So, your child will have a real test this year - passing the exam. You are probably worried, if not more, then at least as much as your high school student, because this is so important! But it's very difficult to understand all this, the children do not want to explain anything, and the official sites are drowning in bureaucracy.

The editors of the site come to your aid and tell you about everything in detail and livelier than Rosobrnadzor. Summarize and tell the children if they don’t know.

- What is the Unified State Exam? Do we really need it?

The Unified State Exam is a form of state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education. Simply put, the final exam upon graduation from school. The Unified State Exam is required to pass, without passing it, the child will not be able to get a certificate and go to college.

- Okay. We'll have to go. How many subjects do you need to take?

There are still only two compulsory subjects for passing - Russian and mathematics. New items have not been introduced this year, this is only waiting for us in 2020. The child has the opportunity to choose additional subjects of choice (required for admission). You can take the following disciplines: physics, chemistry, history, social studies, computer science, biology, geography, literature and foreign languages. In addition to mathematics, all subjects are evaluated on a 100-point system.

- What's wrong with mathematics?

The fact is that the exam in mathematics is divided into basic and specialized. The child himself can choose what he needs (or he can choose to hand over the subject in two versions). The basic level is required to get a certificate and be able to enter a university where mathematics is not an entrance exam. The basic level will be assessed on a five-point system. A math exam profile level are taken by students planning to enter a university in which mathematics is included in the list of mandatory entrance examinations. And in this case, the exam will be assessed on a 100-point system.

- Well, and everyone gets admission to the Unified State Exam?

In order to get admission to the Unified State Exam, you must:

  • apply for the USE in selected subjects (this year - until February 1);
  • receive all annual grades in all academic subjects at the school not lower than the grade "satisfactory", no twos;
  • pass the final presentation in the Russian language.

- Well, when will these exams be? And where?

The Unified State Exam Schedule is official, common throughout Russia. You can view it on the official USE portal and on the Rosobrnadzor website. To pass the exam, children go to another school, where exactly, the schoolchildren will be told in their educational institution closer to the exams. But you won't have to travel far - it will be one of the district schools.

- And what if two USEs are held on the same day? How to break apart?

Don't be torn. The schedule is already known, there are reserve days for all such items. Simply, when submitting an application, you must indicate the date of participation in the exam that is convenient for you.

- And if my child is disabled, he can not take the exam?

Maybe. For disabled people and children with disabilities, another form of delivery is provided - GVE (state final exam). It is easier, but it has its drawbacks: it is also automated and cannot be an entrance test for a university. The university will not accept its results, but will appoint new ones. entrance tests which can be both easier and more difficult for the student.

- Okay, I changed my mind, let it be better to pass the exam. He will be provided with the necessary conditions?

Sure. First, the exam time for children with disabilities is increased by 1.5 hours (and by 30 minutes in foreign languages). Secondly, you can choose a "special placement", that is, ask the child to sit in the classroom alone. Thirdly, all children will be provided with the necessary technical means (if necessary: ​​computers, magnifiers, sound amplifying equipment, Braille forms, etc.). Also, children can freely move to the toilet, interrupt for medical procedures or for a snack. In extreme cases, the USE is also carried out at home.

- Well, how does this USE go?

Any exam starts at 10:00 local time. It is undesirable to be late - no one will increase your time and the instruction will not be repeated. You can take with you: passport (required), gel, capillary pen with black ink (also required), medicines and food (if necessary), teaching and education tools (a ruler in mathematics; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - non-programmable calculator; geography - ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator). For USE participants with disabilities - special technical means.

Everything else is surrendered at the entrance to a special storage area.

After checking the documents, the child will be taken to the place, he cannot change it. Then the briefing begins, if something is wrong with the set of tasks (the integrity of the package is violated), you need to say about this at this moment, then this will not be a reason for an appeal. After the instructions, you need to open the package, make sure that everything you need is in place, the text is well typed, the paper has no defects, the assignment is in Russian, not in mathematics, etc. Everything that needs to be checked will be told to the children.

