Recently, Master's programs abroad are more popular and in demand than before. Firstly, it has become more affordable financially, and secondly, a master's degree abroad is an excellent way to improve qualifications and acquire new knowledge.

A master's degree obtained abroad is highly regarded in Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of people wishing to receive such an education is only growing.

Many are striving to get a master's degree abroad, because the coveted document opens up incredible employment opportunities. It is easier for a person with a master's degree from a foreign university to get a job.

The second advantage is the fact that there is an opportunity to find a job in the country of study. During the educational process, all students undergo practice or internship in the chosen specialty. If a student proves himself positively, then he has every chance of staying to work in this company or firm already under a contract.

Master's degree in foreign universities allows you to get high-quality higher education... After all, foreign training programs are fundamentally different from Russian or Ukrainian programs.

How to proceed

To enroll in a master's program abroad, you need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Knowledge of the language. Most of the training programs are held in English. Programs in English are present in every country as English is one of the most widely spoken languages. Upon admission, it should be borne in mind that the level of knowledge of English must be at least 90 points on the TOEFL test or 6.5 on the IELTS test. But English is necessary only if a person chooses an English-language program for training. For example, when choosing a German program, you will not need to take an English proficiency test. That is, in any case, the student must be fluent in the language in which it is supposed to be taught.
  2. Good grades in the diploma. The indicator becomes the average score, which is calculated based on the summation of all marks for the entire period of study. For admission, a student must have a minimum of 4.5 points on a 5-point scale.
  3. Passing tests. Often, admission to a master's program does not include preliminary exams. But in rare cases, a student will need to take a GMAT or GRE test.
  4. Having a diploma of higher education.

Video about how to enter a university in Germany:

Required documents

For admission to study abroad, you will need to provide a package of documents, consisting of:

1. Motivation letter. This letter should be given special attention. The content of the letter should cover the following aspects:

  • Reasons for choosing a master's degree in this educational institution.
  • Reasons for admission to this specialty.
  • Plans for the implementation of goals in the future. How the chosen specialty can help in this.
  • Previous experience and knowledge in this specialty.

Sample letter of motivation

2. Letters of recommendation. On average, 2-3 pieces will be enough. Letters of recommendation can be provided from a supervisor, teacher, or employer. The main purpose of the letter of recommendation is to highlight the abilities and experience of the applicant.

3. Diploma for conferring a bachelor's degree or a specialist. It is worth remembering that the diploma must be translated into another language and certified by a notary.

4. A valid foreign passport.

5. When completing training in an English-language program, TOEFL or IELTS tests are provided.

Master's degrees

There are 5 master's degrees:

  1. Arts.
  2. Business administration.
  3. Rights.
  4. Government controlled.
  5. Sciences.

Each of the master's programs is divided into 2 types:

  1. Scientific research. This degree can only be obtained after 2 years of research work.
  2. Tutorial. The program includes 9 months of lectures and 3 months of practice. At the end of the internship, the student must write a master's thesis.

Deadlines for submission of documents

It is worth remembering that there is no single deadline for submitting documents for admission to study abroad. For example, for admission to a German university in 2019, you can submit documents 2 times a year:

  • June to July.
  • December to January.

Rhine-Westphalian Technical University Aachen, one of best universities Germany

Uppsala University, Sweden's oldest

For admission to a UK university in 2019, it is worth submitting documents before January 15. But some educational institutions accept documents until May.

University of Cambridge, England

To study in the United States of America in 2019, it is worth submitting documents from December to January.

To enter the selected university, the student must first go to the website of the educational institution and fill out a form (questionnaire). Documents are attached to this questionnaire. The form is sent to view. After a certain amount of time, the student receives a refusal or an invitation for an interview for further registration of admission.

Cost of education

The cost of obtaining a master's degree directly depends on the country and the university. The most expensive education in Sweden, Denmark and Australia. Tuition fees in 2016 were from 15 to 22 thousand dollars per year. But this is only the price of a magistracy. Accommodation and meals will need to be paid separately.

Inexpensive education can be obtained in Germany, Malaysia,. The maximum cost in these countries does not exceed 7 thousand dollars per year of study.

