How often do you think about how our world was arranged today if the result of some key historical events Was it another? What would our planet be, if dinosaurs, for example, were not extinct? Each of our action, the solution automatically becomes part of the past. In fact, there is no present: everything that we do in this minute is no longer changed, it is recorded in the memory of the universe. However, there is a theory, according to which there are many universes, where we live absolutely another life: each our action is associated with a certain choice and, making this choice on our universe, in parallel - "Other I" takes the opposite decision. How justified such a theory from a scientific point of view? Why scientists resorted to her? Let's try to figure out our article.

Multimoom concept of the Universe

For the first time, the theory about the likely multitude of worlds mentioned American physicist Hugh Everett. He suggested his solve one of the main quantum mysteries of physics. Before moving directly to the theory of Hugh Everetta, it is necessary to figure out what the mystery of quantum particles, which does not give rest to the physicists of the whole world for more than a dozen years.

Imagine an ordinary electron. It turns out that it may be in two places at the same time as a quantum object. This property is called the superposition of two states. But the magic does not end. As soon as we want to somehow specify the location of the electron, for example, we will try to knock it down with another electron, then it will become normal from the quantum. How is this possible: the electron was in paragraph A, and in paragraph b and suddenly at a certain point he jumped into b?

Hugh Eversette offered his interpretation of this quantum mystery. According to its multimore theory, the electron continues to exist in two states at the same time. It's all about the observer itself: now it turns into a quantum object and is divided into two states. In one of them, he sees an electron in paragraph A, in another - in B. There are two parallel reality, and in which one is observer, it is unknown. The division on reality is not limited to a number two: their branching depends only on the variation of events. However, all these reality exist independently of each other. We, as observers, fall into one, to get out of which, as well as moving to parallel, is impossible.

Octavio Fossatti /

From the point of view of this concept, the experiment with the most scientific cat in the history of physics is easily explained - Schrödinger Cat. According to the multi-volume interpretation of quantum mechanics, an unhappy cat in the steel chamber is simultaneously alive, and dead. When we reveal this chamber, it seem to merge with the cat and form two states - the living and dead that do not intersect. Two different universes are formed: in one observer with a dead cat, in the other - with alive.

It should be noted immediately note that the multi-volume concept does not imply the presence of a set of universes: it is one, simply multilayer, and each object in it can be in different states. Such a concept cannot be considered an experimentally confirmed theory. So far, this is just a mathematical description of a quantum riddle.

Hugh Everett's theory supports a physicist, professor of the Australian University of Griffith Howard Wiserman, Dr. Michael Hall from the center of quantum dynamics of Griffith University and Dr. Dirk Andre Deckkert from the University of California. In their opinion, parallel worlds really have and endowed with different characteristics. Any quantum riddles and patterns are the consequence of the "repulsion" of each other of the world neighbors. These quantum phenomena arise in order for each world to be like another.

Concept of parallel universes and string theory

From school lessons we remember well that there are two main theories in physics: general Theory Relativity and quantum field theory. The first explains the physical processes in the macromir, the second - in micro. If both of these theories are used on one scale, they will contradict each other. It seems logical, which should exist some common theory applicable to any distances and scales. As such physics, strings theory was put forward.

The fact is that some oscillations arise on a very small scale, which are similar to oscillations from a regular string. These strings are charged with energy. "Strings" are not strings in the literal sense. This is an abstraction that explains the interaction of particles, physical constant values, their characteristics. In the 1970s, when the theory originated, scientists believed that it would become universal to describe all of our world. However, it turned out that this theory only works in a 10-dimensional space (and we live in a four-dimensional). The remaining six dimensions of space are simply folded. But, as it turned out, they are collapsed in a simple way.

In 2003, scientists found out that they can turn around with a huge number of methods, and in each new way its universe is obtained with different physical constants.

Jason BlackEye /

As in the case of a multi-family concept, the strings theory is quite difficult to prove experimentally. In addition, the mathematical apparatus of the theory is so difficult that for each new idea, a mathematical explanation should be sought literally from scratch.

Hypothesis of mathematical universe

Cosmologist, Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Max Tegmark in 1998 put forward his "theory of all" and called it a hypothesis of the mathematical universe. He in his own way solved the problem of the existence of a large number of physical laws. In his opinion, each set of these laws that are consistent from the point of view of mathematics corresponds to an independent universe. The universality of the theory is that with its help you can explain all the variety of physical laws and the values \u200b\u200bof physical constants.

Tegmark offered all worlds on his concept to divide into four groups. The first includes worlds outside our space horizon, so-called non-malactic objects. The second group includes worlds with other physical constants other than our universe. Third - worlds that appear as a result of the interpretation of the laws of quantum mechanics. The fourth group is a certain totality of all universes in which certain mathematical structures are manifested.

