Letter #1

Vorontsova Ksenia Alexandrovna graduated from Moscow State University in 2014 with a degree in International Journalism. Over the years of study, Ksenia Vorontsova has shown herself to be a responsible and purposeful student who seeks not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to put it into practice.

Ksenia studied excellently and at the same time took an active part in the life of the university. From the third year she headed the student trade union of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, organized concerts, did charity work and blogged on the university website.

We also want to note the wide range of interests of Xenia. In addition to the main lectures, the student attended elective courses in Spanish and Polish, and achieved good results in their study.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter #2

Belousov Alexey Sergeevich in 2014 graduated from the Voronezh National University and received a bachelor's degree in Urban Environment and Interior Design.

The teachers who gave lectures and conducted practical classes with Alexei note his determination and great creative potential. Alexey chose the right profession and, undoubtedly, he will achieve good results in it.

Aleksey was responsible for his studies, received good grades and was singled out among his classmates during practical classes.


Alexander Viktorovich

A letter of recommendation is a document that is perceived in two ways. In some companies, it is treated as a relic from the past, in some (most of all in the West) it is a "start in life", for example, for a student. One way or another, this application to the resume will not be superfluous.


A document written on behalf of a teacher might look something like this:

I, associate professor Petrov Alexey Petrovich, was the teacher of Alexander Dmitrievich Alekseev in the period 2009-2013. in the disciplines "International tourism", "Ethics", "New directions of Russian tourism". During the training, he noted the high level of knowledge of Alexander Dmitrievich: written and oral exams, passed with excellent marks; participation in city student conferences with reports: "Prospects for the development of tourism in Murmansk", "Exit of regional tourism to the international level", "Development of extreme tourism in the region"; successful completion of educational and industrial practice in travel agencies "Russia-tour", "Around the world" as a manager.

Alexander Dmitrievich is my diploma student, his project "Rural tourism in the Murmansk region: development prospects" was defended with a unanimous mark of "5". The student conducted his research on the basis of personally collected data, surveys, which gives his work great value.

I am sure that Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov will show himself as an enterprising, responsible, creative employee in his future workplace.

  • The high status of the referent, as well as the mention of his personal acquaintance with the bearer.
  • Inclusion of opinions "from outside": classmates of the student, teachers, dean's office.
  • Specific examples of a student's achievements are a minimum of unfounded laudatory characteristics.
  • The mentioned successes should have something in common with the specifics of the desired position.
  • Description of both professional, business and personal qualities.

A letter of recommendation is a document that can help the applicant, especially abroad. Its meaningful, stylistically correct, reasonable content often serves as the main factor for the employer to make a decision.

A letter of recommendation will be useful to a student for admission to a master's program, for employment or transfer to another educational institution. A paper with recommendations can be written by his teacher, a supervisor who is able to correctly characterize the student and write useful recommendations for him.

A letter of recommendation is very important for a student after graduation. The graduate has no experience, so the teacher can evaluate his knowledge, skills and character educational institution. When searching new work, written references are a useful addition to a resume, in addition to a diploma of education received. Therefore, it is recommended that after graduation from the university, contact the teacher with a request to write such a paper.

Another popular reason for issuing such a document is admission to the magistracy. Often, along with other documents, it is required to provide and letter of recommendation from the teacher.

  • title part - date, place of execution, information about the addressee, title of the document;
  • the main part - basic information about the author of the letter and the student, his characteristics and recommendations for him;
  • author's signature.

The addressee should be indicated if it is known in advance to whom the letter of recommendation is intended. If there is no such information, then this attribute is omitted.

In the main part, you need to indicate from whom the recommendations are written and for whom (name of the author of the recommendation letter, his position, attitude towards the student, his name). It should be indicated at which faculty the recommended one studied, the period of study, what specialty he received.

The first part of the text characterizes the knowledge and skills of the student, describes the experience gained in practice, the success of the assimilation of knowledge, academic performance. Next, an assessment of the personality is given - how he interacts with other people, the degree of conflict, the main features are described. All this information will allow you to get the most complete picture of the student, to identify his strengths and weaknesses.

The signed form is given to the student or directly to the destination.

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Ceteris paribus, a properly drafted letter of recommendation can tip the scales in favor of one or another candidate upon admission to foreign university or receiving a scholarship. Learn how to choose a referee and write an effective student recommendation letter.

The purpose of a letter of recommendation to a student is to give an idea of ​​the abilities, achievements and personal qualities of the candidate. It is written on behalf of the person under whose direct supervision the candidate studied, performed science project or work. Usually 2-3 references are required from different individuals. Most often, these are teachers, supervisors or supervisors from work.

