At the call of the Communist Party and the Soviet government to organize a nationwide rebuff to the German fascist invaders who perfidiously attacked the Soviet Union, volunteer militia units began to be created from among partisans and veterans of the civil war on the territory of the Volgograd region on the Don. A little later, from these volunteer Cossack detachments, a volunteer Cossack Don Cavalry Division was formed, which at the end of 1941 was included in the regular Red Army, received the name 15 Don Cossack Cavalry Division, consisting of three cavalry regiments.

In March 1942, the cavalry division was included in the 17th Cossack corps by the decision of the Supreme High Command.

The soldiers of the division took part in numerous battles against the Nazi hordes in the Don open spaces, fighting bravely and skillfully, not sparing their lives. The selfless courage of the division's personnel is evidenced by a diary entry made by an Italian officer killed in August 1941 in the battles near Kushchevka. Here is what he wrote: “Before us stood the Cossacks. These are devils, not soldiers, and their horses are steel. You can't get out alive. "

For successful operations near Kushchevka and in the Tuapse direction, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of August 27, 1942, the 15th Cavalry Division was renamed the Guards Division and was renamed the 11th Guards Cossack Don Cavalry Division, and the 116th Cavalry Division, which was also part of the 17th corps, was renamed into the 12th guards Don Cossack division. Later, August 27, 1942 began to be celebrated as the day of the creation of our unit.

In November 1942, the 11th and 12th cavalry divisions were transferred to the disposal of the Transcaucasian Front. By order of the front commander of 11/22/42, the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps under the command of Major General IG SELIVANOV was formed in a short time from the 11,12,63 Cavalry Division, Commissioner NI PRIVALOV was appointed head of the political department.

Already on November 24, 1942, the corps received an order to march and, starting from the end of November 1942, fought heavy battles with large enemy forces.

In these battles, the soldiers of the 11th Guards Cavalry Division (now military unit 13206), the 12th cavalry division (now military unit 61421), and the 37th Guards Cavalry Regiment (now military unit 33134) showed fearlessness and courage.

In January 1943, the 5th Guards. The corps, together with the attached 5th Tank Brigade, began active offensive operations to liberate the North Caucasus, Don and Kuban from the enemy.

Thunder of the enemy, January 28, 1943, part of the 11th Guards. The cavalry division (now 13206), commanded by Major General Gorshkov, engaged the Viking SS Panzer Division. The enemy tried to prevent our troops from cutting off the escape route from Krasnodar Territory to Rostov. In these battles, the gun commander, Sergeant Nikolai SAVCHENKO, especially distinguished himself, knocking out 5 enemy tanks, for this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On the morning of February 8, 1943, part of the 5th Guards. The cavalry corps crossed over to Azev and began to cross the ice to the right bank of the Don. 11 cavalry divisions (now military unit 13206), including the 37th cavalry regiment (now military unit 33134), broke into the outskirts of the city of Rostov-on-Don. In the future, the corps received the task of reaching the western outskirts of Rostov and pursuing the retreating enemy. Parts of the corps crossed the river. Mius and entered into a fierce battle with a fiercely resisting enemy.

At the height of the fighting in this area, it became known that by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1943. On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces, the 37th cavalry regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for successful military operations in the Aga-Batyr region. After fierce fighting in the Mius area, the 5th Guards. The cavalry corps was sent to deform.

Before the deformation began, the corps fought almost 2,500 km, freeing Stavropol and Don from the Nazi invaders. By this time, more than 300 soldiers of the corps were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for courage and bravery shown in battles with enemies. On May 1, 1943, 11 and 12 cavalry divisions were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. After deformation, during which the personnel, preparing for new battles, were intensively engaged in combat training, the corps received the task - from the Matveev Kurgan area to go 200-250 km with battles and reach the Dnieper River. September 10, 1943, part of the 11th Guards. The cavalry division, after stubborn battles, broke into the town of Velnovakha, destroying a lot of enemy manpower and equipment. For the successful capture of this city, 11 Guards. The cavalry division was named “Velnovakhskaya”.

September 14-15, 1943, part of the 12th Guards. cavalry divisions occupied the city of Gulyai-Pole. In battles during this period of the war, the divisions showed miracles of heroism. The corps fought to the Dnieper fortifications of the enemy, in 14 days of the offensive, 6316 officers and soldiers of the enemy were destroyed, a lot of military equipment was captured.

From September 25 to October 22, 1943, the corps was in reserve in the Orekhovo-Zaporozhye region. From here, an order was received to act behind enemy lines in the direction of Konovka - Alyoshka - Golaya Pristan.

The corps successfully completed the mission set by the command. His units suddenly appeared where the enemy least expected them and dealt him a crushing blow.

On the 3rd night of 1944, after a 20-day march, the corps concentrated in the Znamenka area, becoming part of the 2nd Ukrainian front... They were to take part in the Korsun-Shevchenko operation. As you know, this operation ended with the defeat of the German fascist troops stationed in this area. For successful hostilities in this operation, the 11th Guards. The Cavalry Division was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, II degree, and the 12th was named "Korsunskaya" By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 5th Guards. the corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In this operation, corps units destroyed 16280 enemy soldiers and officers. During the fighting, the corps met for the second time with the Viking SS Panzer Division.

From the end of April to August 1944, our unit was assigned to deformation and readiness for new battles. In June 1944, Major General GORSHKOV was appointed the corps commander.

At the end of August 1944, the corps, as part of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, participated in the Yaso-Kishinev operation together with the 23rd tank corps, forming a mechanized cavalry group. Under the blows of this group, the Romanian troops were demoralized and whole regiments and divisions began to surrender. The cities of Roman and Oneshka were occupied. After that, our horsemen entered the Carpathian gorge, overcoming the Carpathian Range and the Transylvanian Alps with fierce battles, the corps entered the strategic space, the enemy's defense was broken.

On October 3, 1944, after a long and difficult march through the mountain passes, our cavalrymen reached the Hungarian border and captured the large city of Debrecen. Parts of the hull incl. The 37th Cavalry Regiment was named "Debrecen".

After the capture of the Hungarian city of Miskolc, the corps, being already part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, crossed the Danube, concentrated south of the river. Balagen, participated in the Balagon operation and captured the city of Budapest.

For active participation in the battles for Budapest, the corps was given the honorary name "Budapest".

At the end of March 1945, after a long and difficult march, at the direct instructions of the General Staff, the corps made a glorious raid into the rear of the encirclement of the enemy group. Having finished this operation. The corps continues its attack on the Austrian Alps, where in the area of \u200b\u200bFischbach it celebrated the Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

5th Guards The corps traveled more than 9000 km along the roads of war, in battles with the enemies of our homeland, the soldiers of the glorified formation destroyed 59 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, captured 23852 Nazis. During the war, the corps destroyed 878 tanks, self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, 127 armored vehicles, 947 guns, 97 aircraft, 1362 machine guns, 4572 vehicles and many other enemy military equipment. A lot of military traffic was captured. For skillful actions, the corps received 8 commendations from the high command, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and was given the honorary name "Budapest". Many regiments of the corps were named Korsunsky, Debrecensky, Volnovakhsky. For the exemplary performance of the command assignments and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, 31,977 soldiers, sergeants and officers were awarded orders and medals. 11 fearless soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Here are the names of these heroes:

1.guard. Sergeant IRININ Alexander Ivanovich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st regiment of military unit 33134.

2.guard. Sergeant KUZNETSOV Petr Grigorievich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st MSR military unit 61421.

3.guard. Captain OGANYANTS Grant Arakelovich, forever enlisted in the lists of 1 trunking unit 13206.

4.guard. Art. Lieutenant WHITE Spiridon Efimovich.

5.guard. ml. Lieutenant Korotkov Ivan Nikolaevich.

6.guard. captain NEDORUBOV Konstantin Iosifovich.

7.guard. Sergeant OGUTSOV Vasily Vasilievich.

8.guard. Sergeant RYZHAKOV Vasily Yemelyanovich.

9th Guards Sergeant Major ROGOV Mikhail Safenovich.

10th Guards Sergeant SAVCHENKO Nikolai Ilyich.

11. Guards Lieutenant SAPUNOV Nikolay Illarionovich.

Today, the guardsmen are celebrating the glorious anniversary with high performance in combat training - the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War, continuing to observe the military traditions of the front-line guards.


Lieutenant Colonel V. SITCHIKHIN

"____" ____________ 2005.


Conducting public training

With warrant officers of military unit 33134

TOPIC: "The combat path of a formation, a military unit, heroic deeds of fellow soldiers in battles for the Motherland".


LOCATION:Leisure room 1 TB

TIME: 6 o'clock.

EDUCATIONAL QUESTIONS:1. Combat path of the connection.

2. Combat path of the unit.

OBJECTIVES:1. Tell the ensigns about the combat path of the unit and unit.

2. To instill pride in the spokesmen for belonging to their part

G. Kyakhta

I am the Guards Tank Budapest Red Banner

order of the Red Star Division named after E.A. SHCHADENKO

In the summer of 1941, shortly after the start of World War II, at the call of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, volunteer detachments of the national militia. A little later, from these volunteer Cossack detachments, the volunteer Cossack Don Cavalry Division was formed, which at the end of 1941 was included in the regular Red Army, received the name 15 Don Cossack Cavalry Division, consisting of three cavalry regiments.

In March 1942, the cavalry division was included in the 17th Cossack corps by the decision of the Supreme High Command.

The soldiers of the division took part in numerous battles against the Nazi hordes in the Don open spaces, fighting bravely and skillfully, not sparing their lives. The selfless courage of the division's personnel is evidenced by a diary entry made by an Italian officer killed in August 1941 in the battles near Kushchevka. Here is what he wrote: “Before us stood the Cossacks. These are devils, not soldiers, and their horses are steel. You can't get out alive. "

For successful operations near Kushchevka and in the Tuapse direction, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of August 27, 1942, the 15th Cavalry Division was renamed the Guards Division and was renamed the 11th Guards Cossack Don Cavalry Division, and the 116th Cavalry Division, which was also part of the 17th corps, was renamed into the 12th guards Don Cossack division. Later, August 27, 1942 began to be celebrated as the day of the creation of our unit.

In November 1942, the 11th and 12th cavalry divisions were transferred to the disposal of the Transcaucasian Front. By order of the front commander of 11/22/42, the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps under the command of Major General IG SELIVANOV was formed in a short time from the 11,12,63 Cavalry Division, Commissioner NI PRIVALOV was appointed head of the political department.

Already on November 24, 1942, the corps received an order to march and, starting from the end of November 1942, fought heavy battles with large enemy forces.

In these battles, the soldiers of the 11th Guards Cavalry Division (now military unit 13206), the 12th cavalry division (now military unit 61421), and the 37th Guards Cavalry Regiment (now military unit 33134) showed fearlessness and courage.

In January 1943, the 5th Guards. The corps, together with the attached 5th Tank Brigade, began active offensive operations to liberate the North Caucasus, Don and Kuban from the enemy.

Thunder of the enemy, January 28, 1943, part of the 11th Guards. The cavalry division (now 13206), commanded by Major General Gorshkov, engaged the Viking SS Panzer Division. The enemy tried to prevent our troops from cutting off the escape route from Krasnodar Territory to Rostov. In these battles, the gun commander, Sergeant Nikolai SAVCHENKO, especially distinguished himself, knocking out 5 enemy tanks, for this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On the morning of February 8, 1943, part of the 5th Guards. The cavalry corps crossed over to Azev and began to cross the ice to the right bank of the Don. 11 cavalry divisions (now military unit 13206), including the 37th cavalry regiment (now military unit 33134), broke into the outskirts of the city of Rostov-on-Don. In the future, the corps received the task of reaching the western outskirts of Rostov and pursuing the retreating enemy. Parts of the corps crossed the river. Mius and entered into a fierce battle with a fiercely resisting enemy.