As the researcher notes, our universe is not the only one, since the space is infinite. Our world, where we live is limited by space, the light from which came to us for $ 13.8 billion after a large explosion. To learn about other universes, we can reliably even at least a billion years old, while the light from them reaches us.

Stephen Hawking: Black Holes - Path to another Universe

Stephen Hawking is also a supporter of the theory of many universes. One of the most famous scientists in 1988 first introduced his essay "Black holes and young universes." The researcher assumes that black holes are the road to alternative worlds.

Thanks to Stephen Hawking, we know that black holes tend to lose energy and evaporate, while releasing the radiation of Hoking, which received the name of the researcher himself. Before the great scientist made this discovery, the scientific community believed that everything that in any way enters the black hole disappears. Hawking theory refutes this assumption. According to physics, hypothetically, any thing, the subject, the object that fell into a black hole flies out of it and falls into a different universe. However, such a journey is a movement of one way: it is impossible to return back.

Ting of movements to parallel worlds is one of the most popular in science fiction, but do you know what "parallel world"? Once there was a definition: "The parallel world is a world that differs from an objective reality at least one event." But how to be if the worlds are almost the same, because there are twin worlds ... then to this definition It is necessary to add that "this is a world that is physically distinguished from objective reality in time and space at least one unit of measurement."

For more than 80 years since the birth of American physics Hugh Everett III, which more than 50 years ago declared the world, which has real evidence of the existence of a parallel world. Such a statement was met very keenly. Part of scientists eloquently twisted his finger at the temple, others made attempts to convince him that he was mistaken, and the third - they just shook her hand and thanked for the appearance of excellent "excuses" for his wife (when to the question of where a person was delayed, it is possible to answer - got into the parallel world and got lost).

This, of course, all the jokes, but some of the scientists really sincerely admired scientific discovery Everett. It was their support that was the reason that the young American scientist decided to consult with Nils Bohr about his discovery. However, shortly before that, he was visited by two representatives of the FBI, which strongly recommended him to contact the Pentagon. And they were their reasons. If rumors about the existence of parallel worlds will be true, it will give tremendous opportunities to deter state of Soviet military force ...

To Nilsu Bor Everett still went, capturing his wife as a support group. Bor asked him to try to speak out in 10 minutes, but very soon lost interest in what a young scientist said, and then he said at all that his ideas were untenable.

However, that there is a certain entrance to parallel worlds, people believed in ancient times, but there was no scientific evidence. In this, English scientists believe that, as evidence, the case of mysterious disappearances in Kent in the "laughter's house" is given. In 1998, four visitor did not come from there. In search of children a police was connected, but no traces of children could not be detected. Three years later, the story was repeated. This time two more children were gone, and then. What is noteworthy, all children knew well a friend of Ruga, and the disappearance occurred in the last Thursdays of the month.

In the fact that the parallel worlds exist, they believe Russian scientists. For example, Dr. Philosophical Sciences Vladimir Arshinov argues that this is not about 2-3 models of the existence of worlds, and there can be 267 units.

You ask: how to get there? Find the entrance to another world is not very simple. But, perhaps, it is for the better, since cases when a person who came there was successfully returned back, much less cases with absolute disappearance.

Recently, the topic of parallel worlds has become particularly relevant and fashionable. It is often resorted to it when it is impossible to explain the nature of a physical phenomenon.

In the archive of each country there are a large amount of information about mysterious disappearances, which, as a rule, remain outside of science. And there is a reason - it is almost impossible to comprehend the causes of mysterious events, and the candidate cannot be protected (you can simply have a scientific career). Fortunately, there is a minor part of scientists who are still taken for conducting research of mysterious movements. And more and more of their number is inclined to the idea that the theory of the existence of parallel worlds has the full right to exist.

The main position of the theory is the statement that in the universe there is a few parallel worlds, and with most of them, humanity can communicate. The easiest case of communication is a dream. The subconscious of a person during sleep draws the necessary information, and the speed of its transfer is much higher than the same speed in the real world: in a few hours of sleep, a person can "live" not only months, but also years of his life, and in one minute of sleep in front of a person can rush A whole film.

But in a dream, people can see not only those objects that surround them in real everyday life. Sometimes a person is starred and some incomprehensible, strange, indefinite images that are not similar to any of the existing objects in reality. How do they appear from?

The huge universe consists of small atoms that have a large inner energy, while remaining invisible to humans. Nevertheless, no one denies the fact of their existence, since the person himself consists of atoms. Atoms are in permanent motionAt the same time, their oscillations have different frequency, speed and direction of movement. Due to this, humanity and may exist.

Let's think that it would have happened if a person could move with radio wave speed. Then, to heat the whole globe and again to be at the same place would be required some fractions of seconds. At the same time, there would be enough time to consider the flaming islands, the mainland and oceans. And third-party observers would not even notice anything, because the person's eye cannot fix such a speed movement.

