Test based on the fairy tale by K. G. Paustovsky "Warm bread" Grade 5

Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

teacher of the Russian language and literature, SBEI JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI".

1. Define the genre of the work

a) fairy tale

b) true story

c) story

a) P.P. Bazhov

b) K.G. Paustovsky

c) V.V. bianchi

3. Theme of the work:

a) labor and mutual assistance of people;

b) care for animals;

c) man and nature.

4. The main character's name is:

a) Filka

b) Fedka

c) Pankrat

5. Action happens:

a) in the village of Ozerki

b) in the village of Kameshki

c) in the village of Berezhki

6. Why did the horse stay in the village?

a) He was injured.

b) That's what Pankrat wanted.

7. The horse took:

a) miller Pankrat

b) boy Filka

c) an old man from the village

8. The horse began to walk around the yards:

a) love to eat good food

b) it was difficult to feed

c) liked to walk around the village

9. What was Filka's nickname?

a) I don't know anything.

b) "Well, you!".

c) "Well, you!".

10. Filka lived:

a) with parents

b) with grandma

c) with mom

11. Filka by nature was:

a) silent, incredulous

b) sociable, trusting

c) kind, sympathetic

12. What bad deed did Filka do?

a) hit the horse on the lips and threw bread into the snow

b) drove the horse

c) hit the horse on the lips and gave nothing

13. What happened when Filka threw bread to the horse in the snow?

a) a blizzard has begun.

b) there was a flood.

c) there was a blizzard.

14. What story did Grandma Filke tell?

a) About how she once offended a soldier.

b) About how a peasant from the village offended an old soldier.

c) About how people offended the horse.

15. Filka realized that he had committed a disgusting, evil act when:

a) offended the horse;

b) frost intensified;

c) I heard the story of my grandmother.

16. How did Filka expiate his guilt?

a) He did not want to change.

b) Feed everyone.

c) Chop the ice with the guys at the mill.

17. When did the mill start working?

and in the evening

b) she broke forever

c) the next day

18. What was the magpie talking about above the dam?

a) That she woke up the summer wind.

b) The fact that Filka - bad person.

c) That she is the most chatty.

19. How did Filka make peace with the horse?

a) He asked for forgiveness.

b) He brought him fresh bread and salt.

c) He fed him carrots.

20. What is the story "Warm Bread" about?

a) About the need to be kind, sympathetic.

b) About evil sorcerers

c) About a trip to a desert island

21. Which proverb matches the content of the story?

a) There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.

b) Language will bring to Kyiv.

c) Business - time, fun - an hour.

22. The meaning of the word "warm" in the title of the work:

a) possessing heat, carrying heat;

b) warming the body, satisfying;

c) not hot enough.

Tests based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky
"Warm Bread"

Test number 1.

A. Fox B. Magpie V. Horse
2. Bringing good to people means

3. Cooling the heart is

4. Real motives in the work of Paustovsky:

Test number 2.
1. Name the main human character in the fairy tale "Warm Bread".
A. Babka Filka B. Pankrat V. Filka
2. Who helped Filka fix the problem?
A. Soroka. B.Kon. V. Pankrat.
3. Antonym for the phrase "warm bread":
A. Affectionate B. Kind. V. Callous.
4. Bringing good to people means
A. Help B. Live for yourself C. Think only about yourself.
5. Fairy tale motifs in the work of Paustovsky:
A. War B. Pankrat the sorcerer C. Wounded horse

Test number 3.
1. Name the main animal character in the fairy tale "Warm Bread".
A. Fox B. Magpie V. Horse
2. Real motives in the work of Paustovsky:
A. Magpie chatter B. Pankrat the sorcerer C. Wounded horse
3. Bringing good to people means
A. Help B. Live for yourself C. Think only about yourself.
4. Cooling the heart is
A. The heart is frozen. B. The heart has stopped beating.
V. Hardened, became indifferent.
5. A synonym for the phrase "warm bread":
A. Cold B. Callous C. Hot

Test on the story of K.G. Paustovsky
"Warm Bread"

1. Why did the horse stay in the village? a) He was hurt.
B) So wanted Pankrat.
c) The horse did not want to go further.

2. What was Filka's nickname? A) I don't know anything.
B) "Yes, you!".
C) "You are all smart."

3. What story did Grandma Filke tell?
A) About how she once offended a soldier.
B) About how a peasant from the village offended an old soldier.
C) How the war ended.

