Real story about her friend Olga, who has long wanted, but could not buy a car. Five years have passed since the terrible accident, but Olga was in no hurry to get behind the wheel again. I was very worried about my friend, supported her in every possible way, took her to the salons and regularly introduced her to the new products of the car market. But I constantly came across Olya's extinct gaze:

- I want to buy a car and drive again. Problems started with work, I don't have time, the boss will fire ... But I'm so scared!

Each conversation ended with a friend's tears, with which she mourned her material inability and professional failures.

I arranged for Ole to meet with my friend, a psychologist. We met in a relaxed atmosphere, and now an hour later the psychologist says to her:

- You remember every moment of the accident and constantly relive it again. The subconscious mind is so arranged that it protects you from repetition, it feels a threat and blocks your moral readiness to buy a car and drive again. And then you start playing by his rules - you come up with problems that do not exist in order to justify this block.

And then I nodded:

- Yes Yes! You say you don't have enough money. But you got your loan approved last week, remember?

The psychologist took a napkin, wrote "deprogramming" and ordered to subtract everything that he found on this request. And Olya was lost and my field of vision for a month.

The separation from my friend was worth it: now she often picks me up from work in her zero foreign car. Olya often now tells me how to fulfill desires with the help of the subconscious. So she was able to get rid of the fear of driving, to cope with far-fetched material problems.

Within a month, she completed extreme driving courses and successfully purchased a car. This was her most cherished desire, which she herself prevented from being fulfilled.

According to the program, we automatically perceive information and respond to it. Olga could not buy a car not because of a lack of money. She was hampered by the fear of having an accident again. The subconscious at the level of instincts stopped buying a car.

This is how the once deceived men and women cannot start families. Therefore, some do not go to another country to rest. Others avoid public speaking people who have failed on the school stage.

Successful entrepreneurs avoid mergers and lucrative partnerships. They explain this by the fact that they are used to trusting only themselves and being guided by their own interests. And this is not selfishness! This is a program according to which a person defends himself.

You can make wishes come true if you use the methods and techniques for fulfilling desires through the subconscious:

  1. Reprogramming.
  2. Deprogramming.
  3. Gratitude.

Reprogramming is aimed at changing the attitude towards the problem, which is a barrier to the fulfillment of desires.

For example, you want to be promoted. You may be hindered by fear of your boss, so you don't approach him with this question. You may be intimidated by the amount and level of responsibilities that you may not be able to handle. In any case, there is a block - fear.

According to one of the reprogramming techniques - "The Golden Ratio" - we compose a text of 27 words, in which the phrase "get promoted" will be in place of the 16th and 17th words. This is the ideal position to embed the mindset into the subconscious. We record the entire text on a dictaphone, listen to the recording continuously for at least half an hour for two weeks.

Reprogramming uses affirmations, hypnosis, and audio programs such as the resulting dictaphone recording.

The result of all the techniques will be:

  • idea;
  • inspiration;
  • rise in strength;
  • self confidence.

Your dreams can be imposed by your parents, friends. Before you fulfill desires with the help of the subconscious, decide what you really want.

The disadvantage of this method is self-hypnosis and self-deception. Your wish - a promotion - will not come true if you are lazy, do not have the necessary skills, do not grow professionally, and are late for work. You are not solving a problem that will eventually remind of itself, and your passive expectation will turn into a dismissal.

Deprogramming is different in that it does not change your attitude towards the problem, but removes it. To do this, a person finds the source of the problem, the causes of fear, works to replace them or cancel them.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Emotional release from the block occurs during a session, which consists of five stages:

  1. Assess the problem that prevents your desire from being fulfilled. For example, suppose you dream of opening a franchise bakery. Uncertainty in your abilities stops you (you are afraid not to cope, you feel the fear of failure). We formulate and evaluate this obstacle on a ten-point scale.

The problem should be formulated as concretely as possible: “I don’t believe that I can open a bakery,” “I have a headache,” “I hate the boss,” “I’m afraid to fly an airplane,” and the like.

  1. Eliminate internal resistance and tune in to the next step. We include our wording in the sentence: "Even though __ I deeply and completely love and accept myself." Our example sounds like this: "Even though I do not believe that I can open a bakery, I love, forgive and accept myself." Repeat three times and simultaneously tap on a point on the edge of the palm under the little finger (Karate Point).
  2. Tap it. By tapping, we pass all the energy points of the upper body from one side:
  • the beginning of the eyebrow,
  • outer edge of the eye,
  • cheekbone under the eye
  • under the nose (above the lip),
  • chin (under the lower lip),
  • the beginning of the collarbone,
  • close at hand (armpit),
  • thumb,
  • forefinger,
  • middle finger,
  • little finger.

For each point, there are 7 taps with two fingers and a repetition of the installation.

  1. Further tapping moves to a point between below the bones of the ring finger and the little finger (Connection Point, Gamma Point). We do not pronounce the setting. Follow the taps with the following actions:
  • close your eyes;
    • open your eyes;
    • move your eyes to the right and down;
    • move your eyes to the left and down;
    • make a full circle with your eyes in one direction;
    • repeat with your eyes a full circle in the opposite direction;
    • “Sweep” for a couple of seconds (for vibration);
    • count to 5;
    • again "sweep" for a couple of seconds (for vibration);

Then repeat tapping from the beginning of the eyebrow to the little finger.

