• material for repetition of the studied school,
  • training tests task OGE 2016 in Russian,
  • parse typical errors when performing the exam,
  • recommendations for training.

Allowance will improve the skills associated with reading text, writing presentation, text analysis and creating their own speech statement.

The book can be used as for independent training Pupils and teacher in the lessons.

The publication is addressed by students of 9 grades to prepare for OGE in Russian.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.

PHONETICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Material for phonetic parsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Training tasks on phonetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sixteen

Morfemic and word formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Material for morphem and word-formational
parsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.
Training Morfemic Tasks
and word formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.

Vocabulary and phraseology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Material for lexical parsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67.
Training tasks on vocabulary and phraseology. . . . . 89.

MORPHOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Material for morphological parsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Training tasks for morphology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137.

SYNTAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Material for syntactic parsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.
Training tasks for syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.

Textication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Reading and listening to text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216.

(reading and listening to text). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236.
Text analysis (listened or read). . . . . 245.
Material for textual analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 257.
Training tasks on text
(text analysis). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.
Creating your own text (presentation and writings) 276
Training tasks on text
(presentation and essay). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310.

Answers to tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390

You keep one of the books of the training kit in your hands, which will help you prepare for the written exam in the Russian language in the 9th grade. The kit consists of two books:

  • 1. OGE. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Training tasks. Grade 9. This book includes 10 options as close as possible to the demo version. examination In Russian, and answers to all options. By performing the proposed written work options, you get the opportunity to check your readiness for the upcoming test and find out what tasks require special training and enhanced training. In addition, this book contains documents that are guided by the school during the exam in the Russian language in grade 9: demonstration option Examing work current school year; instructions for performing work; the evaluation system of all parts of examination work in the Russian language; Criteria for evaluating the composition and compressed presentation; Criteria for estimating spelling and punctuation literacy.
  • 2. OGE. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Collection of tasks. Grade 9. This is a manual (you hold it in your hands) will help organize multidimensional preparation for the exam, on which, as you know, knowledge, skills and skills for the entire course of the main school are checked. The manual includes not only tasks similar to those that will be offered on the exam, but also a varied material that allows you to repeat the studied in 5-9 classes through all sections of the school course and thereby better prepare for the upcoming examination test. The book makes it possible to improve the complex communication skills that are checked on the exam: write a compressed statement, read and analyze the text, write small ones on the volume of arguments on linguistic, moral and ethical and other topics.

To properly organize work with the second book (with a collection of tasks), it is necessary to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of the written exam in the Russian language and the peculiarities of this exam. To do this, refer to the documents that the school is guided by the exam (remind you that they are in the book Lvova S. I., Zamrayaeva T. I. Ogue 2015. Russian language. Training tasks: Grade 9. M.: Eksmo). Having become acquainted with these materials, you will know what is the exam in the Russian language, in what form tasks and what the level of complexity of each of them will be presented. It is also necessary to get acquainted with the criteria for estimating examination work in order to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe requirements that will be made to the work of the graduate. In the instructions for students included in the demonstration option, the councils de Viktiklassnik are given, how to better organize work on the exam, distribute time and successfully cope with all the tasks.

Recall that the examination work in the Russian language consists of 3-parts, on the execution of which a total of 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are given. During this time, nine-graders consistently perform the next job on the exam.

  1. Approximately 85 minutes graduates write a compressed statement of the listened twice of the text (Task 1). The source text consists of approximately 150-200 words, the presentation of the student should include at least 70 words.
  2. Then for about 70 minutes, graduates work with text printed on the letterhead. First, they read it, trying to understand the content as deeply as possible, and then perform 13 tasks based on the read text (tasks 2-14). From time to time, the maintenance of this part of the exam (and the exam in this form exists in school for more than 10 years!) Some changes are made, but the knowledge and skills of the entire course of the Russian language are checked unchanged.

    Some of these tasks checks for textual skills (speech): the ability to deeply and accurately understand the content of the read text, its key problems; identify the main idea, the position of the author of the text or one of its heroes, the author's attitude towards the character or any question affected in the text; Set the semantic relationship between proposals and means of communication between them, identify the language means of expressiveness used in the text.

