Municipal State Community Institution

Kopsychovsky Primary School


Director of MKOU "Kopschovskaya NSH"

N.A. Shitorsina

Order number 21 dated 04/12/2016


"Erudite" .


1. Development of logical thinking and creative abilities;
2. Education of the feeling of the partnership, mutual respect, tolerant attitude towards each other;
3. To form students the ability to organize the relationship between their knowledge and organize them.
Event flow:
Two teams of 6 people participate. Sit after individual tables. The lead announces the beginning of the competition and offers teams to choose a series in which they want to test their knowledge:
1. Geographic Series
2. Botanical series
3. Zoological series
4. Fabulous series
5. Reminted series
6. Blitz Game.

Each series contains 5 questions, you can call the number of any question and after discussion to give a response. No more than 2 minutes is given to thinking. Begins to answer the team that coped first. In case of incorrect response, the ability to respond is transmitted by the second command. Each command in turn chooses a series and number number. The jury counts points. Blitz Game consists of 12 questions to which you need to answer immediately. On the choice of Blitz Game every team answers its 12 questions. The end is summarized and winners are awarded.

"Geographic" series - 2 points ka every correct answer.
1. How did you know the city of Ulyanovsk before? (Simbirsk).

2. Name the famous "colored" seas (black, red, white, marble, yellow).
3. What city is the port called the Northern Gate of the country? (Murmansk).
4. What city of the country has changed its name 4 times? (St. Petersburg)
5. What are the most deep-water lake of our country. (Baikal).

"Botanical" series - 3 points for each correct answer.
1. Name the largest berry. (Watermelon)
2. What is the name of the cereals cooked from millet? (Millet).
3. What berries are not afraid of frost? (Ryabina, Kalina).
4. The needle of which tree is popping? (Larch).
5. What flowers are female and male names? (Ivan-da Maria, Ivan-Tea, Pansies).

Series "Zoological" - 2 points for each correct answer.
1. Why is the hare easier to run from the mountain than the mountain? (Rear paws are much longer than the front, from the mountain it is often tumbling).
2. Where is the grasshopper ears? (On the front paws).
3. Long dog? (Dachshund).
4. What bird takes chicks in winter? (Crossbill).
5. What bird can not take off from the ground? (String)

Series "fabulous" - 1 points for each correct answer.
1. In which country did the Bremen musicians live? (Germany).
2. What was the name of the Panther from the Tale of Kipling "Mowgli"? (Bagira).
3. Name any magic spell.
4. Call Sivka Burku. (Savka rustling prophetic canopy, stand in front of me as a leaf before grass.
5. What was the name of the gnomes from a fairy tale about Snow Whole? (like days of the week).

"Entertaining" series
1. The burning 5 light bulbs, 2 were dead. How many light bulbs left? (five).
3. How many times do the door handles in school more than doors? (2 times more).
4. When do we call the boy with a female name? (When he sleeps a lot - Sonya).
5. Where is the longest day on earth? (Everywhere the same).

Blitz - Game - 1 point for each correct answer.
1. Who opened America? (Columbus).
2 What is the name of the flower on which you guess? (chamomile).
3. Who is Vladimir Shainsky? (Composer).
4. What is the biggest bird in the world? (Ostrich).

5. What is the name of an old Russian pinch musical instrument? (Gusli).
6. Who is the author of the book "Dunno"? (N.Nosov)
7. How many brothers have Elsza in the fairy tale "Wild Swans"? (eleven).
8. What is the name of one of the smallest vivaging aquarium fish? (Guppy).
9. What kind of wheel does not rotate during the descent from the mountain? (Spare).

1. Kit is a fish? (Mammal).
2. What year was the first flight of a person in space? (1961).
3. What was the name of the last Russian king? (Nikolai Romanov).
4. What color will turn out when fought yellow and blue? (Green).
5. What is the name of the Tennis Games Playground? (court).