Free education

In the absence of financial ability to pay for the studies, the student can use grants. A grant is understood as the provision of a student scholarship, which fully or partially covers the costs associated with tuition fees.

It should be noted that in many foreign universities, free education is possible only in state educational institutions... Therefore, if the university you have chosen is private, you will not be able to get a grant.

Free training programs

The most famous programs for obtaining grants abroad in 2019 are:

Distribution of international scholarships by areas

The following video details the study abroad opportunities:

Famous universities

The most popular and well-known higher education institutions in the world are:

  1. Lazarski University. Located in Poland, in Warsaw. On average, for 1 semester of study, you will have to pay from 500 euros. Documents are submitted in October.
  2. University of Toronto. Located in Canada. The price of 1 semester of master's degree starts from 950 Canadian dollars. Submission of applications in September.
  3. National Academy of Design. It is located in the UK, in the city of Nottingham. Documents are submitted all year round. The average cost of a semester is 900 pounds.
  4. Exeter. University in the UK. Recognized as one of the most expensive. The average cost of training for 1 semester starts from 15 thousand euros.
  5. Maymeima. The university is located in Germany. Semester price from 120 euros. Documents are submitted in August.
  6. ALEXANDER COLLEGE LARNACA. Cypriot University. Price from 6500 euros.
  7. University of Groningen. Located in the Netherlands. The cost of a semester of study starts from 10 thousand euros.
  8. Kepler University. Located in Austria. Semester costs start at 750 euros.
  9. James Madison University. Located in the United States of America. Price from 21 thousand dollars.
  10. Environmental University of Poland. On average, one semester will have to pay 950-1000 euros.
  11. VAN HALL LARENSTEIN - higher education institution in the Netherlands. One semester of study at this institution costs about 10 thousand euros.
  12. THE IUBH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT is a German business and management school. Documents are submitted from October to March. Tuition fees will have to pay over 2500 euros per semester.
  13. Jagiellonian - University in Poland. Cost from 2200 euros.
  14. Charles University. Located in Prague. There is the possibility of free training.

According to the Bologna system, the master's degree serves as a transitional stage between a bachelor's degree and a doctorate degree. Therefore, for those who have chosen an academic career, enrolling in a master's program is a logical and necessary step. However, studying for a master's degree abroad has a much broader foundation. Here are just a few of them:

  • A master's degree is highly regarded in developed countries, it increases the chances of finding a high-paying job.
  • Including, you can find a job abroad, in the country where you received your master's degree, or in any other place. Therefore, a master's degree abroad for Russians often becomes the basis for immigration.
  • Studying for a bachelor's degree helps to learn a foreign language, studying for a master's degree in another country brings language skills to a professional level.
  • The master's degree develops qualities such as personal discipline, systems thinking, self-planning skills, and leadership. All of this is also appreciated by employers all over the world.

The top ten countries most popular with foreign undergraduates are the USA, Canada, Great Britain and European countries. This is largely a consequence of the recognition High Quality western education. On the other hand, a master's degree abroad also serves as a way to live richly in pleasant places, to communicate with interesting people, make useful contacts.

All of the above are not mutually exclusive reasons. Anyone applying for a master's degree may have several motives.

Types of Master's Degrees

There are only a few well-known master's degrees. However, in reality, master's programs abroad are quite diverse. For example, there is:

  • Master of Theology (M. Div, Master of Divinity)
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA, Master of Public Administration)
  • Master of Arts (MA, Master of Arts)
  • Master of Science (MSc, Master of Science) - Exact and Natural Sciences
  • Master of Education (M.Ed, Master of Education)
  • Master of Laws (LL.M, Master of Laws)
  • Master of Engineering (M.Eng, Master of Engineering)
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil, Master of Philosophy - intermediate stage Master of Research (MRes, Master of Research), which is awarded after one year of study
  • Master in Finance technical analysis(MFTA, Master of Financial Technical Analysis)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA, Master of Business Administration)

This is far from full list, different universities and branches of academic science have their own narrow specializations, master's theses for which receive the status of independent degrees.

Master's study programs abroad

Education for all master's programs can be conditionally divided into two blocks: educational and research. Academic studies are similar to direct continuation of an undergraduate degree. Classes are held in the same mode (lectures, seminars), ending with exams and writing a thesis. Research studies are much closer to doctoral research activities, have little to do with a rigid academic schedule and end with the preparation of a master's thesis (similar to a dissertation).

