Posted by the author - - March 5, 2014

Studying is really important in our life. A lot depends on the level of our education. Most employers today prefer to hire highly specialized professionals who are capable of doing jobs that few can do. This point is covered in more detail in the article "". Today we will talk about how good to study how to make the process more fun and how to get the best results.

Let's start with some of the basics. Study is a process that requires large energy resources, since mental activity takes up a lot of energy. I'm sure you probably noticed how when you came home from class, you felt really overwhelmed and tired. Sometimes it happens that physical exercise do not take as much energy as mental activity. Even a similar experiment was carried out, which confirmed these assumptions.

So, from all this, an essential conclusion suggests itself. By analogy, the brain can be compared to a muscle. That is, it can be developed in such a way that, due to the heavy load, it will increase its resources and, as a result, it becomes more and more effective. That is, if you actively use your mental abilities during the week, then it will be much easier for you to do this later. Now imagine that you are developing your brain every day for several years. Can you imagine what results can be achieved in this field? You did the right thing in asking how good it is to study at school.

How does all this relate to our theme. If you want to do well, you need to do it consistently, regularly, and urgently. How can you do this? Read in my article "" about the way to achieve results on a daily basis. In short, you need to define three parameters: minimum, standard and maximum. Further, depending on your capabilities, you should run one of these programs. That is, if you have no strength at all, then you should stop at the minimum program, etc.

Another important point which is associated with education is your discipline, attention and willpower. You can read about the second characteristic in my article "", the rest will be described in the following articles, so if you do not want to miss the updates, be sure to subscribe to new posts. You can do this at the end of the post or by clicking on this link.

In order to improve your academic performance, you must first of all understand why you need all this. Some children do not understand why they go to school. It's just that the parents demand from them any result, but they do not at all talk about where the knowledge gained will be useful to them. Firstly, this is the fault of the parents themselves, since upbringing includes not only the process of physical adaptation of children. Secondly, there is the fault of the children themselves, since they do not think about the future. This is especially true for students, since they are already adults and must be fully responsible for their own lives.

So, in order to understand how best to study at school, try to find stimulus or motivation for yourself to take action. It can be very diverse. First of all, if you are in school, it may be a desire to enroll in good university... Now everyone has the opportunity to get into any Russian university on a budgetary basis, if they study well enough. You just need to become a good exam. This may be motivating enough to improve academic performance.

Another example is interesting work. It's very hard to find for real now interesting work, which will pay pretty good money if you are not educated enough, so a great study can be really serious motivation. A scholarship can be distinguished from the same series. If you are a student and study on a commercial basis, then a great study will help you transfer on a budget, and if you are already getting a scholarship, then it can go much more. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

It's important to remember that motivation should really inspire you. That is, you have to find something that will help you get out of bed and go to study. This is often quite problematic to do. Since laziness gets in the way. To get rid of it forever, read. Remember, motivation cannot come on purpose. Listen to your feelings. What do you want the most. What are you drawn to. And keep developing in this area. I'm sure you will succeed. You are interested in this, how to start studying well.

Finally, I would like to say that you can turn to your friends and parents for advice. Yes, their point of view may be different from yours, but you will surely get direction to help you develop your train of thought. By the way, at this time it is already necessary to deal with that.

Surprisingly, our daily routine has a good effect on our academic performance. How it manifests itself. Let's look at everything with a specific example to better understand. Let's say you leave for class at 8 a.m. and arrive at 2 p.m. Sit down to eat, and then rest until 8 pm and only then sit down to cook homework... Your body is not used to working efficiently and therefore there is more and more apathy and more and more laziness. Your activity loses its meaning.

Try to change your regime in such a way as to deal with tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is best to do this while your body is still in working order, that is, right after exercise. Try to do it for 3-4 weeks. homework immediately after you come home. At first, you will not be good at it, your whole body will resist such changes, but soon you will realize that this is the ideal way, since all tasks will already be solved, and you will still have a whole day ahead.

What else can you add to this advice on the issue, how to start learning better... Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. Some authors recommend getting up at 5 a.m. and getting a lot more done. Usually, this practice is not suitable for schoolchildren and students. On a typical schedule, I recommend that you go to bed at 11-24 pm and get up at 7 am. During this time, you can get a good night's sleep and get a good rest. By the way, if you do it at the same time, your body will get used to it, and you will be able to become much more efficient.

