There is a type of people with a penchant for introspection. In psychology, they believe that people who can visualize any thought are the most suspicious.

There is a tendency to present the most terrible pictures. People go through situations in their heads that don't exist in reality.

Not every topic elicits this reaction. People, fearing for their health, flinch every time, feeling that they prick in the side, imagining themselves on the operating table with peritonitis.

Bad thoughts visit every head: everyone has moments of hopelessness and apathy.

Even people who are not inclined to self-digging sometimes get stuck and cannot stop the painful cycle of sad pictures in their heads on their own.

There are proven ways to get rid of dark thoughts.

There are two versions of what is happening. On the part of mysticism, it is a matter of impure forces that have taken possession of the mind. A kind of devil, whispering bad things to your cockroaches in the head.

The second version is a real problem that triggered the closure of the cycle of thoughts. Thoughts return to the bad, like a boomerang.

Psychologists believe that there is always a real problem that is masked in memory. A person may not be aware of the reasons for fears - they just appear.

Bad thoughts and fears, forms and causes of occurrence:

Form of manifestation Cause
Anxiety, unconscious worry A person shows such symptoms when the body is overworked, the nervous system is overstrained.

The reasons are positive and negative. Unexpected joy triggers the same reaction. The person is not aware of the reasons, but he feels agitated.

The general wording is overwork. Physical, mental, or emotional

Apathy, depression, a sharp aggressive reaction, depression A symptom common to girls during PMS, people with unstable hormonal background survivors of severe stress.

The reaction to stress that happened a few months ago may only appear now.

If the cause of stress did not knock you out emotionally, you held out for a long time, but now every little thing causes a surge of emotions.

The accumulated emotions must go out, otherwise they have a bad effect on nervous system.

In the intervals between aggression and complete apathy, a person experiences anxiety, bad thoughts torment him

Obsession with the problem Often people are worried about their health during check-ups and tests. Suspiciousness provokes fears.

Having donated blood for HIV, a person may not eat or sleep while imagining his own funeral. He may be a virgin, no adequate cause for concern is required.

Fear is caused by possible consequences. The chain is built like this: I donated blood, I can be sick, it is necessary to analyze how to live if I am sick.

The problem is different events: a series of abbreviations, meeting parents, litigation, conflicts

How to stop screwing yourself up and drive away fear

Understand the cause of the fear. If you understand where the legs of fear come from, meet face to face.


  • Imagine the situation: what are you afraid of. Challenge her to a duel in your mind.
  • Go on the offensive: what will happen in the very dire case? You will die? Let's reveal the secret: everyone will die.

    People are born and die, nobody gets out of here alive. Humble yourself, go with the flow.

    You are alive today - don't waste your life on empty fears. Changing jobs is not a disaster, nor is the departure of a loved one.

  • Imagine the situation in great detail. In a hundred years, there will be no one living now.

    Think about the problem from this point of view. Anything can be survived: people experienced more serious problems.

  • Now exhale - you have been where you were afraid mentally. Is it worth shaking with fear?

Important! Remember: there is nothing to be afraid of in our life. Let go of the situation. The enemy is defeated - there is no more fear, the circle is open.

Not knowing the reasons for fear, but you have experienced a lot of stress, you should put things in order in your life:

  • Remove annoying factors: what oppresses you? Change your job, leave your unloved man, change your apartment or even the city.
  • Give yourself some rest: take a vacation, at least for two days.
  • Drink light sedatives, monitor the state of the nervous system.
  • Go in for sports, it relieves emotional stress.

The strongest prayer for obsessive thoughts

Prayers help you to put your thoughts in order. Read any prayer in moments of fear.

The prayer “Theotokos, virgin, rejoice”, “may God rise” and “Our Father” helps a lot.

There is a special prayer for fear:

“Lord, what do you multiply with those who are cold? Men rise up for me, I say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his Bose.

But you, O Lord, art my Protector, my glory, and lift up my head. With my voice I cried out to the Lord, and hearing me from His holy mountain.

