Despite the fact that most of the companies that are started today are created to carry out commercial activities and make a profit, there are still enterprises whose work is not aimed at generating income. We are talking about non-profit organizations (NPOs) engaged in charity, satisfaction social needs population, raising the cultural level of citizens and similar activities. Since the activities of such organizations are useful and socially significant, the state seeks to support both newly established and long-established NGOs. One of the measures to support non-profit enterprises is the issuance of Presidential grants. Let's figure out who and under what conditions can receive Presidential grants for NGOs in 2019.

Areas of activity of non-profit organizations

Whatever direction of activity is chosen by a non-profit enterprise, the main thing is to work without the goal of generating income.

At the legislative level, a list of areas of activity available for non-profit enterprises has been approved:

  • holding patriotic events with the population;
  • engaging in scientific activities, sports competitions, culture, education;
  • providing free legal advice to citizens;
  • security and protection environment;
  • providing support to refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • social protection of citizens;
  • work with the population aimed at preparing for possible accidents, accidents and catastrophes of a man-made and environmental nature.

How to start a non-profit organization

Before engaging in the opening of an NPO, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of its establishment, with the scope of activity. Despite the fact that the organization will have no income, it is necessary to register a legal entity (in some organizational and legal form of a non-profit enterprise) and obtain a certificate of registration with the tax service. Like commercial firms, NPOs will report on their activities, on the amount of cash injections from outside, and so on.

Considering that the state, despite the economic crisis, is financing the activities of non-profit enterprises that are useful for society, it makes sense to deal with socially significant issues, help the population and increase social level development. Sometimes such activities are no less justified than industrial production.

Sources of funding for NPO activities

Like any other company, a non-profit firm will need funding - you need to pay for the implementation of projects, pay salaries, pay utility bills, etc. It is useless to look for investors - in this case, their goals will not find a response, since NCOs do not bring profits.

Funds for the operation of the enterprise come from the following sources:

  • voluntary contributions and donations from the population;
  • contributions of the members of the organization themselves in the form of cash, real estate, valuables, assets;
  • carrying out entrepreneurial activities that would contribute to the achievement of the main goals of the organization;
  • dividends on securities and deposits;
  • government grants.

Does the state provide assistance to NGOs

The government every year plans the cost of supporting NGOs by distributing budgetary funds. In the previous year, more than 600 million rubles were allocated, which were distributed among the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to provide financial assistance to non-profit firms that carry out the most useful activities for the region.

In 2017, 4.5 billion rubles were allocated to finance the work of NGOs that won the competitive selection for grants from the President of the Russian Federation in the second and 2.5 billion rubles in the first competition - 970 projects received funding following the results of the first competition.

How to get Presidential grants for NGOs in 2019

Before applying for a grant from the state, you need to apply for participation in the competitive selection and prove the existence of specific goals for which the funds will be directed. Applications are submitted on the official grant portal and on the website of the Public Chamber. If the coordinating committee confirms that the activities of the NPO meet the requirements for participation in the competition, the organization will have a chance to be allocated by the state. budget for its development.

Applications must be submitted within a strict deadline. For example, in 2017, the acceptance of applications for the second competition was completed, and the results will be summed up on November 24. The winners of the first competition were announced already in July, they were 970 organizations that received a total of 2.5 billion rubles.

What is the amount of Presidential grants for NGOs in 2019

The amount of the granted grant is not limited and depends on the goals, scope and relevance of the NPO project submitted for consideration by the commission. On the different types projects are allocated different amounts of money:

  • up to 0.5 million rubles for projects for NGOs operating in a small region or for a short period of time;
  • from 0.5 million to 3 million rubles for NGOs implementing regional projects;
  • from 3 million rubles for NGOs whose projects cover the territory of several regions or federal districts;
  • more than 10 million rubles for NGOs implementing projects of a federal scale and a high degree of significance.

What criteria are used to evaluate non-profit organizations?

An application submitted by a non-profit enterprise is considered by a special commission, whose members pay special attention to the following points:

  • the presence of innovation and the uniqueness of the project;
  • a logically structured plan indicating the project implementation plan and expected results;
  • the adequacy and realism of the conditions for the implementation of the project;
  • the level of professionalism of NPO organizers;
  • expenses for the implementation of NPO projects, the effectiveness of the work carried out;
  • availability of a source of funding that is not related to state support measures;
  • the scale of the project;
  • information openness of the enterprise;
  • providing assistance to other NGOs;
  • successful experience in the implementation of other projects in the past;
  • the regions in which the organization operates.