At the height of the fighting in this area, it became known that by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1943. On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces, the 37th cavalry regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for successful military operations in the Aga-Batyr region. After fierce fighting in the Mius area, the 5th Guards. The cavalry corps was sent to deform.

Before the beginning of deformation, the corps fought almost 2500 km, freeing Stavropol and Don from the Nazi invaders. By this time, more than 300 soldiers of the corps were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for courage and bravery shown in battles with enemies. On May 1, 1943, 11 and 12 cavalry divisions were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. After deformation, during which the personnel, preparing for new battles, were intensively engaged in combat training, the corps received the task - from the Matveev Kurgan area to go 200-250 km with battles and reach the Dnieper River. September 10, 1943, part of the 11th Guards. The cavalry division, after stubborn battles, broke into the town of Velnovakha, destroying a lot of enemy manpower and equipment. For the successful capture of this city, 11 Guards. The cavalry division was given the name "Velnovakhskaya".

September 14-15, 1943, part of the 12th Guards. cavalry divisions occupied the city of Gulyai-Pole. In battles during this period of the war, the divisions showed miracles of heroism. The corps fought to the Dnieper fortifications of the enemy, in 14 days of the offensive, 6316 officers and soldiers of the enemy were destroyed, a lot of military equipment was captured.

From September 25 to October 22, 1943, the corps was in reserve in the Orekhovo-Zaporozhye region. From here, an order was received to act behind enemy lines in the direction of Konovka - Alyoshka - Golaya Pristan.

The corps successfully completed the mission set by the command. His units suddenly appeared where the enemy least expected them and dealt him a crushing blow.

On the 3rd night of the new 1944, after a 20-day march, the corps concentrated in the Znamenka area, transferring to the 2nd Ukrainian Front. They were to take part in the Korsun-Shevchenko operation. As you know, this operation ended with the defeat of the Nazi troops stationed in this area. For successful hostilities in this operation, the 11th Guards. The cavalry division was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, II degree, and the 12th was given the name "Korsunskaya". By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 5th Guards. the corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In this operation, corps units destroyed 16280 enemy soldiers and officers. During the fighting, the corps met for the second time with the Viking SS Panzer Division.

From the end of April to August 1944, our unit was assigned to deformation and readiness for new battles. In June 1944, Major General Gorshkov was appointed corps commander.

At the end of August 1944, the corps, as part of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, participated in the Yaso-Kishinev operation together with the 23rd tank corps, forming a mechanized cavalry group. Under the blows of this group, the Romanian troops were demoralized and whole regiments and divisions began to surrender. The cities of Roman and Oneshka were occupied. After that, our horsemen entered the Carpathian gorge, overcoming the Carpathian Range and the Transylvanian Alps with fierce battles, the corps entered the strategic space, the enemy's defense was broken.

On October 3, 1944, after a long and difficult march through the mountain passes, our cavalrymen reached the Hungarian border and captured the large city of Debrecen. Parts of the hull incl. The 37th Cavalry Regiment was named "Debrecen".

After the capture of the Hungarian city of Miskolc, the corps, being already part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, crossed the Danube, concentrated south of the river. Balagen, participated in the Balagon operation and captured the city of Budapest.

For active participation in the battles for Budapest, the corps was given the honorary name "Budapest".

At the end of March 1945, after a long and difficult march, at the direct instructions of the General Staff, the corps made a glorious raid into the rear of the encirclement of the enemy group. Having finished this operation. The corps continues its attack on the Austrian Alps, where in the area of \u200b\u200bFischbach it celebrated the Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

5th Guards The corps traveled more than 9000 km along the roads of war, in battles with the enemies of our homeland, the soldiers of the glorified formation destroyed 59 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, captured 23852 Nazis. During the war, the corps destroyed 878 tanks, self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, 127 armored vehicles, 947 guns, 97 aircraft, 1362 machine guns, 4572 vehicles and many other enemy military equipment. A lot of military traffic was captured. For skillful actions, the corps received 8 commendations from the high command, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and was given the honorary name "Budapest". Many regiments of the corps were named Korsunsky, Debrecensky, Volnovakhsky. For the exemplary performance of the command assignments and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, 31,977 soldiers, sergeants and officers were awarded orders and medals. 11 fearless soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Here are the names of these heroes:

1.guard. Sergeant IRININ Alexander Ivanovich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st regiment of military unit 33134.

2.guard. Sergeant KUZNETSOV Petr Grigorievich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st MSR military unit 61421.

3.guard. Captain OGANYANTS Grant Arakelovich, forever enlisted in the lists of 1 trunking unit 13206.

4.guard. Art. Lieutenant WHITE Spiridon Efimovich.

5.guard. ml. Lieutenant Korotkov Ivan Nikolaevich.

6.guard. captain NEDORUBOV Konstantin Iosifovich.

7.guard. Sergeant OGUTSOV Vasily Vasilievich.

8.guard. Sergeant RYZHAKOV Vasily Yemelyanovich.

9th Guards Sergeant Major ROGOV Mikhail Safenovich.

10th Guards Sergeant SAVCHENKO Nikolai Ilyich.

11. Guards Lieutenant SAPUNOV Nikolay Illarionovich.

Today, the guardsmen are celebrating the glorious anniversary with high performance in combat training - the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War, continuing to observe the military traditions of the front-line guards.

Combat path of connection

1. Full name of the division name

4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Order of Lenin Red Banner Tank Division. Yu.V. Andropova.

2. Combat route of the 4th Guards Kantemirovsky formation

The combat path of the formation, which was initially called the 17th Panzer Corps, began on June 26, 1942 on the banks of the Don, west of Voronezh. At that time, the corps consisted of three tank and motorized rifle brigades and a number of auxiliary units. Their baptism of fire in the area of \u200b\u200bGorshechnoye and Voronezh, in June 1942, the corps personnel withstood with honor.

For the difference in battles against the Nazi invaders in the area of \u200b\u200bthe middle Don, the corps in January 1943 became a guard and received the honorary name - Kantemirovsky.

July 31, 1943, on the eve of the August offensive and stubborn battles in the Belgorod-Kharkov direction Kursk Bulge, when presenting the Kantemirovsky Banner to the Corps, the personnel of the compound took their first oath.

The corps successfully smashed selected fascist divisions: "Great Germany", "Death's Head", "Adolf Hitler".

In April 1944, for the liberation of a number of cities in Right-Bank Ukraine: Zbarazh, Ternopil, Shepetovka, the corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, regiments and separate battalions earned 17 honorary titles: Shepetovsky, Zhitomir, Yampolsky, Tarnopolsky, Dembitsky.

For the liberation of the city of Krakow in February 1945, the corps was awarded the Order of Lenin.

The corps took part in the liberation of the city of Dresden, made a rapid raid in Czechoslovakia and ended its military journey on the outskirts of Prague.

During the war, the personnel of the corps received 18 gratitude from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. 23 orders on the banners of units of the formation, 32 heroes of the Soviet Union (5 of them are not always included in the lists of units): 5 full holders of the Order of Glory, more than 20 thousand were awarded orders and medals.

After the war on July 14, 1945, the 4th Guards Kantemirovsky Tank Corps was transformed into the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division, which on September 13, 1945, became part of the Order of Lenin of the Moscow Military District and arrived at its permanent deployment site in the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region.

In 1967 and 1972, the division was awarded the Banners of Honor, insignia of the USSR Minister of Defense, commemorative banners and Diplomas of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet.

In 1970, the actions of the division's personnel in the Dvina military exercises were rated “good”, and the personnel and participants were awarded the medal “For Military Valor”.

In 1980, the personnel of the division took part in the preparation and holding of the XX Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. For selfless labor, the division was awarded the Honorary Lenin Diploma.

During the 80s, many Kantemirov tankers performed their international duty in Afghanistan. Most of them were awarded Government awards: Colonel MV Akramov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain AA Ivanov was awarded the Order of Lenin (posthumously).

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 23, 1984, the division was named after Yu.V. Andropov.
As a sign of respect for the division's heroic deeds, for its merits during the Great Patriotic War, the Kantemirovskaya metro station was opened in Moscow in 1985, in honor of the name of Marshal of Armored Forces P.P. Poluboyarov in Moscow, in the Vykhino-Zhulebino area, a boulevard was named ... Many streets of Naro-Fominsk are named after the Heroes-Kantemirovtsy.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 104 of 20.04.1985, Hero of the Soviet Union Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Konstantinovich Kurkotkin was enlisted as an Honorary Soldier of the 13th Guards Tank Regiment. And the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the BT troops P.P. Poluboyarov was assigned to the 12th Guards Tank Regiment.

For the high results achieved in combat training and strengthening military discipline in 1985, 1983, 1988, the military units of the formation were awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Moscow Military District.

In 1987, the division was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the Ground Forces.

In 1988, the division was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "For courage and military valor displayed in the performance of assignments by the government and the Minister of Defense of the USSR."

In accordance with the directive of the headquarters of the Moscow Military District of 01/29/98, the division became part of the 20th Guards Army.

1998-1999 the motorized rifle battalion of the 12th Guards Tank Regiment and the motorized rifle battalion of the 14th Tank Regiment carried out a peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Dagestan and South Ossetia.

From September 16, 1999 to March 5, 2000, the regimental tactical group of the 423rd Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment took part in counter-terrorist operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic. The losses were 20 people killed and 63 wounded. Guards Colonel V. Chabanov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia for his courage and displayed valor. 200 servicemen were awarded orders and medals for the successful completion of tasks.

On June 12, 2007, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1422 of 12/18/2006, Deputy Commander of the Moscow Military District, Lieutenant General A.V. Petrovsky the new battle banner of the division was presented.

Pursuant to the directives of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation of January 19, 2009 No. D-08, of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2009 No. 314/2/072, of the General Staff of the Ground Forces of January 24, 2009 No. 453/1/030 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division was transformed into 4 a separate guards tank brigade with the preservation of the newly created combination of government and honorary titles.

In the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya tank division, 189 generals served in military service, including 2 marshals of the Soviet Union, 5 generals of the army. A total of 57 warriors-Kantemirovtsy were awarded the title of Hero (54 - Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Yakubovsky Ivan Ignatievich twice Hero of the Soviet Union, 1 Hero of Russia, 2 Hero of Socialist Labor, 5 Cavaliers of the Order of Glory).

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2013 No. 326 "On the transformation of the 4th Guards Separate Tank Brigade into the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division", the 4th Panzer Brigade was reorganized into the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division with all honorary titles and awards preserved (Shepetovsky, Zhytomyr, Yampolsky, Tarnopolsky, Dembitsky and other honorary names of divisional units).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1422 "On the Combat Banner of a Military Unit" and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 329 "On Presenting the St. George Banners to the Western Military District Units" on May 4, 2013 of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Order of Lenin's Red Banner tank division named after. Yu.V. Andropov was awarded the St. George Banner as an official symbol and a military relic, personifying honor, valor, glory and military traditions, in connection with the transformation of the brigade into a division.

3. Honorary names of units that are part of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya division

On January 3, 1943, the 17th tank corps was transformed into the 4th Guards Tank Corps, in accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander, the 66th Tank Brigade was transformed into the 12th Guards Tank Brigade, 67 - into the 13th Guards Tank Brigade, 174 - into the 14th Guards Tank Brigade.

