June 22, 1941 - one of the most mournful dates in the history of Russia - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. This day reminds us of all those who died in this war. We mourn those who took the first blow of the offensives of Nazi Germany, those who fought at the fronts and partisans in detachments, those who heroically worked in the rear and those who were driven to Germany and tortured to death in concentration camps - everyone who saw and realized the horrors of fascism.

To this momentous date The Central Regional Library has prepared a book exhibition - the memory of "That very first day of the war ...".

At the exhibition, readers are offered books, magazine and newspaper articles about the beginning of the war, about the heroism and self-sacrifice of Soviet soldiers, the courage and resilience of ordinary Soviet citizens, about children who helped the front with their work and bravery, as well as diaries and memoirs of war participants, illustrated materials , fiction, letters from the front.

It's been 72 years since the war died down, best books our writers from all sides illuminated this tragedy, the bitterness of defeat and joy great Victory May 1945

But the theme of the Great Patriotic War was and remains one of the leading in the literature of the past and present. At present, many wonderful works of art by contemporary authors about the Great Patriotic War have appeared, as the librarians of the Central Regional Library told about this, having visited the Verkhneuslonsky boarding house for the elderly and disabled on June 22 with an information hour "About the war after the war."

On June 22, the Regional Children's Library hosted an interactive quiz "In the predawn hour".

While participating in the quiz, the guys remembered outstanding person, Soviet commander, Marshal Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov and other Soviet military leaders, without whom there would be no Victory.

The cities were named - heroes who did not surrender to the invaders and stood to the last. And also the happiest moments - the hoisting of the Soviet banner over the Reichstag and the first festive fireworks in Moscow with tears of joy and hope for a brighter future.

In the Kildeevskaya library for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, exhibition-requiem "June dawn of the forty-first year".

The readers are presented with books, articles from periodicals about how the country met Sunday morning, the morning of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, how the whole people rose to its defense, about the heroic battles and exploits of Soviet soldiers.

Historical and patriotic hour “Holy memory of the past years” was held for children.

The guys, together with the librarian, found out why the date June 22 appeared on the calendar of memorable dates.

The participants of the event listened with bated breath to the recording of the announcement of the beginning of the war, said by Levitan. From the librarian's story, the children learned about how the Great Patriotic War began. As 76 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the pre-dawn silence was suddenly torn apart by the explosions of roaring shells. Then no one knew that it would go down in the history of mankind as the bloodiest one. Nobody guessed that the Soviet people would have to go through inhuman trials, go through and win. To rid the world of fascism, showing everyone that the spirit of a Red Army soldier cannot be broken by the invaders. No one could have imagined that the names of the hero cities would become known to the whole world, that Stalingrad would become a symbol of the resilience of our people, Leningrad - a symbol of courage, the Brest Fortress - a symbol of courage. That, on a par with male warriors, old men, women and children will heroically defend their homeland from the Nazis.

The event ended with a review of the literature "War and Children", where the librarian presented to the participants of the event books about children during the Great Patriotic War.

During the event, the children watched the electronic presentation "On this date, sorrow and our memory."

An exhibition-memory "Where memory is, there is a tear" opened its work in the Kirov Library.

The exhibition acquaints readers with tragic pages in the history of the country during the Great Patriotic War. Here is presented military-patriotic literature, which tells about casualties, military actions, about the Heroes of the war, hero-cities.

At the exhibition you can see illustrations and posters: “This cannot be forgotten”, “Our memory will be their reward”, “Memory candle”, “There is no limitation period for memory”.

Library visitors can choose books about the heroism of the Soviet people, about the famous defenders of our Motherland, about the heroic deeds of children during the war.

The hour of history "The Unsolicited War", timed to coincide with the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, was held by the directors of the Makulov libraries for junior and middle school students attending a school leisure camp.

Together with the educators, the children were invited to the Tatar-Makulov library.

Pershina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna told them about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, about how much grief and devastation she brought to our country, at the cost of what huge sacrifices our soldiers won and why we must take care of our past and respect the older generation.

A stand with photographs of participants in that terrible war - residents of the village of Makulovo - “We should live and remember” was presented to the attention of those present. Among the "immortal regiment" not only men, there are also women. And the guys listened with great interest to the stories of the fate of many of them.

Khisamova Madina Vagizovna continued the conversation at the exhibitions "Day of Memory and Mourning" and "Our Compatriots in the Immortal Regiment", where you can get acquainted with biographies and tragic life stories of many of our fellow villagers, see front-line triangles and award sheets with the history of exploits. Madina Vagizovna also shared her personal story - how she found her father's award list on the "People's feat" website and found out about him combat path.

They also remembered about the Hero of the Soviet Union - our fellow countryman Isaev Alexei Petrovich. The children told how they took part in the bike ride to the place of the Hero's birth.

Among the listeners were the great-grandchildren of the fighters who had long gone from us. They listened with noticeable pride about their relatives. Other guys talked about their great-grandfathers themselves and promised to bring photographs, wishing to see them at the stand.

Then everyone went to the Monument to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, honored their memory with a minute of silence, promising not to forget and honor all who won a peaceful sky for us.

On the Day of Memory and Mourning, the heads of the Russian-Makulov and Tatar Makulov libraries met with the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Makhnin Alexander Ivanovich and the home front worker Galikhanova Amina Dautovna and interviewed them about the period of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Memories of that time in the generation of these people always bring tears to their eyes. They talk as if it happened only yesterday - down to the smallest details. Both were, of course, pleased that they were ready to listen to them again.

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna and Madina Vagizovna donated to veteran Aleksandr Ivanovich a presentation folder "He fought to live in peace", created about his life and combat path. Added here are photographs of the anniversary dates of Victory Day, from which the veterans who have already passed away look at us.

Alexander Ivanovich noticeably cheered up, thanked for the gift, and the librarians, showing him a lot of pictures, promised to print those that he did not have.