Next, the registration form is filled in, after which the student proceeds to the task. After completion, you need to fold all the sheets and take them to the examiner. That's it, you can go home, you don't have to wait for the end of the exam.

- Can you write it off?

Difficult. There are jammers everywhere, mobile communication is not available, even if the child has carried the phone with him. You can go to the toilet, but under "escort", you won't have time to read much. For the cheat sheet that they saw, the child can be removed from the exam, taken out and not checked his work. In addition, cameras are hung everywhere. Better get ready.

- When and how will the results be announced? What if I don't like them?

The results should become known approximately three days after delivery, they will be transmitted to educational institution, they can also be checked on the Internet. If you and your child are not satisfied with the score, you can appeal within two business days after the results are officially announced. This is a personal meeting with independent experts, where you and your child can look at the work and try to prove that Onegin was written by Gogol. The truth is not the fact that it will work out.

- Can you lower the score on the appeal?

When considering an appeal, the conflict committee will fully re-check the examination paper. So - yes, the result can change in any direction. And if anything, it is no longer possible to appeal the appeal.

- And what is the passing score now?

36 points in Russian and 27 points in mathematics of the profile level. With the rest minimum points can be found at the disposal of Rosobrnadzor.

- And if you didn't pass it?

If the student has not passed the compulsory subject, he has the right to re-take at an additional time (about two weeks later). In case of repeated "failure" - only in the fall, in a special center, and until that time you will not be given a certificate. Children can also retake the USE when they receive a passing score (that is, to improve their score). If it didn't work out again, in the summer with a new wave of graduates. And so on ad infinitum.

As for elective subjects, if the student has not typed minimum quantity points - retake only after a year.

- Good. With the exam, everything seems to be clear. And what about the admission?

And we will tell you about this next time.

Which programming language to choose, what tasks to focus on and how to allocate time on the exam

Teaches computer science at Foxford

Different universities require different IT entrance exams. Somewhere you need to pass physics, somewhere - computer science. Which exam to prepare for is up to you, but it should be borne in mind that the competition in the specialty where you need to pass physics is usually lower than in the specialties where the exam in computer science is required, i.e. the likelihood of entering "through physics" is greater.

Why then take the Unified State Exam in Computer Science?

  • It is faster and easier to prepare for it than for physics.
  • You will be able to choose from more specialties.
  • It will be easier for you to study in the chosen specialty.

What you need to know about the exam in computer science

The Unified State Exam in Informatics consists of two parts. In the first part there are 23 problems with a short answer, in the second - 4 problems with a detailed answer. The first part of the exam contains 12 tasks basic level, 10 tasks of the advanced level and 1 task of the high level. In the second part - 1 task of an advanced level and 3 - a high one.

Solving problems from the first part allows you to score 23 primary points - one point for the completed task. Solving the problems of the second part adds 12 primary points (3, 2, 3 and 4 points for each problem, respectively). Thus, the maximum primary points that can be obtained for solving all tasks is 35.

Primary scores are converted into test scores, which are the result of the exam. 35 primary points = 100 test points for the exam. At the same time, more is awarded for solving problems from the second part of the exam. test points than for the answers to the problems of the first part. Each primary score earned in the second part of the exam will give you 3 or 4 test points, which adds up to about 40 final exam points.

This means that when completing the Unified State Exam in Informatics, it is necessary to pay special attention to solving problems with a detailed answer: No. 24, 25, 26 and 27. Their successful completion will allow you to gain more final points. But the cost of an error during their execution is higher - the loss of each primary point is fraught with the fact that you will not pass the competition, because 3-4 final points for the Unified State Exam with high competition in IT specialties can become decisive.