In January 1944, the 14th Guards Tank Brigade was given the honorary name Zhitomirskaya for the displayed courage and courage in the Chervonoarmeysk - High Pech area.

The 12th Guards Tank Brigade, the 13th Guards Tank Brigade, and the 14th Guards Tank Brigade were given the honorary name Shepetovskie by order of the NKO # 033 dated 17.02.1944.

The 3rd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade was given the honorary name Yampolskaya by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 060 of March 4, 1944.

264 mortar regiment, 120 guards anti-aircraft missile regiment, 106 separate sapper battalion by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 108 of 04.24.1944 was given the honorary name Tarnopolsky.

By order of the NKO of the USSR No. 1 dated January 3, 1943, the 17th tank corps was reorganized into the 4th guards corps.

By order of the NKO of the USSR No. 42 of 04/27/1943, the 4th Guards Corps was given the honorary name Kantemirovsky.

By the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 204 of 02.23.1984, the division was named after Andropov Yuri Vladimirovich
By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 02.19.1945, the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovsky Red Banner Corps was awarded the Order of Lenin.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 03/19/1944, the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovsky Corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

4. Awards and distinctions

1. By order of the NKO # 42 of January 27, 1943, the 4th Guards Tank Corps, as the one that distinguished itself in the battles for the Fatherland with the Nazi invaders, was given the name "Kantemirovsky".

2. For the courage shown in the battles for the Fatherland against the German-fascist invaders, for perseverance, courage, discipline and organization, for the heroism of the personnel - by order of the NCO No. 1 of 03.01.1943. 17th Panzer Corps was reorganized into 4th Guards Tank Corps.

3. By order of the Commander of the Southwestern Front No. 2 dated 01/12/1942. converted:

  • 66th tank brigade - into the 12th Guards Tank Brigade
  • 67th Tank Brigade - into 13th Guards Tank Brigade
  • 174th tank brigade - to the 14th guards tank brigade
  • 31st motorized rifle brigade - into the 3rd guards motorized rifle brigade
  • 39 separate engineering mine company - into the 2nd Guards separate engineering mine company
4. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 19.03.1944. For the exemplary performance of the command assignment in battles and for the liberation of the cities of Starokonstantinov, Izyaslavl, Shumsk, Yampol, Ostropil and the valor and courage shown at the same time, the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovsky Corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

5. By the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated 04/15/1944. for the excellent military operations during the liberation of the regional center of Ternopil, the personnel of the corps were given gratitude, and the most distinguished corps units were given the name "Tarnopolsky".

6. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovsky Red Banner Corps was awarded the Order of Lenin for exemplary performance of the command assignment in the battles with the German invaders, for the capture of Krakow and for the valor and courage shown at the same time.

5. Announced acknowledgments

- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of 12/30/1943. For breaking through the defense in the Zhytomyr direction, the 14th Guards Tank Brigade was given the honorary name “Zhytomyr”.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of 02/11/1942. The 12th Guards Tank Brigade, the 13th Guards Tank Brigade and the 14th Guards Tank Brigade were given the honorary title "Shepetovskie" for the capture of Shepetivka and excellent military operations.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated 03.24.1944. for excellent military operations during the liberation of Tarnopol (Ternopil).
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated 07/18/1944. for breaking through the heavily fortified and deeply echeloned German defense in the Lvov direction.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated 08/23/1944. for the seizure of the city of Debica by storm - a large center of the aviation industry
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 219 of 01/13/1945. for breaking through the enemy's defense in the Sandomierz direction.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 230 of 01/19/1945. for mastering the storming of Krakow.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of 01/25/1945. and Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 259 of 27.01.1945. for capturing enemy positions on the approaches to the Dombrovsky coal basin.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 261 of 01/28/1945. for the capture of the city of Katowice.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 270 dated 6.02.1945. for crossing the Oder River and breaking through the German defense on the western bank of the river.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 305 of 03/22/1945. for breaking through the enemy's defenses west of Oppeln, for encircling and defeating a group of German troops.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 312 of 03/27/1945. for the capture of Strehlen on the territory of Silesia.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 340 dated 04/23/1945. for breaking through the enemy's defense on the river. Neisse and successful progress.
- Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 366 dated 05/08/1945. for the capture of the city of Dresden - a powerful stronghold of the German defense in Saxony.
- Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 418/31 dated 06/26/1967. to award the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya Division with an Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR for military merits during the Great Patriotic War and achievements in combat and political training.
- Order of the Minister of Defense No. 00133 dated 5.07.1950. to commemorate the day of the formation of the 17th Panzer Corps (now the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya Division) establish an annual holiday on June 26.
- The St. George Banner was awarded on June 12, 2007.
- Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation issued on 12.06.2007.
- By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/09/2010, the team was awarded the commemorative medal "65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" for active work with veterans, participation in the patriotic education of citizens and a great contribution to the preparation and holding of the Victory anniversary.
- In October 2010. for active participation in the elimination of wildfires in 2010 on the territory of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky municipal district, the brigade was awarded a certificate of honor

Over the entire period 1942 - 2010, more than 56,200 soldiers and officers were awarded.

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2013, the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Brigade was transformed into the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division, with all honorary titles and awards retained.

Since December 2015, the commander of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division - Guards Colonel Andrei Borisovich Kolesnikov


The Russian state is currently in the midst of fundamental transformations affecting all aspects of people's lives and activities. Together with the entire state, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are at the stage of transformations. The task of giving the army and navy a modern look, bringing the number, organizational structure, control and manning system, technical equipment, combat and mobilization readiness in line with the requirements of modern warfare, the country's economic capabilities, its geopolitical and national interests has been put forward as a priority.

Fundamental transformations in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also imply the implementation of measures aimed at "rebuilding" the consciousness of a modern soldier, increasing stability and other moral and combat qualities as basic components of the professionalism of a serviceman, which, in turn, ensures the effective fulfillment of tasks to defend the Fatherland, as in peacetime and in wartime.

Information and propaganda work is the subject of combat (command) training of troops (forces) in all types of combat training activities, a means of maintaining a high moral and psychological state of personnel, and the most important form of education for servicemen and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The main objectives of advocacy work are:

Clarification in the troops of the state policy in the field of ensuring the country's military security;

Formation of the personnel's conscious readiness to defend the Fatherland, loyalty to military duty, discipline, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces, their type of troops, formations, units, as well as improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal knowledge of military personnel.

At the same time, it is very important for the officer corps to understand that the solution of these important educational and educational tasks is impossible without knowledge of the theory and practice of organizing and conducting classes on information and propaganda work with personnel.

This determines the relevance of the research topic.

In practical terms, the increased interest in research on the effectiveness of outreach work is due to the following factors:

1. Information and propaganda work acts as a powerful means of influencing the consciousness of personnel, is a means of maintaining a high moral and psychological state of subordinates and an essential component of the training and education process of all categories of servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. The political situation that has developed in society, in the country and in the world sets new, more responsible tasks for the educational structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3. Changes in the manning system of the modern Armed Forces require the search for new ways, methods and methods of education and training of servicemen, the formation of their professional qualities.

In theoretical terms, the appeal to the problem of increasing the effectiveness of outreach work is due to a number of the following circumstances:

1. The need for theoretical comprehension and acceptance of information and propaganda work as a subject of combat training, one of the highest forms of education and training of personnel.

2. The need to generalize the experience gained in the troops in organizing information and propaganda work to improve the methodological level of modern officers.

3. The need to develop methodological foundations for the work of the unit commander and his deputy for educational work, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work.

Object and subject of research. The object of this study is the system of information and propaganda work, functioning in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as the most important form of education for military personnel. The subject of the study is the conditions for the effectiveness of the activity of the deputy company commander for educational work to increase the effectiveness of information and propaganda work carried out in a subunit (company).

Purpose and main objectives of the study. The main goal of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of information and propaganda work on the education of personnel as a subject of combat training in all types of combat training activities.

The implementation of this goal is carried out by solving the following main tasks:

· Clarification of the goals, objectives and main priorities of the organization of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

· Development of ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of conducting outreach classes;

· Consideration of the system of education and training of leaders of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

· Understanding the existing problems and shortcomings in organizing and conducting classes in the system of outreach work;

· Identifying factors that influence the effectiveness and quality of the outreach sessions delivered;

· Consideration of opportunities and ways to optimize outreach work;

· Revealing the place and role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of selection, training, training of leaders of information and propaganda work and in the daily management of their activities.


Initial fact. At present, in a number of units (divisions), not everything is going well with the organization and conduct of outreach work.

The army community is well aware of the facts of poorly conducted training in information and propaganda work, which directly speaks of the underestimation of this form of education of servicemen.

Commanders, officers of educational structures, often encounter great difficulties in the process of organizing information and propaganda work in the unit.

Idea. Knowledge of the ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of information and methodological support of information and propaganda work by the deputy company commander for educational work will help him achieve such goals as rallying the military collective, maintaining a high moral and psychological state in it.

Hypothesis. Having studied the ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work, adapting them to the tasks of educational work in the unit, the officer-educator can easily avoid, and, if necessary, overcome the difficulties in educating personnel.

Research into the problem. Many military and scientific figures were involved in this problem, such as: Bashlakov A.A., Barabanshchikov A.V., Kalita A.N., Rykov S.L., Pronin S.A., Reznik N.I., Buslovsky V.N., Zelenkov M.Yu., and many others. They have presented many ways to improve the effectiveness of advocacy.

The questions raised by me in my work are reflected in other numerous sources.

Research literature can be divided into three groups.

The first group is represented by the following documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws Of the Russian Federation, general military regulations, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, instructions of the head of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military planning documents, etc.

The second group of sources consists of reference books, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological developments for conducting outreach work; educational literature on military psychology and pedagogy.

The third group of sources is made up of publications in periodicals, primarily in the newspapers Krasnaya Zvezda, At the Combat Post; magazines "Landmark", "Military Thought", etc.

An analysis of the literature showed that in most sources, the issues of increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work are quite clearly considered in relation to the company level and specifically determine the priorities for the activities of the deputy company commander for educational work in this direction.

Methodological framework research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is modern achievements in the field of military psychological and military pedagogical thought.

Research novelty. I have made an attempt to consider the problems of increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work at the stage of reforming the RF Armed Forces (reduction of the Armed Forces, the transition to the recruitment of units with military personnel under a contract, conscription for military service for a period of 12 months) in relation to the company level. Determine the place of the deputy company commander for educational work in solving these problems.

armed force propaganda information


This chapter attempts to show the purpose, main tasks, procedure for organizing and planning information and propaganda work, its place and role in the field of training and education of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

§ 1. Goals, objectives and procedure for organizing information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The information and propaganda work of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been carried out since 1993. It is the most important factor affecting all categories of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, setting the direction of all educational work in military units.

The general management of information and propaganda work in a subunit, part is entrusted to the commander, and its direct organization - to the deputy for educational work. The officer is responsible for planning, methodological support of outreach work, organizes and conducts the selection, placement and training of group leaders, summarizes and disseminates best practices, develops proposals for recruitment study groups, develops teaching materials and methodology for the use of technical means of teaching and education during classes.

The Guidelines for the organization of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation emphasize: "Information and propaganda work is one of the main subjects of training for personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the most important form of state-patriotic, military, moral, legal and aesthetic education."

Therefore, special attention is paid to outreach and about 50% of the total study time. This is direct evidence that advocacy plays an important role in the training and education of personnel.

Information and propaganda work is carried out in all types of combat training activities of troops (forces).

