In ancient times, at every royal, princely or imperial court, it was customary to contain a scientist-astrologer who studied the movement of the stars, made horoscopes, predicted a successful marriage or a time suitable for a military campaign. There were enough predictors in history Of the Russian state, and the most famous and mysterious of them is still the monk Abel. Throughout his life, he wrote down the revelations he saw in a manuscript, which he called "A very terrible book." Predictions did not always predict joyful events for the rulers - because of their anger, Abel spent more than two decades in dungeons.

Archival documents prove that many of his prophecies came true with amazing accuracy. He foresaw the events of 1917, predicted Napoleon's military aggression, saw the years when the Russian emperors would die, predicted the fall of the Romanovs, predicted World War II.

According to rumors, Abel predicted the reign and resignation of Boris Yeltsin, as well as the presidency of Putin. He wrote about the appearance in Russia of the second Boris, whom he called a giant titan. The country with him will find itself in a state of decay and disaster. However, Boris will leave the board very suddenly, and in his place will come a certain "A man of short stature." The monk also predicted the appearance of a ruler who will rule three times. Abel prophesied to the Russian state a great destiny and the role of a place that would become a stronghold of Orthodoxy.

One of Abel's most controversial predictions is a prophecy, which experts regard as a prediction of events after Putin's departure from power. If you believe the predictions of Abel, then after Putin there will be 10 kings for an hour who will bring nothing. Then a new ruler will come, who will make Russia Great.

In the list of key figures for Russia, Abel mentions a certain Lame who will make every effort to stay in power, the Golden-haired Lady with three chariots and the "Great Potter" who will be able to unite the country and punish the perpetrators of the turmoil. Interpretative experts say that the monk predicted a difficult time that will come in Russia in 2017. It is unlikely that the monk knew the word "crisis", but his words can be interpreted that way. It is also believed that the year will be the time of the end of hostilities in the Donbass.

Abel also mentions the war in the Middle East. In the Arap kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will turn many countries to ashes. A 15-year war of the cross and the crescent will begin, Carthage will collapse, and death will threaten everyone.

The impetuous sovereign who has come here will punish everyone. Great joy will come in Russia - the three branches will merge into a single tree, the demons will run. Great prospects await Russia. Destiny great destiny made possible by God's chosen one in power.

Few people know that in Russia there is an icon of the Nativity of the Virgin, written according to the predictions of the monk Abel the clairvoyant. On it, messages were left to the descendants, indicated in the margins and expressed in artistic images. Here is the date of death of Catherine II, the period of the reign of Paul I, there is even the date of the end of the world. Its researchers identified it as 2780. Also depicted here is Nicholas II, who was martyred and canonized.

The year 2024, indicated on the icon, is special for Russia. The blessed tsar will ascend to the throne of Russia, from which the greatness of the state will begin. Time will show!


Paracelsus's prediction:

“There is one people that Herodotus called Hyperboreans - the progenitors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means“ noble ”, and the current name of the original land of this ancient people is Muscovy. Hyperboreans in their turbulent future history learn a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come already at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. before 2040 ”.

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

“Before the 20th century is over, the collapse of communism will begin in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis, however, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but will revive in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the rest of the world will receive the hope of a lasting and just peace. Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes, but it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope. The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day, he will suddenly come into power ... he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Master of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to all that exists on the planet ... His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people has dreamed of throughout existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his companions become fantastically strong and mighty almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his companions to become practically immortal ... God will be with him ... He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of new culture and new civilization all over the world ... ”.

Clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996:

“A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia and he will rule Russia all his life ... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and will be replaced by this new philosophical teaching of the Fiery Bible.

Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states and those that separated from it will soon return to it in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, in Russia there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture and the former will be restored again Soviet Union, but the union is already new. Russia will grow stronger and stronger, no one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break it. Russia will sweep away everything in its path and will not only remain, but will also become the sole undivided "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s recognizes the complete superiority of Russia, which will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called according to the old ancient name - Russia ".

Prophecy of the soothsayer Max Handel:

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the present era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to completely voluntarily submit to such a Leader. This is how the soil will be created for the emergence of a New Race, ... It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will arise ... humanity will form a Single Spiritual Brotherhood ... ".

Astrological forecast by astrologer Sergei Popov:

“In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of“ prosperity ”of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in terms of mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else with it, a monopoly on the latest technologies will pass to it, a bright future and a period of prosperity await Russia. It is to Russia that the Center of World Politics will shift.

The predictions of the French clairvoyant Marie Duval:

“Against the background of the global depression, Russia has an exceptionally bright future and an enviable fate awaits the Russians - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire strong army, will continue to develop and will even lend money to many European countries ... Russia will become the richest power and the standard of living of the average Russian will reach the current very high level ... but to acquire this power, you will have to pay a certain price - Russia will have to fight with someone. All of humanity is on the verge of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age, which increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and it is Russian scientists and Russian researchers who will play a key role in all these discoveries and inventions ”.

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects. It is the Russians who will initiate the regeneration of the entire World. And no one can imagine how deep these changes will be in the entire vast world, caused precisely by Russia. Even the deepest province will come to life in Russia, a lot of new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery ... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development, which is not present and even by that time no one of the most developed states in the world will have ... Then they will reach for Russia and all other countries ... The former current western way of development of the earthly civilization will very soon replace the new and precisely the Russian way. "

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon, former personal astrologer of US President Ronald Reagan:

“Natural disasters at the beginning of the 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least of all affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have an opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come from Russia ”.