How to Prepare for Part One Challenges

  • Pay special attention to tasks number 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23. These tasks, according to the analysis of the results of the past years, are especially difficult. Difficulties with the solution of these problems are experienced not only by those who have a low overall score for the Unified State Exam in computer science, but also "good students" and "excellent students".
  • Memorize the table of powers of number 2.
  • Remember that Kbytes in tasks means Kibybytes, not Kilobytes. 1 kibyte = 1024 bytes. This will help avoid calculation errors.
  • Carefully study the options for the USE from previous years. The computer science exam is one of the most stable, which means that you can safely use the USE options for the last 3-4 years for preparation.
  • Get to know the different options for the wording of the tasks. Remember that minor wording changes will always result in poor exam scores.
  • Read the problem statement carefully. Most of the errors in completing tasks are associated with a misunderstanding of the condition.
  • Learn to independently check the completed tasks and find errors in the answers.

What you need to know about solving problems with a detailed answer

24 task - to find an error

25 task requires drawing up a simple program

Problem 26 - on game theory

27 task - it is necessary to program a complex program

The main difficulty in the exam is 27 problems. It can be solved only60-70% writing the exam in computer science. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is impossible to prepare for it in advance. Every year a fundamentally new problem is presented for the exam. When solving problem # 27, not a single semantic error should be allowed.

How to time your exam

Focus on the data that are given in the specification of control measuring materials for the exam in informatics. It indicates the approximate time allotted for completing the tasks of the first and second parts of the exam.

The exam in computer science lasts 235 minutes

Of these, 90 minutes are devoted to solving problems from the first part. On average, each task from the first part takes 3 to 5 minutes. It takes 10 minutes to solve problem 23.

There are 145 minutes left to solve the tasks of the second part of the exam, while solving the last problem # 27 will take at least 55 minutes. These calculations were carried out by specialists from the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements and are based on the results of exams from previous years, so they should be taken seriously and used as a guide for the exam.

Programming languages ​​- which one to choose

  1. BASIC. It is an outdated language, and although it is still taught in schools, there is no point in wasting time mastering it.
  2. School algorithmic programming language. It is designed specifically for early learning in programming, convenient for mastering the initial algorithms, but practically does not contain depth, there is nowhere to develop in it.
  3. Pascal. It is still one of the most common programming languages ​​for teaching in schools and universities, but its capabilities are severely limited. Pascal is quite suitable as a writing language for the exam.
  4. C ++. A universal language, one of the most fast languages programming. It is difficult to learn from it, but in practical application its possibilities are very wide.
  5. Python... It's easy to learn at entry level, the only thing that is required is knowledge of the English language. At the same time, at in-depth study Python provides the programmer with no less opportunities than C ++. Having started learning "Python" at school, you will use it in the future, you do not have to relearn to another language in order to reach new horizons in programming. To pass the exam, it is enough to know "Python" at a basic level.

Good to know

  • Informatics works are evaluated by two experts. If the results of the experts' assessment differ by 1 point, the higher of the two points is given. If the discrepancy is 2 points or more, the work is rechecked by a third expert.
  • A useful site for preparing for the exam in computer science -

Compulsory subjects - mathematics and Russian language - have been used as a form of state final certification of general secondary education for a number of years. Final certification has general rules that have been changed several times. The latest changes to the general rules will be discussed in this article.

About the rules

The Unified State Exam (compulsory subjects and optional subjects) is carried out using control measuring materials (CMM), which are a standard form of complexes with tasks. In addition, there are special mandatory forms for filling out answers to tasks. Mandatory subjects of the exam, as well as elective subjects are accepted in Russian in writing, if this is not a section foreign languages("speaking").

Examinations are held on the territory of Russia and outside it according to a single schedule. The organizers are Rosobrnadzor and the executive authorities of those constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage the education sector (EIA). Outside the country, the Unified State Exam (compulsory subjects and optional subjects) is also taken by Rosobrnadzor and the founders of educational organizations of the Russian Federation that are located abroad, have state accreditation and implement educational programs for general secondary education, as well as foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have structural specialized educational units.

Admission to the exam

Compulsory subjects and elective subjects are taken by students who do not have academic debt and who have fully completed individual or general ones with grades in all subjects for all years of study at least satisfactory.

The state final attestation has the right to pass in USE form(Russian language and mathematics) disabled children and disabled children, as well as students with disabilities, studying in educational special institutions of a closed type and institutions where they serve sentences in the form of imprisonment.

