It is believed that a significant role in the evolution and distribution of all types of organisms on earth, including humans, was played by cyclic climate changes that occurred on our planet with an interval of tens of thousands of years. During periods of cooling, the habitats and the number of animals decreased, and during periods of warming, the number and diversity of living forms increased, and different species settled on habitable territories - from Africa to Asia and Europe. All this was confirmed by the analysis of genomes. modern people. More and more new genetic data are gradually clarifying in more detail the picture of the settlement by people of different continents, the emergence of new human communities in different regions of the earth. The chronicle of man's conquest of our planet is gradually being restored using numerous genetic "evidence" (primarily from snips).

Examination of mitDNA and DNA contained in the Y-chromosome of a large number of people from different parts of the world led to the discovery of more than two hundred polymorphic marker regions, which were ultimately used for comparison. The totality of changes in markers reflected the "molecular history" of human migration. In the end, about two dozen "destinations" of the movement of migration waves were identified, which made it possible to build a genealogical tree of the human race. This was largely facilitated by the presence of unique groups of markers characteristic of certain geographically and historically isolated populations people (such as Iceland and Japan).

In general, modern ideas about the process of migration of the human population across the Earth, obtained as a result of the analysis of numerous snips in the Y-chromosome and mitDNA, are reflected in Fig. 39 on a colored insert.

Rice. 39. Ways and time of human migration on Earth, established by genetic markers. The arrows indicate the direction of migration, the different colors on the arrows indicate the times of migration (from the tab in the journal Nature, February 2001).

Different races and peoples arose after the separation of some relatively homogeneous ancestral population. In each of the groups of people, their own, very characteristic mutations independently occurred. Comparative analysis of mitDNA of different populations of living people made it possible to conclude that in the Stone Age the ancestral population was divided into at least three groups, which gave rise to the African, Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. Studies by ethnogenetics point to the absence of any genetic basis for dividing people into races. People belonging to different races have very small differences in their genomes. However, these small but very specific differences between individual mitDNA lineages may indicate a Mongoloid or Caucasoid origin.

According to ethnogenomics, about 60-130 thousand years ago, a person left Africa for Asia. The first settlers from Africa reached the Near East and about 60,000 years ago settled almost the entire Asian continent. 40-60 thousand years ago, man has already mastered the lands of Australia, America and Europe.

Based on the frequencies of ancient types of mutations in the nucleotide sequences of mitDNA and DNA of Y-chromosomes in different European human populations, it was possible to reconstruct several waves of human migrations in the Old World. It has been established that the first settlers from Asia appeared in Europe 40-50 thousand years ago in the Paleolithic era. MitDNA lines that came to Europe with the first wave of migration now make up a significant part of the mitDNA of people inhabiting the territories from northwestern Europe to the Ural Mountains. MitDNA determined that 80% of Europeans had at least seven founding mothers and ten male ancestors. According to the Englishman Brian Sykes, given in his book "The Seven Daughters of Eve", all modern Europeans are descendants of the seven daughters of the "genetic Eve". The other 27 women became the progenitors of the rest of the world's population. And one of them must be your great-great-great-great-grandmother. The conclusion regarding the number of male ancestors of the European population was made by a large international team of scientists, including researchers from Russia (headed by Professor S. A. Limborska), as a result of a large-scale analysis of the Y chromosome. In the gene pool of most European men, only ten types of this sex chromosome were found. Thus, the bulk of Europeans (about 80%) have ancestors who moved to Europe from Central Asia or the Middle East as early as the Stone Age (i.e., about 40 thousand years ago).

Of course, the statement about the ten forefathers and seven foremothers of modern Europeans should not be taken literally. Firstly, there were certainly significantly more of them (but it is still difficult to estimate the total number). Secondly, they probably lived in different eras. Scientists only argue that among all the people who lived 40 thousand years ago, very few were likely to leave direct descendants who have survived to this day. Elementary statistics predict (and we have already discussed this) that the more generations pass, the less likely it is that a particular genus with a particular Y chromosome will survive. After all, over the course of many generations, in some families several boys were born, and in others - not a single one. The result of this was that one genus (and one variety of the Y chromosome) disappeared forever, and some other genus (quite by accident) produced more numerous offspring. Ultimately, a moment must inevitably come when all the original surnames, except for one, disappear in a particular population. A similar process can be observed, for example, in small isolated settlements, where all residents can bear the same surname.

What else did geneticists read in the Encyclopedia of Man? According to modern genetic data, at the beginning of the last ice age (about 24 thousand years ago), the descendants of ancient people who came to Europe from Asia found refuge in different parts of Europe. As a result, three isolated evolutionary branches were formed: the first on the territory of present-day Spain, the second on the territory of Ukraine, and the third on the Balkans. The most unique population in terms of genetic characteristics turned out to be the Basques. It is now believed that they are the only modern representatives of the oldest inhabitants of Europe - the Cro-Magnons. Interestingly, the conclusions of geneticists are also confirmed by some of the data of linguists, indicating the uniqueness of the Basque language. Later, about 16 thousand years ago, when the ice melted, the tribes settled throughout Europe: the Spanish tribes moved to the northeast, the Ukrainian ones to Eastern Europe, and the Balkan tribes remained in Central Europe. The second wave of migration of peoples to Europe corresponds to the advance of the Neolithic agricultural peoples from the places of origin of agriculture (the region of Mesopotamia) to the north and west of Europe. In this, the genetic assessment coincided with archaeological data: the process most likely occurred during the Neolithic, approximately 7-9 thousand years ago. It was these settlers who added the missing 20% ​​of the gene pool to European men (recall that 80% of the gene pool was obtained back in the Stone Age). Finally, another wave of migration, which corresponds to the expansion of Greek culture, occurred in the 1st millennium BC. Just before this, Moses, according to legend, led the Jewish people out of Egypt, and then led them through the desert for 40 years.

Scientists continue to study the details of migration processes that took place in the history of mankind. And gradually it became clear more interesting facts, which could only be established thanks to human DNA research. So, it was determined that the Polynesians most likely discovered America long before Columbus. Scientists came to this conclusion by comparing the DNA of the indigenous people of Samoa with the DNA of Indian tribes. South America. In the genetics of people living six thousand kilometers from each other, a noticeable similarity was found. Probably around 500 AD, sailors from the southern part Pacific Ocean, moving on sailing boats, reached America. For some time, the Polynesians maintained trade relations with the indigenous population of the continent. This theory is supported by the following non-genetic fact: already around 1000 AD, sweet potato appeared in Polynesia, although this tuber was “officially” discovered only five centuries later, when Columbus visited America.

So where did people eventually come to America from? And the first answers to this question have already been received. According to DNA analysis of modern people, the ancestors of the First Americans are ancestors from Southern Siberia. Numerous traces left in the Y-chromosome have been found linking the population of America with their distant ancestors who lived in the Baikal region. The situation with female ancestors is more complicated. But one way or another, geneticists have already given a significant hint where to look for the origins of Americanism - in the territory modern Russia. (Now the Americans have "good" reasons to claim our Siberia as their historical homeland!).

By examining mutations that have made their way into the DNA of the Y chromosome, scientists can estimate how distant (in a genetic sense) men from two ethnic groups are from our common ancestor. Some of the results obtained by this method turned out to be quite surprising. For example, it turned out that the Welsh and the British are genetically almost unrelated. (Perhaps this is the reason for the constant contradictions between them). At the same time, only the Welsh turned out to be the true descendants of the Britons (the ancient inhabitants of Britain), and the modern British turned out to be genetically closest to the inhabitants of the Netherlands, where they had previously presumably lived.

Conducted DNA studies have yielded many other interesting results. So, it has always been believed that travel is the prerogative of the male. However, as analysis of mitDNA and DNA of Y-chromosomes showed, women in those distant times migrated much more intensively than men. This fact can be explained, apparently, by the fact that for most diverse human communities it has always been characteristic for women to leave after marriage for their husband's house. Thus, the migrations of women associated with marriage probably left no less, and perhaps more noticeable trace in the human genome than, say, the exodus of the Jews from Egypt or all the military campaigns of Alexander the Great.

So, without any archaeological finds and historical sources, but only using the DNA texts contained in the nuclear and mitochondrial genome of modern people, geneticists manage to restore the history of the appearance of the first people on Earth, describe their migration routes, trace deep family ties between different races, peoples and nations. This leads to an important conclusion: nature has preserved in our DNA the only reliable hundred-year-old chronicle text .

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History with geography recorded in our genome (ethnogenomics)Genetic landscapes (genogeography)

The history of mankind is being erased from our memory, and only the efforts of scientists can bring us closer to it. The origin of man has occupied the minds of researchers for more than one hundred years. Theologians say that man came into being as a result of an act of divine creation; paranormal researchers talk about our extraterrestrial origins; anthropologists present evidence of the origin of man in the process of evolution. Proponents of a particular theory provide their evidence of correctness. The materials published by me describe the conclusions made by anthropologists, archaeologists, geneticists, biologists and representatives of other scientific fields. I want to note that these are the people who have spent thousands of hours behind microscopes; dug up tons of earth; transported to laboratories, examined and compared hundreds of thousands of fossil bones of our ancestors. You want to ask if I'm not the same Charles Darwin who laid the foundations of modern evolutionary theory? No, we're just cousins...

At the end of November last year, the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Ways of Evolutionary Geography" was held in Moscow, dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrei Alekseevich Velichko, the founder of the scientific school of evolutionary geography and paleoclimatology. The conference was of an interdisciplinary nature, many reports were devoted to the study of the geographical factors of human settlement on the planet, its adaptation to various natural conditions, the influence of these conditions on the nature of settlements and the migration paths of ancient man. We present a brief overview of some of these interdisciplinary reports.

