Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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2 slide

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Sections: Psychological portrait of the teacher. 2. The reasons and characteristics of poor students. 3. Practical application. 4. Problems of KRO.

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1. Well educated, know your subject perfectly, have good erudition. 2. Basic personal qualities: responsible, purposeful, kind, fair, honest, balanced, able to be strict. 3. Gestures and facial expressions should express a benevolent attitude towards students, have pleasant manners. 4. Timely notice the fatigue of students and skillfully respond to them. 5. Speech is understandable and accessible, expressive, emotional, convincing. 6. Solve problems of varying complexity on the basis of experience and knowledge. 7. Be able to take into account the capabilities of your students. 8. Unite students, unite the team. 9. Constantly improve, love to experiment, look for new forms and methods of work. 10. Come to work in a good mood, treat the students with warmth and care. 11. Have a positive attitude towards yourself, students and colleagues.

5 slide

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Reasons for academic failure: characteristics of the student's body; student personality traits; living conditions; features of upbringing in the family; features of training and education at school; reasons for the lack of living conditions;

6 slide

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Features of unsuccessful students low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this low level of intellectual development, lack of cognitive interest, elementary organizational skills are not formed; students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of teaching) point of view; there is no reliance on parents as allies of the teacher - subject teacher; , from asocial families, lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students; frequent skipping lessons without a valid reason, which leads to a lack of a system in knowledge and, as a consequence, a low level of intelligence

7 slide

Slide Description:

The system of correctional and developmental education (KRO) is a form of education differentiation that allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties. To enhance the effectiveness of work with low-performing students, new educational technologies, innovative forms and methods of teaching are used: Zuldis V.V. - memos for students, various algorithms. Isina O. Zh. - student-centered training Aitchanova Zh.K. - various situations of success (developmental training) V.F. - game tasks Tatarkin V.L., Akylbekova N.N. - cards assistants, physical minutes. Muravyova S.V. - multilevel tasks.

8 slide

Slide Description:

Memo Sounds of speech Sounds of our speech are formed by organs of speech Sounds are consonants and vowels. Consonant sounds: Voiced: l m n r b c d e f z Deaf: p f k t w s x y z h "h" u "b" p "c" f "g" k "d" t "z" s "l" m "n" r "x"

9 slide

Slide Description:

Vowels: a, o, y, s, and, e Castle - castle, flour - flour, couples - couples. One syllable in a polysyllabic word is pronounced more drawn out. The stress falls on it. It is stressed. The rest of the syllables in the word are unstressed. Consonants and vowels in a word, merging with each other, form syllables. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it. The syllable on which the stress falls is called stressed. Syllables that are not stressed are called unstressed.

10 slide

Slide Description:

The plan of sound and alphabetic analysis of the word 1. Pronounce the word as it is heard. 2. Determine how many syllables there are in this layer. Which syllable is stressed, which syllables are unstressed? 3. Determine which sounds are composed of syllables. 4. Mark these sounds correctly with letters on the letter. Sample: / [yazyk] - language. d - consonant, soft a - vowel, unstressed z - consonant, hard, voiced y - vowel, stressed k - consonant, hard, voiceless 4 letters, 5 sounds.

11 slide

Slide Description:

Plan for parsing words by composition 1. Determine which part of speech the word belongs to. Does it change or not? 2. Highlight the variable part in the word - the ending (if the word is declined or conjugated). 3. Highlight the basis in the word. 4. Choose related words for the word. Highlight their common part - the root. 5. Highlight the prefix in the word (if any). 6. Highlight the suffix in the word (if any). Sample: P r and o r o d, r o d

12 slide

Slide Description:

Person-centered learning. Route sheet. Name ____________________________ Topic: ___________________________ 1 ._______________________________ 2 ._______________________________ 3 ._______________________________ 4 ._______________________________ Assess your work: 1. Center. "Management" 2. Center. "Tasks" 3. Center. "Expression" I learned in the lesson ___________________________________ It was interesting ______________________________________ It was difficult _________________________________________

13 slide

Slide Description:

Evaluation paper. Name _________________________________________________ I can distinguish ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) I can without help ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) I can, but I need help ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) I did not understand anything on the topic ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

14 slide

Slide Description:

Success situations (developmental learning). Gender of nouns. House, land, soldier, lake, book, nest, sea, school, bread. 1. Read the words. 2. What do they have in common? 3. What is a noun? Prove. 4. Divide the given nouns into three groups. In the first column, include words to which you can substitute OH MY. In the second column, to which you can put SHE MY. In the third column, to which you can substitute IT'S MY. Conclusion: Having divided the nouns into these three groups, we divided them by gender. Gender is a grammatical attribute of a noun. What kind of nouns to which you can substitute the words he is mine? She is mine? is it mine?


The main idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopmental education is the need to significantly expand the sphere of developmental influence of education. An integrated approach and developmental learning are based on learning objectives. The educational task is solved through a system of educational actions, it allows you to creatively apply knowledge, consolidate material, form the experience of creative thinking, etc. Accordingly, they are used in various parts of the educational process - when setting goals, learning new things, reinforcing them and for homework. Different types of tasks and the difficulty of identifying common properties of tasks induce many teachers to put forward general definitions of the task. Consider the task as a certain situation in which the subject must act. It should be noted that the effectiveness of using the developmental type of educational tasks depends on whether students are able to compare, establish various connections between subjects, prove, operate with concepts.

training activities


developmental education

junior student

educational task

1. Bertsfai L.V. Formation of skill in the situation of solving specific practical and educational tasks // Questions of psychology. - 1966. - No. 6. - S. 21-33.

2. Ginetsinsky V.I. Psychology subject: didactic aspect. - M.: Logos, 1994 .-- 214 p.

3. Grigorovich L.A. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Gardariki, 2003 .-- 320 p.

4. Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Logos, 2005 .-- 384 p.

5. Psychological dictionary / Koporulina VN, Smirnova MN, Gordeeva NO. and others - M.: NORMA, 2004 .-- 640 p.

At present, in domestic education, more and more attention is paid to the problem of developing education, devoting to the problem of special programs, scientific works, creating methodological aids.

“The development of the theory of personal developmental education is associated, first of all, with the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanization of education. This task has long been heard in the works of domestic and foreign teachers, but by the end of the 90s. XX century, it became especially acute, since it became clear that education cannot be based only on those principles that focus only on the mental development of a person. "

The main idea of \u200b\u200bscientific research and pedagogical practice of developing education is the need to significantly expand the sphere of developing influence of education. Studies have also found that traditional primary education does not provide the full development of the majority of primary school children. This means that it does not create the necessary zones of proximal development in working with children, but trains and consolidates those mental functions that basically arose and began to develop in preschool age (sensory observation, empirical thinking, utilitarian memory, etc.) ). Hence it follows that training should be aimed at creating the necessary zones of proximal development.

Such training is focused not only on familiarization with the facts, but also on the knowledge of the relationship between them, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, on the transformation of relations into an object of study. Based on this, V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin associates his concept of developmental education, first of all, with the content of academic subjects and the logic (methods) of its deployment in the educational process.

When starting to master a subject, schoolchildren, with the help of a teacher, analyze the content of the educational material, highlight some initial general attitude in it, discovering at the same time that it manifests itself in many other special cases. By fixing the selected initial general relation in a sign form, they create a meaningful abstraction of the studied subject.

An integrated approach and developmental learning are based on learning objectives.

An educational task is a goal that a student should achieve in certain conditions of the educational process. The main difference between the educational task and others is in the way D.B. Elkonin, that its goal and result is to change the acting subject itself, and not to change the objects with which the subject acts. When solving it, the student must find a general way (principle) of approach to many specific-particular problems of a certain class, which are subsequently more successfully solved by him.

The educational task is solved through a system of educational actions. The first of them is the transformation of a problem situation included in the educational task. This action is aimed at finding such an initial relationship of the objective conditions of the situation, which serves as a general basis for the subsequent solution of the entire variety of particular problems. Other educational activities allow students to model and study this initial relationship, to isolate it in private conditions, to control and evaluate the process of solving an educational problem.

Different types of tasks and the difficulty of identifying common properties of tasks induce many teachers to put forward general definitions of the task. Consider the task as a certain situation in which the subject must act. As noted by A.N. Leontiev, a task is "a goal given under certain conditions." This idea is developed by Ya.A. Ponomareva: "The task is ... a situation that determines the actions of the subject, who satisfies the need by changing the situation." This formulation can be considered the most general definition of tasks.

A schoolchild who starts solving a problem, especially in a familiar area, usually owns various heuristic techniques that make it easier to achieve the goal, i.e. owns some components of the solution method. The student must have an algorithm for solving the problem.

“An algorithm for solving an educational problem is a sequence of elementary operations that provide a solution to the problem. This algorithm can be at the disposal of the subject in various forms. It can be given as an instruction or diagram. The student can remember the algorithm and gradually reproduce it under the control of consciousness; As a result, the sequence of actions provided by the algorithm can be performed at the skill level. The fact of owning or not owning an algorithm is interesting. If the subject does not have an algorithm for achieving the goal, then to achieve it (if we exclude the method of blind trial and error), productive thinking is required.

There are two quantities that characterize the extent to which a task is a task.

“The first of them characterizes the amount of mental activity (mental labor) required to complete the task, ie. represents what is called difficulty (integral). The second dimension is problematic. It shows the extent to which the solution of the problem requires going beyond the algorithms at the disposal of the subject. "

S.L. Rubinstein described the solution to the question of the relationship between thinking and problem solving. “Understanding the thought process as analysis through synthesis,” he wrote, “allows one to reveal both the initial problem situation and the functions of the thinking process in different ways, without reducing it only to solving problems in a narrow, specific sense of words.” Moreover, S.L. Rubinstein described the understanding of an educational task as a "verbal, speech formulation of the problem", which is "the result of a preliminary analysis of the problem situation."

Indeed, the thinking of younger schoolchildren is in no way reduced to solving already formulated problems. But that doesn't mean that productive thinking cannot be described as filling gaps in problem situations.

In the works that are devoted to the problems of modeling the psyche and artificial intelligence, the concept of a well-defined and poorly defined educational task is clarified.

A well-defined problem is one for which the student has an algorithm for checking the proposed solution. All other tasks should be considered ill-defined. It should be noted that in a well-defined task, the filled area is clearly demarcated from the gaps - therefore, you can always say with confidence whether the gap is filled or not; in a poorly defined problem, there is no such clear distinction.

The psychological dictionary notes that a problem is well defined if there is a test that can be applied to the intended solution. In the case where the proposed solution is indeed a solution, the test should detect it in a finite number of steps.

A well-defined problem is one for which the younger student has some systematic method at his disposal to determine when a proposed solution is available. L.A. Grigorovich noted that the view of M. Minsky as a representative of the school of artificial intelligence differs from the views of I. Lerner, since for history, as well as for the humanities in general, most of learning objectives are just "ill-defined".

Scientific research of the thinking of younger students in most cases is associated with the solution of problems or problems. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the analysis of the content side learning activities primary school students. It is noted that the techniques and methods of mental actions, logical operations are embedded in the knowledge system. Students, mastering knowledge, acquire the ability to operate with them and, to varying degrees, master the techniques and methods of logical thinking. Scientists have proven that the content side of the educational and cognitive activity of students does not provide and does not form in itself the technological, procedural side of this activity and, thus, mastering the means and methods of cognition (logical apparatus), those intellectual capabilities of the individual that stimulate the act of the mechanism of cognition itself. This suggests that students need to be systematically taught to correctly think logically, and on this basis to develop their independence and cognitive activity.