  1. Take a deep breath and exhale, rate the problem on a ten-point scale again. If the mark dropped by at least one point, then you did everything right.

Get the grade down by repeating the cycles with a slight adjustment to the setting phrase: “Even though I still don’t believe that I can open a bakery, I love, forgive and accept myself.” Logically change the wording each time, and when you repeat it during therapy, put into it those emotions that you experience (anger, frustration, indignation, irritation).

The result will be your emotional release, you may suddenly realize that you are not actually afraid to open a bakery, and do not fully understand how to do it. And then you find a way to accomplish what you want.

BSFF (Get Free Fast)

The technique blocks the prejudices of the person that interfere with the realization of his dreams. This happens according to the scheme:

  1. What do I want? Taking Olga's example, our goal is to buy a car.
  2. What I feel? We write down the answers on a piece of paper: “I’m afraid of dying in an accident,” “I’m afraid of the aggression of other drivers,” “I’m too lazy to earn money for a car,” “I might be a bad driver,” “if I even get into a small accident, I will be very ashamed "," I have to re-examine the traffic rules and pass on the license "and others. We end with a positive thought: "I will be happy to drive", "I will have my own car."
  3. We choose the word code. Larry Nimsom - the author of the technique - advises:

“Just pick the word or short phrase you want to use. It is better to choose a word that does not contain a strong emotional charge, for example, the word "money" is not appropriate.

Examples of keywords our clients have used: awesome, Dynamite, I can do it, Peace, Joy, Go ahead, Be free, Light, Freedom, Hurray. "

We insert into the instruction:

“This instruction is for you, my subconscious. Whenever I notice a problem and say the keyword "Dynamite", you will eliminate the problem and its roots effective way... I thank you for always being my faithful servant. End of instructions "

  1. We apply the instructions to each item of the list written or printed on a sheet of paper (item 2), for this we read the conviction and pronounce the code word until yawning appears. As soon as it appears, go to the next item.
  2. We end with phrases that we also repeat until you yawn:

“Now I eliminate forever all the problems associated with my goal - to buy a car. Dynamite"

“Now I forgive all people who are associated with my goal - to buy a car, I forgive the whole world and myself. I did my best for this. Dynamite"

The result is an increase in stress resistance. What prevented you from moving towards your dream ceases to enter into a stupor, frighten and excite. You will buy a car, as you will not be afraid to appear on the road as an insecure driver, defeat laziness and prejudice.

Other deprogramming techniques - PEAT and Aspectica - work on the same principle. They eliminate the negative emotional basis, neutralize the attitude towards the problem.


People are happy to help you and fulfill your requests when they receive a grateful response. If you don’t thank the person who helped you out with money or gave you good advice, next time he may refuse. The situation is the same with the Universe - it can stop fulfilling our desires.

A notebook will help to thank the Universe (God, the Almighty, Space). Number 21 pages and sign each one, "My thanks to the universe today." Day by day, write down 21 reasons to say thank you.

Thank a cup of coffee in the morning for a smile loved one, for a good mood, for the health of loved ones, for the transport that arrived on time, for the attentiveness of the chief who helps you to improve.

The gratitude of the Universe is accompanied by inner gratitude to oneself for courage and decisiveness in professional matters, for being attentive to loved ones, for diligence and reliability in relation to friends. Say: “I am grateful to myself that I am saving my life”, “I am grateful to myself for reading this book”, “Thank you for your material confidence in the future.”

On the sheet, you can add the second column "I want to thank" and thank you for fulfilled wishes (imagine that they have already come true): "Thank you for a new home", "Thank you for a promotion at work", "Thank you for being completely healthy."


Fear and prejudice prevent us from being happy. They are easily removed from the subconscious on an emotional level.

Use these techniques of working with the subconscious to achieve goals, and the main result of working with the subconscious and fulfilling desires will be a new stage of self-improvement. Any desires are fulfilled by someone who is confident in himself, and those around him will feel this confidence.


An incredibly effective wish-fulfilling technique

Oleg Filishin claims that his technique of fulfilling desires is the most effective possible.

Important! This technique overlaps with other similar systems, including my technique, which allows you to achieve incredible results, such as

Try the technique of fulfilling Oleg's wishes, and share the results!

Universal technique of fulfilling desires

Do you know a universal technique for fulfilling desires, regardless of their scale?

Do you know how to reprogram your beliefs and influence the course of life's circumstances in just a few days without any difficulties and long-term practices?

I suppose not, otherwise you don't need to be interested in resources of this kind ...

This is the exceptional case when you are presented with incredible knowledge that can affect the world completely free of charge based on your preferences.

Thank the Universe for such a wonderful and long-awaited gift!

My technique of fulfilling desires: how do I know it?

For several years in a row, I have been actively practicing and researching deep self-programming skills.

I have conducted many experiments, experienced many techniques and theoretical aspects of entering Special States of Consciousness.

I have tested the effect of this knowledge on myself and on those around me hundreds of times. I have not the slightest doubt about its incredible effectiveness. I can bet on anything that after a while, you will be ready to bless the moment you read this wonderful material.

Personally, I have no reason to deceive you.

I have repeatedly observed fantastic phenomena in own life using this practice, and I believe that you will also follow in the footsteps of your mentor.

What is "Open Source of Cosmic Power"?