The duration of master's programs varies: the timing mainly depends on the country where the training is taking place. For example, a master's degree in the UK can be obtained in as little as 1 year, while in the USA it takes up to 4 years for a number of specializations. In fact, 1800 hours for the entire master's course in the UK violates the standards of the European Education System, according to which the minimum number of teaching hours should be at least 2250. But this does not affect the recognition of English diplomas, and moreover, they are quoted in the world at the highest level.

How to apply for a master's degree abroad?

The first thing to do if you are planning to enroll in a master's program at a foreign university is the language. It is necessary to find out the exact requirements for knowledge of a foreign language for enrollment, and then learn it and pass it on a certificate with a margin of minimum score... The reserve is needed, since taking into account the competition, the real passing score may turn out to be higher, and most importantly - good knowledge language will significantly affect the learning efficiency and quality own life in a foreign country.

When entering European and Western universities, as a rule, one language is required (English, less often French, Spanish or another). Asian universities may require two languages ​​- English and national. And if admission to a master's program abroad is formally allowed, for example, with good English - but knowledge of Chinese or Korean will be an advantage - you should take care of taking the hint. Asian students are often bilingual or multilingual. This is taken into account when screening for admission, when allocating grants for training, etc.

In addition to language tests, sometimes it is also required nice results on:

  • GMAT (The Graduate Management Admission Test) - an assessment of general knowledge
  • GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) - assessment of analytical and verbal skills

Formal requirements for applicants generally include:

  • Having a bachelor's degree (with an average score of at least 4.5 on a five-point scale)
  • Motivation letter (explaining personal reasons for enrolling in a master's program in general, in a specific specialty in this particular university - in particular)
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers, academic advisors and / or employers

It should be borne in mind that the availability of documents does not mean their timely submission. Postal delivery may take longer than expected. And most importantly, often copies of original documents will not be accepted without an official translation and apostille. Therefore, it is better to start preparing a package of documents in advance.

Features of Master's Degree in Different Countries


Most German universities offer Master's programs in English - and not only foreign students, but also to native Germans.

It should be borne in mind that a master's program in Germany should be a direct continuation of a bachelor's degree. The mere presence of a bachelor's degree does not give the right to enroll in a magistracy in other specialties.


Master's students can choose the format of study from the most flexible schedule. You can study full-time, part-time, and even online. In fact, university attendance is not an important criterion. The main thing is to carry out research work, provide results and pass exams.


As a rule, admission to a master's program is automatic. That is, it is enough to submit the documents, and if they are executed correctly, everything is in order. No exams or tests, interviews are also rare.

Nuance: to study in Norwegian.


Unlike Germany, where the bachelor's specialty must clearly coincide with the master's program, in Switzerland, on the contrary, there are no restrictions on changing the profession.

Those applicants who decide to take a significant step away from the previously obtained diploma are offered special preparatory courses (to compensate for the difference in academic preparation).

Great Britain

Despite the general standards defining the concept of " English education”, Specific master's programs are much more dependent on the practice of universities. This also applies to the requirements for applicants. The rating of the university and its internal rules are a decisive factor.


Master's students at US universities can receive education for 1-2 years more than is accepted by European standards. This is partly due to the fact that future masters conduct real scientific and exploratory research, and also conduct their own projects, not only for the sake of obtaining estimates. The ultimate goal of many student projects is business and humanitarian projects.

How much does it cost to study in a foreign magistracy?

The cost of a Master's degree abroad varies greatly, depending on the prestige of the university and the cost of living on its campus. The price level differs by an order of magnitude, from several thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars per year of study.

Moreover, if in Norway, for example, the cost of a master's program is on average less than 10 thousand US dollars, then this speaks exclusively of the cost of training. The cost of living is high, and throughout the year for rent, meals, etc. have to spend more. A Master's degree in Italy may cost more (an average of about USD 12,000), but other costs will be significantly lower.

