A few years ago, our students at French universities could literally be counted on the fingers. But over the past two or three years, the situation has changed dramatically.

If we take the dry statistics, the French higher education looks very attractive. About two million students study at universities in France. Every two out of three students study at universities. 16.6% of their total number are in two-year engineering courses ending with BTS (brevet de technicien supérieur) or DUT (diplôme universitaire de technologie), 7.5% study at higher schools (grande école), of which 4.3 % - in engineering schools and 3.2% - in business and management schools.

In 2001-2002 academic year More than 190,000 foreign students studied at higher educational institutions in France, which accounted for 11.4% of the total number of students. In terms of the number of foreign students, France took second place, leaving behind the UK and leaving Germany, traditionally famous for its hospitality, in third place. Compared to 2000, the growth in the number of foreign students in France was 12.6%. Since 1998, economics has taken the first place in popularity among the studied specialties in French universities, displacing medicine from the first place (after economics come law, literature and the humanities, the exact sciences and sports).

Most of the foreign students came to France from Asia, Africa and America. There are fewer students from Europe, but their number is steadily increasing. According to 2002 data, six out of ten Americans, as well as many Europeans and representatives of Asian countries, study literature and humanities in France. Of the French cities chosen by foreigners as a place of study, Paris is in the lead - 38%, followed by Montpellier, Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg and Toulouse. It seems to us that the main reasons why conservative France has dramatically changed its attitude towards foreign students is the deteriorating demographic situation in the country and the desire to keep up with its EU neighbors, primarily Germany, in terms of personnel. As a result, for two years in a row, the government agency EduFrance has been organizing an exhibition in Moscow and other major cities of Russia. French education traditionally attracting a large number of visitors. By the way, this year the exhibition will be held in Moscow on March 5-7.

If France's interest in foreign students is understandable, then the opposite interest is understandable all the more: the main thing that attracts foreign youth to French universities is the free French higher education.

Of course, this freeness should not be understood in an absolute sense. I would like to emphasize this, because in the process of consulting on obtaining higher education in France, sometimes you have to answer such anecdotal questions as “who will pay for the ticket to the place of study - the French themselves?”.

Indeed, there is no need to pay for education in public universities in France. However, a small fee, which ranges from 130 to 700 euros per semester, depending on the university and the chosen specialty, must be paid for the use of the library, laboratories, campus infrastructure, etc. Living in a hostel will cost 140-400 euros per month, food - 130-200. That is, education "in the French side" can be cheaper than in another Russian private university. The second important point is that foreigners are enrolled in universities without exams. And graduates of Russian schools are no exception.

Unlike Germany, in France, one does not need a year of study at a Russian university to enter a university. You can become a student of a French university immediately after school. The main requirement, in addition to the certificate of complete secondary education, is the knowledge of French, confirmed by the DELF / DALF exams. Let's make a reservation right away that these exams cannot be called easy and you need to prepare for them in advance. And your grades in the school certificate will determine how your candidacy is suitable for a particular French university or its faculty. The third extremely attractive feature of French higher education is the partial reimbursement by the government of student housing costs.

This compensation ranges from 20% to 40%. Amount, you see, decent. There is also the possibility of part-time work: French law allows foreign students to work during their studies, but the total number of working hours should not exceed 884, i.e. 19.5 hours per week or 84.5 per month. A temporary work permit is issued by the prefecture of the place of study. The minimum wage is 6.72 euros per hour. The very system of higher education in France is noticeably different from the Russian one we are used to.

The university learning process is divided into three cycles. Each of them ends with passing exams and obtaining a diploma. The first cycle, where the French enter after graduating from the Lyceum, lasts 2 years and provides general education. The French baccalauréat has nothing to do with the English bachelor. In France, bac is taken at the end of the lyceum, and only those who have passed all the exams successfully receive a bachelor's degree and are eligible to enter a university. After two years of study, students take exams and receive a diploma of general university education - DEUG, or a diploma of scientific and technical education - DEUST.

During the second cycle of education, which also lasts two years, students receive more specialized knowledge. The first year of the second cycle, called licence, ends with the award of a licentiate degree. Licensees, having studied for another year, receive a master's degree - maitrise. To do this, the student must choose a topic and write a thesis.

The third cycle, which many foreigners aspire to enroll in, lasts one year and ends with a full diploma of higher education. There are two types of diplomas. First: DESS diploma - diploma of special higher education. It is issued after a year of narrow specialization in a certain professional area and provides for an internship from 3 months to six months. From right choice internship significantly depends on further employment. Second: DEA Diploma - Diploma of Advanced Higher Education. Allows its owner to continue scientific work and apply for a dissertation. A full third cycle of study can last another three years and end with a dissertation, defense and doctoral degree.