It would be a good idea to set aside time for sports in your schedule. Remember that if you sit and do no exercise all the time, over time, your body will begin to lose some of the really important energy that you could channel into productive activities. Try to keep your energy levels high at all times. To do this, eat the right food and do not forget to unload your brains. That is, just lie in silence and not think about anything. Believe me, after such exercises, the effectiveness of the study increases significantly. Check it out in practice, the result will surprise you.

To reach good results in the field of study, a regular school or student program will not be enough for you. Your brain will demand more, new knowledge and skills that will facilitate the learning state. It's not for nothing that you say: “ I want to study well". If you said such a phrase, it means that the current state of affairs is of serious concern to you, and you want to change the situation. So, this post is an example of such additional education.

You can start to study some additional area, like psychology with me. You can engage in scientific practice or deeply study the culture of any country, that is, your task is to get as much knowledge as possible. Moreover, this knowledge should be of interest to you. A randomly chosen area is unlikely to catch your attention. Think about what has always been of interest to you, and deepen your knowledge in this area. Maybe it will bring you even more pleasure than the previously chosen motivation.

Let's say you want be smart and study well... I advise you to read my article "How to get smarter", it will help you deal with the first part of your question. Now let's take a closer look at how to find an area that is interesting enough for you. I myself do not believe that I am saying this, but the TV will help you. There are many useful TV channels like Discovery that show educational programs. So, look at a few. One of them will definitely attract you. Try to dig in this direction and you will 100% find exactly the area that will be really interesting for you to study.

Another option is to sign up for special classes in the chosen field. For example, you can start learning foreign language... Find a school in your city that provides teaching services in this topic and sign up for classes. This will not only help you expand your knowledge level and improve your academic performance, but also introduce you to many new people, many of whom can become your good friends. Communication is always good.

As a last resort, you can find such group classes conducted over the Internet. For example, blogging is a kind of hobby group. That is, people exchange knowledge on a topic with the help of personal journals and read about some new knowledge. It turns out quite interesting and informative. And blogging itself can be called such an area, since mastering it requires a lot of additional knowledge.

The most popular answer to the question, what you need to do to study well Is to read more books... This is not surprising, because they store a truly huge repository of knowledge that will surely help you improve your academic performance. Especially if you read specialized books. How to understand this? Let's try to explain.

Let's say you're studying to be a marketer. In the course of your studies, you have many specialties, some of which seem really important to you, and some unnecessary. So, try to prioritize learning and highlight exactly those subjects that seem to you the most meaningful. After that, go to the library and find at least three books (not textbooks) that will help you better assimilate the passed option and read it.

If we are talking about subjects that are core to this specialty, then you need to read such books to the maximum. The first will contain maximum amount new knowledge, and then you will learn less and less new. This suggests that you are becoming professionals in your chosen specialty. Of course, you still need years of practice, but you will get an excellent theoretical basis. And you don't have to learn anything special. All knowledge and so will be mastered by you and no cramming.

By the way, about cramming. If you want to know what to do to study better, pay attention to memory. If you develop it, then it will become really easy for you to memorize new information, which means that your academic performance will increase. I recommend that you read two posts on my blog: "" and "". There you will find many useful tips to help you develop.

Finally, I would like to recommend that you establish a relationship with classmates and classmates, since it is a good atmosphere within the team that will help you improve your academic performance. By the way, my article "How to increase self-esteem" indirectly touches on this topic, I advise you to read it.

This post comes to an end. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I hope you understand how good to study... And don't forget subscribe to blog updates... This will allow you to be the first to know about new posts. Till!

Old age is a scary word. But only at first glance. After all, there is active old age. To have a rich life at 65 and after, you need not only desire, but also good health. And it does not depend at all on a genetic predisposition. Genes are responsible for only a third of the ailments associated with aging. More important factors environments: lifestyle, social support, level of medical care.

Many books with the secrets of active longevity have been collected in the MYTH treasury. In this article we have collected the most "juice" for you. So, what should you do when you are young to feel good at 65?

