According to the Minister of Education, this year the exam was successful. Average score in Russian and english remains stable in the region: Russian - 71 points, English - 72. And the results in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, computer science this year are much higher than last year.

As Raisa Kassina noted, in 2017, the number of children who chose social studies decreased, but physics, biology, history and English became more popular.

In total, almost 12 thousand people took the exam this year, of which 882 were graduates of previous years. Scored points required for admission to the university, 56 children with disabilities health.

100 examination points were opened on the territory of the region. Five of them were organized at home - for children with disabilities. 21 people passed the exam in the GUFSIN (Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service).

Organization is on top

During the preparation of the main stage of the exam Acting Governor of the Perm Territory Maxim Reshetnikov noted that last year, in terms of the organization of the exam, the region for the first time moved from average to “good” and even excellent.

Positions need to be consolidated. Violations, leaks of answers to the network should not be allowed. Absolutely all sites should have online broadcasts and control of cellular communications, - formulated the task Maxim Reshetnikov.

The USE organizers coped with it completely. Cellular suppression and video surveillance were organized at all examination points, and an online exam monitoring center was created on the basis of the Perm Pedagogical University.

No "tricks" have passed. Several people were suspended from the exam for violations: two carried a telephone into the classroom, four - cheat sheets, one brought out examination materials. Violators are deprived of the right to retake this year. But 47 graduates who have received "fail" in one of the compulsory subjects will be able to retake the USE in September.

In Dobryanskiy district, 13 graduates graduated with honors this year. They were awarded medals for success in training. We have two 100 points: Tatyana Tselischeva from Dobrianskaya school No. 5 and Ekaterina Kazakova from Polaznenskaya school No. 1. Both girls have the maximum results in Russian.

Olga Lebedeva

The results were summed up in the region passing the exam-2017
13.07.2017 - 10:16

The preliminary results of the Unified State Exam were published in the Perm Territory

Prikamye has set another record for 100-point students - for the number of people who scored the maximum score in one or another subject. This year there were 143 of them, last year there were 91.

The Kama graduates especially distinguished themselves in their knowledge of the Russian language - 103 students received the maximum score on it. Literature was also among the leaders - 20 100-point graders on this subject.

The average score has grown in several subjects at once: in physics - by 7 points, in mathematics - by 5 points and in chemistry by 4 points.

Well, in total 11 786 people took the Unified State Exam in Prikamye this year.

47 people filled them up and will retake them in September (last year of the exam 161 people did not pass).

All examination points in Prikamye this year were equipped with online video surveillance systems, metal detectors and cellular jammers.

Another innovation is expected next year. You will no longer have to receive exam materials in paper form and deliver them by courier service to remote areas. All of them will be printed on site - after receiving the access key.

And after the exams, all student work will be scanned and sent to processing centers electronically via secure communication channels.

A source:

Work and education

Respect for children's rights to education
Perm will host a direct line on the observance of children's rights to education

In Russia announced the reduction of the "army" of civil servants
Back in March 2019, the Ministry of Finance said that it was necessary to cut every tenth federal official and 15 percent of regional officials. However, for last years their numbers only grew.

Programming lessons for younger students
Primary schoolchildren will be taught programming in the Perm Territory

Highest paying job in Russia named
The largest salary in the country is offered to a job seeker for the position of equipment repair mechanic in the fishing industry. They are ready to pay 430 thousand rubles a month for this work.

Cancellation of the eight-hour working day by the government was declared impossible
The Russian government cannot change the length of the working day, because this is not its prerogative. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Government of Russia Konstantin Chuichenko.

Moscow State University entered the ranking of the best universities in the world according to THE
Moscow state University named after Lomonosov became the best among Russian universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) world ranking and entered the top 200. Moscow State University moved up to 189th position, which is ten positions higher than last year.

Medvedev spoke about the short working week
According to him, labor legislation should become more flexible. “You can build a work schedule so that a person will be busy, for example, four days a week, or, conversely, work fewer hours every day,” he said.