I fell asleep, and spakh, vostakh, as if the Lord would intercede for me. I will not be afraid of those people who are attacking me around.

Resurrect, Lord, save me, my God, for you have smitten all those who are at enmity with me in vain: you have broken the teeth of sinners. The Lord is salvation, and Thy blessing is upon Thy people. Amen".

Psychologists advise to write down alarms on paper. Write down in a column all the bad things that have happened to you lately.

The list may contain events that happened years ago. Write down if they bother you.

Now start small: think it over, find a solution. Move on to exciting topics, analyze the situation, evaluate possible outcomes.

The method will help you understand yourself, understand what is bothering you. Get organized in your head. Bad thoughts, like worms - start where there is dirt.

Do a general cleaning in thoughts and fears there will be nowhere to hide. Psychologists do the same in their sessions - helping clients to put things in order in their thoughts.

Useful video

The formula for mood, psychoemotional and psychophysiological well-being is simple: "As I think, so I feel myself"... However, some people appear, as if automatically, many different negative, obsessive, sometimes bad and even bad thoughts in their heads, which, in fact, organize negative emotions, bad mood, sometimes obsessive (obsessive-compulsive), often bad behavior and physiological , autonomic reactions of the body, leading to depression, etc.

Most of these emotionally distressed people would like to know how to get rid of bad, obsessive, negative and bad thoughts in your head, in order to come to harmony within your personality, not to suffer mentally and to move towards success in life.

In psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, there are many different techniques and methods of getting rid of thoughts in the head, including obsessive, negative thoughts. Today we will look at how to use in practice, sometimes, perhaps independently, or with the help of a psychologist-psychotherapist, one of these techniques: "Public value" or "Distance".

Learn how to get rid of negative, obsessive, bad and bad thoughts in your head using this psychotechnique

This technique, for getting rid of negative, bad thoughts in the head, is both simple and complex - at the same time. Simple because it is easy to understand and master - difficult because in order for it to work and you need to get rid of your obsessive, bad thoughts in your head, you need to practice a little. Those. you need to have a real desire, motivation and be ready to work on yourself and your negative thoughts.

For that, those who learn to automatically apply it in practice, in life, will be given not only the knowledge of how to get rid of obsessive, bad thoughts in the head, but also the skill (skill) to get rid of grief, fears, anger, panic, etc. ., in various life situations.

So, the principles of the technique, how to get rid of bad (bad), obsessive, negative thoughts in the head

The principles of this psychotechnique are related to the method of "Depersonalization of personality", i.e. the basis is how you perceive various events (situations) in your life and how and what you think (think).

Any life situation (event) has both personal, subjective (internal), private meaning, and public, external, public.
Personal significance is related to the intensity of the emotions that you experience during the event taking place - you are subjective in this. Public significance- This is the external interpretation of the event, from the point of view of observers.

The difference between them can be compared to the difference between our reaction to the sudden bruising of our own finger with a hammer and our reaction to the fact that we saw someone become a victim of the same misfortune. The only way to change your negative, obsessive thoughts, which give a strong emotional component that leads to a biased perception, is to learn to depersonalize (see) your inner beliefs - to slightly change your worldview, look at the world and this event from objective point view from the side.

A technique on how to get rid of your negative, obsessive, bad and bad thoughts in your head

1. You need to learn to distinguish between the perceived event and your thoughts about that event.

2. Look at the event from a social and personal perspective. Social value can be seen if you practice seeing the situation from the point of view of other people. The event must be objectified. Remember that you already have a public outlook, since throughout your life you could observe others in a thousand different situations... Transfer your perception of other people to yourself.

3. In order to transfer the meaning of events from the personal to the public, you must learn to remove from your own perception the following: emotional variables, intense self-observation and certain metaphysical assumptions. Obviously, this cannot be fully implemented, but the more you can get closer to it, the more objective your view of what is happening will be.

4. After you understand the concept of social meaning, make a list of the main situations that you encountered, as well as public and personal meanings for each of them.