Therefore, when comparing prices, it is necessary to take into account the approximate full amounts - correlating them, of course, with the expected quality of education and the rating of the university. With this approach, it may turn out that it is profitable to study in some specialties in Europe, in others in America, in others in Asia.

Finally, with outstanding academic success, it is possible to apply for a master's degree abroad for free - not literally, but in the form of grant refunds, some of which actually reduce tuition costs to zero. A few examples:

  • USA, Fulbright grant. Funded by the state. Reimburses tuition, health insurance, transportation, and includes a monthly stipend.
  • Great Britain, grant from Chevening Scholarships. Funded by the British Government Treasury. The grant includes payment of expenses for visa, flights, accommodation, meals, as well as training and research activities.
  • Sweden, Visby grant. Funded by the Swedish government. The grant pays for tuition and insurance.

Masters Abroad for Undergraduate Graduates foreign university- logical continuation of training and transition to the category of "heavyweights". For those who graduated from a university in Russia, the master's program foreign university- it is also a confirmation of your education with a diploma recognized in any country in the world by any employer.

Master's degree in foreign universities

Master's degree is the second stage of higher education, which gives narrower and more exclusive knowledge in the specialty. In the Western world, there are many who want to get a master's degree, since its carriers are perceived as experienced professionals and valuable employees. And if with a bachelor's degree you have a real chance to find Good work at home and abroad, then with a second higher education you yourself become an “object of increased demand” in the world labor market.

Studying in a master's program involves even more practice and independent work, because a new circle of knowledge must be mastered in just one or two years. Often, students who have shown themselves well at the university and during the internship, immediately after graduation, get a permanent job. But even if that didn't happen, you won't be lost with a master's degree. According to statistics, graduates of the course find work in 2-4 months.

Benefits of studying for a master's degree abroad:

    High quality education

    Large selection of specialties and directions

    Sophisticated learning system: learning only the subjects you need

    A large number of practice, internship, the possibility of concluding a permanent work contract

    Development of professional skills

    Obtaining a diploma that is recognized and appreciated all over the world

    Improving the level of English and / or local language

Difficulties that may arise while studying on a master's program abroad:

    Difficulty of learning: high requirements for the student, emphasis on independent study subject

    The need to carefully observe the formalities of both the university itself and the host country

    It is not always easy to find a job even in countries where students are allowed to work

We will not be cunning: getting a master's degree abroad is not easy. Efforts will have to be made a lot. But, at the preparatory stage, many problems can be prevented in advance. Allterra Education will help you deal with the pricing policy and bureaucratic norms of your country in which you plan to study, and with the requirements and norms of a particular university.

Features of training in master's degree in Europe and America

You can enroll in a magistracy in the west for two purposes: to strengthen your knowledge of your specialty, or to study a new direction. But it should be noted right away that obtaining a degree in new specialty perhaps not in every country. The master's program provides a very large selection of programs, and all of them, first of all, are aimed at practice. The opportunity for work experience is one of the reasons why people with a degree are more successful in finding jobs.

As a rule, master's programs do not involve a large number of subjects, but each of them is studied thoroughly. In addition to attending lectures, students also participate in group assignments and projects, write scientific work and undergo an internship. Although in Western countries the approach to master's degree is similar, there are also significant differences.

Masters in the USA

The term of study depends on how soon you collect the required number of credits. On average, students complete the program after two years, but there is a crash course that allows you to complete an American master's degree in one year. Undergraduates are rarely allowed to choose subjects. The curriculum is programmed to acquire all the necessary knowledge in the specialty. It consists of 6-8 subjects, practice, internship and graduation project writing. One of the significant advantages of an American diploma is the ability to stay in the country to work.

Masters in the UK

Depending on the program, the study period lasts one or two years. The course usually includes 15-20 subjects and practice. Masters in the UK can be research-oriented or in the form of a study program. The first option involves research work under the supervision of a supervisor. The Master's degree program in England is a more familiar option for us. The student attends lectures, seminars and at the end of the course writes a dissertation. In England, while studying, you can work, but no more than 20 hours a week.

Masters in Canada

Training lasts from one to two years. The Canadian Master's program is distinguished by a large number of seminars and internships. Gaining work experience is considered here the most important part of the learning process. Of course, lectures are also included in the curriculum, but writing a dissertation is not required at every faculty. Students are allowed to work in Canada. Sometimes, if he cannot find a place, the university helps him in this. After receiving a diploma, there are no problems with employment in the country.

