Study of in English in Canada is a great opportunity to learn more about this distant country, plunge into its cosmopolitan atmosphere and get to know its hospitable people, whose courtesy has become almost legendary.

Canada has two official languages, English and French. The all-English provinces are Ontario, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador. And in the province of New Brownswick, both English and French are official languages.

Courses and schools for learning English are available in all provinces of Canada, and the quality of teaching in them depends more on reputation, methods, teachers, accreditation than on location.

Canadian English is very close to American English, although native speakers in some cases note the difference in pronunciation - and often even joke about it. As for spelling, Canadian English is closer to British English.

Learning English in Canada is interesting, if only to understand the nuances of the use of English by native speakers. In addition, Canadians are very sociable, and a large amount of language practice is provided to the student. And of course, a person who studied a language in an English school in Canada will be perfectly understood in any English-speaking country.

English courses in Canada for adults

Adults planning to study English in Canada can choose from general or specific programs that include Business English, Academic English for Students with IELTS/TOEFL Language Certificate Exam Preparation, English for Teachers. On the basis of many schools, official centers for taking language exams are organized.

Schools that teach English to adults in Canada usually provide a wide range of options for learning it. The student can adjust literally everything to his needs - from class time and group size to topics and formats that are interesting to him (grammar analysis, choice of topics, creation and preparation of presentations in a group, individual lessons with a teacher).

Teaching English in Canada is conducted using progressive methods and the results are not long in coming. Judging by the feedback from students, many of them see significant progress even after two weeks of English courses in Canada.

The cost of English courses in Canada with accommodation

Canada is one of the countries with the cheapest prices for education in English. This is also true for the prices of English courses in Canada.

Teaching English in Canada with accommodation will cost from 30 thousand for 2 weeks without accommodation. Two-week English courses and one or two weeks on excursions are perhaps the most popular form of study and recreation in Canada.

Prices for English language courses in Canada with accommodation vary depending on the type of accommodation chosen. Those who decide to stay in a student hostel will spend about 70,000 rubles on education and living. Studying with living in a Canadian family depends on the city, type of housing, meal plan and will range from 80 to 200 thousand. Do not forget to add the cost of air tickets, meals, visas and other expenses during your stay in the country to the indicated amounts.

Summer English courses in Canada

You can study English in Canada in the summer not only on courses, but also on short-term programs at universities (combining language learning and studying in the chosen subject). Children and teenagers are best suited for an English language camp in Canada.

Canada has a very beautiful and diverse nature, wonderful ski resorts and lakes. This country is interesting to visit in any season, but still summer is probably the most comfortable in terms of weather and free time. Choosing summer courses English in Canada, do not forget to make yourself an interesting cultural program. By the way, many language schools are happy to help their students with this.

Ideal place to study

At the moment, Canada has two official languages ​​- English and French, each of which is taught at a professionally high level in language schools. In most cases, it is this factor that determines the increased interest of foreign citizens in courses in Canada where you can quickly learn English and discover new opportunities in this country.

If you set out to pass language courses in Canada, then this would be the correct solution.

In parallel with your studies, you will be able to explore Canada in all its glory. Landscapes of amazing beauty will appear before you. By the way, Canadians manage to preserve their nature even in large industrial cities. All the riot of colors of nature is not limited to landscapes alone.

You have a direct opportunity to go to the national park and go canoeing. Extreme lovers can go to the mountains and go skiing. See the famous Niagara Falls Pacific Ocean caressing the eyes with their beauty. Getting to know all of Canada will help you learn English faster and easier.

To learn English and consolidate its skills, you can choose any of the private or public schools Canada, which are located in the most famous cities of the country.

But why language courses in Canada give the best result?

Make yourself at home!

For many years, Canada has been hosting a fairly large number of talented people - coming with immigrant status, they manage to become part of this country. Therefore, the study of the language is given great attention- this will help to adapt, get acquainted with the cultural, political and social life.

In connection with this factor, there is another positive point - it concerns the prices for courses in Canada which pleasantly delight students and their parents - they are much cheaper than in many other English speaking countries.

On the language courses in Canada You can choose the most interesting direction:

  • general or business English
  • business English
  • professional programs
  • specialized programs that are created for the specific requirements of students

It is worth noting that language schools have extensive experience in teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP).

Make a choice - get results

Another amazing opportunity is to pass courses in Canada for studying a foreign language at a certain university, because upon graduation you can become a student of this university.

Each university or college has its own individual community program. Private schools accept applications for courses at any time of the year that is convenient for you.

In the event that you want to improve your knowledge of French as a foreign language (French as a Second Language, FSL), then it is better to take courses in Quebec.

New perspectives await you

As you have already noticed, Canadian higher education institutions are extremely interested in quality education, as well as in a comfortable stay. foreign students in the country while studying. That is why they are provided not only high quality education, but also decent living conditions that will help the visiting student to adapt to new conditions for him as much as possible.

