The phrase of the advertising agent Patrick O'Keeffe Say it with flowers! - "Say it with flowers!" - first appeared in the American magazine Florist's Exchange in 1917. The Society of American Florists immediately adopted this advertising "slogan" as their motto. And until now, everyone who is directly connected with the magical world of flowers does not get tired of repeating and advising us: “Say it with flowers!”

Cover of the Farm and garden annual (1922). In the upper left corner the phrase: "Say it with flowers!". Photo: Biodiversity Heritage Library/flickr/

But, of course, the witty Patrick O'Keeffe did not discover America to the world: flowers became a special language of communication long before his advertising triumph.

There is an interesting painting by the 19th century English Orientalist painter John Frederick Lewis, The Intercepted Message, which depicts a scene in an oriental harem.

An agitated woman in the presence of a "husband-sultan" was convicted of receiving ... a bouquet of flowers. Flowers - this is the message from the lover. Now everyone will know her secret, having carefully examined what flowers the bouquet consists of.

A bouquet in a harem is not a simple sign of attention - it is a letter written in the secret language of flowers. "Selam" is a special language, born in Turkish harems and spread first in Turkey, and then throughout the world.

The reasons for the emergence of villages are clear. Life in isolation, without the right to communicate with the outside world, and not teach such tricks.

Intercepted Message, painting by John Frederick Lewis

They say that the Swedish king Charles XII, who fled to Turkey after the defeat at Poltava and lived there for some time, became very interested in the language of flowers, studied it and after returning to Europe created the first Selam dictionary. What made contemporaries and especially contemporaries very happy.

But even more interesting about Selam was later told to the world by the French traveler Aubrey de la Mottre. He described his vivid impressions in the book Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, which was published in 1727. In it, he tells interestingly about the secret language of Selam.

The theme was continued by the Englishwoman Mary Wortley Montagu. She was the wife of the British ambassador in Istanbul. With interest and attention, Mary studied the peculiarities of the colorful East. She was interested in the language of flowers. She set herself the goal of learning how to “speak” and “write” this love Esperanto.

Returning to England, she published Letters from the Turkish Embassy. In them, Lady Mary described the symbolic language as follows: “There is no such paint, flowers, fruits, grass, stone, bird feather that would not have a verse corresponding to them, and you can quarrel, scold, send letters of passion, friendship, courtesy, or exchange news without getting your fingers dirty."

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in Turkish dress by Jean-Étienne Lyotard, 1756. Photo: en.wikipedia/Public Domain

Europe was swept by a flower fever. Never before have so many bouquets been given, never before have flowers been so fashionable in hairstyles, buttonholes, hats and dresses. And all this, after all, was now filled with special meaning.

Now people were not content with just the impression of “beautiful-ugly”, but searched for and found the meaning of the “flower message”. It was new and interesting. Certainly, Russian nobility picked up the idea of ​​love flower Esperanto. Especially the language of flowers was popular at the court of Catherine II.

Starting from the end of the 18th and the entire 19th century, Flower Dictionaries were published in various European countries with a detailed explanation of the meaning and significance of a particular flower or plant. In ancient flower dictionaries, a huge number of plants and flowers were described, sometimes more than 300 names. Here are some of them.

Acacia - friendship, pure love.
Astra - grace, sophistication.
Hawthorn - courage and hope.
Gladiolus - willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a loved one.
Jasmine - sensuality, passion, the first love yearning.
Lily of the valley - innocence and purity of morals.

Publication from Ekaterina Pavlukhina (@katerinapavlukhina) Aug 25 2017 at 10:33 PDT

In Russian, one could read about Selam for the first time in 1830. The poet and translator Dmitry Oznobishin published the book Selam or the Language of Flowers. In it, the author gave an interpretation of the symbolic meanings of over 400 plants.

The book was beautifully illustrated, witty and Russian society a sensation, giving rise to the salon love game "Flirt of Flowers".

The young ladies and ladies of Pushkin's time, along with French and English, studied with pleasure new language. So another deadly trick appeared in the arsenal of Russian coquettes. Here are the lines from Anna Kern’s letter to one of her many admirers: “I have Thyme, I dreamed of Reseda, I need to add a lot of Yellow Nasturtium to my Sensual to hide Marigolds and Rosehip, which torments me ...”

Using the language of flowers, this phrase can be interpreted as follows: "I have a desire, I dream of the fleeting happiness of love, but I must hide my secret sensitivity under mockery in order to hide anxiety and anxiety." So understand what a woman wants.

Everything comes and goes and late XIX century, the culture of knowing the language of flowers began to fade. The turbulent twentieth century pushed it back into the past. Now it is clear to a narrow circle of specialists - historians and art historians. But this does not mean that people have fallen out of love with flowers. Flowers continued and continue to decorate a person's life as before. And let Patrick O'Keeffe's phrase "Say it with flowers!" - just a publicity stunt. Let the language of SMS messages be in fashion today. But if the person with whom you are accustomed to call back and correspond, suddenly gives you a rose at a meeting, then ... That is a completely different matter.

The language of flowers

Flowers ennoble our lives, caress the eyes, give people joy, soften morals, bring peace and pleasure. And to give flowers means to express feelings of love, respect, location or respect. It is undeniable that when presenting a bouquet, you want to be sure that you have made an unmistakable choice. And if you made a bouquet, taking into account the meaning of flowers, it will turn into a very valuable gift ...

At the beginning of the 18th century, King Charles II of Sweden introduced a new language to Europe, having visited Persia and learned the eastern "language of flowers". Flower dictionaries were published throughout the 18th century, telling about the secrets of the lily and lilac, and separate chapters were devoted to arranging bouquets. The language of flowers was very popular both in France and in England during the time of Queen Victoria.

The more popular the flower, the more meanings it has. The greatest load falls, of course, on roses. This flower is undoubtedly the most famous symbol of beauty and love. Everyone knows that red roses mean "I love you". Less is known about the meaning of colors and types of roses. Red and white in one bouquet means unity, pink means grace and elegance, and yellow means pleasure or joy of communication. Orange or coral roses will tell about your desire. Dark red or burgundy will tell your loved one that she is insanely beautiful. Pink roses mean "beloved - beloved, dear - dear, dear - dear", so they are well suited to say this to both a man and a woman. A single rose signifies modesty, and is good for a gift when you are low on money. If you are old enough and your intentions are serious, do not give a bouquet of roses and rosebuds: the first means that you are in the heaven of love, and the second - that you are too young for love.