It is a bottomless repository of valuable information, power and Divine energy.

This is the indescribable line between "earth and sky". This greatest path enlightenment and mystery at the same time. This is a unique chance to rise to the level of spiritual, physical and material prosperity.

The source of Cosmic Power knows the answers to any questions, he knows your desires and preferences.

With its help, you will be able to find the right solution to each problem, achieve moral balance, realize the subtleties of your own “I”, discover phenomenal superpowers and talents, and achieve your goals quickly, easily and effectively.

It will not be difficult for you to attract any benefits, necessary people and circumstances into your life. Now the road is open for you everywhere and everywhere. There is no intention that you cannot fulfill.

How it works?

I think most of you have realized that you first need to learn how to properly connect to the source of Cosmic power. In order to gain a powerful connection with the bottomless storehouse of power, one should realize and do the whole process especially carefully and deeply.

Take this practice seriously and with dignity. Soon you will find out what will radically change your future life.

Now think about why I call this source "open"?

There is a fairly simple and logical explanation.

Because you can connect to it at any time of the day, anywhere and at any location of events. There are no restrictions and cannot be. This is its true value.

What is the genius of this technology?

Genius is a combination of superiority and simplicity at the same time.

Each of you wants to learn a technique that does not require special training, unnecessary complexity in execution and a long investment of time, and which in return will be the easiest and most effective, both in mastering and in its application.

I can assure you dreams do come true!

The technique of fulfilling desires works!

Attention! There is a certain set of safety rules that are important to know

What is the main principle and feature of the technique?

You will not be doing any rituals, experimenting systematically, or reinforcing new skills.

You don't even need to have relevant experience.

You can start practicing right now, tomorrow, or in a month. Whenever.

You risk nothing and give nothing in return. Perhaps, heartfelt gratitude.

This technique is so simple that its descriptions fit within the size of a medium-sized article, and so useful that it deserves the close attention of millions of people.

This is not a quirky or personal approach.

This is a universal conclusion of all known, little-known and unheard-of discoveries in the field of parapsychology, esotericism and self-programming ().

People who use this knowledge achieve tremendous results. Now I will tell you something incredible ...

First, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. How do you relate to your "I", to your personality? Who are you and what do you mean to yourself? What is your self-esteem?

Treats yourself better will help

2. Analyze your attitude to the world around you, to circumstances, to people, to society. What are they: positive or negative?

3. Do you blame yourself or someone else for the events that are taking place?

If someone from the outside, then you are here:

4. Do you believe in your future success? How big is this faith?

5. Are your problems really as serious as you used to describe them?

6. Do you see a way out of the current conditions? Is there really not a single plus in this or that situation? Is your attitude to the problem justified 100%?

7. Have you tried to look at the world, at yourself, at people and your experiences from a high position, from a more thorough and optimistic point of view?

Try to pull yourself out of your desperate routine right now if you need to. Try to humble yourself and accept your life as it is.

Take any problem as an experiment and at least superficially analyze and realize it.

Agree with her, let all the pain, all the grievances, longing and hatred come out so as not to disturb you at all.

Laugh at your problem, mentally reduce it.

At some point, you will surely feel that you have become calmer, that your worries have dissolved, like clouds in the firmament, that now you have a different attitude to the world. Start small.

Gradually, you will be able to get rid of even psychological stress.

If you are still desperate, take a few deep breaths in and out, this will help you relax and enter a state of peace. Remember or imagine something pleasant for yourself.

Get away from old worries.

This is necessary in order to begin free and full-fledged practice (avoid tension).

Why do you think people often fail to achieve their goals?

Where is the mistake?

Because most of us are in a low state of consciousness, therefore, we are tied to our mind, and this creates a fixed barrier for ourselves. This is the reason why we do not set a program for the fulfillment of our goal from within..

When you are angry, negative about yourself and the world, when you just want to lay low and run away from problems to the ends of the earth, you will not be able to achieve anything better.

First of all, change your state (get rid of tension completely according to the above instructions). The recording of a new program should take place on pure consciousness.

Wish fulfillment technique: practice

You can sit down, lie down, or even stand, you can close your eyes and ears (with earplugs), or you can even be in a crowd.

Of course, it is better when you are not disturbed, but as such there is no need for this.

If you want, play some meditative music without words. In general, no special wishes.

Do everything exactly as your heart tells you.

When you are absolutely calm and focused, there are no doubts, no fears, or any worries, we begin to establish a connection with the source of the Cosmic Force.

First stage:

Feel your own power, inimitability, significance.

Imagine yourself as a Divine, a creator of your own reality, a genius, whoever you would like to see yourself. Stand up in your eyes.

Think back to past feats, achievements, or imagine your new ideal.

Create in your head a picture of a new life against the background of calmness and spiritual pleasure.

Second phase:

Step back from time.

Forget who you are and what your options are at the moment.

remember, that inner world- this is the main thing that you need to direct your attention to. Your attitude towards yourself is the attitude of people towards you.

Stage three:

You will definitely fleetingly experience an elevated state of bliss (a couple of seconds is especially powerful).

Don't chase it away, don't hold it by force, just be in it, don't lose control of your emotions.

Fourth stage:

Connect with the source of Cosmic Power.

Start developing this feeling of joy, thanking the Universe for everything that happens, sending love and sincerity inside yourself.