After assessing each of the above points, the commission awards a certain number of points, and the more points, the higher the chances of receiving a grant. Then an open vote is held and the winners are announced. They are warned that the grant cannot be spent on support political parties, organizing strikes and rallies, as well as paying taxes and making deposits for profit. Funds generally cannot be used to generate income. The budget funds are allocated to next order:

  • issuance of Presidential grants to the winners of the competitive selection;
  • grants to non-profit enterprises from the civic chamber;
  • targeted financing of organizations that did not participate in the competition;
  • financing of social orders.

Which NGOs can take part in the competition for a grant

Even if an NPO has already received a state grant for the implementation of the project and is at the stage of its implementation, it may be submitted a new application for participation in the competition, which will be considered in the general manner.

Non-profit organizations opened by non-municipal or state structures, in order to take part in the competition, must meet the following requirements:

  1. NPOs were required to register with statutory no later than 12 months prior to the deadline for submission of applications. If she applies for a grant of up to 0.5 million rubles, registration could be six months before the deadline for applications. If an NPO is a “resource center” and is engaged in providing advice and information to applied citizens, its registration must take place at least a year before the end of the acceptance of applications (it does not matter how much money the NPO claims).
  2. The charter of the NPO contains provisions on the main purpose of the organization's activities, which would meet the requirements for the participants in the competition.
  3. The work of the NCO has not been legally suspended, bankruptcy proceedings have not been initiated, and the NCO is not in the process of being liquidated.
  4. The NCO does not have overdue obligations to pay taxes and other payments to the budget of the country or region, or there is a court decision, according to which the organization's debt is recognized as repaid.

Who is not eligible to apply for a grant

It will be useless to apply for the following who wish to participate in the competition:

  1. Citizens operating as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Individuals.
  3. Commercial companies.
  4. Local or federal authorities.
  5. State and municipal institutions.
  6. Non-profit enterprises that are:
    • microfinance companies;
    • state-public enterprises and their subdivisions, even if the latter are independent legal entities. persons;
    • notary offices;
    • law firms;
    • homeowners associations;
    • Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
    • associations of employers or cooperatives;
    • self-regulating enterprises;
    • political movements or parties;
    • any kind of consumer cooperatives.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation, announces competitions for 2019 for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science and doctors of science.

The allocation of grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 27, 2005 No. 260 "On measures for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences and leading scientific schools Russian Federation".

Russian scientific or educational organizations, as well as organizations engaged in the production of scientific and technical products, can take part in the competitions, with the exception of state-owned institutions that have labor relations with young Russian scientists - candidates of science (doctors of science).

In total, two competitions are opened - for young candidates of science (up to 35 years old) and for young doctors of science (up to 40 years old). The amount of grants ranges from 600 thousand (for candidates of science) to 1 million rubles (for doctors of science). Grants are provided for two years. Russian scientific or educational organizations, as well as organizations producing scientific and technical products, can participate in competitions for grants from the President of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state institutions that have labor relations with young Russian scientists.

Competitions are held:

Competition MK-2019- for government support scientific research conducted by young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences, whose age at the end of the grant does not exceed 35 years.

Works related to the development of topics of candidate dissertations, which are distinguished by significant scientific novelty, testify to the significant contribution of young scientists to the development of science and technology and their creative talent, as well as those related to the preparation of doctoral dissertations, can be submitted to the competition.

Competition MD-2019- for state support of scientific research conducted by young Russian scientists - doctors of science, whose age at the end of the grant does not exceed 40 years.

Works related to the development of topics for doctoral dissertations may be submitted to the competition.

The organization has the right to submit several applications according to the number of applicants submitted.

Each grant applicant can only submit their work within one application.

Grant Applicantscan not be :

Winners of the 2018 competitions for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science (MK-2018) or young Russian scientists - doctors of science (MD-2018);

Recipients of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy of the competition for 2018-2020.

Proposed scientific research should not be a repetition of scientific research carried out in the current or completed in the previous period at the expense of the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation and other sources.