In Russia and in other countries former USSR the culture of letters of recommendation is not developed and not everyone knows how to write them in the accepted international format. Therefore, it is better to prepare the texts yourself and then coordinate them with the recommenders.

The text of letters of recommendation should be “tailored” to the requirements of the training program or grant competition. For example, see how it differs. Therefore, before writing the text, carefully study the requirements for the candidate m.

Recommendations should help achieve your goal, namely: to go to university or receive a grant. Not every letter of recommendation is helpful. Therefore, the choice of recommenders should be approached consciously.

  • competent in the area of ​​interest to you or a related area;
  • is able to evaluate your achievements in the area of ​​interest to you;
  • can give an exhaustive description of your personal qualities;
  • can evaluate your professionalism (punctuality, efficiency, etc.);
  • is able to characterize your academic abilities and intellectual potential;
  • high opinion of you and your abilities;
  • has status and a certain recognition in the field of interest to you.

Make a list of your potential referrals and select those who meet most of the criteria.Start thinking about references as soon as you decide to go study abroad. Try to gain experience and competencies that you want to reflect in letters of recommendation, show yourself in a favorable light in front of the right recommenders: make sure that your zeal and success do not go unnoticed by them.

A standard letter of recommendation should consist of 4 parts:

Context (introduction)

  • In what capacity and for how long has the referrer known the candidate.

Candidate Achievements

  • The overall assessment of the abilities of the candidate who played important role in the course of training, assignments, projects, research or official duties.
  • Characteristics of the activities and achievements of the candidate during the mentioned period of study or work (here you can list awards, honors, certificates, etc.).
  • Characteristic strengths candidate, especially when compared to other students or work colleagues with a similar background.

Personal qualities of the candidate

  • An assessment of the candidate's motivation and maturity (especially if we are talking about admission to a master's or doctoral program).
  • Characteristics of leadership and communication qualities, the ability to work in a team or individually.


  • Finally, the recommender must justify why he believes that the recommended candidate should be accepted into the specified program of study or awarded a grant.
  • This is followed by a phrase stating that additional information about the candidate can be provided upon request.
  • At the very end, the surname and initials of the recommender, his position and contacts (email address, phone number) are indicated.

The document must be signed by the recommender. If possible, the recommendation can be printed on the official letterhead of the institution where the recommender works. However, this is not always possible, so you can do without it.

  • The tone of the letter is extremely positive. Even a neutral tone of the letter can only hurt, as it is likely to be perceived negatively.
  • Reflects the subjective opinion of the recommender about the candidate, and does not list what can be learned from the test results, diploma, etc.
  • Sufficiently detailed and specific: statements about the qualities, achievements and skills of the candidate are supported by real examples.
  • Takes into account the specific requirements of a particular training program or grant program in evaluating a candidate.
  • Fits on one, maximum - on two pages.
  • Too short to fit description of specific examples and events.
  • Written according to the template, without considering the purpose of the recommendation.
  • Focuses on the context (for example, a detailed description of the circumstances of meeting the candidate), and not on the qualities and achievements of the candidate.
  • Contains unsubstantiated praise of the candidate.
  • It tells about events that happened many years ago.

for a 11 "a" graduate of the MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozerskaya secondary school No. 1" of the Yeravninsky district, Republic of Buryatia

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich 02/23/1998, birthplace Sosnovo-Ozerskoye village, Eravninsky district, passport data 8111 444331 issued by the TP of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus in the Eravninsky district dated 03/28/2012, residing at the address of the Republic of Belarus, Sosnovo-Ozerskoye village, Domninskaya st. 6a.

The education department of the municipality "Eravninsky district" and the administration of the MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozerskoysosh No. 1" recommend Ardan Valerievich Dambaev, a graduate of the school, for admission to a military institution.

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich is a current graduate of the MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozersk secondary school No. 1", a candidate for gold medal, has a certificate with honors for basic general education.

Ardan's successes speak for themselves; he is one of the brightest and most significant representatives of the 2015 graduates. In 2012, Ardan took courses on the topic “ International communication technologies and oratory skills”, has a certificate of international personnel registration, assistance in obtaining higher education, including abroad, as well as in career guidance in the international field of activity in the system of non-governmental organizations under the UN, UNESCO, Ekaterinburg. Based on the results of this study, he received a diploma of a graduate of the Summer Academy of UNESCO International Youth Leaders for successfully completing the course "International communication technologies and oratory" with the right to participate in actions of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations under the UN, UNESCO.