The educational task is a form of embodiment of the content of education, a form specific to the field of education, which allows the student, through his own activities, to extract the content of education and assimilate it, making it the property of his personality. The study assignment has a social nature. It has a prototype in objective reality. Such a prototype are tasks, the fulfillment of which is dictated by the daily life of the student.

The cognitive task is one of the possible forms of expressing the contradiction inherent in the educational material itself or in a given level of cognitive activity. In the problem, there is always a condition in the form of initial data and a question that fixes the desired one. The question and the condition are correlated and interconnected in such a way: they contain contradictions, forming a problematic situation indicating the direction of the search, which helps to resolve the contradiction in the course of the correct solution of the problem. The level and nature of this contradiction can be different. Depending on this, the tasks can be of varying degrees of difficulty.

Individual tasks, episodically included in the educational process, form not all, but only individual elements of creative activity, therefore, a system is required, a set of tasks, providing for the gradual complication of students' cognitive activity. Tasks of varying degrees of difficulty allow them to be used at different stages of the lesson and in extracurricular independent work with various didactic goals, taking into account the individual characteristics of the students. The system of cognitive tasks provides the correct ratio of theoretical, generalizing, factual material and creates conditions for active mental activity at different levels.

It should be emphasized that the construction of a system of educational tasks should be subordinated to the task of developing the activity, independence and initiative of students. It is necessary to observe the proportionality of tasks of a reproductive and creative nature, and the proportion of tasks of a creative nature in high school should increase. It requires a systematic build-up of difficulties and the creation of more complex problem situations in each subsequent individually differentiated task in comparison with the previous one; in ensuring a continuous connection between them, in which each new task contains something qualitatively new, different from the previous one, taking into account the levels of development of curiosity achieved by students; in the implementation of creative cognitive activities of students; ensuring an increase in the level of general education, cognitive activity and independence of students.

Learning tasks allow you to creatively apply knowledge, consolidate material, form the experience of creative thinking, etc. Accordingly, they are used in various parts of the educational process - when setting goals, learning new things, reinforcing them and for homework.

The effectiveness of using the developmental type of educational tasks depends on whether students are able to compare, establish various connections between subjects, prove, operate with concepts. The meaning of the tasks is to rely on the logical apparatus that students own, to increase the level of their cognitive activity and independence.

Difficulties associated with the application of tasks lie in the lack of skills of the majority of students to prove, generalize, analyze, i.e. own the logical operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction, abstraction.

When using educational tasks, it is important to comply with the requirement of proportionality of tasks of a creative and reproductive nature, the search nature of students' activities.

Thus, the functional nature of the use of educational tasks should prevail over the illustrative approach. Unfortunately, the analysis of tasks in modern textbooks shows their character divorced from real life, which does not always contribute to the development of the student's cognitive skills, motivation to solve the task. Analysis of the problem of acceptance of an educational task by primary schoolchildren allowed us to conclude that an educational task is a goal that a student should achieve in certain conditions of the educational process. Acceptance of an educational task by younger students presupposes a set of actions (informational, interactive, perceptual) automated as a result of repeated exercises, which contribute to the assimilation of educational material and an increase in the level of academic performance.


Aleksandrova Natalya Sergeevna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute, Kirov.

Pomelov Vladimir Borisovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Vyatka State Humanitarian University, Kirov.

Bibliographic reference

Lukonina I.V. THE USE OF LEARNING TASKS IN THE SYSTEM OF DEVELOPING LEARNING BY YOUNGER PUPILS // Contemporary problems science and education. - 2013. - No. 3 .;
URL:\u003d9231 (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"


On the eve of the third millennium, in the education system of Russia, as well as other countries of the world, the leading positions in teaching children with developmental problems are more and more actively occupied by integration. Despite the various difficulties associated with teaching children with developmental disabilities in mass schools, the process of their integration, either experimentally or spontaneously, is nevertheless implemented.

The integration of children with developmental disorders into general education schools is not a mass phenomenon. As a rule, this is work with a specific child and his parents, as well as, to one degree or another, with a kindergarten or school where the child is integrated.

The success of integrated education largely depends on well-organized psychological and pedagogical support of students from both the special and the mass school.

The organization of special support for students with developmental problems in the context of integrated education in a mass school is extremely insufficiently researched, both in scientific and practical terms.

Specialists of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the International University of Family and Child named after Raoul Wallenberg, together with practical educational institutions of St. Petersburg and a number of other regions of Russia (for example, the cities of Chelyabinsk, Togliatti, Kaliningrad, Tyumen, Orenburg and other regions), research is being conducted on the problems of integrated learning and psychological and pedagogical support of students.

Scientific projects in these areas are being successfully implemented with our foreign colleagues from the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and other countries. Their results were reflected in joint publications, holding scientific and practical conferences, seminars, exchange of experience by specialists from different countries.

In this work, the readers are offered the experience of such joint work of scientists of the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology (rector - prof. Shipitsyna L.M.), practitioners from St. Petersburg schools: special (correctional) boarding school No. 20 for children with hearing impairment (director - Vinogradova L.A.), secondary school-gymnasium number 56 (director Pildes MB), as well as our colleagues from the Netherlands and Belgium.

The book presents modern aspects integrated education of children with developmental problems, and in particular with hearing impairment, in Russia, experience, organization of diagnostic and corrective work to prepare hearing impaired students for their transfer to integrated education in a mass school. The issues of multi-variant teaching and accompanying students in the diagnostic class are considered in detail to develop an individual educational route for a child that is adequate to his developmental capabilities.

The experience of interaction between mass and special schools in teaching and accompanying them is shown using specific examples of integrated education in a mass school-gymnasium of two children with hearing impairments (Lisa A. and Kristina S.).

The book is the fruit of the collective work of a group of authors: theoretical questions were prepared by Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof. Shipitsina L.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. Kazakova E.I., Ph.D., prof. L.P. Nazarova; practical - by teachers and psychologists of boarding school No. 20 and gymnasium No. 56 of St. Petersburg Mironova A.E., Vinogradova L.A., Sakharova L.S., Fadeeva I.A., Pildes MB, Bezprozvanny A. L., Ivantsova O. G. under the general scientific supervision of L.M. Shipitsyna. and Nazarova L.P.

The team of authors hopes that the book can be useful for scientists and practitioners who have taken the position of integrated education for children with developmental disabilities and who experience numerous difficulties and problems on this difficult path.



L. S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create a system of education in which it would be possible to organically link special education with teaching children with normal development.

He wrote that, with all its merits, our special school is distinguished by the main disadvantage that it closes its pupil - a blind, deaf or mentally retarded child - into a narrow circle of the school collective, creates a closed world in which everything is adapted to the child's defect, everything fixes his attention on its own flaw and does not introduce it into real life. Rather than taking a child out of an isolated world, the special school usually develops skills that lead to further isolation and reinforce separatism. Therefore, Vygotsky believed that the task of raising a child with a developmental disorder is his integration into life and the creation of compensation for his lack in some other way. Moreover, he understood compensation not in the biological, but in the social aspect, since he believed that when working with a child with developmental defects, a teacher has to deal not so much with biological factors as with their social consequences. LS Vygotsky believed that the broadest orientation towards normal children should serve as the starting point for revising special education. No one denies the need for the latter, but special knowledge and training must be subordinated to general education, general training.

Thus, Vygotsky was one of the first to try to substantiate the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrated learning. Subsequently, his idea materialized in the practice of schools in Western Europe and the USA, and only in last years begins to be more actively embodied in Russia.

In many countries, there are various models of integrated education for children with developmental problems and people with disabilities. However, these models cannot be fully transferred to the conditions of Russia.

Our society in the current economic conditions is not yet fully ready to accept these children as its full-fledged members, in addition, in general education schools there are no conditions for the integrated education of these children, namely: there are no specially trained teachers, psychologists, social workers, there is no special equipment and technical means for correctional classes, as well as special correctional and psycho-developmental programs.

There is no statistical information on the number of children with hearing impairment, vision and other disabilities enrolled in mass schools in the country as a whole. Naturally, most of these children in mainstream schools do not receive any special assistance.

In recent years, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and a number of other large cities of the country, work has begun on scientific research and practical psychological and pedagogical support of children with sensory and motor impairments in a general education school, which is largely facilitated by the positive experience of our colleagues from other countries.

Analysis of the history of development of almost 30 years of foreign experience allows us to identify the following conditions under which integration is successful:

Democratic social order with guaranteed observance of individual rights;

Financial security, creating an adequate range of correctional and educational services and specialized living conditions for children with developmental problems in the structure of a mass school;

The nonviolent nature of the course of integration processes, the possibility of choice, alternatives in the presence of a guaranteed list of educational and correctional services provided by the education system to persons with developmental problems.

Parents who have a child with developmental disabilities are advised to place him in a special institution from the very beginning. Until now, in our country, integration in education is treated with a certain restraint. The reasons usually given are that mainstream schools are not staffed and that children will not be able to receive the full range of assistance they need if they attend regular classes in these schools. There is some truth in this argument, since often today projects based on the principle of integrated learning do not always meet with the approval of teachers of mainstream schools and local and regional authorities.

It is usually not a question of whether integration is a blessing, most agree that, yes, it is. The most debated questions are whether all children can potentially be integrated, how to solve the problem of attitudes towards these children among parents, children, teachers, in schools, in state educational bodies, and how to provide the means necessary for effective integration.

When children are transferred from special education to mass education, all the pros and cons must be weighed. Despite the financial calculations, it is inappropriate for a child's education to consider integration as a cheaper alternative to a special school. Often, a child in the context of integration cannot receive everything he needs for education and correction. Special schools have special equipment and apparatus, a certain level of special (correctional) technologies, specially trained teachers, doctors, psychologists, plus all this is constantly monitored by the service personnel. Much of this cannot be transferred to the mainstream school. Therefore, integration should not always be viewed as the best perspective in teaching a child with developmental problems in comparison with a special school.

The timing of the start of integrated education is decided individually in relation to each child and at the request of his parents. First of all, it depends on the severity of developmental disabilities. Thus, children with mild disabilities can be integrated into society from early preschool age and included in integrated education from primary school. It is advisable to integrate children with more serious impairments (vision, hearing, speech, etc.) into the mainstream school after primary education, and for children with severe and complex disabilities, integrated education is possible only in a special school.

For reasons of socio-political nature, Russian pedagogy has been deprived of the opportunity for decades to adequately help secondary school students with learning difficulties with neuropsychiatric disorders, not to mention the fact that children with more serious developmental disabilities. Special schools, as it were, “freed” mass school teachers from the obligation to see and understand “problem” students, to provide them with qualified pedagogical assistance. The mass and special schools have divided their areas of competence. In this situation, children with mild developmental disabilities, who were not identified in time and did not have a real opportunity to receive specialized pedagogical assistance, were forced to study in a mass school, without receiving adequate psychological and pedagogical support.

In recent years, there has been a definite tendency to resolve integration issues only from the side of a special school. At this time, teachers of mass schools often stay away from this problem.

A significant contradiction arises when the general education school is not able to accept even ready-to-integrate children with developmental problems into its ranks. The rejection of children occurs in some cases due to the moral deformation of pedagogical principles, but more often due to the complete unwillingness of teachers of ordinary schools to work with children with special needs.