Amina Dautovna was pleased with the new Soembike magazines, which Madina Vagizovna traditionally brings to her. Despite her advanced age, she reads herself with pleasure and shares what she read with her daughter Rosa.

An exhibition - requiem “There is memory, which will not be forgotten, and glory, which will not end”, has been arranged in the Lower Oslonsk Library.

In addition to literature on the Great Patriotic War, the exhibition presents thematic folders about our fellow countrymen who have passed the fiery roads of the war.

The children of the school camp were invited to an excursion to the school local history museum. Librarian Nina Morozenkova introduced them to exhibition materials about the Great Patriotic War.

The children found out why the date June 22 appeared in the calendar of memorable dates in Russia, they remembered their family members - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

We listened with great interest to the story about the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Afanasyev, to whom the stand “The history of your names will not forget” is dedicated in the museum.

Following a good tradition, the guys visited the monument to the participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, honored the memory of their fellow countrymen with a minute of silence, laid flowers.

A regular meeting of the club of reading lovers "Interlocutor" took place in the Oktyabrskaya Library. This time it was dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow.

Each of the club members remembered and shared their memories of their family members who fought heroically during the Great Patriotic War.

Interest was aroused by the article of the newspaper "Argumenty i Fakty" No. 25 for 2017, which tells about the longest shift of "Artek", which began on June 22, 2017 and lasted 1301 days until January 12, 1945.

The event ended with the laying of flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers and a minute of silence.

An information hour "That very first day of the war" took place in the Vakhitov library.

The librarian introduced the audience to historical facts the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, poems and appeals for peace were heard. The children learned in what works one can read about their peers who helped, sometimes at the cost of their lives, to bring Victory Day closer.

After the event, flowers were laid at the monument to the fallen wars.

In Tatar Burnashev, on the square near the obelisk to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, the head of the library Lyubov Muravyova and the head of the KFOR Lidia Abbyazova spent a patriotic hour "Returning to War in Memory".

Those present were told that this day is one of the saddest dates in our history. He reminds us of all those who died on the war fronts, tortured to death in Nazi captivity, who died in the rear of hunger and hardship. Children read poems about the war and honored the memory of all who gave their lives for their Motherland, for us now living under a peaceful sky, with a minute of silence. With gratitude, they laid flowers at the obelisk of all those who died in this terrible war.

In the Kuralovsky settlement, cultural workers held a solemn meeting "Then in the forty-first ..." during which they remembered all those who died defending the Motherland, who were tortured by the Nazis, who died from hunger and cold.

Laying flowers and candles at the memorial to the deceased soldier, the participants of the rally in the House of Culture watched a film with memories of the war of workers in the rear of the village Kuralova P.S. Berezkina, N.E. Kournikova, N.I. Kalmykova, R.L. Baranova.

Head of the Kuralovskaya rural library Dryakhlova L.B. presented an electronic presentation on the book by A.N. Pecherskaya "Children-Heroes of the Great Patriotic War."

Literary - musical composition"Roads of War - Roads of Victory" sounded for the participants of the rally in Yambulatovsky rural settlement.

The head of the rural settlement Akhmetzyanov M.N. and the chairman of the council of veterans L.I. Lidonova spoke to the audience. The memory of the victims was honored with a minute of silence.

In the Mamatkozin library for young readers was held a conversation "War - there is no worse word" At the beginning of the event, the children listened to the shrill voice of Levitan, who announced to the whole country on that sad day that the war had begun. The guys, together with the librarian Elena Sedova, reflected on what a difficult test the Soviet people had to endure in the struggle for a free life and a peaceful sky overhead. Young readers listened to the famous song "Get up, the country is huge!", Watched videos about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, about the defense of the Brest Fortress; read poetry.

“For us to remember and live” - this was the name of the rally at the Monument to the Perished Compatriots of the Maidan village, organized by the workers of the library and the rural house of culture.

The presenters spoke about the beginning of the war, about significant battles and operations, about our land during the war years. Poems by K. Simonov, T. Gordon and our fellow countryman M.P. Skarlukhin were read, war songs were sung by the participants of the event.

Those present at the rally honored the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence and laid flowers at the monument.

On June 22, on the Day of Memory and Mourning, adults and children gathered at the monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War in the Korguzinsky rural settlement to honor the memory of the fallen and recall the tragic events of the first day of the war.

The workers of the library and the rural house of culture prepared memory lesson "There is memory, which will not be forgotten, and glory, which will not end" and told the guys how much suffering and grief had been lived, how many lives it took terrible war... Schoolchildren read poems about a terrible war, about soldiers who saved peace on Earth.

The event ended with a minute of silence and the laying of flowers at the monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

In the Sobolevsky settlement, a memorable rally "Wars are sacred pages forever in the memory of people" and laying flowers at the monument to veterans who fought in the Second World War.

“He remained in human memory as a deep scar on the face of the Earth. It is not without reason that this terrible day forever was called the Day of Memory and Sorrow ... ".

June 22 - one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, which is an integral part of the Second World War. A severe bloody war, which lasted 1418 days and nights, which took the lives of 26.6 million Soviet people, ended on May 9, 1945 with the complete defeat of the countries of the fascist bloc.

Traditionally, in Russia on June 22, in memory of the fallen, tortured in captivity, the "Candle of Remembrance" campaign is held annually.

The events held by the libraries of the centralized library system of the Pervomaisky District on the Day of Memory and Grief are a reminder to us of the glorious defenders of the Motherland, heroism, courage, and resilience Soviet people.

Pervomaiskaya central regional library within the framework of the regional creative project"Summer in the Park" held an event "Forever in the memory of the people", the program of which included: an hour of memory "Forever in the memory of the people", an overview of the exhibition "Holy War", the action "Candle of Memory".

