FEFU is an intellectual, educational and design and analytical center in the Russian Far East, located on Russky Island on the shores of Ajax Bay.

FEFU was founded in 1899, but in the form in which the university exists now, its development began in 2010. Since 2016, a new management team led by and. about. Rector Nikita Anisimov develops communications between the Russian and international expert community with research, educational and innovation institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. The partner network includes universities and research centers in Japan, South Korea, China and other Asia-Pacific countries.

The University has joined national movement WorldSkills Russia, so that engineering students immerse themselves in practical implementation from the 1st year and hone their professional skills before employment.

FEFU supports the National Technology Initiative (NTI), which allows it to attract promising employers and development institutions such as the Russian Venture Company (RVC), the Potanin Foundation, and others.

FEFU is building communications with leading Moscow universities: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, RANEPA, HSE, SkolTech, Moscow State University. Lomonosov and others. Therefore, joint educational programs, universities send students to practice to each other.

In FEFU, faculties are called Schools, as in Harvard. 9 schools are enrolling for educational programs for the preparation of bachelors and masters in the most promising areas: biomedicine, energy, IT, robotics, business development in the Asia-Pacific region, etc. The training is based on the method project activities, which brings up engineering and management teams ready to implement large-scale projects in the country's economy.

Working with VDC Okean to revive strong mathematics education in the Far East, the university hosts the annual Pacific School of Mathematics. In the summer, hundreds of talented children will be able to get into a design school or go to the base of the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi.

During the work of the Moscow management team, the university diversified the study in the magistracy, making it useful for people who intend to build a career:

Researchers and scientists;

Experts of large companies and corporations;

Technological entrepreneurs who are ready to launch a startup already at the stage of studying at a university.

FEFU is building a scientific and technological valley and an IT cluster on Russky Island, attracting professionals and intellectuals from all over the country.

