How flopnik defeated satellite

There is an opinion (even among the natives of Russia themselves) that de Western PhD is much higher than our candidate of sciences, who therefore needs to be equated only with a local master (MA, M.Sc.). This opinion is supported by the local Canadian and American administrations (of course, a person works as a "doctor," and receives a salary as a "master"), and - which is completely incomprehensible - the Russian-speaking diaspora itself.

To prove that this is not the case, consider their arguments.

1 "We have 7-8 years of studying at the university to get a PhD.(even if it's called a college or academy); during this time the student receives

  • firstly, a bachelor's degree (bachelor, BA, B.Sc.), having earned 72 ÷ 90 credits ;
  • secondly, a master's degree (master, MA, M.Sc.), having prepared a thesis and passed a few more exams and tests;
  • thirdly, the degree of doctor (philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, and equated to it - doctor of medicine MD, doctor of theology, etc.): the student participates in a scientific project, writes a dissertation and takes 1-2 oral exams.

[Note 1: Recently, another form of obtaining a doctoral degree has become more common: immediately after graduating from College of Arts and Sciences and receiving a bachelor's degree, a student can apply for a doctoral program: another 5 years of study, several special courses, work in projects, preparation and defense dissertation and passing 1-2 oral exams]

[Note 2: There is a lot of freedom in North America, so different universities may have different requirements, different lengths of study - and different prices ... A student himself may prefer to take semester 9 instead of 12 credits - therefore, his studies will stretch for an extra year. Therefore, the duration of the programs is given by me as approximate.]

And you Russians? You barely manage to get the first degree in 5 years (what we call "bachelor"), and to get the second (that is, master), you need another 3 years in graduate school; and you defend your doctoral degree only before retirement. "

This reasoning, as they say here "does not hold water": in practice, in universities and scientific societies, no one makes any distinction between "their" doctor and our candidate (and, of course, the Russian doctor too); Candidates of Science who came from the USSR / Russia at various universities in the USA and Canada work as professors and associate professors - that is, they occupy positions for which the local master and bachelor cannot apply at all, "by definition"; at scientific conferences and congresses, a candidate of sciences from Russia is declared in any program as a doctor (if, of course, titles are announced at all). This is also evidenced by my personal experience: the notification that the Higher Attestation Commission approved my dissertation came to me when I was in Vienna, at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA, Laxenburg, Wien, Austria); Having learned about this, the administration of the institute itself, without any of my requests, hung a sign on my door the next day Dr. Yu. MOROZOV... And everywhere, wherever I happened to speak and visit, no one doubted that for them I was a Doctor of Science, that is, PhD.

Option 1a: "Only your Russian Doctor of Science corresponds to our PhD."

This argument is also not true; this contradicts what was happening in the USSR and the USA: it turns out that Soviet science was about 10 times more effective than American science, because it provided strategic parity (and this is not just about the same weapon as the Americans have!) Indeed,

A / for decades in the USSR, on average, only 1 out of 10 candidates of sciences defended their doctorate (this statistics has been available for the USSR from about the end of the 1930s, when scientific titles were restored); b / the absolute number of highly qualified scientists (that is, candidates plus doctors in the USSR vs. PhD in the USA) during the entire XX century. was practically equal; c / therefore, if we admit that PhDs correspond only to doctors (Doctor of Biological Sciences, etc.), the launch of the first satellite, the first rocket flight to the Moon, the first man in space, the creation of strategic parity (and these are all science-intensive industries!) were achieved in about 10 times fewer Soviet doctors than the American! Consequently, a Soviet doctor should be 10 times higher in the quality of work ?!

2 "Our students are learning more and better."

Any professional teacher (and even a student) knows that it is not the number of years of study that matters, but the quantity + quality of teaching hours.

USSR / Russia: in a "normal" university, the student studied 6 days a week for 6 hours; winter semester - 18 weeks + one month examination session; spring semester - 16 weeks + one and a half month examination session, total 34 weeks per year * 36 hours / week. = 1224 hours / year. And so for 5 years (of course, in a number of universities the 10th semester was practically the preparation of a thesis ...)

North. America: student gets 1 credit for successful delivery special course, which took place once a week for 1 hour for a whole semester. Thus, to take 9-15 credits per year is equivalent to 9-15 hours of classes per week accurate enough.]

Then it turns out that our Russian student received 72 (!) Credits every year (36 compulsory hours of classes per week for the whole semester). For 9 academic semesters (and in fact some technical universities studied for 5.5 years!) - 9 * 36 = 324 credit. Compare with the required bachelor's degrees 72-90 loans in North. America.

CONSEQUENCE: our graduate of an institute or university CANNOT IN ANY OCCURRENCE EQUAL to a bachelor who studies many times less, DOES NOT DEFEND ANY DIPLOMA and DOES NOT SEND ANY state exams; therefore, logically, our graduate of an institute or university should be equated no less than a master (M.Sc., MA).