During classes on information and propaganda work, the main attention is paid to the study by military personnel of issues of national history, traditions of the Russian army and navy, problems of state and military construction, legislation of the Russian Federation, norms of international humanitarian law, military pedagogy and psychology, training and education of personnel.

The purpose of the information and propaganda work is to explain in the Armed Forces the state policy in the field of ensuring the country's military security, to form the personnel of a conscious readiness to defend the Fatherland, loyalty to military duty, discipline, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces, their type of troops, formation , part, as well as improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal knowledge of military personnel.

Achieving the goals of outreach work presupposes the consistent solution of a number of educational and educational tasks.

The main objectives of outreach work are:

a) in the field of personnel training:

Arming servicemen with knowledge about the history of the Fatherland, about the traditions of its armed defense, current problems of state and military development, about legal norms and the moral and psychological foundations of military-service relations;

Formation in servicemen of the ability and skills to analyze and evaluate events in military history, international life and Russian reality, the causes and nature of wars and armed conflicts, the ability to reasonably defend and defend positions and interests the Russian state, his Armed Forces;

Improvement of psychological, pedagogical and legal knowledge, skills and abilities of commanders necessary in practical activities for the leadership of military teams;

b) in the field of education of military personnel:

Formation of a state-patriotic consciousness among the personnel, a feeling of love and loyalty to their Fatherland, its national, cultural and spiritual values \u200b\u200bon the basis of the best examples of the heroic history of Russia, the military traditions of its armed defenders;

Instilling in servicemen respect for the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, a conscientious attitude towards the fulfillment of military duty, the requirements of the Military Oath and general military regulations, orders of commanders and chiefs, personal responsibility for maintaining high combat readiness and strong military discipline, and the fulfillment of assigned tasks;

The development of soldiers' aspirations for conscientious mastering of military specialties, high-quality performance of military combat missions, improvement of professional skills, the formation of moral and psychological readiness for decisive actions in a combat situation;

Formation of the commanders' conscious need to improve the knowledge, skills, abilities of organizing and conducting educational work with subordinates.

The condition for the successful solution of the entire set of goals and objectives is their skillful implementation during each lesson, thoughtful planning and clear organization and functioning of all links of the information and propaganda work system. At the same time, it is important that the knowledge gained becomes the basis for self-assessment by each serviceman of his life position, understanding of the meaning of military service, his personal involvement and readiness to defend the Fatherland.

The main documents defining the organization and conduct of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces are:

· Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2005. No. 170 "On the organization of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (see Appendix 1);

Typical educational plans information and propaganda work of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the next academic year (see Appendix 2).

On the basis of the above documents, the part (division) is developing:

1.order on the organization of outreach work for the period of study, which determines:

Outreach tasks for the period of study;

Composition of study groups, their leaders (deputy leaders) and assistants;

Times and locations of outreach classes;

Days and times of instructional sessions with outreach leaders and officials in charge of conducting them;

The procedure for allocating office time to managers to prepare for classes;

Officers, warrant officers (warrant officers), exempted from planned activities for information and propaganda work.

Attached to the order are the outreach training schedules for all categories of military personnel and civilian personnel of the regiment.

2. Plans for monthly instructional and methodological sessions with leaders of outreach work.

3. Schedule of demonstration classes for the leaders of the information and propaganda work of the regiment.

4. Schedule for the participation of senior management in conducting advocacy sessions (developed monthly).

5. Schedule for monitoring training sessions in regiment units (developed monthly).

6. Sheets of checks (memoranda) on the results of the control of classes (see Appendix 3), reports to the higher authority of the military command, as well as orders of the commander on the state and measures to improve the information and propaganda work of the personnel, issued during the academic year ( period of study).

Each military unit must be available and timely developed:

1. Extract from the order of the unit commander on the organization of information and propaganda work for the period of training and curricula in the part concerning.

2. Schedule of classes.

3. Section of outreach work in the combat training journal.

4. Schedule of demonstration sessions for the leaders of the outreach work of the unit.

5. The plans (notes) approved by the immediate commander for conducting classes with the leaders of training groups on the topics studied.

Thus, information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is one of the main subjects of personnel training and the most important form of state-patriotic, military, moral, legal and ethical education.

Planning, training and informational and methodological support of information and propaganda work in the Armed

Forces of the Russian Federation.

Planning of information and propaganda work is carried out for the academic year (training period) in accordance with the instructions and curricula developed by the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

On the basis of curricula, taking into account the instructions of the higher educational work bodies, as well as the volume of training hours set for a year (training period), in military units (on ships), in higher educational institutions, organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, calendar curricula are developed for information and propaganda work ... Calendar curricula are approved by the corresponding commanders (chiefs) and are included in a separate section in the plan of professional and official, commander (combat) training.

The allocated reserve of study time is used during the academic year (period of study) to study the current legislation, materials on topical issues of state and military development, training and education of military personnel, maintaining law and order and military discipline.

The procedure and norms for the use of the reserve of training time in subordinate troops (forces) are established by the educational work bodies of the branches and arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, associations and their peers.

Outreach classes with formation officers, military units, units, military commissariats are planned and conducted at the rate of 6 training hours per month, including 3 hours on the days of command training. Officer outreach teams should generally be matched with job and command training teams. Leaders of educational groups for advocacy work are exempted from scheduled sessions.

Classes with warrant officers are held weekly for 2 hours in the morning on the days established by order of the commander of the military unit. Groups of ensigns are created on the scale of a military unit. Classes with soldiers, sergeants, foremen, doing military service under the contract, are held weekly for 2 hours in the morning on the days established by order of the commander of the military unit.

Classes on information and propaganda work with soldiers, sergeants, petty officers doing military service on conscription are held throughout the school year twice a week for 2 hours in the morning.

In the military units of the cadre, training groups for information and propaganda work of the relevant categories of military personnel can be created, consisting of several structural divisions and services. The number of students in a group should not exceed 25-30 people. It is forbidden to combine training groups of privates and sergeants, with the exception of conducting classes on the topic: "Days of Military Glory of Russia" on the scale of a military unit with screening of thematic documentary and feature film material.

Groups of information and propaganda work of soldiers and cadets are created by platoons and equal units: sergeants (foremen) - by companies, battalions and their equals.

Outreach classes for female military personnel serving in the positions of soldiers, sergeants, and foremen are organized and conducted as part of training groups of staff units corresponding to their positions and military ranks. By decision of a higher educational work body, female military personnel may be united into a separate group.

With civilian personnel, classes are conducted at least 1 hour per month according to the plans of commanders of military units, heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by informing and studying socio-political, economic and legal issues, taking into account the specifics of their tasks.

During exercises, military campaigns, field trips, when performing tasks as part of peacekeeping forces, as well as when units are separated from their permanent deployment points, information and propaganda work is organized and carried out according to a separate plan for at least 1 hour per week.

When bringing troops (forces) to the highest degree of combat readiness and in a combat situation, officials and educational work bodies in organizing information and propaganda work are guided by the requirements of documents regulating the activities of troops and naval forces for a special period.

The procedure for organizing and conducting training sessions on information and propaganda work in the military command and control bodies of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is established by order of the corresponding chief of the General Staff. In the bodies of military administration of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an amalgamation, formation, military unit, university, the organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is established by an order (order) of the corresponding commander, commander (chief) on academic year (period of study).

In order to increase the efficiency and organizational and methodological level of information and propaganda work, the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation considers it expedient to plan the mandatory participation of the leadership in its conduct and control of classes in subordinate military units (subdivisions).

Educational and informational and methodological support of information and propaganda work is carried out by directorates (departments) of educational work of the services and combat arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts (fleets), and associations. Departments of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines are involved in solving these problems. military educational institutions, as well as the military press.

Guideline documents require officials to monthly study the planning, organization and state of information and propaganda work in subordinate troops (forces), the effectiveness of its influence on the solution of combat training and educational tasks and reflect them in the summarizing materials, reviews, orders and directives.

Control over the assimilation of the topics covered in information and propaganda work is carried out in the course of control exercises based on the results of the training period, as well as during inspection and checks of troops (forces). Control questions on information and propaganda work are developed by the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

When inspecting and inspecting troops (forces), the quantitative composition of the inspected, the assessment of individual knowledge on the information and propaganda work of military personnel, the assessment on the information and propaganda work of training groups and military units are determined in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Control over the implementation of curricula and program and methodological support of information and propaganda work of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is assigned to the relevant structural divisions of educational work.

§ 2. Information, material and technical support of outreach work

The military experience testifies to the need to use the capabilities of the officers' houses, clubs, libraries of military units in the interests of increasing the efficiency and quality of information and propaganda work.

Important role military cultural institutions play in improving the methodological skills of group leaders, improving the quality of training students for classes. They have significant capabilities to provide information support for the preparation and conduct of various forms of training for outreach work with personnel. For example, they have a library fund, television centers, radio centers, cinema and video halls, that is, the material and technical base, which is used in the practice of conducting classes in the system of information and propaganda work.

So, the work of the club of the military unit for information support of information and propaganda work of personnel is carried out in the following main areas:

Timely request and receipt of a set of feature, newsreel-documentary and educational films and video films, corresponding or thematically close to the content of the calendar curriculum of information and propaganda work for the next academic year;

Demonstration of these films to personnel in accordance with the schedule for studying the most important topics of outreach work and organizing their collective discussion;

Organization of meetings of military personnel of the unit with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local wars and armed conflicts, hostilities in Chechnya, Afghanistan, representatives of the higher command and military justice;

Preparation and holding of thematic evenings and matinees, amateur concerts dedicated to memorable events and dates in the history of our Fatherland;

Organization of thematic exhibitions of educational, methodological and popular science literature in the libraries of clubs to help the leaders of the groups of information and propaganda work;

Visits by personnel to museums (rooms) of military glory, guided tours of memorial sites, etc.

As part of cultural and leisure activities to increase the efficiency of information and propaganda work, cultural institutions of military units actively use the capabilities of radio centers, as well as radio and television centers available in a number of garrisons.

Conducting planned sessions in groups of soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) on the most important topics of information and propaganda work by demonstrating educational videos (video lectures) developed by the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Show to the personnel during the hours provided by the daily routine for educational and cultural and leisure work, selected in accordance with the theme of the informational and propagandistic work of feature videos;

Demonstration of the best domestic films of military-patriotic content on cable television or on the channel (frequency) officially allocated and registered by the relevant state body for the entire military garrison;

Broadcast (broadcast) of radio and television interviews (speeches) of representatives of local government authorities, command, legal advice, doctor, psychologist of the unit, etc .;

Broadcast (show) of songs (video clips) popular in the army and navy groups and performers;

Recording and broadcasting at a time convenient for the personnel to listen to thematic radio programs, artistic reading of excerpts from literary works;

Radio review of novelties of fiction, military-historical and legal literature, received by the library and close to the studied topics of information and propaganda work.

Despite the importance of using club forms of work in providing outreach work, they play an essential, but auxiliary role. Libraries of military units play the main role in preparing leaders and students of groups for the next classes.

It is the libraries of the officers '(soldiers') clubs, with their book fund and reading rooms equipped with catalogs, that are the main ally of the head of information and propaganda work in working with the book, that real databank from which he draws the necessary information.

The main forms of using libraries in training leaders (students) are:

1. A clear definition of the basic information needs of leaders, students of groups in accordance with the calendar curricula for the next academic year and the compilation on this basis of recommendatory lists of fiction, military memoirs and educational methodological literature.