Students in educational programs of vocational secondary education also have the right to attestation in the form of the Unified State Exam (Russian language and mathematics, as well as optional subjects for admission to a higher educational institution). Students in educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol have the same right.

Re-certification and external studies

The right to attestation in the form of the Unified State Exam is also available to graduates of previous years (with a document on obtaining a general complete secondary education until 2013), as well as to those students who master educational programs of vocational secondary education and study in educational institutions abroad, even if they have there are active USE results of the past years.

The USE can also be passed by people who have mastered secondary education programs in other forms - family education or self-education, or who have mastered educational programs not accredited by the state. They can pass the GIA externally in


Now the compulsory subjects for passing the exam are Russian and mathematics. However, changes and additions are planned for 2020. First, according to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, an exam in history will be required for everyone. In addition, the compulsory USE subjects in 2020 may include a foreign language and geography. Indeed, without knowledge of history, the country will not be able to successfully move into tomorrow. Will geography be a compulsory subject of the USE, for now, since the entire existing system of examinations will be revised.

but English language as a compulsory subject in the exam (or other foreign) is likely to be. A number of regions in 2020 will take such a subject in the approbation mode. Further, by 2022, the country will be ready to add a foreign language to the exam minimum in schools, and now trial tests, programs are being developed. History as a compulsory subject in the Unified State Exam is an issue that has already been practically resolved, although, according to Olga Vasilyeva, this will happen not earlier than 2020. This will be the third required course.

History with geography

Olga Vasilyeva made many statements at the All-Russian Conference on the History of Russia, which took place in February 2017, regarding the development of education in the country. Much has been said about passing the exam in 2020. Mandatory items will be replenished. She clarified that today children take only mathematics and Russian, but history must certainly become the third subject of the Unified State Exam.

She also said that she was listening carefully to the louder public opinion regarding the GIA, which students take after the end of the ninth grade, in geography. Many citizens are advocating the introduction of such an exam upon graduation from school. The list of compulsory USE subjects will definitely be replenished. Perhaps geography will be one of them.

For admission to the university

In 2009, all school graduates received information about compulsory subjects of the exam... They were the Russian language and mathematics. Moreover, every eleventh grader must receive a score not lower than that established by Rosobrnadzor. In addition, for admission to a university, school graduates independently choose several necessary subjects. You need to choose from the list of general education disciplines that are included in USE list... How many compulsory subjects, for example, must an eleventh grader take when going to university? This will depend on the chosen specialization. For example, a future programmer needs ICT and computer science.

USE assignments in mathematics, you can perform in advance not only completely, but also repeatedly, for this there are official portals with open banks of problems. Since this subject is compulsory, this is exactly what graduates do. But mathematics is different to mathematics. The same future programmers should not solve the basic version, but the profile one. The USE tasks in mathematics of the profile level require, however, only knowledge of the school course. The website of the chosen university probably has a free demo material that can be used for self-preparation.


Subjects, including compulsory ones, at the choice of a graduate of a school for admission to a university:

1. Russian language.

2. Profile and basic mathematics.

4. Physics.

5. Social studies.

6. History.

7. Information and communication technologies and informatics.

8. Geography.

9. Biology.

10. Literature.

11. Foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish).

To get a certificate of completion high school, you need to take only two compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics. Further, on a voluntary basis, a graduate can take any subjects of his own choice in accordance with the requirements of a certain It all depends on the planned direction of training, that is, specialty.


Since the country is undergoing not too fast, but radical changes, this cannot but affect the education system. The Ministry of Education and Science has accumulated a lot of complaints from the country's population. Of course, this system of passing exams has its advantages, such as the option of preventing corruption and the independence of the assessment of knowledge obtained. But there are also a lot of disadvantages. It is planned by 2019 to develop a mechanism for passing the USE in six subjects, as well as to increase the number of attestations in elementary school. Of course, knowledge must be assessed systematically so that students acquire skills that increase responsibility and order.

