France boasts 39 institutions in the world university rankings, of which 16 are in the top 400 in the world. If you are thinking about studying in the homeland of croissants, revolution, champagne and camembert, then we advise you to look at the ranking of French universities offered below.

1. Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (ENS Paris)

The first in the ranking of French universities, ENS Paris (Higher Normal School) occupies 43rd place in the world ranking of 2018. The educational institution was founded in 1793 and is one of the most prestigious and competitive universities in the country with the honorary name "grandes écoles". The strengths of ENS Paris are humanitarian and Scientific research. Upon admission, students undergo a rigorous competitive selection. The school accepts 1350 students a year, among which 450 are international students. Among the graduates of the university, 13 Nobel laureates can be noted, as well as philosophers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

2. Ecole Polytechnique (ParisTech)

École Polytechnique is ranked 59th in the world in 2018 and is a founding member of the collegiate university ParisTech, which specializes in scientific (engineering) and business studies, and is also characterized by a strong mathematical bias. The Polytechnic School was founded in 1794. The university is located 30 km from the center of Paris, the campus offers 120 hectares of green space for its 4600 students.

3. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

The Pierre and Marie Curie University, ranked 131st in the QS World Rankings, compared to its older peers, was founded as recently as 1971 on the basis of the University of Paris, which split into several institutions. It is currently the largest scientific and medical complex in France. It has about 34,000 students, of which 20% are international.

4. Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon

The Higher Normal School of Lyon continues to improve its position in the international university rankings and ranks 157th this year, up 20 places compared to last year. With the prestigious status of "grandes écoles", the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon is an elite public institution that trains researchers and teachers in the sciences and humanities, usually for the public service. Every year the school accepts about 2 thousand students, among which 400 are international.

5. Centrale Supelec

The French Institute CentraleSupélec is ranked 164th in the 2018 world rankings and was formed from the merger of École Centrale Paris and the Supélec School of Engineering in 2015. The Institute is a founding member of the Université Paris-Saclay, an association research universities France. Campuses are located in the northern provinces of the country, there are training programs in English.

6 Sciences Po

Sciences Po or Institute of Polytechnic Studies specializes in areas such as law, economics, social sciences, politics, history and related fields. Founded in 1872, Sciences Po is located near the Seine and boasts famous alumni: Presidents Jacques Chirac, François Mitterrand, François Hollande, 13 prime ministers and other influential statesmen. The institute maintains its 220th position in 2018. It has about 13,000 students, of which almost half are international, representing 150 nationalities.

7. Université Grenoble-Alpes

This year, the University of Grenoble ranked 236th in the world and was formed in January 2016 through the merger of several universities, but these institutions date back to 1339, such as the University of Pierre Mendès-France. The traditional fields of study are the natural sciences and engineering. The university accepts 45 thousand students a year, is the 3rd largest university in the country.

8. Université Paris-Sud 11

Université Paris-Sud 11, another Parisian institution that has four campuses in the southern suburbs of the city. It is especially known for its science and math courses and is ranked 242 in the world in 2018. The university was founded in 1970, on the basis of the University of Paris, accepts about 30 thousand students a year. Among the graduates are two Nobel laureates in physics.

9. Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

Ranked 269th in the world, the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne was also formed from the division of the former University of Paris. It is currently one of the largest universities in the country with around 40,000 students. Specializes in economics, management, art, social sciences and jurisprudence. Located in the Latin Quarter. The project is to merge with UPMC to create the new Sorbonne University in January 2018.

10. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Finalist of 10 top universities France is the École des Ponts ParisTech ("National School of Bridges and Roads"), which this year ranked 270th in the world. One of the smallest universities in France was founded in 1747, that is, it is the oldest civil engineering educational institution in the world. . More than 2000 students study here. The university is another founding member of ParisTech.

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The best state paid and free universities in France. Features of admission and study at the university. The higher education system of this European country in 2019.
French universities occupy a special place among. Most of them boast centuries of history, as well as high standards of education. The prestige of French universities is beyond doubt, since for a long time, along with Oxford and Bologna universities, they taught only the upper strata of society.

The University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne is one of the 13 that arose during the division of the Sorbonne. The university includes 14 faculties, 8 institutes and research centers, as well as the House of Economics.

Over time, the policy of the French Ministry of Education has changed a lot and has become more democratic in relation to students. One of its main directions is the desire to make education more accessible and attractive both for residents of the country and for foreign students.