The role of the Caucasus in human settlement

Corresponding member's report RAS H.A. Amirkhanova(Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) was devoted to the archaeological sites of the North Caucasus in the context of the problem of the initial human settlement (long before the appearance Homo sapiens and their exit from Africa). For a long time in the Caucasus there were two monuments of the Oldowan type, one of them - the Dmanisi site (1 million 800 thousand years) in Georgia, became widely known. 10-15 years ago, 15 sites were discovered in the Caucasus, the Stavropol Upland and in the southern Azov region, which are attributed to the same time - the early Pleistocene. This is the largest concentration of monuments of the Oldowan culture. Now North Caucasian monuments of this type are confined to the plateau and middle mountains, but at the time of human habitation there, they were located on the sea coast.

Monuments of the Oldovan of the Caucasus and Ciscaucasia. 1 - monuments of the Armenian Highlands (Kurtan: points near the Nurnus paleo lake; 2 - Dmanisi; 3 - monuments of Central Dagestan (Ainikab, Mukhai, Gegalashur); 4 - Zhukovskoye; 5 - monuments of the southern Azov region (Bogatyrs, Rodniki, Kermek). From the presentation X .A.Amirkhanova.

The North Caucasian Early Pleistocene monuments are directly related to the problem of the time and ways of the initial human settlement in Eurasia. Their study made it possible to obtain unique materials (archaeological, geological, paleobotanical, paleontological) and draw the following conclusions:

1 - The initial settlement of the North Caucasus occurred approximately 2.3 - 2.1 million years ago;

2 - The picture of the ways of human settlement in the space of Eurasia was supplemented by a new direction - along the western coast of the Caspian Sea.

Ways of the initial settlement of man. Solid lines indicate migration routes confirmed by open sites; dotted lines are suggested migration routes. From the presentation of H.A. Amirkhanov.

On the Settlement of America

Doctor of History Sciences S.A.Vasiliev(Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his presentation presented a picture of the settlement of North America based on the latest paleogeographic and archaeological data.

In the late Pleistocene era, the Beringian dry land existed in the interval from 27 to 14.0-13.8 thousand years. In Beringia, man was attracted by the commercial fauna, S.A. Vasiliev noted, although the man did not find the mammoth here anymore, he hunted bison, reindeer and red deer. It is assumed that a person remained in the territory of Beringia for several tens of thousands of years, at the end of the Pleistocene there was a resettlement of groups to the east and a rapid increase in their numbers. The oldest reliable traces of human habitation in the American part of Beringia date back to about 14.8-14.7 thousand years ago (the lower cultural layer of the Swan Point site). The monument's microblade industry reflects the first migration wave. Three different groups of cultures existed in Alaska - the Denali complex belonging to the Beringian province, the Nenana complex, and the Paleo-Indian cultures with various types of arrowheads. The Nenana complex includes the Little John site on the border of Alaska and Yukon. Denali-type sites are similar to those of the Duqtai culture in Yakutia, but these are not copies of it: rather, we are talking about a community of microblade industries that covered eastern Asia and the American part of Beringia. The finds with grooved tips are very interesting.

The two migration routes pointed to by archaeological and paleoclimatic evidence are the Mackenzie interglacial corridor and the ice-free route along the Pacific coast. However, some facts, for example, finds of grooved tips in Alaska, indicate that, apparently, at the end of the Pleistocene, a reverse migration took place - not from northwest to southeast, but vice versa - along the Mackenzie corridor in the opposite direction; it was associated with the northward migration of the bison, followed by the Paleo-Indians.

Unfortunately, the Pacific route was inundated by the post-glacial rise in the level of the oceans, and most of the sites are now on the seabed. Archaeologists were left with only later data: shell mounds, traces of fishing and petiole tips were found on the Channel Islands off the coast of California.

The Mackenzie Corridor, which becomes accessible after the partial melting of the ice sheets, 14 thousand years ago, according to new data, was more favorable for habitation than previously thought. Unfortunately, traces of human activity were found only in the southern part of the corridor, dating back 11 thousand years, these are traces of the Clovis culture.

The discoveries of recent years are found in different parts North American monuments older than the Clovis culture, most of them are concentrated in the east and south of the continent. One of the main ones is Meadowcroft in Pennsylvania - a complex of arrowheads dated 14 thousand years ago. In particular, there are points in the Great Lakes region where the skeletal remains of a mammoth are found, accompanied by stone tools. In the west, the discovery of the Paisley caves was a sensation, where a culture of petiolate arrowheads that preceded Clovis was found; later these cultures coexisted. At the Manis site, a mastodon rib with a bone tip stuck in was found, about 14 thousand years old. Thus, it has been shown that clovis is not the first crop to appear in North America.

But clovis is the first culture that demonstrates the complete settlement of the continent by man. In the west, it is dated to a very short interval for a Paleolithic culture from 13,400 to 12,700 years ago, and in the east it lasted until 11,900 years ago. The Clovis culture is characterized by grooved tips, which have no analogues among the artifacts of the Old World. The clovis industry is based on the use of high quality sources of raw materials. flint was transported over distances of hundreds of kilometers in the form of bifaces, which were later used to produce arrowheads. And the sites, mainly in the west, are not associated with rivers, but with ponds and shallow reservoirs, while in the Old World the Paleolithic is most often confined to river valleys.

Summing up, S.A. Vasiliev outlined a more complex picture of the settlement of North America than it seemed until recently. Instead of a single migration wave from Beringia, directed from the northwest to the southeast, along the Mackenzie corridor, most likely, there were several migrations of different times and different directions. Apparently, the first wave of migration from Beringia went along the Pacific coast, and then settling to the east followed. The advance along the Mackenzie Corridor probably took place at a later time, and this corridor was a "two-way street" - some groups went from the north, others from the south. The Clovis culture originated in the southeastern United States and then spread north and west across the continent. Finally, the end of the Pleistocene was marked by the "reverse" migration of a group of Paleo-Indians northward, along the Mackenzie corridor, to Beringia. However, all these ideas, S.A. Vasiliev emphasized, are based on extremely limited material, incomparable with what is available in Eurasia.

1 - migration route from Beringia along the Pacific coast; 2 - migratory route to the southeast along the Mackenzie corridor; 3 - distribution of the Clovis culture in North America; 4 - the spread of ancient people in South America; 5 - return migrations to Beringia. Source: S.A. Vasiliev, Yu.E. Berezkin, A.G. Kozintsev, I.I. Peiros, S.B. Slobodin, A.V. Tabarev. Human settlement of the New World: an experience of interdisciplinary research. St. Petersburg: Nestor-history, 2015. S. 561, insert.

He was not afraid to take the first step

E.I. Kurenkova(Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences) spoke about the problem of the interaction between nature and human society in the works of A.A. Velichko - a problem that, according to her, was his "first love" in paleogeography. As emphasized by E.I. Kurenkov, now some things seem obvious to archaeologists and paleogeographers, but someone always said it first, and in many matters it was Andrei Alekseevich, who was not afraid and knew how to take the first step.

So, in the 50s of the last century, while still a graduate student, he questioned the then dominant idea of ​​an earlier age of the Upper Paleolithic in Eastern Europe. He sharply rejuvenated the Upper Paleolithic, suggested that it corresponds to the time of the Valdai (Würm) glaciation. This conclusion was made on the basis of a detailed study of the Paleolithic sites of the East European Plain. He refuted the authoritative opinion about the famous "dugouts" of the Kostenkovskaya site - a detailed analysis showed that these are permafrost wedges - natural traces of permafrost that cover the cultural layers with the finds.

A.A. Velichko was one of the first to make an attempt to determine the role of natural changes in human settlement on the planet. He emphasized that man was the only creature who could leave the ecological niche where he appeared and master completely different environmental conditions. He tried to understand the motivation of human groups that change habitual living conditions to the opposite ones. And the wide adaptive capabilities of man, which allowed him to settle up to the Arctic. A.A. Velichko initiated the study of human settlement of high latitudes - the purpose of this project was to create a holistic picture of the history of the penetration of people to the North, their incentives and motivation, to identify the possibilities of the Paleolithic society to explore the circumpolar spaces. According to E.I. Kurenkova, he became the soul of the collective Atlas-monograph “Initial settlement of the Arctic by humans in a changing natural environment” (Moscow, GEOS, 2014).

V last years A.A. Velichko wrote about the anthroposphere, which was formed and separated from the biosphere, has its own mechanisms of development and in the 20th century is getting out of the control of the biosphere. He writes about the collision of two trends - the general trend towards cooling and anthropogenic global warming. He emphasized that we do not understand enough the mechanisms of this interaction, so we must be on our guard. One of the first A.A. Velichko began to cooperate with geneticists, while now the interaction of paleogeographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, geneticists has become absolutely necessary. A.A. Velichko was also one of the first to establish international contacts: he organized the Soviet-French long-term work on the interaction of man and nature. It was very important and rare for those years in terms of international cooperation (and even with a capitalist country).

His position in science - E.I. Kurenkova noted - was sometimes controversial, but it was never uninteresting, never was not advanced.

Way to the North

The report of Dr. Geogr. Sciences A.L. Chepalygi(Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences) under the title "The Way to the North: the oldest migrations of the Oldovan culture and the primary settlement of Europe through the south of Russia." The way to the North - this is how A.A. Velichko called the process of human exploration of the space of Eurasia. The exit from Africa was the path to the north, and then this path continued in the expanses of Eurasia. It allows us to trace the latest discoveries of sites of the Oldowan culture: in the North Caucasus, in Transcaucasia, in the Crimea, along the Dniester, along the Danube.

A.L. Chepalyga focused on the study of terraces on the southern coast of Crimea, between Sudak and Karadag, which were previously considered continental, but after a thorough examination were recognized as marine. Multilayered human sites with artifacts of the Oldowan type, confined to these Eopleistocene terraces, have been found. Their age is determined and the connection with climatic cycles and fluctuations of the Black Sea basin is shown. This testifies to the littoral, coastal-marine adaptation of the Oldowan man.

Archaeological and geomorphological materials have made it possible to reconstruct the migration of man during his primary exit from Africa, which dates back to about 2 million years ago. After moving to the Middle East, the path of man followed due north through Arabia, Central Asia and the Caucasus up to 45 o N. (Manych Strait). At this latitude, a sharp reversal of migration to the west is recorded - this is the North Black Sea passage, the corridor of migration to Europe. It ended in the territory of modern Spain and France, almost reaching Atlantic Ocean. The reason for this turn is not clear, there are only working hypotheses, A.L. Chepalyga.