If you want to break away from tradition a little, or "I love you" is not what comes to mind when you think of your lover, perhaps you need something other than a rose. Several flowers play the same role as the rose: red chrysanthemums, tulips or carnations also say "I love you". Daisies will compliment the beauty of your beloved, and elegant lily flowers that this beauty is simply irresistible. But lilac can be given only once, because it is believed that it belongs to the first love. Gardenia is for the timid and timid, because it expresses hidden love, which is not mentioned. Violets express affection.

For Expression negative emotions dogs are irreplaceable. To play a trick on vanity will help daffodils, flowers of selfishness. Give them with a petunia, which expresses irritation and indignation. Large flowers of marigolds (marigolds) will tell about your jealousy, while small ones - about your support for your loved one, so that he does not despair.

Nowadays, it cannot be said that many people use the language of flowers to explain themselves. Most do not even suspect what the presented bouquet can tell. And yet, if you want to be original, be creative in choosing a bouquet. And along with the flowers, give your beloved a "translator" of the language of flowers. "Let her later, at her leisure, figure out what you wanted to tell her!

The meaning of color, shape, quantity in colors

A bouquet is not only beautifully arranged flowers, but also a way to express a person's feelings or thoughts. The language of flowers is no less expressive than any other. Color, shape, quantity, design of flowers can carry a huge semantic load...

Each flower and its color has its own meaning. Also, the number of flowers in a bouquet speaks volumes. Give one, three or five, not two or four. An odd number of flowers gives the bouquet a positive life energy and harmony. In the language of flowers and numbers, there is a secret meaning. So be careful!

1 flower- You're all I have!
3 flowers- I want to go with you to the end of the world.
5 flowers- I love you!
7 flowers- traditionally given on the day of the betrothal.
9 flowers- I respect you as a friend.
10 flowers- I want to do something for you.
11 flowers- You are my friend.
12 flowers- It's hard for us, but I think everything will be fine.
13 flowers- I hate and despise you!
14 flowers- You're all I have!
15 flowers You have earned my gratitude and respect.

The language of color

The fact that we humans react specifically to colors has been known for a long time. In 1885, Van Gogh discovered with admiration: “Color itself expresses something!” The symbolism of each color is rooted in the origins of the history of human existence on Earth...

Different flowers of a certain color - yellow, blue, pink - have their own meanings. And a bouquet of yellow tulips can be much more eloquent than you!

The overall color of the entire bouquet
White flower means innocence,
yellow- gives rise to love,
pink- means love
bright red- passionate love
blue- devotion,
lilac or purple- peace and trust,
black color- the desire for death.

Clover- Think about me!
chrysanthemum- I'm unhappy!
lily- Purity, tenderness.
Carnation- Innocence.
daisy- Be true to me!
the Rose- We are equal!
lilac- The innocence of youth.
Tulip- I do not love you anymore!

chrysanthemum- I offer you my hand and heart!
violet You are my earthly happiness.
the Rose- Vanishing love, jealousy, infidelity
Tulip- I love you!

Carnation- I want you!

chrysanthemum- I love you!
Carnation- Pure love.
the Rose- I want you the most!
Tulip- I see you in my dream!
poppy You are my loss...

iris- I respect you!
violet- I'm faithful to you..
purple lilac- I so want your affection!
Black Tulip- I want to die with you!

The value of the number of colors

Each flower and its color has its own meaning. Also, the number of flowers in a bouquet speaks volumes. Give one, three or five, not two or four. An odd number of flowers endows the bouquet with positive vitality and harmony. In the language of flowers and numbers, there is a secret meaning. So be careful...

What do flowers mean?

Do you know that in ancient times, lovers were able to communicate with the help of flowers? This art has not lost its relevance even today. And so remember: if a guy gives you snowdrops, then you awakened his first love in him. Acacia is a symbol of tenderness and hope for a new meeting. The bells are a direct question: "At what time will we see each other?" If you are not sure how the boy treats you, and suddenly you receive a bouquet of cornflowers from him as a gift, you can be sure: he has been in love with you for a long time, he is just afraid to admit it out of excessive modesty ...

Lily of the valley - "For a long time and secretly I loved you."

Forget-me-not - "Remember me!".

Reseda - "Not your beauty., but kindness captivated my heart."

Rosehip - "Can I trust you?".

Hyacinth - "The number of buds will show you the day of the meeting."

Geranium - "I need to secretly talk to you."

Astra - “Can you love all the time”

Vasilek - "Be simple, like him."

Field carnation - “You are beautiful!”.

Potato flower - “You outshine everyone!”.

Hawthorn - “I am delighted when you sing!”

Daisies - "I wish you all the best."

Peony - “How slow-witted you are!”.

Mac - "You induce sleep!".

Rose branch - “Yes”,

A rose leaf - "No."

Bird cherry - “How you made me happy!”.

Pansies - my thoughts are occupied with you.
Astra white - I love you more than you love me.
Begonia - I offer you cordial friendship.
Cornflower - I do not dare to express my feelings to you.
Any carnation - I love you dearly.
Red carnation - admiration, my heart is full of you.
Pink carnation - I will never forget you.
Carnation purple - inconstancy, capriciousness.
Striped carnation - no, refusal, unfortunately, I can’t be with you, although I want to.
White carnation - innocence, pure love, a gift of female luck.
Carnation yellow - you disappoint me.
Dahlia - good to see you.
Hyacinth in general - games, sports, swiftness.
Hyacinth white - I am happy because I love you.
Hyacinth purple - be gentle with me.
Hyacinth blue - constancy.
Hyacinth purple - I'm sorry, forgive me, sadness.
Hyacinth yellow - jealousy.
Gladiolus - give me the opportunity, I'm sincere, flower of gladiators.
Polka dots - I do not believe in your feelings.
Jasmine - will you ever love me?
Iris - your friendship means a lot to me, faith, hope, wisdom and fearlessness.
Cactus - constancy.
Kalina - if you leave me, my heart will break.
Camellia - nobility.
Camellia red - you are a flame in my heart.
Camellia pink - I long for you.
Camellia white - you are amazing.
Clover - I would like to know...
Bell - why are you torturing me with whims?
Crocus yellow - are your feelings true?
Crocus purple - do you regret that you fell in love with me?
Lily of the valley - freshness, tears of the Virgin Mary, return to happiness, humility, you decorate my life.
Lavender - my love is submissive.
Levkoy - constancy of feelings.
Lily white - innocence, purity, greatness, it's amazing to be with you.
Lily yellow - I walk through the air, false and dissolute.
Lily is beauty.
Snapdragon - come quickly!
Buttercup - you are ungrateful!
Magnolia - nobility.
Poppy in general is an eternal dream, oblivion, imagination.
Poppy red - pleasure.
Poppy white - consolation.
Poppy yellow - wealth, success.
Daisy - innocence, true love, purity, I will never say.
Mimosa - shyness.
Narcissus - love me, reciprocal love, desire, sympathy, desire for reciprocal love.
Nasturtium - burning with love.
Forget-me-not - true love, memories.
Nails - cruelty, grief, jealousy.
Dandelion - fidelity, happiness.
Orchid - love, beauty, sophistication, the Chinese symbol of large families.
Peony - a wish for a happy life, a happy marriage.
Rose dark crimson - mourning.
Rose pink - perfect happiness, please believe me.
Rose red - love, I love you.
Rose tea - I will always remember.
White rose - innocence and purity, I am worthy of you, you are amazing, mystery and silence.
Rose yellow - a decrease in love, jealousy, betrayal.
Lilac - the first declaration of love.
Lilac white - let's love each other.
Lilac purple - my heart belongs to you.
Plum color - keep your promises.
Red tulip - believe me, a declaration of love.
Tulip multi-colored - beautiful eyes.
Tulip yellow - your smile - sunlight.
Violet - modesty, no one knows about our love.
Violet blue - vigilance, I will always be faithful.
White violet - let's take a chance.
Phlox - let's burn our letters!
Hops - let's wait for favorable circumstances.
Chrysanthemum in general - you are a wonderful friend, cheerfulness, peace.
White chrysanthemum - old love does not rust.
Chrysanthemum yellow - believed in you.
Apple blossom - you - my special respect.

