Problem modern school- loss of interest in learning by many students. Why is this happening? The reasons for this negative phenomenon are ambiguous:

  • overload with monotonous educational material;
  • imperfection of methods, techniques and forms of organization educational process;
  • limited opportunities for creative self-management. Today, the idea that the school should provide, first of all, knowledge, abilities, skills, i.e. to serve as a kind of distribution point, a warehouse of ready-made knowledge, is recognized as irrelevant. task the modern school should be the formation of a person who improves himself, is able to independently make decisions, be responsible for these decisions, find ways of implementation, i.e. creative in the broadest sense of the word. This task is feasible for our school.

The elementary school is able to solve the new tasks set for Russian education, first of all, to provide conditions for the development of the child as a subject of his own activity, a subject of development (and not an object of the teacher's pedagogical influences). This is how tasks are formulated. primary education in the Federal State Standards of General Education.

Teaching is a joy, not just a duty; learning can be done with passion, and not just out of obligation. Achieving high results in primary education according to the Federal State Educational Standard is impossible without the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, a special place in which is occupied by educational, methodological and information support.For junior school age characterized by brightness and immediacy of perception, ease of entry into images. Children are freely involved in any activity, especially in the game.

One of the effective means of developing interest in a subject is a didactic game:

  • helps relieve the feeling of fatigue;
  • reveals the abilities of children, their individuality;
  • reinforces involuntary memorization. That's whygaming technology- the most relevant for the teacher elementary school especially when working with 1st and 2nd grades. The first year of study is the starting and extremely important for the formation of universal learning activities, because It is during this year that children have a smooth transition from play activities to learning. This transition is possible only with the intensive formation of all types of universal actions. At the literacy lessons, games are used that improve auditory perception: “Claps”, “Hard - soft”, “Let's go to the Birthday”. For mathematics lessons - games for working out the composition of the number “Houses”, “Collect the Christmas tree”, etc.

Dramatization games

Dramatization games in the classroom primary school form a recreative imagination, making the content of the text more spectacular, visual. When staging, children depict, draw characters with the help of intonation, facial expressions, postures, gestures.Dramatization is very important for the development of speech and emotional development of the child. Acquaintance with the technique of dramatization can begin with the staging of fairy tales.

Working with simulators

At the lessons of mathematics and the Russian language, teachers primary school often used to work with simulators. Improving the quality of students' knowledge is unthinkable without well-developed skills. The simulator is training exercises of the same type, selected on one topic, and aimed at developing skills brought to automatism. Work with simulators can be included at various stages of the lesson:

during oral counting (at mathematics lessons);

  • when fixing new material;
  • in the behavior of independent, verification work;
  • during game moments of a competitive nature, etc.

Students are given personal notebooks (simulators), after a while (3-5 minutes) the teacher collects notebooks with answers, and after the lesson counts and fixes the number of correct answers in a special “Success Table”.

The guys really like to work in exercise books and after several works the result improves significantly, as the knowledge gained is practiced and brought to automatism.

Development of universal learning skills

The formation of educational and intellectual OUUN can be assessed in the course of performing special tasks with subject content. Assignments are given after studying a specific topic, after control work, i.e., after the students have mastered the content of the topic, since it is required to measure the level of mental skills. You can offer children to assess the level of mastery of OUUN by themselves, for this, conduct a survey. The level of educational and organizational, educational and communicative OUUN can be determined by the method of observation, evaluating in a point system.

Problem-dialogical technology

Problem-dialogical lessons contribute to the emergence of students' interest in new material, the formationcognitive motivation. An understanding of the material is achieved by the students, since he thought of everything himself.

group work

As one of the forms of activation of students in the classroom is usedgroup work.Children learn to work in groups, in teams with a leader, learn to obey and lead. The teacher when using the method group work relationships within the community are regulated. The guys adhere to the basic rules of working in a group, which they "work out and approve themselves":

  • full attention to a classmate;
  • serious attitude to the thoughts, feelings of others;
  • tolerance, friendliness (for example, no one has the right to laugh at the mistakes of a friend, because everyone has the "right to make a mistake").