A very important issue for integrated education is the development of unified approaches to diagnosing problems, which specialists of a mass school should be fully qualified to use. In this case, we should talk not only about comparable methods for diagnosing problems, but also about recommendations arising from diagnostics, describing a set of possible measures. The package of diagnostic methods should include methods for analyzing the rate and nature of changes as these recommendations are implemented.

In addition, it is necessary to look for such methods of building integrated education in which the general education school plays an equally active role than the special one. The special school must prepare its children for a possible transition to a mass school. This preparation, the possibility and expediency of moving to a mass school should be determined by the degree of development and the nature of the child's adaptation, the desire of the parents and the presence of a school that can accept him. The transfer of a child from a special kindergarten or school to a mass school should be accompanied by the support and help of special teachers and psychologists to solve acute problems and master the curriculum.


Integrated education for children with hearing impairments in a regular classroom at a mass school is a relatively new phenomenon for the Russian education system. Until recently, the deaf and hard of hearing ended up in public institutions quite rarely and to some extent by accident: it was either forced and therefore ineffective integration associated with special socio-economic and cultural conditions (huge regions of the country, the lack of the necessary number of special kindergartens, etc. schools, a low level of diagnostics), or the integration of the most gifted children with hearing impairments into the environment of hearing, who had regular correctional assistance and educational support from their parents or teacher-tutors. Today, the process of integrating children of this category into mass children's institutions is steadily expanding and acquires the character of a stable trend in the educational space of the country.

Parents of deaf and hard of hearing children choose to study in mainstream schools for various reasons:

Lack of sufficient information about the special education system for a child with hearing impairment;

The prestige of a child with hearing impairment being in a mass school;

An objective assessment of the readiness of a child with hearing impairment to study in a mass school;

Unwillingness to send the child to a residential institution.

It is known that in the system of special educational institutions in Russia, the main type of school is a boarding school serving special educational needs vast territories, which in terms of area often significantly exceed many European countries. Due to the huge distances, children stay in the boarding school all year round, coming home only for the holidays.

The choice of parents, regardless of specific motives, is worthy of understanding and respect. But if you look at the problem from a different perspective, the following conclusion is obvious: in terms of education and development, integration into regular classes of a mass school is effective only for a small part of children with hearing impairments - for those who, thanks to early diagnosis and timely correctional classes, have approached the level of speech and general development towards the age norm.

Deaf and hard of hearing children studying in a public institution must simultaneously be under the patronage of special assistance and support services. These services (psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, psychological and pedagogical medical and social centers, audiological centers, counseling centers at special schools, etc.) provide children with correctional assistance: pronunciation correction, development of auditory perception, work on expressive and impressive speech. Help can be permanent, then it has the character of regular correctional classes. But it can also be episodic - as the parents or the student himself (in high school) apply. It all depends on the specific needs of each child. One thing is indisputable: the lack of correctional support (especially in the lower grades) will not allow maximizing the rehabilitation potential of a deaf student integrated into a mass school, which will create serious problems for him in obtaining a full-fledged education on an equal basis with hearing classmates.

According to N.D.Shmatko, only over the past 10 years, 48 \u200b\u200bdeaf and hard of hearing children who studied in experimental preschool groups and classes of a boarding school for children with speech impairments have been integrated into mass schools in Moscow, the Moscow region, and other cities of Russia and the CIS. hearing of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, Russian Academy of Education. In St. Petersburg, more than 50 people with hearing impairments study in mass schools. All these children received good pre-school training; some of them studied in a special school for 1-2 or 3-5 years, some immediately entered the first grade of a mass school. But this, as a rule, was work with a specific child and his parents, as well as, to one degree or another, with a kindergarten or school to which the child entered.

Modern conditions for the development of society require from the school as a whole, and from the school of the hearing impaired, in particular, a revision of the content of education, holistic orientation of the personality in the preparation of graduates.

For many years, a special (correctional) school for hearing-impaired children has been working according to unified state programs. Education in the school of the II department was carried out for 12 years, during which the program of a general education 9-year school was mastered. Despite the fact that in the 1st department of the school for the hearing impaired, training was carried out for 10 years, however, the educational program was significantly different from the general education school. Further training took place in an evening shift school for the deaf and hard of hearing, if the parents and graduates of the school saw the need for this. From here, as a rule, teenagers graduated from school at the age of 19-20. Due to the need for residential care for children with hearing impairments (in such big city as in St. Petersburg there are only 4 special (correctional) schools for children with hearing impairment) graduates acquired a number of such characterological traits as infantilism, inability to organize their life, unwillingness to balance their needs with living conditions, etc. The late transition of a graduate from a boarding school to a society was painful for them.

The issue of successful socialization of children with hearing impairment is closely related to the problem of integration and requires new approaches in their education and upbringing.

The special education standard, developed in St. Petersburg, allows you to create conditions for a flexible transition from one training option to another, depending on the student's capabilities.


Special (correctional) boarding school No. 20 for hearing-impaired children of St. Petersburg has already for 5 years had the status of a school-laboratory for conducting experimental work in the following areas:

Using various options for integration in the educational process;

Diagnostics of children and selection of an appropriate individual training route and support models for students in the process of integration;

Implementation of variable educational programs in integrated learning;

Development of innovative educational and correctional programs for integrated education.

The main goal of the experimental work of the school is to determine effective ways of integrating hearing-impaired students (after the diagnostic class) into educational institutions.

An integral part of the process is the creation of a support program along the chosen educational route for this child.

To prepare hard of hearing students for integration into society and integrated learning, all the work of the special school is organized in the form of structural blocks:

I - educational; II - organization of additional education within the school;

III - organization of additional education outside the school;

IV - protection of life and health.

Each block of training has significant differences from the traditional system. Integration elements of a different nature have been introduced in all blocks.

The following innovations were introduced in block I:

IN academic plan includes development lessons, where the main task is to develop mental activity and the formation of mental functions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization):

Introduced lessons of phonetic rhythm, combining work on the development of hearing with the help of music and the development of mental activity, to improve the pronunciation of the hearing impaired, to form the intonation pattern of speech;

Elements of developing exercises are included in individual lessons on the development of auditory perception and the formation of pronunciation;

Integrated lessons are used in various academic disciplines (lessons in mathematics with construction, labor with the visual arts, familiarization with the world around and valeology), as well as on various topics within one academic subject;

Individual correction classes include computer programs for the formation of pronunciation, the development of auditory perception and the development of mental activity.

The second block of additional education within the school includes new programs for the upbringing of hearing impaired children. They present the directions of work on the interaction of man with nature and society:

Man among people;

Man is a society;

Man is nature;

Man and his health.

Within these areas, teachers organize aesthetic, environmental, legal, moral, family, valeological education and use various forms of integration of these areas of work. When working with children, teachers introduce them to the rules of behavior on the street, in society, in an institution; form a respectful attitude towards their health, nature; bring up love for their home, city, area, acquaint with the events of the day.

The third block of organizing additional education outside the school includes several sections of work: organizing the upbringing of children outside the school - visiting excursions, museums, theaters, organizing walks, participating in art studios for the artistic development of the hearing impaired, etc.

In addition, organizational work is carried out with parents, assisting them in raising children during holidays, on weekends, etc., as well as joint work of children and parents during holidays, competitions, exhibitions of works, labor affairs.

When organizing work in the block, integration is widely used in all its manifestations: in forms, themes, types and areas of activity with children.

Particular attention is paid in the IV block to the protection of life and health, where the main goal is the physical development of hearing impaired children. The implementation of this goal is carried out in several directions:

Regular preventive examinations are carried out by a general practitioner and specialists (otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, surgeon); - Introduced additional swimming hours for all school students;

The program of physical education lessons has been revised with the strengthening of its corrective orientation: the inclusion of elements of exercise therapy, logo rhythmics, etc.,

In the afternoon, physical education (circles) are organized.

So, for students in grades 1-2 - outdoor games, for 3-4 grades - circles of general physical training, for middle and senior students - volleyball, football, etc. studios, where various types, forms and methods of integration are combined.

A distinctive feature of teaching children with hearing impairment is the focus on the model of developmental education, which involves the introduction of variable educational programs. They contain a complex of compulsory and additional educational services and include general education and correctional areas.

Correctional work is understood as a purposeful pedagogical influence on overcoming or weakening the consequences of hearing pathology. Systems approach to the implementation of correctional work involves the formation and development of the child's sensory, intellectual and speech culture.

Individual correctional work allows you to identify the characteristic features of students, manifested in cognitive activity, psychophysical state, performance.

The peculiarity of the educational program for children with hearing impairment is the orientation towards the student's self-realization, integration and social adaptation of him in various spheres of life, both intellectual and physical labor with hearing people.

Most schools for children with hearing impairments have classes for children who have a comorbidity, such as hearing and intellectual impairments. Naturally, the educational and correctional programs for these children should be different. Depending on the severity of hearing impairments in children and their combination with speech and intellectual impairments, various options should be developed for their education.

In the learning process, the variability of educational programs and the choice of an individual training route for children with both increased and decreased abilities to assimilate the content of the material are provided. This allows you to identify and implement the optimal capabilities of each student.

A distinctive feature of multi-variant training for special (correctional) institutions is the presence of a diagnostic class. Based on the results of training in the diagnostic class, an individual educational route and the version of the educational program that will contribute to the most adequate realization of the child's potential capabilities.



Chapter 1... At the origins of developmental education …………………………………… 6

    1. The historical roots of developing learning …………………… 6

      Developmental education in the heritage of M. Montaigne …………………… .8

      Developing education in the legacy of Ya. A. Komensky …………… ..10

      Developing education in the legacy of J.J. Rousseau ………………… ... 13

      The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education I. Pestalozzi …………………… ..... 15

      The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping training U A. Disterweg …………………… ..17

Chapter 1 Conclusions……………………………………………………………...19

Chapter 2.Developmental education in modern times …………………………… 20

2.1. The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education L. V. Zankova ………………………… ... 20

2.2. The system of developing education by D. B. Elkonin and

V. V. Davydova ……………………………………………………………… 22

2.3. Problems of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education in Russia modern

period …………………………………………………………………… ..25

Conclusions on chapter 2……………………………………………………………...32


List of sources and literature…………………………………………...35


In modern pedagogy, the question of the benefits that education brings to society is widely discussed. The discussion is supported by people who care about the future russian education, and, therefore, the future of the whole country.

It has already become axiomatic that at the turn of two centuries, serious changes are taking place in the Russian education system, the meaning and significance of which are due to the search for new educational paradigms that correspond to the trends and prospects of the development of society on the principles of humanism and democracy.

In this regard, various approaches have appeared in the field of the educational process and methods, types of training. One of these approaches is developmental learning. This approach expressed a humane attitude towards the student of the science of pedagogy. This approach has existed for a long time, but in Russia it received close attention only in the process of democratic transformations. Here the object turns into a subject. The student is given relative freedom of behavior. It is not possible to achieve complete freedom within the school.

The system of developmental education is alternative to the traditional one in terms of its psychological basis, goals, objectives, content, forms, methods, and criteria of effectiveness. When we talk about developing education, we are talking about the orientation of learning to solve the problem of developing the student. New textbooks, didactic recommendations are published, where the system of developing education is used, many schools and other educational institutions throughout Russia are switching to this teaching principle.

Development is a directed, natural change in nature and society. As a result of development, a new qualitative state of the object of its composition or structure appears.

