Training session on conflict prevention in adolescent environment

"I am among others"

Educator-psychologist, Romantsova I.I.

Target: Study of conflicts, the reasons for their occurrence and methods of their resolution, as well as awareness of adolescents' own strategies of behavior in conflict situationsand the formation of effective skills in conflict behavior.


    formation of students' ideas about conflicts and factors, promoting them occurrence;

    development of abilities to avoid the emergence of a conflict situation;

    revealing by adolescents their own style of behavior in a conflict situation;

    the formation of constructive communication skills among peers.

Lecture hall: students 13-15 years old.

Course of the lesson


Guys, we met to talk together on the topic: "Conflicts in our lives." Why did we choose this topic? This topic is very relevant at your age, when you do all your actions under the influence of emotions. Today we will try with the help of a test, a conversation, a game and, if possible, frank statements to understand what a conflict is, how and why it occurs, how to behave in a similar situation, how to be wiser, above conflicts.

And first, let's get to know you better.

    The exercise"But you"

Target: acquaintance, creating a positive atmosphere in the group.

Instructions: Each of the participants says his name and one of his own shortcomings. The rest of the participants say "... but you ..." and then some positive quality of this person: anything (you have very beautiful eyes, you tell jokes best of all).

    Conversation on the topic of what a conflict is.

We are all different: everyone has their own views, habits, dreams, which means that our interests and the interests of the people around us may not coincide. Sometimes this becomes the cause of conflicts (barriers in communication). The word "conflict" literally translated from Latin means "collision".

Conflict -

    Brainstorm "P ricins the emergence of conflicts»

"Guys, what do you think, what are the reasons for the conflict?"

    inability to control one's own emotional condition;




    difference in goals, interests;

    inability to communicate;

    inability to cooperate, etc.

Now raise your hands, who has ever had to participate in a conflict situation? Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of the particular conflict? To do this, I suggest you finish the sentence written on the board:"The reason for the conflict was that ..."

    Information block "Types and stages conflicts»

The types of conflicts are varied, they distinguish:

    Intrapersonal, where the parties to the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors inner peace personality, often seeming or incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings. This is the so-called ability to "live in harmony with oneself."

    Interpersonal - this is the most common type of conflict ... He is represented by two parties. Most often, it is a struggle for limited resources: material assets, production areas, equipment use time, labor force etc. Everyone believes that it is he, and not the other, who needs the resources.

    Intergroup conflict. Participants are various groups between which conflicts can arise. For example, between management and performers.

    Between an individual and a group. The group sets its own standards of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. The group considers deviation from accepted norms as a negative phenomenon, a conflict arises between the individual and the group.

    Social conflict - this is a situation when the parties (subjects) of interaction pursue some of their goals, which contradict or mutually exclude each other.

What are the stages of the conflict?

    stage - the onset of a conflict (the appearance of a contradiction)

    stage - awareness of the given situation as conflicting at least from one side.

    stage - conflict behavior.

    stage - the outcome of the conflict (constructive, destructive, freezing the conflict)

Behavior strategy in a conflict situation- This is the direction and features of the actions of the conflicting side, which are maintained until the end of the conflict.

Five basic behavioral strategies are identified:

1) cooperation;

2) compromise;

3) avoidance;

4) a device;

5) rivalry.

Let's focus on one of the strategies.

Compromise - this is an agreement based on mutual concessions ”.

It is necessary to emphasize that a compromise is possible if both sides show a desire to resolve the conflict peacefully, otherwise the conflict can lead to a breakdown in relations, to a quarrel.

In order to constructively resolve conflicts or prevent them from developing, various rules have been created in serious areas of human interaction.

1. Find out as precisely as possible, what exactly is the matter, what is the reason for the disagreement.

2. Try to find the maximum number of options for resolving the conflict.

3. Assess all the options and choose the one that best suits the interests of all parties to the conflict, agree to act in accordance with it.

4. Be sure to follow the agreements reached.

5. Discuss what you will do if things don't go the way you wanted.

6. Exercise "Qualities for Successful Conflict Resolution"

Target: Actualization of the qualities and skills necessary for the successful resolution of conflicts.

Equipment: Blank slates for the number of teams (depending on the number of participants).

Instructions: The facilitator divides the participants into teams and conducts a brainstorming session on the topic: "The qualities and skills required for successful conflict resolution."

    Test "How do you usually behave in a conflict situation?"

Target: determination of the way a teenager behaves in a conflict.

An answer sheet is given to each participant. The leader reads out each proverb, and the students enter the corresponding score in the answer form.

Instructions: listen carefully to the proposed proverbs. On a 5-point scale, determine your personal attitude towards each proverb and its use in your usual behavior:

    4 points - often;

    3 points - sometimes;

    2 points - rarely;

    1 point - completely atypical;


List of proverbs:

    A thin world is better than a good quarrel.

    If you can get the other person to think the way you want, get him to do the way you think.

    Lay softly, but hard to sleep.

    Hand washes his hand.

    One mind is good and two is better.

    Of the two disputants, the smarter is the one who is the first to shut up.

    Who is stronger is right.

    If you don't grease it, you won't go.

    From a black sheep - even a tuft of wool.

    Truth is what the wise know, not what everyone is talking about.

    Whoever hits and runs away can fight the next day.

    The word "victory" is clearly written only on the backs of the enemies.

    Kill your enemies with your kindness.

    A fair deal doesn't cause a fight.

    No one has a complete answer, but everyone has something to add.

    The battle is won by the one who believes in victory.

    A kind word is cost-effective and highly valued.

    You to me - I to you.

    Only those who give up their monopoly of truth can benefit from the truths held by others.

    Who can argue - not worth a dime.

    He who does not retreat - he puts to flight.

    An affectionate calf sucks two queens, and a stubborn calf not one.

    Who gives, makes friends.

    Bring your worries out and take advice with others.

    The best way to deal with conflicts is to avoid them.

    Seven times measure cut once.

    Meekness triumphs over anger.

    Better a tit in the hands than a crane in the clouds.

    Sincerity, honesty, and trust move mountains.

    There is nothing in the world that deserves a dispute.

    There are two breeds of people in this world: winners and losers.

    If a stone is thrown at you, throw a piece of cotton in return.

    Mutual concessions are great things.

    Dig and dig, tirelessly: you get to the bottom of the truth.

Test processing:

Sum up the resulting estimates by columns. The facilitator reads out the description of the types, and the students note for themselves their type of response.

Type I "Turtle" - leaving under the shell, refusing to achieve goals and from participating in relationships with other participants, one of the options for self-sufficiency (avoidance).

Type II "Shark" - the power strategy of the goal, the conflict is solved by gaining only for oneself (domination).

Type III "Bear" - smoothing of corners: such people like to be understood and appreciated, for which they sacrifice success (compliance).

Type IV "Fox" - the strategy of an ingenious compromise, with good relationships, achieves the implementation of its goals (compromise).

Type V "Owl" - a wise bird, appreciates both goals and relationships, openly defines positions and ways out in joint work to achieve goals, seeks to find solutions that satisfy all participants (cooperation). "

On the board with attached images of animals, the number of behavioral styles for each scale is entered and a conclusion is made about the prevailing style of behavior in this group in a conflict situation.

Now you know your style of behavior in conflict.

    Exercise "Tell me how you feel?"

Target: Better awareness of the participants of the concept of "conflict", the creation of its metaphorical image.

Instructions: The focus of attention is conflict, when we say this word, a number of associations and feelings arise. We have heard about the conflict, we know how it looks in the behavior of people. Let's explore what he looks like in the world of things.


If the conflict is furniture, what is it?

If conflict is a dish, what kind?

If conflict is clothing, what is it?

If conflict is a plant, which one?

If conflict is a technique, what is it?

So, we have come to the second conclusion that the conflict is a painful state of its participants.

    The game- workshop "Strategy of behavior in conflicts"

Target: Formation of skills of various ways of getting out of the conflict

Equipment: Cards with the names of ways out of the conflict.

Instructions: There are different ways to get out of the conflict. In the course of this game, we will look at some of the ways out of the conflict. The moderator divides all the participants into five groups, in each of which a representative is selected, to whom the moderator gives one of five cards with the name of a certain style of behavior in conflict with the corresponding motto. Each group discusses and prepares a scene that demonstrates the proposed behavior in the conflict.


    Information block "How to resolve the conflict"

And the following algorithm will help you resolve the conflict:

Step 1: Why? (Find out why the parties to the conflict want what they want)

Step 2: What for? (Establish the needs of the participants, not just their goals)

Step 3: How? (What are the solution options?)

Step 4: What? (Which solution suits everyone)

To prevent the occurrence of a conflict, you need to know the rules conflict-free communication:

If, nevertheless, a conflict is ripe effective ways its permissions:

    The solution to the overdue conflict cannot be postponed.

    If conflict is unavoidable, initiate it yourself.

    Strive to sincerely and seriously understand the other's point of view.

    Quickly admit your mistake, wrong step, get ahead of possible criticism.

    Maintain the initiative by dictating emotions, first of all - calmness.

Thus, the resolution of conflicts is not in the reconciliation of positions, but in the clarification of interests, which make it possible to sort out the options for resolving the situation.

    Self-reflection« My possibilities»

    Draw your own palm on a piece of paper.

    In the center of your palm, write the most important reason that prevents you from behaving constructively in conflict situations.

    In the outline of each of the fingers, write something new that you have learned and that may be useful for you to resolve possible conflicts.

High school students complete the proposed task for 5 minutes. After that, those who wish to voice their answers.

Bottom line. “Living life, we again and again find ourselves in a conflict-generating zone, but we should not be afraid of this objective circumstance. We need to resolve conflicts so that no one sees that there were conflicts. And in conclusion, I would like to tell you that the use of constructive ways of resolving the conflict will help you keep friends and not find enemies. "


Each of you has 3 colored squares. Do you find the discussion of this topic useful, will it change your behavior in a conflict situation.

"YES" is red.

"NO" - black

"I DOUBT" - green

Put the squares in envelopes on the board.


    Alberti R., Emmons M. Self-asserting behavior. - SPb., 1998.

    Ann L.F. Psychological training with adolescents. - SPb., 2003.

    Barkley R., Capel D. Theory and practice of training. - SPb., 2002.

    Burnard F. Training of interpersonal interaction. - SPb., 2001.

    Gorbushina O.P. Psychological training. Secrets of conducting. - SPb., 2007.

    Gretsov A.G. Communication training for teenagers. - SPb., 2005.

    O.V. Evtikhov Psychological training practice. - SPb., 2004.

    Izard K.E. Psychology of emotions. - SPb., 1999.

    Osipova E., Chumenko E. Conflicts and methods of overcoming them. Social psychological training... Moscow Chistye Prudy, 2007.

    Handbook of group writing correction. Ed. O.I. Istratova, T.V. Exocusto. - Phoenix, 2011.


Conflict - contradiction is a clash of opposing views, interests, points of view, forms of behavior, where each side pursues its own goals, interests and positions that are incompatible with the other side. Disagreement between people, fraught with serious consequences for them, difficulties in establishing normal relationships.

Types of conflicts:



    Intergroup conflict

    Between an individual and a group

    Social conflict

WITH strategy of behavior in a conflict situation :






Compromise is an agreement based on mutual concessions "


    Style "Competition": "In order for me to win, you must lose."

    Adaptation style: "For you to win, I must lose."

    Style "Compromise": "For each of us to win something, each of us must lose something."

    Style "Cooperation": "For me to win, you must also win."

    Avoidance Style: “I don’t care if you win or lose, but I know I don’t take part in it.”

Step 1: Why?

Step 2: What for?

Step 3: How?

Step 4: What?

How to avoid conflict:

    Do not use conflictogens: these are words, actions (or inaction) that can lead to conflict.

    Do not respond with a conflictogen to a conflict.

    Show empathy (emotional sensitivity) towards the other person.

    Make as many sympathetic messages as possible.

    5 points - typical for behavior;

    4 points - often;

    3 points - sometimes;

    2 points - rarely;

    1 point - completely atypical;

    0 points - did not understand the meaning of the proverb.

Answer form.

Federal Agency for Education

GOUVPO "Khakassky State University them. Katanova "


Department of Psychology

020400 - Psychology

Test by discipline

"Psychology of Conflict"

Socio-psychological training "Conflicts and methods of overcoming them"

Completed: 6th year student

Groups P-03

Ovcharenko T.V.

Checked by: Guseva T.B.

Abakan 2009

Day 1.

Topic: The concept of "Conflict".

introduction the leader about the goals of the group, discussion and adoption of the rules of the group, the establishment of regulations.

Acquaintance of the members of the group.

The number of participants can be different (from 12 to 24 people), but if the number of participants is more than 16, the work of two facilitators is required.

The procedure for acquaintance is chosen depending on the degree of familiarity of the participants with each other. In a situation where the participants do not know each other, in a circle they take turns giving their names, marking their expectations and concerns related to the training. Then the exercise is carried out.

Exercise "Interview".