The situation in the classroom at such lessons exactly corresponds to the image introduced into didactics by K.D. Ushinsky: “It is necessary to allow the class to seethe freely, to worry, but to keep it every time within the limits that are necessary for the success of the teaching, dead silence in the lesson is unacceptable. Important allow students to ask questions to the teacher, to express themselves, to talk, to sit in the classroom freely and naturally.

Demonstration training session

It involves a phased introduction of students to the spelling rule, the performance of spelling analyzes based on this rule.

Primary school is the foundation on the quality of which the further education of the child depends. And this imposes a special responsibility on primary school teachers. Its task is not only to teach reading and writing, but also to lay the foundations of the child's spirituality, develop his best qualities, teach him ways learning activities. The latter is especially important now in our rapidly changing world, the world is overflowing with information. Teach the child to work with information, teach to learn.

Academician A.P. Semenov “To teach a person to live in the information world - the most important task modern school, should become decisive in the work of every teacher. To achieve these goals, it becomes necessary to apply in practice the work of a primary school teacherinformation and communication technologies.Informatization of elementary school plays important role to achieve the modern quality of education and the formation of the information culture of the child of the XXI century. From here follow the goals of using ICT:

  • the transition from the explanatory and illustrative way of teaching to the activity one;
  • activation cognitive sphere students;
  • increasing positive motivation for learning;
  • use as a means of self-education;
  • increasing the level of knowledge;
  • implementation project activities junior schoolchildren.

The spectrum of using the possibilities of ICT is quite wide. However, when working with children of primary school age, it is necessary to remember the commandment: “Do no harm!” The organization of the educational process in primary school, first of all, should contribute to the activation of the cognitive sphere of students, the successful assimilation of educational material and contribute to mental development child. Therefore, ICT should perform a certain educational function, help the child understand the flow of information, perceive it, remember it, and in no case undermine health. ICT should act as an auxiliary element of the educational process, and not the main one. The use of ICT in the classroom should be gentle. When planning a lesson in elementary school, the teacher should carefully consider the purpose, place and method of using ICT.

One of the distinguishing features of the Federal State Educational Standard is a new approach to the assessment system, which involves the transition to a criteria-based, meaningful assessment. For this, our teachers use scales for self-assessment, tables, cards with “+” and “-” signs. The teacher can invite children to evaluate their own work, the work of another child or a group of children according to certain criteria.

Thus, the inclusion in the lesson of techniques that make the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood in children, makes it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material. A variety of game activities, during which one or another mental task is solved, support and enhance children's interest in the subject. Having carried away, children do not notice that they are learning. Even the most passive of children are included in the learning process with great desire, making every effort. Children need success. The degree of success largely determines our attitude to the world, well-being, desire to work, learn new things.

By the time he finishes elementary school, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Primary General Education, a junior student will be able, first of all, to be socially competent.