In the minus of the existing organization of the exam, both parents and teachers put the test nature of the exam. Most students are just trying to guess the correct answer. This system should have been abolished long ago, replacing it with a polling form that existed until 2009. Of course, both rehearsals and public opinion polls are necessary before anything new is introduced into this system, because, first of all, it is necessary to understand how much each of these changes will improve the situation.

Terms and tasks

The USE on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as outside it, provides for a single schedule. Each subject has its own duration according to the time of the exam. In January of this year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issues a decree approving a single schedule and duration of each exam. It also gives the entire list of funds that will be needed for training and education and will be used in the USE.

FIPI (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements) develops examination tasks (KIM), that is, complexes of standardized tasks, with the help of which the level of mastering the educational standard will be established. On the FIPI website, you can familiarize yourself in advance with the section of demonstration options for the exam for each subject, as well as with documents that regulate the content and structure of KIM - with all codifiers and specifications. Tasks can be either detailed or short answers. Oral answers of examiners in foreign languages ​​are recorded using audio carriers. This section ("speaking") is still on a voluntary basis.


The information of control measuring materials that are used for conducting state certification cannot be disclosed, since it refers to information with limited access. Therefore, everyone who will be attracted to the USE, as well as persons passing the exam during the period of its holding, are responsible for the disclosure of information on the CMM in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the KIM information is published, for example, on the Internet, this will indicate the presence of signs of an offense under Articles 13.14 and 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; 59, part 11 Federal law RF "On education in the RF".


The state final certification, which is carried out in the form of the USE, uses a hundred-point assessment system in all subjects, except for mathematics of the basic level. Separately for each subject, a minimum number of points is set, and if the examiner has overcome this threshold, then mastering educational program general average will be confirmed.

When check examination papers ends, the results of the USE in all subjects are considered by the chairman of the SEC, after which he decides to cancel, change or approve them. The approval of the results takes place within one working day after checking all examination papers.


If the examining high school graduate is not satisfied with the points received, he has the opportunity, within two days from the date of the announcement of the USE results, to file an appeal of disagreement. It is drawn up in writing and submitted to educational organization, which gave admission to the examiner to the exam.

Graduates of previous years and other categories of USE participants can appeal to the place of registration for delivery or to others that have been determined by the region. The USE results for each examiner exist only in the federal information system, and paper certificates about them are not provided. They are valid for four years.


If a graduate of this current year receives a result that turns out to be below the established minimum points in any of the compulsory subjects, he can take the exam again - additional terms are provided for this in a single schedule. If any category participant of the exam will not be able to get a minimum of points in the subjects that he chose for admission to the university, then the retake will take place only in a year.

Since 2015, all students can take the Unified State Exam in compulsory subjects up to three times (this applies only to mathematics and the Russian language). This is possible either on extra days if only one item fails, or in the fall (September, October). In the latter case, admission to the university cannot already take place, since the necessary deadlines have passed, but the student will receive a certificate.

On May 27, 2019, the main stage of the Unified State Exam begins in Russia. This is a unified state exam, which is mandatory for all students in grade 11. Based on its results, a school graduation certificate is issued and enrolled in universities.

Ekaterina Miroshkina

follows the exam

The exam is handed over strictly on schedule. In one day, one exam for all graduates of all cities.

On May 27 they pass geography and literature, on June 10 they write social studies, and the main stage will end on June 13 in biology, computer science and ICT. A few more days are allotted to the reserve for those who could not come for a good reason.

We have analyzed the complex issues that concern graduates and their parents during the USE period.

What will you learn

Can I change elective exams? What if one subject was indicated in the application, and now you decided to pass another?

Additional exams could be selected until February 1st. You can't just change the list of exams - only for a good reason, with the permission of the commission and if there are at least two weeks left before the exam.

A good reason in such cases is, for example, when a university suddenly adds a new subject to the list of entrance exams. This is a violation on the part of the university, but it happens.

If you chose several exams in reserve in February, you don't have to come to the one you don't need.

