It is better to silent and see the fool, rather than talk and not leave for this account.

Fool, making stupidity, then justifies that it was his duty.

The in love-friendly man often looks like a fool; Lovely woman - never.

As soon as the fool praises us, he no longer seems so stupid.

Each of us is a fool of at least five minutes a day; Wisdom is to not exceed the limit.

The worst is the whole fool, which is in some microscopic proportion of rights.

Fool enough to say that he is smart; But the impassable fool needs to be proved yet.

Witty expressions and thoughts about fools

Like neither the words of the fool, and sometimes they are sufficient to embarrass the smart person.

Fools should be controlled in accordance with their stupidity, and not in accordance with the wisdom that they do not possess.

Shrink the fool of the throat - it's impossible, but let it continue - just cruel.

Study witty expressions and thoughts about fools

By itself, locusts are not yet punished by the Lord, she becomes punished by the Lord, when it is a lot. Just with fools.

Money did not make a fool; They only exhibit fools at the bottom.

Roughness - wit fools.

Everyone speaks about a fool and brake, that he is a fool and boasts; But no one tells it to him, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows.

Fools make up fashion, and smart forced to follow it.

It is better to bet on fools. Them more.

Children and fools always speak the truth, - says the old wisdom. Conclusion is clear: adults and wise people never speak the truth.

Duraka's infancy wisdom.

Of all the rights, the most irrefutable is the right of intelligent (whether whether, whether persuasion) lead a fool.

Sin hate bad, damage to punishments.

Round fools pull to intelligence as cats to fire.

Do not make yourself a fool in order to cheer others.

Fools complain that they are taken for fools.

The formed fool is even more unanimous than uneducated.

Love is the only to fool to grow in his own eyes.

Durakov are lucky? Not so they are fools.

For those who are looking for witty expressions and thoughts about fools

When we manage to inflate others, they rarely seem to us with such fools as we seem to yourself when others manage to inflate us.

I am always afraid of a fool. Never vouch that he is not a plow.

Previously, there were two troubles in Russia: roads and fools. Now the third: fools pointing to what expensive to go!

The nature of Mudro takes care that human nonsense is transient, books are perpetuating them. The fool should be content with the fact that he was tired of all his contemporaries, but he wants to annoy the future generations, wants the offspring to be aware that he lived in the world, and so that it was not forgotten that he was a fool.

Fool, I confessed that he is a fool, there is no longer a fool.

Most people have lethargy and laziness is stronger even their ambition. From here - the success of fools.

If the vanity made someone happy, then surely this someone was a fool.

Silence - virtue of fools.

It is much easier to become smart, than to stop being a fool.

Fools and madmen usually speak the truth.

Sometimes even with smart it is difficult to lose what I found with a fool.

Fools are not shy, although shyness takes all kinds of nonsense.

It is impossible to keep honest and sincere with a fool.

Laccoming witty expressions and thoughts about fools

Stubbornness - Sign of Fools.

A bad man follows his suggestions and because of them forgets his duties.

Farm a fool always finds a rogue.

There is nothing more annoying than to see how successfully said the word dies in the ear of the fool, to whom you said it.

Idiotes are not such idiots, what it seems; Idiots are quite another matter.

Any fool can criticize, and many of them are doing this.

If others were not fools, we would be them.

Constancy is the most inventive way to make a fool.

The most hypocritical people are more often in fools.

The best way to convince the fool, that he is wrong, let him come in his own way.

I do not know it sounds in different ways in the mouth of smart and fool.

A clever man is happy only when his own praise is honored; The fool is satisfied with the applause of others.

From Book Wisdom Fool dumber twice.

Fool thinks he is smart; Smart knows that he is stupid.

Fools use smart people with the same purpose, with what kind of man you have a high heel.

Everyone knows and everyone understands only fools and charlatans.

Unmatched witty expressions and thoughts about fools

Avoid people who, seeing your defects and disadvantages, justify them or even approve. Such people or lets, or panties, or just fools. Do not wait for help in any misfortune or misfortune.

It is more stupid to be smart among fools than a fool among smart.

There are two kinds of fools: some do not understand what is obliged to understand everything; Others understand what no one should understand.

Power does not corrupt people; But the fools who climbed on the top of the authorities corrupt the power.

Started Bolon - the most boring variety of fool.

The mind is the same: smart people have some general signs, like all the fools, despite the difference in nations, clothes, language, religions, even look at life.

Fools love to punish smart. First, they raise yourself. Secondly, it is smarter. Thirdly, everyone see who is the main one. The only thing - then do not know what to do.

He who persistently repeats that he is not a fool, usually not fully confident.

Fool, busy, is more difficult to calmly than a ravenly oxidized.

The world is full of fools, but no one stupidly notices, does not even suspect.

The fool does not enter into a dialogue with himself. The first thought captures it, without waiting for the answer of the second.

A helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy.

Sixty years ago, the optimist and the fool were not synonymous.

As she does not be smart, a lot of life with such fools.

Stools - those who are in fools.

Every day she comes to the hall of the Syktyvkar Sports School number 6, disguises in a training suit, the usual movement winds the bandages on the hand of hands, puts on boxing gloves and starts training. At 18, she is the strongest girl of the planet. Meet: Victoria Krylova, from the spring of this year - the winner of the World Boxing Championship.

Opened Pazonka

It all started about two years ago. Friends offered to go to the gym, see how boxers train. Vika has always been friends with the boys, and she was taken for their own - painful was painful. I tried to boux, liked it. Over time, it has come that boxing is exactly what you need, although it was not at first special success. A man, as Vika believes, must love some matter to devote to something. And if you really do something, then not ababa how, but work on the result. Mom of athletes, Larisa Alexandrovna, the choice of daughter did not approve: cruel, male sport. But do you restore the boy with a dying? Mom looked like Vika tries and upset, if something does not work, and resigned. Now she is the chief fan of his daughter who always picks up and support.

Way up

The first victory was the gold championship of the North-West Federal District in March 2010. All that was "before," was not perceived seriously. Then, in Monchegorsk, defeated a more experienced athlete, Vika realized that it was really possible to fight and it was necessary that she was not inferior to any other athlete of Russia.