American clairvoyant Danton Brinkey:

"Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow it in the same way."

ANSWER: In the question №79 "On the near future of civilization and Russia" of this section of the site it is reported: "According to the program for the development of civilization on the planet in the next 25-30 years, Russia has a mission to become the center of civilization and the leading country in the world. She will lead humanity into the age of Aquarius in the spiritual plane. In the next 10 years, Russia will have equal interaction with the entire civilization, the flow of population migration from other countries, including from America, will increase. They will understand that there is a source of prosperity and spirituality in Russia, they will strive for complete and truthful information about life. Glory and prosperity await Russia in 5 years. President Putin is implementing his system, which will be included in reality ... Russia is destined to pass all these tests with honor and become the leading country on planet Earth. "
The words "President Putin is implementing his system, which will be included in reality" means the implementation of an external and domestic policy based on the principles of justice, truth, kindness and respect, honesty, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, based on the equality of peoples and countries in the international arena. These principles are completely absent in world politics pursued by the Western Anglo-Saxons and their leading country, the United States, striving for world domination.

But let us turn to the political facts of life in Russia at the end of the 20th century, preceding the voluntary departure of Boris Yeltsin from the post of President of Russia from 31.12.1999. President Boris Yeltsin had two karmic tasks recorded in the aura of his informational atmic shell of the soul according the plan of the Creator, for the fulfillment of historical tasks in the future of Russia. First, he had to replace the first and last President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, who was mired in his numerous and harmful concessions to the leaders of the West for the country, causing significant damage to the defense capability and sovereignty of the USSR. Trying to achieve the closest rapprochement with the Western countries, seeking their favor and trying to please the leaders of these countries at any cost, he himself made additional proposals to the treaties on the reduction of nuclear missile weapons, significantly exceeding the treaty ones. For example, at his personal suggestion, special trains carrying ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads and plying through the territory of the USSR were destroyed. The countries of the West and the United States did not have such weapons, and they were the covert basis of the country's defensive shield. The leaders of the Western countries were delighted with such "decisive" unilateral actions of M. Gorbachev.

Secondly, the karmic task of President Boris Yeltsin was also the early termination of his presidential rule at the end of 1999. The fulfillment of this task was necessary for the process of preparing and coming to power of the new future leader of Russia, who at that time was completely unknown to a wide circle of the masses, but whom Boris Yeltsin had to choose as his successor and legislatively prepare for accession to power. He understood that before the upcoming presidential elections in 2000, he had to leave and leave in his place the acting president. the new leader of the country. But the most important thing is that the message and hint about a specific person who already had his karmic destiny when he came to power was given to the President in a dream. Therefore, knowing the name of a specific person who was then working in the power structures of St. Petersburg, Boris Yeltsin did not have to choose such a leader from among many more deserved ones. Therefore, since August 1996, Boris Yeltsin has been taking concrete and purposeful actions to prepare and promote Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to power as the future leader of Russia.

August 1996 - V. Putin was transferred to Moscow to the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation.

March 1997 - Vladimir Putin was appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and Head of the Main Control Directorate under the President.

May 1998 - First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (for work with territories).

July 1998 - appointed director of the Federal Security Service.

March 1999 - Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

August 1999 - First Deputy Prime Minister. At the same time, President Boris Yeltsin introduced another third post of First Deputy for V. Putin.

August 1999 - acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the same day, by another decree of President B. Yeltsin, the cabinet of ministers headed by S. Stepashin was dismissed, and V. Putin was appointed acting head of government.

In his televised address, Boris Yeltsin named Putin his successor as President of the Russian Federation: “… Now I have decided to name a person who, in my opinion, is capable of consolidating society. Relying on the broadest political forces, he will ensure the continuation of reforms in Russia. He will be able to rally around himself those who, in the new, 21st century, will have to renew the great Russia. This is the secretary of the Security Council of Russia, director of the FSB - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ... I'm sure of him. "

On August 16, 1999, the State Duma approved V. Putin as the Chairman of the Government.
On the morning of December 31, 1999, President Yeltsin, in his New Year's address, announced his early resignation from the post of President with the appointment (in accordance with the constitution as Prime Minister) V. Putin as Acting President until early elections.

On March 26, 2000, V. Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation.
On May 7, 2000, he took office as President of the Russian Federation and served in this post for two terms until the election of D. Medvedev in 2008 as President of the Russian Federation.

Thus, B. Yeltsin fulfilled his karmic destiny to prepare and put into power a lieutenant colonel of the FSB, unknown in the country to the broad masses of that time, and left the post of President of the Russian Federation ahead of schedule. For 3 years from August 1996 to August 1999 Vladimir Putin, with the purposeful support of President Boris Yeltsin, went a long way as a leader from the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President to the Chairman of the Government and soon became the President of the Russian Federation.
During the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev (2008-2012), an amendment was made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - since 2012, the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation has increased to 6 years. Therefore, the term of the current presidential rule of Vladimir Putin will end in September 2018. This very important addition was not adopted by the State Duma by accident. It is historically important that Vladimir Putin's presidential term expires not in 2016, but in 2018, since 2016-2017 are for Russia the time of the beginning of a gradual rise and total information war and the demonization of the West against Russia at all levels, including sports, as well as the end of the preparatory period for the transition of our civilization to a new level of consciousness development. In addition, in 2018, the first results of the impact of the Cosmos on the consciousness of people with the help of the so-called. white energy to wash out everything negative, aggressive and negative from the consciousness of people. In addition, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, V. Putin has the right to be elected for another 6-year term in 2018. And this right, based on karmic destiny, will be supported by the majority of the peoples of Russia in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, I would like to leave the information in verse that I received in a dream and recorded on one of the nights in March 1991, which I consider to be my personal mantra:

Burn my candle, burn inextinguishable
Through the burden of long years, all night long
And may it always be present with you invisibly
A mysterious flight of my crazy soul.
I put at the icons, solemnly embarrassed,
Your soul flame flickering in the night
And again I am leaving obedient, renewed,
Not feeling the inaudible cry of a candle behind my back.
Save God, save, don't let the worldly rubbish
Eclipse the light of the best feelings, the path of Faith and Good,
Lost, you will come find your way to the temple
Look for this road, go, it's time.
Many years have passed since the birth of Christ,
I will pray with you in church at the icons -
And let the Divine word descend from heaven
For my Motherland - "Live Holy Russia"!

Views 3 138

Ss. 301-302):

5.4.8. History clues
It is no longer possible to influence the present with therapeutic agents. Folk wisdom reads: "It's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have failed."
You can influence what will happen by throwing convincing clues to decision-makers in those moments of history when, in a stupor at the forks of uncertainty, you have to make a painful choice of a further path.
The years of the global crisis 2012-2015 is that "window of opportunity" when the heirs of the USSR can get off the dead-end path of a society of unrestrained consumption of things and use the methods of intelligence and diplomacy to replace the game, that is, go from the principles of good receiving body to the principles of good date Spirit in the New Horde. As the "Kingdom of Truth - the Power of the White Tsar" predicted for the peoples of Eurasia for a long time. According to the Scriptures, "the King of Truth in the rank of Melchizedek" unites in one person military, secular and spiritual power, and not like heirs Ancient Rome: legislative, executive and judicial.
In Chinese hieroglyphics, the meaning of "White King" is conveyed by the hieroglyph huang (from the title of Qingshi huang ) - the emperor. Above, the key is white, below is the van (king) as a symbol of power, connecting three elements: heaven, earth and a person between them. In the legends and tales of the mountain peoples of Russia (Altaians, Caucasians), the coming White Tsar is Chinggisid: Ivan the Terrible of our days.
And it is not necessary to look for the White Tsar - Chinggisid among the descendants of the princely families of the Yusupovs or Urusovs, other clans of khans, murzas and beks. The clue of history is this: in 2003, the results of a study of the DNA of the population of the countries of the Eurasian zone became known. It turned out that the same structure of the Y-chromosome, based on random checks of people of different ethnic groups and racial types, is extrapolated to sixteen million people, scattered from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. According to the calculations of geneticists, they should all have one common ancestor who lived at the end of the 12th century. We can confidently assume that this is a tree of the descendants of Genghis Khan.
All the necessary conditions have been created for a bloodless maneuver towards a new system of life in Russia. The attention of the people is absorbed by the fuss around side scenarios. Modern boyars are mired in strife, nomenklatura games and intrigues. And the supreme rulers fell for the external layout of their tandem, everyone was driven into their own corner by the onslaught of the rally street, in the split of power "megalomania" and confidence in the future lost. That is why they can perceive and translate into political practice fresh ideas, in fact "military tricks" of a worthy way out of the crisis.
And here, in order not to be mistaken and to get on the right wave, a hint from history is important. For this, the Scripture commanded "to discern the signs of the times."
Distinguishing the signs of the times - and these are the cosmic grounds for Saturn's passage of the constellation Sagittarius - one can firmly believe that in Russia in three years, from autumn 2012 to summer 2015, one can confidently carry out an apical coup. In the cycle of Saturn (29.5 years) in Russia, there is a change of power elite in the form of “cutting off the top”. In 1924-1927, the Trotskyists were removed from the levers of government. In 1953-1956, the Stalinists were thrown from the top of the state. The turning point of the 1982-1985 system was the "five-year funeral" of the last leaders of socialism. In 2012-2015, the entire current liberal "vertical" will be thrown away from power by intrigues and force.
At the same time, Putin, as the head of this vertical, can either personally carry out a summit coup, pave the way (a straight path) for the White Tsar and leave with honor, or fall victim to a fatal struggle. There is no doubt that Putin will win the battle for the presidency. But the battle to capture the future in 2013-2014 will definitely lose. For he was late in reaching the line of attack.
The offensive of the Popular Front is an imitation. And the one who holds it loses.
Since the classical schemes of direct Greco-Roman confrontation do not promise the success of Putin's vertical (the liberals imposed the They - We chess game on him), then it is time to apply military cunning, go to the "war of meanings", replace the game and without any special losses it is worthy to avoid collapse.

You can read about Putin's "wiring" behind the scenes.