If you follow this definition, then the object of development is a person, a student, a living child's soul. But in developmental learning, the bearer of educational activity is its subject. The younger student in this role performs educational activities initially with others and with the help of a teacher. The development of the subject occurs in the very process of its formation, when the student gradually turns into a student, i.e. into a child who changes and improves himself. To do this, he must know about his limited abilities in something, strive and be able to overcome his limitations. This means that the child must consider the basis of his own actions and knowledge, i.e. reflect.

The child's acquisition of the need for learning activities, appropriate motives, contributes to the strengthening of the desire to learn. It is the desire to learn that characterizes the younger student as a subject of educational activity.

The practice of education, the real requirements for the student today, the analysis of the state of pedagogical science in the aspect of the study of developing education allowed us to identifycontradictions between the historical roots of developmental learning and modern approaches to developmental learning.

This contradiction helped to formulate the researchproblem , a modern understanding of developmental education from a historical perspective.

The problem led to the choicetopics : "Developmental education: history and modernity."

An object : theory of developmental learning.

Thing : developmental education in a historical and contemporary aspect.goal research - to consider one of the main problems of pedagogy, namely, the problem of developmental learning, as well-known teachers understood it at different times. The purpose of the study determined ittasks:

    Review and analyze the historical roots of developmental learning.

    Describe modern approaches to developmental learning.

    Consider the problem of developing education in Russia.

Methodological basis of the research made up modern philosophical, general scientific concepts in the field of culture and education; historical pedagogical and general pedagogical theories; characteristics and assessments of the period under review in the historical, historical and pedagogical literature and periodicals; methodological experience in the study of the genesis of scientific problems.

Research methods - theoretical analysis of pedagogical and historical literature, dissertation research on the problem under study.

The theoretical significance of the study the work is seen in the problematization of a number of issues of the historical, pedagogical, methodological, didactic, technological plan, as well as the peculiarities of the relationship and interaction of pedagogical theory and advanced pedagogical experience.

Structure term paper consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature.

Chapter 1.

At the origins of developmental education

1.1. The historical roots of developing learning

The history of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education dates back to the timesConfucius , who in his pedagogical and didactic statements asserted that the main thing in teaching is to ensure comprehensive development. Then this idea was continued by Socrates, Plato, Democritus, Aristotle - in Ancient Greece, Quintilian - in Ancient Rome. They are known not only as philosophers, but also as the authors of pedagogical works. Their thoughts continue to attract the attention of scientists.

Technology Socrates (469 or 470 - 399 BC), on which he built conversations with young people, and is now used by innovative teachers who, overcoming dogmatism, develop creative thinking in schoolchildren. Socrates did not teach, he encouraged the interlocutor to reflect and independently find the truth.

Plato (427 or 428 - 347 or 348 BC.) Philosophy was closely associated with politics and pedagogy. He saw the task of education in strengthening the rational part of the soul by developing virtue in the offspring. Despite the authoritarian positions, Plato emphasized that it is necessary to develop, teach a child not by force, but playfully, for a free person should not learn any science slavishly. ...

Democritus (460 or 470 - 370 BC) answered the question that still worries many teachers: what is more useful in teaching a child - mastering the sum of various knowledge ordevelopment of his thinking ... Comparing the importance of both, he gives preference to the latter: "We should try not so much about knowledge as about the comprehensive education of the mind."

The purpose of education, according toAristotle (384 - 322 BC), the development of the higher sides of the soul (rational and animal). Aristotle argued that all types of education (physical, moral and mental) should be carried out in unity - one should not give preference to any one type. They should be united by human striving for beauty. The main factors of upbringing: natural inclinations, habits, the development of the ability to reason. Proceeding from the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, he believed that by nature a person has only the embryos of abilities that develop in the process of education.

Ancient Roman philosopherQuintilian (c. 35 - c. 96) in his work "On the education of an orator" he characterizes the abilities of free-born citizens, reveals the conditions for the development of abilities, determines the means of developing thinking and speech. According to Quintilian, in the very nature of man lies the "comprehension" necessary for his further education, and children who are not capable of learning are a rare exception, like physical ugliness; upbringing on the part of adults and diligence when doing exercises on the part of children contribute to the development of what is given to a person already at his birth.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education received the greatest rise in XVI - X IX centuries. Such famous teachers and philosophers as M. Montaigne, Ya. A. Comenius, J.-J. Russo, I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg and others. This work is based on the analysis of development ideas in the pedagogical works of the above authors. They left behind a colossal pedagogical legacy, thanks to which development ideas are studied and practiced to this day.

Among the Russian teachers who studied this problem, it should be noted NI Novikov, VF Odoevsky, Pirogov, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Tolstoy.

1.2. Developmental education in the heritage of M. Montaigne

Michel Montaigne (1533 - 1592) - an outstanding French thinker of the Renaissance, one of the representatives of philosophical skepticism, preaching the relativity of human knowledge, its dependence on many conditions.

Being an opponent of the scholastic science of the Middle Ages, which spent all its energy on commenting on a small number of works recognized by the church, Montaigne advocated an experimental science, studying things themselves, penetrating into their essence. Hence the pedagogical views of Montaigne: he is a supporter of developmental education, which does not load memory with mechanically memorized information, but contributes to the development of independent thinking, teaches critical analysis. This is accomplished by studying both the humanities and the natural sciences. The latter were hardly studied in modern Montaigne schools.

Like all humanists, Montaigne spoke out against the harsh discipline of medieval schools, for an attentive attitude towards children.

Education, according to Montaigne, should contribute to the development of all aspects of the child's personality, theoretical education should be supplemented by physical exercises, the development of aesthetic taste, the education of high moral qualities. Many of Montaigne's thoughts were accepted by the teachers of XViiXVIII cc.

The main idea in the theory of developmental learning according to Montaigne is that developmental learning is inconceivable without establishing humane relations with children. For this, training should be carried out without punishment, without coercion and violence (Plato spoke about this in his time). Montaigne believes that developmental learning is possible only with the individualization of learning. In his book "Experiments" in the chapter "On raising children", he writes: "I would like the teacher from the very beginning, in accordance with the spiritual inclinations of the child entrusted to him, give him the opportunity to freely manifest these inclinations, inviting him to taste different things, choose between them and distinguish them independently, sometimes showing him the way, sometimes, on the contrary, allowing him to find the way for himself. I do not want the mentor to decide everything and only one to speak; I want him to listen to his pet too. " Here Montaigne follows Socrates, who, as you know, forced the students to speak first, and then spoke himself.

According to Montaigne, a child turns into a person not so much thanks to the knowledge gained, but rather by developing the ability to critical judgments. “Let the teacher ask the student not only the words of the recited lesson, but also the meaning and essence of it, and judge the benefits that he brought, not according to the testimony of the memory of his pet, but according to his life. And let, explaining something to the student, he will show him this from hundreds of different sides and apply it to many different subjects in order to check whether the student has understood properly and to what extent he has learned it. "

May a noble curiosity be instilled in his soul; let him inquire about everything without exception; let him examine everything remarkable that only he will not meet, be it any building, a fountain, a man, a battlefield that took place in antiquity, the places through which Caesar or Charlemagne passed. "

After the young man is explained what, in fact, he needs to become better and smarter, he should be introduced to the basics of logic, physics, geometry and rhetoric; and whichever of these sciences he chooses, since his mind is already developed by that time, he will quickly achieve success in it. He must be taught either by interview or by means of books; sometimes the mentor will simply point him to a suitable author for this purpose, and sometimes he will present the content and essence of the book in a completely chewed form. "

1.3. Developmental education in the legacy of Ya. A. Komensky

Jan Amos Comenius (1592 - 1670) - the largest teacher, an outstanding public figureXVII century.

Comenius was the founder of modern pedagogy. In his theoretical works on the education and upbringing of children ("Mother's School", "Great Didactics", "The Newest Method of Languages", "Pansophical School", etc.) all pedagogical problems are considered. Very good advice from Comenius to teachers: "To teach youth correctly does not mean to drive into their heads a mixture of phrases and opinions collected from the authors, which means to develop the ability to understand things, so that streams of knowledge flow from this ability ..." Ya.A. Comenius attached great importance to the activity and independence of children in learning: in order to develop cognitive abilities and foster a thirst for knowledge, it is necessary to encourage children's curiosity and organize independence in observations, in speech, in exercises, in the application of knowledge in practice.

One of the most important ideas in Comenius's pedagogical heritage isidea developmental education ... Practically all works of Ya. A. Komensky are permeated with ideas of development in the learning process. Development is understood by him as the realization of natural inclinations and gifts, in accordance with the principle of conformity to nature.

In the art of upbringing, this means - to develop what a person has "embedded in the embryo", to develop from within, to wait for the "ripening of forces", not to push nature where it does not seek, to follow the general rule: "Let everything flow freely, away from violence into affairs ". Proceeding from the thesis that the seeds of intelligence, morality and piety and their striving for the development of nature are inherent in all people, Comenius defined the role of upbringing "as the easiest motivation and some reasonable guidance" of the natural process of self-development of the pupil.

This meant not just the immanence (immanent - inherent in any phenomenon, arising from its nature) of this process, but conscious self-development: pedagogical process addressed to the personality of the student and the assertion in him of self-esteem, self-esteem, a serious attitude to their duties, to educational work. And at the same time, nature-oriented upbringing, as already noted, is a “non-violent” pedagogy of the natural and free development of natural forces and abilities.

Comenius in his writings paid a lot of attention to revealing the nature of the child and his abilities. In this respect, along with “Great Didactics”, his work “On the culture of natural gifts” should be especially noted.

Comenius solves questions about the child and his abilities at the level of the advanced science of his time. What is a child and with what abilities and qualities is he born? Comenius basically stands on the positions of the theory of empiricism (that is, denial of the "innateness" of ideas and the development of the theory of the so-called "blank slate") and, according to his democratic worldview, believes that every child, regardless of race, class and gender, is able to learn and become educated human.

As already mentioned, according to Comenius, the main attention should be paid to the problem of the development of natural gifts.

Man has four parts, or qualities, or abilities. The first is called the mind - the mirror of all things, with judgment - the living scales and the lever of all things and, finally, with memory - the storehouse for things. In second place is the will - the judge, deciding and commanding everything. The third is the ability to move, the performer of all decisions. Finally, speech is the interpreter of everything for everyone. For these four agents, our body has the same number of major receptacles and organs: brain, heart, hand and tongue. In the brain we carry, as it were, the workshop of the mind; in the heart, like a queen in her palace, will dwells; the hand, the organ of human activity, is an astonishing performer; language, finally, is a master of speech, a mediator between different minds, imprisoned in different, separated from each other bodies, binds many people into one society for consultation and action. "

Giving ”denotes the innate power of our soul that makes us human.

It is easy to understand what the education of natural gifts consists of. Namely: in what sense it is said about a person that he improves a field, a vegetable garden, a vineyard and some kind of art and, finally, his own body, in the same sense we can say that he will improve his soul or his natural talent. He perfects every thing, adapting and adapting it to his needs, preparing, refining, smoothing, decorating it in such a way that it corresponds to its purpose and in fact brings the greatest benefit. " “Art is considered well-perfected when it produces its creations with ease and grace. The body is groomed when the hair is well combed, the skin is smooth and healthy in color and when it is agile in work. Likewise, a person's spiritual talent will then be improved when, first, he acquires the ability to think about many things and quickly delve into everything; secondly, when he will be experienced in carefully distinguishing things among themselves, in choosing and persecuting one good everywhere, as well as in neglecting and removing all evil; thirdly, when he will be skilled in performing the most perfect deeds; fourthly, when he will be able to speak eloquently and instructively for better spreading of the light of wisdom and for bright illumination of all that exists and that is conceivable ”..