More information about FEFU can be found in the community

University teacher/administration: Joyful yesterday's schoolchildren, crowding with certificates in the FEFU admissions office, how I feel sorry for you ...
For those who don’t like to read for a long time, here’s some advice right away: if you didn’t study much at school, you don’t differ in excessive curiosity and craving for knowledge, and the USE scores were enough to catch on to the budget, you can enter FEFU. If you need serious modern knowledge want to learn and learn as much as possible about future profession- you have nothing to do here, especially the so-called high scorers, you have a huge choice, why would you choose a university with the worst rating among federal universities. It also makes no sense to study here for a fee, the price / quality ratio is perhaps the worst in Russia, for your money you can easily find something better. The only exception is the Eastern languages, here the quality is still decent.
Now who cares about the details. First of all, you need to understand that there are two FEFU: one is a ostentatious brand, which you can read about on the FEFU website and whose cases you can admire, and the second is FEFU as educational institution, mediocre and provincial.
Let's start with teachers. If for the entire time of study you come across 2-3 people who deeply know their subject at the modern level, can and want to teach, you are lucky. Usually they either cannot or do not want to, and often both. But there are not enough of them either, it happens that there are no classes in any discipline for 2-3 months, until they find at least someone who is not even particularly versed in the subject, if only he would at least somehow conduct something and arrange what any evaluation.
On the site you can read that FEFU invites teachers from leading Russian and foreign universities... Such a person will arrive from Moscow for a week, arrogantly tell common truths and leave, taking with him an amount equal to the annual salary of an ordinary teacher, for which he actually went here. Believe me, you will not get anything useful for yourself from this.
Now the material base. Yes, the buildings and nature are beautiful, no words. And on the site you can read about the unique equipment available at FEFU. Of course there is something and it works. But very often the picture is different: yes, the equipment was bought, expensive, unique, but it still lies in boxes, because no one needs it, there is no one to work with it, they bought it for show and rollback. And it also happens like this: they bought it, expensive and unique, very necessary, installed it, launched it ... And then the FEFU management “found out” that service and consumables were still required, and to allocate money for this, sorry for the expression, fell flat. Here it is, gathering dust and morally obsolete. Walk along the laboratory building, look into the windows of the first floor, you will see a lot of empty laboratories there, with equipment, but without people, and unpacked boxes. True, lately they have hung blinds in places, otherwise people begin to ask uncomfortable questions about what the money is spent on ... You won’t read about this on the site. And about computer classes, where there is frank scrap metal, and out of 15 computers there can be only 5 workers. And about the fact that not so long ago, FEFU lost its only old supercomputer, which was inherited from FENU, but there is not and will not be a new one. But you will read about virtual reality, cloud technologies and high-performance computing. But they will teach you this on an ordinary board and leaves.
But this is not the worst. There is also a team (or perhaps a gang) under the leadership of the rector A*****. These are people who understand nothing about the education system, who have taken the place of those who once made FENU the leaders of education in the Far East, who created FEFU in its early years. All these professionals were removed. In their place, the rector's friends - people who came to help him milk the university. People whose decisions are all subject to the same principle: the flow of money past their pocket should be as small as possible. Teachers - cut. So what, that there is no one to conduct classes. Employees - to reduce, the program will now make the schedule. The result - in the fall of 2018, the university studied for two months without a schedule. Student groups do not divide into parts, this is double spending, let the whole group of 25 people sit in an audience with 15 computers (of which, as you remember, half do not work). The science? What other money for science, science itself should bring money and also feed them (officials).
But every year, some next brilliant project is carried out, for which a lot of money is allocated and mastered by the leadership. Perhaps the saddest - Undergraduate 2.0 (2016). Now these students are finishing their 3rd year, they (and they themselves) are not called anything other than “victims of undergraduate 2.0”. It was necessary to think of it, all students, of all directions, to teach the same thing for the entire first year, all nonsense without professional disciplines. Consider that they did not study for 4 years, but only 3. But from the fresh: in the fall of 2018, they tried to launch modular training. It died in miserable convulsions, before it could start, they couldn’t draw up any schedules, where is the modularity ... The same autumn 2018: an introduction to educational plans online courses - a pathetic attempt to save on teachers, not pay for classroom lessons. And two weeks before the New Year, the fun began: the heads of the departments were feverishly looking for at least someone who was ready to quickly give at least some lectures in these disciplines in 2 weeks and take tests. And the curricula were again hastily redone back (and this is in the midst of school year!!!)
But on the FEFU website, in an appeal to applicants, it is written, they say, do not try to find out “how, and what” from current students (still, none of them will say anything good!). Like at FEFU every year everything is new and it will be different for you too. In this they do not lie, there will be another project, and you will be its victims.
Last years FEFU is not a developing, but a dying university. The statistics on the site on the number of students are a blatant lie. The number of students is steadily falling, now there are fewer of them than there were in only one FENU before the merger (and 4 large universities have merged). The number of teachers has more than halved, you will not find about it on the site. Teaching support staff were fired by the hundreds and continue to be fired, and their number is just tied to the number of students.
But the management proudly declares that FEFU in the world ranking has risen from some 630th place to 570th. But believe me, such a ridiculous rise is very easy to get due to the primitive manipulation of indicators that affect the rating. Type of share of foreign students. We recruit fewer of our own, more foreigners - that's all. Generally foreign students- This is a separate subject of special pride! Unless, of course, you look where the bulk of them come from. And these are countries like Pakistan, whose poverty does not allow them to get into a normal university, but there are no universities of their own. Even the Chinese do not go to FEFU (they go, but only to learn Russian - for the rest they have their own universities, cheaper and better). But to break into the top hundred of the rankings in this way (the blue dream of all Russian universities) - the chances are lower than that of the Russian national football team to become the world champion.
I summarize: FEFU is an ordinary mediocre provincial university, excessively advertised and embellished. Showiness is manifested everywhere and in everything. A small touch: a multi-level parking in front of building D, between it and the main road there are two now inconspicuous columns, covered with a film and covered with some kind of advertising. When the next international forum is held in FEFU in September, they are unpacked before that, they hang a huge poster that these are charging columns for electric vehicles, they say, look how cool we are! And after the forum, they pack it back until next year. And this is the whole FEFU.

FEFU, whose faculties and specialties are the most in demand in the territory Far East, for its long history has produced a huge number of first-class specialists. The Oriental Institute for 116 years of its existence has managed to become a university of federal significance, its graduates are in demand all over the world.

History of the university

In 1899, FEFU, whose faculties and specialties today are of interest to many applicants throughout Russia and abroad, was opened under the name Oriental Institute. Then the teaching staff was recruited from graduates who had a long practice abroad. Thanks to this, the university began to play essential role for a developing region at that time.

In 1920, the then still institute was merged with a number of private universities and began to be called the State Far Eastern University. In 1930 and 1939, the university was closed for ideological reasons, but later reopened. As of 1956, it was called the Far East state university It consists of five faculties.