Find out your character by the bouquet

Violets are a symbol of romantic sadness. A lover of violets is most often an introvert. He does not necessarily look like a melancholic or a complete pessimist, but he is certainly closed and, deep down, feels unaccountable anxiety. The violet connoisseur usually hides in the shade, but is always ready to go out into the sun and take what is due to him. The choice of violets can also be dictated by a nostalgic mood, longing for a lost or unattainable ideal. In any case, violets prefer natures that are subtle, sublime, often sentimental, dreamy and prone to idealization of the past.
Lilacs and wild flowers are preferred by people who are restrained in their manifestations of feelings, who are alien to any pretentiousness and exaltation. However, this external severity can also be the flip side of sick pride. In adverse circumstances, they can withdraw into themselves, isolate themselves from life, are often disappointed and seek perfection in the wild. In some ways, lilac lovers are similar to lovers of violets: these are refined natures, with a rich inner world and a deep anxiety that they are hardly aware of. They often lack the energy and drive to achieve their goals. Diligent. A lilac lover is happy to help others.
Tulip. This elegant glass on a thin stem is a flower of surprisingly flexible and plastic natures. They do not bend under the pressure of life's difficulties, they have a strong energy potential. "Tulip" is easy to communicate, but no one knows his true plans and intentions - for all his apparent simplicity, this is a man of mystery. One thing is clear: in the depths of the soul of each of the tulips lives the hope for better life. And this unquenchable faith gives them the strength to endure the hardships of life and for the time being be content with little. A woman who loves this flower is energetic. Big ego. A lot of effort must be put in order to achieve recognition from her. These women usually have unhappy husbands.
It is no coincidence that lilies have become an element of royal heraldry. Among people, "lily" also feels like a queen. In any case, these flowers are loved by people with a bright sense of dignity, confident in themselves and their own abilities. They are energetic, proud, sometimes even arrogant and arrogant. There is some subtle charm to it. Refinement of nature. Among negative qualities lilies, one can note the neglect of someone else's opinion - lilies lack self-criticism, but in abundance - self-confidence. By the way, such people should be prone to masquerade, deception, flirting.

Roses are close to the heart of active, confident and self-sufficient people. They know how to love themselves and give love, because this flower is the most famous symbol of beauty and love. With all its appearance, the rose expresses harmony and tranquility. Such are the fans of roses - people with a stable psyche and a generally stable life. They stand firmly on their feet, do not pursue the unrealizable and exist in real world where comfort and the established order of things are valued. Among rose lovers there are many people who are ambitious and assertive and somewhat aggressive. In any case, a rose will always be able to stand up for itself and will not miss its own. But these are, of course, people with bright manifestations, outstanding, strong-willed and passionate. Rosa causes understandable envy in the rest. Intrigues are being woven against Rosa, they want to get her out of her rightful place, to deprive her of her bonus. Rose is impregnable.
Carnation is very ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a protocol, semi-official flower. He is often preferred by masters of diplomacy and formal communication, carefully hiding their essence. On the other hand, there is something seductive in the form of a carnation, with its dense thin stem and coquettish carved inflorescence. So, among the lovers of these flowers, there are often dexterous manipulators who know how to get the maximum benefit from communication. A person with such a direct character as Gvozdika's is worth looking for. Such a property is not at all liked by others. But alas, Carnation stands her ground, even if the force is not on her side. The carnation is also sweet to the hearts of down-to-earth people who do not burden themselves with abstract reasoning.

In our conditions, we see an orchid torn from its natural environment: it is often even devoid of a stem and hidden in a plastic box. This exotic attracts natures, of course, complex and original, with oddities and whims. They do not know how to enjoy simple, affordable means and are looking for sophistication in everything. Perhaps this is a consequence of a deep dissatisfaction with life.

Gerberas. In this sculptural and simple flower, with its open-trusting cup, kindness, simplicity and openness to the world are really expressed. The flip side of this childish openness is insecurity. At the same time, gerberas strive for perfection in everything, and coupled with their inability to adapt, this sometimes results in stubbornness. Love for the dense modeling of a gerbera, for the peace expressed in her figure, can mean fear of life and the search for a solid support.

Irises and gladioli are energy, strength and loneliness. Iris lovers strive with all their might to a goal or subordinate their lives to specific desires. But often they have broken contact with others, and desires come into conflict with reality. Hence the misunderstanding of loved ones, which brings them pain. These proud people lack flexibility, but they do not humble themselves and continue on their way alone. Connoisseurs of onion bulbs are hardworking and diligent. At the same time, they can easily achieve the desired results and lead large firms and companies.

Peony is controversial. On the one hand, it is a symbol of vanity. On the other - shyness and modesty. Unquenched passion or repressed sexuality is the lot of many pion lovers, while others, on the contrary, are very loving. The latter are distinguished by insatiability in everything - from the love of wealth and fame to greed for life in general. Chrysanthemum. The craving for perfection makes her related to the gerbera. But she is characterized by seriousness, a coldish detachment and a passion for soul-searching.

Chrysanthemum is too fenced off from life, closes in on itself, so it can be difficult to understand it and not easy to love, as always happens with people who themselves do not know how to love themselves.