    Other tasks from year to year are compiled for the exam in such a way that with their help, the preparation of each nine-grader is checked for all sections of the Russian language course. Some tasks are directly related to one or another section of linguistics studied at school. So, it is clear that the following questions check knowledge and skills from the syntax area: to determine the grammatical basis of the offer, to establish the number of grammatical foundations in a complex sentence, to find the proposal of a given structure (for example, an unconnerable complex proposal), transform the phrase of one species into synonymic phrase species, etc. When performing other tasks, knowledge and skills are required from different areas of linguistics. For example, to find words with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root or words in which the spelling of the console depends on the deafness / sound of the sound, which is indicated by the next one after the console, you need to not only own spelling rules, but also to be able to carry out morphemical and phonetic tests of the word.

  3. Finally, approximately for 80 minutes, students write a small volume of writing-reasoning (task 15) based on the read text (the essay must contain at least 70 words). However, first, the student will have to choose one of the three items in the work.

The first theme of the composition of the argument (Task 15.1) - proposes to disclose the meaning of the statement of language, arguing his thoughts with two examples from the read text. It is possible to write an essay in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic only on linguistic material.

The second topic (Task 15.2) is directly related to the content of the text read and suggests it is reasoned to clarify the meaning of a very small fragment of this text. It is necessary to lead two arguments from the read text confirming your arguments.

The third essay theme (Task 15.3) is the argument on the moral and ethical topic. At the same time, it is proposed to explain the essence of any concept (what is good, what is mercy, etc.), to bring two examples-arguments confirming your reasoning (one example-argument from the read text, and the second - from your life experience ).

Not depending on what topic you choose, the essay requires no less than two arguments from the read text confirming your point of view. Running examples, you must specify the numbers of the desired offers or using citation. It should also be remembered that the work written without support for the read text given in the examination work is not estimated. If the essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated by zero points.

Keep in mind that the implementation of some text tasks from part 2 to some extent helps writing an essay. First of all, these are the tasks that are associated with the understanding of the read text, with the clarification of certain words, etc.

Thus, for almost 4 hours, the graduate on the exam performs a variety of work, demonstrating how he mastered the most important practical skills in all areas of the native language. We especially pay attention to the fact that on the exam is allowed to use the spelling dictionary. That is why it is necessary to understand well what questions related to spelling can be obtained in this dictionary, and which is impossible. And for this you need a serious practice of working with reference literature like type. Unfortunately, nine-graders extremely rarely use dictionaries on the exam, so you need to develop a habit of addressing linguistic dictionaries and master the skills of working with them!

So, on the exam, the preparation of students across the entire course of the Russian language is checked and in accordance with this - a variety of skills and skills:

1) in writing to transmit the content of the listened text in the form of a compressed presentation using different ways to compress information;

3) conduct a variety of types of analyzing language phenomena submitted in the read text;

4) write a small volume of writing-reasoning based on the read text; convincingly argue your point of view, leading at least two evidence; it is appropriate to use quoting;

5) Use the spelling dictionary when writing presentation and essay.

The questionnaires and conversations with nine-graders indicate that there are big difficulties in preparing for the exam and in the process of writing the most examination work itself, both creative part of the work (writing presentation and essay) and the fulfillment of tasks related to the linguistic analysis. That is why preparing for the exam is a multidimensional work that assumes and an in-depth repetition of the material studied earlier (in 5-9 grades!), And a permanent training in language analysis, and the development of communicative skills related to the perception of someone else's text (for rumor and / or visually), with the analysis of the text and the creation of his own speech statement, which would comply with certain requirements.

That is why in this book you can find training material on all sections of the school course, which are studied in the lessons of the Russian language and which one way or another are presented in the content of the exam.

It is not by chance that the name of the book states that this is a quest collection: Independent, a student working with it will be able to practice in performing a variety of tasks for each section of the school courage. It should be attentive to how the task is formulated. Practice shows that errors often arise due to the inattention examined, the absence of the ability to understand the essence of the formulated task.

However, the book is given not only training exercisesBut also important theoretical information that will best understand what is the exam in the Russian language, which difficulties take each student when studying one or another section of the school course and how best to prepare for practical tasks.