The participants sort out into pairs for 10 minutes (5 minutes for each) and interview each other. The task of the interviewers is to present the interviewee as a unique person. The interview questions are formulated by the participants in an arbitrary manner. Then the representative stands behind the interviewee's back and speaks on his behalf for one minute, putting his hands on his shoulders (for example, "My name is Ekaterina, I am working .."). After the time limit is over, group members can ask questions that are more focused on life, professional views. Questions can also be photographic. The proxy still replies on behalf of his interview partner. If he does not have the information to answer the questions of the group members, he answers as he thinks his partner would answer.

If the members of the group are familiar with each other and the group is sufficiently cohesive, you can invite the participants in a circle to recall their training name and name their personal quality, which helps them in resolving conflicts.

The facilitator needs to spend some time building up the group's working capacity by doing several exercises for this purpose. For example, the following exercises might serve this purpose.

Exercise "Scouts".

Target: removal of initial tension, development of cohesion, trust, establishment of friendly ties.

Instructions:“Now we will all be scouts. To do this, in a circle, you need to connect with someone's eyes without words, nods or any gestures. " At the signal of the host "Contact the scout!" participants are looking for a pair within 10 seconds. Not everyone gets in touch the first time. The presenter asks those who were left without a pair to stand up and, within 5 seconds, find a pair from among the remaining participants; and so on until the whole group is split into pairs. Next, the presenter asks the couples who have taken place to exchange places, shaking hands with each other in the exchange process.

"And now wave your hand to your scout from your place and, at the command of the leader, contact the third" The second stage of this exercise repeats the previous algorithm with the condition to contact the new "scout", exchange places with him. After that, the leader walks in a circle, and the person to whom he approaches must get up, and at the same time - the third scout. During the discussion of the exercise, the participants share information about the change in their state.

Exercise "Fun Brainstorming".

Target: intellectual warm-up, "inclusion" of creative abilities.

The group is divided into subgroups of 4-5 people, who, within 2 minutes, come up with various options for using a simple item, for example, a clothes hanger. The host warns that ideas can be anything, the most absurd. After completing the work, each group reads out their version. The winner is the group in which there were the most ideas that were not repeated in other groups.

At the next stage, the group continues to brainstorm. The same subgroups are given the task to develop a definition of the concept of "conflict" within 5 minutes.

The groups take turns presenting their definitions. Those definitions in which the conflict is considered a destructive action are written on one part of the board; definitions of a positive nature - on the other. After completing the submissions of definitions by all groups, participants analyze all definitions, highlighting the common ones, and work out a new definition.

Theoretical information.

Conflict - clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of opponents or subjects of interaction.

Conflicts are part Everyday life... A conflict in the social sphere as a dispute between the parties, as a contradiction in their interests and goals, is natural and therefore inevitable, moreover, according to the famous negotiator R. Fischer, the more diverse the world becomes, the greater the number of contradictions in interests one has to face. Psychologists also note that conflict helps prevent stagnation in society and stimulates the search for solutions to problems. In addition, a conflict of low intensity, resolved peacefully, can prevent a more serious conflict. It is noticed that in those social groups where small conflicts are quite frequent, it rarely comes to large contradictions. The question is not how to prevent or not notice the conflict, but how to prevent conflicting behavior associated with destructive, violent ways of resolving contradictions, and to direct the participants to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Exercise: Components of a Conflict.

Target: highlight the components of the conflict.

The group is divided into microgroups. Within 3 minutes, the typical behavior of the participants in the conflict, the features of the manifestation of emotions, the specifics of the content of the dialogue, and possible behavioral acts are discussed. Then the discussion continues in the group.

Exercise: Working with associations to understand conflict.

Target: awareness of one's own emotional field of perception of the conflict.

Participants are seated in a circle.

Instructions:“The focus of our attention is the conflict. When we say this word, we have a number of associations, feelings. We have heard about the conflict, we know how it manifests itself in the behavior of people. Now we are examining the reflection of the conflict on the inner state of a person. Let everyone say what the word "conflict" is associated with. What image does your imagination suggest? "

After the first row of associations, you can ask to continue:

· If the conflict is furniture, what is it?

· If the dishes, what kind?

· If clothes, what kind?

Reflection of the training.

Day 2.

Topic: The main stages of the course of the conflict.

Role-playing game "Mill".

Target: accommodation by the training participants of "minor" conflict situations, adjustment for further work.

An equal number of training participants form two circles (one inside the other), stand facing each other and act out small dialogues in pairs - situations that are set by the leader. The dialogue lasts 2 minutes. After each dialogue, the outer circle takes several steps, for example, clockwise; each participant changes partners, the next episode is played out.

Situations to play out:

· Those in the outer circle play the role of bus controllers, and those in the inner circle play the role of stowaways;

· The inner circle - sellers who do not care about buyers, and the outer - buyers .;

· The outer circle is the boss who "caught" the late subordinate, and the inner circle is the subordinate;

· The inner circle is the tenant. Which was filled by the neighbor from above, the outer circle is the neighbor from above.

In the course of the discussion, the participants analyze their most typical behavior in various situations, the adopted emotions.

Theoretical information.

There are the following stages of the conflict:

1. The stage of potential formation of conflicting interests, values ​​and norms - the state of affairs on the eve of the conflict. At this stage, there are already some prerequisites for a conflict, perhaps there is strong tension in relations, but it has not yet resulted in an open clash. This state of affairs can persist for a long time.

This stage can also be referred to as latent, or latent, conflict.

2. The stage of transition of a potential conflict into a real one, or the stage of awareness by the participants in the conflict of their correctly or falsely understood interests. This stage can be designated as an "incident", that is, the first skirmish of the conflicting parties. The incident acts as the plot of the conflict. Often an incident appears as if it were an accident, but in fact it is the last straw that overflows the cup. A conflict that began with an incident may end with it (for example, a squabble of passengers in public transport).

3. Stage of conflict actions. At this stage, the conflict, as it were, "steps up the steps", being realized in a series of separate acts - actions and counteractions of the conflicting parties. Escalation can be continuous: with an ever-increasing degree of tension in relations and the force of blows exchanged between conflicting parties; and wave-like, when the tension in relations sometimes increases, then subsides, and periods of active confrontation are replaced by a temporary improvement in relations.

At this stage, it is possible to experience the culmination of the conflict (the upper point of its escalation). The culmination leads to the realization of the need to interrupt the further aggravation of relations and look for a way out of the conflict.

4. Stage of withdrawal, or resolution, conflict. At this stage, it is necessary to introduce two concepts: the cost of the conflict and the cost of getting out of the conflict. Comparison of these two components makes it possible to rationally decide the question: is it worth continuing the conflict, or is it more profitable to end it. Often, the end of the conflict can only be achieved through special efforts aimed at resolving it. One of the forms of ending the conflict is to invite a mediator to negotiate between the conflicting parties.


Handshake or Bow Exercise
(tolerance, respect for each other)

Participants greet each other using greeting rituals from different cultures.
Tell the group about the greeting gestures of the different nations... Warn participants in advance that they will have to use these rituals by introducing themselves to each other. Here are some options for greeting:
o hug and kissing three times alternately on both cheeks (Russia);
o light bow with arms crossed on the chest (China);
o handshake and kiss on both cheeks (France);
o light bow, palms folded in front of the forehead (India);
o light bow, arms and palms extended at the sides (Japan);
o kiss on the cheeks, palms rest on the forearms of the partner (Spain);
o simple handshake and eye contact (Germany);
o soft handshake with both hands, touching only with fingertips (Malaysia);
o rub their noses against each other (Eskimo tradition). Invite the group to form a circle. One of the participants begins a "circle of acquaintances": stands in the middle and greets the partner on the right. Then he goes clockwise and greets all the members of the group one by one.
Each time the participant must greet his counterpart with a new gesture. At the same time, he introduces himself, calling his name.
In the second round, another participant enters the circle, standing to the right of the first, and so on.
This game is suitable for meeting participants in multicultural groups. In the course of it, an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for each other are maintained. In addition, the participants will certainly be interested in meeting people in different ways. At the end of the exercise, a short exchange of impressions can be done.

Exercise "True or False?"
(atmosphere of openness, group cohesion)

Group members sit in a circle; everyone should have paper and pencil ready.
1. Invite the participants to write three sentences that are personally relevant to them. Of these three phrases, two must be true and one must not.
2. One by one, each participant reads out his phrases, everyone else tries to understand what is true and what is not. In this case, all opinions must be substantiated. Advise the authors of the phrases not to rush with their comments and carefully listen to the guesses of different players. After all, this is a great opportunity to understand how a person is perceived from the outside.

Exercise "Labyrinth" (feeling of trust)

The group is divided into pairs. In each pair, one of the participants, with the help of verbal instructions-commands, "leads" his partner into an imaginary labyrinth, the scheme of which in the form of a broken line with right angles he holds in front of him, but does not show his "follower". There are three commands in total.
The first, denoting the entrance to the labyrinth, is "Straight ahead!" Further, depending on the shape of the labyrinth, follow the commands "To the right!" or "To the left!"
Having passed the labyrinth, the "follower" must turn 180 degrees and mentally leave it, aloud announcing all his movements (using the same three commands). At this time, the "winding up", according to his scheme, controls the path of the partner. If the "follower" has coped with the task successfully, then he is offered a labyrinth with a lot of turns, and so on. Then the partners switch roles.
In some cases, it is better to work with the "Labyrinth" not in pairs, but as a whole group. In this case, part of the participants sitting in the circle (even ones) will be led into the maze, and the rest will be taken out of the maze. Then each of both the "leading" and the "leading" gets only a part of the common path.
During the discussion of the results, the coach should pay special attention to how each athlete, as a "follower", coped with his task. Participants, who have a predominant visual orientation in space, usually use an imaginary man who, obediently following commands, walks through the labyrinth. For those with a predominant motor type, this is not enough. In order to determine where it is "to the left" and where to the right, they have to imagine themselves every time in the place of the "little man", mentally climb into the labyrinth and make imaginary turns there. Imagining various movements, people with a motor type of orientation do not so much see these movements as they feel them with their bodies, feel themselves performing them.

Exercise "Wishes" (creating a group atmosphere)

All participants sit in a circle. Everyone in a circle expresses a wish to the sitting players. It is possible for one of the players, if desired. The leader of the training expresses his wish at the end of the circle.

Exercise Compact Surveys (increased sociability)

Purpose of the game- improve the level of sociability (learn to limit yourself to extreme extroverts and open up to introverts).
The course of the game. 3 students choose their social role (director of the lyceum, housewife, homeless person, etc.) and sit in the center of the circle. The rest of the participants in the game ask all three the same question. Each of those sitting in the center must answer this question in accordance with his social role(3 seconds after the end of the question). Moreover, each of the respondents preliminarily determines the volume of his statement (1, 3, 10 sentences). The "keeper of time" monitors the accuracy of the task.


Exercise "I want to give you" (development of the psychological climate)

The facilitator begins the exercise by addressing the participant sitting to his right with the phrase "I want to give you ..." and says what he wants to give to this person.

Exercise "Telepathy" (Non-verbal communication)

The group is divided into pairs. In each pair, the participants sit facing each other. One of them is assigned the role of "transmitting", the other - "receiving". The presenter explains that the "transmitting" should concentrate as best as possible on some image and by an effort of will to inspire it to the "receiving". The task of the "receiver" is to penetrate what his partner's attention is focused on.
You can organize the game so that the whole group conveys the same image to one of the participants - this brings animation to the work, makes it more interesting.

Exercise "I'm in your shoes" (empathy)

One of the fundamental mechanisms of human understanding is reflection - the ability to imagine oneself in the place of another person, mentally see and "play" the situation for him.
People who have lost each other in an unfamiliar city meet in the central square. The offender leaves the jewelry in the most conspicuous place in the hope that everyone will rush to search for hiding places, and only seasoned detectives find them where it never occurred to anyone to look. The rivals drill each other with their eyes - each understands what the other wants, but also understands that the other understands this. Does this sound familiar to you?
The ability to put oneself in the shoes of an opponent or partner, to make the most probable decisions for him and to coordinate his own actions with him, to take into account his attempts to “think for you” and to act with an amendment to this thinking - all this is necessary.
Participants in the exercise are divided into pairs. One of the couple recalls an incident from life or a literary story (posing as his own - a game situation), the second participant begins the conversation with the words "I am in your place ..." and continues, as he would have done in this case. At the end of the exercise, reflection takes place.

Exercise "Mirror" (development of the psychological climate)

Participants are divided into pairs, facing each other. One of the players makes slow movements with his hands, head, and the whole body. The task of the other is to exactly copy all the movements of the partner, to be his "mirror image". In each pair, the participants independently select the required complexity of movements and their pace.
During the game, the participants working for the "reflection" rather quickly learn to feel the partner's body and grasp the logic of his movements. From time to time it becomes easier to follow the "original" and copy its movements, and more and more often situations arise not only of anticipation, but also of anticipation of its movements. Having mastered the skills of motor imitation, the participants can try their hand at a more complex game: the task is the same, but the roles of "reflection" and "original", follower and leader, are not defined. Flexibly adjusting to each other, the players tend to move in unison.
This exercise is very good remedy development of psychological contact. By observing the course of its implementation, the trainer can identify the "natural" leader in each pair. Difficulties in achieving motor consent are often associated with the presence of tense relationships between partners.