2a "Yes, but these 36 hours included both Marxism-Leninism and sports." It is true that Marxism-Leninism averaged 4 hours a week for all years of study and plus 4 hours a week for junior sports. But, firstly, here, in the North. America, students have 3-4 hours a week of classes in ideology (just not so openly called), as well as sports; all the same, in total, a student of a local college or university never studies more than 20 hours (that is, at least a quarter or a third less than ours:

36 - 8 = 28>> 20.

3 The last, "killer" argument, especially in Russian-language newspapers: "But then they teach in North America much better !!!"

But this needs a rigorous and objective proof.

Amazed that not the USA, but the USSR launched the first satellite in 1957, the Americans tried to catch up immediately, but all launches were unsuccessful; local journalists were smart in offering their names to things that never took off; one of them - flopnik (flopnik, from "flop" - to flop, flop, as an idiom means "to get into a puddle").

Offended, in 1958 they adopted the National Defense Education Act ( NDEA), who admitted that the United States lags very far behind in the education of its schoolchildren and students natural sciences- mathematics, physics, chemistry. The act recommended an increase in subsidies for the study of "math & science." And the reasons for this are clear: in American society, the one who grabs first is right; a student who has dropped out at Harvard and the first semester creates a company and becomes a billionaire, selling "wooden stoves" (or rather, "vents." and the students themselves, after learning the basics, begin to look for ways to "capitalize" them (that is, simply the one who buys them). Therefore, 4-month courses are flourishing, in which the student is supposedly given something supposedly needed today. The fact that during this time it is impossible to study anything seriously, that the money wasted for these 4 months was thrown to the wind, because knowledge and skills will become outdated quickly, and the basic principles are slow - it is extremely difficult to explain to a local person. It seems to everyone all the time that he / she will not be in time for the distribution of pies. [As you know, premature 8-month-old babies often die; what to say about these semi-premature, 4-month-old students ?!]

And mathematics (like a ballerina) cannot be prepared in 4 months; there will be no elite mathematicians or physicists without additional subsidies on the bare enthusiasm. However, the NDEA suggested that the alleged reasons for the lag of American schoolchildren are not in the wrong system, but in the inattention in the school curriculum to abstract mathematics (for example, set theory).

And we in Russia "bought into" this: by 1970, a reform of the teaching of school mathematics was carried out; Instead of the traditional program (arithmetic with a full range of problem-solving skills - especially textual ones - 4 actions, fractions, proportions, etc.), the children began to be told about "sets" and "congruence." In 1971, to the questions: "Why? Why?" my father-in-law is the head. chair of mathematics presenter pedagogical institute countries, the "unknown" Soviet mathematician (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, senior scientist from the closed department of Steklov Steklov Institute of Mathematics) said: "We have given negative reviews to the new program many times, but no one wanted to listen to us."

There are 2 ways to marry the most beautiful woman in the world:

  1. Ivan, naturally a fool, risking his life, gets a feather of the Firebird and gives it to Vasilisa the Beautiful.
  2. John, naturally smart, shoots every woman in the world except his wife.

It seems that this is exactly what happened: not knowing how to beat us, they (the Americans) - perhaps by accident, perhaps intuitively - decided to ditch us. And the pedagogical tourists, clinging to the (American) source of wisdom, imposed a "democratic reform" on the school, for in the opinion of the Americans, the classical school was undemocratic and totalitarian.

The goals of the classical school for centuries have been:

a/ education, that is, familiarizing the student with a certain amount of knowledge needed in life;

b / learning, that is, the transfer to the student of a certain amount of skills: counting, writing, communication, handicrafts, labor skills (for example, the ability to handle electrical appliances or reagents at the household and primary professional level);

v/ socialization, that is, the acquisition and development of communication skills;

G/ indoctrination, that is, the development by students of a certain amount of ideas about the world, good and evil, past, present and future, values ​​and goals, norms and traditions, about art and literature.

And although at the age of 3-16 years a child "grabs" information literally on the fly (in movement, sound, color, touch and smell), it takes time and repetition to fix it (like a photographic film) - that is, a significant number of repetitions-exercises are needed, and this number depends on the individual characteristics of the student. The reformers stated that the old system did not allow the child's potential to be liberated (at that time, Dr. Spock had already blossomed), that the amount of exercise should be necessarily minimized, that the student had the right to have his own opinion about what is what. (Imagine an endless vote on what is 2 + 2, and you will see a new democratic school.) maple!" "Look, children, this is the multiplication table. Isn't it beautiful?"

The classic cycle "teaching - learning - socialization - indoctrination" is that the student under the guidance or with the help of a teacher

1 / assesses their knowledge and skills (in comparison with the required level - "entrance control");

2 / learns (that is, picks up the missing information, knowledge, skills);

3 / constantly compares the achieved level with the desired one (until it reaches 100%).