Recently, the All-Russian Conference (with international participation) "PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN SCHOOL AND THE WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION" was held in Tomsk. The conference was organized by the Federal Agency for Education, the Institute for the Development of Educational Systems of the Russian Academy of Education, the Tomsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators, the city scientific and methodological center of the Department of Education of the Administration of Tomsk. The purpose of the conference is to discuss issues and summarize the experience of implementing quality education, to identify prospects further development secondary school. 4 sections worked at the conference: “Inclusive education in Tomsk. An experience. Problems"; the section "Theory and practice of teaching at school" included subsections: 1. "Culture of thinking in educational process”, 2. “Cognitive learning is a modern psychological and didactic direction in the formation of a culture of thinking of students”; "Cognitive foundations of professional culture of thinking"; "Innovations in education and their impact on the development of the school" Greetings to the participants of the conference were addressed by the chairman of the organizing committee, Ph.D., associate professor, TSPU L.V. Akhmetova; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University, Academician, Honorary and Honored Worker high school Russian Federation I.A. Tsaturova, DAAD lecturer Sh. Karsh (Germany). At the conference, a welcome letter from Dr. psychological sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of differential psychology and psychophysiology of the PI RAO M. K. Kabardov (Moscow). Report "Quality modern education and problems of ideological culture” opened the work of the plenary session, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Deputy. Director of IROS RAO for Science S.I. Anufriev. In his speech, the speaker emphasized that the decline in the quality of domestic education is a serious problem. modern Russia, influencing all spheres of the socio-economic, cultural, spiritual development of society. Further S.I. Anufriev noted that in the context of the emerging information and communication society, a growing influence on the quality of education is exerted by educational environment(family; microcollectives and social groups, which include the subject of education; various social institutions increasingly taking on educational functions; Internet, mass media, etc.). Rector of the Tomsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers. A.I. Kuptsov in his report "Improving the qualifications of a teacher - a resource for the quality of education" outlined a number of topical problems of modern Russian education. In the context of the prospects for Russia's integration into the international sociocultural community, he considered the positive trends in the development of domestic education and science. Further, at the plenary session, reports were presented revealing from various points of view the problems of the modern school and ways to solve them: "TROD "DIVO" for inclusive education in Tomsk" (V.V. Salit, Ph.D. Chairman of the Council of the Tomsk Regional social movement"Accessible higher education for the disabled", E.I. Sladkov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Movement, Deputy Director of the TPU Pre-University Training Center); “Inclusive education in the city of Tomsk. An experience. Problems” (N.P. Artyushenko, Chairman of the City Medical and Biological Commission (Tomsk)); "Multimedia competence as an innovative educational resource”(I.A. Tsaturova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University, Academician, Honorary and Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Linguistic Education (Taganrog), K.A. Avetisova (Helsinki, Finland ); "The problem of analyzing thinking in a secondary school" (V.V. Kazanevskaya, PhD, professor (Tomsk)). "Active methods of education as a resource for solving the problems of school development" (O.A. Kotikov senior researcher of the Department of Education and socialization of TOIPKRO (Tomsk)). cognitive processes among younger schoolchildren ”(T.V. Sorochinskaya Ph.D., director of the Tomsk branch of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University(Tomsk)). “Pre-school education: QUO VADIS (what are you going to do?)” (O.A. Belobrykina, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk)). "Integrative strategy of cognitive teaching methods for schoolchildren ─ a resource for the quality of education" L.V. Akhmetova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, TSPU (Tomsk)). Distinctive feature the conference was a wide representation of various categories of participants: teachers, lecturers, researchers, doctoral students, graduate students, students and specialists in various fields of psychological and pedagogical activity, members of the public ─ numbering 175 people. The work of the section sessions of the conference had a high scientific and technical level: multimedia technologies, demonstrations of films, author's creative developments, questioning, discussions, etc. were used in the work of all sections. Section leaders noted high quality and productivity of the participants of breakout sessions. According to the results of the work of the section "Cognitive foundations of a professional culture of thinking" (heads Ogneva Natalya Robertovna, Ph.D., director of the Center additional education children career planning; Simonenko Lyudmila Anatolyevna - Deputy Director of the Center for Additional Education for Children Career Planning) the following conclusions were made: 1. Profiling of general educational institutions is a means (method) of forming a professional culture of a student's personality through the formation of cognitive activity and attracting knowledge for the subsequent successful solution of professional problems. 