Flowers are the best mediators in communication between people. Flowers accompany us constantly throughout life, give joy, personify love and attention. People often resorted to their gentle confidential, romantic language. As you know, from history, the “language of flowers” ​​originated in Constantinople in the 17th century, and in Europe they learned about it in 1716 thanks to Lady Mary Wortley Montel who visited Turkey. In 1930 Russian poet D.P. Oznobishin translated from Persian and published in St. Petersburg the book “Selam or the Language of Flowers”. In the book, he described about 400 plants and each corresponded to a conditional value. Basically, the symbols and meanings of colors displayed generally accepted associations, but often they were far-fetched, fictional.

Hawthorn - I love it when you sing.
Hyacinth - the number of buds will show you the day of the meeting
Cornflower - be modest and simple
Lily of the valley - long and secretly love you
Poppy flower - you induce sleep
Rosehip - can you be trusted?
Reseda - your kindness, not beauty, captivated me
Bird cherry - how you made me happy
woodruff - be pleased with my friendship
Lush roses - a declaration of love
Scarlet roses - freshness
Blood red roses - pleasure and pain
Crimson roses - my heart is on fire
White roses - I appreciate you
White and red roses together - union
Yellow roses - jealousy, fading love
Roses without thorns - light affection
Red tulips - declaration of love
Yellow chrysanthemums - remorse
Buttercups are childish
Large yellow daffodils - chivalry,
Yellow carnations - remorse
Pink carnations - a woman's love
Blue violets - fidelity
Dark lilac - the first manifestations of love
Forget-me-nots - don't forget me, true love
Peach blossoms - I'm your prisoner
Iris - I want to tell you something
Yellow irises - passion
White daisies - innocence
Dandelions - a prediction of love
Lotus - rejected love
Jasmine - sensuality
Peonies - shame
Amaryllis is a stunning beauty
Pansies - thoughts
Marigolds - playful thoughts
Zinnias - thoughts about friends who are not around
Rosemary - your existence breathes life into me

Oznobishin's book was very popular among young people. Young people, knowing the meaning of flowers and plants, could talk about their feelings in their language. The tender, sensitive, poetic soul of the Russian people has always been understandable and deeply in tune with inseparable spiritual values ​​- nature, beauty, art. Flowers, bouquets, floral ornaments were cast in bronze, plaster, glass was carved from wood, marble. They were actively used by architects and interior designers. They “bloomed” magnificently in other types of art: still lifes with flowers by I. Khrutsky, bouquets by K. Korovin and Levitan, etc. appeared in painting. symphonic picture of nature - dawn on the Moscow River by M. Mussorsky, etc. In nature and poetry, flowers have served as a rich source of comparisons.


Acanthus(bear paw) (Acanthus)… False


Aconite(Aconite)… sympathy, desire to please, invitation. Aconite can be given to both women and men. If such a gift is presented at the beginning of an acquaintance, most likely, the donor is interested in you, considers you a pleasant conversationalist and offers friendship. A great gift for colleagues and business partners.

Aloe (Aloe vera)… Sadness- bitterness


Amaranth (Amaranthus)… Immortality, undying love


A pineapple (Ananas comosus)… You are perfection

Anemone (Anemone)… You left me, parting, hope


Pansies(Viola)… Think of me"I miss!" air kiss


(Armeria)… Sympathy

Aster (Aster)…

Aster white(Aster)…

Astra italienne (Aster amellus)… Farewell,

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)… Hatred



Marigold (Calendula)… Woe

Begonia(Begonia)… Be careful

Colchicum autumn(Colchicum autumnale)… My best days are over

Bobovnik (Laburnum anagyroides)… Sad beauty


bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis)… Passion

Elder (Sambucus)…Empathy

cornflower- "I dare not express my feelings to you"; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and fidelity. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance.

Cornflower blue

lady's slipper

Verbena(Verbena)… sensitivity

Heather (Calluna vulgaris)… Protection


Vine(Vitis vinifera) ... Prosperity

catchment (Aquilegia)… Despondency

Wolfberry(Daphne)… Only on my terms will we be together

Gardenia(Gardenia)…- secret love, "You are beautiful." If you were given a gardenia - know that you are sincerely admired.

Carnation(Dianthus)… Pure love

clove (spice)) (Syzygium aromaticum) ... I loved you, but you did not know

carnation white(Dianthus caryophyllus)…"Sweet and beloved", innocence, charm and beauty, pure and tender love, luck

carnation yellow(Dianthus caryophyllus)… Contempt, rejection "You're avoiding me"; "You Disappointed Me" disappointment in love

carnation red(Dianthus caryophyllus)… My heart is broken charm, hot love, admiration

carnation variegated (Dianthus caryophyllus)…"No", "I won't be with you" -

refusal , I can not be with you

pink carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)… symbol of maternal love "I will never forget you"

carnation grass(Dianthus)…Hurry

carnation purple - in the language of flowers means inconstancy, whim, antipathy. This is a flower that expresses the negative side of development, or rather the beginning of a relationship.

carnation purple- waywardness

Turkish carnation(Dianthus barbartus)… Gallantry


Dahlia(Dahlia)… inconstancy, whim. The dahlia giver says: “I really like you, but I don’t promise anything”, “I’m not ready for a serious relationship”, “Why complicate things?”; sophistication, self-esteem;

Geranium wild (Pelargonium)… Loyalty to duty

Geranium blood red(Pelargonium)… Stupidity, recklessness.

Hyacinth white(Hyacinthus orientalis)…"You are beautiful" - symbolizes charm, charm.

blue hyacinth(Hyacinthus orientalis)… Constancy, consistency, integrity

Hyacinth purple (Hyacinthus orientalis)… Please forgive me

Hyacinth red or pink- a game

scarlet hyacinth- repentance, regret.

Hibiscus(Hibiscus)… rare, graceful beauty

gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata)… Eternal love- caution, timidity. However, in a mixed bouquet, gypsophila, as a rule, is a kind of accessory, it serves to add volume to the flower work and does not carry a semantic load.

GladiolusGladiolus (Gladiolus)…- "I'm really sincere", a call for reciprocity "Fear nothing", the flower of gladiators. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.