2. Identification of the main reading groups among the leaders and listeners of information and propaganda work, analysis of the individual demand for information in order to satisfy the needs of readers as fully and timely as possible, rational acquisition of book collections of libraries (reading rooms, methodological rooms, information and methodological centers, etc.) .).

3. Development and maintenance of a thematic card index "To help outreach managers" in accordance with the curriculum.

The card file should have an expanded structure and complement the existing catalog system in the library. In this case, the structure of the card index should be provided with links to materials to detailed lesson plans in the outreach work system.

4. Organization of extensive thematic book exhibitions on key topics of outreach work, operating throughout the training period, as well as thematic exhibitions for each lesson on outreach.

Permanent thematic exhibitions are prepared by the library staff in accordance with the list of recommended literature for the academic year and present in chronological order and in expanded form materials on key issues of the curriculum, the main periods of national history studied in the course of outreach work.

The main explanatory material for such an exhibition, in addition to the name corresponding to the subject matter, is the tablets with historical dates, personalities of historical figures, and quotations.

The volume of the exhibition can range from 20 to 30 books and other publications.

Thematic exhibitions organized on each topic of outreach work are relatively small collections of literature (8-15 books and articles), intended for demonstration both in the reading room of the library (methodological office, information and methodological center) and at conducting outreach sessions in the classroom. Therefore, such exhibitions are sometimes called traveling (portable). The selection of literature for them and their design, as a rule, is done by group leaders and their assistants with the active assistance of the library staff.

5. Organization of thematic collections of legal and other reference literature and materials of periodicals for all planned activities on outreach work.

6. Organization of thematic and bibliographic reviews by sections of outreach work for various groups of personnel.

The thematic overview, in addition, may include brief information about books, selected on a thematic basis for anniversaries and memorable dates, social and political events, for specific topics of outreach classes.

The bibliographic review is carried out as new books enter the library, the content of which is related to the studied information and propaganda work of the personnel.

There are various forms of literature reviews. These include:

Conversations by the bookshelf;

Radio reviews;

Reviews of books in divisions (study groups);

Reviews in oral journals and reading conferences;

Surveys in the form of collections of annotations and bibliographic reviews;

Reviews in the form of speeches by library workers during the training camp and instructor-methodological sessions with leaders of outreach work;

Reviews conducted in the club before the start of the film, etc.

Basic requirements for the educational and material base for outreach work in the unit (study group).

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2005 No. 170, the instructions of the head of the Main Directorate of educational work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the established practice in the troops (forces), the following are presented to the training and material base of training in information and propaganda work with conscripts. requirements.

For each conscript to have: two notebooks of 48 sheets (or one notebook for 96 sheets) for the academic year; pen; textbook "In the service of the Fatherland".

For a study group to have: two maps (political map of the world and a map of the Russian Federation); 2-3 visual aids for each topic; two pointers (for the group leader and the listener); chalkboard (if possible); a combat (commander) training journal to keep track of the training sessions, attendance and student progress (in civilian personnel groups - the attendance register); a set of teaching aids on advocacy, included in the library part, and a selection of literature corresponding to the main sections of the curriculum.

The group leader must have: a notebook for lecture notes (story), plans for self-preparation, seminar (conversation); a notebook for independent work, in which records are kept at instructive and methodological classes, training sessions, extracts from legislative and regulatory acts, periodicals, a selection of interesting statements, facts, examples on the main topics of the curriculum, etc.

Each company (battery) has: a TV set; radio; filing of newspapers and magazines; maps of Russia and the world (2 - for a leisure room and each study group); a video tape recorder (if possible), a video library with training videos (the troops have 4 issues of video cassettes on the topic of the manual "In the Service of the Fatherland"); sets of transparencies (if possible); library with a selection of educational and fiction literature on the subject of the calendar plan (see Appendix 4). In agreement with the deputy commander of the unit for educational work, for conducting unit-wide classes, group leaders can use the technical training tools available in the club, the Officers' House (video recorder, slide projector, multimedia device, etc.).

Summing up the results of the first chapter, we came to the following conclusions.

· Information and propaganda work is the most important form of educational work with all categories of personnel, the main content of which is the implementation of state policy in the troops (forces), the formation of the qualities of a citizen-patriot, a military professional, a reliable defender of the Fatherland in servicemen.

Information and propaganda work is designed to propagandize the processes and transformations taking place in the Armed Forces, to disclose issues of foreign and domestic policy of the state, to assess the most important events and phenomena in international life and Russian reality, to promote the achievements and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation, to ensure counteraction against destructive army and navy information influences.

The main purpose of outreach work is to help the personnel to substantively and comprehensively understand the content of the available information, to understand and comprehend it, to draw the right conclusions for themselves, their professional activity, check its results with the requirements.

Advocacy work is a form of upbringing that, responding and promptly responding to current, actual problems, focused on the future, on the final result.


The company is the center of combat training and military education. This was repeatedly recalled in their speeches by the participants of the Second All-Army Conference of military officers. It is in the company that advocacy groups are created. The leaders of these groups are, as a rule, a serviceman from the company's asset. The main effort to improve the efficiency and quality of outreach activities should be concentrated in the company, battery and peers.

This chapter examines the factors that influence the effectiveness and quality of outreach activities, support forms and methods of conducting the exercises, opportunities and ways to optimize the performance of the military team leader to improve the effectiveness of outreach activities.

§ 1. Factors affecting the effectiveness and quality of the training provided in the advocacy system

A significant number of factors of a very diverse nature influence the effectiveness of classes conducted in the system of outreach work.

First of all, let us note that the process of teaching and upbringing is a dialectical, two-sided process. The results of the educational process largely depend on the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the student, the boss and the subordinate. Moreover, modern concepts of education and upbringing, modern pedagogical technologies proceed from the fact that the relationship between the teacher and the educated person is not “subject-object”, but “subject-subject” in nature. This means that the personnel of the advocacy group is not just a passive object of the group leader's efforts, but a full-fledged and active participant in the educational process.

Therefore, it is advisable to consider, first of all, two groups of factors that largely predetermine the effectiveness and quality of training in outreach work:

the first group of factors relates to the subjective characteristics of the advocacy team leader;

the second group of factors is associated with the characteristics of the personnel that affect the effectiveness of training in outreach work.

What are the characteristics of a soldier in an advocacy group that have a significant impact on his activities?

First, it is the ideological orientation of the serviceman of the advocacy group. A worldview is usually understood as a system of the most general ideas about the world as a whole and a person's place in this world. The classical formulation of worldview problems, given by the outstanding German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): "What can I know?", "What should I do?", "What dare I hope", "What is a person?" ... Thinking about such questions, a person inevitably comes to a certain worldview position, which affects all aspects of his life and work. The officer's personal worldview guidelines set a certain vector of his activity as a serviceman of the information and propaganda work group. The general attitude towards themselves, their work, towards people, towards their country is fully projected on the conduct of their advocacy classes. It would be naive to believe that an officer who does not respect himself will respect his subordinates with whom he conducts classes, that a person who is irresponsible in relation to his family and his homeland will be responsible for fulfilling the duties of a soldier of an information and propaganda work group.

Secondly, it is the value orientations of the serviceman of the information and propaganda work. Any activity (and the activity of a soldier of advocacy work is no exception) is always governed by certain values. The value is determined by the answer to the question: "What is this or that activity for?" A value is for a person everything that has a certain significance for him, personal or social meaning. The world of values \u200b\u200bis diverse and inexhaustible. The individual accepts or rejects this or that value system, modernizes, transforms, adapts it to the conditions of individual existence.

An individual's value preferences paint his activity in certain colors, significantly transforming its quality and effectiveness. So two servicemen of information and propaganda work, performing the same "job", can exist in completely different dimensions, in different "worlds". In terms of content, their activities are largely of the same type, and its “value dimension” is largely individualized. One of the officers can openly "serve the number", while the other put his whole soul into the education of his subordinates.

Thirdly, these are the goals that the soldier of the group sets for himself. The activity of a serviceman in information and propaganda work is largely determined by the goals that he sets for himself. Purpose - answers the question "what should be obtained in the activity?"; the goal is the ideal image of the product (result of activity). It should be borne in mind that the goals of an individual's activity are formed on the basis of his needs and interests. A need is a person's need for objects necessary for his existence, serving as the basis of human activity, an incentive to perform certain actions. When realized, the need turns into interest. Interest is the result of the subjectivation of needs, the interest of the subject of activity in something. Therefore, the goals of outreach work formulated in the guidance documents and the goals of a particular soldier conducting outreach classes may not coincide, or overlap. In this case, one can hardly hope for a high efficiency of the conducted classes.

Fourth, this is the level of the general and military-professional culture of the group's serviceman. Here we can say that a soldier of information and propaganda work must not only confidently know his military specialty, but also possess scientific, technical, humanitarian knowledge, understand literature and art, and freely navigate political information. He must be a well-rounded personality, interesting and attractive to others. A serviceman of information and propaganda work, having a high level of general and professional culture, is able to conduct classes at a high ideological and theoretical level, it is interesting and instructive for trainees, to serve as a model for them in relation to military activity and life. Conversely, an officer who does not possess the qualities we have designated is generally unable to go beyond a purely formal attitude to conducting outreach classes. Naturally, the effectiveness of its activities will be much lower.

Fifthly, it is the level of the serviceman's methodological culture of information and propaganda work. The methodological culture of a group soldier should be understood as such a level of mastery of methodology as a theory that allows him to competently, in accordance with specific conditions, make a choice of methods that ensure the achievement of the set goals in organizing and conducting training sessions on information and propaganda work and use them effectively.

The high level of methodological culture of the group's serviceman provides him with the ability to solve a number of tasks:

· Mastering already developed and tested methods of conducting classes;

· Choice of methods of activity, adequate to the set goal, value attitudes, objective and subjective conditions;

· Construction of new, unparalleled in the past experience, methods of activity, or a combination of old, previously used methods;

· Evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods used and making appropriate adjustments to the methodology used.

Naturally, the quality of the solution of these tasks by an officer may be different. It depends on this whether a template, schematism will dominate in his activities, or whether he will be capable of initiative and creativity in working with personnel. Recall that the activities of a serviceman in information and propaganda work can be viewed as a unity of search (creative) and standardized (stereotypical-mechanical) practice, with the former clearly prevailing.

Sixth, this is the internal organization and self-discipline of a serviceman in information and propaganda work, his ability to concentrate on solving the problems of training and educating personnel, clearly and fully fulfill his functional duties.

Seventh, these are the psychological states of a serviceman, the peculiarities of the functioning of his consciousness, which influence the direction, character, and effectiveness of activity. The mastering of reflective thinking by a soldier of the group is of exceptional importance. The ability for deep introspection, adequate self-assessments is one of the professional qualities of an officer. Low self-esteem leads to disbelief in one's own strengths, overestimation of difficulties, uncertainty and timidity in solving the problems of training and educating subordinates, exaggerated attention to the formal side of the matter. Overestimated self-esteem, on the contrary, leads to self-confidence, complacency, underestimation of difficulties and the adoption of voluntaristic, adventurous decisions. Only balanced assessments of one's own potential, deep consideration of one's own strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses (and weaknesses, as you know, are a direct continuation of our strengths) make it possible for an officer to effectively fulfill his diverse and arduous duties, avoiding both dogmatism and voluntarism.

1) The size of the group. As noted earlier, an upper ceiling has been set for the number of listeners in the advocacy group - 25-30 people. From the point of view of psychology, the optimal composition of the study group should be 10-15 people. Therefore, in the most advantageous position are those military personnel of groups whose numbers do not exceed this level. It is precisely this number of personnel that allows the most effective training, realizing the principle of an individual approach.