On June 22, a thematic hour dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Mourning and the 77th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was held at the Pervomaiskaya Central Regional Children's Library within the framework of the Summer in the Park project. 43 schoolchildren from the summer camp "Brigantine" of Pervomaiskaya primary school took part in the conversation "June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock ...". The guys, together with the librarian, found out why the date June 22 appeared on the calendar of memorable dates, recalled family members - participants in the Great Patriotic War, talked about how war is an ordeal. The participants of the event listened to Levitan's message about the beginning of the war, S. Shchipachev's poem "June 22, 1941", the song "Sacred War", watched a video clip dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the event, the children took part in staging the song "Darkie" and lit a candle of memory, honoring the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

"June. The sunset was approaching towards the evening, and the sea was overflowing on a white night, and the ringing laughter of children who did not know, did not know grief was heard. June. Then we still did not know, walking from school evenings, that tomorrow would be the first day of the war, and it would end only in 1945, in May ... "- On June 22, a thematic hour “Day of Memory and Sorrow. "The first day of the war."

The purpose of the event: consolidation and deepening of historical knowledge, development and education of patriotic feelings on the basis of vivid examples of the heroism of our army, bravery and courage of the people. To instill in children a sense of personal empathy for those who defended their Motherland, a sense of pride in their country.

During the event, a video sketch was prepared for the participants of the event about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, about the heroic everyday life of the defenders of our Motherland. At the end of the event P The memory of the dead was honored with a minute of silence by laying flowers at the obelisk.

"Memory of Blazing Years" - this was the name of the hour of memory, spent by the Krasnovskaya rural library in conjunction with the school.

Also, events for the Day of Memory and Sorrow were prepared and carried out by: Volodarskaya rural library (quiz "What do you know about the war"), Ural library (action "We grieve and remember"), (Malozaikinskaya library (literary and musical composition "At the sacred fire") , Miroshkinskaya library (thematic hour "Echelon in four years"), Nazarovskaya, Usovskaya libraries (memory hours "We remember and grieve", "Remember this day"), Soviet library (information day "And let generations know"), etc.

The memory of generations of those whom we so sacredly revered is inextinguishable. They did not spare their strength and life in the name of Victory .. They are always with us in our homes, in the blossoming gardens and forests of new buildings, in the bright smiles of children, in the happiness that our Victory brought to their homeland ... Eternal memory to the heroes who fell in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

author: Ermoshina Tatiana Vladimirovna, teacher primary grades, MOU "Gymnasium No. 7", Podolsk
Description: Suggest material that can be used class teachers all levels of education, subject teachers in the preparation of the holiday dedicated to Victory Day.
Target: to instill in children a sense of personal empathy for those who fought at the fronts during the Second World War and served the Motherland in the rear, a sense of pride in their country, the generations of our ancestors and our native people who lived in it.
Tasks: consolidation and deepening of knowledge about the life of our people during the Great Patriotic War, the development and education of patriotic feelings on the examples of the heroism of the soldiers of our army, the courage and courage of the people.

The course of the event.

It is advisable to invite senior students to lead the role.
1st presenter
We do not remember the war later,
To once again boast of victory.
We just conjure everyone and everything:
This cannot happen again ...
2nd leader.
June 22, 1941. The exams are behind, the guys dream of how they will live after school.
(Peaceful sky, graduation party, children dancing "Accidental Waltz".)
The dreams of the 1941 graduates sound against the background of music.
- I'm going to enter a medical institute, I want to become a pediatrician.
- And I dream of becoming an engineer ...
- And I will be a math teacher ...
- I want to become a builder ...
- I dream of going to the theater ...
- And I dream of love ...
1st presenter
June! Then you did not know yet
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war!
And it will end only in 1945, in May ...
2nd presenter
Everything breathed such silence
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed ...
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left!
(Levitan's voice: "Attention! All radio stations are working.")
B. Akudzhava "Ah, the war ..." is read by high school students.
Ah, war, what have you done vile?
Our courtyards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
On the doorstep they barely loomed
And they went after the soldier of the soldiers.
Goodbye boys! Boys!