So, from the above, we can conclude that a person is born not with knowledge, but with the ability to know, which must be developed in accordance with the principle of conformity to nature. And this is the main point of view of Comenius in the theory of developmental learning.

1.4. Developmental education in the heritage of J. J. Rousseau

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) - the most outstanding thinker, teacher, educatorXVIII centuries.

In his major works "Did the progress of sciences and arts contribute to the improvement or deterioration of morals?", "Social contract", "Emile, or about education", "Julia, or a new Eloise" Rousseau condemned many prejudices, vices and social injustices generated by feudal system. In particular, he sharply criticized the upbringing of his day, which suppresses the personality of the child, which did not take into account either the age and individual characteristics of children, or the needs of life.

Rousseau is the founder of the theory of natural, free upbringing, in accordance with the laws of the physical, mental and moral development of children.

Rousseau's pedagogical ideas are systematically set forth in his novel "Emil, or on education", where an attempt is made to outline the age-related periodization of the child's development and the tasks, content and methods of upbringing and teaching the child corresponding to each period.

Rousseau's pedagogical statements are permeated with the ideas of humanism and democracy, deep love for the child, care for his all-round development. Rousseau put forward the requirement to intensify the methods of teaching children based on their personal experience, the need for systematic work training. On the one hand, it should equip children with useful practical skills and abilities, and on the other hand, it should contribute to the formation of positive moral qualities inherent in the working people.

As mentioned above, Rousseau is the founder of the theory of natural, free education. Through the theory of free education runs like a red threaddevelopment idea. What is the essence of these ideas? Rousseau argued that from nature a person receives only opportunities for development, a weak physical constitution and some inclinations that are improved with the help of education. "The point is not to suppress natural qualities, but rather to develop them." This is the main principle of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education according to Rousseau.

The upbringing of every person, wrote Rousseau, is given by nature through the direct development of innate abilities and drives. "Observe nature and follow the path she paves you."

Addressing parents and educators, Rousseau urged them to develop naturalness in the child, instill a sense of freedom and independence, the desire for work, respect the personality and all useful rational inclinations in him.

Paying a good tribute to childhood, Rousseau continues: remember that nature wants "children to be children before they become adults." The last thing that parents and caregivers need to do is make their children capable of serious thought at an early age. "If you want to educate your student's mind, educate the powers that he must control."

1.5. The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education I. Pestalozzi

Johann Pestalozzi (1746 - 1827) - an outstanding Swiss teacher. For many years he developed such a nature-friendly method of education, which would contribute to the development of mental, physical and moral strength of each person in their full. In his latest work under the symbolic title "Swan Song" Pestalozzi sums up his many years of pedagogical research. The work consists of two parts: in one, the essence of the idea of \u200b\u200belementary education - developing schooling, is revealed in detail, and in the other an attempt is made to establish the reasons why he failed to fully implement it. According to the figurative expression of K. D. Ushinsky, Pestalozzi's idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping school education was a great discovery that brought and is bringing mankind more benefits than the discovery of America. ...

The most important goal of Pestalozzi's education is the development of a person's natural abilities. At the same time, the teacher put forward and defendedthe idea of \u200b\u200bself-development of forces:The eye wants to look, the ear wants to hear, the leg wants to walk andthe hand is to grab, but also the heart wants to believe and love, the mind wants to think. This aspiration of a person to physical and spiritual activity was invested in him from birth by the Creator himself, and education should help in this.

I. Pestalozzi emphasized that nature is a rock, and upbringing is a building, forces are given to a person by nature, one must only be able to develop them, strengthen, direct and eliminate harmful external influences and obstacles that can disrupt the natural course of development, and for this one should own the laws development of the child's physical and spiritual nature. "The hour of a child's birth is the first hour of his education." The center of all education, Pestalozzi pointed out, is the formation of a person, his moral character. An active love for people is what should lead a person morally forward.

He was the first to set the task of psychologizing learning, that is, building it in the natural way that nature itself uses to develop the human mind - learning should be aimed not so much at the accumulation of knowledge as at the development of mental abilities. The learning process, according to its requirements, should be carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, and for this it is necessary to deeply study child psychology.

His theory of the formation of the human personality, its all-round development Pestalozzi called it elementary for 2 reasons. First, in the implementation of nature-friendly development should proceed from the initial foundations of education, its simplest elements. To achieve this, he developed a system of exercises arranged in a strict sequence. The initial stage of the cognitive process is observation. In order to move on to concepts, it is necessary to realize the three main elements of all knowledge: form, number, word. In the initial teaching, measurement corresponds to form, counting to number, and speech to word. In each of the principles, the simplest element, respectively, stands out: line, unit, sound. The child's relationship with his mother, a sense of harmony, orderliness, beauty are elements of moral education; a chain of interconnected simple body movements, the ability to throw, catch and others are elements of physical and labor education. Exercises in each direction of education were aimed at setting in motion that desire for activity, which is inherent in the natural forces of man. According to the author, it is impossible to carry out the natural development of a child without stimulating self-activity, manifesting activity both mentally and physically and morally. Secondly, the theory was called elementary because the teaching methodology was presented so easily and accessible that any mother, even a simple peasant woman, could master it.

1.6. The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education by A. Disterweg

Disterweg (1790 - 1866) based his education on three principles:

    conformity to nature, understood by him as the development of good inclinations inherent in the child by nature;

    amateur performancechildren and their activity;

    cultural conformity, those. taking into account the conditions and level of culture of a given time and country, the child's homeland.

His great merit is the development and decisive defense of the ideadevelopmental training. It was on this basis that he built 33 didactic rules, according to which the teacher should know his student well, his characteristics and level of development, the range of interests, concepts and ideas. Only in this case it is possible to conduct classes "in a natural way", overcoming difficulties gradually and consistently. At the same time, students overcome them on the basis of their own efforts, passing through three stages: the dominance of sensations, memory or accumulation of ideas, reason.

According to Disterweg, "education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the complete understanding and skillful application of everything that you know."

A. Disterweg's seminarians recalled how fascinating his lessons were. They were like mental tournaments. The teacher developed the students' ability to reason independently. He structured the lesson in such a way, led the students from one position to another, that it seemed to everyone that at the beginning of the lesson he himself had already foreseen the conclusion and himself came to it as a result of independent reflection. Disterweg's lessons, as a rule, were built in the form of a conversation. Exactly at 7 o'clock in the morning, the training began. After the prayer, his first words were: "Put out the lamps." “Note,” the students recalled, “this is in winter, the windows are covered with ice and snow; there is a perfect night around us, so we couldn't see each other. “Begin!” Was usually his second word addressed to one of us. And the shootout, consisting of a lesson of questions and answers, began. geometric shapes we had to portray in the dark, without a blackboard, by means of oral speech alone, and then proofs were required - it was such a work that strained all our forces, but in this way we learned to master the word and draw conclusions. "

Chapter 1 Conclusions

Thus, the theory of developmental learning originates in the works of such philosophers as Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Democritus, Aristotle - in ancient Greece, Quintilian - in ancient Rome. All these philosophers developed creative thinking, so that the student himself came to the answer, he strived for knowledge and it was interesting to him, they believed that the child should be developed not by force, but playfully.

But the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education received the greatest rise in the 16th - 11th centuries. Such famous teachers and philosophers as M. Montaigne, Ya. A. Comenius, J.-J. Russo, I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg and others. It was believed that developing education is impossible without the establishment of humane relations with children. Jan Amos Komensky gives teachers good advice: "To teach youth correctly does not mean to drive a mixture of phrases and opinions collected from the authors into their heads, which means to develop the ability to understand things so that streams of knowledge flow from this ability ..."

the main principle of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education according to Rousseau: "The point is not to suppress natural qualities, but rather to develop them."

Thanks to the works of A. Disterweg, the most important link in pedagogy - the theory of developmental learning - was strengthened.

Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Democritus, Aristotle, Quintilian, M. Montaigne, J. A. Comenius, J.-J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg and others have made a huge contribution to the development of society and the whole world.

Chapter 2.

Developmental education in modern times

2.1 The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education L. V. Zankova.

In the early 30s. XX century. the famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky substantiated the possibility and necessity of education focused on child development as its immediate main goal. And in the 50-60s of the last century, life (production and science) decisively demanded that pedagogy develop problem-based teaching, in which the mental abilities of schoolchildren would develop. And in the 60s. XX century. the laboratory organized by L.V. Zankov in the structure of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences developed the technology of developing education in primary grades, contributing to the general mental development of schoolchildren. LV Zankov's technology was patented in a number of European countries (France, Germany, Czech Republic).

Already in the elementary grades, conditions are created for the development of the ability to self-education. The standard parts of the lesson are blurred: interrogation, explanation, consolidation. Cognition of students moves with a constant close interweaving of new knowledge with previously obtained.

LV Zankov in his book "Education and Development" linked the idea of \u200b\u200boptimal development of schoolchildren with didactic principles. At the same time, he warned that one should not confuse the principles of his experimental system of primary education with the principles of traditional didactics (clarity, conscience, etc.). His system of principles works to achieve higher efficiency in the development of schoolchildren.

Basic principles.

    High level of difficulty.

    Leading role in teaching theoretical knowledge, linear

building curricula.

    Progress in the study of the material at a rapid pace with

continuous accompanying repetition and consolidation in new conditions.

    Students' awareness of the course of mental actions.

    Fostering positive motivation for learning and cognitive interests in students, including the emotional sphere in the learning process.

    Humanization of the relationship between teachers and students in the educational process. (The educational process is built in a trusting atmosphere of co-creation between a student and a teacher.)

    Development of every student in the class.

The essence of technology.

    The lesson has a flexible structure.

    In the classroom, discussions are organized on what has been read and seen, on fine art, music, work, problem situations are created.

    Widely used didactic games, intensive independent activity of students, collective search based on observation, comparison, grouping, classification, clarification of patterns, independent formulation of conclusions.

    Pedagogical situations of communication in the lesson are created, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, selectivity in ways of working, an environment for the student's natural self-expression.

As I have already said, according to Zankov, the classes at school should be based on easy communication between the teacher and the students. And, by the way, this advice was used even in Athenian schools in the 5th century BC.

Zankov's didactic system focuses the teacher's attention on developing children's ability to think, observe, and act practically. Some researchers, however, believe that this system is good for developing empirical consciousness and insufficiently theoretical.

2. 2. The system of developing education by D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov

In the 60-80s. the concept of developing education for schoolchildren was developed under the general guidance of D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov.

VV Davydov in his book "Problems of Developmental Education" outlined the psychological and pedagogical foundations of developmental education and noted that "only a theory that takes into account the developing role of education and upbringing in the formation of a child's personality corresponds to the tasks of school reform."

Elkonin-Davydov's developmental education technology is fundamentally different from others in that it focuses on the development of theoretical thinking of schoolchildren.

Theoretical thinking is understood as a verbally expressed understanding by a person of the origin of this or that thing, this or that phenomenon, concept.

A theoretical concept can only be learned through discussion. It is not so much knowledge that becomes significant in this learning system, but the methods of mental actions, which is achieved when the logic of scientific cognition is reproduced in the educational activity of children: from the general to the particular, from the abstract to the concrete.

The system began to take shape in the late 50s; in the mass school of the Soviet Union, including in Belarus, it began to spread in the 80s - 90sXX centuries.