And now imagine that there is the same world nearby, but the speed of its movement is several orders of magnitude higher than ours. Then, understandable thing, we would not be able to fix it, but our subconscious - does it always. Therefore, there is a feeling that the person you see for the first time in my life is familiar to you, or you have ever been in one place or another, although you know for sure that there is no. But no matter how you tried to remember - you will not succeed, because it happened somewhere at the intersection of worlds. This is how the contact of the worlds with different speeds is carried out, and it is then that there are mysterious cases that have not yet have a real explanation.

In 1901, two school teachers E.Gorden and A. Moberli, decided to go on Easter holidays on a tour of Paris. Before that, they were never in France, therefore were amazed by the magnificence of the architecture of Paris. When they were on excursions in the Versailles Palace, with them, one mysterious incident occurred. After a detailed examination of the woman himself, the woman went to the Small Tranon, which was located on the territory of the palace. But since they did not have a plan, then, it is clear that they got lost. Soon they met two men dressed in the costumes of the 18th century. Having accepted them for servants, the teachers asked the road. Men looked at them somehow strangely, and not a word, showed hand in an indefinite direction. Soon the women met a young woman with a child in an old-fashioned dress, but again did not give it meanings. And only when they met another group, which spoke on unfamiliar French adverbs, the teachers began to understand that something strange was happening. However, these people still indicated the path. When they approached the Small Trianon, they were amazed, having met the lady there, apparently, the aristocrat, which painted in the album landscape. The lady, seeing women, was horrified. And only then the teachers finally understood that somehow incomprehensiblely fell into the past. Just instantly, the picture has changed, and a group of quite modern tourists appeared at the place of the lady.

Women agreed to not talk anyone about what happened, but in 1911, when both began to teach Oxford in College, decided to write about their unusual journey. At that time, they studied in detail the history of Versailles and came to the conclusion that they got in 1789, and the lady saw - no one else, like Maria Antoinette itself.

There was a lot of skeptics who were questioned by the truthfulness of history. But soon they changed their mind, because a plan made by the Royal Architect soon was found, which described all the details described by women.

The incident described is perhaps one of the most famous when in front of a person living in modern world, Suddenly there are scenes from the past, but such cases occurred later. In 1926, in London, two women, walking, went off the road and found themselves on the territory of a large manor. When they reported that there were no buildings in that place for a long time, women returned to the place again, but, of course, did not find anything except the road and the ditch.

There were cases when a person disappeared without a trace. So, for example, in February 1964, a lawyer from California Thomas Mechan after the next working day, sat down his car and went home. But no one saw him at home. Before the disappearance, he saw a nurse hospital in Gerberville. According to her, a young man came to them, who introduced himself by Mehanom and who complained about terrible pain. When a nurse turned away for a minute to check the number of the insurance policy, the man disappeared. At about the same time, the police found a lawyer car in an accident, near which traces of a person were discovered. However, after a few meters, they broke out, as if the person was simply dissolved in the air. The body of the mechanic was discovered 30 kilometers from the accident site. But, as it turned out, he died not at all from the wound received during the accident, but drowned, and drowned at the time when he was seen in the hospital ...

The mysterious case occurred in 1988, when the car hit an unknown man on the streets of Tokyo, who as if he fell from the sky. The police surprised the robe of this man, which was obviously old, but even more they were amazed when his passport saw. He was issued 100 years ago. In one of the pockets, I found a business card with an indication of the profession - this man was the artist of the Tokyo Imperial Theater. But the specified street did not exist for more than 70 years. Police conducted a survey of all residents with the same name. One old woman said that her father was disappeared with mysterious circumstances, and demonstrated a photo on which a young girl who fell under the car was holding a small girl in his hands. The photo was the date - 1902.

Cases of mysterious disappearances were observed and quite recently. So, a few years ago, on the train, which was driving in Acapulco, in a coupe, where there was only a woman with a child and a young surgeon, a strange man appeared unexpectedly in a long camsole. He was a wig on his head, and in his hands - a feather and a big wallet. When the surgeon ran around the conductor, a strange person disappeared. Under the subjects left, scientists determined that they belong to the 18th century. And in the archives, it was possible to find records that the bishop de Balenciaga (a strange person introduced himself with this name) said that, returning home at night, he saw the "Devil's Iron crew" in front of him, and then turned out to be inside him. Then, some incomprehensible way, the bishop was again on one of the streets of Mexico City. After such stories, he was taken for the crazy.

What to do with similar phenomena? Is it possible to consider them truthful or better to take them to the category of hallucinations? But how then to explain that one and the same phenomenon see several people at once? Replies to these questions modern science Can not be provided.