6. What makes the semolina? (From wheat flour).

7. What is the name of Santa Claus in the USA? (Santa Claus).
8. Name the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece).
9. Name the epic hero who won the nightingale of the robber? (Ilya Muromets).

Chumakov Natalia Gennadievna
Quiz for elementary school "April Erudite"

Quiz for elementary school« April eruder» (comic)

purpose: Learn students to apply their knowledge in non-standard situations; promote education in children feelings of respect for another person, to his opinion and choosing; Development of attention, imagination, reflection, ability to analyze students.

Equipment: Slides, cards, chips.

Let's laugh, good luck - smile,

And let's meet without grief and without tears.

April The whole is a good holiday.

Let there be lit in the laugh, and

We are then all of all, and that's seriously.

Workout. Reply "YES" or "NOT"

1. In an empty cup there are nuts? not

2. Snow goes in summer? not

3. The sun shines at night? Yes

4. Soup eating fork? not

5. Cat is afraid of mice? not

6. Carrot happens blue? not

7. Berloga Bear on a branch? not

8. Apples ripen in spring? not

9. Are leaves yellow in autumn? Yes

10. Sparrow is a bird? Yes

11. Car 4 Wheels? Yes

12. Does the bunny live in the lair? not

13. Bear pet? not

14. Notebook looks like a rectangle? Yes

"Who quickly?"

1) What is this institution where they take illiterate? (School.)

2) What is the name of the time interval between vacation? (Fourth.)

3) what word is called school Time Out? (Turn.)

4) The figure in the class journal is. What? (Mark.)

5) Book dressing is. What? (Cover.)

6) School Alarm clock is ... What? (Call.)

7) What is the help called with a whisper? (Prompt.)

8) What is the name of a piece of paper with records, intended for secret peeping during a control and exam? (Crib.)

9) What is barely crawled in the lessons, and the arrow flies on the change? (Time.)

10) For what student expelled from class? (Per door.)

11) What is a natural disaster? (This is when the house was asked to teach big verse.)

12) as the name of the Russian Peninsula call the latest parties in school classes? (Kamchatka.)

13) and how in schools Camchatka call the latest desks? (Kaliningrad, because this is the western city of Russia and it is so far from East Kamchatka.)

14) What one word is called all who graduated school this year? (Release.)

15) What is the name of the written retelling of the listened text? (Presentation.)

16) This is not only a break in the work of the State Duma, but also a break in training sessions during school year. What is it? (Vacation.)

17) Where Buratino went instead of going to school? (In a puppet theater.)

Answers: Tiger, dragonfly, cloud, fingers, mole, boots, rake.

Interesting Facts.

Do you know that ... 66 years old noted the ballpoint pen on November 22, 2012? In England on November 22, 1946, the first ballpoint handles arrived.

The most ancient ink recipes known to us in Russia is a soot with cherry glue, diluted with water.

What for Russian schoolchildren in the 19th century meant red flag, posted on a fire calane? (It meant frost at 20 degreesin which classes in schools canceled.)

In one of the provinces of India there is an original order: If the student misses occupations in school because of the sports workout, instead of him in school There must be someone from the parents.

Competition Captain


Make up for 1 minute as many words as possible.

Theater competition

One member from the team.

Read the poem A. Barto "Our Tanya cries loudly":

As recognition in love;

As a sore throat;

Swearing loudly;

Last speech before execution.

1) carried a grandmother to the bazaar of 100 eggs, one (and bottom) fell. How many eggs remains in the basket? (zero)

2) When a person happens in a room without a head? (When it gives it out of the window to the street)

2) Name five days without calling numbers (eg, 1, 2, 3,.) and names days (eg, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.). (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

Let's laugh ...

Criminal News: in school The library discovered the dead. silence.

In class lesson.

You, Petrov Golden Hands! Only grown not from that place!

PE in kindergarten number 5 : The teacher took all the pots with flowers.

Transition of the stroke ...