Organizations must have the necessary equipment, other material and technological capabilities, a positive reputation, fulfill their obligations to pay taxes to the budgets of all levels and obligatory payments to state non-budgetary funds, must be solvent, not be in the process of liquidation, reorganization, bankruptcy.

Organizations cannot participate in the competition if their property is seized, and (or) their economic activity suspended.

Grants are allocated for a 2-year period to finance the costs of conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the following areas of knowledge:

(01) Mathematics and mechanics;

(02) Physics and astronomy;

(03) Chemistry, new materials and chemical technologies;

(04) Biology and life sciences;

(05) Earth sciences, ecology and environmental management;

(06) Social and human sciences;

(07) Medicine;

(08) Technical and engineering sciences;

(09) Information and telecommunication systems and technologies;

(11) Agricultural sciences.

The amount of the grant for a young scientist - candidate of sciences is 600 thousand rubles a year, including remuneration for his work and the work of co-executors. The number of co-executors must include at least 1 young scientist (under 35 years old), or a graduate student (under 35 years old), or a student. The amount of remuneration for a candidate of sciences and his co-executors may not exceed 360 thousand rubles per year.

The amount of the grant for a young scientist - Doctor of Science amounts to 1 million rubles per year, including remuneration for his work and the work of co-executors. The number of co-executors must include at least 3 people. A co-executor can be a young scientist (up to 35 years old), or a graduate student (up to 35 years old), or a student. The remuneration of a Doctor of Science and his co-executors may not exceed 600,000 rubles per year.

Financial support of a young scientist at the expense of a grant is carried out in addition to the salary established for a young scientist by the organization with which he has labor relations.

The competition commission considers the applications received for the competition and checks their compliance with the conditions of the competition. Applications that meet the conditions of the competition are sent by the Competition Commission to the Grants Council for peer review.

When conducting an expert assessment, the Grants Council takes into account such criteria as the scientific backlog of the proposed research over the past three years, the planned scientific activity of the grant applicant (including the publication of scientific articles in high-ranking journals Web of Science, Scopus, etc.), assessment scientific research, including novelty and applied significance, achievability of the results of scientific research.

Based on the results of the peer review, the Grants Council prepares proposals for determining the winning applications of the competition. The results of the expert evaluation and proposals for determining the Winning Applications are sent to the Tender Commission. The competition commission considers them and determines the Applications-winners of the competition.

Lists of grant applicants, whose Applications are recognized as the winners of the competition, will be posted on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Research Institute - Republican Research Scientific and Consulting Center of Expertise" ( (FGBNU NII RINKCE).


Official website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, 20/12/2018
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  • Grants 2018-2020 for research under the BRICS Multilateral Research Initiative

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  • Competitions of 2018 grants of the President of the Russian Federation to support young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences

    The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation, announces competitions in 2018 for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of sciences (MK-2018 competition) and young Russian scientists - doctors of sciences (MD competition – 2018).

  • Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists

    The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and state support leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation ANNOUNCED competitions in 2017 for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates and doctors of sciences (competition MK-2017, MD-2017).

  • More than 1 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment

    On March 31, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science announced an open competition for projects to support and develop centers for the collective use of scientific equipment as part of the implementation of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020."

  • As you know, any project must develop, but this will first require capital investments that can be beneficial in the future. Young professionals in Russia have a huge potential that requires state support, so there is such a thing as presidential grants.

    What is a grant?

    The grant is designed for candidates or doctors in certain areas of science. Not only the scientist himself is able to receive a grant, but also the leader of a whole team that conducts scientific work in Russia with young talented students.

    The funds allocated for promotion are included in the state budget. Often, in order to receive a grant from the President of the Russian Federation, it is required to pass a competition.

    How are grants distributed?

    Competitions for the possibility of receiving assistance from the state, as a rule, are held for the development of scientific research at the state level. The following categories of citizens can take part in them:

    1. Young scientists who are candidates of science, and at the time of participation in the competition they were not 35 years old. For the competition of presidential grants, they provide dissertations on various scientific topics that have not been studied by anyone before and are a novelty in science. For example, it can be technological research.
    2. The second category is citizens under 40 who have already become doctors of science. The competition may accept doctoral works that are related to a specific scientific topic and backed up by solid evidence.
    3. Take part in competitions scientific organizations Russia. But it is worth paying attention that this should be an established team, in which there is research by scientists of different age categories and scientific degrees.

