Higher education in the United States is considered to be one of the best in the world. It is quite significant that 80% of Nobel laureates are graduates of American universities, and the presence of an American diploma of education guarantees successful employment anywhere in the world. At the moment, there are almost 5,000 higher educational institutions in the country, in which more than 20 million students study.

What makes American universities so popular in the global educational market? First, a serious approach to teaching: focus on practice, modern equipment in classrooms and laboratories, as well as a broad scientific and technical base. Secondly, the availability of a variety of specialties with a decent level of training for each. Thirdly, the rich infrastructure: most universities have vast territories, where laboratories, libraries, museums, hospitals, cafes and even theaters and galleries are located. Fourth, brilliant Teaching Staff... The profession of a university teacher is considered very honorable and highly paid in America. In the best US universities, behind the lecturer's chair, you can see Nobel laureates, world-famous politicians and owners of transnational corporations.

Higher education in America is paid, regardless of the type of educational institution, while the prices are quite high. But talented students and poor people can count on scholarship programs and benefits provided by both universities and the state.

Some of the most prestigious educational areas in the United States include:

  • IT sphere. America is the undisputed leader in the information services market, so it is very responsible for training future developers and programmers.
  • Jurisprudence. A highly demanded industry, in the USA a good lawyer will never be left without a job.
  • Finance. The market for consulting and brokerage services is very developed here.
  • The medicine. In America, a doctor is a highly respected, demanded and highly paid profession. The state and private companies allocate a lot of money for the training of such specialists.

But sociologists, historians and public relations specialists will have to look for work for a long time. Despite the fact that to this day these areas remain one of the most popular among American applicants, the labor market with such specialists is already overcrowded.

Types of higher education institutions in America

  • Colleges. This schools, in which any research programs are poorly developed or completely absent. College education is considered less prestigious than university education, although there is a perception that a number of liberal arts colleges may well rival some Ivy League universities. In colloquial American language, the word "college" has stuck with all institutions of higher education, even if they are universities.
  • Universities. The main difference between a university and a college is the presence of a broad research base and postgraduate program. These are institutions where learning is closely linked with practice and deep theoretical research. There are two main types of universities in America:
    • Private. Traditionally it is believed that it is in private universities that students receive the best training, although this is not always true. Some of these institutions include some of the Ivy League universities (for example, and). Education here will be very expensive, but fundamental and of high quality. It is very noteworthy that private American universities are endowed with absolute freedom in choosing educational programs and managing finances, therefore, each of these institutions has its own internal order.
    • State or state universities. As the name suggests, these schools are created by state governments to train necessary specialists from among the local guys. Due to government funding, training here will not be very expensive. It is believed that the education received in state universities will be an order of magnitude lower than the training that private universities provide. However, many state educational institutions have a serious research base, and their graduates today occupy the highest positions in science, art and production.

There are also a small number of institutes in the United States that offer four-year training in high technology, science, or the arts.

The structure of higher education in the United States

Higher education in America is a two-stage one. At the end of the four-year study, the student receives a bachelor's degree. If the student wishes to continue and deepen his education, he can also take a two-year master's degree. After that, those who wish to devote their lives to science can go to graduate school.

  • First level: Bachelor's degree. You can become a bachelor in any American university. The first year or even two students study the general education program, but after this time they will have to choose a specific faculty for themselves. Moreover, training can be carried out in several areas at once and, as a result, receive a diploma in several specialties.
  • Second level: Master's degree. Not all bachelors receive further education, however, for specialists in education, library science, mechanical engineering, and mental health, obtaining a master's degree is mandatory. In order to enter the magistracy, you need to write a special test: LSAT (for lawyers), GRE or GMAT (for economists or businessmen), MCAT (for medical workers). In the course of training, a master's student prepares a thesis, following the results of its defense, he is awarded a master's degree.
  • Third level: postgraduate studies. In some universities, master's studies are considered the first stage in obtaining the title of doctor, and in some, postgraduate studies are a fundamentally new educational level. The duration of training is from three years. For the first two years, graduate students attend lectures and seminars, and in the third, they are engaged in the development of their own scientific research. In addition to the defended dissertation, many universities make additional requirements for applicants: for example, knowledge of two foreign languages and successful delivery qualification exams.