You will create a powerful burst of energy (vibration) that will surround and comfort you.

Consider that contact is already established. Try to maintain bliss for at least one minute.

The subconscious mind can do anything, or Control the energy of desires. Features of psychoenergetics

Ksenia Menshikova Esoterics Super mind

The author invites you on a fascinating journey through the endless space of the inner world of man, acquainting readers with the peculiarities of our psychoenergetics. This book is devoted to the properties of the astral body, the space of the psyche, in which what we used to call emotions and desires is realized.

Thanks to the theoretical information, simple practical advice and exercises given in this book, you can easily establish a conscious connection with the mysterious world of emotions and desires in order to properly use the resources of this space and feel its support.

This is guaranteed to make you a darling of fate, successful, lucky and even happy man, in which conscious aspirations coincide with subconscious desires. Edition 2, revised.

Ivan Valuev Counterculture Missing

Intuition is energy information that seeps from the subconscious into the consciousness of a person without the participation of his desire. And a dream is sometimes a projector capable of transmitting not only intuition, but also surf the subconscious halls in search of a conscious decision ...

Yes, compared to what I see every day on Earth, its beauty can hardly be called anything other than outrageous. The words "brilliant" or "supernatural" blur the image completely, depriving it of concreteness and pronounced features, and in this case the features were expressed absolutely clearly.

The young man was tall, his whole appearance simultaneously breathed grace and some kind of crystal monumentality. His face clearly radiated a radiance as if it were cast from starlight, and the correct features with their tracing and clarity could easily overshadow the work of the most skillful sculptor of the Earth.

The young man's starry appearance was completed with silver hair and glowing sapphire eyes. The appearance of this man gave me a strange anxiety. No, he did not cause fear in me, on the contrary, his presence inspired me with inner confidence. But at the same time, I suddenly felt embarrassed to be in the presence of this beautiful and majestic creature, which - as I subconsciously felt - was far superior to me.

At the same moment I realized that what I was seeing could not happen in reality, I realized that I was dreaming. I wanted to wake up to escape from those shining eyes that saw right through me. And this desire was immediately fulfilled, the fabulous vision clouded over and disappeared, and after a few seconds I opened my eyes in my room.

It was dark all around, but it seemed to me that dawn was coming soon. I sat up in bed to turn on the lamp and see what time it was, and then ... He was here! The star man stood a stone's throw from my bed against the backdrop of a curtained window. He smiled at me, and the words "Don't be afraid of me" sounded in my head, and then disappeared without a trace.

When the numbness that gripped me subsided, I got up and went to the bathroom, cold water helped me finally wake up. When I returned to the room, I decided to write everything down, which I am doing now. ".

In this article we will discuss our: unconscious desires, unconscious actions, unconscious behavior, unconscious needs - how all this affects our life. I will make a reservation right away that in the further context, unconscious desire means that we realize that we want this and that, but we do not understand why.

And we also distinguish between the concepts of "want" and "need". If I am, then it is obvious that I want this and that for myself, and this develops me and encourages me to grow. If I “need” something, then I, because addicted to the object, become obsessed with it.

Unconscious Desires: An Introduction

I want to have this, to be this, to become this, but why all this? As a rule, most of our desires are unconscious, as they come from the ego and are based on the image of ourselves. Behind the desire for X there is a genuine desire, for example, I want not just a car, but a prestigious car, I want to just burn with it and fatigue. When I peer into this desire, asking myself leading questions, I begin to realize that I want this car because I will look cooler in the eyes of others and others will admire and envy me.

A conscious desire is a desire for a prestigious car, an unconscious desire is a desire for the recognition of others. Thus, the desire for a prestigious car is actually an unconscious desire. Unconscious desires rule our life, and if you make a list of all your desires, and with the right approach, there should be at least 50 of them, then look at what really lies behind these desires.

When you become aware of the desire that lies behind the desire on the surface, your unconscious desire for a car will suddenly lose its significance and its power over you, and you can stop wanting a car.

When you are aware of your desires, you free yourself from them.

This does not mean that you stop wanting anything at all, it means that you stop being dependent on desires, you stop feeling the need for the object of desire - you become free from desires.

You are equally well, regardless of whether you have the object of desire available and at your disposal or not, you are self-sufficient.

Unconscious desires: methods of working with them

Often we are slaves to unconscious desires, they dictate to us our models of behavior, thinking and way of life. In other words, we need to stop being a slave to our desires, gain the upper hand over them and free ourselves from them in order to consciously choose what we want and why.

How to get rid of unconscious desires? There are several working and practical methods.

Look into desire ... If you do not give in to desire, but stare at it intently, then it evaporates. Do not suppress desire, do not try not to desire or be dispassionate, but continue to want and even try to desire even more, continuing to peer, listen attentively, get used to desire, become desire itself. Unconscious desire exists precisely because we are not fully aware of it. As soon as we do this, it ceases to exist.

Virtual implementation ... It is necessary to imagine that you have fulfilled this desire and have the desired object - what is changing in you? The mind does not really distinguish what is happening from the imaginary, let's use this gap to take control of it. If you imagine in every detail how you possess the object of your desire, be it material, moral or spiritual, if you enjoy this picture and the situation untwisted in your imagination, then since you already have it, you have already known it, then you know what it is this is why they are already free from it.