For this, an assessment is required - self-assessment plus an external assessment. All in. America, in order to give everyone their self-expression and liberation, the school reformers have forever replaced this cycle with improvisation and fun: everyone is given an entrance test / exercise; in order not to injure the child's tender soul, all the results are declared good (and even final. At the university and college, after any exam, if the results are announced, then only in coded form so that no one knows how a neighbor studies. From the very first day of teaching here I was warned that I have NO rights show grades to anyone, including the student's parents. student group at the university they knew exactly what each student received and who took what place in terms of academic performance. This gave at least some hope for justice (until the system began to fall apart.) When at Moscow State University, at one faculty (it was in the mid-70s) H. , the rest were triplets) - the students were shocked and at least tried to protest, because they knew exactly what he was. And here it is, in principle, impossible.

In order not to injure anyone, the role of the mark was actually canceled here. The normal exam (remember, Tom Sawyer also took the oral exam!) Was replaced by a "programmed learning" system (multiple choice); instead of normal questions, the student is asked a question and a set of answers, one of which is correct. As a result of such a test, not knowledge or understanding is assessed, but something else (I had a student who understood absolutely nothing in programming and mathematics - he could not write an elementary program; however, on the Java programming language exam - of course, in the form of multiple-choice, they don’t know others here - he got 80%! The same was with me (on the Linux / Unix exam); however, I split the exam into two parts - a set of multiple-choice questions and several programming tasks in bash-shell. correct answers 30 out of 33 multiple-choice, but failed to write ANY sensible line in any problem where it was required to write (and not guess!) real code!)

This is inevitable, because multiple-choice itself does not test anything, and with a lazy teacher it can simply give nonsense - as, for example, in the following comic test:

1. How many hands do you have?

a / Two;
b / One;
at four;
d / haven't counted yet.

Teachers and journalists here call it "multiple guess", because the student is now determined to guess which option - a /, b /, c /, d / - is the correct answer; any electronic devices with memory were used to record a sequence of correct answers such as stack-memory calculators, telephones, etc.) Cheating became a pleasure (scandalous example: so that everyone is equal, the same questions are given everywhere; Australia, "dropped" the sequence of replies to a bro in Israel who passed a few hours later ...)

To my question: "Why is it impossible to conduct at least some of the exams in the old fashioned way, orally - after all, firstly, it will help the student just in acquiring the skills of persuasion, argumentation, public speaking and secondly, will he prepare him for the future, as a rule, oral exam during the defense of his doctoral dissertation? "

I repeated the same experiment with local students in different versions: "Can you draw?" (pen, pencil or computer) - "Yes!" Everyone draws with delight (as a rule, this is a half-childish daub, on which it is impossible to make out anything - this is normal, because I do not teach future artists.) "Now take a sheet of paper, fold it in half, write your name on the left half; write on each half What exactly are you going to draw now - a house, a car, a horse. Done? Now tear the sheet at the fold, give the left half to me. Ready? Now draw exactly what you wrote on the sheet, that is, if you promised a house, it should be a house, not a ball. " In each group, a riot literally began, some refused to draw at all, others, having drawn something, demanded a sheet of paper back - to forward the promise ...

[By the way, this is not just an experiment, it is a reflection of new pedagogical trends that later determine industry and science: entire corporations are stuffed with "specialists" who - due to the fact that they were not taught to "draw a house" in their field in time - are forced us to use their "curve" products. You don't have to look far for examples: MS Internet Explorer so far, even version 7-beta, cannot work correctly with styles (css): this is what a web page looks like in Firefox 2.0 or Opera 9.10, and so in Internet Explorer 6: pay attention to the ROUNDED edges of the separators. Note for the incredulous: of course, you can create a similar page so that it looks decent in Internet Explorer 6 - there are many of them, for example, at The price of this alone is great: a fixed size of letters, so that they do not crawl out of that beautiful substrate, which has the necessary frame, when the user does not want to spoil his eyes and tries to enlarge them.]

The American education system is based on teaching the future specialist not WHAT IS NECESSARY, but AS POSSIBLE, that is, teaching not standards, laws, the multiplication table or Mendeleev's table, norms or theorems, but to do at least something as quickly and cheaply as possible. something ("roll out the gate") and impose on others as a new standard, banning all others. You can say: "What's wrong with that ?!" It would seem nothing, but then millions of users every time after the release of a new, improved, model (read: in which they simply removed those bloopers that had to be removed 2-3 years ago) are forced to relearn or even completely lose their jobs.

There are many examples: for example, no one calculated the damage from
a / computer viruses: buying software, cleaning computers, losses for consumers.

b / incompatibility of document formats prepared in the same package (MS Word is far from the only culprit).

c / changes to a system error in computers based on DOS - the famous Y2K, when everyone was waiting for almost the end of the world (the North American press claims that about 60 billion were spent on this in the USA alone!) In March 2007, a new attack , already today, in the spring of 2007, which cost the US economy US $ 300 million. In 2005, the US Congress decided - apparently so that we would not get bored - to change the rules for switching to daylight saving time (as well as winter time): now it will not be introduced on the first Sunday April, and on the second Sunday in March. Technically, this meant that in 2007 it would be March 11th.