Everything language courses in Canada can be called an example of highly professional training - they are known for their modern educational programs. It is also important that each school takes into account the interests of even one student. Thus, the educational course can be adapted to the requirements and capabilities of an individual.

After completing the courses, those who wish can continue their studies or start building their professional career.

To date, Canada has one of the most loyal migration policies in the world, which makes this country attractive both for education and for the relocation of accomplished qualified specialists. A high standard of living, safety and excellent ecology - this is all about the country of the maple leaf. Language courses in Canada are the best way to learn "pure" English, get to know the country or prepare for a move.


Studying in language schools in Canada is an opportunity to study two foreign languages ​​​​at a high level at once. Mostly Canadians speak English, but in some provinces the main language is French. Thus, among the offers of Canadian language schools, there are both languages, and sometimes combined programs. You can find French language courses in Canada in almost any major city, but it is better to choose a school in the Francophone province of Quebec or New Brunswick to fully immerse yourself in the language environment. Of course, most of these offers are in Montreal, which is the largest French-speaking city outside of France. With the selection of an English course, everything is easier: it is spoken everywhere.


Courses in language schools in Canada are offered in a variety of formats - there is one for vacationers, for applicants, and for potential migrants.

If you or your child are planning to receive higher education in Canada, then pay attention to specialized courses to prepare for the IELTS and TOEFL language exams. Also, some schools offer Pre-Degree programs, where the main focus is on improving presentation skills, academic writing and critical work with texts. Such courses are very important for graduates of Russian schools and universities, as they help them adapt to the realities and practices of Western education.

Another popular destination among language courses in Canada are business intensives. It is relatively easy to immigrate to Canada, and taking a course in business English or French is not only a step to improve your skills, but also the easiest way to look around and get to know the country. Some schools organize specialized courses for certain specialties, such as medicine or law.

Of course, all schools also offer general English or French courses. Such programs are more focused on those who prefer to combine business with pleasure on vacation. In addition to direct language classes, students will find a varied leisure program. The iconic offering of Canadian language schools is English + Hockey. And those who prefer not to play, but to watch, can “guess” their visit for the NHL season and attend the match with the participation of the best athletes in the world.


The cost of studying in language schools in Canada will please you. Studying here is cheaper than in Britain or the USA. Two weeks of English language courses with accommodation will cost you from 1500 CAD. French and bilingual courses are usually even cheaper - from 1000 CAD. Schools offer a choice of accommodation in a residence, hotel or family.

One of the guarantees of successful language learning is immersion in the environment of its native speakers. Language schools in Canada are located in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver - the best cities to study English or French.


City and language school Language Cost for 4 weeks with accommodation and meals Cost for 12 weeks with room and board
Vancouver, ILAC English $1772 $4700
Vancouver, Eurocentres English $1774 $4510
Vancouver, EC English $1924 $5119
Montreal, GEOS English $1786 $4689
Montreal, GEOS French $1786 $4689
Montreal, EU English $1894 $5029
Toronto, ILAC English $1772 $4700
Toronto, Eurocentres English $1774 $4510
Toronto, EC English $1999 $5344

Canada is one of the most livable countries in the world. It is always open to visitors, international students and immigrants. Studying foreign languages ​​in this country, you will feel at home! In Canada, you can enroll in courses to study English and French. As well as on preparation courses for admission to Canadian universities.


ILAC (International Language Academy of Canada)- probably the most famous language school in Canada. Its branches are located in two largest cities Canada - Toronto and Vancouver. Here you can learn English, as well as enroll in preparatory courses for admission to Canadian universities.

Eurocentres schools located in the heart of the cities of Toronto and Vancouver. Here they teach to develop the necessary skills for communication and education in English-speaking countries, and a certificate upon completion of school courses will be the first step in finding a well-paid job. Here you can learn English, as well as enroll in preparatory courses for admission to Canadian universities.

EC language schools located in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. Here you can learn not only general English, but also English for work and academic English for university studies. The school also provides the opportunity to take individual English lessons.

GEOS Language School located in downtown Montreal. A language school for adults and children provides a chance to improve the level of English, pass the international IELTS certificate, and also enter the desired Canadian university. Here you can also learn French from scratch or improve your existing level.

Our services

Contact us if you want to study English or French in Canada or another country. We will help you prepare Required documents and provide detailed advice on your questions.

Booking Study provides an opportunity to get a quality education in Canada, as well as study English in private language schools. We have a large selection of Canadian schools and children's camps, a convenient selection of language courses, quick enrollment in an educational institution and paperwork.

Canada is one of the largest countries in the world by area. This state, once founded by representatives of France, has a long history that began even before the discovery North American continent. The high standard of living and security in this country makes Canada attractive for secondary or higher education, as well as studying foreign languages. Students and schoolchildren are attracted by the opportunity to study at the best educational institutions and receive a quality education, as well as language schools and camps located in Canada. Despite the fact that a significant part of students and tourists are from the United States, here you can meet many representatives of other countries, including from Russia and other CIS countries.

