This test is ideal for a large and cheerful company and helps to reveal some of the traits of the subjects. This will require blank sheets of paper and pens according to the number of participants. Ask your colleagues to draw a pig without looking or with a scarf over their eyes. Then collect the drawings and hang them up so that they can be seen by all the test-takers. Usually, the images of the animal are so funny that they charge with fun for the whole holiday. After the merits of each drawing are commented on by your colleagues, announce the results. You can ask the test participants to sign the drawings in advance, if they, of course, want to be recognized.

Interpretation of drawings

The pig is shown at the top of the sheet.

This means that the person who painted it is very positive and well-mannered, endowed with a fair amount of optimism. His life credo is that everything should be honest, and if trials fall out in life, they must be endured stoically, because the black stripe is always replaced by white.

The pig is shown closer to the middle of the sheet.

The drawing in the middle of the sheet indicates that the person who depicted it is a realist by nature.

Even in childhood, he was not prone to dreams, from childhood he set specific goals for himself and achieved them. Sobriety and calculation - these are the principles he adheres to in life.

The pig is depicted at the bottom of the sheet

Only a pessimist can draw like this. However, despite the fact that he sees the world in gray-black colors, this does not prevent him from amusing himself with petty pranks and vulgar jokes regarding both relatives and friends and colleagues.

The pictured pig is looking to the left.

This suggests that a person is a conservative by nature, always and in everything adheres to traditional views on life. He also has an excellent memory for dates.

The depicted pig is looking to the right.

The person who drew such a pig is an innovator by nature, constantly striving for something new. Family values ​​are not for him. Having gone headlong into creativity, he forgets about everything in the world, even about a loved one. And with this, few can come to terms.

The depicted pig is looking straight ahead.

Belief in evil spirits and straightforwardness in judgments is what distinguishes the one who painted such a pig. The latter quality often prevents the establishment of friendly contact. The only thing that can be advised to this person is to try to avoid disputes, otherwise you can make many enemies.

The pig is depicted with many details.

An analytical mind, caution and suspicion - this is what characterizes a person who has tried to depict a pig as accurately as possible. It is best for such an artist to work in the security service, where he can express himself to the fullest.

The pig is not shown in full

This means that the person who painted it is very emotional, distinguished by naivety and a love of risk. He is best at creative work, such as writing advertising texts.

The pictured pig has less than 4 legs

A person who portrays a pig without at least one leg is very dangerous. In his head, he hatches insidious plans, which, fortunately, are not allowed to come true due to his timid nature and lack of willpower.

The pig is depicted with 4 legs

This means that the person who painted it is firm in his views, very reliable and firmly on his feet. You can hide behind it, like behind a stone wall.

The pig is depicted with ears

Having ears is a good sign. This indicates that the person knows how to listen. And how well he does it, indicates the size of the ears: the larger they are, the better.

The pig is depicted with a tail

The presence of a tail indicates the ability to love. Size, just like with ears, matters.

Test "Draw a house"

This simple, but fun, and most importantly psychologically true test always evokes a lot of emotions. Give each participant a blank piece of paper and a pencil and give them the task of drawing a house. A few strokes will be enough to judge the character of a person. At the end of the test, collect the sheets with pictures and announce the results.

Interpretation of drawings

city ​​house

The person who painted the multi-story building is the owner of a very complex character. Most likely, he is distinguished by isolation and a tendency to focus on his own problems.

low house

Rest, peace, harmony and pleasant memories - this is what a person who has drawn a low house needs.

The fatigue accumulated over the years of hard work makes itself felt, therefore, in order not to undermine your own health, it is better to go on vacation for at least 2-3 weeks.


Complete frivolity, frivolity and childishness distinguish the person who painted the castle.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, especially for the fairer sex.

The main thing is not to take on the burden of responsibility in the form of a family or a responsible post, otherwise you may not be able to cope with your responsibilities.

Spacious country house

Such a drawing means that its author has a need to deal with the housing issue, for example, buying a new apartment or house. For bachelors and childless persons, such a drawing should tell about a hidden need for love and a home, in which a large and friendly family gathers.

Big house behind a high fence

The person who painted the house with a high fence can be judged by the latter: the more impregnable the fence, the more closed the character. If the house is surrounded by a hedge of picturesque bushes, this indicates gullibility and sociability.

Test "Choose a figure"

To pass this test, you will also need blank sheets of paper and pencils, 12 to be handed out before the announcement of the task. Draw a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a circle and a zigzag on the poster in advance and attach it to the wall so that everyone can see it.

Invite the participants to choose and draw the figure with which they associate themselves, or the figure that first caught their eye. After that, give the task to draw the remaining figures in order of personal preference. Explain to the audience that the figure chosen first characterizes the dominant features of a person, the characteristics of his behavior, while the rest complement the image, make it multifaceted and complex. You can either read out the characteristics given below in front of the audience, or print it out on a piece of paper in advance and distribute it after passing the test.

Psychological characteristics of personality forms


If a square is in the first place, this means that a person is by nature an incorrigible workaholic. Unusual perseverance and diligence, an indestructible need to bring any matter to the end - these are the main qualities of the Square. Methodism, patience, attention to detail, love of order and excellent memory allow him to become an excellent specialist in his field.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, organized and predictable life. He does not like violations of the usual course of things, because in this case everything will have to be calculated and ordered again.

Such qualities are very useful in work, but interfere with personal life, so the Square, as a rule, is very lonely. Family happiness is guaranteed to him if on his own life path he will meet the same man obsessed with work and order.


The triangle is a symbol of leadership. And most Triangles feel this on a subconscious level. The true representatives of this figure have the ability to focus on the main goal, which they are helped to achieve by such qualities as willpower, a penchant for analytical analysis, energy, self-confidence and self-righteousness, as well as ambition and the ability to grasp everything on the fly.

The life of Triangles is an eternal struggle and rivalry for the first place and the right to decide everything and for everyone on your own, both at work and in your personal life. They do not like to admit their mistakes and change their decisions. Their categoricalness sometimes borders on cruelty, which, of course, cannot but affect relations with others.