5. First, you will need to interpret the event from the perspective of the public, after you automatically perceived it from a personal point of view. As you gradually develop, you will be able to bring the objective view of the event closer and closer to the time of its occurrence and, in the end, replace the personal perception with the public one during the event itself.

Examples of using the technique of getting rid of obsessive, negative (bad, bad) thoughts in the head

First example

1. Event: anxiety attack. Personal meaning: "I will die".

Public value: adrenaline and other substances are released into the bloodstream.

2 Event: criticism by another person.

Personal meaning: “I must have done something wrong. I am incomplete. "

Public value: “Someone expresses their disagreement with what I have done. The reasons for this are unknown. "

3 Event: failure in a business project.

Personal meaning: "I am incompetent, I am a failure, I am going down the ladder of success."

Public value: "The planning and preparation was not effective enough."

4 Event: lack of arguments.

Personal meaning: "I am a weakling, balabol and bore."

Public value"He knew more on this matter than I did and, perhaps, is more experienced in disputes."

5 Event: few friends.

Personal meaning: "In essence, it is impossible to love me."

Public value: "I don't try to make friends and I don't treat people very kindly."

6 Event: failures in sports.

Personal meaning: "I'm not a worthy man."

Public value: "I don't have enough reflexes, training, practice."

7 Event: became seven kilograms heavier than she was at 17 years old.

Personal meaning: "I forgot about self-discipline."

Public value: "A 37-year-old woman and a teenager have different metabolic processes."

Second example, getting rid of obsessive, negative (bad, bad) thoughts in the head:

Personal meaning human fear is a perception of the world when it seems that something terrible is about to happen and this must be avoided at all costs.

Public, objective significance is that a real danger may or may not be present, and it is necessary to look at the situation and determine whether it really exists.

People who need guidance to view danger from a social rather than a subjective perspective can use the following five principles.
In general, fear is objective if:

1. There is a real danger to the person that can cause real harm. It is unreasonable to be afraid of the monsters under the bed, because they do not exist, and what does not exist cannot harm us. (Some people are afraid of witches and sorcerers.)

2. The level of fear is equal to the level of possible harm. The fear of planting a small splinter in the heel will be unjustified, as it outweighs the potential danger. (Some individuals are afraid to behave immodestly in public.)

3. Fear corresponds to the likelihood that trouble will occur. If a person is afraid that a meteorite will kill him, then his fear will be irrational, because the probability of this event is too small. (Some people have a marked fear of such unlikely events as plane crashes, although it is clear that the frequency of car accidents is much higher.)

4. The hazard can be controlled. The fear that the sun will turn into a supernova is meaningless because the event is beyond human control. (Many people fear they may have an underlying inherited disease.)

5. Fear is useful if it manifests itself in a situation where it will keep a person on alert in the face of a danger that can be avoided. (Being vigilant about getting a "nervous breakdown" in no way diminishes the likelihood of this).

Helping a practical psychologist online in getting rid of obsessive, negative (bad and bad) thoughts and accompanying emotions.

What prevents you from living well, achieving goals, developing and being happy? Often the cause of many of our problems is negative thinking, which does not allow us to fully realize ourselves.

Is there a negative voice inside your head that prevents you from living? He criticizes, whines, complains and undermines self-confidence. He says it won't work again. The voice requires you to be more humble, not to take risks and not try anything that could change your life. A negative voice scares you with various things that will never even happen. You will never get rid of your inner critic, but you can rein in it and use it for your own purposes.

How to stop thinking about the bad and realize yourself?

1. Misperception of mistakes

When troubles happen, problems and difficulties appear - we lose heart. When someone lets us down, betrays or strikes us, we find ourselves in a stupor. We do not understand why everything happened this way. We start to get angry and play everything in our head over and over again. We think about mistakes, revenge, complain and screw ourselves up. This is how we spend a lot of time and energy focusing on trouble. We do not think about how to solve them, but we think about adversity.

Time and opportunity pass away while we are mired in negative thinking. This is a misperception of mistakes. Mistakes should not drive you into depression. They must teach new things, help find other ways and spur to overcome difficulties.