2. The process of introducing the concept of specialized education took place and entailed both positive and negative consequences. 3. To stimulate cognitive activity in the UVP, it is necessary to use: Various forms of certification; Programs of involvement in research and project activities, Non-standard forms of lessons. 4. In order to form a high level of professional self-determination of students from boarding schools and the “risk group”, it is necessary to create conditions conducive to self-expression and taking into account age and social features development of this group of children. At the section “Inclusive education in Tomsk. An experience. Problems” (headed by Irina Georgievna Savelieva, methodologist for correctional education at the State Scientific and Medical Center), a survey was conducted, the purpose of which was to clarify the relevance of the problems discussed, the novelty of the materials presented in the reports, and wishes for organizing joint activities specialists in the field of inclusive education. A stormy discussion of the participants was caused by watching documentary film about the experience of implementing inclusive education in Armenia. According to the participants of the section, the most striking and meaningful speeches were the following reports: “The main trends in inclusive education in modern conditions” (methodologist of the SSMC Denisova N.D.); "Individual approach to teaching children with developmental disabilities in the conditions of a general education class" (teacher of the beginning classes of school No. 1 Tarlaganov A.A.); "The system of correctional and developmental work with children in the conditions of SKOU" (director of school No. 59 Andreevsky S.G.); "The upbringing and development of children with impaired cognitive activity, behavior, communication in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type" ( preschool teacher No. 10 Saltykova V.P.) In the work of the section "Innovations in education and their impact on the development of the school" (headed by E.V. Dozmorova, head of the experimental and innovative department of TOIPKRO), deputy directors, teachers from educational institutions of the city of Tomsk and regions, as well as methodologists of TOIPKRO and interested listeners. Reports were presented on the most topical issues organization of innovative activity in educational institutions. The work of the section was opened by Dozmorova E.V. In his report “Innovative processes in the system of modernization of education. The specifics and patterns of development of innovations "she is in in general terms characterized the main trends in the development of innovative processes in general education, singled out the types of innovations typical for the educational institution of the Tomsk region. Elena Vladimirovna paid special attention to the problems of improving the quality of education through the development of students' competencies. With her report, the leader determined the methodology of the section's work. In addition to the issues of managing innovative processes in educational institutions, the speakers presented their experience in implementing specific innovative pedagogical technologies. In general, the participants assessed the work of the section as productive and opening up prospects for using innovative practices presented by the conference participants in solving some problems of the modern school. The section "Theory and practice of teaching at school" was divided into two subsections: 1. "Culture of thinking in the educational process" (supervisor VN Kurovsky, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, IROS RAO); 2. “Cognitive learning is a modern psychological and didactic direction in the formation of a culture of thinking of students” (supervisor L.V. Akhmetova, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of TSPU). The reports “Implementation of the educational program “Debates” at school”” (R.M. Akhmetov, 3rd year student of the Institute of Philosophy of the TSPU) aroused great interest among the participants in this section; "Application of Debate Technology in Civic Education" (T.V.Kalashnikova, methodologist at the Center for Education of Civic Education, TOIPKRO); "Movement of debates in Tomsk" (M.I. Gavro, methodologist of the department of methods of teaching history of the TSPU). These reports were accompanied by watching a video film, which presented the psychological and didactic technology of conducting school debates in the K. Popper format. Postgraduate student S.M. Strizhova in her report "Formation of systemic conceptual thinking of secondary school students by methods of cognitive learning". outlined the features of the language of scientific thinking of students in various sociocultural environments on the material of the Tomsk and Khanty-Mansiysk regions, and also introduced colleagues to the author's methods aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of students. The report “Intellectualization of teaching and upbringing of students in a general education institution” (A.I. Panov, Deputy Director for NMR of the MOU “Gymnasium No. 1”) voiced one of the key problems in contemporary practice education. The Organizing Committee of the Conference expressed its deep gratitude to Vladimir Ivanovich Zyatnin, Director of the Secondary School No. 4 of the city of Tomsk, for providing material and technical support in its work. At the final plenary session, the results of the work were summed up. The participants of the conference demonstrated a high scientific, creative potential and practice-oriented orientation, relevance and prospects of the stated topic. Since the problems of the conference aroused great interest on the part of teachers, representatives of academic science, practical psychologists and public organizations, it was decided: to make the All-Russian Conference "PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCHOOL AND WAYS TO SOLVE THEM" a regular, annual event.