This figure, chosen as the main figure, symbolizes a state of constant change. A rectangle is a person who is always dissatisfied with the way he lives now, so he is always busy looking for a better life. His most character traits- inconsistency and unpredictability of behavior. Regardless, Rectangles is not alone. Courage, curiosity, a keen interest in everything that surrounds them and gullibility attract people to them. Many take advantage of their naivety and manipulate them to their advantage.

A circle

The circle symbolizes harmony. The one who chooses him as the main figure appreciates good relations with people most of all in life. The circle is a philanthropist, thanks to which any work team becomes a friendly team, and the family becomes a harmonious union. He is distinguished by the ability to hear and listen, high sensitivity and the ability to empathize. In addition, he is well versed in people and unmistakably recognizes a hypocrite and a liar.

There is nothing more difficult for the Circle than to take part in interpersonal conflict. For him, a bad world is better than a good quarrel, so he strives with all his might to improve relations in the team. Being a born psychologist, the Circle is a useless organizer, so it is better for him to work in a team with Squares and Triangles.


This figure differs from the rest in its open shape and symbolizes creativity, creativity, dissent, expressiveness and eccentricity. People who choose it are characterized by intuitiveness, creative thinking the ability to see beauty in the ordinary. Zigzags are unsurpassed aesthetes and idealists. In their work, they need complete freedom, but under the condition of tacit control, since they often quickly lose interest in the subject under study and sometimes do not finish the job.

The impracticality and naivety of zigzags sometimes annoys others, but their wit, cheerful disposition and ease of communication compensate for these shortcomings.

Test "What do the doodles say?"

Many of us, during boring lectures or meetings, in thought or simply because there is nothing to do, begin to draw different patterns on a piece of paper. If this happens to your colleagues, try to collect a collection of such drawings, so that later you can decipher them in the presence of the whole team. Everyone will be interested to know what his scribbles say.

Interpretation of drawings

Spirals, circles, wavy lines

A person who draws spirals, circles and wavy lines is not interested in other people's problems. All his thoughts are focused exclusively on his own emotional experiences. Perhaps at the moment he is experiencing a crisis, so others should not pay attention to him or be offended, even if he has gone too far with his egocentrism. After some time, he realizes his mistake and apologizes.

Flowers, sun, garlands

It may seem to some that flowers, the sun, all kinds of garlands are a sign of a good mood. However, this is not the case. The person drawing them suffers from a lack of communication, dreams of true friendship, as well as attention from the opposite sex. It is simply necessary to surround him with care and tenderness, and then everything will work out in his life.


A person drawing grids, for some reason unknown to others, feels a sense of awkwardness. Having a soft and compliant nature, he tends to often swallow resentment and hide irritation. If things go on like this, he will face a spiritual crisis. The task of others is to prevent this from happening.

intertwined hearts

Drawings resembling patterns on wallpaper

Such patterns indicate that a person is experiencing great boredom. Perhaps he was tired of sitting in an endless meeting or enduring a long telephone conversation, or maybe he was tired of being lifestyle, who has been forced to lead the last time, but has not yet found another way for himself.


The man is clearly on to something. Most likely, this is a feeling of guilt that arose as a result of a telephone conversation. However, worries and worries are in vain. Maybe in what happened, there is a share of his guilt, but you don’t need to shift everything onto your shoulders.

Various little men

Little people express a person's desire to evade their duties. Perhaps he does not have enough moral support to do what is entrusted to him.

Triangles, squares and other geometric shapes

Such figures are evidence that a person has clear goals and strong convictions. It is difficult to knock him off the intended path. He will try by all means to achieve what he has planned. He can be entrusted with any difficult task and not be afraid for its failure.

Honeycomb of bees

Harmony and beauty, calmness and tranquility - this is what a person who draws a honeycomb strives for. It is good to be with him, as he radiates goodness and warmth. In addition, he has a need to constantly take care of someone.

Chess fields

A person who draws chess fields is most likely tormented by hidden complexes and a sense of his own worthlessness. But his experiences are groundless and far-fetched, because others respect him, value him as an excellent specialist in his field and a good friend, so you should not hide from everyone in a shell, but you need to live a normal and fulfilling life.

intertwined circles

The intertwined circles speak of the desire to have a stable relationship with the opposite sex. In addition, they may also indicate that a person wants to be in the thick of things, to participate in all public affairs. With his enthusiasm, he can move mountains.

Test "Non-existent animal"

This test allows you to identify the characteristics of a person's character, his inclinations and preferences. Those who wish to pass it give out blank sheets of paper and simple pencils (a felt-tip pen or a pen are not suitable) and offer to draw a non-existent animal and come up with a non-existent name for it. Then collect the drawings and characterize them using the following description.

Interpretation of drawingsThe position of the animal on the sheet

The location of the picture in the center of the sheet is the norm and indicates the harmony of the individual. Deviations from the center indicate the presence of certain qualities.

The location of the animal is closer to the upper edge of the sheet

This suggests that this person:

A high self-evaluation;

Dissatisfaction with their position in society;

Lack of recognition from others;

The desire to move up the career ladder;

The tendency to self-affirmation.

The location of the animal at the bottom of the sheet

This testifies to:


Low self-esteem;



Disinterest in one's position in society;

Lack of desire for self-affirmation.

The central part of the figure (the head or what is depicted instead of it)

Head turned to the right

This indicates that a person has such qualities as:


The desire to achieve goals;

Striving for self-realization.

Head turned to the left

This person has:

Increased reflection;

tendency to think;

Lack of desire for activity;


Fear of action.

The head is straight

The person who depicted this animal in this way is characterized by:


Concentration on own experiences and problems.

On the head, as a rule, the sense organs are drawn: ears, mouth and eyes.

Ears - an indication of a person's interest in the information he receives, as well as the significance of the opinions of the people around him about him.

