The early period of a single state examination 2017 passed without interruptions in a calm mode, said the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Sergei Kravtsov, summing up the results of early exams during the Moscow International Education Fair (IMCO).

“The early period of the Unified State Exam this year passed calmly, without interruptions. There are no serious violations and leaks of examination materials, ”said Sergei Kravtsov.

The early period of the USE was from March 23 to April 14. Exams were taken by about 26.5 thousand participants, which is about 10 thousand more than last year. Basically, the work was written by graduates of previous years, who wished to improve their result in a particular subject.

Exams early period were handed over in all subjects of the Russian Federation, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. For their conduct, 275 examination points (PES) were involved.

At all points of the early wave, online video surveillance was carried out, technologies of printing control measuring materials (CMM) and scanning of participants' answer forms in classrooms were used. Employees of Rosobrnadzor, its subordinate institutions, about 1 thousand students of regional universities, who became public observers, and over 300 online observers.

The most popular among those taking the exam in the early period were compulsory subjects, Russian and mathematics, as well as social studies. More than 20% of participants chose history, exams in physics and biology - over 16% of participants in the early period, chemistry - 11%.

Sergey Kravtsov said that this year the number of participants in the early USE period who did not manage to overcome the minimum score threshold has decreased. According to him, the analysis of marks made in exams by online observers is ongoing. Based on the analysis, the total number of offenders will be clarified holding the exam at an early stage.

The unified state examination is the final form of attestation of school students. The Unified State Exam in Chemistry is an elective exam, so it is taken by students who need this subject upon admission to universities.

The exam includes 34 tasks, divided into two blocks. In the first part contains 29 tasks different levels of difficulty where a short answer is required. For the rest of the tasks, the solution is written in text form. The design of the work must be taken into account, which affects the final grade.

During the main period chemistry testing is scheduled for June 19... Verification of the results is carried out at various levels and takes a certain amount of time. The final date is set when the results of the exam in chemistry in 2017 will be known.

Stages of verification activities in the case of the chemistry exam are as follows:

  • analysis of testing results by regions - 23.06 ;
  • reprocessing by federal responsible services - 30.06 ;
  • sending results to regions - 01.07 ;
  • official approval - 03.07 ;
  • date of publication of the results - 04.07.

Where to find the results of the exam in chemistry

After July 4, the results are published in the public domain for students and their representatives. The results of the exam in chemistry 2017 provided by any of the established methods:

  1. Rosobrnadzor hotlines.

    The department has opened a telephone line through which questions and suggestions are received regarding the exam, the procedure for conducting, the features and results of the exam. The number +7 495 984-89-19 accepts calls from exam participants, their parents, teachers and organizers.
    In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their own lines are open, through which participants and other interested parties are informed, including on the basis of testing results. You can find out the required numbers on the USE website or in local educational authorities.

  2. Official Port of the Unified State Exam.

    The official USE portal - provides an opportunity for participants to find out their results. For this, the appropriate section is selected or the address is typed in the browser.
    After clicking on the link, a form opens, where information about the participant is entered (name, registration code or passport number). Additionally, a region is selected and a verification digital combination is entered.

  3. Exam points.

    Test results are available at the points where the procedure took place. Graduates can also see the results in their schools. Educational institutions publish the results on information boards. All interested persons can get acquainted with them.

  4. Public services portal.

    If registered on the website of public services, students can check the number of points they have received in the subjects they have passed. For this, a section devoted to education is selected in the service catalog. To obtain the necessary information, an application is filled out, where the full name, registration code and region are indicated.
    Information is provided for all subjects, and detailed information is provided for each of them.

  5. Local Education Committee Sites.

    Test results are published on regional portals of educational departments. Their list is given on the official portal of the Unified State Exam in the "Contacts" section.

Where can I see the text of the work?

Opportunity see your work not available to students. An exception is when an appeal is filed.

In case of disagreement with the amount of points received, the participant has the right to appeal the decision. For this within two working days after the official publication of the results, you must submit an application for an appeal. Applications are accepted by the institution that sent the participant for testing.

A special commission is considering the claim. The participant and his representatives are also present at the appeal. According to the results of an additional check, the total of points may increase, decrease or remain unchanged.

During the appeal, the participant is given the opportunity to become familiar with the work. For this, copies of the completed forms are provided. If necessary, explanations are given on the tasks performed.

Test scores represent the sum of points a student scores for correctly completed assignments.

For grading the following system is used:

  • 2 - less than 36 points;
  • 3 – 36 – 45;
  • 4 – 45 – 50;
  • 5 – 50 – 60.

With the number of points equal to 36, the exam is considered passed. For admission to higher educational institutions you need to score a minimum of 37 points.