Source: "Ways of evolutionary geography", Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific conference dedicated to the memory of Professor A.A. Velichko, Moscow, November 23-25, 2016

Human settlement in the Siberian Arctic

The report was devoted to the study of the first wave of Paleolithic human settlement in the north. E.Yu.Pavlova(Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg) and Ph.D. ist. Sciences V.V. Pitulko(Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg). This resettlement could begin about 45 thousand years ago, when the entire territory of northeastern Europe was free from the glacier. The most attractive for human habitation were areas with a mosaic landscape - low mountains, foothills, plains and rivers - such a landscape is typical for the Urals, it provides an abundance of stone raw materials. For a long time, the population remained low, then began to increase, as evidenced by the sites of the Upper and Late Paleolithic discovered in recent years on the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland.

The report presented the results of the study of the Yanskaya Paleolithic site - this is the oldest complex of archaeological sites documenting the early human settlement in the Arctic. Its dating is 28.5 - 27 thousand years ago. Three categories of artifacts were found in the cultural layers of the Yanskaya site: stone macrotools (scrapers, pikes, bifaces) and microtools; utilitarian items made of horn and bone (weapons, promises, needles, awls) and non-utilitarian items (tiaras, bracelets, jewelry, beads, etc.). Nearby is the largest Yansky mammoth cemetery - its dating is from 37,000 to 8,000 years ago.

To reconstruct the living conditions of ancient people in the Arctic at the Yanskaya site, studies were carried out on carbon dating, spore-pollen analysis and analysis of plant macroremains of Quaternary deposits for the period of 37-10 thousand years ago. It was possible to perform a paleoclimatic reconstruction, which showed a change in periods of warming and cooling in the area of ​​the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland. A sharp transition to cooling occurred 25 thousand years ago, marking the onset of the Sartan cryochron, the maximum cooling was observed 21-19 thousand years ago, and then warming began. 15 thousand years ago, average temperatures reached modern values ​​and even exceeded them, and 13.5 thousand years ago they returned to the maximum cooling. 12.6-12.1 thousand years ago there was a noticeable warming, reflected in the spore-pollen spectra; the cooling of the Middle Dryas 12.1-11.9 thousand years ago was short and 11.9 thousand years ago was replaced by warming; then followed the cooling of the Younger Dryas - 11.0-10.5 thousand years ago and warming about 10 thousand years ago.

The authors of the study conclude that, in general, the natural and climatic conditions in the Yana-Indigirskaya lowland, as well as in the entire Siberian Arctic, were acceptable for human settlement and habitation. Probably, after the first wave of settlement, following the cooling, depopulation occurred, since in the period from 27 to 18 thousand years ago there were no archaeological sites in this territory. But the second wave of settlement - about 18 thousand years ago, was successful. 18 thousand years ago, a permanent population appeared in the Urals, which then, as the glacier retreated, moved to the northwest. Interestingly, in general, the second wave of colonization took place in a colder climate. But a person has increased the level of adaptation, which allowed him to survive in harsh conditions.

The unique Paleolithic complex Kostenki

A separate section at the conference was devoted to the research of one of the most famous complexes of Paleolithic sites in Kostenki (on the Don River, Voronezh Region). A.A. Velichko began working in Kostenki in 1952, and the result of his participation was the replacement of the stadial concept with the concept of archaeological cultures. Cand. history of sciences A.A. Sinitsyn(Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg) characterized the Kostenki-14 site (Markina Gora) as a reference section of the cultural variability of the Paleolithic of Eastern Europe against the background of climatic variability. The section contains 8 cultural layers and 3 paleontological ones.

I cultural layer (27.0-28.0 thousand years ago) contains typical arrowheads of the Kostenkovo-Avdeevka culture and “knives of the Kostenkovo ​​type”, as well as a powerful accumulation of mammoth bones. The second cultural layer (33.0-34.0 thousand years ago) contains artifacts of the Gorodtsovskaya archaeological culture (tools of the Mousterian type). The belonging of the III cultural layer (33.8-35.2 thousand years ago) remains debatable due to the lack of specific items belonging to the culture. Under the III cultural layer in 1954, a burial was discovered, which is currently the most ancient burial of modern man (36.9-38.8 thousand years ago according to calibrated dating).

XP. Ways of migrations of primitive people.

Alexander Sergeevich Suvorov ("Alexander Suvory").


Experience in reconstructing the sequence of historical events in time and space in correlation with solar activity.


Part 7. The era of mythical civilizations.

Chapter 50.3. Ways of migrations of primitive people.

Illustration from the open Internet.

Population density by modern people of the Oikoumene (inhabited world) of the "Old World". Not the number of population, but the number of people per 1 sq. km. km. square!
(Thanks to the authors of this wonderful map - A.S.).

The whole world. Migrations of primitive people. Modern humanity. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis is a race of mankind of classical intelligent Neanderthals. Homo sapiens sapiens are the classical Cro-Magnon race of humanity. Classical primitive society. Socio-economic formation. modern civilization. Rasogenesis. World proto-tower conceptual language "Turit". Eurasian language family. The penetration of Asian Mongoloids into America. Settling of Oceania and Australia by the Australoid Sea Peoples. Wide spread of new types of tools and weapons. Three world ways of human migrations - Austric, Boreal and African (reverse). 49,000 BC

The “antediluvian” position of the North and South Poles, the relatively low level of the world ocean (60-61 m below the current level), a different location of the continents and seas in climatic and natural zones, powerful glaciation of the northern territory of the future Canada, as well as the existence of Berengia or continuous land - the shelf between northeast Asia and North America, as well as the vast shelf lands of Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda in Southeast Asia, have a decisive influence on the antediluvian world of Oikumene (inhabited world) of this time (50,000-49,000 BC .e.).

The development of the world (hypothetical, "proto-tower") conceptual proto-language "Turit". The universal conceptual language of communication "Turit" is the basis of all currently existing language families: Australian, Papuan, Ainu, Nivkh, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Congo, Khoisan (Bushman-Hottentot), Austrian (Austrian), Chukchi-Kamchatka and the huge Eurasian language families (40,000-20,000 BC).

Formation of the three main ways of migration and settlement of Homo sapiens sapiens - neoanthrope, classical Cro-Magnon man, modern man, carrier of the future Aurignacian or Aurignacian archaeological culture (its variants) on the continents of the Earth:

Austric, Boreal and African (back to Africa).

The Austrian path leads Homo sapiens sapiens along the coast of the Indian Ocean through the future India and Southeast Asia, with a division of the path to Oceania and Australia, and along the Pacific coast of East Asia through Kamchatka and the Aleutian Islands to America. The beginning of the settlement of the territory of island Oceania and Australia by the "peoples of the sea" - people of a modern look and appearance with Australoid racial characteristics.

The boreal path leads Homo sapiens sapiens to the subpolar regions of Europe through the Middle East, Asia Minor, the Caucasus and the Balkans, through the Black Sea and Ciscaucasia to the European territory future Russia and through Central Asia, the Southern Urals and Altai to Eastern Siberia, Primorye and Berengia. The beginning of the settlement of the territory of North America through Berengia by primitive people Homo sapiens sapiens of the modern species with Mongoloid racial characteristics.

The Return African Route leads Homo sapiens sapiens to the settlement of Africa: the Sahara, Northeast Africa, the coast of the African Mediterranean and nearby islands. The settlement of North Africa, the Mediterranean and the nearby islands by the Negroid race of people of modern appearance and appearance.

The total (estimated) population of the Earth at this time (50,000-49,000 BC) is 25,000,000 people. At the same time, the "phenomenological theory of the growth of the Earth's population" and the methodology for calculating the population of the Earth in the past and future are so complex and interesting that they require explanation in a separate chapter of the "Chronology".

The indicated estimated number of primitive people of a given time (50,000-49,000 BC) includes not only representatives of real-life humanity, races and peoples of reasonable classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, but also the probable estimated number of ancient archanthropes, pithecanthropes and other relic hominids .

Many of them occupy the most “deaf”, “secret”, hidden, secret, isolated and remote corners of the Oikumene (inhabited world), are located on the land of the shelves of the oceans and seas, live on islands and continents, the fate of which is predetermined by future global catastrophes (the legendary Arctida-Hyperborea, Berengia, Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda, Atlantis).

Therefore, in the calculation of the actual number of humanity (humanities) and the races of reasonable classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons of a given time (49,000 BC), it is naturally and inevitably possible (possibly, probably) to include a much smaller number of primitive people - carriers of open, definite and known to science archaeological cultures.

So, for example, in Africa, about 1000 different sites of primitive people of the period 51,000-50,000 BC are known, traces and artifacts of which provide evidence of the one-time life of large communities of people (consanguineous families, communities, clans, phratries) numbering up to 100 people. Thus, archaeologists believe that at least 100,000 people of the modern species actually existed and lived in Africa at the indicated time.

Such a method of calculating the size of the primitive population is purely material, realistic, factual, valid, but naturally and inevitably does not take into account the number of primitive people who, for various reasons, did not leave material traces of their existence.

However, their presence and presence give out other information traces and material carriers of information - the movement in time and space of technologies for the production of typical tools and weapons, traditions of life and cultural behavior, the genetic heredity of descendants.

At all times in history, the number of living inhabitants on Earth obeys one simple law - there are as many of them as a particular habitat can “feed”.

In a peaceful, abundant, prosperous, conflict-free and safe time, the number of living beings is not limited by anything other than the productive possibilities of their habitats. At the same time, only predators (but not people) can influence the total number of objects of their hunting, never destroying everyone and everything.

When a “demographic explosion” occurs and the number of certain living beings exceeds the productive possibilities of their habitat, or when, due to catastrophic climatic or natural phenomena, the “feeding territory” ceases to provide the existence of a large number of living beings, then the instinctive struggle of each and every one for survival begins. One form of such a struggle for survival is mass migration to new feeding areas.