    All researchers should choose one direction, and their Team work should be aimed at one common result. Development grants are given to teams that include well-trained scientific personnel, there must be a leader and researchers who are under 35 years old.

    Who gives Presidential grants

    Scientific papers are initially submitted for consideration by a special scientific commission. Direct attention is drawn to the fact that the work must meet all the conditions of the competition, otherwise it may not be accepted. If the commission approved the work, then it is then redirected to the Council, where the work is given an expert assessment. Important role it is this assessment that plays, since this will influence the determination of the winner.

    How the work of scientists is considered

    As soon as a positive decision is made by the commission regarding the work of a young specialist, the state agency concludes a special agreement with him or with the organization where the participant works. The document must indicate the topic of research on which the young specialist worked, and he is allocated a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

    Work in the chosen direction of science should include not only the main part, but also such additions as:

    1. Work plan.
    2. An estimate of the costs required to carry out the research. Not only full financing is indicated, but also financing of each stage separately.
    3. It describes all the obligations that are placed on the shoulders of a young scientist or organization, and the responsibility for spending the allocated funds.
    4. The scientist must give his written consent to conduct scientific research according to the scientific program developed by him.

    Additionally, other conditions for the use of the state grant may be included in the contract.

    Can a check be made on the intended use of the grant?

    As a rule, presidential grants are not issued just like that, so the Federal agencies have every right to conduct a check on the purpose of grant spending. Such moments are prescribed in the contract, which clearly indicates the obligations of the young scientist. He is obliged to follow the provided plan, and at each completed stage, provide a report on the expenditure of funds.

    Given the fact that a young scientist or organization may need a base for experimentation, the Federal Agency may involve outside organizations that can provide all the necessary conditions for successful research.

    Who can receive presidential grants?

    State grants may be issued to scientists who make a significant contribution to the science of the state. Russian researchers or even entire organizations that create and research scientific and technical innovations can become participants in such competitions. Anyone who is actively working in the school of the Russian Federation and really makes a significant contribution to the development of science can submit his work for the competition.

    What are the terms of issuance and the size of the grant?

    The presidential grant to young scientists can be issued for a period of two years. Speaking in more detail about the size of grants, it is worth noting that they can fluctuate, basically everything depends on the costs that will be required for the implementation of research. The total estimate includes the salary of a scientist, which reaches 60,000 rubles a year for a candidate, and 84,000 for a doctor. Managers who actively accompanied young specialists in research work receive a one-time incentive in the amount of 24,000 rubles.

    The amount of funds as material support

    Competitions, scholarships, grants - all this contributes to the development of science, so the state is trying in every possible way to provide material assistance to young scientists. The amount of cash disbursement is stipulated by the agreement with the organization to whose account the funds will be transferred. It should be remembered that additional financial support cannot be higher than half of the total amount of the grant.

    Young scientists up to 35 years old, who are considered the main specialists of the Russian school, can count on material support from the state. Funds are given to a young specialist in addition to his fixed salary. It is also important to keep in mind the purpose of public funding. If in any way it turns out that the grants of the President of the Russian Federation allocated to young scientists are not used for their intended purpose, then the payments of funds are immediately stopped.

    Presidential Scholarships

    State support for young professionals annually covers at least 40 young professionals up to 35 years old who have a PhD degree, 600,000 rubles are allocated from the state budget for this. The number of specialists under 40 who have a doctorate in science and receive presidential grants is 60 people, 1 million rubles a year are allocated for them. The state allocates annually an amount of 400,000 rubles for leading scientific schools.

    In no case should we forget about the Russian Federation. Such payments are established for a period of up to 3 years and amounts to 20,000 rubles. The number of students who can count on such financial support from the state is about 1,000 annually, and if we talk about the funds allocated from the state budget for these payments, the total amount reaches 240 million rubles a year.

    Rules for submitting a dissertation for a grant

    In order to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation, young scientists should definitely familiarize themselves with all the rules for submitting work for consideration by the commission. As a rule, all competitions are held in two stages:

    1. The first stage is held for young professionals who are candidates of science.
    2. The second stage is carried out for those researchers who already have degree Doctor of Sciences.