Remember death ... During the desire, it makes sense to remember your mortality and frailty. If I can die right now, which, by the way, is so, then do I really need the object of my desire? If I die right now, what would I really want? What becomes important to me if I have 1 hour left to live? Being. Awareness. But not a car ...

Death dissolves desires, frees one from the need for anything. Death brings you back to itself.

Relaxation ... Relaxing during desire is what you need. If you look closely at your desire for a long time, then you can see that desire is a kind of tension in the mind, something that prevents you from being relaxed. It is the same as if your shoulders and trapezius muscles were tense, and you were not aware of this, but constantly felt some kind of discomfort. And suddenly you pay attention to an unconscious tension in the muscles and it disappears, the muscles relax, just due to the fact that you became aware of this very tension.

Desire is just tension in the mind and nothing else.

Thoughtform ... Desire is just a thought, a screaming thought and nothing else. Become aware of desire not as desire, but as thought. This perspective will shift your perception and allow you to see the ephemerality of desire and desire.

Desire after desire ... What do you really want, wanting this and that? Realizing all the hidden and unconscious reasons for desire, we come to the conclusion that in reality we just want to be happy and joyful, to live and receive joy and pleasure every second. And even the desire for recognition from others is also secondary and comes from the desire for freedom and joy. Desire XXX - the desire to fill the void, to close oneself from the realization of one's lack of freedom. The true desire and root of all desires is to be self-sufficient, the desire to be aware, the desire to BE.

Indulging unconscious desires there is a sign of weakness - I can't help but do, you need to counteract your mechanicalness, splitting and studying the details of your automaticity in order to achieve a true goal.

Best wishes,


You can want, but you can need. ©


100% +

© Menshikova K., Reznik A., text, 2017

Our new meeting is joyful because the topic of working with your consciousness is interesting and important for you. You have already accumulated a lot of questions and the desire has matured to move on: forward through the endless world of energy-informational reality.

Time has not passed in vain. The previous book "In What Dimension Do You Live" helped to expand the boundaries of your capabilities and allowed you to see this world as a multidimensional living reality.

Many letters and responses have come in response to this book. You write that you have learned to feel your own body and control energy processes. That the previously hidden elements of the surrounding world have become available. And that the perception of life as a result of the work done has expanded many times over.

What has changed? Physical health and memory have improved, a surge of strength is felt ... And a completely different person is looking out of the mirror. More interesting. More holistic. Wiser.

And indeed it is.

After all, the most interesting and amazing subject for research and study is yourself and the world in which you live.

A person as a person. The world as a person.

Man as energy. The world is like energy.

Man as information. The world as information.

Man as a society. The world as a society.

Man is like the world. The world is like a person.

The personality and spirit of a person in all manifestations require a thorough study. To make your life conscious and interesting, so that every minute of it arouses even greater interest, you need to know all the components of this world and the laws by which he lives.

I am sincerely glad to meet you again on the pages of this book.

Respectfully Menshikov


The astral body is a space of consciousness in which what is usually called emotions and desires is realized.

Let us remember how often, when analyzing life situations, we say that we are at the mercy of emotions. And thus we seem to assert that the strength and power of emotions is some uncontrollable quantity that can completely unceremoniously reshape our life. Indeed, situations sometimes tend to get out of control, and most often the reason for this is "unleashed" emotions.

We wish and dream, suffering from the fact that many aspirations are not destined to be realized. But even when dreams come true, it does not always bring the expected joy. More than once, you probably noticed that dreaming about something is much "tastier" than experiencing what has happened. This contradictory nature of emotional life prompted people to assume that emotions in themselves have a pernicious effect on human existence. Think for yourself: there is love as the happiness of unity - but next to it we see suffering; there is wealth - and next to it fears of losing it ... Even in the happiest moment, you can always find the other side.

The conclusion suggests itself: maybe it is worth giving up the manifestation of emotions altogether, getting rid of desires? Make yourself an "iron" man? The sages of the past have advised this, suggesting that giving up desires and emotional attachments can relieve frustration and suffering. Warning their contemporaries with a short and meaningful phrase "be afraid to wish ...", they made it clear that even fulfilled wishes can often lead to completely unexpected consequences and bring absolutely opposite experiences.

But no matter how much the sages of the past and the experts of today advised to get rid of emotions, nothing came of it. Because it is impossible. Emotions and desires are an integral part of a person's mental life. This is the reason for his movement towards the goal and the palette that colors life in a variety of colors. And may, along with positive emotions, we experience suffering, experience heartache, but it is this process that fills existence with meaning, provides security, is a powerful incentive for further movement.

Emotions give rise to desires, desires push to action, actions create reality. In other words, we live in a world that was created by embodied desires.

- But how is this possible? Some of you will ask.

- Do I want to be lonely, poor, sick, tired? Nothing like this can be! - others will be indignant.

But that's how it is. Human life is desires embodied in reality. Indeed, not everything happens as we would like, often we are faced with events and circumstances that upset us, cause irritation or anger. The trouble is that far from all desires we can realize... Some of them are located in the depths of our inner world - so deep that sometimes we are not able not only to make out these hidden desires, and even, in principle, assume their existence.

