Search expedition

For the second time this year, the guys from the search squad are taking part in an expedition to the battlefields in the Novgorod region. The watch of memory was held from 14 to 27 August. Searchers Izmailova Valeria, Teterin Bogdan, Skulin Alexey, Medvedeva Olga presented our city with dignity. Together with the guys from the village of Olkha and the Ust-Kutsk region, the remains of 27 soldiers of the Red Army were raised in the dust. Found 4 medallions. The name of one Red Army soldier is already known. His name is Golubnov Semyon Stepanovich, private, born in 1908, Saratov region, Voskresensky district, Andreevka village. Now it is important to find his relatives. On August 18, the guys took part in a solemn parade dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the search movement in Russia. It originated in the Novgorod region. On August 19, the guys visited Poddorsky local history museum. We were warmly welcomed by its staff and led through the halls of this beautiful museum. But the most important event was the visit memorial complex in Sambatovo, where Gavriil Pavlovich Maslovsky is buried in a mass grave. It was a great honor for the guys.

2016-2017 academic year

During the period from 21 to 23 December In the city of Angarsk, another rally of search teams of the Irkutsk region "Tribute to Memory" was held. The rally was attended by search engines and our detachment MKOU secondary school No. 10 of the city of Nizhneudinsk "Tribute to Memory. Maslovtsy": Trepov Daniil, Izmailova Lera, Krainov Evgeny and leader Medvedeva Elena Konstantinovna. At the conference, the guys presented a report on the work done during the year. In the spring, the guys took part in an expedition to the battlefields in the Novgorod region. During the year, the detachment worked on studying the history of the region during the Second World War. At the closing of the conference, the guys were awarded diplomas and badges of honor.

2015-2016 academic year

Gathering of search teams of the Irkutsk region "Tribute to Memory"

During the period from 14 to 17 December In the city of Angarsk, another rally of search teams of the Irkutsk region "Tribute to Memory" was held. The rally was attended by search engines and our detachment MKOU secondary school No. 10 of the city of Nizhneudinsk "Tribute to Memory. Maslovtsy": Timofey Anisimov, Daria Horshunova, Polina Selvesyuk, and head Medvedeva Elena Konstantinovna. At the conference, the guys presented a report on the work done during the year, sang military songs, visited the Victory Museum in the city of Angarsk, attended seminars prepared by the DOSAAF society on "Uniforms during the Great Patriotic War." At the closing of the conference, the guys were awarded diplomas and badges of honor. Medvedeva E.K. She was awarded the medal "Honorary Search Engine".

News of the search party

October 8 members of the "Tribute to Memory" search team: Yulia Grebenshchikova, Valeria Izmailova, Ekaterina Yakovleva, Timofey Anisimov and head Elena Konstantinovna Medvedeva carried out another cleaning at the Nizhneudinsky cemetery. Order was put in place at the grave of Maslovskaya Pelageya Fedorovna, the grave of pilots who crashed in the Blue Mountain area during the Second World War and the stele “To those who died in hospitals”. The children of our school are proud and honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Algashet expedition

September 20 the guys of the search detachment "Tribute to Memory" made an expedition to the area of ​​the village of Algashet. The purpose of the expedition was to search for the crash site of the Pe-231 August 1942. As a result of working with archives. The data of the causes of the crash, the names of the crew and the diagram of the crash site were obtained.

Together with the guys, Elena Konstantinovna Medvedeva, Anatoly Georgievich Kaminsky (reserve lieutenant colonel, Our Heritage club) and the head of the museum Tamara Vyacheslavovna Balaeva took part in the expedition.

The guys got the skills of working on the ground with a map, compass, radio communication, probe.

A plate of duralumin with remnants of light brown paint was found in the surveyed area. There are holes along the edges of the plate, similar to the holes left during riveting in the aircraft industry. All this makes it possible to assume that this detail is part of the aircraft skin. The guys found out that during the war, the Pe-2 was painted not only in the traditional green color but also light brown.

The question arose, where are the rest of the aircraft? We have yet to find out. The territory that we surveyed has been deforested for many years, and an oil pipeline has also been built. In the absence of a metal detector, I had to work with probes. The forest is covered with windbreak and this also made it difficult to search.

The guys got a charge of emotions, cooked on a fire, and even learned how to shoot from a "air gun". In the evening, tired but satisfied, they returned home by train.