1. Who, according to the Russian saying, feet feed?

b) runner;

c) shoemakers;

2. Who should whistled on the grief, so that something is not enough to happen?

a) the nightingale-robber;

b) president;

d) policeman.

3. What is the berry compare very good, driving life?

a) strawberries;

b) raspberry;

d) gooseberry.

4. What plant exist?

a) Petka-I-Vasily Ivanovich;

b) Tom - Jerry;

c) Sasha-I-Masha;

d) Ivan-da Maria.

5. What bunny jump under the Christmas tree?

a) white;

b) small;

c) sulfur;

d) chocolate.

6. Which breed of a shepherd does not exist?

a) Scottish;

b) german;

c) Caucasian;

d) Antarctic.

Game with spectators

Most toothy cutlery? (Fork.)

Most hiking bag? (Backpack.)

Most swimming shoes? (Flippers)

The most acute heel? (Hairpin.)

The most heavenly color? (Blue)

Children's theater? (Puppet show.)

Most children's swimming agent? (Inflatable circle.)

The biggest sporting event? (Olympiad.)

The longest distance in an air athletics? (Marathon - 42 km 195 m.)

The very first school textbook? (Primer.)

The smartest sport? (Chess.)

Self big waves? (Tsunami.)

The biggest piece of ice? (Iceberg.)

Doctor's kind doctor? (Dr. Aibolit.)

The most beautiful bird in the world? (Peacock.)

SAMI bright Star In our sky? (Sirius.)

SAMI "American" a statue? (The Statue of Liberty.)

Russian musical instrument? (Balalaika.)

What is the name of the book, telling about the most? (Book of Records Guinness. Released annually since 1955 by English publisher "Guinness Publishing Limited".)

Let's laugh ...

IN school at the lesson:

Ivanov, why do you gnaw the pen?

It's a habit. I can't do anything with you.

Your habit for schools - alone costs! Quickly get away from the door and sit down in place!


- "Are you in the toilet? Verine at the same time and rag ".

Few people know that the Ministry of Education confirmed that in the last century the best tutorial Remarks are recognized.

Poetic competition.

In 5 minutes to come up with verse with rhyme:

o Frog, pillow, pie, rhino.

o Crown, crow, stump, deer.

Respect your parents. They finished school Without Google and Wikipedia.

Pernation dream.

We all dream of a bird of happiness. Let's find out what the birds dreams?

(Players are distributed cards with the inscription on the turn and read out: "I dreamed ..."


Intelligent quiz "Erudite" with answers (for grade 4)

For each correct answer in the quiz team gets 1 point.

1. A vehicle having two wheels, but without a motor and without pedals.
2. Spiny garden berry shrub.
3. Device in a building for rapid lifting of people and cargo.
4. Heavenly body, located closest to the ground.
5. The performance in which the actors do not speak, but only sing.
6. Round circus platform for performances.
7. A man standing back to the audience, and face to musicians.
8. The smallest of the continents existing on Earth.
9. Musical ensemble consisting of 3 performers?
10. The author of fairy tales about Lekhanka and his friends.
11. What is less than 60 centners or 6 tons?
12. The largest ocean on the globe.
13. What kind of wild beast take the origin of the dog?
14. Profession of a person who creates new cars, aircraft?
15. What does a person do all his life without stopping?
16. Wood, what tree is most suitable for the production of matches?
17. Without this subject, you will not play a violin.
18. From the gentle core of this herbaceous plant, the ancient Egyptians did a scroll, and then they wrote on them.
19. What is minerals use to produce plasticine?
20. Bat - this is a bird or mammal.


1.Samokat. 2. Gooseberry. 3. Elevator. 4. Moon. 5. Opera. 6. Arena. 7. Conductor. 8. Australia. 9. Trio. 10. N. Nosov. 11. Equally. 12. Quiet. 13. From the wolf. 14. Designer. 15. Breathe. 16. Osins. 17. Without a bow. 18. From papyrus. 19. Clay. 20. Mammal.