And the most amazing thing is that none other than ourselves does not allow them to emerge on the surface of our consciousness. But this, as already mentioned, does not mean at all that they do not exist at all. And if we set ourselves a goal, then it is likely that we will be able to find hidden internal motives that led us to this or that unpleasant situation. There are many reasons for hiding desires: some are too old, others are not approved by us or those around us, and still others arise as a means of solving complex and contradictory problems.

Practical example

A 32-year-old man complains of intermittent fever with signs of a cold, lasting one to three days. Features of his condition: lack of connection with the peaks of seasonal diseases (autumn - winter), hypothermia or other physical influences - that is, with external "objective" reasons. Laboratory and other results clinical research in the period between illnesses, they speak of good health and immunity. But drug treatment does not affect the clinical symptoms, the temperature practically does not go astray, the symptoms of a cold do not go away. The disease ends as suddenly and "without cause" as it began.

The analysis of the energy-informational and psycho-emotional structure revealed the following features: with a sufficiently high professional level of training, there is extreme uncertainty in one's own professionalism and business qualities. A further survey revealed a certain pattern: painful conditions arose a day or two before a planned interview or an important business meeting. Despite this, thanks to a fairly high social adaptation, he was able to "get together" at the last moment and be present at the meeting. However, the degree of internal responsibility for the outcome of the negotiations was declining. The painful condition justified any, including negative, result.

Conclusion: a person manifests a subconscious desire to avoid responsibility, which is generated by an internal contradiction between ambition and self-esteem. The controversy was resolved most in a simple way- the formation of a symptom complex (disease) of the common cold.

Those desires that are in the depths of the psyche, we call subconscious. They create reality for many of us. Note that all people at all times strive for the same thing: to have health, a good family, to be wealthy and successful, just to live happily. And even if happiness looks different for each of us - someone needs a Bentley for this, and another - “just live without problems”, but no one will ever say that he wants to be unhappy. And yet we all have what we have. And a person receives exactly what he has created with his own active action or a passive presence in your own life.

Most often, in real life, it is precisely the situation that develops that allows the hidden subconscious desires to be realized. That is why, striving for a state of happiness all as one, we get what we get.

The power of subconscious desires is in their constancy. If such a desire arises, then it remains constantly active. Whether you are asleep or awake, doing business or relaxing with friends - completely regardless of what the active part of consciousness is doing, the inner desire is always at the ready. It will use every opportunity for implementation, will find subtle and elusive opportunities. And even though we have made a conscious decision a thousand times that "never again ...", it will not help. Subconscious desires do not understand words, they only know the subtle language of energy-informational processes.

At the same time, among people, there are still often successful, fortunate and even happy personalities. These are those minions of fate, whose conscious aspirations coincide with subconscious desires. It is in this case that all the possibilities of the psyche will be aimed at achieving the result, and the subconscious mind will make every effort to ensure that the result is obtained in the least costly way. It is these people who always know in which direction to go in order to get the result, and where it is worth waiting for it - the result - to come into their own hands. If subconscious and conscious desires work in unison, a powerful drive arises - a force that pushes a person to action, that inner impulse that does not allow him to leave the intended course - activates intuition, directing the mind along the most favorable path.

Practical example

A 33-year-old woman, a general practitioner, works in one of the city's regional hospitals. Not s amuzh, she came from a small Siberian town, the parental family is large, medium-income.

Problem: lack of own housing and inability to rent a separate apartment, therefore he rents rooms (usually from older women), who are very against guests, late returns, etc. The state is despair. The basis is “sober” thinking, which consists in the understanding that “I don’t take bribes, my parents cannot help, and I don’t want to marry an apartment”. WITH from this point of view, the hopelessness is complete. With the energy-informational analysis of the situation, we have the result: a conscious desire to have a home is faced with a subconscious unwillingness to get it. Subconscious refusal is based on negative emotions associated with the memories of youth, when the parents had to share the inherited house, and the scandals that accompanied this division. At the level of emotional response, a simple "equation" is written in the astral body: your home = strong negative emotions(scandals). The subconscious "amulet" did everything to save the girl from the new negativity.

After the work done and the resolution of the non-constructive "equation", the girl received a separate room in a two-room apartment in a newly built house absolutely free from the city authorities.

Conclusion: if conscious aspirations and subconscious desires coincide, a person will find a way out of the most difficult and insoluble, from the point of view of "rational" consciousness, the situation. Miracles happen, gentlemen!

Further theoretical information, practical advice and the exercises you find in this book will help you solve many difficult questions, cope with crises and color life in bright and juicy colors.

At this stage of our path, we will gain the ability to control the power of emotions and the energy of desires, coming one step closer to realizing the most important task of each person - to creating our own reality, our world, built in accordance with personal ideas about the fullness of life, harmony, and happiness.

To understand what kind of reality you want to create, in what conditions to live and where to direct your forces, you will have to learn to hear a subtle sound, the voice of the inner world - the voice of the soul. At the beginning of the journey, this sound is barely perceptible, it is like a whisper, like a breath of breeze. But with each step he becomes more and more audible, more and more understandable, it is no longer possible either to confuse him or to refuse contact with him. Hearing him, we always accurately determine what we personally need. As individuals. As a person. As individuals.

Absorbing knowledge and accumulating skills, a person finds his own way. Conscious movement becomes the foundation for creating your own world, which everyone can fill with their own essence, manifesting it in objective reality. But in order to achieve such integrity and harmony, you need to go through a certain transformation, the essence of which is awareness. This will be the first, but the most important step towards unlocking the ability to create your own life - the creation of reality with the help of consciousness.