    The grant applicant must remember that he can only submit his work within the framework of one application. Grant applicants cannot be:

    1. Last year's winners, as their first grant has not yet expired.
    2. Holders of the Presidential Scholarship.

    In turn, organizations that apply for participation in the competition for a grant must have a good material base, the necessary equipment for conducting research work, exceptional reputation, have no problems with the tax office. The organization will not be able to take part if its property has been arrested, and the economic activity itself has been suspended.

    It should be noted that presidential grants for NGOs have been calculated. Non-profit organizations can also submit their applications for participation in the competition.

    What areas of science development are given priority this year

    Grants are allocated for a rather long period, as a rule, it is two years, but only those projects that can really be called fundamental are funded. To date, the commission most of all gives preference to works written in the context of the following areas of science:

    1. Mathematics and technology.
    2. Physical discoveries and discoveries in the field of astronomy.
    3. Discovery of new chemical materials and technologies.
    4. Scientific research in the field of biology.
    5. New discoveries in the rational use of natural resources and the struggle for the environment.
    6. Humanities are welcome.
    7. Discoveries in the field of medicine.
    8. Engineering projects.
    9. Information technology direction.
    10. Agronomy and development of agriculture.

    After analyzing the already submitted works, we can say that the most popular topics among young people are:

    1. The protection of life and health of people, while being actively carried out, which in the future will reduce the number of manifestations of incurable diseases.
    2. Projects related to education and enlightenment are being actively promoted.
    3. A lot of work is aimed at solving the problem of social services, including support for vulnerable segments of the population.
    4. The direction in the field of culture and science, as well as topics related to the preservation of historical values, has become popular.

    Competitions, scholarships, grants become an excellent motivation for the development of young people who strive to achieve great heights in science. Talented young scientists should prove themselves in various fields of activity, making the state stronger and in demand. The greater the amount of such incentives and state aid, the more talented people will be able to prove themselves in various scientific fields, offering more innovative projects that will help to make the world better.

    A synonym for the word "grant" is "scholarship". It was approved during the reign of BN Yeltsin. At that time, the head of state issued Decree No. 433 related to urgent measures of state support intended for students, graduate students receiving higher professional education. The document was signed and entered into force on April 12, 1993.

    In accordance with the Decree, 700 payments were provided for Russian students. Along with this, 300 payments existed for graduate students, as well as for citizens of the Russian Federation receiving higher education outside the country (60 scholarships). Such state support was established for up to three years.

    The trend is that the size of the payout is constantly changing upwards. The specific amount due for payment is subject to determination within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Currently, instead of the Decree issued by B. N. Yeltsin, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Scholarships ...” No. 182 of 02/14/2010 is in force.

    Postgraduate and doctoral students who are busy compiling dissertations within certain sciences, disciplines, and topics can count on a larger amount of payment. This provision is enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of specialties ..." No. 654 dated 08.24.2012.

    What are the main features of grants? Do they have any differences from premium payments? Yes there is. These funding options are exclusively for students. To qualify for their receipt, it is necessary to study at a higher educational institution on a budgetary basis. Another serious requirement for the candidate is participation and victory in the competition (their list is indicated in certain regulations).

    The number of grants issued per year is strictly limited. To date, the possibility of providing no more than 1200 pieces has been established. Since there are usually more candidates for them, the government has developed a ranking system that depends on the results of the competition and specific achievements. The placement of information about candidates takes place on the website of the grant fund until September 15 annually.

    With the growth of the status of a student, you can count on an increase in rates. Ideally, many students who have signed an agreement receive about 20,000 rubles. per month, which is several times higher than the average scholarship amount.

    It is worth taking into account one important rule: a violation by the student of the rules for using the grant will force him to return 3 times more.

    At present, the Russian Federation has a special reserve dedicated to these payments - the Presidential Grants Fund. It acts as a single operator and aims to develop civil society, stimulating interest in science. State support for non-profit structures has been taking place since 2006.

    In accordance with existing practice and the norms of the current legislation, persons who:

    • study full-time on budgetary terms;
    • passed over 50% of exams with honors in two sessions in a row;
    • have certain achievements in specialized sciences and disciplines;
    • are winners of various competitive programs, olympiads, creative and scientific reviews;
    • are the authors of printed publications;
    • have a high level of competence in professional matters;
    • striving for the advancement of science.