Mouth - an indication of whole line signs. The image of a parted mouth with a tongue, but without lips, indicates talkativeness. The same mouth, but with drawn lips, speaks of sensuality. An open and outlined mouth without a tongue and pronounced lips is considered a sign of mistrust, fears and frequent fears about something. A mouth with drawn teeth is nothing more than verbal aggression in response to condemnation and censure, a defense against criticism. The rounded shape of the outlined mouth in the drawing of a child or teenager betrays a feeling of anxiety and timidity.

The eyes have a special meaning. The presence of fear in the soul of a person is given out by the eyes with a careful drawing of the iris. Eyelashes testify to the hysteroid-demonstrative demeanor, the desire of a person to be recognized by those around him, their admiration for his external beauty and manner of dressing.

The size of the head also matters. If it looks larger compared to the body of an animal, this indicates that a person in himself and others appreciates intelligence and the ability to make rational decisions.

The presence of horns and other details on the head, especially in combination with bristles, claws and

needles) is a sign of aggression towards others.

Feathers are a pronounced tendency towards a demonstrative type of behavior, self-justification and self-decoration.

Hair on the head or mane indicates sensuality, sexuality and emphasizing one's masculinity or femininity.

Paws, legs, a pedestal on which a figure is depicted

When interpreting such details of the drawing as legs, paws or a pedestal, on which an animal is often depicted, their size in relation to the whole figure is of great importance.

Large paws, legs and pedestal

It speaks of:

The desire to think about decisions;

Solidity in everything;


Based on verified information.

Small paws, legs and pedestal or lack thereof

A person who depicts these details in this way or who does not draw them at all is characterized by:

Superficiality of judgments;


Unfounded judgments;

Impulsiveness in decision making.

Equally important is the nature of the connection of the paws or legs with the body. The unidirectionality and uniformity of the shape of the paws or legs indicate the banality of the decisions made and the standard of thinking. And vice versa, the variety of forms and positions of the limbs testifies to the originality of judgments, the originality of attitudes, independence and the desire for creative self-expression.

Figure details rising above the figure

Such details can be purely functional (wings, tentacles, additional limbs or parts of the shell) or be decorative (bows, feathers, curls, flowers, etc.).

Functional details

Their presence in the figure indicates that such a person has:

Ability to understand various fields knowledge and activity;

Tendency to dictate;



Active life position;

The desire to win their place under the sun;



Decorating details

They testify to such personality characteristics as:

Propensity to outrageous;


Dependence on the opinions of others.


By the tail, you can judge a person’s attitude towards himself, his decisions, behavior and words. At the same time, you need to pay attention to which way this detail of the picture is turned.

Tail turned to the right

The tail turned to the right expresses the attitude towards one's actions. If it is directed upwards, this means that the author of the drawing is satisfied with his behavior and does not allow criticism in his address. If the tail is lowered, then this indicates low self-esteem. If it is depicted neither raised nor lowered, this indicates an objective attitude towards oneself.

Tail turned to the left

By turning the tail to the left, one can assume a person's attitude to his thoughts and speeches. Whether this ratio is positive or negative also depends on the vertical position of the tail.

Contours of the figure

When analyzing a non-existent animal, its contours (absence or presence of spikes, shields, needles, shells, etc.) are also important, as well as the quality of drawing the contours. Numerous protrusions (especially sharp corners) and careful contouring indicate the presence of aggression towards others, as well as the fact that a person feels threatened by society and subconsciously seeks to protect himself from danger.

The so-called dirty contours of the figure indicate that the author of the drawing is in fear and anxiety. And the doubling of the contour line, shields and all kinds of barriers suggest that in the soul of such an "artist" there is a place for suspicion and fear about something.

It is worth paying attention to the orientation of the protrusions: upward (upper contour) means protection from superior or older ones, downward (lower contour) - from disrespect from subordinates, their ridicule and condemnation, directed to the sides (lateral contours ) - readiness to defend in any situation. This is also evidenced by the details of the type of shields depicted inside the main contour, that is, on the body of the animal. Moreover, those located on the right testify to the desire to protect, defend their activities, and those located on the left - to protect their beliefs and thoughts.

Energy rating

The number of details shown (in addition to the most necessary, which include the head, paws, tail and body) indicates the level vital energy in a person. The more of them, the higher it is. The absence of additional elements may indicate the presence of chronic diseases, especially in combination with a poorly traced, cobweb-like contour.

A bold contour, made with strong pressure, in the absence of additional details, is a sign of anxiety. What it is attached to will tell the element of the picture, made in this way

The nature of the line and some details of the figure

It is necessary to evaluate the nature of the line according to the following criteria

Line dubbing;


Inaccurate connections;

Contour sections from overlapping lines;

Sketching the details of the drawing;

Line deviation from the vertical axis;

Unidirectional lines;

Fragmentation of forms and lines;

Broken and unfinished drawing.

All depicted animals can be divided into 3 conditional groups: threatening animals, threatened and neutral. The animal itself demonstrates an attitude towards its own person, gives an idea of ​​the position of a person in the world and his identification of himself by significance (for example, with a lion or an insect).

A non-existent animal is a psychological portrait of the author of the drawing. The characterization can begin with the position in which the animal is located: it stands on 4 or more legs or differs in upright posture, whether it is covered with wool or dressed in human clothes, whether it looks like a person in some separate parts of its appearance. The last two signs speak of the emotional immaturity and infantilism of the author of the drawing. Moreover, the greater the similarity between the animal and man, the stronger these qualities are expressed.

How aggressive a person is can be judged by the number, nature and location of the corners in the figure. These are the direct symbols of aggression (claws, beaks, needles and teeth), which were discussed above.

Do not ignore the symbols associated with sex (udder, nipples, breasts, etc.), which will tell about a person's attitude towards his own and the opposite sex, as well as his obsession with the problem of sex.

The presence of a circle in the figure (especially not drawn with a pencil) indicates the secrecy and isolation of a person, his unwillingness to give information about himself to others.