4) What happened when Filka threw bread to the horse in the snow? A) There is a blizzard.
b) There was a flood.
c) There was an earthquake.

5. How did Filka expiate his guilt? a) He did not want to change.
b) Feed everyone.
C) Chop the ice with the guys at the mill.

6. What was the magpie talking about above the dam? A) That she woke up the summer wind.
B) That Filka is a bad person.
C) That she is the smartest.

7. When did the mill start working? And in the evening.
b) She broke down forever.
C) In the summer, when it gets warmer.

8. How did Filka make up with the horse? a) He asked for forgiveness.
b) He brought him fresh bread and salt.
c) He fed him carrots.
9. What is the fairy tale "Warm Bread" about? A) About the need to be kind, sympathetic.
B) About evil sorcerers.
C) About a trip to a desert island.

10. Which proverb corresponds to the content of the tale? A) There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.
B) Language will bring to Kyiv.
C) Business - time, fun - an hour.

Let's check your answers. Answers: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9A, 10

Attached files

Game for the lesson literary reading based on the fairy tale by K.G. Paustovsky "Warm Bread" for 3rd grade students

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary school MKOU "Mikhailovskaya school" of Kikvidzensky district of the Volgograd region
Material Description: This development of the game is intended for students of grade 3 and can be used by the teacher in the lessons of literary reading when consolidating knowledge of the work, as well as in extracurricular activities by subject.
Target: Consolidation and generalization of knowledge on Paustovsky's fairy tale "Warm Bread".
Tasks: develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive and intellectual ability students;
to cultivate interest in reading the works of Paustovsky.

Game progress:

1 task "Find a hero"
The task contains a fillword in which you need to find the heroes of the work.

Answer: miller, horse, boy, old people, grandmother, women, guys, magpie

2 task "Know the hero"
Working with a presentation slide:
By pressing the “question” button, a question appears, by pressing the “answer” button, an illustration of the hero and the word-answer appear. When you click on the text of the question, the question disappears, the illustration of the hero and the word-answer.

1. He was silent, distrustful, his favorite expression was: "Come on!" (boy Filka)
2. Flour dust forever ingrained in him. She lay with a gray crust on his quilted jacket and cap. Quick eyes looked at everyone from under the cap. This man was quick to work, angry. The guys in the village considered him a sorcerer. (miller Pankrat)
3. She was old and experienced, she lived in the entrance hall of the miller Pankrat. She loved to show off very much, she believed that she alone managed to reconcile the horse with the boy Filka. (magpie)
4. His cavalrymen left in the village of Berezhki because he was wounded in the leg. (horse)
5. The heroine of a fairy tale who told Filka about how a man from their village offended a soldier a hundred years ago. After the soldier left, a misfortune happened, in the district a severe frost froze wells, birds, forests and gardens perished. (grandmother)
3 task "Quiz"
1. Who had a horse in the village when the cavalrymen left him in Berezhki? (at the miller Pankrat)
2. What work did the miller's horse do? (carried clay, manure and poles, helping Pankrat repair the dam)

3. Why did the horse walk around the yards, beg? (It was difficult for the miller to feed him)

4. Nickname Filka. (well you)
5. Who, according to the grandmother, could help the boy correct the evil he had committed. (miller)
6. How could Filka correct the evil he committed towards the horse? (he had to invent an escape from the cold)
7. What did Filka do, what was his decision? (he decided to gather all the guys in the village and cut ice at the tray near the mill)
8. Why was it necessary to cut the ice? (it was necessary to get to the water, without which the mill could not work)
9. Who helped the guys? (old men)
10. How many times did the miller have to turn the wheel to start the mill? (20)
11. Where did the magpie fly when he heard about the trouble? (to the south, to the warm sea, to wake up the summer wind in the mountains, tell the wind about trouble and ask him to drive away the frost)

12. How did Filka make up with the horse? (he brought a loaf of fresh bread, broke it, salted it and handed it to the horse. At first the horse was afraid to eat bread, but when the miller said that the boy was not evil, he stretched his neck and took bread from Filka's hands with his lips)

Task 4 "What is superfluous?"
In this task, after looking at the illustrations, you need to determine what people fed the horse when he came to their yard and knocked on the gate with his muzzle, asking for food.