Hydrangea (Hydrangea)… coldness, indifference, indifference, inflexibility

Pear (Pyrus)… Affection

Delphinium(Delphinium)…- modesty, unpretentiousness; "I'm ready to be your shadow" The ancient Greeks dedicated this flower to the young sculptor, turned by the gods into a dolphin, because he sculpted his beloved, who had gone into the realm of shadows, and breathed life into her. The right to return from Hades is given only to the great gods. Even Asclepius, the famous ancient healer, was punished for this.
Every evening a dolphin swam to the shore, and every evening the girl revived by him approached the shore, but they could not meet. One day, when the girl looked longingly at the sea, a dolphin appeared from the waves. He swam to the shore and carefully placed a plant at her feet, the flowers of which looked like small dolphins, and he himself disappeared into the depths of the sea. Gone forever...

oak leaves- friendship

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)…"Goodbye", departure, "Thank you for a great time", "Remember"

Oregano(Origanum)… Blush of embarrassment

Angelica(Angelica pachycarpa)… Inspiration

weeping willow- rejected love

Honeysuckle (Lonicera)… Devotion, generosity, generosity, "You make the world a better place"

Jonquilia(Narcissus jonquilla)… Desire return of affection, "Let's be together again


St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)… Superstition

strawberries(Fragaria)… Perfection

goldenrod(Solidago)… Cautious Encouragement

Candytuft(Iberis)… Indifference"Don't think you mean anything to me", "I'm fine without you"

Ginger(Zingiber)… Strength

Ipomoea (Ipomoea)… Flirty

Iris(Iris)… Message, Your friendship means a lot to me "I really value your friendship", trust, reliability, fidelity, wisdom, faith, hope

Cactus (Opuntia)… perseverance, endurance

Calla(Zantedeschia aetiopica)… admiration, "You're gorgeous."

viburnum - uncontrollable emotions, painful attachment, dependence. "If you leave me, my heart will break!"

Calendula (marigolds) - jealousy, anxiety, fear. "Why are you acting like this?", "I'm waiting for an explanation

Camellia(Camellia)… My fate is in your hands admiration, perfection, gratitude. "You are an unearthly being"

Camellia (pink) - Longing for You
Camellia (red) - You are the Flame in My Heart
Camellia (white) - You are Amazing

Chestnut(Castanea sativa)… Be fair to me"You need to be kinder", "Learn to love"

Cypress(Cupressus)… Mourning, sorrow

Bell- humility, humility, constancy; "I will always be with you", "Why are you torturing me with whims?"

white clover (Trifolium)… Think of me

Cranberry(Vaccinium)…Cure for a broken heart

kosmeya(Cosmos bipinnatus) ... Happiness in love and in life

Nettle(Urtica)… Cruelty, slander, I see right through you

Crocus (Crocus)... The optimism of youth, Fun, Joy, freshness of feelings. "You gave me unforgettable moments"

water lily (Nymphaea)… Purity of heart

Corn (Zea mays)… Wealth, abundance

Lavender(Lavandula)… Distrust, loneliness

laurel(Laurus nobilis)… Fame and success

Bay leaf(Laurus nobilis)… Only death will change my feelings

Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)… The Return of Happiness

Linen (Linum usitatissimum)… I feel your kindness, home symbol, home comfort

Hazelnut (Corylus)… Reconciliation

Liatris (Liatris)… I'll try again

Day-lily (Hemerocallis)… Flirty

Lily (white)- Purity, Virginity, Majesty, It's divine To be next to You!!!

Lily (orange ) - Hatred, Disgust

Lily (yellow ) - pride; pretense, falsehood; sign 'I want to make peace, but pride prevents me from taking the first step. Frivolity, fun "I'm flying in the clouds"

Lily (tiger ) - Pride, Abundance, Prosperity, Welfare

Lemon (Citrus limon)… Spicy

Linden (Tilia) ... Conjugal love

Larch (Larix decidua)…Courage

Lobelia (Lobelia)… Animosity

Lobularia (burachok) (Lobularia maritima)… Spiritual beauty

Lotus(Nelumbo mucifera)…- happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of kindred and friendly feelings.

palm leaves- victory, success Palm leaves in a mixed bouquet mean: "You are the very best, the best in everything"

Toadflax (Polemonium)... I'm smitten

Lupine(Lupinus)… Imagination

Buttercup (Ranunculus asiaticus) ... You shine with your charm

Magnolia (magnolia)… nobility, perseverance, perseverance

Poppy(Papaver)…- imagination, daydreaming,

Poppy white - consolation

Poppy yellow - wealth, success

Poppy red - pleasure

Field poppy - "I dream of you"

Poppy garden - "Let's love each other while there is time"

Malcolmia maritime (Malcolmia maritima)… You will always be

beautiful for me

Daisy (Bellis)… Innocence purity of intentions, true love. "I'm happy when you're happy

Lungwort (Pulmonaria) ... You are my life

Mimosa (Mimosa)…Sensitivity, shyness; distrust, caution. "I hide my feelings"

Mollucella smooth (Moluccella laevis)… Luck

Moss(Bryopsida)… motherly love

Peppermint(Mentha)… Warmth of feelings

Digitalis(Digitalis purpurea)… Hypocrisy

Narcissus(Narcissus)… selfishness, selfishness, vanity

yellow daffodil- respect "You are the only one"

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)… conquest, victory in the struggle. The person who gave you nasturtium is sincerely glad of your success. However, most likely, he does not think about any romantic relationship with you.

forget-me-not(Myosotis)… true love "Forget me not" constancy, fidelity. Sky-blue symbol of the desire for loyalty and constancy.

Oleander (Nerium oleander)…Caution

Olive(Olea europaea)… World

mistletoe (Viscum) ... I overcome all obstacles

Orchid (Orchidaceae)… Exquisite beauty- perfection, refinement, love; "You are beautiful (beautiful)!" The pink color of exquisite orchid petals signifies pure affection.

Holly(Ilex)… Foresight

Fern(Polypodiophyta)… Sincerity, be sincere

Peach(Prunus persica)… Your attractiveness is incomparable

peach tree flower(Prunus persica)… I am your prisoner

Parsley(Petroselinum crispum)… Joy

Petunia (Petunia)… irritation, anger. "You don't hear me", "I'm not happy with your behavior!"

Tansy (Tanacetum)… I declare war on you

Pion(Paeonia)… wealth and fame, a happy wedding, a merry life.

Feverfew(Tanacetum parthenium)… Warmth

Ivy (Hedera helix)… harmonious love, fidelity, friendship, affection. "We complement each other perfectly", "We seem to be made for each other"

Snowdrop(Galanthus)… Comfort and Hope

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)… False wealth

A bright sunflower is a symbol of the sun. Sunflowers are among the most popular yellow flowers. Yellow symbolizes warmth, well-being and a sense of peace.

Pride, but also admiration. "You are a miracle!", "I have never met someone like you", "I am proud that you are with me."

Primrose (Primula)…"I need you" "I can't live without you"

Scilla(Hyacinthoides non-scripta)… Persistence

poultry farmer(Ornithogalum umbellatum)… Purity


Broom(Cytisus)… Humility

Rhubarb(Rheum)… Advice

Mignonette (Reseda odorata)… Your virtues surpass your charm Mignonette flowers are inconspicuous, small, but mignonette is a favorite plant, and no bouquet can be made without a fragrant mignonette bush.