Admission to an American University

As such, there are no entrance exams in America. Yesterday's students can take several standardized tests and send their results to pre-selected universities (up to 10 different institutions). This system is convenient because applicants can apply remotely. Usually the list of documents required for admission is as follows:

  • Application for admission. A long questionnaire, where the applicant must enter not only personal data and information about school performance, but also information about their interests, hobbies, basic character traits and extracurricular achievements. Often, the questionnaire also offers to write an essay on a chosen topic.
  • Recommendations from teachers. The ideal option would be to submit two recommendations: from teachers leading, respectively, humanitarian and technical disciplines.
  • Test results. Usually, to enter the university, an applicant is required to pass the SAT Reasoning Test. Unlike the Russian Unified State Exam The SAT is a comprehensive test. It consists of three sections: text analysis, mathematics, and writing. Another popular test is ACT (American College Testing). It also contains questions in several areas of knowledge at once: English, mathematics and reading, as well as an analysis of the applicant's ability to scientific reasoning.
  • In addition, when applying for creative specialties, it is necessary to provide a portfolio.

If the submitted documents are of interest to the selection committee, the applicant is invited to a personal conversation. This is a great chance to demonstrate to the university leadership your ability to express thoughts, reasoning, as well as ambition and creativity.

Features of studying at American universities

As in Russia, in the United States the academic year lasts about nine months and is divided into semesters, less often into terms. The very system of education in America is flexible and varied. Admission of applicants at most universities is carried out both in the fall and in the spring, so you can start studying at any preferred time. In America, there is no concept of an academic group and a common timetable. The student independently chooses the courses that he would like to attend. In this case, the subjects are divided into compulsory (those that will become the basis of specialization) and additional. Each of the selected courses gives the student a certain number of credits, that is, credits equal to one academic hour per week for a semester. To obtain a bachelor's or master's degree, you need to collect a certain number of such credits. The credit system has a number of advantages; it allows the student to use his time more freely and efficiently.

Due to the fact that in the first years students pass basic program and only after a couple of years they are determined with a specific direction of their training, young people consciously approach the choice of their future profession. Even after the choice is made in favor of a particular faculty, the student can change his mind and try his hand at something new. And in order for the student not to get lost and to be able to orientate himself, at each university there are several mentors who are ready to provide the student with support and reveal the main pros and cons of each direction.

One of the main features of studying at an American university is the presence of special subjects created at the intersection of several disciplines. This approach guarantees a comprehensive study of certain objects and phenomena. Often, from the symbiosis of individual disciplines, whole scientific directions or departments are born. It is quite remarkable that the sphere higher education in America is inherently associated with basic scientific research. Universities ensure a harmonious fusion of science and education, so here senior students very often become assistants and assistant professors, thus making their own contribution to the development of the most important academic research

Classroom classes are both seminar and lecture. To prepare for the seminar, the student must familiarize himself with the literature and sources suggested by the teacher, and also complete homework or laboratory work.

Exams are usually taken in the middle of the semester and at the end school year.

In addition to attending classrooms and working in laboratories and libraries, students can participate in the extra-curricular life of the university. At every American university there is a considerable number of all kinds of circles, leagues and associations. They can be very different: sports, environmental, philosophical, or unite lovers of pets or cartoons.

The US government is currently paying close attention to the state of higher education in the country. Gifted young people from other countries are actively involved in training, distance education is developing, and numerous programs for financing higher educational institutions are being implemented. Private investors who are interested in training future personnel for their companies also invest in education.

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Prestigious universities in the USA, higher education in America annually attract foreign and Russian students with the quality of educational services. If you find information about that, then the next stage is getting to know the prices for educational programs... The cost of training directly depends on the rating of the selected university, as well as the chosen specialty. The most expensive specialties are those where study provides for scientific research(medicine, dentistry and others).

The cost of higher education at universities in America ranges from $ 30,000 to $ 60,000 per year in the highest rated. As for US colleges (community colleges), the cost starts, as a rule, from 10,000 USD per academic year without accommodation.

US universities for foreigners, including students - a step to the future successful career... Having received academic knowledge and practical skills at the university, each graduate can count on a prestigious job.