Basic principles.

    deduction based on meaningful generalizations;

    theoretical meaningful generalization;

    ascent from the abstract to the concrete;

Training progress.

    familiarity with the proposed scientific situation or problem;

    orientation in it;

    sample material conversion;

    fixing the identified relationships in the form of a subject or sign model;

    determination of the properties of the selected relation, due to which the conditions and methods of solving the original problem are derived, general approaches to the solution are formulated;

    filling the highlighted general formula, output with specific content.

Features of the technology.

    Denial of concentric curriculum design.

    Failure to recognize the universality of using specific visualization in primary school.

    Freedom of choice and variability of creative homework.

    The features of the lesson in this system are collective thought activity, dialogue, discussion, business communication of children.

    Only problematic presentation of knowledge is acceptable, when the teacher goes to schoolchildren not with ready-made knowledge, but with a question.

    At the first stage of training, the main method is learning tasks, at the second - problem learning.

The learning task in this concept is similar to the problem situation:

Acceptance from a teacher or self-formulation of an educational problem;

Transformation of the conditions of the problem in order to discover the general relation of the object under study;

Modeling the selected relationship to study its properties in subject, graphic and letter forms;

Transformation of the relationship model to study its properties in a "pure form";

Building a system of particular problems solved in a general way;

Monitoring the implementation of previous actions;

Assessment of mastering the general method as a result of solving this educational problem.

    The quality and volume of work is assessed in terms of the subjective capabilities of students.

    The assessment reflects the personal development of the student, the perfection of his educational activities.

Education in this system significantly increases the theoretical level of education by teaching students not only knowledge and practical skills, but also scientific concepts, artistic images, moral values. The goal of the teacher is to bring the personality of each student into the development mode, to awaken the need for knowledge.

2.3. Problems of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education in Russia in the modern period.

One of the most significant developments in the education of Russia over the past decade has been the spread of the ideas of developing education, i.e. systems of educational technologies of a new generation, the priority goal of which is the mental and personal development of the child in the learning process. More than ten years have passed since the transition of the didactic system of developing education by L.V. Zankov to a new quality: from a large-scale pedagogical experiment to mass school practice.

Over the past decade, the educational system of Russia (as well as in the political, economic, legal and other systems) has undergone dramatic changes: the unified monolith of the Soviet school has been replaced by variable education: schools, teachers, parents have received a real and legally secured right to choose programs, textbooks, educational technologies. There is an urgent need for a meaningful analysis of the process of implementing the didactic system of developing education by L.V. Zankov in a changed social and educational situation: in comprehending positive and negative trends, achievements, problems, contradictions and prospects.

One of the significant results of scientific development and implementation in school practice of the didactic system of L.V. Zankov (of course, and the system of developmental education of DB Elkonin - VV Davydov) is the fact that the ideas of developmental education have become firmly established in the pedagogical and public consciousness and have an impact on the entire system of Russian education. With any pedagogical innovation, it has become a good form to refer to L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, L.V. Zankova, V.V. Davydova; to emphasize the problematic structure of educational materials, orientation to the zone of proximal development of children, orientation to the organization of educational and search activities of children in an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation of the teacher and children. Until recently, the administrative assessment of the success of the pedagogical activity of a school teacher included, first of all, information about the percentage of progress. Now the official documents declare that the meaning of the teacher's professional activity is seen in the creation of conditions favorable for the manifestation and development of the personal potential of students. It is another matter what is really meant by these concepts. But there is no doubt that a change of priorities is taking place in the public and pedagogical consciousness, that the ideas of developing education have entered Russian education.

In the early 90s, the process of renewal begins in the country primary educationfocused on a fundamental change in the understanding of learning objectives. The developmental function of teaching, the formation and development of the personality of a younger student is brought to the fore. 1991-92 school year began mass approbation in Russian schools. It was a time of hope: teachers, parents, the public hoped that the transition to work with educational textbooks would finally allow to see the "light at the end of the tunnel." Since 1996, both systems of developmental education have been introduced into the practice of work of general education institutions as state ones, parallel to the traditional education system. It seemed that the trend of increasing the use of developmental education programs will intensify. However, the first signs appeared that the pendulum swung in the opposite direction; there has been a decline in interest in the introduction of pedagogical systems of developing education. Euphoria gave way to disappointment. This found expression, firstly, in the reduction in the number of classes implementing the concepts of developmental education by D. B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova, L.V. Zankova; secondly, in a sharp increase in the number of teachers who combine traditional textbooks with variable textbooks of developing learning systems. Conversations with primary and secondary teachers, with school administrators, and with parents revealed that the assessment of the effectiveness of the use of developmental education programs is carried out in the spirit of such alternatives: at one pole, assessment is failure, at the opposite end, success. Skeptics argue that hopes were dashed; developmental education systems have not been a convincing alternative to the traditional education system; in the preparation of children enrolled in these programs, you can find a lot of shortcomings. Supporters of the opposite point of view are convinced that the systems of developmental education have a humanistic orientation, to the greatest extent correspond to the nature of the child; they not only contribute to the success in the development of the child's personality, stimulate the child's interest in learning, but also conceal not yet fully disclosed reserves for improving knowledge, skills and abilities. Developmental education teaches the main thing: the ability to teach oneself, forms the need to learn, i.e. what remains when all is forgotten. An analysis of the assessments of the effectiveness of the use of developmental learning systems prompts us to recall the parable of the ten blind men who felt by touch what an elephant was. Many of them, inclined to see only one drawbacks of developmental education, imagine this beast wounded, dying from a lack of methodological support. But thinking teachers who have worked according to the traditional system and switched to work according to developmental programs often come to completely opposite conclusions.

It seems that in order to overcome subjectivity in assessing the effectiveness of developmental education systems, it is advisable to distinguish between the teaching and developmental potential of these systems, on the one hand, and the disputable, ambiguous ways of introducing and applying them in a real educational situation, on the other hand.

However, in school practice, technological violations of developmental learning are recorded. Explanatory and illustrative teaching methods continue to dominate the classroom. Technological procedures associated with the formulation of an educational problem, with the organization of educational and search activities of children, are not in demand in the practice of school lessons. The skill of the teacher of the didactic system L.V. Zankova is not about explaining this or that material to the student in an accessible and visual way, but the ability to create such an educational situation when the student will need to know this material, and in these conditions, organize the activities of children to independently acquire knowledge. According to the teachers themselves, significant difficulties in organizing the educational and search activities of younger students are associated with the fact that teachers often lack a deep understanding of the essence of scientific and theoretical concepts that underlie the subject content. It is possible to pose an educational problem and develop a system of questions and tasks, the implementation of which will lead children to solve the problem in the mode of an educational dialogue, provided that the teacher himself is deeply aware of the subject content, essential inter-conceptual connections. What makes a lesson developing is not the very fact of using such a technique as an educational discussion, but also the subject of discussion, and the result of the discussion, and the nature of the arguments that contribute to keeping the subject content in the center of attention. This difficulty is aggravated by the fact that school textbooks and teaching aids for teachers have not solved the problem of organizing the educational search activity of schoolchildren. Teachers feel an urgent need for work, where, in accordance with the internal logic of a subject problem and educational discussion, mechanisms for posing and resolving educational problems would be revealed. In the meantime, the culture of organizing the educational and search activity of children on the material of the Russian language (as well as on other subject content) remains the property of individual thinking teachers who understand the essence of the matter.

In addition to the contradiction considered, in the didactic organization of the educational process in school practice, there is also a contradiction between the need to organize the educational process in the logic of educational and search activity and the limited educational time allotted for the study of program material. The organization of mastering the subject content in the form of educational search activity requires more time than when explaining the material by the teacher himself. As a result, teachers primary grades questions arise: how to avoid a lag in the passage of the program material? Where can I find study time for the formation of skills and abilities, because it is their formation that will be controlled by the administration? And the teacher replaces the statement of the problem and its solution with an explanation of the topic. In addition to the problems of a psychological, pedagogical, methodological, subject nature, the process of implementing the didactic system of developing education by L.V. Zankova is characterized by problems and contradictions of a socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological nature.

The introduction of developing learning systems and, in particular, the didactic system of L.V. Zankova took place and is happening in the system of traditional education, which in its content, methods of teaching and control, style of relationship between teacher and children, contradicts the principles of developmental education. This initial position predetermined the emergence of a contradiction between a fundamentally new understanding of the goals, content, didactic organization of the educational process in new technologies and the desire of the traditional education system, within the framework of which they are implemented, to assimilate them, to assimilate them. The process of assimilation of systems of developmental education occurs, in addition to those previously considered, in several directions: the widespread merging of classes of developmental education with the classes of the traditional system during the transition to the middle link; lack of continuity in goals, content, teaching methods between the primary and secondary levels, which turns into a desire to belittle, discredit the results of training children trained in developing technologies, etc. It should be noted that the process of implementing systems of developing education in school practice is often accompanied psychological conflict in teaching staff, expressed in dissatisfaction, tension, jealous and unfriendly attitude of colleagues towards teachers working on new educational technologies.

Analyzing the problems of the introduction and implementation of new educational technologies in the modern socio-educational situation, it should be noted that the gap between the increasing requirements for the level of professional preparedness of the teacher, his pedagogical activity and the poor material and financial support of the teacher, his social status is increasing.

Thus, the implementation of the didactic training system of L.V. Zankov, like other developing technologies of the new generation, along with obvious significant positive results and achievements, is characterized by a whole range of problems and contradictions of a psychological-pedagogical, methodological, subject, socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological nature. How to deal with these contradictions and difficulties in real school practice? Probably, it is necessary to accept their presence as an objectively existing reality of modern practice of developmental education. Difficulties and problems arise in any really new and complex business, which is developmental education. At the same time, it should be recognized that attempts to find simple solutions to complex problems are futile. It seems that overcoming the considered difficulties and contradictions requires an integrated approach. On the one hand, efforts of society and the state are needed to create socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, material and financial conditions for the implementation in school practice of modern variable educational systemsfocused on the psychological and personal development of children. On the other hand, it is necessary to revise the traditional ideas about the professional training of primary-level teachers and the scientific development of new approaches to organizing professional and, in particular, linguistic training and retraining of primary school teachers as a subject of a fundamentally new type of pedagogical activity focused on the development of the child's personality in the learning process. ...

Conclusions on chapter 2

In educational practice, the most famous systems of developmental education B.D. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova and L.V. Zankov, which have been mastered and implemented by school teachers for decades.

Each of the theories of developmental learning is a rather complex educational technology, which the teacher can master only under conditions of special vocational training... A problem arises, can a teacher independently combine a personal approach and personality development in the educational process?

For this, he must possess knowledge of the basic laws of traditional developmental education and the ability to use them in the educational process.

In Russia, there is a problem of developmental education, since not all teachers are ready to switch from traditional education to developing education, not everyone understands the true meaning of this education. They are trying to connect the two teachings together, and this is not correct. Developmental learning also takes a lot of time, and not everyone is ready to teach using such a system and spend their personal time developing such lessons.


As long as there is a school in general, so many the best minds solve the problem - how to teach, what to teach, what to develop. What these great teachers have in common isthe idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education ... This idea permeates almost all of their pedagogical works: "Experiments" by Montaigne, "Great Didactics" by Comenius, "Emil, or On Education" by Rousseau, "Swan Song" by Pestalozzi and others.

If in Montaigne's works the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping education is mainly theoretical in nature, then, for example, Comenius and Rousseau in their writings already give a large number of practical advice, in particular what, where, how and when to teach and what to teach.