A special case is the image of an animal with mechanical parts, which can be in the form of a pedestal, a tripod, tank or tractor tracks, screws, propellers, antennas, keys, lamps, handles, etc. Such drawings are most often observed in mentally ill people.

The lack of creativity can be judged by the similarity of a non-existent animal with an existing one (for example, a cat with flippers, a fish with a snout, a pig with wings, etc.). The larger it is, the less creative potential.

Animal name

The most interesting thing in this test is the name of a non-existent animal. It is often a rational combination of parts of a word (elephant, pig cat, etc.) or a word formed with the help of Latin, book-scientific suffixes and endings (turla-metius, etc.). The first option points to such a feature as rationalism, the second - to the demonstrativeness of one's own knowledge and erudition.

Sometimes an animal is given a sound name without any understanding (for example, lulula, kalushara, bukatupa, etc.), meaning a frivolous attitude to everything, an inability to recognize a danger signal, and irrationality of thinking.

Ironic and humorous names (gupochurka, tazoland, etc.) indicate a condescending attitude towards people. Names with repetitive elements (zi-zi, boom-boom, etc.) speak of infantilism.

A dreamer and an indefatigable visionary are given out by overly long names such as bramkamdun-samosis.

Test "Guess who it is"

This is a test of ingenuity and non-standard thinking. To conduct it, you will need to prepare several posters that show the following figures.

Test participants need to guess what is shown on the posters. To do this, they will need to distribute blank sheets of paper and pens. Whoever writes the answers on his piece of paper the fastest wins. Of course, provided that the answers are correct.


1. A bear climbing down from a tree.

2. Mexican in a sombrero.

3. A dwarf in a telephone booth plays the trombone.

4. Pencil.

5. Sandwich with potatoes.

6. Polar bear in the snow.

7. Train in the tunnel.

8. Border guards with sheepdogs sit in ambush.

Instructions for the test: “There are eight squares in front of you, in each of which something is depicted. Continue what you see and draw any picture in each of the squares, in any order, sign in what order you filled out the test and indicate what is drawn in the pictures.

Graphic test "Vartegg"

The Wartegg test belongs to the category of expressive-projective methods of personality research, it is a method of unfinished drawing.

This research method helps to understand the visual, symbolic meanings that a person has regarding one or another aspect of life (regarding himself, the people around him, his plans and aspirations, the way he acts, anxieties and fears, etc.).

The test allows you to measure the visual-spiritual, semantic relationships of a person, which are based on both vital (psychophysiological, subconscious features) and motor-volitional (conscious) functions.

The test was proposed for use by Eric Wartegg (a German psychologist) in the 30s of the last century, published in 1953. The test is most common in Europe. In Russia, it is little known, but recently, with the advent of the Russian-language monograph of this test, written by V.K. Kalinenko, they started talking about him and using him more.

The test stimuli and their sequence are selected in such a way that each of them provokes the projection of a certain mental area. That is, each stimulus drawing is "addressed" to a certain area of ​​the individual, to a certain aspect of the personality.

1 square

The point is softness, organicity, invisibility, uncertainty.

Archetypally (symbolically) a dot means the beginning, a moment, the middle of something. In a psychological sense, it reflects the Ego-concept, I, worldview, the search for oneself, the self of a person.

2 square

Wavy line - emotionality, excitement, excitement.

The archetypal wavy line signifies the fetus (an unprotected human being). How a person treats him in a drawing will mean how he adapts to the world around him. The world- an aggressive environment for this embryo, or vice versa, an environment conducive to its development. In a psychological sense, it reflects emotional dependence, emotiveness, empathy, involvement with other people, contact with society, social adaptation (to people) in the world of people. This square reflects social aspect personality.

3 square

Increasing in size strokes - the principle of amplification, increase, articulation.

Three ascending lines mean rise, strengthening, ascent, development. In psychological terms, they correspond to such categories as ambition, motivation, aspiration, perseverance, initiative, plans for the future, career growth.

4 square

Square - angularity, darkness, heaviness.

Archetypally, the black square denotes danger, fear, guilt. Psychologically, this square reflects: the unconscious, aspects of fear, guilt, shame.

5 square

Longitudinal and transverse strokes - dynamism, jump.

Archetypally, two perpendicular, non-intersecting lines represent opposition, resistance, the impulse to act, and an obstacle in the way. Psychologically, this square reflects volitional regulation, dynamism, active principle, achievement motivation, or motivation to avoid difficulties. Moving forward and a way to overcome obstacles.

6 square

Horizontal and vertical strokes - connection, binding and separation, separation of forms.

Two lines archetypally mean opposite beginnings, going in different directions, and requiring intersection. Psychologically, it gives an idea of ​​the desire (not desire) of a person for integration, connection.

7 square

A semicircle consisting of dots - emotional sensitivity, responsiveness, detailed articulation.

Dots mean "receptivity", refinement, intuition, sensual (feminine) principle, response to stimuli (excitability threshold). How receptive a person is to external stimuli, to internal sensations.

Psychologically, it reflects a person's ability to emotional sensuality, sensitivity, tact, thin-skinnedness or the absence of these qualities.

8 square

Circular segment - roundness, isolation.

The arc means a protective principle, harmony, unconditional acceptance, a sense of protection.

Psychologically reflects the spiritual basis, balance of a person, a sense of satisfaction, inner feeling security.

Great importance is attached to the “relationship” expressed in the drawings to the original sign. Neglect, ignoring the sign in the drawings is a symptom of focusing on one's own "I". Diffuse attention to the sign is a symptom of ingenuity, fiction. Fixed attention to the sign is a symptom of concentration on specific, material elements. The desire to qualitatively design the original sign is a symptom of creativity. The content of the drawings and their graphic design are taken into account: pressure features, stroke thickness, movement speed, dynamism, static character, emphasis on the shape of the drawing or on movement, lightness or heaviness of lines. It is they who will tell about the internal structure of the personality, about innate and acquired qualities.

E Wartegg, in his theory, on which the interpretation of the test is based, eclectically combines the provisions of psychoanalysis, behaviorism and the physiology of higher nervous activity.