Six months later - at the Russian championship among juniors, held in the Stavropol Territory, - a girl with a victorious name won silver medal, the first in the history of female boxing of the Republic of Komi. And went like on the rolled: training, fees, victories. But there were tears. In 2011, Vika again participated in the Russian championship and again ranked second. This time, "silver" to get a shame. "It's a shame to lose his opponent when you know exactly what she is weaker. I then got sick and went to the ring with a temperature, performed in Calsyl, "the Vika recalls with a sense of annoyance.

Fate gave the athlete the second chance. Immediately after the competition fees were organized, on which the question of who would go to represent the country at the international level were organized. Coaches staged a sparring between the strongest boxing of the country, the final championship finals played again.

In this additional battle, Vika proved its superiority and received a well-deserved ticket to the World Cup. On April 30, 2011, in Turkish Antalya, Victoria Krylova in the final battle spoke against the Swedish, the silver medalist of Europe Sony Khahverdyan. And again tears. Only this time - tears of happiness.

Mind needed

Excessive confidence in their forces is the most dangerous enemy of any fighter, it does not allow to mobilize forces, dulls the reaction. "During the final battle with the Swedish, I artificially caused fear, I urged myself that she was a very strong rival, just to not relax," the champion admitted, "only a fool is not afraid."

The statement "The Force is - the mind is not necessary," as a rule, they use those who do not know anything about boxing. Boxing is not chaotic swinging fists, and much depends on the strength, but not all. The technique, the concentration of attention, agility and even trick has more importance. And practice. Only in the fights in the fights can gain experience, hone shock. Vika to competitions are difficult to prepare: in its weight category (more than 81 kg) rivals a little, even in training with no one to get into sparring. But this does not stop either an athlete nor her coaches who probably know that Vika is in nature - a fighter. Trainers Dmitry Mezentsev and Anatoly Titarenko for Victoria are no longer specialists, but real mentors who are taught not only and not so much boxing, how much of life. "We are like a family," says Vika. "I can always come to them for advice, help."

A new top is taken, a new experience has appeared, behind the shoulders of large competitions, but you have to move on. There is quite a bit of time before the European Championship. For the first place there will be about 300 athletes from 25 countries. According to Victoria Kryonova, she is no longer played to lose.

About how Abakumov, an ordinary Chekist, which there were thousands in the NKVD, put forward to the executives of the actuator, are legends. A poorly educated and not far away, he was not deprived of physical strength and had a senior height. When it turned out, as Solzhenitsyn notes that "Abakumov well leads a consequence, long deftly and famously brings in the face, and his great career began ..." Probably, just such qualities and were in demand most in the era of Stalin's terror.

And the path to this nomination was simple and clear.

The one who was destined to become an all-powerful Minister of Stalin State Security - Viktor Semenovich Abakumov, was born in April 1908 in Moscow in the family of the black-worker. Later, the father worked in the hospital with a cleaner and an extract and died in 1922. Mother to the revolution worked for the seams, and then a nurse and laundry in the same hospital as the father. A lot of learning Abakumov did not happen. According to personal data, he graduated from 3 class of urban school in Moscow in 1920. True, in the official biography, published before the elections to the Supreme Council in 1946, it was argued that he had a 4-class education obtained in 1921. It is not very clear what the rising young man was busy not by the years until the moment as in November 1921 he did a volunteer in Chon. The service lasted until December 1923, and the entire next year abakumov is interrupted by random earnings, and for the most part sits without work. Everything changed in January 1925, when he was taken on a permanent job with a packer to Moskobromsoyuz. And in August 1927, Abakumov entered the service of the AWC on the protection of industrial enterprises. Here in 1927 he joined Komsomol.

Most likely, strong and supreme hopes, Volztser was seen by the authorities, and it is gradually promoting more and more important work. Since 1928, he is working again by a packer in the centrousa warehouse, and since January 1930, the Secretary of the Board of the State Joint-Stock Company "Gonole" and at the same time secretary of the Komsomol cell of the trading and parcel offices. From January 1930 he is a candidate for members, and from September of the same year - a member of the WCP (b). Now the path of career growth for it is open. In October 1930, he was elected secretary of the Komsomol cell of the Press Plant and at the same time headed the secret part of this plant. Without a doubt, becoming the head of the secret part of the plant, Abakumov sadly helped OGPU. A new position that envisaged. It is known: from the strangement to the vowel work - just one step.


From January to December 1931, Abakumov - a member of the Bureau and Head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district of the VLKSM. And in January 1932 he was adopted by a travelers in the Economic Department of the Institute of Economy of the OGPU in the Moscow Region. Soon he already authorized the same department, and from January 1933 in the central office of OGPU - authorized economic management. And here the career gives a failure. In August 1934, Abakumov is transferred to the position of Opera Compact in the 3rd Department of the Protection Department of the Gulag. They rumored that he was disguised the irrepressible passion for women and the passion of fashionable Foxtrot's dance. It was rumored that on service conspiramic apartments, he satisfied intimate meetings.

In the youth of Abakumov most Time spent in the gym, dealing with the struggle. Do not forget other fun. Is the service right here?

The link to the Gulag lasted for a long time. Everything resolutely changed the 1937th. That's when you need strong and steep guys. The vacancies have opened significant - the arrests of the Chekists themselves became commonplace. In April 1937, Abakumov receives an important position - the operational of the 4th (secret-political) department of the GOGB NKVD. Now he is growing rapidly in positions, and in the ranks. In 1936, he was assigned the title of younger lieutenant GB in 1936, and in less than a year - in November 1937, he received the title of Lieutenant GB and already in 1938 he was appointed assistant to the head of the Secret-Political Department.

As it should be expected, in the conditions of Big Terror Abakumov specialized in investigative work. His sporting preparation and power came in handy here. He actively keeps interrogation and does not gently arrested.

The diligence of Abakumov was noticed. His praised the new head of the secret-political department of Bogdan Kobulov, the famous "Kobulich", a master of torture, whose praise says a lot about many people. Kobulov gave a recommendation for the nomination of Abakumov on independent work. On December 5, 1938, Abakumov was appointed head of the UNKVD in the Rostov region. He immediately, bypassing one step, assigned the title of captain GB, and already in March 1940, also through the step, the title of senior Major GB.