Rhododendron(Rhododendron)... Watch out caution, prudence

rose white(Rose)… purity and innocence, modesty and tenderness, mystery. "I will get you", "You are an angel".

Rose (cream) - elegance, harmony, perfection, constancy. "I remember. Always!", "You and I are the perfect couple", "You are beyond praise!"

Rose (bud, white) - youth, inexperience, charm. "I'm ready to wait for you", "I don't want to lose you."

Tea rose - constancy "I remember. Always!"

Rose yellow (Rosa)… friendship, happiness, joy; a flower that expresses the most positive emotions;

According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with treason and jealousy (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common) When yellow roses are given by people who have been married for a long time, they mean measuredness and sweetness family relations, but in some situations, these flowers can also symbolize infidelity.

Rose red (Rosa)… love, passion. "I love you", "I can't live without you", "You must be mine".

Rose (bud, red) - "I think I fell in love with you", "I'm glad that we met", "Every day my feelings for you are getting stronger"

Red rose considered a symbol romantic love and passion

dark scarlet rose means fading, so it is customary to give them to an aged lady, they seem to speak of fading beauty.

burgundy roses- like scarlet, they mean an ardent feeling of love, violent passion and admiration. A bouquet of burgundy roses seems to be trying to confess to its recipient: "You are so beautiful that you don't realize it." It is this color of roses that is considered a traditional gift and the most popular means of expressing feelings on Valentine's Day. A bouquet of 101 burgundy velvety Grand Prix roses will show your chosen one the depth of your feelings.

maroon rose- grief or condolences

peach roses - symbolize the joy of meeting, gratitude, are a symbol of modesty.

Coral rose - desire, passion

Rose orange (Rosa) ... Charm

Rose purple (Rosa) ... Charm

Rose pink (Rosa) ... Grace the highest happiness, "Trust me" Pink roses usually supposed to be given at the beginning of a relationship, they are a hint that the man who gave them to you is “breathing unevenly” on you. Also, pink roses symbolize politeness, courtesy, courtesy, reflect gratitude and pride. Pink roses express the most tender feelings.

Pale pink rose - tenderness

Dark pink rose - gratitude

green roses means abundance and generosity. It is the unusual green rosebuds that are a symbol of fertility. These flowers will be appreciated by successful and successful individuals. As psychologists say green color is balance and stability. You can’t express love with green roses, but they can tell about jealousy.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)… Flashback

chamomile(Matricaria recutita)… youth, innocence, romance "I can only guess about your love"

Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia)… Justice

lettuce(Lactuca sativa)…heartless

Lilac(Syringa)… Incipient Love beauty, love,

first thrills of love

Scabious(Scabiosa)… Unhappy


Plum(Prunus domestica)…Keep your promises

Resin seed(Pittosporum undulatum)… False

Currant(Ribes)... Your frown is killing me


Stephanotis(Stephanotis fl oribunda)… Happy marriage

Passionflower (Passifl ora)… Faith

Strelitzia royal (Strelitzia reginae)…Greatness, victory, masculinity, eccentricity, purposefulness

Thyme(Thymus)… Activities

Poplar white(Populus alba)… Time

Poplar black(Populus nigra)…Fearlessness

trillium(Trillium)… Humble beauty

Tuberose(Polianthes tuberosa)… love of risk, dangerous pleasures. "I like your unpredictability"

Arbor vitae- eternal friendship

Yarrow(Achillea millefolium)... Cure for a broken heart wish for recovery

Tulip (Tulipa) ... Declaration of love, a symbol of pure love, great happiness;

Tulip (yellow) - "Your smile is like sunlight" a wish for love, joy, friendship, wealth, prosperity

Tulip (red) - declaration of love, "Trust me"

Red tulip - good luck

Violet (Viola)… (blue) Modest virtues

Phlox (Phlox)... Our souls together- reciprocity, unity, sweet dreams

Freesia (Freesia) ... Strong friendship, confidence

Fuchsia(Fuchsia)… benevolence

Hoya (Hoya)… Sensitivity

Chrysanthemum white(Chrysanthemum)… True

Chrysanthemum (yellow) - fragile love

Chrysanthemum (red) - good luck, best wishes

- "You are a wonderful friend", joy, openness, fun and relaxation.

Cyclamen (Cyclamen)… Timid hope

Chicory(Cichorium intybus)… Economy

Zinnia(Zinnia)… I mourn your absence

Nigella damask (Nigella damascena)… Perplexity

Common Thistle(Cirsium)…

Misanthropy"I'm dangerous to deal with"

Garlic (Allium)…Prosperity

Celandine(Chelidonium majus)… Harbinger of Joy

Sage (Salvia officinalis)… Good health and long life

Saffron (Crocus sativus)… Beware of excess

The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. Real saffron is nothing but the stamens of a plant of the crocus family. The price of a kilogram of real saffron can reach up to $6,000. Such a fabulous price of saffron is explained by the laboriousness of its cultivation and harvesting technology. To obtain 1 kg of dry saffron, you need to sort out about 2000 flowers.

Stockrose (Alcea)… Ambition

Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)… parental love

Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)… noble courage

"You are stunningly beautiful..."

The glory of the symbol of alpine flowers, as well as the symbol of happiness and love, was firmly entrenched in edelweiss - men bravely mined it on steep rocks to solemnly present it to their loved ones.

Erica… Loneliness

eustoma(Eustoma)… Appreciation

Echinacea purpurea(Echinacea purpurea)…Strength and health

perennial herbaceous plant 60 - 100 cm high. The flowers are dark pink, in the form of large daisies with a convex middle. Blooms from July to September. everything - from roots to inflorescences - has a variety of medicinal properties.


Azalea(Rhododenron) ... Fragile, fleeting passion. A symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion, passion and sadness. It is customary to give Azalea before an unwanted separation. Presenting an azalea, you say "I hope You wait for me", "Take care of yourself for me", "I believe You!" When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the only one for him.

Acacia(Acacia)… Secret affection. Acacia is a flower of regret and recognition of one's mistakes. Giving an acacia, says: "You are the best thing that happened in my life", "Why are we not together now?", "Let's start all over again!"

Alstroemeria(Lily of Peru) (Alstroemeria)… Devotion

Amaryllis(Hippeastrum)…Pride, impregnability, masculinity. If you want to hint to a man that he is not just a friend for you, give him amarylis.

