Online learning is no longer new. Everything is taught through the Internet: foreign languages, rules healthy lifestyle life, repairing household appliances, the art of makeup, drawing and many other things. It is quite logical that the possibilities of the Internet come in handy in the usual school education– this is what the online learning center does, the main direction of which is assistance in preparing for the exam. Foxford is cooking in all major subjects: Russian language, English language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. .

How is studying at Foxford?

Foxford has several sections, the main ones are “Courses” and “Tutors”.

  • "Courses"- online classes with other students in the format of a webinar. At the appointed time, the student connects to the lesson and studies, as in a regular lesson, but via the Internet. In the process, you can ask questions or answer them, after the lesson, its summary is available, the teacher asks homework. In general, “Courses” is an online analogue of classes in the classroom.

  • "Tutors"- online tutoring. The teacher is selected individually, the lesson takes place via Skype. The schedule, unlike the "Courses", is more flexible.

Classes in the courses are more suitable for students who are ready for independent work. Studying with a tutor is already a more individual approach. Of course, there is a difference in price - the same number of hours with a tutor will cost more than in group classes.

Who can study at Foxford?

Personally, I think that if there is an opportunity to study live with a teacher, then it is better to study live. Despite the fact that the webinar format allows you to see and hear the teacher, ask him questions, fully, albeit remotely, participate in the lesson, some people are simply uncomfortable doing this way. But there are several problems here:

  • Tutoring is expensive- now prices range from 400 to 2000 (sometimes more expensive) rubles per academic hour. In Foxford, an academic hour costs from 190 rubles. on "Courses" and from 490 rubles. with a tutor.
  • It's hard to find a good tutor- good tutors are always in great demand, they have a busy schedule, and they learn about them not from ads, but from personal recommendations, finding one is problematic.
  • It's hard to find a tutor- in small towns, I’m not talking about the villages, not only a highly qualified tutor with recommendations, but in general it’s simply impossible to find at least some tutor. Sometimes they just don't exist.

In other words, online classes are a good alternative for children who do not have the opportunity to study in person with a tutor in the desired subject.

The main drawback of Foxford today seems to me to be the problem with time zones - there are so many of them in our country that it is impossible to please everyone. Residents especially “fly by” Far East. If, for example, a lesson in a course starts at 16:00 Moscow time, then in Primorye or Sakhalin it is already midnight.

Who teaches at Foxford?

When we are talking about online education, most important question- this is not the interface or site design, but the teachers. At Foxford, teachers with impressive experience and qualifications are engaged in training: employees of Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, OGE experts and the Unified State Examination (that is, the people who check these works).

Enrolling in courses at Foxford: how does it work?

At first glance, the site may seem cumbersome. It's actually pretty easy to figure it out.

For example, you are looking for a course in English language- preparation for the exam. To view available courses, go to the "Courses" section, select a subject. Please note that here is a minimum of information about the courses, but, in general, this is the most necessary information:

  • Course name, class,
  • The name and qualifications of the teacher,
  • Tuition fee (hourly)
  • Number of classes
  • An important point: class time.

The last point is important, because in the courses the teacher deals with a group of students and you need to “come” to the lesson at the appointed time (with tutors a more flexible schedule is possible).

As an example, consider one of the courses that are taking place in the 2017-2018 academic year - the English language preparation course for the Unified State Examination. From brief reference it can be seen that the course is taught by Olga Zueva, a teacher with CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) University of Cambridge, the course includes 30 lessons, which take place once a week on Wednesdays at 19:00 Moscow time. Cost - 210 rubles / hour. Click "More" and go to the page with more detailed information. Here we learn important details:

  • Each lesson is 3 hours
  • The total number of hours in the course is 90, and the total cost is 18,900 rubles.

When choosing a course, you need to consider the details. For example, in some courses, classes are held twice a week for two hours, while in others, once a week for three hours. An important detail is the start time of classes, especially if you have a big time difference with Moscow. It is better to torment the manager by phone with various questions about the nuances. For example, this is how I learned that all courses are designed so that students take them within school year, but they do not begin in September, as I first thought, but in October.

By the way, if a student joins the course after it has started (for example, the course started in October, and the student joined in February), you can watch the video recording of past classes in your personal account. But, of course, it is better to start with everyone.