The university continued to develop actively, by 2009 it included about 50 representative offices and branches, some of them are located abroad. This was the reason for joining a number of local universities to the FENU and creating a single one. This is how FEFU (Vladivostok) was formed, which in 2013 opened its doors to everyone.

How to proceed?

To enter this university, you will need to submit a number of standard documents: copy and original of the passport, certificate of passing the exam, a copy and the original of the certificate of secondary education, as well as fill out an application form for admission to the university. In the event that a potential student did not pass the Unified State Exam, he has the right to take it during the entrance exams at the university, but the admissions committee must be warned about this in advance.

If a potential student has any documents that give him an advantage in admission or simply testify to his talents, they must also be presented to the admissions committee. Despite the fact that the decision on admission is mainly made on the basis of the scores scored by the applicant, the selection committee may give priority to the applicant who offers to get acquainted with his talents.

University departments

If a potential student intends to apply to FEFU, whose departments are famous for their professionalism, he definitely needs to decide on the choice of specialty. In total, the university has 25 departments, one of which new student will be further attached in the status of a graduate student. The departments of oil and gas business and petrochemistry, instrument making, as well as architecture and urban planning are especially popular.

On each of them, scientific developments are constantly being carried out, professors conduct academic councils, which discusses not only the work of students, but also the latest publications on professional topics. Research supervisors constantly offer students opportunities for development in the form of writing publications and attending scientific meetings and other events in the specialty.

The University invites you!

Every year the university holds a day open doors, FEFU seeks to show future applicants what exactly awaits them in case of admission. As a rule, this event is held in March-April, these dates were not chosen by chance, because most of school graduates at this time begin to choose a future place of study.

To students usually prepare a large presentation, which tells in detail about the university, its history and development prospects. Potential students together with their parents can ask all the necessary questions to the teachers of the university, as well as to the students present. The event is also usually visited by one of the members of the admission committee to provide all the information applicants need for admission.

FEFU School of Engineering and its developments

Not so long ago, a completely new technical direction appeared - "Mechatronics and Robotics", which is a combination of the main dogmas of three sciences at once: computer science, electronics and mechanics. Specialists involved in its study are trying to understand how automation can help the development of several sciences at once, while maintaining their own significance and independence.

According to UNESCO, this specialty is one of the most demanded in the world, and without it any technical progress is impossible. All university graduates in this specialty have the right to work as engineers, programmers, develop artificial intelligence, and conduct research activities.

Branches of the university

Not everyone has the opportunity to move to Vladivostok in order to study at FEFU, branches in this case are the most suitable options. In total, there are nine departments of the university, all of them are located in the Far Eastern Federal District, which makes it easier for potential students from the outback.

Branches in Ussuriysk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Nakhodka are especially popular. For some students, it is much easier to get to these cities than to Vladivostok, where the main buildings of the university are located. Branches in Arseniev, Artem, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnerechensk, Dalnegorsk and Spassk-Dalniy are also completely filled with new students by the beginning of the academic year.

Faculties and specialties of the university

FEFU, whose faculties and specialties differ significantly from other universities, has developed its own concept of their naming. The faculty here is called a school, and already within them there are specialties that are successfully mastered by students. Each branch also bears the proud name of the school, while not many specialties are offered within one compared to the main division of the university.

The most popular faculties are the School of Law, the School of Arts, Culture and Sports, the School of Economics and Management, and the School of Regional and International Studies. It is there that future applicants rush to get most often, believing that it is these skills that will be most useful to them in the future.

Extracurricular activities

In addition to their main duties, FEFU students actively participate in the extracurricular life of their faculties and the university as a whole. Pupils educational institution repeatedly became winners of KVN competitions, as well as regional winners of the student spring competition, which are held annually in universities.

Among other things, the university has extracurricular organizations, in particular, the trade union committee, which helps students resolve issues with scholarships, hostels and other individual issues. Anyone can become a member of the trade union committee, for this it is enough just to go to the organization, having a student card with you.


FEFU (Vladivostok) has its own which is preparing future personnel reserves for the army. All students in this center automatically receive a deferment from the army for the period of study, and after its completion - the rank of "lieutenant" and the specialty "engineer".

Training lasts according to the standard - five years, after which the graduate of the center receives a diploma and has the right to continue his studies, and can also go to serve in the army in the rank he has received. Many of the center's alumni are now serving in the army as engineers, while receiving additional bonuses for good work each year.