Ah, war, what did you mean?
Instead of weddings - parting and smoke.
Our girls dresses are white
They gave it to their sisters.
On the doorstep they barely loomed
And they went after the soldier of the soldiers.
Goodbye girls! Girls!
Try to go back! "
1st presenter.
A. A. Surkov "Black clouds are spreading"
Black clouds are creeping
Lightning in the sky scurrying
In a cloud of flying dust
The trumpets are singing the alarm.
Fight a gang of fascists
The homeland of the brave calls ...
The bullet is afraid of the brave
The bayonet does not take a bold one.
Airplanes rushed up.
The tank formation moved,
Infantry companies with a song.
We went out for the Motherland into battle.
(The song "Sacred War" sounds. The guys leave in formation.)
2nd presenter.
- Tell me, have you ever seen melee? Not in reality, but maybe in a dream? Whoever says that there is no fear in war, he knows nothing about the war!
(Soundtrack: shooting, planes, explosions. A battle is in progress.)
Well comrade, after the fight,
Breathing out the smoke of gunpowder,
Look at the blue sky -
Clouds float overhead.
(The song "Nightingales, do not sing more songs ...")
1st presenter
In the battle at Oryol, near Warsaw,
In the fierce fire of the batteries
I felt left and right
Support for trench friends
And I saw someone bolder
And much older than me
Not sparing myself,
Walked right into the shower of fire.
(Staging of B. Vasiliev's excerpt "Was not on the lists".
On the stage - one wounded soldier, another enters with a machine gun, wearily sits down next to the wounded.)
The recording of the poem "Wait for me" is played.
(The song "Dark Night" is played.)
2nd presenter
The night rumbles. Another roll. In the distance, a huge glow is fanned by a bonfire. They brought the colonel into the dugout. The last minutes have been counted. What does he resurrect in his heart, Foreseeing cruel separation? Favorite edge? Relative faces? House?
He did not utter a word about this.
- Fire ... in the name of the Motherland ... forward!
And, dying, an adamant warrior
In command. And in the hour of death it leads
To victory he is the steel battalions.
(The song "Combat" is played.)
1st presenter(N. Serdyuk "What does a soldier dream about?")
What does a soldier dream about
Far from home?
Only the night will close your eyelashes
A young guy.
Dreaming girl-joy
With clear eyes
The one that is waiting for the soldier
Day and night.
Dreaming about a house at a crossroads
The shadow of a dense garden
Dreaming of a white birch tree
Near the window,
Mother in a chintz headscarf
At the porch of my dear ...
A soldier dreams of the fatherland
Far from home.
2nd presenter
Front songs majestically
Hymns have been ringing for many years
Above the land where glory shines with the sun
Battle battles and victories.
And they ring, where are the obelisks
Are drowning in rainbow colors ...
Front songs without registration
For a long time they have lived in people's hearts.
(Fragments of songs.)
1st presenter.
Soldiers are returning from the war.
Steppes, steppes - flapping a wing ...
The soldier's mother is waiting at the hut,
And the soldier sleeps in eternal sleep.
(The song "Cranes" sounds - background)
2nd leader.
A family lived in Ukraine, which gave the country sons.
She sent all eight sons, blessing, to defend the Motherland. They did not disgrace the honor of their widowed mother, who endured a lot of suffering.
Ivan, Peter, Konstantin and Fedor at the end of December selflessly fought in the Kerch-Feodosia region. In the ensuing struggle, Ivan and Peter fell. During the liberation of Kiev, Fedor died, and during the liberation of Donbass, Konstantin died the death of the brave.
Vasily fought heroically, first defending the Caucasus and then Stalingrad. He was badly injured while exercising Kursk operation... He was demobilized and returned to his hometown, but due to complications from his wounds he died ..
His brother Tikhon also became a victim of a serious injury and died in the hospital.
Anatoly, who died during the liberation from the blockade of Leningrad, also fought bravely.
Of the eight brothers, only one Stepan managed to escape from the fascist hordes. He pursued the enemy to their very lair - Berlin.
1st presenter.(E. Martynov "Mother has grown old ..." excerpt)
Mother has aged for many years,
And there is no news from the son and no.
But she keeps on waiting
Because he believes; because mother ...
2nd presenter
Dead heroes say - as if eternal fires burn
The fallen heroes speak. Listen! - the heroes say.
(The voices of the heroes are heard in the recording.)
"... Not feeling fear, not feeling tired in my hands, I will beat the enemy and until the last drop of blood I will be devoted to my Motherland!"
"... We will die, but we will not surrender!"
“... There is no need to cry. Be proud and remember me, mom! "
“... Victory will be ours! Goodbye, Motherland! Your son..."
"... Oh, how you want to live, live!"
“... Through the holes in the tank I see the street, green trees, the flowers in the garden are bright and bright. After the war, you, the survivors, will have a life as bright, colorful as these flowers, and happy. It's not scary to die for her ... "
1st presenter(A. Nikolaev "1418 days" excerpt)
Before our Motherland, we will be considered glory,
All who by their own blood intermarried with her
There was a great war, there was a bloody war - 1418 days.

She rewarded us with a front-line community,
There was no community stronger and more relatives,
Courage was tempered under fires and bullets - 1418 days.

How much grief our generation endured.
Every day we lost our front-line friends,
Think every day, the day of remembrance is 1418 days.

2nd presenter(R. I. Rozhdestvensky "Requiem" excerpt)
Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
About those who will never come again - remember!
People! As long as hearts are beating - remember!
At what price happiness was won
Please remember!
Meet the quivering spring, people of the Earth!
Kill the war, curse the war, people of Earth!
Carry your dream through the years and fill with life ...
But about those who will never come again, I conjure - remember!
1st presenter
Bow down and young and old
In honor of those who are for happiness,
I gave my life for the sake of life.
Let us honor all the victims with a minute of silence.
(Minute of silence.)
2nd presenter
Overshadowed by the blaze of the victorious banner,
A tired soldier sat down on the steps of the Reichstag.
He took off his cap like a toiler after work,
Wiping beads of hot sweat from his forehead.
He put down his machine gun, dust off his tunic,
"I poured a pinch of tobacco from the pouch ...
I looked again, as over the enemy's capital
Our banner shines in the spring wind,
I rolled my cigarette, inhaled calmly
And he said: "This is how any wars will end."
1st presenter(A. T. Tvardovsky "On the day the war ended")
The day the war ended
And all the barrels fired at the expense of the fireworks, -
At that hour there was one at the celebration,
A special moment for our souls.
The barrels of the guns are still warm,
And the sand did not absorb all the blood,
But the world has come - breathe, people,
Having crossed the threshold of war.
(The song "Victory Day" is played.)
2nd presenter
Names ... Names ... Names ...
All those who have gone into the sacred flame.
But the war of veterans is still overtaking,
Those who stayed with us.
1st presenter
Look at the eternal flame -
He is in hearts, restless and youthful.
Eternal feat and eternal pain
And the scorched strings are ringing ...
Memory! We are forever faithful to her.
Dear, stern faces ...
And the war must not be repeated! -
(The Song of the Soldier is played.)

On the eve of the Day of Memory and Mourning, memorial events dedicated to this tragic date in the history of our people will be held in Russia and many other countries of the planet. With the organizational support of the team of the "Unity" volunteer support center, the traditional international memorial action "Candle of Memory - June 22" will be held in the capital of Russia.

The program of the 10th international memorial action "Candle of memory on June 22" (Moscow, Moscow region).