Exercise "Cold soup"

This exercise follows a short theoretical part, during which the trainer explains the meaning of the terms “confident (assertive)”, “insecure (passive)”, “aggressive”, “manipulative”.
Participants sit in a semicircle. On the floor, a cord is stretched in a triangle, at its corners and in the middle of one of the sides there are cards with the words "confident", "uncertain", "aggressive", "manipulative".
The lines connecting different types of behavior are a continuum; transitional forms of behavior are located on it: from manipulative to insecure and aggressive, from insecure to confident, etc.
The moderator suggests the following situation for discussion:
You were asked to discuss business with an important client and you invited him to an expensive restaurant. Both your client and you ordered your first course. The soup was cold. You invited the client, which means that you are the host and feel that you have to do something.
Each participant receives a card on which is written a possible reaction to the situation. Participants are invited to place the cards they have received in the space of the triangle and justify their decision. The group can ask questions of each participant and discuss their choice.
Content of cards:
1. Ask the waiter: "Is this soup served cold?"
2. Set the plate aside.
3. Get up and leave the establishment.
4. Loudly, so that both the waiter and other visitors hear it, say: "This is the last time I bring someone here!"
5. Tell the waiter, "I would like to talk to the manager."
6. Tell the waiter, "The soup is disgusting. Take it away and immediately serve us something more edible."
7. Ask the waiter: "Darling, what happened to your electric stove?"
8. Pretend everything is in order and eat soup.
9. Tell the waiter, "This soup is cold. Please replace it."
10. Tell the waiter that you would like to deduct the cost of the soup from the bill.
11. Ask your client if they would like to complain.
12. When the waiter comes to clean up the plates, say, "Excuse me, but I'm afraid we couldn't finish the soup. It tastes good, but it wasn't very warm - completely cold, I mean!"
During the general discussion, options are analyzed confident behavior and examples from own life when participants were able to use this option.

Exercise "Loving gaze" (Non-verbal communication)

A driver is selected from among the participants. He leaves the room. Those sitting in the room choose 3 players who will look at the driver with a "loving, affectionate gaze". The player who entered the room must guess which of the participants is looking at him with a loving, affectionate look. Then the next driver is selected.


Exercise "Reincarnation" (self-disclosure, deepening of emotional contacts)

Group members sit comfortably in armchairs (chairs). One of them receives a task from the leader: to imagine an object that would look like materialized relaxation itself. An overripe pear tree that almost breaks off a branch, a giant pendulum, expanded lava or melting oil crawling along the slope of the volcano are visible to the inner gaze. After that, the participant who received the task must, with the power of imagination, "transform" himself into what he imagined, feel himself as this thing, immerse himself in its world, get into the mood and get used to the "character". On behalf of this thing, he begins a story about what is happening to her at the moment and what she is experiencing at the same time. Having finished the narration, the participant passes the word to his neighbor on the left by touching. He can either continue the story, or start a new reincarnation.
The game puts each of the group members in a situation of solving a creative problem and opens up more freedom to express their individuality.
It is advisable to play in a darkened room - this will provide the students with greater relaxedness and psychological comfort. As you master the art of getting used to the image of reincarnation, they become more and more vivid and convincing. From superficial, purely external descriptions, the participants go “into the depths” of the object, becoming more and more identified with it and experiencing it “from within”. In some cases, the paintings are so expressive and strong that the whole group is imbued with their mood.
It is even easier for the participants listening to the story to get involved in the development of the image than for the speaker.
You should not offer this exercise to a group within which a relationship of mutual acceptance and a taste for joint creativity has not yet matured. Sometimes, to swing the group, the leader can at first give the participants the right to skip their turn at will and pass on the touch that has come down to them.

"Anabiosis" (transition from alienation to contact)

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, players assign between themselves the roles of "frozen" and "reanimator". At the signal, the "frozen" freezes in immobility, depicting a creature immersed in suspended animation - with a petrified face and an empty gaze. The task of the "resuscitator", for which one minute is allotted, is to rescue the partner from the anabiotic state, to revive him. The "resuscitator" has no right to touch the "frozen" one, nor to address it with any words. All that he has is a look, facial expressions, gestures and pantomime.
The signs of the successful work of the "reanimator" can be considered the involuntary remarks of the "frozen", his laughter, smile and other manifestations of emotional life. The criteria for getting out of suspended animation, which can range from obvious violations of silence and immobility to subtle changes in facial expression, are set by the participants themselves, depending on their level of "qualifications".
Probably, everyone is familiar with the feeling of alienation, an invisible wall that stands between two people: partners seem to become stiff in front of each other, cease to feel and understand each other. Probably, the opposite feeling is also familiar: absolute mutual understanding arises between people, and, as if through an invisible channel, feelings and intentions freely flow from one to another. In the proposed exercise in miniature, the problem of transition from alienation to contact is solved. Working in the role of "resuscitators", the participants learn different ways of breaking mutual isolation.

Exercise "Acrobat" (mastering the ways of conducting a conversation)

Participants are seated in a row. The presenter stands in front of them and holds a small human figure in his hands. He explains to the participants that he is an "acrobat" who can carry out four commands.
"Right!" - at this command, the "acrobat" makes a 90-degree turn over the right shoulder;
"Left!" - he turns in the opposite direction;
command "Forward!" performed as a rotation facing forward 90 degrees relative to the center of gravity;
command "Back!" - as a rotation in the opposite direction.
After all the participants familiarize themselves with the principle of controlling the figure, they sit in a circle and begin to closely follow the somersaults of an imaginary acrobat, whose commands are given by each in turn. Those who could not at some point keep track of the game, leave the circle, and so on until the winner is revealed.
In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, the moderator, with the help of his figure, can control the entire course of the game and act as an arbiter in disputable situations. This exercise is very similar to the previous one.

Exercise "He is an emotion" (mastering methods of psychological defense)

Take the emotion cards. Use only emotion words to play. For example, the word "Sadness". Now remember your students and "pick" one of them to this word? Who is suitable? Who is internally "similar" to this word? Which student's image corresponds to the state of sadness?
Take the next card at random and have the word "joy" written on it. Think about which of your colleagues, with their attitude, character, attitude towards themselves and people, personifies this word?
Go through 5-7 cards in this way until you get tired. Think of your pupils and "pick up" the appropriate cards with the designation of emotions for them. Happened?
Probably, in the game you saw that you began to better understand your guys, their mood, state, individual characteristics.

Exercise "I am emotion"

Pick up 2-3 cards for yourself that are most consistent with your condition, mood, character. Set them aside.
Then choose cards that reflect the personality of the "ideal teacher" you would like to be. Compare the two groups of cards, how are they different, and how are they similar?
The game can be made more difficult if you ask another teacher to pick up a few cards that they think reflect your image. Through his perception, you will receive a "mirror", i.e. see yourself from the side. You can also invite your daughter or son to play.
If your partner's selection of cards caused you surprise or even confusion, ask why he chose these cards. You can disagree with his choice and offer your own options. In any case, this addicting game will help you "bump into yourself", feel the reality of your inner world, your moods, emotional states, think about yourself and get an assessment of the people who are significant to you.


Exercise "Focus" (self-regulation skills)

The exercise is performed with closed eyes. At the command of the host "Body!" participants focus on their gel by commanding "Hand!" - on the right hand. Then there is a consistent concentration on the right hand - by the command "Brush!", On the index finger - by the command "Finger!" and, finally, on the tip of the finger - by the command "Fingertip!". The interval between teams can be from 10 seconds to 2 minutes (depending on the participants' possession of their bodily attention).
If a discussion does not start by itself after finishing the work, the facilitator should ask the group members about whether each of them coped with the task, how they did it, and what difficulties they faced. As a rule, the smaller the volume of a certain part of the body, the more difficult it is for the participants to grope and grab their attention.
During "focusing" the leader may notice that some of the trainees involuntarily resort to "external" methods of concentration: they open their eyes and squint them towards the object of concentration, bow their head, help themselves with facial expressions, etc. Sometimes these movements make it easier to "inward" the desired area. More often, however, it happens the other way around: the activity of external perception only complicates matters, creating a lot of additional hindrances.
The exercise can be modified in various ways. The attention of the participants can not only narrow concentrically, as in the described version of the exercise, but also expand or move from one part of the body to another along an arbitrarily chosen leading route.

Exercise "Telepathy" (Non-verbal communication)

The group is divided into pairs. In each pair, the participants sit facing each other. One of them is assigned the role of "transmitting", the other - "receiving". The presenter explains that the "transmitting" should concentrate as best as possible on some image and by an effort of will to inspire it to the "receiving". The task of the "receiver" is to penetrate what his partner's attention is focused on. You can organize the game so that the whole group conveys the same image to one of the participants - this brings animation to the work, makes it more interesting.
When organizing the game, the leader must make it clear to the group that he is quite serious about the proposed experiment and expects positive results. This will help the participants overcome possible skepticism about such activities and set themselves up for serious work. Of course, this is not a matter of telepathy - it may not exist in nature. However, the need to create a vivid imaginary picture, not only for oneself, but also for a partner, is an additional incentive for the "transmitting" to maximally mobilize the powers of his imagination.
During the game, correct guesses usually happen more often than one would expect from the theory of probability. There is nothing mystical about this. By the partner's breathing (and if the exercise is performed with open eyes, then by his posture, movements, facial expression), the "receiver" can quite accurately capture at least the emotional tone of the picture - whether it is calm or disturbing, joyful or sad.
If, after the first successes, the participants really get the impression that thoughts are transmitted at a distance, the leader should not rush to debunk the "miraculous phenomenon." After all, belief in telepathy can be effectively used in order to more and more warm up your group in its work. Only after each of the participants has sufficiently worked in the role of "transmitting", it makes sense to reveal the cards and tell the group about the possible channels of information transmission.

Exercise "Truth or Fiction" (ability to listen and understand)

Play enhances group cohesion and creates an atmosphere of openness.
Group members sit in a circle; everyone should have paper and pencil ready. Invite the participants to write three sentences that are personally relevant to them. Of these three phrases, two (e must be true, and one must not.
One by one, each participant reads out his phrases, everyone else tries to understand what is true and what is not. In this case, all opinions must be substantiated.
Advise the authors of the phrases not to rush with their comments and listen carefully to the guess: and different players. After all, this is a great opportunity to understand how a person is perceived from the outside.

Exercise "As I see you" (the ability to listen to the interlocutor)

The game fosters interest in other people.
Set aside chairs and tables to allow participants to move freely around the room.
Explain to the participants that this game will give everyone the opportunity to get to know a member of the group better and will have to introduce him / her to everyone else later.
Players team up in twos and talk to each other for 3 minutes.
The purpose of the conversation is to make some impression on the partner.
After that, the participants get back together. The facilitator says: "When we meet a new person and exchange at least a couple of words with him, we get the first impression of his personality. I suggest that you introduce your partner to the group. But this should be done in an unusual way. Think again about the person with whom you just talked. Now remember some image that would convey your impression of this person. Introduce your partner to the group, saying his name and the image that you think is associated with him. You can, for example, say: "Karl reminds me of a teddy bear as it exudes friendliness. During my conversation with Karl, I really enjoyed it! "
This game contributes to the creation of a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Be sure to note what different images the participants find and how original they justify their associations.

Exercise "Thinking about me"

Each participant will be able to hear the opinions of others about themselves. This "social echo" helps to orientate the group.
You will need paper and pencils according to the number of participants.
1. Each participant writes their name on top of a piece of paper. The sheets are then stacked together, shuffled and distributed to group members.
2. Everyone writes short comments under their name on the sheet they got. It can be a compliment, a question, or a personal opinion about this person.
3. All sheets are stacked again, shuffled and distributed again to the participants, who again write their comments.
4. The same actions are repeated one more time.
5. Now there are three comments on each sheet. The facilitator collects all the sheets and reads them aloud one at a time. After each reading, the mentioned participant can give his opinion on the following issues:
o Was anyone's review surprised me?
o Do I consider these statements addressed to me to be correct?
o Do I want to answer the question asked?
o How do I usually feel when joining a new team?
o How do I want to look like in a group?
o Is my sensitivity more of a merit or a demerit? You can read the comments written on all sheets, and then invite the participants to discuss the game.


Exercise "Magic Pencil" (feeling of trust)

To familiarize participants with the rules of this game, you will need paper and a pencil. The presenter explains to the players that the pencil can be controlled from a distance by giving it one of four possible commands: "Up!" "Down!", "Right!" or "Left!" On command, the pencil moves in the indicated direction, leaving a line on the paper. Another command follows, and the pencil, without taking off from the paper, moves again. Thus, a broken line is drawn on the sheet. All pencil "strokes" must be equal in length.
At the preliminary stage of the game, the participants give their commands in turn, and the leader "helps" the pencil to carry out their duties. Then, after making sure that all participants have learned the principle of the game, the facilitator invites them to draw imaginary figures on an imaginary sheet, which everyone should represent in front of them. Drawing begins with the simplest figure, a sample of which the presenter first demonstrates to the players, for example, from a square. Commands are given in a circle.
The facilitator must explain to the players that they have no right to agree on where to start and in which direction to lead the broken line. Everyone should keep a close eye on the teams and, when it comes their turn, act according to the situation. If during the drawing the participant could not follow the line or it seemed to him that one of his comrades made a mistake, he stops the game with the command "Stop!" At this command, everything that is already drawn on the imaginary sheets is automatically erased. The person who stopped the game starts it over and makes the first move. After the figure is drawn, the presenter suggests the next, more complex one.
As a rule, the game is very lively. The presence of a common goal and the responsibility of each for its achievement lead to a significant mobilization of the visual imagination.