But: in those computers in which the Windows operating system of various modifications is installed, there is a program that CAMA translates the time (respectively, to summer and winter) - and this program will continue to translate in the old way (that is, at the beginning of April, etc.) If you use some kind of software / computer calendars (like M $ Outlook Express), then you will have to cancel it manually. And the same has been done on computers that millions of people depend on (machines that keep airplane schedules, dispensing drugs in hospitals, ATMs, servers configured to back up our bank accounts at 12 a.m., etc.) ...

As a result, there are even "theorists" who argue that since, for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer is the standard of the whole world, then it is necessary to teach students not the standard, not the unprofitable periodic table, but bringing a quick buck " new "ideas. This means that in a year or two, retrain again, rewrite codes, rewrite voltage, rewire wires ...

On this, the motivation of both the student and the employee sharply deteriorates: many years ago, in a series of experiments with children, psychologists offered children a certain task; the winner was promised a reward - a candy; children completed the task, the winner received a candy, solemnly and proudly ate it. And then the experimenter said: "As a consolation, so as not to offend anyone, we will now give exactly the same candy to everyone else."

The purpose of the experiment was emotional response assessment all students.


a / the winners felt cheated (respectively, aggression or depression and resentment);

b / the defeated were disappointed (was it worth the effort if candy is given anyway?)

Already by 1970, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NSUM, he commands in Canada too) found out that over 12 years of implementation, problem-solving skills sharply deteriorated (problem-solving - in our opinion, the application of theory to solving specific problems, not necessarily practical ). However, instead of returning to a normal pedagogical system, they began to improve the abstract-logical approach.

An example of such a "New Revelation" is a proposal to increase the number of exercises of the following type on the development of problem solving skills: "A person has 9 coins, 1 cent each and 5 each, with 5 cents more by 1. How much money does a person have?"

Was it worth destroying the system and reinventing the wheel, if exactly that task (up to currency) was already in Arithmetic Magnitsky (1703)? In a "backward" Russian school, such a task was quite accessible to the average pupil of the 4th grade.

Towards the end of the 1980s, the same NSUM advice began to argue that exercise and drilling were not necessary at all, because now everyone has a calculator and a computer. What gives out a complete misunderstanding of the essence of learning: adding two numbers "in a column" is the development of abstract-logical skills, pressing a sequence of keys is the development of visual-effective skills; the mathematical essence of what is happening is supplanted by motor skills plus the fear of confusing the calculator keys and starting all over again. In addition, in the "free" world, any company is free to change the device of its computer / calculator as far as it wants from the original one; therefore, in the absence of manual problem solving skills, the student will not even have a chance to suspect that his answer (due to a different set of keys and functions - especially brackets! - or oxidized contacts) is incorrect.

The apotheosis of the system: in September 2006, the School of the Future was opened in Philadelphia (USA): it has no textbooks, no library, no notebooks - every student from the first day of classes gets a free laptop and connects to the Internet, no teachers, no lessons (see. Fast Times at Microsoft High, "Maclean" s, "Dec., 11, 2006, pp. 51-54). But in such a school, it is possible to obtain brief information about something, but it is impossible to gain knowledge, skills, there is no socialization, for there is no communication, collective and teachers - but there is a strange indoctrination ...

For the same reason, the NSUM proposed to increase the share of excursions, offering students the following - supposedly practical - tasks: "How is a television antenna for satellite television connected with our school curriculum in math? "The student is supposed to rummage through encyclopedias and the Internet and find that the TV antenna is in the shape of a parabola. So what? None of these students get the skills to solve the simplest problem like:" You have a graph of a function y = x2; show how the graph of the function y = (x + 1) 2 will be located in relation to it? Is it any wonder that such a student looks at the TV screen and does not see that the US flag IS DEVELOPED on the moon, where there is no air and therefore there can be no wind to wave the flag!

On excursions it is impossible to acquire the necessary skills, is it not why they are bad with literature and language: they do not teach self-expression, it was replaced by “their own opinion”: whatever the student writes, everything will be fine. Apparently, this is why essays on the topic “What I talked about with the postman today” flourish; here, in fact, there is nothing to punish and nothing to evaluate: and indeed, the student could talk to the postman ... Students do not know how to retell and critically present someone else's thought or talk about what they did themselves in the form of a presentation or essay. [Because of this, I somehow had to give them an essays writing course.]

Association of leading Russian universities demanded complete freedom from the Higher Attestation Commission

The best Russian universities will receive the right to independently, without the participation of the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission), assign both the degrees of candidates and doctors of science, as well as an exotic for us, but the world's leading PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy, an analogue of a Russian candidate). These and other proposals, prepared at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science, on February 21 at a meeting with the head of the Higher Attestation Commission Vladimir Filippov were discussed by the members of the Association of Leading Universities.