How to enter a university in the USA, America? What documents and knowledge the applicant needs

In order to enroll in English university, you will need not only a standard list of documents, but also certain linguistic and academic knowledge.

Main list of required documents:

  • copy of the passport;
  • for a bachelor - a school certificate and / or the passage of the Pathway program;
  • for a master's degree - a bachelor's degree +, if required, passing the pre-Masters program;
  • TOEFL certificate;
  • SSAT exams (depending on the American university);
  • letters of recommendation from teachers of English and mathematics, sometimes from the headmaster, dean;
  • motivation letter;
  • Skype interview or personal visit to an educational institution;
  • additional documents on an individual basis to increase the chances of a positive decision of the selection committee.

The system of higher education in the United States: structure, features, ranking

Prestigious US universities, higher education in America for foreign and Russian students open up broad career prospects, the possibility of employment abroad, work in top positions in international companies. Finding the optimal program requires an understanding of the organization of the higher education system in the United States. American postsecondary education institutions are divided into 4 categories.

  • Universities consisting of several faculties, colleges accept applicants for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses.
  • Colleges focused on training bachelors in a wide range of specialties, duration of study is 4 years.
  • Technical educational institutions offering a wide range of programs, the duration of study is from six months to 4 years.
  • Community colleges (community-colleges) offering two-year educational programs for local, foreign students, after which it is possible to enter the 2nd year of bachelor's degree in other educational institutions of America.

Education in American universities is divided into a number of stages, after each of which the student receives a degree and a profession sufficient for work:

  • associate degree - degree after completing a 2-year community college course;
  • undergraduate (bachelor of science / art degree) - after completing a 4-year course at a college, university;
  • graduatee (master's degree) - as a result of 2 years of study in a master's degree in one of the programs - professional or academic.
  • PhDD (Doctor of Philosophy Diploma) is the result of the defense of a research work, it is required to continue a career in an academic environment, the duration is from 4 to 6 years.

US universities are divided into private and public:

  • state universities, as a rule, are more in terms of the number of students, the cost of education is cheaper, there are many programs to support talented students;
  • private universities are usually smaller in size, better developed infrastructurally, offer a wide range of programs for creative, sports development, the price of courses is much higher than in state ones.

The list of prestigious US universities includes both public and private universities: Michigan, University of California at Berkeley, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, California University of Technology(Calteh).

Top US Universities: Best of the Best

Prestigious universities in the USA, higher education in America for foreign and Russian students are available in different categories of educational institutions presented on our website. The oldest and most prestigious universities are included in the famous "Ivy League":

  • Harvard;
  • Princeton;
  • Yale;
  • Brown University;
  • Columbia University;
  • Cornell;
  • Dartmouth College;
  • University of Pennsylvania.

No less popular educational centers, the list of which is presented below. Each of them has its own leading industry, the diplomas of these institutions are highly valued in the world labor market:

  • Northwestern University of the USA (mathematics is the most developed area);
  • Duke University (medicine);
  • University of Notre Dame (business);
  • Bard College (arts and humanities);
  • United States Naval Academy;
  • Oregon State University (business education, agricultural sciences).

America's best educational institutions offer international and local students balanced courses designed by world-renowned educators - students will have to learn from outstanding professors. Specialized courses are also taught by practitioners: heads of large corporations, researchers, world leaders (managers).

As statistics show, graduates renowned universities In the first six months after graduation, the United States finds a highly paid job in its specialty: the employment rate in Ivy League institutions exceeds 95%.

Universities in America: Features of Education in US Universities

Prestigious US universities, higher education in America for foreign and Russian students offer the most comfortable conditions for staying, learning: they can live on campus, freely use academic resources and infrastructure.

In American universities, specialized departments work for Russians, bachelors and masters of other nationalities, in particular, vocational guidance - specialists help foreigners find work during their studies. The part-time job makes it possible to reduce the financial costs of training.

Universities in America for foreign students organize courses with the study of English: programs provide an opportunity to improve language skills for a better perception teaching material by profile disciplines.

Research activities are conducted on the basis of all leading universities. Students of all levels of education are involved in it. This allows those who did not even think about scientific activity in their junior bachelor's courses to find their vocation, but were able to feel their vocation through the opportunity to work in university laboratories on their program assignments.