2014-2015 academic year

Search party

April 24 to May 8 search squad "Tribute to Memory. Maslovtsy "participated in the Watch of Memory on the territory of the Novgorod region as part of a combined detachment from the Irkutsk region. The leader of the combined detachment was Shchelin Viktor Alekseevich (P.O "Memory", Cheremkhovo). From our detachment participated in the expedition: the leader - Medvedeva Elena Konstantinovna and the searchers - Anisimov Timofey and Barashova Victoria.

Ceremonial reception in the Legislative Assembly

January 27 the traditional reception was held in the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region, dedicated to memory twice Hero Soviet Union, a native of the village of Baklashi, Shelekhovsky district, Afanasy Pavlantyevich Beloborodov. At the reception, in a solemn atmosphere, awards were presented to the winners of the first regional competition for the best event for the patriotic education of students in educational institutions.

Among the urban settlements, the works of students of school No. 10 of the city of Nizhneudinsk were recognized as the best. The work was represented by Mamaev Alexander, Guseva Irina, Khorshunova Daria, Sukhovinsky Ruslan, Erokhina Valeria.

Competitive materials are a selection of works of students devoted to the description memorable places on the territory of an urban settlement, research life path hero of the Great Patriotic War G.P. Maslovsky, whose name the school bears, and a native of the Nizhneudinsky district, Honored Pilot of the Air Force, Lieutenant General V.V. Gladilin, as well as the life of the local population during the war. Mamaev Alexander said that the school has a search squad, created in 2002. The guys are searching for planes that crashed in the area during the Second World War, so that the names of the dead pilots could be perpetuated.

During the reception, schoolchildren, representatives of veteran public organizations and combatants sang patriotic songs, recited poems, and spoke about the military exploits of fellow countrymen.

At the end of the event, its participants laid a garland at the monument to Afanasy Pavlantyevich Beloborodov.

"Memory Watch"

FROM 19 to 21 December in the city of Angarsk, the “Memory Watch” was held. At the meeting of the search teams of the Irkutsk region "Tribute to Memory", the search team "Tribute to Memory. Maslovtsy. The work of the detachment was represented by Kirill Zuzenkov, Ivan Bersenev and Ruslan Sukhovinsky.

Many of the search detachments went to the battlefields in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Nevsky Piglet, Staraya Russa, and Khalkhin Gol. They did a huge and very hard work to find the dead soldiers in the years of Russian - Japanese war and Great Patriotic War. Only in the area of ​​Staraya Russa, search engines raised 800 fighters. 8 names were identified.

The guys of our detachment did a great job on the territory of the Nizhneudinsky district: caring for the graves of the pilots who died in the area of ​​the Blue Mountain of the Tulunsky district, the grave of the mother of Maslovsky G.P., the stele of those who died in hospitals.

During the year we searched for pilots who died during the war years on the territory of our region while ferrying aircraft from aircraft factories. Contacts were established with the relatives of Smirnov, Khodakov, Deryabin. We have photos of four pilots that will be installed on memorial plaques.

Together with a search party from Cheremkhovo in April 2015, we are planning a trip to the battlefields in the Staraya Russa area.

And most importantly, the guys have made many new friends, with whom they are passionate about one very important thing - the cause of preserving the memory of the heroism of our people during the Great Patriotic War.

Search party raid

Every spring and autumn, the guys from the Tribute to Memory search squad make a raid on the cemetery. The search engines clean up the territory of the grave of G.P.'s mother. Maslovsko, the grave of the pilots who died, in the area of ​​​​the Blue Mountain of the Tulunsky district. This year, the guys also put things in order near the stele “To those who died in the evacuation hospitals of the city of Nizhneudinsk”. The students of the 9th "B" class also helped the children.

Day of Remembrance

Hello dear reader. We haven't met you yet, so let me introduce myself - Ivan Mikhailovich Bashurov. You can ask a perfectly reasonable question: “Why should we get to know you?”. And I will answer you this way - I will not force anyone, I just wanted to identify myself as part of politeness.

I wanted to tell you about one of my trips with children. It all started on September 1, 2012. It was my first day as a teacher, namely a teacher of history and social studies.

It was not my first bell that rang, and the harsh everyday life of a teacher began: plans, reports, tests and lessons. The first quarter is over and the second is coming to an end. One fine day, Nina Nikolaevna Leonova (curator of the school museum) called me to her place and said: “Ivan Mikhailovich, would you like to do search work in the Tribute to Memory detachment?” After thinking for a while, I decided that I wanted to, and agreed.

It turns out that in the month of December all the search teams get together and tell each other about the work done for last year. Of course, I had heard of search parties before, but I had never personally encountered them. For me it was both new and interesting. They told me everything about the work done and sent me to the reporting conference in Angarsk.