Exercise "Put yourself in the shoes of another"

Think back to your recent conflict with a work colleague in which you began communication from a "above" position. Now relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself in the place of the teacher you were talking to. Have you presented? Internally, inwardly ask him what impressions he got from communicating with you? Think about what your former interlocutor might say about you. Then replay the conversation in your mind in a way that leaves your partner with fond memories of yourself. What changed? Do you understand that your internal position has changed first of all? If earlier, consciously or unconsciously, you began a conversation with a work colleague in the same way as you talk with your students in a lesson, now you approach a person, internally preparing for equal contact with him. This psychological preparation is associated with a change in your position, your inner desire for a full-chain dialogue.

Exercise "Homeostat" (consistency between group members)

This is the name of a device with many knobs and dials, which is used by psychologists to study group compatibility. Our "device" is somewhat simpler. Participants are seated in a circle. Everyone clenches his right hand into a fist, and at the command of the presenter everyone throws out their fingers.
The group should strive to ensure that all participants independently roll the same number. Participants are prohibited from negotiating, winking or trying to coordinate their actions in other "illegal" ways. The game continues until the group reaches its goal. In order to provide each other with the opportunity to assess the situation and take it into account in the subsequent tact of the game, the participants, after each "throwing out", fix for some time the position of their outstretched fingers.
In addition to its direct purpose, "Homeostat" can be used by a psychologist to identify the relationship between the players. If you carefully observe the course of the game, you will notice one or more leaders in the group, to which the rest of the participants adapt. Perhaps the group splits into several groups that have their own guidelines for the outcome of the game (for example, half of the players throw out three fingers several times in a row, while the other throws out one at a time). It is also possible that a "negativist" will appear, stubbornly bending his line even after a certain agreement has already been reached between the other participants.
If the participants get bored with this sedentary version of reflective play, then you can offer its mobile analogue.

Exercise Robot " (non-verbal communication, common points touch)

A playing field is created - a vast space with scattered matches. Participants are divided into pairs ("robot" and "operator"). The task of the "operator" is to collect as many matches as possible with the help of his "robot". To do this, he gives the "robot" verbal commands, striving to control in detail and accurately the movements of his arms, legs, and torso. The task of the "robot" is to unquestioningly and accurately carry out the commands of its "operator". The eyes of the "robot" are closed during the game. When explaining the instructions to the trainer, it should be emphasized that the “robot” should not play along with its “operator”. The "robot" is devoid of its own will, desires and passions. He is deeply indifferent to the outcome of the game; he is just an obedient, non-initiative instrument in the hands of the "operator". Carrying out the game requires compliance with basic safety rules. The "robot", if it plays its part well, acts thoughtlessly and inflexible. All responsibility for avoiding collisions with walls, objects and other "robots" lies with the "operator". In addition, the presenter must carefully observe everything that happens on the playing field. For additional safety net, the device of all "robots" is programmed in such a way that they freeze motionless on the emergency command "Stop!", Which the leader can give in case of danger. In order to successfully control the "robot", the "operator" must subtly feel all its movements, literally get used to it. With a good involvement in the game, the "operator" begins to perceive inaccuracies in the movements of the "robot" not as mistakes of a partner in the game, but as his own. For the "robot", the game serves as a good training of selective attention, since he must fetch out the voice of his "operator" from the dense stream of words. Instead of collecting matches, you can offer any other motor task: draw a figure, tie a knot, go through a maze, build a group sculptural composition, etc. Other modifications of this game are possible.

Exercise "Learning to understand each other."

By focusing our attention on body language, we can understand the mood of the other member of the group.
1. Group members walk around the room in a random rhythm. At your "Stop" signal, they must stop and stand in front of the closest lump. Let, without saying a word, the player try to feel how the external appearance of another person - the position of the body, facial expressions, breathing rate, expression of the eyes - affects them. They need to sense the emotional state of the other participant and instantly assess their own.
2. In half a minute, partners share their impressions about each other. The task is given 2 minutes.
3. Group members continue to walk around the room. Give them the opportunity to try two or three more meetings.
4. Discuss the outcome of the game, giving the participants the opportunity to answer the following questions:
o Why is it important for people to understand body language?
o How well did you understand this or that player?
o To what extent did everyone manage to feel the inner world of their partners without words?

Exercise "Reservoir" (understanding the interlocutor)

Purpose of the game- improving non-reflective listening.
In a conversation with a teacher, parents, older sister or brother, boyfriend or girlfriend, any person who is in a state of excitement or resentment towards you, play the role of an "empty form", a "reservoir" into which your interlocutor "pours", "lays" your words, thoughts, feelings, emotions. Try to reach the inner state of the "reservoir": you are a form, you do not react to external influences, but only accept them into your inner space. Drop your personal assessments - as if you are not in reality, there is only an empty form!
It's difficult. But play it 2-3 times, and you should be able to do it easily. Then, when you are sure that you have formed the internal state of the "reservoir", enter into a conversation with the most conflicted person and try to be impartial and non-tendentious towards your interlocutor. Use the skills you acquired in the previous exercise.

Exercise "Docking" (understanding each other)

The game is played in fours. The two participants sit opposite each other with their knees touching and close their eyes. The index fingers of the right hands - "space stations" - they stretch out towards each other. The other two players stand behind the seated ones. At the signal, each of the standing participants begins, with the help of verbal commands or touches, to control the movements of the right hand of the person sitting in front of him. The goal of the players behind the chairs is to bring the ends of their partners' index fingers together. A competitive version of the game is also possible: one of the players seeks to divert his "target" - the palm of a person sitting in front of him from the "rocket" pursuing him - from the index finger of the person sitting opposite. In this case, the palm should, of course, always remain within the reach of the finger, and the face, for security reasons, should be outside it.


Exercise "YES" MEANS "NO"

The exercise is carried out in a general circle.
Often, when communicating with each other, people do not know how to follow the rules of constructive conversation.
The purpose of this exercise- to teach to say "no" or to express your point of view, your opinion in an acceptable form, without resentment and anger.
This exercise can be done with students. high school, high school students, students, specialists in communication professions.
At the request of the presenter, everyone writes on a piece of paper (or just comes up with) a controversial statement. For example: "All children are unbearable", "Elderly people are wise and calm", "All teachers value and respect their students", "Parents never understand their children."
After that, as soon as he is ready, the participant pronounces (reads out) his phrase. The rest give the answer in the following form. First you need to be sure to agree with what was said. After that - continue the conversation, expressing your agreement or disagreement with what was said.
Examples of the first phrase: "Yes, however ...", "Yes, and yet ...", "Yes, and if ..."
In this exercise, participants have the opportunity to practice constructive dialogue. This skill is very useful when dealing with people in a state of anger, aggression, irritation, resentment.

(AUTHOR V. V. Petrusinsky)

For this game, you must select the Driver. It becomes evanescent and takes place in the center of the circle. The task of the rest of the group members - the "accusers" - is to highlight the negative trait of the accused and describe how it manifests itself. The defender's task is to find a positive explanation for this trait, to express his opinion on the accusation made.
After the exercise, the group discusses whether the "accused" was able to justify himself, how confident he was and what helped him in this. In conclusion, the group proposes its own options for “acquittal” of the “accused”, which he should state when he is re-indicted. It is important that all the members of the group take turns in the role of the "accused".

Exercise "Nahal" (ways to practice behavior)

Purpose of the game- to improve the ability to build their speech behavior in an extreme situation.
The course of the game. Well, it happens like this: you are standing in line and suddenly someone "breaks in" in front of you. The situation is very vital, and in fact quite often words are not found to express their indignation and indignation. Yes, and not every word is easy to discourage such an impudent person from the future. And yet, how to be? After all, one cannot put up with the fact that such cases should be inevitable. Let's try to figure out this situation. Break into pairs. In each pair, the one sitting on the left is conscientiously standing in line. Nahal walks in from the right. React impromptu on his appearance, so much so that it was discouraging. Then each pair switches roles and the game continues. At the end of the game, the group discusses which answer was the most successful.

Exercise "Unexpected Call"

Feelings and states motivate our behavior. But, if the behavior can be observed and controlled, it is more difficult to do with the feelings. Two or more fundamental emotions that often arise in a person can shape emotional personality traits:

  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • love;
  • hostility.
Based on our behavioral reactions and thoughts, it is possible with a high degree of probability to judge the presence of an emotional personality trait or a situational state that affects life.
Target: Contribute to the identification of emotional personality traits through behavioral reactions and spontaneously arising thoughts.
Organization: You can turn on quiet, calm music during visualization.
Invite the participants to sit comfortably, relax, and close their eyes.
"... Imagine that you are at home alone. You feel good and comfortable. You are doing what you love or just relaxing. It is raining outside the window, the wind is knocking on the glass, and the house is cozy and warm ... Suddenly, a phone call rings! your head? Whose voice do you expect to hear on the phone? What news will he tell you? What do you want to do at this moment? .. "
Invite the participants to open their eyes and write down the answers to the questions just asked.
Ask 3-4 people to share their thoughts and feelings.
Give information about emotional personality traits and their types:
Anxiety. A person with a predominance of this trait is likely to be frightened by an unexpected call and decide that they want to tell him unpleasant news or even say about a tragedy. Depression. The thoughts of this person will also not be rosy, but the main feeling will be sadness and longing. Love. The spectrum of feelings is joy, tenderness, anticipation of pleasure. The expectation that someone dear, close, beloved is calling. Hostility. The call is likely to cause irritation, the person will tune in to get rid of the caller as soon as possible, or be ready for a verbal scuffle.
Questions to the participants:
- What is your reaction to the call and what does this have to do with your personality?
- How often do you experience similar feelings?
- Is this condition a problem?
- What is it connected with?
It is important to make it clear to the participants that their conclusions about themselves are not judged or judged. However, this is important not only in this exercise ...

Exercise "Tumba-Yumba"

No behavior generates as many conflicting opinions as aggression. Some condemn any manifestation of aggressiveness, consider it unworthy, others are afraid and try to avoid, others are glad of any opportunity to fight and show their strength. But, since the feeling of anger is condemned by society, aggressiveness manifests itself unconsciously and uncontrollably. This exercise provides an opportunity to explore not only well-known but repressed behaviors.
Target: Explore individual strategies for aggressive behavior.
Organization: You will need bedspreads for work. There should be enough space in the room.
Invite the participants to split into two groups and stand in a line opposite each other. All participants make rolls out of bedspreads (roll into a roller).
There lived two primitive tribes - Tumba and Yumba. Not bad, in general there were guys, but savages. And from time to time they went out on the battlefield for the division of the territory ... Now you will represent this battle. You can fight with what you have in your hands, and at the same time be sure to speak. Representatives of the Tumba tribe will say, "Here's Yumba for you!" and vice versa. You can beat the enemy on the lower part of the body. Do not hit on the face and head. Ready? Let's start!
The "battle" lasts 1.5-2 minutes. During this time, as a rule, the participants forget where theirs are, where the strangers are, and the battle develops into a massive brawl. It is advisable for the coach to observe the behavior of the participants and remember who acts how.
Give the signal "Stop!" and ask questions:
- How did I feel during the battle?
- How did I behave?
- Did you follow the instructions? (do not beat your own people, beat the opponent on the lower part of the body, sentence during the strike).
All participants spontaneously split into pairs and answer each other's questions.
Questions to the participant:
- Strategies for my behavior?
- What conclusions have I made about myself and how does it affect my life?
- Where and with whom do I behave in life in this way?
- Is this a problem for me?
Note to the participants that physical and verbal aggression was present in the exercise. Manifestations in life may be different, but the essence of this changes little. Avoid value judgments!

Exercise "Incident in the elevator"

This exercise is perfect for illustrating how our feelings manifest. By virtue of beliefs and upbringing aimed at suppressing feelings, people either do not show feelings or feel remorse that they "did not restrain themselves." In the game, they will be able to express what is prohibited and this will become an occasion for further conversation about the role of feelings in life. In addition, it is known that you cannot play what is not in you.
Target: Explore the behavioral manifestations of various feelings and states. Organization: Eight people occupy the center of the room. Chairs are placed around them, with their backs inward - this imitates an elevator. The rest of the participants become observers.
Invite those wishing to go to the center (8 people). Explain to the rest of the participants that they are becoming observers.
The plot of the game is explained to the participants:
"You are all residents of the same house. And then one morning, going to work, you get stuck in the elevator. You have different feelings. Which ones - you will know when you pull out the card."
Distribute cards with the names of feelings and states listed on them.
Card options:
joy, delight, pleasure ………………………………………………………………………………………
interest, excitement, excitement ………………………………………………………………………………………
grief, suffering, sadness, depression …………………………………………………………………………………
anger, irritation, indignation, indignation …………………………………………………………………
fear, anxiety fear …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
contempt, arrogance, neglect ………………………………………………………………………………
shame, self-abasement, awkwardness ………………………………………………………………………………………
surprise, amazement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Your behavior should be dictated by the state that is written on the card. You cannot call it a word.
Participants act out the situation for 10-15 minutes.
Observers make their assumptions about what feelings someone was showing.
Questions to the participants:
- How did you manage to transfer the state?
- How do I show this feeling in my life?
- How often do I experience this feeling and in what situations?