US universities: ranking as a way to choose a university

The English word "rating" reflects the rank of an object in the list of similar ones. The rating is based on a specific characteristic or criterion by which the comparison is made. In world practice, including in the United States, universities rank according to various criteria. The main world comparative lists of educational institutions are recognized.

  • level of presentation and delivery of information and practical material to students,
  • the quality of research activities,
  • career opportunities for university graduates,
  • employers' assessment,
  • the presence and number of foreigners among teachers and students.



Citation Index (per 1 lecturer)

Reputation with employers

Student to lecturer ratio

% of foreign lecturers

% of foreign students

Stanford University

California Institute of Technology


University College London

Imperial College, London

Chicago University

The table clearly shows that 5 out of 10 recognized as the best higher education institutions are located in the United States. The top universities belong to America.

Times Higher Education (THE). Compiled annually among 79 countries based on 4 indicators:

  • the quality of presentation of information material and delivery of practical skills,
  • the level of research activities;
  • availability and quality of functioning of the knowledge dissemination system;
  • introduction to the learning process of various innovations.

For 2018, a dozen the best universities the world according to the TNE-rating looks like this:

Institution, country

Academic environment

% percentage of citizens of other countries

Institutional reputation


Business innovation focus

Oxford, GB

Cambridge, GB

Stanford, USA

Harvard, USA

Princeton, USA

Imperial College, GB

University of Chicago, USA

University of Pennsylvania, USA

This list is headed by universities in the UK, but among the best establishments 7 US universities.

Academic Ranking of World Universities, better known under the unofficial name Shanghai, is compiled annually by the agency of the same name in Asia. Its purpose is to identify the level of academic and scientific activity of universities in the world while minimizing the specifics of national education systems.

More than 1200 educational institutions of the world are annually assessed by this rating. But only 500 of the best establishments in the world are included in it.

Institution, country

Awards Index Issue-

Index of awards


cations in

tions in

Index (on
1 employee

Harvard, USA

Stanford, USA

Cambridge. GB

Berkeley University, USA

Princeton, USA

Oxford, GB

Columbia University, USA

California Institute of Technology, USA

University of Chicago, USA

This article would not have a complete set of information for making a decision about choosing a university in the United States for higher education without one more rating - the cost of education. In 2018, it looks like this:


Location city

Tuition fee for a bachelor's degree, USD

Tuition fees for Master's degree, USD

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Santa clara

Technological Institute, California


University of Chicago

New Haven

Cornell University

University of Berkeley

Colombian un-t

All parents and potential students apply to this competitive selection of the future place of study. Education in the United States is one of the most expensive in the world. But the level of knowledge gained and the diploma itself justifies the funds spent on it.

Some Americans take loans to study at US universities. Statistics show that 37% of American families under the age of 45 pay off loans taken for education. For foreign students, the financial aspect of getting an education is even more important. To obtain a student visa, the applicant must provide proof of financial ability to live and study at a US university. Recently, information about the possible receipt of an American diploma for free has been reported in the media. Is it so?

US Fully Funded Universities for International Students - Myth or Reality?

Immediately I would like to note that universities in the United States do not provide education for free. But there are opportunities to minimize payment or funding for your own training not from your wallet.

Here are some ways to study in the USA at Fully Funded Universities for International Students:

  • Find a possible scholarship / grant at the stage of preparation for education.
  • Organization of sponsorship. It can be provided by any commercial organization that is interested in getting an employee with a prestigious American diploma and is ready to train him for this at his own expense. Similar information about potential sponsors is posted on specialized websites and portals of universities and commercial organizations. Businesses are interested in specific specialists with practical skills in their specialty. For this reason, they post information about their willingness to sponsor, first of all, in the training of specialized applied programs, which provide for a large number of practical lessons and long-term internships.
  • The social networking site yconic.com can be the go-to place to find fully funded universities in the United States for international students. Today, using the network is absolutely free. The portal contains information about real potential sponsors, the possibility of obtaining scholarships and other material and moral support for young people who are ready to get education abroad.