The excitement, of course, is insane: I, the “newcomer”, will be accepted, how the coryphean “mammoths” search engines will treat me. In addition, for the first time I accompanied the children. Oh, how I felt…. The train started moving, and all the exciting moments seemed to disappear: the work began. They sat down - drove off - went to bed - fell asleep, and ... arrived. We went out to the platform, and, oh horror, it was -38 on the street. You can ask what is terrible, only -38 degrees. And I will answer you, yes, not much for a Siberian, but when they were preparing for the trip, they told me that the children would have outdoor competitions and various outdoor activities. And I seriously began to worry that my children would not freeze. Well, okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but let's go in order. We arrived - got on the bus - arrived at the place - settled in the rooms and went to the conference.

The first day, as it should be, passed in complete confusion and confusion. Of the twenty-eight units, about ten are fresh: new leaders and fighters. For them, as well as for us, everything was more interesting than you can imagine. For some time, after hesitating in the hall, the children were collected, structured and subordinated to the pedagogical teams of assistants. The leaders were called to the conference room. It gave me great joy to get acquainted with the head of the regional organization "Tribute to Memory" Maxim Viktorovich Toropkin, who has been traveling with his fighters from the Seeker detachment to Nevsky Piglet for ten years now. Where annually they carry out search work and bury the bodies of dead soldiers.

This year, for the first time, a medal for search work was established. Of the 120 participants, no more than twenty people were awarded it. I, looking at everything that was happening through the eyes of a beginner, came to the conclusion that if I were given the right to present fighters for this award, then everyone without exception would receive it, only because they already pay their “Tribute to Memory” to those who did everything for the existence of our world. Each child is worthy of a medal only because he found the strength and courage to engage in this truly noble cause.

And, in fact, to be honest, this is where my story can end. Nothing terrible happened there - the children went about their business (played, got acquainted and prepared the final concert), and the adults did their own (handed in reports, discussed plans for the future, and I still don’t remember what). In general, I wanted to thank my fighters: Alexander Mamaev, Dmitry Bisnek, Evgeny Kuzmenkov and Sergey Tsygankov. To thank them for the fact that they adequately represented their city and performed well. For this, I say goodbye to you, until we meet again, dear reader.

Several “waves” of emigration from Russia passed through Belgium in the past century. However, the saddest page in the history of Russian emigration is the fate of prisoners of war and displaced persons (DP - “displaced persons”) who forcibly found themselves in the Kingdom of Belgium, especially in the province of Liege, during the Second World War. Their living conditions in hard years Occupation and post-war devastation, to the best of their ability, tried to alleviate both various Russian, Belgian and international charitable organizations, as well as church structures: dioceses, parishes and individual believers. The historical, spiritual and moral assessment of the feat of these people, taken prisoner or forcibly taken out of the country, is especially important now, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. By decision of the Russian Orthodox diaspora in Belgium, represented by three jurisdictions: the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Russian Church Abroad and the Church of Constantinople, in memory of this, the Russian Orthodox Church will be built in Liege. This decision is supported by the Federation of Compatriots, the Federation of Russian Nobles, Russian youth and public organizations.

War years

In September 1942, prisoner-of-war camp (“Stalag”) No. 304 with about 10 thousand Red Army soldiers was transferred to Belgium in the suburbs of Louvain from German Zeithain (Saxony). This camp, like the rest of the camps, was subordinate to the High Command of the Wehrmacht (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), and since November 1944, subordinate to the "SS"; and until the liberation of Belgium by the allied forces in 1944, was the center for managing the labor teams of Soviet prisoners of war working in coal industry Belgium and northern France. In addition to the prisoners, the so-called "Eastern workers" were also brought to Belgium for forced labor. Basically, these were young people from the occupied regions of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, who were forcibly taken out.

One of the places of accommodation for prisoners of war and displaced persons was the Liège region, where they worked in numerous mines. Even before the war, in Liege, near the town of Seren, barracks were built for Poles-guest workers, where they brought Soviet prisoners of war, and later those driven away for forced labor. Thus, it was an independent camp, with its own code number (LG VIII Seraing) and with its own guards. The "capacity" of the camp was 1100 people, and, as the number of prisoners decreased due to death, it was steadily replenished with prisoners from other camps. Some prisoners of war, however, managed to escape and join the Belgian Resistance.

Living conditions in such camps and work in the mines were difficult, slavish. One of the prisoners of the camp, a Soviet prisoner of war, later recalled: “... With a 12-hour work, a 375-gram ration of bread, and a scoop of burda. Thanks to the Belgian miners who furtively fed the prisoners. The miner Maurice Jacquet brought every day<мне>a sandwich, although his family lived hard under the German occupation ... ".