As it is clear from the discussion, the rigid bureaucratic vertical of awarding academic degrees will become a thing of the past. Initially, the participants of the pilot project, and then other best universities in the country, will award traditional Russian degrees of candidates and doctors of science, as well as a foreign PhD degree by their own decision and on the basis of their own procedural rules: “Local acts,” emphasized the head of the proposal developers, MEPhI rector Mikhail Strikhanov, - should make up 80-90% of all documents. " The VAK will only have to control how these acts are executed. And this despite the fact that all "diplomas on the conferring of degrees issued by rectors of universities and directors of institutes will be ordinary state diplomas - simply issued without the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science", - the head of the Higher Attestation Commission Vladimir Filippov finally dotted all the "i's".

An important nuance. Conventionally, a PhD degree is today considered the equivalent of a Russian candidate of sciences. But it seems that it will no longer be so. If the “pilot” is finally adopted in the proposed form, in order to obtain the usual domestic candidate degree, the domestic “Doctor of Philosophy” (PhD) will have to defend himself again: these degrees are finally divorced.

The draft Regulation on conducting a "pilot" for the autonomy of leading scientific institutions and universities in the certification of highly qualified scientific personnel is a revolutionary movement forward, ”summed up the head of the Association, Rector of St. Petersburg State University Nikolai Kropachev. It remains only to finally decide on the selection of the pilot project participants and some aspects of their future activities.

Everything is clear with the selection procedure: this is a public competition. Its criteria have yet to be clarified, but their number will definitely include the level of international recognition of a university or research institute, reflected by its position in the most prestigious international rankings of universities - Shanghai, THE or QS. Another undoubted criterion is the presence of a certain amount of research and development work. The third is the number of publications per one scientific and pedagogical worker and the citation rate, said Strikhanov.

The "pilot" will advance gradually: some of the scientific specialties in the same university will go on a pilot basis, while others will remain the same, this is clear. It seems that everything is clear with the number of participants: Prime Minister Medvedev has already announced that it will not be large - only the best of the best. But what does not yet fit in with the general course of liberalizing the system of conferring academic degrees is that “the rector takes full responsibility for the issued diplomas, but the Ministry of Education and Science transfers only part of his powers to the university,” said the rector of St. Petersburg State University.

Indeed, “the composition of the Dissertation Council according to the current law is approved by the Higher Attestation Commission. But it is the Council that determines the composition of the commission, which will decide whether the submitted work corresponds to the proper level, - he noted. - This means that universities should have the right not only to issue their diplomas, but also to create their own councils. Even if at first only two universities - Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities will have it ”.

The high assembly supported this proposal. And the head of the Higher Attestation Commission, Filippov, made it clear that the number of dissertation councils currently operating in the country would soon decrease by 30-40%: “When we looked at what was happening, it turned out that, for example, in 2012 there were 1677 councils where not a single doctoral thesis was defended, and 600 more - where during the same period there were no more than three candidate and doctoral defenses ”. The VAK, as it became known to "MK", ​​will consider this issue on February 25.

Ph.D. Thesis)

In addition to the Ph.D. degree, which is awarded to people engaged in scientific research, there are three other doctoral degrees:

  • Doctor of Arts (eng. Doctor of Arts ) - usually assigned as evidence of deep knowledge in a certain scientific field, but not research activity.
  • Doctor of Education (eng. Doctor of Education ) - assigned to specialists in the field of pedagogy.
  • Doctor of Social Work (eng. Doctor of Social Science ) - assigned to specialists in the field of social work, social knowledge, social science.


It first appeared in the 12-13 centuries in Great Britain, Italy and France.

Despite the name, at present the degree has no practical relation to philosophy (only historical) and is awarded in almost all scientific fields, for example: Doctor of Philosophy in Literature or Ph.D. in physics.

This situation is associated with traditions dating back to the days of medieval universities, the standard structure of which usually implied the presence of departments of philosophy, law, theology and medicine. Therefore, in addition to the Ph.D. degree, there are also a limited number of other doctoral degrees of the same rank; doctors are awarded a degree M.D., lawyers - Doctor of Law, theologians - Doctor of Divinity, and everyone else - Ph.D.

Situation in different countries

At the same time, in a number of Western countries postgraduate education is to the same extent as in Russian Federation, is characterized by two stages, each requiring the defense of a separate thesis. For example, in Brazil, Canada, the first postgraduate stage is the title master (master) of science(Master of Science, M.Sc.), while the second step is a title Ph.D.(Ph.D.). In this case, the doctoral degree obtained with the status Ph.D., is not the same as the Doctor of Science degree in the Russian Federation, although it is the second degree of postgraduate education. The academic degree of Doctor of Science in the Russian Federation assumes the solution of a major scientific problem or priority research in a new scientific direction and compliance with the requirements established in the Russian Federation.