When considering the possibility of entering universities in France, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the reasons for the popularity of this option. First of all, they should include the financial availability of education. All institutions are funded by the state, which makes it possible to make education free for both citizens of the state and foreigners.

To study at a university or higher school, you only need to pay a special registration fee, the amount of which is established by the relevant ministry. For 2019, it is no more than 200 euros per year for a bachelor's degree and 270 for a master's degree. If the applicant plans to receive a doctoral degree, the fee will be a little more than 400 euros.

Higher schools markedly outperform universities in terms of fees. They can reach 1 thousand euros annually. However, all the above prices are valid for courses taught in French. For English-language education, the amount of the fee can reach up to 6 thousand euros per semester.

Watch the video: How to get a scholarship to study in France.

Directions of study

In France, there are a huge number of universities that teach students a variety of specialties. However, there are a number of areas where local institutions have excelled more than others. These include, first of all:

  • mathematics;
  • engineering;
  • medicine and related sciences.

Holders of diplomas in these and similar disciplines obtained in France significantly increase their chances of finding a job.

In addition, such a diploma opens up an incredible wide opportunities on development in the scientific environment and building an academic career.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the creative and cultural areas in the educational activities of local universities. Historically, Europe. This led to the creation of a full-fledged and independent network of art schools, education in which allows not only to achieve recognition in the field of cinema, photography and other arts, but also to find people who share the interests and views of the student.

Despite the many advantages and high standards of education, only 11 universities in France are in the top 250 of the best universities. According to experts, this is not due to the quality indicators of education, but to the imperfection of the assessment algorithms used by the English agencies QS and THE.

Watch the video about studying in France.

Classification of universities in France

All higher educational institutions existing in the country are divided into three main categories, depending on the type of organization, profile and other features. Among them are:

  1. specialized schools. Training is conducted in the following areas: music, design, photography, painting and other arts.
  2. Universities.
  3. higher schools.

Universities and higher schools are fundamentally different in a number of ways. The majority of applicants get into the institutions of the first category, while higher schools are extremely selective in relation to people who want to enter them. A similar situation is observed in the quality and quantity of teaching staff.

The answer to this situation is the measures taken by the government to attract gifted students to universities. They are based on scholarship and other preferential programs, as well as research funding. However, this failed to change the situation, as a result, higher schools still outperform universities.

Among other things, membership in the EUA says a lot about the quality of education of a particular university. The institutions included in such an association are generally recognized as the best, which significantly increases the value of the diploma and the demand for graduates from employers.

3 main types of French universities

Specifics of higher schools

If you plan to enter the best educational institutions in France, it is advisable to take a closer look at the higher schools. Among the most prestigious institutions of this kind, 4 schools can be distinguished at once - Paris, Lyon, Cachan, Rennes. At the same time, the most selective schools in relation to applicants are located in Paris and Lyon.

All of them have full autonomy, however, they suggest the possibility of passing preparatory courses in one institution and subsequent admission to another. Upon graduation, all graduates are assigned the status of "normal", which carries with it not only a respected title, but also a number of responsibilities.

In particular, each holder must have worked in the civil service for at least 5 years, which in France seems to be the best of all possible. This requirement does not apply to foreigners, however, if they wish, they can take advantage of this opportunity.

French university ranking

Among the most popular universities among foreign applicants, there are both private and public educational institutions in France. in the vast majority of them - free of charge, both for citizens of France and for foreigners.

Among them:

  • Sorbonne University in Paris.
  • University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
  • University of Nantes.
  • Samadeva University.
  • University of Cergy-Pontoise.
  • Descartes University.

Each of them has its own, unique history and a set of areas in which students are trained. Since classes are free, the final choice should be made, depending on the interests of the applicant and the specialty that is planned to be acquired.

This educational institution first opened its doors to applicants in 1289 and today is one of the most prestigious in France. The university owns an urban-type campus for students to live, which is especially important for foreign citizens.

The University of Montpellier is popular with students from all over the world due to its quality teaching, the prestige of the diplomas received and free education.

Montpellier is included in five percent of the best universities in the world, and this university is recognized as the leader in terms of the quality of education in the country. For enrollment, it is enough to pay the registration fee, as well as present documents confirming the passing of exams.

It belongs to the category of large educational institutions, accommodates more than 24 thousand students, and also has its own library. The main specialties in which students are trained are: medicine, sports, law, business and natural sciences.