Exercise "Name and epithet (self-disclosure)"

Each participant describes himself using three adjectives. The rest of the group is guessing who is hiding behind this description.
Make sure that everyone in the group can see each other well.
Explain that the proposed game helps develop intuition.
Each participant selects and writes down three epithets that characterize his personality.
Gather the sheets of paper and read the notes one at a time. Players try to guess who described themselves in this way. At the same time, the participant expressing his thoughts must justify his position, as well as listen to the opinions of other members of the group, who can agree with his arguments or refute them and put forward their own.
Advise participants not to strive to be recognized immediately, as then they will be able to get more information about the impression that has developed about them in the group. Everyone is free to decide whether to open up to him at the end of the game or remain unrecognized.
This game can be simplified and offered to the group at the very beginning of the work, when the participants still do not know each other well. To do this, simply ask the group members to describe themselves, their mood, using only three adjectives. Alternatively, invite participants to choose a color that best suits their mood.

Exercise "Colleague - Image"

Think of one of your colleagues. Which definition from the ones proposed here would be suitable for characterizing his personality (check a few qualities):
anxious - calm
scattered - purposeful
closed - sociable
frivolous - serious
excitable - balanced
compliant - principled
"upstart" - modest
quick-tempered - restrained
hypocritical - sincere
pessimist - optimist
weak-willed - strong-willed
stupid - smart
aggressive - peaceful
vulnerable - unflappable
rude - tactful
lazy - hardworking
callous - responsive
evil - good
passive - active
narcissistic - self-critical
If you cannot evaluate a colleague using only a two-way assessment ("stupid - smart"), then put a certain point in front of each characteristic, based on a six-point system. Try to rate 5-7 of your colleagues in this way.

Exercise "Second Plan" (awareness of your position in communication)

When communicating with a work colleague, try to work out for yourself a "second plan" of the conversation: how your interlocutor perceives you, what he thinks of you, what he says and what he does not say, what he feels.
Build a conversation with another teacher so that the "background" you have presented is one of the leading factors in your communication. Do not say what would be unpleasant to your interlocutor, try to leave a good impression of yourself, think about the consequences of your words.
The exercise develops the ability to be aware of your position in communication.

Exercise "Learning to value individuality"

If we knew how to value our own individuality, it would be easier for us to accept the otherness of our partner.
The members of the group are seated in a circle, each with paper and a pencil.
At the beginning of the game, say something like the following: “We often want to be exactly like the others, and we suffer, feeling that we are different from others. Sometimes it is really good when we are like everyone else, but our individuality is no less important. need to be appreciated. "
Invite each player to write about three things that set them apart from the rest of the group. This can be recognition of their obvious merits or talents, life principles, etc. In any case, the information should be positive.
Give three examples from your own life so that the participants fully understand what is required of them. Use your imagination and sense of humor to create a playful atmosphere.
Participants write down their names and complete the task (3 minutes). Warn that you will collect the notes and read them, and the group members will guess who is the author of certain statements.
Collect the pieces of paper and once again note the positive aspects of the fact that people are not alike: we become interested in each other, we can find a non-standard solution to a problem, give each other impulses for change and learning, etc. Then read each text, and let players will guess who it was written by. If the author cannot be "figured out", he must identify himself.


Before performing this exercise, the facilitator informs the students about two elementary forms of dialogue - "extension from above" and "extension from below".
It often happens that in a conversation one of its participants feels more confident, as if placing himself above the interlocutor, while the other can, on the contrary, bend down, leaving the palm to the partner. In the first case, we see an "extension from above", in the second - "an extension from the bottom". It is believed that usually one of the participants in the dialogue is attached, while the second simply fulfills the role assigned to him.
The exercise is for each of the group members to ask their partner in a pair for something. Moreover, he MUST do this twice, the first time using the "extension from above", the second - using the "extension from the bottom". After that, the participants in the dialogue change places.
After completing the exercise, the couples determine which of them is better attached to the top and which is the bottom. Thus, all members of the group are divided into two teams, inside each of them there is a competition in the second "extension" that they do best. In each of the two halves, a winner is selected, who meet in pairs at the end of the game and demonstrate their skills.
Note: if children find it difficult to choose the winner, an adult - the leader of the group - can take on the role of the jury.


Within a few minutes, each participant in the game talks about his strengths, about what he loves, appreciates and accepts in himself, about what gives him a sense of confidence. Not necessary. talk only about positive qualities, it is important that the baby speaks directly, without belittling his merits. Try to make sure that he uses as little as possible in his story words clogging up the language, for example: "well", "here", "if", etc.
The exercise develops the ability to think of yourself in a positive way and to feel free to talk about yourself in front of others. TO LESSON 8. We play a fairy tale. Summing up the results. Organizational moment. The mood for work. Introduction to the topic.
"Writing a fairy tale by a group. (To facilitate the task, you can first determine what characters will be in this fairy tale: necessarily - positive and negative). Rehearsal, Rehearsal, discussion of the tale, roles. Summing up the training." Reflection.

The lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the concept of conflict. Revelation of one's own style of behavior in a conflict situation, the development of personality traits necessary for a constructive resolution of conflict situations



Lesson with elements of the training “Conflict. Conflict resolution"

Target: awareness of high school students of their own strategies of behavior in conflict situations and the formation of effective skills of behavior in conflict.


  • Introduce the concept of conflict.
  • Reveal your own style of behavior in a conflict situation.
  • Promote the development of personality traits and qualities necessary for constructive resolution of conflict situations.

Grade 9 students

Equipment: computer, class presentation, handouts


1. Soft toy.

2. A bowl of water.

3.2 Whatman paper, markers.

4. Form of answers to the test"Assessing your own behavior in a conflict situation."

5. Prepare images of animals of a fox, an owl, a bear cub, a turtle, a shark (for each participant).

6. Stand boards (for each participant).

7. Exercise paper "My possibilities"

8. Music for the exercise "Relaxation"

Course of the lesson

Group mood for the lesson.

Exercise 1 Greetings + wishes.

Purpose of the exercise: creating a welcoming atmosphere, a mood for fruitful work.

Educator-psychologist:"Hello guys. I am glad to welcome you to our lesson. Today our lesson will be devoted to the problem of conflicts. And I propose to start the meeting with a statement - wishes to each other for today. It should be short, down to one word. You throw a toy to someone you want to wish something, and at the same time say this wish. The one to whom the toy was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will make sure that everyone has the toy, we will try not to miss anyone. "


How did you feel when you expressed your wishes to another?

What feelings and states did you have when people approached you with wishes?

Educator-psychologist:A school is a space where hundreds of people, children and adults, meet every day. No wonder that their joint activities many conflict situations arise.

Agree that in everyday life we ​​are witnesses and often participants in various conflicts.

Exercise 2 "Defining the concept of conflict"

(Group work)

Now we will be divided into 2 groups: for this, count on the first second, Think and write in each group the answers to the questions:

What do you think is conflict?

What is the most common cause of conflict?

Discussion: what is conflict?

1st group

2nd group


And so, let's move on to the very concept of conflict.Conflict (from Lat. Conflictus) means collision. Alternatively, a conflict can be understood as a confrontation between subjects over a contradiction that has arisen, real or imagined.

"Conflicts are the fear of at least one side that its interests are violated, ignored, infringed by the other side."

According to the sociologist V. A. Yadov: "Conflict is a normal state of society; in any society, conflict situations have always existed, exist and will continue to exist." Conflicts are inevitable, even if relationships with other people are based on peace and harmony.

Parable. Sages and the elephant

A long time ago, there were six blind sages in a small town. Once an elephant was brought to the city. The sages wanted to see him. But how? “I know,” said one wise man, “we will feel it.” "Good idea," others said, "then we'll know what kind of elephant he is." So six people went to see the elephant. The first felt a large, flat ear. It moved slowly back and forth. "The elephant is like a fan!" - shouted the first sage. The second sage touched the elephant's legs. "He looks like a tree!" he exclaimed. "You're both wrong," said the third, "he looks like a rope." This man groped for an elephant's tail. "The elephant is like a spear," exclaimed the fourth. "No, no," the fifth cried, "the elephant is like a high wall!" He spoke thus, feeling the side of the elephant. The sixth sage tugged at the elephant's trunk. "You're all wrong," he said. "The elephant is like a snake." - "No, on the rope!" "Snake!" "Wall!" "You're wrong!" "I'm right!" The six blind men shouted at each other for an hour. And they never knew what an elephant looks like.

What do you think lies at the heart of this conflict?

(This is a misunderstanding, a dispute, a divergence of opinions ... The reasons causing conflicts are so varied that they do not lend themselves to strict classification yet).


What are the causes of conflicts? Read

Educator-psychologist.In your life, you have probably come across conflicts, conflict situations. Describe them and how you felt.

Children give examples from their own lives.

Educator-psychologistBased on your answers, you have experienced negative emotions, mostly anger, irritation, resentment. Was it possible to avoid the conflict? How?

Educator-psychologist... In other words, it was necessary not to get angry and shout (or even rush to fight), but to remain calm. What does it mean?

Educator-psychologistKeeping calm means:
Treat others with respect, listen to the other person's point of view to the end.
Control yourself! Don't let anger or fear of violence take over you.
Speak quietly, do not offend.
Give the other person a chance to back off.
Restraining yourself, for example, is better to leave, apologizing at the same time.
Compromise (give in to something).
Use humor whenever possible.

What is the source of conflicts:First of all, it is the inability to control one's emotional state; secrecy;misunderstanding; aggressiveness; difference in goals, interests, etc.

a person must have the ability to determine the moment of origin of a conflict, to effectively settle disputes and disagreements. Conflict can be used as a source of life experience, self-education and self-study. Such knowledge will help to accept the right decision in the future and avoid conflict.

The types of conflicts are varied, they distinguish:

Intrapersonal conflictwhere the parties to the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors of the inner world of the individual, often seeming or incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings. This is the so-called ability to "live in harmony with oneself."

Examples of intrapersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict - this is the most common type of conflict- submitted by two parties.

Interpersonal conflict can be ANYWHERE.
Interpersonal conflict manifests itself in the interaction between two or more persons. In interpersonal conflicts, subjects confront each other and sort out their relationships directly, face to face. This is one of the most common types of conflicts. They can occur both between classmates and between the closest people.
In an interpersonal conflict, each side seeks to defend its opinion, to prove to the other that it is wrong, people resort to mutual accusations, attacks on each other, verbal abuse and humiliation, etc. emotional experiences that exacerbate the interaction of participants and provoke them to extreme actions. In situations of conflict, it becomes difficult to manage your emotions. Many of its participants, after the resolution of the conflict, feel negative for a long time.

Examples of interpersonal conflict

Intergroup conflict.Participants are various groups between which conflicts can arise.

Examples of intergroup conflict

Between an individual and a group... The group sets its own standards of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. The group considers deviation from accepted norms as a negative phenomenon, a conflict arises between the individual and the group.

Conflict between an individual and a groupmay be due to the fact that the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual.
Conflicts of this kind include "adaptation conflicts". They arise between newcomers and the rules and norms of interpersonal communication that have developed in this group.

Conflict functions:


  • relaxation of tension between conflicting parties;
  • getting new information about the opponent.


  • high emotional, material costs;
  • deterioration of relations;
  • loss of contacts.

Thus, the conflict cannot be viewed only as a negative phenomenon.

What are the stages of the conflict?

  • stage - the onset of a conflict (the appearance of a contradiction)
  • stage - awareness of the given situation as conflicting at least from one side. In a conflict situation, the parties biasedly perceive reality and see only facts confirming their interpretation of the conflict.Let's give an example from ancient Chinese literature: "One man lost an ax. He thought about his neighbor's son and began to look at him: he walks like one who stole an ax and looks like one who stole an ax, speaks like one who stole an ax. In a word, every gesture, every movement they betray a thief in him. But soon that man began to dig the earth in the valley and found his ax. The next day he looked at the son of a neighbor: neither with a gesture nor a movement did he look like a thief. "
  • stage - conflict behavior.
  • stage - the outcome of the conflict (constructive, destructive, freezing the conflict)

Test. "Assessing your own behavior in a conflict situation."

Instruction: Guys! Try to sincerely answer the question: "How do you usually behave in a conflict situation or argument?" If you have a particular behavior, put the appropriate number of points after each number of the answer characterizing a certain style of behavior.

If you behave in this way:

often - give 3 points;

from time to time - 2 points;

rarely - 1 point.