2) General educational and cultural level of the group's listeners. This circumstance largely predetermines the choice of the soldier-leader of the group for information and propaganda work of pedagogical technologies and methods of conducting classes, which should ensure the implementation of the principle of training personnel at an accessible level of difficulty.

3) Socio-psychological climate in the military collective. The quality and effectiveness of training in information and propaganda work is associated with such social and psychological phenomena as the level of cohesion of military collectives; positive dynamic processes taking place in them; healthy collective moods; public opinion, fighting traditions.

4) The level of organization and collective discipline. This circumstance largely affects the nature of the listeners' perception of the information emanating from the serviceman, the leader of the information and propaganda work group, and the social and psychological atmosphere in the classroom.

5) Ethnic composition and level of religiosity of the listeners of the group. To ensure the effectiveness of his teaching and educational efforts, the soldier-leader of the group must fully take into account the fact that military collectives are multinational and poly-confessional. He is required to have a differentiated approach to the education of various categories of servicemen.

Finally, we should dwell on some of the conditions associated with the life of military collectives, the level of leadership and management of subunits, units that have an indirect impact on the effectiveness of information and propaganda work:

· Assessment of the place and role of information and propaganda work in the process of educating personnel on the part of commanders and chiefs of different levels;

· Organizing the assistance of the soldier-head of the advocacy group and creating favorable conditions for their activities;

· The nature of the control over the preparation and conduct of outreach sessions;

· The level of social security and everyday life of the serviceman - the head of the information and propaganda work group and some others.

Consideration of the factors that we have identified that affect the effectiveness and quality of classes conducted in the system of information and propaganda work allows us to single out two main areas of work of commanders, deputy commanders for educational work, educational work bodies: the first direction is associated with the training of the group leader, and the second - with ensuring the most favorable conditions for its activities.

Possibilities and ways of optimizing the activities of a serviceman in information and propaganda work in a company.

Analysis of the requirements of guidelines for organizing and conducting outreach work, as well as generalizing the experience of the practical work of commanders, chiefs, their deputies for educational work, educational work bodies, allows us to identify the main directions (ways) of increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work in the unit.

These areas, in our opinion, include:

1. Selection and placement of the soldier-head of the group of information and propaganda work in accordance with the organizational and staff structure of the unit. When selecting and appointing group leaders, it is advisable to be guided by the principle: the boss trains and educates his subordinates. In a company, as a rule, full-time platoon commanders are appointed as outreach leaders. The sergeant group is usually taught by the company commander. Today, subunits often have a shortage of platoon leaders. In such a situation, one of the most trained officers of the battalion or regiment command is appointed by the decision of the respective commanders and chiefs to conduct training in information and propaganda work.

2. Raising the theoretical and methodological level of the soldier-leader of the information and propaganda work group. The subunit command should strive to ensure the fullest possible participation of the leaders of the company's information and propaganda work in organized forms of training, such as two-day training and methodological camps and monthly 2-3-hour instructive and methodological classes held in the regiment, division, and garrison. The practice of brief instruction of group leaders by the deputy company commander for educational work is widespread.

3. Organization of independent work of the soldier-head of the information and propaganda work group. The company commander and his deputy for educational work are obliged to ensure the exact implementation of the order of the unit commander on the organization of information and propaganda work for the period of training in that part of it, where the order of providing the serviceman of the group with official time (at least 4 hours per week) for preparation for classes is determined. The days and times allotted for this purpose should be used with maximum efficiency.

The independent training of a group soldier is based on the specific topic and form of the upcoming lesson. It includes: preparation for an educational lecture (story), preparation for conducting independent work in a study group and preparation for a seminar.

For independent work of information and propaganda work, a serviceman must be equipped with appropriate training places. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation does not provide for the obligatory presence in a company of premises for preparing officers for class training, however, such premises have been created in the locations of many companies, which creates additional convenience for group leaders. In addition, for the independent work of military personnel of the groups, a room for preparing for classes, meetings and resting for officers, which should be at the location of each battalion, can be used. Experience shows that the independent work of leaders organized in the company office is extremely unproductive, since there are many distractions at work.

4. Clear and thoughtful planning of outreach classes in the unit.

On the basis of an extract from the order of the unit commander on the organization of information and propaganda work for the period of training and calendar curricula for training in information and propaganda work with all categories of personnel of the subdivision, the corresponding classes are included in the company's schedule for a week. The company schedule of classes indicates: day, time, place, topic, type of lesson and the leader of the lesson in public and state training.

5. Creation and improvement of the educational and material base for high-quality training in outreach work. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of information and propaganda work is the concern of the company command to improve the training and material base of the unit and its use in full when conducting training on information and propaganda work.

6. Organization of control over the training of military personnel of the groups and the quality of their training in information and propaganda work. Control over the preparation of group leaders for training in a subunit, as a rule, is carried out by the company commander and the deputy company commander for educational work. In this case, the following are checked: a) theoretical training the leader to conduct a specific lesson (the level of his knowledge on the topic of the lesson); b) the group leader's possession of the methodology for conducting a specific lesson (his ability to transfer his knowledge to subordinates); c) material support of the lesson; d) the availability and quality of the outline of the lesson on the topic under study.

An effective means of influencing the quality of the performance of their duties by the leaders of the information and propaganda work is the control by the company commander and his deputy for educational work of conducting information and propaganda classes by the company officers.

7. Enhancing the authority of the military outreach work. The authority of the head of information and propaganda work is determined by his intellectual potential, military professional training, methodological skill, conscientious attitude to the performance of military duty, high demands on subordinates, combined with respect for their dignity, and care for them. All the efforts of the company command aimed at the all-round and harmonious development of the officer's personality "work" to increase his authority as the leader of information and propaganda work. The experience of the advanced units suggests that one should not forget to reward officers for their conscientious attitude to the performance of their official duties. Noting the success of the subunit in combat training, it is advisable to emphasize the merits in this of both the deputy company commander for educational work and the leaders of information and propaganda work, who provide the "spiritual component" of combat training.

8. The fullest use of the capabilities of the clubs and libraries of military units, the Garrison House of Officers, the media in order to improve the efficiency and quality of the activities of military personnel in information and propaganda work in the company. The capabilities of military cultural institutions allow them to provide substantial assistance to leaders of outreach work. The company command (primarily the deputy company commander for educational work) should organize active interaction between the leaders of the company's information and propaganda work with military cultural institutions, orient the company officers to the fullest use of the material base and resources of libraries, available methodological rooms and information and methodological centers.

9. Formation of personal responsibility of servicemen in information and propaganda work for the theoretical and methodological level of the training. The soldier-leader of the group is one of the central figures of the entire system of training and education of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The company commander and his deputy for educational work must make each group leader realize his personal responsibility for the formation of high intellectual, moral and volitional qualities in the personnel in the course of information and propaganda work.

§ 2. The place and role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of selection, training, training of military personnel in information and propaganda work and in the daily management of their activities

In accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main responsibility for all aspects of the life of a military collective, for the state of combat training, training and education of personnel is assigned to the one-man commander.

The deputy company commander for educational work is subordinate to the company commander and is the direct chief of all personnel. He is responsible for education, military discipline, morale and outreach work of personnel.

Thus, educational work with company personnel is the area of \u200b\u200bdirect responsibility of the deputy company commander for educational work. The Charter of the Internal Service imposes on him numerous duties, we will indicate only a few of them:

· Participate in drawing up a timetable for classes, plan and conduct educational work with the personnel of the unit, taking into account national and psychological characteristics, the level of education and attitude to religion of each serviceman; to form in servicemen loyalty to the Fatherland, military duty and the Military Oath, high combat and moral and psychological qualities;

Know each soldier of the company, their individual characteristics, business and moral and psychological qualities, spend with them individual work; take measures to unite the military collective;

· Inform the personnel about events in the world and in the Russian Federation, about the life and combat training activities of the unit; organize and personally conduct training sessions with military personnel on outreach plans.

Analysis of the job responsibilities of the deputy company commander for educational work, guidelines The Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Military Experience allows us to conclude that the deputy company commander for educational work plays a leading role in organizing information and propaganda work with company personnel. It is on his knowledge, will, conscientiousness that the state of information and propaganda work in the unit largely depends. Figuratively speaking, the deputy company commander for educational work is the main company "specialist" in conducting training in the outreach system, the person closest to the group leader who can provide him with effective professional assistance in terms of preparing and conducting classes.

In order to reveal the role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of training and educating leaders of information and propaganda work, in the work to improve the efficiency and quality of their activities, it is necessary to highlight the main directions of his (i.e., the deputy company commander for educational work) activities in this area. :

1) The deputy company commander for educational work may personally conduct classes in one of the advocacy groups. Depending on the specific situation in the company, the deputy company commander for educational work can conduct classes either in the sergeant group, or in one of the rank-and-file groups. It would be most expedient to assign the company commander to conduct training in a group of sergeants. In this case, the deputy company commander for educational work conducts classes in one of the groups of rank-and-file personnel (as a rule, in a platoon that requires most attention), and the platoon leader becomes a listener to the officers' outreach work. But in any case, the deputy company commander for educational work should set an example for other company officers by conscientiously fulfilling the duties of the leader of information and propaganda work.

2) The deputy company commander for educational work personally takes part in the selection and placement of servicemen for information and propaganda work in his unit. Sometimes in the subdivisions there are facts when individual servicemen do not cope with the duties of the head of information and propaganda work, do not justify the hopes placed on them, are not an example for subordinates. In this case, having exhausted all the possibilities of influencing such a serviceman, the deputy company commander for educational work should raise the issue of his removal from the training of information and propaganda work and replace him with another leader (with all the ensuing disciplinary consequences) to the higher superiors.

3) The deputy company commander for educational work personally takes part in planning outreach activities, scheduling the company for a week, takes care of the correct maintenance of all outreach documents. Clear planning of classes, exemplary record keeping helps to improve the quality of the activities of the leaders of the company's outreach work. The deputy company commander for educational work teaches the group leaders and requires them to work out the entire set of information and propaganda documentation that is being carried out in the group as accurately as possible.

4) The deputy company commander for educational work sets tasks for the leaders of the information and propaganda work, conducts briefings with them, communicates the requirements of the governing documents. He guides advocacy leaders on a daily basis. And on the most difficult topics, the deputy company commander for educational work provides direct assistance to the leaders in preparing for the upcoming lesson.

5) The deputy company commander for educational work personally supervises the quality of training of subordinate officers to conduct training sessions on information and propaganda work and monitors the conduct of training. Attending the lessons, the deputy company commander for educational work points out the shortcomings identified during the lesson and suggests the most effective ways to eliminate them. He must be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of his outreach leaders and, guided by the principle of individual approach, take steps to provide them with effective assistance.

6) The deputy company commander for educational work constantly informs the company commander about the state of the information and propaganda work of the company personnel and together with him organizes the summing up of the activities of the group leaders. At the same time, he must ensure objectivity in assessing the activities of each company officer as the head of information and propaganda work. Do not skimp on the kind words and encouragement of good advocacy leaders. At the same time, one should not be shy about criticizing officers for their omissions in conducting outreach sessions.