A. Kashansky. Foreword to the book
In the book offered to the reader's attention, a very important question for Russia is raised: "What human qualities should the supreme ruler of the country possess and why?" The author's concept, used to create a psychological portrait of the best leader for the country, is based on the classification of the types of connection between consciousness and the unconscious. This methodology is in the research area psychological science... But a psychological portrait of a person destined for higher power cannot be built only on the basis of psychology and the usual rational methods, because any IMAGE always contains an irrational component. The approach to the answer to the question so urgent for all of us, Russians, allows us to give a non-politician - a doctrine that considers the world in its all-encompassing unity and studies the irrational with the help of completely rational methods.
Neopolitics makes it possible not only to create a psychological portrait of the future "White Tsar", but also to determine what values ​​he should be guided by. What should be his soul? What is a soul, does it finally exist? Why take its properties into account? Consideration of these questions already goes beyond the limits of psychological science, but closely adjoins it. Therefore, in order to clarify the understanding of a non-political view of psychology, it must be emphasized here that from the point of view of non-political politics, the human psyche is a complex synthesis of imaginative perception of the world and logical thinking. Images are the essence of information coming into consciousness directly from the pre-eternal information field of the Universe, and logical thinking- the result of the use by the mind of symbolic languages ​​and logical algorithms. Between the primordial image and "computer" logic is the human soul, which controls the formation of images in the subconscious and consciousness, the interaction of which is considered by the author. Depending on the characteristics of the soul, images will be formed, and hence the values ​​in which a person believes and which he follows "at the behest of the heart."
The most powerful information attack, undertaken during the pre-election campaign, with the help of sophisticated technologies, can change - deform the image of a candidate for power and impose this beneficially changed image on public consciousness. It is vitally important for us, resisting the propaganda pressure, to be able to discern the person on whom the fate of the entire country will depend, based on objective criteria. In our opinion, one of the advantages of the book is an attempt to urge citizens to make a responsible choice, proceeding not only from the "call of the heart" or "the logic of reason", but also from the position of balanced wisdom, which combines both, and also the requirement to obey the spirit time. Determining exactly how the “spirit of the times” is changing is one of the tasks of non-political politics, the tools of which the author uses, combining in his research the methods of psychology, historical analogies and the principles of non-political vision of the world.
Undoubtedly, the time is coming for Russia to “collect stones”. The country is on the verge of "small prosperity", which will be accompanied by the formation of a new system of values, the development of a new historical mission and even the formation of a new historical community, which we will call "the Russian people of the future." New times will require new heroes and new leaders. This book tells about how to help to recognize their faces in a huge crowd of "political passers-by".

Excerpts from the book:

He [Yeltsin] refused the services of a balanced Primakov and psychotimist Kiriyenko, and chose Putin, who embodies the best epileptoid traits: honesty, decency, loyalty to the given word and the obligations assumed. Vladimir Putin is a talented person, he would be very good at the stage of development of success, but not at the stage of its complete absence. As a result, we have what we have: the pinnacle of creativity is administrative reform, the cancellation of elections and the dominance of special services with a complete lack of control over the work of the bureaucratic apparatus and law enforcement agencies. And this is not his fault. The current president of Russia is simply not capable of non-standard solutions due to his mental structure. And this means that it is not for him either to prepare and make the transition from the period of chaos to the period of "little prosperity."
This will have to be done by the new Russian ruler, who is called the "White Tsar" in the teachings of non-globalism. This does not mean at all that Russia should switch to a monarchical form of government or return to the days of patriarchal antiquity. The term "White Tsar" is generalized and implies the coming to power of such a person whose activities would be illuminated by the white light of truth. It is about a spirit guide who would truly love his people as a good shepherd loves his flock. The "White Tsar" is the one who will be able to overcome the barriers formed by centuries of mistrust between the government and its subjects, to bring harmony in relations between people, when the rich will not despise the poor, and the poor will not hate the rich, when happy wealth becomes the lot of the overwhelming majority of the population country, when the black envy, plaguing the soul, will cease to be characteristic feature Russians. The time of his coming to power has come. He, this man, already lives among us. And in order not to be mistaken in his choice and allow him to realize his historical mission, the author invites you to familiarize yourself with his psychological portrait, which is given in the next chapter. (pp. 118-119)

Image of the White Tsar

Strongest of all - self-controlled.


The demon of man is himself.

Indian proverb

The White Tsar is the anointed of God, and not at all the chosen one of the people of the society for the consumption of material goods or the protege of political forces, clans or confessions. Therefore, the White Tsar himself will place upon himself the crown of spiritual, secular and military power "not of this world." The true power of consent and serving the truth in essence, leaving the formal legislative, executive and judicial powers alone to the existing state.

The "radius of the personality" of the White Tsar will determine the limits of the "White Kingdom". According to Orthodox tradition, "not the strength of the White Tsar, but his truth" will be afraid of all "servants of evil", and even the Antichrist.

