Sooner or later, every person is faced with a feeling of mental pain. It can occur for various reasons, and someone immediately manages to cope with the apathy that has arisen, and someone plunges into depression for a long time. How to avoid the second option and help yourself?

What to do if you're sad for no reason

If no grief has happened in your life recently, you have not lost loved one and do not get sick with a serious illness, it is possible that you are really sad for no reason. In this case, it will be easier to get out of this state:
    Thank fate for the fact that now you really are sad for no particular reason, but it could have been completely different! You are healthy, not hungry, you have friends, and close people - isn't this a reason to get out of the blues? Maybe it's just that you are just very tired of some of your duties (work or home) and you just need a good rest for a long time. Consider devoting a few days to caring for yourself, minimizing the worries you’ve used to worry about. If you are working, take a vacation and get at least a couple of days of rest the way you want. People often get tired of the same type of days, and begin to feel sad because of the lack of sensations. Perhaps this is your case? Then provide yourself with new emotions, and the easiest way to do this is by doing something that you have not done before. This can be horseback riding, an individual dance lesson, going to a concert, and much more. Allow yourself to break out of your daily routine and experience something new! Loneliness can often be sad. If you suspect that this is exactly what you are saddening, then find yourself company! Surely, you have a boyfriend or girlfriend whom you can invite to a movie or for a walk. If it so happens that there are no friends, then it's time to make them - for example, on the Internet through forums on this topic. Also, the circle of your acquaintances can expand significantly if you sign up for some interesting courses.

How to be when it is very bad because of someone

It's hard and I want to cry from loss (breakup, divorce, death of loved ones)

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult trials in life. No matter how difficult it is, it is important to understand that you just need to go through this period. The first days after the grief happened, a person usually experiences shock and cannot fully realize what happened. A week after the tragic news, a person begins to understand what loss he has suffered, which turns into acute emotional and sometimes physical pain. Mood swings, melancholy, aggression - all these symptoms are characteristic of the first year of loss. It gets easier further. It is foolish to recommend distracting yourself to something else - in a state of strong feelings, you are unlikely to have a desire to do yoga or dancing. However, try not to dive headlong into your grief. Realize that there are people who care about you and need you. If you do not want to plunge into deep depression for many years or even go to the hospital, then pay attention to the people who need you now. Go deep into work, family matters, return to a once forgotten hobby - do at least something that will help you to ease the pain of loss a little. Divorce is easier to survive than the death of a loved one. Perhaps now it seems to you that your life is over, and there will be no more light, but this, of course, is not so. In your case, you can and should distract yourself from thoughts of divorce. Come to terms with the thought that if a breakup happened, then not everything was going smoothly in your relationship - someone did not fundamentally suit the other. There will still be a person in your life with whom you will be suitable for each other in all respects. Most likely, later, when you are happy, you will feel sorry for the days spent worrying about a person who is not intended for you. If you are not yet ready for a new romance and meeting other men, then just bring new emotions into your life and paints. Surely, the divorce period distracted you from many current problems and your own appearance. Make an appointment with a beautician for several procedures, visit a hairdresser, update at least part of your wardrobe, meet with friends more often, and be less alone. If you have few friends or regular meetings are excluded, then expand your circle of acquaintances by signing up for some trainings and the like.

Problems in love relationships

If a love relationship is painful for you, then you should think about breaking it up. Of course, parting will be a difficult stage for you, but even now it is not easy for you. Wouldn't it be better to get over the breakup with your boyfriend and start moving on than to suffer in the relationship with him. Share your feelings with your lover, tell us what worries you, and what development of events you see next. The relationship is the same, and you still suffer. Parting is the only right decision for you.