Having chosen a course, making sure that the time of the classes is right, having specified all the details with the manager, all that remains is to pay for it, wait for the classes to start, and “go” to them without skipping. Paid course, records of past lessons, homework - all this will be displayed in your personal account.

Foxford Free Resources

In addition to paid courses, the service offers free materials:

  • YouTube video channel – on the official channel of the training center, you can watch the recording of some classes.
  • Textbook- a completely free guide to core subjects, some articles are accompanied by video lectures from Foxford teachers.

All materials and courses are provided only to users who have a registered account in this online school. Registration can be carried out independently and without the need to attract additional documentation. Therefore, you need to alternately carry out the following steps to create a personal page on the site.

  1. After going to the online school page, you will see the main page. Click on the button "To come in" at the top of this page.
  2. You will immediately be taken to the registration page. You don't need to move to another page.
    Specify who you want to log in as. Variants presented "Teacher", "Schoolboy" and "Parent". Make a choice and mark it in the circle next to the word. The circle should be filled blue color- this means that your choice is saved.
  3. Next, if you Schoolboy or Parent, write last name, name and E-mail address.
  4. If you are logging in as a teacher, you must specify the full Full name.
  5. Confirm registration.

If you have an invitation code, then select "I have an invitation code" and enter it in the window that appears.

To enter, after registration, repeat the first step described above. This will redirect you to the correct page. Instead of "Register", click on "Login". Enter the email you used to register and password.

The use of Foxford lessons is possible not only for students to pass Olympiads, but also for teachers to take courses. This level up vocational training teachers, which are also conducted online and do not require additional trips to retraining branches. By logging in as a Teacher, you will be able to access professional development or retraining courses. Use the list of courses offered by the school presented on the website to choose the best view for yourself.

Having personal page, You can not only gain new knowledge through the use of distance learning, but also communicate with colleagues from other pedagogical organizations. Share your experience and your vision educational process to Foxford.

Foxford personal account makes the learning process even more accessible and multi-level for all registered users of the site. All his classes and courses are conducted exclusively by highly qualified teachers of higher educational institutions countries. Parents on this site can learn new knowledge about the methods and rules of raising their child and developing his outstanding abilities.

Foxford is an online school founded in 2009, it was originally intended to prepare students for the USE, olympiads and exams. Later, a convenient personal account for teachers appeared in the system, which contains many courses for advanced training and other useful materials.

To start learning and taking courses, you need to create an account in the system. Thanks to him, you can enter your Foxford personal account and use the available services, receive fresh notifications, and interact with other users.

The process of its creation consists of just a few simple steps:

You will automatically find yourself in the LK. To log in next time, use the secret code from the letter that came to the email address.

"Foxford" - Entrance to the Teacher's Personal Office

The authorization process is the entry into a special window of the login and password, that is, the data invented during registration. After logging in, the user has access to all the benefits of a teacher's personal account at the Foxford online school.

To log in to your personal account, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Specify email or phone number, as well as the password that came to the mailbox.
  3. Click the Login button.

As you can see, this is a simple process that does not require much effort, just open the page, fill in all the fields, receive an email and complete the registration.

Login to the teacher's personal account using social networks

Almost all sites have a function of authorization through social networks. Its essence is that it takes data from a person's profile and copies it into its system. It remains only to come up with a password and log in, sometimes you don’t even need to come up with a password.

Logging in through social networks simplifies the process of registration and authorization on the Foxford school website, just click on one button and get access to the teacher's personal account, often you don't even need to come up with a password and login.

Password recovery from Foxford's Personal Account

If the secret code for logging in is lost, it's not a problem, because it is restored:

After these manipulations, the old secret code will be reset and a new one set by you will be installed.

Foxford - customer support

If you encounter problems while using your personal account for teachers or it does not work as it should, there are two ways to contact Foxford support.

  • Online chat. In the lower right corner is a yellow icon, you need to click on it and select the yellow icon. An online chat will open. If there are no consultants online, leave a message and enter an email address, the answer will come there later.

  • Group in social networks. The list of social networks in which there are Foxford communities can be found by clicking on the yellow icon in the lower right corner and selecting the icon of the desired social network. After that, a chat will open where you can chat with technical support representatives. Group in VK:, chat in a telegram:.