Question: "How do you usually behave in an argument or conflict situation?"


  1. I threaten or fight.
  2. I try to accept the opponent's point of view, I reckon with it as my own.
  3. I am looking for compromises.
  4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.
  5. I avoid the enemy.
  6. I wish you, by all means, achieve your goals.
  7. I am trying to find out what I agree with and what I absolutely disagree with.
  8. I am going to compromise.
  9. I give up.
  10. Changing the subject.
  11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.
  12. I am trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.
  13. I will give in a little and thus push the other side to make concessions.
  14. I offer the world.
  15. Trying to turn everything into a joke.

Answer form

the question


the question


the question








Processing test results: Calculate the number of points in lines A. B, C, D, E - respectively. Each letter corresponds to a specific type of behavior, put down the number of points on each line and determine your leading type of behavior. The largest amount indicates individual characteristics of behavior.

Raise your hands to those who have scored the most points on 1 scale and distributes to them pictures with a picture of a shark; on the II scale - pictures with the image of an owl; on the III scale - pictures with the image of a fox, on the IV - a bear cub, on the V - turtles.

If you scored the most points under the letters:

"A" - This is a "hard type of conflict and dispute resolution". You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means, you strive to win. This is the type of person who always considers himself to be right.Type 1 "Shark" - power strategy of the target, the conflict is solved by winning only for oneself (domination).

Focusing only on your own interests and ignoring the interests of your partner, that is, the desire to achieve your interests to the detriment of another.

Advantages: negative emotions do not accumulate; suitable for extreme situations.

Disadvantages: the conflict is not resolved fairly; constant conflict with everyone

"B" is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you are trying to offer an alternative, look for solutions that would satisfy both parties.Type 2 "Owl" - a wise bird, appreciates both goals and relationships, openly determines the positions and ways out in joint work to achieve goals, seeks to find solutions that satisfy all participants (cooperation). "

Advantages: fair, final resolution of the conflict.

Disadvantages: It is difficult to be an "owl", because you have to think not only about yourself, but also about others.

"V" is a "compromise" style. Right from the start, you agree to a compromise. Compromise Is a concession in opinions or actions on both sides. By means and on the basis of mutual concessions, the resolution of the conflicting provisions between the parties is achieved. It can also mean mutual agreement.agreement of representatives of different points of view and interests on the basis of mutual concessions.

Type 3 "Fox" - a strategy of ingenious compromise, with good relationships, achieves the implementation of their goals (compromise).

Advantages: quick resolution of the conflict, but not always fair.

Disadvantages: Dissatisfaction can build up in people

"G" - "soft" style. You destroy your opponent with kindness. You readily take the enemy's point of view, abandon your own.Type 4 "Bear" - smoothing of corners: such people like to be understood and appreciated, for which they sacrifice success (compliance).

Advantages: Relationships between people are preserved.

Disadvantages: conflicts are not resolved, accumulate and return again

"D" - "outgoing" style. Your credo is to leave on time. You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash "Type 5 "Turtle" - going under the shell, refusing to achieve goals and from participating in relationships with other participants, one of the options for self-sufficiency (avoidance).

Advantages: It is a "safe style at risk"; man himself does not create conflicts.

Disadvantages: the conflict is not resolved and may arise after a while.

Now you know your style of behavior in conflict.

Exercise 3.

A palette of strategies for behavior in a situation.

Instruction: you have alreadywere divided into 2 groups. Each group receives 1 situation. The task of the group is to illustrate 5 existing response styles in the proposed situation.

Situation for the first group. Your classmate borrowed 30 rubles from you yesterday for lunch and promised to return it the next day. You hoped for his honesty and today you did not take money with you.

Situation for the group. A neighbor on a desk during a test looks into your notebook and brings trouble on you.

Discussions: What is the most successful, resourceful response style.

Educator-psychologist:And the following algorithm will help you resolve the conflict:

Step 1: Why?

Find out why the parties to the conflict want what they want.

Step 2: Why?

Establish the needs of the participants, not just their goals

Step 3: How?

What are the solution options?

Step 4: What?

Which solution will suit everyone.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a conflict, you need to know the rules of conflict-free communication:

  1. Do not use conflictogens: these are words that can lead to conflict.
  2. Do not respond with a conflictogen to a conflict
  3. Show empathy (emotional sensitivity, empathy) towards the interlocutor.
  4. Make as many sympathetic messages as possible

If, nevertheless, a conflict is ripe, there are effective ways to resolve it:

  1. The solution to the overdue conflict cannot be postponed.
  2. If conflict is unavoidable, initiate it yourself.
  3. Strive to sincerely and seriously understand the other's point of view.
  4. Quickly admit your mistake, wrong step, get ahead of possible criticism.
  5. Maintain the initiative by dictating emotions, first of all - calmness.

How to get out of a conflict situation ?!

1. It is important not only to remember your position and understand the position of the other side.

2. Look for understanding, not victory.Calmly discuss the reasons for the conflict.

3. Watch what you say.Sometimes it’s better to remain silent.

4. Talk about the problem, not the person.

5. Be sincere with yourself and the person you are talking to.

6. Manage your emotions.

7. If the conflict subsides, get out of it. Forgive yourself and your opponent.Forgiveness liberates, restores relationships, removes negative emotions.

Thus, the resolution of conflicts is not in the reconciliation of positions, but in the clarification of interests, which make it possible to sort out the options for resolving the situation..

Help relieve emotional stress in conflict

Psychologists offer many options for getting out of stress or relaxation. One of them is to look at the burning candle and relax.

Mental self-regulationIs the control of one's psychoemotional state, achieved by a person's influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control muscle tone and breathing.

Spontaneous (unconscious) ways of self-regulation:

Laughter, smile, humor;

Reflections on something that warms the soul, pleasant;

Various movements such as stretching, muscle relaxation;

Observing the landscape outside the window;

Consideration of flowers in the room, photographs, other things pleasant or dear to a person;

Mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);

Inhalation of fresh air;

Expressing praise, compliments to someone just like that;



Tasty food;



Self-regulation can be accomplished through four basic tools, used individually or in various combinations:

1. Methods associated with the control of respiration;

2. Methods associated with the control of muscle tone, movement;

3. Methods associated with the management of mental images;

4. Ways associated with verbal exposure.

As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:

Calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);

Recovery effect (weakening of the manifestations of fatigue);

Activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).


Understand what natural mechanisms for relieving tension and discharging, increasing tone you own;

Realize them;

Go from spontaneous application of natural methods of regulation to a conscious one in order to control your state;

Exercise 4 Relaxation.

Let's take a little rest and do an exercise that you can later do any time you feel resentful towards someone. It gives out the accumulated negative energy. Will help you get out of conflict situations.

Instructions: While standing, tense all your muscles and take a deep breath. Hold your breath and muscles in a tense state for a few seconds. Exhale! Feel the tension leave you from head to toe. Repeat your steps several times. As you do this exercise, think all the time about the person who made you angry and irritated. You feel how negative emotions, resentment, bad mood, aggressiveness leave you: they reach the tips of your toes and go out through the sole of your shoes. Take a step forward, leaving the "anger" behind.

Close your eyes and remember everyone at whom you are offended for something. Try to mentally forgive them.

The following exercise will help you get rid of the accumulated resentment and anger.

Exercise 5 "Caricature of the enemy."

Draw your "enemy" in the form of a fairy animal. Yes, more terrible! With horns, fangs, hooves.

Time to complete this task - 5 minutes .

And then you can play with him. For example, you have conflicts with a classmate (s). So draw her (him) in the form of a fire-breathing dragon. And then "put" in a cage with huge locks. Or send her (him) to another planet in a huge rocket. That's it, the conflict is over!
Now listen to your emotions. Why do you think, having drawn a caricature of your enemy, and even sending him to a cage or to a distant planet, did it become easier for you?

Exercise 7

Self-reflection "My possibilities"

  1. Draw your own palm on a piece of paper.
  2. In the center of your palm, write the most important reason that prevents you from behaving constructively in conflict situations.
  3. In the outline of each of the fingers, write something new that you have learned and that may be useful for you to resolve possible conflicts.

High school students complete the proposed task for 5 minutes. After that, those who wish to voice their answers.

Exercise 8. BOWL OF Tranquility

Target: careful and attentive attitude to each other.

I suggest that you take turns passing this bowl to each other, which is filled to the brim with water so as not to drop a single drop.

Final part

Please express your opinion about the lesson

What have you learned about the conflict?
What interested you the most?
What did you like the most?
General opinion about the lesson?

“Living life, we again and again find ourselves in a conflict-generating zone, but we should not be afraid of this objective circumstance. We need to resolve conflicts so that no one sees that there were conflicts. And in conclusion, I would like to tell you that the use of constructive ways of resolving the conflict will help you keep friends and not find enemies. "

receive reminders "How to resolve conflicts"

Training for teenagers "Ways to get out of the conflict"


1. Formation of skills effective behavior in conflict situations.


  1. Formation of an attitude towards conflicts as new opportunities for creativity and self-improvement.
  2. Acquaintance with methods of managing interpersonal conflicts.

3. Development of the ability to adequately respond to conflict different situations, the development of the ability to prevent conflicts.

4. Practicing the skills of "I-statements", contributing to the resolution of conflict situations.

5. Teaching the choice of effective strategies for resolving interpersonal conflicts, allowing not only to constructively solve emerging problems, but also to maintain relationships between people.

The training is designed for adolescents and young men in grades 9-10-11.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part(warm-up).

2. The main part (working).

3. Completion (feedback).

The training is designed for 9 lessons, 1 hour each.

Thematic planning:


Number of hours




What is a conflict, the reasons for its occurrence.

Communication skills

Relationship to conflicts

Practicing the skills of "I-expression"

Conflict management

Interpersonal conflict resolution strategy

Business game "Shipwrecked"

Total: 9 hours

Expected results:

Expand understanding of the types and dynamics of conflicts

Expand regulation adaptive responses on conflict situations

Master the techniques of "I-statements"

Master the style of cooperation as one of the main elements in the prevention of conflict resolution

Identify the factors of effective communication that contribute to achieving mutual understanding


Assessment of types of behavior in a conflict situation according to K. Thomas

Diagnostics of the state of aggression "Bassa-Darki" questionnaire

R. Cattell's 16-factor personality questionnaire

The introductory part of the session includes questions about the condition of the participants and one or two warm-up exercises.

For example: "How do you feel?", "What do you remember from the previous lesson?" etc. As a warm-up, various exercises are also used, which allow the participants to switch from their worries to work in a group, to become more active, tune in to further work on a certain topic, to engage in a situation “here and now”. These exercises are usually not discussed in the group.


"Association with a meeting"

Participants are encouraged to express their associations with the meeting. For example: "If our meeting was an animal, it would be ... a dog."

"Weather forecast"

Instruction. “Take a piece of paper and pencils and draw a drawing that suits your mood. You can show that you have "bad weather" or "storm warning" now, or maybe the sun is already shining for you. "


The participants are guessed a word or phrase. The letters that make up the text are distributed among the members of the group. Then the phrase should be said as quickly as possible, with everyone calling their own letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone claps their hands.

"Dwarfs and giants"

Everyone is in a circle. To the command: "Giants!" - all are standing, but the command: "Dwarfs!" - you need to sit down. The presenter tries to confuse the participants - squats on the "Giants" team.

Participants stand in a circle, close enough and hold hands from behind. Someone, squeezing their hand lightly, sends a signal in the form of a sequence of quick or longer squeezes. The signal is looped around until it returns to the author. As a complication, you can send several signals at the same time, in one or in different directions of the movement.


Participants sit in a circle, close to each other. Hands are held on the knees of the neighbors. One of the participants "sends a package" by lightly slapping one of the neighbors on the leg. The signal should be transmitted as soon as possible and loop back to its author. Variants of signals are possible (different number or types of movements).

"Changing room"


Let's now walk slowly around the room ... Now imagine that the room is filled with gum and you are wading through it ... And now the room has become orange - orange walls. Floor and ceiling, you feel energized, cheerful and light like bubbles in "Phanta" ... And now it's raining, everything around has become blue and gray. You walk sadly, sadly, tired ...

"Roaring Motor"


Have you seen real car racing? Now we are organizing something like a car race in a circle. Imagine the roar of a racing car - "Rrrmm!" One of you starts by saying "Rrrmm!" and quickly turns his head to the left or right. His neighbor, in whose direction he turned, immediately "enters the race" and quickly says his "Rrrmm!", Turning to the next neighbor. Thus, the "roar of the engine" is quickly transmitted in a circle until it makes a full revolution. Who would like to start?


"Applause in a circle"


We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game in which the applause sounds soft at first and then gets stronger and stronger.

The presenter begins to quietly clap his hands, looking and gradually approaching one of the participants. Then this participant chooses from the group the next one to whom they applaud together. The third chooses the fourth, etc. the last participant is already applauded by the whole group.


Participants stand in a circle

Instruction: Now we will make gifts to each other. Starting with the presenter, each in turn depicts an object by means of pantomime and passes it on to his neighbor on the right (ice cream, hedgehog, kettlebell, flower, etc.)