Beria appreciated good and loyal frames. In February 1941, he put forward Abakumov to his deputies, and a month after the beginning of the war, he gave him the position of head of the management of special departments - all military counterintelligence. At the same time, in July 1941, Abakumov appropriated the title of commissioner GB of the 3rd rank - that Lieutenant General corresponded to the army. So in four years of abacums from a simple younger lieutenant and "opera" rose to the general heights. After a year and a half, he was assigned the title of commissioner GB of the 2nd rank (04.02.1943).

Head of Speed

In April 1943, during the next reorganization, military counterintelligence bodies were derived from the subordination of Beria, and the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence (GUKR) of the Defense People's Defense was organized on them. Now Stalin became the immediate head of Abakumov. For a short time, Abakumov even became the deputy addict of defense, but already on May 20, 1943, with a reduction in the number of deposits, he lost this post. But now he is a frequent guest of the Kremlin Cabinet Stalin. If, before 1943, there was not a single visit to Stalin in the journal at the journal, then only in 1943, since March, Abakumov was adopted in the Kremlin eight times.

Abakumov advanced and received the location of Stalin on affairs against the military. The military command is always disturbed by the leader: whether there are some conspiracies, are they true to him - Stalin? Abakumov launched a feverish activity on the surveillance and collecting materials. In the archives of the State Security, many volumes of "wiretaps" of general are postponed. Serer authorities listened to Marshal Zhukov, generals of Kulik and Gordov, and many others. For the materials produced in such a way, the slices were shot, and only for the criticism of Stalin expressed them.

He received his first Order of the Red Banner Abakumov in 1940. The war added to him the commander orders. The general list of his awards included: two orders of the Red Banner (26.04.40, 20.07.1949); Order of Suvorov 1st degree (07/31/1944); Order of Kutuzov 1th degree (04/21/1945); Order of Suvorov 2nd degree (03/08/1944); Order of the Red Star; 6 medals. In addition, he had a sign "Honorary Worker of the HCH-GPU (XV)" (05/09/1938). Knowledgeive people are talking about something.

The Order of Suvorov of the 2nd degree of Abakumov received for participating in the eviction of Chechens and Ingush, and the Order of Kutuzov 1st degree - as an authorized NKVD on the 3rd Belarusian front for "cleaning of the rear" - carrying out wide repression and deportations in Prussia and Poland. In 1945, Abakumov assigned the rank of Colonel-General (07/09/1945).

In the autumn of 1945, Stalin, being unhappy with the work of the NKGB, initiated the development of a new structure of the People's Commissariat and seriously wanted to crumble the entire leading top. From the beginning of 1946, several options for the Organization of the NKGB-MGB were presented to Stalin. It was planned to include GUKR SMERSH in the MGB, and Abakumova appoint the Deputy Minister general issues. Stalin seemed little to be. By the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on May 4, 1946, a new structure of MGB was approved and instead of Merkulov, Abakum was appointed Minister. During the reception and transfer of cases in MGB, Abakumov had all efforts to defam the work of its predecessor. A sudden exaltation spoke to him, and among his closest environments, Abakumov said: "Although Merkulov was the minister, but he was afraid of the Central Committee and did not know the road," then he himself, "still working the head of the counterintelligence, already knew his price and already then , not as an example of Merkulov, managed to conquer a durable authority. "

Stalinsky Ochrichnik

Appointing Abakumov, the Minister of State Security, Stalin wanted to see at the head of this organization grateful for the high post and completely devoted to him, and only him, the servant. Stalin was needed by the Minister, a fancy fear of all his surroundings, including members of the Politburo. He stated to their staff to Abakumov: "I must be afraid everyone, I was talking about it in the Central Committee. Otherwise, what is me the head of the CC. " The authorship of this is quite obvious. "CC" - just as Stalin usually called the state security, regardless of which abbreviation at that time was in the go: NKVD, MGB or any other. And Abakumov perceived this farewell as a guide to action. He liked his new position and his special significance. He loved to speak with gloating, as in compromising materials, mined MGB, "the leader was convicted." Did he conscious of the blind gun in the hands of Stalin, that sooner or later a dictator can cool to him?

Becoming the Minister, Abakumov continues all his tamess: on Marshal Zhukov, at the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Serov and all their surroundings. With the serovy, they once together in May-June 1941 held deportation of the population from the Baltic States, and for some reason, the abakums have since yet since the time it was not love. And the techniques of MGB work with Abakumov acquire a truly gangster character. Here and the secret killings carried out by the DR department of the MGB led by Jeroplastov and Eightingon, and the abduction, and attacks on citizens. It reached the fact that MGB employees, giving themselves for Americans, in broad daylight April 15, 1948 attacked the Minister sea Fleet A.A. Afanasyev and "inclined" him to work on American intelligence. The next day, the outstanding minister wrote a statement to Beria and Abakumov. As a result, it was arrested in 10 days, and after a year, he received 20 years by the decision of the CGB.

Abakumov did not stop before performing any Stalin's order, even the most criminal. One of these shares was the murder of the People's Artist of the USSR Mikhoels. As shown on the investment of Abakumov: "As far as I remember, in 1948, the head of the Soviet government I.V. Stalin gave me an urgent task - to quickly organize the Employees of the MGB of the USSR, the elimination of Mikhoels, entrusting it with special persons. " At the same time, Stalin personally indicated Abakumov, who from MGB workers instruct this murder, and wished everything to look like an accident. Abakumov and his employees without a shadow of doubt completed the "urgent task" of the leader and teachers.

In MGB, the abacum is still practiced torture. In directional Stalin in July 1947, the extensive explanation of the techniques adopted in the MGB of the investigation of Abakumov indicated: "With regard to the exposed consequences of spies, saboteurs, terrorists and other active enemies soviet peopleThat brazenly refuse to issue their accomplices and do not give indications about their criminal activities, MGB bodies, in accordance with the indication of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of January 10, 1939, apply physical impact measures. " Bey and tortured prisoners and subordinates Abakumov, and he himself, feeding them an example. How Ironically notes Solzhenitsyn: "... The Minister of State Security Abacuity himself did not bete this draft work (Suvorov on the advanced!), It's not averse to take a rubber stick in the hands."