Masters in Germany

On average, training lasts two years. In Germany, a master's degree is focused only on deepening the knowledge gained in a bachelor's degree, so it will not work to get a degree in another specialty. The student is given complete freedom in the choice of subjects and places for practice. The student is seen as an adult who decides for himself what knowledge he needs to acquire. In parallel with studies, it is allowed to work 20 hours a week. If you work in your specialty, then the number of hours can be increased.

Admission to Master's Degree Abroad

To enroll in a master's program abroad, you must, first of all, have a bachelor's degree diploma. Foreign universities recognize Russian diplomas, but sometimes, due to too much difference in curricula, they may not accept it. In this case, you can take the compliance exams or take the Pre-Masters course. It replenishes knowledge in those subjects that were not taught at your home university, and also helps to improve your knowledge of the English language.

It is important to understand in advance what specialty you want to study. If it is adjacent to an undergraduate course, then you can consider any country for admission. If you are interested in a completely different field of knowledge, then the choice is narrowed. Many European countries, including Italy and Germany, provide a second higher education only in related disciplines. In Canada, America and England, there is an opportunity to enter another faculty, but often only if you have experience in this area.

Among necessary conditions for admission to a foreign university - a high level of knowledge of the English language. To confirm it, it is enough to present IELTS or TOEFL certificates. The requirements of universities are different, but the results must be at least IELTS 6.0-6.5 or TOEFL 80-90. In non-English speaking countries, all programs are taught primarily in the local language. If you choose one of these courses, the university will request a certificate of knowledge of the language of the country of study.

The competition for admission to the master's program is based on your previous achievements: marks in the diploma, points of the language certificate, etc. But technical, mathematical, economic and financial majors require a GRE or GMAT test. These exams show your general knowledge towards.

All countries and universities are individual in their admission requirements, but you can form a general block of documents that you may need.

Documents required for admission to the magistracy at a foreign university:

    Bachelor's degree diploma

    Scorecard (average score must be at least 4)

    Language Proficiency Certificate (for English - IELTS or TOEFL)

    Statement of Purpose - an essay about yourself

    GRE or GMAT certificates (required for faculties of technical, mathematical, economic and financial orientation)

Tuition fees for a Master's degree in the UK, USA, Germany and Canada

The total cost of studying abroad depends on many factors: country, region in the country, the prestige of the university, the popularity of the faculty, etc. That is why the prices are very wide. Master's degrees in the United States range from $ 20,000 to $ 80,000, in the UK - from £ 12,000 to £ 50,000, and in Canada - from CAD $ 1,000 to $ 20,000. The cost of European universities is much lower. For example, in Germany, studying for a master's degree can cost 500-600 euros per semester.

Price is a major obstacle to education abroad. But you can always find a simpler university or a less popular faculty. Our specialists can help you with this.

Also, each country provides students with various grants, subsidies and scholarships. They can be issued for personal achievements, excellent study, activity within the university, or due to the low financial situation of the family. Due to them, it is possible to partially or completely cover the cost of training.

Accommodation cost for Master's students abroad

As with tuition, the cost of living depends on the country. The most expensive are the USA and Great Britain. In America, a dorm room will cost $ 5,000-12,000 per year, rental housing in the provinces costs about $ 300-400 per month, large cities- from $ 800. In general, you will need about $ 1000-1500 for a living per month. Approximately the same costs are expected in England.

Canada and European countries will be cheaper, but not much. Housing or dorm room rentals cost between 250 and 500 euros. It costs about 600 euros a month to live.

Why it is worth contacting Allterra Education for admission to a master's program abroad

No matter how we try to generalize education abroad, it all comes down to one thing - it is prestigious and of high quality. In other characteristics, we run into a variety of countries and universities, national and academic characteristics, many advantages and disadvantages. You can find out about them only after having experienced it, or by talking with our professionals.