2. Seeking justice instead of swaying power

It is high time to come to terms with the fact that the world is unfair. It is impossible to have control over the whole world in order to establish order according to your opinion of justice. Danila Bagrov, in the film "Brother 2", stated: "Whoever has the truth is stronger!" But this is not the case. Stop running around, demanding truth and justice. Who is stronger is right. It means that you need to become stronger, and not complain about the injustice of the world.

3. You choose how you react to problems

When you spill coffee on your trousers, it's an accidental nuisance. You can quickly change your trousers and go to work, forgetting this minor morning nuisance. But you can only make yourself worse all day. You can yell at your friend who made you coffee. You can worry about your sluggishness all day. You can quarrel with colleagues because of a bad mood and in the morning. But you yourself choose how to react.

All our troubles are only 20% of the time. The other 80% of trouble is our reaction to what is happening. You choose how you react to all your problems.

4. Change yourself, before taking a new height

We decide to start a better job, get on our feet, change jobs, take up our own business, or improve our personal life. But we make one big mistake, and then we suffer. We do not change ourselves when we want to achieve a new goal. As a result, “old-you” cannot win, unlike “new-you”. We get depressed and start thinking negatively.

New job requires ownership foreign language? Does a new position require new knowledge? Do pretty girls bite on athletic guys who have their tongues tied up? To take on a new height, you need to get better. Change yourself first and then try something bigger. If you fail, then you are too weak and not ready for this. Upgrade your skills.

Stop thinking about bad things, get loaded with negative thoughts and take a step forward. Realize yourself to the fullest. Unleash your potential.

Where bad thoughts come from in the head: psychological and religious reasons. The impact of obsessions on quality of life and how to get rid of them. General advice, psychological tricks, prayer against bad thoughts.

The content of the article:

Bad thoughts are thoughts of not the most positive direction, which sometimes get stuck in the head for a long time. They can reflect explicit feelings or subconscious fears, but in any case, they interfere with a normal life. They are difficult to control, they interfere with relaxation even in the most comfortable environment. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.

The Impact of Bad Thoughts on Life

Obsessive bad thoughts in your head can be compared to a worm inside an apple - it is inside, but it is difficult to get it. Only the worm spoils the apple, and negative thoughts- health. And mental as well. After all, it has already been proven that our life is what we think.

The constant scrolling of anxieties, obsessions tightens the knot of experiences even tighter. If you don't get rid of them, you can feel the full destructive power of negative thinking. It can manifest itself in the following:

  • Blocking the future... Doubts in their abilities, distrust of people, the meaninglessness of what is happening, reflections on the correctness of this or that decision over time occupy almost the entire mental space. Thus, neither time nor resources are left for concrete actions and plans. In the same way as for people nearby. A person gets stuck in experiences without moving forward.
  • Materialization of thoughts... "Cockroaches" in the head give rise to them in life: if you are very afraid of something and constantly think about it, there is every chance of meeting your fear in reality.
  • Effects on the nervous system... The nervous system becomes the first victim of gloomy thoughts. She is very sensitive to thought processes with a "-" sign. Moreover, when these processes are in the recirculation system. Therefore, the nerve strings are stretched, and irritation, suspiciousness, irascibility appear.
  • Transition to pathology... Lingering bad thoughts can transform and become obsessive over time. Then go to obsession and give impetus to the development of mental illness.
Of course, constant anxiety affects the physiological state of a person. He becomes jerky, nervous. It is difficult for him to focus on anything other than the problem that worries him. He has a decline in self-esteem, mood, problems with sleep and concentration. Hence the problems both at work and in personal life.

Causes of bad thoughts

Many owners of mental "gum" think that it comes from nowhere. In fact, every disturbing thought has its roots and its fertile ground.