10:00 Gathering of motorcycle tour participants in cities military glory“Roads of Victory. Candle of Memory "on the monument to the soldiers of the 46th Separate Moscow Motorcycle Regiment at a military burial near the village of Borisovo, Klinsky District. Lighting the "Candles for the memory of the defenders of Moscow."

13.00 Arrival of the motorcycle trip to the Yelokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral (Moscow, Spartakovskaya st., 15).

Press event:

14.00 The beginning of the international action "Candle of Memory on June 22". Yelokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral (Moscow, Spartakovskaya st., 15). Memorial service. Commemoration of the warriors. Lighting the main Candle of Memory on June 22, candles in memory of the peoples of the USSR (the peoples of the CIS, the Baltic states, the peoples of Russia), hero cities and cities of military glory.

Handing over a candle of memory to the president of the "Night Wolves" club Aleskandr the Surgeon for an action in Ulyanovsk.

15.30 Departure of the united motorcade column “Victory Roads. Candle of memory "from the Yelokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral

16.00 Visit to the Cathedral Mosque of Moscow on Prospekt Mira. Prayer for Muslim warriors.

18.00 Departure of the united motor-convoy with candles of memory to Poklonnaya Gora.

19.00 Arrival to Poklonnaya Gora in Victory Park. Visit to the Memorial Synagogue, lighting "candles of memory".

* Monument "We were together in the fight against fascism", lighting "candles of memory"

* Monument to Spanish anti-fascists, lighting "candles of memory"

* Monument to the Soldiers of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, lighting "candles of memory"

* Monument to the soldiers - internationalists

* Monument "Tragedy of Nations", lighting "candles of memory"

* Monument to the "Cities of Military Glory", lighting "candles of memory"

20.00 Arrival of the column at the entrance to the museum to the Fire of Memory and Glory, lighting "candles of memory"

The ceremony of installing the main "Candle of Memory" and candles of the peoples of the USSR, Hero Cities and Cities of Military Glory. Meeting. 20.30 - Departure to the Crimean embankment. Stop at the sign "Moscow Hero City" on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. 21.50 - Arrival at the Crimean embankment, in the Muzeon park near the Crimean bridge.

Press event:

22.00 - Beginning of the official part of the "Memory Line" action, lighting the "Memory Line". 22.00 - Launch of the flash mob "Candle of Memory - online" - "Light the Candle of Memory on your window!"

23.30 - Return to Poklonnaya Gora to participate in the Victory Museum action

11-30 Installation of candles of the republics of the USSR, Hero Cities and Cities of Military Glory in the Hall of Memory and Grief of the Victory Museum. Handing over the main "Candle of Memory" to the guard of honor in the Hall of Generals.

Press event:

12.00 The main action "Candle of Memory" in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War - the Museum of Victory with the participation of veterans and guests (Generals Hall, 2nd floor).

A minute of silence, the ceremony of installing the main "Candle of Memory on June 22" candles of the peoples of the USSR, hero cities and cities of military glory in the Hall of Memory and Grief (Museum of Victory, -1 floor). Lighting "candles of memory" in the Hall of Memory and Sorrow.

To the attention of editorial offices and news broadcasting departments of TV and radio channels and news agencies.

Dear colleagues!

The 10th International Memorial Action "Candle of Remembrance" dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Mourning on June 22, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, will traditionally be held on June 21-22, 2018 in Russia, near and far abroad.

The Candle of Remembrance, which is lit by the participants of the international memorial action around the world, is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Second World War. In the era of information wars, it is important whether humanity knows what it means for Europe and the whole world June 22 - day treacherous attack Germany to the USSR and how this date is understood by the peoples affected by fascism.

This day is a state day of remembrance only in Russia, Ukraine (Day of mourning and commemoration of the victims of the war) and Belarus (Day of national memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War). He is remembered and honored by the peoples of the Baltic states, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia. Russia has the responsibility to make this memory and this date sound on an international scale as the clearest symbol of the irresponsibility of world politicians who allowed Germany's aggression against the USSR, which resulted in terrible sacrifices, tens of millions of killed and tortured civilians.

A memory candle on June 22 and its participants together say a friendly "No!" - war, aggressive and inhuman aspirations of politicians, theory and practice of human superiority over human beings.

The action takes place at the memorials to the victims of the war, as well as in the format “Candle of memory. Online ”- anyone can take part in it and express their solidarity with the peoples and families that have suffered from the consequences of the aggression, as well as remember their relatives and friends who have touched this war. It is enough to light a candle anywhere, including on the window of your house, starting from 21:00 on June 21 and publish your photo or video with the hashtag #remembrance candle and the name of your city.

In Russia, the popular action "Candle of Memory" has been held since 2009 with the support of the Patriotic Platform of the United Russia Party, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Interreligious Council of Russia for the tenth time. In thousands of cities and towns on June 21 and 22, hundreds of thousands of people will gather at memorials and memorial graves and light memorial candles. The candle of memory in Russia is not only sorrow, but also pride in their people, which withstood and won the war, despite countless losses. "We remember, we are proud!" Russian participants write in the memory candles, posting their photos with the marks “# This is OurVictory and # TogetherMySila.

The symbolic start of the action will take place in Moscow on June 21 at 14:00 in the Yelokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral at 15 Spartakovskaya Street. glory of Russia will serve as the beginning of the flash mob "Candle of memory - online" around the world. The action is addressed to the post-war generations and is held under the theme "I did not participate in the war, but its sorrow burns in me."

Candles of Memory will be lit from the fire delivered from the Moscow defense lines from the Klinsky district of the Moscow region by motorcyclists from the Night Wolves club.

Motoring around the cities of military glory "Victory Roads - Memory Candle" will connect the places of defense around Moscow Istra, Zvenigorod, Mozhaisk, Volokolamsk, Tver, Klin, Dmitrov, Solnechnogorsk, Zelenograd with the memorable and spiritual centers of the capital - the Yelokhovsky Cathedral, the Cathedral Mosque, the Memorial Synagogue and monuments in Victory Park.