It is known that in the Liege region the Russian priest Valent Romensky fed the prisoners of war. As rector of the Liege temple, he regularly visited numerous camps located in this coal basin and helped the prisoners in every possible way. Jean Pute's book "Soviet prisoners of war in Limburg in 1942-45" mentions the Liege organization "L'Aide aux Prisonniers Russes", with which Father Valens was very closely connected.

Father Valens did everything possible, but not everyone was able to help. The lists of prisoners who perished and died during this period are a sad sight. Currently, they require a large and painstaking archival work. Sometimes they do not contain any additional information; the causes and circumstances of the death of prisoners are not known. So, for example, in the list of the Belgian Foreign Ministry, compiled in 1959 for the Soviet embassy, ​​the place of death of most prisoners is indicated in in general terms: "Military hospital in Liege" or simply "in Liege".

The fate of the displaced

At the end of the war, millions of displaced persons, mostly citizens of the USSR, remained in temporary camps in Germany and Austria. Most of them gradually returned to their homeland, but hundreds of thousands decided to stay. These were former Soviet prisoners of war, and "Eastern workers", and emigrants of the "first wave", who previously lived in those countries of Eastern Europe that ended up in the Soviet zone of influence after the end of the war, and others.

In 1947, the resettlement of these people began in the states that agreed to accept them. The first such country was Belgium. In addition to the former prisoners of war already living in Belgium and those who were forcibly taken out of Russia during the war, from May 1947 to 1952, about 15 thousand more Russian-speaking displaced persons came to the country.

The environs of Liege became one of the centers of their settlement in Belgium. Living conditions in the camps for displaced persons varied. For example, one of these villages, located about 7 kilometers from the center of Liege, was equipped in the former military pilots' barracks, and living conditions there were satisfactory. But the work in the mines was extremely hard. Miners all the time "walked under God." Sergei Krikorian, who worked underground in the Mons-Charleroi-Liège coalfield, says that the working conditions were medieval, dangerous, the work was mostly manual, heavy. Blind horses pulled trolleys with coal at a depth of about 600 meters. After several years of such work, many began to develop lung diseases due to coal dust and dampness.

The mining camp in Serena, where new Soviet displaced persons arrived after the war, did not even have tolerable living conditions. Elena Bekish, whose future husband lived in this camp and worked for several years at a local mine, says that the village was very poor, with wooden, rickety barracks that could not be heated, and in which there were a huge number of bedbugs. In one of these barracks, the Orthodox church was located in the camp.

From 1947 to 1950 Archpriest John Bekish served in this church. Soon, due to the large number of inhabitants of the camp, the priest Matthew Andrushchenko was sent to help him in Seren. But even together they could not cope with feeding the ever-increasing flock. In May 1949 Metropolitan Vladimir (Tikhovnitsky) visited Belgium. A contemporary wrote about this event: “The arrival of Metropolitan Vladimir (Tikhonitsky) in May 1949 brought special joy to the Russian miners in Belgium. He visited the workers' settlement in Forshi, the parish in the city of Serene... Everywhere, Russian people turned to Metropolitan Vladimir for help to help alleviate their plight.

After Vladyka's arrival, four Orthodox priests and one deacon were already serving in Liege, Serene, and nearby mining settlements: Archpriests Valent Romensky, Alexander Feohari, John Bekish, Matthew Andrushchenko, and Deacon Mikhail Milonov. That is, Liege in those years became one of the active centers of Russian church life in Belgium.

The next photo shows priest Matthew Andrushchenko with a group of singers. The photo was taken in Serena in 1948-1949. From this photograph, it can be determined that the bulk of the displaced people were young people, urban and rural residents, forcibly taken from Eastern Europe to work in the Third Reich.


Russian prisoners of war worked in many mines of the Liege-Seren coal basin, and later former citizens of the USSR who remained in Belgium, driven to work in Western Europe. Therefore, it is historically justified to erect a memorial church near one of the former concentration camps, as a tribute to the memory of all Orthodox who suffered or died both here in Serena and throughout Belgium. The construction of such a temple will also remind of the philanthropy of the Belgians, who helped Soviet prisoners of war, and after the war sheltered tens of thousands of people in their devastated country who did not want to return to the Soviet Union. Thus, it will be a monument to the moral feat of the two peoples who did not resign themselves to the horrors of Nazism, a monument to their mutual sympathy, humanism and Christian feelings, which they preserved in those years of severe trials.