First, you need to determine how the depressive state manifests itself? So, there are several telling signs. They can be present in full, or you can observe some of them. 1. Decreased performance. It seems to you that you have no energy left at all. Even if you gain strength and still start doing something, you stop it almost immediately. You cannot concentrate on your tasks, constantly being distracted by something else. 2. Depression. Your mood is poor. More often than not, you are not in the best frame of mind, feeling depressed. People around you more and more often notice that something is wrong with your mood, and you do not even try to hide it. 3. Lack of interest. You used to be fascinated by a lot, but now everything happens differently. You are not interested in any activities and hobbies, work does not cause you enthusiasm, you try to avoid meeting friends. If someone invites you to go to a movie or something like that, your first thought is to refuse. Of course, you can "tune yourself", but over time it becomes more and more difficult to do. 4. Self-doubt. You feel like you are unattractive or boring. You do not seek new acquaintances, being sure that the other person will not like you. You constantly feel that you are not all right and that others are noticing it. 5. Bad sleep. You have insomnia from time to time. You think deep into the night about something alarming, or you wander aimlessly across the expanses of the Web. Also, sudden night awakenings are not excluded. In the morning you get up in a "broken" state and in a bad mood.

6. Appearance. You pay less and less attention to your appearance... It all started with the fact that you started to miss visits to your hairdresser or beautician, and now you do not always adhere to the basic rules of hygiene - sometimes you are too lazy to wash your hair (despite the fact that she clearly already needs it), update your manicure and the like. You take care of yourself and dress automatically, losing interest in makeup, wardrobe, and various beauty treatments. 7. Lack of sexual desire. If you are in a close relationship with a man, then sex with him has ceased to please you. You do not show the initiative and you yourself are reluctant to intimacy with him. You are not even in the mood to feign passion, and it seems to you that if the beloved leaves you, then perhaps it will be even easier for you. 8. Apathy. You don't care about anything. You are not interested in what has happened in the lives of your friends, you do not care what you will have dinner with today, you do not care if you look good and much more has ceased to worry you.

1. Understand the situation It is important to understand why depression has entered your life. Most likely, some unpleasant event served as the impetus for her. Admit it to yourself honestly - what exactly in question... Perhaps some time ago you lost a loved one, got divorced, lost your job, got into an unpleasant situation, became disillusioned with someone. Having identified the root of the problem, realize that, be that as it may, it has remained in the past, it is no longer there. Your life moves on, and you need to take care that a difficult event no longer leaves its unkind imprint on it. 2. Let go of the past, forgive or ask for forgiveness Perhaps you yourself are to blame for the event that led to your depression, and now it gnaws at you. If you feel guilty to someone, then apologize to that person. It is possible that he will not forgive you, which means that it is his choice - to live with a stone in his heart. Your task is to sincerely convey to him everything that you feel, as well as show your remorse. After that, the decision will lie with that person - to continue communicating with you or not. If he does not want to renew contact, leave him in the past, and allow yourself to live a new life. If someone offended you, and you still cannot cope with your disappointment and pain from this situation, then you need to try to fix it - even if the abuser does not ask for your forgiveness and does not feel guilty. Understand that the person who did wrong to you is actually weak, and because of this weakness, life will bring him problems more than once. The best and most correct thing that you can do is to bring so many bright events and interesting acquaintances into your life so that the resentment of the past is completely lost in the whirlwind of these emotions. 3. Change the environment Often, just one short trip can radically change a person's mood. Perhaps this is exactly what you need? Take time to break out of your familiar surroundings and city - at least for a few days! Go abroad or just to another city. An important condition: choose a place you've never been to. You can invite a loved one or a good friend with you, or you can go on an independent journey, where you can rethink everything that happened to you.

Calm your soul with prayer

Some people note that prayers not only soothed them, but also helped them look at their problem in a different way. You can just go to church and pray there. Many admit that the atmosphere of the temple sometimes acts in a special way, and they leave the temple as if “renewed”. You can also find a suitable prayer on the web, and read it in a calm atmosphere, pondering the words. It is possible that this is what will bring you the long-awaited peace.