Primitive people of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) live in favorable climatic and natural conditions of the antediluvian position of the poles and the level of the world ocean (60-61 m below the current level), in the ongoing stage of the ancient Upper Pleistocene (134 000-39,000 BC), under the conditions of the development of the Middle Valdai (Karukyulas) interglacial lasting 10,000 years (50,000-40,000 BC) and the continuation of the warming stage "Würm II Murshofd (Perigor VII) interglacial" ( 51,000-46,500 BC).

Therefore, the archaeological traces and artifacts of the stone industry of the Mousterian culture, which are widely distributed throughout the Oikumene (inhabited world), convincingly inform us and testify to the probable "demographic explosion" and mass migrations of primitive people, among which representatives of Homo sapiens sapiens, the race of intelligent classical Cro-Magnons, are of key importance. .

According to the generally accepted definition, a “population explosion” is a sharp increase in the number as a result of a decrease in mortality with a high birth rate.

Naturally and naturally, in prosperous regions with abundant life support resources, as a rule, the birth rate is low, and the life span of living beings is longer. Everyone naturally wants to live longer without worries and hassles ...

In unfavorable regions with scarce life support resources, a high birth rate and the number of living beings increase the likelihood of survival of the strongest and fittest, increase the likelihood of conservation and development of the species and genus. In addition, we must not forget that during almost the entire period of the Stone Age, natural, sacrificial or ritual cannibalism was one of the ways to ensure the survival of people and animals in times of famine...

The author not just in the previous chapters of the "Chronology" studied in detail the actual, real, actual, as well as possible and probable ways of survival of primitive people in various climatic and natural zones.

The fact is that even today, the placement of modern people in habitats on Earth is extremely uneven. Human settlements (houses, villages, towns, villages, cities) are almost everywhere on Earth, even in Antarctica and on the ice field of the North Pole. However, the majority of the modern population of the Earth lives in relatively small areas.

The illustration at the beginning of this chapter shows the population densities and habitats of present-day people in the ecumene (inhabited world)—Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Australia, and New Zealand (excluding the Americas) as of 1994.

Based on the factors of normal natural habitat in the relevant climatic, natural (resource) and ecological conditions, on the location of traces of the habitation of primitive people, on the location of their sites, settlements and artifacts created by them, it can be confidently stated that the population density indicated on the illustration map and habitat corresponds to the ways of settlement or migration of primitive people of the modern species of this and subsequent times (50,000-10,000 BC).

Most of the human population of the Earth at all times lived and lives in very limited areas. Today, about 30% of the world's population is concentrated in South and Southeast Asia (India, Pakistan, Indonesia), 25% - in East Asia (China, Japan). Many people live in Europe and eastern North America.

Population density in human habitats also fluctuates dramatically. So, for example, in the middle part of the Gangetic Valley (India), the population density is three times higher than the average in the country (270 people per 1 sq. km.).

In Africa, the most densely populated territory is Nigeria (130 people per 1 sq. Km.). In Europe, the average population density is about 32 people per 1 sq. km. km. In Australia, per 1 sq. km. territory accounts for about three people population, and in Central Asia (Mongolia) - 1-2 people per 1 sq. km. km.

Very large areas of the Earth initially and still are practically not inhabited by humans.

A frightening amount of the modern population of the Earth - 6,400,000,000 people - can be accommodated in an area of ​​​​6400 square meters. km - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan) or on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe three Lakes of Geneva (Switzerland), or on the territory of the Spanish Canary Islands (7200 sq. km). At the same time, the rest of the territory of the Earth would be free from people.

Therefore, it is not the population of the Earth that should be “scared”, but their location, population density, crowding in places of residence (feeding).

An analysis of the history and demography of mankind makes it possible to identify certain patterns of population growth, distribution, resettlement and migration of people. So, for example, naturally and naturally, the maximum population growth is observed in the so-called "developing countries" or "developing cultures". At the same time, population growth is naturally low in the so-called "developed countries" or "developed cultures".

Rapid population growth or "population explosion" causes an inevitable and natural age imbalance - there are more children, adolescents and the elderly, that is, the disabled population. Children under the age of 15 are about 50%, and the elderly - from 10 to 15%.

At the same time, the population density in the "feeding territories" increases, the population of camps and settlements increases, which inevitably gives rise not only to cohesion and militancy in times of danger, but also to stress, quarrels, conflicts, rivalry and competition in "peacetime".

Characteristic and natural is the relatively high standard of living in places of permanent or predominant residence of people, in places of parking lots. Here, as a rule, technical, technological, cultural and religious centers are formed. At the same time, the “high standard of living” in the settlements contrasts sharply with the low (poor, half-starved, vagrant, beggarly) standard of living in the “periphery”.

That is why at all times in the history of mankind (mankinds) the inhabitants of the "cultural, civilized centers" inevitably, naturally and naturally were at enmity and are at enmity with the inhabitants of the "wild, barbaric outskirts" (and vice versa).

In the case of consanguineous human associations (families, communities, clans, clans, tribes and peoples), there are only two ways to avoid "fratricidal enmity" - by the development and settlement of unoccupied (deserted) fodder territories or by the conquest and enslavement of "foreign" territories (occupied by strangers, unrelated people).

That is why, in the conditions of “population explosions”, global catastrophes, climatic and natural changes, as well as the depletion of the resources of “forage territories”, mass migrations of key animals and primitive people became inevitable, natural and logical.

In addition, one of the reasons for the movements and settlements of primitive people in the Oikumene (inhabited world) is the exploratory instinct - the search for the "promised land", "paradise", "Garden of Eden", "places of abundant game", "happy place", where life and habitation is a carefree, satiated, safe, fun and joyful pastime.

As a rule, these "heavenly places" are dreamed of by "old and young" - infirm old people and impatient teenagers. Some want a well-deserved rest, others want carefree, idle fun. At the same time, both of them need maintenance and feeding ...

The author is convinced that at this time (50,000-49,000 BC) primitive people of the appropriate age dream of happiness in the same way as modern "teenagers" and "mature people", for example, in today's Ukraine ...

Therefore, based on the actual, real, real and natural settlement of people in the Oikumene (see map-illustration), it is possible to determine the places and territories of the preferred or predominant habitat of primitive people, the direction of their migration flows and routes. By the way, the maps of genetic markers, nodes and clusters exactly correspond to maps of the population density of the Earth.

Thus, the population of the Oikoumene is not as terrible as the uneven number (density) of people in places of permanent or compact habitation (living, feeding). The earth as a whole can feed and "endure" the simultaneous existence of tens of billions of animals and people.

Population growth inevitably and naturally leads to a decrease in food resources, so the "feeding capacity" of the indigenous territories inhabited by primitive people is continuously declining. In the climatic and natural conditions of the African Sahara and Africa as a whole, the “demographic explosion” inevitably leads to mass starvation, epidemics, epizootics, and migrations.

If at present (with developed agriculture and production) every fifth inhabitant of the planet is starving or malnourished, then at this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the number of starving or malnourished primitive people is probably also large.

True, the level of consumption of the vital goods of primitive people is incommensurably different than in our time. In addition, the number of key animals and plants that ensure the life and activity of primitive people of a given time (50,000-49,000 BC) is also disproportionately large.

Thus, it is not the degradation of food areas and ecosystems, but the increasing population density that may be the reasons for the migrations of animals and primitive people.

An instinctive desire to develop and discover new territories, the search for the "promised land", the desire to separate, isolate, create one's own family, one's own community, one's clan or people, the dream of finding "one's own place in life" and creating everything new "one's own" (different from boring traditions), as well as conflicts, rivalry and competition - these are the main reasons for the "heroic" migrations and travels of people of all times and peoples.

The author did not just mention the word-concept of "travel" in relation to humanity (humanities) of this time (50,000-49,000 BC). Migration is not the movement of animals and people only in one or one direction, it is, as a rule, movement "there" and return "back" - to their homeland.

That is why in the places and territories that were once abandoned by people occupied and settled by new migrants, either individual people or a mass of descendants of former indigenous people suddenly appear. They return from migration-travels to their native places, bringing with them a lot of useful, interesting, instructive or harmful - their life experience, moods, impressions, stories, information, knowledge, tools, things, objects, mores, customs, etc. .

In addition, the “travels” of primitive people can be understood as: hunting and research trips; hikes for mineral and stone raw materials; moving to places of collective meetings-events, for example, to places of joint seasonal mass driven hunting, gathering of edible plants, berries and nuts, transitions to places of ritual meetings, initiations, competitions, festivities, weddings, exchange of "brides" and "grooms" and etc.

In general, "movement" in this case is:

Displacement, shift, movement, migration, movement, permutation, regrouping, transfer, transportation, transition, relocation, transfer, travel;

Shifting, moving, telekinesis, epeirophoresis, relocation, rolling, transshipment, descent, relocation, heliotaxis, transfer;

Sock, rollback, convection, shift, rollback, relocation, moving away, dragging, pulling, transferring, transportation, jumping off, sweeping away;

Carrying, transporting, pulling, dragging, moving, crawling, transshipment, anaphoresis, movement, movement, throwing, running across;

Translation, carrying, flow, runoff, runoff, advection, overload, current, advancement, shifting, throwing, drifting, moving.

At the same time, movement-journey is a “walking along the path”, a trip or walking to some places, countries, usually for acquaintance, research or recreation (Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 1999.). Travel-travels, as a rule, are temporary or transit (“tourist”, “guest”), which do not affect the fundamental interests and rights of local residents of certain territories.

Migration movements are always purposeful or forced trips that have special causal motives. Migration movements, as a rule, affect the fundamental interests of local residents of certain territories and are inevitably considered by them as an invasion, aggression and violation of established or generally recognized borders.

At the same time, “violation of the boundaries of the habitat” is an instinctive innate feeling based on the instinct of self-preservation, protection and security of a certain territory of residence, feeding or extraction of resources necessary for life.

Almost all animals and people instinctively feel some space around them as "their territory", "their place", "their home". They limit their habitat with traces, odorous or conspicuous signs-signals, mark it, protect it and protect it from alien invasion.