Another branch of the motocross from Moscow will pass through the cities of military glory Rzhev, Velikiye Luki, Pskov, St. Petersburg, Kandalaksha to Murmansk and Severomorsk.

The motocross will end in Moscow on the Crimean embankment. The march was organized by the branches of the Night Wolves motorcycle club: Zelenograd, Zvenigorod and Victory Roads. Held with the participation of the Union of Cities of Military Glory of Russia, the All-Russian organization "Officers of Russia" and the Foundation "Legendary Feat"

The action starts on June 21 at 21:00 local time in Chukotka and Kamchatka and takes place in all time zones of Russia and the world.

The northernmost action in Russia will take place in Severomorsk at 4 a.m. and Murmansk at 10 a.m. on June 22. The fire for the campaign will be delivered from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg) by motorcyclists of the Night Wolves club.

In Yoshkar-Ola (Republic of Mari-El), for the first time in Russia, on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, within the framework of the action, a “Field of Memory of Mari-El” will be created, a new format of the “Candle of Memory” developed in the republic. Hundreds of townspeople will bring plaques with the names of their relatives, as well as war heroes natives of Mari-El, to be installed on the field of memory in the Park named after the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol for joint commemoration from 21 to 22 June.

Since 2016, the "Memory Candle" campaign has been widely held in the cities of Kazakhstan, most vividly in the city of Alma-Ata. This year, in the action "Candle of Memory" in Alma-Ata on the evening of June 21 in the Park of 28 Panfilovites. On the evening of June 22 at 19 o'clock in the Kazakhstan State Philharmonic named after Dzhambul (Kaldayakova St., 35), a requiem concert "Rescue Rear" will be held, with the participation of the People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexander MIKHAILOV, a member of the Central Headquarters of the Immortal Regiment of Russia. The concert is dedicated to the heroes of the rear who forged the Victory with heroic labor on the Kazakh soil.

During the war, the historic Philharmonic building housed the Central United Film Studio - TsOKS, created on the basis of the evacuated Mosfilm and Lenfilm collectives, where outstanding directors Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevolod Pudovkin, Ivan Pyriev, the Vasiliev brothers shot films that inspired soldiers at the front and in hospitals , helped to overcome the hardships of military labor in the rear, including all "Combat newsreels" - documentary collections showing the feat Soviet soldier in the fight against fascism. At the first TsOKS studio in the Philharmonic Hall, the films "Ivan the Terrible", "Front", "Alexander Nevsky", "A Guy from Our City", "Wait for Me" and others were filmed, which were included in the "Golden Fund" of Soviet and world cinema. In those years, legends of Soviet cinema Valentina Serova, Marina Ladynina, Lidia Smirnova, Lyubov Orlova, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Boris Chirkov and other outstanding artists worked in Alma-Ata. More than 200 cultural workers died in the evacuation and were buried in the cemetery of Alma-Ata. The concert participants will light candles of memory at the memorial plaque on the facade of the building. The organizers of the "Candle of Memory" in Alma-Ata are the "Immortal Regiment of Kazakhstan", the Coordinating Council of public associations of veterans and invalids of the war in Afghanistan and other local ones, the studio "Constantinople". Directed by Konstantin Kharalampidis.

In Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), the "Candle of Memory" action will be held on June 21 at 21:00 on Victory Square. The organizer is the youth association "Veterans 365".

June 22 at 4 a.m. from the hero-fortress Brest fortress in 11 countries of the Eastern and Western Europe on the territory of Poland and further will continue the motocross of Russian motorcyclists "Slavyanskiy Mir", which started on Poklonnaya Gora. Lighting "candles of memory" will take place along the route of the motocross in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia.

Russian compatriots abroad, with the support of the Unity Volunteer Center, will hold actions and events on June 21 and 22 in more than 20 countries of the world.

Other events of the Day of Remembrance and Mourning in Moscow.

A candle in memory of the defenders of the hero-city of Moscow will be delivered on June 21 at 22 o'clock to the Crimean embankment of Moscow, where it will light the "Memory Line" of 1418 candles according to the number of days of war.

At the Eternal Flame in the Kremlin's Alexander Garden at 4 am on June 22nd, the traditional "Memory Watch - Alexander Garden" takes place.

State leaders and guests of honor will lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin Wall on June 22 at noon.

At the same time, at 12 o'clock on June 22, the main action "Candle of Memory" will take place in the Hall of Memory and Mourning at the Victory Museum (Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill), where the main Candle of Memory will be installed on 22 June and thousands of people will light their memory candles.

The Hall of Memory and Mourning of the Victory Museum is a special place for everything common space In memory that unites Soviet compatriots all over the world: the Hall contains the Memory Books of all republics the former USSR- several million names of those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

ATTENTION! Press events.

We invite you to provide informational support to the international campaign "Candle of Memory" and the popular flash mob "Candle of Memory. Online "June 21 - 22, 2018 and urge your entire audience to go out on the Day of Remembrance and Mourning to memorable places with candles or light a candle on your window starting from June 21 at 21-00 and publish a photo or video marked #Memory Candle and the name cities.

We propose to informally sanctify the most interesting events of the international action "Candle of Memory" and the motor rally "Roads of Victory - Candle of Memory" in Moscow, Severomorsk, Yoshkar

Ole, Alma-Ata, Belgrade, Bishkek on your information resources.
International and All-Russian action"Candle of Remembrance - June 22" on the Day of Remembrance and Mourning was preceded by a memory action with lighting of candles in St. Petersburg on January 27, 2009, on the day of the 65th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, at the same time a public practice appeared in Russia to light memorial candles at the action in the windows of houses ... In Moscow, since the beginning of 2000, candles have traditionally been lit on the night of June 22 at the Memory Watch at the Eternal Flame in the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin.