You don't need to surrender the excess

For example, if computer science, physics, history and social science were indicated in the application, and after informatics it became clear that there are enough points, you may not come to history and social science. For this there will be nothing.

If a graduate decides to enter another university and he lacks exams, he will have to wait for the next year. This also happens: it is unpleasant, but not fatal.

What happens if you don't come to the exam you need to take?

If you do not come for a valid reason - for example, due to illness - you can take the exam on reserve days. After the main stage is over, those who missed the exams will be allowed to pass. A good reason must be documented. If there are no documents, they will not be allowed to take exams on a reserve day.

If you do not pass the Russian language and basic mathematics at all, you will not be issued a school leaving certificate. But these subjects will be allowed to retake this year.

Don't come for mandatory - only for a good reason

A missed elective exam can only be taken after a year.

If you realized that you cannot come to the exam, be sure to call class teacher and a subject teacher. They will tell you what to do next, where to go, what documents to collect and when you can retake. You can call teachers even late in the evening or early in the morning: during the exam, they are usually always in touch, because sometimes more graduates are worried. At least that's what all the teachers we talked to told us.

When will the USE results be known?

Typically, checks at all levels take a maximum of two weeks. Results can be published earlier, but not later than the scheduled date.

Who checks the work? How objective are the assessments?

Each work is checked by several people. The test part is checked by the computer. There are clear instructions for verification, so subjectivity is almost excluded. There may be different interpretations in oral subjects or essay, but usually deviations are one or two points. If the assessors have different grades, the result will be determined in favor of the graduate.

All forms are impersonal. Work for verification is distributed among experts automatically. Nobody knows that this particular student wrote a particular work. And the students do not know who will get their work, even if they try to leave some mark on the form.

After verification in their region, the work can be sent for cross-regional verification. And then, until March 1 of the next year, they are randomly checked again.

Better not to negotiate with anyone

Negotiating with a commission, looking for acquaintances and paying money for a check is a huge risk. It's illegal. And still no one can guarantee that everything will work out: the exam is strictly controlled, including at the federal level. If something like that is found, everyone will be punished. And the exam results will not be counted at all, even if the work is really well written.

If you disagree with the results, what to do then?

File an appeal. There are two working days for this after the results were officially announced.

An appeal should be filed if you know for sure that, for example, the essay is written perfectly. Appeal test part based on the results of answers it is impossible. The maximum that you can count on is that during the check they did not recognize the signs so well, but the chances are small.

Sometimes, based on the results of the appeal, the number of points is reduced, although the graduate was counting on an increase. You need to think carefully before drawing attention to your work.

How to find out the answers to the exam in advance? They say they can be bought or recognized in other regions.

No. Leakage of USE results is excluded. If on some sites they offer to buy answers to tests, they are scammers. Nobody knows the content of the test materials until the students sit down at their desks and the exam officially begins.

Sometimes the teachers themselves say that they found out what the options will be. Or one of the reviewers offers to buy them on an acquaintance. Trust no one.

There are no answers to the exam. What they sell are not the answers

There have already been cases when parents paid 50 thousand rubles and even more, and there was not a single coincidence.

Teachers are not scammers, they want the best and they themselves may think that they got the right options. They sit, decide on the night before the exam, as if to help. And then on the exam it turns out that the tasks and answers are different.

Can I take my phone to the exam?

It is forbidden. You can't take anything for the exam at all, except for a passport and a pen. Some items are allowed to take a ruler, calculator or protractor. Where the exam is held, there are metal detectors at the entrance.

Even if you managed to carry the phone, you will still hardly be able to use it. Here are some real life situations where graduates tried to use the phone and failed.

Ivan put the phone in a pocket sewn to his panties and said that the detector reacts to piercings... He carried the phone and left it in the closet. I wanted to take time off during the exam and consult with the teacher through WhatsApp.

After the start of the exam, the inspectors inspected the toilets and removed all the stash with communications from there. It was a shame to go for the phone, and Ivan was left without a new Samsung. Until September, he was afraid that somehow it would be discovered that it was his phone, and the exam results would be canceled.