Clouds above the head of Abakumov began to thicken already in the 1950s. Stalin decidedly demanded to organize a MGB board and introduce an experienced earmary to its composition. This in itself meant the political distrust of the Chekist Tips. In the same year, Abakumov, in fact, ignored the proposal of Stalin about the arrest of Sudplatov and Eatingon. Instead of acting, he went to consult this with Beria. After the arrival of the holidays in December 1950, Stalin alone, Albakumov. As the minister, he accepted him in the Kremlin only once - April 6, 1951. And this is despite the fact that in 1949 there were 12 such meetings, and in 1950 - 6. The last time Abakumov crossed the threshold of Stalin's office on July 5, 1951, but now it was an invitation to the execution. From the post of Minister he was removed in the afternoon before, and in front of it was inevitable arrest.

"Party deceiver"

The accusation against Abakumov was the statement dated on June 2, 1951, the statement of the senior investigator MD. Ryumin, which completely coincided with the desire of Stalin to arrange a serious personnel cleaning in the MGB. Ryumin reported that Abakumov "redeemed" a very "promising" case of the arrested ethinger, who could have been indicated about the "pest doctors", hid from the Central Committee of Important Information about the shortcomings in counterintelligence work in Germany at Bismuth enterprises, which produced uranium ore, And finally, rudely violated the rules for conducting investigators established by the party and the government. Ryubin directly called Abakumova "Dangerous Man" at an important state post.

On July 11, 1951, Politburo adopted a special decision on a disadvantaged position in the MGB, in which Abakumov was accused of "deception of the party" and tightening investigative cases. The text of the decree "closed letter" was sent to familiarize themselves with the leaders of party bodies and MGB bodies. The next day, Abakumov was arrested.

Initially, the investigation led the prosecutor's office, but in February 1952, by order, Stalin Abakumov was transferred to MGB. And then it was serious for him. Former subordinates tormented Abakumov with special zeal. He had to experience all the innovations of the torture, introduced under it. Strange, but in his complaints to the Central Committee, Abakumov argued that he did not even know about some kind of torture. For example, about the camera with an artificial cold. A month later, the result was quite expected. According to March 24, 1952, a certificate, crippled by Abakumov barely stood on his feet and moved only with extreme help.

From the arrested Chekists, the testimony was obtained, of which it followed that the party leadership of Abakumov did not put in a penny, contemptuously responded about Suslov, Vyshinsky and Gromyko, reflected in Molotov. Once, when Pitovranov, representing the minister a draft note, said that he had already informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the phone, Abakumov exploded: "You not only don't know how to work and write, but also break out different Vyshinsky and Rudyomov, which is not It follows Only I should know about it. My name Abakumov. According to Pitovranov, Abakumov was banked by the fact that in the Central Committee he "addresses easily", and always receives support, and there "everything goes on him." Of course, it was a clear sign that Abakumov fell into and lost a connection with reality.

And yet the investigation in the case of Abakumov was tight. In the MGB certificate of October 15, 1952, aimed at the Central Committee in the name of Malenkov and Beria, it was said that Abakumov "confuses the investigators." Meanwhile, Abakumov and on the investigation continued to justify his activities in the MGB and argued, for example, that Marshal Zhukov is a "very dangerous person." Abakumova continued to drain, he was transferred to the Butyond prison, there were handcuffs around the clock.

Stalin personally gave this instruction. He was dissatisfied with the slowness of the investigation. As the former deputy minister of state security by Goglidze wrote later in an explanatory note: "Comrade Stalin was almost daily interested in the investigation in the case of the doctors and the case of Abakumova-Schwartzman, talking to me on the phone, sometimes causing to his office. Speaking Comrade Stalin, as a rule, with great irritation, constantly expressing dissatisfaction with the course of the investigation, Branil, threatened and, as a rule, demanded the arrested beat: "Beat, beat, beat the mortal battle." Stalin demanded to open the Spyware Activities of the Abakumov Group.

In the end, under the pressure of Stalin, the indictment was prepared in the case of Abakumova-Schwartzmann on 10 MGB managers. The Minister of State Security Ignatiev on February 17, 1953 sent him to Stalin with a proposal to consider the case at the Military Collegium in a simplified manner (without the participation of protection and accusation) and sentence all the case towards the shooting. Stalin did not approve the proposed option. He considered that the accused was not enough, and drawn resolution: "Not enough?" Stalin stated the leaders of the MGB, which submitted by them, "the reasons and the process of falling Abakumov, submitted by them".

Member "Band Beria"

If, at Stalin, Abakumov was accused of deception of the Central Committee, participation in the "Zionist conspiracy" and the collapse of the MGB work, then with the death of the dictator, the wind blew up in the other direction. Abakumov's goats came to the fore (although Stalin stood for them, of course, stood against Malenkov and Molotov. Sitting, attempts to shove each other - this was the usual situation and in the punitive office, and in the party apparatus. Beria was consciously sacrificed Abakumov, saving himself and switching the attention of the leadership of the Poslestalinsky Presidium of the Central Committee with his own crimes of old years for the recent, perfect Abakumov. Of course, Beria could not independently solve the fate of Abakumov, this was the sanction of the Presidium of the Central Committee. Yes, and the desire to bother for him, Beria clearly was not. He remembered well that it was Abakumov who turned out in 1946-1947 from MGB of faithful Berievtsev: Merkulov, Kobulov, Milshtein and Vlodzimirsky.

Everything was changed again after the arrest of Beria. Abakumov continued to sit, but previously nominated against him "morally outdated". So far, the investigation in the case of Beria, about Abakumov, it would seem, forgotten. It was serious to his case returned in the spring of 1954, after the rehabilitation of victims in the "Leningrad case". Now Vina Abakumova was to carry out illegal repression, and his backs were counted to "Band Beria".

Consideration of the ABACUMOVA case was held on December 14-19, 1954 in Leningrad, in the district office of officers on the process, which was "open". The prosecution was supported by the Prosecutor General Rudenko himself. Of course, in the courtroom, where the departure session of the Military Collegium was awarded, the idle and curious public was not allowed. Only a reliable and proven contingent. Together with Abakumov on the dock there were another 5 people. Abakumov and workers were also accused of unreasonable arrests, the use of criminal methods of investigation, falsification of investigative cases, and secretariat employees in the fact that, as directed by Abakumov, they were hidden and not sent to the Central Committee the complaints arrested on lawlessness. Abakumov and workers of the investigative part were sentenced to shooting, and two employees of the MGB secretariat - to great terms under Art. 58. In the same place, in Leningrad, the sentence was carried out. About the court over Abakumov and his execution briefly reported central printing on December 24.