The main reasons why bad thoughts are in the head:

  1. Personal qualities... The tendency to worry about any reason and endlessly scroll through possible failures in your head can be a character trait. In this case, a person is engaged in self-digging and looks to the future with pessimism from childhood.
  2. Negative past... Sometimes obsessive thoughts can be fed by feelings of guilt. It may be a real fault for some act or some kind of mental messages. In a more complex version, it is an imaginary, contrived wine. In any case, she makes you think about her, remember and fear that a similar situation will still happen again.
  3. Self-doubt... Doubt about your abilities and abilities is another powerful source of bad thoughts. For an insecure person, every step, every moment of life is a test. He needs to make decisions, which means thinking. And here the "worms" of doubts and fears creep into the thinking process.
  4. Dubiousness... Anything can plant anxiety and anxiety in suspicious people in the head. It can be a story from TV or the Internet, a conversation with acquaintances or even an accidentally overheard story of strangers, a newspaper article or a news feed. And that's it: it's scary to fly - you can crash, you can't use a mobile phone - you'll get brain cancer, etc.
  5. Internal contradictions... It happens that bad thoughts creep into your head due to the fact that there is no internal balance. The uncertainty that the action being taken is correct and timely sows doubts in the head. They, in turn, force to sort the situation "on the shelves." This brings out all possible solutions to the problem - both positive and negative. Makes you think about which choice to make. And worry about it.
  6. Helplessness... Problems that we cannot solve on our own can plant anxiety and fear in our souls and minds. That is, situations that you just need to wait out, hoping for the best. And it is the expectation of the result that generates anxiety and makes you nervous more and more, drawing in your head possible (not the most rosy) layouts.

Important! Religion has its own explanations for the causes of bad thoughts. In this case, the source of emotions or obsessions is demons, an unclean force. It is she who puts fears, stupidity and nasty things into her head.

How to get rid of bad thoughts

Since the nature of anxious thoughts is varied, there are also many ways to get rid of them. And this same nature will be the key to choosing the right method. But to begin with, getting rid of bad thoughts is a necessary procedure to improve your life. Then comes the stage of determining the source of anxiety and the method of dealing with it.

There are several universal ways to get rid of bad thoughts of any origin. They will help to independently balance the psyche in mild cases of anxiety, or they will enhance the effect of other methods in more complex ones. The main mechanism here is distraction. For example:

  • Sport. Physical exercise help not only keep yourself in shape and relieve adrenaline. Regular sports activities relieve the nervous system well. And if you return to good physical shape - it adds self-confidence. Therefore, such unloading in tandem with the awareness of oneself as an attractive person reduces the chances (and time) for experiences.
  • Drinking regime and nutrition... Eating and drinking is what gives us the strength and resources to exist. Lack of fluid, hunger, or an unbalanced diet can drain the body. This leads to fatigue. And she creates all the conditions for mentally chewing even minor events or situations. Therefore, drink plenty of water and healthy drinks (fresh juices, fruit drinks, compotes, green tea), try to eat right. But the main thing is to choose the most acceptable, tasty drinks and dishes for you. And don't forget about food antidepressants - chocolate, bananas, raisins, hazelnuts. What is joyful also brings joy.
  • Full rest... A good rest and quality sleep are the guarantors that allow us to be in good shape. And that means - to solve problems, enjoy life and leave no room for fear and worries.
  • Music... You can drown out bad thoughts with the help of your favorite music. Find your favorite radio wave, your favorite music channel, create a playlist of your favorite songs in your gadget. And as soon as you feel that anxious "worms" begin to creep into consciousness - turn on the music louder or put on headphones. And treat yourself with a positive.
  • Hobby... You can distract from the overwhelming anxieties and fears with the help of a hobby, a favorite thing. This can be handicrafts, taking care of indoor flowers, reading, etc. Any activity that brings pleasure.
  • Present day... Leaving the past behind and appreciating the present is a wonderful way to fill your head with positive thoughts and memories. What has already happened cannot be changed, unlike what is happening now. Therefore, form your positive past today.

Interesting! You can try to drive away stupid thoughts and not the most in a pleasant way- dirty work. That is, what you usually don’t like to do. For example, you can do a general cleaning, tidy up the closet, wash the car, etc.