Everything worked out: Ivan himself passed the exam and got a good score. If he had been caught, he would not have enrolled this year.

Anya carried the phone in her bra, hid it securely in the toilet, and no one found... During the exam, Anya asked for time off, took the phone, but could not use it. There was a device on the floor to jam the communication signal. The phone was useless.

At the exam in mathematics, Anya relied on the phone: last year, her friend succeeded. As a result, Anya lost five points and now her parents pay 80 thousand rubles a year.

Vitya carried the phone in a sneaker straight to the class where the exam is being held... I was afraid to leave in the toilet, because they could find it. Vitya did not need a communication signal either: he was not going to write or call. He had photographed physics formulas on his phone in advance. I wanted to take time off and spy on if a difficult task came across.

Viti almost succeeded. But at 10:30 the phone vibrated from a call from my grandmother, who was very worried about her grandson. Physics was not counted for him, he did not manage to enter a good technical university.

Some people manage to carry the phone and use it. But this is a violation.

Can you bring in the cheat sheets? Will you be able to use them?

In theory, it is easier to smuggle a cheat sheet than a phone, but it's better not to smuggle it - it's also illegal. Inspectors are not allowed to ask the student to undress, feel him or check his pockets. The metal detector does not respond to cribs, but they are found in the toilets and taken away even before the start of the exam.

Use cheat sheets or additional literature it will not work right on the exam. All rooms are equipped with video cameras and broadcast on the Internet. It is monitored in real time and then selectively reviewed after the exam.

It also happens like this.

Zhenya wrote a list of words with the correct accent on masking tape and pasted it on her legs under her skirt... Zhenya is an excellent student and knows Russian well, but all her friends did this, and she, too, just in case. The cheat sheet was not useful to her: she already knew the words.

Two hours later, Zhenya asked to go to the toilet and forgot about the tape. The cribs came off and slipped under the pantyhose to my knees. This was noticed by a member of the commission in the corridor. Zhenya was to be removed from the exam in disgrace. She miraculously and tears managed to persuade the inspector not to report the violation. And although they met Zhenya halfway, she was so worried that she wrote an essay poorly and did not get points for the Faculty of Journalism. For the sake of fairness, almost all practicing journalists today advise against going to journalism faculties.

Vika and Lisa made history cribs for two... They also took the answers to the tests, which were sold to them as real. To avoid being caught, they divided it all in half. The classmates got into different audiences and agreed in advance to meet at 11 o'clock in the toilet.

They asked for time off, as agreed, at the same time, but did not take into account that they were taken to different toilets - each was taken to the one that was closer. It didn't work out to meet, and Liza needed the cribs that Vika took with her.

Cheat sheets should be written before the exam, just to remember them better. You shouldn't take them with you to the exam. There are no ideal options without risk, everything cannot be foreseen. Something can always go wrong, and not only income to the budget, but also a school leaving certificate will be at risk.

Can I negotiate with the exam commission to help? Can you tell me?

No, no one will tell you anything. You can ask a question only after filling out the form. The answer should be loud and clear. Calling a member of the commission and asking for help in a whisper will not work.

There is no practical sense in such requests. Teachers in other subjects or administrative staff sit on the commission.

Commission members are supervised by other commission members, public observers, Rosobrnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office. Everything is very strict. If someone helps a graduate, he will be fined.

If everything is correct on the draft, but there is a mistake on the form, which answer will be counted?

The answer on the official form is always counted. Drafts are not rated.

You need to properly allocate time to check the work and have time to rewrite everything without errors.

What if the exam gets bad?

You need to contact a health worker. He is always present in the audience. Then they will act according to the situation. If the work fails, it will be recorded, but the results will not be evaluated. It will be possible to hand over again on a reserve day.

If you need to take medicine during the exam, it is allowed. If you need to drink juice, eat sweets or get an injection, you can do that too. You can bring water or a chocolate with you, but you won't be able to use them as cheat sheets: they will check everything. If they find inscriptions, they will be deleted without the right to re-take.