All of us in our lives are connected with the school - we all went through it as students, many of us have children who are either already in school or will soon be studying in it; many of us work at a school, and many would like to go there. In our country, there is a lot of talk about education, about schools, about the forms of final exams - the school topic is one of the most important in our life. What is important in the school itself?

Whatever they say, the most important thing in the school is the students, that is, those for whom the school was created. Let's imagine that all schoolchildren, following the advice of some teachers, quit studying and went to work - the school can be closed, because it will simply cease to be needed. At the same time, many students do not want to study at all, which, quite naturally, annoys many teachers. Why don't kids want to learn? There are many reasons for this.

Firstly, many teachers treat their work and children incorrectly. Teachers believe that no matter how uninteresting a child is, he needs to be made to know subject(At the same time, each teacher considers his subject the most important). But teachers often do not at all take into account the individual characteristics of their students, some of whom, due to their personality, are not able to study well in this subject. Teachers, on the other hand, make a generalized conclusion - “this student is bad”, although in other subjects he may well be one of the best. Teachers may blame students for not wanting to learn; say that they will work with this student only when he wants to learn. But if he really wants to learn this subject, he himself will be able to get the necessary information, and he will not need a teacher. The task of the teacher is to captivate students with their subject, and not to “pound” it into them against their will.

Secondly, school education is strongly divorced from life. At school, one thing is invested in a child, but on the street and at home, he encounters a completely different one. The vast majority of knowledge gained in school is not applied in life, and this is also why this knowledge is quickly forgotten. Often, students are presented with requirements that do not correspond to the capabilities of their age, so they are difficult to fulfill. And homework can take a lot of time, and a person will not have time for a free life, but she is also needed - you can’t lock yourself in school. Education at school is very formalized, and not everyone can fit into the established form, which also creates problems for students with a more spontaneous personality. All this causes students to hate the school, turning it into hard labor. And studying at school is difficult and uninteresting, so the task, if not to make it easier, then at least to make learning at school interesting and relevant to life.

Thirdly, we do not quite understand what exactly the school should do. Someone thinks that she should teach (but it is not clear what exactly); someone thinks that she should educate (but it is not clear what exactly), but no one can give an exact answer what the school does. And school is the foundation of every person's life; it was at school that many received what allowed them to subsequently build their whole lives on this basis; but in the same way, many were broken by the school and deprived of the opportunity to achieve anything. What should the school do? In our opinion, the objectives of the school are as follows:

  1. Show students the world in all its diversity and offer interests in this life.
  2. Give a person a chance to try to realize himself in what he found interesting for himself.
  3. To help a person to promote himself in the area of ​​his interest, at least at the initial level.

That is, the school should help a person find and realize himself in life. The school must make it interesting for the student to study in it and it is interesting to live in general. But to do this, we need a lot of systematic work to improve the school as a public institution. What can be done in this area?

We put forward several proposals:

  1. Reduce the number of subjects to 7 - 9. At the same time, subjects similar in content should be combined into one. Teach the basics of science, gradually deepening the complexity of the presentation of the material. We offer the following list of subjects:
    1. Physical training.
    2. Russian language.
    3. Foreign languages ​​(at least two).
    4. Exact sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry).
    5. Humanitarian sciences(history, literature, etc.).
    6. Natural Sciences(geography, biology, etc.).
    7. Arts (music, MHK, drawing, etc.).
    8. Other optional classes.
  2. Each subject is compulsory. Each subject can be studied at one of two levels - advanced and standard. At the same time, one subject must be studied at an in-depth level, and the student chooses this subject himself.
  3. There are exams for every subject. There are several forms of exams, and the student himself chooses the form of passing the exam. In the case of an unsatisfactory grade, it is allowed to retake the exam in other forms, and the student is given a better grade.
  4. Studying is not allowed. Perhaps the study lasts 4 days a week (in the lower grades - mandatory). The number of lessons per day is no more than 7 even in high school. The duration of the lesson is 40 or 45 minutes. Duration of autumn and spring holidays - at least 10 days; duration winter holidays- not less than 16 days; summer vacation- from May 26 to September 1.
  5. In addition to the main school classes, classes in an art studio and classes in the sports section are mandatory. In each of these areas, the student must complete at least 53 weeks of classes at least 2 times a week (a total of 106 classes in each area). But in case of high results in one of the directions, it is allowed not to pass the second direction.

These transformations, in our opinion, will help improve the quality of education, school work, and give students new and wide opportunities to build your future life.

Article summary:

  1. The main thing in the school is the students.
  2. Problems and goals of the school:
    1. Problem: the wrong attitude of teachers to work. Task: the teacher should captivate students with their subject.
    2. Problem: isolation of education from the requirements of life. Objective: to make learning at school close to real life.
    3. Problem: Uncertainty about the direction of the school. Objective: To help students find themselves in life.
  3. The main task of the school is to help a person build the foundation for his future life, which should be successful and interesting at the same time. The school should not give and force - it should help a person to find his own interests, activities and knowledge.
  4. Our school needs some changes that will make learning in it more productive, which will help solve the main task of the school. Suggestions for these transformations are presented in our article.