Residents of Canada speak two official languages ​​- English and French. Such bilingualism was enshrined in law only in the last century, and still certain groups of the population prefer to communicate in one of them. This feature allows visiting schoolchildren to study two languages ​​at the same time, receiving a decent education. The prospect of getting an education in Canada annually attracts thousands of students from all over the world to this country.

Education in Canada

Studying in Canada provides an opportunity to get a higher or secondary education, as well as improve English language skills in schools, children's camps, colleges and universities, many of which occupy leading positions in the world rankings. Education will improve the knowledge of English or French, get a quality education. Classes in Canadian educational institutions are held in English or French (depending on the province of the state). The cost of studying at universities in Canada is much lower than in the UK and the USA, but in terms of the quality of education it is in no way inferior to education in the best European universities.

Education system in Canada

The education system in Canada, in comparison with the Russian one, has its own distinctive features. This country does not have a unified education system: according to the constitution, each province of Canada has its own Ministry of Education, which controls the field of education.

Levels of the education system in Canada

Features of the education system in Canada

Primary education in Canada

6 to 11 years old

Students study in public and private schools. Target primary education give children basic knowledge. The curriculum includes general education subjects, physical education, as well as music and art classes.

Secondary education in Canada

secondary school

12 to 15 years old

Secondary education in Canada involves a wider range of disciplines: the course of study includes humanitarian subjects, exact, social and applied sciences, languages, music, and physical education.

high school

15 to 18 (sometimes 20) years

Students independently choose from 8 to 10 disciplines for study. Compulsory education lasts until the age of 16-17, but those students who want to continue their education study until the age of 18-20.

Higher education in Canada

The higher education system of Canada is represented by colleges and universities and consists of 3 stages: the first 3-4 years students study under the bachelor's program, the next 1-2 years - this is the Postgraduate program with a master's degree, after which you can continue your studies and get a degree PhD after a 3-year PhD study.

Study in Canada

Studying in Canada gives you the opportunity to get a diploma of education in one of prestigious universities and improve knowledge of the English language, which opens up for graduates wide opportunities in different fields of activity. Studying in this country will be a sure step towards successful career and professional self-realization.

Key benefits of studying in Canada:

Canada is among the countries with the highest standard of living and security, and is also known as an environmentally friendly and economically developed country.

The education system in Canada is recognized as one of the best in the world, and diplomas from local universities are recognized in all countries of the world. Local educational institutions meet the most modern standards and are equipped with advanced equipment.

Unlike many other countries, in Canada, students have the right to legally earn extra money while studying, which allows them to reduce tuition costs. Moreover, after studying in some programs, graduates can stay in Canada to work for a certain period.

In Canada, two languages ​​​​are recognized as official - English and French, respectively, education is conducted here in both of them. The undoubted advantage of education in Canada will be a powerful language practice and a quick overcoming of the language barrier.

Canadians are known for their friendliness and tolerance towards foreigners, so students from Russia who want to study in Canada will feel comfortable and safe here.

Schools in Canada

There are 3 types of schools in Canada: public/public, Catholic and private. Education in public and Catholic schools is funded by the state, so education for Canadian students is free. Education in private schools is paid and parents themselves pay for the education of their children. Schools in Canada are divided into day schools and boarding schools, where students study and live for school year and only return home for the holidays. Such schools are of greater interest to foreign students whose parents want their children to be educated in a comfortable and safe environment on school grounds.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the language schools of Canada, which conduct English and French courses for children and adults from different parts of the world. Training in courses in Canada takes place with full immersion, so it gives at times top scores than studying English in courses in Russia.

Language courses in Canada

If you or your child wants to improve their English skills or plans to study in an English educational institution, a language course in Canada would be an excellent choice. There are many modern English training centers in which there is an individual selection of programs for study.

Language programs and courses in Canada:

Short term language courses in Canada

General English course

Standard or intensive course English

Business English course

Exam preparation course

Long-term language courses in Canada for academic preparation for higher education

University preparation course for students who plan to study in Canada

Combined English plus course for those who want to combine an English course with others academic subjects, sports or arts.

Educational centers in Canada also provide English courses for young learners and families. These courses are conducted on an all-inclusive basis, where accommodation, meals and entertainment programs are provided.

Course students are accommodated in such a way that they can get used to the new environment as quickly as possible. Studying here is not stressful, despite the fact that the students are in an unfamiliar country. The adaptation process can take from several days to one week - all this time the children establish communication with their peers and camp workers, and adapt to the established rhythm of classes and rest.

In English courses in Canada, you can take part in outdoor games with other vacationers and look at local attractions. Spaced in different parts country language schools provide an opportunity to see the colorful nature and get to know the most famous cities in Canada. Most English courses for children in Canada provide a rich program of activities and excursions, which are conducted under the supervision of school staff. Therefore, studying on courses in Canada is not like English courses in the traditional sense, but rather resembles an exciting vacation. Teaching children in a summer language camp will be remembered for a lifetime, and a Canadian education will open up a lot of promising opportunities.

To study in Canada, Russian citizens need to apply for a Canadian visa.