Scientists announced evidence of existence parallel universes

    The universe was born in infinity. Despite the fact that in our universe a huge amount of matter and options for its interaction, the number of components of its particles of course. And yet scientists believe that other particles of other universes can exist, which are simply invisible for the limited speed of the universe light.

    Our ultimate universe has a number of endless worlds. This conclusion proceeds from the fact that the big explosion was not the beginning of existence, but only the process of transformation due to the accumulation of the ratio space-time. This means that the infinite number of finite universes was formed.

    Around famous person The universe exists other finite worlds. If at first in all the worlds formed, everything was completely the same, then quantum uncertainty joined the case and an infinite number of changes and development options appeared.

Scientists prove the existence of parallel worlds.

  • "Parallel Universes exist": the theory claims that many of our variations live in alternative worlds that interact with each other.

  • Researchers argue that parallel worlds constantly affect each other.

  • This is because, instead of a collapse, in which quantum particles "choose" whether to take it, or another state, they actually occupy both states at the same time.

  • The theory can solve some of the misunderstandings in quantum mechanics.

  • In theory, it is assumed that some worlds are almost identical to our, but most of them are different.

  • The theory may allow one day to penetrate these worlds.

According to the controversial theory, proposed in 1997, the physicist-theorient of Juan Maldasen The Universe is a hologram and everything you see - including this article and the device you read it is just a projection.
Until now, this amazing theory has not been tested, but the latest mathematical models show that the principle is stunned by the principle.
According to the theory, gravity in the universe comes from thin, vibrating strings.

These strings are holograms of events that occur in a simpler, flat space.

The model of Professor Moldasmen suggests that the Universe exists simultaneously in nine dimensions of space.

In December, the Japanese researchers tried to solve this problem by providing mathematical evidence that the holographic principle could be correct.
The holographic principle assumes that, like a security chip on a credit card, for example, there is a two-dimensional surface that contains all the information necessary to describe a three-dimensional object - which is our universe in this case.
In fact, the principle argues that the data containing a description of the volume of space - for example, a person or comet - can be hidden in the area of \u200b\u200bthis flattened, "real" version of the universe.

For example, in a black hole, all objects that ever fall into it will be completely preserved in surface oscillations. This means that objects will be stored almost as "memory" or a data fragment, but not as an existing real object.
Like Everett, Professor Wisman and his colleagues offer that the universe in which we exist this is just one of the gigantic number of worlds.
They believe these worlds are almost identical to our, while most of them are completely different.
All these worlds are equally real, existing continuously in time, and have precisely specific properties.

They suggest that quantum phenomena arise from the universal repulsion force between 'neighboring' worlds, which makes them even more dissimilar.
Dr. Michael Hall from the center of the quantum dynamics of Griffith added that the theory of the theory of many interacting worlds may even create a unique opportunity for experiments and finding these worlds ..
"The beauty of our approach is that if there is only one world, our theory comes down to Newton's mechanics, and if there is a gigantic number of worlds, it reproduces the quantum mechanics," he says.

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Our universe is a genus of the Most High - manifests itself as a limitless set of parallel worlds. The entire visible world is a cascade of causal chains, and not only the future, but also inherent in multivariate.

Modern fantasy did not invent anything new, but only borrowed ideas about the existence of other worlds from ancient traditions and beliefs, and they are easily lost in them, and not realizing where the truth. Paradise, hell, Olympus, Valhalla, Svarga are classic examples of "alternative universes", which differ from the usual real world. Today there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe multimedia universe as a set of independent "planes of existence" (one of them is the usual world), whose laws are vary. So it is possible to logically explain magical, unusual phenomena that are completely common in some "planes".

Thus, the parallel world is a reality that exists simultaneously with ours, but regardless of it. This autonomous reality may have different sizes: from a small geographic area to the whole universe. In the parallel world, the events occur in their own way, he may differ from our world, both in separate details and dramatically, almost in everything. The physical laws of the parallel world are not necessarily similar to the laws of our world. So for many centuries, we simply coexist nearby. At some points in the time of the border, separating us, become almost transparent, and ... Uninvited guests appear in our world (or we become guests). Some of our "guests", alas, leave much to be desired, but the choice of neighbors depends on us. The most closer to us are the natural spirits with which we are familiar with both children's feelings, and tales, epics, fairy tales. For example, the same houses, led, water, etc. with them you can easily make friends or come into contact, get their help. With residents of parallel worlds a little more difficult, for interaction with them we need certain portals and outputs.

Parallel worlds - branches of one tree of life

The image of the tree of life is an archetype, with which you can explain many phenomena in the universe. The tree of life is both a tree of a kind, where every twig denotes a certain ancestor, this is the symbol of the unity of three worlds - Rights, Javi and Navi. Using the way of a tree of life, our ancestors also represented the space of options, the creation of multiplexing of the world from one whole. Different worlds are like branches of the same tree of life.