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. The best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing, which will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself a kind person if what you have drawn is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Let us pay special attention to some subtleties of the interpretation of the figures in the first position. The subject can turn the dot into the central semantic element of the drawing, but take a passive position in relation to it (for example, draw a person who examines it through a telescope). This type of pattern is often found in individuals with psychasthenic character traits. They carefully strive for every element of the world around them, but they are extremely indecisive and anxious, do not believe in their own strength, which leads to a detailed, but purely contemplative and passive orientation.

In another version, the subject can, as it were, “mask” the point (for example, draw a lot of snowflakes, raindrops, stars, etc. in the form of dots). Such drawings are usually found in people who strive to get the most complete information about the environment, exaggerating its importance. For them, there is no unnecessary information, "little things", so they collect any information about others. They carefully analyze, accumulate and use this information in social interaction.

In the second position of the test, the presence of aggressive tendencies in a person is revealed, which is very important for criminological research. In the representation of people, the crocodile is usually associated with such a trait as aggression. Therefore, his drawing is a projection of aggressive character traits, attitudes, vindictiveness, suspicion. When analyzing a drawing, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of direct symbols of aggression: an open mouth, teeth, claws, an aggressive posture (it is especially significant when a crocodile eats something or someone. The pointed elements of the drawing and the large size of the drawn crocodile will also indicate the presence of aggression "Careful drawing of a crocodile, in comparison with other drawings, also indicates the presence of actual aggression. The eyes in this drawing have an informative value, their drawing indicates increased susceptibility, suspicion and the search for manifestations of aggression from others. The tail symbolizes the presence of such a trait as vindictiveness The more it is expressed in the drawing, the stronger this feature is manifested.Sometimes there are drawings in which the crocodile is, as it were, disguised (swimming in the water, hiding in the thickets, etc.), which indicates the presence of latent aggression.Usually this occurs, when, for one reason or another, it cannot be openly realized on the

This version of the drawing is also possible: the crocodile is drawn extremely aggressive (open mouth, many teeth, etc.), and in the verbal description, the subject describes him as kind, soft, lazy. This occurs in people who declare their benevolent attitude towards others, hiding the presence of aggression. This impression of another is produced by those convicted of violent crimes.

In the third position of the test, the features of a person's behavior in a social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms are revealed. Undoubtedly, such information is important for predicting the behavior of a convict in an ITU. If the drawing of the elephant goes beyond the rectangle, as if breaking it, then this usually indicates a tendency to violate the norms. This is explained by the fact that the rectangle itself is a limitation, symbolizing the action of norms. Naturally, the neglect of these restrictions, despite the instruction, which is also a model of the imperative action of norms, indicates the inability or unwillingness of a person to adhere to normative prescriptions in his behavior. The study of criminals using ART suggested that this position reveals a person's tendency to violate not some specific types of norms (legal, moral, etc.), but rather the psychological tolerance of any external behavioral restrictions, formal and informal. Most often, as our studies have shown, the drawing of an elephant goes beyond the rectangle for criminals who, while in prison, are malicious and active violators of the regime.

Since most people imagine an elephant as an animal not alone, but living in a group, that is why the author of the test chose him as a stimulus material for indirectly identifying the characteristics of human behavior in a group. In addition, in our opinion, the fact that for a European an elephant is a fairly neutral concept that does not evoke personal emotions or associations associated with past experience of interaction, unlike, for example, a horse, a cow and other herd animals, is also important.

Thus, the drawing of an elephant is a direct analogue of the behavior of a person in a group. Aggressive behavior in the group is manifested in cases where the elephant's tusks are drawn, the elephant is in a threatening pose. The meaning of such a detail as ears is direct: interest in information, the significance of the opinions of others about oneself.

People who have this trait especially pronounced draw an elephant with upturned ears, as if the elephant is listening. In other details, it is determined whether the subject is taking any action to win the recognition of others. Raised trunk - the desire to attract the environment, to be in the spotlight. Eyes - interpreted in the same way as in the drawing of a crocodile. Eyelashes are a sign of the presence of hysteroid-demonstrative features (if found in men, it indicates the presence of "female" behaviors). The tail symbolizes the attitude towards oneself, towards one's own actions, self-esteem. A raised tail is a positive assessment of oneself, one's actions in a group. Lowered down - dissatisfaction with oneself, one's social actions, position in the group.

The location of the elephant in the rectangle is of great informative value. If the picture occupies the entire rectangle, the elephant seems to be “crowded” in it, this indicates a desire for dominance in the group. Insignificant size of the picture - the absence of a tendency to dominance, an underestimation of one's social status. More often the elephant is depicted from the side, but there are other options: it is drawn from the front or from behind. The side view does not have a special informative load. The depiction of his full face is interpreted as egocentric interactions. The image at the back is a dismissive attitude towards a social group. Sometimes this can be a defensive reaction or reflect a reaction of withdrawal from social contacts.

Of particular interest are drawings when an elephant is depicted within the boundaries of a rectangle, but a picture, photograph, lithograph, etc. is made from the rectangle itself. Such drawings are more common in people who perceive the social environment (or their group) as something unchanging, frozen, familiar. During social interaction, they are passive and do not seek to change their socio-psychological position, and at the same time their behavior is stress-type, it is made up of the same forms. Quite often, such drawings are found in people who are not accepted by a social group, or they themselves usually do not quite reasonably believe that the group does not accept them. But in any case, the behavior of such persons will consist of certain social clichés, which are defensive reactions.

This behavior is most typical for schizoid individuals who seek psychological isolation from the social environment. Such behavior is also characteristic of many convicts who are poorly adapted to the ITU. Their behavior in the group is devoid of naturalness, they are closed and try to avoid any obligations and responsibilities. Criminals serving sentences in the penitentiary often draw an elephant as if behind bars, thereby reflecting in their drawings the impossibility of the desired social behavior, the problems of separation from the familiar environment, and social isolation.