This graduate has a high, positive performance of participation in International, All-Russian and municipal olympiads and extracurricular activities:

International level:

    2012, certificate of participation in the International Spelling Literacy Competition

All-Russian level:

    2010, certificate of participation in the All-Russian youth subject championship in history (5th place)

Regional level:

    2009, Diploma of the Interregional Research and Production Complex dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Buryat chronicler, Uligershin, local historian R.E. Erdyneev

    2010, diploma, for the 1st place in the NPK artistic word competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the honored cultural worker Sh.N. Nimbuev

    2010 Certificate of honor for III place in the Republican NPC of teachers and students "Beligei tuyaa"

    2010, diploma for III place at the republican mini-football competitions among teams general education schools RB

    2010, certificate of the participant of the IV Republican contest of the artistic word "Wonderful Treasure of Buryatia"

    2010, diploma for II place in the Futsal Festival among yard teams for the cup of deputies of the City Council

    2011, a letter of thanks for participating in the III Republican Conference "Nimbuev Readings"

    2011, certificate of honor, for the VI place in the Republican NPC of teachers and students "Beligei tuyaa"

    2011, certificate of participation in the Republican competition "Gulamta" (10th place in the republic)

    2011, the results of participation in the republican inter-subject competition "Polyathlon-monitoring" (achieved level - sufficient)

    2013, certificate of a participant in the Republican Scientific and Practical Complex “Step into the Future”, section “Buryat language”

    2013, diploma for III place in the Republican Olympiad of BSU "Baikal Perspective"

    2013, a letter of thanks for participation in the V Republican SPC "Beligeytuyaa"

    2013, a letter of thanks for participating in the interregional Olympiad in the Buryat language

    2013, participant certificate Interregional Olympiad on Baikal Studies"

    2013, certificate for II place in the 20th Republican football tournament "Ulhasaa Cup"

    Certificate of participation in the Republican Complex Olympiad "Lingua-2013"

    2014, Diploma of the Republican Research and Production Association "Star of the East", in the nomination "For the study of Buddhist traditions"

    2014, Diploma for participation in the competition of the Buddhist Sandhi of Russia "Ehe helen-nyutagai magtaal"

    2014, certificate of participation in the interregional game competition " british bulldog" on English language(2nd place in the region)

    2014, diploma for III place in the XXI republican mini-football tournament among youths

    2014, diploma for II place in the region in the inter-regional competition in English "British Bulldog"

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich demonstrates a sufficiently high level of basic knowledge necessary for continuing education, possesses general educational and subject skills and abilities, and owns modern computer technologies. A graduate is able to navigate the educational, social situation on the basis of personally mastered subject knowledge, cultural heritage, norms social behavior and interpersonal communication. Dambaev Ardan knows how to systematize the material within learning topic able to reason, knows how to work rationally, is able to apply his knowledge in practice. Developed self-awareness and adequate self-esteem, the need for self-knowledge.

Dambaev Ardan is a developed personality capable of self-determination with a pronounced civic position and a sense of patriotism. The young man demonstrates social maturity, responsibility for his actions, has a legal culture. He is distinguished by the ability to defend his views and beliefs, the ability to find a non-standard solution in an unexpected life situation.

Dambaev Ardan leads healthy lifestyle life, consciously relates to their health. This is an indispensable participant in school, regional sports events. He is engaged in the school military-patriotic circle "Zorig", which taught him to apply the simplest methods of first aid, to act in emergency situations.

At school, he is attentive, disciplined, accurate. The material explained by the teacher is learned quickly and easily. A graduate is able to build further training plans, to identify the meaning of his learning activities. He is always ready for lessons, he uses additional material in preparation. The graduate is able to argue his knowledge and the results obtained. Able to translate acquired knowledge into spiritual and material activity forms. Dambaev Ardan is a repeated participant in subject Olympiads in the Buryat language and literature. Possesses good written and oral speech. Able to plan his work and free time. Dambaev Ardan is an interesting interlocutor, as he is an original, non-standard, peculiar person who has his own point of view on most issues.

If necessary, he knows how to defend his views and position, to decide in a situation of choice, while showing firmness and determination.

It has developed a sense of collectivism, mutual support. For his sensitive and sympathetic character among his comrades, he enjoys respect and trust. Responsibly and conscientiously performs duties in the class team. Rejoices in the success of his comrades. Never achieves his goal at the expense of others or to their detriment.

Kindness, modesty, responsiveness are the main features of his character.

Head of the NGO "Yeravninsky District": ___________ / Shagdarova V.I /

Director of secondary school No. 1: ____________________ / Tyshkenova I.Yu. /