Gray salary
40% of Perm residents are ready to work for a gray salary

Study: 20 million Russians could lose their jobs due to robots
Experts believe robots can be tasked with most work in the hotel and restaurant business. Also on the list are manufacturing (60%), agriculture and forestry (58%), retail (53%) and ..

The number of workaholics in Russia has been counted
Almost a third of Russians continue to work during their holidays, according to research by Rostrud, excerpts from which are quoted by TASS.

Gref urged to "kill" exams
Examinations accustom schoolchildren to the assessment system and kill any desire to learn, so they should get rid of them, said German Gref, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

A "hot" telephone line dedicated to the beginning of the academic year will be held in Perm
On September 4, from 11:00 to 12:00, citizens can ask questions related to the start school year to the head of the department of education, Lyudmila Serikova, by phone 2-059-059.

Creation of WorldSkills centers
By 2021, 32 WorldSkills competence centers will be created in Prikamye

Most employers in Russia do not support the idea of \u200b\u200bsleeping during working hours
Almost 60% of Russian employers and 44% of employees do not support the idea of \u200b\u200ba nap break during working hours; only among young people under 24 years old, more than 50% supported the introduction of such a break.

A new paragraph will appear in the summary of Russians
A new column will appear on the Job in Russia portal in the resume for job search - participation in volunteer programs. “The experience of volunteering is very important and is a strong characteristic feature of the applicant,” said Deputy Head of the Department Denis Vasiliev.

Project "Perm Open University"
A cycle of lectures of the Perm Open University starts at the Shpagin Plant this weekend

Pre-retirement training
In Prikamye, the number of applications for training pre-retirees exceeded 4 thousand in a week

Knowledge day
Solemn rulers dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will be held in Perm on September 2

In Russia, it was proposed to create a "September 1st capital"
According to the lawmaker, even a minimal set of goods for a schoolchild (stationery, clothes, shoes) is quite expensive, and parents are forced to increase spending on these needs to the detriment of other family expenses. Last year, these expenses amounted to 11.4 thousand rubles, he said.

Overcoming Annual Award
Perm is accepting applications for the annual Overcoming Award

watch the video

Today, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory announced the final results of this year's Unified State Exam.

In total, almost 12 thousand people passed them. Every eighth student scored 225 points or more. Compared to last year, the results are not bad. The average mark in the Russian language remained at the same level, but in mathematics, physics, biology, and computer science there is a noticeable increase. As before, the most popular among elective subjects is "social studies" - almost half of all graduates took this subject.

The number of 100-point students this year has also increased significantly - only 143 students have perfectly completed all the test tasks, and the undisputed leader among the subjects here is "Russian". At the same time, only 10 people did not cope with this exam.

About those who failed: two students were disqualified for using mobile phones, four more for cheat sheets, one for trying to take the answer sheets out of the class. They will be able to retake the exam only next year.

The latest news of the Perm region on the topic:
The results of the USE-2017 in the Perm Territory have been summed up

The results of the USE-2017 in the Perm Territory have been summed up - Perm

watch the video Today, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory announced the final results of this year's Unified State Exam.
11:41 13.07.2017 T7-Inform

The Perm Territory summed up the results of the United state examination... Raisa Kassina, Minister of Education and Science of the Perm Territory, spoke about the peculiarities of the current campaign and its results.
03.08.2017 Newspaper Zori PLUS In 2017, 484 people took the Unified State Exam in the Chaikovsky District, including 439 graduates of regional schools, 8 students of secondary vocational education, 29 graduates of previous years, 8 disabled children.
25.07.2017 Tchaikovsky District Administration By preliminary results The Unified State Exam in the Perm Territory, the results of the graduates of the Dobryansky District are higher than the average regional Unified State Exam scores in biology, history, social studies and literature.
21.07.2017 Dobryansky District Administration