The psychological practice of suppressing bad thoughts

You can clear your head of mental debris with the help of psychological practices: attitudes, techniques, trainings. We have compiled the most effective ways brain "cleansing", which can be carried out independently, without a specialist.

Psychological ways to get bad thoughts out of your head:

  1. Calculation... To kill your enemy, you need to know him by sight. To get rid of bad thoughts, you need to figure them out. To do this, you can visit a psychologist, or you can take a piece of paper and write them down with your own hand. Dividing fears into two categories, real and fictional, will help a lot. Then, next to each item, write what you can do to prevent the anxiety from materializing. For example, if you are constantly worried about the iron not turned off or the front door not closed, double check this action before leaving the house.
  2. Adoption... It is impossible to get rid of disturbing thoughts forever. Therefore, one should not tune in to the fact that even with constant work on themselves, they will never return. The attitude towards them is important here: this fear (anxiety, obsessive thought) has nothing to do with reality, so let them return to themselves. Develop a calm attitude towards them - do not be upset, do not analyze, do not be nervous. Do not try to argue with them and look for arguments against - it is common knowledge that it is difficult to win in an argument with your mind. You will only get further bogged down in worry and anxiety. So relax - if such thoughts are not given importance, then they will leave just as they came.
  3. Indifference... Remember that emotions are the main food for fear and anxiety. It is the emotional component that widens the eyes of fear and brings anxiety to its peak. Therefore, learn to perceive obsessive "worms" in your head indifferently: if they are not - great, if they appear - it is also normal. But be careful in assessing your perception: if you are working on yourself, do not focus on when these absurd thoughts will go away. Don't translate the fight against obsessions into another obsession.
  4. Confusing... Bad thinking can be interrupted with positive opposition. For example, using the word "but". And as soon as some bad thought begins to bother your mind, fend it off with a positive affirmation. Take a closer look, listen to yourself - any flaw in character or appearance can always be covered with advantages in the same areas. The fire in the eyes covers the wrinkles around them, the cheerful character - the fullness, etc.
  5. Antivirus... One more psychological technique getting rid of obsessive thoughts. It is based on the association of the brain with a computer, and bad thoughts with computer viruses. That is, install an “anti-virus program” into your brain computer, which will calculate viral thoughts and immediately delete them.

    Religion's answer to the question of what to do if bad thoughts come into your head is unambiguous - to pray. Sincere prayer is recognized as the most powerful weapon against evil and obsessive thoughts. She establishes an energetic connection with the higher divine forces. Thus, they come into conflict with our inner demons.

    For your prayer to be most effective, it must be directed in the opposite direction to the instilled obsessive thoughts. For example, if you cannot come to terms with certain circumstances or situations, then the essence of your appeal to God should be precisely humility: "Thy will be done!"

    If your problem is discouragement or despair, you need to tame the pride or grumbling, which most often result in such conditions. And turn to the higher powers with gratitude. If the source of bad thoughts is anger or resentment against another person, you need to forgive him yourself and ask for his forgiveness before God.

    In any of these cases, the work of evil spirits leads to the opposite result - to good. Therefore, they become unarmed, and their stay with you is useless. And they will leave you.

    You can cleanse yourself and your thoughts not only with the help of prayer. Church ordinances are a powerful weapon against evil spirits and demons within us. Confession and the sacrament cleanse the soul and give strength to fight against evil.

    To get rid of bad thoughts with the help of prayer, it is not necessary to turn to God only with the known texts of prayer and only in the church. If you are sincere in your address, he will surely hear you, no matter where you turn to him and no matter what words you pray.

    How to get rid of bad thoughts - watch the video:

    When choosing a way to deal with your inner fears, you need to remember that restoring peace of mind takes work. Psychological techniques or prayer is not a one-time pill for obsessive thoughts, but a medicine that needs to be taken for a long time and regularly. Therefore, work on yourself, and the "worms" in your head will lose their influence on your health and the quality of your life.