Developmental education is a holistic pedagogical system that is an alternative to the traditional school system. All the main characteristics of developmental education - its content, methods, type of educational activity of students, features of interaction between participants in the educational process - are interrelated and ultimately determined by the goals of developmental education. Developmental learning can be carried out only as an integral system, in the totality of its components.

The main goal and result of developmental education is the formation of a spiritual and moral personality with humanistic value orientations.

Such educational programs, which are adequate for the age of students cause an interested attitude to learning. The practice of individual training, the study of elective subjects, a general decrease in the classroom load in the form of classical classrooms - all this has a positive effect on the health of schoolchildren.

Mastering the theory and technology of personality-developing learning becomes a necessary condition for the successful work of a teacher in another, more advanced to the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof education, personality-oriented paradigm.

This condition is not easy to implement, as it raises a number of problems.

One of them is that the theory of developmental education does not currently represent a unified scientific concept, but consists of various directions based on the original, experimentally tested ideas of their creators. At the same time, it should be remembered that each of them developed his own theory, proceeding from the traditional understanding of teaching a person, as the development of his intellectual and thinking abilities.

Concluding all of the above in the final framework, I would like to say that didactic systems of developmental education have an undoubted advantage over the traditional system. The world and society are developing, and education is developing with them. In turn, learning cannot but affect the development process.

The fact that in the center of everything is a person, his soul must become true for every teacher. Probably, our education has already chosen the path along which it will go toXXI century. And it seems that this path is more productive, more humane in comparison with the existing real state of education.

List of used literature

    Varenova T.V. Short story pedagogy. - Minsk., 2004 .-- 289 p.

    Vorontsov Vl. The power of knowledge. Aphorisms of domestic and foreign authors. - M., 1979 .-- 158 p.

    Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M., 1996 .-- 234 p.

    Dvortsov A.T. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. -M .: Nauka, 1980 .-- 178 p.

    Davydov V.V. Developmental learning theory. M., 1996 .-- 175 p.

    L.V. Zankov Selected pedagogical works. M., 1990 .-- 132 p.

    Zyabkin V.E. Pedagogical trilogy. - M., 2002 .-- 347 p.

    Historical education in modern Russia: Reference and methodological manual for teachers.- M., 1997. - 260 p.

    Clarin V.M., Dzhurinsky A.N. Ya. A. Komensky, D. Locke, J.-J. Russo, I. G. Pestalozzi. -M .: Pedagogika, 1988 .-- 439 p.

    Komensky Ya. A. "Selected pedagogical works". T.2. - M .: Pedagogika, 1982 .-- 345 p.

    Kostyuk G.S. Selected psychological works. M., 1988 .-- 168 p.

    G.B. Kornetov General pedagogy: Tutorial... - M .: Publishing house URAO, 2003 .-- 192 p.

    Koffka K. Collected Works. Vol. 1. M., 1992 .-- 489 p.

    Latyshina DI History of pedagogy. - M., 1998 .-- 285 p.

    Montaigne M. Experiments. - M .: Pravda, 1991 .-- 221 p.

    Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Edited by V. A. Slastenin.- M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.-184s.

    Piskunov A.I. Reader on the history of foreign pedagogy. - M., 1981 .-- 506 p.

    Prokopyev I.I., Mikhalkovich N.V. Pedagogy. - Minsk., 2006 - 456 p.

    Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. New course. In 2 hours - M .: "Vlados", 1998, - part 1. - 253 p.

    Repkin V. V., Repkina N. V. Developmental education: theory and practice. Tomsk, 1997 .-- 456 p.

    Chechel I. D. Anthology of Humane Pedagogy. Comenius. - M .: Ed. house of Shalva Amonashvili, 1996 .-- 356 p.

    Elkonin D.B. Developmental psychology: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions. M., 2001 .-- 234 p.

    Elkonin D.B. Selected psychological works. M., 2002 - 420 p.

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The problems of mastering activities by a teacher in the system of developmental education of Elkonin Davydov, which require the organization of special psychological and pedagogical assistance in overcoming professional stereotypes of the traditional education system, are discussed. The logic of work with teachers and its main forms are revealed. The mastery of activity in the system of developmental education is considered not as mastering a set of special technological algorithms, but as a change in the substantive foundations of the teacher's actions and presupposes an approach to the student as to the subject of educational activity.

Key words: professional community, professional consciousness, stereotypes of professional activity, psychological assistance to the teacher.

The process of mastering activities by a teacher in the system of developmental education (RO) of Elkonin Davydov is a complex and insufficiently studied phenomenon of pedagogical reality. In the modern theory of developmental education, the issues of the formation of the student as a subject of educational activity are thoroughly developed. The learning process, in which students go through a school of independent initiative action, is equipped with powerful science-intensive technologies, provided with a variety of didactic and methodological means. However, no one seriously discusses the issue of what difficulties a teacher experiences when introducing a developmental education system. Does he become the subject of his own pedagogical activity? What is the essence of the teacher's independent initiative action, and what is the language of its description? What means of psychological assistance should be provided for a novice teacher of the RO system so that new technologies are fully mastered and, most importantly, creatively enriched?

The extensive retraining of teachers at the training centers of the International Association for Developmental Education, unfortunately, is not yet equipped with the theory of developing pedagogical activity. A paradoxical situation arises: the teacher must include the student in developing education through his own educational activity, while sometimes remaining at the pre-active professional level. In such a situation, the teacher is actually unable to give the same

a high educational result, as the scientists and methodologists-experimenters who prepared it.

The novice teachers of the RO system record the presence of problems themselves, proceeding from those fears, concerns and dissatisfaction that are generated by their practice. The problems stated by teachers boil down to the following:

they realize the problems of technology in this way: "if we have a long discussion with children, we do not have time to" pass the "program"; "if we use group work in the classroom, then the same active students start to work, and for the rest the work is wasted"; "if whole lesson lead children to the learning task, then in this discussion weak students are "lost", notebooks remain "empty", and then there is not enough time to practice elementary before test work ";" if we include children in mutual assessment, then it takes a lot of time, and what to do with those who did everything right, and it makes no sense for them to "correct" others without working for themselves ", etc .;

the problems of the teacher's content are fixed with the following questions: "if the children have no idea what the teacher expects of them, but they cannot be prompted, then how to lead the lesson further?" "; "if children get tired of oral discussions or working with diagrams, can some tasks in the textbook be replaced with practical exercises?"; "what should we teach in the lesson - to draw up a scheme or to carry out tasks correctly?"; "if the child did poorly on most of the tasks of the test (control) work, and a new topic begins, how to get him to fill in his gaps?", etc .;

the problem of results is the dissatisfaction of teachers with the fact that children allegedly "do not know how to write, read, count correctly ... in comparison with the students of the traditional school."

Let us turn to hypotheses that provide a theoretical explanation of the difficulties that teachers face. V.V.Repkin and N.V. Repkina see the problem of the teacher's unpreparedness for the implementation of the system of developing education in the fact that one of the three integral components of his activity (subject-based, structural-activity, organizational-communicative) is underdeveloped. A.K. Dusavitsky connects this problem with the teacher's inability to independently enter the mode of self-change within the framework of building a generalized and individual model of the teacher's activity. V.R.Lozing poses the problem of inadequate university training of a teacher, F.K. Ivlev - the problem of a "crisis of competence", V.T.

Indeed, the difficulties faced by the teachers of the RO system cannot be simply bypassed, they require competent explanation and serious work. In this case, in our opinion, it is necessary to take into account two aspects: first, "pain points" in teaching teachers; secondly, the very way of understanding the essence of pedagogical activity in developing education, based on the correlation of the categories "activity" and "self-development".

Let's dwell on the first aspect. Our long-term observations of the process of mastering activities by a teacher in the system of developmental education show that "pain points" in teaching teachers lie in the area of \u200b\u200bunderestimating the patterns of functioning and development of the professional community, professional consciousness and professional actions of teachers.

The first "painful point" of teaching RO teachers is that it is organized

without taking into account the opposition to stereotypes of the professional community as a whole.

The teacher (as the bearer of a certain established form of professional community) first meets everything new with his "outer shell" - that is, from the point of view of the yardstick that is adopted in his professional field. After getting acquainted with the RO system in retraining centers, teachers (according to questionnaires, 135 respondents) formulate their judgments about the goals and intentions of the "transition to developmental education" as follows: "for the child to become a subject" (21%), "in order to improve his work" ( 17%), “to get better learning outcomes for children” (33%); “I like to learn new things” (8%), “in order to master a new technology, improve my professional skills” (21%).

Practical school psychologists (interviews, 36 respondents) believe that the main thing is not the teaching system, but a good teacher (83%). After the course, they participate in the implementation of RO in order to help the teacher take into account the individual characteristics of children (77%). After getting acquainted with the basics and practice of RO (interviews, 18 respondents), methodologists and managers see it as a good tool for educating the "elite", i.e. the most capable children, and consider it as a possible addition to the list of educational services that have developed in school, city, region (94%).

To gain a deeper understanding of how, at the initial stage, the professional community uses the theory of RO in practice, on the basis of the experimental school, a problem-design game "Development of the concept of a school of developing education" was organized (1995 1996). The activities of the pedagogical community at the initial stage of the game showed that neither teachers, nor psychologists, nor managers have a vision of the educational space as a whole. Separate and practically unrelated niches were subjected to problem analysis and conceptual development: subjects within the framework of "knowledge - skills - skills" (ZUNs), role positions of participants in the educational process (teachers, psychologists, administration), organizational structure of the school (stages of education, profile classes, etc.). The second difficulty was associated with the need to distinguish between information of a conceptual-theoretical nature and information associated with separate, single, particular methodological information. Realizing that it was required to identify the grounds for developing a new concept, teachers nevertheless constantly shifted the direction of their search towards specific recommendations.

So, observations allow us to assert that the "barrier" exists precisely in the professional community itself, which initially does not want to perceive the philosophical, axiological, logical-psychological foundations of the RO system (derived from culture), since it is focused on objectivity in its technocratic understanding.

The second "painful point" of teaching teachers in the RO system is the lack of its focus on overcoming the conflict nature of attitudes in the teacher's professional consciousness. The "discontinuity" of the professional consciousness of the "traditional" teacher, who found himself in the role of a beginner teacher of the RO system, continues to manifest itself after his retraining at the appropriate courses.

A novice RO teacher, as a rule, "for safety reasons" prepares two lesson notes: one - according to new programs, the other - taking into account the traditional ones. The teacher's "entry" into the RO system is naturally accompanied by a combination of the most comfortable atmosphere of communication in his classroom and either a cascade of traditional methodological tricks for activating children (work with cards; table schemes compiled by the teacher himself; entertainment moments, etc.), or -

by "getting bogged down" in pseudo-scientific dialogues with children, which are not supported either by the questions that arise in the children themselves, or by their transformative actions with the subject educational material. The beginning teacher of the RO system is afraid of getting low results and, as a result, carves out additional hours for "coaching" children (according to our data, discussion of draft lessons, analysis of protocols of their observation, 1996 - 2000, 256 lessons).

After studying at retraining courses, the teacher of the RO system easily picks up the attitude towards the child as a subject of communication (the main thing for him in the lesson is to liberate the student, to give an opportunity to speak out), but abstractly perceives the attitude towards the child as a subject of educational activity.

In the process of working on new programs, the feeling of duality in the approach to the child increases. So, considering the sphere of cognition and the sphere of communication of the child as two different spheres, the teacher spends more resources than before on organizing communication (emphatically cultivates a comfortable psychological environment, teaches benevolent interaction, emotionally stimulates the efforts of everyone), but at the same time retains the traditional attitude to " children gaining deep, lasting knowledge ". New characteristics of the quality of children's knowledge - objectivity, consistency, generalization - remain outside the boundaries of pedagogical consciousness.