"Foxford" - Possibilities of the Personal Office of the Teacher

To understand all the possibilities of a personal account for a teacher in Foxford, you need to consider each tab of its interface:

  • Courses. This tab is for students, here they can find the course that suits them using convenient filters and get trained.

  • Tutors. Here, students choose themselves as an individual tutor, for this there are convenient filters. Near each tutor is the price per hour of the lesson.

  • Camp. In this case, we mean educational camps for students, where they can study face-to-face with the best teachers in the country. There you can choose a camp and read more detailed information.

  • home school- an additional service designed for students in grades 5-11, it includes online classes, an individual program and a personal curator.

  • teacher. This is a separate section for teachers. Here you can choose the appropriate course for your specialization and take it online.

  • More. This tab contains additional tabs and services. For example, career guidance, thanks to this service, you can take a test to choose your profession. It also contains data on events for teachers and useful materials.

Now it is clear that the personal account provides the opportunity to:

  • take different courses
  • use useful services;
  • read special articles;
  • take part in events and more.

Personal Area

There are several tabs here. One of them is "My Courses", which contains all the courses for which the user is enrolled. There you can also choose the appropriate course and sign up for it using the "Choose course" and "Add course" buttons.

The "My Students" tab is designed to track the progress of your students, as well as to invite them to various events. To invite a student, click on the "Invite student" button.

In the "Tests" tab, you can take tests in various subjects. To find the right test, use the handy filter.

My achievements

This section contains all the achievements of the user: diplomas, certificates, and letters of thanks. This is necessary so that other users can rate the teacher.


The "Account" section contains all user data, such as full name, contact information, and so on. There is also a link "Mailing list settings", it is needed to choose which notifications to send to the user's mail.

There is also a "Change Password" tab so that users can reset the old secret code and set a new one.

affiliate program

The affiliate program involves paying rewards to users for attracting new people to the Foxford website. She has a separate personal account.

To participate, you need to register in one of the advertising networks - Admitad or Actionpay. The conditions for participation are indicated there, advertising materials are attached, statistics are present, and the withdrawal of earned funds is also available, it occurs through the advertising network.

Foxford - Should You Take Teacher Training Courses?

Foxford Personal Account is a convenient system for teachers, students and their parents. There are many useful materials, teachers of various categories, events are often held and much more. For example, you can prepare for a test in a certain subject by hiring a tutor and studying with him online.

There is an affiliate program in your personal account, thanks to which you can earn some extra money by attracting new users. To get access to all the benefits of the LC, you must register and log in to the system.

When it is necessary to improve school knowledge and grades, parents often turn to the help of tutors or educational centers. However, this format is not always convenient and useful, sometimes it is not effective, and besides, many children want to develop on their own. Deepen knowledge school curriculum The Foxford School, which offers affordable online learning, will help.

Foxford for schoolchildren and teachers

The online learning center for schoolchildren is part of Netology Group LLC, which is a resident of Skolkovo. Classes here are conducted only by qualified university teachers with extensive experience. You can take care of your child's future right now: studying with the best Foxford teachers increases the chances of entering a prestigious university.

Today, online learning is one of the formats of education recognized by state law. At the Foxford courses, students can fill in knowledge gaps, receive high-quality information that meets the Federal State Educational Standards, as well as pass exams, take part in the Olympiad and pave their way to a successful future.

Tasks Foxford

The Foxford Online Learning Center is committed to excellence and quality education. There are two main school formats: for teachers and for students. This educational resource will be useful to both.

Here you can get all the necessary tools and knowledge for passing the OGE, the Unified State Examination, as well as prepare for serious Olympiads. Foxford offers three main learning formats: online courses, preparation for the Olympiad, and open classes.

Foxford is an opportunity for schoolchildren to gain new knowledge and skills. Teachers are always ready to answer any questions and give advice. For teachers, it is a platform for advanced training and professional development.

Foxford Online Learning Center is a modern, growing company that helps you develop without leaving your home. Schoolchildren who have been trained at Foxford receive knowledge and motivation for self-improvement.

The Russian Textbook Corporation and the Foxford online school are inviting teachers to take refresher courses.

  • Classes are taught by the authors and methodologists of the corporation
  • Students can study online or view recordings
  • After successfully passing the certification, students will receive certificates of professional development.
  • Duration - 72 hours
  • Cost - 790 rubles

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