Neither under the investigation, nor at the court, Abakumov did not recognize himself guilty. He, like many other security officers attracted to justice, all regrets, which carried out the orders of the "policy makers", but did not reveal this formula. At the court of Stalin, he did not have enough spirit.

Cinema is not a kind of art, but a variety of crafts.

There are a lot of people who are boring alone in the world, sadly. And they run from themselves where the eyes look. What will they do in eternity? Sleep careless?

To wisely, you need to get sick a little.

Only the fool is not afraid. And only the fool is afraid of everything.

On all rams there is a goat.

Russian capitalism is different from Western, really liberal that he is colonial, and that colonization. Differs like a day from night.

Well, you can wish for New Year Each Russian man, every Russian family? To live in Moscow, or as in Moscow. And what to wish Muscovites and Moscow? To live, as all Russia lives.

Writer who needs to collect material to ride in a common car, this writer simply is simply not about writing about.

Some writers sharpen themselves to the ivory tower, and others sharpen in golden cells.

In Russia, as in France, who controls the capital, he controls the country.

A woman (weak in general) obeys, a man (strong) is inferior. She obeys him, and he is inferior to her. (Therefore. And I would try not to obey.)

Fool is easier to do what to think. So it does everything without thinking.

If the British has his home - his fortress, then the Russian family is his skete, Schron, his refuge and shelter.

The people are born in the village, the nation is born in the city.

There is a normal process of becoming a nation. Having eyes see those who have a mind understand.

Communist Party - Argelegard Society, Avangard Lumen-proletariat.

There are wolves in sheep skins, and there are hares in wolf.

Soviet power is an attempt to do without God in real, state life, replace him with a god of science, and even unbelief. Flour and collapse of this attempt. Russia did not distinguate the Bolshevism, and reinforced - both Bolshevism and Godlessly, and intellectual challenge.

The crown of the pest was not just a madrod like Paul, in some way they are often depicted, and the worst enemy of Russia - that was why he hated the church so hated, frantically destroyed the surviving temples and crushed the original Russian lands. And who removed him and murk - it is known. No wonder the beginning of his reign was called "thaw", there was actually a relapse of the most latter vulgarity.

No movie is art, but a daughty craft.

Science is interested in details, details. Behind the trees she does not see the forests, paintings, artist, creator. And not seeing, denies. Apparently, not in vain.

The nation is a religious and cultural and ethno-historical community, combined with a common idea and a common goal and possessing all the attributes of sovereign statehood.

Moscow prosperity is provided with the impoverishment of Russia.

Our political efforts used to steal from microphones, a photo and a camera, as from the cross, icons and incense, and now there are enough reporters almost for the sleeve, sharpen on the photo and cameras, stretch to the microphone, like a drunkard to the bottle.

Who is given a lot, nothing is given to nothing.

A Russian man, they say, such, Xoyaka - and an employee of Nikudny, and drinks dustless. And the employee is no - because it is profitable to work badly (and well - inexpensively), and drinks godlessly - and what else to make a slave forgotten and serfdom? (Stranger's work, on someone else's uncle - and a bad worker.)

And then, when it is unprofitable, and be a smart and sober dangerous, - all the lazy and drunkards in sight, and they judge about them.

And the fool is not a fool from God, but because of his own mental laziness.

Small people have dealt on small divids. (All these "historians", which became "Realters", etc.)

In Moscow, in the first roles, actors, a hypocrite of all stripes and shades - nothing more intelligible, more conscientive there. Moscow's heroes are actors. The acting capital, the capital of show business.

We all got out of the village, who earlier, who later.

The village is the cradle of the people. The city is the cradle of the nation.

The nation goes in cities and harnessed in wars.

The people come out of the village and becomes in the city of Nation.

The nation is the originally bourgeois-capitalist state of the people, followed by its indispensable socialization.

The times are changing, the behavior of people changes, but they themselves remain the same, their human essence is unchanged.

Russian durability is just Russian national inadequacy. The incompleteness, the incompleteness of the Russian people who did not have another national form. And after becoming a nation, the Russians will cease to monkey, crumble and borrow, on the rest of the world they will simply do not care. National egoism - this is what you need to learn.

Russian world responsiveness, integrity, the ability to become someone else, to reincarnate in someone - this is just our national inadequacy, even national bad luck.

The most difficult thing is most difficult for smart - believe in yourself: because I only know what I know nothing.

It is humanly mistaken to man, the fool is not doubtful.

School is a shop of those of the very things that have not been needed by Socrate. How many unnecessary things have to, make teach that distracts, interfere, take time and are forgotten instantly for everyday unnecessary.

The development of humanity goes in the direction of the person to the anthill. And the modern education system contributes to this. A person is preparing for role, and not to identifying individuals, the enlightenment of the face. It would be better not at all taught.

Modern (liberal-democratic) society does not need personality, it prefers their surrogates. Their production has long been mastered and delivered to the stream. After all, just - they can be erased into powder and promote new

Americans, encouraging the faders from other countries, are exposed to boycott and ultrakism.

If in the first two centuries of the history of America there were reflected exiles from all the ends of the world there, now it is flooded with skins from all countries, taking no effort, conquest and indomible spirit of the first settlers.

Smart spends money to save time, fool - to kill him.

Patriotism is a favorite bottle target.

Patriotism and internationalism - two things are incomplete.

The level of provincial university teachers is at the level of the textbooks of teachers of the capital in the student years.

Liberalism is a state darwinism: everyone for itself and survives as can. After unnatural Bolshevitsky selection, will his Russia vuitue? One consolation that if there is again selection, then at least natural.

Faster Thought of a fool's act - smart did not have time to think, and the fool had done to do it - firewood was blocked.

The Russian person has no home, but he has a family. But if it is destroyed, he will perish.

Russia Japan is needed even less than that Russia. Therefore, such indifferent relations: no need, and there is no relationship.

Times have changed. And people - no.

Science is the world under the microscope. Or, that the same thing in the telescope. The proportions are distorted, the whole is less than the part. Between a person and the universe - a mediator-device. Otherwise, nothing sees, does not notice and does not recognize.