Results of the early exam in chemistry

Participants who have completed school curriculum and received satisfactory grades in all subjects. Participants could pass the test in the presence of valid circumstances (medical indications, relocation, participation in competitions).

Early exam in chemistry 2017 took place on March 29. Testing verification took place according to the established deadlines. The final date of publication of results - April 11.

In the early period, an additional day was provided for passing the exam - April 10th. In this case, the results were available from April 25th.

Applications for participation in the exam filing more than 4.8 thousand people. Testing took place in 140 points of the USE.

When can I retake the exam in chemistry

Upon receiving an unsatisfactory grade, participants are given the right to retake. Since chemistry is an optional subject, retaking is possible only next year.

Re-hand over work also allowed for the purpose of improving their results. If a student was removed from an exam for using teaching materials or phone, then he will also have to take the test again next year.

News and statistics

The chemistry exam was completed without failures and violations. Application for delivery was submitted by 83.5 thousand schoolchildren. More than 2.6 thousand points for the Unified State Exam were organized for them. Minimum score made 36. The generalized statistics will be known after verification.

Every year, 9th and 11th grade graduates pass state final exams, which are a test of the quality of knowledge and a ticket to a new life. After graduates have gone through this rather difficult life path and stage, they face another small problem and difficulty - where and when you can find out the USE results in 2017 subjects, and also find out how you can get the opportunity to retake in case of failure.

When will the results be known?

Regarding when and in what time frame it is necessary to find out the results of the exams, today the following dates and dates have been announced, after which all the results will be known.

    1. Mathematics profile level - no later than June 21.
    2. Geography and Literature - June 4-8.
    3. Mathematics basic level - June 15.
    4. Russian language - June 7-11.
    5 Biology - June 28
    6.English language - June 22-26.
    7.German language - June 22-26.
    8.French language - June 22-26.
    9.Spanish language - June 22-26.
    10.Physics - June 28-July 2.
    11.Chemistry - June 28-July 2.
    12. Social Science - June 16-20.
    13.History - June 22-28.

As you can see, the results of exams in compulsory subjects will be known no later than June 20, but the final day of publication of all USE results is July 4.

Although, there are also reserve days for announcing the results for each of the separate disciplines. But such days are resorted to very rarely and in the most extreme cases. What are these days?

    1.Geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social science, informatics and ICT - from June 30 to July 3.
    2. Foreign languages \u200b\u200boral response - from June 31 to July 4.
    3. Literature, physics, history and biology - July 1-5.
    4. Russian language - July 4-8.
    5. Mathematics basic and profile level - from 5 to 9 July.
    6. In all subjects - from 7 to 11 July.

Where can I find the results?

In order to keep abreast of all the results on the exam, the student can use two ways.

  • First, the official website. To do this, you just need to go to the USE website and enter all the necessary information that will be requested. It should be said that each region has its own sites. What information do you need to enter?

    1. Initials - surname, name, patronymic.
    2. Passport data.
    3. Login and password.
    4. Region of residence.
    5. Registration code.

  • Secondly, contact the school or the point where the exam was held and passed.

How many days are exams checked?

Many parents and students, including the question of how much time should be allotted for verification examination papers... Regarding this issue and according to regulatory documents, the following important points and nuances can be identified and named.

  • Firstly, the processing of data in the RCOI on subjects that are included in the list of mandatory subjects should not exceed more than 6 calendar days after the date of the exam.
  • Secondly, the processing of data in the RCOI on elective subjects should not exceed more than 4 calendar days after the date of the exam.
  • Third, the centralized check at the Federal Testing Center is no more than 5 working days.
  • Fourthly, the approval of the USE results in the State Examination Commission is carried out within 1 calendar day.
  • Fifth, the results become known at the examination sites and by the students themselves within 1-3 days.

In the event that the deadlines are violated, then the student has every right to file a complaint.

Who checks the exam papers?

After the exam has come to an end, the forms with student works are collected and sealed, and then sent to the regional information processing centers, that is, the RCOI. It is at this stage that all works are scanned by specialists and sent immediately for a machine check of the tasks of the first part. At the same time, specially created subject commissions are engaged in checking the tasks of the second part of the exam, where there is a detailed answer.

Regarding the question of who checks the work, you can answer that all the verification activities are entrusted to two experts who work independently of each other and give their points. These results are entered into special test protocols, which are then further processed. In the event that the points of the two experts are the same, that is, they coincide, then this result is considered final. But, if there is a discrepancy in points, then the final result is displayed arithmetically, that is, the arithmetic mean is calculated and, if necessary, the score is rounded up. In the event that the discrepancy in points is significant enough, then another independent check by a third expert is appointed.

After the work has passed all the stages of verification at the RTSOI, the work of graduates is sent for a centralized check to the Federal Testing Center FTC to check the answers of the exam participants with the correct answers and determine the primary and test points Unified State Exam.