Personal data: a man, middle (40-50) years old, Russian (primarily by the type of his consciousness), with a higher education, the head of a state or commercial structure, who has reached such a level of financial well-being that would allow him to be independent in his views. In addition, this is a person who is either directly an employee of the power structures of the federal level, or who is in close proximity to them. In any case, his appearance on the political arena should be quite expected and not surprising.
Appearance: the figure is proportional, the appearance is attractive and does not cause rejection in the titular nation (Russians), height does not matter much, the main thing is that it is not pathologically small or tall. Hair color does not matter, nor does the structure. One has only to take into account that any eccentricity for the Russian type of consciousness (resinous curly or violently growing redheads) should be more than covered with charisma emanating from such a person. The face is expressive, the features are European. The look is clear, a little restless and tense, indicating both the desire to achieve a goal and the ability to do it, despite serious obstacles. Therefore, this is not the gaze of an all-knowing sage, but the burning gaze of a strong and decisive person who fully relies on himself. In general, the appearance should bear the stamp of masculinity, intelligence, secrecy and bubbling internal energy.
Addition: slenderness is encouraged, but not the determining factor. Considering, however, certain prevailing stereotypes (a fat bad "bourgeois", a rich fat "world-eater" neighbor, "three fat men" and so on), the candidate should be rather thin than a full man... A certain sportiness should also be present in the figure, that is, in the case of a man, the shoulders should be wider than the pelvis, and not vice versa. The shapes should be sufficiently proportional and not cause visual rejection. Here the question may immediately arise of what to do with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, who did not differ in special proportionality in build and attractiveness. This can be answered only by the fact that they were not psychotimics-reformers, that is, they appeared in history not at the stage of transition from chaos to “small prosperity”, but more “created” in conditions of chaos. And the second - knowing about their shortcomings, they preferred to wear military uniform, which in many respects smoothed out the negative impression of the non-standardness of their figures. The emergence in modern conditions of a candidate for the post of head of state in a military jacket (with the exception of real military men) will clearly cause a wave of rejection among people. So to cover up their absurdity with the gloss and chic of a uniform tunic, persons striving for power, most likely, will not succeed.
Psychomotor skills: the movements are athletic, energetic, confident, calculating, stingy and precise, but not rude, not manly. There are no signs of laxity, disorder. The gestures are simple, adequate to the irritation. Facial expressions and movements betray decisiveness with elements of aggressiveness, which rather indicates not anger, but absolute confidence in one's own strengths and in one's destiny.
Speech: the rate of speech is normal, accelerating as the desire to convince the interlocutor of the correctness of the words spoken increases. This is not a speech by a trained speaker, with properly placed pauses and accents. Confident in what he says, the applicant is absolutely sincere in all his intonations, ups, downs, and accents. Such a person will not speak on a piece of paper or a previously memorized text. Even if he starts reading, in a few moments he will break away from what he has written and will say what he thinks. Sometimes getting confused in phrases, sometimes choosing the wrong words. But for all the incorrectness of such a speech, its flaws will be compensated for by internal energy, sincerity and relevance, which will not leave the audience indifferent. It is impossible to imagine the presence of opportunistic passages in such speech. It is also impossible to imagine that a candidate will be able to change her position depending on the preferences of those in power and the media.
Voice: the timbre of the voice is normal. There can be no special signs here. Except that the timbre of the voice should not be misleading regarding the gender and mental normality of the applicant.
She prefers classic style in clothes. No addiction to fashion brands and no dependence on well-known brands. Wears what is comfortable and does not look very pretentious and defiant. Some bright elements in clothes (tie, scarf) can be an indicator of psychotimicity. But, most likely, this will not happen, since he prefers emphasized asceticism for emphasis.
Overall impression: the candidate is a holistic person, confident and accustomed to leadership. He lives in harmony with himself, his own appearance does not cause any complexes and internal tension. He is friendly with interlocutors, but nothing more. The reaction to what hurts is quick and adequate. There is a sense of humor. But this is not a sage's sense of humor, free and explaining everything. It's not very flexible and doesn't really need it. A certain alertness in the gaze is striking (like a person expecting some kind of trick), which is due to the fact that there is no time for empty conversations and pastime, and during business meetings, as a rule, you deal with real or potential opponents, including from among their followers. There is a certain lack of relaxedness in appearance, dress and manners, which, nevertheless, does not spoil the overall positive impression and does not reduce human attractiveness. Friends, if any, are very few, and they are not related to his work and business. This is either something related to childhood, or with some strong shock (war, disaster, illness). There are associates. And they are interesting as long as they share his views and help on the way to the goal. Vindictive and generous at the same time. The change of these qualities depends on the current state of "success - failure".
Motivation: He explains his consent to power with the good goal of reviving and flourishing the country, while excluding the motives of personal leadership, although, from a mental point of view, they are the main ones: to achieve a set goal, to prove one’s innocent, to surprise others with his foresight and ability to foresee the course of events. Self-realization of oneself is seen precisely in achieving public recognition of one's righteousness.
Biographical information: the applicant, most likely, was born in Russia, most likely in the city, in a family of employees (presumably engineers and technicians) in the period 1955-1970. The family, most likely, was complete, and if not complete, then this was compensated by normal communication with a real father outside the family or with a stepfather in the family (otherwise this would not have allowed them to successfully pass the stage of sexual identification at an early age). At the same time, in the period up to 1.5 years in the life of the applicant, some very important events for the formation of his personality occurred or took place, which predetermined his oral fixation and psychochemical personality structure. In particular, he could be separated from his mother for a long time (business trips, employment, a 24-hour day nursery, illness, etc.), or, on the contrary, overly patronized by her (which is less likely). Applicant graduated high school, studied there well enough (which was a round excellent student - not necessarily), was actively involved in sports (but not professionally), attended various circles (most likely, with a technical bias). Already from his school years, there was clearly a desire for leadership in him, perhaps not always realized. Higher education he received well deservedly, most