And now many scientists speak about it. So, physicist Hugh Everett outlined the metatheraje, according to which the Universe at every moment of time branches into parallel micrometers. Each such world is a certain combination of microscopy, which could be realized due to probability variability of the world. In other words, each such world - as it were, the branch of the tremendous tree of times (chronodendritis), developing at the time of branch, already in its laws. Thus, the Tree Times is our large universe, implementing all possible motion options for matter. We live in one of the branches of the time of the times, forming a metavitamine with stars, gravity, entropy and other phenomena. Tree times - this is essentially the space of all the possibilities laid down by probabilistic laws. The branch of the tree, so there is a line of implementing one possibility from among all those consisting in the previous node.

The ability of the universe to branch proves the experience carried out by Christopher Monroe from the Institute of Standards and Technology (USA). The experience looked as follows: Scientists took the helium atom and a powerful laser pulse broke out one of two electrons. The resulting Ion helium immobilized, lowered its temperature almost to absolute zero. The electron remaining in the orbit existed two possibilities: either rotate clockwise or against. But physicists have deprived of his choice, turning the particle all the same laser beam. This is where an incredible event happened. The helium atom twisted, realizing himself immediately in both conditions: in one electron spinning clockwise, in another - counterclockwise ... and although the distance between these objects was only 83 nanometers, but traces of both atoms were clearly visible at the interference picture. It was a real physical equivalent of "Schrödinger's cats", which is alive and dead at the same time.

In other words, in the event of circumstances in which, for example, one object should show two opposite properties, the entire universe is divided into two branches. In this case, the vector of time from one-dimensional becomes multidimensional, i.e. There are several parallel time vectors.

Thus, we are with you, our relatives and friends, and simply outsiders not only have the opportunity to make the whole range of a wide variety of actions every minute, but also we carry them out, and live simultaneously in thousands of worlds! Since, however, at any point in time, we have the opportunity to make or not commit such a rich range of actions, or we do not have a choice at all, it can be assumed that our twins are no longer billion, but rather hundreds or even less.

And now remember the image of our nesting, which, as it were, the world in the world. Are there those parallel worlds there are displayed? It turns out that our ancestors knew this for many millennia. We are with you, dear reader, live simultaneously in many worlds, and it is in the world that we perceive most (vibration of our consciousness), we are at the moment. If a person has his own soul lifts (consciousness) at the same time in several dimensions, we have a shamanic disease or modern tongue - schizophrenia to one degree or another. The world in which we live, our ancestors called Maya, a divine game is an illusory world that is perceived through the prism of our consciousness that has passed through many karmic rebirths, so everything in the world is relatively and irred. From the point of view of quantum mechanics, nothing true and final cannot exist at all!

The worlds of parallel vectors call the worlds of variations, virtual worlds or just Maya, i.e. Worlds, whose existence is possible. In addition to worlds variations, there are worlds of reality - various realities, where the laws of physics can greatly differ, giving an incomprehensible diversity of life forms. It can be a whole "garden" trees of various reality. All this design of the kind of the Most High and the original point, which served as the reason for the start of such a development of events.

Travel between the worlds

We see the world Through the prism of our consciousness, which today proved quantum physics. In order to see the invisible, you need to change or develop programs in your consciousness, with which we can see other worlds. For this, in many cultures of the world, including our Slavic, whole systems of interaction with worlds around us have been developed, as well as with their inhabitants.

How can I submit a trip to other reality? The transition between the branches of the Time (Chronodendritis) is, in fact, the passage from one dimension to another, like through the doors. We know that our space is three-dimensional, i.e. Compiled from three mutually perpendicular vectors. Imagine now that our physical space itself is one of the space vectors of a higher hierarchy. Other vectors will be time and probability, or event variability. Since time is an additional measurement for each tree and each reality, then passing inside the tree with one "branch" to another, we can remain in the same time interval. The transition between branches or reflections perpendicular to the time vector should, according to logic, accompanied by the traveler's personal time stop.

How did you travel between the worlds our ancestors?

Our ancestors used the world map for such travel, which is Holy Alatyr. Alatyr is a map of worlds, and a schematic representation of the population of the Most High, his physical body. Star Alatyr has 8 petals, and if eight multiplied to eight - the sacred number 64 will be 54. This is the number of ancestors in the seventh generation, it is 64 the concepts of the world's creation, this is a two-wheel and decimal calculus system, with which we can realize the world (kind Most High and all its manifestations). If you refer to the numerology, then the genusity is a digit unit, and 6 + 4 \u003d 10, that is, a unit with a transition to a new development, which symbolizes zero. As you can see, the number 64 gives a complete understanding of the unit, that is, the kind of Most High.

What are the ways of transitions to other reality?