You cannot live your whole life happily. Sometimes sad events will take place with us, which will generate negative thoughts. And that's okay. But if bad thoughts begin to haunt you all day long, then it's time to sound the alarm. Otherwise, you can easily get depressed. But how to drive away bad thoughts? And why do they arise at all.

Sources of negative thoughts

Even people who are doing great in life can have negative thoughts. A person lives quietly and calmly, and suddenly bad thoughts creep in. They are spinning in the head and after a while they take away all the attention. But where did they come from? Bad thoughts can come for the following reasons:

  1. Human inconsistency. Each person makes decisions in his life. There are unimportant decisions - what to eat for lunch, how to dress for a bachelorette party with your best friend. And there are decisions that significantly change the course of life. There is a speech about changing jobs, moving, marriage, having children. And before deciding on an important step, a person begins to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages in his head. On the one hand, he may want to make a positive decision, but on the other hand, he is afraid that such a decision will lead to problems. And such reflections attract doubts that haunt day and night.
  2. Guilt. No human can always accept correct decisions... Sometimes people are wrong. But some take a lesson from a mistake, and then move on. And others cheat themselves, think about how they could have done in that situation. Simply put, a person lives in the past. He can understand in his head that it is impossible to fix something, but he is not able to say goodbye to obsessive thoughts about that situation. Feelings of guilt not only destroy the nervous state, but are also a good tool for manipulators.
  3. Helplessness. Some problems need to be accepted and learned to live with. This is easier said than done. Even the strongest-spirited person gives up, he feels like a hostage in captivity of a high tower. His consciousness is filled with fear of an unknown future.

Whatever the reason for the emergence of obsessive thoughts, they need to be driven away. Otherwise, you can fall into depression. How can one get away from bad thoughts?

Why are bad thoughts dangerous?

Many do not understand why bad thoughts are dangerous. They reason like this: “What difference does it make what I think? The main thing is that it did not change my usual life. " Indeed, at first nothing globally bad will happen to a person. But soon he will fall into depression, and if the self-digging continues, then a neurosis begins. And there it is not difficult to get to the hospital for the mentally ill. But, in addition to the destructive effect on the psyche, bad thoughts:

  1. Do not allow to act correctly. When a person immerses himself in negativity, his brain is not able to correctly perceive the events that are happening around. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on performing even simple tasks. As a result, depression begins.
  2. They provoke disease. Most of the "clients" of psychiatric hospitals are individuals with psychological syndromes. But all their problems began from the fact that they were winding themselves up and did not want to change anything in the subconscious.
  3. They materialize. There are many known cases when a person's thoughts have materialized into life. For example, a person dreamed of a beautiful house and after a while such a house would appear in it. But he can program himself for a bad event. A person is afraid of getting sick with a terrible disease, and after a certain period, such a disease is diagnosed in him.

Bad thoughts often become very intrusive. And in order to save yourself from them, you have to seek help from psychologists in order to get rid of nervous syndromes. But even they will not help if the patient is not able to understand why bad thoughts arise. Then how can one get away from bad thoughts? And how to independently identify a person with bad thoughts?

What does a person with obsessive thoughts look like?

People with obsessive thoughts are easily recognizable in the crowd. And this will help the analysis of the behavior of such persons:

  1. they are terrified of contracting some kind of disease. Obsessive thoughts about the disease creep into their heads and force them to constantly perform various hygienic procedures. Their fear pushes them to daily general cleaning and disinfection with the use of strong chemicals;
  2. they are emotionally tense all the time, because they are afraid of sudden danger. Their thoughts are occupied with whether the iron is turned off, whether the tap in the bathroom is turned off, whether the door is locked;
  3. they tend to think that everything can be done perfectly. At the same time, they constantly try to keep the commandments of God, forgetting about the sinful nature of man. And the slightest mess in the room provokes depression;
  4. they are too absorbed in the past. They store children's drawings, toys, school diaries, old clothes and other unnecessary things. And if these "precious" things are thrown away by someone else, then a terrible depression begins;
  5. in an emergency, they always think about the bad. If someone from the family is out of the access zone, then such a person forgets about the possible discharge of the phone, and begins to call morgues and hospitals, winding himself up.