Eat right

The healthiest retirees in the world live in Okinawa, an archipelago of subtropical islets in the East China Sea between Japan and Taiwan. The average life expectancy here is 85 years. Older people in Okinawa don't just live longer - they live healthier and suffer little from age-related illnesses. The point is in the diet of local residents. It contains almost no saturated fat, sugar and salt. Its main ingredients are fish, shellfish, tofu, seaweed, rice, vegetables and fruits. However, the most important thing is moderation. Okinawans don't overeat.

“Everything in life is based on compromises. You sacrifice one thing in order to get another, and you cannot get both together. Take it, ”wrote Eldrie (60).

Similar advice was given by Sarah (58): "I would tell myself in my thirties to drop what other people think and define my natural strengths, my passion, and then build my life around that."

And 49-year-old Erickson: “In one word: focus. You can achieve more in life if you focus on doing one thing very, very well. "

What does this have to do with well-being at the age of "a little over ..."? Direct! If you do what you enjoy your entire life, you will experience less stress and more positive emotions. This will definitely affect your health.

Do not be angry!

In 2007, director Tim Samuels put together the oldest rock group. Covering seniors have burst into the UK charts and rocked YouTube with five million views. One of the members of the group was the heroine of the book "The Age of Happiness" Grace Cook.

Photo from the book "The Age of Happiness"

Grace became a rock star when she was 83. The secret and active life, according to Grace, is simple: “I forgive everything, I don’t know how you can be angry with someone because of something. Life is as you make it yourself. Be happy is the most important thing. Be happy and listen to people. Just listen to them and try to understand what they are talking about. "


On November 26, 2011, Robert Marchand set a record in the French commune of Mitri-Maury. He rode a stationary bike 23 kilometers in an hour. At that moment he was 100 years old!

Three months passed and he repeated his success - he drove 24 kilometers on a real one. Considering the average cycling speed of 12 kilometers per hour, Marchand has shown a brilliant result.

In an interview after the arrival, he joked that he deliberately drove more slowly so that it would be easier for others to break his record. André Aleman told about this in the book "The Retired Brain". The record holder himself says that he always led healthy image life, did not smoke a single cigarette and tried to drink less alcohol. He gives the same advice to both the elderly and the young: get moving!

Take care of your teeth

By the age of 30, teeth can already be severely damaged. But there is still a chance to fix everything. And this is needed not only for a beautiful smile. Scientists have discovered a link between dental disease and heart disease. Chronic infections in the oral cavity provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

In The Retired Brain, the author explains that dental health also affects cognitive skills. Chewing is good for the brain. There is research confirming that chewing gum improves the flow of oxygen to the brain and thereby strengthens cognitive skills (the ability to process information).

Because many older people have dental problems, they are often offered food that does not require chewing. As a result, their ability to chew is impaired. This is why good dental care is critical for seniors.

Take Supplements If You Feel The Need

This item is optional. But if you feel that you are not getting some of the nutrients from your food, look to supplements. Of course, before using it, it is better to take the necessary tests and consult a doctor. In the book "Transcend," the authors provide a list of nutrients that are extremely beneficial for brain health.

Table from the book "Transcend"

  • Vinpocetine - enhances blood circulation in the brain, improves memory.
  • Phosphatidylserine - slows down memory loss, may help restore memory in some patients with age-related memory impairment. And most importantly, it lowers the level of cortisol, the main hormone of aging.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine - Increases the performance of mitochondria - energy sources within cells. Slows down the inflammatory processes in the brain tissues.
  • Ginkgo biloba - slows down short-term memory loss in the elderly.
  • EPA and DHA, the main constituents of omega-3 fats, help maintain elasticity of brain cell membranes.
  • And also phosphatidylcholine, S-adenosylmethionine. They also help preserve memory and mental clarity.

Take time for yourself

Spend at least half an hour a day with yourself. No people, no phone, no TV, no laptop. Do something that you enjoy doing: jot down your thoughts on a notebook, listen to music, or engage in creative meditation, such as with adult help.

Of course, the secrets of active longevity do not end there. For those who plan to live as long as possible and maintain health until a ripe old age, collected. And remember that age is old age. Don't believe me? The proof is in the book "You will be healthier". It contains 30 stories of real people who, by their own example, proved that health and a beautiful body can be maintained well beyond 50. Be healthy!