Heal the soul with new sensations and acquaintances

Even if you don't want any new impressions and acquaintances now, depression is the case when you need to force yourself to experience new positive emotions. It is clear that now you do not want anything at all, you are ready to wrap yourself in a blanket and never leave your room. But you deserve to be bright interesting life, and you will have to go to it in small steps:1) Find a profitable and interesting tour, and go on it with a friend or alone. Choose what you liked more before, do not be guided by your current state. Previously, did you like to go on excursions to museums and sights of foreign countries and cities? Take a tour that includes this item. Are you more in love with the beach holiday? Go to a hot country to the warm sea! Undoubtedly, the trip will return your former emotions! 2) Don't give up on dates if men are taking the initiative. Perhaps one of these meetings will turn out to be happiness for you in your personal life! 3) Do not avoid acquaintances, but on the contrary - strive for them! Go to crowded places that involve communication - parties, exhibitions, trainings. It might make sense to attend some fun courses where you can meet other people. Often, public organizations arrange interesting meetings, including skydiving, riding ATVs, launching night lights, and kayaking. If you do not have a lover, then do not neglect every opportunity to meet him - including dating sites. Register on the resource that will arouse your greatest interest, even if you used to belong to similar ways communication is skeptical. Bring more spontaneity into your life and depression will subside!

Hello dear readers! Each of us may find ourselves in a situation where nothing pleases us. It seems that the world around has remained the same, but as if something broke in the soul. What was important yesterday does not arouse the slightest interest today, waves of melancholy and apathy overwhelm your head and at times you just do not want to live.

Relatives sometimes do not even know about such a condition, attributing unusual behavior to a bad mood or fatigue. And only you know how hard it is for you now, and are trying to figure out what to do when your soul is bad?

Many find consolation in the famous phrase “Time heals”, plunge into their experiences and wait until mental pain will pass by itself. But not always the simplest option turns out to be optimal. Sometimes, due to inaction, instead of the long-awaited relief, you can get the opposite result -. And it is almost impossible to get out of it without the help of a psychologist.

To prevent this condition, do not let the situation take its course. If you feel bad at heart, and you do not know what to do, use the proven advice of psychologists. This will help you overcome difficulties faster and re-experience the joy of life.

Looking for the source of heartache

First of all, you need to determine what brought you to your current state. Moreover, the reasons can be both obvious and not obvious. The obvious reason is easy to identify - it is a major shock or conflict that you are experiencing hard. For example:

  • Family. A quarrel with a loved one can unsettle you for a long time. Accusations and insults thrown in each other's faces hurt deeply and often cause severe emotional distress.
  • Break up with a partner. The person you were going to live happily ever after suddenly waved his hand and left you alone. For both girls and men, this is a hard blow from which it is not easy to recover.
  • Problems at work. It's great when the working team is friendly and close-knit, but this rarely happens. Therefore, gossip, the place can seriously poison life.
  • Serious ailments. Moreover, both the illness of a loved one and the other can unsettle.

But the reasons do not always lie on the surface. Sometimes you yourself cannot realize what knocked you out of the saddle and where this oppressive state came from. In this case, listen to yourself, analyze the latest events and you will understand why there is such a burden on your soul.

The most common reasons include:

  • Fatigue. If you work to the point of exhaustion from day to day, then over time you can feel not only physical fatigue, but also.
  • False targets... We live in a society and are forced to follow generally accepted rules and values. That is why we often save, instead of building new relationships, we work hard to exhaustion so that the standard of living corresponds to your environment and we waste ourselves on other actions that do not make us happy.
  • ... They lie in wait for us every day and everywhere. A critical remark from a boss, a skirmish on public transport, a spat with a partner, a quarrel with a neighbor - all this grows like a snowball, and one day it can overwhelm an avalanche of negativity.
  • Unspoken emotions. If you are used to suppressing anger, fear, resentment and other destructive emotions, over time, the level of negativity will reach a critical point. And then everything that you have accumulated in yourself will respond with unbearable mental pain.