At the same time, there are public places and territories, for example, watering places, fords, passes, which, by generally accepted agreement, can be used by everyone, because there are simply no other ways to bypass or cross. Such places probably include the territories of the “exodus of the first ancestors” or the homeland.

The word-concept "ro;dina" comes from the Slavic word "genus". A clan is a community of blood relatives that has one common ancestor (maternal or paternal clan). At the same time, the memory or name of the ancestor-progenitor (family name) is preserved for all members of the genus and is transmitted “by inheritance”.

Homeland is a “family” (Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine), “place of birth” (Bulgaria), “abundance of fruits” (Serbia, Croatia). Motherland is a synonym for the word “fatherland”, that is, “the place where a person was born, as well as the area, territory or country in which he was born and to the fate of which he feels his spiritual involvement, the place where the ancestors came from, the ancestral roots of a person” (based on the Wikipedia definition).

Undoubtedly, the movements (travels and migrations) of primitive people took place both within the boundaries of the territories of habitation (feeding) of primitive people, and beyond them. At the same time, going beyond the boundaries of the community, clan or tribe, separated families, communities or clans for a time (or forever) lost their direct connection with their homeland.

Therefore, seasonal, purposeful or forced migrations already at this time (50,000-49,000 BC) are probably perceived by everyone as a resettlement or movement to new territories, as a settlement over a vast territory, as a seizure of living space.

Initially, from the world of animal instincts, there is a rule of natural law generally accepted in wildlife - violation of the boundaries of a certain habitat entails an inevitable conflict, a clash with the owners of this territory. At the same time, the one who first captured and mastered this place has the priority right to possess a certain territory or habitat.

The territory inhabited by primitive people of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) could not be small in area, since it was a “territory of feeding”, collecting edible plants and active hunting. For the needs of the “appropriating primitive economy”, a relatively vast and resource-rich territory is needed.

That is why the problem of population density of habitats, stay and feeding of primitive people at all times of the Stone Age was one of the most important (the first problem is hunger), the survival of the indigenous community or clan depended on its resolution.

That is why, according to the law of similarity (“everything is similar to everything”), as is customary in most animal species, after reaching the “relative age of independent life support”, young people inevitably left (migrated) into the expanses of the Oikumene, created their own groups, detachments and communities, conquered females, created families and searched for their territories of feeding and habitation, their "promised land".

Seasonal migrations, hunting trips to places of accumulation of migrating animals or to places of spawning of fish, as well as trips for the necessary resources to primitive quarries to deposits of raw stone are temporary or regular migrations. At the same time, the path of these migrations passed either along the borders of someone's territories, or along "wild" unexplored or undeveloped places (territories).

In the "wild" territories, they found "wild" or animals not frightened by humans, or complete absence rival rivals (except for predatory animals), or "wild", feral or ancient people (archanthropes, pithecanthropes, early Neanderthals). In the new undeveloped territories, the newcomers could develop relatively freely, start (generate) their own clans, be progenitors, demiurge heroes, creators of new cultures, “teachers” for the “wild” indigenous inhabitants.

Daily or seasonal migrations of hunters and gatherers, as a rule, did not go beyond the boundaries of certain territories mastered by primitive people, which were visually and tactilely (by touch) familiar and memorable to them.

So they went: to the forest for mushrooms and berries; to fields and meadows for edible and medicinal plants; to the installation sites of snares, traps and hunting pits; to the places of laying peaks; to traps; to the location of raw materials for the manufacture of tools, as well as for fuel (dry wood, dead wood) for fires. Inevitably and naturally, the paths of such “internal” migrations and hikes turned into well-marked or deliberately oriented many-kilometer paths, paths and “roads”.

Probably, already at this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the routes of internal migrations are marked by traces and remains of various events that took place at different times along these routes and in the surrounding area. These were: the bones of hunted animals, extinct bonfires, heaps of garbage and household waste, wind barriers or camping huts-dwellings, fuel reserves, abandoned or lost equipment and tools, deliberately left signs-signals.

During such internal migrations (especially over a vast and unfamiliar area), it is also natural and inevitable that either individuals or groups of hunters, gatherers or migrant migrants could get lost, lose their bearings, get lost, go the other way. River floods, floods, stormy weather, thunderstorms, hurricanes, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, avalanches, rockfalls, mudflows and other catastrophic climatic or natural phenomena could contribute to this.

Inevitably and naturally, the mythological, totemic and animistic thinking and worldview of primitive people of a given time (50,000-49,000 BC) spiritualized and humanized such an intervention of natural forces (phenomena), gave them structures-images of the intervention of ancestral spirits or other spirits ( forces, energies, phenomena, phenomena).

At the same time, inevitably and naturally in the event of misfortune or trouble, the structure-image of the spirit of the ancestors (usually protecting descendants) is perceived by primitive people as a manifestation of their anger, resentment, displeasure, dissatisfaction. The same applies to other climatic, weather and natural spirit-forces, spirit-phenomena, spirit-phenomena that are hostile to primitive people. Therefore, they need to be appeased ...

If in a collective of primitive people, in a family, in a community, in a phratry, in a tribe, frequent domestic, economic or ritual quarrels, conflicts, enmity arise, then inevitably, naturally and naturally, these dramatic, and sometimes tragic events are perceived as anger and displeasure. ancestor spirits, demanding for the sake of peace and harmony in society, the expulsion of the guilty, the most quarrelsome or ardent opponents of established traditions, customs and rituals.

The same applies to criminals who have violated established taboos or prohibitions, committed acts of "vandalism" in relation to common property, food and raw materials, to violators and destroyers of established traditions, to thieves, rapists and murderers. Such, as a rule, are either expelled from the communities, or executed as an expiatory sacrifice to the spirits of the ancestors or for the repose of the spirits of the slain (appeasement of the mourners).

In any case, various types of migration at all times and, judging by the archaeological finds, especially at this time (50,000-49,000 BC), are a very common phenomenon of primitive culture or primitive civilization of all mankind (humanities).

Undoubtedly, one of the most important reasons for the migrations of primitive people at all times of the Stone Age was the depletion of food resources collected in the inhabited territory, as well as the migration or disappearance of key animal species - objects of hunting.

Animal migrations, like the migrations of primitive people, are also subject to climatic and natural phenomena, but are more stable in time and space (travel routes, routes), since animals, to a greater extent than people, are guided by their genetic and innate instincts, instinctive memory.

That is why they stubbornly "storm" once successfully overcome passes, rifts, fords, dangerous or swampy places, despite the fact that predators or hunters can lie in wait for them in these places. Fish striving to spawn in the upper reaches of the rivers, in general, “stupidly”, “for good luck”, stubbornly and en masse try to slip through rapids, waterfalls, various obstacles, jumping or swimming at the same time into dams-traps, into labyrinths-pens arranged by hunters-fishermen .

Human migrations are motivated, diverse, thoughtful, purposeful or justified. As a rule, all human migrations, from small - daily, medium - seasonal and large - many months or many years, are returnable, that is, they involve returning "home" (to their homeland).

So primitive hunters always return to the place of parking-settlement, where children, women and old people are waiting for them. This is how gatherers and fishermen return “home”. So they return "home" with prey and stories about the adventures of a group of brave hunters-warriors. This is how forced wanderers, explorers, exiles or “prodigal sons” return “home”.

The instinctive desire to return to the homeland, to the place of birth, “to the native threshold”, to relatives and friends, to the ancestral spirits, to the “spiritual sources” is universal, ordinary, traditional and even ritual for each and every person on Earth. This does not always work out and happens, but such an instinctive desire exists and is present in everyone (to varying degrees).

Thus, it can be asserted with confidence that the migration paths of primitive people at all times of the Stone Age were not only one-way - migrations were two-way, “back and forth”, “to unknown distances and back home”, no matter how far and for a long time they went primitive people in the expanses of the Oikumene ...

That is why, at all times of the Stone Age, “moving”, “mixing”, “penetrating” stone industries, archaeological cultures, mixing representatives of different humanity and different types and types of primitive people - archanthropes, pithecanthropes, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are constantly observed.

That is why in the mythology of almost all peoples of the world there is an archetype, stable in time and space, and a structure-image of ancestral spirits, deity spirits, creator spirits, alien spirits, teacher spirits, god spirits, "aliens"...

The author does not exclude the arrival of extraterrestrial aliens to Earth, who could be gods-teachers for the indigenous primitive earthlings, but more realistically, probably and naturally, such "aliens" could and probably were representatives of more developed human primitive civilizations, for example, the legendary Arctida-Hyperborea, Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda, Atlantis and many others are still unknown.

The main conclusion from the phenomenon of animal and human migrations is that they are not one-way (one-way), that the Austrian, Boreal and African migration paths of modern mankind are two-way paths of development of primitive civilizations, the paths of the history of human development.

Naturally, the farther primitive people went along the migration routes, the stronger their genetic, historical and cultural ties with their homeland, with genetic sources, with parental roots, with the traditions of their ancestors were torn. They were torn, but never interrupted, as the genes and genetic memory of people mutated, changed, developed, but retained their original instinctive structures-images and archetypes of behavior.

That is why sometimes children are born and suddenly begin to speak the “dead language” of long-vanished peoples and ethnic groups, shamans and psychics, heroes-demiurges and sorcerers-prophets, moral authorities and wise leaders, brave travelers-researchers and brilliant scientists-discoverers appear and are reborn. …

At this time (49,000 BC), the so-called "early migrations" of primitive people are taking place, as a result of which the Oikumene of intelligent classical Cro-Magnons or primitive people of a modern look expanded.

It is characteristic that these primitive people move along the paths and roads "trodden" by their predecessors - they cross straits, deserts, rivers, mountains, plains practically in those places where hominids, archanthropes, pithecanthropes, ancient Neanderthals lived. This is evidenced by millennia-old archaeological cultural layers in caves and at sites of settlements.