Such symptoms complicate the life of not only the patient, but also the people around him. To make life easier, you need to start fighting obsessive thoughts.

To cope with the disease, you need to treat not the symptoms, but look for the root cause of the disease. The same can be said about obsessive thoughts. Sit in a quiet environment and think about what triggered these thoughts. In addition, psychologists advise using the following methods to combat bad thoughts:

  1. Avoid negative emotions... To do this, stop watching the news, start ignoring all the bad things that are said on the radio on the bus or whispered about by colleagues in the office. Find an activity that will please your soul - go fishing, plant flowers, read interesting books... Communicate with cheerful people, and preferably children. Children are stronger than adults who know how to enjoy good events.
  2. Finding the positive in negative situations. On a piece of paper, in a column, write down all the events that make you think bad. On the contrary, write the pleasant emotions that you felt in those situations. Such an exercise can free oneself from bad thoughts and see the good.
  3. List the fears on the sheet and burn it. Burning the leaf that lists the fears will help get all negative thoughts out of your head. As you burn, imagine your anxiety and tensions disappearing into the fire. To consolidate the effect, this procedure should be done several times. You can print your fears on a computer, and replace the burning ritual with the usual removal of the file into the trash.
  4. Build your confidence. You need to understand that only you are responsible for your life. Set small goals and do your best to achieve them. And when you reach it, praise yourself for it. In this case, the fears will quickly disappear.
  5. Use your own imagination. When you have negative thoughts and fears, imagine a picture of a landscape or other beautiful place. Consider this place in detail. This option helps to remove bad thoughts from your head on your own.
  6. Eat antidepressant foods. You don't have to take medication to throw out bad thoughts. Eat natural, mood-enhancing foods. These include chocolate, bananas, raisins, celery, and sea fish.

Another important method in treating bad thinking is meditation.

How is meditation useful in dealing with bad thoughts?

Meditation is recognized by psychologists as the most effective way to clear bad thoughts. As a rule, it is used to concentrate attention or withdraw into the subconscious. For a depressed person, meditation makes it possible to forget about the bad thoughts that come into their heads. It is worth starting meditation only after a detailed study of this method. At first, it must be carried out when you have previously tuned in to positive emotions.

Very often, in order to get rid of obsessive thoughts from the head, a person uses false methods in solving this problem. He may think that meditation and other methods for treating bad thoughts are ineffective.

What will not get rid of bad thoughts?

Poor helpers in the treatment of obsessive thinking are:

  1. Self-pity or being too strict. After a series of troubles, a person begins to feel too sorry for himself, considers his persona to be unloved by fate. All of this causes fears even more. And sometimes a person subconsciously does not part with bad attitudes. Just imagine that you are overweight. On the one hand, you sob into your pillow every evening and think why you didn't get the figure of a top model, and on the other hand, you like it so much when others pity you, console you, convince you for hours that a person's weight is not the main thing. After such consolations, you get the legal right to go and seize your anxiety with cakes and other goodies. True, the nervous tension does not disappear from this. The problem will remain with the person until such time as his subconscious mind stops shielding itself from its solution.
  2. Thinking up bad consequences. To throw away negative thoughts faster, you should not imagine the dire consequences of your own mistakes. Imagine you have a vacation trip to Italy planned. You run and collect visa documents in your free time. And you seem to meet the deadlines, but the anxiety that you will spend your vacation not in the country of dreams, but in the country does not cease to torment. Get rid of nervous tension in such a situation, pronouncing the following text will help: “I am sitting in a comfortable chair. Everything is good in my life. I will spend my vacation in Italy, and all bad thoughts are just my fantasies. " After this exercise, your mind will be reminded of positive emotions.

Every time a bad thought comes to visit you, keep yourself busy. Labor is the best way to treat negative thinking and long-term depression.