likely, acquired as a result of technical or economic specialty... It is possible that during his student years he was actively involved in Komsomol work and even was nominated for an elective position. At the same time, he combined this position in the team with real leadership, being a "sociometric star" in the group in which he was. Military service is possible, but not required. At the same time, the candidate's attitude towards it was very favorable: he was not afraid of the army and was always quite adequate in military-patriotic terms. He built life after college in the interests of career growth, not personal convenience. Achieved a lot during the Soviet era. Perestroika and the subsequent capitalist redistribution did not frighten or confuse, but on the contrary gave strength and opened up new horizons. As a result, he achieved a lot, becoming a well-known entrepreneur-leader. However, achievements in this field could in no way compensate for the bitterness of the thieves' lawlessness happening around, which ultimately forged the determination to change the existing order of things and try to save the country and people. Such lofty goals and fitting them on to oneself were carried out in the conditions of the continuing growth of authority and influence. That is, in this case, the motives were not resentment, irritation and aggression of a loser, seeking through political levers to compensate for his complexes, but on the contrary: success in everyday life gave confidence that his real purpose could be much higher than the niche that he is in society takes.
Relationship with family: reverent attitude towards the mother. Regarding the relationship with the father, it is difficult to say anything definite. The applicant was most likely the only child in the family. In any case, in the presence of sisters or brothers, his relationship with them will be warm, but not dominant.
Married, possibly with a second marriage. Has children. In the family, he occupies a leading position, being in the full sense of the word the owner of the house. It is possible that the first marriage (in the case of this) also fell apart due to the rejection of the spouse (presumably of the same age and even a fellow student) of the growing role of the husband and his natural desire for authoritarianism.
Loves children. He is strict and fair with them, in any case he tries to be so. Thoughts about their purpose leave a certain imprint on the relationship with them and on the systems of upbringing used (no special lisps, especially with boys, strictness and all-round care, but also no beatings or unacceptable abuse).
From the characteristics of others: disciplined, restrained in communication, he is suspicious of new acquaintances, active, bad habits no, on the whole he is benevolent, but he feels alertness, adheres to generally accepted norms and rules in his behavior. Differs in increased energy, which manifests itself in constant employment. Moreover, this is not the imaginary employment of workaholics, which is more typical of epileptoids, but creative activity, the results of which are felt almost daily. A fairly high level of self-control and self-organization. Self-esteem is very high, which sometimes seems excessive to others. Initiative. He often relies on intuition in making decisions and succeeds at the same time.
Emotional dependence on third parties or any circumstances is not observed. He strictly controls all the information that concerns him personally, his relatives and friends. In the manifestation of feelings, he is extremely restrained. And this tension is felt. Optimistic enough. Sadness or near-depressive states are not observed. Addictions hide. But oral fixation is noticeable (either smokes a lot and often, or loves to eat deliciously, or has a sweet tooth). In general, there is some kind of weakness that testifies to this. But no addiction to alcohol. With the people around him, he intuitively finds the right line of behavior. There is no sycophancy in relations with superiors, but there is no rudeness with subordinates either. He likes flattery, but he does not tolerate it and himself tries not to flatter. He is impulsive, not autistic, decisive, he thinks realistically, on a large scale, without excessive zeal and philosophizing.
He is not concerned about his state of health, although he is watching his physical form. Adapts well to change. Sexuality is highly differentiated. There is a tendency to dominate and the orientation of thoughts and actions into the future, which is associated with the awareness of his own importance and the role that he may have to play in the fate of the country. Unmotivated anger and aggression are practically absent. Good performance control.
In everyday life and behavior, he tries to take steps aimed at winning a positive assessment of others. He treats criticism rather painfully and does not like either the critic itself or those people who are engaged in it, considering them to be talkers and envious. There are practically no problems in the psychosexual sphere. He is passionate about the business he is doing. Internal energy is very strong. Any lethargy or pessimism is not felt. No childishness or emotional immaturity. Among the strongest psychological defenses- sublimation, with the help of which he directs his unconscious impulses and aggression in a socially approved channel. In addition, they are used: universal control, denial and rationalization.
How he sees himself: the applicant considers himself to be an emotionally stable person, calm, realistic in relation to life, persistent and persistent in achieving goals, able to control himself and control his thoughts, emotions and actions. He looks at things seriously and realistically, is well aware of the demands of reality, is objective about his own shortcomings.
Has a sense of high responsibility, is obligatory, conscientious and adheres to strong moral principles. He is deeply decent by virtue of his own convictions, is precise and accurate in business, tries not to break the rules, and is conscientious.
In relationships with other people, he can show discernment and prudence, coldness and rationality. He is able not to succumb to emotional impulses, to see logic behind the affect. In the team he behaves correctly, politely and detached. He approaches problem solving reasonably and unsentimentally. He is skeptical about slogans and appeals. In communication, he is polite. Monitors his speech and manners.
In addition, he believes that he has a fairly high practicality, that as a person he is mature, balanced, sane, well versed in everyday important things, soberly assessing circumstances and people. At the same time, he almost completely denies that he has any weaknesses and desires, demonstrates absolute indifference to success and failure. But the demonstrated calmness, equanimity and satisfaction with any state of affairs are nevertheless demonstrative in nature and emphasize the closeness of nature.
The applicant does not differ in kindness and tenderness, but he cannot be called cruel either. He is more self-confident than prone to feelings of guilt. He believes that his fate is in his own hands, experiences a sense of validity and consistency of his inner motives and goals. He is able to effectively manage his emotions and feelings about himself. He denies internal conflicts, and he is not inclined to self-accusations (self-flagellation).
It seems to him that his personality, character and activity are capable of evoking respect, sympathy, approval and understanding in others. At the same time, he feels the value of his own personality and highly appreciates it according to the criteria of spirituality, the wealth of the inner world and the ability to evoke deep feelings in others.
Attitude towards faith: the applicant is a believer, but not religious. He has no fanatical attachments, and he is quite loyal to other religions and worldview systems. (ss. 144-153)