How Allterra Education can help you

    Country selection. Deciding where you will study and work for the next two years is the most important step. We will take into account your personal preferences and choose a country in which you will be comfortable living and studying

    Selection of the university and faculty. In accordance with your wishes and intentions, we will select the best option for your future educational institution

    Recently I decided to get a second education, but just not in Russia. Knowing about the quality education that my peers in Europe and America receive, I also wanted to follow their example. According to statistics, 10% of Russian students annually go to study and conquer the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, England, China and other countries. The issue of free education abroad is still relevant today.

    In which countries can a Russian student study for free?

    First of all, I decided to decide in which country it would be easier for me to live, where education would be cheaper for me.

    Please note that you can study for free only in public universities... They provide free education foreigners.

    In other organizations, tuition is paid.

    Many people call the training "free" in quotation marks. The reason is that you should provide for themselves , you will have to spend not only on food, but also on a library, a gym and other services of an educational institution. Everything is paid annual contribution ... In addition, if you yourself are not applying to the university under the funding program, then you will need transfer money to your bank account, which would be enough for accommodation and meals throughout the entire period of study .

    Since I work and can provide for myself, I did not pay attention to the "free" education. Studying in Russia, we also spend on accommodation and meals. Moreover, considerable sums are spent on renting housing, and if I will live in a student dormitory then my costs will be much reduced.

    So, I will list foreign countries where you can get free education and with what entrance requirements:

    Note that educational institutions of the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, China and other countries provide the opportunity to receive free education for Russian students.

    But teaching at universities is not conducted in English, but only in native language of this country, for example, Czech, Chinese, etc.

    Despite this, they are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

    Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

    Each university and country has its own requirements, however, they are almost the same.

    Foreign applicants can enter universities, taking into account the following requirements:

    Documents required for study abroad

    A standard package of documents includes:

    Each document submitted to the commission plays an important role.

    If you do not submit any document, you may be refused admission.

    5 ways to study abroad for free

    There are several methods for obtaining free education abroad. All forms directly associated with gratuitous aid ... It can be provided to students by an educational institution, the state, a private entrepreneur, a representative of a public fund.

    I will list 5 ways of such training:

    • Grants or so-called social assistance to students , which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, taking courses, etc. The grant is issued in a lump sum in the form of an incentive. You can receive it again.
    • Scholarship ... When receiving a scholarship, which can cover the cost of all or part of the training, a motivation letter plays a huge role. The scholarship can be awarded for achievements in the volunteer, sports, creative, academic fields, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself, or by the Russian state.
    • Research scholarship ... This way of getting an education is intended for those who graduated from the "HSE" and are planning to enter the magistracy for further research activities... This scholarship can be issued by the state, representatives of private or public funds.
    • Assistant ... Designed for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to training, you will work as an assistant professor. His responsibilities include reading introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department implements. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
    • Program " Global education» ... A program was developed so that a student studying at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation abroad, after graduating from the university under the master's, postgraduate, doctoral programs, returned to Russia and worked at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have a job after graduation.

    So, as you understood, get free education abroad is possible ... The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

    If you are also going to study abroad, then my advice: think over everything to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money will be needed for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

    A master's program abroad today can offer applicants from all over the world a variety of master's programs abroad - everyone can find a specialty and profile to their liking. Since in Russia, as in most countries of the world, the Bologna education system has been adopted, which implies two levels of higher education, there are two ways to enroll in a master's program abroad: to complete a bachelor's degree in Russia and continue studying in any master's program abroad, or to immediately enroll in foreign university to obtain two degrees at once. How to do this and what you need for this - read this article.

    In today's dynamic world, it offers students from different countries world wide variety of master's programs abroad. A master's degree abroad is the same quality mark as almost any education received abroad. Completion of any Master's degree program abroad means above all the highest vocational training student, which includes not only theoretical aspects of training, but also practical ones. Graduates of a master's program abroad can start their professional activities as a specialist with a certain amount of work experience already obtained immediately after completing a master's program abroad. It goes without saying that the overwhelming majority diploma is of high value not only in the international labor market, but also in Russia, which provides enormous opportunities and advantages when choosing a career.

    It is the prestige and demand that attracts more and more applicants every year: a master's degree diploma gives a tangible competitive advantage in employment, and also means high professionalism of the candidate.