The correct answer is beet tops, stale bread, carrots.
Excess - oats.

When you click on the illustration in the presentation, which depicts oats, the illustration disappears.

Presentation on the topic: Literary game based on Paustovsky's fairy tale "Warm bread"

Lesson-quiz based on the fairy tale by K.G. Paustovsky "Warm bread"

"Are you an attentive reader?"

Target :

Summarize students' knowledge of Paustovsky's fairy tale "Warm Bread";

To instill in students an attentive attitude to reading a work of art, to develop an interest in reading books, to instill a love of poetry.


    Portrait of K. G. Paustovsky

    Poster "Reading is the best teaching"

    Question numbers.

    Yula for rounds.


    Gong (hit).

Organizational work.

The class is divided into 3 teams. Each team prepares an emblem and a team name. There are numbers with questions on the table. The question answered by the team is read by the teacher. The spinning top spins, questions lie in a circle next to the spinning top.

Lesson plan.

1. Performance of the song "Bread is the head of everything."

2. Introductory speech of the teacher.

3. Emblem protection.

4.Competition-quiz (questions of the quiz are attached, every four questions there is a pause, the material for the pause was prepared by the students in advance).

First pause: poems about animals;

Second pause: "My good deeds" helpline.

    Emotional mood. The lesson begins with the performance of the song "Bread is the head of everything"

At spring dawn

The air is fresh and blue.

old father,

moving gray hair,

Spoke on the porch

Quietly speaking to the son

seeing him off

First time on the fields


Remember, son

Gold words

Bread is the head of everything

Bread is the head of everything

Remember, son

Gold words

Bread is the head of everything

Bread is the head of everything.

    Teacher's word.

Guys, and again a fairy tale knocked on our house. She always comes quietly, barely audible ... ..

Will everyone hear this knock?

Will everyone let him into his house, into his heart?

Will everyone understand the great wisdom that lies in a fairy tale?

Paustovsky, the author of the fairy tale "Warm Bread", will help us answer these difficult questions.

Pay attention to Paustovsky's statement

Who, from the point of view of the writer happy man?

Let's try to become sensitive and attentive readers today in order to understand what lessons are contained in the fairy tale "Warm Bread". Today we have a quiz lesson "Are you an attentive reader?"

    Protection of emblems and team names.

The first team "Filka ».

We named our team "Filka". He main character. We understand that the boy is changing in this story in better side. Initially, he is an angry and rude boy. He sincerely repents and admits his own guilt. Corrects the situation due to willpower, perseverance, ingenuity. He coped with his difficult task. Kind words and deeds helped to find true and reliable friends.

The second team "Pankrat" .

We named our team "Pankrat". He was a miller. The mill has not worked for a long time, but the flour dust has forever eaten into Pankrat. Pankrat was quick to work, an angry old man, the guys considered him a sorcerer, because he was smart and insightful, with quick eyes. He talks little, works a lot. Sees through a person. The miller took the wounded black horse. He cured him. Pankrat repaired the mill, which had not worked for a long time. Pankrat lives away from people. (The mill was usually located on the edge of the village or away from it). We love this hero.

The third team is "Wounded Horse".

We named our team "Wounded Horse". During the war, a German shell exploded in the village of Berezhki and wounded a black horse in the leg. The commander left the wounded horse in the village. The miller took the horse. It was difficult to feed the horse, and the horse began to go around the yards to beg. The inhabitants fed him. Who will endure beet tops, stale bread, and sometimes a delicacy: sweet carrots. A horse-worker, patiently did hard work, helped the miller Pankrat. All the inhabitants of the village of Berezhki considered it their duty to take care of him.

Competition-quiz (questions).

1. Where and when do the events in the fairy tale take place? (The events take place in the years civil war, in the village of Berezhki).

2. Why is the village called Berezhki? What are your associations? (Native shores, shore of life.

3. Pankrat was wearing a cap. What does this word mean? (Kartuz is a cap with a visor).

4. The horse was treated to stale bread. Stale bread is the direct meaning of the word. Choose a figurative meaning. (A callous person. In explanatory dictionary S. I. Ozhegova, a callous person is an unresponsive, soulless person).