Early or primary humanity (humanity) migrated within the African continent in the area where the deep faults of the East African graben are located. Their oecumene (inhabited world) was the regions of the African Great Lakes, the rain forests, the savannas of the Sahara and South Africa, the basins of the great African rivers and the sea coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

Most likely, at this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the migration process of the development of Homo sapiens sapiens, the race of humanity of classical Cro-Magnons in the African Sahara, in the regions of the Atlas (Atlas Mountains), the Ahaggar Highlands, the Tibesti Highlands, the East African Rift System, the Ethiopian Highlands, the Drakensberg Mountains and the Great Karoo of South Africa.

From these areas, “waves” carried out the first ancient and next (of a given time) migration of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons north to the fertile regions of the subtropical Mediterranean, to the northeast into the savannas of the Middle East, Asia Minor and Western Asia (Levant, Fertile Crescent ) and to the east along the ancient migration route of the inhabitants of the oceanic and island coasts of South Asia, Southeast Asia and the legendary Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu Sunda (Australia).

The most courageous and most enterprising representatives of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons, probably successfully "captured" (inhabited, settled, introduced, filled, etc.) the territories since ancient times occupied in Eurasia by Homo sapiens neanderthalensis - the race of humanity of the classical intelligent Neanderthals.

Under the dominance of the archetypal appropriating hunting-gathering primitive economy, there was no other type of development of territories occupied by someone other than forceful seizure or intensive displacement.

More numerous, better armed, cohesive, quick-witted and experienced "invaders", hardened in migratory battles, hunting and adventures, probably relatively easily, sometimes by onslaught, sometimes by deceit, sometimes by peaceful gift exchange of outlandish tools, things and objects, seized the initiative in using new forage and resource territories.

The main factor in the aggressive migration flows was the difference in the levels of development of newcomers and indigenous peoples.

More developed, enterprising, inventive, cultural and civilized "newcomers" skillfully introduced, captured and conquered indigenous peoples living by ancient (obsolete) primitive traditions.

The "natives" had only to resist and fight mercilessly for their lives and traditions, or to reconcile and assimilate with the "newcomers" in order to become stronger than their invaders based on their knowledge and experience.

So it was, so it is, and so it will always be, because the process of aggressive migrations, perhaps, is natural and common not only for man, human associations, all mankind, but also for other mankind or intelligent human-like communities in living nature (in the Universe).

The Austrian or South-Eastern migration route is relatively easy, familiar, fertile, simple, as it runs practically in the same climatic or natural equatorial or subtropical zone (in the latitudinal direction).

Since ancient times, half-naked hominids, archanthropes, pithecanthropes and other ancient primitive people moved along the sea and ocean coasts, eating seafood. So they mastered the ways and places of feeding on the coast and shelf of the Red Sea, crossed the Strait of Sorrow (Bab el-Mandeb Strait), mastered the Arabian coast and the shelf of the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, and Indochina.

The great rivers and river valleys of Western and South Asia undoubtedly attracted the attention of all migrants and carried them deep into the continents and countries. Some of the migrants inevitably met caves and grottoes convenient for living on their way, mastered or captured them, remained and mastered the surrounding territories in their own way. Especially many migrants of all times and peoples remained to live forever in the territory of South Asia (see map-illustration).

Having spread along the ocean coast of the Indian Ocean shelf to Southeast Asia, migrants of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) inevitably and naturally populate habitable places and territories, both in the depths of the continent and crossing the straits between the islands . This is facilitated by the relatively low level of the world ocean (60-61 m below the modern one) and the presence of the vast shelf land of Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu Sunda.

Most likely, the oldest “primitive civilization of the peoples of the sea” of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) was formed in this southeastern region.

It is characteristic that all the primitive "peoples of the sea" of the Australoid race (as later the Polynesians, ancient Greek Argonauts, medieval Varangians, Vikings and modern Pomors), making reconnaissance sea voyages to new lands, arrange their strongholds and colonies on the coast (on the coastal strip, capes and offshore islands) so that at any moment you can board boats and go to sea.

Along with the waves of migrants, settlers and conquerors of various primitive races and peoples, new types of tools and weapons are spreading throughout the world of the Oikoumene, including, probably, bows and arrows.

The Austrian migration route in the East is divided into two streams (two branches) - southeast to Australia and north along the coast of the Pacific Ocean shelf and its seas. Primitive people get to Australia through the Sunda Islands, and they get to the north of East Asia, the Far East and Primorye up to Kamchatka and Chukotka along the Pacific coast.

The Austrian migration path of Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - is directly connected with the sea, with water, with water vehicles, with experience in navigation, shipbuilding, with the ability to knit knots, create various structures, including dwellings on stilts or on tops of large trees, with the ability to carry or carry with them not only food supplies, but also the necessary resources for the manufacture of tools and combat, possibly and probably seeds of edible and medicinal plants and even some animals, for example, birds (chickens).

At this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the traditions of the life of the future modern peoples of South and Southeast Asia are being laid, but in Australia, Homo sapiens sapiens migrants - the races of mankind of the classical Cro-Magnons were met by the indigenous inhabitants - the natives of the first two waves of immigrants from Africa.

It is almost impossible to determine who conquered or assimilated whom at the present time, because (see the map-illustration) there was more than enough living space on the indicated Austrian path of primitive migrations for everyone.

If the ancient indigenous people with their "primitive" tools of labor and battle were content only with what the blessed environment, then the alien migrants Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons with more advanced tools of labor and battle could find food and prey almost anywhere they wanted ...

The boreal or northern path of primitive migrations was undoubtedly very extensive, had many directions, streams and roads. From almost all the southern continents and countries, the inhabitants of the subtropics sought to regions with a temperate climate and a very rich wildlife.

The main thing is that innumerable herds of key herbivorous animals of the Mammoth Complex lived here - an inexhaustible source of vital resources. In Eurasia, Homo sapiens sapiens, the classical Cro-Magnon race of mankind, found vast expanses of living space.

Undoubtedly, the settlement of the Mediterranean coast and shelf of Southern Europe, the Middle East and Asia Minor by the most ancient Homo sapiens sapiens - representatives of the classical Cro-Magnon race of humanity - was carried out by several migration flows: from the territory of North-West Africa (Atlas Mountains), North Africa (the Mediterranean coast of the Sahara, highlands Ahaggar and Tibesti) and Northeast Africa (Ethiopian Highlands, Red Sea coast, Nile Valley).

By this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the expanses of Eurasia were already relatively densely populated by humanity Homo sapiens neanderthalensis - the race of humanity of classical intelligent Neanderthals and, possibly, other relic humanity, for example, Denisovans and other descendants of the most ancient archanthropes and pithecanthropes.

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis - the race of humanity of intelligent classical Neanderthals for several hundred thousand years dominated the vast territories of the South and Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, the East European (Russian) Plain, the Southern Urals, Altai, Baikal, Siberia, the Far East, Chukotka and Yakutia, and also, possibly, on the vast territory of the land shelf of the seas of the Arctic Ocean and Berengia.

Therefore, the invasion of new waves of African-Asian migrants Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - into Eurasia was probably not always peaceful, but most likely it was relatively aggressive, assertive, enterprising, in character approximately the same as the development of the expanses of Siberia by Russians in the 16th century. -XVII centuries AD.

At this time, in suitable seasons, probably only deserts and high mountains with snow-capped or icy peaks and passes were natural and insurmountable obstacles for intelligent classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons of this time (49,000 BC). The remaining natural zones, up to the glacial regions of the northern or high-mountain tundra, were mastered by man of this time.

Undoubtedly, in many territories of Africa and Eurasia, "populous" areas with a relatively dense local indigenous population arose and existed. The areas with a high density of modern population indicated on the illustration map may traditionally be the same inhabited at the present time (50,000-49,000 BC).

Naturally, on the indicated map-illustration, the areas of settlement of primitive people on the shelf flooded by the waters of the modern world ocean and seas after the end of the Great Glaciation and the World Flood (29,000-5000 BC) are not indicated. In addition, one cannot ignore the possible, probable, real, actual and actual existence of the legendary countries - Arctida-Hyperborea, Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda and Atlantis.

Undoubtedly, the migrations of primitive people of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) were not fast in time. Movement, travel and development of the territory was carried out by primitive people very slowly, unhurriedly, carefully, with long stops or long stays in open and abundant resource areas.

For example, the legendary prophet and leader Moses will lead a mass of his fellow tribesmen through the Middle Eastern deserts for 40 years until he unites all the tribes into a single united people and finally finds the Promised Land.

The African or return path of primitive migrations, of course, is not only the return to the genetic-historical ancestral home of the descendants of the most ancient "pioneers" or Homo sapiens sapiens - the race of humanity of the classical Cro-Magnons - "originators" from Africa of a given time (50,000-49,000 BC ., but also by the settlement of reasonable classical Cro-Magnons within Africa itself, in particular to southern Africa.

Preserving the traditional way of life of their ancestors, characteristic of all the most ancient peoples of the Earth, the primitive people of this time (50,000-49,000 BC), living in relatively favorable climatic and natural-ecological conditions, are probably not in a hurry to radically or revolutionaryly change what something in your life.

A comparative analysis of the bone remains and skulls of reasonable classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons in different places of the Oikumene (inhabited world) testifies to the isolated nature of their life activity.

Almost every family, community or clan, as a rule, lives on its own and communicates with other families, communities or clans only when necessary - for the exchange of "grooms" and "brides", for joint hunting, for cultural joint and ritual events, to protect against "aggressive aliens".

That is why, in different places of the Oikumene, relatively compactly living human associations of different primitive ethnic groups arose and exist, which modern anthropologists even refer to the category of “races” or to “variants of morphological races”, formed as a result of many thousands of years of migration and settlement of the most ancient African representatives of Homo sapiens sapiens - races of humanity of classical Cro-Magnons.

Such human associations include "Upper Paleolithic European variants of morphological races or types": "Grimaldian race", "Cro-Magnon race", "Barma-Grande race", "Chanceland race", "Oberkassel race", "Brunnian race or Brno type", "Brunn-Předmost or Loess race", "Aurignacian or Aurignacian race", "Solutrean race". All of them, to varying degrees, retain "features of the equatorial Negroid race", but already fully correspond to the appearance and structure of the Eurasian Caucasoid race of reasonable classical Cro-Magnons.