In addition, it can become bad at heart from loneliness, routine, guilt and other reasons that, alone or in combination, can drive you into melancholy, and sometimes into depression. If this has already happened, be sure to read the book by Richard O'Connor “ Depression is canceled. How to get back to life without doctors and drugs”. It will help you get rid of self-destructive attitudes and return to a fulfilling life.

What not to do

Before you learn how to behave in situations where it is very, very difficult, remember what you should never do.

Endlessly scrolling through the painful memories

A person who has suffered a shock often dwells on it. He relives what happened over and over again, thereby only increasing his pain. You can constantly play various scenarios, come up with possible developments and imagine how everything would turn out if you acted differently in that situation. But the result will be the same - you cannot change what happened, no matter how much you mentally return to the past. And the endless resurrection and the experience of negative experience will only aggravate the melancholy that interferes with a full life.

Seek solace in alcohol or drugs

Sometimes the temptation to "get drunk and forget" is so great that it is difficult to resist. Indeed, in a state of intoxication, a person perceives reality differently. An altered mind reacts to problems differently from a sober mind. Moreover, drugs can not only distract, but on the contrary - aggravate the condition.

Therefore, if it is very hard and you want to cry, do not try to drown these feelings with a glass of wine. Even if in a state of intoxication you do not do anything for which you will later regret, this way your problems will not be solved. And when you wake up the next day, you will again face the reality from which you tried to escape.

How to overcome heartache

Find the root of the problem

If a specific problem led you to your current state, it will be easy to find it. the situation is more complicated - you will have to analyze the situation and understand what events knocked you out of your usual state.

Let go of the past

No matter how tormented you by the memories, realize that all this is already in the past and at that moment you will never return. So what is the reason to constantly reopen the wound, replaying and reliving old grievances? Now you cannot influence what happened in any way, but your future depends only on you. So, you need to accept what happened and move on.

Forgive the offenders

Forgiving someone who offended you can be incredibly difficult at times. But you definitely need to do this. As long as there is room in your soul for resentment, pain and disappointment, they will poison your life. You need to forgive the offender even if he is not going to ask you for forgiveness.

To make it easier for you to do this, follow a simple exercise. Place two chairs opposite - sit on one yourself, and on the other imagine the person who offended you. Tell your imaginary opponent when and how he hurt you. Having expressed all the claims, forgive him.

An important point is that all this must be said aloud. Mental monologue is ineffective. You may stumble at some point or want to cry. It's okay - let your emotions out. Repeat the exercise until the words of forgiveness are sincere from the heart. You will feel relieved and finally you can leave the experience in the past.

Ask for forgiveness from those you have wronged

Sometimes it is bad at heart due to the fact that having offended someone you cannot apologize, although. Sometimes pride becomes an obstacle, sometimes fear. But be that as it may, you need to find the strength and courage to repent and ask for forgiveness.

Starting a frank conversation is likely to be difficult. After all, you should not just say “I'm sorry”, but explain to the person that you are sincerely repentant because of what you said or did.

Don't expect to be forgiven - this decision is entirely up to your opponent. If he is upset about what happened, then it will be difficult to get through to him. But you do not have the task of getting forgiveness at any cost. Having sincerely asked for forgiveness, you can leave what happened in the past and live on.

Turn to God

If you are a believer, prayer will help you put your thoughts in order, ease your soul, and find peace and balance. It’s okay if you don’t know the words of the prayer by heart. Say what is in your heart - it is important that your words are sincere.

Leave the familiar environment

If fatigue, routine, or loneliness are the reasons for your hard feelings and do not want to live, try a change of scenery. Where exactly and for how long you go depends on your capabilities and preferences. The main thing is that you break out of everyday life, get new emotions and impressions.