The manual contains information about which skills in a particular language of the language can be checked on the exam in the 9th grade and with the help of which tasks (there are different options for specifying formulations). In extremely compressed form, the most important theoretical material is presented (which is very important when preparing for the exam, but, as a rule, is not contained in

school textbooks in a generalized, compressed form) are specified typical errors, the necessary instructions are given for the correct organization of language phenomenon analysis - without taking into account this information, it is impossible to work out practical skills and successfully carry out exercises.

The state final certification for graduates of the ninth grades is currently voluntary, you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

What is the attractive then the form of OGE (GIA) for graduates of graduates of 2019? Certification directly in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren's training. All tasks of OGE (GIA) are presented in the form of a special form, which includes questions with the choice of response to them. A direct analogy with the exam is carried out. In this case, you can give both short and deployed answers. Our website website It will help you perfectly prepare and evaluate your chances actually. Besides, tests of GIA and OGE online with answers check Help you to decide on the further choice of profile class senior school. You yourself will be able to easily appreciate your knowledge of the selected subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests for a number of disciplines. Our site dedicated preparation for giama 2019 grade 9 onlinefully helps you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials of our site are represented in a simple, accessible form. Whether you are a round excellent student in your class or the usual average student - everything is now in your hands. You will not be unnecessary to visit our. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult OGE test, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

The publication is addressed by students of 9 grades to prepare for OGE in Russian.
A diverse material is included in the book, which will help the student to repeat the studied in 5-9 grades, work out in execution. test tasks, Get information about typical errors when performing examination work and recommendations for exam preparation. The manual will improve the skills associated with reading the text, writing presentation, analysis of text and creating their own speech statement.
Book materials can be used in the organization independent work Students of 8-9 classes, in the process of preparing for the upcoming exam under the guidance of the teacher, as well as for a variety of work in the lessons of the Russian language, starting from the 5th grade.
The publication will help teachers when preparing students to OGE in Russian.

What word consists of twelve sounds?
1) Inedible
2) Processing
3) Faketonist
4) Non-surfactant

In what word do all the consonant sounds are soft?
1) Serenity
2) Decade
3) Consolation
4) Comment

Material for phonetic pars
Training tasks on phonetics
Morfemic and word formation
Material for morphem
Training tasks on the morfemic
Vocabulary and phraseology
Material for lexic
Training tasks on vocabulary n phraseology
Material for morphological pars
Training Morphology Tasks
Material for syntactic parsing
Syntax training tasks
Reading and listening to text
Training tasks on text (reading and listening of text)
Text Analysis (Listened or Expired)
Textual analysis material
Training Tasks on System (Text Analysis)
Creating your own text (presentations and essays)
Training tasks on text (presentation and essay)
Answers to tasks.

Free download electronic book In a convenient format, watch and read:
Download Book OGE 2016, Russian, Collection of tasks, Grade 9, Lviv S.I., 2015 - FilesKachat.com, Fast and free download.

  • OGE 2016, Russian, 9th grade, training tasks, Lviv S.I., Zamraeva T.I., 2015
  • OGE 2016, Russian, 9th grade, Collection of tasks, Lviv S.I., 2015
  • OGE 2016, Russian, Grade 9, Task Church, Lviv S.I., 2015
  • Russian language, preparation for OGE-2019, 30 training options for demolity of 2019, 9th grade, educational and methodical manual, Senina N.A., Garmash S.V., Dmitrov A.V., Kobyakova G.N. , Vastevic AG, 2018

The following textbooks and books.

The publication is addressed by students of 9 grades to prepare for OGE in Russian. The book includes a varied material that will help the student to repeat the studied in 5-9 classes, to practice test tasks, obtain information about typical errors when performing examination work and recommendations for exam preparation. The manual will improve the skills associated with reading the text, writing presentation, analysis of text and creating their own speech statement. Materials of the book can be used in organizing independent work of students in grades 8-9, in the process of preparing for the upcoming exam under the guidance of the teacher, as well as for a variety of work in the lessons of the Russian language, starting from the 5th grade. The publication will help teachers when preparing students to OGE in Russian.

On our site you can download the book "OGE 2016. Russian. Collection of tasks. Grade 9" Lviv Svetlana Ivanovna for free and without registration in FB2 format, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT reading a book online or buy a book in the online store.