Reference - In 2007 and 2008, the Candle for Russia movement, created with the support of the Board of Trustees of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and the Historical Memory project, held two youth campaigns with lighting candles for Russia, “its past, present and future”. The actions took place on December 16, 2007 on Vorobyovy Gory and on May 6, 2008 on Poklonnaya Gora. In August 2008, activists from the Nashi, Molodaya Gvardiya, Molodaya Rossiya and Novyi Lyudi movements lit candles at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior as a tribute to the memory of the Russians and Ossetians who died as a result of the Georgian aggression in South Ossetia.

In 2009-2011, at the State Patriotic Club of the WFP "United Russia" (since 2011 - the Patriotic Platform of the Party), a Public Organizing Committee of the action was formed - the Memorial Center "Candle of Memory", as well as the Public Council of the Action, which included deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Popov, G. Ivliev, S. Zheleznyak, I. Yarovaya and General of the Army M. Moiseev. From the traditional religious organizations of Russia, the council included - Archpriest V. Chaplin (ROC MP), M. Khazrat Ashkurbaev (Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia), Rabbi Z. Kogan (KEROOR).

From veteran public organizations - D. Baranovsky and V. Kalinin, from public patriotic organizations - A. Galitsky, S. Romanovsky, S. Zvyagin, S. Medvedko, V. Kvyatkovsky, P. Illarionov, V. Khomyakov and O. Kassin, from the motorcycle community - I. Evdokimov, V. Weitz, A. Okhotnikov and A. Colonel. Stage directors A. Teptsov and K. Kharalampidis worked with the action during this period. Artists-designers of the style and symbols of the action - V. Ryzhenko and R. Polyakov. The development of the initial concept and rituals was carried out by the team of the creative agency "SalvadorD" consisting of I. Khilko, M. Tyurenkov and E. Zhosul. V different years the photographers of the action were V. Ragulin, M. Moiseev, M. Tereshenko, A. Dzhus, S. Titov. The "Memory Candle" action became a part of the "Historical Memory" Party project. Since 2014, on the basis of the Public Council of the "Candle of Memory - June 22" action, a Board of Trustees has been formed, headed by co-chairmen - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation I. Yarovaya and Deputy Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate Bishop Savva of Resurrection. Since 2018, a deputy of the State Administration, chairman of the United Russia WFP Patriotic Platform and First Deputy Chairman of the Combat Brotherhood All-Union All-Union Organization of the Russian Federation has become the co-chairman of the Board of Trustees. D. Sablin.

Media accreditation (cathedral only, motorcycle race, Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill on June 21 until 21:00, start of the flash mob "Memory Candle.Online" on the Memory Line on Krymskaya embankment on June 21 at 22.00)

Organizing committee of the international action "Candle of Memory":

Tel .: +74957631423; +79854850046 E-mail: [email protected]

June 22, 1941 - one of the saddest dates in our history, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

The memorable date "Day of Memory and Mourning" was established by the Decree of the President of Russia of June 8, 1996, as a tribute to the memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as the victims of all wars for the freedom and independence of Russia.

Young readers of the Regional Children's Library took part in the interactive quiz "And in the book memory of the moments of war".

The guys learned that June 22 is a date in the calendar, which is forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of our country. This day will eternally discard our memory by 1941, and therefore by May 9, 1945. There is a strong thread between two dates. She tied together years of horror, hardship and hard work. And our people did everything, it would seem, even impossible, for the Victory.

The participants of the event, answering the questions of the quiz, showed good knowledge history of their homeland. An overview of the book exhibition of the same name was presented to their attention.

In the Nizhneuslonsk rural library a lesson in memory "For that guy" was held, dedicated to fighter pilot Dmitry Andrianovich Shpigun.

Librarian Morozenkova N.V. revealed to the readers the pages of the life of a Soviet soldier who bravely defended the air borders of our Motherland, whose tragic death made him related to the Lower Oslonsk land.

The guys learned that Dmitry Shpigun was born in 1921 on the Berezhnevka farm, Poltava region, in Ukraine. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War he went to the front. In 1942 (from the entry in the award list), as part of the 124th fighter regiment, he patrolled the sky over Leningrad. In air battles, he proved himself to be a courageous, decisive fighter pilot. Correctly assessed the air situation and covered the advancing ground forces of the Leningrad Front in his MIG. In one of the air battles, the five MIGs covered the actions of our troops, at an altitude of 7000 meters they met 2 ME-109. The pilot Shpigun energetically and decisively, together with the leader of the group, attacked the ME-109 from behind from above, which facilitated the work of our attack aircraft, which were attacked by enemy fighters.

Sergeant Dmitry Shpigun deserves to be awarded the RED STAR ORDER for his courage and determination in performing combat missions

In February 1944, Guard Lieutenant Shpigun took part in the ferry of Airacobra aircraft along the route Alaska - Yakutia - Krasnoyarsk - front.

Readers learned that during the Great Patriotic War Kazan was one of the important points on the route of American aircraft on this route. One of these hauls was especially tragic and directly affected the republic and our region.

On February 11, 1944, 40 aircraft were sent from Sverdlovsk to Kazan. In a few hours the weather in the Kazan region deteriorates, the planes find themselves in a zone of thick fog and wet snow. Several planes manage to turn back and return to Sverdlovsk or land at other airfields directly on the snow. 21 aircraft caught in the fog could not get out of it: 13 crashed, 16 pilots died.

The plane, piloted by Dmitry Shpigun, crashed in the area of ​​Nizhniy Uslon, on Zhukovaya Gora. Local residents collected the remains of military equipment, and the pilot was buried at the local cemetery. According to official documents, the brave pilot was listed as missing for many years. In the 1950s, by the efforts of teachers and students of the Nizhneuslonskaya school, on the initiative of the then director Varlamov Alexander Timofeevich, a modest monument and a fence were erected at the grave of the deceased pilot.