Suppose that moving can occur in two ways: with the help of a man and a man-made tool (portal) or a way that does not require the participation of something other than the consciousness of the operator (transfer). Also hypothetically describe and transition methods. In the case of the portal, the boundaries of the worlds are broken in a particular place, and the channel is formed between these ruptures, according to which the person moves from one world to another. When transferring - the channel and breaking space is not formed. On the contrary, the operator seeps itself through the border of worlds. It is clear that the portal requires less skill and energy from the side of the operator, since the portal has its own source of energy.

The portal is a "door" between reality or reflections. It can be configured to a certain place or can go into many worlds and at different times. Some portals can be in certain places (where they are built) and cannot move. It's just a place where the "door" is located. Other portals can be a certain object.

Presumably, the portal should consist of two parts: input and output. If, for example, the output is blocked, the portal will not act, or return to the entrance. Portals, probably, can be one-sided and double-sided. One way only leads one way, and it is impossible to return through it. Two-sided allows you to move and back.

Looking a portal can in different ways. From our ancestors there are many of them, and most of Of these, working. This is a mountain godt, and stone grave, it is dolmena in the Crimea, and many other places. Often, the Rhodes Fire RPP spends excursions with trainings and practitioners in power.

Portals are visible and invisible. The invisible portal is some kind of definite place, when the transfer process is initiated into which is initiated. The transfer is carried out forcibly or at will. Forced transfer is similar to moving through the pipe. He immediately transfers a person to the exit, only some part of the body falls into the sphere of its action. Option "Optional" has a view of a hole (for example, flickering air), between the entrance place and the exit place. Through this hole, you can, being at the entrance, look into the place of exit and see what happens there without moving all the body.

The location in the portal may be permanent (in the case of stationary portals), or selective (in case of temporary portals). At the same time, the entrance place can not be allocated among the surroundings. Portals are likely to occur spontaneously. Physicists are also offered to such a term as "moles" or "wormworms".

The most dangerous in moving through the portals is when it comes out of it inside some object, substance, above or below the Earth.

Possible types of portals:

1. Pricing space (or teleportation) is a transition within our world, but in place, separated from the entrance of hundreds or thousands of kilometers. When this portal passes, the object is moving over long distances in a short period of time. Here we are talking about moving perpendicular to the vector of space. These are rare, but encountered cases of teleportation.

2. The energy portal is a place (subject) that can pass only energy from one world to another. The existence of such portals is known for some practitioners with mirrors.

3. The reflection portal is a place specifically designed to move between any of the existing worlds of variations or reflections. It can be assumed to look like man-made reflections portals: cards, paintings and other images. With the use of certain technologies, images having energy communications with a remote place (peace) are manufactured. They are depicted part of the world in the place of exit from the portal. Sometimes such portals arise by themselves under the influence of unknown natural factors acting in places of force or as a result of the activities of some reasonable creatures.

4. The world portal is a place specifically designed to move between any of the existing worlds of reality. Here, under realities, they mean drastically differing worlds that cannot be reflections to each other. As well as the reflections portal, the portal of worlds is some physical object in our reality. There is information that there may be an intermediate option when part of the physical object is in the same world, and everything else is in the other. Some of the megalithic structures - mengirors, croms, labyrinths - can actually be such portals, and their partial destruction or apparent incomplete structure may mean that part of the construction does not belong to our world.

5. The gates of worlds are rather a state than a place or structure. The position from which you can get into many worlds variations or worlds of reality. Usually the portal has one input and one output. The world's gates have one input and many outlets. They are a point in which these worlds are connected. The gates are everywhere and anywhere at the same time. Like a thin imperceptible thread, they permeate the tissue of reality and belong to each world and not one of them separately.

Let us dwell on this method of displacements. Since worlds may have an infinite number of points of contact, the place of manifestation of the gates of worlds in this reality can be any. That is, the entrance to them can open anywhere in any reality.

Since the gates of worlds do not have a "real flesh", i.e. They do not exist in reality, a person falling into this place forms appearance The gates for yourself. What he imagines them, they will be like that for him. For some, they are a huge arch, for others - the tower, leaving the wind, for the third - a corridor with a lot of doors, cave, etc.

In order for the gates of the worlds to be realized in this place of this reality, it is necessary to have a special state of consciousness, which are owned by people who have written by the science of the ancestors of the Magicians.