"Thank you for a pleasant experience."


Please stand in a common circle. I would like to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help us express our friendship and gratitude to each other. The game takes place as follows: one of you stands in the center, the other approaches him, shakes hands and says: "Thank you for a pleasant occupation!" Both stay in the center, still holding hands. Then the third participant comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: "Thank you for a pleasant lesson!" Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly increasing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last member joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent, firm shake of hands three times.

Lesson 1. What is conflict.Causes of occurrence.

Purpose: Understanding the nature of the conflict.

1.Inclusion in the lesson.

How are you feeling?

In what mood did you come to class?

2. The main part.

Task 1. "What is a conflict"

Participants are encouraged to write on small sheets of conflict definitions ("Conflict is ..."). After that, the answer sheets are folded into an impromptu "basket of conflicts" (box, bag, hat, bag) and mixed. The presenter approaches each participant in turn, offering to take one of the sheets and read what has been written. Thus, you can go to the definition of the conflict.

Bottom line: a conflict is a contradiction, a clash of opposing views, interests, points of view, and forms of behavior. Disagreement between people, fraught with serious consequences for them, difficulties in establishing normal relationships.

Task 2. Work in microgroups

For the formation of microgroups of 5-6 people, a game option is offered. Colored tokens are prepared in advance (the number of tokens is determined by the number of players, the number of colors of tokens is determined by the number of microgroups). Participants are given the opportunity to choose a token of any color. Thus, in accordance with the selected token, microgroups of participants with tokens of the same color are formed. For example, a micro-group of participants with red tokens, a micro-group of participants with yellow tokens, etc.

The task of the participants at this stage:

Identify the causes of conflicts in your microgroups.

After working in microgroups, the participants unite to discuss the best practices. The thoughts expressed with some editing are written down on a sheet of Whatman paper.

Bottom line: - so what leads to the conflict?

Inability to communicate, inability to cooperate, and lack of positive affirmation of the personality of the other. It is like an iceberg, a small part of which - the conflict - is above the water, and the three components are under water.

Thus, the ways of resolving the conflict are seen: - this is the ability to communicate, cooperate and respect, positively affirm the personality of another. This idea is also presented as an iceberg.

3. The final part

Let's thank each other.

Lesson 2. Communication Skills

Purpose: to study the process of developing and making a group decision in the course of communication and group discussion.

1.Inclusion in the lesson.

Warm-up exercises ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" 1-2 exercises to choose from).

2. Main part:

Balloon game

I ask everyone to listen carefully to the information.

Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition that returns in a hot air balloon after completing scientific research. You have taken aerial photographs of uninhabited islands. All work was done successfully. You are already preparing for a meeting with family and friends, fly over the ocean and to the ground 500 - 550 km. The unexpected happened - in the envelope of the balloon, for unknown reasons, a hole was formed through which the gas that filled the envelope escapes. The ball begins to decline rapidly. All the bags of ballast (sand) that were stored in the balloon gondola for this case were thrown overboard. The fall slowed down for a while, but did not stop. Here is a list of the items and things that are left in the ball basket:





First aid kit with medicines

5 Kg

Hydraulic compass

6 Kg

Canned meat and fish


Star Sextant

5 Kg

Rifle with telescopic sight and ammunition supply

25 Kg

Different sweets

20 Kg

Sleeping bags (one for each crew member)

Flare gun with a set of signal flares

8 Kg

10-seater tent


Oxygen cylinder


Geographic map set

25 Kg

Drinking water canister


Transistor radio

3 Kg

Inflatable rubber boat

25 Kg

After 5 minutes, the ball began to fall at the same, very high speed. The entire crew gathered in the center of the basket in order to discuss the situation. It is necessary to decide what and in what sequence to throw overboard.

Your job is to decide what should be discarded and in what sequence. But first, make that decision yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, rewrite the list of objects and things, and then on the right side next to each name put a serial number corresponding to the importance of the item, reasoning something like this: the second is an oxygen cylinder, the third is candy, etc. "

When determining the significance of objects and things, i.e. the order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not part, i.e. all candy, not half.

When you make an individual decision, you need to gather in the center (in a circle) and start working out a group decision, guided by the following rules:

1) any member of the crew can express their opinion;

2) the number of statements of one person is not limited;

3) the decision is made when all crew members, without exception, vote for it;

4) if at least one object to the adoption of this decision, it is not accepted, and the group must look for another way out;

5) decisions must be made in relation to the entire list of items and things.

The time available to the crew is unknown. How long will the fall continue? It largely depends on how quickly you make decisions. If the crew unanimously votes to discard an item, it is considered thrown, and this can slow down the ball's fall.

I wish you successful work. The main thing is to stay alive. If you can't agree, you will crash. Remember this! "

Time for a game: 20 - 25 minutes.


If the group was able to make all 15 decisions with a 100% vote:

I congratulate you, you did it successfully.

What do you think is the reason for the successful completion of the assignment?

If they could not make all 15 decisions in the allotted time:

The crew crashed

Let's think about the reasons that led to this disaster.

An analysis of the results and progress of the game is carried out, we understand the reasons for success or failure, we analyze the mistakes and try to come to a common opinion.

3.The final part

Thank each other

Completion Exercise (“Applause in a circle”, “Gift”, “Thank you for a pleasant activity” exercise of your choice).

Lesson 3. Communication Skills

1.Inclusion in classes.

Let's share our impressions of the previous lesson.

Warm-up exercises ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" -1-2 exercises to choose from) ...

2. Main part:

Task 1. "Rumor"

6 participants are active players in this game. The rest are observers, experts. Four participants leave the room for a while. At this time, the first participant who remains must read to the second player the short story or plot offered by the presenter. The task of the second player is to listen carefully in order to then transmit the information received to the third participant, who will have to enter the room upon a signal. The third player, after listening to the story of the second player, must retell it to the fourth, etc.

After completing this task, the participants re-read the story for all the participants in the game. Each player can compare their version of the retelling with the original. As a rule, in the process of retelling, the original information is distorted.

What happened to the information?

Possible story for the Rumor game:

“I was walking around the covered cooperative market when I saw police cars stopping at all the doors. Next to me were two people who seemed suspicious to me; one looked very worried and the other frightened. The first one grabbed my hand and pushed me inside the trading floor. “Pretend you are my child,” he whispered. I heard the policeman shout, “They are here!” And all the police ran in our direction. “I am not who you are looking for,” said the man who was holding me. “I just came shopping with my son.” “What's his name?” Asked the policeman. “His name is Sergei,” said one man, while the other said: “His name is Kolya.” The policemen understood that these men do not know me. They made a mistake. So the men let me go and ran away. They ran into a woman's counter. Apples and vegetables were rolling everywhere. I saw some of my friends picking them up and putting them in their pockets. The men ran out the door. from the side of the building and the rest new. About twenty militiamen were waiting for them. I wondered what they had done. Perhaps it has something to do with the mafia. "

Bottom line: - What difficulties did you face when receiving and transmitting information (if any)?

What happens to the communication of people in the event of information distortion?

What can you compare the options for retelling the plot?

Task 2. "Communication options"

Participants are divided into pairs.

"Synchronous conversation". Both participants in a pair speak at the same time for 10 seconds. You can suggest a topic of conversation. For example, "The book I read recently." At the signal, the conversation is terminated.

"Ignoring". Within 30 seconds, one participant from the pair speaks, and the other at this time completely ignores him. Then they switch roles.

"Back to back". During the exercise, participants sit with their backs to each other. Within 30 seconds, one participant speaks, and the other at this time listens to him. Then they switch roles.

"Active listening". For one minute, one participant speaks, and the other listens to him attentively, with all his appearance showing interest in communicating with him. Then they switch roles.

Result: - How did you feel during the first three exercises?

Did you feel that you are listening with effort, that it is not so easy?

What prevented you from feeling comfortable?

How did you feel during the last exercise?

What helps you communicate?

3. The final part

Communication is the process of interaction between people, the exchange of information between them, their mutual influence.

Completion Exercises (“Round and Round Applause,” “Gift,” “Thank You for a Pleasant Activity,” optional exercise).

Let's thank each other.

Lesson 4. Communication Skills

Goal: development of communication skills as one of the elements in conflict prevention

Positive personality affirmation

1.Inclusion in the lesson

Warm-up exercises ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" -1-2 exercises to choose from) ...

2. The main part.

Task 1. "Hut"

The first two participants stand closely with their backs to each other. Then each of them takes a step (two) forward in order to establish balance and a posture comfortable for the two participants. Thus, they must represent the basis of the "hut". In turn, new participants come up to the "hut" and "attach", finding a comfortable posture for themselves and without disturbing the comfort of others.

Note. If there are more than 12 participants, then it is better to form two (or more) teams.

Result: - How did you feel during the "construction of the hut"?

What had to be done to make everyone feel comfortable?

Task 2. "Praise Yourself"

Participants are invited to think and talk about those properties, qualities that they like in themselves or distinguish them from others. It can be any traits of character and personality. Recall that mastering these qualities makes us unique.

Outcome: - How did you feel when you praised yourself?

Task 3. "Compliment"

Each participant is encouraged to focus their attention on the merits of the partner and give him a compliment that would sound sincere and cordial.

Outcome: - How did you feel when you praised you?

3.The final part

Completion Exercise (“Applause in a circle”, “Gift”, “Thank you for a pleasant activity” exercise of your choice).

Lesson 5. Relationship to conflict

Purpose: development of the ability to adequately respond to various conflict situations

1.Inclusion in classes

Warm-up exercises ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" -1-2 exercises to choose from) ...

2. The main part.

Task 1. "Change of emphasis"

Think of a not very difficult conflict or minor problem and write on a piece of paper in one sentence. Then, instead of the consonants used in this sentence, insert the letter "X" and rewrite the sentence cleanly.

Read the result in a circle without naming your problem: (for example: hoheha ....)

Outcome: - What has changed?

Has the conflict been resolved?

Task 2. "Sharks"

Materials: two sheets of paper. The participants are divided into two teams.

Imagine yourself in a situation where the ship you were sailing on is wrecked and you are in the open ocean. But in the ocean there is one island where you can escape from sharks (Each team has its own "island" - a sheet of paper on which all team members can fit at the beginning of the game).

The captain (leader), seeing the "shark", must shout "Shark!" The task of the participants is to quickly get to their island

After that, the game continues - people leave the island until the next danger. At this time, the presenter cuts the sheet of paper in half.

On the second command "Shark!"

Your task is to quickly get to the island and at the same time "save" the largest number of people. Anyone who could not be on the "island" is out of the game.

The game continues: the "island" is abandoned until the next team. At this time, the sheet of paper is reduced by half. At the command "Shark!" the players' task remains the same. At the end of the game, the results are compared.

Which team has more members left?


Task 3. "Friendly palm"

Draw your palm on a piece of paper, sign your name at the bottom.

Leave the leaves on the chairs, moving from leaf to leaf, write something good to each other on the drawn palms (the qualities that this person liked, wishes for him).

3. The final part.

Completion Exercise (“Applause in a circle”, “Gift”, “Thank you for a pleasant activity” exercise of your choice).

Lesson 6. Practicing the skills of "I-expression"

Purpose: working out the skills of "I-statements", contributing to the resolution of conflict situations.

1.Inclusion in classes

How are you feeling?

Warm-up exercises ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" -1-2 exercises to choose from) ...

2. The main part.

Task 1. "I-statements"

A scene on a problematic topic is played out (for example: a friend was late for a meeting and, after the complaints made, did not apologize, but began to attack himself).

To reduce the intensity of a conflict situation, the use of "I-statements" in communication is very effective - this is a way of communicating to the interlocutor about your needs, feelings without condemnation or insult.

The principles on which "I-statements" are built:

- a non-judgmental description of the actions that this person did (not worth it: "you came late", preferably: "you came at 12 at night");

- your expectations (it is not necessary: ​​“you didn’t bring the dog out”, preferably: “I was hoping that you would bring the dog out”);

- a description of your feelings (not worth: "you annoy me when you do this", preferably: "when you do this, I feel irritated");

- a description of the desired behavior (not worth: "you never call", preferably: "I would like you to call when you are late").

Outcome: - Why, in your opinion, did the performers do this?

What prevented them from taking the information calmly?

Task 2. "Role-play"

A scene on the previous topic is played out, using "I-statements", but the actors change roles.

Try to use "I-statements"

Bottom line: - What has changed with the use of "I-statements"?

Under what circumstances would you use self-speaking skills in your life?

3. The final part

What are your impressions of the lesson?

Completion Exercise (“Applause in a circle”, “Gift”, “Thank you for a pleasant activity” exercise of your choice).

Lesson 7. Conflict management.

Purpose: formation of an attitude to conflicts as to new opportunities for self-improvement

1.Inclusion in the lesson

What do you remember from the previous lesson?

Warm-up exercises ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" -1-2 exercises to choose from) ...

2. Main part

Exercise 1.

Break into pairs, take seats opposite each other, and decide who will be A and who will be B in each pair.

Choose a topic for discussion that interests you. The exercise consists of three stages;

1) Invite partners to talk about their topic at the same time (45 seconds).