7) The deputy company commander for educational work summarizes and disseminates best practices in conducting advocacy classes. The deputy company commander for educational work is responsible for the quality of the conducted information and propaganda work with the company personnel. During the entire academic year, he is obliged not only to provide methodological assistance to the leaders of information and propaganda work, but also to study and disseminate the best practices of organizing and conducting classes. The deputy company commander for educational work should also analyze progress, generalize best practices and, after a thorough study of the methodological skill of the leaders of the information and propaganda work and the excellent soldiers, disseminate this experience among the entire personnel of the unit. This can be facilitated by the use of the following forms of work:

· Meetings of company officers;

· Mutual visits to classes;

· Conducting demonstration classes;

· Honoring the best leaders of outreach work at the end of the academic year (training period);

· Special editions of wall newspapers, etc.

8) The deputy company commander for educational work assists the military personnel-leaders of information and propaganda work in organizing work with assistant leaders. Experience shows the advisability of conducting training sessions with this category of propaganda assets on a company-wide scale, conducting special events aimed at increasing their authority among the personnel of the unit. The deputy commander for educational work teaches platoon commanders who perform the duties of leaders of outreach work to properly and effectively organize work with their assistants.

9) The deputy company commander for educational work, together with the leaders of the outreach work, organizes the honoring of the military personnel who show excellent results in the outreach classes. For this, a variety of forms and means of educational work should be used (wall printing, issuance of combat leaflets and lightning leaflets, design of special stands in the information and leisure room, evenings of honoring excellent soldiers, encouragement, etc.).

ten). The deputy company commander for educational work ensures the participation of servicemen in the information and propaganda work of the unit in the activities carried out with them on the company scale. This allows managers to improve their theoretical level, master new forms and methods of conducting classes, exchange experiences with other leaders of advocacy work.

11) The deputy company commander for educational work takes measures to create and improve the educational and material base for conducting training in information and propaganda work. The presence in the unit of a modern educational and material base for conducting outreach activities greatly facilitates the work of managers in the process of preparing and conducting a lesson, ensures an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of outreach activities.

From all that we have stated in the paragraph, it follows that it is in the unit that the skill of the head of information and propaganda work is ultimately formed and a very significant role in the process of improving his theoretical and methodological training belongs to the deputy company commander for educational work.

Research in the troops, the study of guidance documents on information and propaganda work, analysis of the opinions and proposals of the command of units and formations, heads of information and propaganda work and students, have shown that the effectiveness of information and propaganda work will increase if:

Close interaction and cooperation (not an administrative-command style of management) of the subjects of information and propaganda work and the command of formations and units, educational structures on the provision of material, financial, methodological assistance, improving the theoretical and methodological training of leaders, generalizing and disseminating best practices will be established ;

Greater independence will be given to commanders of units, subdivisions of educational work, leaders in planning, organizing and conducting training in information and propaganda work, based on the availability of personnel, their workload, the nature of the tasks they perform;

The specific responsibilities of the commanders of formations and units, officers of departments and divisions of educational work for the organization and conduct of information and propaganda work with personnel will be developed and clarified;

Information and methodological centers in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will work and carry out their duties;

When developing standard curricula for the new academic year, take into account the ratio between theoretical and practical exercises tested in the troops as 1/3, the optimal ratio in plans between worldview problems and problems caused by the needs and interests of personnel and military practice, didactic blocks;

Create in the formations and units of the advisory centers for leaders and trainees of outreach work;

To create, if possible (subject to the availability of personnel and educational material base) in the formations and units, a system of additional education (lectures, sections, circles on the history and culture of Russia, military law, pedagogy and psychology)

In order to improve the methodological skills of officers and cadets in military academies and schools, introduce the course "Organization and methods of conducting information and propaganda work with the personnel of formations and units"

Prepare and issue a training manual for the troops to help the leaders of information and propaganda work.

Pedagogical conditions effective leadership of the advocacy process are:

Clear and clear statement of objectives for high-quality preparation and conduct of outreach activities, taking into account the capabilities and individual qualities of the subjects of outreach work;

Providing subordinates with the opportunity to show initiative and creativity in identifying ways to effectively fulfill the tasks assigned by the commander;

The constant striving of senior commanders and chiefs to live direct communication with subordinates in their service and educational activities;

The firm will and persistence of the commanders and officers of educational structures in implementing the decisions made, overcoming obstacles that have arisen on the way to improving the quality of the process of information and propaganda work of military personnel;

Prompt response to changes in the situation in the unit and subdivisions, readiness and ability to adjust the educational process;

High personal responsibility of the commanders and subdivisions of educational work for the decisions made and the results of the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them.

At present, in this contradictory period for the country and the Armed Forces, the independence of the commander, his leadership in the process of information and propaganda work, is acquiring a special price. Economic difficulties, difficulties with the financial support of units, understaffing, an increase in the number of servicemen with negative deviations in units - all this leaves an imprint on the leadership activities of commanders and officers of educational structures.

Leading the outreach process in a military unit achieves its goal if:

The command, heads of departments and services have correctly understood the parts of the task of managing this process;

The organization, content and methodology of conducting outreach classes were objectively assessed;

The target is correctly defined and the intermediate and final results of the advocacy work are outlined;

The methods, means, methods of pedagogical influence that are most effective for certain categories of listeners of information and propaganda work are predicted, selected and used;

The systematic control of the independent training of leaders, the organization and conduct of classes in public information and propaganda work with various categories of servicemen is carried out;

Constantly from the side of the command of the unit, assistance is provided to the leaders of information and propaganda work in organizing and conducting classes;

The military unit has an effective system of stimulating the work of group leaders and trainees of information and propaganda work;

A specific setting of tasks for the subjects of information and propaganda work is carried out;

The results of the information and propaganda work of the unit's military personnel are systematically summed up;

The activities of the subjects of information and propaganda work are timely adjusted in the interests of improving the quality of training and conducting classes with personnel.

Thus, improving the management of the process of information and propaganda work of servicemen of various categories is the most effective way to increase the effectiveness of this type of personnel training.

Improving the leadership of information and propaganda work would contribute to the creation in units and subdivisions of a normal pedagogical atmosphere, the necessary conditions for training group leaders and students of information and propaganda work, helping them to overcome emerging difficulties, reducing the influence of negative external and internal factors on the troops, introducing military practice of practical recommendations.

Military practice.

In the course of the research, I developed a questionnaire for conducting an anonymous survey of military personnel, which was aimed at:

Revealing the level of quality of conducted classes;

Monitoring staff attendance at outreach classes and their overall performance;

Finding out from the personnel of soldiers, sergeants and officers - whether technical means, videos, slides are used in order to more fully assimilate the material, whether the conducted outreach activities arouse interest from the personnel.

The study was conducted in a motorized rifle company of the 276th motorized rifle regiment. Almost the entire personnel of the company, including officers, took part in the survey.

As a result of the study, the following results were obtained:

· Advocacy work is not at the proper level and does not correspond to its importance, as defined by the governing documents - 74%. This is due to the fact that military personnel do not consider information and propaganda work to be an important and necessary subject for them, often skip classes and do not attend them.

· There are cases of disruption of training in information and propaganda work - 64%.

· Technical training and education and other means of visualization are rarely used when conducting outreach sessions - 38%.

· Methodological training of leaders of outreach work is at a low level - 38%.

· The time required for preparation of classes is not allocated - 89%.

· Soldiers have no initiative in relation to information and propaganda work as a subject of combat training - 99%.

Thus, we can assert that not enough attention is paid to information and propaganda work in the troops, and, as a consequence, the level of training and the attitude of the military to them leaves much to be desired.

Summing up everything stated in the second chapter, let us emphasize once again that the leader is the central figure of the entire system of information and propaganda work, determining the ideological orientation and quality of the conducted classes, influencing the formation of the soldier's personality. But the high-quality performance by the head of the information and propaganda work of his duties is possible only under the condition of close attention to his activities, the provision of all possible assistance and support from the unit commander and his deputy for educational work.


The aim of the work was to analyze the effectiveness of information and propaganda work on the education of personnel as a subject of combat training in all types of combat training activities. In the course of the graduation work, a number of studies were carried out, which were aimed at finding ways to increase the effectiveness of outreach work in the unit (company). The following activities were carried out: questioning of personnel, assessment of the unit's progress, analysis of the direct conduct of classes by the commanders of various units, generalization of the experience of psychological and pedagogical practices.

Based on the analysis of the sessions conducted in the advocacy system, a number of the following recommendations were developed:

· Leaders of outreach work to pay more attention to the preparation of classes, to constantly improve their methodological skills;

· Representatives of educational work to provide assistance, as well as to monitor the quality of the lessons;

· Avoid disruption of classes, ensure that they cover the entire personnel and the maximum presence of all categories of servicemen in classes;

· To pay more attention to the provision of technical means of teaching and upbringing, their use in full during the training;

· Take control of the planning and preparation for the training of the leaders of the information and propaganda work, the personnel in accordance with the plans of the Main Directorate of educational work;

· In the course of conducting classes, ensure the coordination of theoretical and practical material;

· Construct classes taking into account the audience's ability to perceive the presented material.

In the process of achieving this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Based on the guidance documents and the sources commenting on them, the goals and system of organizing information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the present stage were clarified;

The requirements for outreach managers were considered; an attempt was made to create a psychological and pedagogical model of the personality of the head of information and propaganda work; the system of selection and placement of leaders of information and propaganda work that has developed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been clarified;

Based on the idea that the selection and appointment of leaders of outreach work is not the end, but only the beginning of a long and painstaking work with them, the system of education and training of leaders of outreach work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is considered;

Based on the study of official documents, special literature, materials of the military press and the experience of military training, the existing problems and shortcomings in the organization and conduct of classes in the system of information and propaganda work, in working with leaders were identified;

The factors of an objective and subjective order, influencing the activities of the leaders of the information and propaganda work of the unit, the effectiveness and quality of their classes are identified and considered;

Based on the analysis of the objective and subjective working conditions of the head of the information and propaganda work, taking into account the requirements of the guidance documents, the possibilities and ways of optimizing the activities of the leaders of the information and propaganda work in the company were considered.

The following are highlighted as ways to optimize outreach work:

1) selection and placement of leaders of outreach work in accordance with the organizational and staff structure of the unit;

2) increasing the theoretical and methodological level of leaders of information and propaganda work;

3) organization of independent work of leaders of outreach work;

4) clear and thoughtful planning of training sessions on outreach work in the unit;

5) creation and improvement of the educational and material base for high-quality conduct of training sessions on information and propaganda work;

6) the organization of control over the activities of outreach work;

8) the fullest use of the capabilities of the clubs and libraries of the military unit, the Garrison House of Officers, the media in order to increase the efficiency of public information and propaganda work in the unit;

9) the formation of personal responsibility of the leaders of information and propaganda work for the theoretical and methodological level of the classes.

The place and role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of recruiting, training, training leaders of information and propaganda work and in the daily management of their activities were also identified.

The main areas of activity of the deputy company commander for educational work in this area are:

o conducting classes in one of the company's outreach work;

o personal involvement in the selection and placement of advocacy leaders in their unit;

o Participate in scheduling outreach sessions, scheduling company weekly sessions, taking care of the correct maintenance of all outreach documentation;

o setting tasks for the leaders of information and propaganda work, conducting briefings with them, communicating the requirements of governing documents;

o monitoring the quality of training and conducting outreach classes by company officers;

o informing the company commander about the state of the information and propaganda work of the company personnel, together with him summing up the results of the leaders' activities;

o compilation and dissemination of best practices in conducting outreach sessions;

o assisting team leaders in working with their assistants;

o jointly with the leaders, the organization of honoring the military personnel, showing excellent results in the classes on information and propaganda work;

o ensuring the participation of the leaders of the information and propaganda work of the unit in the events held with them on the scale of the regiment, division, garrison;

o Leading the creation and improvement of the company training and material base for conducting outreach activities.