Thus, we described possible outputs into parallel worlds. If we need to realize not just the "neighbors", but to know the genus of the Most High, then here we use the map of the worlds - a Tree Alatyr. This card is superimposed on the human body (consciousness) and has 10 units of creatures of the world (8 - on Coke, 9 and 10 - Central - all this connects in itself and gives an output to a new reality), and also contains 64 variations of the manifestation of the genus . The output is then done in the astral body through itself, in a special state of consciousness. Since we are part of God, it is necessary to search for him through ourselves, in this way, not only the world, but also themselves. No wonder in all temples and in all mysteries it was written: "Know yourself." In addition, the password is needed to enter each door of the worlds, which is the name of the god-guardian or guardian god of the gate of a world, it is with him further travels beyond the verge of the unknown and knowledge of the Most High. This art is owned by Magni-whale and transmit it to their chosen disciples through Raina Waughty, since it is in the knowledge of an unknown Mag. "It is helping the creation of the world, thereby speaking, thus, the creatures of the kind of Most High. It is from there that we will open the secrets of the universe and is given to the Volkhov force. Such people in life deliberately can make a transition or new birth, or in the world of others with which they already interact, and further continue to fulfill their purpose. After death about such people they say they left, and not died.

Millennies people wanted to blow the threshold of secrets and find out what was hiding on the other side of reality. How to get to another world? There is no final answer to this question, but to close the eyes to a huge number of facts, evidence of real people and scientific explanations is simply impossible.

What is a parallel world?

Parallel world, or fifth dimension is an invisible human eye space that exists with the real life of people. The dependencies between it and the usual world is not. It is believed that its size can be very much: from the pea to the universe. The patterns of events, the rules of physics and other "solid" statements that are valid in the world of people can absolutely not work in the invisible reality. Everything that happens there may have small deviations from the usual lifestyle or differ dramatically.


Multivesened is the fiction of science fiction writers. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning to the creations of science fiction, because many years of observation experience has shown that they are almost always with amazing accuracy predict the development of events and future humanity. The concept of Multivalene suggests that, in addition to familiar earthlings of the world, there are a huge many unique worlds. Moreover, not all of them are material. The land is associated with other invisible reality at the level of spiritual communication.

Guess on the existence of parallel worlds

With ancient times there are many speculations about whether there is a fifth dimension in fact. Interestingly, the question of how to get into another world, the great minds of the distant past were asked. In the works of democrites, epicuris and methhodtera of Chios, you can find similar thoughts. Some tried to even prove the existence of the "other side" by scientific research. Democrite argued that the absolute emptiness pays a large number of worlds. Some of them, according to him, are very similar to our, even in the smallest detail. Others are completely different from earthly reality. The thinker justified his theories on the basis of the basic principle of exemption - equality. Scientists of the past past also talked about the unity of time: the past, present, the future is at one point. From this it follows that the transition is not so difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism of transition from one point to another.

Modern science

Modern science does not deny the possibility of the existence of other worlds. This moment is examined in detail, constantly open something new. Even the fact that scientists of the whole world allow the theory of multivalented, already speaks of many ways. Science justifies this assumption with the help of quantum mechanics and supporters of this theory believe that possible worlds are incredibly much - up to 10 in five hundred. There is also an opinion that the number of parallel realities is not limited at all. However, answer the question of how to get into the parallel world, science can not yet. Every year it opens up even more unknown. Perhaps, in the near future, people will be able to make instant journey between the universe.

Esoterics and psychics argue that to get into another world is quite possible. However, it should be noted that it is not always safe. In order to penetrate the secret world, it is necessary to change the brain. It is advisable to practice the following: lying on the bed, try to fall asleep, relax the body, but keep the mind in consciousness. It will be difficult to achieve this or similar consciousness, but it is worth continuing.

The main problem of newcomers is that it is very difficult to relax the body and be conscious at the same time. In such cases, a person is unbearable, I want to shove in, at least a little move, or he just falls asleep. Approximately a month of training - and you can teach the body to such practices. After that, you should dive into a new state more and deeper. Each time new sounds, voices, pictures will appear. Soon can be moved to another reality. The main thing is not to fall asleep, but aware that you crossed the threshold of the parallel world. This method is possible in another variation. You need to do the same, but immediately after waking up. Opening your eyes, you need to fix the body, but wake up the mind. The immersion in another world in this case is faster, but many do not stand and fall asleep again. In addition, it is necessary to awaken only at a certain time - it is desirable about 4 am, since it is during this period of a person the most subtle.

Another way is meditation. The key difference from the first method is that there is no connection with sleep, and the process itself should occur in a sitting position. The complexity of this approach consists in the need to clear the mind from unnecessary thoughts, which incessantly attend a person as soon as he tries to concentrate. There are many techniques in order to pacify naughty thoughts. For example, you need to not interrupt the flow, but to give it freedom, but not to be included in and to be only an observer. You can also concentrate on numbers, a specific point, etc.