    The first two points are mandatory, especially in the process of identifying worthy candidates. The rest of the points are only desirable. But the greater the suitability of the applicant, the greater the chance of receiving Putin's grant.

    Presidential support system

    The support system for talented students is multifunctional and has several branches. The procedure for its implementation depends on the category of the candidate.

    Young scientists

    In 2019, 341 domestic and foreign grants were allocated to provide young scientists. Foreign payments encourage a newly graduated PhD candidate to be placed in a research institution abroad. In general, the duration of such payments is about 3-4 years. Grants are also provided from the Public Chamber.

    As for domestic (domestic) types of financing, they are represented by various incentive payments, including:

    • premiums;
    • additional fees;
    • presidential privileges.

    A competition is held to determine who is eligible for a grant. Its organization is carried out in several directions:

    • issuance of special scholarships for postgraduate students;
    • holding an annual competition program for works in order to compete for the Presidential Prize in the field of science and innovation (this prize acts as the highest measure of recognition of the merits received by young scientists);
    • an annual competition for persons advocating the development of science and technology;
    • organization of a council related to the issuance of presidential grants for the purpose of state support of Russian scientists within the framework of the leading schools in the country;
    • competition for medals of the Academy of Sciences, the competition involves the issuance of prizes to young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    Along with this, there is a program of subsidies and support for the scientific and pedagogical sphere.


    Upon completion school year scientific councils meet. They draw up the registers of candidates. These lists are subject to review by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The scholarship is awarded annually on September 1st.

    In order for university students to take part in this event, the institution must provide the Ministry with a number of papers - this is an extract from the decision of the council, a characteristic, a description scientific works, photocopies of documents confirming merit, certificate of exams.


    Grants for non-profit organizations are issued by government agencies, private companies, intermediaries and corporate institutions. They are taken from domestic funds with representative offices in the Russian Federation and foreign reserves.

    Under the grant for non-profit structures, it is customary to understand sponsorship funding, which is intended for the development of socially useful activities.

    Recipients are non-profit, non-governmental organizations that are involved in civil rights, health care, philanthropy, etc.

    The first step in obtaining a grant is preparing an application. As a result of the use of funds, you will have to fully report to the body that issued the funding. When applying, please do the following:

    1. Explore general information about the procedure.
    2. Interact with legislative acts - regulations.
    3. Learn the parameters that will influence the choice of a sponsored person.
    4. Familiarize yourself with the basic requirements and conditions.
    5. Take into account the recommendations and rules for compiling paper.

    In order to receive a Putin grant, it is necessary that an NPO also participate in various events and prove itself as a fighter for comprehensive social development.

    Public organizations

    Despite the fact that public organizations fight for the rights of socially vulnerable segments of society without actual profit, in order to receive funding, they must also meet a set of requirements. To be included in the list of candidates, a public structure must:

    • participate in competitions, olympiads and other competitive events, as well as come out of them, if not a winner, then a prize-winner;
    • constantly develop and offer relevant projects that allow achieving good results in the field of public protection;
    • to employ responsible, competent and qualified employees with theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

    Other educational institutions

    Along with the above educational organizations There are several other types of establishments that may receive public funding. The basic requirements for their activities are set on an individual basis.

    Basically, they are similar to the list of conditions for commercial and non-profit organizations - candidates for the award.

    Holding a grant competition

    Grants are awarded strictly on a competitive basis. The competition is organized by a commission created by the authorized body in the field of education. Its formation comes from employees of universities, as well as other interested bodies, departments, ministries. The commission group must have an odd number of members.

    The award of educational grants is awarded within certain specialties and forms of study, according to the points obtained in the national or comprehensive testing. To take part in the competition, a citizen must submit an application to admission committee and a number of other documents.

    Then this whole set is studied by specialists, who decide whether the individual will receive a scholarship, or someone else deserves it. The results of the voting, through which the determination takes place, are posted on the website of the department, as well as on a number of third-party resources and platforms.

    Penalties for non-fulfillment of obligations and other nuances

    If the grant was paid for a year or more, its recipient has an obligation to work on the territory of the Russian Federation for three years. If the payment was made for 1 year, fines and compulsory working off not provided. The contractual agreement also details the payments and penalties that are due for ignoring this obligation.