The desire to become better does not cost much until it turns into a vital determination.

You woke up again in the same room as yesterday. It's a new day, but you don't notice anything new around you yet. The same table, the same coffee. The almost habitual thought “something needs to be changed” flashed again.

This "must" is especially obsessive during periods of personal experiences, when something happens to the detriment: when they are shaken, when an emotional emptiness fills the whole room, when it is no longer possible to go back, and forward is too scary.

You are recalling the words of the Indian leader, "If you want to change the world, become this change." Finally you make a decision to become better... Overall a good solution. But how much will it work? And what do you mean by “getting better”?

Measuring instruments of becoming

You will not be able to start a new chapter in your life if you continually reread the previous one.

Suppose my little son dreams of becoming a better soccer player. I wonder how he will understand that at last the goal has been achieved? How exactly will he measure his improvement: years, goals scored, virtuoso dribbling or the number of bills earned?

Otherwise, he will chase the “blue bird” for many years without experiencing a feeling of deep satisfaction.

If you, dear friends, are also determined to become better, first of all, you need to state your goal as clearly and without abstraction as possible. requires a smart approach. According to the SMART system, the goal, in addition to the clarity of the result, must be measurable, reasonable, vital, realistic with a specific time frame.

Because a hazy desire to become better more typical of a schoolchild who wants to ingratiate himself with classmates.

In addition, a “model in action” can be an excellent measure of progress. the person we would like to be like. Let's say I began to notice a tendency in myself. Therefore, there is a desire to improve in the manifestation of organization. Then you need to find out (investigate) how this quality is manifested by the “sample”.

You say, what about my past motivation. Just as it is impossible to enter the same river twice, there are no two identical people, let alone imperfect. If we take an ideal personality as an example, then at least 1000 years we will not be able to follow her example exactly.

We don't need to invent anything at this time. Everything we need for personal growth has already been invented. We are expected to simply take a working model and repeat, refracting knowledge through our circumstances.

Put on a new personality, which, thanks to accurate knowledge, is renewed in the image of the One who created it

Initially, you need to arm yourself with a special mindset, to accept the fact that the main reason for a person's current stay on earth is to become better. In the words of a well-known speaker and business coach, if a person is created in the image and likeness of God, then every effort must be made to come closer to this ideal.

Tie up with "brake fluid"

You will never be who you want to be if you keep blaming everyone else for who you are now.

Of course, dear friends, brakes are an irreplaceable thing in a driver's life. But when it comes to self-development, you should not slow down.

From time to time I meet adults who have been studying the basics of life over the years. They admire what they learn and express regret that they did not know about it before. But the trouble is that these people cannot make their own most important decision in any way. They seemed to have received a new apartment, but they did not dare to move in.

Why do you think? You will say that everything is individual. I will not argue, and yet a couple of factors can be distinguished: fear and laziness.

I don’t want to belittle anyone, and yet experience tells us that we too often worry about what has not happened and too rarely show willpower. Especially when we are over 40.

The comfort zone is what you lived for the first 30 years. Everything seems to be stable and calm. Do I need to change something? Such stopping questions are asked by the society in which I found myself two years ago. It looks askance at those who are trying to start life from scratch. And therefore, the most important decisions also require willpower.

Whose name pops up in your mind when you think of outstanding courage and willpower? Fix this image in yourself, then there will be no space for fear and laziness.

You know, friends, Vladimir Pozner, in his dialogue with famous people, likes to ask the question of what she will say when she appears before the Lord. And everyone I listened to during that airtime answered that they would ask for forgiveness.

Doesn't it seem strange to you, a man of 40-60 years old, being not on his deathbed, but in front of a TV camera, says that he lived in such a way that later he will ask for forgiveness for his life?

Why not build your movement along life path so that every day you become better, achieving personal noble goals, and at the end of the day (without waiting for the heavenly dialogue) to express gratitude for the help from above?

What do you personally, dear reader, think about in your rare moments of silence? How far have you come or how far would you like to go? About your strengths or weaknesses?