For some, an extreme tour with the conquest of mountain peaks and rafting along rough rivers will be a good shake-up. Someone will get a taste for life walking the streets Old Europe and admiring the ancient architecture. And a trip to a quiet village will help someone to regain a good mood, where you can look at what is happening from the side and understand where to go next.

Even if you don't consider yourself a talented person, try to find an outlet in the creative process. Have you long wanted to try your hand at fine arts, music or handicrafts? Do it now!

Being engaged in creativity, you can not only relax, get distracted from sad thoughts and experiences. It's also a good way to give yourself some time to recover and see a way out of stagnation. There is no need to worry that this is a childish hobby - it is important that you enjoy the process and the result.

Take care of someone

We often think of our own problems as the culmination of misfortune and misfortune. But if you look around, you can see that many have a much harder time than us. Take care of those who need it, and you will feel a relief in your soul.

Choose an activity to your liking. You can sponsor a single retired neighbor or join volunteers caring for children from the orphanage. Someone will pick up a homeless puppy, and someone will remember that they have not visited their old parents for a long time.

No feats are required of you. Just make the world around you a little better and the gratitude of those around you will gradually oust pain from your soul and fill it with warmth.

Now you know what to do when your heart is heavy and it seems that you no longer want to live. The main thing is not to close in your shell, feeling sorry for yourself and mourning the difficult fate. There is a way out of any situation, and you will definitely find it, using the advice of a psychologist.

Perhaps you managed to overcome this condition on your own. Write, what helped you with this? If you think your situation is special and do not know how to do the right thing, ask a question in the comments and together we will find the right solution.

What is nausea is known to everyone and everyone - uncomfortable sensations in the upper abdomen, in the chest, it seems that there is some foreign object in the throat. Naturally, every person wants to get rid of nausea as soon as possible - in addition to discomfort, there may be dizziness, sudden weakness, increased sweating, a decrease in blood pressure (or an increase).

Frequent nausea - causes of

We recommend reading:

According to statistics, nausea most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety;
  • aversion to food;
  • excessive excitement (for example, before some important event);
  • overwhelmed with negative emotions.

If nausea appears at once, then the following measures can be taken to restore the normal state:

  • use validol - 1 tablet under the tongue until completely absorbed;
  • wet a cotton swab in ammonia and gently smell it;
  • immediately get out into fresh air;
  • dilute 10 drops of peppermint tincture in a small amount of water and drink;
  • do not drink water, and if there is such a need, then drink it in small sips.

Note:if the attacks of nausea are repeated many times, the patient's condition worsens, then this means the development of some pathological process in the body. In general, nausea is not a specific symptom and is inherent in many diseases. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

To understand the reasons for nausea in a person, you need to know its mechanisms of development. So, in medicine, the following mechanisms for the development of nausea are distinguished:

  1. Central.
  2. Reflex:
  • visceral nausea;
  • motor nausea;
  • hematogenous toxic nausea.

For each type of nausea development, doctors identify typical causes:

  1. Central nausea may be the result of the development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the brain and its membranes - for example, various injuries, benign and / or malignant tumors. The same type of nausea may indicate a steady increase in blood pressure and beginning.
  2. Hematogenous toxic nausea- the result of exposure to toxic substances on the body. Moreover, they can come from the outside - in this case, doctors will talk about the poisoning of the patient, but they can be produced by the body itself. For example, hematogenous toxic nausea often occurs in people with diagnosed and progressive renal failure, endocrine system diseases, benign / malignant tumors, and pregnancy. The type of nausea in question may also be associated with the use of certain medications - in this case, we will talk about a side effect of medications.
  3. Motor nausea may occur against the background of the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases of the ear, with imperfection of the vestibular apparatus (for example, a congenital irregular anatomical structure). Adults and children often experience an attack of nausea during fast movement, they speak of "motion sickness" - this is also a motor type of the considered condition.
  4. Visceral nausea often appears as one of the symptoms, and of the duodenum, inflammation of the pancreas (), inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), inflammation of the gastric mucosa (). No less often, nausea occurs against the background of the progression of diseases of the pharynx, pleura, myocardial infarction, renal colic and thrombosis.