    If an individual refuses to receive funding or does not complete studying proccess, and also did not work out the prescribed three-year period, he undertakes to return back to the budget what he was paid. If the university was completed, and the working off did not follow, you will have to return the amount paid in a triple amount.

    Thus, the presidential grant is a special form of funding for gifted and talented students, graduate students. To receive this payment, you need to have a lot of achievements and merit.

    Moscow, Moscow, Kompozitorskaya st., 25/5с1
    [email protected]

    The Presidential Grants Fund for the Development of Civil Society was established in April 2017.

    The main goals of the fund:

    • assistance in increasing the efficiency of interaction between state bodies, bodies local government, commercial and non-profit organizations, citizens in solving social problems;
    • providing comprehensive support for non-profit organizations created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, development physical culture and sports, meeting the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protecting the rights, legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits;
    • promoting the development and improvement of state support for non-profit organizations;
    • identification, generalization and dissemination of the best practices of non-profit organizations, promotion of such activities;
    • development of a system of competencies, professional communities, assistance in the implementation and improvement educational programs in the field of social design and organization of activities of non-profit organizations;
    • promoting the development of charity and volunteerism.

    A representative office of the Presidential Grants Fund has opened in Novosibirsk, which will ensure close communication between non-profit organizations in Siberia and Far East with the fund.

    Within the framework of the above goals, one of the main tasks of the fund is to provide comprehensive support to non-profit organizations. Based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2017 No. 93-rp “On providing in 2017 state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions and implementing social significant projects and projects in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen” the fund is entrusted with the distribution of grants from the President of the Russian Federation among non-profit organizations on the basis of open competitions.

    Foundation management

    General Director of the Fund Ilya Vladimirovich Chukalin.

    Official website of the Foundation: https://presidentialgrants.rf

    Official community VKontakte:

    Frequently asked Questions

    What is the duration of the competition?

    In 2018, 2 competitions are held.
    Deadline for applications for participation in the first competition in 2018:
    start date for accepting applications - February 20, 2018;
    The closing date for applications is March 26, 2018.
    The Presidential Grants Fund closes the acceptance of applications for participation in the competition at 23:30 Moscow time on the closing day for applications.
    Summing up the results of the first competition and their placement on the official website of the Foundation will be carried out no later than June 1, 2018.

    Deadline for applications for participation in the second competition in 2018:
    start date for accepting applications - July 16, 2018;
    The closing date for applications is September 10, 2018.

    How to apply?

    An application for participation in the competition is submitted to the Presidential Grants Fund in electronic form with an attachment required documents in the "personal account" of the applicant on the official website of the Fund at the address: presidential grants.rf.

    What project implementation period can the applicant choose?

    The standard implementation period for projects (in terms of activities for which a grant is requested) submitted for the 2018 competition cannot exceed 17 months, so the activities in the calendar plan should begin no earlier than June 1, 2018 and end before November 30, 2019 G.
    Three grant areas (support for projects in the field of science, education, enlightenment; identification and support of young talents in the field of culture and art; development of civil society institutions) involve, in addition to the standard period, long-term implementation lasting up to 36 months. Events in the calendar plan should begin no earlier than June 1, 2018 and end before May 31, 2021.

    When planning the start date of the project, take into account the time that, after the announcement of the results of the competition, will be spent on connecting electronic document management, concluding an agreement, waiting for the transfer of the first tranche (the latter, according to the agreement, is up to 15 working days), as well as preparing for implementation.

    How long does it take for the Presidential Grants Fund to register applications?

    An application for participation in the competition received by the fund during the announced deadline for accepting applications is registered within five working days from the date of receipt. Given this deadline, we recommend sending applications for the first competition in 2018. no later than March 19, 2018. This will make it possible to make changes in the event that the Fund identifies deficiencies. Changes can only be made until March 26, 2018 at 11:30 pm (Moscow time).

    We invite you to the webinar "How to Get a Presidential Grant". The webinar will be equally useful and interesting for those who have already tried to get a presidential grant. And also for those who are just going to do it.

    #PreparingApplication2018 #FirstCompetition2018 #PresidentialGrants #NGOs #CivilSociety #ThirdSector #Grants #GrantsForNGOs #Providing Grants

    Past events

    Jul 2018

    — 21/07/2018 — 00:00

    Mar 2018

    — 06/03/2018 — 13:00 - 15:00

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