In this regard, the choice of the city of Seren-Liege is not accidental. There was a camp for prisoners of war, and after the war, a camp for displaced persons, and even in those harsh years there was an Orthodox church with it. In addition, a large number of Russian-speaking Orthodox parishioners currently live in this area, who in 2006 united into a community under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate. The funds collected by the Russian diaspora in Serena were used to purchase a plot of land for the construction of the temple, after which the initiative group of the construction committee prepared all the architectural and technical documentation and received all the necessary building permits.

Architectural features of the future temple

The temple under construction is named after the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-Giving Spring". This icon was painted in memory of the event that took place in Constantinople on April 4, 450. A warrior named Leo, the future emperor of Byzantium, met a blind man in a grove near Constantinople, not far from the Golden Gate. In this grove there was a spring known for its miracles. The blind man was tired and lost his way. The lion took pity on him, took him under the canopy of trees, sat him down to rest, and himself went to the source to draw water and give the blind man drink. Suddenly he heard a voice: “Lion! Don't look far for water, it's close here." The warrior was surprised and began to look for water, but could not find it. When he stopped searching, the same voice was heard: “King Lion! Go under the canopy of this grove, draw the water that you find there, and give it to the thirsty. Tina, which you find in the source, put on his eyes. Then you will know who I am that sanctifies this place. I will help you soon erect a temple here in My name, and all who come here in faith and call on My name will receive the fulfillment of their prayers and complete healing from ailments. After Leo fulfilled everything indicated to him, the blind man received his sight and went to Constantinople on his own, glorifying the Mother of God.

When Leo 1 became emperor in 457, he did not forget about the appearance and prediction of the Mother of God, who called him king seven years earlier, ordered to clear the source and build a temple in honor of the Mother of God over it, calling it the temple of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring". Later, this image began to be considered the patron of all the unfortunate and humiliated: the sick, the exiles, the homeless, the captives, the contemptible, the weak.

The basement floor of the temple consists of three arches, meaning the main virtues of Christianity: Faith, Hope and Love, through which a person ascends to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is also the image of the Holy Trinity, revealing to people the truth about salvation and calling people to the sacred space of the temple.

The next level is distinguished by a large number of light openings - windows. As conceived by the architect, this is an image of the Kingdom of Heaven, where there is no darkness, and everything is permeated with the light of the Lamb.

Above is a belfry in the style of Pskov architecture, built into the temple. Around the belfry is the internal gallery of the temple. This is a memorial space. Here, along the perimeter of the gallery, special plates will be installed, on which the names of all prisoners of war who died in the camp in Serena, as well as all Soviet soldiers buried in numerous cemeteries in Belgium, are carved. Their lists are currently being finalized and replenished.

The plates with the names of the dead symbolize all our compatriots who fell in Belgium, whose names are known and unknown. This is a tribute to them from a grateful Russia.

It will be possible to enter the gallery only through the temple itself and only at a certain time (when there are divine services).

The massive dome above the belfry symbolizes the One God - the Creator of the world, and above the dome rises the cross - a symbol of our salvation.

Call for Participation

The tradition of building memorial churches in Russia dates back to ancient times. At these temples, the remains of commanders and warriors rested. The most famous such temple is erected in memory of all those killed in the Patriotic War of 1812. Of the more ancient ones, the famous Pokrovsky Cathedral, which has become a symbol of Moscow, is popularly called St. Basil's Cathedral. This is a temple-monument of the victory over the Kazan Khanate. We can also mention the church in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, erected on the Kulikovo field, the church of St. Sampson, built in honor of the victory near Poltava. Among the temples of the Russian Diaspora, the most famous is the famous Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the decoration of the city of Sofia, erected in memory of the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman yoke. In Western Europe, memorial temples exist in Nice, Biarritz, San Remo, and Brussels.

It should be noted that in the incomplete 70 years that have passed since the end of the Second World War, in Western Europe not a single temple-monument to the heroically dead Soviet soldiers and prisoners of war was built. Although there are many memorials dedicated to the feat of the Soviet soldier in European countries (especially in countries that were in the zone of influence of the USSR). Without belittling their significance, it should be said that the time has come to recreate the age-old tradition of Russia to erect memorial temples in the places where its heroes fell. Now that moment has come. We must erect a temple in memory of our fallen brothers and fathers, thereby repaying them the filial Christian duty in the same way as our ancestors did.