There is no PhD in France. The analogue of this degree is the degree of doctor of the corresponding specialty (fr. Docteur


There is no PhD in Germany. The analogue of this degree is the degree of doctor of the corresponding specialty (it. Doktor ). In particular, this degree is officially equated to the Russian PhD degree.

see also

Notes (edit)


  • Vlasov A.V., Filippov Yu.M. Russia and Kazakhstan: reform of higher education (continued) // APN-Kazakhstan, 12.01.2006.
  • S. Kolenikov Academic degrees (USA) //
  • A. Mindagulov On the Western concept of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) // Izvestia-Kazakhstan, 10.11.2006.
  • Maryanovich A. T. Academic degrees and titles in Western countries // Elitarium: Center for Distance Education, 09/27/2010.
  • Yu. Morozov Is a Western PhD higher than a PhD in Russia / USSR? or How the flopnik won the satellite // Sociodynamics, 03/15/2007
  • Paizberg B.A. Academic degrees and titles: who is who // Elitarium: Center for Distance Education, 17.02.2006
  • E. Solodovnikova Who is better to be: Doctor of Science or Phd? // Media group "Objective", 06.06.2007,
  • M. Yakovlev Do you need a postgraduate study? // magazine "Work and Salary", 01/30/2006
  • E. G. Will we have our own PhD? // St. Petersburg University. - 2010. - № 6 (3813).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Doctor of Philosophy" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Lat. Philosophiæ Doctor, Ph.D., PhD, usually pronounced as pi hih di) academic degree awarded in many Western countries. The qualifying work of an applicant for a degree is a doctoral dissertation (English Ph.D. Thesis) Despite the name ... Wikipedia

    The highest academic degree awarded from the 12th to 13th centuries. in the UK, Italy and other countries, as a rule, after defending a master's degree in the relevant dissertation in the humanities and social sciences ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - "DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY", USSR, Central Television, 1976, color, 84 min. Teleplay. Based on the play by Branislav Nusic. Cast: Vladimir Etush (see ETUSH Vladimir Abramovich), Ivan Dykhovichny (see DYKHOVICHNY Ivan Vladimirovich), Liya Akhedzhakova (see AHEDZHAKOVA Liya Medzhidovna), ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Ph.D- - Telecommunication topics, basic concepts EN doctor of philosophy P ITU T H. D ... Technical translator's guide

    The highest academic degree awarded from the XII XIII centuries. in the UK, Italy and other countries, as a rule, after defending a master's degree in the relevant dissertation in the humanities and social sciences. * * * DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, higher ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Prof. Shlyakhetsk. cadet. hulls; R. Sep 20 1787, † 18 ?? Mr. (Polovtsov) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

In Great Britain, the first doctoral degrees (DSc and DLitt) were introduced at the universities of London, Edinburgh and Cambridge in the 1870s, and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree was first introduced in 1917 at the University of Oxford.

There are currently over 5,000 different PhD programs in the UK.

Types of degrees

Postgraduate programs in the UK are of a wide variety and can be obtained through:

  • Traditional research programs (PhD, DPhil),
  • Programs combining research activities with and practical exercises (New Route PhD),
  • Professionally oriented programs (DBA, DEng, DEd),
  • PhD by Practice,
  • Awarded a PhD degree based on an outstanding publication (PhD by Publication).

As the first stage of postgraduate education, postgraduate studies in Europe are, in fact, the equivalent of Russian programs postgraduate studies; for admission, you must have a master's degree. However, in terms of the level of requirements and the quality of research work, postgraduate studies in the UK gravitate towards Russian doctoral studies. This feature allows Russian students to obtain a high research scientific degree, recognized throughout the world, having studied in one (and not two, as in Russia) postgraduate programs.

What do doctoral programs give students?

PhD programs offered by British universities, depending on their type, make it possible to:

  • Expand or deepen specialization and knowledge, conduct interdisciplinary research, gain knowledge and skills in new subject areas (Integrated PhDs, The New route PhD programs);
  • Conduct Scientific research at the highest academic level, to become one of the world's leading experts in any highly specialized field, to prepare for an academic career (traditional PhD);
  • Reinforce personal potential and develop transferable skills.

Research programs

Purpose and organization

The purpose of these programs is to conduct fundamental research in the chosen field, present original and scientifically valuable conclusions, write and defend a thesis. In scientific and technical subjects, thesis work often becomes part of a larger university research. This allows the student to become part of an active research group and gain valuable experience and deep knowledge of the subject for subsequent career and personal growth. Research programs may include small teaching modules on statistics, special software and hardware for PCs, the selection and use of research methods, scientific writing, and data presentation.

Teaching methods

  • Primarily - independent work, demonstrating a high degree of intellectual independence of the student, his skills in self-organization, project management, ability to plan his time.
  • Working with a supervisor (one or two): meetings every few weeks to discuss the intermediate results of the difficulties encountered. The format of the curation varies by subject.