However, this path is easy only on paper. In practice, up to 40% of first-year students cannot stand the academic load of French universities and leave their walls.

So, you have successfully passed the language exam, filled out by yourself or with the help of specialists required documents... The question remains small: the name of which two more universities should be included in the registration form sent to the university of your choice? What a question, you say - of course, the Sorbonne! And you can be wrong.

Yes, the Sorbonne, or rather Paris I, II (and further, up to VIII) is still a symbol of French higher education. However, not the only one. It makes sense to enter the Sorbonne to study the humanities: philosophy, French literature, right - but when it comes to exact, natural and applied sciences, it is better to choose universities in other cities. And it is better for future engineers and managers to go to specialized higher schools. And Parisian life is not affordable for everyone.

So our advice: focus not on ancient glory, but on how much this university corresponds exactly to your aspirations. With the modern wealth of faculties, directions, specializations and specialties in French higher education, everyone can find something of their own here.

France boasts 39 institutions in the world university rankings, of which 16 are in the top 400 in the world. If you are thinking about studying in the home of croissants, revolution, champagne and camembert, then we advise you to look at the ranking of French universities offered below.

1. Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (ENS Paris)

The first in the ranking of French universities, ENS Paris (Higher Normal School) occupies 43rd place in the world ranking of 2018. The educational institution was founded in 1793 and is one of the most prestigious and competitive universities in the country with the honorary name "grandes écoles". Strengths ENS Paris - humanitarian and Scientific research. Upon admission, students undergo a rigorous competitive selection. The school accepts 1350 students per year, among which 450 are international students. Among the graduates of the university, 13 Nobel laureates can be noted, as well as philosophers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

2. Ecole Polytechnique (ParisTech)

École Polytechnique is ranked 59th in the world in 2018 and is a founding member of the collegiate university ParisTech, which specializes in scientific (engineering) and business studies, also characterized by a strong mathematical bias. The Polytechnic School was founded in 1794. The university is located 30 km from the center of Paris, the campus offers 120 hectares of green space for its 4600 students.

3. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

The Pierre and Marie Curie University, ranked 131st in the QS World Rankings, compared to its older peers, was founded as recently as 1971 from the University of Paris, which has split into several institutions. It is currently the largest scientific and medical complex in France. It has about 34,000 students, of which 20% are international.

4. Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon

The Higher Normal School of Lyon continues to improve its position in the international university rankings and ranks 157th this year, up 20 places compared to last year. With the prestigious status of "grandes écoles", the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon is an elite public institution that trains researchers and teachers in the sciences and humanities, usually for the public service. Every year the school accepts about 2 thousand students, among which 400 are international.

5. Centrale Supelec

The French Institute CentraleSupélec is ranked 164th in the 2018 world rankings and was formed from the merger of École Centrale Paris and the Supélec School of Engineering in 2015. The Institute is a founding member of the Université Paris-Saclay, an association research universities France. Campuses are located in the northern provinces of the country, there are training programs in English.

6 Sciences Po

Sciences Po or Institute of Polytechnic Studies specializes in areas such as law, economics, social sciences, politics, history and related fields. Founded in 1872, Sciences Po is located near the Seine and boasts famous alumni: Presidents Jacques Chirac, Francois Mitterrand, Francois Hollande, 13 prime ministers and other influential statesmen. The institute maintains its 220th position in 2018. It has about 13,000 students, of which almost half are international, representing 150 nationalities.

7. Université Grenoble-Alpes

This year, the University of Grenoble ranked 236th in the world and was formed in January 2016 through the merger of several universities, but these institutions date back to 1339, such as the University of Pierre Mendès-France. Traditional areas of study - natural Sciences and engineering. The university accepts 45 thousand students a year, is the 3rd largest university in the country.

8. Université Paris-Sud 11

Université Paris-Sud 11, another Parisian institution that has four campuses in the southern suburbs of the city. It is especially known for its science and math courses and is ranked 242 in the world in 2018. The university was founded in 1970, on the basis of the University of Paris, accepts about 30 thousand students a year. Among the graduates are two Nobel laureates in physics.

9. Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

Ranked 269th in the world, the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne was also formed from the division of the former University of Paris. It is currently one of the largest universities in the country with around 40,000 students. Specializes in economics, management, art, social sciences and law. Located in the Latin Quarter. The project is to merge with UPMC to create the new Sorbonne University in January 2018.

10. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

The finalist of the top 10 universities in France is the École des Ponts ParisTech (“ national school bridges and roads"), which this year ranked 270th in the world. One of the smallest universities in France was founded in 1747, that is, it is the oldest civil engineering university in the world. educational institution. . More than 2000 students study here. The university is another founding member of ParisTech.

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