The system of knowledge and skills of the Menshikova School appeared so that everyone could achieve this result. Everyone has the right to choose their own path. This choice is a manifestation of free will that manifests uniqueness and individuality. It would be extremely presumptuous to tell a person which path he should take. Nobody has the right to do this. That is why the School system is designed in such a way that at every stage of self-knowledge a person always has the opportunity to show free will and make a choice. The step-by-step training program offers simple techniques that can make the process of transformation of consciousness more efficient and faster.

How is the truth of a theory or knowledge verified? Practice only. Any actions, both manifested and non-manifested, committed in the inner world or energy-information space, must have a result in real, physical reality. If the process of self-development does not lead to tangible earthly results, does not change the state of things in objective reality, there is no sense in such development. For what is inside is also outside. What is above (in the head, in consciousness), so below (in the body, in the material world). If the internal transformations did not change the life situation, then this is a direct indicator that the inner world has not really changed in any way. Therefore, everything you read about should become the basis of new relationships with yourself and the world, those relationships that will help you become more successful, successful, and happy.

The most important tool for controlling consciousness should be the energy of the astral body - the power of emotions and desires. To understand their role, let us recall the process of human interaction with the world, already familiar from the first book of this series, and pay special attention to the role of emotions and desires in the implementation of life plans and the creation of our own reality.

Let's first remember what energy is, how and how it is represented in the complex structure of the human body and consciousness.

Part one. Energy structure of consciousness

Chapter 1. Energy. What's this?

Let's find the most general definition of the concept of energy. Looking into the encyclopedia, we read:

Energy - physical quantity, which is a single measure of various formsmovementmatter and the measure of the transition of the movement of matter from one form to another.

Therefore, biological energy is a measure of changes (movement) of a living organism. By the way, in the definition of life as such, one of the main features we find the ability to develop, reproduce and grow, that is, to movement, change.

It is unlikely that anyone would argue with the fact that the survival of any person depends on a constant flow of energy. The source is food, the substances of which through complex chemical reactions decompose with the release of energy. Further, energy and elementary molecular structures obtained from food, again with the help of chemical transformations, are used to build body cells and maintain their functions. In this process, food molecules serve as a source of energy and the basis for the synthesis of biological molecules of its own body.

You have read many difficult words and phrases, but behind them you can hardly see the delightful magic of life! But this is real, real alchemy, the magic of nature, where not in retorts, but in a living body, every moment the birth of life takes place. Let's look at the described process from a different angle, shifting highly scientific phrases into a more familiar language. Let's try to apply the complex syllable of science to everyday affairs in order to see in the ordinary the manifestation of the great processes of the universe, true magic, from which one can freely draw strength.

The primary source of energy for all terrestrial beings is the sun. And in order for light energy to be converted by plants into chemical ( organic molecules), you can't do without soil (certain minerals are needed) and water. A living organism spends part of the energy it receives for growth - building up biomass. The other part provides life support. The third is released in the form of heat and waste products. In general, all these transformations of energy are called respiration and metabolism.

Let's translate all this into human language.

Through the body of everyone, through the mind and consciousness, a stream of energy flows, the source of which is the Sun and the Earth. In one form or another, somehow transformed, requiring more or less processing, but energy enters the body, nourishing it. Some of the energy is released. For systems that are simple, these are metabolic products (waste) and heat. But for a person, in addition to all of the above, there is another product of life - creativity, creation, embodiment, realization.

Both man and animals accept the energy of the earth and the sun in the same way, but use it exclusively in accordance with their nature.

Man, many millennia ago, having emerged from the set of natural rules, declared his free movement in the endless expanses of the universe and took upon himself the obligation to exercise free will.

Therefore, considering a person as an integral system, we cannot but touch upon another type of energy. Indeed, in addition to the biological energy that flows in the body of each person, one can also observe the psychic - the effect of the psyche.

Psychic energy is a measure of the mobility of the psyche, its ability to respond, reflect, change and develop.

We read in TSB:

The psyche (from the Greek psychik - mental) is a property of highly organized matter, which is a special form of reflection by the subject of objective reality.

In other words, it is the ability of a living organism, receiving external stimuli, to perceive them, process and create for itself a kind of picture of what is happening around. This picture is a reference point, a matrix on the basis of which decisions are made and actions are performed.

Arising at a certain stage of biological evolution, the psyche is necessary condition further development life. Changing and becoming more complex, mental reflection takes on a qualitatively new form in a person - the form of consciousness generated by his life in society, by those social relations that mediate his connection with the world.

This is how a solid encyclopedia speaks about it.

Consciousness, human psyche is a complex multilevel mobile process. Note that it is not easy to stop thinking and get rid of thoughts. Stopping the internal dialogue is one of the tasks that we were able to effectively solve thanks to the basic state technique described in the first book. Let's remember this exercise and touch the inexhaustible energy of two forces, the interaction of which creates all the diversity of nature and the world of people - the energy flow of the earth and the information flow of creativity.

The practice of reaching the basic state "I Am that who I Am"

Stage 1

The center of gravity of the physical body.