Free universities in the United States with full funding for international students are often those institutions in which it is possible to obtain a scholarship that fully (or partially) covers a foreigner's tuition fees. This type of material support is rare, difficult to obtain, but possible.

In 2018, USNews named 6 US universities that are willing to provide the best possible assistance to international students:

  1. Williams College (MA)
  2. Amherst College (MA)
  3. Trinity College (CT)
  4. Stanford University (CA)
  5. Harvard University (MA)
  6. Duke University (NC)

When seeking to enroll in free tuition at US universities, it should be remembered that the procedure for approving the list of scholarship holders takes place after all the entrance tests and procedures have been passed. But in the process of passing them, you have to pay a separate, albeit not large, amount for them. Therefore, there will still be expenses for admission, obtaining a visa, and the road. And yet there is a chance to cover these associated costs in this way:

  • a fellow on the main training program can simultaneously apply for training on an additional course of Opportunity Funds, which provides for compensation for all overhead costs;
  • when choosing a sponsor, negotiate with him about payment of these items of expenses.

Each of the possible study options in the US at fully funded universities for international students is difficult to achieve. But possible! Anyone who achieves his first goal of free education will already prove to himself and the world that he has not in vain decided to get the best education in the world.

But this is not all the optimistic information for potential students in America.

USA universities for Russians

Students from Russia have a high reputation among the teachers and students of American universities. The fundamental scientific knowledge base, academic potential discovered in them by the Russian education system cannot remain unnoticed. Those who aspire to universities for Russians in the United States show themselves to be active researchers and trained potential scientists.

Most Russians go to get technological, mathematical professions. The second place in demand was taken by the specialties of the business sphere: management, economics, finance, marketing. The third place is occupied by specializations in the humanities: social sciences, art.

The rating of specialties formed the location of the presence of Russians in various regions of the United States. IT students, of course, settle down near Silicon Valley - California. Future professionals in big business and the humanities prefer the southern climate of Florida and the harsh rhythm of New York. Potential politicians and political scientists, of course, tend to study closer to the capital of the state - in Washington.

Before choosing a specialty, check out the average salaries of specialists from different fields:

Most often, Russian students, in addition to those already mentioned, choose universities in the following states of America: California, Massachusetts, Illinois. They are considered to be the most optimal conditions for living, learning and life after school. Although, according to those who have already received the coveted diploma of American education, those who are really studying have neither the time, nor the energy, nor the desire to actively get acquainted with the local possibilities of a fun life.

The TOP-5 of the most popular universities in the United States for Russians was compiled on the basis of feedback from those who are considering enrolling in them and those who have already graduated from them. It includes:

  1. Unіversity of Calіfornia. State university, always included in all ratings in the top twenty best institutions in the world. It is renowned as one of the best university research and development facilities. This criterion is important for those who plan to further develop their own career as a research scientist. The average cost of training is $ 37,000 per academic year.
  2. Unіversіty of Illіnois At Urbana Chаmpaіgn. State institution. The cost of training in it can vary from $ 23,000 to $ 34,000 per year. They actively support foreign students by issuing scholarships and grants. The unofficial specialization of the university is development in the IT field. The National Center for Supercomputing Technologies has been opened at the university. It is one of the best universities in the United States for Russians seeking to advance in the field of computer technology.
  3. New York Unіversity. Private university. Informal specialization - business specialties, medicine, humanities. The university has branches in 10 countries of the world, so you can get a diploma of its completion without ever arriving in New York.
  4. Purdue Unіversіty. State university. It firmly ranks second in terms of the number of foreign students attracted. Future mathematicians, engineers, aviation and space technicians all seek knowledge here. The cost of 1 academic year is about $ 30,000.
  5. Columbia Unіversity. State university. Tops the Russian ranking of the most reputable universities in the world. But in this rating it takes only the fifth position due to the very high average cost of training - $ 57,000. The only justification for such a tuition fee is that it includes medical care in our own modern medical center, which costs a lot of money by American standards.

The tuition fees given in this article do not include the costs of organizing the educational process (purchase of textbooks, stationery), accommodation, meals, organization of the student's life and leisure. Therefore, when planning to move to the United States for education, you should take care of the possibility of covering this part of the cost during the entire period of study.