    The specialists of our educational agency Smapse will help you choose the right master's program abroad for you to receive high-quality and prestigious education, tell you about the specifics of studying in a foreign master's program, various, which will allow you to find all the necessary information in one place and avoid unnecessary problems.

    Master's programs abroad - features of training for applicants from Russia

    Features of admission to master's programs abroad - requirements and necessary documents

    When considering the features of the admission process, it is important to emphasize that each higher educational institution may have its own list of requirements for an applicant and a list required documents- it is worth clarifying this issue additionally after the final choice of the educational institution. One way or another, a certain list of documents that will be required for admission to the magistracy of anyone exists and includes the following positions:

    • Firstly, the main and paramount requirement for applicants for master's educational programs abroad - compulsory knowledge of one or another foreign language (which depends on the program itself) at a high level. Today, the vast majority of Master's degree programs abroad are offered in English with duplication in some other foreign language. Besides, English language is international, so possession of it at a high level will never hurt, but, on the contrary, will provide an additional competitive advantage. To confirm the level of proficiency foreign language you will need to pass any international language exam (, etc.).
    • Secondly, for you must first graduate from the bachelor's degree - this requirement is valid not only in, but also in Russia. The fact is that a master's degree is the second stage of higher education: it is logical that you must first graduate from the first. As a rule, the Russian model is recognized by higher educational institutions of European countries, however, for example, in the overwhelming majority of cases it will be necessary to pass an additional examination for compliance due to significant differences in the educational programs of the two countries. In addition, it must be remembered that the bachelor's degree must be officially translated into English and notarized.
    • Thirdly, in order to successfully enroll in the chosen educational master's program abroad, the applicant must have a sufficiently high average score c. Abroad, competition for admission to educational institutions of any level can overwhelm you, in the most prestigious and elite universities only the most talented students are selected. Moreover, the more prestigious the educational institution and specialty, the higher the competition. The notorious "red diploma" can play a role, giving you a certain advantage.
    • Fourth, it will require letters of recommendation from two or three teachers (employers) with a detailed assessment of the applicant's abilities and skills, disclosing his personal qualities and potential.
    • Fifth, the applicant himself must write a motivation letter, in which it is necessary to tell in detail about himself and describe his goals both in the field of education and in terms of career. Judging by the name, the applicant, of course, must demonstrate his motivation, high interest in studying for a master's degree abroad.

    Some higher education institutions accept applications for admission through the official website, which allows you to pre-compile lists of applicants. Subsequently, applicants send scans of documents through their personal account on the site - it is very convenient, because in this case, you do not need to travel abroad until the moment of direct enrollment. The originals of the documents can be sent either by mail or brought in person after receiving news about the successful completion of all stages of admission.

    It should also be noted that abroad (however, as in Russia), it is customary to send applications for admission to several higher educational institutions at the same time (from 5 to 7 different universities depending on the country), which allows the applicant to increase his chances of being enrolled in. The best option would be to leave an application at once in all universities offering the specialization you are interested in. Thus, in any case, you will have backup options in case of refusal in the educational institution that you most desire.

    In addition, the very process of collecting the entire package of necessary documents, as well as correspondence with the university, can take from several months to six months. Therefore, these processes should be started well in advance, at least 6-9 months before the expected start date. school year.

    Finally, in order to be guaranteed to enroll in the desired master's program abroad at a preferred university, it is necessary to first pass the preparatory courses pre-masters, in which applicants are specially prepared for the specifics of the requirements of one or another.

    The cost of obtaining a master's degree education abroad

    Perhaps the overwhelming majority of people who think about education abroad have the impression that secondary or higher education abroad is available exclusively to rich and wealthy people. Of course, in many countries a master's degree even in not the most eminent and prestigious higher educational institutions will cost a round sum, but today the field of foreign education has become so popular and developed that universities around the world offer wide choose educational programs for applicants with almost any income. In addition, various programs of financial support for students from abroad receive tremendous development every year, including grants, scholarships, discounts on tuition, etc.

    To get a free consultation on study opportunities for master's programs abroad from our experts, just leave a request at the bottom of this page. Our specialists have extensive experience in the field of foreign education and are ready to answer all your questions at any time convenient for you. - it is effective, affordable and prestigious, do not postpone your future for later!