Those wishing to participate in the construction of a temple-monument to the fallen Soviet soldiers and prisoners of war in Western Europe on the site of the former concentration camp in the Belgian city of Liege (Serene) can transfer their donations to an account in rubles:

BIC 044525225
c/c 30101810400000000225
Beneficiary: Nedosekin Pavel Vladimirovich
Status of the payee: Resident of the Russian Federation
Account number 40817810238065628194
Purpose of payment "temple-monument"

Donations in euros can be transferred to:

Name jar: FINTRO, Watermael-Boitfort, Bruxelles. Belgique
IBAN BE36 1428 5804 8281
Name accounts: Achat et Reparations Eglise Russe
("Purchase and restructuring of the Russian Church")

PAY TRIBUTE to whom; to what. PAY TRIBUTE to whom; to what. Book. 1. Appreciate someone or something to the fullest. Like the ancients, writers are drawn to the archaic, to ancient words, primarily because of their creative need, paying tribute to memory, entertaining nostalgia for the enchanting sounds that have flown away, in which the music of the past is a great moral guarantee. existing(A. Afanasiev. Let's be friendly). Rather, it was the other way around. Chekhov was afraid of offending Tolstoy. Paying tribute to the great artist, he has already gone through the temptation of Tolstoyism and rejected it.(S. Zalygin. Genius of tact). 2. Pay attention to someone or something. In those times [at the beginning of the 20th century] the art of recitation flourished, and the school paid tribute to this(V. Toporkov. K. S. Stanislavsky at the rehearsal).

  • - village in the Kortkeros district. Located on the left. side of the river Lokchim. In 1859, Mrs. On the map, 1918-sky. Named after the personal name of the first settler Daniil Zaboev, who came here from the village of Kochpon...

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  • - Tribute 1. The tribute that the victors levied from the conquered people: And the princes themselves sedition for the coward, and the filth themselves, with victories coming to the Russian land, the earth is white from the court. 21...

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  • - submit, to-ruyu victories. the people pay the conqueror. In the Bible, it is also called "gifts", "fines" and "tax". A particularly large D. was subjected to submission. Assyrian people...

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  • - tribute - to file, duties ...

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  • Big Economic Dictionary

  • - 1) Natur. or den. contributions collected by the winner from the defeated tribe or state; sometimes it was also paid when an enemy army approached in order to avoid war ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - natural or monetary extortion from the conquered peoples. Known in Russia since the 9th century. In the 11th-13th centuries. the word "D." meant tax and feudal rent. Initially, the size of D. was not fixed ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - forced withdrawal of funds, natural or monetary requisitions levied from the defeated people, as well as direct taxes, taxes collected from the population ...

    Economic dictionary

  • - natural or monetary requisition from conquered tribes and peoples. Known in Russia since the 9th century. In the XI-XVI centuries. the word "D." meant tax and feudal rent...

    Big Law Dictionary

  • - the term of ancient Russian financial law ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - originally natural or monetary requisition, levied by the winners from the defeated tribes or states ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - natural or monetary requisition from conquered tribes and peoples. Known in Russia since the 9th century. In the 11th-16th centuries. the word "tribute" meant tax and feudal rent...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Common Slavic education from Dati. Cm....

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  • - R., D., Pr....

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  • - and, wives. 1. In the old days: to file from the population or a tax levied by the winner from the vanquished. 2. trans., what. The due that needs to be given to someone. . Bring e. respect to someone. 3...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - Razg. 1. to whom, to what. To pay tribute to, to fully evaluate someone, smth. FSRYA, 321; F 2, 23; AOC, 261. 2. what. To follow, act in accordance with. FSRYA, 322. 3...

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How to Pay Tribute When spoken correctly, speeches that pay tribute to a person contribute significantly to that person's prestige. The fact is that such speeches are made in those places where people's relations

2.3 Debts…Repay? Don't give?

From the book What's stopping you from being rich author

2.3 Debts…Repay? Don't give? Creditors have a better memory than debtors. Franklin In this paragraph, we would like to consider an issue that causes anxiety and other not very joyful experiences in the lives of many people. The question is simple: what to do with debts?

How not to give

author Madanes Claudio

How Not to Give Giving to children can be done in a way that will help them develop and increase their self-esteem. But it is also possible to give in such a way that it will undermine the children's self-respect, interfere with their development and lead them astray. The richer

Don't take, give

From the book The Secret Meaning of Money author Madanes Claudio

Not to take, but to give. I thought: “The old woman must be very pleased that her grandson loves her, even if he constantly takes something from her.” It occurred to me that maybe I could get Bruce to start giving something to his grandmother and thereby begin to change his relationship with

Take or give?

From the book The Psychology of Love and Sex [Popular Encyclopedia] author Shcherbatykh Yuri Viktorovich

Take or give? When one person complained to Aristippus that his beloved Laida did not reciprocate, he replied: "I know that wine and fish do not like me, and, however, I use both with pleasure." Plutarch. "About Eros" Love is a process in which

Learn to give

From the book Do not retreat and do not give up. My incredible story by Rensin David

Learn to give back Louie Zamperini at camp, on their way to a new life,

Give away

From the book True Perception. The path of the dharmic art author Trungpa Rinpoche Chogyam

Giving Back Aggression acts as a great veil that prevents us from seeing the precision of the work of absolute symbolism as well as relative symbolism. And the only possible solution, according to the traditional approach, is to give up. An approach to symbolism based on

Debts... Give back? Don't give?

From the book Being rich, what's stopping you author Sviyash Alexander Grigorievich

Debts... Give back? Don't give? Creditors have a better memory than debtors. Franklin In this chapter, we would like to consider an issue that brings anxiety and other not-so-pleasant experiences into the lives of many people. And the question is simple: what to do with debts?

Temporarily laid down arms as a sign of respect for the one who helped mankind to understand the cosmos.

Science fiction is indebted to Stephen Hawking. His progressive theories in astrophysics and cosmology helped gain insight into everything from black holes to relativity. And when he passed away yesterday at the age of 76, players in the EVE Online community decided to recognize his contributions to science in their own way. Namely, by covering the night sky with the light of beacons.

So-called homing beacons emit a bright, radiant light and are used to open a bridge of travel for ships to deviate from their destination. On a typical day, seeing the flash of a homing beacon is cause for panic; a signal that this unit has arrived to destroy you. However, yesterday and today, beacon lights appear throughout the cosmos in tribute to Hawking and his achievements.

Hawking's departure even prompted one pilot to travel to the Molea system, which houses the graveyard of fallen EVE gamers. There is also a plan to erect a memorial in honor of Hawking.

Thanks to a team from "kairiola" on the social news site Reddit, pilots throughout the New Eden system began lighting beacons at 22:00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated), keeping the clock going. According to the rules inside the game, locator beacons can only be lit in null-sec and low-sec zones of space, where police NPC forces cannot protect you. The image below is a heatmap of the New Eden system, showing a huge cluster of hundreds of locator beacon lights.

Here you can see some actual satellite images of the aurora of locator beacons in the New Eden system. And if you find it difficult to recognize them, then they look like distant galaxies.

When preparing for the site "Sarov local historian" (site) the material "... burghers ... it was not given to realize this ..."

I accidentally found out that Pavel Maksimovich Yagunov, the commander of the underground garrison of the Adzhimushkay catacombs, is a native of the village of Cheberchino, located about three hundred kilometers from Sarov, in the Dubensky district of the Republic of Mordovia.

Pavel Maksimovich Yagunov

In this regard, we immediately had a desire to visit this village, and not just to visit, but to pay tribute to the memory of the brightest hero of the Great Patriotic War - to conduct a “Lesson of Courage” in the local school (which was held in our Soviet school life) and lay a wreath at the bust Pavel Maksimovich. To do this, after digging on the Internet and finding the details of the Cheberchin school, I contacted its director, Eduard Andreevich Spiridonov, by phone to agree on the day of our arrival. He was very sympathetic to our idea and assured that everything would be organized on his part and even asked: “We will not owe you anything?”.

In one of the Sarov funeral homes, we chose and appropriately decorated a commemorative wreath, decorating it with a St. George ribbon and a red ribbon with the inscription "From the Sarov Hermitage Public Historical Association Eternal Memory to the Heroes of Adzhimushkay 1945 - 2017."

On Saturday October 14th morning, a group of two people (Tkacheva K.I. and Demidova A.A.) we went to the Republic of Mordovia to the village of Cheberchino. The journey took four hours.

We were met by a rural school, founded in 1872, not by anyone, but by the inspector of public schools in the Simbirsk province (Mordovia did not exist then) Ulyanov Ilya Nikolaevich. Older people still remember who it is.

An outstanding school in the village of Cheberchino

These boards and bas-relief marked the originality of the school in Cheberchino

The current school building was built in 1959 and since then has never been overhauled. The long-term construction of the school gym, through the efforts of Valentina Vladimirovna Arapova, the acting director at the time of our arrival (unfortunately, Eduard Andreevich could not be present at the school that day), was completed in 2003. When in 1979 Valentina Vladimirovna, being a graduate of this school, returned to it as a teacher, 360 students studied here in three shifts. There was a large subsidiary farm with its own equipment - only 3 hectares were planted with potatoes. Today there are 17 students in the school, and in the village lives less people than there were students in the 79th year - 320 people (mostly pensioners). Here is the result of the state domestic policy over the last quarter of a century. And so 2017-18 academic year, unfortunately, will be the last in the unique history of this outstanding school, which now does not live four years before its 150th anniversary.