Types of nausea and methods of getting rid of discomfort

Of course, in order to make an accurate diagnosis and find out the true cause of the onset of nausea, it is necessary to contact a medical institution - it is quite possible that this unpleasant sensation indicates the development of a pathological process in the body. But some types of nausea can be differentiated and independently, to take measures to stop the attack.

First of all, it can be a sign of a fait accompli of conception, pregnancy. As a rule, such unpleasant sensations bother a woman only in the first trimester of pregnancy, but in some cases, nausea can also be noted at a later date - in this case, we will talk about late toxicosis, which requires qualified help from doctors. To relieve an attack of morning sickness during pregnancy (just first make sure the diagnosis is made - take a pregnancy test, visit a gynecologist), it is enough to take the following measures:

  • do not get out of bed abruptly;
  • while still lying in bed, drink some pure water with the addition of lemon juice;
  • eat a small piece of dry biscuits and an apple before getting up.

The second reason for the appearance of nausea in the morning is lack of sleep. To get rid of nausea in the morning due to fatigue and lack of sleep, you just need to adjust your daily routine:

  • go to bed at the same time and no later than 23-00;
  • do not watch TV at night;
  • limit the "visit" to the Internet;
  • do exercises every morning - let it be the minimum set of exercises.

Nausea after eating

Let's omit the option of eating low-quality products - this is a banal poisoning, activated charcoal tablets, a cup of strong black tea without sugar will help to cope with nausea. Nausea after eating may also appear against the background of overeating - in this case, you need to take a pill of Festal or other enzyme preparations that speed up and facilitate the process of digestion in the stomach.

But nausea that occurs immediately after a meal may indicate rather serious pathologies. The unpleasant sensation in question may be a sign of:

  • narrow passage of the stomach into the duodenum;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer.

These two syndromes are quite eloquent evidence of a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus. Doctors note that such a pathology most often occurs against the background of progressive osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical spine and / or vertebral artery syndrome.

In addition, nausea and dizziness can occur with increased intracranial pressure.

Nausea and bitterness in the mouth

But such a combination of unpleasant sensations indicates the development of pathological processes in the liver, pancreas, gallbladder - organs that belong to the hepatobiliary zone. It will be necessary to consult a doctor and confirm or deny the development of one of the diseases - cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis.

First, you need to immediately interview the child and find out if there were any blows to the stomach or to the head - often nausea in childhood is a symptom of a concussion. Secondly, it is necessary to carefully study the child's diet - products / dishes should be of high quality, fresh, food should not be too fatty, spicy, there should not be too many fast foods on the menu.

Note:if nausea is constantly present, no measures help get rid of this unpleasant sensation, some additional symptoms appear in the form of headache, general weakness, drowsiness, then you should seek help from specialists. The fact is that nausea is often a symptom of the development of a malignant neoplasm in the body at an early stage.

How can you help with nausea at home?

There are a number of completely safe methods of getting rid of nausea. They can be used by almost everyone and everyone, even for pregnant women, as a rule, there are no contraindications. The only thing you need to pay attention to is whether a person has an allergic reaction to any foods.

What to do if you feel sick:

Note:mint decoction is not recommended to be consumed at the same time as taking sedative medications (if the doctor has already prescribed them). In this case, it is better to follow the advice on inhaling lemon aromas.

  1. It can be used to eliminate bouts of nausea - just grate a little of this root into a glass and pour boiling water over it, let it brew and dilute a spoonful of honey in tea. You can drink the drink warm, but do not get too carried away with it - 3 cups a day is enough.

Note:ginger is strictly forbidden to use simultaneously with direct anticoagulants (heparin and others), aspirin.