For example, in the Middle East, the future "Natufians" (12500-9000 BC) will retain the external and skeletal features of the "proto-Caucasoids" of this time (50000-49000 BC) with "an admixture of some negroidity ” and will have a diverse appearance in comparison with other inhabitants of the Levant, the Mediterranean and adjacent regions.

In Africa, as a result of migrations and settlement of the respective territories, the “East African Bushman, Ethiopian and other types” of the intelligent classical Cro-Magnon race (Gamble Cave, Lake Elmentate, East Africa, 5000 BC), as well as the “Negroid type” (salt lake Nakuru, Kenya, East Africa), whose carriers will be more massive, taller, with an elongated skull, narrow and tall face than modern people.

The population of Africa has always, at all times, been distinguished and distinguished by “speciality”, heterogeneity, heterogeneity (heterogeneity) even in conditions of relatively close and dense coexistence in limited territories, which confirms the traditional isolated way of life of the ancient population in conditions of scarce food natural resources of the habitat.

Although, undoubtedly, in general, there is a systemic relationship of Middle and Upper Paleolithic morphological races, types and groups, for example, North Africa (Magreb, Sahara, Nile Valley), but also, undoubtedly, the ancient population of North Africa south of the Sahara and the Sahara itself differs from the inhabitants of Nubia and regions adjacent to the Middle East. There will be especially many differences between the "Iberomaurs" and the population of Nubia (20,000-10,000 BC), the western "graceful mechtoid type" and the more massive carriers of the "mehta-afalu" type.

The inhabitants of East Asia (based on the remains in the Upper Cave, Zhoukoudian, China) will be distinguished into "three racial types" close to the Mongoloids with Ainoid features that bring them closer to modern Melanesians and Eskimos (but they are not).

The inhabitants of East Asia (China), Southeast Asia and Indonesia of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) still "do not have a pronounced Mongoloid", but have similarities with the features of the "eastern equatorials", "proto-Australoids ” or “Australian-Melanesian racial type” (finds in Moh Hieu, Konmong, Gua Gunun Runtuh, Lemdubu Cave, Nia, Tabon).

At the same time, primitive people with more or less pronounced Mongoloid features live in some places (Daluntan, Zhalainor, Chuangdong, Hang Cho).

In other places of residence or residence of the inhabitants of Southeast Asia, for example, Minatogawa, Dundianyan, Deyedun, Suchafenshan, Hang Gon - Dau Giai and Hang Muoi, they do not yet lend themselves to any modern racial classification and have features like southern Mongoloids, and Australoids, Ainu, carriers of the Yomon (or Jomon) culture, archaic American Indians and other "unidentified" morphological groups.

An even more intricate history of the earliest migrations of races and morphological types of reasonable classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons from Asia to America. Their genetic roots are found in the environment of various indigenous peoples and ethnic groups of Russian Siberia, the Far East, Primorye, Chukotka, East and Southeast Asia, the continental Asian and island coast of the Pacific Ocean.

However, most likely, the first inhabitants of America migrated to the "New World" from the vast territory of Berengia and the first American "proto-Indians" are the descendants of the "Beringians" of this time (50,000-49,000 BC). Under conditions of long-term isolation and independent development, the American "proto-Indians" formed specific Indian features of the structure of the skull and skeleton.

During the end of the Great Glaciation (39,000-5000 BC), as a result of two migration waves (15,000 BC and 10,000 BC), "Paleo-Indians" with genetic roots in the South Pacific races, and "Paleo-Americans" - Amerindians who came out of the depths of Berengia flooded by the ocean.

At the same time, the “Paleo-Indians” will have a “long and narrow braincase” of the skull, a powerful prognathous face with protruding jaws and devoid of a chin protrusion, as well as sundontism (a characteristic shape of the structure of the teeth). A similar structure of the face and teeth is typical for representatives of the Equatorial race and southern Mongoloids (Ainu, Yomon, inhabitants of the legendary Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda).

"Paleo-Americans" or Amerindians will have "a massive, rounded and larger skull than that of the Paleo-Indians, a broader, shorter and orthognathic face without a strong protrusion of the facial region, synodont teeth ("Chinese teeth").

The heterogeneity or “speciality”, heterogeneity, heterogeneity of the most ancient cultures of America, their “irreducibility to any primary source”, is indirect evidence of repeated migrations or “discoveries” of America by the most ancient Asian population of the “Old World”.

At this time (50,000-49,000 BC), the oldest population of Australia and adjacent territories also has characteristics and signs of repeated (possibly regular) migrations. Most likely, the Australian Aborigines are also descendants of two (at least two) migration flows of people from Africa common to the entire Southeast Asian region.

At this and the next time (50,000-15,000 BC), several waves of migration will also bring massive and graceful migrants to the Australian region - primitive people of the modern type. So at this time (49,000-40,000 BC), primitive people of the “Melanesian type” migrate to Australia - dark-skinned, curly-haired and undersized. The descendants of these migrants will be "Tasmanians" and "Negrito-like Barrines" (northern Queensland, Australia).

The second large-scale migration will take place at the "height" of the Great Glaciation (about 20,000 BC). The new southeastern migrants, outwardly close to the Ainu, will displace the Australian Aborigines, Tasmanians and Barrines, partially assimilate with them and “give birth” to their descendants (“Murreys”) - people of the modern type, endowed with the most massive body and skeleton, relatively fair-skinned, straight-haired, narrow- and straight-nosed, with reinforced tertiary hairline (powerful beards).

These southeastern sentient classical Cro-Magnons will populate western, southern Australia and the eastern Australian Pacific coast (see illustration map).

The third wave of mass migrations in Australia will occur around 15,000 BC. At this time, the northern and central parts of Australia will be settled by "Carpentarians" - dark-skinned, wavy-haired, tall primitive people of the modern type, with an average development of hair on the face and body.

The apparent uniformity of the appearance of the Australian Aborigines is erroneous - their genetic diversity is the same as that of the indigenous inhabitants of Southeast Asia. In fact, Australia was probably the continent where waves of migrants fled, fleeing various catastrophic climatic and natural phenomena, instinctively directed along the most ancient routes and migration paths of the ancestral spirits, or deliberately aimed at the development of "new living spaces".

Thus, several morphological variants or types of the indigenous population are distinguished in Australia: barrinoid, Carpentarian, Murray, as well as central and western Australian.

The barrinoid type of the Australian Aborigines is the closest to the Afro-Asiatic ancestors that traditionally inhabit the tropical rainforests of Queensland (Australia). Australian "barrinoids" are most similar to the Melanesians.

They are distinguished by small ("pygmy") height (157-158 cm), relatively dark skin, very dark eyes, dominance of curly hair, underdevelopment of tertiary hairline on the beard and body, deep nose bridge, concave and small nose, as well as small teeth. True, half of the Negro-Australoid "barrinoids" have relatively large teeth.

The length and width of the head of the Australian "barrinoids" is greater than that of the "Arnhemland Carpentarians". At the same time, the foreheads of the “barrinoids” are steep, almost straight and wide, and the eyebrows (among the Australian aborigines) are minimal, although they are powerful in comparison with the Caucasians. The faces of the "barrinoids" or "barrines" (Australia) are low and very narrow, the cheekbones and the width of the lower jaw are minimal for the natives of Australia; the height of the nose is also small.

"Barrinoids" or "barrines" probably retained the typical appearance of the most ancient Australian aborigines - the descendants of the first migration waves of immigrants from Africa, as well as the appearance features of even more ancient primitive people - archanthropes and pithecanthropes (praneanderthals).

The Carpentarian type of Australian Aborigines is most common in the north of Australia. "Carpentarians" have the darkest skin color among the Australian Aborigines, the tallest and narrow physique. They have the most convex, longitudinally protruding noses and are not as wide in diameter as those of the "barrinoids" ("barrinos").

The "Carpentarians" have the shortest and narrowest heads of the Australian Aborigines, and the foreheads have an average slope (compared to other types of Australian Aborigines). The superciliary of the "Carpentarians" is very powerful, but the merging of the superciliary ridges into a typical "primitive" superciliary ridge is less common than among other natives.

The teeth of the "Carpentarians" are of average size for Australia and relatively large for other primitive peoples of Eurasia. Their hair is usually wavy, curly, quite often curly. At the same time, the "Carpentarians" in terms of blood groups and genetics differ sharply from the Papuan morphological type of primitive people.

In comparison with the world and Australian "standards", the beards and hair on the bodies of the "Carpentarians" are average, but the male faces of the "Carpentarians" can be covered with a continuous short beard, mustache and sideburns.

The typical relatively isolated way of life of primitive people of this time (50,000-49,000 BC) is also manifested in the fact that the "Carpentarians" of the two large northern peninsulas of Australia - Arnhem Land and Cape York - differ in appearance and behavior from each other . Moreover, the “Arnhemland Carpentarians” are more isolated from the rest of the natives, they have the largest height in Australia - 168.3 cm, the minimum length and width of the head, but the maximum (for Australia) head height.

"Cape York Carpentarians" are close to the general Australian "standards" of appearance, probably with more Papuan influence, and admixture of Barrinoid and Murray morphological types.

In South Australia, the most common Aboriginal "Murray type". "Murrays" have the most characteristic distinctive morphological features: "the lightest color of skin and eyes, the most slightly wavy hair, the strongest beard and mustache growth in the world, the largest - in length, width and height - head, the widest forehead and the highest frequency of maximum brow shapes, the straightest profile of the back of the nose, the largest teeth (all Murrays are only macrodont).

There are only two areas of Australia where “macrodont” (“big-toothedness”) is exceptionally high - this is an area in the extreme southeast of Australia (opposite Tasmania, where Tasmanian natives are also almost all macrodont) and an area in the center of the east coast of Victoria (Australia) .

The "Murrays" have a distinctive red-brown skin color that is different from the skin color of other Aboriginal people and rarely has the "chocolate color" that prevails in the rest of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia. The yellow-brown skin color that dominates other Aborigines does not exist in the "Murrays".