We did not expect such preparation at the school for our arrival and were pleasantly surprised. In the assembly hall, in accordance with the theme of our arrival, the stage was decorated, relatives of Pavel Maksimovich (nephew Viktor Ivanovich Yagunov and niece Tamara Fyodorovna Shikina), a correspondent for the regional newspaper Novaya Zhizn and other fellow villagers were invited.

Viktor Ivanovich Yagunov with his wife

Tamara Fyodorovna Shikina

Valentina Vladimirovna prepared a program on the topic of Adzhimushkay and with Zoya Viktorovna Nikerova began the “Lesson of Courage”.

The "Lesson of Courage" has begun

Dead silence reigned in the hall.

Everyone listened attentively

Words were heard from the stage about the feat of the Underground Garrison and its legendary commander Pavel Maksimovich Yagunov, supported by illustrative material on the screen. Having completed her speech, Valentina Vladimirovna introduced us to those present, and the solemn event continued.

I began my story with the words: “This year marks the 75th anniversary of the legendary defense of the Adzhimushkay catacombs. Today is the fourteenth of October - there are already a few days left. The defense ended on the thirtieth. Therefore, they are still there underground, fighting, surviving, fighting, suffocating. And we here, in the world, live happily, we do not know war. This obliges us to always remember them, and in particular about the commander, yours and our fellow countryman.

The story of K. I. Tkachev

Then he spoke on behalf of the excursionist, telling in the course of a kind of excursion, the history of the tragedy and at the same time the Great feat of the defenders of the Adzhimushkay catacombs. The students and adults gathered in the hall were immersed in the atmosphere of the events that took place in the summer of 1942 on the Kerch Peninsula in the village of Adzhimushkay. It was evident that everyone was listening with genuine interest. My story ended with a moment of silence. To the sounds of the requiem from the screen, the undefeated heroes of the “Crimean Brest” looked at those present, as if saying with a silent look: “Remember at what cost we got the Victory! Remember how we paid for your prosperous peaceful life! In conclusion, I showed the “witnesses” of that terrible tragedy and at the same time the Great Feat, found by me in the catacombs - rusty cartridge cases, the necks of broken glass soldier flasks, as well as books, on the basis of which material was prepared for the site and the story in the Cheberchin school (and not only in it).

Witnesses of the Great Deed

Based on these books, my story was prepared

After that, we took a common commemorative photo with schoolchildren and relatives of Pavel Maksimovich.

Commemorative photo with schoolchildren and relatives of Pavel Maksimovich.

The school curriculum was completed by third-graders Tanya Donova and Valya Chislova with poems about Adzhimushkay's feat.

Tanya and Valya read poetry

After the event, which took place in the assembly hall, all those present in an organized column went to the bust of Pavel Maksimovich. In front of the column, Igor Trankov, a graduate of the Cheberchin school, and I carried a wreath, which we laid at the bust of the commander of the Underground Garrison.

Solemn procession to the place of commemoration of Hero Adzhimushkay

Laying a wreath

After laying a wreath at the bust of P. M. Yagunov

Near his bust, the monument to the Soviet soldier and the bust of the hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Andreyevich Manin, the event continued. Schoolchildren performed, and in verse once again honored the memory of the untimely departed heroes of Adzhimushkay.

Performance of schoolchildren

I also said a few words about the brightest Hero of the Great Patriotic War. The meaning of my words boiled down to the fact that his feat should have been awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and now the Hero of Russia, which is quite realistic. The countrymen of Pavel Maksimovich and all of us - citizens of Russia - should be worthy of the memory of P. M. Yagunov and the feat of the Heroes of Adzhimushkay.

Speech by K. I. Tkachev

Having completed the solemn event, we, together with the teachers, returned to the school, where the table with homemade tomatoes, smoked lard, zucchini cake and much more was already set in the dining room. Everything that our spoons and forks touched was prepared with soul by caring hands. Relatives of Pavel Maksimovich were also at the table, so conversations continued on the topic of our arrival. This is the compilation of the "family tree" of P. M. Yagunov to this day. This is also the history of the SCHOOL for the 150th anniversary of its foundation. This is the history of the village of CHEBERCHINA from the day of its foundation to the present day.

Saying goodbye to the Small Motherland of the legendary commander, we could not part with Valentina Vladimirovna for a long time - everyone was talking on different topics. And on the way back, we decided for ourselves that we would definitely return here.