  1. Clove can provide immediate relief from nausea - just chew a small clove of this spice or drink clove tea. You can also use clove essential oil - just apply a few drops to any fabric and take 2-3 deep breaths, as the discomfort will pass. By the way, if nausea is associated with pregnancy and occurs not only in the morning, but also periodically during the day, then such a handkerchief soaked in clove oil can be carried with you all the time - it will act as an "ambulance".

Nausea is a very unpleasant syndrome that forces a person to take urgent measures to alleviate his condition. But if the condition in question happens often, nausea has become the reason for refusal to eat, drowsiness, apathy or excessive irritation, then you must definitely seek help from specialists.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical columnist, therapist of the highest qualification category

In the life of any person, it does not matter whether it is a girl or a guy, there are always both rainbow happy days and quite sad stories. The main thing is to solve the current situation with dignity and get out of it with minimal losses. If you are prepared for the various turns of events that occur day after day in our Everyday life, then a suddenly surging asshole will not be able to spoil your mood in the midst of a party. On the air, the site is about and on this wave, we broadcast about how not to crap if you really want to poop.

There are a lot of situations when you do not have the opportunity to shit or it would not be too decent on your part to go pooping. Whether you're on the bus, having sex, or taking an exam, your goal is to hold back the onslaught of feces, pounding your fist, and maybe even naked from the other side of your anus, demanding to let it out immediately - to shit.

What to do when you really want to shit so as not to crap?

In fact, the technique of stool containment is quite simple. But it should be noted that there are different situations that are difficult to control. If you have diarrhea, then the harm can you hold back the diarrhea for a long time, since in such a situation the body works against your will and spontaneously, whether you like it or not, get rid of liquid feces.

Now let's try to simulate a more or less standard situation when you want to poop and what you need to do in order not to poop right in your pants. Note that when a person really wants to shit, then by will, not by will, he begins to run from side to side straightening his back. In fact, you are not doing this quite consciously, it happens on an instinctive level. Your body forces you to do this and not at all in order to help contain the onslaught of accumulated feces in the anus, but to get rid of it. By straightening your back, you straighten your rectum, which in turn makes bowel movements easier. So, by bending your back, you only contribute to a stronger urge to shit, because at this moment the poop comes closer to the anus and densely fills the space, creating stronger pressure.


It should be noted that enduring for a long time is harmful to your health. Since by doing this you strain the anal muscles, the feces put pressure on the sphincter and the whole thing leads to the development of hemorrhoids.

But the posture of the embryo or seated, on the contrary, bends the rectum making it difficult for feces to move. With a strong desire to shit, in this case, there may be cramps in the intestines, so the feces put pressure on it. But keep in mind that you need to sit in a crooked state, without straightening your back. As soon as you sit up straight, the intestines will be straightened.

How not to crap with diarrhea?

Diarrhea is, of course, a separate topic. And banal physiological methods of containment of shit will not work here. The best option if you have terrible diarrhea and want to shit all the time - it's over not to leave the house at all, wait out the storm, so to speak. If this is not possible, then in this case, you can take advantage of the fruits of the great minds of medicine. There are special drugs for diarrhea that delay the blotch. It is enough to take a shit before leaving the house and take an anti-obosrin pill. But do not rely entirely on medicines, they cannot give you a 100% guarantee that you will not crap somewhere along the way. The body of each person is individual.

We wish you to successfully restrain the onslaught of feces when you want to shit and bring everything home.


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In this article, nutrition and fitness experts share their advice on what to do if you overeat. A specific algorithm of actions and nutritional characteristics are given.

A balanced diet and weekly training - all this can burst at one moment like a "soap bubble" and banal overeating can become the culprit of these consequences. Of course, one could completely restrain himself from this, using in the form of teas and infusions, which help to get rid of the acute feeling of hunger in time.

Have you already dropped your hands and think that everything is lost? Do not rush to bury the dreams of creating the perfect body. Below we will look at 11 effective steps to neutralize all the negative consequences of a luxurious feast.