Anemone(Anemone)… You left me, parting, hope

Anthurium- courage, eccentricity, passion. Anthurium is considered a predominantly male flower. A bouquet or arrangement with anthuriums will be an unforgettable gift for a husband or colleague, friend or boss... You can also give anthuriums to an extravagant lady, a kind of "vamp woman", if you want to tell her: "You are not like anyone else, and this is me admires!"

Pansies(Viola)… Think of me"I miss!" air kiss

Orange(Citrus sinensis)…Generosity

Aster(Aster)… a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, as well as memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when they were burned, drove out snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing grief and memory of the dead. There is a myth that asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked down from the sky and wept.

Aster white(Aster)…- "I love you more than you love me"; "Not convinced of your love"

Astra italienne(Aster amellus)… Farewell, vanishing beauty and elegance

periwinkle(Vinca minor)… Tender memories

Hawthorn(Crataegus monogyna)…Hope

lady's slipper(Cypripedium) ... capricious beauty, inconstancy. "I feel like I'm not alone with you." The lady's slipper giving is ready for a lot to "tame" you, to make you more submissive and less windy.

Cornflower blue(Centaurea cyanus)… Happiness in solitude

Verbena(Verbena)… sensitivity

Heather(Calluna vulgaris)… Protection


Vine(Vitis vinifera) ... Prosperity

carnation white(Dianthus caryophyllus)…"Sweet and beloved", innocence

"There is no paint, flowers, weeds, fruits, grasses, stones, bird feathers that do not have a verse corresponding to them, and you can quarrel, scold, send letters of passion, friendship, courtesy, or exchange news without soiling your fingers."
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
The fabulous, mysterious language of flowers. How often they resorted to him, and sending secret messages, and confessing hidden feelings, and even forwarding urgent dispatches.

This language came to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century, thanks to the notes of two people: Aubrey de la Mottreya and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. The first described his stay at the court of King Charles XII of Sweden in Turkey in the two-volume Journey ... through Europe, Asia and Africa in 1727. And the wife of the British ambassador in Istanbul in 1717, Mary Wortley Montague, described the secret language of love correspondence "villages", also called "the language of objects and flowers", in her letters, published in 1763, shortly after her death, and made her famous. Flower dictionaries were published throughout the 18th century, telling about the secrets of the lily and lilac, and separate chapters were devoted to arranging bouquets. The language was very popular in France and in England during the time of Queen Victoria.

But the language of flowers - floriography - was born in the East, and it was created by women. Deprived of communication, not daring to often open their faces, they communicated by making bouquets and sending them to the addressee.

The associations that once arose gradually turned into persistent symbols, thanks to which it was possible to carry on a conversation. It was considered important when flowers were presented, how the giver holds the bouquet, inflorescences up or down, in the left or right hand, whether the bouquet is decorated with leaves and whether the thorns of the rose are removed.

There are customs and prejudices regarding the color of the petals. A special relationship, of course, to the yellow color, the color of betrayal and infidelity. In one of the Eastern legends, it is said that red roses exposed the unfaithful wife of a certain sultan, turning yellow right in her hands. But in the culture of Japan, yellow is a symbol of light and sun, and yellow flowers are given to people who wish light and good. Orange color symbolizes strength, power, pride. And blue flowers speak of longing, fidelity, and it is customary to give them to those leaving for the army. Solemn purple is a sign of friendship, and green is a sign of calm and peace. Neutral white is a symbol of purity, tenderness, sadness and mourning, just like in some other countries. In China, female fidelity was symbolized by garden flowers, and unfaithful wives were symbolized by field flowers that any passer-by could pluck.

Having become fashionable, the village language acquired new adherents. In 1811, B. Delanchet's manual "The ABC of Flora, or the Language of Flowers" was published in Paris. About two hundred plants were described in this manual, and each letter of the French alphabet was correlated with the image of a certain flower.

In 1819, Charlotte de Latour's "Language of Flowers" manual appeared in France. Perhaps the author's name was only a pseudonym, behind which was either the writer Aimé Martin or the writer Louise Kortamber. All color illustrations of the book were made by the talented French naturalist and artist Pancras Besse.

In 1930, the Russian poet D.P. Oznobishin translated from Persian and published in St. Petersburg the book "Selam or the Language of Flowers". In the book, he described about 400 plants, and each corresponded to a conditional value.

Oznobishin also introduced the game of forfeits, known today and beginning with the words "I was born a gardener ...".

Oznobishin's book has become a kind of practical guide for using the language of flowers when compiling home albums.

In the fourth chapter of Eugene Onegin, Pushkin mentions the following album:

The culture of the villages began to fade by the middle of the 19th century, by the beginning of the 20th, it was completely forgotten due to turbulent events. But flower dictionaries have survived to this day.

And today we can communicate in this amazing, beautiful language. Only a small glossary is given here, and I compiled it from my own preferences.

Azalea is a symbol of fragility, restraint, femininity and devotion, passion and sadness. With it, they said: "Take care of yourself for me."

Acacia - platonic love

Astra white - in flower language means "I love you more than you love me!".

Pansies - these flowers are rarely given today, but in the language of flowers they mean fun and entertainment.

Basil - although it is a spice, it also has its own meaning: disgust, hatred.

In general, a bouquet of dry, dried flowers means rejected love.


Gladiolus is the flower of gladiators. And in the language of flowers, it can mean either "I'm really sincere" or "Give me a break."

Carnation - The color of a carnation carries a different meaning.

Red carnation - admiration, "My heart is full of you."

Pink carnation - "I will never forget you."

Carnation striped - "I can not be with you."

White carnation - innocence, pure love.

Carnation yellow - "You disappoint me."


Jasmine - the aroma of this flower strikes with sharpness, although in the language of flowers it means sensuality, femininity, elegance.

Iris - "I really value your friendship."

Callas - the highest degree of admiration, respect, admiration; the giver bows the knee to you: "You are magnificent!" Calla symbolizes the purity of marriage, the beauty of the bride, joy, the strength of family ties. Therefore, they are very appropriate in wedding bouquets.

Crocus - giving a purple crocus, you can ask: "Do you regret that you fell in love with me?", giving a yellow one - "Are your feelings true?"

Cactus - well, everything is simple here, it means perseverance, and it's clear why.

Lily - symbolizes purity, greatness, innocence, peace, resurrection and royalty.

IN Ancient Rome lily symbolized material luxury, wealth, success, but it is a very common flower even in modern bouquets. Giving a white lily, you admit: "Being next to you is divine", yellow - express gratitude, orange - disgust, hatred, tiger - well-being, prosperity.
Lavender is a strong amulet against evil forces, white lavender promises the fulfillment of desires.

Palm leaves - if you decide to decorate a bouquet with these leaves, you will wish success and good luck.

