” at the beginning of a word without stress or in pre-stressed syllables can be pronounced like “a”: from (a) rock, in (a) ron. In unstressed syllables, an obscure sound can be pronounced in place of the letter "o", for example, as the first syllable in the word "head".

The vowel sound “and” is pronounced like “ы” after a preposition, a solid consonant, or when two words are pronounced together. For example, "pedagogical institute", "laughter and tears".

As for the pronunciation of consonants, it is guided by the laws of stunning and assimilation. Voiced consonants facing a deaf sound are deafened, which is feature Russian speech. An example is the word "pillar", the last letter of which is stunned and pronounced like "p". There are many, many such words.

In many words, instead of the sound “h”, one should pronounce “sh” (the word “what”), and the letter “g” in the endings is read as “v” (the words “mine”, “no one” and others).

As mentioned above, orthoepic norms deal with the pronunciation of borrowed words. Usually such words obey the norms available in the language, and only sometimes they can have their own characteristics. One of the most common rules is softening consonants before "e". This can be seen in such words as "faculty", "cream", "overcoat" and others. At the same time, in some words, the pronunciation may vary (“dean”, “terror”, “therapy”).

Orthoepic norms- these are also the norms for setting stress, which is not fixed in Russian. This means that in different grammatical forms of the word, the stress may differ (“hand” - “hand _

9. Norms of stress in modern Russian

stress is an obligatory feature of the word. This is the selection of a syllable in a word by various means: intensity, duration, movement of tone. Russian stress is non-fixed (various places) and mobile (it moves in different grammatical forms of one word). Stress serves to distinguish the grammatical forms of a word. Sometimes stress serves as a sign by which the meanings of a word (homographs) differ. In the accentological norm, there are such concepts as proclitic and enclitic. A proclitic is an unstressed word adjoining the stressed word in front. An enclitic is an unstressed word adjoining a word at the back. In addition, there are words in the language with the so-called double stress, these are accentological variants. Sometimes they are equal, often one can be preferred.