It belongs to public educational institutions and ranks 33rd in the national ranking. It belongs to the category of old universities, since 1887 is considered to be the date of its foundation. The main campus of the university is located in the city of Lille, while a number of branches operate in others. major cities.

The process of admission to this institution is similar to the previous option: you will need to provide data on successful delivery exams, as well as pay the registration fee in the amount established by the Ministry. This university is medium in size, and about 18 thousand students are educated here every year.

As in many other educational institutions in France, it provides for the possibility of teaching foreign citizens on an equal basis with local residents. On the territory of the university there is a large library, and he himself is one of the most prestigious European educational institutions EUA.

University of Nantes

Another popular university is the University of Nantes, which is one of the oldest educational institutions of this category. It was founded back in 1460, and the main building of the complex is located in the city of Nantes. Included in the top 30 prestigious universities France and boasts a spacious hostel.

Castle on the campus of the University of Nantes

Since the institution is actively involved in international student exchange programs, foreign students are not uncommon here. Thanks to a large hostel, they have the opportunity to live near the place of study at affordable prices. As in most universities in France, academic year consists of two semesters.

The number of students exceeds 31 thousand people, and teachers - 1500. The percentage of foreigners among applicants fluctuates around 8%. The main areas of study are natural and applied disciplines, which include:

  • medicine;
  • mathematics;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • control.

In addition, the higher Polytechnic School is a formal part of the university, which indicates the first-class quality of education.

France, this cradle of revolutions and a recognized trendsetter, has been a leader in the field of education for centuries. Over 250,000 foreign students come here every year. One of the most advanced and efficient, the system of higher education in France is not by chance so popular among applicants from all over the world.

Features of higher education in France

With what higher education in France can attract our compatriots? Universities in France, being funded by the state, allow you to get an education almost free of charge - about 1.5% of the country's GDP is spent annually on higher education. As a result, studying at state universities costs only 130-700 euros per year for students, including foreign ones. In addition, universities are very loyal to applicants and are ready to accept everyone. The role of entrance examinations here is played by an interview and (in some universities) a dossier competition.

In total, there are about 90 state universities in the country. Regardless of whether they are located in the capital or the provinces, French universities provide the same high quality of knowledge. Therefore, you can safely choose any university in any city that seems most attractive to you.

Despite the fact that higher education in France complies with the common European standards (LMD), it also has its own national peculiarity: differences in diploma systems, degrees, in dividing the educational process into cycles.

The main stages of education at universities are the degrees of licentiate, master and doctor. A licentiate degree - License - students receive after three years of study at a university, a master's degree - Master - after five, and a doctorate degree - Doctorat (PhD) - can be obtained after studying at the university for eight years. Thanks to a special system of equivalence of French diplomas, students can change training courses, moving to other universities and faculties. This is also considered one of the benefits of higher education in France.

Depending on the degree of duration, the entire educational process can be divided into two directions: "short" (les formations courtes) and "long" (les formations longes) cycles.

"Short" cycle in French universities

This cycle, designed for two years, allows, without delaying the learning process, to start an independent professional activity faster. Those enrolled in the "short cycle" universities in France provide an opportunity to receive specialized education in the field of economics, communications, services, electronics, etc.

Upon completion of the "short cycle", graduates receive a technological diploma (DUT) or a diploma of higher technical education (DEUST). After that, training can be continued to acquire an additional specialty, or a transition to a “long cycle” is possible. After that, diploma holders are issued a professional license (Licence professionnelle) or a national specialized technological diploma (DNTS).

"Long" cycle at universities in France

"Long cycle" is studying at the University of France in several successive cycles, each of which ends with the receipt of a separate state diploma. There are three of them.

The first cycle, two years, ends with a diploma of general university education - DEUG. As a rule, the majority then continue their education, since at this stage they pass only the basic program.

During the second cycle, the knowledge acquired over the previous two years is improved, and a year later the student has a licentiate diploma (Licence), a year later - a Master 1 specialist diploma (former MST).

Education in the third cycle - another 1-2 years - is a postgraduate education, an analogue of our postgraduate studies, which includes the improvement of knowledge in the specialty and scientific work. Based on the results of this stage, a master's degree in advanced study is issued. research work- Master 2 Recherche (former DEA), or Master 2 Professionnel diploma (former DESS).

The next three or four years will take doctoral studies. During it, students are preparing to write a dissertation and receive a doctoral degree.

For citizens of other countries wishing to obtain a doctoral degree, the doors of French universities are wide open: here, among doctoral students, one in four is a foreign citizen.