And on the world you need to look wide open, delighted and trustful eyes of the child. The world of God's eyes of God. Then you will comprehend him.

Who kept children's ability to surprise, he retained the ability to learn.

Scientist is a vivisector or pathologist. It can open, rebuild, dispel, but do not recreate and resurrect. Life can be destroyed for thousands of the lands, and it is not capable of reviving.

Science turns a living nature into a non-living and considers himself a creator above the Creator, who, moreover, it often denies.

What science does not know that it does not exist for it. Unknown is declared non-existent. Ignorance is declared knowledge of non-existent.

The innermost image of each is its image of thought.

Word for thought, body for soul - shell.

Thought there is something that makes sense. Thought makes sense.

The most difficult to define and describe things are obvious, trivial.

The statesman has in the future to build its Rome (as General de Gaulle), and the politician is his village, the farm, at the thinnest - Dacha.

The Lord did not give him health and wealth, but he gave the mind to see in the absence of the first first things not flaw and misfortune, but good.

Smart from all removes benefits, stupid will turn to harm.

For the province, the absence of taste and one's own opinion is characterized. For the metropolitan audience - Verkhoglasia and self-conceit.

God, as our capital is provincial!

The weak Lord gives backups, strong testing. Fool - Takes on the score, intelligent - theorem of the farm.

Science can comprehend the mechanisms of certain phenomena, open the laws that they manage, but it cannot comprehend, how and why these mechanisms arose and for what purpose.

If, creating violence, we could observe ourselves from the outside - however, our love for him and respect for themselves would have taken.

Humilia, humiliate themselves, and become lower than the degrading.

Moscow is built and updated, and Russia is windy and collapsing.

A woman decorates the Lord God, not cosmetics. Naturalness is that most of all to the face of a woman, as in general, any person.

Woman paints kindness or love, and not jewelry or cosmetics.

Who lives a healthy century, he fenced down.

There are so many fools in Russia, because it is profitable to be a fool in Russia.

Or maybe the Russian fool and not a fool at all, but God, and only a cunning, using his simplicity, give out his stealing for the mind?

America has everything except history and the future.

Unhappy, even unhappy, life - best School For a writer. But who will agree to learn in advance in advance? It's too high, the fee is broken to the lifestyons.

The Communists are eternal with something wrong - then with a head, then with memory, then with conscience. And with God, they have a complete break.

Listen, so look at our "Democrats", you might think that the CPSU was a forge of not communist, but democratic personnel.

All our democrats came out of the CPSU.

The fool learn once and for all, hardifying the learned forever. Smart is capable not only to learn, but also to redeem. Thus from the fool and is different. All my life is learning, it is reappeared and changing. The fool is monumentally unchanged.

We do not have cars, not passenger trains, but general long-distance chambers on wheels.

Death Death - Payback, Loser Death - Reward.

Life can not be in itself a reward, because everything received in life with her and selected. Life is given only to temporary use: I played, and go away.

Is it possible to succeed in life? You can, just why? What will it give? Is it worth spending time?

Money is the key to material freedom, but more often - to the cable.

How much in the light of Savlov, which will never be a paul.

Freedom from wealth is freedom for yourself.

The works of America are too good enough to continue any long.

We were seduced (us) to beless, now we are seduced by wealth. Okay, I would tempt, but then they inflate. Some are on, others inflate.

We seduce everyone for justifying the wealth of a few.

Smart if it doesn't always say, it will always think, and the fool will not think to keep silent.

There is no cultural environment in the province. Cultural people are, but there is no cultural environment.

There are intellectuals, but no intelligentsia. That is why genius, born in the provinces, and die in the capital.

The appointment of a Russian person is to be himself, at least bitter drunk. Show your natural peculiarity, reveal your essence. American - to find, grab the most profitable or prestigious role, master it. Russians are most importantly - what kind of man you are, among Americans - what's your capital. Russians - what is your soul, among Americans - what you have in mosne. Russians most importantly - what are you standing, among Americans - how much?

Moscow is not the spiritual center of modern Russia, but her womb, rumbling and digesting, forever, as a flushed check, jerking. Insatiable womb.

The fool is not only a fool, so must certainly also dress himself with drinking or work. The most terrible punishment for him is to stay alone with her dullness.

God does not leave the attention and care of the Russians and therefore does not allow them to live easily. Americans are born, such as dying: all the same, as if conveyed from the conveyor, pink, smooth - piglets for a slaughterhouse.

Metropolitan bustle - what could be a disgrace of the philosopher's spirit. And how many philosophers (at least graduated) in Moscow. And what do they do? All those from which it warns and holds philosophy, is a fuss.

Lev Tolstoy. The pride is great, even maybe the greatest mind. Infertility of heresy. Any. Great lesson.

Search for a dance, it's like a friend in the bar, and even more - that the needle is in a haystack.

IN soviet time It was finally implemented in Russia the rod principle of Western feudalism - the vassal of my Vassal was not my vassal - a purely nomenclature principle.

We strive to teach the people to earn money ... for others.

Stalin began as a Bolshevik robber, and cum as the greatest Russian emperor.

We are born by people (and in childhood more people), and then learn that there are Russians, the French, Germans, Tatars, Armenians, and then become Russians, the French, etc.

Americans believe in God and cling to life as the most harmonious female female.

Money is the key to independence, but how many they turn into slavery.

And the fool is once smart - when the fool is aware of himself.

The genius is not transmitted by inheritance, because the genius is a weapon of divine fishery and is given over. Therefore, the genius may appear in any honest family, in any God-fearing generation.

The fact that atheist seems to be meaningless and ridiculous, a person who believes seems to be fulfilled by the divine harmony and a majestic meaning.

The body returns to the ground, and the soul - to the Creator, who sent it to the world. For what purpose, with what mission? Let us come back, find out ...

The liberal-cosmopolitan desire to approach everyone with one measurement, cutting all over one comb, to equalize everything, to limit everything, mix, impersonate ... deadly for the world in all its unique and infinite diversity.

A believer has no fear of death, and life makes sense. Believe me - and you cannot be frightened. Another invaluable reward of faith. And the believer generally invariably in winning. No matter how much life has been in, it has the main thing - the meaning. Vera is the acquisition of meaning.