The traditional attitude (in the field of cognition) constantly generates internal dissatisfaction with formal learning outcomes, fear of their "inefficiency." Most teachers begin to save time on collectively distributed activities, on procedures for setting educational tasks by the children themselves. Ultimately, not finding a panacea for illiteracy and weak knowledge of children, the teacher begins to doubt even more: "Either the attitude to give deep solid knowledge is incorrect, or the system of developmental education is ineffective, or am I, as a teacher, helpless?" teachers of the RO system, 19962000, 184 appeals).

The third "painful point" of teacher training is excessive subject-centrism and attention to the external side of the RO system technology, which prevents an adequate personal awareness of one's own pedagogical actions. The teacher does not master new pedagogical actions, but, on the contrary, external changes in the structure of his actions (and the professional language of their description) “master” him. A huge arsenal of new methodological techniques is tested by the teacher as a new algorithm. The teacher of the RO system begins to master the technology of setting educational tasks, but cannot say for sure how many educational tasks are in the course program and how they are connected. Having mastered the technology of modeling, he does not distinguish between a model in the RO system and any visual support in another learning system. He "learns" the technology of the organization group work, not suspecting that the main thing is the very principle of organizing collectively distributed activity (it is derived from the content of educational tasks). Trap tasks are first understood by the teacher as tasks for quick wits, and not as a means of developing the reflexive actions of children.

The colorful kaleidoscope of the teacher's actions is evidence of their weak personal awareness, lack of author's attitude, insufficient development of the subject-content and psychological-pedagogical potential of the RO system.

A clear theoretical explanation of the problem of mastering activities in the RO system by a teacher, in our opinion, is hindered today by the following reasons:

1. The problem of a teacher of developmental education is being solved today in research outside of conjugation with categorical

mesh operation. In science, there is no idea about the normative structure of activity: neither A. N. Leontiev's scheme, nor G. P. Shchedrovitsky's scheme can claim this status, since they do not allow explaining the process of personality self-development.

2. In our opinion, a large share of difficulties is caused by the fact that today there is no completeness of understanding of pedagogical activity in general. In some works, knowledge about pedagogical activity is prescribed to be derived based on the goals of education (,,), in others - through the analysis of the relationship between the concepts of "personality" and "activity" of the teacher,. However, none of these paths individually exhausts the totality of all the distinctive features of the category "activity": objectivity, sociality, consciousness, subjectivity,. The use of the concept of "the goal of education" as a theoretical tool leads to the study of only the subject of assimilation of activity. ("If the objective action is understood as the adaptation of EK to the properties of the object, then other people, culture, social relations are pre-sent to it, as if already existing before it.") other generic properties of the category "activity".

It seems to us that any attempt to discover a new way of understanding the essence of pedagogical activity in developmental education brings us closer to improving the quality of the entire practice of working according to the new system. Real means for this can be found in the works of A.G. Asmolov, V.P. Zinchenko, V.I.Slobodchikova, E.I. Isaeva, B.D. Elkonin.

We assume that the explanation and solution of the problem of mastering the activity by the teacher in the RO system is possible from the positions:

Acceptance of the initial ontology of self-development and finding a place in it for activity;

Modification of one traditional, established type of pedagogical activity, associated with translation, into another (emerging), associated with mediation.

For a teacher of the RO system, mediation is not some external norm (sample), but the goal of self-development arising in the process of personal choices and efforts, i.e. what is called human subjectivity, the specificity of which is "the ability to transform one's own life activity into an object of practical transformation." We are talking about a value-semantic plan of self-development in activities, where a constant proactive search for funds in professional situations of undeterminedness is important.

So, when analyzing the problems that arise when a teacher masters activities in the RO system, when designing a strategy of psychological assistance, the following reasons were identified:

Difficulties associated with the "entry" of the teacher into the RO system, new for him, after taking courses;

The need to develop a teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity.

Having thus determined the specifics and essence of pedagogical activity through the key concept of the subject of pedagogical activity, we schematically highlight those instrumental aspects that will allow us to further establish constructive directions of psychological support for a teacher in the RO system:

Subjectivity as a reflection of the mutually transformative relationship "personality - activity" (individual - collective subject, bearer - manager of activity);

Subjectivity as an Initiative and the Regulatory Beginning of Self-Consciousness Relations

personality and activity (subject of relations - subject of activity);

Subjectivity as a reflection of the relationship between activity and self-development (not just reflexivity, but the dialogic nature of the subject of the relationship).

In this regard, the principle of work (as a practical psychologist) with RO teachers should be the removal of the "blockages" of the teacher's self-development, i.e. "blurring" of his false self-identifications:

With a pseudo-subject of their activity (formal knowledge, skills and abilities) dictated by the stereotypes of the professional community;

With a pseudo-mission (to give strong ZUNs and at the same time to liberate the student's personality), due to the conflict nature of the attitudes of professional consciousness;

With pseudo-professionalism (making external changes in the structure of their actions), caused by the abundance of new technological techniques without personal awareness and the search for their meaning.

The strategy of psychological assistance in the mastering of activities by the teacher in the system of developmental education is based on the following principles:

1. Psychological assistance to the teaching staff of the school as a whole is preceded by individual psychological assistance to each teacher.

2. The field of activity (educational task, individual educational activity, collectively distributed educational activity, communication) of activity in the RO system is used as a tool for the teacher to understand his own professional practice and his personality, self-determining in RO system.

3. In accordance with the four aspects of the subject of activity, the understanding and analysis of professional practice in the RO system and the personality, self-determining in this practice, is carried out from four basic role positions: theorist of the taught discipline, practical psychologist , social psychologist, social organizer (manager).

4. The emerging practical problems of the teacher's pedagogical activity appear for him as material that requires awareness and search, first of all, of the personal meaning of their solution.

Ways of working with a teacher of a translating type on the path of his self-development into a teacher-mediator are differentiated depending on the nature of the teacher's false self-identifications. If this is self-identification, dictated by the stereotypes of the professional community, then the work is built within the framework of the method of systems analysis and transformation. This method has a significant psychotherapeutic effect of overcoming formalized collective stereotypes. If these are self-identifications associated with the conflict nature of attitudes and the technologism of the actions of a particular teacher, then the general way of working is to stimulate the teacher's over-situational activity. As studies show, the result of such activity is the teacher's self-development, characterized by "qualitative transformations affecting the main structural moments of the initial activity, as well as overcoming the attitudes associated with them as inertial moments in the movement of activity."

Over-situational activity is stimulated due to the fact that analysis turns to the very way of understanding one's own difficulties - through the development of a form of methodologically organized thought action. The sequence of explaining and solving problems is determined by a chain:

The student - the subject of educational activity (otherwise) is accepted as an "operating model" of the idea, i.e. the teacher's idea. Within the framework of this "operating model", a certain sequence of steps unfolds: the teacher mentally occupies the place of the student about the discovery of the objectivity of his activity from his position about understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving his place (the teacher) about building the means of generating the student's actions in the educational form of presenting the program material. The last link is the moment of the emergence of the teacher's mediating position, the psychological foundations of which were revealed by B.D. Elkonin. The inclusion of a peculiar transitional form of his action in the professional biography of a novice teacher of the RO system facilitates the removal of false self-identifications generated by the experience of broadcasting someone else's knowledge.

Let us dwell in more detail on the means developed and tested by us for helping novice teachers of RO, as well as on some preliminary results of the work.

In order to help in removing the restrictive framework of the stereotypes of the professional community of the school of developmental education, we tried the following tools: problem-designing game and collective teacher projects.

The leading idea in using these means is to create a kind of "inviting force" effect in the school of developing education in the form of the emergence and formation of a new professional community. This eventful community of specialists of the RO system is built on a new basis - on the detection of objects and joint activities. The task of detecting and maintaining the objectivity of joint activities is solved by involving the team in the development of the author's concept and the school development program (problem-designing game), as well as by uniting teachers into research teams (departments) that develop projects of meaningful teaching aids in a school of developing education. In the design activities of the team (the end product of which is the content of the community as a whole) and associations of teachers in integral educational areas (aesthetic disciplines, theoretical disciplines, social disciplines, natural disciplines), a new type of goal-setting in the RO system is practiced in the school. This goal-setting is not based on a model (norm) or instruction, but through the study of the substantive foundations of the RO system.

As a result, the stereotypes and taste preferences of specialists are overcome and uniform methodological guidelines emerge. For a number of years, the named effect of the "inviting force" has been felt primarily in the fact that a general new idea (re-emphasis of the subject of activity), as it were, leads and develops the ideas of each particular teacher, pushing the boundaries of the search for their own personal meanings of activity in the RO system.

Thus, the first stage of the problem-designing game "Concept of the RO system school: foundations" made it possible to discover (and keep in the future) a fundamentally different logic of activity in the RO system: from content to technology, from subject-specific grounds to structural-activity and communicative ones, and not vice versa. Thus, the collective discovered and gave a name to the logic of the development of its activity: in our school it is called "the substantive principle of the structure of activity."

At the second stage of the problem-designing game, the developing pedagogical activity of the school was modeled as a kind of structure. In building the model, we fundamentally shifted the emphasis from technology to the content of the professional community. Developing

the properties of the content of educational activity as a whole, in advance created an image of how the priority of subjects and educational areas should change, taking into account the meaning that the child himself puts into them. In practice, this allowed not to initially miss the importance of the subjects of the aesthetic and social-practical cycle in the first stage school, to provide for the need for free educational space in the teenage school, to combine the system of lesson and extracurricular activities of children with a single author's idea. Then, in the microcollections of teachers, the foundations of the structure of each educational area were specially built, taking into account the development of the child's personality in the corresponding type of activity.

The school administration, relying on the general model and projects of educational areas, identified the grounds for developing a curriculum in a school of developing education, as well as the grounds for building a system of unmarked learning and diagnosing its results.

The design activities made it possible to largely remove the "external" obstacles on the path of self-development of a novice teacher of the RO system in the teaching profession. Comparison of diagnostic data for two schools (control and experimental) in 1998 showed that the higher the level of mastery of activities by the community, the higher the level of mastery of activities by the teacher.

Assistance to teachers in overcoming the inconsistency of the attitudes of professional consciousness was carried out on the experimental site of the school during educational and training sessions, during which the emerging practical problems were analyzed and individual ways of solving them were determined.

Each group of problems (related to technology, content or results) was considered in a training session, where the teacher was asked to change the habitual position of the practitioner and consider the problem from the perspective of a researcher. The position of the "researcher" provides for an appeal to the grounds of one's practical actions: subject-specific, structural-activity and communicative. A teacher in the position of a researcher discovers what grounds were left outside the scope of his solution to his professional tasks. This position helps the teacher to correlate his practical actions not only with his usual attitude towards the student as a subject of communication, but also to find that it is incompatible with his attitude towards "transferring knowledge" without the participation (without activity) of the student himself.

For example, in the classroom on the problems of the content of learning ("Teaching as self-change", "Mastering the subject in developmental teaching," "Essential and formal in introspection of the lesson," etc.) teachers first formulate their difficulty in a generalized way: this is theory, and we are practitioners. Obviously, theory does not work in practice. " Then, in the course of discussions and mini-workshops, they reveal that the solution to the problem of how children master the content of developmental programs depends on:
