St. Petersburg

All cases of setting a dash.

Material prepared by students

One of the effective and interesting methods of working on the rules of Russian punctuation is the independent selection by students of examples for the rule passed from various texts. These can be works of both domestic and foreign literature, both classical and modern. In addition, it can be not only works of art, but also texts of a scientific or journalistic style (fragments or individual sentences from encyclopedias, articles, etc.). The only prohibition is not to use educational literature, especially Russian language textbooks. It is very simple to check whether the student found an example on his own: ask everyone to indicate the author (surname and initials) of the book from which the sentence is written, as well as its title. By checking the performance of this task, you will not only get an idea of ​​​​the ability of each student to produce syntactic and punctuation analysis of the text, but also learn the reading habits of your students. Classes in Russian become more interesting, livelier. The best examples should be dictated to the class and analyzed. Be sure to name the person from whose notebook the proposal is taken. The children are also interested in learning more about each other: what they read, what they are interested in besides the school curriculum. Do not forbid choosing examples from children's books, even if your students are high school students. In A. Miln's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh", translated by B. Zakhoder, one can find almost all possible cases in Russian of setting a dash and a colon.
Gradually, you will collect a collection of wonderful examples that you will use in your lessons instead of boring and boring examples from textbooks for everyone (and especially for you).
Here are sentences collected by my students on one of the most "extensive" punctuation topics. These examples are suitable for a generalizing repetition on the topic “Dash”, when all private topics have been covered: a dash between the subject and the predicate, before generalizing words, when highlighting applications, plug-in structures, between parts of a complex non-union sentence, etc.


1. Between the subject and the predicate with a zero link, if the main members are expressed by a noun, an infinitive, a quantitative numeral in the nominative case, as well as a phrase containing the indicated parts of speech.

Is it really, I thought, that my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes? ( M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

Love beautifies life.
Love is the charm of nature... ( MM. Zoshchenko. Blue book. Love)

Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

Let me note by the way: all poets are dreamy friends of love. ( A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

And genius and villainy are two incompatible things. ( A.S. Pushkin. Mozart and Salieri)

- Prokatilov - power! - the company began to console Struchkov. ( A.P. Chekhov. on a nail)

Know my destiny is to cherish dreams
And there with a sigh in the air
Spread fiery tears.

(A.A. Fet. Rocket)

It's typical foppery to rob a poor widow. ( I.Ilf, E.Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

2. Before words this, that means standing between the subject and the predicate.

And reduce the amount human lives for 50 million years is not criminal. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

But we know that dreams are a serious mental illness. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

Live forever in torment
in the midst of deep doubts
This is a strong ideal
Creating nothing, hating, despising
And shining like crystal.

(N. Gumilyov. Evil genius, king of doubt...)

3. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, a dash is placed in the following cases:

a) in the logical selection of the pronoun:

She is the culprit of that transformation. ( I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov)
You are a ladder in a big, foggy house. ( V.V. Nabokov. Stairs)

b) in opposition:

I thirst and hunger, and you are an empty flower,
And meeting with you is more dreary than granite.

(B.L. Parsnip. Miracle)

Here we are, partners in gatherings.
Here Anna is an accomplice of nature...

(B.A. Akhmadulina. Anna Kalandadze)

in) at reverse order words:

The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
Said: “Why far?
Know that your fate is near
After all, this princess is me.

(A.S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

G) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence:

He is all a child of goodness and light,
He is all - freedom triumph!

(A.A. Block. Oh, I want to live crazy!)

4. If there is a pause in place of the missing main or minor member in incomplete sentences.

Wandering eyes, Ivan Savelyevich declared that on Thursday afternoon he got drunk alone in his office at the Variety, after which he went somewhere, but he doesn’t remember where, he drank starka somewhere else, but where he doesn’t remember where he was lying under the fence, but again, he doesn’t remember where. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

In winter, there was a lot of light on Peschanaya Street, it was gray and deserted, in spring it was sunny and cheerful, especially when looking at the white wall of the archpriest's house, at the clean windows, at the gray-green tops of poplars in blue sky. (I.A. Bunin. Cup of life)

Fire is met with fire
Trouble - misfortune and ailment treat ailment ...

(W. Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Per. B.L. Pasternak)

5. Intonation dash between any members of the sentence.

The dead lay - and babbled a terrible, unknown speech. ( A.S. Pushkin. Feast in Time of Plague)

The prince removed the lock, opened the door and stepped back in amazement, even shuddered all over: Nastasya Filippovna stood before him. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Moron)

This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor. ( I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

6. In the notes, the explained word is separated from the explanation by a dash (regardless of the form of expression of the predicate).

Sibyl Samiiska - from the name of the island of Samos. ( D.S. Busslovich. People, heroes, gods)

7. With generalizing words:

a) if the generalizing word is after the homogeneous members of the sentence:

Disgrace, execution, dishonor, taxes, and labor, and hunger - you have experienced everything. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

The triumph of self-preservation, salvation from the crushing danger - that was what filled his whole being at that moment. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment)

b) when a generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, a colon is placed after it, and a dash is placed after homogeneous members if the sentence continues after them:

everything around: the blood-drenched field, the French lying in a pile everywhere, the scattered dirty rags in the blood - it was disgusting and disgusting. ( L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace)

A crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars - filled the yard. ( N.V. Gogol. Dead Souls)

8. Between words and numbers to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits ("from ... to").

The milestone was once along the large waterway Voronezh - Azov. ( M.A. Sholokhov. Quiet Don)

Note. If between nouns - proper names or numbers you can insert or, then put a hyphen.

There were also two or three former literary celebrities who happened then in St. Petersburg and with whom Varvara Petrovna had long maintained the most elegant relations. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

9. To isolate the application, if it is of an explanatory nature.

Another thing - getting money - met with obstacles in the same way. ( L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina)

10. Before an application at the end of a sentence, if it is logically selected.

In my room I found the clerk of the neighboring estate, Nikita Nazaritch Mishchenko. ( A.I. Kuprin. Olesya)

He walked the whole Bogoyavlenskaya street; finally it went downhill, my feet rode in the mud, and suddenly a wide, foggy, as if empty space opened up - a river. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

11. To isolate common agreed definitions at the end of a sentence, especially when listing:

This is in some showcases, and in others hundreds of ladies' hats appeared, and with feathers, and without feathers, and with buckles, and without them, hundreds of shoes - black, white, yellow, leather, satin, suede, and with straps, and with pebbles. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

12. To isolate the secondary members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, which are of an explanatory nature, both at the end and in the middle of the sentence:

Cat Vasily took a spring vacation - to get married. ( A. and B. Strugatsky. Monday starts on Saturday

Because of Sibgatov, Dontsova even changed the direction of her scientific interests: she delved into the pathology of bones from one impulse - to save Sibgatov. ( A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Cancer Corps)

13. For separating plug-in structures.

Killed him - what a strange word! - a month later, in Galicia. ( I.A. Bunin. Cold fall)

But don't try to keep for yourself
Given to you by heaven:
Condemned - and we know it ourselves -
We squander, not hoard.

(A.A. Akhmatova. We have the freshness of words ...)

14. Between parts of a compound sentence, if the sentence contains a contrast or indicates a quick change of events.

The horses walked at a pace - and soon they stopped. ( A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

The hetman has reigned - and it's great. ( M.A. Bulgakov. White Guard)

15. For the intonational separation of the subordinate and main clauses (often in sentences with structure parallelism).

If death is light, I die
If death, I will burn lightly.
And I do not forgive my tormentors,
But for the flour - I thank them.

(Z. Gippius. Martyr)

And today the air smells of death:
Open a window - what to open the veins. ( B.L. Parsnip. Gap)

16. In non-union complex sentences, if:

a) the second part is opposed to the first:

They were chasing me - I was not embarrassed in spirit. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

Do good - he will not say thank you. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

b) the second part contains a consequence, a result, a conclusion from what is said in the first:

Veli - I will die; commanded - I will breathe only for you. ( A.S. Pushkin. stone guest)

I met you - and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm...

(F.I. Tyutchev. K.B.)

I'm dying - I have nothing to lie. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

c) the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first:

It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
Look - the ruble will give.

(ON THE. Nekrasov. Jack Frost)

d) the sentence expresses a quick change of events, an unexpected addition:

Come to me for a glass of rum
Come - we will shake the old days.

(A.S. Pushkin. Today I'm at home in the morning...)

e) the first part indicates the time or condition for performing the action referred to in the second part:


God willing - ten, twenty years,
And twenty-five, and thirty he will live.

(A.S. Pushkin. Miserly knight);

I don't give a damn, Varvara Ardalionovna; whatever you want, at least now fulfill your intention. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Moron)


And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And azure, and midday heat ...
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

(I.A. Bunin. And flowers, and bumblebees...)

e) with the explanatory meaning of the second part (you can insert a union before it what); however, a colon is usually used in this case, compare:

I know there's a nail in my boot
more nightmarish than Goethe's fantasy!

(V.V. Mayakovsky. A cloud in pants)

I will tell you with the last
All just nonsense - sherry brandy -
My angel.

(O.E. Mandelstam. I'll tell you...)

g) the second part is a connecting sentence (it is preceded by or you can insert the word this is):

Screaming stones state -
Armenia, Armenia!
Hoarse mountains calling to arms -
Armenia, Armenia!

(O.E. Mandelstam. Armenia)

17. With direct speech.


Between subject and predicate, expressed nouns, if:

1. There is a negation before the predicate, introductory word, adverb, union, particle:

I really regret that my husband is not a doctor. ( A.P. Chekhov. Name day)

One more question: how do you feel about the fact that the moon is also the work of the mind? ( V.M. Shukshin. cut off)

Compare with a pause:

Styopa was well known in the theater circles of Moscow, and everyone knew that this man was not a gift. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

That is how they begin to understand.
And in the noise of a running turbine
It seems that a mother is not a mother,
that you are not you, that the house is a foreign land.

(B.L. Parsnip. That's how they start...)

2. The predicate is preceded by a minor member of the sentence related to it:

[Trofimov:] All Russia is our garden.

(A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)

Compare with a pause: Mr. G-v serves, and Mr. Shatov is a former student. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

Silencing the whispers of inspired superstition, common sense tells us that life is but a gap of faint light between two perfectly black eternities. ( V.V. Nabokov. other shores)

3. The nominal compound predicate precedes the subject:

What a glorious place this valley is!

(M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

4. The subject in combination with the predicate is a phraseological phrase:

“Another's soul is dark,” Bunin answers and adds: “No, my own is much darker.”

(I.A. Ilyin. Creativity I.A. Bunin)

5. The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case:

Yes, Lewis is a type. Of course, he is a bore, but his vocabulary is gigantic. ( J. D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye)

6. In conversational style sentences:

What hair! Nonsense hair! This is what I'm saying! It's even better if it starts to fight, I'm not afraid of that ... ( F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment)

A dash, as a rule, is used in non-union complex sentences to indicate the nature of the semantic connection between its parts. However, there are other uses of this punctuation mark.

The setting of the dash is governed by the following rules of Russian grammar:

1. A dash is placed in sentences with a compound nominal predicate, between the subjects and the predicate. In sentences of this kind, the predicate, as a rule, is a generic concept in relation to the subject. For example:

  • The tiger is a predator;
  • Cow - artiodactyl;
  • Birch - tree;
  • My older sister is a teacher;
  • My older sister is my teacher.

Note 1. However, if the subject and predicate is the negative particle “not”, then the dash is not put:

  • Poverty is not a vice;
  • The goose is not a bird.

Note 2. A dash between the subject and the predicate is not put if they are used in an interrogative sentence, and the subject is expressed by a pronoun, for example:

2. If the subject in the sentence is expressed by a noun , and the predicate is an indefinite form of the verb (infinitive), or they are both expressed in infinitive, then a dash is placed between them, for example:

  • To love you is to wag your nerves;
  • The desire of every person is to love and be loved.

3. A dash is placed before words “this”, “means”, “this is”, “here”, etc. in sentences where the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or infinitive. As a rule, these words serve to attach the predicate to the subject, and also indicate that a comparison or definition will now follow, for example:

  • Desire is the need of a person in spite of all adversity to make his life better;
  • Romance is moonlit walks and admiring eyes;
  • Loyalty is the stronghold of the true human relations, trust is the stronghold of a strong family.

4. A dash is placed in sentences with enumerations before a generalizing word. For example:

  • Dreams, hopes, beauty - everything will be swallowed up by the inexorable course of time;
  • Neither her tears, nor her pleading eyes, nor sadness - nothing could make him come back.

5. A dash is placed before the application at the end of the sentence in two cases:

a) If it is possible to put the construction “namely” before the application without distorting the meaning of the sentence, for example:

  • I don't like this animal too much - a cat.
  • In a conversation, he demanded one thing - correctness.
  • I obey only one person - my father.

b) If explanatory words are used in the application, and the author needs to additionally indicate the independence of this construction, for example:

  • I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only consolation in traveling around the Caucasus (Lermontov).

6. A dash is placed between two predicates or between parts of a complex sentence if the author needs to unexpectedly attach or sharply oppose them in relation to each other. For example:

  • I went into the room, not thinking of seeing anyone there, and froze.
  • I'm more likely to Petka - and that's all there.
  • I wanted to travel around the whole world - and did not travel around the hundredth part (Griboedov).
  • I wanted to sit down to sew - and the needle pricked my fingers, I wanted to cook porridge - the milk ran away.

Note 1. In order to enhance the sense of surprise, a dash can be placed after coordinating conjunctions that link parts of the same sentence. For example:

  • Take a vacation - and go to the family.
  • I really want to go there to meet them, but I'm afraid (M. Gorky)

Note 2: In addition, for even more surprise, a dash can separate any part of a sentence, for example:

  • And she ate the poor singer - to the crumbs (Krylov).
  • And the grandfather threw the ruff into the river.

According to the rules of the Russian language, there is no need to put a dash in these sentences. However, it is put only in order to better convey the meaning and reflect what really happened.

7. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if the second part contains the result or conclusion from what was said in the first, for example:

  • Praises are tempting - how not to wish for them? (Krylov).
  • The moon has drawn a path across the sea - the night has laid a light veil.

8. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if between them there is a type of connection "subordinate part - main part":

  • Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  • They cut the forest - the chips fly.

9. A dash is placed in order to indicate the boundary of decay simple sentence into two word groups. This is done only if it is impossible to isolate this decay by other means. For example:

  • So I say: do the guys need it?

Very often, such a decay is observed when one of the members of the sentence is omitted, for example:

  • Marinka for a good study - a ticket to the sea, and Egorka - a new computer.
  • I will - into a fist, my heart - from my chest, and I rushed after him.
  • Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing (Pushkin).

10. In addition, with the help of a dash, they distinguish:

a) Sentences and words used in the middle of a sentence and serving to explain what was said, but only if the brackets can weaken the connection between the insert and the one being explained, for example:

  • Here - there is nothing to do - I got into his cart and sat down.
  • How suddenly - a miracle! oh shame! - the oracle spoke nonsense (Krylov).
  • And only once - and then by accident - I spoke to him.

b) A common application if it comes after the noun it defines and needs to emphasize its own independence, for example:

  • The senior sergeant - a gallant aged Cossack with stripes for extra-long service - ordered to "build up" (Sholokhov).
  • In front of the doors of the club - a wide log house - workers with banners (Fedin) were waiting for the guests.

c) Homogeneous members of the sentence, if they are in the middle of the sentence and need special emphasis, for example:

  • Usually, from the riding villages - Elanskaya, Vyoshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - they took Cossacks to the 11-12th army Cossack regiments and to the Life Guards Atamansky (Sholokhov).
  • And again, the same picture - crooked houses, road potholes and dirty puddles - opened up to my eyes.

11. A dash can be used as an additional punctuation mark after a comma in sentences where there are two repeated words. , and this repetition is necessary in order to connect one part of this sentence with another. For example:

  • I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but good man- my husband, whom I knew as myself (L. Tolstoy).
  • Now, as an investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, everything was in his hands (L. Tolstoy).

12. A dash is placed after a group of subordinate clauses before the main part of a complex sentence in order to emphasize the split into two semantic parts. For example:

  • Whether it was worth it or not is not for me to decide.
  • Whether Stoltz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we do not know (Dobrolyubov).

13. A dash is placed in paired constructions, meaning any temporal, spatial or quantitative framework , and in this case it is synonymous with a pair of prepositions "from ... to", for example:

  • Flight Novosibirsk - Moscow,
  • 1991 – 2001,
  • Ten to twelve grams.

14. A dash is placed between two proper names if collectively they name any teaching or discovery:

  • Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.

All cases of setting a dash.

Material prepared by students

One of the effective and interesting methods of working on the rules of Russian punctuation is the independent selection by students of examples for the rule passed from various texts. These can be works of both domestic and foreign literature, both classical and modern. In addition, it can be not only works of art, but also texts of a scientific or journalistic style (fragments or individual sentences from encyclopedias, articles, etc.). The only prohibition is not to use educational literature, especially Russian language textbooks. It is very simple to check whether the student found an example on his own: ask everyone to indicate the author (surname and initials) of the book from which the sentence is written, as well as its title. By checking the performance of this task, you will not only get an idea of ​​​​the ability of each student to produce syntactic and punctuation analysis of the text, but also learn the reading habits of your students. Classes in Russian become more interesting, livelier. The best examples should be dictated to the class and analyzed. Be sure to name the person from whose notebook the proposal is taken. The guys are also interested in learning more about each other: what they read, what they are interested in besides school curriculum. Do not forbid choosing examples from children's books, even if your students are high school students. In A. Miln's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh", translated by B. Zakhoder, one can find almost all possible cases in Russian of setting a dash and a colon.
Gradually, you will collect a collection of wonderful examples that you will use in your lessons instead of boring and boring examples from textbooks for everyone (and especially for you).
Here are sentences collected by my students on one of the most "extensive" punctuation topics. These examples are suitable for a generalizing repetition on the topic “Dash”, when all private topics have been covered: a dash between the subject and the predicate, before generalizing words, when highlighting applications, plug-in structures, between parts of a complex non-union sentence, etc.


1. Between the subject and the predicate with a zero link, if the main members are expressed by a noun, an infinitive, a quantitative numeral in the nominative case, as well as a phrase containing the indicated parts of speech.

Is it really, I thought, that my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes? ( M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

Love beautifies life.
Love is the charm of nature. ( MM. Zoshchenko. Blue book. Love)

Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

Let me note by the way: all poets are dreamy friends of love. ( A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

And genius and villainy are two incompatible things. ( A.S. Pushkin. Mozart and Salieri)

- Prokatilov - power! - the company began to console Struchkov. ( A.P. Chekhov. on a nail)

Know my destiny is to cherish dreams
And there with a sigh in the air
Spread fiery tears.

It's typical foppery to rob a poor widow. ( I.Ilf, E.Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

2. Before words this, that means standing between the subject and the predicate.

And to reduce the sum of human lives by 50 million years is not criminal. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

But we know that dreams are a serious mental illness. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

Live forever in torment
in the midst of deep doubts
This is a strong ideal
Creating nothing, hating, despising
And shining like crystal.

(N. Gumilyov. Evil genius, king of doubt.)

3. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, a dash is placed in the following cases:

a) in the logical selection of the pronoun:

She is the culprit of that transformation. ( I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov)
You are a ladder in a big, foggy house. ( V.V. Nabokov. Stairs)

b) in opposition:

I thirst and hunger, and you are an empty flower,
And meeting with you is more dreary than granite.

(B.L. Parsnip. Miracle)

Here we are, partners in gatherings.
Here Anna is an accomplice of nature.

(B.A. Akhmadulina. Anna Kalandadze)

in) in reverse word order:

The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
Said: “Why far?
Know that your fate is near
After all, this princess is me.

(A.S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

G) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence:

He is all a child of goodness and light,
He is all - freedom triumph!

(A.A. Block. Oh, I want to live crazy!)

4. If there is a pause in place of the missing main or minor member in incomplete sentences.

Wandering eyes, Ivan Savelyevich declared that on Thursday afternoon he got drunk alone in his office at the Variety, after which he went somewhere, but he doesn’t remember where, he drank starka somewhere else, but where he doesn’t remember where he was lying under the fence, but again, he doesn’t remember where. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

In winter, there was a lot of light on Peschanaya Street, it was gray and deserted, in spring it was sunny and cheerful, especially when looking at the white wall of the archpriest's house, at the clean windows, at the gray-green tops of poplars in the blue sky. ( I.A. Bunin. Cup of life)

Fire is met with fire
Trouble - trouble and ailment treat ailments.

(W. Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Per. B.L. Pasternak)

5. Intonation dash between any members of the sentence.

The dead lay - and babbled a terrible, unknown speech. ( A.S. Pushkin. Feast in Time of Plague)

The prince removed the lock, opened the door and stepped back in amazement, even shuddered all over: Nastasya Filippovna stood before him. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Moron)

This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor. ( I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

6. In the notes, the explained word is separated from the explanation by a dash (regardless of the form of expression of the predicate).

Sibyl Samiiska - from the name of the island of Samos. ( D.S. Busslovich. People, heroes, gods)

7. With generalizing words:

a) if the generalizing word is after the homogeneous members of the sentence:

Disgrace, execution, dishonor, taxes, and labor, and hunger - you have experienced everything. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

The triumph of self-preservation, salvation from the crushing danger - that was what filled his whole being at that moment. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment)

b) when a generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, a colon is placed after it, and a dash is placed after homogeneous members if the sentence continues after them:

everything around: the blood-drenched field, the French lying in a pile everywhere, the scattered dirty rags in the blood - it was disgusting and disgusting. ( L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace)

A crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars - filled the yard. ( N.V. Gogol. Dead Souls)

8. Between words and numbers to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits (“from. to”).

The milestone was once along the large waterway Voronezh - Azov. ( M.A. Sholokhov. Quiet Don)

Note. If between nouns - proper names or numbers you can insert or, then put a hyphen.

There were also two or three former literary celebrities who happened then in St. Petersburg and with whom Varvara Petrovna had long maintained the most elegant relations. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

9. To isolate the application, if it is of an explanatory nature.

Another thing - getting money - met with obstacles in the same way. ( L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina)

10. Before an application at the end of a sentence, if it is logically selected.

In my room I found the clerk of the neighboring estate, Nikita Nazaritch Mishchenko. ( A.I. Kuprin. Olesya)

He walked the whole Bogoyavlenskaya street; finally it went downhill, my feet rode in the mud, and suddenly a wide, foggy, as if empty space opened up - a river. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

11. To isolate common agreed definitions at the end of a sentence, especially when listing:

This is in some showcases, and in others hundreds of ladies' hats appeared, and with feathers, and without feathers, and with buckles, and without them, hundreds of shoes - black, white, yellow, leather, satin, suede, and with straps, and with pebbles. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

12. To isolate the secondary members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, which are of an explanatory nature, both at the end and in the middle of the sentence:

Cat Vasily took a spring vacation - to get married. ( A. and B. Strugatsky. Monday starts on Saturday

Because of Sibgatov, Dontsova even changed the direction of her scientific interests: she delved into the pathology of bones from one impulse - to save Sibgatov. ( A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Cancer Corps)

13. For separating plug-in structures.

Killed him - what a strange word! - a month later, in Galicia. ( I.A. Bunin. Cold fall)

But don't try to keep for yourself
Given to you by heaven:
Condemned - and we know it ourselves -
We squander, not hoard.

(A.A. Akhmatova. Us the freshness of words.)

14. Between parts of a compound sentence, if the sentence contains a contrast or indicates a quick change of events.

The horses walked at a pace - and soon they stopped. ( A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

The hetman has reigned - and it's great. ( M.A. Bulgakov. White Guard)

15. For the intonational separation of the subordinate and main clauses (often in sentences with structure parallelism).

If death is light, I die
If death, I will burn lightly.
And I do not forgive my tormentors,
But for the flour - I thank them.

And today the air smells of death:
Open a window - what to open the veins. ( B.L. Parsnip. Gap)

16. In non-union complex sentences, if:

a) the second part is opposed to the first:

They were chasing me - I was not embarrassed in spirit. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

Do good - he will not say thank you. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

b) the second part contains a consequence, a result, a conclusion from what is said in the first:

Veli - I will die; commanded - I will breathe only for you. ( A.S. Pushkin. stone guest)

I met you - and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life;
I remembered the golden time -
And my heart felt so warm.

I'm dying - I have nothing to lie. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

c) the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first:

It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
Look - the ruble will give.

(ON THE. Nekrasov. Jack Frost)

d) the sentence expresses a quick change of events, an unexpected addition:

Come to me for a glass of rum
Come - we will shake the old days.

(A.S. Pushkin. Today I'm at home in the morning.)

e) the first part indicates the time or condition for performing the action referred to in the second part:

God willing - ten, twenty years,
And twenty-five, and thirty he will live.

(A.S. Pushkin. Miserly knight);

I don't give a damn, Varvara Ardalionovna; whatever you want, at least now fulfill your intention. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Moron)

And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And azure, and midday heat.
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

(I.A. Bunin. And flowers, and bumblebees.)

e) with the explanatory meaning of the second part (you can insert a union before it what); however, a colon is usually used in this case, compare:

I know there's a nail in my boot
more nightmarish than Goethe's fantasy!

(V.V. Mayakovsky. A cloud in pants)

I will tell you with the last
All just nonsense - sherry brandy -
My angel.

(O.E. Mandelstam. I'll tell you.)

g) the second part is a connecting sentence (it is preceded by or you can insert the word this is):

Screaming stones state -
Armenia, Armenia!
Hoarse mountains calling to arms -
Armenia, Armenia!

(O.E. Mandelstam. Armenia)

17. With direct speech.


Between subject and predicate, expressed nouns, if:

1. Before the predicate there is a negation, an introductory word, an adverb, a union, a particle:

I really regret that my husband is not a doctor. ( A.P. Chekhov. Name day)

One more question: how do you feel about the fact that the moon is also the work of the mind? ( V.M. Shukshin. cut off)

Compare with a pause:

Styopa was well known in the theater circles of Moscow, and everyone knew that this man was not a gift. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

That is how they begin to understand.
And in the noise of a running turbine
It seems that a mother is not a mother,
that you are not you, that the house is a foreign land.

(B.L. Parsnip. That's how they start.)

2. The predicate is preceded by a minor member of the sentence related to it:

[Trofimov:] All Russia is our garden.

(A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)

Compare with a pause: Mr. G-v serves, and Mr. Shatov is a former student. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

Silencing the whispers of inspired superstition, common sense tells us that life is but a gap of faint light between two perfectly black eternities. ( V.V. Nabokov. other shores)

3. The nominal compound predicate precedes the subject:

What a glorious place this valley is!

(M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

4. The subject in combination with the predicate is a phraseological phrase:

“Another's soul is dark,” Bunin answers and adds: “No, my own is much darker.”

(I.A. Ilyin. Creativity I.A. Bunin)

5. The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case:

Yes, Lewis is a type. Of course, he is a bore, but his vocabulary is gigantic. ( J. D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye)

6. In conversational style sentences:

What hair! Nonsense hair! This is what I'm saying! It's even better if it starts to fight, I'm not afraid of that. ( F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment)

1. A dash is placed for the intonational separation of the main part of a complex sentence from the subordinate clause. Most often, a dash is used in cases where the main part is preceded by:

1) subordinate explanatory: How he got here - he really could not understand this (G.); As the teacher said, I listened at the window for a long time (Pl.); Of course, it’s good that he marries her, but how they will live - who knows (M. G.); Why he tormented her - she never asked; He will come, but when - I don’t know (cf. with a different order of parts: I don’t know when he will come); They left, but they did not say where; But in order to admit his guilt in front of everyone - the spirit is not enough; Whether she answered his letter or not, he never knew; That he is a man of knowledge is a fact; There were some new rumors about him, but what is unknown; Whoever does not love art is either callous in soul, or deaf to all that is beautiful; How to be in such cases - radio listeners ask;

2) conditional clause (usually with unions whether ... whether, whether ... or): If someone asks about something - be silent (P.); Whether the head thinks, whether the heart feels, or hands overturn glasses - everything is covered with equal splashes (G.); If I look into the distance, if I look at you - and some kind of light will light up in my heart (Fet); Whether Judas was aware that it was a stone and not bread, or was not aware, is a moot point (S.-Shch.);

3) subordinate concessive: Let them tyrannize as they want, even if they take the skin off the living - I will not give up my will (S.‑Shch.); No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it (Cat.).

2. Conditions favorable for setting a dash:

1) parallelism of the structure of a complex sentence: Whether the plowman sings a song in the distance - a long song takes by the heart; Will the forest begin - pine and aspen (N.); Whoever is cheerful - he laughs, whoever wants - he will achieve, who is looking for - he will always find! (OK.); If someone comes, I rejoice, if no one looks in, I don’t grieve either; What was - is known, what will be - no one knows;

2) an incomplete sentence in the subordinate part: Some ask why there was a delay in resolving the issue, others - why it arose at all, others - why other issues are not considered along the way; He is a good person, but it's a pity - a drunkard; I answered something that - I myself do not remember;

3) the presence of words is, here. That she is an honest nature is clear to me (T.); When a fly obtrusively curls in front of your eyes, it is unpleasant, but when a mosquito trumpets tirelessly at night over your ear, it is simply unbearable; What is remarkable about this forest is that it is all pine; Where is he now, what is he doing - these are the questions to which I could not get answers; And that he was clever - you can believe me; What he found in her is his business;

4) enumeration of subordinate parts: If you are not sure of yourself, if you do not have enough courage - refuse; There are people around, and who came for what, who has what business - it is not clear; And what was going on in this chaos of things, how he understood it - is incomprehensible to the mind; He, in order to show that he knows all this and agrees with everything, that he is far from any doubts, immediately offered his services;

5) an abundance of commas, against which the dash acts as a more expressive sign: But we have gained experience, and for experience, as they say, no matter how much you pay, you will not overpay;

6) intonational separation of the main part from the subordinate clause following it: You ask - why did I go for it ?; Are you sure - is it necessary?;

7) the absence of an opposing union or the second part of a comparative union between subordinate clauses: Artistry consists in ensuring that each word is not only in place - that it is necessary, inevitable and that it is possible to less words(Black).

1.7. Dash between subject and verb

Consider in which cases a dash is placed or not placed between the subject and the predicate.

1. The subject and predicate are expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case (with a zero connective).

1. The subject and predicate are expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case, but:

a) the bond is not zero ( brother was clever man; War is madness);

b) the predicate has a comparative conjunction ( as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if and etc.) ( The stars are like diamonds The sky is like a sea);

c) the predicate is preceded by a particle not ( Poverty is not a vice);

e) the predicate is preceded by an object related to it ( Sergey is my neighbor);

e) the predicate precedes the subject ( Wonderful man Ivan Ivanovich);

g) the subject and predicate form an indecomposable phraseological phrase ( Two of a Kind).

2. The subject and predicate are expressed by infinitives, or one of them is an infinitive, and the other is a noun (numeral) in the nominative case.

2. The subject and predicate are expressed by infinitives, or one of them is an infinitive, and the other is a noun (numeral) in the nominative case, but the word order is reversed (the predicate comes before the subject) and there is no pause between the subject and the predicate ( What a joy to hug your son!).

Note: if there is a pause, then a dash is also placed in the reverse order of words (cf .: It's a great art to wait).

3. The predicate is attached to the subject with the help of the words this, here, this is, it means (in the meaning it is), which means (a dash is placed before these words).

3. Before the words this, then a dash is not put if:

a) means is an introductory word (in the meaning Consequently):
The sunspots are gone; so the sun went down in the afternoon;

b) means is a verb in the meanings:
1. "to mean (about words, signs, gestures)" ( Kirdzhali in Turkish means knight, daring);
2. "to testify to something" ( If I am silent, it does not mean that I agree with you.);
3. "make a difference, be significant" ( A person means immeasurably more than is commonly thought);

c) it is a subject, expressed demonstrative pronoun: it(what?) my daughter; it(what?) interesting).

Dash Rules Examples

Every writer has their own "favorite" punctuation rules. But from the experience of working at preparatory courses and the preparatory department of Moscow State University, the author of this article knows that the use of a dash is one of the most complex and, so to speak, erroneous punctuation rules. It seems to us that this is due to the erroneous ideas of the majority of schoolchildren about the optionality of the dash, its almost complete identity with the comma. Having memorized, as a rule, some of the rules most well set out in school textbooks and manuals for university applicants (for example, a dash between the subject and predicate, expressed nouns; a dash between parts of a complex sentence), not all students are able to generalize in their minds the cases of the possible use of a dash In russian language. Textbooks rarely offer consolidated chapters on this issue, the tradition of compiling reference and teaching aids is by groups of rules, and not by signs. Meanwhile, the current “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” (M .: Uchpedgiz, 1956) offer exactly the first way, in the “Punctuation” section, the principles for setting certain punctuation marks, including dashes, are set out (This work, paragraphs 164-179, p. 98-104).

This article aims to draw attention to most cases of setting a dash in a letter (we deliberately do not touch on those cases that are rarely used by most writers and, first of all, by schoolchildren), after all sections, exercises will be given to check the learned material.

The first thing to remember is that there are two different types of dashes. A single dash is a character from the separating group (For more information about separating and highlighting characters, see: Russian language. Tutorial for in-depth study in high school. Part 2. Morphology. Syntax. Punctuation. / Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnevskaya E.I. - M., Moscow State University, 2000., p. 180). Such a dash is used as a sign dividing a sentence into two parts (for example, a dash can be placed between the subject and the predicate in a simple sentence or between two parts of a complex one), or as a punctuation mark, similar in function to a comma, but adding an additional semantic connotation to the sentence . A separating dash in a simple sentence, in addition, is used with homogeneous members with a generalizing word. Along with this, in the rules related to the isolation of sentence members and introductory words, a double dash is used as a highlighting sign, which is in many ways similar to two commas.

Consider these groups of rules and determine what difficulties are encountered in their application. The most common mistakes will be analyzed in detail, and it is for these cases that practical tasks will be offered.


The need to put a dash between the subject and the predicate is associated with the omission of the auxiliary part in the compound types of the predicate. In some cases, the setting of a dash is associated only with the form of the main terms, in others there are additional formal reasons indicating the need to put a dash. The rules below deal with the dash rules themselves and their exceptions.

The subject is expressed by a noun, the predicate is a compound nominal with a zero connective and a nominal part expressed by a noun (that is, both main members are expressed by nouns): Snow White - main character a famous children's fairy tale and a wonderful cartoon by Walt Disney Studios. (All examples in the article are invented by the author. In cases where the fantasy left the author, examples from the literature were used. References will be given to all these cases). Particular attention should be paid to the following cases of dash priority setting:

If the sentence has the character of a logical definition - A fairy tale is a genre of folklore in which magical characters act and magical events occur.

If the proposal refers to the book style and contains a characteristic, the assessment of the phenomenon - Animation - is the best achievement of the 20th century.

In sentences, identities (subject and predicate express one concept) - Everyone knows that in any fairy tale stepmother is also an evil witch.

After a group of homogeneous subjects - Grumpy, Kind, Modest, Quiet - the names of Snow White's closest friends.

With a structural parallelism of parts - Love for work is the dignity of Snow White, narcissism is a trait of her stepmother.
To clarify the meaning of the sentence - Big sister is her best friend. Her older sister is her stepmother's best friend.

Both main terms are expressed by infinitives, or one is expressed by a noun and the other by an infinitive: Dreaming of meeting a prince for any girl is only torturing yourself in vain. To meet him in fact is a great happiness.

Before the words this, this is, it means, this means, here. - Looking in the mirror, the stepmother said: "Yes, beauty is a terrible force."

Both main members are numerals, or one is a numeral and the other is a noun: Counting all the socks lying on the floor and putting them in pairs, Snow White guessed that the number of gnomes was seven.


The subject is expressed by the infinitive, the predicate is a compound nominal with a zero connective and a nominal part expressed by an adverb with the meaning of the state, but only if there is a pause between the main members: Snow White understood from childhood that it was dangerous not to fulfill her duties of cleaning the palace, because every day her stepmother checked the cleanliness of the rooms.

With the subject expressed by the word THIS, if there is a logical pause after this word - This is the very beginning of the story, and the continuation will be later. (Compare: This is not a bad start.)

Before the dash in all the cases discussed above, according to the conditions of the context, there may be a comma. This is possible if there is a separate member of the sentence or a subordinate clause before the place of the dash. In this case, the writer puts two unrelated signs: a comma that closes one revolution, and a dash between the subject and the predicate.

The most common writing mistake is not putting a comma before the dash. It is on attentiveness to this problem that we propose the task given below.

Task 1. Put punctuation marks. In cases where there is a comma before the dash, explain its setting. (The task used examples from the compositions of students preparatory courses Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University).

1. Eugene Onegin main character of the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, a nobleman by origin and an “extra” person by character.

2. Vladimir Lensky, a romantic and a dreamer who lived for several years in "Germany foggy" and is unable to distinguish between real and fictional life.

3. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who spent his childhood in an atmosphere of universal love and worship, is a typical gentleman in manners and constantly expects from those around him the same attitude towards himself that he used to receive from his relatives in childhood.

4. This poem is written in the genre friendly message the brightest creation of Pushkin-romantic.

5. Romanticism, which in Russian literature is closely associated with the names of Pushkin and Lermontov, is one of literary trends studying inner world and the psychology of the characters.


The subject is expressed by a noun, the predicate is a compound nominal with a zero connective and a nominal part expressed by a noun, and at the same time:

The sentence is simple, conversational style: "My father is the king," Snow White modestly answered the question of the dwarfs.

Between the subject and the predicate there are comparative conjunctions AS, AS if, EXACTLY, LIKE AS, EVERYTHING IS THE SAME THAT: “Snow White’s eyes are like two bright stars, her skin is like the first snow, her hair is like night,” the mirror impassively explained to the enraged queen.

The predicate is preceded by the negation of NOT: “The Queen is no longer the first beauty of the kingdom,” the courtiers whispered among themselves.

Between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word or particle: The King is probably a good person, but he has become a toy in the hands of an evil and treacherous wife. The walk is just an excuse to take Snow White into the dense forest and leave her there.

The predicate is preceded by a secondary term related to it: “Snow White is our friend!” - the dwarfs assured Grumpy, but he stubbornly did not want to come to terms with the presence of a woman in the house.

In the sentence, the word order is reversed - the predicate precedes the subject: “This glorious little prince!” - such was the unanimous opinion of the gnomes and forest animals.

Important: in many of the cases listed above, a dash is possible if it is necessary to emphasize intonation the division of a sentence into two parts or to highlight one of the main members.

The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, the predicate is a compound nominal with a zero link and a nominal part expressed by a noun: All the inhabitants of the kingdom knew that Snow White is a very good girl, she is smart, she is beautiful, she is very kind and attentive.

With the logical underlining of the pronoun-subject, its highlighting with intonation: “I am the first beauty of the kingdom,” the queen proudly declared to each new guest.

When contrasting personal pronouns-subjects in identically constructed parts of the sentence: “I am the queen, and you are the servant,” said the evil stepmother and ordered her servant to take Snow White into the forest and kill her.

One of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun: “Tell us, girl, who are you, who are your parents and why did you wander into such a thicket alone?” the dwarfs asked Snow White in surprise.

The predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective or a prepositional case form: The forest around Snow White is empty and gloomy, the sun is not visible behind the treetops, bird voices are not heard.

In this case, you can put a dash:

With the logical division of the sentence into two parts and its intonation division: Snow White's voice is pure, clear, bewitching, so the prince decided to see who sings so tenderly.

With the structural parallelism of parts of a complex sentence: The night is warm, the stars are shining, the moon is round, so Snow White did not feel fear, left alone in the forest.

Not having your own home is terribly disappointing. Loneliness is even more offensive, especially when you are a lover of chatting and gossip and there is no one to gossip with. All these thoughts ran through the head of the mouse, which walked sadly across the field and was looking for a lodging for the night. Suddenly the mouse stopped(:,-) “What is this ahead of you?” And this is a teremok. Teremok standing in the field and hidden in the thickets of wild flowers is an ideal haven for a lonely little animal. And what a handsome man he is! The steps are carved, the shutters are painted, the roof is like a tent, the rooms are large, the windows are to the east. To live in such even one is already happiness.

The mouse is located in the teremka. And to dream also about a neighbor in the tower only to upset yourself in vain. Her task is to make the teremok even more comfortable home, and there come what may.

But this is just the beginning of the tale. The next day a frog ran past. Boredom is a terrible misfortune for any animal, and the frog was desperately bored in his swamp where to live means to eat sleep and croak. And the frog wanted to communicate! So she left the swamp and came to the tower and knocked.

“Please tell me who you are and why you have come?” asked a frightened mouse from behind the door. “I am a frog, but who are you?” said the no less frightened frog. “I am the mistress of this house, a mouse, and the frog seems to be an animal that lives in the water,” the norushka calmed down a little. “Mice are not a decree for us frogs,” the frog proudly remarked, and then said (:,-) “I am alone and you are alone, let's live together!”. “A glorious animal frog,” thought the mouse, and let in an unexpected neighbor.


An incomplete sentence is called “with lexically unexpressed members that are easily restored in meaning from the context” (Russian language: Textbook for in-depth study in high school. Part 2. Morphology. Syntax. Punctuation. / Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E. .M., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnevskaya E.I. - M., Moscow State University, 2000 - P. 132). Incompleteness is often due to the omission of the predicate, and this omission is associated either with the name of the predicate earlier in the context, or with the special structure of the sentence, when the predicate is not needed (such a sentence is called elliptical). It is this omission of the predicate in writing that is indicated by the setting of a dash.

If there is a pause in elliptical sentences (instead of a predicate) - Outside the window - rain.

With parallelism of structures - Everything on this side is mine, and on the other side is also mine, and the forest is mine, and beyond the forest is mine (a free presentation of Nozdrev's famous words).

In sentences of a special structure that have two nouns at the base (one in the dative form, the other in the form accusative), clearly divided into two parts - “Idiot! Baba - flowers, children - ice cream! - shouts the hero Papanova in the film "The Diamond Hand".
If an incomplete sentence is part of a complex one, and the missing term is easily recovered from the context - Some Americans voted for Bush, others for Gore, but in the end it didn't matter.


A dash can be used between two homogeneous members of a sentence when they are contrasted or when indicating suddenness (in the latter case, verbs-predicates will be homogeneous members): Snow White wanted not to cry - to sob with fear, but she restrained herself and carefully walked through the forest. The prince saw Snow White and immediately fell in love with her.

A dash is used between two homogeneous members connected by a double union, when skipping the second part of the union: the Queen not only did not love, she simply hated the beautiful Snow White. It was not that she humiliated the princess - she tormented and scolded her in every possible way.

If there is a generalizing word after a group of homogeneous members of the sentence, a dash is placed in front of it: On the table, on the windowsill, on the floor, under the beds - things belonging to the gnomes were scattered everywhere.

With the same order of homogeneous terms and a generalizing word, an introductory word may also appear before the generalizing one. In this case, there is a dash before the introductory word, and after (before the generalizing word) there is a comma: And deer, and squirrels, and hares, and various birds - in a word, all forest animals came to visit Snow White during the day when the gnomes left to work.

If the generalizing word is in front of a group of homogeneous members, but after a group of homogeneous members the sentence does not end, then after this group a dash is put: stay to live with them.

A dash can be put instead of a colon after a generalizing word before a group of homogeneous members, if homogeneous members have the character of an application or clarification: Everyone loves fairy tales - both adults and children.

Before the dash in the last three cases, according to the conditions of the context, there may be a comma. This is possible if there is a separate member of the sentence or a subordinate clause before the place of the dash. In this case, the writer puts two unrelated signs: a comma that closes one revolution, and a dash between the subject and the predicate.

In addition, for paragraph 4 it is very important to distinguish between cases where a group of homogeneous members after a generalizing word breaks a simple sentence, and cases when we have a complex sentence, the first part of which ends with a group of homogeneous members. In this case, after the end of the specified group, there will be a comma (or a colon, or a semicolon), and if necessary, to put a dash between the parts, we will additionally have to put a comma. But this will be discussed below, in the section on dashes in a complex sentence, and now we offer training on the groups of rules we have just considered.

The mouse and the frog, not that they became friends, somehow got used to each other during the two days spent together. They put things in order everywhere: both in the rooms and in the yard and in the basement of the teremok and decorated the entire teremok with flower arrangements. For two days, new girlfriends talked about everything about life and friends and about the most secret and intimate dreams.

On the third day of living together, it's raining outside. You look out the window and you don’t even see cornflowers growing near the tower. Friends sit in a warm kitchen and drink tea. Suddenly there is a knock outside the window. And standing in the yard is not only a hare, soaked to the skin, somehow shrinking from the cold. The “girls” let him into the teremok and gave him tea with honey, raspberries and cranberry jam found by the mouse in the cellar with everything that they could offer the new guest. “I am the mistress of the tower, a mouse, this is a frog, my neighbor, and who are you?” the mouse asked. “And I’m a bunny, let me in! I can not only guard the house and carpentry and hammer in a nail and kindle a fire in the stove, everything you say, I will do. The mouse and the frog were not just happy, they jumped for joy. And so they began to live together.

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    St. Petersburg

    All cases of setting a dash.

    Material prepared by students

    One of the effective and interesting methods of working on the rules of Russian punctuation is the independent selection by students of examples for the rule passed from various texts. These can be works of both domestic and foreign literature, both classical and modern. In addition, it can be not only works of art, but also texts of a scientific or journalistic style (fragments or individual sentences from encyclopedias, articles, etc.). The only prohibition is not to use educational literature, especially Russian language textbooks. It is very simple to check whether the student found an example on his own: ask everyone to indicate the author (surname and initials) of the book from which the sentence is written, as well as its title. By checking the performance of this task, you will not only get an idea of ​​​​the ability of each student to produce syntactic and punctuation analysis of the text, but also learn the reading habits of your students. Classes in Russian become more interesting, livelier. The best examples should be dictated to the class and analyzed. Be sure to name the person from whose notebook the proposal is taken. The children are also interested in learning more about each other: what they read, what they are interested in besides the school curriculum. Do not forbid choosing examples from children's books, even if your students are high school students. In A. Miln's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh", translated by B. Zakhoder, one can find almost all possible cases in Russian of setting a dash and a colon.
    Gradually, you will collect a collection of wonderful examples that you will use in your lessons instead of boring and boring examples from textbooks for everyone (and especially for you).
    Here are sentences collected by my students on one of the most "extensive" punctuation topics. These examples are suitable for a generalizing repetition on the topic “Dash”, when all private topics have been covered: a dash between the subject and the predicate, before generalizing words, when highlighting applications, plug-in structures, between parts of a complex non-union sentence, etc.


    1. Between the subject and the predicate with a zero link, if the main members are expressed by a noun, an infinitive, a quantitative numeral in the nominative case, as well as a phrase containing the indicated parts of speech.

    Is it really, I thought, that my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes? ( M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

    Love beautifies life.
    Love is the charm of nature... ( MM. Zoshchenko. Blue book. Love)

    Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

    Let me note by the way: all poets are dreamy friends of love. ( A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin)

    And genius and villainy are two incompatible things. ( A.S. Pushkin. Mozart and Salieri)

    - Prokatilov - power! - the company began to console Struchkov. ( A.P. Chekhov. on a nail)

    Know my destiny is to cherish dreams
    And there with a sigh in the air
    Spread fiery tears.

    (A.A. Fet. Rocket)

    It's typical foppery to rob a poor widow. ( I.Ilf, E.Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

    2. Before words this, that means standing between the subject and the predicate.

    And to reduce the sum of human lives by 50 million years is not criminal. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

    But we know that dreams are a serious mental illness. ( E. Zamyatin. We)

    Live forever in torment
    in the midst of deep doubts
    This is a strong ideal
    Creating nothing, hating, despising
    And shining like crystal.

    (N. Gumilyov. Evil genius, king of doubt...)

    3. If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, a dash is placed in the following cases:

    a) in the logical selection of the pronoun:

    She is the culprit of that transformation. ( I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov)
    You are a ladder in a big, foggy house. ( V.V. Nabokov. Stairs)

    b) in opposition:

    I thirst and hunger, and you are an empty flower,
    And meeting with you is more dreary than granite.

    (B.L. Parsnip. Miracle)

    Here we are, partners in gatherings.
    Here Anna is an accomplice of nature...

    (B.A. Akhmadulina. Anna Kalandadze)

    in) in reverse word order:

    The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
    Said: “Why far?
    Know that your fate is near
    After all, this princess is me.

    (A.S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan)

    G) with structural parallelism of parts of a sentence:

    He is all a child of goodness and light,
    He is all - freedom triumph!

    (A.A. Block. Oh, I want to live crazy!)

    4. If there is a pause in place of the missing main or minor member in incomplete sentences.

    Wandering eyes, Ivan Savelyevich declared that on Thursday afternoon he got drunk alone in his office at the Variety, after which he went somewhere, but he doesn’t remember where, he drank starka somewhere else, but where he doesn’t remember where he was lying under the fence, but again, he doesn’t remember where. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

    In winter, there was a lot of light on Peschanaya Street, it was gray and deserted, in spring it was sunny and cheerful, especially when looking at the white wall of the archpriest's house, at the clean windows, at the gray-green tops of poplars in the blue sky. ( I.A. Bunin. Cup of life)

    Fire is met with fire
    Trouble - misfortune and ailment treat ailment ...

    (W. Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Per. B.L. Pasternak)

    5. Intonation dash between any members of the sentence.

    The dead lay - and babbled a terrible, unknown speech. ( A.S. Pushkin. Feast in Time of Plague)

    The prince removed the lock, opened the door and stepped back in amazement, even shuddered all over: Nastasya Filippovna stood before him. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Moron)

    This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor. ( I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The twelve Chairs)

    6. In the notes, the explained word is separated from the explanation by a dash (regardless of the form of expression of the predicate).

    Sibyl Samiiska - from the name of the island of Samos. ( D.S. Busslovich. People, heroes, gods)

    7. With generalizing words:

    a) if the generalizing word is after the homogeneous members of the sentence:

    Disgrace, execution, dishonor, taxes, and labor, and hunger - you have experienced everything. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

    The triumph of self-preservation, salvation from the crushing danger - that was what filled his whole being at that moment. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment)

    b) when a generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, a colon is placed after it, and a dash is placed after homogeneous members if the sentence continues after them:

    everything around: the blood-drenched field, the French lying in a pile everywhere, the scattered dirty rags in the blood - it was disgusting and disgusting. ( L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace)

    A crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars - filled the yard. ( N.V. Gogol. Dead Souls)

    8. Between words and numbers to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits ("from ... to").

    The milestone was once along the large waterway Voronezh - Azov. ( M.A. Sholokhov. Quiet Don)

    Note. If between nouns - proper names or numbers you can insert or, then put a hyphen.

    There were also two or three former literary celebrities who happened then in St. Petersburg and with whom Varvara Petrovna had long maintained the most elegant relations. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

    9. To isolate the application, if it is of an explanatory nature.

    Another thing - getting money - met with obstacles in the same way. ( L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina)

    10. Before an application at the end of a sentence, if it is logically selected.

    In my room I found the clerk of the neighboring estate, Nikita Nazaritch Mishchenko. ( A.I. Kuprin. Olesya)

    He walked the whole Bogoyavlenskaya street; finally it went downhill, my feet rode in the mud, and suddenly a wide, foggy, as if empty space opened up - a river. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

    11. To isolate common agreed definitions at the end of a sentence, especially when listing:

    This is in some showcases, and in others hundreds of ladies' hats appeared, and with feathers, and without feathers, and with buckles, and without them, hundreds of shoes - black, white, yellow, leather, satin, suede, and with straps, and with pebbles. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

    12. To isolate the secondary members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, which are of an explanatory nature, both at the end and in the middle of the sentence:

    Cat Vasily took a spring vacation - to get married. ( A. and B. Strugatsky. Monday starts on Saturday

    Because of Sibgatov, Dontsova even changed the direction of her scientific interests: she delved into the pathology of bones from one impulse - to save Sibgatov. ( A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Cancer Corps)

    13. For separating plug-in structures.

    Killed him - what a strange word! - a month later, in Galicia. ( I.A. Bunin. Cold fall)

    But don't try to keep for yourself
    Given to you by heaven:
    Condemned - and we know it ourselves -
    We squander, not hoard.

    (A.A. Akhmatova. We have the freshness of words ...)

    14. Between parts of a compound sentence, if the sentence contains a contrast or indicates a quick change of events.

    The horses walked at a pace - and soon they stopped. ( A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

    The hetman has reigned - and it's great. ( M.A. Bulgakov. White Guard)

    15. For the intonational separation of the subordinate and main clauses (often in sentences with structure parallelism).

    If death is light, I die
    If death, I will burn lightly.
    And I do not forgive my tormentors,
    But for the flour - I thank them.

    (Z. Gippius. Martyr)

    And today the air smells of death:
    Open a window - what to open the veins. ( B.L. Parsnip. Gap)

    16. In non-union complex sentences, if:

    a) the second part is opposed to the first:

    They were chasing me - I was not embarrassed in spirit. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

    Do good - he will not say thank you. ( A.S. Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

    b) the second part contains a consequence, a result, a conclusion from what is said in the first:

    Veli - I will die; commanded - I will breathe only for you. ( A.S. Pushkin. stone guest)

    I met you - and all the past
    In the obsolete heart came to life;
    I remembered the golden time -
    And my heart felt so warm...

    (F.I. Tyutchev. K.B.)

    I'm dying - I have nothing to lie. ( I.S. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons)

    c) the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first:

    It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
    Look - the ruble will give.

    (ON THE. Nekrasov. Jack Frost)

    d) the sentence expresses a quick change of events, an unexpected addition:

    Come to me for a glass of rum
    Come - we will shake the old days.

    (A.S. Pushkin. Today I'm at home in the morning...)

    e) the first part indicates the time or condition for performing the action referred to in the second part:


    God willing - ten, twenty years,
    And twenty-five, and thirty he will live.

    (A.S. Pushkin. Miserly knight);

    I don't give a damn, Varvara Ardalionovna; whatever you want, at least now fulfill your intention. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Moron)


    And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
    And azure, and midday heat ...
    The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
    “Were you happy in your earthly life?”

    (I.A. Bunin. And flowers, and bumblebees...)

    e) with the explanatory meaning of the second part (you can insert a union before it what); however, a colon is usually used in this case, compare:

    I know there's a nail in my boot
    more nightmarish than Goethe's fantasy!

    (V.V. Mayakovsky. A cloud in pants)

    I will tell you with the last
    All just nonsense - sherry brandy -
    My angel.

    (O.E. Mandelstam. I'll tell you...)

    g) the second part is a connecting sentence (it is preceded by or you can insert the word this is):

    Screaming stones state -
    Armenia, Armenia!
    Hoarse mountains calling to arms -
    Armenia, Armenia!

    (O.E. Mandelstam. Armenia)

    17. With direct speech.


    Between subject and predicate, expressed nouns, if:

    1. Before the predicate there is a negation, an introductory word, an adverb, a union, a particle:

    I really regret that my husband is not a doctor. ( A.P. Chekhov. Name day)

    One more question: how do you feel about the fact that the moon is also the work of the mind? ( V.M. Shukshin. cut off)

    Compare with a pause:

    Styopa was well known in the theater circles of Moscow, and everyone knew that this man was not a gift. ( M.A. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita)

    That is how they begin to understand.
    And in the noise of a running turbine
    It seems that a mother is not a mother,
    that you are not you, that the house is a foreign land.

    (B.L. Parsnip. That's how they start...)

    2. The predicate is preceded by a minor member of the sentence related to it:

    [Trofimov:] All Russia is our garden.

    (A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard)

    Compare with a pause: Mr. G-v serves, and Mr. Shatov is a former student. ( F.M. Dostoevsky. Demons)

    Silencing the whispers of inspired superstition, common sense tells us that life is but a gap of faint light between two perfectly black eternities. ( V.V. Nabokov. other shores)

    3. The nominal compound predicate precedes the subject:

    What a glorious place this valley is!

    (M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time)

    4. The subject in combination with the predicate is a phraseological phrase:

    “Another's soul is dark,” Bunin answers and adds: “No, my own is much darker.”