When the ship is sinking, alone tried to escape, while others save - that's the whole difference between those who run from the "country", and those who will not quit their homeland in trouble.

Smart lonely everywhere. And the soul everything breaks somewhere.

In any way to wise up, it is quite good to sleep.

Most of the so-called adults are children depicting adults playing adult life.

Christ the commandments do not suit someone who wants to achieve material success, but this is the best guide to someone who wants to succeed in spiritual life.

Unbearable, to the odor, work, like drunkenness, leads to the paralysis of the mind, unless the consequence of his, mind, absence. Workaholic and alcoholic converge in one - in hate to the mind, to any mental activity. One mind pauses, the other - destroys.

The fool from smart is distinguished by the fact that it is not capable of retraining.

Fools learn once in their lives and forever and then act according to the manner, and there at least the grass does not grow - and not growing.

The army for generals, a country for the capital, the Constitution for the President, the people for the government (and manure for reforms), and for the people of Shish with vodka. The country of great sell, paradise for passing and charlatanov is my long-suffering, rash-Christian Russia.

From dirt yes in the prince. There was also dirt, but was also a prince. There was a standard, it was with what to compare. And now there is one dirt around, nothing but dirt. From the mud and in the darkness.

"Hopur-Invest" (and izh with him) - test for idiocy (our fellow citizens).

The history of the CPSU is the Soviet lives of the Communist Saints and the Acts of the Marxist Apostles, the Apostles of Lie.

One sap money, another knowledge. Then see whose wealth is more real and weighty.

Suddenly replaced the repertoire, and the roles that we have predicted, to which the symbols were preparing, were not needed, and it was too late to rebuild. Together with the play we were thrown as unnecessary to the garbage. With my so do not come.

Cunning - Surrogat Mind. The smart seeks to unravel the fate, to understand, (and realized, to act in accordance with the pre-soldered), and tricky - to deceive, constantly falling around, remaining forever fooled. Cunning is a fool's mind.

Life is unpredictable. They say: such a thing is unpredictable - when life itself is unpredictable.

Without God, life is absurd, and therefore it is necessary to believe.

I believe, for absurd. Brilliant logic!

Feedals were bourgeois. Feedals and their managers. We were with property, in the property, and became owners. But continue to keep themselves temporary.

When communism ordered a long time to live, the Communists, to become capitalists, ordered the people to build capitalism.

A person needs to look for not among people, but away from them, and not in them, but in themselves.

Mimicious convenience, imaginary seductive profitability of atheism. To leaving their terrestrial divisies, - Deliche, maybe they will be deranged, but the case of life will be ruined.

Among Americans. If you are so smart, then why are you so poor? Among the Russians. From the work of the righteous will not catch the chambers of the stone. Tom standing and, as you can see, together we do not come together.

The people are rare. Everyone for himself: coalsels for themselves, the context of themselves for themselves, the capital for themselves, and what will happen to others.

We left all of the people - and therefore we know the price well.

Who is awesome, and who and hemless. But as far as greatest.

Fools do not want to learn - neither on other people's mistakes, nor on their own. And therefore constantly repeat them - both their own, and others. Fool - in the mind of lazy. And the dullness is the fee for the madness of the mind. It is easier to create anything without thinking - great trouble! - Let the other headache hurts how to fix the deed.

We do not have critics - alone Clachers and CL but nts. And the fact that once it was considered or was called, rarely was rarely elevated the above estimates (for the content, direction and behavior), unpredictable thickness (mostly from Russian in Russian) and stupid, but herself on the mind and heavenly predensive guide Gardens of Russian literature.

Example of Pilate. Of the career, personal, low considerations give an innocent man to a lute death. Share, fate of reasonable ranks and careers through the service. The burden to judge and condemn others. How much is burdened by the conscience of such people.

Our humorist-satiriki writers. And they honor, and with the public, they will talk, and they hide in their hands, and chip the chief, and they will come to the saxophone. Just paid. Satyrics - now the Satira object itself.

Early marriages give out Mitrofanishek.

It is ashamed to be rich in the poor country.

A person will never be satisfied with his position because it is already mute. We have enough mind to understand it, but lacking wisdom to come with it.

Mount from the mind, but without him the trouble.

Fools forever something is missing, and they would be a little mind.

The size of the debts and their constancy with their heads give out a fool, no matter how it masked.

One thing is wit, and completely different - wit.

Similar thoughts are born in similar heads.

Smart in failures blame himself, and the fool is the fate surrounding, circumstances.

The history of the NKVD is the history of the Soviet medieval inquisition.

Fools suffer from two misfortunes immediately: do not know what to do and where to take.

Man is designed for happiness, like a chicken for soup.

When things go no matter, smartly drags the belt, and the fool climbs into debt. Smart looking for where to earn, and the fool - where to take. Smart collects, and the fool is crumbling. Fools forever something lacks something, and the smart is content with what has, and if it is dissatisfied, so only.

Science is based on the postulate of Protagora - a man of measure of all things. If we do not know about something, it does not exist for science.

I only know what I know nothing - quintessence and vanity of science.

Fools take money, not the mind.

Smart lacks time, and fools of everything else.

A fool is constantly complaining about the lack of money, but will never complain about lack of time. Excessive time it is, the lack of money oppresses, and the mind lacks one thing to spend one thing.

We are looking for a new way to Asia, but we fall into the new light. And so always - the eternal metaphor of our life. Bearing in mind India, stumble upon America and ... "Indians".

In a Christian country, you need to be a Christian.

Communism is the Soviet power plus decimacy All countries.

We are not so else free to implement many of our desires, but are already quite free not to do anything against your will. We can't even do a lot of what we need, but we can no longer do what should not be done.

For business, we all have no time to do.

In Russia, some optimists should live, because in Russia the worst forecasts come true. This is a polygon for running in unsuccessful and most dangerous social projects.

Just as everything is in Greece, everything is possible in Russia.

Even the smartest cat remains a cat, the smartest dog is a dog, and the smartest person is a man. And both cat, even the smartest, do not understand the dogs, especially a person, so do not comprehend God, and he takes to judge if he or him is not.

Eternal discontent with himself - perpetuum Mobile artist.

What anniversary does not cause joy? - When you do not drink a year. Do not do it!