Get on your feet. Warm up. Feet shoulder width apart. Shift body weight alternately on your right and left legs. Sway back and forth. Sit on a chair and rise. Track sensations in the physical body. Pay attention to how the balance is maintained. The task is to determine the center of gravity of the physical body. As a rule, in people of normal constitution, it is located in the area of ​​the 2nd chakra, deep in the physical body.

Having felt this point, draw a vertical line through this point - the axis of the physical body. Move again, tracking the deviation of the body relative to the axis of the physical body.

A characteristic feature of Homo sapiens is upright posture. The vertical axis of the physical body is acquiring serious significance in the history of our evolution, not only of the body, but also of consciousness. Walking upright made it possible to look down at their four-legged counterparts. "The king of nature" - we are used to hearing. The axis is a kind of reference area for the entire variety of movements available to us. It is reflected in the etheric body as a kind of zero coordinate where the physical and energetic worlds come together.

Stage 2

✓ The exercise is performed while standing. Stretch and warm up beforehand.

✓ We concentrate on breathing, feel its rhythm.

We concentrate on the heartbeat, feel its rhythm.

We concentrate on the movement in the spine from the sacrum to the head, we feel this slowest rhythm.

We merge the three rhythms into a single vital vibration, we fill the body, feeling it in volume, we intensify the vital vibration throughout the body.

We pay attention to the feet, feel the weight of the body, contact with the surface. We realize that we are standing on the surface of the planet. We feel the force of gravity, which presses the feet to the surface. Attention flows downward, passing through the surface of the earth, and reaches a bright, powerfully vibrating bundle of Earth's energy. A wave of sensations rises upward, fills the legs, the volume of the body, intensifies vital vibration, fills the neck and head, breaks out from the crown of the head outside the physical body. Stretches towards the sky, striving to reach an open, unrestricted space. You stretch upward with your attention, passing through a more or less dense space until the consciousness touches an open, unrestricted space. Here, like a breath of fresh frosty air fills the lungs, the consciousness is filled with a vivid sensation of the Creative flow, endless stream Space.

As soon as you have touched the Creative flow, begin to shift your attention to physical body, feel how freshness fills the head, neck, how the body becomes lighter. Watch the flow, lead it through the body to the feet, let it come out of the feet and direct it into the depths of the Earth, where we began our journey. Guide the heavenly stream to the source of vital energy, touch it. In response, a powerful wave of earthly energy, like gratitude, will rise, fill the body and rush to the sky. By touching the creative space, the energy of the Earth will intensify the creative flow. At the same time, feel heaven and earth and yourself, a connecting link, the only and unique creation of the Universe, connecting energy and information in accordance with its Essence. Fill yourself with the energy of nature, the energy of the earth and the wisdom of the cosmic flow.

We maintain contact with Heaven and Earth, we feel the axis of the physical body, we realize it as the starting point. We trace with attention the continuation of the axis downward, into the depths of the earth, and upward, to the Creative space. Articulating clearly, we pronounce the phrase, listening to it and merging with its vibration: “I AM he who I AM”. Together with vibration, with the sound of this phrase, the axis, the center of symmetry, the origin of the personality, appears in consciousness, as if crystallizing. Repeat the phrase several times. Listen: with each moment the sensation grows brighter, as if the fog dissipates, and from it comes the support, the base, the strength, the self and the essence.

Trace the continuation of the axis downward, to the core of the earth - the source of vital energy, touch with attention, draw in vital force. Watch how the vital energy begins to fill the axis, rising up like a thermometer. The axis fills from the inside, shimmering and vibrating like a string. In unison it sounds “I AM he who I AM”. Attention strives upward, drawn by a powerful stream of vital energy, and, leaving the limits of the physical body, flies up to the sky, to the unlimited, open space of Creation.

Having touched the Creative space, consciousness begins to drink energy and information, like a thirsty traveler. The axis, the base, is filled with life-giving energy and rushes down to the earth, passing through the body and consciousness, fills with the harmonious sound of selfhood “I AM he who I AM”. Having reached the source of vital energy, the Creative flow again induces a surge, and a powerful wave rises up, filling the axis, striving for the sky and light. Having touched the creative space, the Creative flow begins to flow towards the vital energy. Attention, like a stretched string, merges with the axis, connecting the earth and the sky with the selfhood “I AM he who I AM”. Stay in this state for a while, filling with the energy of the earth and the wisdom of the sky.

Indeed, it is difficult to stop the flow of thoughts without mastering the basic state skill. Why is this happening? As we remember from the material of the first book, thoughts do not arise from scratch, their appearance is preceded by other complex mental processes. It is about these processes, their activity, significance in human life that will be discussed further. Each of the levels of our psyche corresponds to a certain type of energy. The energy and information of each level form the subtle bodies of a person: etheric, astral, mental, causal, budchial and atmic. All subtle bodies are "attached" to the physical body. It is it that, consuming the lion's share of energy from food, with the help of respiration and metabolic processes (metabolism), provide the work of consciousness with a power potential. But you will not be full of bread alone. In addition to the energy obtained from solid food, our body and mind are supported by the vital force of the earth and the creative flow of the sky. Working with the techniques described in the previous book, you became convinced that the use of energy practices reduces the need for food, increases the efficiency of activities. Moreover, it will not be a revelation that, by resolving crisis situations with the methods of energy work, as a "side" effect, you can get the normalization of weight. But back to the structure of subtle bodies.