5. Filka hit the horse on the lips, backhand. How do you understand this word? (Strongly swinging).

6. Filka called the horse the devil and the Christ-lover. Who are the Christians? (In ancient times, people who did not have a roof, a roof over their heads walked the earth. They called them “passing kaliks”, such people were considered God’s people. ” For Christ’s sake, they asked for alms. could: give a piece of bread, provide lodging for the night.

7. What is the climax? (the most intense moment).

8. The culminating passage "How nature responded to Filka's cruelty." Read this passage aloud. (from the words “A tear rolled down ....). Indicate examples of personification (“the wind whistled”). Personification helps us see living nature.

In this passage, another means of expression is used - GRADATION.

Paustovsky used verbs with increasing action. This technique of arranging words in order of reinforcing (decreasing) meaning is called gradation.

Find the gradation technique in this passage. (straw flew, birdhouses broke, shutters clapped, pillars of snow dust rose, rushed to the village.)

8. "Prickly frost" is an epithet. Why? (The epithet helps not only to see, but also to feel).

9. Filka covered himself with a sheepskin coat. What is a tulup? (This is a fur coat, without interception, hugging the whole body, the whole camp.)

10. Events of 100 years ago, about which Filka's grandmother tells. What are these events? (A severe frost fell on our district. Forests, gardens, birds died. Nothing grew for 10 years, the ground was bare.)

11. In what grandmother Filka sees the reason that nature has raged. Name the key words. ("from human malice", "evil man".)

12. And now, after 100 years, what kind of person has wound up in Berezhki? (“Bad person”, creates “villainy”)

13. Filka thought after the grandmother's story. He jumped out into the street and ran to the mill. Paustovsky uses comparisons. Remember: the moon is compared to……. (removed, like a bride, with crowns).

The snow sang underfoot, as if .......

Willow branches gleamed like (glass).

14. “You are a senseless citizen” …….. Who is this? Whose words are these? (This is Filka. That's what Pankrat called him. He offended the horse and because of this frost fell on the village.)

15. Who brought the thaw to the village? (The magpie said that she flew to the warm sea, woke up the summer wind, cracked him about the severe frost and begged him to drive him away, help people. The crows did not believe this. But by evening the ice cracked, dispersed.)

16. Briefly retell the episode “Reconciliation of Filka and the horse” (Filka took fresh bread, Nikolai took a wooden salt shaker with salt. They went to the horse .. Pankrat released the horse. Filka handed the bread to the horse. The horse took the bread only after Pankrat’s words: “Don’t be scared , Boy, Filka is not an evil person.

17. What has become a symbol of the changed relations between people? (Bread not only fed the whole village, but also became a symbol of changed relations between people.)

18. Filka was a senseless citizen. At the end of the tale, what kind of person is in front of us?

Fair man

Good man

A true citizen ("A worthy son of the Fatherland").

First pause: Poetic. Poems about animals.

Team "Filka"

The poem "Horse".

The horse is known for its strict character,

And trusts the horse to a few,

Those who do not cry and do not lie to their mother,

The horse takes with him on the road.

The horse is smart and will instantly figure it out

Those who are afraid in moments of danger,

And will not find indulgence from her

One who pities sweets and cookies.

Horses love and horses cry

They fly in the sky, they jump on the prairie,

Shadow flickering on the moon wall,

They come to the kind and brave in a dream.

If there is warmth in the heart

Touch the bridle. And jump into the saddle. (Peter Baranov)

Pankrat team. Students read the poem "Friendship" by roles in costumes.

What is friendship, I asked the bird.

This is when a kite flies with a titmouse.

I asked the beast: What is friendship?

This is when the fox hare does not need to be afraid.

And then she asked the girl: Friendship - what is it?

This is something huge, joyful, big.

This is when the guys all at once, all together play.

This is when boys do not offend girls.

Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.

Team "Wounded Horse".

Our team prepared the message "Horses in Wartime".

Performance of the team: - Horses turned out to be indispensable for swift raids behind enemy lines. And all because although the horse runs at an average speed of no more than 20 km per hour and can overcome no more than 100 km per day, it can go where no equipment can go - and do it unnoticed. General Halder wrote: “We constantly encounter cavalry formations. They are so maneuverable that it is not possible to use the power of German technology against them. The consciousness that not a single commander can be calm for his rear has a depressing effect on the morale of the troops.