In moments like this, alone with yourself, catch yourself thinking. Because the first thing the transformation begins with is what is necessary to do to become better is to edit your own way of thinking. Do you agree?

No matter how many mistakes we make or how slow our progress is, we are still ahead of those who have not tried to do anything worthwhile.

A person spends a third of his life on sleep. And this is good. After all, sleep is a natural physiological process necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In a dream, we restore strength, "digest" the information accumulated during the day and fight against diseases.

1. Hang up

Not only children, but also adults should observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen. Determine your best hang-up time and stick to it strictly, even on weekends.

2. Rise

Set not only the hang-up time, but also the rise time. Otherwise, the balance will be upset. Been in bed an hour longer? Falling asleep at the right time will be very difficult.

3. Diary

One of the main causes of poor sleep is stress. We go to bed with many bad thoughts in the head. Because of this, we cannot fall asleep for a long time and sleep very restlessly. To rectify the situation, start and at the end of the day "tell" him about anything that worries or saddens you. Psychologists have proven that journaling helps you focus on the positive, not the negative, aspects of life.

4. Magnesium

Another factor affecting our sleep is magnesium. Its deficiency leads to sleep disturbances. That is why it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium. For example, spinach or pumpkin seeds.

5. First aid kit

Medication can sometimes cause poor sleep. If you are taking any pills and notice that your sleep is getting worse, read the leaflet carefully. Are there any side effects of insomnia?

6. Coffee

Caffeine lowers adenosine levels, which makes it difficult for a person to calm down and fall asleep quickly. A cup of coffee with dinner can lead to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Therefore, try to drink coffee only in the morning.

7. Technology

To understand what exactly is preventing you from sleeping properly, refer to modern technologies... There are mobile applications and special devices (Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, Wakemate, and others) that help track the duration and quality of sleep. For example, there is a Sleep Cycle application for iOS, and SleepBot for Android.

8. Sleep rate

The optimal amount of sleep varies from person to person. But on average, it is believed that 7-8 hours is enough for normal life. Sleep disturbance leads to increased levels of cortisol (the death hormone) and various serious diseases. Therefore, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

9. Bonus

Have you had a difficult week? Did you go to bed after midnight? Give yourself the bonus of an extra hour of sleep to rejuvenate and get back on track.

10. Siesta

A short afternoon nap is very beneficial for your health. But only a short one - no more than 30 minutes. If you doze longer, the body will fall into deep sleep stages - it will be difficult to wake up and get back to business.

11. Yula

Can't sleep? Do not toss and turn from side to side like a whirligig. Better get out of bed and do some quiet activities. For example, read or listen to the lounge.

12. Pets

Many people like to sleep with a loved one or. But in terms of healthy sleep, this is a bad idea. You can fall asleep in an embrace with Barsik, but then it is better to drive him to his place.

13. Alarm clock

Many people keep an alarm clock on the bedside table (and if the phone serves as its role, then right under the pillow), which is actually a mistake. Keeping track of time is like being on edge. And stress, as you remember, is equal to a bad dream.

14. Curfew

Many also spend the evening huddled in a computer monitor or sitting in front of the TV. Then they turn them off and "fall" into bed. But if you are striving for really healthy sleep, then two to three hours before lights out, arrange a curfew for all gadgets. Time before bed is a time for relaxation.

15. Bedroom

Your brain should automatically associate the bedroom with relaxation. Therefore, please use this room for its intended purpose. You need to relax in bed. The bedroom is about sleep and sex, not work and the Internet.

16. Comfort

For a good sleep, you need to create comfortable conditions: buy a comfortable mattress, hang blackout curtains on the windows, eliminate sources of noise that interfere with sleep. Sleep not alone? Talk to your partner about the factors that affect your sleep and theirs, and create a comfortable environment for both of you.

17. Temperature

16-24 ° C - this should be the temperature in the bedroom. In a stuffy and too hot room, a person often wakes up and falls asleep worse.

18. Light

Bright lighting, and sometimes "harmless" TV light, can also create sleep problems. If it is impossible to eliminate light sources, then so that they do not interfere with your rest, use a sleep mask.

19. Training

Physical exercise not only strengthens strength and develops endurance, but also improves the quality of sleep. It is, in particular, about aerobic exercise, saturating the body with oxygen.