Lotus - is a symbol of purity, chastity, self-disclosure. The lotus also symbolized time, or rather, the past, present and future.

In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes spiritual unfoldment, wisdom and nirvana, the evolution of man.

Poppy - plucked in the field, says: "I dream of you", garden poppy - "Let's love each other while there is time."

Mimosa - in the language of love, they announced: "I hide my feelings."

Daisy - means true love, purity, innocence.


Narcissus - contrary to legend, in the language of flowers, daffodil means attention, chivalry. They said with a yellow flower: "You are the only one", "When I am with you, the sun always shines."

Forget-me-not - this flower can express loyalty, true love, talk about your memories.

Orchid is a luxurious flower and means beauty, love. And it is also considered a Chinese symbol of childhood.


Fern - I saw, by the way, sometimes it in bouquets. In the language of flowers, it means magic, charm, grace, mystery, magic, as well as the secret shackles of love.

Peony - in the language of flowers, means a cheerful life, a happy wedding, and in contrast - compassion.

Snowdrop - in European culture, the snowdrop symbolizes hope.

An old legend says that the snowdrop became the embodiment of hope for Adam and Eve when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Sunflower is a symbol of great joy, fullness of life and longevity. Due to the large number of seeds, the sunflower is considered a symbol of fertility.

Rose is the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about flowers. And the more popular the flower, the more meanings it has.

tea room- beauty is always new

red- true love

blue- sacrament, achieving the impossible

white- eternal love, silence or innocence, longing, virtue, purity, secrecy, reverence and humility

yellow- friendship, happiness, joy

pink- courtesy, courtesy, courtesy

light pink- desire, passion, joy of life, youth, energy

pale lilac- love at first sight

white-red- unity, common interest

red-yellow- delight, happiness and excitement

without spikes- love at first sight

Lilac - First love.

Tulip - everyone knows that he is the emblem of Holland, which is famous for its tulip plantations. A yellow tulip in the language of flowers means hopeless love, a red tulip means a declaration of love.

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Everyone knows what roses mean. But did you know that the color of roses is also very important and can either make a surprise or, conversely, ruin a relationship? And other flowers can say a lot.

The custom of giving flowers is always gallant and romantic. For those who are shy or insecure, giving a bouquet is the easiest way to express your feelings.

Ancient myths, biblical stories and legends - in all of them you can find words about the meaning of flowers. At the beginning of the 18th century, King Charles II of Sweden introduced a new language to Europe, having visited Persia and learned the eastern "language of flowers". Flower dictionaries were published throughout the 18th century, telling about the secrets of the lily and lilac, and separate chapters were devoted to arranging bouquets.

The more popular the flower, the more meanings it has. The greatest load falls, of course, on roses.

Some would say that we are long gone from the Victorian days - email makes it possible to care for a loved one who is far away with the same ease as if he were in the same room. But, on the other hand, it seems that we have lost contact with the earth.

The only flower whose meaning is always understood even today is the rose. Yes, communication with the whole world has expanded globally, but the choice of flowers that are given has been reduced to almost one flower.

So, if you want to tell another about your feelings, expand the freedom to choose from a large number of meaningful bouquets. After all, flowers are much more than just an e-mail, and they look much more beautiful on the table.

Roses deserve the title of the oldest among the flowers grown by man, they grew 5000 years ago in gardens in the East. The wild rose is much older - the remains of roses date back to 35 million years ago. Now roses are sold in the millions, which means that this beautiful flower really stood the test of time.

The ancients explain the beauty of the rose by the fact that it was created by the gods. The Greek goddess Cloris accidentally stumbled upon a dead nymph and turned her into a flower, Aphrodite added beauty, brightness, joy and charm. Dionysus filled it with fragrant nectar, and the west wind Zephyr blew the clouds so that Apollo could water the rose under the sunlight. Then the flower was called the "Queen of Flowers" and given to the god of love, Eros.

The Romans have their own ideas about the origin of the rose. According to their legend, a beautiful girl named Rodanthe lived in the world. She had many admirers, but she did not like them. These young people were so full of love and desire that one day it got to the point where they broke down the doors of her house and rushed in. This story greatly angered the goddess Diana, who turned the girl into a flower, and her fans into prickly thorns to teach them a lesson.

Whatever the origin of the rose, this flower is undoubtedly the most famous symbol of beauty and love.

Each of us remembers that the different colors of roses symbolize certain feelings that we have for the one to whom we give them. However, there are so many interpretations of rose flowers that it is very difficult to remember them the first time.

The red rose is a symbol of love and passion. However, if you give it to a subordinate or business partner, then it expresses approval of a job well done or respect.

A maroon rose is a rose that is customary to give to the representatives of the older generation. This is the color of "unconscious", but unfading beauty.

A pink-hued flower is a traditional gift for a young girl. It denotes youth and its inherent modesty.

In addition, it symbolizes trust, tenderness and grace. To give such a flower to a girl who attracts you means to start a relationship between you, to hint about your feelings.

However, pink can have another meaning, depending on the saturation of the color. So, dark pink means gratitude and appreciation, and light pink means sympathy and admiration.

You can safely present a white rose to a very young lady. But creamy white is the color of a wedding bouquet. It symbolizes happy love.

An orange or coral rose is a great way to express enthusiasm for a goal.

A tea rose will also tell about your romantic feelings, a musky one will express your admiration, a capital one is another way to confess your love.

All light roses, as a rule, symbolize friendship.

Roses in buds, presented in a bouquet, symbolize the beginning, innocent love. Buds of red and pink roses say: "You are young and beautiful", unbloomed white roses mean: "You are too young for love."

For the first declaration of love, use light green roses.
If two buds are attached to a blooming rose, then some kind of mystery must be seen in this message.

Two roses tied together invite a date, they also mean the expectation of marriage.
Roses in the form of a wreath - a symbol of chastity. Wreaths of roses at the wedding since ancient times symbolized purity.
Rose foliage signifies hope and optimism.

The number of roses in the language of flowers also plays important role. So, a single rose is a symbol of modesty; one red rose is a well-known way of declaring love. To invite to a fun date, a red rose is presented in a bouquet, usually by adding two yellow roses.

The combination of white and red flowers in a bouquet indicates your agreement, unanimity. The combination of red and yellow is your sincere “Congratulations!”. Mysterious emanates from a rose in full bloom with two buds.

If there are leaves on the roses, then this is a reliable symbol, if you cut them off, then the bouquet will say that, alas, there is no more hope.

But if you cut the thorns, then assure the one to whom you give the bouquet that he has nothing to be afraid of next to you.

Postcards of the artist Catherine Klein (1861 - 1929)