An intelligent can become anyone who has a head on his shoulders and the desire to live a spiritual life.

We somehow insensitively and rather quickly switched from court lickers to public popplism.

Do I need to become famous to become a famous Lord?

What is the difference between the clever fool? Not not mistaken, - it can and more often make mistakes. But by the fact that it does not persist in mistakes, and ready immediately as soon as aware that he made a mistake, fix it. Mind of a fool lies him, as he is unable to part with them.

When you do not know where to start, with that, you need to start - with the recognition that you do not know where to start.

Another success is upsetting us sometimes no less than your own failure.

Alien joy is not a joy, someone else's grief is not trouble.

It would be terrible if we could not keep at least part of our thoughts.

An intelligent person is able to make such nonsense from time to time, which is not on the shoulder the latest fool.

If we do not learn from our mistakes, then others will not teach us anything.

The mind is given to us in order to understand that we must come to terms and believe.

Materialist calls for faith in human mindWhile Mind calls for faith.

It was not optimal because it was stupid as a traffic jam.

We are doomed to doubt and ask.

The classic, which is read with interest now the living reader, is obliged to this, as a rule, that alive and reality, the response to which was at the time that is now recognized as a classics. When the classic of a hundred years ago is perceived as a promulgated document, this suggests that the reality itself has long become a classic.

The feeling of fear and anxiety is an excellent driving force, so powerful that they can move any person. Fear takes its origin from our main natural instinct, survival instinct, that instinct, which is laid in every live creature on the planet, survive and continue his genus. It is so obvious that we do not even notice this, thinking and guessing about the nature of the person and looking for the cause of some of his actions. But not everyone is blind, there are enough competent people who are well-owning knowledge of psychology, which manages to organize unconscious groups of people and induce them to the actions of the necessary precisely these people. The moving factor is fear and anxiety, as a result of which a person simply cannot relax. A relaxed and calm person does not need to do something, and its natural thrust for knowledge, does not have enough power to overcome the difficulties that inevitably arise in the life of everyone.

And only fear, turns a person in a superhuman, which I can't, makes it impossible. Even a slight feeling of anxiety, already forces the responses to emerging issues, and the stronger this anxiety, the more active the action of a person. Isn't that fear of staying hungry forces a person to do at least some kind of work, physical or mental, but work? The whole world and the order in it hold on to fear, the feeling, which, as it turns out is very useful for a person, if he learns to manage. And you can only manage it in my own fear, and accordingly, through the fear of our own production, to do what you need, and not others. Perhaps some of you will say - that you do not need to be afraid of anything, you have to be brave and then you can win. And those who think so is actually right, only that is the courage of a person, as not a fear of him, which he can manage. Nothing is not afraid of fools, who usually do not win. Yes, at least ten times smile in front of death, you are afraid of you or not, if you are dead, then nothing can be changed, and this is not courage, but the stupidity to go consciously to death.

Moreover, when there is no other choice, people of course have to sacrifice themselves, and for this they have to subjugate their fear, but not to give up him, which goes in contrast with nature. Because fear should be, if you deprive artificially a person of this feeling, then he is no longer a person normal person Like all living things should be clinging for life, not afraid of death, and not to find the courage to die. Therefore, only a man under the control is the fear when he clearly realizes what he is afraid and why, and why it is in general it allows him to act according to his interests, thoughtlessly and calmly, without giving his fear around others. But the uncontrolled and unconscious fear that we can observe during panic, or when people are afraid and inactive, which is meaningless, it is already harmful, and destructive for a person. In general, as a psychologist, always welcome flexibility, dodging, cunning and doubleness, that is, everything that allows you to manipulate other people. And no matter how it was not perceived in our society, which in fact everything perceives in the negative light, which makes a person stronger, such behavior is natural for humans.

If you are physically weak, it should be cunning or smart if you are strong, then you should use your advantage over weak. In general, a person must be chameleon, know its strong and weak sides And hiding the shortcomings, skillfully use their advantages. And what makes the person make it all - right, it is fear, and therefore the need to survive, in any way. I never welcomed the samurai approach to life, which many profess and so -na. For them, to keep the face - it is stupid to kill himself, that is, to influence the opinion of others, to which there is no normal person in principle. But survivor, you can always influence the events and replay the situation, so pride and perseverance in this case do not justify yourself. A living person can change in this world all that he did not suit him, can call for answering everyone who once humiliated him, it cannot do it dead, dying, a person takes off responsibility for life.

For each of us, death will come at one time, we will die all, because you should not rush inevitable, as well as fear him, you need to think about life. That is why all these heroic deaths that suicide bruises are boasting, sacrificing themselves, for the sake of great as it seems to be ideas, you can't call, it's rather hopelessness, and how I already said, the dead person cannot win, and the living always always There is a chance. This is all me to the fact that fear encourages a person both in the deliberate and rampant deeds, fear of death, as well as his absence, are not the basis for rational thinking. On the one hand, the fear of inevitable, it takes from a solution to the present important problems, to make something in this life so as not to live in vain. On the other hand, parting with life, in order to think about you as a hero, just stupidly, no matter how you save your face, they will still forget about you, and you will not change anything. Fear should be used as a means to change the world, and it can only make it a lively and healthy person.

The world in which you personally want to live and what you want to leave your descendants, it's your hands, and only a sense of fear before that if you don't do it, it will do someone else, forces a person to act. Scare yourself yourself, the fact that others can scare you, because you should not be afraid, because the fear of fear, that's what is a medicine from him. Fear is an excellent means of manipulation by people, one way or another, but everyone can be intimidated. Each person is something, but is afraid if he is a normal person, not an idiot, from which there is still a little sense. And since the person is afraid, it means that there will be something to do, trying to quench the famine of his fear, so why would these actions, do not send the channel to you? To speak the savior to the ridder from fear or give a good recipe, this many love to do, someone it turns out well, someone is bad.

But both globally and on a local scale, a person skillfully imposing his fears to others and helping them then get rid of them, finds their fans who are knocked down in a herd of brainless sheep around him. As it turns out the fear is really necessary for human management, this world implies the presence of both the slave and led, and as the eagle says it flies alone, and the rams graze a herd. Therefore, choosing a life path, decide how you use your fear, without control over which it will not be possible to feel free, because or you control your fear and manage it, or it controls and manages you.