20. All in good time

Sports improve the quality of sleep, but you should end your workout at least 2 hours before lights out. After all, physical exercises saturate the body not only with oxygen, but also with adrenaline, which is a bad "sleeping pill".

21. Muscle relaxation

Before going to bed, it is better to carry out the so-called muscle relaxation. It consists in alternately tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. Stretched the muscles of the legs, counted to five, relaxed; strained the press, one-two-three-four-five, exhale, etc. This procedure can be done while lying in bed. In addition, meditation helps prepare the body for sleep.

22. Walking

Another secret to a good sleep is evening walks. Even if it is not very warm outside and you are too lazy to get ready, overcome yourself. You will be surprised how much better you will sleep at night if you walk half an hour before bed.

23. Hot shower or bath

Before going to bed, the body must relax, so before heading to the kingdom of Morpheus, pamper yourself with SPA treatments. A hot shower or bath can help relieve stress and make you sleepy.

24. Music

Besides the bath, music has a very calming effect on the body. Classical, folk or jazz - each has its own harmonious melodies. Find the one that gives you peace and listen to it before bed.

25. Lavender

Fragrances also affect sleep quality. Lavender is a great remedy for insomnia. Use scented candles or essential oils to scent lavender in your bedroom before bed.

26. Warmth

As you already know, it should be cool outside, but inside, on the contrary, it should be warm. Drink a glass of warm milk, cocoa, or tea before bed and you'll feel sleepy right away.

27. Chamomile tea

By the way, about tea. This is a "grandmother's" remedy for sound and healthy sleep. Chamomile has a calming effect, which means it helps fight the main cause of poor sleep - stress.

What do you do to sleep well?

What's good to do?

Let's think about what to do good in life, so that there is no feeling and resentment about the "aimlessly spent years", as the well-known truth says. However, in addition to the specific options that will also be offered to you here, you need to set the general direction of development. And following the right path is impossible without understanding the things described in the next chapter. Let's voice them.

What to do to make it good

As the saying goes, not doing bad is already good. And this is the true truth - if a person does not interfere with the life of others, he lives the right life, since no one has such a right - to interfere in the life of anyone without the knowledge of the person himself. Therefore, stop constantly pointing out, stop hurting and learn to think, first of all, about own life... People who are either frankly flawed or those who are trying to "do what is best" are interested in someone else's life. What comes out of this, you can see in the cartoon "The Hare Who Loved to Give Advice", watch it.

This is a Soviet masterpiece of stunning depth, and, moreover, not even childish. Well, now the next step is to be useful. To do this, first of all, you need to choose an activity that brings pleasure to ourselves. Perhaps for some it will sound like a revelation, but everything we do - we do mainly for ourselves. Don't believe me? What are you working for? To make money. Why make money? To provide for myself and my family. Why do you help others? To be honest with ourselves, we also help for our own pleasure and comfort, therefore, helping others, we help ourselves too. Well, now options - what to do.

What can be done good

Find an interesting activity that benefits you and / or those around you that will develop you as a person. When I write these lines for you, I also develop and help myself - after all, if it weren't for you, for whom would I write then? It can be science, art, sports or any other physical and mental work - in any case, it will benefit you, and more often not only you. Do you want to be a doctor or psychologist, teacher or trainer? Great, these are very necessary professions, but in order to become a good specialist, you need to master a lot. Having mastered these professions, you will help not only others, but yourself too. Protect nature, take care of people and animals, teach people, help them cope with their hardships - after all, there is no greater joy than to see how a person or other creature who you helped lives and rejoices. There are a lot of worthy classes, choose the one you like - and improve in this matter. There is no limit to perfection, but there is a line separating the professional from the amateur. And there is also an interest in this - in their own development, which is much more exciting in real life than in any computer game. And since you are reading this article, then it’s time to do something good, right? The most important thing is that the lesson is:

  1. bring joy and interest to you;
  2. useful for yourself and others.

If the above two conditions are met, then, no doubt, you will definitely do a good job. And the key, as always, is simple and complex at the same time - to stop being lazy and fussing. Laziness and vanity are our two main enemies, getting rid of which, we will make our activities much more productive.