Second pause.

Teacher : - Filka at the end of the tale did good. Can you tell us about your good deeds??? Let's move on to the "Hurry to do good" section. Our school has a hotline. (His #14-34) Go to the phone. Pick up the phone and tell about your good deed.

Filka Team.

Hello, hello. Is this a helpline? This is Abrahamyan Arnold. I want to talk about my good deed. My classmate Adonin Misha and I walked in the center of the village of Kavkazskaya. We saw an abandoned kitten, which looked at us sadly. “He must be hungry,” we decided. Misha ran to the store and bought 2 packs of Whiskas. The kitten ate for a very long time. We went to swing, and when we returned, the cat was no longer there.

Pankrat team.

Hello, hello. Is this a helpline? This is Orlova Alina. I want to talk about my good deed. When I was 8 years old, I got a kitten from a tree. Among the branches, he got tangled and could not get off. I climbed onto the strongest and thickest branch and pulled out the kitten. He jumped off and ran away. I never saw him again.

Team "Wounded Horse".

Hello, hello. Is this a helpline? This is Dmitry Kondratov. I want to talk about my good deed. Our neighbor Aunt Olya can't get into the house, the lock won't open. She asked me to climb through the window into the house and open the door. With great difficulty, I did it. I was glad that I helped my neighbor.

Lesson summary :

Final word of the teacher . - Which team scored more points? In one of the programs on TV, YEVGENY VINOKUR spoke. He remembered the lessons of his mother. She taught him: "DO GOOD AND GO FURTHER, DO GOOD AGAIN, DO NOT WAIT FOR A RETURN." What wise words… listen to them… and do the same….

Test based on the fairy tale by K. G. Paustovsky "Warm bread" Grade 5

Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

teacher of the Russian language and literature, SBEI JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI".

1. Define the genre of the work

a) fairy tale

a) P.P. Bazhov

b) K.G. Paustovsky

c) V.V. bianchi

3. Theme of the work:

a) labor and mutual assistance of people;

b) care for animals;

c) man and nature.

4. The main character's name is:

a) Filka

b) Fedka

c) Pankrat

5. Action happens:

a) in the village of Ozerki

b) in the village of Kameshki

c) in the village of Berezhki

6. Why did the horse stay in the village?

a) He was injured.

b) That's what Pankrat wanted.

7. The horse took:

a) miller Pankrat

b) boy Filka

c) an old man from the village

8. The horse began to walk around the yards:

a) love to eat good food

b) it was difficult to feed

c) liked to walk around the village

9. What was Filka's nickname?

a) I don't know anything.

b) "Well, you!".

c) "Well, you!".

10. Filka lived:

a) with parents

b) with grandma

c) with mom

11. Filka by nature was:

a) silent, incredulous

b) sociable, trusting

c) kind, sympathetic

12. What bad deed did Filka do?

a) hit the horse on the lips and threw bread into the snow

b) drove the horse

c) hit the horse on the lips and gave nothing

13. What happened when Filka threw bread to the horse in the snow?

a) a blizzard has begun.

b) there was a flood.

c) there was a blizzard.

14. What story did Grandma Filke tell?

a) About how she once offended a soldier.

b) About how a peasant from the village offended an old soldier.

c) About how people offended the horse.

15. Filka realized that he had committed a disgusting, evil act when:

a) offended the horse;

b) frost intensified;

c) I heard the story of my grandmother.

16. How did Filka expiate his guilt?

a) He did not want to change.

b) Feed everyone.

c) Chop the ice with the guys at the mill.

17. When did the mill start working?

and in the evening

b) she broke forever

c) the next day

18. What was the magpie talking about above the dam?

a) That she woke up the summer wind.

b) That Filka is a bad person.

c) That she is the most chatty.

19. How did Filka make peace with the horse?

a) He asked for forgiveness.

b) He brought him fresh bread and salt.

c) He fed him carrots.

20. What is the story "Warm Bread" about?

a) About the need to be kind, sympathetic.

b) About evil sorcerers

c) About a trip to a desert island

21. Which proverb matches the content of the story?

a) There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.

b) Language will bring to Kyiv.

c) Business - time, fun - an hour.

22. The meaning of the word "warm" in the title of the work:

a) possessing heat, carrying heat;

b) warming the body, satisfying;

c) not hot enough.