After the TFC, all USE results are sent to the State Examination Commissions, which, after approval and agreement, distribute and send the results to the examination centers.

The USE results in 2017 subjects have a number of difficulties and criteria for their announcement, so it is imperative to be aware of all changes and established dates and deadlines.

The early period of the 2017 unified state exam passed smoothly and smoothly, said Sergei Kravtsov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, summing up the results of the early examinations at the Moscow International Education Fair (MISO).

“The early period of the Unified State Exam this year passed calmly, without interruptions. There are no serious violations and leaks of examination materials, ”said Sergei Kravtsov.

The early period of the USE was from March 23 to April 14. Exams were taken by about 26.5 thousand participants, which is about 10 thousand more than last year. Basically, the work was written by graduates of previous years, who wished to improve their result in a particular subject.

The pre-term exams were taken in all subjects of the Russian Federation, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. For their conduct, 275 examination points (PES) were involved.

At all points of the early wave, online video surveillance was conducted, technologies of printing control measuring materials (CMM) and scanning of participant answer forms in the classrooms were used. Employees of Rosobrnadzor, its subordinate institutions, about 1,000 students of regional universities who became public observers, and more than 300 online observers took part in monitoring the course of the examinations.

The most popular among those taking the exam in the early period were compulsory subjects, Russian and mathematics, as well as social studies. More than 20% of participants chose history, exams in physics and biology - over 16% of participants in the early period, chemistry - 11%.

Sergey Kravtsov said that this year the number of participants in the early USE period who did not manage to overcome the minimum score threshold has decreased. According to him, the analysis of marks made in exams by online observers is ongoing. Based on the results of the analysis, the total number of violators of the procedure for holding the exam at an early stage will be specified.

The Unified State Exam in 2018, and finding numerous copies of it on the Internet is not a problem. But what about the schedule of results readiness? It is much more difficult to find it, as such it has not yet been officially published. Nevertheless, in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the procedure for holding the exam, you just need to take the necessary provisions and attach them to the schedule for the exam in 2018. When will the results of the Unified State Exam of 2018 be known: the deadline for publication of the points scored by graduates of 2018 on the official website of the Unified State Exam or the State Services portal.

How is the deadline for publication of the USE results determined?

The procedure for holding the Unified State Exam in Russia is described in detail in the corresponding order of the Ministry of Education and Science. The procedure sets the time limit for processing USE forms for each of the subjects. Scanning of forms, recognition of information and its verification with records in uSE forms, as well as verification of impersonal copies of the forms by the commission and other activities for each of the disciplines, purely technically, can take different time, therefore, the following terms are established for the exam in different subjects:

  • basic mathematics - maximum three calendar days;
  • maths profile level - maximum four calendar days;
  • russian language - maximum six calendar days;
  • other items - maximum four calendar days;
  • any exam passed ahead of schedule or in an additional period - maximum three calendar days.

That's not all. To the above terms, you need to add in each case five more calendar days, which are required for a centralized check of the USE forms (ibid. in Chapter VII of the Procedure for holding the USE). Thus, depending on the subject, it takes from eight to eleven calendar days to check and publish the results of the unified state exams.

Nevertheless, the official dates of publication of the USE results are shifted by about a week. This time is required to approve and publish the USE results.

The deadline for publication of the USE results of the main wave in 2018

The USE schedule of the main wave in 2018 and the deadline for publication of the results looks like this:

Exam date Thing Deadline for publication of results
May 28 Geography.

Informatics and ICT.

June 15th
May 30 Mathematics (basic level) June 15th
June 1st Mathematics (profile level) June 18
June 4th History. June 20
June 6th Russian language June 25
the 9th of June Foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish (oral). First wave 5'th of July
June 13 Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral). Second wave 5'th of July
June 14 Social Studies June 29
June 18 Biology. 4th of July
June 18 Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(written part). 5'th of July
June 20 Literature. 5'th of July

Schedule of publication of the results of the USE additional period in 2018

For the reserve period of the exam in 2018, the deadline for publication of the results are as follows:

When will the results of the early USE exam in 2018 be known?

For the early period for passing the unified state exams in 2018, the schedule for publishing the results looks like this:

For reserve dates of an early period:

Dates of publication of the results of the second September wave of the USE in 2018

As for the September wave of retake compulsory exam, then the deadline for publication of their results are as follows:

Where to find out the results of the Unified State Exam in 2018 according to passport data

You can find out the results of exams without waiting for their announcement at school using the Internet. There are two main possibilities:

  1. on the official USE portal.
  2. on the portal "Gosuslugi".

In both cases, you will need to specify:

  • Name, surname and patronymic,
  • Passport data (without specifying the series) or the registration code of the exam
  • Region of Russia where the exam was taken
  • Give consent to the processing of the entered data.