According to the forecast of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, in 10-15 years, 57 professions will disappear, and they will be replaced by 186 high-tech "professions of the future". Is the Russian Education System Ready for Challenges?XXI century? Let's try to look at the main problems and look for ways to overcome them.

1. Low motivation

The first and main problem of today's educational system- Pupils are simply bored to study. Of course, the problem is not new, but modern children differ from us in that they do not pay attention to external motivation. This means that the grades and praise of parents become the least an important factor in the formation of interest in learning. 40% of modern schoolchildren named personal social goals as the main motivator (“I want to be cultural and developed”, “I know who I want to work and what is needed for this”). *

What to do with it?

Alexander Adamsky, scientific director of the Eureka Institute for Problems of Educational Policy, speaks about the positive side of this process: “Learning for a schoolchild becomes important and fashionable, and schoolchildren, coming to a lesson, can know about the subject of conversation no less, if not more than a teacher” .

Another thing is that the students refuse and the pace at which it is given by teachers of the "old school". Sitting through 45 minutes of a monophonic lecture is simply impossible for a child who is used to receiving information instantly and switching between a dozen tasks at once. Therefore, the school one way or another has to adapt to new standards.

First, the structure of the lesson changes. Previously, the teacher first explained the material, and only then gave the task. And today they try the other way around: first they give the child a problem, and when he is pretty tormented by the solution, they give him the necessary formula or theorem. Complete update teaching materials and scenario lessons should happen over the next 3-5 years.

Secondly, do not forget about the logistics: electronic diaries and textbooks, interactive whiteboards and desks - all this is designed to make the school environment more understandable and interesting.

2. Failure to apply knowledge in practice

The second logically follows from the first problem. Children find it difficult to understand when they need to apply their knowledge to practical material. This is especially true of today's first-year students - "trained" on test tasks, they are simply lost when they are given the task of writing a scientific or creative work.

What to do with it?

Since 2013, Moscow schools have been actively working to change the format of additional education. Now the lesson can take place anywhere - in a creative circle or sports section, in a museum, theater and even in a park. You don't even need a teacher to teach!

Increasingly, schoolchildren are engaged in personal interdisciplinary projects within the framework of school education. It can be as much as constructing a robot assistant, or writing a children's encyclopedia, or even organizing elections for the school council.

3. The gap between the knowledge that the school provides and the university requirements

University teachers have been complaining for years about the level of knowledge with which freshmen come to them. For the first six months, yesterday's schoolchildren have to be “pulled up” to the required level of knowledge.

What to do with it?

It is not always possible to provide a high school student with all the knowledge that will be useful to him in a university. Children from the same class then enter different universities, while MEPhI and the Literary Institute have very different requirements. Therefore, since last year in Moscow they have been trying a model of narrowly focused classes - the so-called pre-universities.

A pre-university is a specialized class of a general education school created on the basis of a university. The first class within the framework of the "Preuniversity" program was organized in 2013. This year, 9 universities have already decided to participate in the program, including the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State Linguistic University, MEPhI, Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

4. Higher education as an end in itself

About 80% of graduates of Moscow schools continue their studies at universities. But not all of them have a clear understanding of why they need it. Most of them go to college because their parents insisted on it. Teachers note the extremely low motivation of first-year students and the total unwillingness to immerse themselves in the subject of study.

What to do with it?

For the second year in a row, Moscow has been trying to popularize secondary vocational education and get rid of the negative image of colleges. Surprisingly, such sought-after and “monetary” professions as a cook, jeweler, hotel business specialist can be obtained in college.

But this is not the only solution. Metropolitan schools seriously intend to move to the concept of pre-professional education. So far, engineering, medical and cadet classes are being opened at schools, and students of general education classes are invited to the Professional Environment project, where you can get a working specialty in your free time.

It is not difficult to guess that the main problem of modern education is insufficient attention to practical side learning. Therefore, the main efforts are aimed at the development of practical skills, the formation of a responsible approach to their educational duties and the development of the desire to independently solve problems.