If this year there is not enough points, and there is no possibility to study for a fee, then what to do?

If it did not work to get even the minimum in basic subjects, they will not give a certificate. The main subjects will be offered to retake on a reserve day or in the fall.

If the scores are higher than the minimum, but still low, you can retake the exams in the required subjects next year and choose the best result.

The USE results are valid for four years. For example, if a graduate passed Russian and biology well, but got worried in mathematics and missed three points, you can retake mathematics in a year and apply to the university again.

Postpone admission only because there were not enough points in prestigious university, it is unreasonable. Anything can happen in a year.

Better a simpler university than waiting a year

There is no guarantee that they will do well in their exams next year, and they will not improve their passing score. It is better to choose a faculty or a simpler university, and then look for options for transfer or apply again.

Ksyusha wanted to become a microbiologist or virologist... She chose biology and chemistry from additional subjects, but it did not work out for free to enter the medical academy. In order not to lose a year, Ksyusha submitted documents to the Institute of Food Production, where chemistry was also needed. She went on a budget and got a dorm room. The next year, she changed her mind about taking the exam again - she stayed at her university. Now Ksyusha has already received her diploma, works as a food technologist at an international enterprise and receives five times more than her parents are doctors.

If there are not enough points at all for admission to the budget, there is an option not to enroll, prepare, and retake the exam next year.

Sergei also wanted to become a doctor, but he passed biology badly and did not go on the budget.... He had a respite from the army, so in order not to lose a year, he entered a medical college in his city and was preparing to retake the exam. If it hadn't worked out, Sergei would have stayed in college, trained to be a paramedic and still worked in medicine as he dreamed of.

But he did it. The next year he retaken biology and, with the same results in Russian and mathematics, went to study to be a cardiologist. By that time, he still managed to get a referral from their local cardiological dispensary, which also helped.

What are the ways to pass the exam well?

To pass the exam well, you need to prepare for it. It is better to start in the tenth grade. You can prepare yourself or with a tutor.

Shortly before the exams, it is most effective to solve the tests of the past. Tasks in the exam are typical and in different years may come across very similar. If there is a tutor, he will select the correct training method, taking into account the student's abilities.

What is the best thing to do before the exam?

Graduates need to sleep... You can't sit all night over textbooks or look for answers this year. Not getting enough sleep and getting overwhelmed is the worst thing.

What to do after the exams?

Track the results and celebrate the prom. When the official results are summed up, prepare the documents for admission. If there are benefits or the right to additional points based on the results of the Olympiads, they must be confirmed.

At the same time, you can submit the USE results to five universities. Each has three specialties. All information about specialties, documents, the number of budget places and passing points is published on the websites of universities.

If you do not manage to enter the budget, think about where to get money to pay for your studies. Better to take care of this before the exams, just in case. Find out at the institute how to transfer to the budget from the second year, if this is practiced. If you try, you can save a lot of money.

Experiment with faculties and universities. In one institute there is a competition of 100 people for a place, while in another there may be a shortage even for a similar specialty. The prestige of a university does not guarantee anything.

Invite the student to look for options for a part-time job. You can transfer to correspondence, work in shifts or remotely.

Exams are just around the corner, which means that soon everything that will somehow increase the chances of a good grade will be used. Instead of re-reading the textbook, re-read our scientific recommendations - they are more effective than a plot of a student's books, a teacher's love spell, and a prayer to the lucky number of the audience. Inna Pribora tells how to prepare for the exam and feel confident in it. It turns out that even chewing gum helps.

Sleep in hand

1. Of course, it's tempting to sit at your notebook all night, but science urges you to sleep. It is during sleep that the information received the day before is consolidated. In experiments on rats, scientists showed that during slow sleep, the same groups of neurons are excited in the brain as during the training that rats were engaged in the day before. That is, in order to better remember Aristotle's aphorisms, it is best to act like a rat - to go to bed early. In a dream, the brain will once again scroll through everything it has heard about the philosopher, and then will lead you to success on the exam.

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12 / 05 / 2016

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