Overeating: weakness or momentary insanity

According to statistics, about 70% of diet disruptions are observed in the conditions of noisy companies, during holidays and buffets. Regardless of whether you are on a diet or not, the temptation to sample a meal will not leave you until the end of the event. However, you should not reproach yourself if you have shown such an oversight.

Overeating is a fait accompli

So, let's figure out what to do when overeating.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. psychological adaptation;
  2. correction of metabolic processes;
  3. continuation of the diet.

1. Psychological adaptation

Of course, if you are looking for an answer to the question of what to do if you overeat, then you have experienced severe stress.

First of all, all our actions will be directed against this state, since extra pounds are not so much critical as stressful situations.

First, accept the fact that you overeat. This cannot be changed, while you can draw conclusions for yourself and no longer make such mistakes.

Secondly, the fact that you have consumed prohibited foods once will not affect the further process of losing weight.

There is nothing catastrophic that you broke off, this happens to everyone. The main thing is that you can now develop enough willpower to resist overeating.

For the next 5 hours, you should not do intense physical activity.

2. Correction of metabolic processes

So, we come to the sacramental part of deciding what to do if you overeat.

Let's take a look at what happens to our body when we overeat during a diet.

Basic postulates:

1. If you notice an increase in mass or certain parts of the body, most likely, this is an excess of water, which will be removed within a few days.

2. Overeating interferes with the normal process of losing weight, as the body begins to rebuild itself to anabolic activity.

From all this it follows that you need to restore the correct rhythm of metabolic processes and continue the diet.

  1. on the same day, walking (about 3-5 km) at an average pace is recommended;
  2. moderate activity in the gym is allowed (no additional load): treadmill running, squats, lunges, hyperextension and twisting (press);
  3. for the rest of the day, you should drink hot tea without sugar (read);
  4. for dinner (18: 00-19: 00), consume about 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of milk;
  5. take a contrast shower in the evening;
  6. the morning starts with a glass of water (200 ml);
  7. for breakfast oatmeal (150-170 grams) with fruits (apples, raisins or dried apricots);
  8. during the day, food containing fiber is recommended (salads with cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, etc.);
  9. drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  10. for lunch fish, veal or chicken (50 grams), salad with vegetables (70-80 grams), buckwheat, rice or barley (100 grams);
  11. between meals, drink a glass of kefir (low fat).

In this case, we act on three targets:
  • normalization of the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removal of metabolic products from the blood;
  • burning extra calories.
In addition, we recommend that you learn about the properties, probably, this exotic berry can help you maintain your figure.

If you notice other consequences of overeating: abdominal pain, belching, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, then medical correction may be required. We are talking about detoxification drugs (infusion of NaCl, drinking plenty of water), the introduction of sorbents (activated carbon), enzyme agents (panzinorm, festal, etc.), vitamins C and B. These issues are resolved with the attending physician.

Common mistakes after overeating

Unfortunately, many women are embracing their own coping methods. So, what is categorically not allowed if you overeat:

1. Inducing vomiting. This leads to impaired vegetative functions and digestion. This is a sure route to anorexia and a wheelchair.

2. Super intense workouts. You cannot be zealous in the gym, as you drive the body into a state of catabolism. Understand that the nutrients are still in the digestive canal and will not be burned.

3. Hunger strike. You can not limit yourself in food, as this will be followed by an even greater set of excess weight.

Overeating prevention

Best Methods combating overeating:

1) if you notice such weakness in yourself, then it is better not to attend events at all, where there are many dishes that are not included in the diet;

2) if you really want to eat, then you can drink a glass of water with 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, eat candy;

3) if there is an unjustified temptation to eat too much, then go for a walk or jog;

4) during the diet, give up prohibited foods;

5) let your loved ones help you during the diet and join healthy eating;

6) try not to adhere to strict dietary restrictions, even for a short time, because severe food disruptions occur most often after trendy diets. But, if you prefer this way of losing weight, then check out the article