Intellectual game-quiz "Erudites" for elementary school children

Description : The game is carried out between the boys and the girls of the class and the smartest child class at the end of the school year.

purpose : Fastening the material passed through the subjects studied, identifying gaps in knowledge and the definition of the smart child in the class.

Fabulous warm-up:

1 . Who is the author of the work "Koshkin House"? (Samuel Marshak)
2. Where did the Dr. Aibolit in the telegram go? (in Africa)
3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "Golden Key or An Adventure of Pinocchio"? (ARTEMEND)
4. The pretty character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)
5. The groom flies-clook. (Mosquito)
6. What did the church soldier come from? (From the ax)
7. Who caught in the corner of Emel? (Pike)
8. Who was in Russian folk fairy tale frog? (Printed)
9. What was the name of the boa from the Kipling Tale "Mowgli"? (Kaa)
10. What did the Emel horrible in the fairy tale "by torture kettle"? (On the stove)
11. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
12. What did the flea of \u200b\u200bthe fly-base? (Boots)
13. What colors went under New Year The heroine of the tale "Twelve months"? (Behind snowdrops)
14. What is the hero of the fairy tale wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
15. Sister of Brother Ivanushki. (Alyonushka)
16. The most famous resident of the flower city. (Dunno)
17. How old was the old man from a fairy tale about the Golden Fish? (33 years)
18. What was Pinocchio from? (From Polyan)
19. Fruits with which Cheburashka lasted. (Oranges)
20. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale " The Snow Queen", Which went around the world to look for his named brother? (Gerda)

21. Who carried the red cap of pies and an oil pot? (Grandmother)
22. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from the tales of Kataeva "Flower-seven-family"? (Zhenya)
23. Name the patronymic of Fedora from the fairy tale of Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount." (Egorovna)
24. Who wrote a fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perro)
25. What was the name of the girl traveling around the country wonders and a casting american? (Alice)
26. What did the trap-cassette bought in the bazaar? (Samovar)
27. The best friend of Carlson. (Kid)
28. What hut was the fox in the tale "Zayushkina Hug"? (Ice)
29. What was the name of the sister of Dr. Aibolit? (Varvara)
30. Mistress Artemon. (Malvina)
31. Who caught a goldfish? (Old man)
32. The author of the fairy tale "Konon-Gorbok". (Peter Ershov)
33. What was the name of a little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)
34. In which birds turned 11 royal sons? (In swans)
35. Who turned the wrong dot? (In a wonderful swan)
36. What was the coach, in which Cinderella went to the ball?

(From pumpkin)
37. Winnie Puha friend. (Piglet)
38. What was the name of the Sly Cat from the Golden Key fairy tale? (Basilio)
39. What was the name of mother-a bear in the fairy tale "Three Bear"? (Nastasya Petrovna)
40. From what plant Eliza splash shirt for their brothers in the fairy tale "Wild Swans"? (From nettle)

41. What kind of work hired a pop bath?(Cook, horse, carpenter.)

Quiz in Russian: 1. What words can be replaced by the phraseology "to accurate Liaks"?
(Have fun talking)
2. Name antonym Word "Fun"? (Fun - despondency)
3. My first is a preposition,
The second and third - summer house.
And some sometimes
Solved with difficulty. (A task)
4. What are the sounds on the letter? (Letters)

5. What questions are responsible to be? (Who what?)
6. What part of the speech does not have the end? (Adverb)
7. What is such single words? (Words are close in meaning and having the same root)
8. What are the prepositions? (To communicate words in the sentence)
9. What does the verb give a negative meaning? How is she written with verbs? (particle is not written separately)