    (I.A. Ilyin. Creativity I.A. Bunin)

    5. The subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case:

    Yes, Lewis is a type. Of course, he is a bore, but his vocabulary is gigantic. ( J. D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye)

    6. In conversational style sentences:

    What hair! Nonsense hair! This is what I'm saying! It's even better if it starts to fight, I'm not afraid of that ... ( F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment)

    Dash and hyphen- outwardly very similar signs that resemble a small horizontal line, but differ significantly in use. Very often on the Internet and even in printed publications, authors and editors do not pay attention to correct usage dashes and hyphens.

    Hyphen(old. division from it. Divis- connecting sign, division sign, from lat. division- (time) division), dash- a non-alphabetic spelling mark in Russian and many other scripts that separates parts of a word. Graphically, a hyphen is shorter than a dash.

    • It divides a word into syllables when it breaks to a new line, and also divides parts of compound words, for example, brick red, wardrobe, bright yellow, firebird, southwest, social democrat, Mamin-Sibiryak, Rostov-on-Don, Don Quixote.
    • Abbreviations are also written with a hyphen island(society), dr(doctor), etc.
    • A hyphen is used to attach some prefixes or particles to a word: say it in english.
    • Particles are written through a hyphen something, something, something.
    • When wrapping a word from one line to another, the hyphen always remains on the first line. The hyphen is written together with the words both preceding it and following it, that is, the hyphen is never separated by spaces. The only case when a space is placed after the hyphen is when the first two parts are substituted in turn for the second part of the compound word. For example: radio-, tele- and video performances.

    Dash(fr. tired, from tirer - stretch) - one of punctuation marks used in many languages. The dash was introduced into Russian writing by the writer and historian N. M. Karamzin. The dash is medium (it is also called short) and long.

    • En dash also called “en-dash”, “n-dash”, because its length is equal to the width of the letter N. An en dash is placed between numbers, for example, 5-10. In this case, the en dash is not set off by spaces.
    • Em dash also called "em-dash", "m-dash", because its length is equal to the width of the letter M). The em dash is the dash. It is placed between words at the syntactic level and is separated from the surrounding words by spaces, that is, it separates parts of the sentence: subject and predicate, which are nouns in the nominative case. An em dash indicates a long pause in a sentence. For example, "Dash is a punctuation mark." Also, a dash is used in incomplete sentences when there is no predicate or both main members of the sentence. For example, "Overhead - a cloudless sky." A dash expresses a special intonation. The em dash is used in direct speech.
    Oak is a tree.
    Optics is a branch of physics.
    The older brother is my teacher.
    My older brother is a teacher.

    Note 1.If a predicate expressed by a noun in the nominative case is preceded by a negation not, then the dash is not put, for example:

    Poverty is not a vice.

    Note 2. In an interrogative sentence with a main member expressed by a pronoun, a dash is not placed between the main members, for example:

    Who is your father?
    § 165. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the subject is expressed in the nominative form of the noun, and the predicate is in the indefinite form, or if both of them are expressed indefinite form, for example:
    The purpose of each person is to develop in himself everything human, common and enjoy it.(Belinsky).
    To live life is not a field to cross.
    § 166. A dash is placed before this is, it is, this means, here if the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case or an indefinite form, is attached to the subject through these words, for example:
    Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country(Lenin).
    Poetry is the fiery gaze of a young man, seething with excess strength(Belinsky).
    Romanticism is the first word that announced the Pushkin period, nationality is the alpha and omega of the new period(Belinsky).
    Section 167. A dash is placed before the generalizing word after the enumeration, for example:
    Hope and swimmer - the whole sea swallowed(Krylov).
    Neither the cries of a rooster, nor the sonorous rumble of horns, nor the early swallows on the roof chirping - nothing will call the deceased from the coffins.(Zhukovsky).
    § 168. A dash is placed before an application at the end of a sentence:
    1. If you can put it before the application without changing the meaning namely, for example:
    2. I don't like this tree too much - aspen(Turgenev).
      In relations with strangers, he demanded one thing - the preservation of decency(Herzen).
      Paying tribute to his time, Mr. Goncharov also brought out an antidote to Oblomov - Stolz(Dobrolyubov).
    3. If the application has explanatory words and it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:
    4. I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only consolation in traveling around the Caucasus(Lermontov).
    § 169. A dash is placed between two predicates and between two independent sentences if the second of them contains an unexpected attachment or sharp opposition to the first, for example:
    I went out, not wanting to offend him, to the terrace - and was stunned(Herzen).
    I'm in a hurry to go there - and there is already the whole city(Pushkin).
    I wanted to travel around the whole world - and did not travel a hundredth(Griboyedov).
    I wanted to draw - the brushes fell out of my hands. I tried to read - his eyes glided over the lines(Lermontov).

    Note 1. To enhance the shade of surprise, a dash can be placed after coordinating conjunctions linking two parts of one sentence, for example:

    Ask for a calculation on Saturday and - march to the village(M. Gorky).
    I really want to go there to meet them, but I'm afraid(M. Gorky).

    Note 2. To express surprise, any part of the sentence can be separated by a dash, for example:

    And they threw the pike - into the river(Krylov).
    And ate the poor singer - to the crumbs(Krylov).
    § 170. A dash is placed between two sentences and between two homogeneous members of a sentence, connected without the help of unions, to express a sharp contrast, for example:
    I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god(Derzhavin).
    It's no wonder to cut off your head - it's smart to attach(proverb).
    Here they do not live - paradise(Krylov).
    § 171. A dash is placed between sentences not connected by conjunctions if the second sentence contains result or output from that what is said in the first, for example:
    Praises are tempting - how not to wish for them?(Krylov).
    The sun has risen - the day begins(Nekrasov).
    § 172. A dash is placed between two sentences if they are connected in meaning as a subordinate clause (in the first place) with the main clause (in the second place), but subordinating conjunctions missing, for example:
    Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
    They cut the forest - the chips fly.
    He himself is entangled - and unravel himself; knew how to brew porridge - know how to disentangle it; love to ride - love to carry sleds (Saltykov-Shchedrin).
    § 173. A dash is placed to indicate the place where a simple sentence splits into two word groups, if this cannot be expressed with other punctuation marks or word order, for example:
    I ask you: do workers need to be paid?(Chekhov).
    Such a split is often observed when a member of a sentence is omitted (why the dash in this case is called elliptical), for example:
    Pustoroslev for faithful service - Chizhov's estate, and Chizhov - to Siberia forever(A.N. Tolstoy).
    We villages - into ashes, hailstones - into dust, into swords - sickles and plows(Zhukovsky).
    Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing(Pushkin).
    § 174. A dash highlights:
    1. Sentences and words inserted in the middle of a sentence for the purpose of explaining or supplementing it, in cases where bracketing could weaken the connection between the insertion and the main sentence, for example:
    There is nothing to do here - friends kissed(Krylov).
    ... Suddenly - about a miracle! oh shame! - the oracle spoke nonsense(Krylov).
    Only once - and even then at the very beginning - there was an unpleasant and sharp conversation(Furmanov).
    1. A common application after the noun being defined, if it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:
    The senior sergeant - a brave aged Cossack with stripes for extra-long service - ordered to "build up"(Sholokhov).
    In front of the doors of the club - a wide log house - workers with banners were waiting for the guests.(Fedin).
    1. A group of homogeneous members standing in the middle of a sentence, for example:
    Usually, from the riding villages - Elanskaya, Vyoshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - they took Cossacks to the 11-12th army Cossack regiments and to the Life Guards Atamansky(Sholokhov).

    Note. A dash is placed after an enumeration in the middle of a sentence if this enumeration is preceded by a generalizing word or words somehow, for example, namely (see §160).

    § 175. A dash is placed as an additional decimal point before a word that is repeated in order to connect a new sentence with it (more often a subordinate, reinforcing, supplementing or developing the main clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example:
    I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but a good person - my husband, whom I knew as myself(L. Tolstoy).
    Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, everything was in his hands.(L. Tolstoy).
    § 176. A dash is placed as an additional sign after a comma, which separates the main clause from the group of subordinate clauses preceding it, if it is necessary to emphasize the splitting of a single whole into two parts, for example:
    Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge.(Krylov).
    Did Stoltz do anything for this, what he did and how he did it - we do not know.(Dobrolyubov).