Research programs are also aimed at developing the skills necessary for research work: project management, planning, self-organization and other skills necessary in the chosen subject area.

Considerable attention in the learning process is paid to the integration of students into the scientific community, the assimilation of the ways of its functioning and exchange of information - i.e. "Professional" training of a scientist: participation in seminars, conferences, publications.

Assessment system

Successful completion of the PhD curriculum modules may be a prerequisite for a degree, but the study modules do not have significant weight in the final grade of work. Everything is decided by the dissertation and its successful defense, as well as passing the oral exam in the specialty.

Awarded degrees

Research programs lead to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, DPhil).

Educational and research programs

Purpose and organization

Doctoral study and research programs at British universities include, first of all, New Route PhD - integrated postgraduate training programs that combine research activities with a professional training program.

Successful graduates of such programs are independent researchers equipped with professional, personal and transferable skills who can make a significant contribution to the development of the chosen field.

The advantages of New Route PhD programs are:

  • Research program individually tailored for each student;
  • Targeted training for the effective development of research skills;
  • Development of general skills, including leadership and entrepreneurial spirit;
  • High chances of completing the program on time;
  • The graduate is able to act as an independent researcher.

Implementation of your own research project takes place in close cooperation with the scientific advisor. The training module includes courses in the specialty, courses aimed at developing educational and research competencies, as well as interdisciplinary courses aimed at developing professional skills.

The New Route PhD also allows the student to:

  • To pass during the training the practice necessary for further career - that is, in fact, to work in the specialty during the studies (for example, to teach);
  • Do some of the research in your home country at a properly equipped university - an option called “joint supervision / registration”, “split PhD” or “part time PhD” and is offered by many universities. This training option is agreed on an individual basis through the approval of the university for research, the candidacy of a "local" supervisor and curriculum.

New Route PhDs are referred to as Integrated PhD programs. The idea is that initially students enroll in a master's program of an educational and research type (for example, MRes or MPhil), and upon successful completion of the first year of study (or two years), they decide to continue their studies and are transferred to PhD program... This form allows you to shorten the study period for the doctoral program.

Teaching methods

The New Route PhD: Approximately 30-40% of study time is devoted to disciplines directly related to the subject of study, subjects from related fields, teaching skills, adaptation of technologies from other areas of activity, the development of transferable skills. The rest of the time is devoted to instilling research skills, working on a specific research task and developing professional skills.

Assessment system

Interim grades are awarded for training modules, based on the results of practice and passing exams. In the final grade, the thesis usually carries slightly more weight than the study modules.

Awarded degrees

Currently, New Route PhD programs exist in 34 UK universities and in a wide range of areas such as linguistics, biology, computer science, social skills, economics, political science, education, engineering, humanities, mathematics, physics, agriculture, medicine, law, etc.

Typical degrees awarded are PhD (Integrated PhD) or NRPhD (New Route PhD).

Professional-oriented programs (Professional Doctorates)

Purpose and organization

Professionally oriented doctoral programs are a type of study and research programs, but they are focused not so much on developing research skills and conducting independent research, as on professional education and student development related to a particular profession.

Professionally oriented doctoral programs can also function as integrated programs and allow obtaining intermediate master's degrees in case of successful completion of the first stage of study.

Teaching methods

The training modules include theoretical courses, modern approaches to research methodology and professional practice. The main focus of research work is on applied research contributing to the development of the student's chosen professional field.

Assessment system

Intermediate grades are awarded for training modules, passing exams and based on the results of practice.

Awarded degrees

Professionally oriented doctoral programs typically lead to doctoral degrees in specific sciences, such as DEd, DEng, DBA, DClinPsych, and others.

The main difference between the Doctor of Education (DEd) program and the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD in Education) is that the first program allows you to cover a wider range of subjects related to education and focus on one research problem only at the end of the course.

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree is also a research degree. Such programs are aimed at developing the theory and practice of business administration and management.

Performance-based PhDs

This type belongs to purely research programs.

The awarding of a PhD as the result of PhD by Practice is common in the visual and artistic arts. The dissertation can be an analysis of the creative process, or creative project... As a result, degrees such as PhD, Doctor of Music (DMus), Doctor of Musical Arts (AMusD), etc. are awarded.

The awarding of a PhD degree based on an outstanding publication (PhD by Publication) is practiced by members of the faculty. A dissertation is a published work as well as a critical review of a work of 5,000-10,000 words. PhD degree based on the results of the thesis, as well as its successful oral defense.