The fourth position of the test is designed to identify the features of communication. People who adhere to formalized and regulated communication usually put their signature not in the center of the square. If the signature is located in the upper part of the square, then this is interpreted as a desire to emphasize one's social (and sometimes socio-psychological) status. The signature made at the bottom is found in people who strictly adhere to social-role communication. Sociable people who easily establish contacts put their signature in the middle of the square; the presence of the initial letters of the name and patronymic in the signature indicates a pronounced tendency towards self-affirmation. An over-reliance on the length of a signature compared to the number of letters that make up a family name has a similar meaning and occurs in people who suffer from a lack of social recognition. For example, in persons who committed a crime based on overcoming the distance with the reference group. The signature can also serve as a subject for graphological handwriting.

In the fifth position of the test are features of subjective perception and assessment of reality. Since the fifth position contains a real contradiction (the moon and the sun), the drawing in it is a model of a person's subjective attitude to the ambiguity of life situations. There are several basic options for such a relationship. There are people whose perception is completely determined by polar assessments (good - bad; good - evil; light - dark, etc.), and such a division is also present in their drawings. For example, they draw a line dividing the space of the fifth position in half according to the principle: day - night or similar.

The opposite type of assessment and attitude to the situation is found in people who seek to combine or reconcile this contradiction in their drawings. For example, they draw the state of nature, which happens in the evening or early morning, when you can see both the sun and the moon at the same time. Such people have a flexible system of assessments, do not seek to unambiguously define the situation (good - bad), they are not embarrassed by the existing contradiction, and they perceive life as it exists in reality, regardless of their subjective attitude.

In this position, there are also drawings that are in no way connected with the stimulus material, i.e. the original contradiction seems to be ignored. Such a pattern, as shown by our research, is found in people with an unformed approach to reality, passive and not striving to understand and comprehend what is happening around them.

Egocentrism, assessment and analysis of reality only from the standpoint of one's own needs and desires to find manifestation in the drawing in the form of a subjective combination of the initial stimulus material. For example: a house is drawn in which some events take place from morning to evening, or one's own pastime is drawn (for example, “I sunbathe in the afternoon”, “I go on a date in the evening”).

When analyzing drawings in the fifth position, it is also necessary to take into account that they can project the personal problems of the subject, his desires and aspirations. In this case, the interpretation can also be the presence of a specific actual situation, its subjective significance for the subject.

The sixth position of the test is aimed at fulfilling the actual personal situation of the subject in the sphere of relations with persons of the opposite sex. It is clear that information of this kind is important for understanding sexual crimes or other violent acts that have a sexual connotation. In this position, the initial stimulus material expresses, as it were, two opposite elements: maximum stability (land, coast) and maximum instability (water, sea, river). Therefore, water symbolizes, as a rule, the emotional and sensual aspect of relations, constantly changing in time and intensity, and the shore represents stability, certainty, limitation, which can be conditionally correlated with stability. family relations. As a stimulus material, a tree growing on the shore is aimed at identifying the presence of tendencies in the everyday design of relationships. These conditional values ​​are the starting points for interpreting the figures for the sixth position. But the description of the drawing by the subject is of particular importance here. As our experience has shown, in the drawings of this position, especially in their description, the problems and features of relationships with people of the opposite sex are really reflected. Below is an interpretation of the most common elements of the picture.

Sometimes the subject perceives the image of water as solid ground (field, sand, arable land). Usually this is due to the lack of emotional and sensory experience of relationships or with extreme dissatisfaction with them. The image of birds, especially those flying over the waves of seagulls, has the meaning of hope, dreams, etc. Ship, boat, sailboat suggest the presence actual problem, which is solved in one way or another depending on the direction of the vessel's movement. If the ship is moving towards the shore, then this means striving for maximum stability in relations: if away from the shore, then this has the opposite meaning. Obviously "ship" takes on such a meaning because it is the only means of transportation in such an unstable element as water. And therefore, if there is a need to change the emotional-sensual aspect of relations (in the direction of stability or, conversely, instability and instability, as well as in the case of unfulfilled aspirations in this area), then in the drawing this can be conveyed using a ship or some other vessel , since the initial stimulus material is water. In the absence of problems and difficulties in the emotional-sensory aspect of the relationship, the subject does not need to change his personal situation. The ship or any other floating vessels are not drawn, and the actual situation is fully conveyed in the description of the drawing.

Such additional details of the picture as foliage on a tree, shrubs on the shore, etc. found in people who attach great importance to the everyday design of personal relationships. The intensity of attraction in the sphere of relations with the opposite sex in men, for example, is evidenced by drawings with aggressive manifestations (an aircraft diving at a target, a pirate or warship, etc.). It is significant that such drawings are most often found in people who have been isolated from society for a long time. The drawing of a person in this position is of great informative value. When describing, the subjects often endow it with their problems, traits and desires.

The seventh position of the test reveals the characteristics of a person's behavior in an unstable conflict situation, which, like the previous data, is of great criminological and penitentiary significance. The oblique figure, which is the stimulus material here (see figure), already by virtue of its spatial position, symbolizes instability. The following behaviors can appear in drawings. People who choose an aggressive path leading to conflict to resolve unstable situations mistake the tilted figure for a Christmas tree and draw a person who cuts or cuts it. But in this case, the conflict of a person is most often limited to the sphere of domestic relations. For example, in our study, this type of drawing was found in persons who committed a violent crime on family and domestic grounds.

If a person is conflicted and aggressive both in everyday life and in social spheres, then this is manifested in the drawing as follows: several similar inclined figures are drawn, one of which is supported by a similar inclined figure. Such drawings can be interpreted as a desire to resolve the conflict by aggravating it. Drawings of faces have the opposite meaning, which in any way try to stabilize the instability of the figure. For example, they can draw a prop or a person supporting the figure, draw a root system, and so on. People who show a desire for rational decision in an unstable situation, usually straight figures or trees are drawn next to an inclined figure, thereby, as it were, showing an example of what should actually be. Sometimes, for example, a rocket or a flock of cranes flying into the sky is made from an inclined figure, which is usually found in people who try to psychologically neutralize any unstable situation by ousting it from their consciousness. An extremely passive attitude to an unstable situation is evidenced by drawings such as: “mushrooms grow under the tree”, “hedgehog runs away from under the tree”, “mushrooms are picked next to the tree”, etc. Sometimes such drawings are found in infantile personalities who are not capable of perceiving a situation that is unstable or conflicting for themselves.