The "Murrays" are dominated by slightly wavy hair, but there are also curly hair, especially in areas adjacent to Tasmania. The slope of the forehead among the "Murrays" is different, but on average the maximum for the Aborigines of Australia. Also, the superciliary (brow ridge) is maximally developed, which, as a rule, gives their faces a sullen expression.

The faces of the "Murrays" are relatively high, and the lower jaws are very wide. Murray noses are perhaps the narrowest ("normal") among Australian Aborigines, average height is 164.7 cm, and body length, body weight and shoulder width are usually maximum in comparison with other Aborigines.

"Murrays" occupy territories on the east coast of Australia, in the steppes and savannahs of South and Western Australia, and are likely to take root on the continent during the "second wave of migrations" (about 15,000 BC).

The Australian aborigines of Central Australia are even closer in morphological type to the race of intelligent classical Cro-Magnons of the modern type. They have (in comparison with other aborigines) heads of medium length, relatively narrow and even very narrow foreheads, narrow faces, but wide noses.

For the natives of Central Australia, light (sometimes even blond) hair color in children and in some young women is characteristic. As they age, their hair tends to darken, but fade quickly at the ends of their hair. Central Australian Aborigines are tall, some are as tall as Australia. At the same time, their physique is massive, and the chest is very powerful.

The Aboriginals of Western Australia have heads of medium length, low and even narrower than in Central Australia, they have a more pronounced "superciliary relief and a very low face and nose for Australian Aborigines." At the same time, the faces of the West Australian Aborigines are relatively wide, and the noses are very wide.

All the above morphological features testify to the diversity of the indigenous and alien inhabitants of Australia, their migration penetration into Australia, their long-term separate and joint coexistence.

Migration processes on the territory of the Russian part of Eurasia, especially on the territory of the East European (Russian) Plain, are especially significant for the author of the "Chronology". This is due to the fact that people and key animals of the Mammoth Complex have always and constantly lived in these vast territories - the guarantors of the existence and vital activity of mankind, races and civilizations of intelligent classical Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons of this and subsequent times (50,000-40,000 BC). ).

The time will come and genetic studies will confirm the truth of the theory of the migratory origin and development of modern humanity and modern races, the multi-regional model of the emergence and development of primitive civilizations and prove the truth and historicity of the "mythical" or legendary centers of world civilizations - Arctida-Hyperborea, Meganesia-Lemuria-Mu-Sunda , Atlantis and, possibly, other (still unknown) primitive civilizations.

The true history of modern humanity in the future, in the near future, perhaps in the next chapters of the "Chronology" ...

I examined how the movement of the earth's axis affected the "comfort zones" of human habitation. As it has already become clear, the last 50,000 years can be safely divided into three periods:

  • 2. After 16000 years ago and up to ~4500 years ago

  • 3. After ~4500 years ago

In this article, I propose to consider how the pole shift may have affected human migration during these three periods.
The only thing, I ask the reader not to look too closely at the numbers, they are conditional. What is in the official history, what is in genetics. The main thing is to understand the relationship of migrations with pole shifts.

I'll start with the very first displacement, which happened about 16,000 years ago. Here are the maps before and after the displacement, and the modern view for clarity:

On the map on the left, a "dead" zone is clearly visible, falling exactly into the "Tropic of Cancer", i.e. in the hottest part of the earth. Tell me, please, dear reader, what can make a person living north of this zone move south of it? Today it is clear that - money, prestigious work, etc. When did it not exist? Excavations in the village of Kostenki show that people lived near the glacier for 30,000 years. They didn’t go anywhere and didn’t develop, in our understanding! They have been hunters all these millennia. And then, "suddenly", about 15,000 years ago, agriculture began to develop, and not just anywhere, but in the Middle East. That begs the question, why? Scientists argue that the climate, which has reduced the food base, is to blame. There were fewer mammoths, so they began to grow cereals. But we are talking about the Middle East, where, given the current position of the Earth, farming is an extremely risky business. It's hot out there, Tropic of Cancer is very close. And when the pole is in Alaska, the Middle East turns into an equatorial oasis.
Okay, let's leave scientists alone. Using their arguments, one very interesting conclusion can be drawn - all these 30,000 years, in which the Kostenkovskaya culture has been observed, the climate on Earth has been stable. Such a good period. And today we consider some small ice ages, we take into account the activity of the Sun with a period of 11 years ...
At the expense of the food base, scientists are right. The mammoths left behind the cold, the people left behind them. But this concerned only the northern peoples. This migration was provided by the shift of the pole to Alaska. The absence of traces of a cataclysm in the excavations, except for volcanic ash in the region of 30,000 years ago, indicates the smooth nature of this displacement. The glacier began to melt, it became impossible to live next to it. People got up and left.
The pole moved along the northern outskirts of North America, which means that our people followed it and the mammoths along the northern outskirts of Eurasia or south. Given the scale of the Valdai glaciation, the Arctic Circle was much wider.
So they reached Eastern Siberia and Primorye. Given the lower level of the Arctic Ocean, it can be assumed that these peoples populated the entire Siberian shelf, Novaya Zemlya, the entire eastern Siberia and Primorye. And that was about 15,000 years ago. They are still cut off from the southern peoples by the "tropic of Cancer". And why should they look for warm places when their life is connected with the cold and this tradition is many tens of thousands of years old?
This was the same haplogroup N, which today makes up about 20% of the gene pool of Russian people. It is not surprising that the Kostenkovites are so similar to us. Geneticists claim that this haplogroup arose 15,000 years ago somewhere in the south of China, and then, after 5,000 years, moved to Siberia and the Baltic. But let me ask, what prompted these Chinese "ancestors", who actually lived at the equator at that time, to leave for the area east of Taimyr, where today there is a maximum concentration of this haplogroup? These are completely different climatic zones, different food base, etc. etc. There are very good reasons for such a migration. And they are not. 12,000 years of the stability of the earth's axis did not offer them.
The map on the left shows a completely different migration route for this haplogroup.
After the pole shifted to Alaska, representatives of its progenitor began migrating east, following the pole. The medieval map roughly defines the area that these people occupied during these thousands of years:

The map, of course, is very modern and the southern regions can simply be removed from it. There was, as now, a desert with mountains. But the whole north, from Novaya Zemlya to Primorye, was occupied by them. For 10,000 years they have multiplied decently. I will not judge their way of life, whether they remained hunters or started farming. This is not very important within the framework of this article. Mammoths during this period hardly had time to disappear. Although we are told that the last of them died out about 10,000 years ago. Given the slowness of climate change and the areas of their discovery east of Taimyr, we can make a bold assumption that they managed to leave the near-glacial regions of Europe to the east to the new Arctic Circle. Then for 10,000 years no catastrophes happened that could lead to their instant death. And the pole shift to the modern place, which happened about 4500 years ago, is very similar to such a catastrophe. People were able to leave the dangerous area, but no one warned the animals. So I think that mammoths died out much later than modern scientists believe. Radiocarbon analysis sometimes works wonders. And even scientists admit it.
After the displacement about 4500 years ago, representatives of this haplogroup were forced to leave the dangerous area. The bulk went to the West, again beyond the Arctic Circle, but some returned after the disaster. Some of them will later go to China, which is why they find it there to this day in small concentrations. Geneticists say the same thing - representatives of this haplogroup reached the Baltic about 4000 years ago and settled there.
This is how the Great Tartaria was formed.

With the northern peoples, it seems, sorted out. Let's see how things were in Siberia.
Before the pole shift to Alaska, she was in ideal climatic conditions temperate climate. I think that it was there that the haplogroup R1 was born. And that's why. The allocation of the R1b branch of genetics is attributed 16,000 years ago to the region of Central Asia, the rest of the people began to have the R1a branch and went further to the West. The direction of the outcome is clearly guessed. These people left the new pole, that's all. In their place came the northern peoples, they, in fact, changed places. But in Europe, the glacier has not yet melted, so the R1 representatives made a stop in Asia. Representatives of R1a, who got used to the subtropical climate, remained in place, and representatives of R1b went to seek their fortune in the Urals, the Caucasus and further to Europe, which sooner or later thawed out.
With the last pole shift, Central Asia went far away from the "Tropic of Cancer", the climate there became completely different. Therefore, the heat-loving representatives of R1a moved south - to the Iranian Highlands and northern India. And so the branches of the Iranian and Indian Aryans diverged.
Around the same period, according to the Rigveda, Gods came to India from the north...

The territory of modern China had a hard time, almost all of it fell into the Tropic of Cancer. Relatively normal living conditions were possible only on the southern coast of Indochina. This is where, in my opinion, immigrants from Australia (Isle of Mu) moved before the last pole shift. And only after him they began to develop more northern territories. It was a completely different culture, which, for example, cannot be reconciled with Indian to this day. It was also alien to our northern ancestors, who at the beginning tried to set them on the right path, but then waved their hand and fenced themselves off from them with a wall. This section is clearly marked on the map above. But still, the Chinese accepted the teachings of the northern peoples, which remained in Buddhism. And that's good, they began to look more like us.

In Africa, as well as in the north, there was the most restless place. Before the first displacement, Central Africa was an oasis, as it is now, for the heat-loving peoples of the black race. But after the shift of the pole to Alaska, this oasis shifted to the north of the mainland. It was there that peoples migrated from the central regions, as well as to the south, but I think there were a minority of them. For 10,000 years, the desert began to bloom again, the rains did their job. There were also preconditions for migration to the Arabian Peninsula and the Iranian Highlands.
After the shift of the pole to the present position for Africa and the Middle East, everything returned to normal. The desert regained its possessions, and Central Africa came to life. Most fortunate were the inhabitants of the Iranian Highlands, which moved from the equatorial zone to the subtropical zone, that is, the climate has changed, but not drastically. Iranian Aryans came to fertile ground, which determines the prosperity of Sumer, Egypt and the list goes on.

So we have analyzed the main possible ways of migration of the population across the territory of Eurasia and Africa. Naturally, I focused more on our ancestors, haplogroups N and R1, I did not mention the rest in such detail, but I think it’s enough to form general idea about migration during the period described.