Duration of study for doctoral programs

Table of the most popular degrees

Degree Input Requirements Duration Program type Final control forms
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, DPhil) Explore. programs Final dissertation writing + oral exam (oral defense)
New Route PhD Master's degree diploma. Direct translation from the master's program is possible 3-4 years full time, 5-6 years - part-time Explore. and training modules
Professional Doctorates (DEng, DEd, DBA, DClinPsych) Master's degree diploma. Professional experience acc. sphere 3-4 years full time, 5-7 years - part-time Explore. and training modules In between. control, passing exams, writing a dissertation
PhD by Practice (PhD, DMus, AMusD), PhD by Publication) Awarded a PhD as a result of outstanding professional performance Explore. programs Preparation of a dissertation project and its defense

Preparation and defense of the thesis

A key element of the successful completion of a doctoral program is the preparation and defense of a research project - a thesis (Doctoral thesis). The dissertation is the results of an independent research work of a postgraduate student in close cooperation with a scientific advisor.

Programs and faculties set their own requirements for the volume of the dissertation project, which in the field of social sciences and humanities, as a rule, is 80,000-100,000 words, and in the field of exact sciences - 40,000-50,000 words.

The approximate structure of the dissertation work looks like this:

  • Title page,
  • Summary,
  • Expression of gratitude,
  • Content,
  • Introduction, formulation of the research problem,
  • Goals, objectives and hypotheses of the study.
  • Literature review,
  • Research methodology,
  • The main analytical part is the research results, structured by chapters,
  • Conclusions, recommendations, directions for further work,
  • Links,
  • Bibliography,
  • Applications.

In the UK, a thesis defense is called viva voce, i.e. oral exam (from Latin "live voice"). The defense is attended by two or more examiners and a candidate. One of the examiners is a representative of the university where the candidate is studying (but is not his supervisor), the rest of the examiners are external, representing other universities. The presence of the main scientific adviser at the defense is not necessary, and he has no right to ask questions during the exam.

In most universities, such defenses take place behind closed doors, but some universities, for example, Oxford, allow university members to attend the defense of doctoral dissertations for the DPhil degree.

Tuition fees for doctoral programs

British universities independently set the cost of training for two types of students: for students from the UK and EU member states - “home fee” and for foreign students (from all other countries) “overseas fee”. Russian applicants fall into the latter category.

Prepared based on materials

Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), British Council, Newroutephd, Park, C. “New Variant PhD: The changing nature of the doctorate in the UK”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 27, No. 2, July 2005, pp. 189-207.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Latin Philosophiae Doctor, Ph.D., PhD, usually pronounced as pee-hi-di) is an academic degree awarded in many Western countries. The qualifying work of an applicant for a degree is a doctoral dissertation (English Ph.D. Thesis)
Directly with philosophy, an academic degree is connected only historically: it is awarded in almost all scientific fields, including in jurisprudence (Ph.D. in Law / Ph.D. In Legal Studies). In a number of countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, this degree is the highest.

Within the EU, the PhD is the foundation for teaching and research in higher education.
The University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the world (after Bologna), the oldest English-speaking university in the world, and the first university in the UK. According to the Charter (The Position of the University of Oxford), the University of Oxford has been certifying doctors of philosophy for more than a hundred years, confirming the qualifications of a defended candidate with a Diploma Ph.D. Scientists from all over the world are successfully defending at the University.
Candidates from CIS countries who decided to obtain a Ph.D. at Oxford University must already have a degree in their country. In this case, the Ph.D. Thesis (doctoral dissertation for a Ph.D.) is already defended thesis.
Unified international act defining the status of holders of Ph.D. diplomas do not exist. Oxford University operates under an Agreement between the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, in which the Ph.D. established as the highest scientific degree.
Every 2 years, the University accepts the Graduate & Postgraduate Studies Prospectus, (a document regulating the issue of Ph.D. diplomas), which is an integral part of the Charter (The Position of the University of Oxford).
Excerpts on the Ph.D. from Graduate & Postgtaduate Studies Prospectus:
Article 1
1.1 Doctor of Philosophy is an academic degree awarded in Great Britain to scientists who have contributed to the world fundamental science with their theories and research, and is recognized as the highest academic degree in Great Britain.
1.2 The title "Doctor of Philosophy" has a historical basis; at present, the degree has no practical relation to philosophy and is awarded in almost all scientific fields.
Article 2.
The University of Oxford, on the basis of the opinion of the academic committee and the scientific papers submitted by the candidate for a scientific degree, awards the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" in the following disciplines:
(only social sciences are indicated here, in which there are legal disciplines; in addition to them, there are humanitarian, mathematical and medical groups)
Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
Politics and International Relations (Politics and international relations)
Article Z.
The presence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy gives its holder the right to conduct scientific and teaching activities in the UK, apply for grants, and also participate in international conferences held by CIS (Union of Scientists of British and American Universities).
The University of Oxford successfully cooperates with applicants from Russia, helping them to obtain a Ph.D. degree without leaving the country. Theses are accepted in Russian, the abstract - in Russian and additionally in English. In addition, a prerequisite is the publication of at least three articles on the topic of the dissertation in international journals and newsletters. Articles of at least 0.5 pp. also available in two languages.