Chapter 11


All the great prophets of the world predicted that sooner or later the suffering and trials of Russia will end. Our country, like a phoenix, will rise from the ashes and be reborn! Who will be the one who will rule this country? Who can take on such a great mission?

Sergius of Radonezh (1387)

The earliest and most mysterious prophecy about this belongs to one of the greatest and most beloved saints in the country - the Monk Sergius of Radonezh.

“My time will come when the heavenly Luminary will rush to the Earth, and then you will come to fulfill the will of the dates. And the hated will be saviors, and the vanquished will lead the victorious. And the three roots, separated by a curse, grow together with love, and they will be led by one sent not from their tribe. Before the deadline, the Tatars and Jews will be cursed, and they will curse the Russian land. When your bones are given over to destruction, the time will be fulfilled for the three curses and the invisibly visible will stand at the throne, clothed with Crowns and the Ring. And where you attach the Ring, there will be My Hand and the Lords. "

In a number of sources, the alleged conversation between Abel and Paul I is conveyed in this way:

"Is this really the end of the Russian state and there will be no salvation for it?" Paul asks. “The impossible for man is possible for God,” Abel answers. - God hesitates with help, but it is said that he will give it soon and erect a horn of salvation for the Russian. And the great prince will rise up in exile from your house, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the chosen one of God, and his blessing will be on the head. He will be one and understandable to everyone, he is taught by the very heart of the Russian. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one says: "The Tsar is here or there," but: "This is He." The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling. His name has been fated three times in Russian history. Two of the same names were already on the throne, but not on the royal one. He will sit on Tsarskoe as the Third. It is the salvation and happiness of the Russian state. The paths would be different again on the Russian mountain. "

Abel is also credited with the following words about the future ruler of Russia:

“Russia will once again become a great country and will prosper like the heavenly crin. The heir to the last Tsar Nicholas II will rule during the rebirth of Russia, and his name is Michael. "

Seraphim Sarovsky

It is believed that the future fate of Russia was revealed to Seraphim of Sarov, and it was he who was instructed from Above to take all measures to save the Romanov dynasty. In a conversation with his student, professor of the Theological Academy N. Motovilov, Seraphim of Sarov said that the imperial power in Russia would be overthrown in 1917 and to save the dynasty the last emperor Nicholas II must have, in addition to the official heir of Tsarevich Alexei, who will be born in 1904, another - secret, who must be called Michael.

Everything that Motovilov heard from his holy mentor, he had to convey to his wife Elena at his hour of death. She, in turn, was to convey this to Blessed Pasha of Sarov, a nun of the Diveyevo Monastery, who was to inform the imperial couple about this. This order was to be passed on to the emperor when he came to venerate the holy relics of Seraphim of Sarov. As the monk said, "when the king glorifies me, then I will glorify him."

Seraphim died in 1833 in the city of Sarov, his relics were transferred to the Diveyevo monastery in 1903, when Nicholas II reigned. The royal couple arrived at the procession and liturgy in Diveyevo. Then Pasha of Sarov invited the emperor and his wife to her cell and handed them the mandate of the "fiery elder". The nun told Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: "You will give birth to one son next year, and you will come to give birth to me, and so that no one knows about it."

Did the royal couple succeed in fulfilling the order of the Monk Seraphim? There is an opinion that it was possible ...

Vasily Nemchin

As already mentioned, the prophet predicted that the time will come when the “great Potter” will come to power in Russia, who will be a spiritually enlightened, wise ruler. He will be the founder of a new monarchy and there will be "great joy - the return of the crown, and then" taking under the crown "of the whole" big tree ".

As Nemchin wrote, "Three branches will merge into one, and there will be a single tree." Thanks to this, a new powerful state will appear. Most likely, the three branches mean the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples, who will unite again in the post-apocalyptic period.

Pelagia Ryazan

According to the recollections of a fellow villager, Blessed Pelagia predicted:

"There will also be a defender of the Faith - the Tsar - the smartest man ... Prepared by God Himself!"

Saint Theophan of Poltava (1930)

Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be revived in it and will triumph. But that Orthodoxy that was before will no longer be ... God Himself will put a strong Tsar on the throne. He will be a great reformer and he will have a strong Orthodox faith. He will bring down the unfaithful hierarchs of the Church, he himself will be an outstanding personality, with a pure, holy soul. He will have a strong will. "

Archbishop Theophan of Poltava (Bystroe)

about the prophecies of his confessor - Elder Alexy of Valaam:

“I am not speaking on my own behalf, but I am communicating the revelations of the elders. And they gave me the following. (...) Russia must still recover, of course, for a short time note 37 ... And in Russia there must be a Tsar, chosen by the Lord Himself. He will be a man of fiery faith, great mind and iron will. So open about him. (...) He will be a great reformer and he will have a strong Orthodox faith. (…) He will come from the Romanov dynasty through his mother. He will be God's chosen one, obedient to Him in everything. "

The famous Bulgarian seer also predicted that in the future a ruler endowed with special wisdom would appear in Russia.