The danger that other worlds make in

The reality of the parallel worlds pays a lot of unexplored. But the real threat from which you can face on the other side are unfriendly entities. In order to control your fear and avoid trouble, you need to know who and what is alarming. The entrance to the parallel world will make much easier if you know that frightening entities are just the cause of the past. Fears from childhood, cinema, books, etc. - All this can be found in parallel reality. The main thing is to understand that these are only phantoms, and not real creatures. As soon as the fear of them disappears, they will disappear. Residents of invisible worlds are mostly friendly or indifferent. Scare or create troubles, they are unlikely to be, but still you should not annoy them. However, there is still a chance to communicate the unkind spirit. In this case, it is enough to overcome your fear, because harm from the activity of the other essence will not be anyway. Do not forget that the past, present, the future contact, so there is always a way out. You can also think about the house, and then the soul is most likely to come back into the body.

How to get into the parallel world through the elevator

Esoterics assure that the elevator can help in the transition to the parallel world. It serves the "door", which you need to be able to turn off. Make a journey through the elevator best at night or in the dark time. In the cabin it is necessary to be alone. It is worth noting that if during the commission of the ritual to the elevator there will be any person, then nothing will succeed. After entering the cabin, you should move on the floors in next order: 4-2-6-2-1. Then you should go to the 10th floor and go down to 5. A woman will come to the cabin, it is impossible to talk to her. You should press the 1st floor button, but the elevator will go to 10. You cannot press other buttons, since the ritual will be interrupted. How to understand that the transition has accomplished? In parallel reality you will only. It should be noted that it is not worth looking for a companion - the warmed was not a man. In order to get into the human world, it is necessary to accomplish a ritual with an elevator (floors, buttons) in the reverse order.

Rota in other reality

You can penetrate into another reality with the help of a mirror, because it is a mystical gate to all other worlds. They enjoy sorcerers and magicians who own the necessary knowledge. The transition through the mirror is always possible. In addition, with it, you can not only travel on other universes, but also to conjure. That is why it is still preserved customs of the mirrors after the death of a person. It is not just like that, because the soul of the deceased during his house wanders. Thus, the astral body says goodbye to last life. The soul itself is hardly wanting to harm its relatives, but at such moments the portal opens through which various entities can penetrate. They can scare or try to drain the astral body of a living person into a parallel reality.

There are several rituals with mirrors. To answer the question of how people get into parallel worlds, it is necessary to understand the essence of the mirror ritual, because this item is the original conductor in another world.

Mirror and candles

This is an old method that uses to this day. It is necessary to put two mirrors opposite each other. They must be parallel. A candle must be in advance to buy in the temple. It is necessary to place it between the mirrors so that the corridor is from a set of candles. You should not be afraid if the flame starts to sneak, it may well be. This means that invisible entities are already with you. For this ritual, you can use not only candles. Fit LEDs or colored panels. But it is best to use that the candles, since their blinking corresponds to the frequency of the human brain. It helps to enter a person in a meditative condition. And enter it must be necessary, since, being conscious, you can be very frightened. The consequence may be not only interrupted ritual, but also joining another entity to you. It is necessary to conduct a ritual in complete darkness and silence. In the room there should be only one person.

Mirror and prayer

It is necessary to buy a circular mirror on Saturday. Its perimeter should be protected by the words "our own" on the contrary, write red ink. On the night of Thursday it is necessary to put a mirror under the pillow, up the mirror side. It is necessary to turn off the light, go to bed and pronounce your name. It is necessary to do this until the dream is overtaken. There will be a person in another world. In order to get out of other reality, it is necessary to find an animal in it, which will be exactly the same as in the real life, and go after it. The danger of all the acts is that the conductor can not be found, and the astral body will forever remain in the parallel world or, even worse between the worlds.

Path in the past

For many years and even centuries, people want to find out the answer to the question of how to get into the past. There are two known methods that can move a person in time. The most famous is "mole holes" - small tunnels in space that serve as a link in the past and present. But ... scientific studies show that Nora closes faster than a person will have time to cross her threshold. Based on this, it can be argued that it is necessary to find a way to delay the opening of the tunnel, and will become reasonable not only with esoteric, but also from the scientific position.

The second way is to visit places on Earth, which have a certain energy. Such travels have a huge number of real evidence. Moreover, sometimes people do not even know how to get into the past, but turn out to be there by chance, by visiting the powerful place of the Earth. The territory with a pronounced supernatural energy is called "Power Place". It is scientifically verified that the work of any installations is worsening there or does not fail. And those indicators that manage to measure are excavated.

Work with subconscious

Another way is to work with the subconscious. How to get into a parallel world with brain? Quite difficult, but feasible. To do this, it is necessary to enter a state of severe relaxation, create a gate and go through the portal. It sounds simple, but to achieve results. It is necessary to have several factors: a huge desire, ownership of meditation techniques, the ability to visualize the space in detail and ... no fear. Many say that when the result is achieved, they often lose touch with another world of fear. It takes a certain time to overcome it, so you should be prepared to be in another reality at any time.