Grandes écoles - higher schools

In addition to universities, the system of higher education in France includes higher schools, some of which are private. It is from these walls that most of the top management for the largest enterprises in France comes out. Among the most prestigious are the Central School (École Centrale), opened in 1829, the Higher Commercial School (HEC), founded in 1881, or national school administration (ENA), which was established in 1945. The enrollment of students in higher schools is usually limited. You can enter there only after passing the competitive exams. In turn, preparation for them takes place at specialized courses for 2 years or at our own preparatory department. You can also enroll in them after the second year of university. After that, training in higher schools ah lasts 3 years.

Higher education in France in English

Despite the fact that English is an international language, French educational institutions, like the whole nation as a whole, are distinguished by a great love for mother tongue. Nominally, there are over 600 programs in English in the country, but this is only an apparent variety. Mainly we are talking about programs in higher schools. Indeed, in English you can get higher education in France in such disciplines as management, economics, hotel and restaurant business, law, as well as a number of technical sciences. If we talk about bachelor's programs and programs in state universities of the country, the choice will not be great at all.

Higher education in France for Russians

The good news for Russian applicants who plan to receive higher education in France is that the school certificate of the Russian Federation is recognized as a sufficient basis for submitting documents. In the French education system, it corresponds to a bachelor's degree (Le Baccalauréat Français). Of course, you should take care of a good GPA.

Second necessary condition is the presence of a certificate confirming the knowledge of the French language at a level that will allow you to listen to lectures, study scientific work and pass university exams without any problems. In French universities, the results of the DALF language exam or the TCF French language test are accepted.

The conditions for admission to private universities, higher schools and medical faculties of universities have their own characteristics (special pre-university training is required), so it is easiest for a Russian applicant to start from the first university cycle.

The cost of studying at universities in France

As mentioned above, the cost of studying at public French universities is very modest and for all students, both foreigners and residents of the country, is less than 1000 Euros per year. In higher schools and private universities of the country, it is worth counting on an amount from 6,000 to 12,000 Euros.

The cost of living in the country varies greatly depending on the city. So, a student in Paris will spend 1000-1500 Euros per month on modest housing, food and basic expenses. In the provinces, 800 Euros may be enough.

Higher education in France is not limited to one. The system of lyceums, universities and higher schools in the country is well developed. For Russian applicants, France offers ample opportunities for learning.

The French Lyceum is a kind of intermediate link between high school and the university, so lyceum graduates who have received a bachelor's degree can receive a basic higher education under a shortened scheme in just two years. However, in order to become a certified lawyer or engineer, you will have to study for another 2-3 years. In fact, despite the apparent complexity of the French education system, the presence of different levels and short and long cycles, it has much in common with the Russian one, and the university bachelor's system (in France it is called Licensé) does not differ from similar ones in other European countries.

To enter a French university, you do not need to pass entrance exams - it is enough to confirm language proficiency (you will need to pass an exam for a DELF or DALF certificate) and provide all the necessary documents.

Russian applicants can do this through the website of the French agency Campus France, and you can send documents to several universities at the same time. chances of admission will be higher if you first study for a year or two at a Russian university, and only then enter the first course of French. Yes, compared to the Russian education system, you lose a couple of years, but given that in France they finish school at 18, the higher classmates at the French university will be your peers.

In addition, many universities have training programs for international students. Graduates of Russian schools can also enroll in these programs. Priority is given to the French language, and if you successfully pass the exams, you can be enrolled in the university.

France offers great opportunities for learning and is not limited to the famous Sorbonne. By the way, today it is not one university, but several, for example, Panthéon-Sorbonne, New Sorbonne, Paris-Sorbonne. Universities in other cities should not be discounted either. Unlike Parisian universities, they have a narrower specialization. If you have chosen the natural sciences, you should pay attention to the University of Montpellier, and the University of Strasbourg is suitable for future lawyers.

Apart from public universities France has high schools. These are paid universities, education in which is considered prestigious, and the quality of education is very high. Getting into higher schools is not easy: you need to pass difficult entrance exams and overcome a big competition. Education in higher education costs from 5 to 25 thousand euros per year. True, you can get a state scholarship, but in this case, after receiving a diploma, you will have to work in the civil service for almost 10 years. Among the most prestigious higher schools are members of ParisTech technical schools, pedagogical school ENS in Paris, veterinary schools in Lyon and Toulouse and the ESCE School of Economics in Paris and Lyon.