10. What questions answer the verbs in an indefinite form?
(What to do? What to do?)

Quiz in mathematics: 1. Name as more words as possible on the letter with mathematics related? (Seven, how much, centimeter, speed, comparison ...)
2. Seven brothers. Every brother had one sister.
How much did the man go? (Eight)
3.Tradash cut into two parts. How many notes did? (One)
4. What is harder: 1kg cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Weight of the same)
5. Bolts for 2 minutes caught 4 fish. How many minutes he caught 8 of the same fish? (You can not answer the question of the task)
6. The number in which 2 dozen, and units 4 times more. What is the number intended? (28)
7. What is a rectangle? (Rectangle is a figure that the opposite sides are equal to the corners direct)
8. WID of her, like a comma, tail of a crochet and not a secret, she loves everyone lazy people, but there is no lazy - no. (2)
9. What kind of unambiguous numbers gives the number 6? (6 * 1 \u003d 6)

10. For two years of Seryozha will be twice as older than it was two years ago. How many years will it be seine? (* Years)

Quiz around the world :
1. What is the biggest bird in the world? (Ostrich)
2. What bird in our country is the smallest? (King)
3. What birds say that they are "young spring messengers"? (Lark)
4. What are the king of animals? (A lion)
5. In a joke called "oblique"? (Hare)
6. But how many degrees can turn the head of the owl? (180 degrees)
7. What animal can breathe in three ways: skin, lungs and mouth? (Frog)
8. What a beast, if a competition was conducted by profession, would be recognized as the best logger? (Beaver)
9. Protective precipitation in the form of water drops, jets? (Rain)

10. What kind of fish is the name of a person? (Carp)

Quiz on history: 1. What is the coat of arms? (State symbol)
2. What colors from the Russian flag? (White blue red)
3. What is "az", "beech" and "lead"? (Letters of Slavic ABC)
4.What is depicted on the Russian coat of arms? (Double-headed eagle)
5. Who wrote the picture "Bogatyry"? (V. Vasnetsov)
6. How was the first printed book called? (Apostle)
7.Come belong to the words: "hard in teaching, easy in battle"?
(A. Suvorov)
8. Name the first Russian princes:
(Rurik, Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav.)
9. What year is considered the year of the baptism of Russia? (988 year)

10. What important event did our country celebrate in 2015?
(70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War)

Victorina literary :

1. What is the famous cheerful short one belonged to a blue hat? He never parted with her. And even when she flew to the moon, did he wear a helmet from the jade on a hat? (N. Nosov "Adventures Minor".)

2. What shoes served as a tasty and nutritious product for crocodiles? (Kalosh. K. Chukovsky, "Phone".)

3. Higher suit was naked straw? (Scared. V. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City".)

4. What is the hero "... instead of the boots gloves / pulled on his heels"? (S. Ya. Marshak, "Scattered man.")

5. Was the owner of frogshek skin? (Vasilisa is beautiful. "Tsarevna-Frog".)

6 . She came from the fairy tale. X. Andersen. Her name means a mode of length equal to 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Inch.)

7. What is the name of the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin about the grumpy old woman and the poor old man? ("Fairy tales about fisherman and fish")

8. Mushka - the main character Books, which was given a very funny name, because he fell from the table? (Cheburashka.)

9. Which of the literary heroes has spent 28 years old on the uninhabited island? (Robinson Crusoe.)

10. In what work S. Mikhalkov told about a man of great growth? (Uncle Stepa.)

11. Who has a copper funnel on his head instead of the cap? (Iron Woodcutter. V. Volkov "Wizard of the Emerald City").

12.Nexturried three fat men? (Tutti.)

Competition "Detection of Erudites":
1. What is the name of a universal school subject, which besides direct destination can replace an umbrella, ball, pillow, highchair and a lot more?
2. This word can be called teachers, and a student, and a policeman, and a doctor.
3. The most favorite word of any student.
4. What is the name of the school life manager, which is subject to the director himself.Call.
5. You won't take it into my hands, but the less you bring from school, the more will get at home.Evaluation.
6. It happens thick and thin, the scientific, children's, cool.
He loves to wear a teacher ...
7. The institution where they take illiterate.School.
8. It happens simple, there is a composite, and sometimes unbearable for the whole family.A task.
9. There are oral, there are written. If you are not executed, you can get a two. Parents sometimes check them.Hometasks.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.