According to the testimony of the writer and poet V.M. Sidorov who met her:


Another interesting and, perhaps, the most intimate theme of old prophecies is the statement that our country is destined for support and help from Above.

Orthodox people in Russia have long believed that the Mother of God herself is helping our country.

And in the letters of E.I. Roerich says that, in addition to earthly rulers, Russia also has an invisible spiritual patron - the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who did not leave his beloved country even after his departure from the earthly plane of existence.

The Roerichs sacredly honored the memory of this saint and considered him the greatest ascetic not only of Russia, but of the whole world.

In 1938 E.I. Roerich wrote:

It is interesting that the Bulgarian seer Vanga, in her conversation with V.M. Sidorov also called Sergius "the greatest saint", who now helps the whole world most of all, and especially Russia.

This is how V. M. Sidorov reports his conversation with Vanga about Saint Sergius in his small work "Lyudmila and Vangelia" note 41 .

From the book of V.M. Sidorov "Lyudmila and Vangelia"

Do Saint Sergei are honored in Russia?

Not enough, I answer. - Mostly in the church.

I see a monastery. (I confirm that the relics of St. Sergius are located in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.) This is the heart of Russia. He is a great prophet. He is not an ordinary saint, but the main Russian saint.

With unexpected energy:

There is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow and grow stronger.

And he adds that these are not her words, but the words of Saint Sergius.

I see, - Wang continues, - he holds Russia in the palm of his hand. I see a church floating in the air. I see people with spears and helmets.

Vanga, - I interrupt her, - you give an accurate description of one painting by Roerich.

What kind of picture? - Wang asks.

She is little known because she is not exhibited. It depicts Saint Sergius holding in his hands a cathedral that personifies Rus and Russia. He blesses the soldiers - they are visible in the depths of the picture - going to the Battle of Kulikovo. The caption to the painting reads: “It was given to Saint Reverend Sergius to save the Russian Land three times. The first time under Prince Dmitry, the second time under Minin. Third "- followed by an ellipsis.

Why not exhibit?

Because of the prophetic inscription.

Vanga, as it were, peers into the distance. Informs:

The picture was painted by four souls who came from another world. Little is known about this picture. It is necessary that many people know about it, so that everyone knows. Take care of the picture like the apple of your eye. This is a great document, this is the greatest wealth of Russia. Do not send it to other countries. It is intended only for Russia.

And, as if concluding what has been said, he exclaims:

The one who was Saint Sergei is now the greatest saint. He is the leader of all mankind. Oh, how he is helping humanity now! He turned into light, his body is made of light. "

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A little more about prophecies ...
How many do not judge the prophets, but they all hit almost the same point! Whether it be our Russian prophets or foreign ones, they all prophesied and predicted one thing - Russia will rise and go its own way, ordained by God, headed by a ruler from God.
Based on this, you can take a closer look at such a vision tsu, like Nostradamus. His prophecies are similar to the prophecies of the monk Abel. Therefore, it makes no sense to condemn the prophet for the fact that he is French and did not prophesy in Russia. But the fact that he also revealed the future for Russia as a prosperous and spiritual country, this already speaks of the truth of the prophecies. Let's reveal some of the brightest of them.
1. Century 1, quatrain 50.
A tick from the water trinity will be born one person,
Who will make Thursday his holiday
Rumors about him, glory, kingdom, his power will increase,
From land and sea, a storm will come to the East ...
This is a deciphered quatrain: firstly, the aquatic trinity is fish, scorpion, cancer. Secondly, this man will become very famous, that even in the West there will be confusion and will cause a storm of indignation in the East.
2. Epistle to Henry 2.
Then a new branch will arise from the tree, which for a long time remained barren, and from the 50th latitude a man will appear carrying the renewal of the entire church. Then peace, harmony and unity will be concluded between children, whose possessions are divided by different ideas and boundaries. And this peace will be so durable that the instigators and warmongers, using the difference of religions, will be forever chained in a deep abyss.
Deciphered message to Henry 2 - the future King (by the way, Kaede Uber pointed to the King in a speech on the NTV program):
First, it speaks of a man, a man. He will be born from 50 latitude, i.e. it is closer to the Ural Mountains. Let me remind you that latitude is a vertical line crossing the equator and parallels of the Earth from South to North (or North to South), and 50th latitude is located in Russia and practically separates the Urals from the European part of Russia.
3. The Great Potter will rule in the 21st century. Potter will be born "Between the Volga and the Urals" (VK-until 1996).
This context dates back to 1996. Described here future ruler Russia. The place of his birth somewhat coincides with the 50th latitude. If you look at that from 50 latitude, between the Urals and the Kama (this version is disputed in scientific circles) there are only a few regions. Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Perm Territory... Well, I think Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, due to their religions, do not have great chances of success, but the Perm Territory is the most control place, it is here that the Urals and the Kama River join, and from the 50th latitude it coincides with accuracy for the entire region. (By the way, you can find this provision on search engines, for example Google, Yandex. Find maps in the search engine, enter in the search engine Between the Volga and the Urals and ... Please, the city "Great Perm!" (Capital of the Perm Territory)

That's what the result is about. And who knows, God's providence has no boundaries in creation. Who wants to see will see. Who wants to hear, let him hear!