There are also drawings when the stabilization of an inclined figure is carried out by the fact that someone puts it on his shoulders (“Santa Claus carries a Christmas tree”) or carries it in his hands or in another way. Such drawings are characteristic of people who, without actively trying to resolve conflict situation, they are included in it as much as possible, hoping in this way to neutralize it (literally, “pull the conflict on their shoulders”). Sometimes paradoxical and unusual reactions to an unstable situation appear in the drawings. For example, an inclined figure turns into a Christmas tree and is decorated in every possible way, or it is set on fire, or a person is drawn collecting fruits from it.

The first version of the picture can be found in people who receive a kind of emotional satisfaction from being in an unstable conflict situation. In the second option, a person resolves conflict situations by completely getting out of them, psychologically destroying the source of the conflict. And in the latter case, the drawing symbolizes the use of a conflict situation to obtain certain emotional benefits. All these three variants of the pattern are often found in various categories of criminals, especially mercenary and mercenary-violent ones, which suggests that the so-called "selfish motive" plays a far from the main role in the genesis of this type of crime.
The initial test material in the eighth position stimulates the subject to the image of a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his self-portrait in it or projects the most characteristic features of his personality. If a person or a person's face is drawn, it is necessary to ask the subject to characterize him as fully as possible, talk about the problems of this person, character traits, habits, inclinations, etc. The facial expression of a person is a characteristic of the personality type of the subject.

As our experience shows, in this position of the test, drawings of animals or inanimate objects. Such drawings are also a direct characteristic of the subject's personality and require a thorough additional questioning. For example, can be drawn: a doll, a snowman, fairy tale hero. In all these cases, a properly constructed survey of the subject will lead to the fact that he endows the character he has drawn with his own features and problems. But the very nature of the depicted object can also be of great informative value. For example, a snowman in the eighth position is most often drawn by people who are distinguished by softness, passivity, and femininity. Dolls draw infantile personalities with an unstable self-image. No matter how paradoxical the picture in this position in terms of personality characteristics, it must be considered as an idea of ​​the subject about himself, and not necessarily conscious. But sometimes there are cases when the subject projects in his drawing only the most urgent personal problem, which becomes clear in the course of the conversation.

The experience of our application of the ART methodology shows that it is most expedient, due to its extremely applied nature, to use it for the study of a specific individual, and not social groups, in order to obtain information about him, which makes it possible to reveal some of his characterological features, and most importantly, personal problems and needs that have criminological and corrective labor significance.

By its nature, this test is indicative and cannot be used as the only research method, since its validity is completely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skills in interpreting drawings. Therefore, when conducting scientific research using this test, it is necessary to have additional information about the personality obtained by using other psychodiagnostic methods, studying materials, etc. The test material of this technique, as our experience has shown, has a high stimulus potential for activating projection mechanisms. The special value of methods, including in the criminological aspect, in our opinion, lies in the fact that it makes it possible to obtain sufficiently complete information about those aspects of a person’s personality and life that he usually hides from others. The technique is easy to use, belongs to the category of express methods and allows in a relatively short period of time (10-15 minutes) to get an idea of ​​the character of a person and his current life situation. The technique is quite reliable, since the instruction and the initial stimulus material do not cause any fears in the subject, reactions of "leaving". in one or another, especially in a critical situation, and also allows you to assess the general psychological state, the presence of pathological traits and drives.

Usually, watching children, we see affectionate boys and girls in them and are perplexed when these cute creatures start screaming, waving their arms, stomping their feet. One can only wonder where the devils "in the still pool" come from. Undoubtedly, aggressive tendencies in behavior create difficulties for interaction with the child. However, aggression cannot be viewed only as a negative phenomenon. It, according to scientists, is a natural adaptive mechanism inherent in any person.


In the process of a child's development, various forms of manifestation of aggression can form in him: true, defensive, auto-aggression, etc. In order to avoid the formation of aggressiveness as a stable character trait, it is important to recognize it in a timely manner.

There are a variety of tests and techniques that allow you to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the aggressive tendencies of the individual. Nevertheless, aggressiveness is not always possible to fix, since many people, realizing that the manifestation of hostility is socially unacceptable, know how to mask it. At the same time, consciousness complicates the reaction of anger.

According to many psychologists, projective methods are the most effective in diagnosing aggression. They are usually considered as a special tool for clinical and experimental research of those personality traits that are less accessible to direct observation and are not detected by a survey. Among them is the associative drawing test (ART). It allows you to build a probabilistic model of human behavior in different situations. It consists of eight subtests, six of which are provided with structured stimulus material and have similar tasks. One of them - "Draw a crocodile" - was taken as the basis in our study.


The technique adapted for express diagnostics of aggressiveness is conditionally named "Crocodiles".

According to experts in projective drawing, this animal is a symbol of aggressive behavior. The image of a crocodile helps to identify aggressive tendencies in a person. The figure projects such character traits as vindictiveness, suspicion, hostility.

The technique was tested on different age groups. The article presents the materials of the examination of schoolchildren of the 1st, 7th and 8th grades.
Materials: sheets of white A4 paper.
Visual aids: simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens.
Color, shape, size, plot were not further discussed.
No time limits were set.
Younger students have a high degree of conformity, so during the examination it is necessary to place them in such a way as to prevent copying.


The analysis revealed the type of drawings that can be called stereotypical. Their content is represented by the heroes of the most famous cartoons and fairy tales. To separate the emotional state of the child from the role of the character, a post-picture survey (PSU) was conducted.