1) it is necessary to seek from the deputy commanders of companies for educational work an awareness of the fact that the effectiveness of the information and propaganda work of the subunit personnel largely depends on their efforts;

2) it is necessary to ensure the personal example of the deputy company commander for educational work in conducting outreach classes.

Summing up, we can conclude that the goal of the work has been achieved, the tasks have been solved.


1. Bogdanov K.V. In the service of man // Information bulletin. - M .: Committee for work with the personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 1992. - No. 2.

2. Borisenko A. To educate the defenders of the Fatherland on the heroic traditions of the Russian people, the Armed Forces // At the combat post. - 2003. - No. 43-44.

3. Individual psychological characteristics of the personality of the officer-educator / G. Karavanov, V. Korshunova. - Lviv: Vishcha School, 1974.

4. The concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Appendix to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 dated March 11, 2004

5. Methods for organizing and conducting public and state training in the regiment (on the ship). M .: GUVR VS RF, 2001.

6. Methodology for organizing and conducting public and state training in the regiment (on the ship) / Under total. ed. A.N. Kality - M .: Publishing house "Rus-RKB", 1998.

7. Methodology for organizing and conducting public and state training in the regiment (on the ship) / Under total. ed. N.I. Reznik. - M .: Editorial and publishing center of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, 2002.

8. Methods for organizing and conducting public and state training in the regiment (on the ship). A methodological guide for organizers of public training and leaders of educational groups. - M., 1998.

9. General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces. - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1994.

10. About the organization of education of personnel of the RF Armed Forces. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 164 of September 26, 1992

11. On improving educational work in the RF Armed Forces. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 79 of February 28, 2005

13. Pronin S. Professional qualities - the basis of troop victories. // Reference point. - 2001. - No. 9.

14. Psychology in the army / R. Konechny, M. Bouhal. - Prague: Avicenum, 1974.

15. Piliponsky A.G., Primakov V.L. Socialization of the individual and its features in the conditions of military service. - M .: VU, 1998.

16. Psychology and pedagogy of the higher military school / Under total. ed. A.V. Barabanshchikova. - M .: Voenizdat, 1989.

17. Rykov S.L. Professional education of female military personnel: theory and practice. - M .: VU, 2002.

18. Guidelines for the organization of public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Appendix to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated May 12, 2005

19. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. - M .: Sov. encyclopedia, 1985.

Attachment 1



On the organization of public and state training

in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In order to organize public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, PR I K A Z Y V A YU:

1. To approve the attached Guidelines for the organization of public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, chiefs of services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commander-in-chief of the services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commander of military districts, fleets, branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, chiefs of the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders formations and military units, chiefs (heads) of organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissars to ensure, annually, by November 1, the planning and organization of public and state training in subordinate troops (forces) and military command and control bodies.

3. To the Head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

a) organize:

software and methodological support of public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation using the scientific and pedagogical potential of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

the development of methodological recommendations on the organization of public and state training for the new academic year and sending to the troops (forces) and military administration bodies annually before October 1;

b) ensure, within the allocated limits of budgetary obligations, the release of the necessary teaching and visual aids, audio and video materials on the curriculum of public and state training, the regular publication of methodological materials to help the leaders of public and state training groups in the mass media of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4. To recognize as invalid the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1993 No. 250.

5. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.



to the order of the Minister of Defense

Russian Federation

2005 No. 170


on the organization of public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

1. Social and state training (hereinafter referred to as - UCP) is one of the main subjects of training for the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the most important form of state-patriotic, military, moral, legal and aesthetic education.

2. UCP is conducted in all types of combat training activities of troops (forces).

In the course of the UCP classes, the main attention is paid to the study by military personnel of issues of national history, traditions of the army and navy, problems of state and military construction, military pedagogy and psychology, legislation of the Russian Federation, norms of international humanitarian law, training and education of personnel.

3. The general leadership of the UCP is assigned to the commanders (chiefs) of military units, and the planning of the UCP is assigned to the respective chiefs of staff of military units. The direct organization and control over the conduct of UCP classes is carried out by the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces.

4. UCP is carried out:

with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, warrant officers and officers - in the system of combat, command and professional-official training;

with cadets (listeners) of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense - in the study of the humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines provided for by the curricula and programs;

with persons of civilian personnel - according to the plans of commanders (chiefs) of military units on socio-political, economic and legal issues by the method of informing.

UCP planning is carried out for the academic year.

5. UCP classes are conducted by commanders (chiefs) of military units, as well as officials of the educational work of the Armed Forces in accordance with the curricula:

with officers of the central bodies of military administration, military districts (fleets), associations, teaching staff of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense, military departments (faculties of military training) at educational institutions of higher professional education, research organizations of the Ministry of Defense - 16 hours per year, including 8 hours on vocational training days;

with officers of formations, military units (ships), subunits, military commissariats - 6 hours a month, including 3 hours on the days of command training;

with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers doing military service under contract, as well as warrant officers and warrant officers - 2 hours a week in the morning;

with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen doing military service by conscription - twice a week for 2 hours in the morning;

with a variable composition in the schools of warrant officers (warrant officers), as well as in military units preparing specialists and junior commanders - 2 times a week for 2 hours in the morning;

with persons of civilian personnel of military units - at least 1 hour per month.

During exercises, military campaigns, field trips, when performing tasks as part of peacekeeping forces, as well as when units are in isolation from the permanent deployment points, the UCP is organized and conducted according to a separate plan for at least 1 hour per week.

6. Control over the assimilation of the topics covered by the UCP is carried out in the course of control exercises following the results of the training period, as well as during the inspection and checks of troops (forces).

Control questions on the UCP are developed by the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces.

7. When inspecting and inspecting troops (forces), the quantitative composition of the audited, the assessment of individual knowledge of the UCP of servicemen, the assessment of the UCP of training groups and military units are determined in accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the Ministry of Defense.

8. To prepare for the classes, the leaders of the UCP groups are given 4 hours of office time per week. In military units with the leaders of the UCP groups, as needed, but at least once a month, two-hour instructional and methodological sessions, and in formations and military units, before the beginning of each training period, two-day training sessions under the guidance of deputy commanders for educational work ...

9. The participation of the leadership of the formations, formations and military units in the conduct of classes on the UCP is carried out:

commanders of large formations, formations and military units - at least two lessons during the training period;

deputy commanders of formations, formations and military units - at least three lessons during the training period;

heads of departments (divisions), services of associations, formations and military units - at least four sessions during the training period with various categories of servicemen.

10. Basic requirements for the educational and material base of the UCP:

for a serviceman doing military service on conscription, have two notebooks of 48 sheets for the academic year, a pen;

for the training group to have two maps (political map of the world and a map of the Russian Federation), 2 - 3 visual aids on each topic, two pointers (for the group leader and the listener), a journal of combat, command (professional) training, a set of teaching aids UCP, recorded in the library of military units, and a selection of literature corresponding to the main sections of the curriculum;

the group leader should have one notebook for lecture notes, plans for self-study, seminar (conversation) and independent work.

11. To conduct training on general civilian law on a unit scale, the technical means of education available in the military unit are used.


colonel general

Appendix 2


public training of soldiers (sailors)

Of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

exploring topics

Lesson topics

Number of hours
Lecture, story Active forms
1 2 3 4 5


State policy in the field of ensuring military security of Russia and modernization of the Armed Forces

16 18
1. 1, 12

Russia in the system of military-political relations in the world. The tasks facing the personnel in the winter (summer) training period of the 2005 academic year.

2+2 2+2
2. 2

The experience of using the armed forces in the fight against terrorism.

2 2
3. 3

Constitutional foundations of the state structure of the Russian Federation.

2 4
4. 4

The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 4
5. 13

Message from the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

4 2
6. 14

Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 2


Patriotic education

12 12
7. 5

State symbols of the Russian Federation.

2 2
8. 7

Patriotism is the source of mass heroism of the people in the struggle against fascism.

2 4
9. 21

Traditions and military rituals in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 2
10. 9

Full St. George Cavaliers - faithful sons of the Fatherland.

2 2
11. 15

The history of the great victories of the Russian army.

4 2


To the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

8 6
12. 8

Combat path of a formation, military unit, ship, heroic deeds of fellow soldiers in battles for the Motherland

2 2
13. 10

Mass heroism of the defenders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

2 2
14. 11

The world-historical significance of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

4 2


Military pedagogy and psychology

4 4
15. 16

The statutory rules for the relationship between servicemen are the most important condition for the cohesion and combat coordination of a military collective.

4 4


Legal preparation

8 12
16. 6

Law and order. Criminal liability of military personnel for crimes against military service.

2 4
17. 17

The procedure, features and conditions of military service under contract by soldiers (sailors) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 4
18. 18

The essence and legal foundations of military discipline in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 2
19. 19

The system of legal guarantees of social security for conscripts.

2 2


Training and education

4 4
20. 20

Spiritual and moral education of Russian soldiers.

2 2
21. 22

Moral culture and ethics of behavior of military personnel.

2 2

Control (final) lessons for the period of study

(academic year)




In just a year

Note: for training groups of soldiers (sailors) serving under contract, this plan is adjusted by the decision of the unit (ship) commander, taking into account their previous training.

"Legal bases of military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation";

“High professionalism, responsibility, initiative are the distinctive features of contract servicemen”;

“Psychology of interpersonal communication. The role of contract servicemen in the prevention of conflicts in the military collective ”;

"Material support and allowances for servicemen under the contract."

Appendix 3

Outreach Training Session Checklist

in the ______ group of the military unit ________

"__________" 200_y.

Team leader_________________

(in / title, full name)

Location of the lesson _____________

Topic title and its relevance to the topic indicated in the class schedule

The form of the lesson _____________

1.The lesson is attended by ________ people. (according to the list - people)

2.Provision of teaching aids (which and in what quantity)

3. The presence of abstracts and writing materials at the trainees

4. The group leader has an approved outline of the lesson

5. Are the objectives of the session defined correctly?

6. The logic and completeness of the disclosure of the issues of the topic, their connection with the life and tasks of the unit (part), the quality of conclusions and generalizations

7. Use of visual aids, chalkboard, geographical maps, technical teaching aids (which ones and how well) in the classroom

8. The degree of activity of listeners in the lesson (the number and quality of speeches (at the seminar), the level of attention, the number of questions asked)

9.Quality of logging by the team leader:

Accounting for classes (including additional ones with those who missed classes)

Accounting for attendance and progress, the regularity of assessing students on the topics covered ________________________

10 ._________________________________ How many times and by what officials was it checked
group from the beginning of the training period ___________

11. Elimination of deficiencies noted during audits

12. Comments and suggestions from the examiner to improve the quality and effectiveness of the sessions _____________________

Reviewer _______________________

Appendix 4

Public education class (advocacy training)

(Regulations on the educational material and technical base 2001)

Name of TCO and equipment qty who carries out (organizes) the supply
1 Stands, posters: 1 set developed by the troops
the main directions of educational work with various categories of military personnel and civilian personnel
methodological recommendations for conducting the UCP of the personnel of the RF Armed Forces
standard curricula of the UCP personnel for the academic year
2. Technical means centralized
tV set 1
epidiascope 1
video recorder 1
videotapes 15
PC with a set of programs: 1 set
- electronic versions of the training manual on GPP
- psychological tests
- information and reference legal system
3. Literature:
- teaching aids on GCP 10 pieces.
- folders with documents according to the legal minimum 5 pieces.
- maps 2 pcs.
- filing of newspapers and magazines 1 set completed in the troops