We hope this article will provide many ideas for building a plan to conquer the best educational institutions in the world. Realizing the brilliant prospects of a future graduate, which universities in the United States provide for Russians, we can safely begin to work on the implementation of this goal. It's not the gods who burn the pots, are they? You can do it too!

Mechanism of admission to the university
In America, there is no such procedure for the selection of applicants. For enrollment in prestigious universities, interviews are conducted with potential students, which are the basis for admission. SAT scores also matter. school test). Less-rated universities and colleges welcome all applicants with higher education.

The category of documents provided by prospective students, regardless of the chosen university, includes: a certificate with a list of subjects studied and points for them, the results of the interview, as well as the characteristics of the school principal and the teaching staff. All documents are submitted for consideration by the university commission in two copies - in the language of the applicant's country of residence (if he is not a resident of the States) and in English.

Upon admission to prestigious university America requires applicants to fill out a questionnaire - a document containing a number of questions, which must be answered in the form of an essay. Questions can be varied - which of the people the potential student admires, what, in his opinion, character traits are necessary for various professions, what are his plans for the future. Answers let you know about talents and potential qualities the prospective applicant, about his ability to formulate and present his outlook on life.

In addition, foreign citizens wishing to enter the university are tested to show the depth of knowledge of the English language. You can find out which specific test is needed directly at the university. Foreigners usually take TOEFL, with a passing minimum of 550 points or IELTS - 5.5 points.

Universities of America

The bachelor's degree is given after 4 years (on average). During their studies, students study about 30 disciplines, and subjects directly related to the profession are studied in depth from the third year. Having received a bachelor's degree, those who wish can continue their studies in a master's degree - here the training takes 1-2 years. The final stage of studying in the magistracy is a scientific work in the form of a dissertation, which must be defended. The final stage of training is doctoral studies, which can be completed upon completion of the magistracy (another 2 to 3 years of study). In some universities, bachelors are also enrolled in doctoral studies, which increases the term of study to 4-5 years.

The academic year at American universities begins in August-September and ends in May-June.

The flow of students often reaches 1,000. Classes are usually held in the format of lectures, and students demonstrate the quality of acquired knowledge at various seminars and laboratory work. The program for each student is developed individually, such a concept as “ study group»In US universities does not exist - everyone attends only the specific subjects he needs.

Grades are usually inserted at the end of the semester or, much less often, at the end of the term. The mark in the subject is made up of the student's work during the semester (the level of performance of various projects, presentations, abstracts), the examination mark (the exam is taken in the middle of the semester) and the mark received during the session at the end of the course.

Top US Universities

According to the QS World University gradation, as well as according to the rankings, some US universities are world leaders in teaching. According to the published rating, at the moment, the five best universities in the world are both the California Institutes of Technology and universities. The universities were assessed on the basis of several criteria: the quality of teaching, the demand for graduates, the opinion of employers about them, the degree of citation and popularity of scientific works.

The richest and most prestigious universities in America are united in the famous Ivy League - an association of eight universities. The League includes Princeton and Harvard, and Pennsylvania Universities, Brown University, as well as some colleges - Cornell and Dartmouth College. Each of the above educational institutions has its own history. Cornell University (), the youngest, was founded in 1865, and Harvard () is the oldest of the universities, founded in 1636.

College in the USA

In addition to universities, there are colleges in the United States. There is almost no difference between these educational institutions for the inhabitants of America. Students receive higher education both at universities and colleges. The difference between them is only in size. And since a very large number of students study at universities, universities often consist of colleges.

US colleges and universities for Russian citizens
Any Russian citizen who has received a diploma confirming graduation can currently enroll in a US university and college high school and wanting to receive. For admission, you need: a certificate of secondary education, or a report card with current grades, recommendations from the director of an educational institution and an English teacher, TOEFL test results. All documents require translation into English. Those wishing to enroll in a master's or MBA are required to provide proof of higher education (diploma), TOEFL test results, resume and recommendations of teachers from the past higher education institution.

Those wishing to reduce the cost of training are preferable to apply to private educational institutions (colleges and universities) in the United States. These institutions can meet applicants halfway and reduce the cost of education, while US state universities almost never reduce tuition fees.

List of the best