On May 3, 2012, a new monument was erected at the burial site as a tribute to the soldier who gave his life to ensure that the sky he defended was peaceful.

The librarian drew the readers' attention to the fact that Dmitry Shpigun's grave is always well-groomed, not only schoolchildren come here to honor his memory, and bow to the soldier's feat. The villagers are looking after the grave; bring flowers, and on memorial days, treats, like a loved one, to a loved one... For some, the Ukrainian boy has become “a son who did not return from the war”, for someone “a deceased husband or father” - how many still unknown burials from Brest to Berlin.

At the end of the event, the librarian introduced the children to thematic folders dedicated to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War in Nizhny Uslon. The children learned about the patriotic action "Candle of Memory" taking place in our country and at the appointed time together with their parents lit memorial candles in the windows of their houses.

On June 21, the head of the Russian-Makulov library placed in in public places leaflets - reminders of this day with an appeal to take part in the "Candle of Memory" action.

Many residents supported the Action and on the evening of June 21 one could see such lights on the windowsills of houses.

On June 22, the library invited its readers to an hour of memory “We will not forget the 41st. We glorify the 45th! "

The attention of those present was focused on how, in difficult and tragic conditions of survival, our fellow countrymen found the courage and strength to wage a merciless struggle against the invaders.

They remembered fellow countrymen who had gone to war, got acquainted with the exhibition "My land in the wartime", where, in addition to books about the participation of Tatarstanis in the Great Patriotic War, were presented the original documents of the war participants - our fellow villagers, awards, a soldier's bowler hat found on the site of the Suslonger training camps ...

Readers with interest leafed through the thematic folders with materials about our fellow countrymen, presented on the layout "Your Heroes, Tatarstan!"

In a memorial meeting dedicated to the most terrible day in the history of the country - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, organized in Pechishchi, the residents of the village, students of the school camp of the Pechishchinsky school, pupils of the Pechishchinsky kindergarten took part.

The participants of the rally observed a minute of silence for all those who did not return from the war and died in peacetime and laid flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers.

The event continued in the Pechishchino library, where a memory lesson "I am all this in the memory of the shore" was held for the children.

From the librarian's story, accompanied by an electronic presentation "Years of War - Centuries of Memory", the children learned about the main events and battles of the Great Patriotic War, about the courage and resilience of our fellow countrymen, Heroes of the Soviet Union, about war veterans and labor of their native village. At the end of the event, we watched the cartoon "Malchish-Kibalchish" and painted the sun on the asphalt as a symbol of friendship and peace on earth.

An hour of memory has passed in the October library "I am not from childhood - from the war ...".

For her readers, the librarian Azizova G.R. prepared a presentation about the events of June 22, 1941, told about that terrible date, the day when for millions of inhabitants of our huge country all plans for the future collapsed, their whole life turned upside down. Everything went somewhere far away, everything wilted, before the ominous word WAR. There was no worse, darker and shorter night for the people. It was a night of courage, heroism and fearlessness of our grandparents.

The children learned about the Heroes of the Soviet Union - our fellow countrymen, home front workers and medal bearers of their native village. Particular emphasis in the conversation was placed on the life of children during the Great Patriotic War. The librarian introduced the children to the exploits of the young heroes Marat Kazey, Lenya Golikov, Zina Portnova, read the story "Children in the rear" from the book by T.A. Shorygina "Conversations about the heroic children of the Great Patriotic War" and showed a book trailer based on the book by A.N. Pecherskaya "Children-Heroes of the Great Patriotic War", created on the basis of the library.

At the end of the event, a discussion was held, the guys asked questions and complemented each other themselves. Goodbye they got homework- at the next meeting, tell your comrades about your grandfathers and grandmothers, bring their photographs.

On June 22, the head of the Naberezhno-Morkvash rural library Ilmira Prokhorova at the monument to the fallen soldiers for students attending the summer school camp "Rainbow", spent an hour of courage "Let us bow to those great years ...".

The librarian told about the life of the village in difficult times of war and about the exploits of fellow villagers on the battlefields. The guys talked about their great-grandfathers who returned from the war, whose memory is kept in the family.

At the end of the event, all the dead and dead soldiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War were honored with a minute of silence and flowers were laid at the monument.

A thematic hour "Great memory of heroes" was held in the Maidan rural library.

The head of the library told the readers about how difficult the first year of the war was and about the price at which we got the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

The guys remembered the stories of their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers about wartime, read poems about the war. They were presented with books from the exhibition “We Can't Forget the 41st. We will forever remember the 45th ”.

A thematic book exhibition "The Unforgettable Forty-First" has been arranged in the Central Regional Library.

The books, articles, essays, memoirs of the participants in the battles, the defenders of the Brest Fortress, presented at the exhibition, testify to the courage and spiritual strength of the Soviet people, who defeated fascism.

In memory of the tragic days of the Great Patriotic War, exhibition - memory "Forever in the memory of the people."

June ... the sunset was falling

And the sea poured over the white night

And the ringing laughter of the guys was heard

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

June then we did not know yet

From school evenings, walking,

That tomorrow will be the first day of war

And it will end only in the 45th.

The memory of the past is the ability to preserve traces of the past, it is needed alive in order not to make mistakes, in order to firmly withstand any trials.

The materials presented at the exhibition will tell about how the country met Sunday morning, the morning of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, how the whole people rose to defend the Motherland, about the heroic battles and exploits of Soviet soldiers.

Heads of rural libraries took an active part in the preparation and holding of solemn meetings dedicated to the Day of Memory and Mourning.

Employees of the Central and Regional Children's Libraries took part in the event dedicated to the opening of the solemn stone erected in Verkhniy Uslon in honor of the home front workers who selflessly worked "In the name of the front, in the name of Victory" during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.