2) Ask all A to say what they wanted to talk about, while all B are doing something (except talking and leaving their place), demonstrating that they are absolutely not interested in this (1 min.).

Was it pleasant or vice versa?

Was it difficult for anyone to speak?

By what signs can you tell that you are not being listened to?

3) The same thing, but now B speaks, A does not listen (1 min).

Was it pleasant or vice versa?

Was it difficult for anyone to speak?

4) Invite all A's to talk again (they can change the subject if they want). Now B do their best to show how interesting they are, but silently (2 min.).

Was it pleasant or vice versa?

Was it difficult for anyone to speak?

What are the signs that you can tell that you are being listened to?

5) The same, only A and B switch roles (2 min.).


Task 2.

- "Imagine a line drawn from one corner of the room to the opposite corner. Line up on this imaginary line as follows. If you think conflict is always bad, take a seat in the right corner. If you think both, then stand in the middle of the line or closer to one edge or the other. Choose a place on the line that shows your attitude to the conflict. "

Everybody chose their place

"Does anyone want to explain why he chose this particular spot on the line?"

- "Get off the line because I want to draw another. When you think that you have to enter into a conflict, do you immediately take action or try to get away, hide from the conflict? Or you just wait and do nothing for as long as maybe you don't always act the same way, but what is your most typical reaction? , you can choose any place on the line. "

Explain why you have chosen this particular place?

"If you wish to react differently to conflict, please take a place where you would like to be." Time is given to rearrange. At the end of the exercise, discussion.

3. The final part

What are your impressions of the lesson?

Lesson 8. Strategy for resolving interpersonal conflict

Purpose: to teach to choose effective strategies for resolving interpersonal conflict

1.Inclusion in the lesson

Warm-up exercise ("Association with a meeting", "Weather forecast", "Typewriter", "Dwarfs and giants", "Signal", "Parcel", "Changing room", "Roaring motor" -1-2 exercises to choose from) ...

2. The main part.

Exercise 1

Split into pairs of pairs, one partner A, the other B. A is the doorman in the building where B desperately needs to enter. You are given four minutes to try to convince A to let him go.

Then it is determined who was able to get through, and who was in a situation of ever-increasing skirmish.

For those who passed, he was able to do this:

1) by means of deception or bribery;

2) in an honest way;

3) trying to gain the confidence of the security service.


What problems can deception and bribery give you?

Anyone befriend A while trying to get into the building?

Assignment 2

Break into pairs.

Please say only one or two phrases and do not go into conversations, but wait for the next sentence.

1) "What worries me the most is ..."

2) "If I really think about it, I feel ..."

3) "When I ask myself what can I do, I think ..."

4) "The person with whom I can talk about this is ..."

5) "What gives me hope is ..."

Now invite B to summarize what they heard so that it becomes clear to their partners A whether they have been understood. When finished, ask all A's to thank the partners as good listeners. Repeat the entire exercise where B speaks and A listens. A reminder to the group about the confidentiality agreement.

3. The final part.

Completion Exercise (“Applause in a circle”, “Gift”, “Thank you for a pleasant activity” exercise of your choice).

Lesson 9. Business game "Shipwrecked"

Target business game: to study the process of developing and making a group decision in the course of communication and group discussion.

Time: about 1 hour.

Order of conduct.

Familiarization of all participants with the terms of the game

Imagine you are drifting on a yacht in the South Pacific. As a result of a fire most of the yacht and its cargo are destroyed. The yacht is slowly sinking. Your location is unclear due to the breakdown of the main navigation devices, but you are approximately thousands of kilometers from the nearest land.

Below is a list of 15 items that remained intact and undamaged after the fire. In addition to these items, you have a sturdy inflatable raft with paddles large enough to support you, the crew, and all of the items listed below. The property of the survivors consists of a pack of cigarettes, several boxes of matches and five one-dollar bills.


Shaving mirror.

Canister with 25 liters of water.

Mosquito net.

One box of army rations.

Pacific Ocean maps.

Inflatable swimming pillow.

Canister with 10 liters of oil and gas mixture.

Small transistor radio.

Shark repellent.

Two square meters opaque film.

One liter of rum with a strength of 80%.

450 meters of nylon rope.

Two boxes of chocolate.

Fishing tackle.

Rank the listed items yourself in terms of their importance for survival (put number 1 next to the most important item for you, number 2 to the second most important item, etc., the number 15 will correspond to the least useful item).

At this stage, discussion exercises between the participants are prohibited. Note the average individual time to complete the task (8-10 minutes)

Break into subgroups of about 6 people. One participant from each subgroup will be an expert.

Draw up a general ranking of subjects for the group according to their degree of importance (just as they did it separately).

At this stage, discussion is allowed on the development of a solution.

Note the average time to complete the task for each subgroup (10-15 minutes)

Evaluation of the results of the discussion in each subgroup.

For this:

a) listen to the opinions of experts on the course of the discussion and how the group decision was made, initial versions, the use of compelling arguments, arguments, etc .;

b) read out the "correct" list of answers proposed by UNESCO experts (Appendix 3). Suggest to compare the "correct" answer, your own result and the result of the group: for each subject on the list, you need to calculate the difference between the number assigned to it individually by each student, group and the number assigned to this subject by experts. Add up the absolute values ​​of these differences for all items.

If the total is more than 30, then the participant or subgroup "drowned";

c) compare the results of the group and individual decisions. Was the result of the group decision more correct than the decisions of individuals?


- This exercise provides an opportunity to quantify the effectiveness of the group decision.

- In a group, there are more solutions and better quality than those working alone.

- Solving problems in a group setting usually takes longer than solving the same problems as an individual.

- Decisions made as a result of group discussion turn out to be more risky than individual decisions.

- An individual with special skills (abilities, knowledge, information) associated with a group task is usually more active in a group, making a greater contribution to the development of group decisions.

The success of training is largely determined by adherence to specificprinciples of the group:

The principle of the participants' activity: group members are constantly involved in various actions - games, discussions, exercises, and also purposefully observe and analyze the actions of other participants;

The principle of the research position of the participants: the participants themselves solve communication problems, and the trainer only encourages them to search for answers to the questions that arise;

The principle of objectification of behavior: the behavior of group members is transferred from the impulsive level to the objectified; in this case, the means of objectification is the feedback, which is supplied with the help of video equipment, as well as other members of the group, who communicate their attitude to what is happening;

The principle of partnership communication: interaction in a group is built taking into account the interests of all participants, recognition of the value of the personality of each of them, the equality of their positions, as well as complicity, empathy, acceptance of each other (it is not allowed to hit "below the belt", drive a person "into a corner" etc.);

The principle "here and now": group members focus their attention on momentary actions and experiences and do not appeal to past experience;

The principle of confidentiality: the "psychological closeness" of the group reduces the risk of mental trauma of the participants.

The means of solving the training problems aregroup discussions, role-playing games, psycho-gymnastics... Their share varies depending on the specific goals of the group. It is these techniques that make it possible to implement the principles of training, which are based on the active, exploratory nature of the behavior of the participants.

So, during group discussionparticipants learn the ability to manage the group process of discussing a problem, as well as to act as an ordinary participant in the discussion: a communicator, generator of ideas, polymath, etc. In the process of such active work, a number of group communication skills are acquired.

In a role-playing game the emphasis is already on interpersonal interaction. The high educational value of role play is recognized by many psychologists. In the game, the participants "play" roles and situations that are significant for them in real life... At the same time, the playful nature of the situation frees the players from the practical consequences of resolving them, which pushes the boundaries of the search for ways of behavior, gives scope for creativity. Following the game thorough psychological analysis, carried out by the group together with the trainer, enhances the learning effect. The norms and rules of social behavior, communication style, various communication skills acquired in the role-playing game and adjusted by the group become the property of the individual and are successfully transferred into real life.

Psycho-gymnasticsincludes a variety of exercises aimed at creating a comfortable group atmosphere, changing the state of group members, as well as training various communicative properties, primarily to increase sensitivity in the perception of the surrounding world. Increasing this kind of sensitivity, which is the basis of a person's ability to understand other people, is sometimes the main goal of training.

Conflict resolution and prevention.

People often think of a conflict as a fight between two parties fighting to win. No one can avoid conflicts - they occupy an important place in our life. However, it is much more effective to perceive the conflict as a problem in the solution of which both sides take part. Conflict can be used to open up alternative opportunities and seek prospects for mutual growth. There are three basic skills for resolving conflicts and building peaceful relationships: encouragement, communication, and cooperation. Encouragement means respecting the best qualities of the conflict partner. Communication includes the ability to listen to your partner so that it helps to understand why the conflict arose, what is most important for him, and what he intends to do to resolve the conflict, and the ability to give the same information from your point of view, when doing so by refraining from using words that could arouse anger and distrust. Cooperation is based on giving another word, recognizing the abilities of another, bringing ideas together, without the dominance of anyone, seeking consensus, mutual support and assistance.

Conflict management.

Management of interpersonal conflicts can be considered in two aspects - internal and external. The internal aspect involves the use of technologies for effective communication and rational behavior in conflict. The external aspect reflects the managerial activity of the subject in relation to a specific conflict.

Causes and factors of interpersonal conflicts according to V. Lincoln:

information factors - inadmissibility of information for one of the parties;

behavioral factors - inappropriateness, rudeness, tactlessness, etc .;

relationship factors - dissatisfaction with the interaction between the parties;

value factors - the opposite of the principles of behavior;

structural factors are relatively stable objective circumstances that are difficult to change.

There are the following stages of interpersonal conflict management:

Conflict prediction

Conflict prevention

Conflict regulation

Conflict resolution.

Appendix 3

UNESCO Expert Answers for the Exercise


According to experts, the main things necessary for a person shipwrecked in the ocean are items that serve to attract attention and items that help to survive until the arrival of the rescuers. Navigational aids are of comparatively little importance: even if a small liferaft is able to reach the ground, it is impossible on it to store enough water or food for life during this period. Therefore, the most important thing for you is a shaving mirror and a canister of oil and gas mixture. These items can be used to signal air and sea rescuers. Second most important are things like a water canister and an army ration box.

The information given below obviously does not list all the possible uses of this item, but rather indicates how important this item is for survival.

Shaving mirror. Important for signaling air and sea rescuers.

Canister with oil and gas mixture. Important for signaling. It can be lit by a banknote and a match and will float on the water, attracting attention.

Canister with water. Essential for quenching thirst.

Army food box. Provides basic food.

Opaque film. Used for collecting rainwater and for weather protection.

A box of chocolate. Reserve food supply.

Fishing tackle. It is rated lower than chocolate, because in this situation the "tit" in the hands is better than the "crane" in the sky. There is no certainty that you will catch a fish

Nylon rope. Can be used to tie up gear to prevent it from falling overboard.

Swimming pillow. A lifesaving device in case someone falls overboard.

Shark repellent. The purpose is obvious.

Rum, with a strength of 80%. Contains 80% alcohol - enough to be used as an antiseptic, otherwise of little value as drinking can cause dehydration.

Radio. Of little value as there is no transmitter.

Pacific Ocean maps. Useless without additional navigation devices. It is more important for you to know not where you are, but where the rescuers are.

Mosquito net. V Pacific no mosquitoes.

Sectarian. Relatively useless without tables and a chronometer.

The main reason for the higher value of signaling devices compared to life support items (food and water) is that without signaling there is almost no chance of being found and rescued. In addition, in most cases, rescuers arrive in the first thirty-six hours, and a person can live this period without food and water.

Literature for students:

  1. Richard A. Gardner To Girls and Boys on Good and Bad Behavior - M. 2000
  2. Vanin I. Mamontov S. Practice of Effective Behavior - St. Petersburg 2001
  3. Levy V. The Art of Being Different. - M 2000


1.Abramova G.S.Introduction to practical psychology... - M .: 1994.

2.Vachkov IV Fundamentals of group training psychology. Psychotechnics. - M .: 2000

3. Grishina N. V. Let's agree. A practical guide for those who have to resolve conflicts. - SPb .: 1993.

4. Emelyanov S. M. Workshop on conflict management. - SPb .: 2000.

5. Games - education, training, leisure. / Ed. Petrusinsky V.V. - M.: 1994.

6. Kozlov N.I. The best psychological games and exercises. Yekaterinburg 1997.

7. Conflicts: essence and overcoming. Method, materials. Ed. Yasnikova L.D. - M., 1990.

8. Lampen D. and J. Young people manage the conflict. - Minsk: 1998

9. Conflict resolution: Trainings / S. Baranovsky, E. Votchitseva, L. Zubelevich et al. - Minsk: 1999.

10. Stolyarenko L. D. Fundamentals of psychology. - R / on the Don, 1997.

Federal State Educational Institution Cadet Corps of the Railway Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Agreed: "Approved"

Department of Psychology __________________________

Academy of Postgraduate Head of the Cadet Corps

pedagogical education Danko N.P.

Head Department of Psychology Teachers Council Protocol No. ______

___________ (Shingaev S.M.) "_____" _____________ 2011

"___" ___________ 2011


"Way out of conflict" for adolescents

Compiled by: Belkina M.L.

Saint Petersburg