Consider Figure 1 (Tanya, 13 years old). According to the girl, this is Gena the crocodile, Cheburashka's friend. She characterized the character according to his role in the cartoon. However, despite some standardization of positive qualities (he is smart, reliable), the picture shows the emotional part of the girl's personality, which is reflected in the color scheme. Used a blue pencil. Tanya said that the crocodile is blue because it is kind.

It should be noted that the color of alligators that was different from the natural one was rare in the drawings (about 3%). Most students adequately used colors. Deviation from the generally accepted colors may indicate the creativity of the child, the imagery of his thinking, about an additional way of transmitting information.


Anxious children in most cases resort to using a simple pencil. As in all drawing techniques, in our study we observed such signs of anxiety as erasing, drawing details, returning to different parts of the drawing, and shading. Moreover, in the drawings of younger children school age the number of erased and corrected images is many times greater than that of adolescents. This fact can be explained by the desire of children to comply with school norms and rules, since they perceive drawing as an assessment task, and not as a way of self-expression.

At the same time, correction (and/or erasure) can be seen as a need through visual means reduce the experience of aggression and the fear generated by it.

An illustration of what has been said is Figure 2, in which a boy (Dima, 7 years old) first outlined the outlines of a large crocodile. Then he erased traces of a simple pencil for a long time. Ultimately, the size of the animal greatly decreased. The reason for this metamorphosis is explained as follows:

He is some kind of very big and evil, he must be erased so that they are not afraid of him. So that no one is afraid, I am too.

The child is clearly concerned about the impression his aggressiveness will make on those around him, seeks to “pacify” it on a verbal and non-verbal level.

Returning to the topic of anxiety, we note that the figure reflects not only the stable features of the individual, but also his state during testing. Situational anxiety is possible, which is caused by communication with a stranger (researcher), psychological atmosphere and other reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics of the researcher: gender, age, etc. According to E.T. Sokolova, the researcher should act not as a registrar, but as a partner.


The "Crocodiles" technique allows "shooting" not only indicators of the emotional state, but also diagnosing the intellectual development of the subjects.

For example, in figure 3 we see an animal whose performance level is below the age norm. A discussion of the lifestyle, geography of distribution and other features of the crocodile will allow the researcher to obtain additional information about the development of the subject's intellectual sphere.


In the drawings of children, aggression can manifest itself in two forms: as a state of the child himself, and also as a feeling of a hostile society in relation to himself.

For example, Figure 4 (Alina, 8 years old). The girl drew an animal that looks like a dinosaur. In her opinion, this is a very, very evil crocodile, lives on the island and is its full owner, like a lion - the king (owner) of animals. Such an understanding of the surrounding social environment injures the child, causes fear in him. A graphical indicator of what has been said are clouds, a traced base line, a tail and a crest.

Figure 5 (Arina, 7 years old) shows a crocodile in an aggressive pose, with a well-drawn tail, which is interpreted in the associative projective test as an indicator of vindictiveness. When drawing, most of the time is spent on a careful depiction of red prey in the mouth of a predator. It is known that any fixation on some part of the picture and time delays are an indicator of an intrapersonal conflict. Arina seeks to control the manifestation of her aggression, which is reflected in the presence of elements such as signing drawings and the image of the sun.


Additional elements (water, trees, earth, etc.) are interpreted as a desire to structure the situation and, therefore, control it.
Water (lake, river, pool...) in combination with a crocodile disguised in it has its own symbolism. It hides hostile behavior, demonstrates a latent form of aggression (for example, Figure 6).

In addition to direct aggressive symbols (claws, teeth, spikes), hostility is evidenced by the number of depicted animals. For example, in figure 7 (Olya, 8 years old), the girl depicted two crocodiles, which are located side by side and, as it were, support each other. During the post-picture survey, it turned out that this work is an example of situational aggression, as it was done immediately after an unloved math lesson.


A very important indicator is the place of the animal on a piece of paper.

The position in the upper left corner reveals anxiety (Figure 8, Natasha, 7 years old) and orientation to the past.

Cutting off the picture with the left edge of the sheet indicates a fixation on the past and, possibly, a denial of it (Figure 9, Sasha, 8 years old). The edge of the sheet is cut off the tail. With this action, the child denies his vindictiveness, while saying that he loves everyone and forgives everyone.

The position of the animal in the center of the page indicates a feeling of inferiority and insecurity (Figure 10, Yulia, 7 years old). This drawing was made by a very shy girl who is physically less developed than her peers. It was not possible to establish contact with her during the study.

If the whole drawing is made as a top view (Figure 11, Nadya, 15 years old), then the subject's state is interpreted as depressive. During the interview, the girl said that the crocodile was too big for such a small lake, it was very crowded there. creative work and Nadia's story reflect a conflict situation caused by the need to express one's aggressiveness and at the same time the desire to disguise it (in water). Teachers and a school psychologist note the extreme dissatisfaction of the girl social role and material conditions of life. They note frequent outbreaks of aggressiveness, followed by a depressive state.

Full-face drawings, as a rule, are characteristic of people with uncompromising behavior.

In the process of post-picture questioning, as a rule, the causes of aggression are clarified. So, Luda (Figure 13, 17 years old) commented on her work: "A crocodile is angry when he is alone."

The study also observed direct pronunciations such as: “I’m not afraid of him at all”, “I’ll eat them all”, “I would like to have a snack for all of you, joyful”, which are highly informative.

Thus, when interpreting the "Crocodiles" methodology, the parameters characterizing standardized projective drawing tests (DPT, Machover's test, "Non-existent animal", etc.) are acceptable. This technique is easy to perform, accessible, interesting for children, does not cause resistance in them.

The results obtained by us coincided with the assessment of independent experts (teachers, school psychologist, parents), which allows us to recommend it for the primary identification of aggressive tendencies in the behavior of schoolchildren. Undoubtedly, the "Crocodiles" method should be used as an additional one in combination with other tests.

Natalia AKIMOVA, student,

Ludmila LEBEDEVA, candidate of pedagogical sciences,
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher,
Ulyanovsk State
Pedagogical University
